You can watch the whole sketch if you scroll back to the beginning, but I'm setting it to start at the depiction of Susan Collins, who, of course, can't be shown as a strong, principled woman who gave the best speech anyone can remember a Senator giving. No, she's a witless patsy, just vaguely realizing she's been had:
If it were funnier, I'd make a new tag, Kavanomedy. But it isn't funny. The main idea is that the American people were overwhelmingly opposed to Kavanaugh and are ferociously angry now and will let the clueless Senators feel their wrath in the midterm elections. If the Kavanaugh-haters who watch the show could really believe that, maybe they'd laugh, but there's no evidence that's what's happening out there in the real world. Oh, what am I saying? Who needs evidence?! Live within the fantasy for as long as you can, and "SNL" wants to be inside your bubble. Not much comic potential there, but who cares? It's the Era of That's Not Funny.
IN THE COMMENTS: gilbar — quoting my "SNL" wants to be inside your bubble — links to the "SNL" sketch that acknowledged the bubble within which it pictures its audience:
১১১টি মন্তব্য:
You can watch the whole sketch
...or just slash your wrists now and be done with it.
I'm dreaming dreams, I'm scheming schemes,
I'm building castles high.
They're born anew, their days are few,
Just like a sweet butterfly.
And as the daylight is dawning,
They come again in the morning!
When shadows creep, when I'm asleep,
To lands of hope I stray!
Then at daybreak, when I awake,
My bluebird flutters away.
Happiness, you seem so near me,
Happiness, come forth and cheer me!
Susan Collins is Susan Collins, but I have never questioned that she is straight. Maine must just be a little different place - a bit more Bob Newhartly, perhaps.
You can watch the whole sketch
"...or just slash your wrists now and be done with it."
...or get yourself punched in the balls. HAW! Because, in this era of That's Not Funny, at least we still have male-on-male sexual assault to laugh at.
on the other hand, this makes me laugh out loud:
Propaganda has never been known for its comedic value (intentional comedy, anyway).
"The main idea is that the American people were overwhelmingly opposed to Kavanaugh and are ferociously angry now"
Activists of all stripes always seem convinced that they, they alone, represent the true mass of public opinion, and only dark forces prevent them from victory.
they have some character yelling about Susan; "that's our girl, our ONE girl!"
As an iowan, i'd guess i'd have to say that i didn't know that Joni Ernst wasn't a republican senator anymore?
But the Important Thing for us all to know is:
NO ONE can EVER be allowed to mock or belittle a woman (unless she's a republican woman)
Susan Collins, who, of course, can't be shown as a strong, principled woman who gave the best speech anyone can remember a Senator giving.
Principled as seen in soap operas. The lady is a flake.
Whoever wrote Susan Collins' speech did a helluva job.
It hit all the right notes for the time and place it was given. While the execution was a bit tortured because of Senator Collins' voice and halting speech, it was still incredible.
Color me impressed.
Our Professor says: "SNL wants to be inside Your bubble"
they already Are! SNL Bubble sketch
SNL hasn't been funny since Grant took Richmond.
Eat your livers, Lefties, eat your livers! How does it feel to be in the same class now with scum Mexican bandidos? "Evidence? We don't need no stinkin' evidence!"
If the next SC nominee is Amy Barrett, they will pin the entire Catholic Church sex abuse scandal on her. She will have personally met with all the Popes, going back to John Paul II, behind closed doors to approve the abuse of women and boys by priests and bishops.
Bet on it.
Ball-grabbing was a short ongoing gag in Veep, setting up derailing an investigation of corruption into an investigation of sexual harassment, a much more serious crime; therein is the gag. I recommend all six seasons on DVD. Both left and right will find it funny, for different reasons. The left for the exposed character flaws in political leaders and the right for the gullibility of the public.
Scott Adams praised Collins's speech as the best thing ever but Adams stays away from the sexual difference third rail. He doesn't mean any of it.
Take Adams's judgment of Collins's being persuasive as meaning persuasive to women.
Men's judgment of Collins's speech is what the fuck took you so long.
If only we didn't have to be politically correct, there's a gold mine of great material in the whole Kavanaugh Senate fiasco.
