१ ऑक्टोबर, २०१८

"Has anyone else seen the political cartoon depicting Judge Kavanaugh's child praying for her father. It's really despicable."

Asks Andrew in the comments to yesterday's café. He adds: "The Democrats are crossing one line after another. I can only hope they rue the day." His link goes to a Rod Dreher post at The American Conservative, "When They Came For Kavanaugh’s Kid," which shows this cartoon by Chris Britt that was published in the Illinois Times:

Dreher asks: "How can a man do this to another man’s child? How can editors allow this to pass? What corrupt and wicked hearts they have." Dreher has to update and expresses puzzlement:
For some reason, this image is being passed around to some people as if I approved of its message. If you’re going to send it around, please point out that I *abhor* this image.
I think I can help Dreher with his puzzlement, because when I first saw the cartoon — fully knowing that Andrew thought it was despicable — I thought of asking the question: Which way does this cartoon cut? You can go 2 ways:

1. Kavanaugh is presumed to be an angry, lying, alcoholic man who really did sexually assault Ford, and the daughter knows it and asks God to forgive him.

2. Kavanaugh's daughter has heard what is being said about her father, believes it, and asks God to forgive him.

In the second reading, the cartoonist would be criticizing the politicians and the press for going after Kavanaugh in a way that hurt that child, destroying her understanding of him as a good man, and the child turning to God to help her in her devastation.

Look again at Dreher's question, "How can a man do this to another man's child?" What was done to the child and who did it? In interpretation #2, we see a child to whom the attack on Kavanaugh has done something terrible, and the cartoonist is showing us that. That message is the same one Kavanaugh himself delivered: You have destroyed my family. Look what you did, you fiends! Kavanaugh also said that his child was so wise that she knew, in her religion, that she should pray for "the woman." That same sincere religious belief would bring her to pray for her father, if she thought he was all those things people were saying. The cartoon shows the child possessed of that belief and still following her religion.

Understanding the cartoon in those terms, Dreher's readers could think he approved of it. Since the first interpretation is the easier one to make, I can see why he doesn't want to be associated in a positive way with the cartoon, but with a bit more reflection, he might see how the second interpretation, though harder to reach, is really more sound. And I'm saying that even though I would guess that the cartoonist had the first interpretation in mind.

On the subject of using children in politics, Dreher's question is also complex: "How can a man do this to another man's child?" I'd like to keep children out of politics, but does that mean images of children don't belong in cartoons? The child isn't the intended audience for this cartoon. We, the adults, are seeing an image of a child and it may move us, because children draw out emotion. They represent innocence and vulnerability. That's why the second interpretation jumped out at me. I feel protective of the child whose tender, impressionable mind has been invaded by ugly images of her father.

Dreher seems to be tapping into some old rule: Don't attack the children! But the cartoon isn't an attack on the child. It's a flip of the way Kavanaugh himself used the child: She's so beautiful and valuable that she prayed for the woman who is accusing her own father. If Kavanaugh can use his child that way, and a cartoonist may not counter that with another point of view, it's a lot like the way Christine Blasely Ford was able to make her accusations and escape cross-examination. Don't attack the woman!

३०२ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   302 पैकी 201 – 302
Howard म्हणाले...

Blogger Mac McConnell said...

If Chissy Ford's allegation against Kavanaugh need no evidence, then the allegations of President Obama snorting coke off young gay boys asses in Chicago's gay bath houses is to be believed. Remember Obama's high school female "beach friends" in Hawaii all said they thought Obama was gay.

It's the 21st Century, Mac. You should just come out of the closet instead of gay-bashing to cover up your true feelings.

MacMacConnell म्हणाले...

Didn't Obama's daughter intern in Weinstein's office / ejaculatory. I can only imagine her prayers.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Michael K said...

"I think your begging for "reparations" after trillions have been spent on blacks the past 50 years is ridiculous."

Mentioning something is "begging" - in the racist mind. And 50 years, compared to 350 of abuse by whites, is what's ridiculous.

What do you have to do with Republicans?

Nothing, after meeting you.

Laslo Spatula म्हणाले...

"We, the adults, are seeing an image of a child and it may move us, because children draw out emotion. They represent innocence and vulnerability."

