October 9, 2018

This is the first I'm seeing of "#HimToo" hashtag activism and it's a mother screwing up big time.

I'm reading "‘This is MY son’: Navy vet horrified as mom’s tweet miscasts him as #HimToo poster boy — and goes viral" (WaPo):
“This is MY son,” began his mom’s viral post, which featured a photograph of Hanson posing in his Navy uniform. “He graduated #1 in boot camp. He was awarded the USO award. He was #1 in A school. He is a gentleman who respects women. He won’t go on solo dates due to the current climate of false sexual accusations by radical feminists with an axe to grind. I VOTE. #HimToo.”...

“It doesn’t represent me at all,” said Hanson, who is studying entrepreneurship with plans to open his own brewery. “I love my mom to death, but boy . . . I’m still trying to wrap my head around all this.”

Hanson and his brother, Jon, said... [their mother] she did have a tendency to write gushing social media posts about her sons and sometimes could make “loose cannon” statements, but not like this....
Mothers and social media... when are they going to learn. Get consent! You may think you're complimenting your offspring, but consent matters, and you don't see all the dimensions of what you are doing.

The #HimToo tag is now a lot of comedy. WaPo cherry picks a bunch. I'll give you:


Ann Althouse said...

This post originally featured a tweet from "God" that began "This is My son." I took it out because it didn't end with "I vote" and because it threw in the idea that Jesus is gay, which was a dumb distraction.

David Begley said...

Yeah, let’s mock, attack and vilify all those people who graduated #1 in their classes. They just fell into it. No work required! And if these number one persons are women, they really go after them.

David Begley said...


The Jesus is gay is a frequent taunt of the Left. Why, I don’t know.

traditionalguy said...

Egad! A white male being held up as a valued a role model is going to trigger the entire Academic World into a shreiking meltdown, like throwing water on a witch.

rhhardin said...

No fault divorce is more of a threat to men than any of the accusation stuff.

Jaq said...

Ouch! Poor guy, assaulted by his own mom!

wildswan said...

Who raised all these "predatory" men?

rhhardin said...

Kavanaugh would still have his wife and kids, even if he lost his job, unless his wife then divorces him.

rhhardin said...

Who says Jesus wasn't married. Not home much, is all. A bore at the dinner table.

Jaq said...

It's important for the blue checkmark mafia to attack #HimToo will every weapon at hand though, because it has legs.

rehajm said...

Some guys have moms capable of full grizz. Best not to poke...

Also- civility bullshit, with contortions to direct it at the good guy.

FIDO said...

This is the Left. They refuse to acknowledge ANY virtue, accomplishment, pride or honor that they do not own.

They are like Maoists that way. Nothing allowed outside the Left.

Act accordingly.

Mean and nasty people.

rhhardin said...

Talladega Nights Grace, which Jesus do you like

rehajm said...

Is the theme this morning Lifetime Channel female fantasization?

Jaq said...

And the Democrats now want to win the mid-terms so that they can drag Kavanaugh and Trump into political trials in which neither has any Constitutional protections, rules of evidence, or real standards of guilt . Whodathunkit?

FIDO said...

How strange that a mother gushing about her son in an embarrassing manner is viewed as some kind of screwed up attack.

Is distant cruel neutrality towards ones offspring a better parental technique?

I honestly don't know. We've seen micromanagement (Patton), active disdain, normal WASPy upbringing, pure cruelty (William Marshall 1st Earl of Pembroke) and you know what? Even an Althousian distance is likely to be just as good a parental technique as a gushing mother at raising kids, because FOR THE MOST PART, most of those kids turned out into pretty successful human beings.

rehajm said...

If they don't like it it must be working.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm 68 and I've been wondering for some time whether women are too crazy and dangerous to fuck.

Women are obviously lying and falsely accusing men on a grand scale. This tactic is deliberate. Schools are indoctrinating women in these ambush and revenge tactics.

Marxist feminism is evil shit.

