"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person’s ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. said. "Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation. Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage."ADDED: Trump's tweets on the subject this morning:
1. "Pocahontas (the bad version), sometimes referred to as Elizabeth Warren, is getting slammed. She took a bogus DNA test and it showed that she may be 1/1024, far less than the average American. Now Cherokee Nation denies her, 'DNA test is useless.' Even they don’t want her. Phony!"
2. "Now that her claims of being of Indian heritage have turned out to be a scam and a lie, Elizabeth Warren should apologize for perpetrating this fraud against the American Public. Harvard called her 'a person of color' (amazing con), and would not have taken her otherwise!"
3. "Thank you to the Cherokee Nation for revealing that Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, is a complete and total Fraud!"
४०० टिप्पण्या:
400 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Looks like the tribe put a hatchet to her claims.
It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven.
Indian cultures are taken as risible, so the complaint about it is taken as PC. I.e., dangerous to mock if you can be fired from something.
A remake of F-Troop with the indians as intensely PC instead of lovers would be good.
That is the statement of the Western Band of Cherokee.
Has Warren inadvertently given Trump (and Republicans) the Indian vote?
Most of them in New Mexico/Arizona are Democrats.
Comment yesterday from some asshat on twitter...
"Shame on you Cherokee nation. We supported you. Dems support all marginalized indigenous peoples."
Do these people even realize that Cherokee look at Democrat Andrew Jackson as a literal Hitler figure over the trail of tears?
How friggin stupid are these people?
As far as I know, she never claimed tribal citizenship, so most of this is a non-sequitur. And of course, her claim to tribal heritage is a historical fact ( that is either true or false ) that is not under the control of the various tribes, and which they have no factual basis to confirm or refute.
What real Native-American was denied educational/employment benefits due to Betsy Warren's cultural appropriation?
Maybe the Wampanoags will take her. 10 generations back, man!
That's brutal. Sometimes the truth hurts.
The Western Band are those caught and marched to Oklahoma after Andrew Jackson defied the Supreme Court.
The Eastern Band are those who hid in caves and avoided federal troops.
There is animosity between the two groups over that history.
My granddad was born on the Res at Fort Sill.
I think it's time she just admits she's busted, and fades away into the sunset. She's already considered a joke, and there's nothing she can do to change the perception.
As a newly minted Native American, I wholeheartedly agree with my Cherokee brothers and sisters in their strong denunciation of this identity-thieving white lefty chick from Boston.
Jess: "She's already considered a joke, and there's nothing she can do to change the perception."
Oh no no no.
The True Believers/Fauxahontas Dead-Enders like LLR Chuck and Inga believe this is this savviest move ev-ah!
Via Insty:
HOWIE CARR ON ELIZABETH WARREN’S RESURRECTION OF THE “ONE-DROP” RULE: Fake news matched only by the fake Indian’s fake math. “She’s not an Indian according to the bylaws of the various Indian nations. She doesn’t meet Bureau of Indian Affairs standards. She … is … not … an … Indian. Period.”
Haaaaaa vvvvvaaaaaaaddddd wanted a white Indian.
This dna test reminds me of something wile e coyote would do...
Seems like it was meant as an October surprise against trump and the gop.
But it blew up in her face.
Beep! Beep!
" Reservation For One "
How I faked my Native heritage for personal gain and became a political pariah,
by E. Warren
Warren's Native American cookbook was a nice touch. Also shown to be a fraud. Is there anything about the Commie-Pinko Dems that is authentic?
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-NOssouri) was unavailable for comment.
Off Topic, but this just makes me sick. Outing victims without their permission is NOT OKAY. Especially when they might not even be victims.
Women Say Heitkamp Campaign Identified Them as Sexual Assault Survivors Without Their Permission
The people who joked about Trump picking his 2020 opponent apparently weren’t joking.
Peeps could be coming out of the woodwork for casino profits.
It also skews the narrative if we find out how many white people have Indian ancestors.
Of course there are rumors in my family.
The Democratic party's primary for 2020 should be a hoot. Fake Indian vs Crooked White Woman.
As far as I know, she never claimed tribal citizenship
She claimed to be an American Indian in order to take advantage of affirmative action policies put in place to redress past injustices done to actual Amerindians. According to my family lore my great-grandfather was a Cherokee making me 1/8th Indian. However, I've never been any where near a reservation, have never participated in Indian culture, and, just like Warren, have never suffered the slightest amount of discrimination of disadvantage because of a distant ancestor's ethnic or racial background. She perpetuated a fraud in order to avail herself of opportunities to which she was not entitled.
Ray: "But it blew up in her face. Beep! Beep!"
It was hilarious watching LLR Chuck defend Li'l Tomahawk Warren and then when he realized it wasnt working LLR Chuck had a total meltdown.
Several of the lefties did.
Today will be even worse for them as reality settles in.
Now mind you, I write that as a newly minted Native American.
" Reservation For One "
No attribution?
"According to some sources, "squaw" is a word of Mohawk origin originally with a meaning and a connotation as strongly derogatory as "cunt" has in English. According to other sources, it is not Mohawk at all, but Massachusett (an Algonquian language) simply meaning "young woman" with no derogatory overtones."
Is cunt derogatory or not, is the question.
"Shame on you Cherokee nation. We supported you. Dems support all marginalized indigenous peoples."
Implied message: Just lie back and think of the Party.
See, this is the kind of thing that stopped me from worrying about Trump's bullshitting.
The BS is thicker on the other side.
Ignorance is right. She never claimed tribal membership, she claimed an ancestral tie, which she has. Sure, it's obscure, but it always was. "Family lore" requires that it be at least great great grandparent (first-hand knowledge needs to have been lost by the time of her childhood).
So Warren's claim of minority status was a whopper from the start. The DNA test only confirms it.
And the discussion/contretemp is over.
She’s all red, white and blue to me. A patriot’s first instinct is to climb the greasy poles at Harvard and D.C., then regulate the hell out of the Cherokee Nation, the American Nation, and the United Nations.
Make the world one big equal, fair and verdant paradise with no war, hunger, homelessness, poverty, racism, sexism, and environmental injustice.
Don’t fire til you see the whites of their eyes Liz! Regulate them Redcoats and scalp them Hessians.