Provided that they get to be born.

"Live children draw out emotion."

Fetuses are drawn out in pieces with suction.

I am Laslo.

Howard म्हणाले...

Mac keeps crying for help

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Khesanh 0802 said...

"I think Ann should have a column commenting on Mitchell's letter."

Because what a prosecutor thinks - in a situation that doesn't call for a prosecutor - is so important for Republicans to get out there.

I think it's more important for Republicans to get on the same planet with everyone else.

gahrie म्हणाले...

You should just come out of the closet instead of gay-bashing to cover up your true feelings.

But everyone on the Left calling Lindsey Graham gay is perfectly fine.

MacMacConnell म्हणाले...

Whose gay bashing? My point was lack evidence. I don't care if Obama was a twink in high school. I did care about his twink foreign policy.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Something for Crack and then I will go back to ignoring him.

As Booker T. Washington said in his book My Larger Education, written in 1910 (and using the racial nomenclature of his time):

There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs—partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.

Sound familiar ?

Mary Beth म्हणाले...

rcocean said...

Sorry MayBee I get annoyed when people quote figures and they don't know what they're talking about.

$50,000 less than $220,000 is $170,000, right? Did you look it up? I think that's pretty close.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Howard said...
Mac keeps crying for help"

Is this supposed to mean something ?

The Democrats seem to be buying the whole package, lies and all.

SayAahh म्हणाले...

The Althouse vortex is spinning out of control. A pivotal point in a 15 year lifespan.

Cruel Neutrality is a bogus trademark.

Perhaps the wearing of shorts will soon become permissible.

lukhucthanh म्हणाले...

Thanks nhé Tai thỏ

Trumpit म्हणाले...

Teaching your kid to kneel and pray is child abuse.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Michael K said...

"Something for Crack and then I will go back to ignoring him."

Because you lose in debates.

"As Booker T. Washington said in his book My Larger Education, written in 1910 (and using the racial nomenclature of his time):

There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs—partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.

Sound familiar ?"


The Atlanta compromise was an agreement struck in 1895 between Booker T. Washington, president of the Tuskegee Institute, other African-American leaders, The Atlanta compromise was an agreement struck in 1895 between and Southern white leaders.....The agreement was that Southern blacks would work and submit to white political rule, while Southern whites guaranteed that blacks would receive basic education and due process in law. Blacks would not focus their demands on equality, integration, or justice, and Northern whites would fund black educational charities.

Why blacks turned down such an appetizing deal, by Michael K's kind of white people, remains a mystery - unlike why he likes Booker T. Washington.

That remains loud-and-clear.

Only racists think blacks should've taken that deal. Only racists still respect Booker T. Washington. There'd be no Kanye, no Martin Luther King, no Neal deGrasse Tyson, had Booker T's plans had been followed. That's the way Michael K would've preferred it.

Ignore that - or claim you won - you lie either way. And that's my point about dealing with you, and the likes of you.

MacMacConnell म्हणाले...

What we are seeing by the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee is a nearly all white cast of "To Kill A Mocking Bird". Unfortunately there weren't any Republicans on the book's jury.

Ken B म्हणाले...

When Andrew posted this I said it belonged in the what Ann found funny thread. I bet some of you thought I was being too harsh.

The rule, which Ann has propounded often, is don’t *use* children politically. She has a tag for it.

Does Ann think that classmates won’t taunt the child with this? That she won’t see it?

Plus the second interpretation is arrant nonsense, the thing that gives lawyers a bad reputation. Even Avenatti is more honest that this. Think about that AVENATTI IS MORE HONEST THAN ALTHOUSE ABOUT THIS STUFF.

Bay Area Guy म्हणाले...

"Begley @ 8:40 speculates that Bay Area Guy is a lawyer because he has a "sharp and incisive mind".
He certainly couldn't be anything else, could he?
Too funny. "

I am the bastard love-child of Laurence Tribe and Attorney Deborah Katz. I flunked the bar and, instead, like Cain in Kung Fu, I prowl the countryside seeking justice and adventure to fill the void left by my shameful Harvard father, who disowned me.

They call me "Tribe O'Cats.

Greg P म्हणाले...

