If you forget the past, you can reuse the old slogans.
IN THE COMMENTS: James K is first to embarrass Rubin by quoting her "Surely logarithms exist to detect the lion’s share of racist and anti-Semitic material..."
Henry says:
Surely logarithms exist to detect the lion’s share of racist and anti-Semitic materialEdmund, accepting that Rubin meant algorithms, said:
How about thermometers? Surely thermometers exist that will do that?
Algorithm. Logarithm. Whatever it takes.
First, no there aren't such algorithms that don't also punish satire, commentary, or legitimate speech. Second, they have hired some people to police things and we have found that they tend to ban/suspend mainstream conservatives, not just extremists. Third, twitter is barely profitable - they made their first profit last year after 12 years in the red. Profits seem to be about $400 million/year. So at $25/hr salary and $75/hr total cost (for bare-bones benefits and facilities), that's about 5 million hours of labor, or about 2400 people. To police 335 million users across the world. Facebook has a lot more profit and might be able to set up a more robust audit scheme, but as I said above "Who will watch the guardians?"UPDATE: WaPo eventually changed "logarithms" to "algorithms."
११० टिप्पण्या:
Blow it out your ass, Jennifer.
Sick woman.
Well I cannot read it, paywalled, but I can guess. Trump is to blame. Trump is to blame because either 1) he is too pro Israel or 2) actually a Jew-hater or 3) both at once.
Read Harsanyi today.
I have here in my hand a list of 205....
Harsanyi, today.
Good link, Ken B.
Progressives, socialists, and communists love composing lists of names of hateful transgressors against their faith. It's telling that organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center love lists.
Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem was such a hateful anti-Jewish act.
Wake up Sheeple!
We're 8 days from the mid-terms and we've got 11 dead bodies to grind through the media sausage-making complex.
Those memes and hashtags aren't going to write and replicate themselves!
So, who sold us Jennifer Rubin as a "Conservative"?
Rubin has adopted the far left belief that anything other than open borders is defacto racism. Also, I love the part about Trump not being "legally responsible." As if anyone thought he was. He is not morally responsible for an anti-Semitic attack by someone who opposes him and his policies because obviously. And if there is an increase in anti-Semitic attacks, during a time when the President is pro-Israel and has Jewish grandkids, perhaps, I would gently urge, you should look to the POTUS' opposition and consider that they are responsible?
Another famous role call. Most liberals used to have the conscience to know why this was horrifying.
So, who sold us Jennifer Rubin as a "Conservative"?
Jack got a better deal with the magic beans.
I can guess what she writes but I am not about to subscribe to see what it is.
If you want to make it clear what you are referring to, why not paste a clip?
Inga does even if it doesn't agree with her point.
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
She named names.
Rubin has completely and utterly lost it.
“Instagram and Twitter deserve blame as well. These companies must be much more aggressive in blocking and taking down anti-Semitic, racist and bullying messages and images. There should be zero tolerance for those who traffic in detestable material. Surely logarithms exist to detect the lion’s share of racist and anti-Semitic material...”
Layers of editors.
In declaring Trump has “no responsibility” for the horrific murder, they feign or are actually guilty of severe moral and historical cluelessness.
She writes like a 14 year old girl. It appears that she gets a pass from the editor because there is a market for this kind of screed.
I can truly understand why the founding fathers excluded women from voting.
From the article: Surely logarithms exist to detect the lion’s share of racist and anti-Semitic material — and if not, these hugely successful companies need to hire an army of people to review what’s out there on their platform.
Is that a base 10 or base e logarithm?
First, no there aren't such algorithms that don't also punish satire, commentary, or legitimate speech. Second, they have hired some people to police things and we have found that they tend to ban/suspend mainstream conservatives, not just extremists. Third, twitter is barely profitable - they made their first profit last year after 12 years in the red. Profits seem to be about $400 million/year. So at $25/hr salary and $75/hr total cost (for bare-bones benefits and facilities), that's about 5 million hours of labor, or about 2400 people. To police 335 million users across the world. Facebook has a lot more profit and might be able to set up a more robust audit scheme, but as I said above "Who will watch the guardians?"
