That's Elizabeth Warren in this 5-and-a-half minute video dealing with the white-hot issue of the DNA test that does or doesn't support her statements over the years about her purported Native American ancestry.
I can figure out what distinction she means, but I'm interested in what bad writing reveals: "I'm not enrolled in a tribe, and only tribes determine tribal citizenship. I understand and respect that distinction." No distinction has been articulated. She's just conceded that she's not "Native American" in the sense that matters to the Cherokee Nation, which spoke up about her DNA test yesterday. To them, to be Cherokee is to have political status because the tribe has governmental power and controls its membership. The distinction Warren fails to articulate is between citizenship and genetic ancestry. Why doesn't she make that explicit? Does she think that touting one's genetics sounds wrong (at least to some people)? Does she not want to be confrontational to the Cherokee tribe by saying, yes, I know that tribal citizenship is important to you, and I'm not enrolled and don't qualify to be enrolled by your standards, but I've still got something going for me that I think matters, even though it's not what you think matters?
Why does it matter?! It matters because she talked about it in the past, and whether we believe all the law professors who say in that video that they did not take her supposed minority status into account when they hired her, we do know that she identified herself as Native American to the American Association of Law Schools and that Harvard Law School represented itself as having a Native American professor in its faculty when all it had was her. So the tiny percentage of possibly Native American DNA that Warren has matters only because she's fighting a charge of dishonesty and unfairness. If she had not used a claim of Native American ancestry in the past, she would never point to a DNA test now and say, look, I'm possibly a little tiny minuscule bit Native American. If that was the normal discourse in America, we'd be so bored with it by now.
I got that video at The Washington Post, where it appears with a Dana Milbank column:
Like most in the American melting pot, I’m a mutt: a stew of English and German, western pioneers and sharecroppers, immigrants from the shtetl and a great-great-great-grandfather who died fighting for the Iowa 39th Infantry in the Civil War.Milbank relies on the same argument Warren uses in her video: Trump is the one using race to divide us. The defense of Trump there is: Trump calls out the dishonest use of race. But Milbank says something I think progressive Democrats like Warren disapprove of, the notion that America is a "melting pot." I think that's regarded as a microaggression.
This is why Warren’s DNA stunt was such a blunder: She took Trump’s DNA-test dare and let him divide us — again — by race and ethnicity....
From the Wikipedia article "Melting Pot":
In the early 20th century... [t]he melting pot was equated with either the acculturation or the total assimilation of European immigrants, and the debate centered on the differences between these two ways of approaching immigration: "Was the idea to melt down the immigrants and then pour the resulting, formless liquid into the preexisting cultural and social molds modeled on Anglo-Protestants like Henry Ford and Woodrow Wilson, or was the idea instead that everyone, Mayflower descendants and Sicilians, Ashkenazi and Slovaks, would act chemically upon each other so that all would be changed, and a new compound would emerge?"We were talking about the idea of the "melting pot" back in June 2016. I wrote:
[Scott] Adams tries to figure out what Trump could say to undo the "crazy racist" branding. He pictures Trump saying he loves everyone and believes in the "melting pot."
I think what Trump is going to try to do... is argue that the true meaning of "racist" is what Democrats do, which is to openly talk about everyone — and to frame political appeals — in racial terms. What Trump said yesterday — about Elizabeth Warren — was "She made up her heritage which I think is racist. I think she's a racist actually, because what she did was very racist." The idea is: It's racist to exploit race, and they do that all the time. Democrats can be relied on to cite race continually, and Trump will have a lot of "there you go again" opportunities: They're trying to divide us by race to get political power for themselves. I will never do that.
ALSO: Trump might be able to get people to identify with him. He could say: I've been called a racist so unfairly, and it's what they do to you too if you don't stay in line. They've got people so afraid of being called a racist — completely unfairly — that half of the members of my own party are afraid to support me, they're so afraid they might get called a racist. This fear — this race-based fear, because of their racist name-calling — is terrible for America.
२१९ टिप्पण्या:
219 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Warren saw a poll and panicked.
This whole non-issue was completely off my radar until she brought it back; I strongly suspect that maybe 100 million other Americans would say the same thing.
Now, she looks like a clown and for no good reason that I can see. Yes, if she run for Pres it would have come up but that is well in the future and it could have been played an number of ways.
Those who say that Trump brings out the worst in his opponents are right; he trolled her months ago, everybody had all but forgotten it or dismissed it as a tempest in a teapot, and look at her now.
So The left’s obsession with identity politics is somehow Trump’s fault?
“This is why Warren’s DNA stunt was such a blunder: She took Trump’s DNA-test dare and let him divide us — again — by race and ethnicity....”
4 Alarm BS!
Before the test, everyone thought Warren was White. After the test, everyone knows Warren is White.
Here is why this is a huge political loser for Elizabeth Warren.
Because it's funny.
Granted, she has Democrat protection. So the 2.4 million jokes that can come from this won't be utilized on Jimmy Kimmel or Saturday Night Live, but that doesn't matter anymore. I've already seen it all over my Facebook and Twitter.
A duck that is 1/1024th Bald Eagle, for example.
That right there is funny. And it doesn't bother with the details. It's just straight up mocking humor that everyone can understand.
She's done as a 2020 candidate. But, she will keep her seat in the Senate for the next 50 years.
Martin said...
Now, she looks like a clown and for no good reason that I can see.
Something important is happening in 3 weeks.
She is not stupid. She would happily ignore this issue...
If her seat was safe.
Well, it's lunch time. Time for some yummy PowWowChow.
First rule in politics. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!
(and don't use a dull Tomahawk)
That's not funny !
Yes it is.
Pochahonky speaks with forked tongue.
Someone has failed to learn the First Rule of Holes.
The distinction she recognizes is the one between those like President Trump, who can be attacked mercilessly, and "Native Americans", whose victimhood is undeniable, and whose pronouncements are therefore indisputable.
Believe All Indians!
But none of that MeToo stuff!
This is why Warren’s DNA stunt was such a blunder: She took Trump’s DNA-test dare and let him divide us — again — by race and ethnicity...
Uh, if hiring and college admissions treat applicants differently based on race and ethnicity, that's pretty much the definition of "dividing us by race and ethnicity"
As to the “melting pot” the census data is interesting. Even “whites” tend to self-identify with one ethnicity (though the numbers go down every year). People still self identify as Irish or German or Italian, etc. Some people self identify as American on the form, and the number is increasing.
Obama identified as black when he filled out the 2010 form. He didn’t check bi-racial or multi-racial. It would have been funny if he self identified as Irish. He’s got way more Irish ancestry than Warren does Indian. And Irish people liked Obama.
So it seems like the enzyme theory of the melting pot is more likely. We all tend to still take a bit of pride in our ancestry/ethnicity but get a long pretty well.
It seems like Liz is circling the wagons on this one.
You Nuh-Uh!
The progressives overtly took over the democrat party.
The democrat party was a coalition that explicitly revolved around spoils.
Black and Hispanic people have started noticing that most of the spoils go to rich white people and they do better under republicans.
Now they see the spoils specifically go to a rich white woman who stole some of their spoils.
Warren is despised by black people and liberals never really liked her.
The coalition is falling apart and this is just one consequence.
Blogger is acting up again I see. Sorry about the spaces.
Milbank says something I think progressive Democrats like Warren disapprove of, the notion that America is a "melting pot." I think that's regarded as a microaggression.
I'm still puzzled by what the progessive's views are on the issue of race and cultural blending. Do they believe it to be a bad thing? If so, why?
she will keep her seat in the Senate for the next 50 years.
Of course she will. It isn't like she left a person to die in submerged car and never called the police to attempt a rescue. The people of Massachusetts have SOME standards after all.
