On Twitter there is a choice between having the courage to @ the person you are trash talking, or not. @realDonaldTrump is howling because he's weak. Florida, go vote today. https://t.co/I8uOokptJA
— Andrew Gillum (@AndrewGillum) October 29, 2018
२९ ऑक्टोबर, २०१८
The courage to @.
2018 elections,
Andrew Gillum,
Trump rhetoric,
१९१ टिप्पण्या:
This is beyond our capacity as regular parents to understand.
Gillum is such an empty suit. Mind you, he looks good, talks good, dresses good and sounds good. But if you listen to and focus on his policy preferences, it's just more warmed-over leftism. Bigger government, more free stuff, blah, blah, blah.
Isn't Gillum in trouble over some bribery scandal? So he really is a Clintonite?
Gillum is a thief and a corrupt liar.
He also isn’t saying all his opponents are racist, but he says not supporting him is racist.
Blogger Vance said...
Isn't Gillum in trouble over some bribery scandal?<
That's the question. He is black. Is that the cure for any outrage about corruption ?
I guess we'll see.
Notice he doesn't deny the charge.
I am I nuts, or is Gillum broadcasting the charges against himself
Trump was really cowed by the media’s response to Sayok and Pittsburgh, wasn’t he?
We are truly witnessing a game-changing President. He has called the media’s bluff and there’s no more cards to throw down. I think Trump wins, breaks the old order liberal media, and some flowers spring in the cracks of the media concrete. But some days their moral massing is impressive. It would cow me.
Why isn't anyone calling on Gillum to cool his overheated rhetoric?
From an "exposure" and "marketing" point of view, DJT's decision not to @ Gillum is sensible: don't make his positive campaigning or viewpoints easily accessible to those who are viewing the tweet. If someone wants to find out what he's talking about, they have to do the work, and DJT isn't doing the work for them.
But Gillum tries to turn that around on DJT, noticing that the tweet does him no favors, not even by helpfully pointing to his own twitter account. Unfortunately for Gillum, the "choice" that DJT offers is something significant, whereas Gillum's "choice" is laughably insignificant by comparison.
Gillum's tweet will probably have a positive resonance with only existing Trump-haters, and it has no persuasive value, unlike DJT's.
You know, when I was saying that people who are thoroughgoing assholes think Trump is an asshole, Gillum was one of the people I had in mind.
Autocorrect still trying to change "Gillum" to "Gollum." They must know something.
The list of people who have tangled with Trump (since he declared his intention to run as a Republican) and won is short. By my count the list is:
Yeah, Trump was really sneaky broadcasting to his millions of followers on Twitter, but not @ing Gillum.
How did the honorable mayor ever figure out that the President of the United States was going behind his back?
Jersey Fled said...
I am I nuts, or is Gillum broadcasting the charges against himself
Not following Florida race myself, but between that and Althouse, I would not have seen it.
Good manners says to name the people you praise and leave unnamed the people you condemn. Trump was obviously being polite to Governor Gillum. :)
@Jill, he isn't Governor yet. I feel for the citizens of Florida if he does become governor the next time a hurricane sweeps through.
Maybe Congressional Democrats should award him a Purple Heart for such courage.
Schlump is one of the worst transmitters of foot-in-mouth disease and should be quarantined to protect the public. It normally infects bloviated blustering bovines like him.
Mr. Gillum! Ray Nagin on line 2 calling collect from the Federal Correctional Institution in Texarkana!
Trump @ing Gallium fires up Gillum's base, so he didn't do it.
Gillum @ing Trump fires up Gillum's base, so he did it.
Courage goes both ways, and @AndrewGillum did nothing to display it.
Trump also didn't use hashtags on "thief" and "corrupt", but Gillum didn't have the courage to call him on it.
The politics of junior high.
Twitter, it struck me, is for some a schizophrenia simulator - all those voices, never stopping, always pushing, always tweaking you, always agreeing, always goading. Whatever madness you want validated, it’s there.
Like the term "credible", some people seems to have a different definition than me of what exactly "courage" is.
Reminds me, it's time to go
vote for Gillum's opponent.
Twitter war.
Go Trump.
Courage, they keep using that word but I think they do not know what it means.
"A new lawsuit accuses President Trump, his company and three of his children of using the Trump name to entice vulnerable people to invest in sham business opportunities." -NYTimes
Does anyone know what this is all about? If proven to be true, is it grounds for impeachment?
Accusations! that's all it takes now.
I'm astounded at the low quality of the Democrat Candidates.
For example, the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee - Boy was that an eye-opening freak show.
Or Hillary and Bill. Slow Joe Biden. Diane Chicom Feinstein. Etc.
The Democrat party of Lloyd Benson, Mondale and Dukkais seems like a million years ago.
"Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List
The many ways that the president, his family and his aides are lining their own pockets.
By David Leonhardt and Ian Prasad Philbrick" @NYTimes, 10-29-18.
Does anyone know what this is all about? If proven to be true, is it grounds for impeachment?
Gillum is such an empty suit. Mind you, he looks good, talks good, dresses good and sounds good. But if you listen to and focus on his policy preferences, it's just more warmed-over leftism. Bigger government, more free stuff, blah, blah, blah.
It's Obama wearing a rubber mask.
Does anyone know what this is all about? If proven to be true, is it grounds for impeachment?
Try to lie down, close your eyes, and think of puppies and flowers and maybe you'll feel better.
Trumpit said...
"Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List
The many ways that the president, his family and his aides are lining their own pockets.
By David Leonhardt and Ian Prasad Philbrick" @NYTimes, 10-29-18.
Does anyone know what this is all about? If proven to be true, is it grounds for impeachment?
Too obvious man.
I know it is hard to make the democrats look any dumber than they actually are. But You have to put a bit more effort into appearing sincere.
Well played by President Trump.