The SNLers are actually hoping that #MeToo will destroy the network of Matt Lauer last if they show that they believe all women.
This has been an epic tragedy, but I chuckled at a MSNBC commentator accusing Senator Graham of "toxic masculinity." More proof, if any was needed, of complete dissociation from reality.
I don't mind the lefties creating their own b.s. realities if it makes them feel good. Just don't drag the rest of us down with it.
Schumer is going to get a punch to the balls on Nov 6.
"Meanwhile, Senator Collins subjected us to a slow funeral dirge about due process and some other nonsense..."
That's funny, but I suspect unintentional.
Celebrate. Be happy. The joy of the Lord is our strength. The 5 to 4 power is ours, and nobody doesn't like having power.
Suicide watch among Team Obama is at defcon 5. How will SNL ridicule that?
rh is right. If she married Jeff Flake she’d be Susan Collins-Flake.
(No need to check my math. It’s funny- roll with it)
SNL is "Excruciating TV". Must Watch? Not so much.
Way too many women in the congress. It can only get worse.
Trad guy,
You probably mean Defcon 1.
The protests are dominated by shrill, ugly women and a few wimpy men.
Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, the Murphy Brown reboot, a real clapter-fest, has been a ratings bomb, even with Special Guest Star Hillary Clinton.
On the whole I think most in-the-middle people are very relieved that the tactic did not work. Even if one did not want Kavanaugh on the SC, the precedent would have been terrible.
So I am acutely relieved. I know quite a few people who seem very relieved. This is going to be one of the "moments" that really does send people into opposite corners.
It is definitely not good for the Democratic party. I think in the end, it will make the strong blue counties stronger blue and the red counties even redder. It will flip many purple counties to red.
"You can watch the whole sketch"
or you can watch the few scenes of Apocalypse Now with Robert Duvall as Col. Kilgore:
"Smell that? You smell that? Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like… Victory. Someday this war's gonna end…"
That was a pretty funny editorial, Paco Wove, but I'm sure that it was not intentional.
Grennell never bothered to explain why gender identity is good, but racial identity is bad. In case you think that this Columbia graduate isn't being scientific in her judgment that white women voted for Trump because they were racists, she gives us this:
During the 2016 presidential election, did white women really vote with their whiteness in mind? Lorrie Frasure-Yokley, a political scientist at U.C.L.A., recently measured the effect of racial identity on white women’s willingness to support Trump in 2016 and found a positive and statistically significant relationship. So white women who voted for him did so to prop up their whiteness.
Well, who can argue with that!
Republican senators are so brave.
They did not chump it this time
Let's how long this newfound testicular fortitude lasts.
If you read the NYT, its only Republicans that were responsible, nothing about Democrats who created the entire show from smoke and mirrors - Show How You Feel, Kavanaugh Was Told, and a Nomination Was Saved
I've been thinking some more about that Grennell NY times piece. Running her reasoning to its endpoint.
And I think that, since transsexuals overwhelmingly did not support Trump, and 53% of white women did support Trump, that means that a biologically male white person who wears a dress is more of a women than a white woman with a vagina.
I stopped watching SNL a long time ago. Dana Carvey doing George H B Bush and Will Ferrell doing George W. Bush was really funny. Then it all just became stupid, mean spirited, and snarky. I think snark is easy to do - it's basically just belittling people. There's not much funny about that to me. Then I watched some of the sketches and it just seemed to me that the women comedians were degrading themselves. It's not fun to me to watch people degrading themselves either. Haven't watched for a long time, so maybe I'm missed some good stuff. It just wasn't worth it to me to sit through all the garbage to get to the rare instances when the show is actually funny.
Comedy succeeds most when it reveals a truth nobody wants to address.
SNL presents falsehoods too many already address.
"Our Professor says: "SNL wants to be inside Your bubble"
they already Are! SNL Bubble sketch"
I was thinking about that and decided not to go there. They did ONCE get on the outside of the bubble. Will do an update.
Caricature requires empathy for the target.
> Caricature requires empathy for the target.
If you can't empathize with Collins, who
"took her job seriously" - working long hours, reading raw FBI reports, thinking about consequences
Then you are pushing what you accused conservatives of believing.