Oh wait ...
"white-hot issue of the DNA test"
Why not red-hot?
Golly, this is fun.
Warren never learned the first rule of holes. The mockery about this that are going around the internet are simply devastating- the jokes you can make about this literally write themselves in endless variations, and we haven't even yet seen the parody utilizing Downfall. A person with a different public persona- a reputation for self-mockery- might well survive this politically, but Warren doesn't have that sort of persona, and that video just goes to prove this fact. There is basically no way to recover from this sort of thing- it will dog her the rest of her life at every forum she visits.
Elizabeth Warren is the Todd Akin of 2018.
Blue tsunami my ass!
Can Warren find a way to bill taxpayers the $10,000 for the test?
Trump is ending racism in America.
If ever the term cultural appropriation deserved to be applied, it would be to Elizabeth Warren's Indian-blood stunt.
Nonapod said...
I'm still puzzled by what the progessive's views are on the issue of race and cultural blending. Do they believe it to be a bad thing? If so, why?
Because their coalition is based on taking peoples stuff and dividing it up amongst themselves.
You need to keep the dividing lines clear or else you get poaching.
Like a rich white woman taking black peoples spoils.
Once the lanes get blurry it is impossible to keep a coalition based on spoils together.
Nonapod said...
"I'm still puzzled by what the progessive's views are on the issue of race and cultural blending. Do they believe it to be a bad thing? If so, why?"
Once you get that figured out, you can work on how we can all be so sexist when there are no discernible differences between the sexes.
The melting pot doesn't erase genetics but culture and a genetic claim is not a tribal claim. Still, in truth a number of folks I know have a distant Native American past---my relatives who were trappers from the Green Bay area and they usually make no mention of it nor have they ever used it in applications as far as I know. Warren is compounding the mistake and should have not taken the bait.
Don’t worry, Inga will come along in a bit to explain how Warren is right and all Democrats now accept her native heritage.
They’re probably waking up to her right now saying, “How...could you be so stupid?”
Her ways are not the ways of the white man.
Nevertheless, she persisted.
"She is not stupid. She would happily ignore this issue... If her seat was safe."
I live in her state. The one and only state to go for McGovern in 1972; the state that sent Fat Boy Kennedy to the Senate for every election beg. with 1964; the first one to judicially "recognize" (not legislatively which would reflect the will of the people) so-called gay marriage; the state with the resident liberal loony bin known as Harvard. And more.
Her seat is safe.
This is precisely the sort of disruptive strategy, tactics, intuitive instinct and impact that Trump brings to the table as he completely blows up all previously Dem/lefty/LLR positions/lies that have been effectively covered up and papered over.
And that success at exposing these poseur self-identified "elites" has them reeling and unable to identify effective responses.
Just witness all these buffoons that LLR Chuck worships that have been utterly exposed and neutralized.
Who could ever have dreamed Trump could operate within this rigged and corrupt system and not just survive, but succeed.
I haven't deep dived into Trump's business dealings prior to 2016. I kinda just viewed him as a loudmouth NY celebrity developer.
But, I do understand that after his famous casino failures in Atlantic City, he moved towards branding, i.e., selling his "Trump" name to various enterprises to make money.
Can you imagine if Senator Warren - a legit heavyweight political contender -- is knocked out of the Presidential race by the one word branding of "Pocahontas"?
I am stunned that her political gurus thought this DNA test was a good idea. Some Stanford professors says you're 1/1024 Navajo? It defies all logic and reason. It's like New Coke -- just an epic failure.
Warren's seat is safe- I predict she wins with 20%+- it is freaking Massachusetts, after all. No, her mistake was in actually believing that DNA test vindicated her- that is just gob-smacking stupidity, not a Hail Mary to help win the election next month. Did she have no one on her staff with the ability to see how ridiculous she would look touting that result- or did she just hire a bunch of yes-men too afraid to contradict the boss' decision?
whether we believe all the law professors who say in that video that they did not take her supposed minority status into account when they hired her
No one believes any of the law professors in that video.
She is genuinely unable to stop digging.
Let's be honest here, Warren is a more truthful and upstanding person than Trump (she's wrong about all kinds of things, but I think she means them). Yet this one simple lie, or exaggeration, she cannot let go is an anchor pulling her into the depths, while Trump can get away with anything. Why?
I think because she wants so badly to be the revered stateswoman, noble, principled, beyond reproach. Trump doesn't give a damn about being any of that... he openly presents himself as a bullshitter, so that when he says outrageous things we can write it off as Trump being Trump. Warren can't do that; she can't not care, she wants to be seen as a paragon of virtue.
But when you try to cheat in life by lying about your ethnicity (even what she claims to have believed about her ancestor doesn't justify identifying as "Native American"); or by lying about military service, or your economic background, et cetera then you don't ever get to be a paragon of virtue. You just get to be one more mediocre lying politician pretending to be something else.
Ah, the second rule of holes is that someone else will beat you to citing the rule.
eric said...
She's done as a 2020 candidate. But, she will keep her seat in the Senate for the next 50 years.
She sees a need to work to hold her senate seat.
Menendez is going to lose his seat in New Jersey because he lost the support of black people.
I think Warren's problem is she is losing liberals. There are probably enough liberals in Massachusetts to pull her down and she wouldn't have done this if she didn't see the need.
Good scene from the Deer Hunter:
Nick Chevotarevich (Christopher Walken) is in the hospital after being rescued. He is brooding, obviously disturbed. An Army doctor approaches him to ascertain his condition. The doctor read's Nick's last name from the clipboard he holds.
"'Chevotarevich'," the doctor says; "is that a Russian name?"
Nick replies, disdainfully: "No. It's an American name."
I still think Warren should hire famous Harvard Law Professor, Larry TRIBE to get her out of this mess.
The issue shows how stupid and tone-deaf she is. She had the perfect excuse not to take an DNA test. She could have said it was pointless because Indians refuse to participate in the DNA database and there is no way to verify if she is Indian. She could say she's doing this out if respect for the indians' feelings about inappropriate use of DNA testing.
My guess is she had no idea (and no one around her) DNA database is a hot issue for Indians.
"It's like New Coke -- just an epic failure."
Be wary of making New Coke comparisons. In essence, a blunder, but one that proved to be a success. Why? The reintroduction of "Coke Classic" to the market. It outsold the original Coke.
That the Press is trying so very hard to move on from this is testimony to how devastating this gaffe is to Microhontas. Someone in the press recognizes it. Maybe even Senator Elizabeth Warren (overheard at a DC Restaurant: "Senator Elizabeth Warren? Reservation for one...?") recognizes it. Hence the confusing video.
Maybe she'll bounce back from this. People wrote off Nixon, too.
"white-hot issue of the DNA test"
Why not red-hot?
White-hot is hotter than red, orange, or yellow-hot. White-hot is the hottest.
"Be wary of making New Coke comparisons. In essence, a blunder, but one that proved to be a success. Why? The reintroduction of "Coke Classic" to the market. It outsold the original Coke."
That is an excellent point.
"White-hot is hotter than red, orange, or yellow-hot. White-hot is the hottest."
BAG: "I am stunned that her political gurus thought this DNA test was a good idea. Some Stanford professors says you're 1/1024 Navajo? It defies all logic and reason. It's like New Coke -- just an epic failure."
Im not surprised at all. There are armys of "expert" political consultants and they are all little cowardly sheep running full speed in alignment with their ledty/dem conventional analysis.
These charletans always apoear "brilliant" to those who exist to be accepted, as opposed to actually achieving anything.
Look at McCains campaign leadership losers Steve Schmidt and the moron Nicole Wallace who made sure Palin was undercut.
