New York Magazine. Here's the clip of Kelly doing what she did, whatever her thinking was here:
Megyn Kelly wonders what the big deal is about blackface— Tommy Christopher (@tommyxtopher) October 23, 2018
The best thing I can think of to say for her is that TV for some stupid reason has to churn out Halloween stories every year, and taking this dumb position might have seemed like a way to get a lively conversation going on the hopelessly stale topic of what to wear on Halloween. At one point, Kelly talks about the general offensiveness of Halloween costumes such as the one where you've got the illusion of an axe embedded in your cranium — what's that, the Leon Trotsky costume? — and she has no idea that she's already embedded the metaphorical axe in her own head.

That's an image from a play I once saw — "Variations on the Death of Trotsky."
The play is divided into eight scenes... each depicting a differing final moment of Trotsky's life and making satirical allusions to soap opera conventions... [T]he play calls for Trotsky to die at the end of each scene, and then continues on (after the ring of a bell) from near where the last scene left off... Trotsky is depicted throughout the show with a mountain-climber's ax sticking comically out of his skull... Though this is apparent to the audience from the very beginning, Trotsky himself does not realize that the ax is there....That's what old Megyn had me thinking about.
There was blood — blood coming out of her wherever.
So, what IS the big deal about blackface?
What a cataclysmic crash. A few short years ago she was practically the queen of cable. Now pretty much everyone dislikes her.
I guess the lesson herre is that when you dramatically leave you old tribe and realign yourself with a new one, you have to be sure to understand and follow your new tribe's various edicts and taboos. In the liberal media elite tribe, there is probably no greater sin than wrongspeach.
That was pretty bland. It could not have been the reason for losing her show. It might have been the excuse, but it wasn't the real reason.
Meg will be OK. I saw she's getting a $69 million going away present. I'll not work there for half that and won't even complain about the sexism that she gets paid more to go away.
$69 million...
Probably negotiated but will still be ballpark.
I detest these people. Is it any wonder why the msm are the way they are? $69 million to insert a silver foot in her mouth. I want to form a militia and invade NYC and LA. I want to steal their golden parachutes at gunpoint. I want to convert the cashier's check to cash and toss it from the top floor and then bring the buildings down around them like in fight club.
If everyone hates the elitism, it's birthplace is the 5 mile radius around 30 rock and 90210. I wouldn't shed a tear if a tac-nuke hit either location.
Maynard was right. Learn to swim *ssholes...
So, what IS the big deal about blackface?
Blackface allowed white actors to displace black actors for jobs??
Blackface was always presented with ugly cartoonish caricatures??
Otherwise, I don't know either.
If her show had been successful, ...
Ms. Kelly should've articulated the difference between blackface and an Official Rachel Anne Doležal Halloween costume.
I am Laslo.
That's what she gets for thinking she could go over to those politically correct lefty douchebags at NBC. They will never forgive her for being on Fox News, but at least she will be able to make them eat those 10's of millions in salary.
More Trump wins. Megyn Kelly's career ended when she tried to take on the God Emperor, and lefty mainstream media loses tons of money.
Fuck everybody involved in this retarded nothingburger of a "controversy."
So, what IS the big deal about blackface?
We're all supposed to remember the 1930s regardless of whether we were born yet or not.
Megyn tried to use a innocent, sexy diva approach against the pro-Trump guests.She was rewarded with mega millions. Then she tried to seem fair and use that approach with the rulers of political correctness. And like Trotski, she has learned who not to anger.
[Insert blonde joke here.]
Megan Kelly Ran A Train On Me & I’m Taking One Back Over Her
I've been waiting 9 years to say that.
It sounded like she was trying to differentiate between dressing as someone you admire (Diana Ross) and dressing to mock a culture. I thought the most offensive/insensitive comment made in that exchange was by Melissa Rivers who said that if you want to look like Diana Ross, dress as Michael Jackson. She talked about not being rude, then made a joke like that. I don't see much difference between that joke and dressing in a way that mocks a person/culture. It's all for the lulz.
Tomorrow she was going to defend Scary Black Cherry, so it's just as well her show gets cancelled today.
I think Krugman had her career in mind when he made his famous pronouncement about the post Trump economy.
She is a nice example of how you can really screw up by getting the future wrong.
I think there was an old Bob Hope movie called "Boy did I get a wrong number !"
Maybe she can take her $69 million buy-out & purchase the Kiwi shoe polish company.
Stupid ass pc crap. The advice I give Kelly is... always press charges, always sue.
Not a fan of Megyn Kelly, openly dislike NBC News, not a fan of "blackface" costumes by silly white folks.