They missed an opportunity to go for the same old thing.
Hilarious! The SNL mirth festival continues!
1. Gotta seize the political momentum to add 3-4 GOP Senators in the midterms,
2. Gotta thwart the Dems from taking over the House
3. Gotta prosecute Julie Swetnick for perjury; and
4. Gotta grab Rod Rosenstein by the balls.
The fatal conceit of Liberalism
is they feel superior to those who "need their help".
That is why Obama brought Trump.
> That is why Obama brought Trump.
After being vilified and then used as a foil for 8 years
Republicans were "born again hard".
Thanks for your role in that SNL rubber stampers.
I'm not going to play those Sandia National Labs videos because the facial expressions in the stills makes me feel sorry for those folks.
Do you think the left no longer considers a woman like they don't consider Coulter or Palin women?
"As an iowan, i'd guess i'd have to say that i didn't know that Joni Ernst wasn't a republican senator anymore?"
-- I assume that SNL just didn't care, or we were supposed to be thinking this was just the committee (or is Ernst on the committee?)
The Ruth Bader Ginsburg segment they did on Weekend Update last week was pretty funny, actually. Probably because they didn't try to make it into a nonstop Kavanaugh hatefest.
If SNL could do a sketch with Trump meeting Avenatti in an underground garage, handing him a bag of money and saying “Fantastic job”, then that could be funny.
"SNL hasn't been funny since Grant took Richmond."
-- They used to at least be funny in their obvious "REPUBLICANS BAD" approach though. Like this one yeah, it's basic, but, eh, at least they TRIED.
It's not just SNL. If you went by the dozen lefty talk show hosts, you would assume less then 5% of the country supported Trump and/or Republicans.
Susan Collins suffers from the Mary Poppin's condition supercalifragilisticexpialidocious stupidosis. There were plenty of reasons to boof the Kavenaugh nomination apart from attempted rape in his drunken youth. For one, he has an expansive view of male entitlement that has no place in the #metoo era. He and Squish believed that Sushi is a French tickler when it is more Japanese than Sapporo beer. Notice that "male" is made of "m" + "ale." Do you think that is mere coincidence knowing Kavanaugh's lion history of getting blackout smashed on ale when he had exams the next day? How utterly irresponsible of him to stagger into a stag party and expose himself to the ladies. Don't put his junk on the "high" court. Trump is a male lion chauvinist pig, and total teetotaler bullshitter. Trump is a "total" mess on the "tees." Disgustingly, he swings both way - both awkwardly bad like an aardvark attempting to play golf. Watch him swing at a golf ball and weep. What a creep! Trump's off his rocker and bat shit crazy, too. Imagine if he were drunk on top of her with the nuclear codes. He might launch one on Air Force One, or two, or three. Next thing you know, somebody gets hurt.
I find it interesting that Manchin is hit so hard here, since his vote wasn't necessary and is voting yes to save his Senate seat. You'd think they'd realize that, but the orthodoxy doesn't allow blasphemy.
Blogger rhhardin said...
Take Adams's judgment of Collins's being persuasive as meaning persuasive to women.
Agree with this. I walked by the TV a couple of times and watched a minute of two of the speech. My impression was that she was having the time of her life with everyone watching her. All those people who didn't know who she was.
It worked though, but mostly on soap opera women.
People don't go to SNL for comedy anymore. They go for a religious message.
FINALLY Ann scores over Hardin. He's had a remarkable run but his summary of Collins, “ She's a Flake” shows I don’t actually have to change my mind about him.
I wonder at one point Lorne Michael's will cut his loses and just retire. SNL is no more relevant to younger viewers than the Saturday Evening Post was to Ann when she was in college.
Time Magazine.
Saturday Night Live.
Name three things that live on despite serving no purpose.
When they were writing the sketch, and someone said "And at this point he punches Schumer in the balls!", do you thank any of the comedy writers thought that it was funny? Up to par? At or exceeding the mark?
Religious events over the weekend for Democrats: SNL and MTP.
Religious events over the weekend for Republicans: church.
(And yes, I am typing this for the average of the two groups and not you in particular, dear readers.)