I dont know--was it you?
From the NYT:
"The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American."
I'm so white I blind people while out in the sun, but according to what I am going to call the "Warren Rule" I should be eligible to claim that I am an African-American.
Most of the Native tribes that have casinos closed their rolls.
You cannot gain entry unless your parents were on the rolls.
Oh my God, people are comparing Mrs. Warren to Rachel Dolezal.
"Shame on you Cherokee nation. We supported you. Dems support all marginalized indigenous peoples."
Just to illustrate that to progs even their politics is a tool: support for "marginalized peoples" is contingent on those marginalized peoples toeing the party line. Otherwise: shame!
Morality has been squashed, religion is for deplorables, but progs still have one cause for "shame": obstructing their lust for power.
Is cunt derogatory or not, is the question.
Ask an honest Jew what "Shiksa" means.
Hint: It's not "a gentile girl or woman."
The run-up to the midterms has been turned into a Trumpian Advent calendar.
Each day of the countdown seems to come with its own little present.
Liz claimed her parents ran away to elope because her fathers parents didn't like that her mother was Cherokee....That sounds like a lie to me!!! https://www.facebook.com/econinthemedia/videos/172776760322289/
I can't imagine why she thought this exercise would be helpful...
Sovereign tribal nations
Sovereign my ass, they're a bunch of racist parasites.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development has already suspended more than $37 million in funding to the Cherokee Nation.
set their own legal requirements for citizenship
It seems to me that the parasites shouldn't decide who gets to be a parasite; that should be up to the host(s).
DNA tests not evidence for tribal affiliation.
Because most of those "Indians" are mostly white.
Class action lawsuits.
This gets into reparations territory.
How much African blood do you need to have to qualify? What other proof would you need?
The difference is Tribes are sovereign nations and can make their own rules/laws for some things.
Even old fossils have a sense of humor:
Sen. Orrin Hatch tweeted, "These DNA tests are quite something." He joked that he is 1/1032 T-Rex: "The rest: other dinosaurs."
No one who came after 1865? Can claim anything. How do you decide how much? 1 parent or 2?
Thank you Trump!
Most of the Native tribes that have casinos closed their rolls.
You cannot gain entry unless your parents were on the rolls.
There's a scene in _The Sopranos_ where Tony is taking a meeting with a leader of an Indian tribe due to the tribe having a casino. One of Tony's minions states that the guy doesn't look very Indian and the guy replies that he was born off the "res" and had only recently come back to his Indian heritage. Apparently his great-grandmother was 1/4 Mohawk and he had a "racial awakening." The implication is that he had strong armed the tribe or was brought in because of his expertise.
Trump should pay off the bet by contributing $1M to Warrens campaign fund.
Our family lore was that we were Native American via my paternal grandmother's lineage - ye old Irish/Indian combo in the South. My grandmother in her elder years certainly favored the photos we all see of Native Americans in their elder years. The story also was that in the times when my great grandmother and ggreatgrandmother grew up, you didn't claim to be "Indian" because it was viewed as a bad thing so there was never a record. Fun fact - my dna test showed I have 0 Native American blood. I do have sub Saharan and Ashkenazi Jew though!
Orrin Hatch: that there is funny, I don't care who you are.
Heck, Warren's about his age.... maybe she's 1/1032 Native American and 999/ 1032 Apatosaurus. The other 32 percent? Marx, most likely.
Unknown: "I can't imagine why she thought this exercise would be helpful..."
Here's the reality: to run for President Warren had to address these obvious lies of hers as well as attempt, at some level, to mitigate the damage caused by her improper and unethical appropriation of NA status for professional purposes and advancements.
Warren has spent the last year coordinating with her academia fans to rewrite the history of her abuse of AA rules.
That was mostly in place with sufficient Clintonian deniability.
However, The Trump Factor kicked in bigly with his taunts and that wasnt going away.
Thus: the DNA test
Since no test could possibly be spun in her favor she employed another academician to act as Chief Science-Launderer to give her a best shot "out" of thidls political corner.
It failed.
But again, to run for President she had no choice. This was the best of a set of bad options.l due to her lifetime of lies
“This is a woman who built her political narrative claiming that other people are rigging the system. She tried to rig her career by claiming a status to which she’s not entitled.”
Still, Warren is less corrupt than private server rape-excusing slut-shaming Hillary.
"Liz claimed her parents ran away to elope because her fathers parents didn't like that her mother was Cherokee....That sounds like a lie to me"
One of several. She also said her mother was "part Delaware"!
Anyway, it raises the Althouse Line-Drawing question for progs: is there any lie that is disqualifying, is there anything their lefty candidates can do or say that will lead them to give up supporting them? Probably not. But in a presidential run, Liz would be hurt at the margins, by non-prog liberals deciding to oppose her.
Of course, we on the right also face that issue at times, but there are several instances when righties have drawn lines and stayed home or even voted Dem or Libertarian, hurting the GOP.
It's so amusing to see Trump supporters go to great lengths to condemn Warren for conning herself into a job at Harvard, yet they refuse to acknowledge that Trump's entire career (and those of his children) is founded on privilege, nepotism, cheating and fraud.
I am most anxious to see how LLR Chuck will flex to #StrongDemDefense and what dem talking points he will most strongly emphasize on Day 2 of Little Lizzie Warrens Tomahawk Reset Strategy!
You just know it will be fun.
Robert Cook, to his credit, recognizes the utter uselessness in attempting to defend the indefensible and thus shifts quickly into Trump Squirrel/Whataboutism tactics.
Congratulations my little marxist amigo, at least you van read the tea leaves and attempt to adapt.
That puts you lightyears ahead of LLR Chuck and Inga.
The issue of whether Liz claimed citizenship or lineage is bogus.
From the Cherokee Nation website:
"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong."
Note the word "any".
The Cherokee Nation is the Oklahoma branch that Liz (still) claims a connection to. If they say she is not a Cherokee, and that any connection she claims is "wrong", than that's good enough for me.
privilege, nepotism, cheating and fraud.
Isn't that the motto of the Democratic Party?
Well, speaking purely as a layperson and not a liberal legal scholar, I would say that anyone not Inga would say this lets Trump off the hook on that bet.