Althouse dives for deep in the slime pit with this one:

Dreher seems to be tapping into some old rule: Don't attack the children! But the cartoon isn't an attack on the child. It's a flip of the way Kavanaugh himself used the child: She's so beautiful and valuable that she prayed for the woman who is accusing her own father. If Kavanaugh can use his child that way, and a cartoonist may not counter that with another point of view

Prof, Kavanaugh was saying "hey, you, scumbags, you're not just abusing me, you're abusing my 10 year old daughter!"

He wasn't using her, he was pointing out that the Democrats, in their evil desperation to maintain power by any means "necessary", are trampling over and assaulting an innocent ten year old girl.

But, I suppose, if you saw that, you'd see that you are doing the same.

"Anything for power", right, Professor Althouse?

Person A pushes an old woman in front of an oncoming truck. Person B pushes an old woman away from the path of an oncoming truck that was going to hit her.

You can be "cruelly neutral", and point out that "both people pushed an old woman".

Or, you can be a decent human being, and not be neutral between good and evil

Dr. Ford lied. She lied about the attack. She even lied, under oath, in her Senate testimony, about her therapist records.

Because the records prove she's lying about Kavanaugh

And, you don't care. Because Roe uber alles

MITCHELL: Did you show a full or partial set of those marriage therapy records to The Washington Post?

FORD: I don’t remember. I remember summarizing for her what they said. So I’m not – I’m not quite sure if I actually gave her the record.

MITCHELL: OK. So it’s possible that the reporter did not see these notes.

FORD: I don’t know if she’s – I can’t recall whether she saw them directly or if I just told her what they said.

MITCHELL: Have you shown them to anyone else besides your counsel?

FORD: Just the counsel.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Michael K thinks blacks are worse off for not following the guy who - 100 years ago - wanted us to remain white people's pack animals for yet another century.

Do I need more evidence to know black's best interest isn't in his vocabulary?

We turned on Booker T. for a reason. I turn on Michael K for the same reason.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

"Kavanaugh was ‘heavy drinker,’ ‘often belligerent’ at Yale, NC State professor says"

Ilk shoiw yuo drunk and beigerent youfeuckin sassholr!

But not right now, maybe later today after 3:30 or so.

Etienne म्हणाले...

The Democrats think the FBI investigation into rape is a dead end now. They think the FBI should now focus on perjury.

Chris Murphy announced: “...of course there should be an FBI investigation, but whatever they find doesn’t change the facts...”

OK, English confuses me a little, but did he just say something considered retarded?

MacMacConnell म्हणाले...

Lefties sent 50,000 coat hangers to Susan Collins to protest Kavanaugh. How about we on the right of center send Senator Whitehouse 50,000+ high school yearbooks for his expert yearbook forensic analysis.

FIDO म्हणाले...

Add to the Althousian 'tools' like 'cruelly neutral' (Only to men), that of 'Willfully Obtuse'.

The artist is trying to spread the meme that this is what Kavanaugh is...without evidence...and asserting that HIS family is the liars, keeping quiet, not the MULTLPLE and SYSTEMIC flaws in Ford's testimony.

Quadrupling down on Ford, Althouse. Okay.

Sydney म्हणाले...

Not about the cartoon- I realize it doesn't qualify as slander - but in general, what is the preponderance of evidence for slander? If someone claims you committed a crime years ago, and you sue them for slander, is the burden of proof on them to prove you committed the crime or is the burden of proof on you to prove that you didn't commit the crime?

PB म्हणाले...

Democrats will state the cartoon is what his daughter really said and is proof that Kavanaugh lied about her under oath.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

PB said...

"Democrats will state the cartoon is what his daughter really said and is proof that Kavanaugh lied about her under oath."

Sarah Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" you know.

FIDO म्हणाले...

I have another criticism of the cartoon: The bedroom is the bedroom of a middle class rural or suburban home of a very old-fashioned, modest sort. It's not what someone in Kavanaugh's social class would have for his daughter.

You are NEVER going to get over that 'Georgetown Prep' vs. 'Not going to Middlebury', are you?

MacMacConnell म्हणाले...

PB said...
"Democrats will state the cartoon is what his daughter really said and is proof that Kavanaugh lied about her under oath."