People don't go to SNL for comedy anymore. They go for a religious message.
Exactly. I was reading a comments thread a couple of days ago and one of the commenters wrote, "you Trump voters aren't the neighbors and citizens we thought you were." The condescension is strong in that one.
I never saw conservatives attack Susan Collins for her numerous perceived "betrayals" the way SNL did mocking her voice, etc. Cecily Strong looked more like Lisa Murkowski anyway.
And has SNL ever depicted CBF in any manner whatsoever? Was the CBF personae really that weird she couldn't even be shown as the straight woman in a sketch? Talk about an invisible pawn.
The purpose of SNL is to allow clips be re-broadcast on the Sunday morning talk shows. Chuck Todd is guaranteed to run at least one every week on NBC. George Snuffalupagus will run one on ABC.
And then they are re-re-broadcast on Monday morning gabfests. This is the amplification, or echo chamber if you prefer, needed to push the broad middle just a little left. And that dampens turnout amongst the middle that would otherwise settle into the more conservative approach to life.
Ah, Sunday morning, and people are waking up groaning and swearing to never again spend the night with SNL.
"The purpose of SNL is to allow clips be re-broadcast on the Sunday morning talk shows" Yeah, this used to work but now it's just sad. I work around silicon valley and no one in the break room talks about this show any more and if they did it would be for a musical act. If a sketch kills its still circulated by email, Hulu etc. but not the last month or two. Sad!
I almost never watch SNL, but I am interested in the post-mortem about the open. I thought the concept was good - winning and losing locker rooms -- and there were a few funny bits, but the meanness towards Graham especially and towards Collins drains out the humor. I don't understand why they think the Graham stuff is funny, but they clearly do. I have no idea if Graham is gay, but SNL thinks it is funny to unload on him. It shows the gay rights stuff to be phony, at least from the SNL crowd.
It is probably my bias, but I thought the Schumer bit was somewhere between amusing and funny. Flake was a little funny. The pop in by the guy from Louisiana was funny, but you would need to be familiar with him to get it. It was a little funny for the female prosecutor to be part of the celebration.
I thought the Dana Bash character did a good job. It was perhaps unintentionally cute when she went out of character for the ending.
Overall - D.
SNL is late night TV for the democrat party.
HIllarywoodland-WEisteinland - it's one giant poopy pants Hillary lost butt hurt party and the party never ends.
Well, the first problem with SNL - for a long time - is the lack of talent.
When's the last time they had a great comedian on?
SNL used to be the gateway to success for comedians. Now, they have HBO specials, Netflixs, etc. Why do SNL?
The writers aren't very good either. Trump should be a easy, and funny target, but they've been beating that drum for 3 years, and its boring.
Just think how Not Funny this sketch will be one month from today...
Trump should be a easy, and funny target, but they've been beating that drum for 3 years, and its boring.
It was comedy gold when Phil Hartman portrayed him. But they didn't try to paint a picture of him as a buffoon back then. He was a ruthless and savvy businessman. Jan Hartman does a pretty good Ivanna too.
To be funny, satire has to be rooted in truth. Leaving aside, no one does a good impression of anyone, its not anywhere near the truth.
The Democrat senators are freaks, liars, and fools. Schumer, Fienstein, Blumensthal, Booker, Hirano - talk about easy targets!
And despite the bogus polls, no one outside a few leftists, care about Kavanaugh. 65% of Americans can't name ONE SCOTUS Judge. Out of the remaining 1/3, how many are opposing Kavanaugh? How many of those that oppose him, just look at the CNN headlines, or scanned their local newspaper?
Breitbart observed
"Politics is downstream form culture"
Liberals have owned culture for a decade.
Mainstream media, hollywood, and SNL tell you
not to color outside the lines
Collins, and our hostess, had to say "I believe Ford" because any other opinion is outside the lines. Dem Senators wanted us to "believe women" and thanked her profusely.
Graham, Rubio, Bush and others wanted to be accepted. So "reaching across the aisle" won them temporary media accolades.
They started out defeated.
They were defeated before they started, and the base lost faith.
Obama worked to narrow those lines by baiting religious conservatives and fiat implementing social policies. His dept created the "rape is common on campus" Kangaroo courts.