Does Trump's preoccupation with Ivy League pedigrees bother folks like Pence, McConnell,Ryan, McCarthy and Dole?
and that's why the guys at Iwo Jima were candy asses. They didn't "@" anyone.
Blogger readering said...
Does Trump's preoccupation with Ivy League pedigrees bother folks like Pence, McConnell,Ryan, McCarthy and Dole?
Maybe you will appreciate it then when he appoints the Notre Dame law school grad to replace RBG.
Gillum supporters shot up republican office in Florida.
There is daily violence from leftists now.
The politics of diversity and paintbrushes. Name names and clusters based on principles, not color.
If Gillum wins and then the feds throw his ass in the slam for a decade or so, can he governate from behind bars?
Blogger Michael K said...
"Maybe you will appreciate it then when he appoints the Notre Dame law school grad to replace RBG."
Careful, Mike. That's an extremely violent comment.
"It Takes @ Thief"?
Does Trump's preoccupation with Ivy League pedigrees bother folks like Pence, McConnell,Ryan, McCarthy and Dole?
The entire Supreme Court either graduated from Harvard or Yale Law with the exception of Ginsberg who started at Harvard and finished at Colombia.
History did not begin the moment Trump was elected.
Do you ever read read anything, readering?
Blogger Jupiter said...
If Gillum wins and then the feds throw his ass in the slam for a decade or so, can he governate from behind bars?
Michael Curley did so there is precedent for Democrats.
Francisco D: "History did not begin the moment Trump was elected."
Very true.
For leftists, history began anew this morning. And every morning.
Yeah, I read, even your stuff, FD.
"On Twitter there is a choice between having the courage to @ the person you are trash talking"
Right? I mean..Emily Post is turning over in her grave!
Trump reels in the dupes by pretending to not be an elitist, yet he oozes elitism, brags about those he likes who are grads of elite schools. He again today whined how he is the victim of the media while the 11 real victims haven’t even been laid to rest. Disgusting human. This is the creature you people made President
"This is the creature you people made President."
That brainfart was written by a hag obsessed with everything Trump says and does.
Dullard, Trump has never pretended to be anything but a NY billionaire. He doesn't pretend to duck hunt like Kerry laughably did, he doesn't drink beer with blue collar guys and then turn around and call them deplorable. He is what he is and people like him for it.
Tell us again how honorable and admirable Avenetti is. You were ready to remove your dentures to give him a BJ just a few months ago.
"Twitter Courage"
Seems kind of oxymoronic :p
Jupiter said...
If Gillum wins and then the feds throw his ass in the slam for a decade or so, can he governate from behind bars?
10/29/18, 2:22 PM
Democrat Earl Long governed from the nuthouse when he was Louisiana governor, so maybe Florida will say "We can top that! Hold our beer!"
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"This is the creature you people made President"
Well, in our defense, it was only because he duped us, as you pointed out. The really sad part is that I kind of feel like he is going to dupe me again in 2020.
Personally, I think the courage to "axe" people things, is greater than most give us credit for.
I thought the Rooskies made him president, and I had nothing to do with it.
Inga: "Trump reels in the dupes by...."
....working with Putin to create fake dossiers to weaponize the federal bureaucracy to spy on domestic political opponents?
I hear those dossiers were really effective on certain dupes....who we need not name here....
Well, in our defense, it was only because he duped us, as you pointed out.
That and the Russians. Damn Russians. If not for the nefarious ways, we'd be basking in the glow of a Hillary Presidency!
Inga: "He again today whined how he is the victim of the media while the 11 real victims haven’t even been laid to rest."
The Avenetti-smear brigade shows up in force to complain about someone pushing back on their BS lies!!!
Next up for our James Hodgkinson Denialists: Keith Ellison did what to that woman?? Never heard of it.....
"Our Resident Dullard Blogger #IngaKnew said...Trump reels in the dupes by pretending to not be an elitist, yet he oozes elitism, brags about those he likes who are grads of elite schools. He again today whined how he is the victim of the media while the 11 real victims haven’t even been laid to rest. Disgusting human. This is the creature you people made President"
I would ask our resident dullard how "Trump reels in the dupes by pretending to not be an elitist" but she wouldn't be able to answer. Is it the private 757 that has TRUMP on the side in 6' high letters? Is it the gold plated everything? The huge buildings that all have TRUMP...the awesome golf course with same? Is it him telling all that will hear how rich he is? How he wrote best sellers? Had a #1 rated show? God you are a fucking idiot.
Of course our resident dullard must think it's okay for the media to say he is responsible for the 11 dead, and that's perfectly all right.
Inga: "I did however give Strozk credit and still do"
Erich Honecker had very nice things to say about the Stasi as well.
“Tell us again how honorable and admirable Avenetti is. You were ready to remove your dentures to give him a BJ just a few months ago.”
Are you blathering at me? I never said a word about Avenatti. I did however give Strozk credit and still do.
“WASHINGTON ― Attorneys for a President Donald Trump supporter who was convicted in a domestic terrorism plot aimed at slaughtering Muslim refugees asked a federal judge to factor in the “backdrop” of Trump’s campaign rhetoric when deciding their client’s sentence this week.
Patrick Stein was one of three right-wing militiamen found guilty in April of a conspiracy to kill Muslim refugees living in rural Kansas. Ahead of the 2016 election, Stein and two others plotted with an FBI informant and an undercover agent to bomb an apartment complex that housed Muslims in Garden City. Stein went by the handle “Orkin Man” and referred to Muslims as “cockroaches” he wanted exterminated.
At trial, defense attorneys referred to the defendants as “knuckleheads” who were engaged in “locker room talk,” and Stein’s attorney argued his client was a victim of a “chaos news” environment that had him thinking a civil war was coming.”
“2016 was ‘lit.’ The court cannot ignore the circumstances of one of the most rhetorically mold-breaking, violent, awful, hateful and contentious presidential elections in modern history, driven in large measure by the rhetorical China shop bull who is now our president,” they wrote.”