The most pro-Israel president since Truman is now responsible for the murder of Jews. The most anti-Israel president, Obama, is not to be mentioned. Rubin and her ilk are vile, disgusting, utterly depraved humans.
In declaring Trump has “no responsibility” for the horrific murder, they feign or are actually guilty of severe moral and historical cluelessness.
Replace "horrific murder" with "bad harvest" and you have the basic plot of The Wicker Man.
Jennifer who?
Remind me again why I should care what her opinion is on any topic?
Surely logarithms exist to detect the lion’s share of racist and anti-Semitic material
How about thermometers? Surely thermometers exist that will do that?
Algorithm. Logarithm. Whatever it takes.
I Callahan: Rubin has completely and utterly lost it.
She and people like her haven't lost anything they possessed before. They were always this vicious and batshit. It just took them not getting their way for what they really are to become apparent to normal decent people.
Sociopaths are like that.
Funny she didn't mention Louis Farrakhan.
"no there aren't such algorithms that don't also punish satire,..."
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Rubin has adopted the far left belief that anything other than open borders is defacto racism.
So Mexico is racist. Good to know.
“When politicians demonize outsiders (or insinuate their own countrymen are really outsiders), remove social inhibitions against expressing bigotry and dehumanize enemies (and those who they claim assist them), the hate-mongers can hardly be surprised if some fraction of the population takes them seriously.”
Oddly she doesn’t see this coming from the left or CNN and the rest of the MSM (just FOX of course, because reasons). I guess it’s ok, and totally not the same thing, to label half the country as deplorables, and constantly reiterate that if you don’t think like “we do” then you must be damaged goods.
Trump and his supporters this, Trump and his supporters that. Label label label, dismiss, dismiss, dismiss.
What purpose does the opinion column fill? In the olden times, before the internet, opinion columns would expose the reader to new ideas and arguments.
Now the opinion section of a newspaper is simply an excuse for Trump and GOP and Deplorable bashing, with no need to pay lip service to objectivity.
Rubin is a far left liberal which means she is mentally ill.
And Rubin knows Jeremy Corbyn is a far left socialist.
"Fox is home to anti-immigrant cranks such as Lou Dobbs and Laura Ingraham."
Try this rewrite Jen, "Fox is home to rule of law advocates and defenders of our national borders such as Lou Dobbs and Laura Ingraham. By enforcing existing law, employers won't have a pool of low wage unskilled labor which suppresses the wages for existing citizens."
I've seen this woman on TV. She is rabid.
Linda Sarsour will be leading the next women’s march.
Not just a Jew hater.
She supports FGM.
So yea, leader of the women’s march...
FM puts it well. Record low black unemployment is a racist trick as well.
James, women are not supposed to do logarithms.
That's Math and Barbie knows Math is hard.
Rubin writes: stop invoking Soros to explain every political threat (real or imagined) —
Koch makes me do it.
from Harsanyi, whom Henry linked above:
"If you think Trump should bring down the temperature, you have a point. If you think Trump should turn down the temperature but you fail to mention that a progressive yelling about “health care” tried to assassinate the entire GOP leadership on a baseball field, you don’t really care about the temperature.
If you fail to mention that Democrats have been accusing Republicans of wanting to the kill the poor and young, of trying to destroy the planet, of being “terrorists” after every school shooting, you don’t care about the temperature. If you rationalize mob behavior every time you don’t get your way in the electoral process, you don’t care about the temperature. And if your first instinct is to play politics with tragedy for partisan gain, you are part of the problem".
Blogger Michael K said...
10/29/18, 10:39 AM
Michael K.: I use Outline.
I don't much care to read Rubin, but I copy the link address & paste it into Outline just in case someone, somewhere, is tracking what articles are stripped of their fluff & feathers.
I kind of think of it as thumbing my nose at WaPo, WSJ, and the rest of that ilk.
