October 25, 2018

"Now, I'm not calling Mr. DeSantis a racist. I'm simply saying the racists believe he’s a racist."


Mike Sylwester said...

Post-truth philosophy

bagoh20 said...

No party has ever deserved a devastating loss as much as the Dems this year. I hope they get what they deserve. America needs to set limits on it's politics.

cubanbob said...

I live in Florida. Gillum is both a crook and a Communist. If he was snow white I wouldn't vote for him. De Santis could be coal black and speak with the worst stereotypical Black accent but as long as he isn't a crook or a Communist, he would have my vote. I vote my wallet. What Gillum promises would require Florida to stop being Florida and become a tax hellhole like New York, New Jersey or Illinois where most of the Democrats who live here moved from. If Gillum is using the racist card, his internal polling musn't be looking that good. I suspect rational people are realizing that most Floridians don't want a state income tax and the removal of their home property tax valuation cap because that is what it would take to do what Gillum wants. Plus the FBI is looking into his taking gifts. Maybe the racist card is suppose to immunize him from prosecution.

Dave Begley said...

Wow. That's a good rhetorical trick. Damning by those who might vote for you.

Otto said...

I guess he is calling blacks, latinos and liberals racists. What a fool. This quote is going to go viral, by conservatives to indicate that a black man is calling his people and party racists.

Jupiter said...

Well, I'm a racist in good standing, and I believe Gillum is a racist. So I guess it's just racists all the way down.

DanTheMan said...

If you don't vote for the black guy, you are a racist.

It worked before.

Otto said...

Good find by our wordsmith.

Achilles said...

Disgusting human being.

AustinRoth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AustinRoth said...

I'm not saying Gillum is a lying, deceitful, dishonest crook, I'm just saying lying, deceitful, dishonest crooks think he is a lying, deceitful, dishonest crook.

But then, so does everyone else. It is just the Democrats respect that in their leaders.

BarrySanders20 said...

I’m not saying Gillum is a pussy, I’m saying the pussies say he’s a pussy.

Works for lots of nouns. Homo, commie, grifter, etc. Neat rhetorical trick that only a pussy would use.

gspencer said...

Gee, I wonder who's the racist here, Andrew?

Michael K said...

Maybe the racist card is suppose to immunize him from prosecution.

I think that is it.

I thought Sinema was the goofiest candidate out there for state wide office.

rcocean said...

How does the D know what "Racists" Call him?

Its good the Democrats are finally just coming right out in the open and labeling their opponents are Racists.

No more smears. No more guilt by association. No more insinuations.

Just straight out slander.

rcocean said...

Florida like California is degenerating into identity politics.

Desantis isn't a racist because of anything he's done. He just belongs to the "White Party"

rcocean said...

Its basically the old NYC politics gone national.

You vote for the Black candidate, the Jewish Candidate, the Irish Candidate, the Italian Candidate, etc.

rcocean said...

BTW, I'm always surprised how dumb Republicans can be. Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, and Cubans, are all Hispanic and very few of them have any attachment to a Politician who's not a Hispanic from THEIR group.

Nominating a Cuban isn't going to get you many PR votes in Florida.

William said...

I wonder if the number of alienated whites and assorted minorities will ever make up a majority in America. Kind of scary if someone can win election on an anti-white platform......I never got an explicit anti-white vibe from Obama, but some of these other politicians not so much.

Vance said...

So Gillum is using the "Inga standard" for deciding racism now? Good to know.

Bay Area Guy said...

It's bad to be a rapist; it's bad to falsely accuse someone of rape.

It's bad to be a racist; it's bad to falsely accuse someone of racism.

It also distracts from real racial issues.

narciso said...

that's sort of beside the point, the fact that Gillum is part of the dream defenders, which is the black panther explorer group,

narciso said...

the moderator did carry the ball, for Gillum even though desantis stopped him at the 50 yard line,

langford peel said...

I am not calling Gillum a monkey but the other baboons want to groom him.

langford peel said...

Doesn't he know that all whites are racist. Just as all blacks are racist. All orientals are racist.

It's called being a human being.

It goes all the way back to when the Homo Sapiens redlined the Neanderthals and refused to rent them a cave in the Pyrenees.

We have cave paintings to prove it.

It is the way of the world. Stick with your own kind.

langford peel said...

Racism is our factory setting.

bagoh20 said...

Hey brother, The last century called. They want their issues back.

It's freaking 2018. Is this shit really important to anybody's life? There has never been less racism in the world, and least of all among Whites. When a politician starts talking racism, I know they have no new ideas, and no real solutions to any problems that matter. Talking racism is just a way of avoiding the challenge of being innovative and results oriented, probably because you don't have the intellect, creativity and drive. It's lazy and archaic. Who needs another one of those. This guy is a dinosaur already, just like Obama was. Which is why he had no idea how a President could increase GDP growth, or renegotiate trade deals. That's crazy talk to place holder politicians like them.

Gk1 said...

Is this the rhetoric of a candidate that is really ahead and confident of his election?

narciso said...

despite his politics, Langford, che agreed with you, he hated blacks, Mexicans, probably gays, so that's what happens when you look at things through a narrow lense,

rcocean said...

"There has never been less racism in the world, and least of all among Whites. When a politician starts talking racism, I know they have no new ideas,"

Exactly. And seen any Nazi's walking around lately? Hitler died 73 years ago.

Henry said...

Gollum: Now I'm not calling Mr. Baggins a thief...

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I'm not calling Mr. Gillum a racist. I'm simply saying that my sister's husband's niece believes he is, and that's good enough for me.

cubanbob said...