Both are now out and proud advocates for dems/left.
Sounds exactly like a particular LLR poster in these boards.
But only exactly.
"She's done as a 2020 candidate. But, she will keep her seat in the Senate for the next 50 years"
I didn't realize that the life expectancy for 1/1024th Mexican's was 120 years. The lying old squaw is already 69 years old. With any luck, shes dead in the next decade.
Liz Warren wasn't even primaried.
Was Henry Ford a Anglo Saxon Protestant? I see in Wikipedia that his father was born in County Cork, the same region my Ford-site of the family originated, and they were all Catholic, and some were in the IRA too. Family lore has it that my grandfather was a cousin of Henry's. Certainly too far removed from me for any financial benefit.
Fauxahontas lied to get her job and the privileged elitist used/gamed the system to get ahead.
Harvard keeps trying to cover its ass with the white woman yet is fighting to remain discriminatory. A lot of the plaintiffs involved in that lawsuit actually look Asian.
Warren is a more truthful and upstanding person
Yeah. One that uses her Harvard office as her law office in violation of the rules. One that submits a word-for-word recipe from a Manhattan restaurant into a Native American cookbook as her own tribal recipe. One that violated law licensing rules. And that just off the top of my head.
eric said...
Here is why this is a huge political loser for Elizabeth Warren.
Because it's funny.
That is to the point. This is Saturday Night Live material, if they want it.
She's toast or as my wife would say, "chopped liver"!! Trump strikes again since she'll always be known in people's minds as Pocahontas. Especially now with her doubtful proof of 1/1024 part native american heritage. You couldn't make this up. If only she had dyed her hair black and put fake tanning lotion on she might be able to get away with it - just kidding! Frankly I dont think she could ever get beyond this problem which was entirely of her own making. When you masquerade as something you are not for possible benefit whether you got a benefit or not, you deserve to be unmasked and face the consequences. In this case she is the first Trump casualty of the 2020 election. Who's next? Any bets?
It's depressing that someone as clearly stupid as Elizabeth Warren wields as much power and influence as she does. I guess this is what you end up with when you don't call people out on their bullshit for decades, and instead reward them for their lies. I believe it's one of the main reasons the Democrat party (and arguably the Republican party to a lesser extent) is filled with fools, they promote liars and reward incompetence as long as you represent the correct set of beliefs along with being the correct race and/or gender and/or otherwised disadvantaged group.
Now, in Trump, you have a guy who is actually willing to call out the bullshit that's been festering in heaps for decades.
Yancey Ward said...
Warren's seat is safe- I predict she wins with 20%+- it is freaking Massachusetts, after all. No, her mistake was in actually believing that DNA test vindicated her- that is just gob-smacking stupidity, not a Hail Mary to help win the election next month. Did she have no one on her staff with the ability to see how ridiculous she would look touting that result- or did she just hire a bunch of yes-men too afraid to contradict the boss' decision?
This is possible. But.
I am going off the basis that Warren is an intelligent person. She would know she could pull this stunt off in a month or two after she was safely ensconced in her seat for 6 more years.
There seems to be only one reason I can think of not to wait until after the 2018 election if your goal is to run in 2020.
This would be much easier to pull off after the democrats just won the house and could forecast a 95% chance of retaking the senate and white house in 2020.
That is not what the polls showed her.
Yeah, you're probably right. There are some really stoopid political campaign advisers out there.
I'd really like to know the names of the guys/gals who advised Warren to run with this DNA test. They put a lotta work into that political roll-out. Epic faceplant.
“No, her mistake was in actually believing that DNA test vindicated her-...”
She made no mistake and she did prove she wasn’t lying to those who count, those who will vote for her, the base and independents. Trump just needs to keep doing what he’s doing, like defending his business partner, the Saudi King. These past couple of days have been interesting, the amount of animus shown to Warren reveals just how frightening she is to Trumpists.
"A duck that is 1/1024th Bald Eagle, for example."
My favorite is 1,024th Navy Seal
I keep waiting for Trump to use the phrase "stolen pallor" so that nitpicking people can start correcting him by saying that "pallor" doesn't mean color it really means paleness, and thus fall into the DT trap and keep the topic of conversation going and going.
The difference between red-hot and white-hot is around 2000F degrees. Call it 'heat supremacy.'
The controversy is over:
Elizabeth Warren Performs “Indian Rain Dance” To Quell Dispute
Cambridge, MA—Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren donned a pink headdress and performed, what she called, an “authentic Indian rain dance” during a press conference today. Ms Warren was hoping to convince skeptics of her claims of Native American heritage. She also hinted that her preference for bison meat to beef indicates her heritage.
“My pepaw taught me this dance when I was a little girl,” Warren said during a short session with reporters at a high school gymnasium in Cambridge, MA. “It was during that huge draught back in the late fifties in Oklahoma.”
“And I was eating bison burgers when most white men considered it poison,” she said. “I actually prefer bison to beef, in fact.”
Same article:
"Warren hopes to end the controversy later this week when she holds a free screening of Dances With Wolves at AMC Loews Harvard Square Theatre."
Take a wild guess at the year that article was published before peeking...I dares ya!
OMG -- that video. Eesh. Is there anyone who watched that and didn't cringe?
Wow. Doubling down on stupid. Now, I can see that Democrats might like it, and point to it. But, just WOW. It's so bad.
Didn't even one member of Warren's staff think to themselves, "Sheesh! I am more Native American than the boss!"
The interesting question is how many law professors does Harvard have whose credentials don't include the ivy league? Warren says she didn't use her "minority status" to land the position there. If her credentials are similar to other tenured white professors, I'll buy she didn't get hired because she's a "Native American". But if a person with a degree from Rutgers and a stint at the University of Texas is not within the norm, then she's a liar and a cheat.
Why did the Saudis cut up Khashoggi with a saw?
The embassy's chipper/shredder was out of gas.
Drago said...
BAG: "I am stunned that her political gurus thought this DNA test was a good idea. Some Stanford professors says you're 1/1024 Navajo? It defies all logic and reason. It's like New Coke -- just an epic failure."
Im not surprised at all. There are armys of "expert" political consultants and they are all little cowardly sheep running full speed in alignment with their ledty/dem conventional analysis.
These charletans always apoear "brilliant" to those who exist to be accepted, as opposed to actually achieving anything.
With the money sloshing around DC this seems hard to fathom.
Very Intelligent people with WEALTH just lost the tool they used to build the CFPB.
The big banks put a lot of resources getting the CFPB in place and they used it to cause 5 years of record bank consolidation.
It seems like a massive mistake for them to let an idiot go off the chain like this.
I think they see the polls too and set this up. I think they thought they could get by without the "correction" from 1/32nd to 1/1024th.
Althouse quotes: formless liquid into the preexisting cultural and social molds modeled on Anglo-Protestants like Henry Ford and Woodrow Wilson . . .
Take a look around you. Does it look like WASP America to you? The cultural & political elites of the United States haven't been WASPs since the 1920s. The supreme court is all Catholics and Jews. The Dem senate leader is a Jew. The GOP senate leader is Scots-Irish.
I guess Warren panicked when her polls dropped from +26 to +25
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“No, her mistake was in actually believing that DNA test vindicated her-...”
She made no mistake and she did prove she wasn’t lying to those who count, those who will vote for her, the base and independents. Trump just needs to keep doing what he’s doing, like defending his business partner, the Saudi King. These past couple of days have been interesting, the amount of animus shown to Warren reveals just how frightening she is to Trumpists.
1/1024th smart.
