Hillary Clinton says her husband´s affair with an intern was NOT an abuse of power because a then-22-year-old Monica Lewinsky ´was an adult´ at the time
Brazil: Top restaurant demonizes Bolsonaro supporters, finds itself empty American Thinker, by Monica Showalter
The beauty of the Hillary tour is that it shows the Democrats for the hypocrites that they are on #MeToo for all to see. Every word they say digs the hole deeper. Whose paying $750 for tickets anyway?
Al Kooper who knows something about stones that roll has a great radio show called "New Music for Old People". It's available as a downloadable podcast. It's broadcast out of Martha's Vineyard. Go to the link below and scroll down. You'll see it. Good stuff.
As feminists were busy peddling their “War on Women” narrative in the U.S., Yazidi sex slave survivor Nadia Murad was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize for fighting a real War on Women in the Middle East.
Nadia was honored for her efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war, together with Dr. Denis Mukwege of the Democratic Republic of Congo, who has been a relentless healer and advocate for women.
Their stories serve as an important reminder that as American women debate what constitutes enough evidence to block a nominee from taking a seat on the Supreme Court, corroboration and evidence are abundant in places such as northern Iraq, where hundreds of women and girls are still enslaved and routinely subjected to rape.
American women are the most pampered in the world.
@Seeing Red, what Hillary said was perfectly true (hard to believe, I know, but bear with me) but (you knew there was a “but” coming, right?) sort of a non sequitur. He was not impeached for cheating on Hillary, he was impeached for committing felony perjury.
I can't really agree with that. Monica was an adult, but she was an intern, a subordinate. If what Bill did to her wasn't an abuse of power, than a bunch of what Harvey Weinstein did wasn't either. They're all adults, after all.
“American women are the most pampered in the world.“
And well they should be. American men are some of the best men in the world. Good men tend to love and enjoy pampering good women. It’s a way of saying “thank you for your service.” Especially to good mothers.
Big Mike said... @Seeing Red, what Hillary said was perfectly true (hard to believe,
Not true. The victim being an adult has no bearing on consent. A subordinate can't give informed consent. (I have been thoroughly lectured by my betters on this)
Out here in the low desert, it's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Seems like we have waited an eternity for beloved October, and here it is. I'm going outside and I'm not coming in for the next six months.
Republicans, according to Real Clear Politics, have 50 seats in the Senate locked up. Of the six states that are listed as toss-ups, five are trending Republican with four polling outside the margin of error.
Earlier this year I asserted a final tally of 55-56 Republican Senators. That estimate now looks like the lower bound on Republican Senators. I have recently increased my prediction to 57-58 but I view the increased number as a 50/50 proposition.
I think the appropriate Over-Under for Republican senators is 56.5 but no betting is legal and Althouse does not allow wagers on her website.
Note to James K., iowan2, and anyone else. Both Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton agree that she initiated the affair. Today it makes no difference who started what, but my recollection is that in the 1990s it certainly did make a difference.
@Birkel, I am seeing the same thing, i.e., 55-45 GOP in the Senate, maybe better. There is no recent polling in Montana or West Virginia so who knows what's happening there. Also, it appears that the Republicans will keep the House, however there are still three weeks and two days to go. Lots can happen.
I have been predicting a red wave for awhile now. Bigger majority in the Senate and retain the House. (I should note that I also predicted that Obama would lose to Romney)
Gahrie, I gave Trump a 40% chance just before the election, so my predictions are not exactly great. But I had Romney losing in an ass whooping. I thought Obama had done enough injury to American institutions that Democrats would be nearly invincible.
Watching Trump dismantle the Obama legacy (if not the cultural rot) has been a thing of beauty.
Both Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton agree that she initiated the affair. Today it makes no difference who started what, but my recollection is that in the 1990s it certainly did make a difference.
Nope. He could have declined and transitioned her someplace else.
If you wish to survive a sex scandal, it helps enormously to be a Democrat. Still, I don't see how Bill Clinton can continue to function in this climate.
I wonder if Ethel Rosenberg is eligible to #metoo status. She could have walked with a relatively light sentence if she had admitted her guilt. Instead, she protested her innocence to the very end and died in the electric chair. The propaganda of the deed. I wonder if she was bullied by her husband into not copping a plea. It was such a stupid and self destructive decision that outside forces must have played a role......Or maybe she decided on her own free will for reasons of political activism. Can that be? Can women deliberately lie in order to advance a political cause?
Sunday July 2, 1978 The last linotype issue of the NY Times.
That day, 60 linotypes were waiting to be hauled away, and the last 60 used for the last issue would be junked the next day. The famous "Etaoin Shrdlu" never to accidentally appear in any more newspapers.
Pressmen interviewed said they were learning new computerized methods, and many were being forced to retire, as being too old to retrain.
