Baseball was my sport when I was younger, but I rarely watch now. My Phillies have been unwatchable since Gabe Kapler took over as manager. I don't think he will be happy until his lineup is 8 1st basemen and 9 relief pitchers.
I read the linked article and thought I was being spoofed. The comments at the article (at the time) all said "Am I being spoofed?". It's not a spoof. Heaven help this lady, and any man she comes in contact with.
I lived in Milwaukee in 1982, the last time the city enjoyed a world series. Good old beat-up County Stadium. Yount, Molitor, Thomas. Great times. Hope to see it repeated this year. Good luck Cheeseheads.
The funniest part of the article is when the author describes liberal men as "men who wholly sought us for our strength, our independence and education. The jobs we held or coveted. The degrees degreed in our name."
When I think of my wife of 46 years and the mother of my two daughters, those are not the qualities that come first to mind.
About this alleged Kashoggi assassination in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul: How did Turkey get eyewitness testimony and video clips from inside the consulate, and if they have such, when do we get to hear and see them with a full explanation of how they were obtained?
rhhardin said... Antarctica DP0GVN is on the air 7024.5 but too weak to possibly hear me. I still need that 7th continent. He's the first one I've heard though.
Time for a fullwave antenna! (to paraphrase racing) DX is money, how far do you want to go?
tonight'a words of wisdom: If you start with the premise that the problem cannot possibly be you, then don't be surprised when you can't solve the problem.
Roberto Clemente is the Google Doodle for today. My favorite baseball player while growing up in the 'Burgh.
He was killed flying relief supplies to Nicaragua following an earthquake. The earlier flights had their supplies commandeered by the corrupt government. Some things never change.
A catchers interference play is a preseason error. Inexcusable in a playoff game.
And Bellinger should know Cain is on third so there is no possible throw home. He should have thrown it to third. Lucky that the next hitter didn’t make him pay for that mental error.
This is playoff baseball. These guys need to be better.
Roberto Clemente. 1971 World Series, Pirates vs Orioles.
I followed the Pirates, and baseball in general, all through the ’70s.
Then I went to Germany for 3-1/2 years and lost touch with the sport.
Hard to follow when the games weren’t in the Stars & Stripes until 3 days later and only one game a week was on Armed Forces television—at 2:00 in the morning.
I’ve always thought that Kershaw struggles in some post season games because he tries to be perfect. After watching the Dodgers defense over the years, it’s understandable why he does this. He doesn’t trust his teammates. They make a lot of mistakes.
I just wish Milwaukee wasn't such a crap city. If Boston and Milwaukee go the World Series it will a tale of two cities. One fab and the other gross.
And I will be counting, in that case, on the Red Sox to send Cinderella home crying. But that assumes that the Sox get past the Astros, which I am not betting the farm on.
That insty link to lithub: What a read! How can someone see so many trees but no forest. Also: the comments are gold. I have to wonder if they're always so biting at that site.
Do you think this WaPo op ed has any relation to that LitHub piece?
I yelled at my husband last night. Not pick-up-your-socks yell. Not how-could-you-ignore-that-red-light yell. This was real yelling. This was 30 minutes of from-the-gut yelling. Triggered by a small, thoughtless, dismissive, annoyed, patronizing comment. Really small. A micro-wave that triggered a hurricane. I blew. Hard and fast. And it terrified me. I’m still terrified by what I felt and what I said. I am almost 70 years old. I am a grandmother. Yet in that roiling moment, screaming at my husband as if he represented every clueless male on the planet (and I every angry woman of 2018), I announced that I hate all men and wish all men were dead.
The Democrats have been really working on women's subconscious mind, bypassing their logical faculties, and anger comes from the subconscious too, unmoderated by the conscious mind, because it takes off before the conscious mind can get into gear.
"All these years I silently stood by and watched third-wave feminism (with assistance from the radical left) methodically take a sledgehammer to Western society as a whole, and males in particular. Foolishly, I hoped things would eventually turn around, only to see things get worse over time. Yet it wasn’t until I witnessed the Me Too movement snowball into an all-out, anti-male witch hunt that I realized good men were in real trouble. Astonishingly, after having been an advocate for women my entire adult life, I quickly learned I was still considered the ‘enemy,’ simply for being a man.”
Yet in that roiling moment, screaming at my husband as if he represented every clueless male on the planet (and I every angry woman of 2018), I announced that I hate all men and wish all men were dead.
I would be out of there in a New York Minute but he may be a pussy.
Like most Democrats, I reacted to the stunning 2016 election of Donald Trump with a combination of confusion and dread. After all, Hillary Clinton was the favorite and, to Democrats like me, a Trump victory seemed to portend certain economic disaster, nuclear war, and pretty much the end of America as we knew it.
It's almost as if they got, you will have to excuse the expression, "hysterical." Had they been reading the comments here on Althouse, for example, they would have been warned not to go so far over the top.
The 1997 Marlins, a World Series winning team, had 10 former (or future) Mets on the roster. 10!
Craig Counsell was on that team. Where he won his first World Series ring.