But this is petty BS. It also distracts from real racial issues. Fussy PC Puritanical nonsense.
This was just NBC looking for a way to dump her. Expensive, though. Would such remarks, extended for the balance of her contract, have cost NBC at least $69MM in enterprise value, e.g. from lost viewers or demoralized staff or defecting advertisers? Really?
Sad. But just as nothing can grow to the sky, these absurd postures are self-defeating. Buh-bye, NBC.
She should be fired for apologizing.
This whole controversy says fake to me. What’s wrong with a Diana Ross costume? I guess it’s all right to segregate an audience now if you call them “reserved seats”.
On the left, it is always 1963. Yawn.
Gee - so now NBC needs a good lawyer to find a loophole in her contract so they don't have to pay her the 69 million bucks? I hear Avenatti is availalbe, can use the work and he can find things whether they exist or not.
That's a lot of money. For--what, exactly?
A lot of old movies include blackface performances. I remember watching a series of such movies starring Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney on the TCM television channel. Three or four of those movies in a row included blackface performances.
It was obvious to me that the performances were not intended to be insulting to Negroes (as they were called back then). And the movie audiences of that period did not perceive them to be insulting.
The pattern of these movies was that Judy and Mickey were involved in planning, rehearsing and performing a variety show for a theater audience. The variety show included various song-and-dance numbers. One of the numbers would be a blackface number.
After watching this series of movies, I thought about the reasoning of the blackface numbers.
Judy and Mickey lived in a racially segregated society. They did not have Negro friends whom they could incorporate into their variety show. However, Judy and Mickey liked the music and dancing that Negroes performed, and they wanted to feature such music and dancing in their show.
The only recourse for Judy and Mickey was to perform the Negro music and dancing themselves in blackface.
Judy and Mickey and their fellow performers and the theater audience all understood the blackface performance to be a homage to Negro music and dancing.
How else were Judy and Mickey supposed to do such a homage? It just was not realistic and practical for them to go find some Negroes and include them in the show. Society still was too racially segregated, even in the Northern states.
Our society has gone stupid. Blackface and dark makeup are not the same thing. Dark makeup is ONE ELEMENT of blackface, but is hardly the entirety of it, even if you limit the discussion to makeup.
Painting your face dark brown to dress up as a character, without the other elements of racist caricature, is NOT blackface, it is just makeup.
Having said that, Megyn Kelly called dark makeup "blackface" while attempting to make this point, in addition to calling the opposite "whiteface," which is not a thing that exists. So she screwed up her own argument and played into the ignorance that now makes makeup a subject for outrage in the first place.
What's important here is not what she said. What is important is that SHE IS NOT ALLOWED TO REPENT. She cannot change her mind, she cannot say “oh I never thought of it that way”, she cannot say “wow that was wrong of me, I need to rethink. She cannot even grovel, which she tried. No confession, no repentance, no contrition can be accepted. Unperson.
Look, I am an atheist. A hard core don’t make me laugh atheist. But to me this seems unchristian, an I mean that as a bad thing. Foregiveness, forbearance, repentance, understanding— these things have vanished from our Twitterized discourse. Everyone only wants to scream at the witch.
NBC wanted to fire her a long time ago. She was only hired to stick a fork in Trump's Eye, and blow a raspberry at Fox.
No doubt they jumped at the "Blackface" comment and will use it to break her contract or negotiate a lower firing fee. IOW, NBC may save $millions by firing her over this.
Of course, she didn't deserve it, but if someone else, say Trump, had said something similar, would Kelly have defended Him? Hell no. So who gives a damn.
Its hard for me to care. A liberal chick who used Fox to get a big contract gets fired over violating the Liberal Party line by a dumb remark. Hard to find a non-asshole in this NBC Shit show.
Blackface is one of those weird things that happened in 19th and early 20th century America. White guys putting on blackface and singing and dancing. Al Jolson did it a lot in the 20s and 30s. Why? Who the hell knows?
Nobody, as far as I can tell from watching movies with blackface (cf Jolson Story or Holiday inn) was trying to make fun of blacks.
Bay Area Guy said...
"But this is petty BS. It also distracts from real racial issues."
That's the idea. The whole point of race theater is to prevent white people from noticing that something like a third of American blacks are criminals and parasites. Let's keep it about the makeup, shall we?
She was only hired to stick a fork in Trump's Eye, and blow a raspberry at Fox.
Yes and she was so full of herself that she didn't see it.
I forget, which side is she on?
As usual with the PC victims - especially women - they all rush out and cry and apologize, seemingly with sincerity, and of their SJW bosses don't accept it and they get fired/punished in some way.