They'll demand a FISA warrant.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

I think commenters who believe Althouse is showing an anti-Kavanaugh bias are mistaken. She is not justifying this cartoon, or even trying to justify it. She is analyzing it, and the response to it, which is a perfectly reasonable thing for the cruelly neutral to do. But I do like her refusal, or perhaps merely lack of desire, to defend herself.

Never apologize. Never explain.

Ken B म्हणाले...

There's an old movie with William Holden. He plays a Swedish businessman in WWII who agrees to spy for the British on his frequent trips to Germany. Why? Because he he saw the Nazis execute a striker. “You can read about a hundred atrocities, you only have to see one.”

Ann DEFENDS this cartoon.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Kavanaugh invoked his children just like every fair-minded person thought of the effect on them as soon as they heard the allegation. It is one of the worst aspects of such a false claim, and especially one so unnecessarily public. It had to be included in his outrage. Besides, the Dems would criticize him for not mentioning his children if he truely felt falsely accuse, because by any means necessary today - by any means necessary tomorrow.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

Sarah Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" you know.

No. That was Tina Fey on SNL.

Rick67 म्हणाले...

I appreciate your effort to find and present an alternate explanation, but I am not persuaded. I was quite offended by the presumption of the cartoon, and not because of anything Dreher wrote. I can form my own interpretations, just as you can.

You raise a good question about what makes the cartoon's use of this child different from Kavanaugh's "use" of his daughter. It might be the difference between the assumptions each use makes. Kavanaugh reports what his daughter said. The cartoon assumes something she does not say or think.

One can argue Kavanaugh's "report" is based on what his daughter assumes, that his father is innocent, the accusation is incorrect. I would take it a step farther Ah, but his daughter's response to that assumption is to pray for the accuser, a show of mercy and compassion, not "she's a lying psycho hope she dies". One could argue the cartoon's response to an assumption - that the accusation against Kavanaugh is correct - is a form of mercy. But again, an important difference is the daughter said X (report based on an assumption), she did not say Y (speculation based on an assumption).

I would quibble with Dreher (whom I happen to know) by saying this isn't about what one does to a child. This is about presuming to speak on behalf of someone who hasn't actually said this. I'm a minister and am careful not to presume where G-d stands on this mess (although of course I have strong opinions). I bristle when people play the "famous person everyone reverses would say/do this" card.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Today, you just need to know if the person voted for Hillary or not to know how this cartoon was meant.

walter म्हणाले...

Gref P.
Gotta cut her some slack. Her mind was "tired". Needed caffeine!
And it was a stressful flight. She enjoyed it.

Eleanor म्हणाले...

Photos of Dr. Ford at the time of the alleged incidents show her wearing braces. She might not have done what she needed to do to maintain her teeth in adulthhood.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Examine the periodical and the cartoonist's other work- that is how you determine the likely meaning.

Darrell म्हणाले...

Democrats see Russia from their front porches in D.C.

Bay Area Guy म्हणाले...

Prosecutor Mitchell's conclusion:

"In the legal context, here is my bottom line: A 'he said, she said' case is incredibly difficult to prove. But this case is even weaker than that," she wrote. "Dr. Ford identified other witnesses to the event, and those witnesses either refuted her allegations or failed to corroborate them. For the reasons discussed below, I do not think that a reasonable prosecutor would bring this case based on the evidence before the Committee. Nor do I believe that this evidence is sufficient to satisfy the preponderance-of-the-evidence standard."

Translation: Crazey Ford is making shit up. May have had some guy or guys topple on top of her at one of the many rich-kid, privileged, Holton-Arms, girl parties, but nothing to do with Kavanaugh.

Ken B म्हणाले...

No Jupiter. “But he mentioned his daughter first!” Is defending not analyzing.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Well, now we know who the two women who harassed Flake are.

na Maria Archila and Maria Gallagher were the two women who confronted Flake inside the elevator. Perhaps because they expressed such raw emotion, few media outlets dug into their political activism. Archila is an executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy; she had spent the previous week in Washington engaged in protests against Kavanaugh. Gallagher is a 23-year-old activist with the group. The center is a left-wing group heavily funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Indeed, as of 2014, Open Society was one of the three largest donors to the group

I pointed this out this weekend. Nice to have confirmation. And it was a Senator only elevator so CNN and the Capital Police must have been accomplices.

