১৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১৮

"[R]egardless of the effectiveness of [Kanye] West’s precise words, he does represent something — and that something is frightening to Democrats."

"Heaven forbid a successful, independent, young African American with a huge social media following would get out of line and gleefully support Trump. Watching the liberals panic has been kind of fun.... CNN’s coverage was particularly hysterical, alarming and insulting. Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) went so far as to question West’s sanity for meeting with the president. 'I felt like I was sitting in on a psychiatrist visit and a commercial for Donald Trump,' she said. Eager to pile on, CNN host Don Lemon ranted against West on Thursday, saying he put on a 'minstrel show' for the president, in essence questioning the legitimacy of West’s blackness. Even before West’s Oval Office meeting, CNN commentator Tara Setmayer said, 'He’s the token Negro of the Trump administration.' Another CNN commentator, Bakari Sellers, in an apparently botched and distasteful reference to a decades-old Chris Rock bit, said, 'Kanye West is what happens when Negros don’t read.'... All of this kind of reminds me of the infamous 2009 'beer summit' when President Barack Obama convened a Harvard professor and Cambridge police officer to discuss race relations and racial profiling. But that gathering accomplished nothing aside from providing the media with a feeding frenzy of contrived coverage. So if Obama could have his beer summit to do nothing, Trump and West can meet in order to stir the pot and see what happens. This will be interesting to watch. I hope the Trump and Kanye show continues."

Writes Ed Rogers at WaPo. Rogers is a GOP consultant who worked in the Reagan and the George H.W. Bush administrations. I quoted him because he summed up the CNN coverage concisely, and because he's right that the Democrats are not helping themselves by making such a big deal out of the West-Trump meeting and inviting disrespect for West. But Rogers's leaning back and enjoying the "show" isn't much different from Don Lemon's calling it a "show" (except that Don Lemon, tappng his own racial privilege as a black man, called it a "minstrel show").

Here's a Jonathan Chait piece from July 2017: "I Have Found America’s Worst Columnist" ("Ed Rogers is a Washington lobbyist, and, for reasons I have never been able to discern, a regular op-ed columnist for the Washington Post.... First, as founding member of a lobbying firm with a wide-ranging portfolio and a presumably enormous income, literally everything he writes suffers from crippling conflicts of interest. Second, he is a terrible writer whose arguments lack any originality, persuasive power or, quite often, even facial plausibility").

I don't know about that, but here's what I'm thinking about Kanye West and Trump. West is an artist. Words flow out of him in a way that doesn't make you want to give him any political responsibility but that reaches your emotions. You can distance him and laugh at him and deem him crazy. But you can also be with him and hear him and love him, which is what Trump did. We watched West open up to Trump, trust Trump with his inner, artistic self, and we watched Trump accepting that connection and intimacy. Trump gave West access to the Oval Office, and West determined how to use that access, and Trump let West happen in his presence. Many onlookers felt uncomfortable, but they are, perhaps, condemned by their own discomfort.

I'm going to give this my "Trump's genius" tag.

৩৪৫টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   345 এর 201 – থেকে 345
Bilwick বলেছেন...

Marse Lib'rul don't like uppity Negroes bolting the Plantation.

Chuck বলেছেন...

wild chicken said...
Trump ultimately did us a service, by addressing and defusing the Birther issue when he did. There are still lingering doubts, but most of us moved on.

What the fuck?!?

Trump, on national television, back when he was pimping the Birther theories, said that he had personally dispatched his own team of investigators to Hawaii to look into the matter of Obama's birth, and that they had reported to Trump that they were finding things "they cannot believe."

What kind of fucking bullshit is that?!? What did they find out? Trump never again mentioned it. When good reporters asked Trump about it later, Trump said he didn't want to talk about it.

What a liar. What a bullshitter. What a hateful, disgraceful asshole.

Trump never "addressed" anything. Trump never "defused" anything. Trump did no one any "service" in this. Trump talked trash, and got caught saying some really stupid shit.

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...

Marse Lib'rul don't like uppity Negroes bolting the Plantation.

This probably doesn't help win over the hearts and minds of Black Americans to conservatism. Definitely not if it is coming from a white person. Listen to what Kanye says about slavery and racism. He is excited about the idea that these outside forces and outside people can't control him an individual. This feels empowering. Plantation talk makes people feel weak, like they were duped.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Or, perhaps, Chuck, Trump *did* find something, and then was offered a deal by Obama if he dropped the matter. It would certainly seem like something Obama would give damn near anything to keep covered up, if true.

We don't know what the terms of such a deal might have been. We might indeed agree that it was worth it, whatever it was. We might be seeing the fruits of such a deal now and not even know it.

What we do know - is that almost all of your outrage about it is based on assumptions for which you don't really have any evidence.

FIDO বলেছেন...

"They made us do it"

Said every asshole everywhere who fails a test of morality and character.

See Hillary Clinton and DiFi.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Trump never did this and he never did that. But, Chuck, one thing Trump absolutely has done, is drive you 100% insane. It's Trump's party new; get on board or get out.

Kurt Schlichter, in his book Militant Normals has you absolutely pegged. You want to be among the Elite so you can look down on Normal people. But you don't want to work, you don't want to improve anyone's life but your own. We don't need you and we don't want you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

So the GOP publisher-lobbyist writes in to say don't make fun of the stupid. The stupid make up the "real" America. Dismissing the stupid is a bad political idea.

Yeah, Kanye West never "reached (my) emotions," either. It took guts to say what he said after Katrina, but his identification with Trump as a fellow head-case doesn't convince anyone of anything. Other than how honest West is when he talks about his clinical hodgepodge of psychological challenges - from being a bipolar depressive to whatever else it is that he wants to transiently theorize as his illness's "true cause."

Birkel বলেছেন...

For TCE:

Taylor Swift declared herself a part of the Hollywood Leftist plantation just this past week.

Nick Searcy escaped and was immediately set upon by the Hollywood Leftist masters, so he made the Gosnell movie.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

William Chadwick said...
Marse Lib'rul don't like uppity Negroes bolting the Plantation.

William Chadwick knows so much about negroes, slavery, and plantations. He needs to speak this way to more of them when trying to turn them on to how interested his conservatism is in their problems. Or Trump's problems. Or whatever.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

wild chicken said...