Eleanor said...

Motherhood is of little or no value to the left. You can't tax it. The #metoo movement was not about mothers protecting their daughters. How many "testimonies" did you read or hear about from women whose daughters had been victims of sexual assault? It's only a movement for the women themselves. The #himtoo hashtag is there for women who have sons who were victims of false accusations. Some of those stories are harrowing, but since they negate the fantasy that women don't lie and must be believed, the women who share them must be squashed like bugs and the sons humiliated and embarrassed yet again. It's despicable.

Jaq said...

ORLANDO, Fla. — When a bitterly divided Senate confirmed Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh despite sexual misconduct allegations a month before the midterm elections, strategists in both parties anticipated that it could turbocharge Democratic efforts to take over the House, if not all of Congress.

One person who did not get the memo? President Trump.

Rather than falling back on defense amid roiling outrage, especially among women, Mr. Trump is going on offense, trying to turn the furor into an asset instead of a liability. With the world’s loudest megaphone, he hopes to make the issue not the treatment of women in the #MeToo era but the treatment of men who deserve due process.
- New York Times today.

Mockery of due process is a winning issue, I am sure! He was confirmed despite allegations! OMG! Like VDH said, had she produced the tiniest shred of evidence, he would have been toast. The standard wasn't "the preponderance of evidence" it was "any evidence at all whatsoever."

FIDO said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

I'm 68 and I've been wondering for some time whether women are too crazy and dangerous to fuck.

That would be a no. Though the first word about politics out of a woman's mouth is pretty much a deal killer. For me, politics ends when the computer closes, and in the voting booth.

Jaq said...

"Rather than falling back on defense"

Something reminds me of Looney Tunes, "He don't know me very well, do he?"

FIDO said...

How the attackers and critics see and wish to characterize this tweet says much more about them than that of the mother.

A mother said nice things about her son publicly and also made a cogent point about the current political clime. Let's destroy her!

Lyssa said...

This is one of those stories that makes me feel just some uncomfortably embarrassed for everyone involved. Just about every time I see a commenter on a political blog bringing up their adult kids as some example in an argument, I feel pretty much the same way.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Dumb, but one small caveat. It's a bit stressful to be a Mom of a child in the military. I think even Inga will agree. You go months with broken sleep. At least I did the two times my son was deployed in Afghanistan.

And the pride factor is pretty high.

Dumb Mom, but I'm going to cut her a bit of slack. Just a bit.

Ann Althouse said...

"The Jesus is gay is a frequent taunt of the Left. Why, I don’t know."

It's clumsily anti-gay. I reject it for that reason.

On the actual question whether Jesus was gay, it's easy to collect evidence — he didn't marry and he hung around with his hand-picked set of guys. From what I've seen in the paintings, they're all very good looking.

Ann Althouse said...

"A bore at the dinner table."

He makes it all about him. "One of you will betray me." Yeah, yeah, we've heard it all before. What a drama queen!

rehajm said...

"A bore at the dinner table."

He makes it all about him. "One of you will betray me." Yeah, yeah, we've heard it all before. What a drama queen!

You two...now that I've cleaned up the spit take...

Ann Althouse said...

"How strange that a mother gushing about her son in an embarrassing manner is viewed as some kind of screwed up attack."

1. Just because you mean to gush doesn't mean the other person wants to be gushed about like that.

2. Saying you don't go out one-on-one with a woman because you're afraid isn't a very good gush.

3. Don't appropriate other people (even/especially your own kids) in your political agenda... or even in your personal narcissistic display on line. Other people, including your kids, have a fundamental interest in their own autonomy.

FIDO said...

It is life. Deal with it.

The appropriate response is a little smirk, a bit of heartfelt warmth, and a touch of commiseration to the kid 'Moms...what are you going to do?'

Ford (technically) didn't want to be outed. Kavanaugh did not want to be treated like Marquis De Sade just because horrible, legally indefensible activists wanted to defend abortion by destroying a man.