Of the four teams still in the postseason, only the Brewers do not have a former Met on the team (the most famous former Mets on the other 3 are Justin Turner on the Dodgers, manager Joey Cora of the Red Sox, and Colin McHugh - the crucial mid-innings reliever - on the Astros - not to mention their great pitching coach, one of the few guys from early-70s baseball to still be having an impact on today's teams).
Just saying. (in case you are wondering - what it the most number of players who played on another team who were on the same team in a year that team won the World Series? - the 10 Mets on Counsell's 1997 Marlins is probably not the answer. It might be, but it probably isn't).
You know, every now and then you wake up with a pleasant surprise. I don't always sleep well on business trips. On election night 2016 I turned the TV off in my hotel room around 10 pm Pacific Time. Hillary was comfortably in the lead, and all the talking heads were planning for the coronation. So I go to sleep. Hillary was not my choice, but the people can speak at the polls, and if Hillary wins,so be it.
About 3 am the next morning, I was restless and woke up. I turned on the TV in my hotel room. Shazaam! Trump had won. I was not a big Trump fan--but I was and am a very big not Hillary! man. So I was sorta pleased.
DavidD said... I read the comments on that lithub article.
Not one of them was sympathetic to the author’s position.
Yeah, 75 comments and every single one slagged her. Hard to find that degree of unanimity anywhere. I guess the lefties haven't seen it yet to send their flying monkey brigade to support her.
MadisonMan said... That insty link to lithub: What a read! How can someone see so many trees but no forest. Also: the comments are gold. I have to wonder if they're always so biting at that site.
Probably not. They were Instalanched, and the comment system was the same as the one at Instapundit, so it was really easy for Instapundit readers to respond.
I agree with 90% of Sean Hannity's opinions, but I cannot stand to listen to his radio show or watch his television show. He has good guests but then he interrupts them constantly and takes up most of the interview time with his own drivel.
Today on the way home, I turned on the car radio and heard him ask his guest, pollster Doug Schoen to explain why the Democrats were losing ground in current opinion polls.
Schoen said two sentences, something like this:
Well, there are two reasons.
One reason is that there is a big difference between the two coasts and the middle of the USA.
Right then, immediately, Hannity interrupted and launched a meandering monologue packed full of his inane drivel.
I continued to listen until the next commercial break, and Hannity never allowed Schoen to resume his answer.
I thought that maybe Hannity would allow Schoen to resume his answer after the commercial break. Schoen still was on the show after the commercial break, but he never was allowed to resume his answer.
Hannity spent most of that next segment hogging most of the conversation again with his inane drivel.
I hope that egomaniac Hannity gets caught in a sexual-harassment scandal and gets kicked off from his radio and television shows.
That's what happened to Bill O'Reilly, and what a blessing that was for Fox viewers!
Most likely it has to do with the composition of the sample, I prefer Carlson, but they have a gripe with him too. O'Reilly was a tool of the Murdock boys to rebrand news Corp to make it palatable to sky,
Brewers are a natural match for my Red Sox - they both make their fans eliminate all traces of fingernails.
Loving this post-season! Go Sox!
P.S. Annie - Looks like George Webb will have to ante up for the first time since 1987. Good promotion - the Brew Crew should consider qualifying for the free burgs more often.
I was browsing Netflix and I saw a film "American Beauty" and I watched it again. I didn't like it on first viewing but I had heard so many people I like and respect speak well of it that I decided to give it another shot.
And I have to say: they will NEVER EVER make a film like that in the near future again.
Let me count the ways:
-Kevin Spacey
-Man wanting teen girl
-Man IMPROVING himself in male ways instead of Woke Ways
-Man righteously complaining about ill treatment by the women in his life
-Man as hero in the movie.
The story still rankled. White writers whining about serious first world problems and asserting homophobia everywhere. Still lauded liberal values albeit male liberal values. And I hated the daughter, even if she had a nicer rack then her so called hotter friend. But her personality was a -4.
And yes, him wanting and given the ability to nail a teenager...Hollywood isn't that brave anymore.
Blogger Clyde said...They were Instalanched, and the comment system was the same as the one at Instapundit, so it was really easy for Instapundit readers to respond. I noticed that earlier with the stupid Stanford Daily piece trying to defend the attack on the College Republican guy who is Susan Rice's son. I would have bet that every single comment (including mine) attacking the idiot writer came from Insta readers. After reading the WashPo and LitHub pieces I still suspect that those Grievance Studies Hoaxsters may have been behind them.
rhhardin said... Antarctica DP0GVN is on the air 7024.5 but too weak to possibly hear me. I still need that 7th continent. He's the first one I've heard though.
I still suspect that the lithub article was a hoax of some kind. Written by a man, using Nicholson's rules (I know it was just a character) for writing women. I also know that the line in the movie was supposed to make him look bad, but the writer would have to have thought of the line to write it, just sayin.
when more data became available, the researchers discovered that “Medicaid coverage generated no significant improvements in measured physical health outcomes in the first 2 years.” At least at first glance, this would seem to preclude strong claims that any scaling back of Medicaid would cause the death of countless Americans. But that assumes that one gives it a glance.
