William Sitwell, editor of UK grocery chain Waitrose's in-house magazine... was responding sarcastically to a pitch from freelance writer Selene Nelson.... He also suggested making them eat steak and drink red wine, with Nelson responding: "I'm certainly interested in exploring why just the mention of veganism seems to make some people so hostile."
३१ ऑक्टोबर, २०१८
"How about a series on killing vegans, one by one. Ways to trap them? How to interrogate them properly? Expose their hypocrisy? Force-feed them meat?"
For the Annals of The Era of That's Not Funny, that's the joke that required an editor of a food magazine to resign (BoingBoing reports).
१०४ टिप्पण्या:
A sitcom about a cannibal family where the daughter insists on only eating free range vegans- that's kinda funny...
"I'm certainly interested in exploring why just the mention of veganism seems to make some people so hostile."
It's because vegans are so insufferably smug and sanctimonious about their dietary choice. And so vocal. They are downright evangelical about it.
Just like the rest of the self righteous, they’ll end up eating their own.
It's vegans that make people hostile, confusing them with vegetarians is like confusing legal and illegal immigrants. It's being done on purpose. No vegan should be allowed to eat anything pollinated by enslaved bees. Vegan houseguests are annoying.
So that jokey-jokey-hypothetical gets a person fired, while vegans throwing bricks through butcher shop windows and being general a-holes both in real life and online is perfectly justifiable. Holiness spiral much?
As I said to a vegetarian-leaning-vegan ex of mine, unless you are an end-or-near-end-jainist you must kill to eat. Plants, get this, are alive. Worse, agriculture is pretty much a giant cloning/monoculture industry that is as far removed from the word "natural" as the supposedly immoral eating of animal flesh which we humans - as legit omnivores - are actually supposed to be doing.
I explained that the historical practice of hunting and animal husbandry was largely responsible for the evolution of that big brain of hers which allowed her to gibber supposed virtues out of the corner of her mouth.
Consequently we're not together anymore, thank god.
It's fun to make fun of vegans. They are usually humorless goofballs. But to lose a job over a joke? A bit extreme.
Q: How many Vegans does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None. They are too busy fornicating with a cabbage plant.
t's because vegans are so insufferably smug and sanctimonious about their dietary choice. And so vocal. They are downright evangelical about it.
You only notice the vocal, sanctimonious ones. There are plenty of quiet, unassuming vegans.
I'm guessing Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal wouldn't go over well in our current climate. Progressivism is killing sarcasism and real satire.
"I'm certainly interested in exploring why just the mention of veganism seems to make some people so hostile."
Because mockturtle beat me to it! Curses, foiled again!
Here's what the Times itself had to say on the issue of veganism and brain health. Money quote is:
"Clinical research finds that people on vegan diets commonly suffer from a variety of nutritional deficiencies. One study, for instance, showed that more than half of vegans tested were deficient in vitamin B12, putting them at risk of mental health problems such as fatigue, poor concentration, decreased brain volume with aging and irreversible nerve damage."
"Brain damaged" certainly describes most hard-core vegans I've met over the years.
Only a matter of time until they dig up Jonathan Swift's corpse at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin and dump it into the River Liffey.
And raze St. Patrick's Hospital for Imbeciles.
Vegan with a side of Vitamin B12. Nature is in denial.
"I'm certainly interested in exploring why just the mention of veganism seems to make some people so hostile."
Because you are self appointed moralizing sanctimonious c****. Worse than Stylites on their pillars.
Here are some potential escalating steps:
1) I don't think that's funny.
2) I think you're wrong, and here's why.
3) Wow, you're kind of an asshole, aren't you?
4) OK, I'm done with you.
5) I must destroy you professionally and personally using any and all means at my disposal.
Hey, the hell with it, let's all just skip straight to (5), every time.
"I'm certainly interested in exploring why just the mention of veganism seems to make some people so hostile."
Because meat eaters don't show up at vegans houses and demand to be served meat.