As far as a 'horrible occurrence in one's life', this is pretty small potatoes.

Horrifying tweets you didn't see fit to mention:

Ariel Dumas (Colbert Writer) gloating that at least they destroyed Kavanaugh's life.

Christine Fair wishing White Male Republicans Senators were killed, castrated and fed to pigs. Turns out she was also DOXXING her critics.

No mention of that Senate staffer DOXXING Republican Senators and threatening to reveal kids medical records.

All of these tweets bring discredit to Democrat tactics and show a lack of decent motives.

But mom gushing at son and noting that dating is no longer safe...somehow deserving of special attention. Okay.

FIDO said...

Twitter is destroying the Democratic party. They can say whatever they think.

MadisonMan said...

If you can't embarrass you kids with your antics, what's the point of having kids?

rhhardin said...

It's clumsily anti-gay. I reject it for that reason.

The gay stereotype isn't anti-gay. Gay has always been clever and amusing people. The negative stereotype is the gay mafia, or traditionally lack of attraction to man on man sex, a brain wiring thing. Jesus as gay is the positive sort as he seems to remain attractive. "Also, he's gay."

rhhardin said...

Cats are stand-offish because they're ashamed of what they did as kittens.

rhhardin said...

Innocent until proven guilty comes a structural requirement for a working society, and so winds up in a legal code; but it's also a structural requirement everywhere.

FIDO said...

For the record: I agree with the mom about dating and commiserate wit the son. "Moms...what are you going to do?"

FIDO said...

And I apologize for that post with the white space under it. It was not intentional.

Ralph L said...

The son shouldn't have said that about his mom, either.

He could have just said "Come and get me!" and left her out of it.

MayBee said...

It's all terrible.

FIDO said...

When compared to six of ones liberal siblings putting out an attack ad against one, this pales in comparison.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, THAT’S. NOT. FUNNY!!!

Fernandinande said...

Perhaps the mom's lies about her son's lack of ... something bad ... will cancel out the future rejected wife/girlfriend telling the opposite lies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Females crying false rape.

it happens. Especially to Bill Clinton. 10 times!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jesus had better things to do that obsess over sex.

Michael K said...

he didn't marry and he hung around with his hand-picked set of guys. From what I've seen in the paintings, they're all very good looking.

You forgot Mary Magdalen.

That could have been my mother. Thank God there was nothing like the Internet in those days.

One time there was a reading comprehension exam in grammar school and one question was about how airplanes fly. The question, and therefore the answer, got it wrong. I answered it correctly but got marked off. My mother called the Tribune, which used to have a service that would answer any question, sort of like Google, and when it confirmed I was right, she marched down to the school and raised hell.

It was embarrassing.

Michael K said...

That mother did sound a bit like Inga, but with Inga it's her girls.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Tim... And the Democrats now want to win the mid-terms so that they can drag Kavanaugh and Trump into political trials in which neither has any Constitutional protections, rules of evidence, or real standards of guilt . Whodathunkit?

That's just the beginning in our trip into Chavez-che-leftism. Anyone who doesn't fall in line, goes to jail or is ruined.
The left will dismantle any hindrance to power. The electoral college - that was peachy when Obama won - gone. Representation of smaller states - gone. NY and CA rule over everyone. And when a leftist accuses you of something, you are guilty.

Ralph L said...

Michael K, IIRC my mother did something like that for one of us, but she wasn't a hellraiser.
My dad did call my sophomore math teacher to complain about the textbook. At one point, the teacher said, "I wrote it." Dad said, "Yeah, I know." I had the same teacher 2 more years, but thankfully he wasn't an ass (or boring).

Michael K said...

My dad did call my sophomore math teacher to complain about the textbook.

My grandson was having trouble in fourth grade with math. His mother talked to the teacher who told her "I cannot do the problems with the Common Core math either."

She suggested his mother teach him the traditional way at home.