Robert Cook, how is going into the family business similar to the fraud perpetrated by Liz Warren about her background?
Isn't that the motto of the Democratic Party?"
Cookie was daydreaming of Kennedys! And in Cookies dreams, the Kennedys are always
sober and dry and their women are still breathing.
Looks like the Cherokee nation buried the hatchet.... in Warren's back!
Bye bye Pocahontas!
Trump's entire career (and those of his children) is founded on privilege, nepotism, cheating and fraud.
Yeah, Cookie, he gave up on communism early. About age two. You, on the other hand.....
Warren is another Democrat own goal. They seem to be coming faster and faster,
It's so amusing to see Trump supporters go to great lengths to condemn Warren for conning herself into a job at Harvard, yet they refuse to acknowledge that Trump's entire career (and those of his children) is founded on privilege, nepotism, cheating and fraud.
And popularity.
Which fauxahontas doesn’t have.
Sounds like getting into an elite school. That’s a wide brush, Cookie! Break up the Top 10!
"Robert Cook, to his credit, recognizes the utter uselessness in attempting to defend the indefensible...."
I believe Warren believed her family lore that they had some Indian heritage, and the DNA test shows that her family lore may have a factual basis. Nothing more certain than that can be said.
Harvard has a hiring file that will need to be scrubbed.
But we determined during the Kavanaugh hearing that evidence and "well proven" is sexist and makes you a rape apologist. Why is the Cherokee Nation acting so privileged?
Our elites really suck.
"Our elites really suck."
True that!
Lieawatha picked on odd time to suck all the air out of the midterm teepee.
Cook - she made it matter when she used Native American heritage as a foot in the door to her legal career in her mid-30's.
She never claimed any Native American status before that.
Considering the left are the "people who care" about the down and out, and, btw, the rest of us are supposed to "check our privilege" - it reeks of hypocrisy.
blah blah blah, but Trump is a scoundrel. WE know, but he never promised virtue like the left promises virtue.
It's so amusing to see Trump supporters go to great lengths to condemn Warren for conning herself into a job at Harvard, yet they refuse to acknowledge that Trump's entire career (and those of his children) is founded on privilege, nepotism, cheating and fraud.
Being president is the first honest job he's every had ;)
@Robert Cook:It's so amusing to see Trump supporters go to great lengths to condemn Warren for conning herself into a job at Harvard, yet they refuse to acknowledge that Trump's entire career (and those of his children) is founded on privilege, nepotism, cheating and fraud.
Are you saying that Donald Trump only pretended to be Fred Trump's son and Fred Trump went along with it?
This is just weird.
Is it just that you think that it's fundamentally illegitimate for a parent to give anything to their children that they have, and to do so is nepotism?
Because saying "nepotism" is saying that it was an illegitimate procedure, that others were passed over to this opportunity who should have had a fair shot at it.
You might think about walking this back.
she made it matter when she used Native American heritage as a foot in the door to her legal career in her mid-30's.
She never claimed any Native American status before that.
Or after. She removed herself from the law directory of minorities after she got her Harvard gig.
She never claimed to be the first Indian woman elected to the Senate.
Can't wait to see SNL's scathing yet humorous take on the matter this Saturday.
I am Laslo.
"Trump's entire career (and those of his children) is founded on privilege, nepotism, cheating and fraud."
Hmmm.... well mebbe. But in the end, Trump built something - quite a few somethings in fact. I look around for the accomplishments of Elizabeth Warren (or Hillary Clinton) and what do I see? Trump is a bullshitter who puts up buildings. His opponents are bullshitters who produce bullshit and nothing else.
I'd love to see SNL's take on Avanetti's courtroom loss as well.
In a fair world, this would be the end of Warrren's career.
I see that Cookie is now citing the Christine Blasey Ford standard.
It doesn't matter if it's true, only that she believed it.
Problem is, I don't believe her. So whose belief rules here?
Once again, we are treated to a media that pimps a simple false narrative on behalf of their party.
Elizabeth Warren DNA test does NOT prove she’s Native American, contrary to the hype
Because saying "nepotism" is saying that it was an illegitimate procedure
That's not at all true. Nepotism is descriptive. Perfectly honest hires can be described as nepotism.
Trump's millions were made with a start of millions. He puts up buildings, as hawkeyedjb says, but if Donald didn't exist, a faceless Trump corporation would still put up buildings.
Regarding Elizabeth Warren's DNA: please wake me when it's over.
Regarding Trump's business acumen (or lack thereof depending on your perspective): that was never a reason to support him in the first place. The three reasons to support Trump are immigration, immigration, and immigration. And as far as I am concerned, that will be the sole benchmark by which to judge his presidency. Every other issue is secondary to national self-destruction.
Cook: "I believe Warren believed her family lore that they had some Indian heritage, and the DNA test shows that her family lore may have a factual basis. Nothing more certain than that can be said."
Laughable set of talking point fabrications. And all completely debunked already.
Honestly Cookie, that little missive of yours is as bad as your ridiculous take on the utter hoax October Surprise lies of the dems against Reagan.
Still, you are a lefty so some things are to be simply expected one supposes.
I think the own goal metaphor best describes this episode. Warren was goaded into committing this ridiculous gaffe by Trump. He laid the trap, she willingly fell for it.
"It's so amusing to see Trump supporters go to great lengths to condemn Warren for conning herself into a job at Harvard, yet they refuse to acknowledge that Trump's entire career (and those of his children) is founded on privilege, nepotism, cheating and fraud."
You forgot lying, treason, and other despicable things too numerous to list. Trump conned himself into the presidency with the backing of the Deplorables many of whom troll and comment here with regularity perpetuating the Big Lie.
Jersey Fled: "I see that Cookie is now citing the Christine Blasey Ford standard"
They went to "her truth" so fast they lost track of the debunking!
Unknown: "I think the own goal metaphor best describes this episode. Warren was goaded into committing this ridiculous gaffe by Trump. He laid the trap, she willingly fell for it"
Tread carefully here.
Comments like that have been known to cause LLR Chuck to completely melt down.
People have faults and do stupid things and make bad decisions once in a while.
Trump stopped cold the institutionalization of full-on corruption when he beat Hillary.
I can forgive a whole lot for that big favor.