"There are plenty of quiet, unassuming vegans."
So what do you do at neighborhood barbecues, or when visiting friends? Or do you restrict your friendships?
Liberals are notoriously, selectively intolerant.
We'll need vegans when we've run out of the other meat.
I was perusing the Smithsonian with Thing 2, who loves museums. Occasionally, the rigorously PC scientists working there let out a few truths to the discerning.
So one exhibit mentioned that X million years ago, primates that evolved into man had this HUGE increase in the size of their brains. No one, of course, could figure out why.
Then another display. It mentioned that the same X million years ago, these primates discovered hunting.
I am sure it is a pure coincidence. Particularly considering how many nutrient deficiencies Vegans run into.
But treat them like the annoying religious zealots that they are and tell them to piss off and join the Jehovah's Witnesses as some of the most annoying people on the planet.
Now that is REAL truth to power.
Why are people hostile to vegans? Vegans getting folks fired for mocking them might have something to do with it.
Mockturtle is right of course, but vegans are only one part of that phenomenon.
Just stop catering to their self imposed nutritional extortions.
We had dinner with the vegans. The asparagus pasta was pretty tasty. We still get joke mileage out of the husband asking his wife to close the window because someone in another apartment was grilling and it offended him to smell it.
That said, I approve of the way he handled it. He can close the window in his apartment if he wants to. It's a free country. He didn't go attack the grillers.
A Pure diet must be mandated. Otherwise people will be free.
Come to think of it, how many meat eaters do human meat eaters typically eat?
"You only notice the vocal, sanctimonious ones. There are plenty of quiet, unassuming vegans."
I agree. 99% of vegans give the rest of them a bad reputation.
So sanctimonious. If the first rule of Fight Club is not to talk about Fight Club, the first rule of Veganism is to never shut up about Veganism (kind of like CrossFit). If you really want to light them up, catch them extolling some form of artificial meat and point out they are poseurs and not real vegans (or even vegetarians).
I was invited to a vegetarian house once. She decided that the best choice was to dine out every day.
I think she was wise and thoughtful.
But she wasn't a Vegan.
"The joke that required an editor of a food magazine to resign"
How does that requirement work, exactly?
The hostility towards vegans is because it is a regressive philosophy, i.e., an anti-evolutionary decision. Most cultures did not revere lunatics, they killed them with extreme prejudice. Thus, it is with the cult of veganism.
So what do you do at neighborhood barbecues, or when visiting friends? Or do you restrict your friendships?
I'm neither vegan or vegetarian. I like and eat meat without any qualms. I just don't buy the cliche that all vegans/vegetarians are strident evangelicals. Perhaps teenage kids who are trying out a new attitude, but not with the adults I've encountered.
My experience with vegans and vegetarians comes from my work as a tour guide. I usually get one or two in a group and they have always been easy going about what they get at as a substitute at set meals. Almost invariable they tell me not to make too much fuss with the restaurant.
So do they taste like chicken or tofu? Sounds like you don't have to lead them as much as deer, the lack of B-12 would make them tire quickly.
"I'm certainly interested in exploring why just the mention of veganism seems to make some people so hostile."
Mockturtle It's because vegans are so insufferably smug and sanctimonious about their dietary choice. And so vocal. They are downright evangelical about it.
THIS is the correct answer!
Revenge of the Veggies: We're Living, Breathing
Not cute! Off with their heads.
And raze St. Patrick's Hospital for Imbeciles.
On the matter of sheltering Irish imbeciles St. Patrick's plays a very second fiddle to Leinster House.
"Vegan houseguests are annoying."
We tell our vegan daughter to BYOF. And she does.
is it consistent for a vegan to eat sushi?
"Scott Pilgrim" mocks vegans mercilessly.
Veganism, a free choice, is just one planet in the solar system of the millennials' grand plan for humankind. Other planets include animal rights, mass migration, globalism, wealth distribution, alternative energy, open borders, socialized medicine and universal income. All are distinct ideas neatly held together by the gravitational star of the system, climate change.