He is now in a charter school and much happier.

JAORE said...

I was (all "muscles" atrophy without use) pretty damned good at math. In my past, working,life I was an engineer. Our last child picked up the math gene.

He brought home a paper that showed he was marked wrong on a test. He was not. He said he did speak about it to the teacher who firmly defended his mistake.

I did not take it up with the school. But I did spend more time on his math homework. That had never been a real issue before.

Bottom line, a LOT of math teachers in public schools are, at best, parrots.

rhhardin said...

In 8th grade we had a few months of math problems working in base 7, which was a bad choice. How much better base 8 would have been for future computer coders.

Howard said...

That mother did sound a bit like Doc Mike, but with Mike K it's his beautiful FBI girl and million dollar home firefighter son...

Unknown said...

The #HimToo was a mistake, but I totally get this lady as I have a 25 year old son. I'm guessing the over the top ridicule of this is partly due to the fact that they know their Kavanaugh debacle has resonated with anyone (maybe particularly mothers with sons) who could see the beloved males in their lives destroyed by a perversion of #MeToo. Me too.

Unknown said...

Darn it. The above "Tari" is aka Darcy.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

I always get my childrens’ consent first before I quote them. Recently I quoted my Navy Chief daughter, but she used more cuss words than I put in my quote.

eric said...

Turns out it's all fake.

A prank or someone mocking Republicans.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“This is the Left. They refuse to acknowledge ANY virtue, accomplishment, pride or honor that they do not own.”

What nonsense.

Michael said...

Michael K
Everyday Math cannot be done by anyone other than a few grade school teachers who have mastered it after years of trying to unlock its mysteries. It was invented at the University of Chicago. Well, they have a fine math department you might say and you would be right. But Everyday Math was invented in the Education Department. I spent thousands undoing it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Motherhood is of little or no value to the left.”

What nonsense!!

Michael said...

The latest leftie attack is on Winston Churchill because of his imperialist beliefs. Do you subscribe to the lefty idea that his crimes were as great as Hitler's?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“That mother did sound a bit like Doc Mike, but with Mike K it's his beautiful FBI girl and million dollar home firefighter son...”

Except Micahel K ususally bashes his FBI daughter because she’s a liberal.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Doesn’t Althouse sometimes quote her son’s comments that he puts on a Facebook? All mothers speak of their children because their children exist and are important to them.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Inga, does Althouse attribute words or ideas to her son that aren't his?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“A mother said nice things about her son publicly and also made a cogent point about the current political clime. Let's destroy her!”

This happens to me here on these threads every time I dare bring up one of my children, especially my Navy Chief daughter. It’s almost as if this brings out rage and incredulity in you people. It’s as if you’re saying “It can’t be possible that a liberal woman has four children and one actually serves in the military!” Funny how you folks think that those who are criticizing her are in the wrong, but not when the same thing is being done to a liberal mother right here. I suggest it’s time to examine your own motives.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, does Althouse attribute words or ideas to her son that aren't his?”

No she doesn’t, neither do I, nor did I indicate she does.

Bill Peschel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

Well..she clearly has more respect for her son than CBF's parents have of her.

walter said...


n.n said...

This is the Twilight Age. #HateLovesAbortion

bagoh20 said...

"2. Saying you don't go out one-on-one with a woman because you're afraid isn't a very good gush."

Yes, nothing to worry about. I assume you were unconscious the last two weeks. What if Ford claimed Kavanaugh attacked her when they were alone together? Most of what discredited her story was due to the fact that she claimed there were others present.

Just think for a second how you would respond if you could have your life destroyed by someone simply claiming you raped them, and the default position is that the accuser must always be believed. I think you yourself fell into that cult. Do you think you might modify your behavior to prevent someone from ruining you that way, because as we saw, a person's previous record provides little protection. The odds of it happening are a lot better than being hit by lightning, and the potential damage is possibly worse.