If liberal networks and newspapers are going to keep claiming milquetoast Rinos like Rubin and Nicole Wallace are anyone's definition of Republican, why don't Fox and Breitbart just start calling some random people on their payroll "Democrats" even if said people disagree with Democrats 100% of the time?
Michael K.: I use Outline.
Thanks. I still think Ann could add some text to show what she is arguing.
censorship in action
Social Media: Let's ban hate speech
Right: that can't work fairly.
Leftists: conservativism is hate speech
Right: HEY!
Social Media: you're banned.
”Is that a base 10 or base e logarithm?”
Base e. e is an irrational number, after all.
>> Surely logarithms exist to detect the lion’s share of racist and anti-Semitic material...”
Rubin is a serpent, a viper, an adder.
I hope she does not reproduce, but even adders can multiply with logarithms.
So I can understand that Jennifer Rubin's appearance on the MSNBC gabfests would impose a generally unfavorable impression of her Never Trumpisms, but she cites a piece by Kevin D. Williamson which talks straight to American Conservatives:
Trump and his apologists have failed to learn the sad lesson of Hillary Rodham Clinton: When people have come to assume that every other word out of your mouth is a lie, it becomes very difficult to tell the truth effectively. If Mrs. Clinton had had a good and true explanation for her email shenanigans, no one would have believed her. If Trump has a genuine “win” to talk about, all thinking adults will treat his claims with skepticism. Even his allies and members of his staff know better than to take him at his word.
That’s a problem for the president in particular, but it also is a problem for the conservative movement, which has become infected with Trump’s dishonesty.
Dinesh D’Souza should be ashamed of himself. David Clarke should be ashamed of himself, and not just for his ridiculous hat. And conservatives should be ashamed of them, too, and for bending the knee to Scott Baio, Ted Nugent, and every other third-rate celebrity who has something nice to say about a Republican from time to time. And we should be ashamed of ourselves if we come to accept this kind of dishonesty in the service of political expediency. If conservative ideas cannot prevail in the marketplace of ideas without lies, they do not deserve to prevail at all.
I think the dynamics behind adultery, obesity, and antisemitism have very little to do with political orientation. You don't have to look very hard to find anti-Semites on the right. It does, however, take considerable effort to ignore the anti-Semites on the left...... The Jews aren't necessarily the best judges of who's an anti-Semite. They're remarkably tolerant of left wing anti-Semites like Al Sharpton. It took them several generations to realize that Stalin wasn't their greatest friend in Russia......Bowers is genuinely evil, but his evil was not engendered or encouraged by Trump's rhetoric. You can probably lay some of the blame for the mad bomber on Trump, but I think steroids probably had more to do with it.
Those logarithms are apothegmatic paradigms. Pardon my phlegm.
>>If conservative ideas cannot prevail in the marketplace of ideas without lies, they do not deserve to prevail at all.
Agree completely. Now do Obama and healthcare.
gadfly thinks Republicans "bend a knee" to "third rate celebrities."
No, gaddie, that's your side. I don't know who those people are. Celebrities to me are guys like Ed Rasimus who flew 250 missions in Vietnam, or Robin Olds.
Then, from WWII, there is Ziggy Sprague, who drove off the Japanese navy with a Jeep Carrier and three DEs.
You have no idea Gaddie.
@Ken B said...
Well I cannot read it, paywalled, but I can guess . . .
Search Incognito and the Wapo complete with ads, opens for you. Then you won't have to make inappropriate guesses.
This sounds like a dog-whistle for transphobia from Rubin. Logarithms base 2 are BINARY.
My guesses see to have been pretty good. Better than your understanding of “inappropriate “ anyway.
@Michael K said...
gadfly thinks Republicans "bend a knee" to "third rate celebrities."
it is sad that you don't read well. Kevin D. Williamson mentioned "third rate celebrities," which, I suppose could include Trump the TV hero - but his point is emboldened at the end of my post which belittles practicing conservatism built upon lies.
Then again, if you don't understand conservative thought and all you want is to belittle those of us who do . . . what can I say?