Andrew म्हणाले...

Dammit, Mike K! You drove Crack Emcee out of the Republican party!

I do think we owe Ann some credit for at least posting about the cartoon. The more people who see it the better. People should know what we are up against.

Add me to those who are appalled at (among other things) the blatant hypocrisy of the Dems. If a feminist were being nominated to the Supreme Court, her cocaine habit that she overcame last year would be a badge of honor. But drinking beer in high school?! They're shocked, shocked at the behavior! And how many of Judge K's critics are guilty of exactly what they accuse him of? Dems always project. Many of them probably watch violent porn.

JAORE म्हणाले...

"WOW...no matter what, you Democrats stick together like glue when you want to take somebody down. It's sickening."

So you hate them for acting like Republicans. That's nice.

Crack, the overarching topic is a Supreme Court nomination. Please compare and contrast the Senate confirmation votes on the nominees for the SC since, say the Bork period. Then get back to us about how the Republicans stick together.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Francisco D said...
Sarah Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" you know.

No. That was Tina Fey on SNL.

That was my point [rolls eyes].

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"So you hate them for acting like Republicans. That's nice."

-- Republicans are usually more than willing to turn on their own. You have to be as unlikable (and powerless) as Al Franken to get Democrats to turn on their own. Usually though, Republicans are willing to open a path through their wagons rather than circling.

Michael K म्हणाले...

I'm glad someone else pointed out the fake Sarah Palin quote since I don't want to have any interaction with a weird person.

The Mitchell report is being ignored in all this. It is a pure power struggle now. In other blogs I am seeing a lot of anger at women.

This is war. I don't know how we get back to civility after this. I did not know until this weekend that Miguel Estrada's wife committed suicide during the 28 month ordeal he suffered at Chuck Schumer's hands. I worry about Mrs Kavanaugh.

Kids deal wth divorce and can heal. Wives are more vulnerable.

JAORE म्हणाले...

Sarah Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" you know.

No. That was Tina Fey on SNL.

I'm pretty sure Crack knows this. He was using the SNL comment to underscore how such fictional lines become fact to the hyper-partisan.

By the way, I recall an interview where Tina Fey admits she spoke the line but is happy it was attributed to Palin as fact.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

"When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if
they ever press charges." - Handey

SeanF म्हणाले...

Gahrie: Tell that to the courts. A drawing of a child performing a sex act is treated exactly the same as a picture of a child performing a sex act.

Not true. A drawing of a child performing a sex act is protected speech under the First Amendment. A photograph of an actual child performing a sex act is illegal based on the harm caused to the actual child.

That is how the courts have ruled.

JAORE म्हणाले...

Ooops, sorry, Crack. You cleared up the point about Tina Fey while I was typing.

Martin म्हणाले...

That second interpretation is so tortured that anyone who is not a lawyer just laughs at you and thinks that lawyers really are as bad as everyone says.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

JAORE said...

"Crack, the overarching topic is a Supreme Court nomination."

I know, and I've already outlined the dynamics of this appointment as Democrats see them - and got called a sell-out for saying so - because Republicans don't come off looking any better.

Attacking people for stating the truth is not going to convince anyone Republicans respect it.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

That was my point [rolls eyes].

I missed it [smacks head].

What exactly was the point? I may be a little slow this morning.

jeremyabrams म्हणाले...

So any references by President Clinton or President Obama, while in office, to their children opened their kids up to use in political warfare as well?

Fathers can talk publicly about their children, even for political advantage, without those kids being thrust into the political arena.

Our hostess really is a piece of work sometimes.

FIDO म्हणाले...

I think commenters who believe Althouse is showing an anti-Kavanaugh bias are mistaken. She is not justifying this cartoon, or even trying to justify it. She is analyzing it, and the response to it, which is a perfectly reasonable thing for the cruelly neutral to do. But I do like her refusal, or perhaps merely lack of desire, to defend herself.

You are correct. She is 'analyzing it'. But she is blatantly PARTISANLY analyzing it in ridiculous ways.