"Scott Pilgrim" couldnt be made today.
Not just because of the vegans.
Veganism. Imagine a rice straw sandal stamping a human face — forever.
Blogger Quaestor said...
Veganism. Imagine a rice straw sandal stamping a human face — forever.
"I'm certainly interested in exploring why just the mention of veganism seems to make some people so hostile."
Well, for a humorous look at the issue, check out JP Sears: "If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 35" here:
On the subject of vegan meat "substitutes". Does it strike anyone else as two-faced that vegans will abhor animal products yet at the same time develop animal product substitutes in terms of taste and texture that resemble the real animal products that give them so much hesitation? I find this hypocritical, like an alcoholic unable to give up light beer.
Food for thought
If they don't make a fuss, they are not true vegans.
TiV says (correctly) "No vegan should be allowed to eat anything pollinated by enslaved bees."
If Meat is Murder, Salad is Slaughter!!! Plants Are People TOO!!!!
Billions of innocent corn plants are FORCED to live out their lives Enslaved, and Imprisoned; just to provide 'food' for senseless animals (like Humans!)
If you do not make your own sugars, YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO EXIST
Etbass asks: is it consistent for a vegan to eat sushi?
Technically, sushi may or may not contain raw fish. The term for raw fish is sashimi.
“Liberals are notoriously, selectively intolerant.”
Newsflash, most liberals aren’t vegan or even vegetarian.
Yeah, I know, right?? Who the fuck do vegans think they are? Fundamentalist Christians?
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Liberals are notoriously, selectively intolerant.”
"Newsflash, most liberals aren’t vegan or even vegetarian"
Do you understand why your reply is irrelevant in regards to the statement to which you directed it? I mean, this is just basic logic, right?
There's a vegan woman at work. She always wears leather boots. I'm always tempted to chant the old slogan:
Your shoes don't match your views!
But I don't because she is a nice person.
Blogger robother said...
Only a matter of time until they dig up Jonathan Swift's corpse at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin and dump it into the River Liffey.
And raze St. Patrick's Hospital for Imbeciles.
Actually, the Hospital for Imbeciles in Dublin is called Stewart's Hospital. I used to do IT work there and the director once showed me the original founding documents which described it as being for imbeciles (and a few other choice, politically incorrect, words of description).
It's a gorgeous campus on the banks of the Liffey.
GMVs are the first step. Save the Flora!
The Crack Emcee said...
"How does that requirement work, exactly?"
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. It seems like there's a couple of steps missing between an editor making a joke to a freelance writer and the editor resigning. We can only hope that in future, his fellow editors have more sense than to reply to any e-mail from Selene Nelson.
Tomorrow, Nov. 1, is World Vegan Day.
Actually Howard in my experience vegans proselytize more than fundies, Jehovah's Witnesses excepted.
Question: How do you know if someone is vegan?
Answer: Wait 5 minutes, they will tell you
It is now known as St. Patrick's University Hospital, but was founded with a bequest from Swift. His epitaph:
He gave the little Wealth he had,
To build a House for Fools and Mad:
And shew'd by one satyric Touch,
No Nation wanted it so much:
That Kingdom he hath left his Debtor,
I wish it soon may have a Better.
I don't know, Ken. I've never seen vagan TV shows begging for money and selling timeshares. Who is the vagan team equivalent of Jimmy Swaggert, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, Robert Schuller, Jim and Tammie Faye, etc.
How often have you been forced to watch such programs?
My fiancé worked at a small Midwestern college for over 25 years. She said that a lot of girls become vegan when they enter college, but it doesn't keep them from gaining the "Freshman Fifteen." In fact, that now seems to be the "Freshman Fifty."
She can quickly tell who is a college student vegan. They are always eating French fries.
Yancy: about as many times that I was forced to watch a vagan.