Sorry Trumpit- everything you brain dead loyal leftists accuse Trump of, is all Hillary.
Trumpit: "You forgot lying, treason, and other despicable things too numerous to list."
You've got the time.
Have at it!
@Dickin'Bimbos: no kidding, right? I don't know what fraction you have to be to claim membership in an ethnic group but I would say it's much bigger than 1/64th.
"You forgot lying, treason, and other despicable things too numerous to list. (Insert Republican President Name Here) conned himself into the presidency with the backing of the Deplorables many of whom troll and comment here with regularity perpetuating the Big Lie."
I believe Warren believed her family lore that they had some Indian heritage, and the DNA test shows that her family lore may have a factual basis. Nothing more certain than that can be said.
Since Progressives are so well-informed, well-educated, scientific and all, especially in comparison with anyone who disagrees with them, why wasn't Warren aware that "Native American DNA" is essentially unavailable since existing tribal/nation governments actively discourage members from genetic testing? Was she aware that because of that, DNA comparisons testing for Native American DNS use samples from Mexico and more southern regions because of assumptions about migratory patterns of Native American ancestors (which may or may not be true)?
If she was aware of these things and released the findings anyway, is she a dead-bolt dolt? If she was NOT aware of these things, was she lazy, arrogant, or just plain stupid?
What about those people who still believe she wasn't deliberately lying to manipulate affirmative-action legalities for her own benefit? What might such people have to gain from such de facto institutional dishonesty?
privilege, nepotism, cheating and fraud.
Naked sophistry has become the Robert Cook modus operandi lately.
Meanwhile in the real world...
Via Rantburg:
INVESTORS] Elections: American democracy has a problem ‐ a voting problem. According to a new study of U.S. Census data, America has more registered voters than actual live voters. It's a troubling fact that puts our nation's future in peril.
The data come from Judicial Watch's Election Integrity Project. The group looked at data from 2011 to 2015 produced by the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey, along with data from the federal Election Assistance Commission.
As reported by the National Review's Deroy Murdock, who did some numbers-crunching of his own, "some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America's adult citizens. Such staggering inaccuracy is an engraved invitation to voter fraud."
This episode reminds me of when Lil' Marco thought he could run with Trump and ended up getting stomped. Warren had no choice in the matter. If she ignored it and someHOW got to the general against DJT he then stomps her with the story. If she brings it out now she gets stomped now. Stompahontas Rex
Robert Cook: "...Trump's entire career (and those of his children) is founded on privilege, nepotism, cheating and fraud."
No, no, no, no. You misunderstood. According to sources close to CNN, Priviletch, Nepotisti, Cheating & Fraaud is that law firm Trump hired. Avenatti and Cohen once worked there, but they got sacked for failing to meet firm standards. Mike Priviletch and Joe Nepotisti (Mike's nephew) are the two founders, and they used to go to on bonking (but not boofing) weekends with Stormy Daniels. PNCF is currently representing "Jamal" Khashoggi in his divorce.
"Henry said...
Because saying "nepotism" is saying that it was an illegitimate procedure
That's not at all true. Nepotism is descriptive. Perfectly honest hires can be described as nepotism.
Trump's millions were made with a start of millions. He puts up buildings, as hawkeyedjb says, but if Donald didn't exist, a faceless Trump corporation would still put up buildings."
First it's "Trumps BILLIONS." Second, the rest is crap.
This Christmas, what every little girl needs under the tree: a Warren doll in full Indian regalia, who says "fractions are hard!"
Trump owes Warren $976.56, 1/1024 of $1M.
"According to my family lore my great-grandfather was a Cherokee making me 1/8th Indian. However, I've never been any where near a reservation, have never participated in Indian culture, and, just like Warren, have never suffered the slightest amount of discrimination of disadvantage because of a distant ancestor's ethnic or racial background."
Similar here, although a cousin traced the genealogy and actually found documentary evidence and even a photo of my Eastern Cherokee ancestors. I have never claimed NA ancestry. It would have felt like cheating an actual NA who may have faced hurtles I never experienced.
The true believers on the left will claim Senator Warren is vindicated. She is not.
I do note the Cherokee Nation statement per ABC, NBC and CBS.... oh wait, no I didn't.
"You might think about walking this back."
Cookie? Walk something back ? YOu're kidding, right ?
According to a new study of U.S. Census data, America has more registered voters than actual live voters. It's a troubling fact that puts our nation's future in peril.
According to the Democrat candidate for governor of Georgia, an entire county has disappeared !
Or was never there.
Trump owes Warren $976.56, 1/1024 of $1M.
In Peruvian currency?
Looks like Fabi beat me to it.
Theres synema who also has identity issues, she might be a witch she thinks shes hispanic.
Trump should say at every rally from now on:
"I urge everyone here, and everyone listening, to take a DNA test. If you're a parent, get one for your children. Make sure it's official and reputable. If you are one thousandth of a minority, the world is your oyster. There are scholarships, government programs, company quotas, and many other benefits, that will help you improve your circumstances. Apply to every one of them that fits you. Update your resume and highlight your minority status. Help your children get the full ride that they deserve, from the college of their choice. If anyone gives you a hard time, tell them Liz Warren sent you. Together, we can defeat white privilege once and for all!"
Curious George: "First it's "Trumps BILLIONS." Second, the rest is crap."
Is today a leftist "Trump isn't really rich at all!!" day, or is today a "Trump is so rich that he is a typical robber baron republican scum!!" day?
It's usually not until about Noon EST that the lefties decide on one or the other.
Warren won this and proved you all wrong. I have no need to surrender, we won, you lost.
OK, Inga, care to retract your statement, now? Or are you going to double down on weapons grade stupidity?
From Wiki:
"...A well-known story told by Loudermilk is that, when he was asked by the Viva! NashVegas radio show about the origins of the song "Indian Reservation", he fabricated the story that he wrote the song after his car was snowed in by a blizzard and he was taken in by a small group of Cherokee Indians.[6] A self-professed prankster,[7] he spun the tale that a Cherokee chieftain, "Bloody Bear Tooth" asked him to make a song about his people's plight on the Trail of Tears, even going so far as to claim that he had later been awarded "the first medal of the Cherokee Nation", not for writing the song, but for his "blood".[6] He went on to fabricate the detail that on that day the tribe revealed that his "great-great grandparents, Homer and Matilda Loudermilk" were listed on the Dawes Rolls (the citizenship rolls of the Nation).[6] Had this detail of his tall tale been true, he would have been a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, which he was not.."
