The NYT reports.
ADDED: The WaPo article does not mention the Trump stickers on the van — "Man in Florida arrested in connection with mail bombs sent to public figures." Key sentence: "fter news of the arrest broke, FBI agents and other law enforcement personnel could be seen in news footage draping a blue tarp over a van in a South Florida parking lot."
AND: Can you see the Trump stickers?
The van is covered with President Trump pictures and stickers @NBC6
— Dan Krauth (@DanNBC6) October 26, 2018
MORE: Info on a specific person at various sources, including Heavy. It says he's a Republican and "a promoter, booking agent and choreographer of a male stripping show as well as burlesque shows in the Miami-area."
५५५ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 555 पैकी 201 – 400 नवीन› नवीनतम»I’ve said this before on these threads,
Revealingly you've never applied this to yourself or your team which proves the difference between application of principle and hate driven political opportunism.
You are convinced that all Democrats are ardent supporters of the Antifa.
They seem to get the full media pass treatment by the mainstream press. Any righty does half the stuff they do regularly, and they will be on the front pages for a month. I am pretty sure most "normal Democrats" have had their knowledge of the black shirt mob carefully curated by the Democrat media.
@Freder, the obvious reason for suspecting a false flag operation is that not only did the bombs not work, but reports say that they could not have worked. When a true right-winger sets out to blow something up, it gets blown up. The lefties haven’t known how to make a proper bomb since Boudin was arrested.
nga...Allie Oop: "Ive said this before on these threads, an unstable person will take his cues from a person with a loud public voice, and who has a bigger louder more hateful voice than this President?"
Inga wants to pretend history began in 2016!
Its not working toots.
Sayoc is a Filipino name.
Not terribly common, but not rare either.
autocorrect again. buwaya
I’ve said this before on these threads, an unstable person will take his cues from a person with a loud public voice,
You mean like Paul Krugman calling Republicans "mass murderers"?
Freder Frederson said...So, when do you guys who jumped the gun and were absolutely certain this was a false flag operation, apologize.
I'm waiting.
Who are you waiting for them to apologize to?
As I wrote the other day, if it were a false flag, it would redound on the Democrats, if it weren't, it will make no difference to the outcome of the election. The people who will decide the election won't swallow the story that Trump and Republicans are responsible for the "bomber" any more than they will swallow the story that the Democrats up for election are responsible for their own howling mobs. Partisans have an infantile understanding of what can be used to motivate the middle of the electorate, and a probably 75% of the voters don't watch any news coverage or bite at outrage of the day.
I long ago realized that 80% of the my personal every day contacts have no strong political leanings of any kind, nor are they even well informed about what is going on in the world of politics. People like us that comment on threads like this are small minorities of the US.
He might have been snorting ghost orchid powder...
Inga herself, on this blog, called all Trump voters misogynist nazis.
Lets pay close attention to her moral sermonizing from her laughable and unearned and self-awarded position of moral superiority!
Hilarity is sure to ensue.
The MSM does not need stoking.
They are a centrally managed propaganda operation, their reactions are directed.
There is no honest give-and-take possible with them, no dialogue.
They cannot be "stoked".
Freder Frederson said...
So, when do you guys who jumped the gun and were absolutely certain this was a false flag operation, apologize.
I was never absolutely certain. I was wrong. I apologize.
YW: "People like us that comment on threads like this are small minorities of the US."
It takes awhile to deprogram from the cyrillic alphabet...
Yes, Inga. Since Hillary is so quiet and sedate and NEVER gets press time.
You are an idiot. I am a dumber person for having read your posts.
You are awarded no points and may God have mercy on your soul.
You are convinced that all Democrats are ardent supporters of the Antifa.
Aren’t they? Where is the pushback against Antifa by the hypothetical “normal” Democrats? Obvious conclusion is that normal people do not feel welcome among the Democrats. Conclusion is supported by comments posted by Inga, Freder, Cookie, and others commenting from the left side of the political spectrum.
I am currently filling out Seminole Tribal Affiliation paperwork and planning a lunch trip to Hooters to ensure I can more closely identify with this "run of themill, standard issue 'republican'"...
There goes Freder with his simple-minded declarations again. Falsely claiming that people here claimed certainty. But he needs us to have been certain because that makes his righteous anger more noble and his dudgeon of a more exalted species.
Magua, why do you hate the Grey Hairs?
This story has a way to go. This guy is probably nuts but there is more behind this.
Who but a nut would send fake bombs that will be easy to trace?
The Unabomber was a paranoid, probably schizophrenic, but well compensated schizophrenics can function quite well.
His bombs killed and injured people but could not be traced until the NY Timesr published his "Manifesto" and his brother recognized the language.
Still, it took years and his bombs were not traced, partly because they blew up and eliminated most evidence,
Between 1978 and 1995, Kaczynski mailed or hand-delivered a series of increasingly sophisticated bombs that cumulatively killed three people and injured 23. In all, 16 bombs were attributed to Kaczynski. While the bombing devices varied widely through the years, all but the first few contained the initials "FC", which Kaczynski later said stood for "Freedom Club",[47] inscribed on parts inside. He purposely left misleading clues in the devices and took extreme care in preparing them to avoid leaving fingerprints; latent fingerprints on some of the devices did not match those found on letters attributed to Kaczynski
Not this crazy guy.
“Inga herself, on this blog, called all Trump voters misogynist nazis.”
Misogynists, yes, of course. Nazis, no. Keep lying Drago, maybe you’ll convince someone, doesn’t really matter.
She only called us "not quite human."
I'm glad they have him in custody. Michael K- thanks for the link; the stickers on the windows are troubling. They are also...quite neatly placed and symmetrical. Van is clean. It suggests that he is a high functioning crazy. Fortunately, his brand of crazy didn't cross into homicidal.