Gotta laugh, truly.
Uh oh. Our cut-n-paster has once again run out of words to share and will now begin to inundate the thread with lots and lots of "stuff" that she thinks is "relevant".
I doubt even she can find anything from the USAToday/Gannett "Military" Times.
Lefty lawyers make absurd pitch.
Inga treats it as evidence.
Indeed, the Avenetti Standard again!
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"Stein went by the handle “Orkin Man” and referred to Muslims as “cockroaches” he wanted exterminated."
Just as Farrakhan referred to Jews as "termites." Of course, Trump has nothing to do with Patrick Stein, while your fellow Democrats slobber all over Louis Farrakhan.
To ratchet up the rhetoric even more your idiot President is sending troops to the border. Good thing Bowers is already behind bars. I wonder who else will be triggered by Trump’s fake emergency at the border.
Gillum can go #&
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"I wonder who else will be triggered by Trump’s fake emergency at the border."
It does look like this "caravan" thing is getting out of hand. Maybe you could just invite them all to come stay at your place, Igna. Where is it, exactly? Will there be treats?
Oopsie said: "I wonder who else will be triggered by Trump’s fake emergency at the border."
Looks like Royal Ass Inga's trigger has tripped already.
God forbid the President should enforce our sovereign borders and protect the people of the USA.
Inga: "To ratchet up the rhetoric even more your idiot President is sending troops to the border. Good thing Bowers is already behind bars. I wonder who else will be triggered by Trump’s fake emergency at the border"
Inga can't even keep the dems talking point straight!!
In her defense, the other talking points occurred more than 15 minutes ago and didn't make any sense either.
For some reason, all the lefty publications are calling this caravan deal a "crisis" driven by extraordinary danger to the migrants.
Inga clearly thinks they are all lying. Hence, its no biggee.
He again today whined how he is the victim of the media while the 11 real victims haven’t even been laid to rest. Disgusting human.
That's pretty rich coming from the ghoul who didn't even wait until the blood stopped flowing before she was blaming Trump for the Capital Gazette shooting.
If he had @-mentioned Gillum, then Gillum’d be complaining about being called out by name.
So DJT is going after this so-called "thief." What did he steal? Or is "thief" meant to be a less specific label, like "uppity" and "thug?"
What makes a King out of a slave? @Courage.
What makes the flag on the mast to wave? @Courage.
What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist or the dusky dusk?
What makes the muskrat guard his musk? @Courage.
What makes the Sphinx the 7th Wonder? @Courage.
What makes the dawn come up like THUNDER?! @Courage.
What makes the Hottentot so hot?
What puts the "ape" in ape-ricot?
Whatta they got that I ain't got?
"fake emergency at the border."
Imagine there's no countries, it's easy if you try....
It's a fake emergency because it's inconvenient to the Democrats politically if it's real. No other reason.
Blogger Drago said...
"Inga: "He again today whined how he is the victim of the media while the 11 real victims haven’t even been laid to rest."
The Avenetti-smear brigade shows up in force to complain about someone pushing back on their BS lies!!!
Next up for our James Hodgkinson Denialists: Keith Ellison did what to that woman?? Never heard of it....."
It's why I won't engage her anymore. She has no moral center. She has no standards. Like all hardcore lefties the dead are hers to manipulate and embue with her version of morality.
You don't know any of those people Inga. Their deaths don't belong to you to make your cheap, shabby political points. Leave them alone. Leave them to their families.
You should feel shame for being so shallow. But you're shallow and don't experience shanme. What a mean person you are.
those speaking from the Left on this blog would do well when discussing violence or violent rhetoric to at least acknowledge the shooting/attempted assassination of multiple Republican congressmen.
Would it hurt any of you to at least do that?
Stein’s attorney argued his client was a victim of a “chaos news” environment that had him thinking a civil war was coming.”
Do you even read what you cut and paste? Your cut/paste job attributes the quote to the defense atty. But it reads like a direct quote from President Trump
I saw a report by a reporter that had to drive across country last week. Stopping to fuel up, eat, stay in motels. Talking to the locals and fellow travelers. Finished the trip feeling uplifted by the positive attitude of all the people he met. Then settled in at home, turned on cable news, and saw that we were at the verge of a civil war.
The point is, things have not been this good, at all categories, for decades, but you cant tell it from the media.
Denying Republicans the right to grieve with the nation by accusing us of criminal complicity is a vicious kind of shunning. Maybe the huge news stories trying to leverage the (finger quotes) bombings triggered him by dangling fame? Naah!
“...those speaking from the Left on this blog would do well when discussing violence or violent rhetoric to at least acknowledge the shooting/attempted assassination of multiple Republican congressmen.”
Heather Heyer and 11 Jewish worshippers are still dead.
Oh yes, let’s not forget the 9 black parishioners in Charleston. Still dead, right wing nutcase.
The main difference seems to be aim. But Trump is responsible because he is too pro Jewish, inciting violence.
Let’s not forget the Planned Parenthood clinic attacked by a right wing nutcase triggered by the numerous uncover doctored videos. How many died there. Four or five?
Charleston guy was mad that he couldn't find any kindred spirits.
But Inga is basically saying that the killing will continue until we give them back power. Until then, we have to own every schizophrenic, evidence be damned.
the tweeker who should have already been in prison, much like the Tucson shooter, that sheriff dupnik left out on the streets,
well the bds driven somelives matter, dream defender isn't quite a thief, but a corrupt tool of the capital establishment
“But Inga is basically saying that the killing will continue until we give them back power. Until then, we have to own every schizophrenic, evidence be damned.”
Tim is saying “Who cares about these dead people? We never liked them anyway.”
She simply will not own that only bad aim kept the Maddow fan from committing the worst political assassination spree in American history.