I am Laslo.
Warren never claimed full blooded Amerindian hertigage. She never claimed Cherokee citizenship. Her DNA test results show she wasn’t lying. All the spin the right is doing is nothing more than wheels spinning, going no where. Transparent and telling, the fear of Warren by the right is very evident.
Trump is a very known quantity who doesn't really try to present himself as some sort of saint (and even if he tried he wouldn't fool anyone). The vast majority of people have known very well who and what he is for decades. Ironically because of this he's fairly well inured most of the traditional scandals that might disqualify a more generic politician. For example, was anyone ever shocked that he (most likely) cheated on his wife?
It's what makes it so difficult to bring Trump down. The people who support Trump don't necessarily bare any illusions about him. He's their scoundrel.
Warren follows the more traditional model for a politician, attempting to present a more virtuous public face. The problem with that is that the average voter has become more cynical over the years. They know better. More and more people expect that the overwhelming majority of successful politicians aren't exactly so virtuous. So having a revelation come out about them lying to get ahead it confirms that supposition.
It makes you wonder if the Dems can find their own version of Trump, their own brash scoundrel. Perhaps a character like Avenatti? But he's probably too much of a scoundrel.
I used to be a fraction Swiss until I cut myself shaving.
Inga: "Warren never claimed full blooded Amerindian hertigage"
And there it is!!
The first major strawman attempt of the day!
It's so amusing to see Trump supporters go to great lengths to condemn Warren for conning herself into a job at Harvard, yet they refuse to acknowledge that Trump's entire career (and those of his children) is founded on privilege, nepotism, cheating and fraud.
Well, you see Cookie - am I writing slowly enough for you? - Trump has given the nation back its self-respect in large degree; the economy is surging; African-American employment is at an all-time high; overall employment is wonderful, in fact. President Trump has led the way for all of it.
Warren was in this for herself and her fellow socioeconomic class members. She hates the rest of us. Her lies benefit no one else except people who vote to deprive others of liberty to benefit themselves. President Trump wants to actually help others even when they are not billionaires or vain celebrities. Warren's moral system is corrupt and benefits only a small, privileged group of people. Trump's morality may also be corrupt, but he doesn't want to rule everyone else to benefit only his friends. He wants to maximize opportunity for the greatest number of people possible.
You are so sad. And why do you want so many people to be miserable?
Inga: " Her DNA test results show she wasn’t lying."
Between 1987 and 1995, Warren identified herself as “Native American” while she was teaching law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School and Harvard.
Harvard even used Warren's fake status to support their official racial diversity statistics.
Too funny.
The lefties can't get out of their own way and their stupidity is so all-encompassing that LLR Chuck's best efforts in their defense will amount to nothing more than a bucket tossed against the incoming tide.
What a great day its shaping up to be!
Nobody was arguing she claimed she was 100% Indian. So stop with the straw men. The fact is that she claimed she was a large enough percentage to be able to get a job at Harvard, and said her parents were discriminated against because her mother was Cherokee Indian. So she lied. And you’re lying for her.
I guess you are going to double down on weapons grade stupidity.
“Warren was in this for herself and her fellow socioeconomic class members. She hates the rest of us. Her lies benefit no one else except people who vote to deprive others of liberty to benefit themselves. President Trump wants to actually help others even when they are not billionaires or vain celebrities. Warren's moral system is corrupt and benefits only a small, privileged group of people. Trump's morality may also be corrupt, but he doesn't want to rule everyone else to benefit only his friends. He wants to maximize opportunity for the greatest number of people possible.”
Wow, could you possibly be any more delusional?
Reproduced just for Inga.
Inga and Elizabeth Warren.
Birds of a feather.
Warren didn’t just DO this 3 weeks before the election.
As stupid as the people who voted for her are she isn’t dumb.
I wonder how long it will be before she is moved out of the Safe Democrat column.
"The fact is that she claimed she was a large enough percentage to be able to get a job at Harvard".
Nice try with the straw man.
"Trump stopped cold the institutionalization of full-on corruption when he beat Hillary."
Bliss is wrong just as Cook was wrong. Warren did claim status by checking a box on a federal form that said do not check unless you are a tribal member.
But in any case, she claimed to be a minority to gain advantage.
Even worse, Elizabeth Warren's Great-Great-Great Grandfather, the husband of Sarah Smith Crawford, was a member of the Tennessee militia.
The Tennessee militia rounded up the Cherokee and forcibly removed them from their homes.
No word yet on how many native american women Li'l Tomahawks family members raped.
Did Warren think she could get away with this or is she just ripping the band-aid off now? She's acting like she thought this would be a big "gotcha" for Trump but if so, why release it now and not after the midterms? If she's trying to defuse the issue before her campaign, why be so defiant instead of using the plausibly deniable "I guess my old family stories were wrong"?
I tend to think she believed this would elevate her and Trump going into the midterms but ran into one of the basic problems on the Left as it now exists. Namely, you never know when you are going to go too far because all of the lines are arbitrary and constantly being redrawn. Some on the Left are trying to defend her on this but she's also getting pushback from her own side.
Blogger Nonapod said...
Trump is a very known quantity who doesn't really try to present himself as some sort of saint (and even if he tried he wouldn't fool anyone).
A very known quantity? Until recently, the guy hid how much he rode on his dad's coattails. He is still hiding whether he is particularly wealthy or not. His biggest bragging points are also his points of greatest unknowns! Very known quantity my ass.
Ken B said...
Bliss is wrong just as Cook was wrong. Warren did claim status by checking a box on a federal form that said do not check unless you are a tribal member.
But in any case, she claimed to be a minority to gain advantage.
10/16/18, 10:19 AM
And Ken B, exactly which form was this...
Inga: "Wow, could you possibly be any more delusional?"
What if we put it in a dossier? Would that help you to believe?
A gift that just keeps on giving.
"First it's 'Trumps BILLIONS.'"
So he says.
“The fact is that she claimed she was a large enough percentage to be able to get a job at Harvard".