Stalin did the same thing. Blubbering confessions and apologies and appeals for mercy ending in the Gulag or the execution chamber.
You'd think some one would just stand tall for once, given that the apology is NEVER accepted, but so far only Trump has figured it out.
Two things:
1) She never should've went to NBC. There was nothing there for her - but $69 million. And, for that, I hope she gets to keep it. They fucked up.
2) She did, too, and you guys ought to be able to admit it. If you're serious about wanting blacks in the Republican Party then stop coddling people who insist on doing things that continue to rub us raw racially, just because you can. Sure, no one can stop you, but since when has anyone ever - except in war? And why must you always carry shit to that level before you'll stop? Isn't that just like the liberals now? Just admit Megyn was a bad egg all along and let her go. I could see it. She had no place on the airwaves.
I'm glad to see her go - for the sake of the Republicans, and blacks as well.
Yes to that Michael K. She has less self- awareness than a rock.
I don't really like her much, but it is really hypocritical of NBC to use the segment in question to fire her. They could just 'man up' and fire her becasue they made a mistake hirign her in the first place and she really is not wroking out?
Is New York and 'At Will' state for working?
if you call it blackface, it's bad. But if you call it makeup, it's fine.
It's Halloween. If you have a problem with someone else's (particularly a child's) costume, then you're the asshole.
I'm still a little surprised TCM still shows old musicals with blackface routines. A couple weeks ago it was Girl Crazy or something, and Mickey Rooney was all, who doesn't love a minstrel show!! Lol. I'm old but always hated em. So lame,and I want to see what a guy looks like.
Oh and I hate holloween too. Enough of that kids' shit. No adult cared until the 80s or so, iirc.
She'll get a shi-ton of money. NBC could have let her go for no reason.
This is why you have Trump. This will get you more Trump.
NBC sucks. But they make their business decisions and pay for their mistakes. Whatever...
if Diana Ross wants to be Megyn Kelly for Halloween,
I think some of us never bought into the hype of the silly and extremely overrated Megyn Kelly, I know I didn't.
So how did Robert Downey Jr get away with it in Tropic Thunder?
"when I was a kid, that was okay as long as you were dressing up as like a character"
Megyn was born in 1970. Blackface was OK in the 1970s and 1980s? I don't remember that.
She used to be my tribe. And I would have defended her because the action of offense is on the person taking it.
Some people are expert on taking offense.
But we weren't good enough for her and she vehemently left the tribe. Her employers and she thought that she was so gosh darned popular, that like a lawyer poaching clients, she'd bring a whole new demographic with her to whatever liberal channel she is on.
She seems to find her new masters a bit more...finicky than her old tribe. And she thought she brought some of her old tribe with her.
She was wrong about that as well.
NBC can hire and fire who they want, but once an employer goes down the "speech policing" road; no one will want to work for you.
"It might have been the excuse, but it wasn't the real reason.
Blackface is associated with American minstrel shows, in which making fun of the supposed flaws inherent to black people was an expected part of the show. And that's sufficient to view Halloween blackface as a really bad idea.
Nonetheless, people make mistakes, and as there's surely no racist intent here I don't doubt that NBC could find a way to finesse the issue and keep her on air.
If they wished to. They obviously don't.
Do Halloween stores sell blackface costumes?
They sure paid a lot of money to find out what anyone that watched her past shows already knew. It makes me wonder how much foolishness has access to so much money.
When you go to the Saracens, there is no going back.
And that's sufficient to view Halloween blackface as a really bad idea.
It's been a long time since blackface was a good idea.
Maybe Megan Kelly thought she was a liberal and could get away with stuff like Bill Clinton and Senator Menendez in the day of #MeToo. But she was always going to be ruined by her transfer to the main stream. Half the country thinks she's a turncoat and the other half thinks she isn't. The media in general think she's at heart a deplorable. Hence a racist. And now, the proof.
An apology and $69 will not buy forgiveness from progressives. When they get in power again, I expect they will seek the death penalty for any thought/speech crimes with no right of appeal and expedited execution. Plus, banishment of the family, confiscation of all goods and possessions.
Congratulations to NBC for finally getting rid of the ratings boat anchor, Megyn Kelly.
Congratulations to Megyn Kelly for getting NBC to pay her for not working.
The ending 15-minute montage in Spike Lee's "Bamboozled" depicts all the ways black people have been depicted as a flappy-lipped, bug-eyed underclass in movies, cartoons, advertising, tchotchkes, toys, lawn jockeys, on and on. It's powerful, moving and relentless. It also holds a knife to the deserving throat of Hollywood. I hate political correctness for a lot of reasons, mostly for killing cruel humor, but blackface - it ain't okay. In an alternate universe, it's as harmless as white-face on mimes. But not in this one. Not after seeing that montage.