Then again, if you don't understand conservative thought and all you want is to belittle those of us who do . . . what can I say?
Inga, is that you ?
Kevin Williamson is a NeverTrump diehard, useful only to lefties like you.
Gell-Mann Effect. If course everything else Rubin writes should be considered less biased and mistake-filled.
Gunner said...
If liberal networks and newspapers are going to keep claiming milquetoast Rinos like Rubin and Nicole Wallace are anyone's definition of Republican, why don't Fox and Breitbart just start calling some random people on their payroll "Democrats" even if said people disagree with Democrats 100% of the time?
You make a fair point!
I might be able to sit with Jennifer Rubin if she was (a) highly critical of Trump's excesses, but also (b) supportive of fundamental Republican ideas. She isn't fundamentally supportive of a lot of fundamental Republican ideas anymore. To wit; she (along with fellow MSNBC employees David Jolly and Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt) all criticized/opposed the Kavanaugh nomination. That's the dividing line for me. If you can't support the Kavanaugh nomination and if you can't call out the Justice's attackers, you're no longer much of a Republican. The only way to explain the people I named in this post is that they are collecting paychecks from MSNBC, and they need that gig.
Blogger Ken B said...
My guesses see to have been pretty good. Better than your understanding of “inappropriate “ anyway.
We obviously didn't find the same interesting things in reading the Rubin piece as you can see from my post above. But I honestly was trying to be helpful about the easy way to get to read the Wapo.
gadfly said...
If conservative ideas cannot prevail in the marketplace of ideas without lies, they do not deserve to prevail at all.
Your problem and Rubin's problem is you don't know what a lie is.
Because you are stupid.
For example:
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
That is a lie.
What Trump does is disagree with the media.
Nobody gives two shits about what the Wapo or Jennifer Rubin say about the marketplace of ideas except really stupid and gullible idiots.
Rubin don't know much about algebra, don't know what a slide rule is for.... But she does know about naming names, and after they are dealt with, what a wonderful world it will be!
The WaPo has stealth-corrected Rubin's "logarithms" to "algorithms." No acknowledgement of her blooper whatsoever. I hope that someone made a screenshot.
Blogger Michael K said...
Then again, if you don't understand conservative thought and all you want is to belittle those of us who do . . . what can I say?
Kevin Williamson is a NeverTrump diehard, useful only to lefties like you.
Thank you for confirming my point.
but she cites a piece by Kevin D. Williamson which talks straight to American Conservatives:
Rubin would have more credibility is she could quote someone other than a fellow Never-Trumper, which is what Williamson was (is? -- he may be mellowing a bit now). Williamson, while a much more interesting thinker than Rubin, has had more than his share of "Conservative Fantasy Island Moments" since the inauguration of Trump. Reality, such as his abortive move from NR to Atlantic, has done much to hammer home to KDW the reality that the Trumpies, the Republican Party, & the American Conservative movement, as dirty as they all are, are the only people standing between him & a one-way ticket to unemployment, if not the gulag.
gadfly said...
Kevin Williamson is a NeverTrump diehard, useful only to lefties like you.
Thank you for confirming my point.
Williamson says conservative things.
Trump gets conservative things done.
I know that is a tough one for you to understand.
WaPo explains that Jennifer "Rubin writes reported opinion from a center-right perspective for The Washington Post."
I always wondered what "center-right" means, now I know. Apparently there's a lot of "center-right" opinion in WaPo, such as:
"‘He is not welcome here’: Thousands support Pittsburgh Jewish leaders calling on Trump to ‘denounce white nationalism’"
"Trump’s hate and lies are inciting extremists. Just ask the analyst who warned us"
"Trump’s America is not a safe place for Jews"
"Center-right" apparently means "Left".
Thank you for confirming my point.
Whatever your point was, if there was one, you're welcome.
Williamson used to be interesting but then he went nuts after Trump was elected. His famous wish that whites in small towns all die off was a low point.
I'm sure you agree with him.