The irony in Florida except for Blacks that may vote for Gillum as a solidarity thing ( if I were Black I probably would do the same) the majority of voters in Florida that are property owners and will vote for Gillum will also vote for ballot amendments to further limit state taxation. For themselves, but not on the "rich corporations". I have yet to meet a hardcore Democrat that besides being a hypocrite in economic terms doesn't have a touch of larceny in their hearts. Taxes for thee, but not for me.

narciso said...

this is the kind of regime, Gillum brings:


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hideous and pathetic.

speaking of hideous and pathetic - CNN is the official whiny Democrat Hillary-adoration club. Gross.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


" I have yet to meet a hardcore Democrat that besides being a hypocrite in economic terms doesn't have a touch of larceny in their hearts. Taxes for thee, but not for me."

You said it. The D's I know are all mostly alike. They all want something at someone else's expense - when they damn well can afford to pay for it themselves.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN WHINY WHINY WHINY WHINY wimpy Hillary-ass-sniffing corruption excusing whores.

Guess what - saying so doesn't incite violence. It's truth.

Chance said...

I’m curious if Althouse has noticed a change in the type or quality of comments on the blog over the course of the last decade?

cyrus83 said...

Convenient translation for Democratic talking points:

Racist - Doesn't agree with Democrats
Homophobe - Doesn't agree with Democrats
Misogynist - Doesn't agree with Democrats
Nazi - Doesn't agree with Democrats
White supremacist - Doesn't agree with Democrats
Terrorist - Doesn't agree with Democrats
Evil - Doesn't agree with Democrats

Updated frequently as needed.

StephenFearby said...

Reddit thread:

"Bomb" timer is a $6 automotive clock without alarm feature from Amazon. It's a stereotypical Hollywood prop.

cyberpede: They'll probably only leave a 1 star rating on Amazon as well.


Even more so is the usage of a clock period. This isn’t a cartoon. Most “bombs” simply have some remote feature. Think about it - how would they know the device was delivered? Or even if they delivered it themselves how would they know the person wouldn’t see the timer and chuck it long before it detonated? The entire thing is so stupid.


"Dems, if you're going to make a fake pipe bomb..don't use a $6 clock from Amazon that doesn't even have an alarm for detonating


A real package bomb is designed to explode when the package is opened, not at a predetermined time. That's because you can't predict when the target will open the package.

On the NBC evening news today, they were still flogging the idea that the bombs could be real.

To its credit, CBS actually ran a trailer under its talking heads segment raising the question about whether the bombs were real or not.

The return address was Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the packages seem to have gone through a large mail facility near her district.

I'd say there is a good chance they'll nail the perp who sent the fake bombs before the midterms. And that he (less likely a she) will be a lefty.

The Crack Emcee said...

“While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulates a philosophy which gives aid and comfort to the racists”

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Michael K said...

“While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulates a philosophy which gives aid and comfort to the racists”

Hubert Humphrey said, "If this law results in quotas, I will eat the bill."

FIDO said...

The obvious question is: how many racists does Mr. Gillim call 'friend' that he knows these things?

J. Farmer said...

The illogic of the entire enterprise is that it really has nothing to do with the questions at hand. Who cares if individual people are racist. If someone is motivated by racism to support a particular political idea, it says absolutely nothing about the validity or correctness of the idea. If an odious person argues for free speech for self-interested reasons, does that make free speech a bad idea? The question, for example, is affirmative action good policy, is not answered by pointing out that some people are opposed to affirmative action for racist reasons.

daskol said...

The Crack Emcee said...
“While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulates a philosophy which gives aid and comfort to the racists”

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

MLK: civil rights leader, American hero, politician. Speaker of inspirational words, and also this twaddle. It's a lesson about the risks of wading into electoral politics.

n.n said...

An imputation of diversity.

The Crack Emcee said...

FIDO said...

"The obvious question is: how many racists does Mr. Gillim call 'friend' that he knows these things?"

I've known quite a few - as friends - kind of an occupational hazard of being American.

Whites can go through life without knowing blacks, I guess, but we ain't so lucky in the other direction.

The Crack Emcee said...

daskol said...

"MLK: civil rights leader, American hero, politician. Speaker of inspirational words, and also this twaddle."

They swoon when I talk about Lee, but get snippy when I talk about MLK - but they're not racists.

The Crack Emcee said...

J. Farmer said...

"Who cares if individual people are racist."

I'd prefer they wear a bell or something.

daskol said...

As J. Farmer articulated nicely, it's a weak argument against a politician. As an attempt to persuade people on their votes, it's low discourse.

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K said...

"Hubert Humphrey said, "If this law results in quotas, I will eat the bill.""

Which has to do with Goldwater giving aid and comfort to racists, how? Because it certainly has been as true as Humphrey's statement was false.

narciso said...

No, Goldwater had been as diligent as Humphrey ever hope to be on the Phoenix city council,

The Crack Emcee said...

daskol said...

"As J. Farmer articulated nicely, it's a weak argument against a politician. As an attempt to persuade people on their votes, it's low discourse."

Yeah, he should be talking about "the plantation" and shit, like whites do, right?

You guys are such hypocrites when it comes to blacks.

daskol said...

None of which means it's not effective, of course.

The Crack Emcee said...

I think Barry Goldwater was a fine man, but he let his principles get in front of common sense and he lost. That y'all want to continue that sorry tradition is no one's fault but your own.

You make America ugly, and no one else, and all the money in the world can't change that.

daskol said...

I get why the plantation talk is offensive, so I don't do that. I don't particularly like that thing MLK said, though.

Rick said...

I never got an explicit anti-white vibe from Obama,

It's totally credible he sat through Jeremiah Wright's sermons without ever agreeing.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"It's totally credible he sat through Jeremiah Wright's sermons without ever agreeing."

Because ever agreeing with an angry black man makes you what?

JPS said...