"Trump cultism keeps normally intelligent people from seeing what this man has done to this country."
Strong economy with the excellent employment results and the attendant rise in standard of living. Addressing issues foreign and domestic that need resolution PDQ. Etc. You know the spiel.
But I'm thinking you mean the diviseness? Jesus. You really need to turn off the TV and do some fact based thinking for yourself.
That being said, it's not hard to see how Trump's manner of defending himself from the onslaught could set off a right wing crazy anymore than the rhetoric of the left could set off a left wing crazy. Nor is it that hard to take the wait and see stance given the extremities that the Dem party has shown themselves willing to go to to regain power.
The cowering consensus in most US universities and the tech industries defers consistently to antifa and their ideological fellow travellers. It is caste that includes antifa as an indulged sub-cult. Not that antifa is important in itself, as it is trivial; the interesting and telling fact is the degree to which they are indulged.
The good news is the killing spree is over and CNN can move back in and continue as the pro-Hillary Clinton Network. *whew*
She only called us "not quite human."
So less than Nazis.
Keep lying Inga, though you’ll never convince anyone.
the interesting and telling fact is the degree to which they are indulged.
I suspect that Tech contains lots of anarchists. ANTIFA is just carrying out the dreams of nerds with no social skills.
Ted Kaczynski would fit right in.
“She only called us "not quite human."”
Also a lie. Why do you people feel the need to lie? Go find where I supposedly said this, cut and paste here. What sad hateful people you are.
Why does that racist nazi Trump keep raising the standard of living for minorities?!!
Bob Newhart was a lot funnier than this lookalike right-wing, hate-filled terrorist.
O kay...thats over....whew!
Now, about that Caravan. What is to be done? Do we still have a country, or not?
Ignorance is Bliss said...I was never absolutely certain. I was wrong. I apologize.
You made an assessment based on what you saw. That assessment looks like it was wrong. Fine, it was wrong. You have nothing to apologize for.
Who would you apologize to, anyway? Freder imagines he is owed an apology. That's because Freder is an arrogant ass. No wrong has been done him and it is revealing that he thinks otherwise.
What sad hateful people you are.
The correct term is deplorables.
The larger problem is that your elite sees your "legacy" population as being in some way sub-human, and moreover a danger to the elite caste. This is, in its more general case, an opinion which is held quietly, though it is widespread in that caste.
The beliefs of the elite caste is made operative through its control of nearly all government and civic institutions.
That is the basis of your more overt conflicts. This is an irreconcilable conflict.
Genius of law enforcement to focus all of its attention on Florida.
I still think more likely than not it's a false flag. The "bombs" didn't work. Nobody was killed, nobody injured. Full stop.
1. The Unabomber had myriad societal grievances - his bombs killed/injured 26 people. The bombs worked.
2. Timothy McVeigh's truck bomb, tragically killed hundreds. The bombs worked.
3. The Weathermen had a bomb factory in Greenwich Villiage in the 60s. That ended when one of their bombs blew themselves up, killing 3 Leftwing radical assholes. But again, the bomb worked.
We need to know who Cesar Sayoc was consorting with the past few months.
"A page of history is worth volumes of logic" - Oliver Wendell Holmes.
The democrat press are angling for the "Angry white man" meme.
hmmmm. Didn't see that coming.
Shorter Inga: I never used those words to describe you ignorant, sub-human wretches!
At this point, the only way left for us tobredeem ourselves in the eyes of the left is to join MS13 and carve up school girls.
The democrat press are angling for the "Angry white man" meme.
Sympathizers in the FBI misread that as “van”.
That is the basis of your more overt conflicts. This is an irreconcilable conflict.
Not "irreconcilable." It may be a case for Robespierre.
I'm reading George Gilder's "After Google."
The Feudal economy of California is based on ephemera.
Trump is trying to bring back manufacturing. We could not win World War II again.
We need to know who Cesar Sayoc was consorting with the past few months.
Yes. That might be quite interesting. I wonder if he knows the guy who shot up the Trump hotel?
He's a relative of Elizabeth Warren.
“How DARE anyone blame us for the actions of one mentally sick individual.”
-Nancy Pelosi, 2017
So we begin with the completely unfair attempts to link Trump personally to this crime.
Problem is, the Trumpian language and rhetoric and style that I have been complaining about for two years will make it so much easier for the left-leaning media to engage in that exercise.
You won't find me doing it; no Republican is responsible for the attempted attacks and/or stunt. Trump didn't make this guy do anything. But Trump has sure made it easy for his enemies. Is Trump's approval down to 38% now? I heard that on the radio this morning.
This guy might be a candidate for the Robespierre role.
After leaving the event, a colleague and I witnessed a right-leaning independent journalist being assaulted and mugged by multiple masked Antifa thugs who did not want their likenesses revealed to the greater public. We saved the man from a vicious mob beating from Antifa, who called me a "Nazi" despite my being Jewish and having family who died in Europe during the Holocaust. These Neo-Brownshirts even attacked the man's girlfriend, showing that these enemies of America will stoop to any depth in order to shut their opposition down, all under the guise of “Fighting Fascism.”
They reported the incident to the cops.
After meeting with the police to give a statement on what I saw, I was confident that justice would be served. I could have never imagined what was next to come. A complete inversion of reality was widely reported by the press, who seized upon the incident to fabricate an "October Surprise" to damage the GOP's chances for November's midterm elections. Top Democratic officials, including the New York governor, New York City public advocate, and the attorney general all badmouthed the Proud Boys publicly and called for their prosecution for defending their rights and engaging in self-defense during other incidents that night. Antifa assailants are referred to simply as “protestors”
Is Trump's approval down to 38% now? I heard that on the radio this morning.
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride, Chuck.