Little did they know, the computer methods they were learning would soon be obsolete as well, not surviving 100 years like the linotype.
Most would have never fathomed that newspapers themselves would be obsolete.
In the linotype film the guy keeps saying "măʹtrĭks" for "matrix". Which I've found is an alternative pronunciation of "māʹtrĭks".
I thought he was calling the little molds "mattress" and thought it was some New York thing... Then I saw an Italian film on the linotype and he used the same soft "a".
@Etienne: Thanks for the flashback. My dad was an ITU printer in Madison and was "eased out" in 1977. A bitter strike followed which I saw up close. It literally changed my life.
Here you will find links to two of the most ravishingly beautiful songs you have ever heard — Catalan folksongs of the Middle Ages sung by Montserrat Figueras http://kenblogic.blogspot.com/2018/10/catalan-folksongs-el-comte-arnau.html
My dad was lucky to retire from the Teamsters in 1978. The next year the company he worked for closed, and reopened later that year as a non-union automated operation. They only needed unskilled labor.
All the other younger Teamsters had to return to the Union Hall, but most never found work with the Union again, even though they had seniority.
While watching/listening to the talk shows tomorrow, ask yourself who said:
"I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”?
I own a photographic print of some linotype casts taken by Palladian. I bought it here late one night on the spot after he posted a photo of it. It's above my desk. It resonated with me which is why I bought it.
My oldest brother worked for RCA data telecommunications in the late 70's, and I remember going with him to small newspaper offices. They had paper tape punches from all the newswires feeding into big plastic garbage cans.
Then every now and then, the trash can would be moved to the high speed paper tape reader and input into the computer, and the paper tape put in a Dempsey dumpster paper recycling bin.
Later, the feeds went direct to the computer, but there was a technology step of a few years to speed-up the wire services. I remember one of them was via shortwave radio, if you can imagine that.
Neat place / farm, like Williamsburg. My daughters elementary went there yearly.
OCTOBER 14, 2018 PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: Guy with re-enacting business supports Trump on social media. Anti-Trump people inside and outside of school districts launch boycott of his business. Response: A civil rights lawsuit. Looks pretty good to me. (Bumped).
Those are the famous words of Adolph Hitler in 1923.
Close. Barack Obama.
This quote-- “I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director” -- was attributed to Obama by Patrick Gaspard, who was Obama’s first White House political director, in an interview with The New Yorker in November 2008.
The Daily Beast has a piece on the "forever" water crisis in Gaza wherein wells are dry and are contaiminated by seawater and ecoli. But fault is found with the Israelis who restrict goods shipped into Gaza - which can be used by the Hamas military to kill and maim Israelis. But Gaza residents are really being killed by the drastic shortage of drinking water made worse by the shutdown of electricity for many hours every day - resulting in the contamination of even salty sea water because of a grossly inadequate sewage disposal system.
Hamas doesn't care, and nothings is done by the terrorists-in-charge to help their people so the Israelis and the world are supposed to fix the problem and pay for it, in order that weapons of mass destruction can continue to smuggled into the Gaza Strip to do in the jews.
It seems to me that the solution is simple in concept but perhaps more complex in execution: We call it "Guns for Butter." But politically, the world powers want to divide up Israeli territory between the Israelis and the "Palestinians" into separate nations in order to bring peace but Hamas has never agreed to stop hating and killing, so a suffering populous is the desired status quo. Sadly, inhumane cruelty can only be stopped by an even more inhumane war.
The cry-in-your-beer Daily Beast piece doesn't say what I just did - but it should have.
Etienne said... My dad was lucky to retire from the Teamsters in 1978.
Ex-con and President of the Teamsters, Jimmy Hoffa, who bragged about his connections with organized crime, spent many years sucking up Teamster pension funds for his own benefit; then on July 30, 1975, Jimmy disappeared off the face of the earth, apparently done in by his mob buddies.
So your Dad was lucky that funds were still available to pay his pension
I find it curious that the article about a 70 year old Feminist who SCREAMED at her husband of 50 years for half an hour for being essentially a man was missed by Althouse.
But it was in a niche publication: the Washington Post.
The writers rant was 'men should fix anything we don't like in men'. Granted, she feels no responsibility to fix everything in women that men don't like. Funny that.
This rage was rationalized and justified because 'Kavanaugh'. Or should I say 'abortion'. This is not a good look on Feminism.
If a man had spent as much time yelling at a woman, mobs of her friends would have dragged her out of that 'abusive' house. No one would have asked a question if she set his bed on fire. Because 'female privilege'.
This was a Feminist and a Newspaper beclowning themselves with misandry and incredible lack of self awareness.
As noted by another link others brought up, the liberal men are getting fed up with the constant demonization and walking away from their co-dependent relationships.