Nice try with the straw man.”
They’ve been presenting strawmen for the last 36 hours. I haven’t seen them this worked up since umm...Kavanaugh. It’s one fake outrage after another with these people.
Craig: "He is still hiding whether he is particularly wealthy or not. His biggest bragging points are also his points of greatest unknowns! Very known quantity my ass."
Are you saying the United States govt has no idea regarding DJT's wealth?
Something tells me that they know full well the full score (you know, through annual filings etc.)
The fact that the information hasn't leaked, like the dem lies re: hoax collusion, tells you all you need to know about how the dems/left/LLR's view DJT financial position.
It's clearly not something they want to attack directly....otherwise they.....would.
I detect nervous laughter from the corruption-excusing left.
The only thing revealed by the release of this DNA test's results is that Warren is an awful politician on the national stage.
Timing of Liz Warren's reveal questioned
Kimberly Atkins Tuesday, October 16, 2018
WASHINGTON — Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s release of DNA records that she says proves her Native American ancestry — and her demand that President Trump pony up $1 million for charity as he promised — served as the unofficial launch of the Bay State lawmaker’s 2020 presidential bid.
But it also left some Democrats grumbling about the timing, just three weeks before what they call “must-win” midterm elections as some polls show the once potentially powerful blue wave losing strength.
As one Democratic strategist said: “If you want to talk about health care, or children being ripped from their parents and put in cages, great. But I have no interest whatever in shaking Sen. Warren’s family tree before Nov. 7.”
Inga: "I haven’t seen them this worked up since umm...Kavanaugh. It’s one fake outrage after another with these people."
Who's gonna tell her?
Drago calm down. Your hysteria is unseemly.
Inga: "Drago calm down. Your hysteria is unseemly."
Yes, after that last posting of yours, I don't blame you for trying to change the subject.
But just to keep the fun going, do go on about fake outrage and the Kavanaugh hearings...
Drago: "Annual filings" which obviously if unfavorable to Trump would have already been released. Uh huh.
Look, I love this place. It is filled with nutcases who make arguments which are insensitive to the actual evidence and, indeed, wholly unfalsifiable. So creative! Endless entertainment!
Drago gets manic with these sorts of issues. He mistakenly thinks his team won some points. He’s like the guy running the wrong way on the football field while laughing hysterically.
Bah. I want hear what Cher' thinks about this..
The only people outraged about anything are the Native Americans who can't believe Warren continues to push this obvious lie.
And who can blame them? There they were, fairly reasonable and consistent votes for dems, now being told by the dems to shutup while Warren appropriates their identity and then attempts to shield herself by wrapping herself in their suffering which Warren's own family members directly participated in!!
Now that's some chutzpah!
Who can blame the Cherokee for being outraged?
Craig: "Drago: "Annual filings" which obviously if unfavorable to Trump would have already been released. Uh huh."
You're right.
There have been no leaks regarding Trump from the deep staters over the last 2 years.
It's all made up.
Thank you Craig for offering up this poignant observation.
Inga, did you forget to continue with your line on fake outrage/Kavanaugh?
You were going to tell us more......
Transparent and telling, the fear of Warren by the right is very evident.
This is Craig level stupidity but we have come to expect this.
I would love to see 70 year old bankruptcy expert Warren run for president. Her competition, except possibly for Harris, will all be Medicare beneficiaries.
The Boston Globe has an exhaustive story about what Elizabeth did and did not claim.
What is weird about it -- or not -- is that the "claims" are little more than checkboxes she checked off claiming American Indian ethnicity. There's no reporting that she every made the claim verbally except in a case where she "authorized" a university to use her as a statistic.
IN WHAT WOULD be her final year at the University of Texas, Warren made a decision that would come to haunt her: She listed herself in the Association of American Law Schools annual directory as a minority law professor.
The organization debuted its list of minority law professors in the 1986-1987 edition, and Warren’s name appears in bold on page 1055 of the volume. It was listed the same way in each of the next eight editions.
Despite this, there's a huge weight of evidence that nobody outside of University PR departments considered her anything other than white.
[A hiring form for Penn Law School] includes a chart showing that 424 candidates were considered. Sixty-three were females. And 16 were minorities — all black. The university reported that it didn’t consider a single Asian, Hispanic, or American Indian for the job.
The form includes a written defense for the decision. “The members of the appointments committee, in discussing the appointment of Elizabeth Warren with external referees, specifically asked whether there were any minority candidates of equal or better stature,” according to a paragraph on the form. “None of the persons indicated that there was an equal or better minority candidate.”
I like this very droll statement by Colin Diver, "a Boston resident who was the dean of [Penn] law school at the time":
“[Minority status] counts for way more if you are visibly, recognizably a person of color. There was nothing about her that was visibly, recognizably a person of color.”
Read the whole thing. Despite Warren's mid-career decision to check off the Native American box, there is substantial evidence that it was never referenced by any hiring committee at any place she taught.
Sincerest form of flattery, Char Char!
Every Cherokee should be checked for Elizabeth Warren ancestry.
I always remember the motto of that Indian casino that advertised on Imus In The Morning: "Win Big Wampum!"
That tribe seem more Warren's speed than the Cherokee.
Henry, keep trying. There must be a pony in there somewhere.
I'm shocked that science was used for political purposes.
Warren never claimed full blooded Amerindian hertigage
Goal posts moved.
What did the Maitre-D call out in the restaurant while Senator Warren waited?
Elizabeth Warren....Reservation for one?
SNL is missing just a golden opportunity with this. I'll be sad if they take a pass.
In other unsurprising news:
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Drago gets manic with these sorts of issues. He mistakenly thinks his team won some points. He’s like the guy running the wrong way on the football field while laughing hysterically.
A Stalinist calling other people crazy.
I see we are on to tax fraud now that the Russian Hoax and Stormy Gate have completely fallen through.
Some things never change.
Henry said...
“[Minority status] counts for way more if you are visibly, recognizably a person of color. There was nothing about her that was visibly, recognizably a person of color.”
Read the whole thing. Despite Warren's mid-career decision to check off the Native American box, there is substantial evidence that it was never referenced by any hiring committee at any place she taught.
But out of 424 applications Warren's was the best!
