So far, law enforcement says they aren't "explosive devices." Hoax devices made to appear dangerous.
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) October 25, 2018
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
So far, law enforcement says they aren't "explosive devices." Hoax devices made to appear dangerous.
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) October 25, 2018
This getting curiouser and more curiouser. The presumed targets acted with more than normal bravery. Another hoax to gin up support for the Left/Democrats?
Like I said on another blog, fake bombs to Democrats causes mass fake news freakput.
Republican Congressman really shot with real bullets is simply not very newsworthy.
Hopefully we'll find this jolly prankster and divine his motivations.
Apparently not all the mailed items have been analyzed.
BTW, did any in the Press question why so many of their own and NY state government officials were in a rush to call this terrorism? When a guy plows a van into a bunch of tourist in a pedestrian mall and jumps out yelling "Alluh Akbar", we are told Trump shouldn't rush to calling this terrorism. So how are hoax bombs terrorism?
I'm just trying to understand the rules, other than its ok when Democrats do it. Because is if it is ok why Democrats do it; then that might explain what's really going on.
I've already seen this reported as a mass assassination attempt. Get it first, but get it right. The Scalise shooting was a mass assassination attempt.
I think this situation is hilarious.
As a reminder. The Scalise shooting was also not called terrorism.
They look like they tell time. It reminds me of what Obama said to Clock Boy about his incredible workmanship: "We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great".
These "bombs" are as lethal as Clock Boy's.
I love how there are two wires, one for each end.
Just so you all know there is no reason to have two wires for something like this.
I sure hope the hoax device creator wasnt in black face when he/she dropped off those islamic-clock-boy knockoffs.
Six forever stamps doesn’t cover postage for a bulky-ass package like that. Hard to believe these were delivered by the USPS. But maybe the fake bomber wanted his fake victims to pay the postage due. How devious!
RK: "It reminds me of what Obama said to Clock Boy about his incredible workmanship: "We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great"."
Which reminds me of the time obama called Bowe Bergdahl an honorably serving hero.
Happened to catch Bret Baer on Fox just now. AB Stoddard, who I thought was sane, is going on about how this is Trump's fault.
Is there anyone in the media still sane ?
The perp is a head case. My bet is that he's got right wing sympathies, but mostly he's loony. There's an outside chance that it's some kind of agitprop by a Democrat or, perhaps, a foreign agent but the odds are he's white, right, and crazy. If so, he will become the typical Trump voter. If he's not white or some kind of right wing crazy, we will hear how mental illness is a problem that is insufficiently cared for because of inadequate funding by the Republicans.
They put 6 stamps on something that was obviously hand delivered and after a cursory search obviously couldn't blow up.
It was so obvious they brought media in to take pictures of it from 5 feet away after opening the package.
This is how stupid and desperate leftists are.
These devices were designed to be caught, but not designed to be dangerous. The list of recipients is very curious--DeNiro? Really? And Debbie Wasserman Schultz?
Apparently these have been traced to a Florida area, where Shultz is. Which begs the question: Mailing something from Florida to all of these places and they all showed up on the same day, for the most part? That's.... unusual. The US mail is not that efficient.
Plus, all of these places have video, but we've not heard a word. There's something rotten in the state of Liberalia.
False flag looking more and more likely as the time goes on.
Why are we still debating whether or not these are bombs? Made and delivered to maim/kill political opponents?
So easily led down the rabbit hole, by the nose, by the "news" media.
no the brainslugs have chewed straight through the medulla oblungatta, so it's like the ghostbusters remake, a big bust,
I didn't immediate jump to a conclusion on these "bombs". I wanted to wait and see how it plays out. Make sure nobody was hurt.
Now, I'd say - 90% likelihood of false flag by idiotic Antifa types.
Not all are fake
Trump should tweet, "Cool clock, CNN. Want to bring it to the White House?"