Megyn Kelley made her show #MeToo center after aggressively going after NBC darling Matt Lauer on air. I read Megyn wants Ronan Farrow present at her exit interview—Farrow left NBC when they squashed his nascent Harvey Weinstein exposé.
Watch A Sunny Day in Philadelphia show when they did Lethal Weapon...just a few years BLACK FACE...Nobody got fired and there was NO Uproar. I guess when you are progressive actors, it is okay. What about when the Wayan Brothers did WHITE CHICKS?? This is beyond stupid. Halloween is a day you dress up as a character. I guess if you are a kid, and your hero is black, you can't dress like them.
It’s all who, whom
She could have done anything to Dr. Mike, but not Crack.
It’s magic.
Creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti is always willing to take on another female client.
The real idea is to punish tolerance.
Ms. Kelly did not dress up in black face, she expressed tolerance for a reality show character who put on makeup (not black face) to look like Diana Ross.
For the left, it is not enough to hold the correct political view, one must also hate those who don’t. Hound them out of restaurants, de-platform them — because if you don’t, you’re next.
I've always thought that the old style Blackface schtick as in vaudeville was a caricature of what White people thought Black people acted, spoke and sang like. Not an homage to Black culture or Black music but an exaggerated version.
Perhaps, back then, the people who performed Blackface, like Al Jolson, didn't mean it to be insulting. Perhaps, back then, the caricatures were the only way for Whites in a segregated society to even see Black songs and dances.
That was then. This is now.
Caricatures are rarely, complimentary or appreciated by the subjects of the caricature, whether they be American Blacks, Irish, Mexican, Japanese etc.
An homage to Dianna Ross How can that be bad? Baby baby. Baby Baybe.
Now would not be a good time for Megyn to suddenly discover she is 1/1024th Native American.
I have read that they will pay the balance due on her contract, but I don't believe it. They have wanted to get rid of her for some time, and I think they finally pulled the trigger over this stupid shit. Within a week or so, you will read that they aren't going to pay her what she is owed.
I have to admit, she lasted a year longer in the new job than I predicted she would.
Was any black person, including Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, complaining about blackface Halloween costumes in the 80s? Isn’t that what these journalists should be looking up?
Halloween is, if anything, the perfect time to freak out the religious, politically correct, and parents. When kids say "Trick or treat," I treat them to magic tricks, which totally confuses them.
Amerikans need to get over their need to confine their children and control everyone's speech in public. As bad as Trump is, at least he helps open the blocked path to free speech.
All I know is, having my parents read "Little Black Sambo" to me during my childhood was a soul-destroying experience.
She was only hired to stick a fork in Trump's Eye, and blow a raspberry at Fox.
NBC's primary motivation is to brand themselves moderate which requires a high profile right leaner to balance the left. But of course that desire could not violate their anti-Trump beliefs so their options were limited. Her fighting with Trump convinced them she could be the tool they needed.
Alas for them their employee base values their SJW principles more than their jobs. They were taught and believe it's appropriate to bring political principles to their jobs. This is what "the personal is political" means: incorporate politics into your everyday life. In other words: discriminate. Every industry liberals control discriminates politically because they believe in this tenet. It should have been no surprise after first JournoList and then the Atlantic that media is now as discriminatory as the higher education system.
There was a wealthy Black family with a big expensive house, who put one of those iron jockeys in front of the house -- only they painted the black face of the jockey white. Was that racist? I thought it was funny.
Irving Berlin's 1927 song "Putting On the Ritz" was about Negroes (as they were called then) partying on Lennox Avenue in Harlem on Thursday nights. Harlem's Negroes themselves used that slang expression -- "putting on the ritz" -- for that weekly activity. Manhattan residents in Berlin's social circle were familiar with the expression and so understood what the song was about.
The song was featured in a 1930 movie called Putting on the Ritz. The actors who performed the title song-and-dance number of the movie performed it in blackface. They did so because the song was about a Negro activity in Harlem. The song and the movie performance were a Caucasian homage to Negro singing and dancing. The blackface was meant to be respectful toward Negro artistry, not insulting toward their race.
However, people who lived outside of Manhattan did not know that the song was about Negroes' weekly partying on Lennox Avenue in Harlem. The song's references were not understood by most people.
Therefore the song's lyrics were rewritten. Now most people associate the song with Fred Astaire wearing a tuxedo and dancing in a fancy nightclub. Now the song is about rich Caucasians dancing in an expensive nightclub.