And the fact she was the ONLY "native American" applied had nothing to do with them hiring her.
Stupid people buy this shit. Everyone else see right through it.
there is substantial evidence that it was never referenced by any hiring committee at any place she taught.
Right. As evidenced by the vast number of Rutgers Law School graduates on the Harvard staff.
MadisonMan said...
Warren never claimed full blooded Amerindian hertigage
Goal posts moved.
What did the Maitre-D call out in the restaurant while Senator Warren waited?
Elizabeth Warren....Reservation for one?
SNL is missing just a golden opportunity with this. I'll be sad if they take a pass.
10/16/18, 10:36 AM
This is probably a bit of "Craig level [sic]" stupidity, but, even as an around-here lefty, I think that joke's pretty good, and I too will be sad if SNL keeps away from this stuff.
Harvard has never released her hiring file. Wonder why?
Drago said...
Craig: "Drago: "Annual filings" which obviously if unfavorable to Trump would have already been released. Uh huh."
You're right.
There have been no leaks regarding Trump from the deep staters over the last 2 years.
It's all made up.
Thank you Craig for offering up this poignant observation.
10/16/18, 10:30 AM
Things I never said: there have been no leaks.
Things you might reasonably infer I think, however: the fact of some leaks is not a guarantee of all leaks.
Drago, you're one of the best--thanks!!
Char Char Binks
WOW. What stunt that would be. Send her a cheque for 1/1024 of $1M
Time for a pool:
The number of hours from this point when Fauxcahauntus is moved from "Safe Democrat" to "Likely Democrat."
I got 72.
In a few days the leftists are going to try to staunch the bleeding from this truly stupid self own and blame it all on her.
Donelly and Tester are polishing up that resume.
Until recently, the guy hid how much he rode on his dad's coattails.
That's very debatable. At any rate, his exact wealth is probably not a particularly useful (persuasive) vector of attack for the anti-Trump crowd. If you're assuming/hoping that there's some foothold to discredit Trump in the eyes of his supporters down that avenue I think you're setting yourself up for dissappointment. As a hypothetical, in most people's eyes the difference between 3 billion and 9 billion dollars is of little consequence even if it was legally demonstrable at all.
The anti-Trump crowd seems to be clinging to certain assumptions about character flaws without viewing the larger picture. Given the current state of the economy, trade, and movement in certain areas of foreign policy, Trump's efficacy is difficult to honestly dispute.
Craig: "Things you might reasonably infer I think, however: the fact of some leaks is not a guarantee of all leaks."
Ah! I've found the point of contention.
My contention is that any and everything potentially negative regarding Trump that the govt deep staters can get their grubby little fingers on is leaked immediately up to and including made up stuff when they run out of everything that can't be spun negatively.
The Left:
1. Paleface Warren is an Indian.
2. But Paleface Warren did not use her "minority" status to get a prestigious tenured slot at Harvard.
The Sane:
1. Paleface Warren is not an Indian.
2. But Paleface Warren used a phony "minority" status to get a prestigious tenured slot at Harvard.
At some point in life, the truth hits you over the head like a bag of bricks. Hopefully, this happens sooner than later.
"Despite Warren's mid-career decision to check off the Native American box, there is substantial evidence that it was never referenced by any hiring committee at any place she taught."
-- I find that hard to believe, considering they asked to use her as a statistic.
I think it is more likely that they scrupulously avoided referencing it while still considering it.
"Despite Warren's mid-career decision to check off the Native American box, there is substantial evidence that it was never referenced by any hiring committee at any place she taught."
Maybe. But that's the funny thing about affirmative action. Every college screams that it is absolutely critical to maintain. Yet, these same colleges have never admitted that any single person was a recipient of it.
"acknowledge that Trump's entire career (and those of his children) is founded on privilege, nepotism, cheating and fraud."
Yeah, but at least he's honest about it. ; )
Mathew Sablan: "I think it is more likely that they scrupulously avoided referencing it while still considering it."
Whereas I believe they destroyed any incriminating records and simply gundecked what they needed to create the narrative needed today.
Blogger Nonapod said...
Until recently, the guy hid how much he rode on his dad's coattails.
That's very debatable. At any rate, his exact wealth is probably not a particularly useful (persuasive) vector of attack for the anti-Trump crowd. If you're assuming/hoping that there's some foothold to discredit Trump in the eyes of his supporters down that avenue I think you're setting yourself up for dissappointment. As a hypothetical, in most people's eyes the difference between 3 billion and 9 billion dollars is of little consequence even if it was legally demonstrable at all.
The anti-Trump crowd seems to be clinging to certain assumptions about character flaws without viewing the larger picture. Given the current state of the economy, trade, and movement in certain areas of foreign policy, Trump's efficacy is difficult to honestly dispute.
1) No, it is not very debatable. I haven't seen any significant evidence that Trump was not significantly propped up by dad, funded by his dad, insured by his dad, re-funded by his dad, over and over.
2) I agree that his wealth is probably not a useful vector of attack. But honest defenders of Trump (can we find some?) should not be claiming that the guy is "very known" in his bonafides. A guy who is "very known" shouldn't have a central virtue be false beyond debate -- nor even have a central virtue be debatable.
3) "legally demonstrable" ha!
I still think we should hire Special Counsel, Larry Tribe, to get to the bottom of this.
"Craig" is going for the Inga troll record.
Nice try with the straw man
Craig, this isn’t even up for debate. Either you’re delusional, or lying, because Warren most definitely used her supposed Indian heritage to get a job at Harvard.
Laugh all you want, but you’re the one looking stupid here. It isn’t too late to admit it and walk it back. Any further argument that I’m wrong will just get you more ridicule.
Kirsten synema is next up in the fraud department, wannabe Latina and fraud.
As for Keith 'ike Turner' Ellison, hes in a spot of trouble.
Michael K said...
"Craig" is going for the Inga troll record.
Mikey, you've definitely got a crush on me. Know that it is appreciated!
"...it is true that while Warren was at U. Penn. Law School she put herself on the “Minority Law Teacher” list as Native American in the faculty directory of the Association of American Law Schools, and that Harvard Law School at one time promoted Warren as a Native American faculty member."
From Snopes, fwiw. There doesn't seem to be any proof she used that 'status' to gain advantage at Harvard.