When I first heard about the "bombs" I thought it might be a right winger triggered by Hillary's recent comments saying that you can't be civil to a party that is trying to destroy what you believe in. Or maybe he was triggered by Eric Holder saying when your opponents are down you kick them. Or he may be reacting to the kavanaugh circus, or the calls by maxine waters to harrass trump supporters. So many triggers. But for the left, the blame is always Trump. They never acknowledge the role they play.
So now we know why Elizabeth Warren didn't get a package. I thought perhaps she was going to sue, claiming that if the Bill Clinton and Joe Biden and Eric Holder and Barack Obama all got packages, she should get one too.
Must have been a tribal courtesy thing.
A nutjob sends a bunch of fake bombs and we're all supposed to be responsible for it.
We're supposed to own it.
Sorry, Michael. 39%. Not 38%. So you got that goin' for you. Which is nice.
There is no "easier" for the media.
Under these circumstances the propaganda line would be identical and, moreover, under some other President, effectively uncontested, as we have seen in years past.
The media is not simply "leaning", it is controlled and managed. It is a single propaganda ministry at work. The only way to fight it is with a counter-ministry. Trump is limited in his means, having little to work with but his office.
What sad hateful people you are.
Says the person whose only purpose in commenting is expressing her politically driven hatred. Introspection isn't her strong suit.
The good news is the killing spree is over. All that death.
Yea Jim at @ 12:52 - the left can mob, scream, and lie (See Avanetti on CNN 82 times as the tip of that iceburg) - but if one lone nut job reacts to the media and sends fake bombs from Wasserrman - why - we are all Trump cultists.
Self-described Smear Merchant Chuck: "You won't find me doing it;..."
Self-described, mind you!
I see no reason to change my support for President Trump.
LLR Chuck goes for the Marist poll!
Too funny. Too too funny.
Hey LLR Chuck, you should team up with your lefty pal Inga and see if you can find an adequately lefty skewed poll from the "Military" Times, a totally not lefty publucation owned by Gannett but has the word "Military" in its title!
It worked out perfectly as an October Surprise for Democrats. He's a nutjob with a history of making threats. He's also a compete moron.
"The Unabomber was a paranoid, probably schizophrenic, but well-compensated schizophrenics can function quite well"
It helps that Kaczynski was also genius-level. A crackpot, sure, but a highly intelligent one. This guy doesn't strike me as all that smart.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
I’ve said this before on these threads, an unstable person will take his cues from a person with a loud public voice, and who has a bigger louder more hateful voice than this President? Trump is complicit in this and other instances in which people have violently attacked the press and Trump opponents.
Snort. Scalise's shooter and Ron Paul's assailant apparently took their cues from a person with a *less* loud public voice? Ditto the guy whacking people upside the head with a bicycle lock at the end of a chain. And the thugs who beat up Susan Rice's conservative son. And the Antifa rioters...
A nutjob sends a bunch of fake bombs and we're all supposed to be responsible for it.
There is a Constitutional principle involved. A libertarian unifying theme. Perhaps it falls under the Twilight Amendment (e.g. Pro-Choice). There is also the inclusive doctrine of diversity (i.e. color judgments), that paints classes of people with broad, sweeping strokes.
So I guess this means the economy did NOT grow at 3.5% for Q3.
Do I have that correct?
Consider the coverage of Hurricane Katrina.
The MSM went into a unified and coordinated messaging line.
That is, to maximize the perception of damage and to blame the Republican administration for it, regardless of facts.
The Republican administration was incapable of reacting effectively and suffered a devastating blow.
You cannot defend against vicious propaganda without similarly vicious propaganda.
There is no "nice" in wars. It is a contest of pain, who can deal more, and who can suffer more, like in any war.
Some commenters elsewhere have asked how the guy who so haphazardly put his addressing on the fake mail bombs was able to get such nice neat alignment on his stickers in his windows.
But I also don't rule out a false flag operation and/or using a mentally disturbed person as the fall guy. The Democrats showed with their treatment of kavanaugh that they're capable of contemptible acts in their pursuit of power.
A lot of people here still owe an apology to Freder Frederson.
He should not have to wait this long.
AntiFa is a tool of mainstream Democrats to gin up violence to be pinned on the Republicans by their media allies. This isn't Godwin because "AntiFa" is the one who brought fascism into the discussion, but these are the same tactics that Hitler used in Germany, Botha used in South Africa, but this time, it's for "good" not "evil" I am sure.
"It is a single propaganda ministry at work."
I'm not so sure. It certainly is a monopoly, just as the "Social Media" sites are.
The people who work in media these days are mostly college graduates, not the guys who were depicted in things like "The Front Page," or "It Happened One Night'
That's how newspapers were once run but that ended years ago, before Watergate enshrined the "investigative reporter" who took dictation from the FBI.
The internet was an alternative in the days of USEnet and even blogs. Now, Facebook and Google have made it an industry, just as Obamacare industrialized Medicine, which Ted Kennedy ascribed disparagingly as "A Cottage Industry."
Twitter is run by leftists. I never joined and do not regret it. I did used to have fun with USEnet groups. One was a Tom Clancy fan group that Clancy would often post comments in.
Now, it is all Big Brother.
He will wait a long time if he is waiting for apologies from people who were "absolutely certain" since none exist.
Never apologize to a Liberal. If you form an opinion based on what you have read, and it turns out to be wrong, you're wrong. You did not do any commenter on here wrong.
Now, we return you to the Approach of the Caravan.
Everybody's a Russian novel if you dig deep enough. Theo Epstein said that, and I can't argue with him.
This guy sounds more like a character from Carl Hiassen. Florida man, indeed.
I'm enjoying everyone trying to fit this peg into a hole.
He's a nutjob with a history of making threats. He's also a compete moron.