And who is doing the brunt of the killing? Rightists by far.
What fucking bullshit. Is Bannon paying you to get out the Republican vote?
Inga: "And who is doing the brunt of the killing? Rightists by far."
I guess we arent counting Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore etc on a typical weekend.
And MS13 carving up children?
You cant even get the dems to provide comfort to those victims families.
I guess umlike the gang members, the dems never liked those victims or their families anyway.
I asked "hose speaking from the Left on this blog would do well when discussing violence or violent rhetoric to at least acknowledge the shooting/attempted assassination of multiple Republican congressmen.
Inga responsed
"Heather Heyer and 11 Jewish worshippers are still dead.
I'll take that as a "no"
PS I hope you do see the dissimilarity between the shooting at the Synagoge and the shooting at the ball field, at least in time of partisan motivation....
OK I'll stop trying.
It’s as if they think Steve Scalise’s life is more precious than those who were killed at the hands of right wing nut jobs. His life is precious. So were the lives of those dead I just mentioned. You can’t wave Steve Scalise’s bloody shirt without seeing the bloody pile of bodies dead at the hands of right wing people, triggered by your hatred and those like you who promulgate hatred and conspiracy theories, so much so that those who are weak minded believe this that shit and act.
tim in vermont: "What fucking bullshit. Is Bannon paying you to get out the Republican vote?"
Its funny isnt it? The dems want to shut us up, and we want them to keep talking!
Inga is losing it now that her dreamboat fantasy boyfriend Strzok and his team failed to deliver their Putin-backed coup.
Life sometimes hands one disappointments...
Who can forget the dems booing the parents of the young girls carved up by the lefties beloved "divine spark" MS13-er animals?
Not a great look for the dems.
Not a good look at all.
"You can’t wave Steve Scalise’s bloody shirt without seeing the bloody pile of bodies dead at the hands of right wing people, triggered by your hatred and those like you who promulgate hatred and conspiracy theories, so much so that those who are weak minded believe this that shit and act."
who are you talking to?
Is it so hard to condemn violent rhetoric regardless of who speaks it?
well seeing as Hopkinson, was in contact with durbin and duckworth, whereas this shooter hated trump, and jews, much like the holocaust museum shooter of 2009. you see the distinction,
not to mention, maddows no 1, had many more targets in mind, on that baseball field in Alexandria,
“who are you talking to?”
All of you rightists here and no it’s not at all difficult to condemn violent rhetoric regardless of who speaks it.
“Is it so hard to condemn violent rhetoric regardless of who speaks it?”
That’s a given. It’s odd that you feel the need to ask.
Wow, the level of discourse here is starting to hit some new lows, if that is possible. The Professor may have to shut the comments down before someone gets hurt.
For the righties in the audience, there is so much to highlight about Gillum without calling him a thief -- his tax plans that will destroy the Florida miracle, his feckless management of Tallahassee, his goofy socialist ideas. Could we take it up a level?
For the lefties, while I grieve the innocent victims of any madman wearing any set of "ideas," the number of hate crimes and terroristic attacks in this country is minuscule (on the ADL's overinclusive account 274 between 2008 and 2017 -- what we in Chicago call the weekend) , and they seem seem pretty equally balanced over time between leftist numbnuts, white supremacist cooks, and Islamic inspired terrorists. The Antidefamation League which counts every white supremacist's murder of his ex-wife as a terrorist account came up with 20 murders by them in 2017.
So seriously, let's take it down a notch. As I like to say, Be Crazy, Don't Just Seem Crazy.
"That’s a given. It’s odd that you feel the need to ask."
See above.
PS You don't know me; you don't know my politics; you don't know how I feel about any of the violent acts of that past two years not the violent rhetoric .
without seeing the bloody pile of bodies dead at the hands of right wing people,
Whoops ! I missed that, Inga. Could you point me to a link?
I guess World War II might qualify.
“So seriously, let's take it down a notch. As I like to say, Be Crazy, Don't Just Seem Crazy.”
That’s pretty comical, I read comments by Trumpists here everyday and think to myself “Oh God the crazy is ratcheting up day by day, conspiracy theories, bigotry, misogyny, islamophobia, homophobia, is there a name for abnormal fear and loathing of Latinos? Latinophobia? I hear the nutty exclamations from Drago doing his daily propoaganda, trying to scare the weaker minds here into thinking that the caravan and MS 13 is on your dorrstep, maybe under your beds!
Boy ! Inga really has gone apeshit.
Whoops ! I missed that, Inga. Could you point me to a link?
DNC.com where thinking is neither required nor is it advised.
“Boy ! Inga really has gone apeshit.”
Speaking of shit, isn’t it time to have your Depends changed?
@PJ57 -- Good comment.
Inga: "I hear the nutty exclamations from Drago doing his daily propoaganda, trying to scare the weaker minds here into thinking that the caravan and MS 13 is on your dorrstep, maybe under your beds!"
Kayla Cuevas and Nisa Mickens might think that was funny, if they were alive to read it.
But they arent.
Since 2012 207 MS13 members have been arrested for murder.
But they dont count because dems need votes.
“@PJ57 -- Good comment.”
Althouse might call that civility bullshit.
I read comments by Trumpists here everyday and think to myself “Oh God the crazy is ratcheting up day by day, conspiracy theories, bigotry, misogyny, islamophobia, homophobia, is there a name for abnormal fear and loathing of Latinos? Latinophobia?
Being part of a cult means never having to be self-reflective. Inga doesn't get that she is talking about herself when she discuses conspiracy theories. If they offer you Grape Kool-Aid after the midterms, pour it out.
She also seems to be channeling Hillary. I wonder if they look alike.
Kayla and Nisa were carved up with knives by the very animals Inga and her dem pals claim have that special "spark of divinity".