As someone who entertained a lot, I became incredibly hostile to vegetarians, so off course, vegans too. I love to cook, but when one of my book clubs met at my house, I always ordered pizza. All were lovely women but planning meals without meat, peppers, or garlic (allergies or somesuch) made me violently (only in my fantasy) angry. Everyone said, No, No, don't cook for my needs, I'll manage. But the very fact of informing us of those needs was in fact a demand. So they got Pizza. Except for the last dinner I hosted before leaving the state. I served an elaborate dinner (salmon en croute, asparagus, squash soup with tortellini, ... with 4 different wines) just to show them I could cook.
These days I'm searching out falafel houses and Indian places to inform a newly minted vegetarian nephew. It's not that I don't enjoy vegetarian food, just don't limit my cooking options. I hate that.
BTW, as the survivor of an estrogen fueled cancer, I've been advised against soy products. Another knock on vegans in my book.
Vegetarians are fine, usually. Was just hosted for dinner the other night, and it was wonderful.
Vegans are assholes. And they make sure you know it.
Howard, thus my point; I take it the answer is none, right?
I have been preached to by many vegans and vegetarians during my life- really to the point I actively avoided inviting them to any function at my house even though I considered some of them good friends, but then I have lived most of my adult life in deeply blue areas where such lifestyles are more common. Here in Tennessee, it isn't a problem so far.
Yancy the snowflake. Glad you are in the safe space of Tennessee
I'm big on Morningstar soy burgers. The Grillers Prime and Buffalo Chick Patties; and the soy bacon, but don't overnuke the latter.
Add pickles, salsa and mustard to the roll.
Despite living in PyongYang on the Willamette, I have never been lectured by a vegan. A few vegetarians, but no vegans. So I am wondering, are their dietary restrictions based on health, morality, or something more complicated? Is there a Vegan Hell we are all going to?
Do they serve Soy Bacon in Vegan Hell?
That's not funny.
Every year at the Iowa State fair, the PETA people show up. Why I don't know, they get some coarse verbal abuse from the locals. What with the fair food, and and the livestock shows, and the still very rural culture of the fair, it seem counter productive.The PETA people are responsible for one of the more popular t-shirts with the fair vendors. A PETA t-shirt: People Eating Tasty Animals...yummy.
Here's the fundamental difference between vegans and militant normals — Invite a vegan couple over for dinner they expect to be served only foods they approve, which is quite understandable, that's the nature of hospitality. However, when that same vegan couple returns the favor...
On the other hand, Boca soyburgers are awful, uniformly cooking up as mushy grey mystery meat, regardless of the picture on the box (suggested serving idea).
The Morningstar bacon strips are great. Try a box. Just don't overnuke.
Oh the unrecompensed toil chattel slave honeybees put in to produce that quart of almond milk! Not only are they made to work, but their honey is ripped from the mouths of their babies!
Blueberries, cranberries, apples, pears, all the fruits of slavery!
The bees were counting on that honey in order to take the winter off!
I have a nephew who does investment banking for many of the well-known animal rights organizations, including PETA. He is, of course, a vegan. When my brother [a vegetarian] died last year we congregated at my brother's Oregon Coast house, where we would, during the total eclipse, throw his ashes into the Pacific, as was his wish. We were cautioned per email by my nephew: "If you MUST eat meat while here, please do so outside. And NO BBQs." It is unlikely that any of us would have even dreamed of BBQ-ing while there but to be preemptively lectured like this was a bit much. He is actually a very nice person in every other respect but a complete lunatic about the animal rights thing. He once lectured my mother about the evils of fishing. Not just for the fish's sake but for the worm's.
Vegans don't have much meat on them once you dress them out.
He is actually a very nice person in every other respect but a complete lunatic about the animal rights thing. He once lectured my mother about the evils of fishing. Not just for the fish's sake but for the worm's.
It is a secular religion wherein Humanity does not have dominion over the Earth... or ... Humanity must protect everything over which I has dominion.
I wonder how that view squares with entropy and Darwinian evolution. If you dig into the vegan philosophy, there are likely to be some tangled philosophical knots and contradictions.