We need to own it. And him. He is us. We are him.
"It is a single propaganda ministry at work."
Conspiracy, perhaps. Overlapping and converging interests, certainly.
Lots of good comments here.
As always, what eats me up is the double standard.
When Bill Clinton pardoned actual terrorists, who used actual bombs, how big a scandal was it? Ditto Obama and that Puerto Rican guy.
There's still plenty of time for the Republicans to bounce back before the midterm elections.
Vladimir Putin still is spending tens of thousands of dollars on Facebook ads.
President Trump will be sending Carter Page to Putin with suggestions about those ads -- what the Facebook ads should say and which election districts they should target.
I would like to see a Putin-purchased Facebook ad that shows Jesus arm-wrestling Cesar Sayoc.
Consider the coverage of Hurricane Katrina.
The MSM went into a unified and coordinated messaging line.
Oh, yes. And they ignored Mississippi, which was hit as badly. The Superdome stories were lies.
That was Bush hatred, related to Trump hatred and Reagan hatred. Is it formally coordinated by a shadowy agency or is it just lemming behavior by an uneducated credentialed but uneducated segment of society.
Read about the French Revolution. The more extreme kept Guillotining their rivals.
Mike Sylwester said...
A lot of people here still owe an apology to Freder Frederson.
He should not have to wait this long.
Let me know when Hell freezes over, Mike.
A sane and competent individual, whether Democrat or Republican, would have actually, you know, blown some stuff and people up.
Q: What is the purpose of Republicans criticizing the Democrat's calls for violence and incivility?
A: To stop violence and incivility (Steve Scalise, Rand Paul, Sarah Sanders, Mitch McConnell).
Q: What is the purpose of the Democrats blaming this threatening but non-violent 'bombing' on Trump's rhetoric?
A: To get Trump and Republicans to shut up.
A homosexual Indian booking agent - just as I suspected.
AntiFa, Occupy, and KKK before.
Botha used in South Africa
Mandela, too. Or a faction of the resistance, that preyed on, and intimidated its competitors and opponents alike. It was reminiscent of the Fatah (post-PLO) and Hamas dynamic. Not nearly as diverse as the Hutu-Tutsi cycles of retributive and redistributive change.
Bob Menendez is polling at 42% and Cook Reports has moved it to toss up.
I blame Trump's rhetoric.
I will take the subhuman thing back, Inga, as you left yourself plausible deniability.
I'm not saying he's an agent provocateur, but if central casting said, "Get me somebody that looks like the left's fantasy of a Trump crazy," he would have a van like that.
Keep in mind that this is the same FBI that initially targeted/arrested the wrong suspect in both the Atlanta olympics bombing and the anthrax letters. I'm with tcrosse's earlier comments. Let's see if they have the right guy first.
Presumption of innocence is so dated.
It's from the Constitution which is like 100 years old, bro.
Hillary calls Republicans the "Death Party"
""I've read the Republican 'health care' bill. This is blood money. They're paying for tax cuts with American lives."" - Elizabeth Warren
"f this legislation was to pass, there is no question that many thousands of our fellow Americans could die unnecessarily." - Bernie Sanders
"A sane and competent individual, whether Democrat or Republican, would have actually, you know, blown some stuff and people up."
That's what makes this so questionable. So many packages were sent out and not one functioned.(And were any postmarked?) Either the guy is the most incompetent terrorist we've ever seen, or he's some angry nut who didn't want to blow anyone up but wanted to make "a statement", or it's a false flag and some unstable guy was chosen to be a patsy.
Kaczynski was a genius.
One reason it took so long to catch him was that he went to great lengths to make his bombs untraceable, hand-making or modifying many parts. Interestingly his extensive bomb-making notes were written in Spanish.
Hillary calls Republicans the "Death Party"
Progressives project.
Republican 'health care' bill
The evidence indicates the existence of monopolies or practices (e.g. Obamacare) that support anti-capitalist, progressive costs. Reform, first. Public smoothing functions, second. Redistributive change, including cost shifting, leaves a trail of collateral damage.
The people who work in media work for editors who work for media company executives who work for media conglomerate owners, who are largely in hock to the rather grey-area world of financial investors who own or control these properties through debt or equity held by hedge funds and other such cutouts.
There is no such thing as lemming-like behavior by creators who have to pass through layers of approval by their editors/producers, and moreover by their corporate bosses. This is not in any way a spontaneous unanimity, it is not herd behavior.
Its not to say that the creative staff do not approve of the messages they create. They were after all selected in the first place, in large part for their loyalty and compatibility.
financial investors who own or control these properties through debt or equity held by hedge funds and other such cutouts.
Any many of them are either non-Americans or have big investments elsewhere, for example,China.
I agree that the dark money is not just Soros although he seems to be the agent of some of these people.
Florida man...any questions?
the only way to understand the refusal to expand Medicaid is as an act of sheer spite. And the cost of that spite won’t just come in the form of lost dollars; it will also come in the form of gratuitous hardship for some of our most vulnerable citizens.
And since past experience shows that Medicaid expansion is associated with significant declines in mortality, this would mean a lot of avoidable deaths: about 19,000 a year, the study estimated. - Krugman
This is the kind of talk, which BTW, ignored a lot of evidence to the contrary, that motivated the baseball shootings. After all, if you could stop a mass murder, wouldn't you?
If guilty, this guy still killed less people than Ted Kennedy.
I’ve said this before on these threads, an unstable person will take his cues from a person with a loud public voice, and who has a bigger louder more hateful voice than this President?
Let's go back and review what Democrats were saying before Hodgkinson went on his shooting spree at Republicans before we get too smug here. Like Tim Kaine calling for "fighting in the streets" against Republicans.