"Lots of money and exposure out there for blacks who can play the Republican game, for sure."

And that's clearly not me: It's unfinished, but The Art Garage is now open, too, Y'all.

The site is 3/4 done now: wish me luck at least.

daskol বলেছেন...

He’s not a clinical hodgepodge but he does speak with insight and some medical jargon about psychology, aim general and his own.

JAORE বলেছেন...

I shall strive from using the plantation analogy thanks to my continuing education efforts here. Thanks for that.

In actuality I think disenfranchised groups* like blacks find themselves not on a plantation, but in a hole. The depth of the hole relates to educational, political and economic issues. The left doesn't want them to climb out to daylight and independence but they promise them ladders and ropes that, unsurprisingly never materialize. The right wants to be able to say, "Hey, it's great out here. We're having a ball. Why don't you climb out and join us? Ladders and ropes? Sure make some of those. We'll wait... up here."

* I do NOT consider feminists or LGBQT to be disenfranchised in the same way. Lord knows they have voices and political power all out of proportion to their numbers.

MBunge বলেছেন...

For decades, black votes have been there for the asking for Republicans but they never asked. In 2004, George W. Bush got 11 percent of the black vote and that was when Bush the Younger was still hovering around 50% in the polls With the most negative press coverage any of us have ever seen, Trump got 8% of the black vote in 2016.

If Trump can turn that 8% into 11% or maybe 15%, it will change the entire electoral map. But to do that, you've actually got to ask for African-American votes. That is quite a different thing from just trying to convince suburban whites that you are not a racist.


daskol বলেছেন...

He uses the term HSP (highly sensitive person) and some others that elude me now that come from psychology of gifted children (and Dabrowski before that).

Anne in Rockwall, TX বলেছেন...

Thank you Big Mike

Trump never did this and he never did that. But, Chuck, one thing Trump absolutely has done, is drive you 100% insane. It's Trump's party new; get on board or get out.

Kurt Schlichter, in his book Militant Normals has you absolutely pegged. You want to be among the Elite so you can look down on Normal people. But you don't want to work, you don't want to improve anyone's life but your own. We don't need you and we don't want you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Taylor Swift declared...

I guess the fact that she's not a real estate "developer" and therefore the only elite political class left that Trump will do anything for, like retaining their huge tax write-offs for declaring as losses properties that gained in value. Like Jared did.

Sooner or later you guys are going to run out of rich guys to entitle as the new tax cheats and cheapskate tax frauds for whom to accrue the "benefit" of all that increased debt you like to run up so much.

I guess at that point all your tax schemes will be channeled into enriching your new leader, People's Republic Premier Le Keqiang.

What a future.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Chuck and Ritmo. What a tag team.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Kanye and Trump. The ill leading the ill.

Crazy is as crazy does. Did anyone check out that cool plane design that he stole and repurposed as the "iPlane One?"

Or the fact that Boeing manufactures the current presidential air chariot litter and manufactures in the U.S.?

Other than that, it was great to hear his manic flight of ideas and how interesting the Chief Head Case found them.

Andrew বলেছেন...

@Crack Emcee,
Serious question (not snarky): Do the Democrats' tactics offend you as much as the "plantation" talk from some conservatives? A couple of examples: Joe Biden, "They want to keep y'all in chains." The NAACP ad against George W. Bush that referred to the Texas murder of a black man by dragging him behind a truck.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Chuck and Ritmo. What a tag team.

Beats you and your nursemaid. Who, I take it, is not even here any longer to help you out.

Is she with you in spirit, though? Do you have a shrine to her that you bow to when you comment? Incense? A life-size replica?

Pretty pathetic that you're here so often that I can't even get two comments in before you blow some more crap out your ass to object to it. Semi-retirement must really not be going so well for you at all.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Trump and Ye share this...
* Maybe this is West's revenge on Obama who called him a jackass. *

Anne in Rockwall, TX বলেছেন...

Dear lord, Crack.

Insaw the name of your site, the Art Garage, and my mind immediately flashed to Garage Mahal.

I just went and took a quick look, I'll delve into the content during the week while my shit is compiling or I need to take a break from debugging.

But first and foremost, the design is fantastic! It draws you in like a good site should.

When I went to your site years back, the constant change in font and color, along with centered type, made everything hard to read. Although I still kept looking after you left Althouse.

But this site is designed with a very keen eye. Congratulations! I tip my glass of forty creek to you, sir. Well done.

furious_a বলেছেন...

Obama was our Kenyan President.

Trump is our Kanyen President.

mccullough বলেছেন...


Nice job with The Art Garage.

I didn’t dive in much but that Eminem as a Talking Heads Song was great.

So what is the fourth you’re working on (to go with TMR, Coal Train, and Art Garage)?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Trump is a cheapskate tax fraud. $200,000 a year by age three.

Yep, he surely has no sense of outsized entitlement to inflict on the nation. We should all be cheapskate tax frauds that believe we're entitled to $200,000 a year by age three.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

Perhaps an Althousian perspective: view the elites reaction to Kanye with the reaction Dylan received from the critics in the 70s with his conversion to Christianity.

I am Laslo.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Laslo said: --if a white public school-teacher quits a union teacher gig for a job at a private school -- is he/she "leaving the plantation?" Would it be said precisely that way? Not COULD it be said that way, but would that be the first choice of words? Because if one is black, then it inevitably IS the first choice of words.

Women get that same bullshit too. When I or anyone of the female persuasion criticizes other women or is offended by the antics of the Feminists (shrieking harridans) or want to see real evidence before we "believe the survivors" like CBF, we get accused of betraying the sisterhood.

As if all women must be on the same page, think the same thoughts, never criticize and always bend to the whims of the "sisterhood". Otherwise we are not "real women". Traitors to our gender.

I get so sick of that mindset. I imagine that Kanye West and many others think the same way. We are individuals...not part of some giant club or group that we belong to by virtue of our gender, ethnicity or race.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Dodgers did a great job of avoiding the big inning there. Helluva play by Machado.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Great hit by Cain. He’s flourishing in this series. You don’t need to hit homeruns to be valuable at the plate.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

the elites reaction to Kanye...