It will surprise no one to hear that no democrat has ever said that about Ms13 victims.
in other news, all this civility has caused a drive by in the nearby gop county office, I'm sure the derangement of chris murphy and howard 'yeargh' dean, has nothing to do with it,
Inga: "Oh God the crazy is ratcheting up day by day, conspiracy theories, bigotry, misogyny, islamophobia, homophobia, .."
How sick is it that Inga passionately defends muslim extremists who are the most misogynistic and homophobic people on the planet and then includes them in a list of victims of islamic extremism?
Ponder that one for awhile.
Speaking of shit, isn’t it time to have your Depends changed?
Isn't that your level of expertise, Inga?
How many patients did you tear up while trying to take out their catheter? Maybe that is why surgeons now advise patient to take out their own catheter and Foley bag. It's safer and no patient wants you close to their penis.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
And who is doing the brunt of the killing? Rightists by far."
Like the Pulse nightclub shooter who sat on the dais behind Hillary Clinton at a political rally?
That "rightist?"
You are an amoral person with an ugly soul.
You know what we need more if?
Female genital mutilation.
Its a small price for thousands of muslim girls in the US to pay so that Inga can feel morally superior.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali certainly understands how much pain is caused by the passionate defense of the islamic supremacists.
ot, what is the point of voting tory:
"Kayla Cuevas and Nisa Mickens might think that was funny, if they were alive to read it."
Inga doesn't give a shit about those murders. They weren't politically useful to her.
@KenB: Awesome extended quote at 5:08. Who said that?
David Crosby?
Exiled: "Like the Pulse nightclub shooter who sat on the dais behind Hillary Clinton at a political rally?"
Be careful! Inga gets very very very upset when someone mentions islamic mass murder.
Very very angry.
“How sick is it that Inga passionately defends muslim extremists who are the most misogynistic and homophobic people on the planet and then includes them in a list of victims of islamic extremism?”
Really, when and where did I ever say this? Go find it and copy and paste it here, otherwise you once again have nothing if you don’t have lies.
“Be careful! Inga gets very very very upset when someone mentions islamic mass murder.”
Really pathetic Drago. Your propaganda skills are getting rusty.
I said...
“@PJ57 -- Good comment.”
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Althouse might call that civility bullshit.
Thanks for the laugh, but no. Reinforcing is not projecting.
Go ahead Inga. Just say it once: Kayla Cuevas and Nisa Mickens had the "spark of the divine" in them.
Go ahead.
Dont you think at least one dem should after saying their murderers do?
I'm betting you wont.
They are Nancy Pelosi's and the dems "collateral damage", arent they?
Muslims are driving jews out of Europe abd burning gays alive in cages.
Inga wants lots and lots more of them brought to the US to help her defeat republicans.
Because of course she does.
Of course.
Go ahead Inga. Just say it once: Kayla Cuevas and Nisa Mickens had the "spark of the divine" in them.
We wont tell your dem pals you did. We'll keep that uncomfortable secret for you.
Better watch out, Drago. Inga might try to hit you over the head with a bike lock, like her leftist buddies do in the Bay Area.
“Inga wants lots and lots more of them brought to the US to help her defeat republicans.”
The 11 people who were gunned down were gunned down because an alt right nutcase thought the Jewish organization HIAS were bringing in refugees who would kill us. You sound almost as nuts as him. Your constant over the top proclamations about MS 13 and the scary Muslim women and children refugees makes your comments here sounds almost as crazy as his rhetoric on GAB.
Inga cant even say the names of those innocent girls butchered by MS13.
She wont even say their names.
Think about that for a few minutes.
“Inga cant even say the names of those innocent girls butchered by MS13.
She wont even say their names.”
Drago, I’m not hoping to let you drag me into your nuttery. But you just go ahead and keep ranting and raving away.
Inga: "the scary Muslim women and children refugees makes your comments here sounds almost as crazy as his rhetoric on GAB."
Inga, the supposed nurse, thinks its muslim mothers and children dictating muslim girls get Female Genital Mutilation.
Amazing. Inga defends the muslim males who direct this.
The CDC has stated over half a million girls in the US are threatened with FGM, and the Ingas cover for the perpetrators.
Because she wants their votes.
Dont worry Inga. We knew you would never say or write their names.
Why would you?
Those girls were in your way and they are a small price to pay.
And now you have clearly demonstrated precisely where you stand.
Nancy Pelosi would be proud of you. And the MS13-ers are no doubt grateful as well.
And then there is the leader of Inga's beloved Pussy Hat brigade:
An Islamist activist honored by the (Obama) White House last December as a “Champion of Change” called Zionism “racism” this week and said “nothing is creepier” than the belief in a Jewish homeland.
Linda Sarsour also posted two links on her Twitter feed to a rabidly anti-Israel video by a New York poet that accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing and mocks interfaith dialogue as selling out.
Sarsour, director of the Arab American Association of New York, is on record defending terror suspects, casting skepticism over law enforcement investigations and advancing conspiracy theories."
Sarsour is also a big fan of cop-killer supporter of Assata Olugbala Shakur, aka JoAnne Chesimard.
Inga's fine with that.
"Dont worry Inga. We knew you would never say or write their names.
Why would you?
Those girls were in your way and they are a small price to pay."
They're not humans to Inga. She can't exploit their deaths. She can't even pretend to feel compassion for them.
If you want to know how it is that for decades lefties defended leftist regimes that plowed literally millions of human beings into mass graves and still think of themselves as moral superiors, you see glimpses of it with the usual suspects.
Drago, do you think every Muslim woman advocates female mutilation?
Are you that much of an idiot or is it part of your propaganda schtick? I wonder if the Jewish organization HIAT would bar Muslim women and children refugees from getting their help? The answer is no. They helped even Muslims. These Jews are menches, unlike you.
OMG, Ann. These people on your threads have drunk the kool-aid and are now spouting as much hate filled rhetoric and nastiness as the Cheeto in Charge.