“The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible,” the conservative writer says. “The white American under-class is in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture whose main products are misery and used heroin needles. Donald Trump’s speeches make them feel good. So does OxyContin. What they need isn’t analgesics, literal or political. They need real opportunity, which means that they need real change, which means that they need U-Haul. If you want to live, get out of Garbutt [a blue-collar town in New York].”
You're welcome again.
Twitter is right out of Dilbert: "Our most profitable product is our stock!"
The problem with democracy is that people as described get a vote in a bid to make their lives better.
Can anyone remember Trump making an actual anti-Semitic statement? I can't think of one.
gadfly is just a standard leftist like Inga and Freder.
I guess it is worthwhile seeing how stupid their arguments are.
Can anyone remember Trump making an actual anti-Semitic statement? I can't think of one.
Trump is philo-Semitic. Accusing him of being anti-Semitic is ridiculous.
As somebody who has been defined as "toxic" by Google, for pretty much the exact same types of comments and tone that I use here, I can only tell you that these algorithms suck.
The web's most toxic commenters live in Vermont. - Wired
Here is an example of "algorithmically" determined toxic comment.
"Yes the socialist Hitler, Far right wing he was... uh huh."
Here is a non toxic comment: "Ideas for grilled cheese are limitless!"
Ben Franklin has to be rolling in his grave.
I saw a nice post, I think from Volokh but maybe not, on Rubin a year or so ago. Basically just juxtaposing what she said in columns before Trump with columns screaming about Trump. Example: before Trump she wanted the embassy moved, but when he did it it was a grotesque crime. A complete switcheroo in order to yell about Trump. It was really devastating, because there were so very many such examples.
The Godfather said...
Can anyone remember Trump making an actual anti-Semitic statement? I can't think of one.
Well, before I answer I want to say that Trump is not to blame for the Pittsburgh shooting. I have already agreed with the gist of this Althouse post. I think it is a kind of national media hysteria; wanting to blame Trump for this shooting.
That said, any time there is a question about whether Trump really did or said something stupid, the answer is generally "Yeah, he did/said that..." So be careful about asking such questions.
With Trump, the reported story was that Trump said (about his firing of a black financial officer from one of his formerly-owned casinos): "Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day." And subsequently when Trump was questioned whether the quote was a true one, Trump acknowledged that he probably said it.
Here is the piece on Rubin I mentioned. Charles Cooke http://www.nationalreview.com/article/454701/jennifer-rubin-trump-obsession-mindless-opponent?platform=hootsuite
Chuck, is that the best you can do ?
There was an Eddie Murphy movie, I can't recall which, in which he was in jail. The black public defender appeared and he said "I don't want no affirmative action lawyer ! Get me a Jew !"
If he had said he didn't want the guys in yarmulkes you might have a weak case.
You've got nothing but TDS. A bad case of it.
I can't think of trump starting a hateful slapfight. I've seen him finish a whole bunch of them. He fights back and he's from the Bronx. He's dangerous!
Michael K said...
Chuck, is that the best you can do ?
There was an Eddie Murphy movie, I can't recall which, in which he was in jail. The black public defender appeared and he said "I don't want no affirmative action lawyer ! Get me a Jew !"
If he had said he didn't want the guys in yarmulkes you might have a weak case.
You've got nothing but TDS. A bad case of it.
But I am not trying to prove that Trump is anti-Semitic. I don't think he is. I think Trump is a sort of textbook sociopath, but not an anti-Semite.
The question posed was whether Trump had ever made any actual anti-Semitic statements, and the answer to that question is, as ever, "Yes; a really stupid one."
Blogger Achilles said...
gadfly said...
If conservative ideas cannot prevail in the marketplace of ideas without lies, they do not deserve to prevail at all.
Your problem and Rubin's problem is you don't know what a lie is.
Because you are stupid.
For example:
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
That is a lie.
What Trump does is disagree with the media.
So when Trump said that Mexico will pay for his wall, he was "disagreeing with the media?"
In January he asked for $18 billion to build the wall - that is about $6 million per mile.