That reminds me. Right after Trump’s election David Brooks, resident designated conservative for the New York Times, pledged to get out to flyover country and meet with people to find out what he had gotten so wrong about the electorate. Does anyone know whether he got west of Newark?
it's an amazing display of the power of the Clintons and the narrative machine of the Democrat Party that of all the shit that Bill Clinton did to women, it's the Monica thing that we talk about. If it was just Monica, everybody would have let it go decades ago, which is why the press branch of the Democrat Party focuses on it.
chillblaine said... I never thank a vet for their service. Ever. They think it's ridiculous.
I have heard that before. Why is that? I never understood the offense at, "Thank you for your service." I certainly DO understand the offense taken, if that line (or any other line!) is spoken with a lack of sincerity, or with no meaning. Is that it? Is it too routine, too ordinary? If that were the case, we'd be banning "Merry Christmas," "Happy Birthday" and "Love you!" as well.
There was a film (mostly a failure) last year called "Thank You For Your Service," and it was an anti-war film about Iraq War veterans dealing with PTSD. All of which more or less confirms my thinking; that some veterans take offense at insincere expressions of "Thank you for your service." The whole thing was a dramatization on that theme, and a critique of veterans' affairs writ large.
For my part, if I thanked a veteran for his service, I would mean it, and I would look him in the eye as I said it. I would hope that a sincere expression would mean something. If I didn't say that, what should I say?
I don't like feeling like a prop to someone else. I know exactly how difficult it was and either thanks are unnecessary (in my case) or nothing less than a ticker tape parade, free beer for a year and hot and cold running interns would be enough.
1. The Santa Monica schoolteacher (as I guessed, she is 72 and on the verge of retirement) who claimed that Stephen Miller was a weird loner kid who ate glue as a 3rd grader was placed on administrative leave while the school district investigates. I predicted something like that, and that her union would ultimately protect her and her pension.
2. A Drudge link pointed me to the story that Elizabeth Warren (with an infamous photoshopped image) may well have Native American DNA. (A tiny, distant amount. No doubt, we would never ever have known about the test results unless it showed something that Warren thought she could live with. Does it mean now that she will be running in 2020?)
3. In his 60 Minutes interview last night, among other things (including a laughable butchering of any thoughtful argument -- which could be made -- against "global warming" hysteria, in which Trump said he thinks the climate "will change back"), Trump said that without his comments at a Mississippi speech satirizing the Senate testimony of Christine Blasey Ford, Justice Kavanaugh would not have been confirmed. WTF. His comments nearly derailed what should have been a sure thing.
4. And on the theme of Justice Kavanaugh, Ramesh Ponnuru at National Review does a nice roundup of all of the malfeasances of the press in the confirmation process; https://www.nationalreview.com/magazine/2018/10/29/full-court-press/
FIDO ~ Funny that you see examples of poor quality women and decide that all women are a bad deal for men.
I sometimes start to worry about my five daughters growing up to find good husbands someday, because there are an awful lot of lame-ass men wandering around in Star Wars t-shirts and unable to last one day without video games and Pornhub ~ but then I remember to look for the good men, and there are a lot of them still. There are a lot of good women, too.
"For my part, if I thanked a veteran for his service, I would mean it, and I would look him in the eye as I said it. I would hope that a sincere expression would mean something. If I didn't say that, what should I say?"
How do you thank your own good mother for her service? Do you call her every day? Every week? What do you tell her? If she's deceased, do you stop once a day to give thanks? Once a year?
In 64 years, I've never known a mother (or a father for that matter) who doesn't appreciate being remembered and thanked by her sons or daughters. At any age. Ever. To think otherwise is ridiculous.
"If I didn't say that, what should I say?"
How about—thanks, Mom, for making America so great for me.
Or are you the sort of son who thinks only of your mother's flaws? Her deplorable flaws. Maybe she has some racism, some sexism. Maybe she has unresolved anger issues toward her own father or toward a husband who cheated on her. Maybe she didn't always give you what you wanted. Maybe she wasn't there when you thought you needed her. Maybe she loved someone else more than she loved you. Do you deride and disparage her to her face? Behind her back? A lot of unhappy children do. Unhappy children in their 50's and 60's.
If so, I encourage and hope you will change. When you're out there, trying to practice your law and play your golf, make an effort to forgive her and all those who have trespassed against you. If only to make yourself great again.
hawkeyedjb said... Trump said he thinks the climate "will change back"
The earth's climate has never been stable in its history, is there now some reason to think this has changed?
I should be clear; I have severe doubts about almost all of the global warmism quasi-religion. I am unconvinced by the hysterical claims, and the basis for any radical changes to our world economies based on modeling. I am a climate change skeptic. Mostly, because the issue is so very uninteresting to me (because I've seen so little convincing evidence), I don't pay a lot of attention to it. On a list of 20 national priorities, I'd rank climate change about 18th or 19th.
And yes -- YES -- the Earth's climate has been in a state of constant change for all of natural history. Yes, I think that is a point of huge importance.