Stop people, and think for yourselves. Empty suit? That's Trump in a nutshell.
Vicki from Pasadena
Inga:"Drago, do you think every Muslim woman advocates female mutilation?"
How many does it take to put 500,000 girls in the US at risk?
Not that you care of course.
Orange Man Bad.
And for the record, i said muslim males, not females.
Again, not that Inga cares.
She wants the votes more.
Much much more.
I often just reach through these threads and stay out of it. Not always, but most of the time.
But, Inga. Jeez. "Let’s not forget the Planned Parenthood clinic attacked by a right wing nutcase triggered by the numerous uncover doctored videos. How many died there. Four or five?"
Four or five? Seriously. Your callousness belies your claims to a moral high ground. How many died at a Planned Parenthood clinic? Just this one clinic or all of them? PP killed 321,394+ babies just last year. You don't even count them as people killed. And that's the difference between you and me. You seriously want to go down this road?
Don't ever think you sit in a higher moral ground. You have nothing to say to me in this regard. You and your ilk (the left) gutted any moral standards in this country years ago. What is happening now is the byproduct of your insistence that we all become more 'progressive'. What a misuse of that word. What you see is what you have requested.
Oh and BTW, the Islamic Center in Pittsburgh already raised over $140,000 for the families of the Jewish victims. Those evil Muslims.
"Four or five? Seriously. Your callousness belies your claims to a moral high ground. How many died at a Planned Parenthood clinic? Just this one clinic or all of them?"
There is a very good film out about the most prolific mass murderer in US history - Gosnell.
He could have been caught much earlier but abortion providers don't like people looking too closely at their business.
Inga doesn't give a shit about those victims.
“Four or five? Seriously. Your callousness belies your claims to a moral high ground. How many died at a Planned Parenthood clinic? Just this one clinic or all of them? PP killed 321,394+ babies just last year. You don't even count them as people killed. And that's the difference between you and me. You seriously want to go down this road?”
So, women seeking abortion deserved to die? Do you really want to go down this road? How about the abortion doctor who was murdered as he was in his church worshipping? How about the bombings of abortion clinics, you good with that too? It’s been said rightists care more for the unborn than the already born. You just proved that.
"So, women seeking abortion deserved to die?"
I guess the women who went to Gosnell did. Some of them showed up in Philly ERs bleeding after he botched their abortions. Nobody looked into it because in the words of your beloved Pelosi, "abortion is a sacrament" to the Left.
If some poor black and Hispanic women had to die, well, who cares? Not you.
The movie is excellent, despite the fact that leftists have done everything they can to make sure it is not widely distributed.
So, women seeking abortion deserved to die? Do you really want to go down this road?
Inga is just a nut. I'm surprised to see you guys still engaging her.
So, elective abortion of millions of babies was carried out in self-defense? Rape or rape-rape?
There is a sequel or prequel to Gosnell.
63 remains of fetuses removed from Perry Funeral Home in Detroit (freep.com)
Fetus, offspring, baby. Apparently, the technical distinction is between a human life inside and outside her mother's womb.
Selective-child is, with rare exception, the premeditated termination of a wholly innocent human life that is deemed unworthy of life. It's a wicked solution to an albeit hard problem ("social progress", shared responsibility, taxable commodities, GDP).
That's quite a leap, Inga. I never said that. I have serious issues with abortion, as most people do. I understand the need- sometimes. But I'm sickened by how callous we've become about it and how we've used it for years as a birth control method. It is not a birth control method. One must know that it is taking a human life. So there's that.
I don't give a pass to murder: not the murder of an abortion doctor and not murder of babies. That said, I understand that sometimes an abortion is medically necessary. Sometimes. It is necessary. Sometimes, it means the life of the mother. Most of the time, however, it does not. You know that. I know that. Everyone knows that. It comes down to convenience. It's a modern convenience, isn't it, Inga. But more than that, it's become a religious doctrine of the left. How else can you explain the entire journalism field censoring the trial- literally boycotting covering the trial of the biggest mass murderer in American History, Kermit Gosnell. They've managed to strangle any after trial information as well. It's a hidieously gruesome story. The media LOVES gruesome stories. But they've stayed away from this one. Any idea why, Inga? The good lefty journalists were just doing their sacraments. Showing their devotion- just not to journalism. (and they wonder why so many of us reject their preening?).
I can accept that our society has legal abortions. And I can further accept that it's necessary in some cases. But don't ask me to pay for it. Don't scream at me when I balk at my tax dollars being used to pay for Cecile Richard's new yacht while she's overseeing selling baby parts. And don't take giant leaps of logic. I don't condone the killing of doctors. Not like there's an epidemic of abortion doctor killings going on now. I would say that over 7,000,000 babies killed since PP started doing their work- well...that looks more epidemic to me.
You accuse me of favoring the unborn over the living. Again- we disagree: I'm pretty sure they're both living. I don't feel good about ending any of them. And you don't see me protesting the right to end one of them.
“Inga is just a nut. I'm surprised to see you guys still engaging her.”
Says the guy who doesn’t even speak to his own liberal children over politics. Pot, kettle.
readering said...
Does Trump's preoccupation with Ivy League pedigrees bother folks like Pence, McConnell,Ryan, McCarthy and Dole?"
Does the Ivy League's willful ignoring one of their own bother you? Trump is a graduate of the University Of Pennsylvania Wharton School Of Business. This year UPenn had both a 25th and 50th class reunions. All of the commencement speakers mentioned the respective classes and yet none failed to mention the name of the most famous graduate of UPenn and a member of the 50th anniversary class. Trump isn't preoccupied with the Ivy League pedigrees, he is just trolling you and people like you. Afterall Hillary!, the Smartest Person Ever To Run For President is a Yale graduate and guess what, so is Brett Kavanaugh.