She refuses to characterize this viral cartoon as anything to be upset about...because she clearly wants the smear to spread, while coyly denying she is being transparent about her opinion at all.

Yes all the 'bias' she has given all the testimony is pointing Ford...and she is getting cranky at being so blatantly transparent.

There is a lack of honesty here. We aren't her students and she certainly refuses to learn either.

Because 'Middlebury' 'teacher trauma' and 'abortion'.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Michael K said...

"I'm glad someone else pointed out the fake Sarah Palin quote since I don't want to have any interaction with a weird person."

"A weird person" because I don't think blacks should be pack animals - like you and your hero, Booker T? Awww.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

JAORE said...

"Ooops, sorry, Crack. You cleared up the point about Tina Fey while I was typing."

No worries. Thanks for your graciousness. That's kinda new around here.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Michael K said...

"The Mitchell report is being ignored in all this."

Because there was no place in this for a prosecutor in the first place. Republicans should be trying to hide all references to her.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

JAORE said...

"By the way, I recall an interview where Tina Fey admits she spoke the line but is happy it was attributed to Palin as fact."

Yep. I see a lot of that kind of stuff. "Whatever works" is what they're all about now.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

If this was a job interview, the Democrats would be getting their asses sued off by the applicant. Who would want to work for a place that would analyze your 36 year old high school yearbook.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"By the way, I recall an interview where Tina Fey admits she spoke the line but is happy it was attributed to Palin as fact."

The Left has no concept of the "Golden Rule". They think it has something to do with Russian prostitutes and bedwetting.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

This isn't child abuse - this is child abuse - but I know which one most are determined to stop.

Yes, I do.

becauseIdbefired म्हणाले...

Even if the cartoonist had in mind the second, subtle, interpretation, the issue is damage to the child. Many will read it as I think it was intended, interpretation #1.

So who cares if you can interpret it two ways. The damage is done.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

"There is hardly a case in which the dispute was not caused by a woman." - Juvenal

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

I think Mitchell is being unfairly criticized- it wasn't her fault she had 5 minutes at a time. Margot Cleveland, who has done the very best analyses I have seen takes the transcript from Thursday and literally shreds Ford by tying Ford's public testimony back into Ford's previous versions of her story. What makes it impressive is that Cleveland shows why Ford had to make the small changes on Thursday.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Like I wrote above- if you want to know what the cartoonist's intent was, examine the previous work.

Marcus म्हणाले...

Our hostess is despicable with this take. Since I won't go as far as saying she is stupid for taking the Ford side (though she may be), she certainly is demonstrating her leftist feminism bonafides. Thanks to the majority of commenters for calling her out on her bullshit.

She worships, like all lefties and feminists, at the altar of abortion on demand.

walter म्हणाले...

Harry Reid after demanding false tax evasion accusation toward Romney needed disproving: “Romney didn't win did he?"
That's no rape train accusation..but hey, whatever sticks..gotta keep trying.

Better cartoon: "Daddy? Is that a rape train?"

walter म्हणाले...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...Like I wrote above
As did others prior.

wholelottasplainin म्हणाले...

Laslo said: "Justice Kennedy was the 5th vote in key right-of-privacy cases, and women's continuing domain over our own bodies is at stake."
I wonder if all those young guys in the landing craft off Omaha Beach were thinking about the continuing domain of their own bodies.

MayBee म्हणाले...

Sorry MayBee I get annoyed when people quote figures and they don't know what they're talking about.

$50,000 less than $220,000 is $170,000, right? Did you look it up? I think that's pretty close.

Thanks! It seems close enough to at least not be a moron ☹️

Darrell म्हणाले...

The caption should read--Smite the DNC and all the lyin' liars of the Left. And the Hollywood users and takers. And all those wandering throughout the world seeking the destruction of souls.

mccullough म्हणाले...

I wonder if the Left would still accept 8 years of Obama if they knew it would lead to Trump.

And would the Right still accept 8 years of W if they knew it would lead to Obama.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“Dreher seems to be tapping into some old rule: Don't attack the children! But the cartoon isn't an attack on the child. It's a flip of the way Kavanaugh himself used the child: She's so beautiful and valuable that she prayed for the woman who is accusing her own father. If Kavanaugh can use his child that way, and a cartoonist may not counter that with another point of view, it's a lot like the way Christine Blasely Ford was able to make her accusations and escape cross-examination.”