The closest I've come was a grandniece one Thanksgiving who was arguing with everyone present, fairly plausibly, that it was wrong to be eating hamburgers. I told her I disagreed, but I suspected that her views would eventually win out, given the "arc of history". I pointed out that once no one ate hamburgers, it was unlikely that many people would continue to feed good grain to beef cattle. They'd likely go extinct. She wasn't sure how she felt about that idea. Causes are good, effects not so much.
The Morningstar bacon strips are great. Try a box. Just don't overnuke.
Pretty sure they're not vegan. They have dairy products.
Yeah, some vegans are sanctimonious, some aren't, but if I have a dinner party they have no business imposing their habits on me. They can turn down the invitation, or come and just eat the salad (assuming no cheese or meat in it). Nowadays too many people expect hosts to cater to their whims. I'm allergic to fish/seafood. If someone hosts me at a dinner party I just eat what I can. Sometimes they ask and I answer, but I tell them, "Yes, I can come, and oh by the way, I'm allergic to fish [therefore you should cater to me]."
Incidentally, Miss Manners agrees with me.
A vegan and a feminist walked into a bar. I know this because they told everyone there.
How can you tell who the vegan is at Thanksgiving?
Dont worry, they'll tell you.
Veganism makes absolutely no sense to me.
We host Thanksgiving for our family (our kids, grandkids, my brother and his kids, my other sister and her kids, and my wife's immediate family), have done so for years. We have a traditional New England Thanksgiving meal (turkey w/sausage stuffing, cranberry, potatoes, and other vegetables).
My other two sisters, and their partners, are now exclusively vegan. They live on the West coast. We invite them every year for Thanksgiving, they decline. This year they've decided to join. It will be great. I told them what is on the menu and that should they want something else or specific they should speak up. Instead they offered to source and cook some additional items that are in keeping with their dietary choice. Win - Win!
I am curious to see what they make.
Seen on Reddit this week:
Headline: Woman climbs Mount Everest to prove vegans aren't weak, dies
Comment: "At least she died doing what she loved ... telling people she's a vegan."
My other two sisters, and their partners, are now exclusively vegan. They live on the West coast. We invite them every year for Thanksgiving, they decline. This year they've decided to join. It will be great. I told them what is on the menu and that should they want something else or specific they should speak up. Instead they offered to source and cook some additional items that are in keeping with their dietary choice. Win - Win!
Nice outcome! Unfortunately, the vegans I know don't even want to smell or see meat, much less watch people eat it. I made the mistake around my aforementioned nephew to say that I once had to trap a rat in our house in Seattle. He went outside so he wouldn't have to hear about it. Talk about snowflakes!
Even our Indian friends weren't bothered by the fact that meat was served at dinner parties. I always tried to serve a variety of dishes, some vegetarian. Our Muslim friends never freaked out if we had some ham on the table, either.
For several years, our favorite Thanksgiving guests were vegetarians from India. They ate turkey and dressing and mashed potatoes and green bean casserole and jello salad. After I ate Indian food, I wondered what they really thought of our bland-by-contrast meal.
My vegan friend is vegan because dairy products seem to bother her. She is vegan until she is tempted by cheese on a pizza or cheese and sour cream on Mexican food and then she backs up to vegetarian food for a while and then returns to vegan. She talks a lot about food but doesn't hector.
It's because vegans are so insufferably smug and sanctimonious about their dietary choice. And so vocal. They are downright evangelical about it.
My wife is a 'dietary' vegan (doctor's orders) rather than a 'lifestyle' vegan, and she is not smug or sanctimonious about her choice. She doesn't proselytize, and doesn't give me bunch of guff if I want to go out for a Sausage Egg & Cheese McGriddle occasionally.
After I ate Indian food, I wondered what they really thought of our bland-by-contrast meal.
Oh, man! Indian is my favorite cuisine!