The song no longer is an homage to Negro fun, music, dancing and artistry -- no longer an homage to Harlem's Negro culture.
Now the song is an homage to rich Caucasians' nightclub dancing.
I wrote an article the tells the song's history in my blog about the movie Dirty Dancing.
Karma's a bitch ...bitch!
"We're all supposed to remember the 1930s regardless of whether we were born yet or not." Of course, with the country hell bent on erasing all reference to its dubious past (tearing down statues, renaming school buildings, etc, the next generation won't have the 30's to remember...
Blogger Tank said...
It’s all who, whom
She could have done anything to Dr. Mike, but not Crack.
I doubt if John Howard Griffin could get away with it today.
I read his book as a college student.
Four students dressed as the Jamaican bobsled team, in Black face, won the Best Halloween costume and $ 500.00 award at a Canadian university. Nobody died.
My favorite "offensive" costume is the Anne Frank costume marketed by a popular website. The kid was super cute! Unfortunately, this costume was pulled after a "social media upheaval" in 2017. I think the costume was a great idea and could have served as an educational tool, especially since an astonishing number of Americans are confused about WW2.
Dust Bunny Queen at 4:29 PM
Perhaps, back then, the people who performed Blackface, like Al Jolson, didn't mean it to be insulting. Perhaps, back then, the caricatures were the only way for Whites in a segregated society to even see Black songs and dances.
That is the way that most people of that time perceived it.
The movie producers who made the movies starring Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney wanted to show Negro music and dancing to the Caucasians in the movie audiences.
Judy and Mickey were playing a couple of Caucasian teenagers living in the Caucasian society of that time. Such teenagers did not personally know any Negroes. If Judy and Mickey were putting on a variety show, they did not know any Negroes to invite to participate.
The movie's story had to be somewhat realistic for the movie audience. The story could not realistically show a couple of Caucasian teenagers going to their town's Negro neighborhood and recruiting some Negroes to be in their variety show.
What was more realistic was that the Caucasian teenagers might put on blackface and perform a song-and-dance number in the Negro style.
Putting Negroes into movies as featured characters was a gradual process that lasted several decades. During that gradual process, there was an intermediate period when Caucasians put on blackface to perform Negro music and dancing.
The people who made and watched those movies during that period did not perceive the blackface performances to be insulting to Negroes. They perceived such performances rather as being a plot device to feature Negro music and dancing in a society that segregated Negroes from Caucasians in artistic performances.
The funny thing is, whatever you think of her now, her afternoon show at Fox was very good, and her evening show there was good. From the very little I’ve seen of her NBC show, it is painful to watch. Afterthought, she also was very good in her short spots with O’Reilly.
I have an idea. Why don't adults quit taking every perceived slight like an actual slap in the face. Grow up already. The Village People would not be allowed on TV these days because adults have not figured out how to ignore nonsense.
Grown ups should tell the perpetually offended to STFU already.
I thought the preferred spelling was Me-Again Kelly.
"The funny thing is, whatever you think of her now, her afternoon show at Fox was very good, and her evening show there was good."
Her 2016 election night coverage on Fox was good. I have the video saved, and watch it occasionally when I need a pick-me-upper.
Isn't Trump looking for next UN ambassador?
Billie Holliday has a song about how great it is to live in Mississippi and watch the lazy river flow by. I think the song was by Mercer. It's a good song, but I think that she put on blackface to a certain extent when she sang it. Black performers used to adopt minstrelsy personas. Hey, it was a living......Megyn Kelly walks away with 69 million dollars? I wish I could fail like that. I don't think this is a black list kind of scandal. After she collects the millions from NBC, she can probably book another gig on cable news. She probably won't make as much, but there are sadder stories. She owes a lot to Trump. Maybe she can get him to appear on her new show. Then she can insult him again and go on to a new round of fame and fortune.
Blogger RK said...
"The funny thing is, whatever you think of her now, her afternoon show at Fox was very good, and her evening show there was good."
When she had the big makeover, hairdo, etc. That was the sign of the demon.
Ode to Schadenfreude!
SchadenFreude Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Idiotium,
Sie betreten ego-trunken,
NBC, dein Heiligtum!
Deine Zauber gteilt wieder
Was Amerika streng gebund't
Alle Leute werden nieder
Wo dein sanfter Flügel scheisst.
(with apologies to Schiller and Beethoven)
I think I'll take the Solomonic approach and split the baby in half. What Kelly said ain't really that bad, but it ain't recommended either.
My impression of the 1940 Mickey/Judy blackface musical numbers is they were simply doing it as "Nostalgia".