"Because ever agreeing with an angry black man makes you what?"

Makes me, me, on reading several comments by The Crack Emcee lately.

The Crack Emcee said...

daskol said...

"I get why the plantation talk is offensive, so I don't do that. I don't particularly like that thing MLK said, though."

Because there weren't racists in 1964?

The Crack Emcee said...

And - if there were racists in 1964 - can we agree blacks were economically deprived, in their own country, at least up to 1964?

That's a long time, for a people who've been here since 1619, no?

daskol said...

Because as political rhetoric, as a reason to oppose Goldwater, it's weak. It's cheap political rhetoric, and it's a striking contrast with the elevating things MLK said appealing to our higher selves.

Bay Area Guy said...

Goldwater erred by opposing the Civil Rights Bill. Most Republicans voted for it, but Goldwater had a political tin ear. That's partly why he lost 44 States to the wretched LBJ.

But Barry was totally right about the creation of the big govt welfare state that caused incalculable harm to nuclear black families.

daskol said...

But he articulated a political philosophy that some racists liked!

See, that's just not that germane.

daskol said...

Anyway, not a big deal, just a small lesson that partisan politics, electoral politics, doesn't necessarily inspire grand rhetoric. The cheap shit works too well.

The Crack Emcee said...

Bay Area Guy said...

"Barry was totally right about the creation of the big govt welfare state that caused incalculable harm to nuclear black families."

You guys talk like this shit happened without conservatives making asses of themselves, too. It's resistance that's making everything ugly and gross. It was conservatives who demanded no man be in the house to get welfare.

Like I said, hypocrites. Damn it, claim your shit and make it better.

daskol said...

Andrew Gillum is no MLK

The Crack Emcee said...

daskol said...

"Because as political rhetoric, as a reason to oppose Goldwater, it's weak. It's cheap political rhetoric, and it's a striking contrast with the elevating things MLK said appealing to our higher selves."

Oh - you wanted a living icon and not a man. Sorry to disappoint you, and whoever it was that said he won't use pennies because Lincoln, too, was human, but the great ones don't usually come in any other model.

daskol said...

I sorta preempted this comment up there.

The Crack Emcee said...

daskol said...

"Andrew Gillum is no MLK"

I don't remember MLK being MLK, to whites, when MLK was MLK. (The letter from a Birmingham jail made that clear.) He had a 33% approval rating on the day he was shot.

Not exactly a large fan base, I'd say.

daskol said...

I don' t know. There are a lot of white people.

Jaq said...

I saw him on a TV ad here in Florida. I am thinking that Titus would find him totally doable.

The Crack Emcee said...

daskol said...

"I don' t know. There are a lot of white people."

I know - they can change history to suit themselves - and have before.

Vance said...

So I'm confused... is Crack in here trying to say in some roundabout way that Gillum didn't say something really, really stupid and that pulling out the race card is a-ok?

I'm not really seeing a point, otherwise, other than Crack's inherent "I hate white people" flag being hoisted up the flagpole again.

Rick said...

Because ever agreeing with an angry black man makes you what?

Agreeing with a racist on race makes you a racist. It's revealing you argue against this ten seconds after asserting it.

The Crack Emcee said...

Vance said...

"So I'm confused... "

I'll keep that in mind as I read further.

"is Crack in here trying to say in some roundabout way that Gillum didn't say something really, really stupid and that pulling out the race card is a-ok?"

Yes. It's a statement that's been made about whites in America before - most recently about Trump - and will probably be again, in the future, unless whites become more discriminating about who they hang out with. You know, like they don't want me to hang out with criminals, even if they're my friends.

"I'm not really seeing a point, otherwise, other than Crack's inherent "I hate white people" flag being hoisted up the flagpole again."

Remember, you're the confused one - and you suffer a limited imagination that doesn't allow you to see past your own projection. Seek immediate help and stop blaming me:

I am not the confused one.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"Agreeing with a racist on race makes you a racist."

So blacks don't have a righteous beef? It's all our imaginations - everything up until the 1980s?

"It's revealing you argue against this ten seconds after asserting it."

If the complexities of American history escape you, please, let me help: I can start talking about Lee again, if it helps?

The Crack Emcee said...

10 years after Reconstruction, America reneged on it.

We can start there. See? No "racism" - a real live reason to dislike America and white people. Even a little.

You guys want to claim that's not true - under any circumstances. That's a lie.

Blacks don't want to live your lie. Sorry.

The Crack Emcee said...

You guys can't even appreciate the constant attempt at gaslighting us as harmful. You just want to keep saying the truth isn't the truth and demand we agree.

Isn't that what the commies are known for?

Rick said...

So blacks don't have a righteous beef?

You have the best excuse for your racism. You know what we call a racist with a good excuse?

A racist.

narciso said...

So about gillums pidgeon Marxism, any qualms about that, before we trek back to 1877?

Rick said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
10 years after Reconstruction, America reneged on it.

We can start there. See? No "racism" - a real live reason to dislike America and white people.

Live is a particularly relevant word. Why don't you name a few of these real live white people who determined American policy 10 years after reconstruction.

narciso said...

Let's summon the eloi klaxon so they can go back to the morlocks,

Bay Area Guy said...

BAG: "Barry was totally right about the creation of the big govt welfare state that caused incalculable harm to nuclear black families."

Crack: "You guys talk like this shit happened without conservatives making asses of themselves, too. It's resistance that's making everything ugly and gross. It was conservatives who demanded no man be in the house to get welfare."

I can agree that some conservatives made asses of themselves. A lotta "benign neglect", some requirements that men not be part of the household to get benefits. I can buy that. But a lotta blacks also made asses of themselves by selling drugs to your own people and making babies without fathers, not as the exception, but the rule. So there's some blame to go all around.

cubanbob said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...