"This is precisely the sort of disruptive strategy, tactics, intuitive instinct and impact that Trump brings to the table as he completely blows up all previously Dem/lefty/LLR positions/lies that have been effectively covered up and papered over."
Drago, that is a perfect articulation of why I love Trump. Well done. Honestly, I never thought this sort of thing was even possible. It's a wonder to behold. The "learned helplessness" that conservatives usually feel about Democrat and media domination is over. And the Dems are clearly panicking.
Trump doesn't even seem worried about the midterms. He's already taking out his potential competitors in 2020. Simultaneously he's improving the country, while having a great time.
I'd love for him to go after Biden next. Call him "Hand Rape Biden" or something.
"1/1024th smart."
You owe me a monitor.
Eleanor, there is a lot of research on this. Of the ivy league law professors from the last 30 years (maybe 50 years), EW is a single dot all by her lonesome on the dot plot graph showing accomplishments that allowed people to become professors. HLS is lying through its teeth. But come on - what do people expect HLS to do -- admit the truth that they only hired EW because they thought she was Cherokee? Can anyone imagine HLS saying that? Or admitting that they cap admission of asians as undergraduates?
Racist has no political power unless it means hostile to the Democrats' treatment of blacks.
Otherwise it just a matter of believing stuff that seems to be true, an empircal determination. Claim to be an indian or not, it doesn't matter.
Sexist refers to hostility to feminists' treatment of women, not Democrats' treatment of women.
"She made no mistake and she did prove she wasn’t lying to those who count, those who will vote for her, the base and independents."
...the base and independents who feel embarrassed by their unbearable whiteness and fixate on race while desperately trying to signal what they believe to be virtue. i.e., Democrats, Progressives, and Socialists. Like Liz Warren.
Two to the nineteenth is 524288, the highest power of two I picked up and learned in my checkered career. The range encoder on a particular radar was 19 bits. So today I can handle up to 19 generations without computing anything.
Nobody’s looking in to that Ford lady, whatever her name is. That issue was a loser anyways. Liz gets to change the subject. Better? I think the left thinks so...
Liz gets to proclaim the issue is settled- one month, six months, primary season, Never you mind that it isn’t...
Harvard has some splainin to do. They will never have to splain.
Henry said...
I guess Warren panicked when her polls dropped from +26 to +25
Do you actually do any research on the underlying poll numbers or do you just skim over and accept what the media spoon feeds to you? Go read the polls, look at who did them and the sample sizes. Or don't.
Do you think about anything?
Any critical thought whatsoever?
You also accept at face value that out of 424 applicants for a tenure track position at Penn Warren was chosen because she was superior to all the others despite a clearly inferior education and credentials.
I just don't see any depth to your thinking at all.
If they threw rocks on the ground in front of you and told you it was corn you would peck at it.
The irony of affirmative action is that it is celebrated in the abstract but absolutely disavowed in practice. Despite colleges fighting tooth and nail to keep it, have any ever identified an actual living, breathing person who benefited from it? I can't think of one.
The claim that her alleged Native American status played no role in the decision to hire her is par for the course.
>>>Now, in Trump, you have a guy who is actually willing to call out the bullshit<<<
it takes chief ^shitting bull^ to call out bull shitting - my indian joke for the day.
Elizabeth Warren Action Figure
"the amount of animus shown to Warren reveals just how frightening she is to Trumpists."
Never underestimate the lure of low-hanging fruit for online humorists and meme writers.
Two Far Side cartoons repurposed at Lileks' Bleat blog:
Darrell said...
Yeah, but stack that list against the list of egregiously false things Trump has claimed over the past 2-3 years. Warren has the one big earnest lie, while Trump blasts out nonsense like a bomber dropping chaff. With Trump, you end up either resigning yourself to it, or going crazy like the left and NTers.
But with Warren, it's like one of those nicknames Trump hits people with. It's the *one thing* that catches on and is forever linked to you. Like when an actor from a sitcom walks down the street and every three minutes someone yells their catchphrase at them.
Let's see if I can create a link: Far Side cartoons.
By the way, there's a great collection of Warren pics and cartoons at Powerline.
“Do you think about anything?
Any critical thought whatsoever?”
Achilles, that you would accuse Henry of not being capable of critical thought, reveals how just how very delusional you are.
I think that she hoped to regain the Demo midterm momentum that they lost via the Kavanaugh issue, by beating Trump at (what they claim is) his own game. And it would be a good start towards being the Demo candidate in 2020.
Senator of Color Warren is 99.902% white.
"Why not red-hot?"
It's 1023/1024ths white.
If she acknowledges that tribes get to decide who is a member of the tribe, does she think that the tribe of the United States also has the right to pick who is a member? Or is there a different standard for illegal immigrants to the US than there is for randos that want to join a tribe?
She's a member of the Wannabe tribe, the fastest-growing tribal affiliation in the US. It works for Native Americans and all other woke-like identities too. Wanna be a woman but you're not? You're in! Etc.
The Cherokees aren't playing along though. They are traditional enemies of the Wannabes.
Warren is whiter than Ivory soap is pure.
Inga is right - they didn't care that the DNA test result actually disproved her assertions to anyone with two brain cells to rub against a particle of intellectul honesty. Her broadcasting that result was meant only for those who can't meet those conditions, aka her supporters, including Inga.
Inga is the forgotten Japanese soldier existing on the Isle of Pocahonky's Obtuseness that was politically-hopped past by more competent figures.
And there Inga will stay, following her last set of orders...waiting for rhetorical resupply and reinforcements....which arent coming as the Fearless Dem leaders are all running full speed away from this trainwreck.
Yet Inga believes. Oh yes, how she does believe!
At this point I'm tempted to lob another hoax dossier story her way just out of Christian charity! Maybe an autographed photo of LLR Chuck would buoy her spirits!
Yeah, but stack that list against the list of egregiously false things Trump has claimed over the past 2-3 years.
Yeah. Like the Obama Administration was tapping his phones. Or that WaPo and the NYT is fake news when it comes to him.
According to a site the Cherokee Nation runs, "go-des-di" is how you say "shovel" in their language. "Stop" is "a-le-wi-s-do-di." "Dig" is "a-s-go-s-di." So she should, "A-le-wi-s-do-di go-des-di a-s-go-s-di."
And I reply:
A-yv u-li-he-li-s-di u-na-dv-ne-lv-di. Roughly: "I enjoy the show."
So I hope she doesn't stop digging. (And I can say this, because according to 23 and me, I am 4.5% Native American/North American/South American. I am way more Native than Warren is.)
Saw part of her vid where she says Trump called her mother a liar. That was a good try but kinda stupid.
Most interesting to me is all the people believing Trump said he would give her a million if she took the test.
Video and text of Trumps challenge posted here a few days ago shows Trump presenting a "if we had a presidential campaign debate, this is what I would do" scenario.
Even Trump supporters are unaware of context.
LOL! Pocahonky- I am shamelessly stealing this!
From the Military Times. Intelligent people eventually are capable of seeing the truth.
“The survey of 829 respondents, conducted between Sept. 20 and Oct. 2, showed that the percentage approving of Trump has declined to 43.8% from 46.1% two years ago, while those disapproving rose to 43.1% from 37%.”
.....We could take this moment to discuss how much sense it makes to distribute benefits to people (like college admissions and more favorability on job applications) based on their checking or not checking a box.
I don't mean "we", the commenters here. But "we", the nation. And especially "we"--->those who believe in Affirmative Action in hiring and college admissions. What is to stop anybody from doing what Elizabeth Warren has done, and is still trying to do.
I am almost as white as I can be. But apparently I have .8% Congolese blood. My husband has more than that, so likely my kids have about that amount. They are more Congolese than Elizabeth Warren is Cherokee. Would people go to bat for them if they claim an Affirmative Action spot?