But never in this overheated debate would I expect to get away with a blandly moronic line like, "I think it will change back." What does that even mean? What will "change"? When will it "change"? How will it "change back"?
chillblaine said... I work with veterans. They have PTSD from our fucking wars. They alert to the slightest sound. And we thank them like they just brought our pizza. Never. The veterans I am around only want to be respected and noticed. Not fucking thanked.
Are we talking about ex-wives or veterans?
You are making my point. I DO NOT LIKE THE IDEA OF THANKING VETERANS LIKE THEY JUST BROUGHT OUR FUCKING PIZZA. I favor thanking veterans for their service with a genuine expression of thanks.
Or, is this all part of a messaging campaign? That no one should ever again thank a veteran for their service, and instead we need to spend another $25 billion in VA spending for PTSD issues?
Again I say; let there be no superficial, pro forma expressions of gratitude for military service. But please let there be no bans on genuine expressions of gratitude for military service.
I hope that any veteran to whom I say, "Thank you for your service", and mean it with sincerity, and who is offended by that will get all the appropriate Veterans Administration help that he might need. But that isn't my problem. I will have done nothing wrong.
I still want an understandable clear-English suggestion of what one SHOULD say to a veteran, instead of "Thank you for your service."
Most vets do not have "PTSD from our fucking wars" just like most mothers do not have stress disorders from the sacrifices they've made having and raising children.
How about a decent nod and a sincere smile of compassion and gratitude for a compatriot? Let him say something to you if he feels like it.
That's fine. I like the sound of that. But then, how does a veteran know if it is a "sincere" smile?
Would a veteran be able to judge that level of sincerity the same way that he would judge a sincere "Thank you for your service" from an insincere "Thank you for your service"?
I don't suppose that the actual answer to my question of What SHOULD we say, if not "Thank you for your service" is really "Nothing. Say nothing. Just nod and smile sincerely."
Well Chuck, I think you and I agree. And sometimes a moronic statement from Pres. Trump is clumsy, inarticulate, and mostly accurate.
However he says it, I am grateful that the president is not spending any political capital on wrecking the industrial economy. Woops, I mean "saving the planet."
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९२ टिप्पण्या:
Moss grows fat on a rolling stone.
Hillary Clinton says her husband´s affair
with an intern was NOT an abuse of power
because a then-22-year-old Monica Lewinsky
´was an adult´ at the time
Brazil: Top restaurant demonizes
Bolsonaro supporters, finds itself empty
American Thinker, by Monica Showalter
Live moss!
Moss grows fat on a rolling stone.
Mick Taylor left the group in 1976.
The beauty of the Hillary tour is that it shows the Democrats for the hypocrites that they are on #MeToo for all to see. Every word they say digs the hole deeper. Whose paying $750 for tickets anyway?
Carrying over from that other thread
The left, and a few "American Conservative " readers are all in with the Muslim Brotherhood and Erdogan.
Al Kooper who knows something about stones that roll has a great radio show called "New Music for Old People". It's available as a downloadable podcast. It's broadcast out of Martha's Vineyard. Go to the link below and scroll down. You'll see it. Good stuff.
A real rape survivor wins the Nobel Peace Prize.
Democrats ? Not to be found.
As feminists were busy peddling their “War on Women” narrative in the U.S., Yazidi sex slave survivor Nadia Murad was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize for fighting a real War on Women in the Middle East.
Nadia was honored for her efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war, together with Dr. Denis Mukwege of the Democratic Republic of Congo, who has been a relentless healer and advocate for women.
Their stories serve as an important reminder that as American women debate what constitutes enough evidence to block a nominee from taking a seat on the Supreme Court, corroboration and evidence are abundant in places such as northern Iraq, where hundreds of women and girls are still enslaved and routinely subjected to rape.
American women are the most pampered in the world.
@Seeing Red, what Hillary said was perfectly true (hard to believe, I know, but bear with me) but (you knew there was a “but” coming, right?) sort of a non sequitur. He was not impeached for cheating on Hillary, he was impeached for committing felony perjury.
American women are the most pampered in the world.
True that, and women with elite status, like professors and retired professors, are right at the top.
Just making your audience more selective:
Great autumn photo. But that means winter and cold is coming.
No mas!
Meanwhile back in france:
Per narciso: https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/gulf/2018/10/15/Turkish-police-uncover-blatant-media-inaccuracy-in-Hoggish-tweets-expert.html
I found the 'Solidarity' article below that one to be more interesting. And more telling.
what Hillary said was perfectly true
I can't really agree with that. Monica was an adult, but she was an intern, a subordinate. If what Bill did to her wasn't an abuse of power, than a bunch of what Harvey Weinstein did wasn't either. They're all adults, after all.
That's the league closing ranks but there is nearly nothing to this story.