When I heard Kavanaugh tell that little story about his daughter praying for “the woman” it was cringe worthy. Doesn’t Kavanaugh know that using the sympathy card in this manner is gross? Everyone needs to be examined much more closely, so it was telling when Republicans fought against a FBI investigation for so long, until they just couldn’t anymore.

jimbino म्हणाले...

The irony here is that, while demanding that Ford and the FBI produce evidence to back up Ford's claims, there is no questioning of the efficacy of prayer, for which there is lots of negative scientific evidence.

If Amerikans can believe in the "power of prayer" they can believe anything--either Ford or Kavanaugh or any other crazy proposition based on no evidence whatsoever. The Zodiac is as reliable as prayer.

Darrell म्हणाले...

The Zodiac is as reliable as prayer.

Sure. I believe you.
I don't actually, but I thought I'd give you a moment of victory that you could remember when you are burning in Hell.

Char Char Binks, Esq. म्हणाले...

The Dems have binders full of rape victims.

walter म्हणाले...

If only Inga could have stormed that elevator.

Jim at म्हणाले...

Why is anybody surprised by this?
This is the left. This is who they are.


Jupiter म्हणाले...

Ken B said...
No Jupiter. “But he mentioned his daughter first!” Is defending not analyzing.

I disagree. I think Althouse is intentionally taking the uphill side of the argument. Debaters -- and legal scholars -- often try to demonstrate that a case can be made for what at first appears a bad argument. This is partly intended to make us leery of too readily accepting any argument.

I could be wrong, but I have a hard time believing that Althouse published that cartoon in hopes that seeing it on her blog would set back Kavanaugh's chances of overturning Roe vs. Wade. Right now, she's got Mitchell's report, which is a devastating assault on Ford's supposed "credibility", and she's analyzing that, and the politics surrounding it, in a fairly even-handed manner. Analysis is her thing. I respect that.

Mark म्हणाले...

she can make total BS sound plausible

No she can't. Everyone -- except herself and one or two sycophants -- sees through it.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

jimbino said...

"If Amerikans can believe in the "power of prayer" they can believe anything--either Ford or Kavanaugh or any other crazy proposition based on no evidence whatsoever. The Zodiac is as reliable as prayer."

And the Left and Right know it. They're toying with you.

Rabel म्हणाले...

"...the second interpretation, though harder to reach, is really more sound."

No, it's not more sound. How can you possibly believe that?

Mark म्हणाले...

About this cruel neutrality as a virtue canard --

You know what absolute neutrality in matters of morality and truth is indicative of? It is one of the attributes of being a sociopath.

pchuck1966 म्हणाले...

I will second what Fabi said about Bushman's post; however, I will offer a friendly amendment and say "Bushman for the winner!"

walter म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
readering म्हणाले...

I did not know that cruel neutrality was an attribute of a sociopath. I do know that falsely accusing someone of being a sociopath is an attribute of being a defamer.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Just a reminder of what Ann said the other day about our priorities:

Pa. priest abuse: Five sisters sexually abused by same priest take their case to the Legislature

Somehow, that cartoon looks pretty tame, compared to the real crimes out there, getting much less attention.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

Mark said...
"About this cruel neutrality as a virtue canard --

You know what absolute neutrality in matters of morality and truth is indicative of? It is one of the attributes of being a sociopath."

I am not sure exactly where "cruel neutrality" comes from. It started before my time, and I gather that Althouse has referred to it as something she aspires to. I think the "cruel" should be interpreted, not as a desire to inflict pain, but as a willingness to do so in the pursuit of truth. But that's just my interpretation.

Gabbling about sociopaths, as if the word has any particular meaning, is the sort of thing I would expect from Christine Blaser Ford, an educated idiot. If you have ever read about, say, the Rape of Nanking, you will realize that most people are reliably sociopathic under certain readily achievable circumstances. The idea that indifference to the suffering of others is abnormal is a hard sell if you ask me.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

" Republicans fought against a FBI investigation for so long, until they just couldn’t anymore."