It seems to me the only way to continue AA spoils is to require some kind of DNA test and minimum.
We now have dems, like Inga, attacking actual native american Cherokee leaders simply to defend the obvious lies by a white chick who appropriated the Cherokees status for her own personal gain when in fact her family members literally tore Cherokees off their land in Tennessee!!!!
I dont believe a more perfect example could be created to openly and publicly demonstrate what the left really believes.
Well, okay, maybe the continued public and warm embrace of Bill Clinton while Hillary vigorously defends him!!
What a glorious week it has been and fully explains LLR Chucks growing anger and increasingly unhinged anti-conservative attacks
From the Military Times. Intelligent people eventually are capable of seeing the truth.
And that has what to do with the subject of the post?
You're not very bright.
Blogger Virgil Hilts said...
I keep waiting for Trump to use the phrase "stolen pallor" so that nitpicking people can start correcting him by saying that "pallor" doesn't mean color it really means paleness, and thus fall into the DT trap and keep the topic of conversation going and going.
10/17/18, 12:10 P
Yeah, Warren/Blumenthal 2020
“We now have dems, like Inga, attacking actual native american Cherokee leaders simply to defend the obvious lies by a white chick who appropriated the Cherokees status for her own personal gain when in fact her family members literally tore Cherokees off their land in Tennessee!!!!”
I see Manic Man must use 4 exclamation points to drive home his lie. So just where did I attack Cherokee leaders? We all know you cannot make an argument without lying, but really Drago, just try a bit harder. Explain to everyone how I have attacked Cherokee leaders.
Inga is so dumb she doesnt know that Gannett purchased all the military papers in 1997 and immediately turned them into lefty editorial rags!!
Inga, when you read any of the military Times papers you are basically reading USA Today!
Inga is hilarious!
Btw, as soon as the lefties bought those papers the military members stopped reading them unless they were bored. 100% lefty drivel.
And every couple years more stories appear to create this false impression of dems gaining amongst the military.
What an enjoyable day this is!
“And that has what to do with the subject of the post?”
If you were brighter you’d be able to figure it out.
I predict that Warren will by 20 to 30 points. That's my uncritical opinion.
Warren as $15M to spend. Diehl has $280,000.
The DNA thing is an unforced error.
I wonder if the republicans are ginning up an enhanced outreach program for Cherokee nation now that the dems have thrown those darker skinned non-dem-team players under the bus?
I certainly would.
Using DNA to trace geographical/racial origins is not an exact science. People hear "DNA test" and assume it's as accurate as matching a persona's DNA to a known person.
"migration theory" was used in the DNA test that proved Warren is really, really, really white.
“Inga, when you read any of the military Times papers you are basically reading USA Today!”
Drago seems to gloss over the fact that it was a poll conducted among active military members. It doesn’t matter who is publishing it.
So, I'm guessing we wont be seeing any celebratory Tomahawk Chops at Warrens next campaign rally.....
Law Professor Warren's next autobiography:
"So, Sioux Me!"
Inga: "Drago seems to gloss over the fact that it was a poll conducted among active military members. It doesn’t matter who is publishing it."
I'll let President Hillary in on your amazing insight....
“The survey of 829 respondents, conducted between Sept. 20 and Oct. 2, showed that the percentage approving of Trump has declined to 43.8% from 46.1% two years ago, while those disapproving rose to 43.1% from 37%.
But wait, there's more!
"Troops surveyed continue to give high marks to the president for his handling of military issues specifically. More than 60 percent said they believe the military is in better shape now than it was under President Barack Obama, and nearly the same number have a favorable view of his handling of the military.
...Only 13 percent believe that Obama’s military was in better shape than Trump’s, according to the poll."
Inga...Allie Oop said...
From the Military Times. Intelligent people eventually are capable of seeing the truth.
The Military times is owned by leftists who wish to appropriate the influence and honor of a respected group of people for leftist ends.
Everything in Inga's post was complete horse shit. She is a disgusting liar who hates everyone in the military that votes for Trump. i.e. most of them.
Trump is more than popular in the enlisted ranks. He is ending stupid wars and restoring respect to the enlisted ranks that Obama purposely eroded.
If you took a poll of officers in the Pentagon you might get something like this.
These past couple of days have been interesting, the amount of animus shown to Warren reveals just how frightening she is to Trumpists.
Mockery and laughter isn't animus, nor is it showing fright.
"...Only 13 percent believe that Obama’s military was in better shape than Trump’s, according to the poll."
Ouch. Thats gotta hurt the lefties.
Inga, I would be interested to know what you think of - at least theoretically- someone who is such a low percentage of minority DNA receiving affirmative action benefits?
AS one would expect, Milbank gets it wrong--Trump didn't divide us, he trolled Warreen who as a Democrat in good standing is a race-obsessed affirmative-action-loving lefty, and she took the bait.
Trump's point was how silly all this race-obsession is, but count on Milbank to miss that.
The last time the dems were confident they could push this militarymember voting trend lie was 2004 with that hack Kerry.
The stacks of Navy Times would just sit there, unopened, unread.
Because why would you need to read them? Everyone had already seen the NYT or WaPo or USA Today!
AS one would expect, Milbank gets it wrong--Trump didn't divide us, he trolled Warreen who as a Democrat in good standing is a race-obsessed affirmative-action-loving lefty, and she took the bait.
Trump's point was how silly all this race-obsession is, but count on Milbank to miss that.
Blogger JCA1 said...
The irony of affirmative action is that it is celebrated in the abstract but absolutely disavowed in practice. Despite colleges fighting tooth and nail to keep it, have any ever identified an actual living, breathing person who benefited from it? I can't think of one.
Obama certainly thought that he had personally benefited from AA:
"I must say, however, that as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career, and as someone who may have benefited from the Law Review’s affirmative action policy when I was selected to join the Review last year, I have not personally felt stigmatized either within the broader law school community or as a staff member of the Review"
Blogger Achilles said...
eric said...
She's done as a 2020 candidate. But, she will keep her seat in the Senate for the next 50 years.
She sees a need to work to hold her senate seat.
Menendez is going to lose his seat in New Jersey because he lost the support of black people.
I hate to say this but you're going to be disappointed.
This is a blue year. Not because of polls but because of history. I don't know why, but whatever the reason, during an off year election like this, the party in power is always losing seats.
He is in a pretty solid blue state. They don't care about his metoo problems. They only pretend to care because it can be used to hurt Republicans.
Martin: "AS one would expect, Milbank gets it wrong--"
Not just wrong, but backwards, inside out and reversed.
Other than that, like Ingas and LLR Chuck's posts, "spot on".
Trump got at least 70% of the military vote. The high disapproval rate in the poll shows that Trump supporters aren't responding to the poll.
The Cherokee think they are in control of who is in, and who is not in, the tribe. They reject DNA tests. I would think one problem for them is that some official Cherokee have "too much white" ancestry. It also makes sense that you're only Cherokee if you consistently identify that way, and probably engage in certain practices like rituals in a tribal setting. I don't know. In Canada we are facing "self-identification" as an indigenous person.
Let us say Warren relied on conversation around the family dinner table in "over-identifying" herself. When called on this, she missed a chance to say: isn't it a shame that bigoted concerns about which grandfather was "Indian" played a part in a family that was so obviously white? I know from this experience how insidious bigotry and intolerance can be etc. By now she could be the one saying she's about as "native" as Custer. Instead she's trapped in a story that doesn't go away, in a world in which no story is supposed to last longer than about 5 minutes.