Your failure see the risks to men is due to your undeserved and oppressive female privilege. And you're White too. Double privileged. Repent!

Michael K said...

“That mother did sound a bit like Doc Mike, but with Mike K it's his beautiful FBI girl and million dollar home firefighter son...”

Except Micahel K ususally bashes his FBI daughter because she’s a liberal.

Why lie ? I have only said that my daughter is left leaning and we don't talk politics.

Michael K said...

with Mike K it's his beautiful FBI girl and million dollar home firefighter son...

Howard, I can't tell if that was supposed to be a compliment or a snark.

I have three daughters and two sons. The point about the home of the fireman is that he is the only one without a bachelors degree.

My FBI daughter just sold her condo in the Valley. I did not ask her what it sold for.

Two of the kids a few years ago. Both lawyers. Otherwise quite normal.

Michael K said...

One of Inga and Howards best buds.

Jackson Cosko, the former Democratic staffer accused of “doxxing” Republican senators by leaking their personal information was ordered held without bond Tuesday, with the judge saying he posed a risk to the community.
Prosecutors revealed investigators found cocaine and methamphetamine during a search of his things, and speculated he may have been under the influence when, according to police, he used his government credentials to post personal information of some lawmakers, and broke into a senator’s office while threatening to release other information.

From Rod Dreher:

Conservatives didn’t just imagine the anti-Kavanaugh protesters filling the halls of Congress, harassing GOP senators. Conservatives aren’t imagining campus mobs shouting down conservatives. Republican political consultants didn’t invent the mob at Middlebury College last year that chased Charles Murray off of campus, and physically injured a (liberal) professor who was his host. Nor did the GOP conjure the Yale mob that abused the Christakises over Halloween costumes in 2016.

And on and on. More to the point, Republicans did not invent the mob-like behavior of the news media in the Kavanaugh affair. In the last 24 hours, I’ve heard from three friends — two Democrats, and one anti-Republican independent — who have written to express profound concern about this political moment, and the behavior of the liberal mob. One of the Democrats — no fan of Trump or Kavanaugh — told me that her party has lost her over all this.

Ctmom4 said...

I warned my handsome young sons ( ok I'm a little biased) - stay far, far away from liberal women! So far they have shown excellent taste in smart, independent young women.

walter said...


"It wasn't easy for James to tell his parents that the university was investigating him for sexual misconduct. He began by calling his dad and telling him the whole story over the phone. He said he wasn't sure if he should get a lawyer—he was worried getting a lawyer would make it look like he needed a lawyer.

His dad laughed, James recalled, and said, very grimly, "Well, that's because you do need a lawyer."

Mom reacted less well. James met both his parents at a restaurant. The first thing she said to him was, "You couldn't keep it in your fucking pants?"

"I think she was just fearful," he says.

James' family found him an attorney, who listened to James story and then told him, "If everything goes south on us, don't kill yourself." The attorney promised to do everything he could to get justice for James.

In the weeks that followed, James and Becky both gave statements to the Title IX investigator. The investigator also spoke with Becky's roommate, the drama teacher, and other associates of Becky and James who had some knowledge of what had transpired. It was an uncertain and lonely time for James, who was reluctant to tell anyone else what he was going through. He was worried people would assume he was guilty. One day, he noticed a poster in a dorm building that discussed what to do in cases of sexual abuse. The very first suggestion? Believe the victim.

"If you're in polite conversation with someone and they say, 'Remember, believe the victim,' you can't just say, 'I don't know, there should be some sort of investigation process,'" says James. "You'd get crucified for that.""

walter said...

Btw, this is not an irrelevant example.
With perhaps a smidgeon of irony, Kav's process was extrajudicial too.

Michael K said...

Walter, this is why I would like to see my grandson go into the Marine Corps after high school.

College is just too dangerous for boys right now.

Gahrie said...

I warned my handsome young sons

I warn the boys in all of my 11th and 12th grade classes...and I cite examples.

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