Anyway, my guess is that it is a prankster with a sense of humor (return address to DWS is funny) but with bad judgement.
Nitrate Bomb sent to Micheal Moore
Michael K: "Happened to catch Bret Baer on Fox just now. AB Stoddard, who I thought was sane, is going on about how this is Trump's fault."
AB Stoddard is and has been 100% max anti-Trump and pro-dem.
She still denies that Trump was spied upon while simultaneously arguing that Trump deserved it!
She and Jonah Goldberg make quite a team on Brett Baier's show.
Bay Area Guy: I agree with you, I suspect Antifa as well.
The "authorities" knew this yesterday but our sad sack journo-lists are just belatedly catching up and reporting this. Funny how that happens every, single, time when it benefits the democrats.
Fake news
Fake Russian dossier
Fake Mueller invesigation
Fake rape
Fake bombs
Fake Republican 'Seqway Boy'
What is left?
Vance, I am thinking the same thing, how could all of these targets at all of these different geographical locations receive the same package on the same day? Thats seems very odd to me particularly if they are saying they were all mailed from Florida.
My guess is that we will never know the identity of the perp. We never found out who sent the anthrax letters, either. The anthrax letters infected 22 people and killed 5 of them. The erstwhile witch hunter, Robert Mueller, was FBI Director at the time.
Right now all we know is that suspicious items that could be bombs or could be hoaxes were mailed to various Democrats but that is more than enough to cause a MSM anti-Trump freak-out. I also think the MSM is hoping this will distract from the mob making its way to the border – which is in my opinion probably a desperation move by some entity on the Left that is backfiring in Trump’s favor.
I doubt that any of this will affect the election. Most have already made up their minds. I early voted today at a location that is usually the least busy of the early voting stations. I waited over an hour in line before getting to vote; it usually takes a few minutes. I’ve been early voting there for many years. The only other instance of this much activity I can remember was the 2016 Trump election.
So the Republican terrorist just wanted to intimidate. No difference, ultimately that's what all terrorism is about anyway.
Where are the postmarks on the stamps?
If they went through the mail, can anybody see the postmarks?
Go ahead!
A USPS employee called a show today and pointed out what I remember to be true, because I went through USPS training two years ago. USPS employees are trained to recognize suspicious packages, and these packages looked like training exercise examples. Misspellings. Drop-ship. Irregular shape. Inexact postage. They were designed to be discovered by postal employees.
"Where are the postmarks on the stamps?
If they went through the mail, can anybody see the postmarks?"
Birkel, see my previous post. I meant to add that these packages look like the work of a USPS employee.
Since they were mailed by DWS, she must be the perp. (Using the simplistic reasoning process of the left, this has to be correct.)
Can you find the postmark?
Nitrate bomb for Michael Moore. Hahahaha.
The conspiracy theories just never end with you people. I guess the reality of who you chose for President demands living in a alternate universe.
Royal ass Inga,
Do you see a postmark?
You can get the cheap replacement auto clock used in the "bomb" for $5.99 at Amazon:
It has no timing capability. It has no alarm.
"GitRDone" fake ISIS stickers? I suspect 4chan.
"So the Republican terrorist just wanted to intimidate. No difference, ultimately that's what all terrorism is about anyway."
Like harassing people in restaurants?
What a maroon.
Lot long ago it was the custom, of mostly activists on the left, to do the "pie in the face" thing to pols or pundits they didn't like, or the "glitter bomb" thing.
The newsies treated it like a joke -- ha! Ha! but it was pure intimidation, the message sent and received was "If I can get close enough to do this to you, I can get close enough to put a knife in you, shoot you, or throw a vial of acid in your face."
There's no way someone with Brennan's training would have pulled that out of the package without knowing it was inert. Mail bombs are usually set up to go off when you open the package.
Brennan knew it was a hoax.
If I can get close enough to do this to you, I can get close enough to put a knife in you, shoot you, or throw a vial of acid in your face.