So, best case scenario, even though she claims to champion diversity, Warren was perfectly comfortable allowing Harvard to falsely claim faculty diversity, as though her remarkably distant ancestor lent her any of the experiences or challenges that “real” Native Americans face.
(I personally think she’s lying, but even if I’m wrong, there’s an obvious hypocrisy here.)
If I had to characterize the lefty MilitaryTimes poll, I would simply say it is Heap Big Lie.
FWIW, naturally.
I cant wait to see the next "Military" Times poll which will clearly show a strong majority of military members desperately want Li'l Tomahawk Warren as CinC!
“The survey of 829 respondents, conducted between Sept. 20 and Oct. 2, showed that the percentage approving of Trump has declined to 43.8% from 46.1% two years ago, while those disapproving rose to 43.1% from 37%.”
Let's compare that to the Nobel Prize Winner:
"More than half of troops surveyed in the latest Military Times/Institute for Veterans and Military Families poll said they have an unfavorable opinion of Obama and his two-terms leading the military. About 36 percent said they approve of his job as commander in chief."
Drago said...
"...Only 13 percent believe that Obama’s military was in better shape than Trump’s, according to the poll."
Ouch. Thats gotta hurt the lefties.
And remember this was a poll of selected military members in selected units chosen because they would give the correct answer.
I would also point out that if you took a poll in the military with the question "Do you approve of the people in charge of you?" and your leadership got 43% that would be a record.
That is beside the point. Trump will get a loud overwhelming standing ovation at any military base in the country if the officers allow it.
Darrell: "The high disapproval rate in the poll shows that Trump supporters aren't responding to the poll."
Actually, it shows the lefties running the polls are also dumping responses that dont fit the result they want.
I know Massachusetts is a credentialed state, but they are a dumb state.
Why would anyone vote for this loon.
Seeing Red: "I know Massachusetts is a credentialed state, but they are a dumb state."
With many water hazards, apparently.
Here is Elizabeth Warren's new video on her Native American heritage.
eric said...
Menendez is going to lose his seat in New Jersey because he lost the support of black people.
I hate to say this but you're going to be disappointed.
This is a blue year. Not because of polls but because of history. I don't know why, but whatever the reason, during an off year election like this, the party in power is always losing seats.
He is in a pretty solid blue state. They don't care about his metoo problems. They only pretend to care because it can be used to hurt Republicans.
Surface noise.
There are several things to look at.
Most importantly several weeks out the polls with integrity have the race within the margin of error and 8-10% undecided.
That is political death for an incumbent. That is more specific and a stronger historical trend than off year opposing party gains.
Especially an incumbent that only likes the youngest, newest girls. This isn't just a #MeToo issue. Menendez is a repulsive and disgusting human being.
Hugin is a particularly good candidate and he is making a hard push with Black Pastors receiving several important endorsements.
In particular he is strong on the health care issue which is more important to democrats.
He hires consultants to provide advice, not run his campaign. He is a corporate executive and he is running his campaign like an executive.
This is a key distinction.
She is a member of a tribe. Remember that libertarian motto (also the title of a book, as I recall): "Don't hurt people, and don't take their stuff"? Fauxcahontas is a member of another, rival tribe: the Take Their Stuff and Hurt Them if they Resist Tribe.
Lewis Wetzel said...
Obama certainly thought that he had personally benefited from AA:
"I must say, however, that as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career, and as someone who may have benefited from the Law Review’s affirmative action policy when I was selected to join the Review last year, I have not personally felt stigmatized either within the broader law school community or as a staff member of the Review"
Fair enough. But did the school admit this? That's what I was trying to get at. I can't recall a school ever admitting any actual person was the beneficiary of affirmative action. As such, I'm not the least bit surprised they denied it in Warren's case. They always deny it.
"The distinction Warren fails to articulate is between citizenship and genetic ancestry. "
That's not the important distinction to me. The important distinction is between having 1/1024 Indigian genetic material and BEING AN INDIAN. A person can be an Indian and not have membership in a tribe, but a person can't BE an Indian by having 1/1024 blood.
She lost the challenge, and should get no money from Trump. Also, she should STFU already.
And what Jupiter said.
One more thing about that video -- the real one -- that Warren thinks will help.
Her brothers (all male) are saying good things about her. They did dig up a female cousin to say she's a-ok. (I think the fact that female cousin is a member of the Cherokee nation confuses things)
The people who hired her (all male) are saying they never knew about the Native American thing. Every law professor in the video: Male.
Then they show students: Female.
Spot the sexism -- in a video she produced.
Here's the meat - the best case scenario that I have seen from her test results is that she is 1/64th Indian. And she made the results public. And thought that would be a good thing.
Henry wrote:
"I predict that Warren will by 20 to 30 points. That's my uncritical opinion.
Warren as $15M to spend. Diehl has $280,000.
The DNA thing is an unforced error."
By your logic, Republican primary contender John Kingston should have received 3x more votes than Diehl. But he didn't.
Mass. seems to have settled into a pattern of worthless senators starting with Ted. We're hoping to break the streak this time around.
Apparently it's possible for a woman to lie about being a Cherokee, and it's possible for law professors to lie about the uses of affirmative action. This confirms something that I've long suspected. People lie to advance their own cause and/or the political cause they've adopted. The subtext of these lies causes me to have doubts about the testimony of Prof. Ford..... .Why is rape the sole and unique subject about which women never lie?
pokerone said...
We're hoping to break the streak this time around.
Good luck with that.
Charlie Baker will likely get re-elected, though. He's at +40.
The small fish are being arrested.
Now you will watch the squeeze being applied to Mueller.
He is trying to spring a "report" on Russian collusion as close to the election as possible.
But now his minions are being arrested for their obvious law breaking.
Shit is going to hit he fan very soon.
Trump as Cyrano: "And as I end my refrain THRUST HOME"
Two Republican candidates attacked by Democrats in Minnesota.
If the parties were reversed this is front page all over the country.
The democrats are violent thugs that are getting desperate.
pokerone, the point about spending money -- which I didn't go into -- is that the Diehl isn't getting donations and isn't running ads. (Charlie Baker is, despite being lightyears ahead.) That says that the Republican establishment has already conceded the race.
The distinction is articulated in the Boston Globe article, “There’s a distinction between citizenship and ancestry. I wish I had been more mindful of that distinction. The tribes and only the tribes determine citizenship,” said Warren in the Globe interview. “It’s their right as a matter of sovereignty, and they exercise that in the ways they choose to exercise it. I respect that distinction.”
The article goes on to say, “Pressed again on whether she made a mistake decades ago in listing herself in directories of minorities in academia, Warren emphasized she was thinking about her Native American ancestry, not any sort of claims to tribal citizenship, when she made those decisions.
“The distinction is: I’m not a citizen, never have claimed to be, and I wish I had been more mindful of that 30 years ago,” “, expressing regret, not wrongdoing.
Well, okay, Clinton may have fibbed a bit about not having sex with that woman, but I think we can all believe that Ted Kennedy wasn't drunk on that Chappaquidik night, that Prof. Ford was almost raped and murdered by Kavanaugh, and Warren did not game her ethnic background for self advancement. You have to believe the credible evidence.
I don't think this issue is as big of an issue as a private server or stuffing your personal family coffers with Russian cash all while you whine about a bogus alliance with Trump and Russia. It's certainly not as bad as a man who was a known sexual predator for decades, getting away with it and a wife who helps.
I think it's sad that Liz used Native Americans so further her career. They think so too.
I have one son an AD USA Captain, another AROTC cadet, a son and daughter-in-law former Army enlisted in military intelligence, I'm retired USN. I see all their Facebook postings as well as the posting from their and my active duty and veteran friends. Judging from the activity I see and hear 43.1% disapproval of Trump among the military is fake news. Really really fake.