BTW, Trump has said that the new NAFTA-like trade agreement with Mexico would pay for the wall, but now that Trump has approved an agreement, it turns out that paying for the wall was not part of the negotiations.
The column that compared her two positions was a classic.
After reading that she had zero credibility with me.
Too much TDS.
And no mention of the Dems, that are actually more anti Semitic...
Chuck said...
With Trump, the reported story was that Trump said (about his firing of a black financial officer from one of his formerly-owned casinos): "Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day." And subsequently when Trump was questioned whether the quote was a true one, Trump acknowledged that he probably said it.
10/29/18, 2:14 PM
Chuck, I know you only do small words, so maybe the creator of the Department of Black People doesn't know what anti-Semitic means.
I'm a Jew. You are not. Will you please explain to me what was anti-Semitic about Trump's (he was not then President) alleged statement? Go on, I'm listening.
Can anyone remember Trump making an actual anti-Semitic statement? I can't think of one.
He criticized Soros, so that makes him anti-Semitic. Just like criticizing Hillary is misogynistic and criticizing Obama is racist.
Bad Lieutenant said...
Chuck said...
"With Trump, the reported story was that Trump said (about his firing of a black financial officer from one of his formerly-owned casinos): 'Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.' And subsequently when Trump was questioned whether the quote was a true one, Trump acknowledged that he probably said it.
10/29/18, 2:14 PM
Chuck, I know you only do small words, so maybe the creator of the Department of Black People doesn't know what anti-Semitic means.
I'm a Jew. You are not. Will you please explain to me what was anti-Semitic about Trump's (he was not then President) alleged statement? Go on, I'm listening.
Are you still a Jew even after you've converted to Trumpism? Does it depend on whether you mother was a Jew?
Anyway, if you don't think it was anti-Semitic then it must've been a mistake to have thought so. Glad you cleared that all up.
I think that the issue with Trump is that he is the first president in a while who was NOT a sociopath.
Are you still a Jew even after you've converted to Trumpism? Does it depend on whether you mother was a Jew?
You complain about the disrespect people show you here. Since the Kavanaugh confirmation, I have refrained from criticizing you. I am sort of following Reagan's statement that a man who is 80% my friend is not 20% a traitor to the cause.
Then you spew this bullshit. Does it seem clever to you?
No algorithms can detect irony. Google rated the comment "Democrats worship the devil " as highly toxic.
it turns out that paying for the wall was not part of the negotiations.
gadfly was here and he knows exactly what is in that agreement and any informal agreements made at the same time.
We are so lucky to have gadfly to keep us informed.
Did you also predict that Mexico would offer the "migrants" asylum ? I guess I missed it.
Blogger tim in vermont said...
No algorithms can detect irony.
That's what logarithms are supposed to do. Ask Jennifer.
10 ^-1 bullshit.
They will outlaw irony, or maybe the Republicans will compromise and require irony marks, failure to use them so that algorithms can understand your comments may subject you to thought crime prosecution. It could work similarly to HTML5 which has tags to help machines understand content.
"Let's name scapegoats" FIFY
The more the left froths at the mouth character-assassinating wide swaths of obviously innocent people, the more I am assured the left knows they are going to lose in November.
Otto said "Funny she didn't mention Louis Farrakhan."
Yeah, I noticed that too.
"Brian Stelter republican" Chuck: "But I am not trying to prove that Trump is anti-Semitic."
Yes, you are. And have been.
By your very own admission, you claimed to be here only to smear Trump and help drive down his negatives so he can be impeached.
Too funny.
You, like your democrat funded cuck-heroes Bill Kristol, Max Boot, Steve Schmidt etc, are all on Operational Team Dem.
And you've been there quite awhile.
Complete operational alignment with the left, and you know it.
"Concerned by Trump, Some Republicans Quietly Align With Democrats"
"It’s an amorphous, somewhat secretive effort, partly because some participants fear Mr. Trump and his allies would brand Never Trump Republicans as pawns of Democrats. Meeting locations, agendas and attendees are mostly kept quiet, while political intelligence is privately shared between participants on opposite sides of the political spectrum."