" I have yet to meet a hardcore Democrat that besides being a hypocrite in economic terms doesn't have a touch of larceny in their hearts. Taxes for thee, but not for me."

You said it. The D's I know are all mostly alike. They all want something at someone else's expense - when they damn well can afford to pay for it themselves.

10/25/18, 6:52 PM

So true. Notice the anger at Trump's tax package that caps SALT deduction to ten grand. So who is this affecting the most? High upper middle class and above income taxpayers who are more impacted in Blue states than in Red states.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"You have the best excuse for your racism."

Yeah - whites made our race an issue for their own benefit - and now they want to use it for leverage. That works for me.

"You know what we call a racist with a good excuse?

A racist."

And, as Tweetie Bird said, you bwoke my widdle heart wit dat one. Look, blacks didn't start this shit, and whites can end it any time they want. But too many whites still seem to think the right to keep looking like racists themselves is the highest level of "freedom" whites can attain, so - as I said - stop talking and try setting an example.

I've shown compassion and understanding - on this blog - for Robert E. Lee, the Charlottesville Marchers, Donald Trump, John McCain, and a host of others. But only when I show the same compassion and understanding for my own people and American history does the praise stop.

You guys should think about how that looks, if nothing else. But know it is a lot more.

David Jones said...

Debates have become an "event" where candidates look to score political points with their base..
It is no longer a place to objectively debate ideas and policies to convince voters to be persuaded to their ideas.
I miss the days when..Political debating was an art..

Michael K said...

Which has to do with Goldwater giving aid and comfort to racists, how? Because it certainly has been as true as Humphrey's statement was false.

Fuck off, racist.

narciso said...

So you have no problem with gillum guilt tripping my state (and cubanbobs) into economic ruin, it's like Edward Smith steering straight into the iceberg.

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K said...

"Which has to do with Goldwater giving aid and comfort to racists, how? Because it certainly has been as true as Humphrey's statement was false."

Fuck off, racist.
Those two sentences don't seem to go together. You're a doctor, right? The golf cart guy? You can do better than that, can't you? Show some wit? What eight years of study could've got me - if I was from Africa?

I got my eye on you. You're special.

Rick said...

stop talking and try setting an example.

Opposing racism is an excellent example.

The Crack Emcee said...

narciso said...

"So you have no problem with gillum guilt tripping my state (and cubanbobs) into economic ruin, it's like Edward Smith steering straight into the iceberg."

Not when you guys are more-than-willing to be just as callous elsewhere - like usually where blacks are concerned. Fuck it, right? Ethics are for chumps, the way you play. bagoh20 wants the 100 years after Reconstruction to magically disappear with a wave of his hand - and says anyone who doesn't agree hasn't legitimately suffered anything worth even bitching about. That's gaslighting of the highest order.

No, I see nothing wrong with screwing up any place doing that to American lives, based on skin color.

As a matter of fact, throwing a wrench in it - of any kind - is pretty fucking noble, if you ask me.

I'd think trying to be more like the Founding Fathers would be in order - or even better, being Republicans, Lincoln - but y'all want to settle on the politicians and not the statesmen, and that, to me, is a pity.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...
stop talking and try setting an example.

Opposing racism is an excellent example.

But you're not. Nobody's fooled by your claims. You seek leverage. Conservatives speak of enemies. You white wash history to reflect well on you - and you alone. It's not flattering. I can say that and I'M ON YOUR "SIDE" (though, not being an ideologue, I don't see "sides" - just idiots, fucking up trying to get along).

No, your "colorblind" stance is a pose, which is why blacks reject it and don't worry about being called racists by someone so low as to try such a tactic. We know this history. You can't change it - because you don't want to.

You just want out. You know, like cowards. Not Americans.

narciso said...

This disaster doesn't happen without white liberals, you can tell how pained the moderator was to bring up Mike Miller and the Costa Rican junkets he had to pivot away as soon as he was able. Letting him die the tap dance over sanctuary cities over the mob that is the dream defenders

Rick said...

I can say that and I'M ON YOUR "SIDE"

I don't accept racists on my side.

blacks reject it and don't worry about being called racists by someone so low as to try such a tactic.

Similarly reasonable people don't worry about being called racist by those who claim their skin color proves they aren't racist while also claiming anyone with white skin shares guilt for acts committed by others who share their skin color.

The Crack Emcee said...

That statesmen thing is the issue: you guys aren't trying to make nation, you're just politicians, but trying to force people to agree with you - and people are sick of it.

It's like you make them go overboard with your own resistance to reality.

You are what you hate, People, and it's getting us nowhere.

Gahrie said...

The Compromise of 1877 is indefensible. One of the shameful blots on American history. No one came out of it looking good. But no one alive today bears any guilt or responsibility for it.

Jupiter said...

DanTheMan said...
"If you don't vote for the black guy, you are a racist.
It worked before."

Actually, I think what worked before was, "If you vote for the black guy, you're not a racist."

Fool me once ...

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...
I can say that and I'M ON YOUR "SIDE"

"I don't accept racists on my side."

So, which "side" are you on: the one with Bill Clinton saying Obama would've recently been getting him coffee, or the one with Lee Atwater explaining the Southern Strategy? I need help choosing myself, they're both so attractive.

"Similarly reasonable people don't worry about being called racist by those who claim their skin color proves they aren't racist while also claiming anyone with white skin shares guilt for acts committed by others who share their skin color."

Who said "anyone with white skin shares guilt for acts committed by others who share their skin color"? Is putting your assumptions in my mouth worth reparations? I mean, this nonsense you're assuming is taking up my one and only life, when I could be talking about the real position I hold, and not your "racist" make believe.