I also occasionally visit a local VA hospital, where I've yet to hear any negative comments about Trump from fellow patients. Quite a change from the comments I would hear 4 years ago about the previous POTUS. But that's anecdotal, not scientific like polling data, which proved undeniably that Hillary Clinton would now be POTUS.
Bay Area Guy,
'Law Professor Warren's next autobiography:
"So, Sioux Me!"'
Yes, and her favorite dessert is Terra Me Sioux.
I agree w Dickin'Bimbos@Home that this sleight-of-hand for advancement by Warren does not compare to the high crimes of Hillary.
But! It does add confirmation to my diagnosis that we are suffering through the Worst Women's Movement Leadership of all time.
It will be good & healthy for the pussy-hats & vagina-grams to get hosed, their leaders first.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
I don't think this issue is as big of an issue as a private server or stuffing your personal family coffers with Russian cash all while you whine about a bogus alliance with Trump and Russia. It's certainly not as bad as a man who was a known sexual predator for decades, getting away with it and a wife who helps.
I think it's sad that Liz used Native Americans so further her career. They think so too.
In the relative context of societal order no.
But in the relative context of spoils politics it is a far bigger threat to the democrat party than Hillary's corruption.
Members of the democrat party are far more concerned about someone stealing their piece of the pie than they are about the rule of law.
You have to see who is interested and why.
Female cyclist who got third to transgender "woman" at world championships is not happy about it.
A photo is included. It is just what you would expect.
This is the inevitable result of spoils politics.
The democrat party is going to spend the next two years in pieces tearing itself apart completely out of power.
The melting pot doesn't erase genetics but culture and a genetic claim is not a tribal claim. Still, in truth a number of folks I know have a distant Native American past---my relatives who were trappers from the Green Bay area and they usually make no mention of it nor have they ever used it in applications as far as I know. Warren is compounding the mistake and should have not taken the bait.
I haven't agreed with you much, but find this comment spot-on. From my father's side, I am 1/512 Indian/Native American. My mother's two brothers married women who were 1/8 Indian/Native American, so my maternal cousins are 1/16 Indian/Native American. Of my 7 cousins on both sides, two married spouses with Indian/Native American ancestry. No relative with Indian/Native American ancestry has made much mention of that ancestry, though it was acknowledged. That ancestry was neither denied nor was it emphasized. It was just there.
Nor did they use that ancestry on job applications nor did they use their ancestry to extract any advantage in the job market. However much Elizabeth Warren may deny having done so, Harvard's making mention of her ancestry says otherwise.
I find Elizabeth Warren's claim that her racist Oklahoma grandparents led her parents to elope to be not likely. From a similar era, my Oklahoma uncles married women with Indian/Native American ancestry with, as far as I can tell, not one complaint from my grandparents. My aunts never told me of any such complaints- and they were both very candid in expressing to me their views of my grandmother's pros and cons. Nor did my grandmother, whose view of blacks was typical of Southern whites of that era, ever express to me any complaint about having daughters-in-law with Indian/Native American ancestry. My grandfather died when I was young, so I don't know what his opinions were.
eric: I don't know why, but whatever the reason, during an off year election like this, the party in power is always losing seats.
I know why.
You've got your people who always vote - every election. They don't change much in the short term, so you can pretty much expect that each party will get about the same number of these voters in this election as they got two years ago.
Then you've got your people who only vote in "important" elections, ie presidential. There is short-term change in these voters, depending on the presidential candidates.
So what this means is that in a typical presidential election, both parties get more votes - but one of them (the one with the more popular presidential candidate) has an advantage in those extra votes. As a result, two things happen - that party gains seats in Congress, and that party wins the White House.
So then in the mid-terms, the electorate reverts back to being just that first group of voters, and that advantage goes away. So that party loses the extra votes, and thus the extra seats, they got in the presidential election year. It's basically just regression to the mean.
Now: In 2000, the popular vote was very close, and as a result the House of Reps did not change. The Republicans won the White House (without winning the popular vote), but they did not gain in the House of Reps. In the 2002 mid-terms, we reverted to the mean, and the GOP actually gained a couple seats (it should be noted that 9/11 happened between the 2000 and 2002 elections, which no doubt affected the election).
In 2016, Hillary won the popular vote, and the Dems actually gained seats in the House while losing the Presidency. 2018 should therefore be another regression to the mean, which would mean a net gain for the GOP.
But I don't think this is going to be a "typical" election, either, so I don't think I'd actually bet on it.
The distinction between having Indian (native American) ancestry and being an officially certified Indian. (she claims she never used any kind of Indian status to get or keep a job)
Liz is a weak candidate because she only appeals to elites and the blind-faithful left.
Independents - no.
Achilles - HIllary's corruption and her deep state tentacles are a much graver threat to democracy than anything out there. Liz might be on par with Hillary when it comes to ideology- and certainly Liz's radical ideology is harmful. But nothing tops Hillary and her crime family.
Trump lies with wild abandon. He besmirches the story/fable of Pocahontas by using her name as an epithet. The animated Disney musical film (1995) Pocahontas was a box office success. I thought it was just okay - more for kids. Warren should have insisted that Trump put the $1,000,000 in escrow before she had the DNA test. That would have shut the liar-in-chief up. Trump's no Sitting Bull although he talks a lot of bull.
Jonathan Keilor
Deliberate or not, Warren’s approach seems to track more closely to another older white woman also lacking in American Indian DNA, but not chutzpah, by the name of Hillary. Maybe Warren ought to check for Ashkenazi DNA.
Like Hillary, Warren is taking the approach that attacking Trump is a no-lose proposition for a Democrat – a rather obvious point, but one she is taking the lead on. And as a woman, much like Hillary, she is willing to cast aside ideas of equality and fall back on her position as a member of the fairer sex [boohoo] when counterattacked.
So when it was leaked that Trump’s chief of staff, General John Kelly, criticized Warren in a private email as rude and obstreperous, she publicly took it as a proof of her toughness and then claimed that Kelly’s comments were sexist. The mainstream media at least pretended to marvel at her political jiu-jitsu, in turning a potential negative into a positive (at least for Democrats) – in other words, claiming Hillary’s harpy badge and wearing it proudly.
The American Indian ridiculousness is part of the same strategy. It simply rekindled a feud with Trump, which is what Warren wants. It doesn’t matter that he’s right and she appears delusional. Democrats don’t care if their leaders are a bit bent. In fact, they might prefer it. What the base wants is to see Democrats fighting Trump. Warren is giving them a fight.
Warren is also protecting herself from future Democratic challengers with another Clintonian move, by quickly putting negatives in the past."
After the 2000 election, the Senate was tied. It actually changed control during that Congress.
The Senate wss under Democratic control from January 3 through January 20 (because Democrat Al Gore was vice president) and then under Republcan control until Senator James Jeffords switched parties.
The majority had actually changed during a Congress one time before, sometime in the early 1950s but no change in control took place at that time.
Trumpit: He besmirches the story/fable of Pocahontas by using her name as an epithet.
It's not an epithet, Einstein, it's sarcasm.
Trumpit: Warren should have insisted that Trump put the $1,000,000 in escrow before she had the DNA test.
Yes, she should have. And anyone with half a brain knows why she didn't.
Senator proudly cites DNA test to prove he’s nearly 1 percent veteran
What;s athreat to democracy is the Democrat's opposition to free speech and suport for campaign finance regulation rigged in favor of the Democrats.
Which one is transgender? Asking for Inga
Achilles said...
Female cyclist who got third to transgender "woman" at world championships is not happy about it.
A photo is included. It is just what you would expect.
This is the inevitable result of spoils politics.