LLR Chuck's heroes meeting secretly with democrats to collaborate and cooperate together. But doing it secretly, so no one can accuse them of meeting secretly with democrats to collaborate and cooperate together!!
It's almost a Python skit.
And LLR Chuck is our very own charter member of the Bill Kristol "Empower Democrats to Theoretically Make Us Better People" Cruise crew!!
LLR Chuck: "Are you still a Jew even after you've converted to Trumpism? Does it depend on whether you mother was a Jew?"
You will note that this latest little despicable but ineffective missive from LLR Chuck is precisely in perfect harmony with the attack against Trump supporting jews in the US being dished out by the biggest piece of crap hack lefty writers across the nation.
Once again, unexpectedly, LLR Chuck manages, somehow, against all odds (LOL) to "accidentally" align his talking points with the farthest of the far left.
I'll bet LLR Chuck thought he had some leeway with his Kavanaugh support fakery and could leverage that to maximum democrat electoral advantage!!
Nice try Vichy Chuck!!
I will take Chuck's answer to my question (about whether Trump has ever said anything anti-Semitic), and the comments on Chuck's answer, as evidence that Trump has not, in fact, said anything anti-Semitic.
Look, I'm not Jewish, but I grew up in a neighborhood with a lot of Jews, I went to college and law school with a lot of Jews, I spent my career practicing law in DC with a lot of Jews -- I am pro-Semitic. What that man did in Pittsburgh was awful. He will burn in Hell, and I only wish the legal system would send him there sooner rather than later (but Hell is forever, so the delay won't shorten his experience of it). I don't blame the people of that community for not wanting Trump to visit; that's their business. I do blame the media for using this awful event to try to score political points against their ideological adversary.
The Godfather: "I will take Chuck's answer to my question (about whether Trump has ever said anything anti-Semitic), and the comments on Chuck's answer, as evidence that Trump has not, in fact, said anything anti-Semitic"
Of course Trump has not said anything anti-semitic.
It's just another prong in the lefty/LLR Chuck attack leading up to what the dems/LLR's hope is a big lefty electoral victory.
She implies Trump is "morally" responsible for the shootings because he "stokes white grievance".
This is just a flat out liberal "feelings" attack line.
She doesn't believe in free speech, does she?
The never trumpers have become incoherent.
“I don't blame the people of that community for not wanting Trump to visit; that's their business.”
The rabbi of the synagogue said he would welcome Trump. It’s only the community left wing activists who say they don’t want him.
If it is wrong to scapegoat and then physically attack Jews, why isn't it also wrong to scapegoat and physically attack conservatives?
Jam that up your ass, Jennifer!
The more the left froths at the mouth character-assassinating wide swaths of obviously innocent people, the more I am assured the left knows they are going to lose in November.
I think this is what is going on. The awful truth is staring them in the face and they are recoiling into more hate and agitation.
We are lucky to have avoided what happened to the new president of Brazil.
True Story:
My former employer in whose home I worked (at the beginning of the company) raised a lot of money for the Democrats. Accordingly, in 2000 he hosted a fund raiser in his home for Al Gore, to which many (~100) Massachusetts high-tech executives were invited. Gore gave a canned speech about how government could help their industry (right!), and then took questions. One individual asked him about how he saw technology developing "going forward" (yes, he used that ridiculous phrase).
Gore gave a long-winded and confusing answer and then ended with:
"And now, with all of these new software logarithms being developed ...."
There was a an audible gasp from about half of the attendees, which I think was close to the ratio that understood the error. Gore noticed the gasp, but had no idea what he had done.
My colleague turned to me and said: "If there's any word Algore should remember ....". I laughed out loud.
True story.
I think Gore flunked out of Divinity School.
I think Gore flunked out of Divinity School.
And he flunked out of law school.
And while working on his Bachelor of Letters in Government, his grades were no better than George Bush's while he was earning a Bachelors in History. GWB went on to earn a Masters in Business Administration.