"Elites" don't "react" to Kanye because they don't know who he is. Most adults don't. They leave that to their kids.

I'm pretty sure most "conservatives" know who Kanye is, either. Other than what they heard FOX "News" reporting to them, "Hey look! A rich, black guy might possibly be on your side! Rejoice!"

Guess they didn't show them that clip of him with Mike Meyers after the Hurricane that Bush didn't know how to handle.

Other than that, this was one rich crazy fool talking subjecting a diatribe to a rich, crazy incompetent. Yawn.

I am not Laslo.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

FullMoon said...

"Genuine Prejudiced and hating "nationalists" gonna be pissed at Trump for letting "niggers" in the White House.
Failure to recognize this obvious fact is indicative of limited exposure to a variety of American sub-cultures, as well as inability to imagine anything beyond one's own particular sphere of influence."

There is no way FullMoon actually wrote that - apart from at most the n-word.

He usually doesn't like to cite his sources, though. Like a genuine, conservative hive-mind dweller, each is allowed to speak and think for the other.


Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Trump is a cheapskate tax fraud. $200,000 a year by age three.

Wow! Trump must certainly have been a child prodigy to be able to file fraudulent tax returns and navigate the IRS tax code by the age of three.

I'm pretty sure I was barely able to read, much less file tax returns and understand depreciation.

Impressive!! Huge!! No wonder he is getting things done.!!!

Michael McNeil বলেছেন...

I am not Laslo.

And it shows.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Howard বলেছেন...

Deplorables, not white nationalists, thanks tcrosse. I am very pride of my humbleness, thankyou guido.

For the rest of you, enjoy the kool aid

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Andrew said...

"@Crack Emcee,
Serious question (not snarky): Do the Democrats' tactics offend you as much as the "plantation" talk from some conservatives?"

No. Because Joe Biden wouldn't do what Birkel's done, above at 4:09 PM, and specifically call me out just to rub his inappropriateness in my face, like he's masturbating to it. That's all the difference. Biden screwed-up. Berkil IS screwed-up. I can see how this blog changes as soon as the subject turns to blacks, even if y'all can't. And I can see how cowardly whites are, towards each other, when it comes to patriotism and these acts. (Keep your lectures for each other, if you're letting the Birkels run your show).

I want to tell Joe Biden to shut-up. I want to punch Birkel in the mouth.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

JAORE said...

"I shall strive from using the plantation analogy thanks to my continuing education efforts here. Thanks for that."

Thank you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Wow! Trump must certainly have been a child prodigy to be able to file fraudulent tax returns and navigate the IRS tax code by the age of three.

He was not and did not. What happened to him by age three demonstrates his sense of entitlement - which, I don't know - to someone like you might be considered a form of prodigy. It doesn't to most people, though. The tax fraud was what he was in on as an adult when his father channeled monies to him through their shell company fronts as a way to prevent classifying those things as "gifts."

I'm pretty sure I was barely able to read...

Obviously. Both then and now.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Annie C said...

"This site is designed with a very keen eye. Congratulations! I tip my glass of forty creek to you, sir. Well done."

Thank you. It's not much now, but enough to say come take a look. The look will stay the same - promise. I've only got about 1/4 of the content up, but some great movies are there ready, I think.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

And it shows.

As does Michael McNeil's ignorance and incompetence.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"I think the way you gain power is the way you will rule."

Sorry you feel that way.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Impressive!! Huge!! No wonder he is getting things done.!!!

Notice how the Republican Dirt People classify as "things" to get "done" the following:

1. Recreate the tax code to benefit primarily real estate developers and our Chinese debt-lords.
2. Smash the post-war international alliance to make it easier to instead cozy up to Russia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and anyone else whose citizens can't hold them accountable.
3. Transform the EPA into a science-averse rich polluter free-for-all.
4. Pretend to build an unaffordable wall to keep out all the harmless Mexicans who haven't really been coming here anyway.

Specifics, Dirt People! Specifics!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

4 A.M cyber bitch-fests are hardly a way of "getting things done," either.

But what do I know? I'm just an actual taxpayer, which Trump and his coterie are not.

You'd think his supporters could see the difference, also. But they're too blinded by the ways in which he appeals to their Trumpanzee ways.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Howard said...
Deplorables, not white nationalists, thanks tcrosse. I am very pride of my humbleness, thankyou guido.

For the rest of you, enjoy the kool aid

I bet Trump starts fewer stupid wars than Obama. He sure didn't take long to clean up some of Obama's dumber messes.

The 4+% growth, increasing wages, and record low unemployment also spiked the punch so to say.

My wife is getting paid 45$ an hour now and she has 3 other companies trying to recruit her. She was getting 32$ under Obama.

But yeah you guys go along with your we only support Trump because we are racists garbage.

You are just a fucking idiot. I will give you that you are smarter than Ritmo though.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

You are just a fucking idiot.

I will bet $100 that no one ever accused Achilles of being intelligent.

Achilles বলেছেন...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...
4 A.M cyber bitch-fests are hardly a way of "getting things done," either.

But what do I know? I'm just an actual taxpayer, which Trump and his coterie are not.

You'd think his supporters could see the difference, also. But they're too blinded by the ways in which he appeals to their Trumpanzee ways.

Yeah, A booming economy, lower taxes, more money to send our kids to school. That's just crap.

We really like Trump because me and my naturalized immigrant wife and our two mixed race kids are white nationalists.

You can whine and cry that Black people are supporting Trump because they are getting better jobs and making more money.

It is the Hispanics and their support for Trump that will really send you dipshits for a bender.

Nobody cares about you anymore.

Keep running with the white nationalist garbage fuckstick. You make more republican voters every time the hate spews from your mouth.

Achilles বলেছেন...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...
You are just a fucking idiot.

I will bet $100 that no one ever accused Achilles of being intelligent.

That did make me laugh.

You have no idea.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Saw Talib.

Not memorable, which, in Althouseland, is actually commendable in and of itself.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

The 4+% growth, increasing wages, and record low unemployment also spiked the punch so to say.

Sounds like you're getting drunk off it. There have always been way to grease the economy. The question is whether you want stable, durable growth or another 2008 bubble. And the last time we had 4% growth was under this president called "Obama."