Just because you lack the imagination to make the parts fit, does not mean I need to puzzle over anything with you.

Jupiter said...

Then this time around, it was "If you vote for the bloated, lying sack of corruption with a vagina, you're not a sexist."

Fool me twice ...

The Crack Emcee said...

Gahrie said...

"The Compromise of 1877 is indefensible. One of the shameful blots on American history. No one came out of it looking good. But no one alive today bears any guilt or responsibility for it."

Unless you count the nation - which is very alive today - it bears quite a bit of shame (you guys have a "tic" about guilt and "plantations" that's creepy) and responsibility, and ought to be mature enough to deal with it, by now.

This desire to sweep it all under the rug - for your convenience - is silly. Lance the boil and let's move on.

John Pickering said...

this is the sort of thing Ann presents without comment, either in her usual moral confusion or perhaps to encourage the ignorant to buy on her portal. That this woman, who pretends an understanding of Bob Dylan, should so casually encourage the racism -- yes, the idea that the black is inferior to the white -- that s shown by many of her readers, shows a moral failure that can enrage even so saturnine a character as the crack emcee

Phil 314 said...

I’ve notified when Crack goes on his racists jags a couple of recurrent processes happen.

- white commenter agrees to some of some of Crack’s assertions. Response: silence

- white commenter opposes Cracks point . Crack quotes it as proof of the commenters racism.

Can we just end this all by all agreeing:

- all us white folks are racists

- Crack is always right in any discussion about race.

Rick said...

Who said "anyone with white skin shares guilt for acts committed by others who share their skin color"?

You did dozens of times. Here's one:

The Crack Emcee said...
10 years after Reconstruction, America reneged on it.

We can start there. See? No "racism" - a real live reason to dislike America and white people.

It's truly amazing you can't understand the principles underlying your assertions.

Jupiter said...

The Crack Emcee said...

"Lance the boil and let's move on."

Would I be correct in assuming that by "Lance the boil", you mean "Give me a whole bunch of money"?

Set up a GoFundMe, Crack. There are people commenting here who are stupid enough to send money to your sorry ass, just 'cause it's black.

narciso said...

He's a leftist I wouldn't have any further truck woth him than John Kerry Elizabeth Warren or Tom perez.

The Crack Emcee said...

Phil 3:14 said...

"Crack is always right in any discussion about race."

It is truly amazing: I spoke of Robert E. Lee and y'all were AMAZED at my grasp of history and that whitest of white men. But - let me say I also understand why he AND blacks were engaged in that struggle - and I'm not only the village idiot but a racist at that. ROBERT E. LEE.

You're just not credible.

narciso said...

Robert e Lee is like rommel or Yamamoto, considering the kind of monsters those regimes produced, imagine if one of these recalcitrant figures had taken over leadership you can add yamashita who MacArthur scapegoated for the crimes of royal house.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"We can start there. See? No "racism" - a real live reason to dislike America and white people."

It's truly amazing you can't understand the principles underlying your assertions.

What. A. Moron. I've also spoken a LOT about human nature. What can be rightly expected of blacks after the experience of emerging from slavery. Y'all want a cartoons. This is not TV. This nation has neglected AMERICANS and those Americans are aware of that. That's not racism. This nation has done it to AMERICANS based on RACE and guess what? It favored WHITES. Recognizing that isn't racism, either - especially when whites even now blame blacks for America losing it's prestige in the world. It's a righteous beef. And your ignoring g it, for this everybody's-racist-but-those-who-built-this-place-on-it line, isn't helping - still. I think BLM has gone off the rails for the same reason you have:

You're not seeing Americans looking back at you - you see your own assumptions.

The Crack Emcee said...

narciso said...

"Robert e Lee is like rommel or Yamamoto, considering the kind of monsters those regimes produced, imagine if one of these recalcitrant figures had taken over leadership you can add yamashita who MacArthur scapegoated for the crimes of royal house."

I agree, but can you imagine what these guys would've said, if I'd criticized him the way some of them did? Oh, I'd be the biggest racist in the world, unable to appreciate his brilliance because of my "racism" etc. - all their own racist assumptions of what a black person "should" think - just as they lapse into "black speech" when they decide to mock us. They just can't help themselves. The worst part is them, constantly putting it on me and other blacks. It's like I tell my Democrat friends about Trump:

You want to see what you hate about him most? Go look in the mirror.

narciso said...

The educational system has chosen to accept substandard speech as the norm, what does that have to do with a 37% sales tax hike.

Rick said...

Recognizing that isn't racism, either

You're not just advocating recognizing history. You claimed that history is a legitimate reason to dislike different white people more than a hundred years later. But if white people didn't share guilt how would any white person's racism justify hating another?

you see your own assumptions.

It's understandable you'd rather bleat platitudes than face your racism. You know what we call people like that?


Drago said...

Crack: "...and y'all were AMAZED at my grasp of history .."


Uh huh.

PJ57 said...

The Crack Emcee said:

Whites can go through life without knowing blacks, I guess, but we ain't so lucky in the other direction.

Actually, there are many fine nations and cities in which you could be so lucky. Whites can't generally live in those places long term, because the water isn't potatble, they start having nightmares from the malaria pills after a few weeks, they worry about their children's life expectancy being reduced to 54 years as in Nigeria, or they don't want to see whatever business they might establish or assets they might acquire be expropriated by kleptocrats, military tyrants or mendacious bureaucrats financing their home purchases in Mayfair.

But you should give it a shot. You might do some good for the people there. Better than complaining/

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"You're not just advocating recognizing history. You claimed that history is a legitimate reason to dislike different white people more than a hundred years later."

What exact part of replacing our "software" - you know, origin story, history of Africa, culture, knowledge of hereditary diseases, whatever, etc. - with some that made us completely subservient to whites or facing violence for centuries do you think every single black person in America should've gotten over by now?