The Washington Post's article on this has been memory holed: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&contentId=A37397-2000Mar18
Found it! Gore's Grades Belie Image of Studiousness
Thank you for making Jennifer Rubin worth reading. It is a rare event.
Let's name names.
Obama viciously supported the dismembering of little children who could have lived outside the womb if they had not been dismembered by abortion doctors, and all that Obama lovers want to talk about - instead of the several hundred thousands of children murdered in that fashion - is "right wing anti-abortion violence" (which of course is wrong ... but which does not lead to the murder of hundreds of thousands of viable little children - the majority of whom can feel pain and fear. Think about it.) Obama is a friend of the violent people in this world, and an enemy of the peaceful people who want little children to be born in a peaceful world.
Let's name some more names. President Bush, the old fool, who was brave for a few hours when he was 23 or so and who was the person we now know he was for the next 70 years, molested several dozen young women and nobody wants to talk about it. Then there is Bill Clinton. Almost nobody believes Juanita Broaddrick is lying when she says Bill Clinton, because the little ugly man with the hipster Southern beard on his ugly rapist face thought she was pretty, raped her. Violently. And he got away with it, in the opinions of the public. Imagine that - he violently raped a young woman, and got away with it, because the 50 percent of Americans who are cold-hearted sheeple of America love liberals.
May God protect your daughters from the Bill Clintons of the world, you poor sheeple. And I mean that - the punishment of your Clinton-voting stupidity should not include the punishment of knowing that nobody will care if someone like Bill rapes your daughter, the way good old Bill raped the daughter of Juanita Broaddrick's father.
I have been told that Reagan, when he was a young automaton in Hollywood, got scared at the fact that it was so much fun to sleep with women who had no money and no power, and so scary to think that he would be responsible for the baby, and he paid one of those women to abort his child. A child who would have been a great president at the age of 40 in 1980, if his dad had not conspired in murder. A child who would have been a better president than his father. Remember that, Reagan idolators! Reagan, in an evil hour, paid for the abortion of the child who would have been a better president than him!
Think about it. I know what i am talking about, this is my country, not the country of evildoers who pay for the abortion of their children ....
Let's name some more names. John Lennon beat the shit out of a friend of his, who died a year later from a brain injury, after Lennon, in one of his angry moods, sucker punched him so hard he fell to the ground, head first. Sad! And Ringo Starr has never stopped talking about love, love, love, without once apologizing for covering up for the violence of his friends. (I like Lennon, by the way, and I think it was just a misunderstanding - but he was a violent person, when he was old enough to know better).
Ellison in Minnesota is friends with an evil little old man who jokes about being not an anti-Semite but an anti- Termite. That, my friends, is plainly evil. And Bill Clinton, the rapist, and Obama, who smiles when he talks about Planned Parenthood and the dismembering of viable infants, laughed right along with Farrakhan a few weeks ago.
Pray for those old fools. This is not the important world: the important world is the world where all of us understand whether we loved others or not.
Technically the natural logarithm is at the root of everything, incl algorithms.
Plus, yur not a true nerd till this log related thing-y gives ya a hint of chub (or wet, fer gals):
adSs: "Technically the natural logarithm is at the root of everything, incl algorithms"
Uh huh.
And George Lucas was correct to have Han Solo say the Millenium Falcon had completed the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.......not.
And don't hand me any of that after-the-fact Lucas rear-end covering that its really about the route and not time.
And stop trying to make Algore happen! Besides, you guys have much more work on your hands to make Chelsea happen.
Drago is drunk.
how cool is it for Althouse to be gleefully poking fun at someone who messed up algorithms v logarithms.
It's super cool!
It's like a lowly, i.e. only sorta popular, kid on IG gettin' all huffy cause Rick Rubin thinks Lil Yachty aint great.
OTOH, maybe re that analogy the punk IG person (Althouse) is right:
Here is a classic: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/gore-was-lazy-dope-as-student-at-harvard-282723.html
I bet the original was "doper"
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