२९ ऑक्टोबर, २०१८
Horrifying the neighbors.
They don't want you to go as Brett Kavanaugh either, but they tell you just how easy it is to do: You just wear a suit and carry a calendar.
And they don't want you to go as Kanye, but they give you the idea: Just wear a MAGA hat. Note: Only works if you're a black male — because you'll ruin your entire life if you wear blackface — but if you are a black male kid, you have the information here that you can horrify the hell out of people just by wearing MAGA hat. And isn't that what Halloween is all about? Horrifying the neighbors?
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Sexy Handmaid!
Sexy 'Handmaid's Tale' Halloween costume sparks outrage
Cognitive dissonance? With a little Planning... It's time for a Slut Walk.
Bought our candy supplies yesterday. 120 full-sized candy bars.
Halloween is a holiday that annoys me, because I see too many adults participating in a kids' holiday.
Grow up!
It is said that during the festival of Samhain the boundry between this world and the otherworld is very thin. Folklore says that while standing on a threshhold while wearing a MAGA and chanting "lock her up" you can summon the spirit of Trump dine at your hearth.
I am trying to think through what it means when half the country is just pathetic.
Act crazy enough and everyone will know you're Maxine Waters.
No blackface required.
Maybe Perez Hilton could make a suggestion about how to pull off a Miley Cyrus costume...
The scariest thing to any blue-stater this Halloween is the Republicans keeping the House.
People need to lighten up. I refuse to be offended by any of this stuff.
People have become so sensitive that I can't make fun of myself without offending someone.
"Maybe Perez Hilton could make a suggestion about how to pull off a Miley Cyrus costume..."
No need, Miley will do that for you on her own.
This is just an awesome idea. My wife was torn, because people at her work are all wearing costumes for Halloween, and she didn't want to do it. Now she can wear a MAGA hat, and when they ask her what she is, she can say, I'm a racist!
"Isee too many adults participating in a kids' holiday."
Hear hear. Though adults have participated in masquerade balls for centuries.
Useless people, mainly.
What we need are more rules and social guidance from the speech police and the eternally butt-hurt SJW crowd.
Please - tell us what to do, and how to think. All while you ignore the corruption in your own house.
I'm dressing up at Hillary in an orange jump suit.
Some of the neighbors are adopting Trumponomics.
How Mr. Bolsonaro triumphed is worth examining because it suggests that something changed in this election. It can always change back, and it probably will. But for now the momentum is on the side of reform, and policy makers have a unique opportunity to advance liberty and prosperity in South America’s largest economy.
Mr. Bolsonaro is a social conservative, yet the “traditional values” vote alone couldn’t have propelled his candidacy. It took PT greed and hubris and the palpable failure of its left-wing ideology to send the electorate more broadly into the arms of Mr. Haddad’s rival.
Socialism is studying prison reform from inside prison.
It's nice to have a day where we can all focus on a particular type of outrage, costumes.
Lighten up, Francis.
Halloween isn't about horrifying or terrifying your neighbors, it's the most american of holidays
It's about Extortion, pure and simple
The hoodlums show up (in disguise), and give you the ultimatum: Trick or Treat
then, the choice is yours:
pay the protection Treat (in Candy, NOT Apples!),
or get the trick (your house egged, and windows soaped; outhouse overturned, etc)
What could Be more american than that? I love this affirmation of force.
Of course, since the overwhelming majority of americans are already cowed into submission, the threat of tricks can be veiled; but it is still there (see Apples, above)
Halloween shows what is Great about america!
And older americans, that have lost their sweet tooths;
can meta morph the extortion racket tricks into its close cousin. . .
Slutty Nurses and Witches working parties and bars for cheap liquor in return for turning tricks
just go as you are, and if asked, just say you are going as 1/1064th Cherokee.
if you want to take it up a notch, bring a cookbook.
redistribute liberal's kids candy
My hair turned gray at age 30. Once, I went to a Halloween costume party at the yacht club. My costume was merely to dye my hair brown with a theatrical hair dye that washes out. The theme was "Come as you were in the 1950s."
Half the people there did not recognize me.
I had known them for years.
If you are white, you don't need a costume.
Here come the rule-makers! Please review the list of appropriate costumes to wear!
Thank you, and have a great day!
defecate on their lawn, hit them with a bicycle lock, and ask them for free stuff.
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
defecate on their lawn, hit them with a bicycle lock, and ask them for free stuff.
no! NO! that's Not what america is all about!
Walk up to their door, ring the bell; respectfully wait 'til they answer and say
Nice House you have here, be a pitty if any of these eggs happened to hit it
Or - I would wear a pussy hat, a t-shirt with the images of all of Bill's sexual victims, and a crown of cigars.
in an orange pantsuit-jumpsuit.
It's not hard to imagine the horror if school kids showed up to classrooms wearing MAGA hats on Halloween. We would read stories for weeks about how harmed teachers were and how they came up with creative ways to punish the students.
For Halloween I'm wearing a sombrero, blackface, a kimono and some moccasins.
And I'm putting a tumbleweed on top of a pumpkin and calling it Colin Pumpernick, because I just don't give a crap anymore.
And I'm putting a tumbleweed on top of a pumpkin and calling it Colin Pumpernick, because I just don't give a crap anymore.
Instead of a pumpkin you could use a loaf of black bread. But yours is good too.
I may dress as (The Notorious) Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Then when I go to a door with lefty candidate signs on the lawn and they open the door, I'll clutch my chest, croak out "Heart attack" and fall down.
if you are Native American and want to wear traditional garb, make sure you can produce a valid CDIB card.
Or else!
oh yeah? well I'm putting a pile of corn silk on top of a bright orange gourd and calling it a TRUMPKIN !
Gosh I miss the days when dressing up for Halloween was just for kids! Oh, sure, I like looking at pretty grown-up women in sexy costumes, but I'd be happy if they did that a week or two before or after Halloween and didn't screw up the kids' fun.
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