The minstrel shows was "old timey" music - like Al Jolson from the 1920s.
BTW, Holiday Inn is an interesting case. Berlin was a big Lefty and wanted "Abraham" to be about the Lincoln Birthday and celebrate the freeing of the slaves. So the film dresses up all the white actors in black face and has them sing the song as "Negroes" circa 1863 celebrating Lincoln for freeing them.
Its 10x of weirdness. It was cut from film when showed on TV. You can see it on youtube. It should have been cut on artistic grounds alone. Who wants to see Bing Crosby in blackface? LOL.
Society, or should I say the SJW Liberals, have completely lost any sense of proportion and sense of humor.
Back when we were still allowed to be politically INcorrect and funny. Allowed to be offensive and make fun of everything.
King Tut Steve Martin.
Somewhere along the line, we have become seriously stunted as a society. Sad. (What do you mean WE, white man? says Tonto to the Lone Ranger)
Crack: “If you're serious about wanting blacks in the Republican Party then stop coddling people who insist on doing things that continue to rub us raw racially, just because you can.”
“... doing things ...? What? Like breathing? Like nonPCspeak?
I’m not a Republican. I don’t give a shit whether blacks become Republicans. I do wonder when blacks will notice that their unemployment rate is now the lowest in memory, that they may be competing unsuccessfully with illegal aliens for jobs, and that more black men, by far, are killed by other black men than by cops and find something in there more important than “rubbing (them) raw racially.”
I guess NBC wanted to stop the bleeding.
BTW, who is Megan Kelly's audience now?
Conservatives Hate her. Liberals hate her.
She's been labeled a racist, and she was always a bad fit for housewives at 9 AM.
I guess she could go back to Fox - as a quasi-liberal and provide "balance".
Just another example of a moron who went after the God Emperor and had their life destroyed.
At least she can cash out her contract unlike some.
If I got $69 million for getting fired, on day one, I would have come to work in blackface, wearing a MAGA hat, carrying a tomahawk, pulling a rickshaw, and leave my fly open. Then I'd grab somebody's ass.
There was a famous incident when Whoopie Goldberg and Ted Danson appeared at dinner in black face and did a comedy routine. She still has a job. So does Ted. A liberal can do anything and get away with it.
It is all about political correctness. She should never have apologized for her perfectly valid opinion.
Amos and Andy would beat the hell out of 90% of the dreck these dweebs have in primetime.
hombre said...
"I’m not a Republican."
I did address my comment to those of a different viewpoint.
"I don’t give a shit whether blacks become Republicans."
I know - but you're going to make sure blacks know how you feel anyway, just because....
"I do wonder when blacks will notice that their unemployment rate is now the lowest in memory, that they may be competing unsuccessfully with illegal aliens for jobs, and that more black men, by far, are killed by other black men than by cops and find something in there more important than “rubbing (them) raw racially.”"
And I wonder when "whites" will notice their concerns are not ours, which makes them bad neighbors and bad communicators - the fall-out of which they blame others for - starting with the recognition that while you're mooning over blacks having jobs (something that should be normal but hasn't been for how long?) we're still recognizing all the ways you let us down so we're hardly in a position to applaud you for even your current interest.
You are not perfect people, perfect neighbors, or perfect Americans, so get with the program you expect others to respect and start acting better yourselves. Stop talking and set a fucking example. You are not my hero. Change that.
Make America Great Again.
Blacks make derogatory racist statements about Whites and their culture all the time. They dress up as Whites and make fun of them. I got no problem with that. In fact, I welcome it. Lets all laugh at it, because we are not fragile children. Apparently, many people think Blacks are just that. I don't think most Blacks are really bothered by it at all, but I don't think most Blacks are pussies. Don Lemon? Now that's a pussy. A big weeping pussy.
The heroes and victims are all dead now, but they gave it all to pass on the greatest nation in history. I think gratitude is in order for those lucky enough to have descended from the real victims and the real heroes. I have no desire to make a fraction of their sacrifice to tie a cheap bow on the gift they already earned and passed on. Time to make something of what you have been given at great cost to others. Earn it.
bagoh20 said...
"Blacks make derogatory racist statements about Whites and their culture all the time."
Which, for us, is both an new experience and something we need to express because - guess what? - we've been mistreated here. Do whites have that history? Then white do they want to act like it's bad and not natural for an abused people to feel weird about who - in this case will forever be - their captors? We didn't ask for this? Of all involved, we had the least agency - throughout centuries - and now, in the first decades after we're even allowed to eat with whites, you think we shouldn't have a few cutting remarks to make?