My wife is getting paid 45$ an hour now and she has 3 other companies trying to recruit her. She was getting 32$ under Obama. He actually hit 5.2%, which President Tax Fraud Cheapskate Trump doesn't even think he can do. O-BA-MA! O-BA-MA!

There was record unemployment under slavery. Wow. How are working conditions improving? That's what people care about. Any dirty whore can be paid off at the expense of their health, welfare and dignity. Speaking of which...

My wife is getting paid 45$ an hour...

Whoop-dee-do-da. Like that never ever happened to anyone before in the history of presidents.

I'm sure Trump was personally involved in that one, though - if you could only show us how. It's hard to believe your wife could actually accomplish or improve something better for herself on her own.

Jesus, man. Maybe she should have married Trump. Look at how much he did for Melanoma's wealth and career. And he only had to puncture her with that toadstool Super Mario Bros mushroom dick when he wasn't finding porno actors to skeez off of.

Sounds like the better bargain. Why can't your wife master the "art" of that deal?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

mccullough said...


Nice job with The Art Garage."


"I didn’t dive in much but that Eminem as a Talking Heads Song was great."

As you can see, I've got it in my "bad" column, so it's not a favorite find of mine, but I'm glad you like it - honest.

"So what is the fourth you’re working on (to go with TMR, Coal Train, and Art Garage)?"

The Crack House will be a place for my own work, including the rabble-rousing stuff I did with others like Consolidated and Broun Fellinis as well as the experiments I'm fond of. Now that Trump's signed the new music bill, I couldn't have timed this part better.

BTW - The first black man to own a supermarket in the South has died. I'll let that stand as a statement on how "new" blacks are on the American scene.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Nobody cares about you anymore.

Awww. Boo Hoo. As opposed to you, whom nobody ever cared about, ever.

It's good to know that I should be able to relate to you, that way. Let's talk about how no one cares about us together.

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

What the GOP can offer Blacks:

1. Due Process
2. Legal Reform - Eliminate prosecutorial and official immunity. Reduce over charging and criminalization.
3. Reduce Crime Rates
4. Self respect
5. Jobs
6. Immigration reform
7. Religious protection
8. Education Reform - vouchers
9. Competition with Democrats so blacks are not taken for granted
10. Small business support
11. Reduction in regulations / job licensing

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

We really like Trump because me and my naturalized immigrant wife and our two mixed race kids...

Couldn't find an American that would put up with you? At least you could have found a woman who wasn't from what President Tax Fraud Cheapskate called a "shithole country."

I mean, those are the ones with the non-white citizens, right? Or was your wife a darkie from Sweden?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

What the GOP can offer Blacks:

1. Due Process

"Take the guns first, due process second."

2. Legal Reform - Eliminate prosecutorial and official immunity. Reduce over charging and criminalization.

Ha ha. Such as clamping down on the libel laws. Right.

3. Reduce Crime Rates

Except white collar Wall Street crime. Trump thinks letting Goldman Sachs get away with more and more will really do wonders for Black Americans.

4. Self respect

Oh yeah. Baby. That's the first thing people think of when they see Omarosa or Kanye West. A whore who will sell herself for anything and a bipolar maniac. Very self-respectable people, these black Trumpians.

5. Jobs

Are you saying slavery wasn't a job? It offered as much dignity and protections against employer abuses as Trump's jobs do nowadays. But yeah, minimum wage poverty pay is a great thing to have more of, I'm sure.

The rest gets silly but I'm wondering when you'll pitch to blacks the way Trump wants to make it easier for lucrative, legacy polluter companies to poison their kids. They'll love that part. More white coal miners emitting more mercury? More asthma? No problem! If his predecessors could give them Flint Michigan's water (and STILL not figure out how to fix it) then wait 'til you see what his newest EPA administrator has up his sleeve!

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

Ray - SoCal said..."What the GOP can offer Blacks..."

I think that is the way it should be done.

And when the Republicans fuck up the list we get Trump.

I am Laslo.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"Sharp post by Althouse.

I remember Crack voicing his dislike about the 'plantation' analogy years ago. I thought about it at the time, came to the conclusion that I agree.

Even when meant well, it is condescending and patronizing: we acknowledge you when you do what we want*. It removes individual agency while trying to applaud it, because implicit in the words is the view that one is still a slave unless one joins your way of thinking.

Yes: people of all colors can be thought of as a slave to what may hold them behind. But --if a white public school-teacher quits a union teacher gig for a job at a private school -- is he/she "leaving the plantation?" Would it be said precisely that way? Not COULD it be said that way, but would that be the first choice of words? Because if one is black, then it inevitably IS the first choice of words.

I would simply recognize that the movement of the individual's freedom of thought is worthy in all people: applaud those that move forward, and do not define their previous existence by what they may have left behind. Where we are going inevitably matters more than where we are coming from.

Or we could just refer to such people as "leaving the short bus." I'm sure no one would have an issue with that.

(*It also doesn't help that when one talks about a black individual 'leaving the plantation' it is often followed by a comment along the lines of 'if X % of blacks left the Democrats the Democrats would be in real trouble', etc: the individual you just recognized for individual thought is quickly now but a pawn again in the political game, a claimed puzzle piece on your side of the board. Can be tone-deaf, that.)

I am Laslo."

DUDE I thought I taught you your lesson once, looks your gonna need you more of the learnin'. You just made me copy and paste, and **** does that, so I am no better than them. Now.

Thanks a lot (/s).

FullMoon বলেছেন...

A beautiful day in San Francisco bay area today. Sure am glad we fixxed that hole in the ozone layer.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Look what Laslo made me do.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"By virtue of your fact most people undervalue it I would argue it isn't undervalued, whatever it may happen to be."

Perhaps it is better to say most people don't see the value in it, which is why it is often valuable to those who do. Or, maybe, better to say that people overvalue conformity- ask any lemming.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

South Africa.

Shut up.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Ray - SoCal said...

"What the GOP can offer Blacks:

1. Due Process"

Not yet. They seems to be against it, actually.

2. Legal Reform - Eliminate prosecutorial and official immunity. Reduce over charging and criminalization."

Maybe, but not yet.

"3. Reduce Crime Rates"


"4. Self respect"

This one is insulting.