"But if white people didn't share guilt how would any white person's racism justify hating another?"

Didn't I say you guys have a "tic" about guilt? Did I say a single word about guilt? Why must your assumptions be the basis of a debate when your assumptions aren't even real?

"It's understandable you'd rather bleat platitudes than face your racism. You know what we call people like that?


Yeah - The South was pretty sure their logic was solid as well. As were the whites who wanted to send us back to Africa.

We deal with you all - and your perfect reasoning about who we are - as best we can.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Crack Emcee said...
Rick said...

"You're not just advocating recognizing history. You claimed that history is a legitimate reason to dislike different white people more than a hundred years later."

And what is this "a hundred years later" shit? What happened to all that space between Reconstruction and MLK? Are you like bagoh20 and imagining that part of history doesn't exist?

Y'all's fucked-up.

Rick said...

Did I say a single word about guilt?

Yes. You cited these acts as justification for hating whites today which is only logically supportable if these hated whites are culpable for the racist whites' acts.

Guilt is a concept, not just a word. I'm constantly amazed when people who spend 98% of their time claiming to be smarter than everyone else feign utter stupidity the other 2%.

Rick said...

And what is this "a hundred years later" shit? What happened to all that space between Reconstruction and MLK?

You specifically cited the end of reconstruction as a justification. If you meant to offer some other justification you should have done so. It's revealing that even when you choose your own evidence you manage to blame it on whitey.

The Crack Emcee said...

PJ57 said...
The Crack Emcee said:

Whites can go through life without knowing blacks, I guess, but we ain't so lucky in the other direction.

"Actually, there are many fine nations and cities in which you could be so lucky."

Yeah, but how many American blacks do you know with traveling money? We're not white people, you know. You guys are not credible.

" Whites can't generally live in those places long term, because the water isn't potatble, they start having nightmares from the malaria pills after a few weeks, they worry about their children's life expectancy being reduced to 54 years as in Nigeria, or they don't want to see whatever business they might establish or assets they might acquire be expropriated by kleptocrats, military tyrants or mendacious bureaucrats financing their home purchases in Mayfair."

You need to watch those documentaries about how colonial nations carved up Africa - it's horrible. I guess I should be glad whites here made us slaves and then, once we were free, tried to re-establish the conditions we lived under before. That's a firm foundation for trust anywhere on the planet. Let's hug.

"But you should give it a shot."

There's a PayPal account over at the bottom of The Art Garage - I'll post photos of the trip. Michael K said my destination is "West Africa" so make it a bundle: that's a pretty large area to be asking if "Anybody know Leroy?"

"You might do some good for the people there."

It's a wonder what white people assume blacks must want to live our lives like, as they hang with their families, slip out on a sailboat, or go see the Alps or just live lives that, until recently, no one questioned. It's a statement on how little you see us as alike, wanting the same things, as products of "our" country. I gotta "do some good" or you assume that's what I'm talking about and I gotta "hate" (rather than accepting some people are REALLY PISSED about what whites deliberately neglected in this country) and not just being an American in every possible way - that's a trap you refuse to let me out of.

You will define what I want - which is a form of slavery, no?

"Better than complaining"

I've been complaining about the magical thinking in this country for over 12 years. You don't strike me as any different. I see black people as Americans, reacting as human beings would under the ever-changing stresses of freedom on an emerging culture through history - you take a shorter view. I can admit Maxine Waters has gone off the rails, but I can also say I understand why she has a loyal fan base, can you? Are they all just idiots? Or can you admit you're clueless to your fellow Americans? How can you, or the Republicans, or whatever segment of whites want us to do as we're told, hope to reach that constituency if you refuse to admit any part of the history that led them to that place has any - any - legitimacy? Do you appreciate how terrifying and HARD it could be just to drive from the South to Los Angeles all the way up to the 1970s? I made that drive with my family. I know Momma pissing by the side of the road because we can't go anywhere else. You trippin'.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"Did I say a single word about guilt?"

Ha! In order to get to that question, you had to pass up this one:

"What exact part of replacing our "software" - you know, origin story, history of Africa, culture, knowledge of hereditary diseases, whatever, etc. - with some that made us completely subservient to whites or facing violence for centuries do you think every single black person in America should've gotten over by now?"

Want to give it a go?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I see the homeless man's Jesse Jackson is in rare form tonight.

You will die alone and in poverty, and will have no one to blame but your own retarded ass.

jrapdx said...

The notion that I'm a "racist" and can't understand what black Americans are saying about their experience just because I'm an old white guy is utter crap.

First of all I can't be a "racist". Since I have absolutely no authority over anyone, it's impossible for me to "discriminate" against or for anybody. I can make requests, plead or beg and not a soul I encounter has to respond if they don't care to. I have no actual power to demand anything from anybody.

So no way can I in fact be "racist" even if I wanted to be. And I won't buy that my thoughts or feelings render me a "racist". Should I have person enmity to particular individuals or sets of individuals, so what? How does it matter? It changes nothing outside of my own experience, affects no one but myself.

Not hard to grasp that some black people might dislike me just because I'm white. But without any more authority over me that I have over them, it also doesn't matter. They're no more "racist" than I am.

OTOH governments inventing arbitrary rules about who gets goodies based on race ARE practicing "racist" discrimination. Likewise Congressional districts gerrymandered to favor blacks or whites are "discriminating" in respect to one or the other. The list goes on and on, the point is only with authority over others can one be actually "racist" or "sexist" or whatever "...ist" is fashionable.

What Gillum said is meaningless. Defining "racism" by what "racists" think is, well, tautological at best. Typical political/leftist BS. And saying so does NOT make me a "racist"...

wendybar said...