How big of you. You're a real student of human nature.
"They dress up as Whites and make fun of them."
Why, Berkil? Just "racism"? Give me a break. You want to erase us as historical creatures. Can't so that. It is what it is. You still resist it, which makes it worse. You're fighting reality itself.
"I got no problem with that."
If I sayu "OK, Massa" will that make your statement sound any sillier? Nobody's asking your permission. That's the whole point.
"In fact, I welcome it."
As you should: WE need expressions of freedom - things whites take for granted - you just need to chill.
"Lets all laugh at it, because we are not fragile children."
As I keep saying, there are white guys who seem to be able ton thread the needle without giving up anything - Bill Burr and Drew Carey seem to immediately come to mind a lot these days - and the rest of you should trying emulating them. We need more likable white guys. The whole nation would relax more.
"Apparently, many people think Blacks are just that."
That's why whites didn't start regularly calling grown black men "Mister" and "Sir" until the 1970s - anybody starting to get this shit yet? Fucking REPUBLICANS should.
"I don't think most Blacks are really bothered by it at all, but I don't think most Blacks are pussies."
Most blacks don't want to see, think, or hear about blackface. It's tired. Played out. Here - Go the other way, white people. You can do it. I believe in you.
"Don Lemon? Now that's a pussy. A big weeping pussy."
Finally - one thing we can wholeheartedly agree on - kick his lousy ass to the curb as well. We don't need him.
bagoh20 said...
"The heroes and victims are all dead now, but they gave it all to pass on the greatest nation in history. I think gratitude is in order for those lucky enough to have descended from the real victims and the real heroes. I have no desire to make a fraction of their sacrifice to tie a cheap bow on the gift they already earned and passed on. Time to make something of what you have been given at great cost to others. Earn it."
You just eliminated all of Reconstruction from your mind - and our history - like the new form of slavery that followed the Civil War is all about which direction bagoh decides to wave his hand. The depth of that ignorance, and the pain it causes - and the ignorance that gets unleashed from it - is profound.
You really ought to get out of the race game, bagoh, because you suck at it.
"You really ought to get out of the race game, bagoh, because you suck at it."
That's what it looks like when you aren't playing the game, and it is a game at this time in history. I don't play it, it's worn out, and so are the ideas you still cling to like a childhood blanket.
"We didn't ask for this? Of all involved, we had the least agency - throughout centuries - and now, in the first decades after we're even allowed to eat with whites, you think we shouldn't have a few cutting remarks to make?"
You must be the oldest human in history. Stop claiming suffering and sacrifice you never endured. That's a disservice to those who did. It's cheap, it's just another form of stolen valor. Your life has been better than most humans living now or ever.
"... you think we shouldn't have a few cutting remarks to make?"
Exactly backwards. I said I welcomed it, and we all should be OK with it. That's how healthy, equals relate. Isn't that the macho response.
bagoh20 said...
"Stop claiming suffering and sacrifice you never endured."
Stop acting like you know my history. You don't. You know nothing about it. You speak like you read, a little, but just the way you eliminate Reconstruction says you don't.
You can't speak with any credibility, bagoh.
Not only can't you speak with any credibility, but the way you position yourself as an impediment - spouting ignorance on a grand scale - is repulsive.
I do not understand why it is racist to wear makeup that changes your racial appearance.
"the ignorance that gets unleashed from it"
The Hellcrack?
If you were honest, then you would know shit didn't start to really change in this country until the '70s - which gave me ample time to endure it before the change happened - and it hasn't been all smooth sailing since, so I don't know what you're talking about.
I do not care for Megan Kelly at all. But a comment about blackface for Halloween gets her fired? Roseanne sends an odd tweet with possible racial overtones and that gets her fired? ]We have reached a truly insane place. At the height of the Reign of Terror in the French Revolution, someone was guillotined for producing sour wine. Someone else was guillotined for saying "A fig for the nation." True, we have no guillotine - yet. But we are content to try to ruin someone's entire career and family life on the basis of one uncorroborated accusation from forty years ago. In the Reign of Terror, that exact same thinking got tens of thousands executed. I do not say it will come to that here. Our society is not in the kind of structural crisis France faced in 1789. But when it comes to the psychology of extreme self-purification and ritual scapegoat sacrifices, which was the intellectual essence of what happened in France, a significant segment of our people are at that demented level already.
Melissa Rivers prattling on about about being nice to people? Her mother called the First Black First Lady a tranny, FFS.
Blogger Not Sure said...
Melissa Rivers prattling on about about being nice to people? Her mother called the First Black First Lady a tranny, FFS.