That's why a guy should marry a woman like Wendy Deng.
(USA Today)Robert De Niro, one of Trump's most-outspoken critics, targeted with 'suspicious package'
Does Titus have an alibi?
First it was "Dr." Ford's fake case and now these fake bombs. Desperate Dimms
"Hoax devices made to appear dangerous."
So, basically the equivalent of an Amy Schumer Special on Netflix?
Judge Kavanaugh Bomb Intercepted
Thinking through the functionality aspect, I just got my nephew a small model rocket and engines which have electronic igniters. Not being an explosive type, it seem it would be simple to rig up such an igniter/initiator with some compacted gun powder inside a metal tube, with rifle primers as a jump. If I can think this through, I would think this would be a much more frequent crime. A simple pressure plate, or tape holding down the switch. Not that I encourage, suggest, or condone such crimes, but it seems that anyone who took shop class in the late 70s or early 80s, should be able to construct a functional device. The fact that they are not currently regularly occurring with actual explosions is encouraging. Again, I condemn all political violence, and this is just a thought exercise.
Ha! Now I think this actually does perhaps expand the suspect list to ‘conservatives’ - a group who theorize military violence but are too often incapable of performing it themselves- we prefer a volunteer military and police force to do that for us. So, my theory of the moment is that this ‘elusive perpetrator' is not actually dangerous - the perpetrator is a ‘conservative’ not out to physically hurt much less kill anyone - but out to imitate/take-on the familiar Liberal technique of restaurant, public space, home-driveway harassment…….which reminds me - hasn’t this story already gotten more ‘outraged, horrified’ ink and airtime then the actual shooting of multiple conservatives and public servants at a softball game in DC???!
I think even POTUS Trump was happy to see this story and to properly wail and lament in the modern cultural mode- it distracts from the Kashoggi bullshit drama…..who says our potus is not learning on the job?
What a world…..
Hmmmm. Well, it's good to see the post office delivers something besides junk mail.
The MSM is managing to look even nuttier than usual, no one is going to take them seriously after this, I've been laughing for two days. But it isn't just the MSM, there seems to be a nationwide outbreak of crazy as the elections loom. For instance, there is outcry because the NIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems) Conference won't change its name. It's wonderland out there.
Actually they apparently are hoax devices made to look like hoax devices.
Though with all the embarrassment this guy (and it is a guy; women don't see this kind of humor) has caused our politicians and leading TV commentaristers to beclown themselves, I do not think a defense of, "I am not a terrorist; it was all an obvious joke" is going to do him much good.
I don't know. Thinking like a Republican terrorist, this target list wouldn't be mine.
Obama and Bill, for example, aren't on either.
DiNiro isn't either. Who cares about New York Loud Mouths? The city is full of them.
Every time Maxine Waters speaks, another county becomes Red. She is our best recruiter.
This is an odd list. Which doesn't mean it isn't a Righty...but I need evidence.
And fucking John Kaisich is trying to take over McCain's mantle of Republican Asshole. He is on CNN fluffing Anderson Cooper.
Not to mention - I think the hallmark psych forensic so far seems to be that the letter-bomb perp has a sense of humor and irony - he/she made the return address Wssermanshulzhrface ex-head of the DNC. ...Humor and irony are a conservative trait never to be found at all among Liberals.
Why put the perp put that a-hole Deniro on the list? Because the perp is a NYr, who - of course - spends time in Florida.
these packages looked like training exercise examples. Misspellings. Drop-ship. Irregular shape. Inexact postage. They were designed to be discovered by postal employees.
Good point and, like TSA exercise bombs, they all went through unimpeded.
I wonder what the internal polls at the DNC are showing.
AB Stoddard is and has been 100% max anti-Trump and pro-dem.
I had missed that as I don't watch TV news or talk shows anymore.
Did anyone watch the midday press conference hosted by the FBI and NY police(?)?