Obama always boosted "compromise", which means Republicans giving in to his values.
Just when all seemed lost, Trump raised the flag.
Culture dictates you are a xenophobe if you don't want open borders.
Trump nuked that out of the gate, and won anyway
Now Graham and others see you can mock Ford's evidence, and be loved by the base.
Trump is our Stonewall Jackson...
SNL is just doing their job to set the lines for everyone.
Cows begin to like the fence, and the writers for SNL know the pen is safe space.
Where's the TV show giving the R party equal time?
Notice they don't mock the most mockable: Swetnick and Avanetti
Over at Coyne's site he's chortling. The echo chamber, with one exception (me), is starting to chime in.
Comanche Voter said...
SNL hasn't been funny since Grant took Richmond.
Grant never took Richmond. The Confederates abandoned it after their defeat at Five Forks.
Oh wait; we're talking about SNL.....nevermind!
SNL IS inside my “Not tired of winning” bubble and can’t understand it. But hitting “Schumer” in the groin? Should have happened years ago to that smarmy NYC camera hog on SNL.
One of the more distinguished alumni of SNL is Al Franken. I don't watch the show much. Did they ever make fun of his frisky behavior ? Iirc, the women of SNL signed some kind of statement demonstrating support for his character......The photo did him in. In his defense, it was nothing more than a puerile joke. It was, however, a puerile joke that was made when he was an adult, and it was made with hostile intent......In defense of Kavanaugh, it should be noted that his puerile yearbook jokes were made when he was, in fact, puerile, and, at the time, none of the people involved considered the humor hostile...... I just hope that if the Democrats gain control of the House, Rep. Nadler will get to the bottom of whether Kavanaugh was making butt fucking or fart jokes in his yearbook entries. I don't think Nadler will be subjected to any fat shaming jokes on SNL, but it's difficult to predict how these things work out........For the record I don't think Franken should have resigned. Ultimately it's up to the citizens of Minnesota what are the permissible limits of boob grabbing jokes.
When art, like sketch comedy, becomes ideological, it is by definition propaganda. That's Not Funny
Anybody remember the National Lampoon's send up of high school yearbooks. I think it had a profound influence on high school yearbooks of that era. Not my generation, but I think the smart ass kids if that era competed to make the most raucous and outrageous jokes. The National Lampoon writers went on to SNL and Hollywood where they further promulgated that type of humor. It's hypocritical and offensive for SNL and Hollywood to dump on the kids of Georgetown Prep for indulging n humor that they initiated and encouraged.
"Believe all Women and Kick Men in the Balls"
@Dickin’: Did you see the photo of Bill in his leaderhoser shorts at Oktoberfest?
The only reason the "actors" on Democrat Night Live kicked Schumer in the balls is because they do not think Schumer fought dirty enough.
Schumer is a wimp.
What the left need is a real Hitler SOB.
Fucking Hollywood cunts. If SNL was hit by a meteor on live television and every one of these disgusting talentless hacks died fiery deaths, I might tune in.
PMJ having PMS
Yes. *shiver* the crime family travels. Too bad they don't just stay gone.
RCOCEAN made some good comments.
"To be funny, satire has to be rooted in truth. Leaving aside, no one does a good impression of anyone, its not anywhere near the truth."
This is exactly right when you look at bit. The Arizona prosecutor was a funny moment, in part because the actor looked and acted just like her. The Schumer deal with the glasses on the nose was similar enough for laugh over a dumb joke about did not see it coming that Kavanaugh was white. The rest were not close to truth on looks, impression or what they said.
"The Democrat senators are freaks, liars, and fools. Schumer, Fienstein, Blumensthal, Booker, Hirano - talk about easy targets!"
Thinking about this, these persons would be very easy targets. And SNL could hit them harder and get more laughs and respect. It is not like Late Night where any anti-left humor will push viewers to the further left show. There is no competition for SNL.
i thought that was funny
Here are the people who write for Late Night Democratic TV.
rcocean said:
And despite the bogus polls, no one outside a few leftists, care about Kavanaugh. 65% of Americans can't name ONE SCOTUS Judge. Out of the remaining 1/3, how many are opposing Kavanaugh? How many of those that oppose him, just look at the CNN headlines, or scanned their local newspaper?