The only RACISTS I see, are the ones always calling everybody else racist.

RMc said...

I'd like the thank The Crack Emcee for having an easily-spotted avatar, making it easy for me to skip past his comments. (You, too, Inga and Robert Cook! Thanks again.)

The Crack Emcee said...

Ryanair passenger who called Windrush pensioner an 'ugly black b******' insists 'I'm not a racist' as he apologises to her 'for all the distress you've had'

There's white racism definitely occurring - but it's by magic. You can catch whites in the act of being racist (as above) and it's "I'm not racist" every single time. And, whatever they are, blacks just have to endure it with good natures because - white people say so.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I see the homeless man's Jesse Jackson is in rare form tonight.

You will die alone and in poverty, and will have no one to blame but your own retarded ass.

Most whites don't rock a Hitler mustache because they think it means they look bad, evil - Hey - if they want to tease blacks for the poverty imposed on us over centuries, while their upper lip stays clean, go right ahead. This is America and they got the right and that's all they need. And no one black should ever feel pissed about it. Because whites say so. Because blacks are free. To do as whites say.

You guys are such great educators and communicators, I'm so grateful for your guidance. All that money, spent on the much better lives and educations previous racists made sure you got and blacks didn't, really paid off here. You guys shine.

The Crack Emcee said...

You don't agree with us - FUCK YOU.

Replace MAGA with that and I think you guys have lucked upon a winning strategy.

You're nothing without Trump.

donald said...

“You guys”. Go fuck yourself.

MadisonMan said...

A politician that uses a sentence like "I'm not calling (opponent) an x, but" is a very bad / stupid politician. No good can come of that sentence unless it's a very obvious joke, which this was not.

The Crack Emcee said...

donald said...

“You guys”. Go fuck yourself.

You guys ought to all get teaching degrees - you're great at it.

The Crack Emcee said...

Sick racist trolls inundate dead University of Utah athlete's Facebook page blaming HER for her own murder 'for dating a black guy' - as cops reveal she met her killer while he worked as a bar bouncer

Racists don't exist - but then they do - and I (the guy with the substandard education and lower poverty level imposed by teasing whites) I am supposed to be able to tell the difference, by listening to who those who DON'T go along with blacks, in the face of historical evidence.


Phil 314 said...

Just another episode in the ongoing race conversation President Obama asked us to join.

Jon Gabriel's insight, as true today as it was in 2014

Rick said...

Racists don't exist -

Crack Quixote is tilting at his own fantasies again.

and I ...am supposed to be able to tell the difference,

It's revealing he admits he simply blames all whites for the racism of others because he can't tell the difference.

Remember this is the same guy who whines that others don't treat him as an individual. He claims not treating him as an individual proves others' racism but that standard miraculously doesn't apply to him.

The Crack Emcee said...

Phil 3:14 said...

"Just another episode in the ongoing race conversation President Obama asked us to join."

Because, if the wise white people - with the vastly superior educations and all the money in da world - don't teach us poor IQs of only 86, how's we gonna learn?

I know - yelling is the best medicine.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"It's revealing he admits he simply blames all whites for the racism of others because he can't tell the difference."

How am I supposed to tell the difference? I didn't say I "blame" anybody - I've always said America's put blacks in a situation and we're coping with it - that's the sweep of history. Y'all don't think so. You think we popped out of plastic wrap or something.

"Remember this is the same guy who whines that others don't treat him as an individual."

And remember you're the same people who hated Kanye until he put on a red hate - trust you? Grow up.

"He claims not treating him as an individual proves others' racism but that standard miraculously doesn't apply to him."

Because of that situation whites put blacks in - not the other way around.

Jaq said...

Crack, I admire what you are doing here. I don't always agree with you, but still, thanks.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said....

"It's revealing he admits he simply blames all whites for the racism of others because he can't tell the difference."

Retired Texas firefighter, 64, charged with a hate crime gets one year in prison for hanging a black baby doll with a noose by his black neighbor's door

I blame the black guy: He should've been able to "tell the difference."

The Crack Emcee said...

tim in vermont said...

"Crack, I admire what you are doing here. I don't always agree with you, but still, thanks."

I hear you, tim. Thanks.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Crack Emcee said...

I not only blame the black guy because he should've been able to "tell the difference" but for expecting he could actually enjoy a life free of such harassment in America - what arrogance! Why, even the attempt goes against common sense, since he so easily could've spotted this racist and, I guess, used the vast wealth, American blacks usually have, to move somewhere else.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you don't support the black communist - you're a rascist.

Wow -that's new.

BudBrown said...

You know what's amazing is a black guy won the Demo governor primary. He beat Graham's
daughter, Phil was her uncle so I guess she coulda called the Post owner Aunt Kathy? And I didn't know any of this was happening because I just watch the late nite local news and know more about some lake menadoodle in the god knows where north than I know what's happening here. But reading the comments here I did learn he wants to raise the sales tax.
Is Florida a southern state? I'm a southerner but damn if I can remember how it happened.
I'd have arguments back in the 70s with yankees about Florida being southern and it took me a while to realize they're just letting me know I didn't have to be southern if I didn't want to be. Or something. I try to remember the race relation thing in Tampa back in the 60s and it's all jumbled. Florida elected a republican, Kirk, governor in 66, and maybe Goldwater helped make that possible. Leroy Collins was governor in the late 50s and was running for Senate in 68. A photo gets around. Collins was a for gosh sakes integrationist. He was at Selma helping broker the deal where the marchers could cross the bridge. The photo was of him and MLK. Collins lost.

Rick said...

How am I supposed to tell the difference?

How are people supposed to tell the difference between law abiding blacks and black criminals? Does this inability to identify differences justify treating all blacks as criminals? How fucking stupid are you?