It was simply amazing to me. It was a half hour of congratulating themselves and giving a shout out to anyone who came near one of these "bombs," including the guys who drove the trucks to quantico with them, while simultaneously frightening the populus by repeatedly telling them to report any suspicious package to the FBI 1 800 CALL FBI hotline. Like anyone would recognize a suspicious package from the outside packaging.
When they finally threw it open to questions, the press, to their credit, repeatedly tried to confirm whether ANY of these devices were actual bombs. And the spokesman every time refused to answer. Just as I wished a reporter would ask the question, "What questions are you willing to answer?," someone finally asked a question that forced the spokescreature to admit that they were not bombs, but no more than "suspected bombs." They even deferred questions saying that they couldn't comment because they were working with postal authorities, while simultaneously showing photos of the packages with UNCANCELED stamps.
Never have I seen the deep state so on display congratulating themselves, protecting their rice bowls, and scaring the public by trying to prove their importance as this.
Achilles said...
Just so you all know there is no reason to have two wires for something like this.
How would you ignite it without completing a circuit?
@Todd Galle, not to mention tens of thousands of former US military who are familiar with IEDs from their experience in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. Many — most? — could build one on their own. This thing has screamed “hoax” from start to finish.
Stolen from elsewhere on the intertubes:
Brian Stelter: What happen?
Chris Cuomo: Someone set up us the bomb.
Ander Copper: We get signal.
Don Lemon: What?
Chri Cumo: Main screen turn on.
Brian Stelter: It's you!
Orange Bad Man: How are you gentlemen?
All your base are belong to us.
You are on the way to destruction.
Don Lemon: What you say?
Orange Bad Man: You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha ha ha...
So there's been a spate of Muslim honor students sending their science-fair clocks to journalists and other Democrats?
The Republican terrorists are just violent by nature. Achilles is a good case in point. Nearly every thread he comments on he threatens violent reprisals against his political adversaries writ large in the population and talks about how many guns he feels his allies have as a way to underscore his aims. He sees nothing wrong or even untoward in this.
The Republiclones need something to believe in other than just the usual graft, oligarchy and nativism that they're ordinarily about. For them, violence will do. They reject reason and think that societies should be "ruled" through might and power.
So about the postmark, have you found it yet?
It's gaslighting. The truth is obvious and they refuse to say it.
Achilles said...
Just so you all know there is no reason to have two wires for something like this.
How would you ignite it without completing a circuit?
If it was an actual metal pipe bomb you could use the casing as half the circuit path. I don't think PVC conducts electricity, though.
The Republican terrorists are just violent by nature.
I'm sure that's a comfort to Steve Scalise, being shot by a Democrat and all.
The Republiclones need something to believe in other than just the usual graft, oligarchy and nativism that they're ordinarily about. For them, violence will do. They reject reason and think that societies should be "ruled" through might and power.
Another way to put that is we live in the real world and you don't.
They reject reason and think that societies should be "ruled" through might and power.
That's pretty funny coming from a communist.
we live in the real world...
Bob Laidlow's reason for rejecting reason, everybody.
Pretty impressive, ain't it? Well, for a pre-modern, anyway. Bob apparently thinks barbarism is under-appreciated.
Too bad most people aren't as paranoid as they are, given their need to gin up fear and all.
Who's rejecting reason? How well did Obama's kumbaya foreign policy work out?
You're living in a fantasy world.
I'm sure that's a comfort to Steve Scalise, being shot by a Democrat and all.
Well that's one person anyway. Don't worry - you jackoffs are well on your way to a much higher partisan body count ratio.
It's what you want, isn't it? Many more Democrats threatened and/or killed to Republicans?
President Blonde Nazi did say he could gun someone down on Fifth Avenue and not lose votes, after all. Do you disagree with him, your leader?
How well did Obama's kumbaya foreign policy work out?