Yancey Ward observes: I long ago realized that 80% of the my personal every day contacts have no strong political leanings of any kind, nor are they even well informed about what is going on in the world of politics. People like us that comment on threads like this are small minorities of the US.
Wish I could say that. Most of the people I encounter are fanatically political on one side or the other. In fact, I can't think of one person I know who is apolitical. Every conversation is a virtual mine field. Can't talk about the weather [climate change!] or sports [anthem kneeling] nowadays. So far, baseball seems safe but few people watch it any more.
Wray said “These are not hoax devices”. He also called them “IEDs”. All the blather here about them being hoax bombs, a false flag operation. You people should feel like the fools you now look to be.
"Problem is, the Trumpian language and rhetoric and style that I have been complaining about for two years will make it so much easier for the left-leaning media to engage in that exercise."
Agree with this. The problem is that Trump is Trump, and without his "rhetorical flourishes" he wouldn't be able to score his points. Nice guys finish last (as GWB would say). I view his bombast as necessary.
You people should feel like the fools you now look to be.
Not me. I'm too busy owning it.
I see the leftist posters are back to excusing Hopkinson's murderous attack on Republicans. And they are praising their own Horst Wessel--err, Heather Heyer.
Of course, the fact that Heyer was a communist agitator out to participate in violent activities when she was killed means nothing to the left... it only makes them more proud of her, just like Horst Wessel was an SS man
Not sure why anyone should care that a girl out to beat up others and suppress their right while promoting the violent overthrow of America into a communist dictatorship.... a nice girl like that got killed in her activities?
Totally the same as Hodkinson, and totally excuses it!
This guy still screams one of two things: Total lunatic, or false flag patsy. Consider: this man is coming across as such a stereotypical "Trump person"; almost as much as Hodgkinson, Inga's favorite Democrat terrorist, came across as a BernieBro. But people that fanatical actually load the bullet or make a working bomb. Hodgkinson pulled the trigger over a thousand times to kill a Republican (Inga, you can go to your fainting couch now to fantasize it was you.). Why didn't this guy make a working bomb? He didn't even try! I could understand a failed execution, but these things weren't even potentially bad. So why?
The 'E' in IED stands for explosive. None of these devices were capable of exploding.
Director Wray is full of shit. He wants the House to flip so that the FBI and Justice Departments are not exposed for their criminal conspiracies. But other than that...
Kevin responds to: What sad hateful people you are.
with: The correct term is deplorables.
One might wonder why she would want to hang out here with such people, mightn't one?
Looks like it is a right-wing loon. That's hard to say definitely as loons have unusual thought patterns. Definitely a loon though. Having more than 3 bumper stickers on a car is usually a sign the person is a bit unhinged. This van is serious next-next-next level stuff.
He also has a long criminal record.
Given what we know, sending out fake bombs to politicians is probably not his worst case. And that is saying something.
Latest Senate count:
Republicans hold all currently held seats.
Democrats lose:
North Dakota
Democrats even in
West Virginia
New Jersey
Republican long-shot
Rhode Island
I have the over-under still at 56.5
“I see the leftist posters are back to excusing Hopkinson's murderous attack on Republicans. And they are praising their own Horst Wessel--err, Heather Heyer.
Of course, the fact that Heyer was a communist agitator out to participate in violent activities when she was killed means nothing to the left... it only makes them more proud of her, just like Horst Wessel was an SS man.”
THIS is what makes you people deplorables. Lies, misinformation, conspiracy theories, anything you can dream of to excuse yourselves and your President from this damage you’ve done to this country. I won’t call you irredeemable, because I believe people can change and own their mistakes and attempt to do better.
All of the above Senate elections have the incumbent Democrat at 45% or lower.
“One might wonder why she would want to hang out here with such people, mightn't one?”
Train wrecks are fascinating, additionally echo chambers are boring, I’m doing a service here.
Buwaya writes: You cannot defend against vicious propaganda without similarly vicious propaganda. There is no "nice" in wars. It is a contest of pain, who can deal more, and who can suffer more, like in any war.
On the overnight thread I quoted Lord Kitchener: “War is a stern game and he who would play it successfully should not be over-troubled with the bowels of compassion.”
War is horrible and there is no such thing as a nice one, which is why I heartily object to recent US military involvements. But if war is unavoidable, it must be fought ruthlessly.
He's a soccer fan.
That's all I need to know.
"I’ve said this before on these threads, an unstable person will take his cues from a person with a loud public voice, and who has a bigger louder more hateful voice than this President? Trump is complicit in this and other instances in which people have violently attacked the press and Trump opponents. You people have celebrated his rhetoric, you agree with it, you want him to keep it up, you didn’t foresee something like this happening?"
Translatiion: Shut up and take what the Hive gives dishes out, peasants.
Inga at 2:09 PM
I believe people can change and own their mistakes and attempt to do better.
I agree with you about that.
"Wish I could say that. Most of the people I encounter are fanatically political on one side or the other. In fact, I can't think of one person I know who is apolitical."
My condolences. Almost all the people in my area and workplace won't offer a political opinion unless they know you very well, and then back off quickly if differences arise.
All small talk avoids politics, race, and religion.
“One might wonder why she would want to hang out here with such people, mightn't one?”
Simple answer: trolling is amusing.
Inga at 2:11 PM
I’m doing a service here.
I agree with you about that.
I enjoy your comments, and I often learn something from them.
And when they sent white powder to Mattis and don jr what was that about?
I said it was a false flag Democrat party oppo. When I saw the van with all the stickers, I thought "Bernie bro". But it's all Trump and GOP positive, so it looks like the guy is a right wing nut. Now my only thought is, Who taught him how to make bombs? C'mon righties, we've got to do better! Make sure those bombs reach their targets, and make sure they detonate!
“Translatiion: Shut up and take what the Hive gives dishes out, peasants.”