"5. Jobs"

Which they could've offered before Trump.

"6. Immigration reform"


"7. Religious protection"

Not my concern but Farrakhan will love you.

"8. Education Reform - vouchers"


"9. Competition with Democrats so blacks are not taken for granted"

Possible, if the Republicans get a clue.

"10. Small business support"


"11. Reduction in regulations / job licensing"

True, but hardly an accomplishment exclusively for blacks.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

President Trump on Wednesday signed two new bills lifting gag clauses for prescription drug consultations.

The gag clause gave insurance companies control of what pharmacists could say to you, barring them from telling you if there’s a cheaper alternative to your meds.

Under the new law, pharmacists will be allowed to tell patients about lower-cost options.

President Trump on Wednesday signed two new bills lifting gag clauses for prescription drug consultations.The gag clause gave insurance companies control of what pharmacists could say to you, barring them from telling you if there’s a cheaper alternative to your meds.Under the new law, pharmacists will be allowed to tell patients about lower-cost options.

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Can and will are unfortunately different, I should have used “could”.

I see huge potential for more gop black votes, but Trump seems to be the only gop higher up with a semi clue.

Trump is actually keeping his promises for the most part.

Self Respect I see Cracks point. Trump is creating jobs, and this is huge for self respect. That is what I was trying to communicate.

Due Process is more Gop currently, that Dem. video parody of to kill a mockingbird via instapundit.

I’m still amazed police can legally lie to you. Don’t even get me going on asset forfeiture and eminent domain. Plus the militarization of the police.

Never even thought of Farrakhan when I wrote of religious protection.

Michael K বলেছেন...

More Ritmo.

Drago বলেছেন...

"1. Due Process"

Crack: "Not yet. They seems to be against it, actually."


"On Tuesday night, I was in an auditorium with 100 black men in the city of Baltimore, when the subject pivoted to Brett Kavanaugh. I expected to hear frustration that the sexual-assault allegations against him had failed to derail his Supreme Court appointment. Instead, I encountered sympathy. One man stood up and asked, passionately, “What happened to due process?” He was met with a smattering of applause, and an array of head nods.

If you think Kavanaugh receiving some measure of support from black men in inner-city Baltimore is as strange as Taylor Swift suddenly feeling the need to become a modern-day Fannie Lou Hamer, then brace yourself: The caping for Kavanaugh does make a twisted kind of sense. Countless times, black men have had to witness the careers and reputations of other black men ruthlessly destroyed because of unproved rape and sexual-assault accusations. And as that Baltimore audience member also argued, if the claims were made by a white woman, expect the damage to be triple."


Whom to believe, whom to believe.......Crack or Jemele Hill speaking to 100 black men in Baltimore?

Whom to believe...

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Blogger Michael K said...

More Ritmo.

10/13/18, 6:26 PM

Yes, but he is refreshingly optimistic today. Must be in love, again.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

As perhaps the one and only Man around here, I once pledged to give solutions and not merely emote dissatisfactions.

William বলেছেন...

My previous carefully reasoned post about the sex lives of Taylor Swift and Kanye West went nowhere. Perhaps I didn't advance my arguments with sufficient clarity. Kanye West is into married sex. Married sex with Kim Kardashian is, perhaps, not fully domesticated sex, but it's still fairly tame sex. Taylor Swift, on the other hand, has had a variety of different partners in the past few years. Her sex life is chaotic and unsettled, but, on the plus side, probably pretty varied and interesting. It's a well known fact that settled married men are drawn to the Republican Party and that sexually liberated women like Taylor Swift are the Democratic Party's natural consistency. This, I think, explains the paradox of Kanye being a Trump supporter and Taylor falling in line with the Democrats......I predict that after Kanye's inevitable divorce from Kim, he will again love and support Democratic candidates like Ocasio-Cortez. Taylor, when she gets married and settles down with some country music star will again be nurtured by the wisdom of candidates like Marsha Blackburn.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Fuck you, you uncomprehending shit.
I do NOT like the plantation language.
I typed exactly that on a previous thread and I know you saw that post.

And now you pretend I take the opposite stance?
No, seriously, fuck off you lackluster fool.
That's garbage posting and a seriously deranged interpretation of me, numbskull.
You're a lowlife who cannot take yes for an answer.

And for anybody who cannot see what I was implying: people in Hollywood suffer more outrage from their peers than do independently thinking blacks in other walks of life. And it has less to do with race than it does politics out in Hollywood. And THEREFORE the plantation language is completely perverse when applied in a modern contact.

Fuck you, TCE.

wildswan বলেছেন...

Thanks to daskol I listened to Kanye West as much as I could and realize that he himself calls himself bipolar. But at the White House he challenged this self description and said he was sleep-deprived, not bipolar. "Sleep deprived" is fashionable now among social scientists. And West also said that he got a low score on one part of the IQ test, which score he proposed to change by practicing. This contradicts the idea that IQ or g or whatever is a fixed entity based on genetics. But it goes along with the idea that playing games based on types of questions that are found on IQ tests will raise your test scores. In other words, West is well aware of the state of play of certain socially relevant psychological questions and is pouring that knowledge through a personal filter to use it for his own purposes. I regard that filter as male-to-male in outlook. Who would think it was funny to say "I can think of two things at once [something psychologists argue about and Zen says is impossible] because I looked at two titties?" I'm not exactly being critical when I say this is locker room or barrack or barber shop talk. I don't mean it's devoid of content. I mean it's too much of something I'm not for me to like it. I worked on an all male team fixing computers in the early days and my approach to that talk was never to participate and never to complain.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Want to punch me in the mouth?
Get some.

Birkel বলেছেন...

NOTE: I am also not a real big fan of "wandering off the reservation" as a phrase.
Want to guess why, anybody?

Any of you lived and worked on the res?
Anybody's folks born on the res?
Yeah, that little bit of American communism sucks.
Forcing people not to own real property even to this day, if they live on the res, ought to be unconstitutional.

So maybe get a grip, you whinging ass hole, TCE.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

When USA citizen re-enter from trip abroad do you just show passport or get stamped also?

Obama entitled to USA, Kenya and Indonesia passports.
Probably has three.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Qwinn said...
Or, perhaps, Chuck, Trump *did* find something, and then was offered a deal by Obama if he dropped the matter. It would certainly seem like something Obama would give damn near anything to keep covered up, if true.