Great observation. I've been telling my girls that the left really thinks they have larger support than they actually do because their crazy antics dominate the news media and social media. If their views were supported as universally as they claim, Donald Trump would have never been elected president.
Squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Kasich said he did not like how either side had handled Kavanaugh's chaotic confirmation process, which became especially heated after three women accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct.
Kavanaugh fervently denied the allegations and no corroborating evidence from an FBI investigation.
"I support conservatives on the court," Kasich said Sunday, pointing to the country's political divisions. "But it would make sense to work with a Democrat who would say, 'OK, I know it's gonna be conservative, alright let me help you to pick somebody so that we don't go through this.' "
AA was posting about SNL last Sunday, too, I think. It's much less time-consuming to pay attention to SNL (or to the opening routine thereof) than to the Sunday morning nonsense chattering programs, perhaps, because based on ninety seconds of that video I cannot see any other reason why anyone would watch an entire hour of that sort of thing.
Kaisch is delusional.
The collective left had the paper-work ready long before any nominee was announced.
We oppose _______________________. dated - before any announcement is made.
the biased SNL skits are just salve for their political wounds
they dont have to be funny, just cathartic
Operative phrase of AA's post: "If it were funnier." Formerly relevant for any/all, SNL is entertainment for Bubble People. wsw
@Dickin'Bimbos Good point. Even I can imagine the comedy gold of taking off on Avenatti and Swetnick. Of course if you start down that path you might end up with having a grand old time with the Page-Strzock e-mails or a meeting of the DOJ/FBI conspirators as they plot to take down the government because of the DNC dossier. There are some seriously rich veins of humor available in the malfeasance of the Comey/McCabe crew. See Powerline today with a video of "Hitler Discovers that the Democrats have been unable to block Kavanaugh" for an example.
@Walter I am not sure who Kasich thinks is his audience at this point. It seems to me that he is talking to himself and maybe his staff assistant. Even Brett Stephens took off his Never-trump hat during the confirmation circus.
Kasich is trying to set himself up for a future run for president. He obviously has no chance right now in 2020, but events change politics and 2024 will arrive down the road.
There is a scene - actually several scenes - near the beginning of War and Peace where the father of one of the main characters (the father of Prince Andrey is the guy I am talking about) repeatedly and - CLEARLY IN THE THROES OF EARLY ONSTAGE DEMENTIA - mocks everything his son says about the Russian military of the day, and about the French military.
Tolstoy was, although a rich kid with little empathy for others, sort of a fantastic outlier among people when it came to psychological description of others - and he described correctly the psychological type in question, in the SNL case arrogant liberals who think they are good and others are deluded or bad (in Tolstoy's case the old guy - the father of Prince Andrey - was an arrogant proud retired general, but it is the same thing, in a way) and I think of that old general , mocking everybody except people his own age, with his own experiences, with his own successes in life - basically saying again and again, not brooking disagreement: "nobody understands the world besides people like me who have seen other times, nobody else has a right to disagree with me because of what I have experienced, and I, too, once was admirable, and I demand to still be seen that way " - I think the SNL crew plays (successfully) to the ten or twenty percent of Americans who are locked in on the "Obama good Trump bad" worldview.
The nice thing about War and Peace, as a novel - everybody tolerated the general's semi-dementia, and those closest to him tolerated it the most. Which is like real life ....
Collins' 45-minute speech was 44 minutes too long.
"I'm voting to confirm. Thank you."
The kids don't believe you when you tell them once upon a time SNL was funny.
POS Kasich couldn't wait to wave the white flag. Outta the way, coward, the times they are a changing.
There's no one around now who is as funny as Eddie Murphy was in the 80's.
I dunno. I think that Bubble Sketch was amazingly good. But I don't watch SNL and I won't ever since that 'Hallelujah' lamentation by McKinnon. They picked a tribal side and it isn't mine.
Ever since, they've doubled down on the crazy.
The Left is like Yorkies: Small, well groomed, and incredibly noisy. And they tend to piss on everything.
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