The problem is that you have no idea what I am saying and your twisted logic comes to your conclusion, which is at the heart of the problem.
“Now my only thought is, Who taught him how to make bombs? C'mon righties, we've got to do better! Make sure those bombs reach their targets, and make sure they detonate!”
Boom! There it is.
@rcocian 2:21pm
Same for me. It probably matters that I work in a sales organization with a high level of customer engagement and interaction. We don't sell more stuff by being stridently political. I do have to listen to some customer's who are fanatically engaged in politics, but that is rare too.
"Train wrecks are fascinating, additionally echo chambers are boring, I’m doing a service here."
You are: if everyone simply agrees it's deadly dull, just like a thousand other sites.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
I’ve said this before on these threads, an unstable person will take his cues from a person with a loud public voice, and who has a bigger louder more hateful voice than this President?
The establishment media, Maxine Waters and the people sent these hoax devices by this unstable person?
Well, Inga, if there's anything your regular readers are cognizant of, it's that you are the Master of Logic; so you want to use that Aristotelian mind of yours to show us where the "twisted logic" in my post is?
Of interest:
Obviously, you don't work for Penzeys Spices then. That guy is at it again on facebook. Rr
This situation is just too neatly packaged. We're a year removed from the Las Vegas shooting and know next to nothing about why it happened. In this instance the whole thing is wrapped up with a tidy bow in 2 days. No one was killed. Heck, it didn't even inconvenience anyone. Quite to the contrary, the targets found political advantage.
Of course, the fact that Heyer was a communist agitator out to participate in violent activities when she was killed means nothing to the left... it only makes them more proud of her, just like Horst Wessel was an SS man.”
THIS is what makes you people deplorables. Lies, misinformation, conspiracy theories, anything you can dream of to excuse yourselves and your President from this damage you’ve done to this country. I won’t call you irredeemable, because I believe people can change and own their mistakes and attempt to do better
What lies? Are you trying to say that Heyer was NOT a communist? She claimed to be an organizer for a communist front organization. Was she lying? If not, then we are not not lying when we say she was a communist. Conspiracy theories? You mean like Rosie O'Donnell insisting that George W. Bush deliberately blew up the twin towers? We see news media pushing the same anti-Trump lines at the same instant, almost like they're coordinating their attack, but you are assuring us that THAT would never happen, now would it?
When you write "anything you can dream of to excuse yourselves and your President from this damage you’ve done to this country," are you referring to the record high stock market, the first genuine economic growth in a decade, or the record low unemployment among both blacks and Hispanics? Perhaps you favor having more jobless black people? Please be explicit about the damage that we and Trump are doing so that we can be appropriately apologetic.
But I really do appreciate that you won't call us "irredeemable." The tears of gratitude pouring out of my eyes may short out my keyboard.
But is there a point where you acknowledge your own mistakes and resolve to do better?
Didn't think so.
Inga: "Lies, misinformation, conspiracy theories, anything you can dream of to excuse yourselves ..."
Tell us more about golden showers hoax dossiers....
Also of interest:
To this day Inga is a full blown acolyte of the Trump/Russia Collusion hoax conspiracy.
Which makes reading her comments side-splitting.
She still hasnt even acknowledged Hodgkinson existed!
Buwaya said...
Sayoc is a Filipino name.
Not terribly common, but not rare either.
VodkaPundit Stephen Green unearthed another Cesar Sayoc, in Manila.
I don't think they've arrested the bomber. I think they've got the guy who delivered the parcels to USPS. Maybe. Yet to be determined.
If he was driving that van around to post offices... he wants 3 hots and a cot?
Personally I find political echo chambers boring and I do find it interesting when someone challenges my worldview... provided they are able to make a cogent argument in good faith and don't resort to ad hominems, mischaracterizations, and questionable data sources.
Like anybody, I like being right, but I'm not afraid to be proven wrong by someone who is fair minded, and someone who hopefully won't gloat too much when they've bested me. I'm always willing to be persuaded.
Is he technically a homeless guy? Anything for a few bucks?
Speaking of Inga golden showers fever dreams, NOW we hear of McCaskills wife-beating, assault by urination hero husband also was making a career out of evicting veterans over as little as a couple hundred bucks!
Do you know why McCaskills husband spent years doing that?
If I was making inoperative "bombs" and sending them through USPS, I'd definitely find someone living in their vehicle to do it for me. Especially one with a lot of stickers. It might even cost less, for the cause, y'know.
I'm just saying I don't think we're done yet. I did watch a bunch of Law and Order this morning. It's raining and cold here in Portlandia.
Given what we know, sending out fake bombs to politicians is probably not his worst case. And that is saying something.
A little while ago, I saw Wray, the latest FBI "Director" saying the "bombs" were explosive. I don't trust the FBI any longer.
I wonder if we will find out more about this guy? This whole story is fishy.
Maybe this will be Las Vegas again, only with no deaths,.
That Twitter feed is almost as repetitious as Jack Nicholson typing Redrum over and over again in The Shining.
Here is WI businessman Bill Penzey of Penzeys Spices post on their Facebook page.
To those still supporting the President...
Someone posted this on our page and I believe it is worth sharing with you: “How incredibly biased your company is. I hope your conservative customers take a hard look at what you are really selling. You certainly do not want America to be great again. I am a proud Republican conservative and think our great president is making America great again!”
Penzey responds, in part:
"At this point my response is:
“If you weren’t hurting anyone, you could believe whatever you wish and, for the most part, no one would say anything. But you are hurting people by what your support is keeping in power. Your support of racism, environmental devastation and the devaluation of our standing in the world is causing real harm not only to all of us right now, but to future generations as well."
How do argue political questions with someone like this? For them, its not a political argument, its a moral or theological argument. They believe that if you disagree with them that you are evil, or at least immoral.