Pretty good. We didn't get laughed off the stage at the UN, there weren't foreign attacks against us (until Trump invited them into our voting booths) and we didn't go around being Putin and the House of Sa'ud's butt boys.
But I keep forgetting which foreign princes pull your strings.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
"Achilles said...
Just so you all know there is no reason to have two wires for something like this.
How would you ignite it without completing a circuit?"
How many wires are in a standard flashlight? None. You obviously have never made a pipe bomb, the metal pipe completes the circuit.
So Achilles, who keeps promising us that he's on the cusp of becoming the next entrepreneurial titan of hydroponics, doesn't know how circuits and flashlights work.
Republicanism in action, everyone.
I received a bomb!!
I remember when the Betty Ford Clinic first opened. It suddenly became fashionable to re-habilatate. All the A-List movie stars were doing it!!
The woke journalism team is on this:
Design of bombs targeting Trump critics came from Internet: source
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Investigators believe that the design and instructions for building the bombs sent to several critics of U.S. President Donald Trump this week were taken from the internet, a federal law enforcement official told Reuters on Thursday.
The instructions for such devices are widely available on websites and in propaganda distributed by Islamic militant groups including Al Qaeda and ISIS, said the official and a former federal government bomb expert.
The federal official also said the designs could have been lifted from “The Anarchist Cookbook,” a notorious bomb and hacker manual dating to the early 1970s.
There was no claim of responsibility for the spate bombs, none of which exploded.
Reporting by Mark Hosenball; Editing by Lisa Shumaker and Cynthia Osterman
One named writer. Two named editors.
Imagine the people who "wrote" this drivel looking at themselves in the mirror and calling themselves "journalists."
Pretty good. We didn't get laughed off the stage at the UN, there weren't foreign attacks against us (until Trump invited them into our voting booths) and we didn't go around being Putin and the House of Sa'ud's butt boys.
Again. Fantasy land.
At some point our "experts" will admit the hoax "bombs" were filled with non explosives. So far they have been dodging and weaving explaining what they are filled with other than laughable qualifiers like they "could be" dangerous. My guess is they are filled with powdered non dairy creamer.
9 "bombs" - 0 explosions.
Draw your own conclusion.
How appropriate to be watching Barney Fife on an old Andy Griffith Show rerun while seeing this post...
Can't we just go back to a simpler time, when the George Jackson Brigade blew up dumpsters behind Safeway stores when they were closed so no one got hurt? I mean thye had greivances and wanted attention, but god forbid if real people got hurt.
Just to point out, when Laidlow says "fantasy," it's apparently his concession that he can't say when Obama got laughed at in the U.N. as Trump did, or when he subverted American interests to Saudi and Putin priorities, or when he allowed a foreign power to take over our election. Even though everyone knows that Trump did ALL of those things.
But he's got POWER in those hair plugs, or something. Right. And the bellowing that no one pays attention to. Carry on.
It's good that Republiclones have Trump, a guy who will say anything. Because Republiclones like Laidlow will believe anything.
Break time at McDonalds?
or when he allowed a foreign power to take over our election. Even though everyone knows that Trump did ALL of those things.
Trump wasn't elected until November, 2016, dimwit.
The Iranians loved Obama. They got a pallet of cash to use in their nuclear program, while the administration was too embarrassed to admit they broke the agreement the day it was signed. You people are babes in the woods. You made up Trump ties to Russia out of whole cloth and then keep trying to gloss over the fact the Russians bribed Hillary for permission to buy Uranium. Oh, but I'm sure Putin would never have held that over her head if we'd been unlucky enough to have her at the helm.
You're not evil, Ritmo. But you are naive to the point of stupidity.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
Achilles said...
Just so you all know there is no reason to have two wires for something like this.
How would you ignite it without completing a circuit?
This is the best.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
So Achilles, who keeps promising us that he's on the cusp of becoming the next entrepreneurial titan of hydroponics, doesn't know how circuits and flashlights work.