We don't know what the terms of such a deal might have been. We might indeed agree that it was worth it, whatever it was. We might be seeing the fruits of such a deal now and not even know it.

What we do know - is that almost all of your outrage about it is based on assumptions for which you don't really have any evidence.

Fuck off. I'm not going to be polite in the face of cultist nonsense like that.

Here's the malevolent piece of shit Trump, spouting his lies about sending investigators to Hawaii.

Lying about his investigators in Hawaii. Lying about polls that Trump talked about, claiming he was "running even" with Obama (in a fictional race). Lying about how he would release copies of tax returns.

The John King interview was FIVE FUCKING YEARS after Trump claimed that he had investigators "finding things" in Hawaii.

There was no fucking "deal," like you fantasized about, Trump was talking in this interview about his investigators still being in Hawaii. They weren't still in Hawaii, of course, because there were never any investigators.

Fabi বলেছেন...

Chuck's most full-throated defense of Obama yet. You go, girl!

Michael K বলেছেন...

Yes, but he is refreshingly optimistic today. Must be in love, again.

It's that new porn channel.

Maybe he should tell CHuck about it.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Fabi said...
Chuck's most full-throated defense of Obama yet. You go, girl!

I'm not defending Obama. I never voted for Obama. I voted for McCain, then Romney. Ask Althouse, about voting for Obama.

It isn't a matter of defending Obama. What it is about, is that Trump is a hollow, carp-eyed sociopath.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Sure am glad we fixxed (sic) that hole in the ozone layer.

Me too. Here's the proof.

Are you anti-science, or something? Show me on the doll where the science teacher touched you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

It's that new porn channel.

Nursemaid porn.

You're not the only one who's attached to your nursemaid, Michael K.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Chuck, and you know this because why? Did you have a spy in the Trump Tower? Or was your spy on the Obama administration? What I do know is that certain people who have looked at the “official” birth certificate claim that it appears to be a forgery. Is it? No one is going to look, are they?

I think that it’s not the real birth certificate. I think that the real one says Barack’s mother was not married when the boy was born, making him a bastard in more than just his actions.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Annie C., thanks, but what opened my eyes was Kurt Schlichter’s book, Militant Normals. Consider buying it through the Althouse Amazon portal.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I have Militant Normals and sent a copy to my son.

I guess Ritmo likes "Nursemaid porn."

Do they whip you, Ritmo ?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

"What the GOP can offer Blacks:

1. Due Process"

Cop beats up/guns down unarmed black man. Cop gets off the hook for beating up/gunning down unarmed black man. Happens every day in America.

Which group of people are more likely to have a problem with this? Republicans or Democrats?

Yeah, I thought so. The fact that a conservative can propose what he did in light of that nasty reality shows you just how far in the sand their heads are stuck.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I guess Ritmo likes "Nursemaid porn."

Do they whip you, Ritmo ?

I ask them to do whatever they did to you.

I want them to make me more like you, you see.

Because your greatness is so self-evident, or something.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

South Africa is not our home: only a way to spread hateful bigotry.

Forever never mention It.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

What is Militant Normals? Some kind of manifesto written by conservatives to proclaim that they're boring as hell, and not going to take it any more?


Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Y'all whites love you some Heisenburg theory until it comes to Crack.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Y'all done looked: y'all done changed.

Now make it right.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Crack, I don’t mind dropping the word “plantation” from my vocabulary, provided you come up with a word or short phrase that describes the phenomenon of independent-thinking black people being reviled by black columnists, black news anchors, and, especially, black politicians, for daring to depart from Democrat party orthodoxy. Because it’s a real phenomenon, and it needs to be summed up in a word or phrase.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

I take for granted all your sacrifices, and no matter how you try (or die) I always will.


Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Crack has taken more than Whitey Bulger as portrayed by Jack N.

And his ancestors will indeed reimburse our lineage's expenses.

Nobody said ... is fair, but somebody gotta do it.

gg6 বলেছেন...

It's at 9:32PM EST and comments are at 289 on the subject of 'Kanye/Trump/crack/plantations/crack/democrats-white nationalists/crack/crack/whatever/wtf/crack' as best I can best describe it. It does seem important to have a tone of pretentiousness - although length also helps and an endline like "I am gobsmacked" seems a reasonable replacement........I think the patients are taking over the asylum.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...


Since it cost a lot to win
And even more to lose
You and me bound to spend some time
Wondering what to choose

Goes to show you don't ever know
Watch each card you play
and play it slow
Wait until that deal come round
Don't you let that deal go down, no, no

I've been gambling here abouts
for ten good solid years
If I told you all that went down
it would burn off both your ears

It goes to show you don't ever know
Watch each card you play
And play it slow
Wait until that deal come round
Don't you let that deal go down

Since you poured the wine for me
And tightened up my shoes
I hate to leave you sitting there
Composing lonesome blues

It goes to show you don't ever know
Watch each card you play
And play it slow

Wait until that deal come round
Don't you let that deal go down
[repeat ...]

Chuck বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...
@Chuck, and you know this because why? Did you have a spy in the Trump Tower? Or was your spy on the Obama administration? What I do know is that certain people who have looked at the “official” birth certificate claim that it appears to be a forgery. Is it? No one is going to look, are they?

I think that it’s not the real birth certificate. I think that the real one says Barack’s mother was not married when the boy was born, making him a bastard in more than just his actions.

It's a free country. You can think what you want. And you can publish any embarrassingly idiotic theory you like.

I never needed to see the damn birth certificate. Because I saw the reprint of the Honolulu newspaper announcing his birth in Honolulu in 1961. I don't know what sort of Trump-cultism, or what sort of mindnumbing Obama-hatred it takes, to ignore that evidence as to the place of Obama's birth.

And what else matters, beyond the place of his birth? I am not going to dignify your argument about Obama's father because it doesn't matter but moreover because it is an insult to my intelligence. The whole Birther subject is an embarrassing joke and you should feel embarrassed for having tried to advance it.

David Jones বলেছেন...

We live in a world that "freedom of thought" is discouraged.We are told what to think...what to say. This is only the beginning...

daskol বলেছেন...