Next time a vegan gets up in your grille about eating meat, just reply, "Oh yeah? Well, MY food poops on YOUR food!"
mockturtle said...
We were cautioned per email by my nephew: "If you MUST eat meat while here, please do so outside. And NO BBQs."
What happened when the meat eating relatives had to poop? Did he insist they run up into the woods behind the house?
I recently visited Berkeley where it is de rigueur for businesses to put signs in their windows announcing support for such issues as having a "hate-free community."
At the Local Butcher, the proprietor made peace with animal-rights protestors by putting up this signage:
My rack of lamb was excellent.
IIRC, vegans age faster. No collagen I,II, III in their diet
nothing screams 'healthy diet' like wizened physiognomy
My vegan sisters are so for dietary and health reasons so there is no questioning or lecturing of those of us that aren't vegan. They did, however, find it necessary to announce their decision to follow a vegan diet on FB. That seems to be a vegan thing, which, to me, makes veganism seem religious in nature.
I used to work in a restaurant that served vegetarian food as well as meat. I could pick out who was going to order vegetarian by the wispy hair. Usually. But there is a lot more information out there 40 yrs later.
I was seeing a doctor (a company doctor, not my regular one) and we were discussing my blood chemistry. Uric acid was a bit high.
Doctor: "It's no problem. All you need to do is switch to vegetarianism and that will come down."
Me: "So...I am assuming you are a vegetarian?"
Doctor: "Of course!" insert offended tone.
Me: "Tell you what, doc. I'll switch to being a vegetarian for a month and you switch to eating a hamburger a day and after a month, you can tell me about how easy that change is."
She was not amused.
"It's because vegans are so insufferably smug and sanctimonious about their dietary choice. And so vocal. They are downright evangelical about it."
My boss is a hardcore vegan and an evangelical Christian. But he's a lovely generous dude (and a freakin' polymath) who neither hides, or apologizes for, his beliefs nor tries to push them on others. So we judge him not.
oxalic acid crystallizes in your kidneys. From Kale, spinach.
I wonder why no one tries to make hamburger taste like soybeans.
More seriously, what about soon to exist vat grown meat. No animal involved. I see it as a requirement for life off-earth. It will be quite some time before we have cows in O'Neil cylinders, but slicing a chunk off "Bessy the Blob" in lab 3 seems do-able.
And why am I "unknown" when signed in with my Google account?
Very few Las Vegans are vegans.
It's because vegans are so insufferably smug and sanctimonious about their dietary choice. And so vocal. They are downright evangelical about it.
Thus the old joke:
Q: How do you know if someone you meet is vegan?
A: They'll bloody well tell you, that's how.
More seriously, what about soon to exist vat grown meat. No animal involved. I see it as a requirement for life off-earth. It will be quite some time before we have cows in O'Neil cylinders, but slicing a chunk off "Bessy the Blob" in lab 3 seems do-able.
They will still object. Because Veganism is no different than any other form of asceticism. There is this bump in some people's heads that just demands that not only are they filled with self loathing, but they also loath everyone else and want them to 'join them in purity'.
And it seems pretty universal once a certain threshold wealth is made. When people have no fear of hunger, some people find it fashionable to disdain food.
Everything is virtue signaling, from trendy photos, veganism, gun nuttery, Christianity, Wokeness or body building. It's just which version of virtue one values.
I would love to be vegan, but I certainly would not want to convince anyone else to be though.
When Alton Brown was asked if he had any vegan recipes, his response was: "I don't cook vegans, they're too bony."
I thought it was funny. Why? because vegans are often a militant lot. A lot Vegans are always in your face telling you what not to eat. Many even want to get the government to force people to go plant based. Seems like vegan and climate change are new first world religions.
"The Morningstar bacon strips are great. Try a box. Just don't overnuke."
That's what I heard, so I tried them.
They're pretty awful too. They don't begin to compare with real bacon.
The vegetarians that I know personally are not preachy. One of them tried veganism for a while and found she couldn't live without cheese.
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