And remember you're the same people who hated Kanye

I've never hated Kanye, why do you keep attributing views to people based on their skin color?

Gahrie said...

Because blacks are free. To do as whites say.

White people are telling young Black men to gun each other and innocents down in the street?

White people are telling Black mothers to abort their babies?

White people are telling Black people to have illegitimate children with multiple partners?

White people are telling Black people to attack successful Blacks for acting White?

White people are telling Black kids to fail in school?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sweet Sweet Socialism

The Soviet Union was “really existing communism,” under whose aegis millions were impoverished, tortured, and murdered (but, according to the New York Times, the sex was great). Western intellectuals, gullible creatures that they are, adulated that steaming tyranny. Eventually morons like Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II brought to an end that horrible “experiment in living.”

Chairman Mao probably has the distinction of having murdered more people than any other single human being. His efforts to bring compulsory fraternity to China has yet to be definitively repealed; indeed, China seems to be slipping backwards towards a new embrace of centralized tyranny.

Where else have we seen socialism on the march? In Cuba, of course, an island paradise that the Castro brothers transformed into a murderous police state.

R. Kimball

A thought-police state but with free health care that sucks. Democrat platform

The Crack Emcee said...

California white supremacists vowed to 'reimagine' racist movements with new look and secretive tactics

I'll let you guys know when I "know the difference" between one of these guys and anyone else in my day-to-day activities.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"How are people supposed to tell the difference between law abiding blacks and black criminals?"

From what I can tell, they generally don't - see the problem? That only works when they do it - not when we do - then it's racism.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"How are people supposed to tell the difference between law abiding blacks and black criminals?"

By the way - those "people" are "white people" just as you seem to know "blacks" and "Black criminals" go together.

You can't win this, Man, whites have already done too much damage to everything racially.

Jupiter said...

The Crack Emcee said...
"Sick racist trolls inundate dead University of Utah athlete's Facebook page blaming HER for her own murder 'for dating a black guy' - as cops reveal she met her killer while he worked as a bar bouncer"

You Crack me up. Some worthless black piece of shit kills the white woman he's been fucking, and when people say thats exactly what you can expect if you fuck a worthless black piece of shit, you call them "racist!". Look on the bright side, you stupid son of a bitch. At least she wasn't a racist, now was she? No sirree! She was one woke white gal, 'til one day she woke up dead.

Rick said...

From what I can tell, they generally don't - see the problem?

Some don't. I agree that's a problem just like your racism is a problem. Your problem is that you emulate the racists even while claiming when you do it it's acceptable.

That only works when they do it - not when we do - then it's racism.

It doesn't "work". Whites who assume or treat all blacks as criminals are racist. Non-racists apply that same standard to your beliefs identifying you as racist also. Only you are asserting a double standard.

just as you seem to know "blacks" and "Black criminals" go together.

Again with your willful stupidity. This is offered as a negative example and you imply it's something I believe. What an asshole.

Jupiter said...

The Crack Emcee said...

"By the way - those "people" are "white people" just as you seem to know "blacks" and "Black criminals" go together."

Some of us do. Lauren McCluskey didn't. The poor girl probably went to some public school where some woke idiot of an "educator" told her that there's no such thing as race.

gahrie said...

just as you seem to know "blacks" and "Black criminals" go together.

Over 50% of violent crime in the United States is committed by less than 5% of the population. I'll let you guess what that group is.

Sam L. said...

Now, who's gonna trust a racist who calls someone else a racist?

DanTheMan said...

>>Over 50% of violent crime in the United States is committed by less than 5% of the population. I'll let you guess what that group is.

100% of that violent crime is really the fault of white people. I'll let you guess who believes that.

The Crack Emcee said...

White gunman tried to enter predominately black Kentucky church just minutes before 'he opened fire inside a Kroger store killing two'

The Crack Emcee said...

A Racist Message Buried for Thousands of Years in the Future

The Crack Emcee said...

DanTheMan said...

>>Over 50% of violent crime in the United States is committed by less than 5% of the population. I'll let you guess what that group is.

The idea of whites portraying blacks as violent didn't start until Reconstruction - you didn't see it during slavery because whites didn't want it to be a self-fulfilling prophecy - which is all I'll say about that.

Y'all ain't credible.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"I agree that's a problem just like your racism is a problem."

I've only agreed you're a moron.

"Your problem is that you emulate the racists even while claiming when you do it it's acceptable."

A quality you like in Trump, though - He fights, right? No one else is allowed to color outside the lines, because you say so - you, the white guy - you determine it, right? That's your new answer to this old problem. Fuck off.

"Whites who assume or treat all blacks as criminals are racist."

And I'm supposed to know the difference on sight of who's-who - and you think that's a decent life for anyone, right? Guessing for eternity? Only to be disappointed again - and possibly have my life fucked up because I guessed too late? Fuck you.

"Non-racists apply that same standard to your beliefs identifying you as racist also."

You are an idiot.

"Only you are asserting a double standard. "

You damned skippy - we were the slaves. Indians owned the land. Those are unique backgrounds compared to everybody else. There's nothing you can do about them - but you can try. Your problem is - and it was Barry Goldwater's too - you can't even see that far. For AMERICANS. So - again - fuck you.

"What an asshole."

Lick it.

Jupiter said...

gahrie said...

"Over 50% of violent crime in the United States is committed by less than 5% of the population. I'll let you guess what that group is."

Um, people who are turning their lives around?

The Crack Emcee said...

4 White Supremacists Face Federal Charges In California Attacks

The Crack Emcee said...

Furious Detroit judge throws out case against black urban farmer after three white women falsely accused him of pedophilia and gun violence when he turned vacant playground into a garden

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