“American women are the most pampered in the world.“
And well they should be. American men are some of the best men in the world. Good men tend to love and enjoy pampering good women. It’s a way of saying “thank you for your service.” Especially to good mothers.
Big Mike said...
@Seeing Red, what Hillary said was perfectly true (hard to believe,
Not true. The victim being an adult has no bearing on consent. A subordinate can't give informed consent. (I have been thoroughly lectured by my betters on this)
"But that means winter and cold is coming."
Out here in the low desert, it's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Seems like we have waited an eternity for beloved October, and here it is. I'm going outside and I'm not coming in for the next six months.
Moss grows fat on a rolling stone.
madAsHell replied:
"Mick Taylor left the group in 1976"
Interesting take on that song lyric. Or am I just out of the loop?
Republicans, according to Real Clear Politics, have 50 seats in the Senate locked up. Of the six states that are listed as toss-ups, five are trending Republican with four polling outside the margin of error.
Earlier this year I asserted a final tally of 55-56 Republican Senators. That estimate now looks like the lower bound on Republican Senators. I have recently increased my prediction to 57-58 but I view the increased number as a 50/50 proposition.
I think the appropriate Over-Under for Republican senators is 56.5 but no betting is legal and Althouse does not allow wagers on her website.
Meade, I don't think I would thank my wife for "servicing" me, or anyone for that matter. I get the sentiment, just bad word choice #metoo
Note to James K., iowan2, and anyone else. Both Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton agree that she initiated the affair. Today it makes no difference who started what, but my recollection is that in the 1990s it certainly did make a difference.
@Birkel, I am seeing the same thing, i.e., 55-45 GOP in the Senate, maybe better. There is no recent polling in Montana or West Virginia so who knows what's happening there. Also, it appears that the Republicans will keep the House, however there are still three weeks and two days to go. Lots can happen.
Iowan2, when you thank a vet for his service, I doubt you are thanking him for servicing you. Right?
Big Mike,
I think that 55 is a lower bound.
We may have known different service members. Or member servicers.
Big Mike, it's 2018, good leftist live and breath by applying today's standard to yesterdays events. But I like your spirit.
“... stretch out on the velvety green carpet and chat all night” and you might wake up with some bitter ants.
@iowan2, it comes from living 72 years and remembering when Davy Crockett was s hero and not a callous oppressor of Native Americans.
🎵Born on s mountain top in Tennessee
Greenest state in the Land of the Free 🎶
It’s always been my understanding that even the perception of an imbalanced relationship was problematic.
Mr. Clinton’s behavior would’ve gotten him fired by the board of any corporation in America.
So why couldn’t we fire him?
Herman Cain was forced to drop out of the 2012 primary race due to allegations of impropriety and yet Democrats still defend Bill Clinton.
Big Mike,
I had that song on a Disney album. 33 speed, as I recall.
It’s always been my understanding that even the perception of an imbalanced relationship was problematic.
Mr. Clinton’s behavior would’ve gotten him fired by the board of any corporation in America.
President Clinton signed the law that made what he did explicitly illegal.
I have been predicting a red wave for awhile now. Bigger majority in the Senate and retain the House. (I should note that I also predicted that Obama would lose to Romney)
Narciso asserts: That's the league closing ranks but there is nearly nothing to this story.
The story, IMO, is the apparent need to tell it.
The narrative I mean, it's understandable that they would close ranks.
I gave Trump a 40% chance just before the election, so my predictions are not exactly great. But I had Romney losing in an ass whooping. I thought Obama had done enough injury to American institutions that Democrats would be nearly invincible.
Watching Trump dismantle the Obama legacy (if not the cultural rot) has been a thing of beauty.
Both Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton agree that she initiated the affair. Today it makes no difference who started what, but my recollection is that in the 1990s it certainly did make a difference.
Nope. He could have declined and transitioned her someplace else.
Nancy Reagan was right. Just say No.
If you wish to survive a sex scandal, it helps enormously to be a Democrat. Still, I don't see how Bill Clinton can continue to function in this climate.
I wonder if Ethel Rosenberg is eligible to #metoo status. She could have walked with a relatively light sentence if she had admitted her guilt. Instead, she protested her innocence to the very end and died in the electric chair. The propaganda of the deed. I wonder if she was bullied by her husband into not copping a plea. It was such a stupid and self destructive decision that outside forces must have played a role......Or maybe she decided on her own free will for reasons of political activism. Can that be? Can women deliberately lie in order to advance a political cause?
Sunday July 2, 1978 The last linotype issue of the NY Times.
That day, 60 linotypes were waiting to be hauled away, and the last 60 used for the last issue would be junked the next day. The famous "Etaoin Shrdlu" never to accidentally appear in any more newspapers.
Pressmen interviewed said they were learning new computerized methods, and many were being forced to retire, as being too old to retrain.