“Inga is just a nut. I'm surprised to see you guys still engaging her.”
Says the guy who doesn’t even speak to his own liberal children over politics. Pot, kettle.
.“You accuse me of favoring the unborn over the living. Again- we disagree: I'm pretty sure they're both living. I don't feel good about ending any of them. And you don't see me protesting the right to end one of them.”
Yes of course the babies are alive and human. Yes of course abortion is killing them. I advocate abortion only until the 20 th week. Ive said this numerous times on these threads over the years. I have four children, I had four pregnancies some that were not planned, my first at 19 years of age. I never considered abortion, however I would not outlaw it for other women who are in more dire straits or simply do not love their baby enough to consider not killing it. It’s not our place to kill women seeking abortion, or doctors performing abortions. And yes it was wrong to kill those 4 or 5 already born people by the rightwing nutjob who murdered them because he was triggered by all the undercover videos by some other right wing nutjob.
"Inga...Allie Oop said...
Oh and BTW, the Islamic Center in Pittsburgh already raised over $140,000 for the families of the Jewish victims. Those evil Muslims."
It doesn't take much to buy our resident Dullard's loyalty, along with all the other dolts on the left. No one said these muzzies were stupid. The can kill and kill and kill, and propaganda like these erases the short memory of idiots like Inga, and allow them to sleep at night.
Trump isn't preoccupied with the Ivy League pedigrees
A corollary to "judge a person by their character, not their color" is "judge a person by their merit, not their label". Diversity is a judgment, a stereotype, that will often mischaracterize an individual.
So our resident dullard has zero problem killing babies for the first 4-1/2 months of a pregnancy, it's cool. And she looks the other way and never says boo about killing them later. Just like it's okay for a lefty to rape and abuse, our dullard is mum.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"Yes of course the babies are alive and human. Yes of course abortion is killing them. I advocate abortion only until the 20 th week."
I advocate not aborting them at all, but if a woman is going to have an abortion it should be done before the 20th week. My state of Wisconsin’s laws agree. There are many women ( Althouse included) who wouldn’t have an abortion themselves but would not outlaw it and force women to carry and give birth. But if you want to go bomb some abortion clinics, say so here so the FBI can see it.
"“I’m not going to sit here and blame the president,” Senator Sanders said on Monday, according to a report from the Washington Examiner."
When you've lost Bernie Sanders, you should perhaps think about how far left you've drifted.
On the other hand, if you are dumb enough to drift that far left to begin with, "thinking" isn't really an option.
PJ57 said...
Wow, the level of discourse here is starting to hit some new lows, if that is possible. The Professor may have to shut the comments down before someone gets hurt.
For the righties in the audience, there is so much to highlight about Gillum without calling him a thief -- his tax plans that will destroy the Florida miracle, his feckless management of Tallahassee, his goofy socialist ideas. Could we take it up a level?"
Do you live in Florida? if you don't, let me explain it to you. The Democrat base doesn't care if Gillum is a thief. That's not a deal breaker for them. His spending proposals negative consequences mean nothing to them. They see themselves as benefiting from fleecing the taxpayers without having to fork over a dime towards it. On the ballot in Florida there are several amendments to further limit property taxes and spending and you best better believe that the very same Democrat base property owners will vote for those measures while voting for Gillum. Those folks have larceny in their hearts, they are the gimmee dats, I want, you pay crowd.
Republican voters know this. They just have to show up but there also tons of gimme dats in Florida.
The liar Inga says I don't talk to my kids. My kids are well educated and had no crazy parent insisting they adhere to her political ideology.
I don't discuss politics with them but the liar tried to make something of that.
My FBI daughter was the one who told me she would not vote for Hillary in September 2016.
My middle daughter is the one who bought 5 acres in Idaho and is having second thoughts about politics.
My trial lawyer son (How many of your kids, Inga, have graduate degrees?) is now wanting to move back to Orange County, which he disdained in his leftist phase. He has kids now and is worried about schools.
Inga, would you support a LAW which allowed 16 weeks? Ninety two percent of women (out of memory) get their abortions within the first three months, so 8%? They just need to get off the button and get pressing.
Because I am not an anti abortion lunatic. I still think it's killing and I still think it's evil but we have grades of evil and that one, with a few strict limits, would be very acceptable to the majority of citizens...and embrace a model for abortion the vast majority of European nations accept.
There are few things we agree upon, but when one comes along, that is how progress is made.
“My trial lawyer son (How many of your kids, Inga, have graduate degrees?) is now wanting to move back to Orange County, which he disdained in his leftist phase. He has kids now and is worried about schools.”
Wow, you tell these stories about your own kids not talking to you, your son and his crazy wife ( so you said) and now you go batshit crazy over me repeating what YOU said, as for my children having graduate degrees, you elitist you, my third daughter is an attorney. Don’t tell tales about your kids if you don’t want them thrown in your face when you’re being an asshole, which is daily.
“Inga, would you support a LAW which allowed 16 weeks? Ninety two percent of women (out of memory) get their abortions within the first three months, so 8%? They just need to get off the button and get pressing.”
With early pregnancy testing being so accurate, I’d say I might. Of course with exceptions up until 20 weeks. It’s only one more month.
You know how they talk about "meeting people halfway," yes?
Where would you think of meeting the right, halfway?
Limiting abortion to the first 20 weeks would save many lives. PP fights any restrictions at all on abortion. And leftists proudly proclaim "I stand with Planned Parenthood."
Don’t tell tales about your kids if you don’t want them thrown in your face when you’re being an asshole, which is daily.
Asshole commenters like you are eager to find things to throw against the wall to see if they stick.You are a liar about not talking to my kids. I wonder about yours.
I guess I do have to be more discreet around assholes like you and Ritmo,
It reminds me of when I used to read and comment at Washington Monthly. Some angry lefties went to my blog and used personal information (I make no secret of my identity like you lefties ) to try to make obscene comments. You are right in the tradition.