Republicanism in action, everyone.
IoB's stupid is way more entertaining than your stupid.
Looks like the squirrel bombs did come from the Miami area. They all went through the Opa Locka mail distribution facility that services Miami area.
"However experts say the bombs may never have been intended to explode
The lack of a triggering mechanism suggests they were designed to scare"
Squirrel Bombs
People are building parody bombs, so serious is the situation. A wind-up alarm clock tied to a stick with string, a banana, etc.
We briefly achieved fusion at work with a potato clock.
"How well did Obama's kumbaya foreign policy work out?"
Well, if you call his continuing and expanding the Bush wars, as well as expanding the number of drone strikes, "kumbaya foreign policy," it did about as well as did Bush's presumably more macho foreign policy: we killed and injured a lot of people, destroyed a lot of infrastructure, continued to create enemies who wish ill against us, (as we would against any foreign power that lobbed bombs into our city squares), and we squandered trillions of dollars that could have been spent here at home, (including replenishing the Social Security funds, looted over time by Washington to pay for other shit)...all without accomplishing one iota of good.
"all without accomplishing one iota of good."
Not even killing Saddam Hussein and his murderous brood?
Your ideological extremism leads you to make foolish, absolutist statements, Robert Cook.
You could have said that in balance it did no good, but you had to fly to the extreme and say "without accomplishing one iota of good."
Mac McConnell said...
How many wires are in a standard flashlight? None. You obviously have never made a pipe bomb, the metal pipe completes the circuit.
That's fine, if you use a metal pipe. These pipe "bombs" were made with PVC pipe. PVC works for a pipe bomb ( not as well as steel ), but does not work for completing the circuit.
Achilles said...
This is the best.
Thank you. Do you have an answer to the question?
I haven't heard anyone yet say what kind of "explosive" was used to make the bombs.
Something stinks here. Until I hear evidence that actual explosives were used, I'm going on the assumption that they held none.
I haven't heard anyone yet say what kind of "explosive" was used to make the bombs.
I think I read that he used some sprinklings from firecrackers. That's me being serious, it's not a joke, and it came from a news org, if memory serves. But I can wait to hear more. All we know for sure right now is that it is Trump's fault. The rest will come in time.
It would be really funny if the explosives turned out to be caps scraped off of the roll.
all without accomplishing one iota of good.
You should go to Iraq and ask them if they are happy that their sons, brothers, and fathers aren't getting dragged off to interrogation rooms, never to be seen again, or their sisters, daughters, wives, and mothers are no longer at risk of being dragged off to rape rooms. Maybe talk to the "Marsh Arabs" who lived in marshes that Saddam built dams to drain. Kind of like we killed off the buffalo to starve the plains Indians. "One iota" is a pretty high standard. Everything is black and white with you, but the world persists in being in shades of grey.
Designed for political chaos and division only - not the person who did it, honestly, they are irrelevant - but the way politicians and the media 'never let a crisis go to waste'.
(the 'whodunit' will be what the media want it to be).
Ignorance is Bliss said...
Mac McConnell said...
"How many wires are in a standard flashlight? None. You obviously have never made a pipe bomb, the metal pipe completes the circuit.
That's fine, if you use a metal pipe. These pipe "bombs" were made with PVC pipe. PVC works for a pipe bomb ( not as well as steel ), but does not work for completing the circuit."
As shrapnel PVC is better as it shatters rather than splits. Creating more shrapnel. The downside is it's lighter and won't carry as far.
I guess the reality of who you chose for President demands living in a alternate universe.
Says the Jill Stein voter.
The Republican terrorists are just violent by nature. - Ritmo
If we were half as violent as you accuse us of being, you'd be dead already.
But there you sit. Pounding your keyboard without a care in the world.
Why is that?
Sending a fake bomb through the mail is a major federal felony punishable by 10 years imprisonment. 18 USC 844(e).
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