The democrat party is going to spend the next two years in pieces tearing itself apart completely out of power.
10/17/18, 2:19 PM
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Achilles - HIllary's corruption and her deep state tentacles are a much graver threat to democracy than anything out there. Liz might be on par with Hillary when it comes to ideology- and certainly Liz's radical ideology is harmful. But nothing tops Hillary and her crime family.
I 100% agree Hillary's corruption was a bigger threat to the Republic.
Liz's stupidity however is a bigger threat to the Democrat Party.
This event will barely be a footnote in history, but it will be the catalyst for the complete collapse of the democrat coalition.
The Military Times poll was of Military Times "readers."
It's meaningless. Also note that Military Times is a Gannett publication.
What is a thread without a crazy trumpit post ?
The DNA thing was a terrible mistake. I doubt it will cost her in Mass but she is now an object of ridicule everywhere else.
What I find interesting is that the Cherokee Nation is allowed to set standards for citizenship and exclude those who don't meet them.
If Warren respects the right of Cherokees to make that distinction, what about Americans?
The left's idea of a leader is cory booker, kamala harris, liz warren or michael avannetti.
..or an aging communist from vermont. lol - sad.
where she says Trump called her mother a liar
Of course more likely would be she's lying about what her mother said. There are otehr possibilities.
And Elizabeth Warren lied when she (and/or her sister?) contributed two recipees to the Pow Wow Chow cookbook in 1984.
Carr said Warren claimed that the recipes had been passed down for generations in her Cherokee family.
But, he said that the recipes actually came from a former ritzy New York City restaurant owned by late French chef Pierre Franey.
Franey said the dishes were a favorite of the late King Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor, as well as American composer Cole Porter
One of my favorite parts of the fake Indian’s fake story is “Pow Wow Chow,” the “collection of recipes from families of the Five Civilized Tribes.”
On page 155, “Elizabeth Warren — Cherokee” contributed a recipe for Cold Omelets with Crab Meat.
Six years ago, during her first Senate campaign, I typed a few words of Pocahontas’ recipe into Google, and guess what came back — an absolutely identical recipe from a New York Times haute cuisine cookbook by Pierre Franey, the “60-Minute Gourmet.”
Minnesota state representative Sarah Anderson was punched in the arm after spotting a man destroying Republican yard signs. She said the attack left her scared, and her attacker only desisted when she fled to her car and threw it in reverse.
"It was just insane. He was charging at me, saying, ‘Why don't you go kill yourself?'" Anderson told the Washington Free Beacon. "To have someone physically coming after you and attacking you is just disheartening."
The Plymouth Police Department investigation into Rep. Anderson's alleged assault remains ongoing. A spokeswoman confirmed the department had identified a suspect, but declined further comment.
Anderson was not the only GOP candidate attacked. First-time state representative candidate Shane Mekeland suffered a concussion after getting sucker punched while speaking with constituents at a restaurant in Benton County. Mekeland told the Free Beacon he has suffered memory loss—forgetting Rep. Anderson's name at one point in the interview—and doctors tell him he will have a four-to-six week recovery time ahead of him. He said he was cold cocked while sitting at a high top table at a local eatery and hit his head on the floor.
"I was so overtaken by surprise and shock and if this is the new norm, this is not what I signed up for," he said.
Benton County Sheriff Troy Heck told the Free Beacon that his department has interviewed the alleged assailant. Investigators are awaiting medical records about the extent of Mekeland's injuries before referring the case to the local district attorney's office. He expects those results to come in the next week.
Mekeland said he was disappointed that he had not seen Democrats condemn the attack against him, but was floored to see the party take such a light approach to Davis's comments.
"He's a political staffer so you'd think if anybody should know boundaries, I think that'd be it," he said.
Elizabeth wan was just counting on people not going into the weeds.
Unfortuately for her, this is just too interesting to Republican oriented people.
Exposing a democrat party member as a deceitful, opportunistic hypocrite = letting president DJT "divide us- again- by race and ethnicity"....
That was only cool when Obama divided us by race and ethnicity.
Boston Radio host Howie Carr discovered that three of Warren’s recipes appeared to be plagiarized[12]:
The two recipes, “Cold Omelets with Crab Meat” and “Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing,” appear in an article titled “Cold Omelets with Crab Meat,” written by Pierre Franey of the New York Times News Service that was published in the August 22, 1979 edition of the Virgin Islands Daily News, a copy of which can be seen here.
Ms. Warren’s 1984 recipe for Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing is a word-for-word copy of Mr. Franey’s 1979 recipe.
Mrs. Warren’s 1984 recipe for Cold Omelets with Crab Meat contains all four of the ingredients listed in Mr. Franey’s 1979 recipe in the exact same portion but lists five additional ingredients. More significantly, her instructions are virtually a word for word copy of Mr. Franey’s instructions from this 1979 article. Both instructions specify the use of a “seven inch Teflon pan.” …
Ms. Warren’s instructions are word-for-word copies of Mr. Franey’s 1979 instructions for this recipe, with one exception. Ms. Warren says, “Let cook until firm and lightly brown…” and Mr. Franey says “Let cook until firm and lightly browned…” [emphasis added] …
The third potentially plagiarized recipe, “Herbed Tomatoes,” appears to be copied from this 1959 recipe from Better Homes and Garden.
Other family members[13] of Warren submitted recipes, none of which appeared to be authentically Native American or Cherokee.
Warren’s husdand, Bruce Mann[14], who never has claimed to be Native American, also listed himself as Cherokee and provided a recipe[15] for Oriental Beef Stir-Fry:
Mann’s recipe previously appeared — word for word — in the Oswego (NY) Palladium Times[16] on January 24, 1983, the year before Pow Wow Chow was published.
Maybe Warren is a member of the lost tribe.
More pictures:
Consider the distinction between how Deplorables are routinely derided for claiming as little as 1/16 Indigian blood ("Daddy always said his Maw Maw was a Cherokee princess"), and how the Left now claims 1/1024 Indigian blood means Trump owes Fauxcahontas $1M.
Inga said:
"She made no mistake and she did prove she wasn’t lying to those who count, those who will vote for her, the base and independents"
Speaking as an independent, no way in hell.
"the dishes were a favorite of the late King Edward VIII"
--remember that Pocahontas lived in England for a time
"instructions specify the use of a 'seven inch Teflon pan.' …"
--Teflon was invented in Delaware
"Mann’s recipe previously appeared — word for word — in the Oswego (NY) Palladium Times"
--a town overrun with Cherokees and Delawares
"I think what Trump is going to try to do... is argue that the true meaning of "racist" is what Democrats do, which is to openly talk about everyone — and to frame political appeals — in racial terms."
True, since the appeal in racial terms is intended to denigrate certain races and favor others.
Of course, Paleface Lizzie only claimed to be a redskin because it brought benefits, and made her superior to others, particularly in academia.
Well I wouldn't go so far as to call Trump a Mongrel American---his ancestors haven't been in the country long enough to really mix things up. But he's getting there and his grandkids will be just fine. But he thinks like a mutt--and we mutts have to stick together. And as for those who want to be known as hyphenated Americans--we mutts know where they can stick their hyphen. It's deplorable I know, but what the heck, dregs think that way.
What distinction?
The distinction between what an authentic ethnic/national group, what an actual indigenous people, determines what constitutes genuine and objective inclusion in that group/people - and the imperialistic theft of that identity by some privileged 99.999 percent white woman, and her delusional demands that everyone cater to her.
And the use of the word "tribe" borders on the offensive, since the indigenous peoples of this continent have always deemed themselves to be separate nations.
It seems like Liz is circling the wagons on this one.
Or the drain.
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