If you have no arguments, try smears.
Michael K, I haven’t said anything t hat you haven’t said here about your OWN children, more than once, multiple times. If you don’t recall saying it, just admit it, maybe it’s the senility. No need to lie about it.
"Where would you think of meeting the right, halfway?"
Is it asking too much for POTUS to not claim BHO was born in a black country, as if everyone needed a reminder he's black? How about not calling folks who march w/ racists very fine people? How about asking cons to only shift today's wealth to the richest, rather than also committing the future (via debt) to the richest, how about no more of this:
OTOH, that doesn't seem like halfway. It more seems like y'all deciding to not be evil.
Michael K (or Robert Bowers, whatever you call him) has been lying about me for years. He lies about me every time he comments.
He can't even avoid mentioning me when I'm not here. That's how obsessed with me he is.
As for this little nugget of butthurt:
If you have no arguments, try smears.
He should practice what he preaches. Never corrects himself. Has been caught telling tons of incorrect nonsense time again and never retracts. Ever. Not once. Even when it comes to his pretend-passion of DNA. Just doubles down with insults instead.
It reminds me of when I used to read and comment at Washington Monthly. Some angry lefties went to my blog and used personal information (I make no secret of my identity like you lefties ) to try to make obscene comments.
What a fucking baby. WWWAAAAAHHHHH! If you don't want people to interpret all the silly personal shit about you in an unfavorable way, don't push it out there like it makes you a goddamn golden god. You thought having a nursemaid was wonderful. Guess what? It just makes your sense of maniacal privilege more explicable. Deal with it. And no one cares that you're a senile washed up physician; it doesn't mean they didn't graduate college or have your same fast-food obsession as an avocation.
Everything you say drips with the unearned privilege of a douchebag who thinks everyone should kiss his big white butt. What a fucking fool you are to think you can demand that and treat people that way. No one owes you a goddamn thing.
Now fuck off and die already. Nearly every lesson in life is lost on your fat stupid ass. It's like you don't even have a reason to live it.
It's like the entire purpose of the internet is to expose silly bastards like K. He's so transparent, and thinks his crybaby ego will get him through it in whatever way he feels it got him through everything else. What a waste of sperm.
Wow, you tell these stories about your own kids not talking to you, your son and his crazy wife ( so you said) and now you go batshit crazy over me repeating what YOU said, as for my children having graduate degrees, you elitist you, my third daughter is an attorney. Don’t tell tales about your kids if you don’t want them thrown in your face when you’re being an asshole, which is daily.
Shorter Michael K: "How dare you use the stupid revealing facts I divulged about how pathetic I am against me when I treat everyone else so horribly in plain sight!"
You literally can't make shit up. If K. didn't exist the internet would have to invent him. Treats people like shit, complains about being mistreated. He should choke to death on all those fake tears he cries for himself. It's so obvious that no one likes him IRL. NO ONE. He goes online because he thinks he can receive validation there bragging about the same damn things that no one IRL cares about either!
Stupidity that bad is almost inhuman. I think there are animals that aren't that dumb.
Hell, there are invertebrates that aren't even that dumb. Plants, even.
Limiting abortion to the first 20 weeks would save many lives. PP fights any restrictions at all on abortion. And leftists proudly proclaim "I stand with Planned Parenthood."
That's because the majority after 20 weeks are medically necessary, not welcome by the prospective parents, and would typically result in a stillborn medical monstrosity that threatens the woman's life to continue carrying. Not that you care about any of that. And hey, every sperm is sacred!
Every time you chime in on the subject you subconsciously sing this paean to drunken semi-consensual barroom/frat-house sex. Yes, I understand you think that's the epitome of baby-making (or perhaps the only way you could get a guy to put life into your eternally deserted chocha) but most sane people think these things should come about as a result of at least slightly better planning.
The first few months of pregnancy — the first trimester — are marked by rapid changes for both you and your baby.
For you, first trimester physical changes might include breast tenderness, fatigue and nausea. Your emotions might range from excitement to anxiety. For your baby, the first trimester is a time of rapid growth and development. Your baby's brain, spinal cord and other organs begin to form, and your baby's heart begins to beat. Your baby's fingers and toes even begin to take shape.
If you're in your first trimester, make an appointment with your health care provider to begin prenatal care. You'll find out what to expect during the first trimester and beyond. What you learn can help you take the best care of yourself and your baby.
- mayoclinic.org
Pro-Choice (i.e. selective-child), with exception for self-defense, and reconciliation of rape (and perhaps rape-rape), is two choices too late. Planned Baby should occur well within the first trimester, and without an incentive for recycled-child, well before. The progress of summary judgments (i.e. life deemed unworthy) and cruel and unusual punishment needs to be curbed.
Some angry lefties went to my blog and used personal information (I make no secret of my identity like you lefties ) to try to make obscene comments.
Your'e complaining about this when you invent vile accusations against me? Talk about hypocrisy.
Your'e complaining about this when you invent vile accusations against me? Talk about hypocrisy.
Oh I haven't made any "vile accusations" about you , Freder. You just post ridiculous things, many of which are absolute nonsense.
I was just commenting on the malice leftist commenters seem to exhibit.
Not you particularly but some are really nasty. Those commenter at Washington Monthly were particularly vile and I was banned soon after. I sometimes wonder if it occurs to you that you are never banned at conservative/libertarian sites.
I see the tone did not improve after I quit.
"Inga...Allie Oop said...
I advocate abortion only until the 20 th week. Ive said this numerous times on these threads over the years."
Ritmo, do you love anyone? Does anyone love you?
Inga's imaginary children have whatever degree or profession that she requires for her latest retarded political point she fails to make. Somehow, despite having that brilliant attorney for a daughter, she nevertheless had to whine and ask around online about how to pursue her disability scam for her fake back injury.
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