And that's a bad thing? I thought trannies were supposed to be the new in crowd.
The long months of speculation over lackluster ratings. The idiotic conversation that serves as the pretext to the exit. The groveling apology. What an ignominious end. I know she's likely to get paid a lot of money, but that's all pretty humiliating.
Matt Lauer got away with years of misconduct bordering on rape. Kelly made one questionable remark about donning blackface. There's no way that NBC comes out of this looking good.
I would never wear blackface, nor would I confront anyone that did. You folks do know that in original negro minstrel shows blacks wore blackface, as did white performers performing black minstrel music. It's call theater.
I always liked Shirley Temple movies with BoJangles (Bill Robinson).
When you transcribe, punctuation matters. “Blood coming out of her, wherever”.
I don't own a television so someone will need to tell me why I should care about a woman named Megan Kelly.
And I wonder when "whites" will notice their concerns are not ours, which makes them bad neighbors and bad communicators - the fall-out of which they blame others for - starting with the recognition that while you're mooning over blacks having jobs (something that should be normal but hasn't been for how long?) we're still recognizing all the ways you let us down so we're hardly in a position to applaud you for even your current interest.
So you refuse to be satisfied no matter what white people say or do. You got a nice racket going there, but for how much longer?
Mac McConnell,
Good points about original negro minstrel shows. One of the pathetic things about the obsession with demonizing decontextualized words ("blackface") is a total failure of historical understanding. We view those minstrel shows as inherently demeaning. However, there were no such shows in the early centuries of American slavery. It seems to me the minstrel shows could be seen as an early emerging interest in and appreciation of African American culture. Sure, it was an ambivalent interest, full of insulting meanings. Yet it could be seen as an opening up to what blacks would go on to produce. Are those who condemn Kelly's remark any more open to that than she was? I can't say.
When does Jimmy Kimmel lose his job...He was actually dressed as Karl Malone, and made fun of his speech. Aw....he's a progressive. It is A-OK!!!
Blackface today is today's performance. It's good or not on its own criteria.
Here's Jimmmy……
‘Megyn Kelly has made one racist claim after another': Axed host’s former Fox co-worker puts the boot in and attacks NBC for hiring her after known issues on race
They were "known issues on race" - that's for sure. I mean, insisting Jesus (supposedly a Middle Easterner) was white?
Come on.
Bob Loblaw said...
"So you refuse to be satisfied no matter what white people say or do. You got a nice racket going there, but for how much longer?"
I like how some white people - almost instinctively - will assume the worst reading of something, and then stick the knife in, based on that alone.
Now THAT'S a nice racket that's paid off well.
I guess I do not get it. I think Megan was on solid ground there if you are dressing up like someone that is black Diane Ross or Obama why would it be offensive to use black face to fit the part? That being said that video segment pretty much highlighted the show is bad who would watch those people. It should be cancelled. I use to watch Megan when she had her show on fox. I thought over all she was pretty fair minded and I usually enjoyed the show.
I mean, insisting Jesus (supposedly a Middle Easterner) was white?
OMG that's blasphemy! Burn After Firing!
And she had the gall to mention Santa Claus - is nothing sacred?
The lefties are vicious little snots, and are rejoicing that they have brought her down. She had nothing for which to apologize, and she shouldn’t have bothered to try. Everything about the libruls is personal destruction and reedukation kamps. Civil war is inevitable.
– Krumhorn
Fernandistein said...
"OMG that's blasphemy! Burn After Firing!
And she had the gall to mention Santa Claus - is nothing sacred?"
I learned, right around the time Oprah said "The Secret" was science and nobody lit into her, that the rest of you are one Hell of a lot more comfortable in a world of misinformation and make-believe than I am.
Interesting new take on Megyn Kelly's firing at NBC.
But Kelly's NBC coverage didn't fit within a Fox News mold. Instead, as stories from the #MeToo movement broke, Kelly took Hollywood's most powerful abusers to task, platforming some of the very first Harvey Weinstein victims that came forward, like Lauren Sivan, Mimi Haleyi, and Dominique Huett. Amid the stunning realization that NBC News had attempted to silence the groundbreaking stories of former employee Ronan Farrow, who later published his #MeToo reporting in the New Yorker, Kelly publicly and persistently called for an independent investigation of NBC's methods and motives.
But most damningly, Kelly has made it clear that she will not welcome back abusers. When asked about Matt Lauer, NBC's lovely, $20 million anchor who had a door lock on his desk to more easily prey on female subordinates, Kelly minced as few words as she could without condemning her employers for their complicity in Lauer's persistent harassment.
I don't know how much credit to give the story but it is interesting.
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