Little did they know, the computer methods they were learning would soon be obsolete as well, not surviving 100 years like the linotype.
Most would have never fathomed that newspapers themselves would be obsolete.
IF the blue wave isn’t ....
Can u hear us now?
In the linotype film the guy keeps saying "măʹtrĭks" for "matrix". Which I've found is an alternative pronunciation of "māʹtrĭks".
I thought he was calling the little molds "mattress" and thought it was some New York thing... Then I saw an Italian film on the linotype and he used the same soft "a".
Now you know... hee
"American women are the most pampered in the world."
Objection! Overly broad!
Calloused, perhaps. But that's from rough treatment, by louses.
@Etienne: Thanks for the flashback. My dad was an ITU printer in Madison and was "eased out" in 1977. A bitter strike followed which I saw up close. It literally changed my life.
Here you will find links to two of the most ravishingly beautiful songs you have ever heard — Catalan folksongs of the Middle Ages sung by Montserrat Figueras http://kenblogic.blogspot.com/2018/10/catalan-folksongs-el-comte-arnau.html
The best Linotype story, Fredric Brown's "The Angelic Angleworm". (Link works, but probably is not authorized. OTOH, Brown is dead).
My dad was lucky to retire from the Teamsters in 1978. The next year the company he worked for closed, and reopened later that year as a non-union automated operation. They only needed unskilled labor.
All the other younger Teamsters had to return to the Union Hall, but most never found work with the Union again, even though they had seniority.
P.S. The linotype machine had asbestos in the casting part, and was used to keep the lead hot.
So these guys had both lead poising and asbestos poisoning. But what really killed them was Meat and Potatoes and a plump wife in an apron.
Resonating some understanding
While watching/listening to the talk shows tomorrow, ask yourself who said:
"I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”?
I own a photographic print of some linotype casts taken by Palladian. I bought it here late one night on the spot after he posted a photo of it. It's above my desk. It resonated with me which is why I bought it.
...ask yourself who said...
Those are the famous words of Adolph Hitler in 1923.
My oldest brother worked for RCA data telecommunications in the late 70's, and I remember going with him to small newspaper offices. They had paper tape punches from all the newswires feeding into big plastic garbage cans.
Then every now and then, the trash can would be moved to the high speed paper tape reader and input into the computer, and the paper tape put in a Dempsey dumpster paper recycling bin.
Later, the feeds went direct to the computer, but there was a technology step of a few years to speed-up the wire services. I remember one of them was via shortwave radio, if you can imagine that.
Red Sox and Astros series also off to a good start. All four teams left are very good. Love baseball
1st and 14th amendment lawsuit.
Neat place / farm, like Williamsburg. My daughters elementary went there yearly.
OCTOBER 14, 2018
PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: Guy with re-enacting business supports Trump on social media. Anti-Trump people inside and outside of school districts launch boycott of his business. Response: A civil rights lawsuit. Looks pretty good to me. (Bumped).
Etienne said...
...ask yourself who said...
Those are the famous words of Adolph Hitler in 1923.
Close. Barack Obama.
This quote-- “I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director” -- was attributed to Obama by Patrick Gaspard, who was Obama’s first White House political director, in an interview with The New Yorker in November 2008.
The Daily Beast has a piece on the "forever" water crisis in Gaza wherein wells are dry and are contaiminated by seawater and ecoli. But fault is found with the Israelis who restrict goods shipped into Gaza - which can be used by the Hamas military to kill and maim Israelis. But Gaza residents are really being killed by the drastic shortage of drinking water made worse by the shutdown of electricity for many hours every day - resulting in the contamination of even salty sea water because of a grossly inadequate sewage disposal system.
Hamas doesn't care, and nothings is done by the terrorists-in-charge to help their people so the Israelis and the world are supposed to fix the problem and pay for it, in order that weapons of mass destruction can continue to smuggled into the Gaza Strip to do in the jews.
It seems to me that the solution is simple in concept but perhaps more complex in execution: We call it "Guns for Butter." But politically, the world powers want to divide up Israeli territory between the Israelis and the "Palestinians" into separate nations in order to bring peace but Hamas has never agreed to stop hating and killing, so a suffering populous is the desired status quo. Sadly, inhumane cruelty can only be stopped by an even more inhumane war.
The cry-in-your-beer Daily Beast piece doesn't say what I just did - but it should have.
Etienne said...
My dad was lucky to retire from the Teamsters in 1978.
Ex-con and President of the Teamsters, Jimmy Hoffa, who bragged about his connections with organized crime, spent many years sucking up Teamster pension funds for his own benefit; then on July 30, 1975, Jimmy disappeared off the face of the earth, apparently done in by his mob buddies.
So your Dad was lucky that funds were still available to pay his pension
Good men tend to love and enjoy pampering good women. It’s a way of saying “thank you for your service.”