Conclusions: Trump should pay off the bet. She has a tiny drop of NA blood. And Warren should apologize publicly for using that 'tiny drop' to claim membership in a legitimately disadvantaged group she had no business appropriating for whatever benefit it could provide.
I Callahan said...
Nice try with the straw man
Craig, this isn’t even up for debate. Either you’re delusional, or lying, because Warren most definitely used her supposed Indian heritage to get a job at Harvard.
Laugh all you want, but you’re the one looking stupid here. It isn’t too late to admit it and walk it back. Any further argument that I’m wrong will just get you more ridicule.
10/16/18, 10:57 AM
Oh no! I'm looking stupid here and I might get more ridicule from this crowd? I'm aghast that you, so intimately familiar with law-school hiring, probably a dozen dossiers on your lap right now, are skeptical of my arguments. Keep it up bud!
A guy who is "very known" shouldn't have a central virtue be false beyond debate -- nor even have a central virtue be debatable.s
"False beyond debate" is an unrealistic standard. Under that standard there's no politician that's "very known".
Achilles, Darrell, Michale K. You can make claims with no evidence, or you can read the evidence. It's up to you. I was kind of expecting a "liberal media" kind of counter attack as opposed to the circular reasoning you employed. The Globe article details the nature of the claims, interviews multiple people at Penn and Harvard, examines Warren's career path, and pulls up actual paper work from the hiring committees.
"But out of 424 applications Warren's was the best!"
Well, shit, they had to hire someone. Out of 424 applicants someone was going to be best. Weirdly enough they hired a person capable of impacting a national debate and running successfully for the U.S. Senate.
Nonapod said...
A guy who is "very known" shouldn't have a central virtue be false beyond debate -- nor even have a central virtue be debatable.s
"False beyond debate" is an unrealistic standard. Under that standard there's no politician that's "very known".
Nonapod, it is false beyond (reasonable) debate that Trump's success was largely funded and his failures were largely covered by dad's $$$. There is no reasonable debate that Trump only got the tiny support he fessed to.
Craig: "I haven't seen any significant evidence that Trump was not significantly propped up by dad, funded by his dad, insured by his dad, re-funded by his dad, over and over."
Once you've ventured into the Kavanaugh-like Kafkaesque demands for the "proving" of negatives, there really isn't anything left to speak about.
Craig: "There is no reasonable debate that Trump only got the tiny support he fessed to."
The lefts standards are certainly quite...elastic.
so said...
Kirsten synema is next up in the fraud department, wannabe Latina and fraud.
She has quite a record. I watched some of the debate lats night and she lies very well.
The Andy McCarthy column on her is pretty devastating but the left will ignore treason. After all, they ran John Kerry.
Last week it emerged that, in 2003, Democratic Senate hopeful Kyrsten Sinema had promoted campus appearances by Lynne Stewart, a radical lawyer, while Stewart was being prosecuted for providing material support to terrorism. Having been called out on this, Sinema has distorted basic facts of the case.
Sinema represents Arizona’s 9th district in the House and is locked in a tight race against Martha McSally, who represents the state’s 2nd district, for the Senate seat being vacated by Republican Jeff Flake.
As it happens, Ms. Stewart, who died in 2017, was my main adversary in the 1995 terrorism prosecution of her client, Omar Abdel Rahman, better known as the “Blind Sheikh.” Abdel Rahman (who also died in 2017, just a few weeks before Stewart) was the jihadist whom Stewart was convicted of abetting; she helped him communicate with his murderous Egyptian terrorist organization from the American prison where he was serving a life sentence.
I am thus in a position to counter Representative Sinema’s misrepresentations about her advocacy on Stewart’s behalf.
I've met Martha and it looks like the NeverTrumpers have finally gotten behind her campaign. She will be a great Senator.
it is false beyond (reasonable) debate that Trump's success was largely funded and his failures were largely covered by dad's $$$
I disagree.
Matthew Sablan said...
-- I find that hard to believe, considering they asked to use her as a statistic.
I think it is more likely that they scrupulously avoided referencing it while still considering it.
I think you're seeing the difference between what how University Administration works and how hiring committees work.
"The Left:
1. Paleface Warren is an Indian.
2. But Paleface Warren did not use her 'minority' status to get a prestigious tenured slot at Harvard.
The Sane:
1. Paleface Warren is not an Indian.
2. But Paleface Warren used a phony 'minority' status to get a prestigious tenured slot at Harvard."
The Accurate:
1. Warren believes herself to have Indian ancestry.
2. Warren used this long-believed minority status in hope it would help her get a prestigious teaching job at Harvard.
3. Perhaps it did, perhaps it didn't. All at Harvard who have been asked say it did not, but they could be wrong or lying.
You can make claims with no evidence,
Right. No evidence. Like Warren's Indian ancestry.
The Globe article does point out that the Dean of the Law School at the time was gung ho to hire a woman. That would have cut down the candidates.
Out of 424 applicants someone was going to be best. Weirdly enough they hired a person capable of impacting a national debate and running successfully for the U.S. Senate.
Henry, you could be right but it is unlikely that her Rutgers Law School history was "the best of 424 candidates."
At least she passed the Bar, unlike Hillary.
"The lefts standards are certainly quite...elastic."
So, as we see, are the right's.
Cookie said: "1. Warren believes herself to have Indian ancestry."
Just because you think this doesn't make it accurate.
When "Craig" goes away, will "Chuck" appear ?
Rush suggests Warren has DNA links to Columbian drug cartels.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Warren never claimed full blooded Amerindian hertigage. She never claimed Cherokee citizenship. Her DNA test results show she wasn’t lying. All the spin the right is doing is nothing more than wheels spinning, going no where. Transparent and telling, the fear of Warren by the right is very evident.
10/16/18, 10:08 AM
Jeeze Inga, that is good for trolling, but even better would be that it is impossible to disprove Warrens claim because Cherokee DNA is unavailable for comparison. Surprised that talking point is not yet out there.
At least she passed the Bar, unlike Hillary.
And Warren was lactating while taking the exam, too. I heard her story and believe it.
Michael K: "When "Craig" goes away, will "Chuck" appear ?"
If history has taught us anything, the answer is "yes".
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