Enough on this bomber already. Can't we go back to talking about what's really important - The Caravan? I hear there are a couple twelve-year-old girls in the middle who can shoot a mean spitball.
I generally support Trump, but if I came across that van in a parking lot, I would move my car elsewhere.
Sorry, guys, but the fact that his stickers were straight and carefully lined up proves that he is a Republican.
I've yet to see a liberal put a sticker on straight.
I generally support Trump, but if I came across that van in a parking lot, I would move my car elsewhere.
Yep. We've all seen the type. In my neck of the woods, it's usually Subarus completely plastered with Bernie, Resist, Coexist and other leftist nonsense.
If lunatics want to self-identify, I'm more than willing to point, laugh and walk in the other direction.
this man is coming across as such a stereotypical "Trump person"
Yes. When I think "Trump Supporter", I always picture an American Indian homosexual stripper with a long rap sheet.
“How do argue political questions with someone like this? For them, its not a political argument, its a moral or theological argument. They believe that if you disagree with them that you are evil, or at least immoral.”
Trump called Democrats and the media evil, bad people, etc etc. how is the POTUS elevating the rhetoric? The hypocrisy is absolutely astounding, yet you people continue to support Trump. It’s as if... it’s a cult of Trump.
No borders, right steve?
Hillary called the Republicans "the party of death," Inga.
That's why we love Hillary, BTW, she says what you guys are thinking, so she's a turnout machine.
How many times has Achilles called Democrats and liberals here “evil, bad people, immoral, amoral, he even called me a grandmother of 5 a “violent” leftist, etc etc etc. why did you people remain silent? I’m assuming you agree with him and Trump. Maybe you folks need to take a better look at the people in your own midst.
"Trump called Democrats and the media evil, bad people, etc etc." Nothing I'd disagree with there. If you're stupid enough to prefer serfdom over liberty, and then want to use the power of the State to force that stupidity on the rest of us, then yes, I'd say you're evil. Stupidity--even mammoth, Inga-level stupidity--only excuses so much.
There's a post on Instapundit of a video showing all the times Trump advocated violence against his opponents. It's about as lame as Inga's attempts at logic.
Correction, it was “violent thug”, from Achilles. Why do you people remain silent?
"(A)case that gripped the Country"? What country was that? Who was gripped (other than the NYT, WaPo, and CNN)? Maybe if at least one of the "bombs" had actually been a bomb...
Regarding the Cesar arrest, there remain 2 considerations:
1. The Hatfill scenario: They got the wrong guy. He seems look a steroid/stripper goofball, but not a murderer.
2. The Patsy scenario: he's being used by others or he was actively working with others, i.e., they made the fake bombs, and he's the dumbass who made the deliveries.
It'll be interesting to see who is attorney is. If it's a high-priced notorious fellow like Melvin Belli or F Lee Bailey, it's probably a false flag. If it's a hard-working, unknown but skilled attorney (like the guys hired by George Zimmerman), then he's likely a lone goofball.
Maybe you folks need to take a better look at the people in your own midst.
But we are. We're owning it.
We're owning all of it. Every, single Trump voter is owning this one.
Please, please don't lecture us anymore.
It makes me feel bad.
Republicans have a lead in early turnout and in polling of the "swing" districts.
I say it is time for Democrats to turn the crazy up to 12.
Eleven is not working.
It also makes me feel bad when violent thugs get upset at being called violent thugs.
We must do better. I know I will.
“Please, please don't lecture us anymore.
It makes me feel bad.”
Consider it your penance.
The media is not simply "leaning", it is controlled and managed. It is a single propaganda ministry at work.
I've noticed that with other popular campaigns, including "diversity", or color judgments, that permeates the popular consciousness. It seems unlikely that the logic of the concept escapes scrutiny, other than through a singular and progressive process that overrides comprehension. From color to character and back to color. Evolution with a progressive carrier that controls its variance.
“It also makes me feel bad when violent thugs get upset at being called violent thugs.
We must do better. I know I will.”
Explain to everyone here how I am a violent thug. You are agreeing with Achilles who is one of biggest lunatics here. Give yourself 10 more lashes.
I can see it. All packages not mailed at same facility. Which facilities identified by microprinting whose security tapes are quickly examined with CSI/NCIS/etc. rapidity.
The G follow the unsub and investigate for 24 hours. No enduring connection with anyone sane. Pop him, he's the obvious bag man. See if that clean-cut guy who was hanging around a bit is really named Roger.
He's like, that guy Roger, we talked a lot, he bought me lunch, he just wanted me to mail packages.
I'm just saying, until the G says "the bomber" is in custody, I'm looking for more chapters.
It'll be interesting to see who is attorney is. If it's a high-priced notorious fellow like Melvin Belli or F Lee Bailey, it's probably a false flag.
Good point but there are lots of leftist defense lawyers who love cases like these.
Kunstler defended Chesimard. She was clearly a terrorist, but a hero to the left which still uses her nom d'terror, Assata Shakur.
William Kunstler, the chief defense attorney at the trial, stared at his hands as jury foreman Joseph Lewis read the verdict. Later, Kunstler said he had learned that one juror had left the motel where the panel was sequestered during the trial.
Explain to everyone here how I am a violent thug.
Sorry, he meant Ignorant Slug.
Explain to everyone here how I am a violent thug.
You support violent, leftist thugs.
You ignore - and often excuse - their actions.
Don't like being painted with a broad brush?
Tough. Own it.
See how that works?
“Sorry, he meant Ignorant Slug.”
This is what Trumpism does to your mind, take him as an example. Or perhaps it’s people like this who become Trumpists.
So, a Filipino/Native American.
Damn, they're only the ones.
I expect they will try to play this story until the election.