And as thanks for loving and pampering women, 60-70% of these women divorce their men and take their kids, their homes and half their stuff.
Or were you saying the 'non divorcing' women are the only good women?
The service quality has gone down and the price of service has gone up.
There are legitimate critiques to how women are acting these days.
Tom Brady still has it. Sad.
I find it curious that the article about a 70 year old Feminist who SCREAMED at her husband of 50 years for half an hour for being essentially a man was missed by Althouse.
But it was in a niche publication: the Washington Post.
The writers rant was 'men should fix anything we don't like in men'. Granted, she feels no responsibility to fix everything in women that men don't like. Funny that.
This rage was rationalized and justified because 'Kavanaugh'. Or should I say 'abortion'. This is not a good look on Feminism.
If a man had spent as much time yelling at a woman, mobs of her friends would have dragged her out of that 'abusive' house. No one would have asked a question if she set his bed on fire. Because 'female privilege'.
This was a Feminist and a Newspaper beclowning themselves with misandry and incredible lack of self awareness.
As noted by another link others brought up, the liberal men are getting fed up with the constant demonization and walking away from their co-dependent relationships.
As the old joke says:
Why do men die before women?
Because they want to.
Can u hear us now?
That reminds me. Right after Trump’s election David Brooks, resident designated conservative for the New York Times, pledged to get out to flyover country and meet with people to find out what he had gotten so wrong about the electorate. Does anyone know whether he got west of Newark?
Can you imagine having to work as a Conservative in the NYTs?
Knowing Sarah "White people smell like dogs when they are wet" Jeong is going to possibly edit your work?
Meade, I don't think I would thank my wife for "servicing" me, or anyone for that matter.
I always thought that the stud serviced the mare.
it's an amazing display of the power of the Clintons and the narrative machine of the Democrat Party that of all the shit that Bill Clinton did to women, it's the Monica thing that we talk about. If it was just Monica, everybody would have let it go decades ago, which is why the press branch of the Democrat Party focuses on it.
Forcible rape complete with blood and torn clothes and a crying victim is just too hard to think about in the same sentence as Billy Blythe.
chillblaine said...
I never thank a vet for their service. Ever. They think it's ridiculous.
I have heard that before. Why is that? I never understood the offense at, "Thank you for your service." I certainly DO understand the offense taken, if that line (or any other line!) is spoken with a lack of sincerity, or with no meaning. Is that it? Is it too routine, too ordinary? If that were the case, we'd be banning "Merry Christmas," "Happy Birthday" and "Love you!" as well.
There was a film (mostly a failure) last year called "Thank You For Your Service," and it was an anti-war film about Iraq War veterans dealing with PTSD. All of which more or less confirms my thinking; that some veterans take offense at insincere expressions of "Thank you for your service." The whole thing was a dramatization on that theme, and a critique of veterans' affairs writ large.
For my part, if I thanked a veteran for his service, I would mean it, and I would look him in the eye as I said it. I would hope that a sincere expression would mean something. If I didn't say that, what should I say?
I don't like feeling like a prop to someone else. I know exactly how difficult it was and either thanks are unnecessary (in my case) or nothing less than a ticker tape parade, free beer for a year and hot and cold running interns would be enough.
Following up from earlier blog posts:
1. The Santa Monica schoolteacher (as I guessed, she is 72 and on the verge of retirement) who claimed that Stephen Miller was a weird loner kid who ate glue as a 3rd grader was placed on administrative leave while the school district investigates. I predicted something like that, and that her union would ultimately protect her and her pension.
2. A Drudge link pointed me to the story that Elizabeth Warren (with an infamous photoshopped image) may well have Native American DNA. (A tiny, distant amount. No doubt, we would never ever have known about the test results unless it showed something that Warren thought she could live with. Does it mean now that she will be running in 2020?)
3. In his 60 Minutes interview last night, among other things (including a laughable butchering of any thoughtful argument -- which could be made -- against "global warming" hysteria, in which Trump said he thinks the climate "will change back"), Trump said that without his comments at a Mississippi speech satirizing the Senate testimony of Christine Blasey Ford, Justice Kavanaugh would not have been confirmed. WTF. His comments nearly derailed what should have been a sure thing.
4. And on the theme of Justice Kavanaugh, Ramesh Ponnuru at National Review does a nice roundup of all of the malfeasances of the press in the confirmation process;
Elizabeth Warren: DNA test shows strong likelihood I have Native-American heritage
Likelyhood is synonymous with odds.
Odds are...
Likelyhood is...
Example: Odds are that Jimmy Hoffa escaped to Cuba.
FIDO ~ Funny that you see examples of poor quality women and decide that all women are a bad deal for men.
I sometimes start to worry about my five daughters growing up to find good husbands someday, because there are an awful lot of lame-ass men wandering around in Star Wars t-shirts and unable to last one day without video games and Pornhub ~ but then I remember to look for the good men, and there are a lot of them still. There are a lot of good women, too.