Wildswan, I think that’s the funniest line on the album. It’s wholesome because he’s talking about his wife. Hope you got some enjoyment out of it.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Why does a racist like Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, spend so much time defending Obama?
It's a conundrum.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I want them to make me more like you, you see.

Because your greatness is so self-evident, or something.

Sorry. You'll never make it, I graduated. Several times. With honors, First in my class.

However, don't give up. You could still get an AA, from the junior college. Plus, there is U of Phoenix,

Maybe you could get a lab tech certificate.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Chuck, lighten up, asshole. The first paragraph is real. The second is something called a “joke.”

But, yeah, Obama was a grade A bastard if ever one was.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Oh, and Crack??? You are aware that Emmett Till was lynched on the unsupported word of just one white woman, are you not? Do we stick with due process or do we return to lynchings?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I graduated. Several times. With honors, First in my class.

Starting with the diaper derby.

You beclown yourself every time you open your fat, insecure, boring-as-hell mouth with me.

Plus, you exaggerate. If you really were the goody-two-shoes of every class/curriculum you attended, it would be enough to make your silly self feel better to say that others weren't #1. But instead you have to say they just can't pass any class/course of study at all.

So, someone's obviously stretching things for a reason. Real elitists don't overcompensate to the degree that you do.

Anyway, tell your nursemaid I said hi, Mr. Pride of the Nursery School.

And I hope your cat fight made you feel like a real man. Shrunken testicles and all!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

You could still get an AA, from the junior college. Plus, there is U of Phoenix,

Aren't you forgetting, "Trump University?"


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

If you listen really closely, you can hear the sound of Michael K's testicles shrinking every time he beats his chest.

I have an A+ in The Audiology of Michael's Testicle-Shrinking Sounds.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Quit phoning it in, Ritmo. Your snark and racist/sexist/homophobic/classist rhetoric is slipping.

Be best.

le Douanier বলেছেন...

Imagine if Doc Mike had actually been first in his class at a top Doc school.

Commenting re the situation re his current state would be too beyond mean to categorize.

I need to assume that he was always, more or less, as low as he is now. He doesn't even grasp why and how he's ridicule-able. Even jabbering re his contemporary lameness as if it was always his norm lameness, feels plenty mean. Borderline too much. But to imagine that he used to be capable, pre-slippage, would be devastatingly sad.

I don't want to believe that he could have become so impaired.

le Douanier বলেছেন...

Plus PPPT,

Have you seen the pic he has of him w/ his family.

Poor little (super old) dork.

Anywho, he's special. Gotta keep that in mind.


Birkel বলেছেন...

PB&J longs for the sort of success Mike K has enjoyed.
I wish PB&J well on his way to saving as many lives as a skillful surgeon.
I want PB&J to be less loathesome.

Drago বলেছেন...

Uh oh.

LLR Chuck is in Full Obama "Magnificence" mode.


And again.

And again.....

le Douanier বলেছেন...

Thanks Brik,

No reason to feel bad poking fun at the Doc. Presumably he's saved the lives of many hundreds (thousands?) of people. And, he's just as mentally capable now as he's always been. So, he's fair game.

That's what I tell myself.

And, re him looking like a gezz...er, I mean golden years dork, well that should probably be off limits. I apologize.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

I don’t mind dropping the word “plantation” from my vocabulary, provided you come up with a word or short phrase that describes the phenomenon of independent-thinking black people being reviled by black columnists, black news anchors, and, especially, black politicians, for daring to depart from Democrat party orthodoxy. Because it’s a real phenomenon, and it needs to be summed up in a word or phrase.

The whole point of demanding that you quit using the expression is to prevent you from discussing the phenomenon.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“I want to punch Birkel in the mouth.”

Yeah, don’t we all?

Michael K বলেছেন...

I see Ritmo and shiloh are trying to mock their betters.

Better luck in the next life, losers.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

“I want to punch Birkel in the mouth.”

Yeah, don’t we all?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Doc Mike - Physician to His Own Harem of Personal Nursemaids - has literally saved millions of lives..

And not even with implements. No scalpels, no anesthesia. With His bare hands.

Doc Mike is so awesome that he reinvented scientific history to say that "Craig Venter discovered the human genome."

When he beclowned Himself on that one, he attempted again - several weeks later - by saying that Craig Venter "deciphered human genes."

So, this is what a First in Class guy does. He spends his seventies on the internet spending weeks deciding how he wants to pretend that his education on all the experiments in the 1800s by Gregor Mendel and in the 1920s on phages and DNA were just too sophisticated and advanced for someone with an education as primitive as his, but that blogs by semi-racist physicists on how white Europeans attained some sort of biological superiority are not.

OH, and that he will endlessly proclaim how inferior I (or, presumably anyone else who can challenge his self-beclowning ass) must be, because of that.

This is the kind of person we are dealing with.

This is the kind of person that a parent gets when they outsource the raising of him to nursemaids.

With Mike, His sense of entitlement comes first. Reality not only doesn't come second, but probably rounds out around tenth place.

Reality for a guy like Mike literally must be warped around his deformed sense of self-perception. Even at age 70.

Pretty fucked up, isn't it?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

As hard as it is to try, one shouldn't be so hard on Mike "Dr. Butthurt" Kennedy. He literally is a Dr. Butthurt. Years of colorectal surgery made him as you'd suppose someone who spends many dark hours deep inside assholes would become.

Entitled isn't one of those things, but there you have it.


And stupid.

The pride of Laguna Niguel.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...

"@Crack, I don’t mind dropping the word “plantation” from my vocabulary, provided you come up with a word or short phrase that describes the phenomenon of independent-thinking black people being reviled by black columnists, black news anchors, and, especially, black politicians, for daring to depart from Democrat party orthodoxy. Because it’s a real phenomenon, and it needs to be summed up in a word or phrase."

While being decent shouldn't require a trade-off, I agree there DOES need to be a word for this, so I propose "Lemons" - as in Don Lemon - because we can pinpoint the moment, in Ferguson, when that moron gave up his mind, like a coward, to be uncompromisingly "black" in Talib Kweli's eyes. And why?

Oh, I don't know....but I have my suspicions.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Drago said...