After the election we might learn something about him. I'm still interested in the porn actor who shot up Trump's hotel the same week as the "bombs" got mailed.
Damn autocorrect.
“Explain to everyone here how I am a violent thug.”
“You support violent, leftist thugs.
You ignore - and often excuse - their actions.
Don't like being painted with a broad brush?
Tough. Own it.
See how that works?”
Oh, just when I thought there was hope for you.
re: diversity
The same with Pro-Choice, "=" (i.e. political congruence), feminism, etc.. A lot of brands that are often the antithesis of the principles they purport to advocate and the semantics express.
Regarding "... that has gripped the country ...", I think the technical term for this is wishcasting.
"You are convinced that all Democrats are ardent supporters of the Antifa."
Some ardent, but probably most what I would call "armchair Antifa." As a friend of mine said at the time of Radical Chic, the [mostly white middle-class] New Left were telling the Black Panthers, "You throw the bombs, I'll light the fuse!" They're more like the lefties who had a crush on Stalin. Not that they'd condone his "tactics," but they'd get off on seeing big strong men in jackboots stomping on "counter-revolutionaries."
Why does the media describe him a a "Man in Florida"? If ever there was a Florida Man, this guy is it.
OK, he is a gay man with a arrest record who has a van branded with 200 new and differentb pro Trump stickers, all brand new, and leaves his finger print on a package that is a toy looking like a bomb. Who would have guessed the Dems could find that combination for the October Surprise.
Trump called Democrats and the media evil, bad people, etc etc. how is the POTUS elevating the rhetoric?
Simple rebuttal: he is not ELEVATING that discussion. Bush, McCain and Romney all tried that. They failed.
Trump is only EQUALING the rhetoric. Now, you do not believe so, but you are about as unbiased as I am. Except I can concede a point, not ignore them.
Is the above an example of bringing a gun to a knife fight or punching back twice as hard?
Or is this one of those cases where somebody goes low and I get to kick them?
It gets a little confusing to know if those Leftist rules are still operative.
Inga a violent thug? Well, maybe not personally--I don't think she is the type to swing the bike lock. She's much more likely to put the arsenic in the tea and then laugh as you die.
But she certainly supports the guys who swing bike locks and shoot Republicans and firebombs their buildings and she certainly supports the Antifa rioters and beating people.
Drago, you may not remember it, but Inga did say she condemned Hodgkinson's attack, about 11 months after it happened. It was very brief, and it looks like she walked that back earlier today in this thread. But she did, eventually, come out and say that shooting Republicans is bad.
Apparently she's changed her mind now, though.
But before anyone knew ANYTHING about these bombs, the media worked like hell to link them to Trump. That is an unsubstantiated slur.
The same CNN who fed Hillary debate questions. The same CNN who had Candy Crowley take sides in a debate.
So I don't listen to dishonest people.
IF Inga every decides to join the world of grown ups who can concede a point, we might have some fascinating conversations.
Alas 'if'.
Inga: "How many times has Achilles called Democrats and liberals here “evil, bad people, immoral, amoral, he even called me a grandmother of 5 a “violent” leftist, etc etc etc. why did you people remain
The entire democrat party has called every republican for the last 70 years nazis. Romney was called a murderer.
Number of times Inga chastised her party for that?
Did somebody mention the "Just a guy in the neighborhood", Bill Ayers??? Where Barry kicked off his career in the living room? He's down the memory hole. There's a lotta history on that left wing.
At today's press conference, the bombs were described as "pvc" pipe and containing "energetic material".
What? Am I supposed to believe that all those brilliant folks praised at the press conference have not yet identified the material?
And what kind of idiot uses PVC?
“Trump is only EQUALING the rhetoric.”
Trump started the rhetoric from day one. Democrats and liberals hit back. It’s human nature. Trump and you folks celebrated and cheered the non PC culture. YOU own the rhetoric.
IF Inga every decides to join the world of grown ups who can concede a point, we might have some fascinating conversations.
Are you kidding ? Inga knows a little bit about nursing and that is it.
Freder comes here and posts stuff that is wrong.
Ritmo posts hate stuff.
There are a couple of lefties that seem intelligent. Ritmo might even know some stuff about biology if he wasn't so angry.
Inga will give you the latest DNC talking point and that is it.
Shouldn’t this post be tagged “civility bullshit”?
Blogger Fred Drinkwater said...
At today's press conference, the bombs were described as "pvc" pipe and containing "energetic material".
I saw that, too. What if Wray trying to do ? Keep his masters' theme going until the election ?
Trump is loved and revered for his rhetoric, his followers love the non stop demonizing of others. It was spite and hatred that got him where he is and is why you folks voted for him. There’s no longer any slipsliding away from what you people did to this country.
A log closet Republican
You know, if Trump was out there calling Democrats murderers, thieves, unprincipled etc unprovoked....
I'm sure it hasn't occurred to Inga and the rest that Trump WAS a Democrat, for decades. Maybe... just maybe..... Trump used that kind of language because he's had first hand experience? Maybe Trump actually knows what Democrats are like and what they do, because he's seen it?
I still blame George W Bush for Cindy Sheehan's crazy ass rhetoric.
After all, fire cannot melt steel and Bush obviously conspired with Mossad to start a war for oil.
(My effort to mix memes went pretty well.)
And clearly that means Trump started all of this bad language.
Wow 396 comments and only two of them mention that those bumper stickers are brand new.
When somebody otherizes me, it makes me question if I am the bad person.
That is wrong.
When somebody refers to other people as "you people" I think the person who made the reference believes the other is worth less. Devaluing people reveals the devaluer as an ass hole. So I expect that people like me will notice the devaluing and respond accordingly.
TCE has a point, when it comes to obviously dehumanizing language, of course.
The disagreement is where the margins are.
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