Trump said he thinks the climate "will change back"
The earth's climate has never been stable in its history, is there now some reason to think this has changed?
"For my part, if I thanked a veteran for his service, I would mean it, and I would look him in the eye as I said it. I would hope that a sincere expression would mean something. If I didn't say that, what should I say?"
How do you thank your own good mother for her service? Do you call her every day? Every week? What do you tell her? If she's deceased, do you stop once a day to give thanks? Once a year?
In 64 years, I've never known a mother (or a father for that matter) who doesn't appreciate being remembered and thanked by her sons or daughters. At any age. Ever. To think otherwise is ridiculous.
"If I didn't say that, what should I say?"
How about—thanks, Mom, for making America so great for me.
Or are you the sort of son who thinks only of your mother's flaws? Her deplorable flaws. Maybe she has some racism, some sexism. Maybe she has unresolved anger issues toward her own father or toward a husband who cheated on her. Maybe she didn't always give you what you wanted. Maybe she wasn't there when you thought you needed her. Maybe she loved someone else more than she loved you. Do you deride and disparage her to her face? Behind her back? A lot of unhappy children do. Unhappy children in their 50's and 60's.
If so, I encourage and hope you will change. When you're out there, trying to practice your law and play your golf, make an effort to forgive her and all those who have trespassed against you. If only to make yourself great again.
hawkeyedjb said...
Trump said he thinks the climate "will change back"
The earth's climate has never been stable in its history, is there now some reason to think this has changed?
I should be clear; I have severe doubts about almost all of the global warmism quasi-religion. I am unconvinced by the hysterical claims, and the basis for any radical changes to our world economies based on modeling. I am a climate change skeptic. Mostly, because the issue is so very uninteresting to me (because I've seen so little convincing evidence), I don't pay a lot of attention to it. On a list of 20 national priorities, I'd rank climate change about 18th or 19th.
And yes -- YES -- the Earth's climate has been in a state of constant change for all of natural history. Yes, I think that is a point of huge importance.
But never in this overheated debate would I expect to get away with a blandly moronic line like, "I think it will change back." What does that even mean? What will "change"? When will it "change"? How will it "change back"?
It’s better than “climate denier.”
chillblaine said...
I work with veterans. They have PTSD from our fucking wars. They alert to the slightest sound. And we thank them like they just brought our pizza. Never. The veterans I am around only want to be respected and noticed. Not fucking thanked.
Are we talking about ex-wives or veterans?
You are making my point. I DO NOT LIKE THE IDEA OF THANKING VETERANS LIKE THEY JUST BROUGHT OUR FUCKING PIZZA. I favor thanking veterans for their service with a genuine expression of thanks.
Or, is this all part of a messaging campaign? That no one should ever again thank a veteran for their service, and instead we need to spend another $25 billion in VA spending for PTSD issues?
Again I say; let there be no superficial, pro forma expressions of gratitude for military service. But please let there be no bans on genuine expressions of gratitude for military service.
I hope that any veteran to whom I say, "Thank you for your service", and mean it with sincerity, and who is offended by that will get all the appropriate Veterans Administration help that he might need. But that isn't my problem. I will have done nothing wrong.
I still want an understandable clear-English suggestion of what one SHOULD say to a veteran, instead of "Thank you for your service."
Most vets do not have "PTSD from our fucking wars" just like most mothers do not have stress disorders from the sacrifices they've made having and raising children.
"I still want an understandable clear-English suggestion of what one SHOULD say to a veteran, instead of "Thank you for your service.""
How about a decent nod and a sincere smile of compassion and gratitude for a compatriot? Let him say something to you if he feels like it.
That is if you're not too busy.
Too busy to squeeze it in between your billable hours and tee times.
That's a beautiful photo!
How about a decent nod and a sincere smile of compassion and gratitude for a compatriot? Let him say something to you if he feels like it.
That's fine. I like the sound of that. But then, how does a veteran know if it is a "sincere" smile?
Would a veteran be able to judge that level of sincerity the same way that he would judge a sincere "Thank you for your service" from an insincere "Thank you for your service"?
I don't suppose that the actual answer to my question of What SHOULD we say, if not "Thank you for your service" is really "Nothing. Say nothing. Just nod and smile sincerely."
Meade said...
Too busy to squeeze it in between your billable hours and tee times.
You're describing me like I was one of the Trump kids. Except I don't think they need to bill a whole lot of hours.
Well Chuck, I think you and I agree. And sometimes a moronic statement from Pres. Trump is clumsy, inarticulate, and mostly accurate.
However he says it, I am grateful that the president is not spending any political capital on wrecking the industrial economy. Woops, I mean "saving the planet."
grow up Meade. Peter Pan Syndrome is not a good look on a man.
just grow the fuck up, you child. you boy.
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