So did the Dems, for 7 weeks. They just needed to scrap together more dirt and spread it around first, since they know the FBI won't help their case one bit, but eventually it was the only excuse left to stall this.

Ken B म्हणाले...

You are right about cruel neutrality supposedly aspires to be. But it never has been. She announced it in re Obama vs McCain AFTER she had voted for Obama in the primary. One can certainly try to be neutral, but our host just assumes she is, and ignores the copious evidence she isn’t. Stick around long enough and you’ll see.

President-Mom-Jeans म्हणाले...

"I could be wrong, but I have a hard time believing that Althouse published that cartoon in hopes that seeing it on her blog would set back Kavanaugh's chances of overturning Roe vs. Wade."

Jupiter, perhaps it is eaiser for you to believe that Althouse published this cartoon in the hopes that her pickle sniffing little offspring will be able to march into any bakery in the land (except muslim ones, who would promptly throw him off the roof) and use the full force of the government backed by threat of imprisonment to bake him a cake.

Because that is what her disgusting participation as an accomplice to the reputational rape of a good man boils down to.

RigelDog म्हणाले...

SHe's not a lawyer, she is a retired law prof. A lawyer is someone who practices law.}}

I propose that the definition of "a lawyer" is not limited to one who is currently "practicing." At a minimum, I think it can be defined as "a person who is currently licensed to practice law." Perhaps OGH is still an active member of her state bar?

Mark म्हणाले...

I propose that the definition of "a lawyer" is not limited to one who is currently "practicing." At a minimum, I think it can be defined as "a person who is currently licensed to practice law."

The term "lawyer" often simply means one who has a Juris Doctor degree. Meanwhile, the term "attorney" by definition means one who represents clients, which implies currently practicing or readily available to take on a client.

Not Sure म्हणाले...

The term "lawyer" often simply means one who has a Juris Doctor degree. Meanwhile, the term "attorney" by definition means one who represents clients, which implies currently practicing or readily available to take on a client.

Or not

Mark म्हणाले...

All attorneys of law are lawyers. But not all lawyers are attorneys.

Not Sure म्हणाले...

If you have a rebuttal to the information at the link I provided, feel free to present it. I’m always eager to learn new stuff. Don’t bother to restate your original assertion, though. It was clear the first time

Jon Burack म्हणाले...

I see nothing in this cartoon that might lend itself to the second interpretation Ann imagines here. Hence, I feel comfortable saying that second interpretation had no part in the artist's thinking or, more to the point, in the construction of the cartoon. Sorry, but cartoons have a certain logic and language, and there must be a visual or verbal cue suggesting an interpretation even if it is convoluted, ironic or disguised. A disguise is still a disguise of something. This cartoon is very clearly meant in the disgusting way it is being taken to mean. Or else it was created by a complete incompetent.

Scott म्हणाले...

What worries me is that I don;t think that the people doing this realize what kind of thin ice that they are chipping away at.

Charlie Hebdo proved that one way to stop this kind of messaging from cartoonists...is to kill a cartoonist to send a message to others 'risk your life by crossing us'. hence, no Mohammed cartoons. When one side flouts the rules and norms of behavior in a naked power grab, it makes it highly likely that the other side responds in kind.

While I hope and pray that matters will not get to that level of tit-for-tat violence, it is indisputable that violence works and that people can only be pushed so far before deciding to take the law into their own hands.

For that matter, after all the smears of his name in the press, what happens if a libel case referencing Sullivan vs NYT comes up in front of the Supreme Court and Justice Kavanaugh is the swing vote or the writer of the majority opinion, hmm? Roe is not the only sacred cow that segments of the Left might have to worry about if they wind up with a Supreme Court justice who is inclined to use his position and legal training to get retribution.

Worse for them, Ginsberg and Breyer are not getting any younger and Trump will be able to make judicial nominations until 2020. Playing with fire does not begin to describe their position if the Republicans get well and truly pissed at them and as is likely hold the Senate in 2018.

Doug म्हणाले...

Feminism is a joke, and the Whore of Amazon is driving the clown car.

Ken B म्हणाले...

Someone sent Trump and Mattis letters with ricin. I await Ann's explanation of how this was actually an attempt to protect the men, by probing for weaknesses in their defenses perhaps.

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