"1. Due Process"

Crack: "Not yet. They seems to be against it, actually."

"Hmmmmm....One man stood up and asked, passionately, “What happened to due process?” He was met with a smattering of applause, and an array of head nods....Whom to believe, whom to believe.......Crack or Jemele Hill speaking to 100 black men in Baltimore?"

The "they" in my comment is white men - not blacks. I know we're all for due process. I'm saying whites haven't assured it - for anyone.

Anne in Rockwall, TX বলেছেন...

"Hmmmmm....One man stood up and asked, passionately, “What happened to due process?” He was met with a smattering of applause, and an array of head nods....Whom to believe, whom to believe.......Crack or Jemele Hill speaking to 100 black men in Baltimore?"

I am reminded of the movie Contact, where the father tells his daughter, while trying to find someone on a shortwave radio, "small moves."

Sometimes life is like that. Small moves can be the beginning of a large movement. I guess we will have to wait and see.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Narayanan Subramanian said...

Interested in your take on this.... "

Wow. That speaks to why Black Panther was such a phenomena, and it makes me sad, because it shows how desperate blacks still are for heroes we can claim, because - unlike everyone else in America - we've got hardly anyone or anything. (And no one who cares about that desperation). John Henry, fictional or not, IS our beloved folk hero, representing the black man's natural superiority over whites, who always had to be assisted by technology to beat us. The Rock, being light-skinned, kinda screws that up.

Slavery and integration, once again, are fucking us up, leaving us with no past, and no future. Whites took our past, through slavery, and now, through integration, they can do whatever they want with what we created to sustain us. Again - it's cruel - and in an existential way. Like life itself conspires. Nobody has to hate us to hurt us - just be "free" without anyone or anything forcing you to have to be concerned for our feelings about what we treasure - ever.

Nothing against The Rock, but, if he really gave a damn, he'd back-off and let someone with more cultural heft take this one.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Annie C said...

"Small moves can be the beginning of a large movement. I guess we will have to wait and see."

Something's happening. I think we're all aware of that much. What it is, we'll have to wait and see - but we have reason for optimism:

As someone who said The Macho Response was the answer - now that we've got it - things are (at least) headed in the right direction.

Let's not go off the rails, but see where it leads, instead.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Crack, please try again. I think I understand the reference, but it’s pretty obscure and hardly anyone but you or I would get it.

Jaq বলেছেন...

I'm saying whites haven't assured it - for anyone.

Due process gets in the way of exercising power. But I think that a fever may have broken with this Kavanaugh show trial and conviction in the minds of people who need him to be guilty so that they can have the power,

Jaq বলেছেন...

John Henry was always a hero of mine, from when I was a kid, but I didn't know or think about that he was black.

Andrew বলেছেন...

Thanks for answering my question.

"I want to tell Joe Biden to shut-up. I want to punch Birkel in the mouth."

1) Joe Biden will never shut up.
2) So that whole MLK thing doesn't really work for you?

Birkel বলেছেন...

TCE wants to punch me in the mouth because of his own purposeful misinterpretation of what I typed. He knows full well he was lying about my position. He is a lying ass hole.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...

"@Crack, please try again. I think I understand the reference, but it’s pretty obscure and hardly anyone but you or I would get it."

Ahhh, no, your turn: I took a crack at it. Throw something back at me - I'll play along.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

tim in vermont said...
I'm saying whites haven't assured it - for anyone.

Due process gets in the way of exercising power. But I think that a fever may have broken with this Kavanaugh show trial and conviction in the minds of people who need him to be guilty so that they can have the power,

Like I said, something's happening - we're changing as we speak - so we may get some goodies yet.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

tim in vermont said...

"John Henry was always a hero of mine, from when I was a kid, but I didn't know or think about that he was black."

The black man vs. a locomotive - and you didn't see he was black? OK. I can see that, but, for us, he was a symbol of black manhood. This was the '60s, so it was intense with meaning.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Andrew said...

"1) Joe Biden will never shut up.
2) So that whole MLK thing doesn't really work for you?"


Nah. I made the Malcolm X transition: From "the white man is the Devil" to "I'll work with anyone who's honestly willing to work with blacks."

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Crack, I have nothing better at conveying what I want to convey than the p-word.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Birkel said...

"TCE wants to punch me in the mouth because of his own purposeful misinterpretation of what I typed. He knows full well he was lying about my position. He is a lying ass hole."

Birkel, how many times have you and I interacted? And isn't it ALWAYS because your dumb ass goes on the attack about something - usually in a racist or racially-charged manner? I only know you because you've made such an ass of yourself.

So what about you am I mistaken about?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...
@Crack, I have nothing better at conveying what I want to convey than the p-word."


Birkel বলেছেন...

No, I have never made a single comment that a non-racist could interpret as racist.
You, as a race monger, can assert racist motivations all you like.
Good luck with your violent ideations.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Birkel said...

"No, I have never made a single comment that a non-racist could interpret as racist.
You, as a race monger, can assert racist motivations all you like.
Good luck with your violent ideations."

Just shut-up, and go away, and you and I will be fine.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Fuck you.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Submission doesn't seem like a great idea.
Hard pass.

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

@ Crack - Speaking historically, fellow black Africans took your past.

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

@ Crack - Sincerely curious - have you published somewhere your best personal argument for reparations? I would be interested to read it.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Oso Negro said...

"@ Crack - Speaking historically, fellow black Africans took your past."

Can we focus right now on the concept of not having one, and not who everybody thinks gets the blame?

Birkel বলেছেন...

One wonders about the expiration date of a "stolen past" and also why all stolen pasts are equal but some stolen pasts are more equal than others. It is a conundrum.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Oso Negro said...

"@ Crack - Sincerely curious - have you published somewhere your best personal argument for reparations? I would be interested to read it."

No. The last thing I tried writing was my true-life tale, combining the book Fantasyland with the movie "Get Out" but, as you can see, someone's already kinda beat me to that, so - back to the drawing board to find a new way to approach the material.

I'd love to do a travel book for African-Americans: "When in France and getting bad service (because they think you're African) make your order by slamming your hand on the table and using German words like "Schnell!" - nothing makes Frogs jump like Nazi black guys."

Barbara বলেছেন...

Theater of the absurd. Love it.

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