@FIDO, I read about that. The story seems to be that Feinstein and Harris negotiated an agreement with Trump to fill the 3 vacancies with two conservative judges and a left wing extremist. After their shenanigans with Kavanaugh Trump tore up the agreement, dropped the hard core lefty, replacing her with a third conservative.
Screwing with Bush, father or son, brought no consequences to Democrats. But the man presently in the White House is not named Bush.
I was in Rancho Cucamonga on election night Comanche Voter and at 9:30, the Mexican/American kids who ran The Cask and Cleaver were breaking out the bubbly to celebrate the Trump Victory. There was never a moment after about 6:00pm pst, that anybody had any confidence that that evil rotten crone would win.
Oh, it was wondrous, even for this non trump voter who bought into the program on the spot.
Meade: "Griffey(theElder), Foster, Geronimo. And Sparky! Captain Hook. What a team that was. Unforgettable."
Jackson, Rudi, Catfish, Blue, Fingers, Campy Campaneris, Garner, Holtman, Sal Bando, Dick Williams, Charley O, teammates fistfighting each other everyday, blackeyes everyday, racial strife, owner wants to switch to orange baseballs for night that was a TEAM!
And they won 3 straight of those over the Reds!
AJ, that's the lineup first 4 as I remember it. Annie C, Marge was... special. From a long past era. Her 1990 boys went wire to wire. This Brew crew reminds me a lot of that team.
About 1976, I was at a Braves-Reds game, Dave Concepcion was on the dugout steps sticking his tongue out and doing the old finger through the circled other finger thing to my buddy’s girlfriend. He leaped right over the dugout onto Concepcion and started wailing away for about 2 seconds till the other guys in the dugout started wailing on him. We thought that was pretty sweet.
In 1986, my girlfriend told Alan Ashby (Spring training at Kissimmee)he was fat and gross as he started chatting and working on her right in front of me. He told her I was a loser/nobody, to which she replied that I was gonna be banging her brains out as soon as we got back to the room. Which I did, cause while it didn’t work out in the end due to my lack of ambition, hours and hours of grinding we’re never a problem for us, even after she moved on to that other guy.
As a Giants fan, I hated the Reds! (Although not as much as the Dodgers.) But I had their lineup memorized. And one of my favorite memories was when Little Joe, playing for the Giants at the end of his career, knocked the Dodgers out of the playoffs in the last game of the season with a 10th inning homerun.
After finally talking to my sister who lives in Panama City yesterday, I have to revise my statement about infrastructure after the massive destruction of the region. Tyndall AFB, where we lived for five years as a kid was completely wiped out and may never open again. All of the base housing is 100% destroyed. My sister actually lives in Callaway, which had heavy damage, and she said she has never seen anything like it in her 50 years there. Fortunately, her house survived with a few broken windows and minor water damage. She says it may take two months to get power back on in the region. They have no running water and can't use the toilets either. Incredible that the death toll was so low. There are still thousands unaccounted for but I'm hoping they evacuated and haven't made their way back yet.
Maybe I'm just a band-wagoner, but I'm finding myself watching baseball again after a many-year hiatus - and not just Brewer games. Maybe it's just nice to watch a sport which doesn't cut away to a rules commentator every five minutes trying to explain why a catch isn't really a catch and a sack isn't really a sack.
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१२२ टिप्पण्या:
Baseball was my sport when I was younger, but I rarely watch now. My Phillies have been unwatchable since Gabe Kapler took over as manager. I don't think he will be happy until his lineup is 8 1st basemen and 9 relief pitchers.
Seen at Insty:
LEFTY WOMEN SHOCKED TO ENCOUNTER LIBERAL MEN who are tired of angry #MeToo feminism. “I’m frustrated and embarrassed, my boyfriend of three years said to me, with how worked up you are.”
I read the linked article and thought I was being spoofed. The comments at the article (at the time) all said "Am I being spoofed?". It's not a spoof. Heaven help this lady, and any man she comes in contact with.
Out getters
This series should be a good match up.
Que es beisból?
Dave Roberts tends to over manage.
I lived in Milwaukee in 1982, the last time the city enjoyed a world series. Good old beat-up County Stadium. Yount, Molitor, Thomas. Great times. Hope to see it repeated this year. Good luck Cheeseheads.
Is there still baseball going on? Didn't the season ended back when The Cubs lost the wildcard game?
Re: unknowns post on Lefty Women
The funniest part of the article is when the author describes liberal men as "men who wholly sought us for our strength, our independence and education. The jobs we held or coveted. The degrees degreed in our name."
When I think of my wife of 46 years and the mother of my two daughters, those are not the qualities that come first to mind.
Antarctica DP0GVN is on the air 7024.5 but too weak to possibly hear me. I still need that 7th continent. He's the first one I've heard though.
Is there a designated batter in tonights game?
If so, that would make it 20 players active in the game who are clearly rapists.
At least, thats what the dems/lefties and their trained LLR pets think.
So vote accordingly.
i don't know who posted this; but, is this a joke?
women explain that they are INSANE
Sweet Woodruff!!!
About this alleged Kashoggi assassination in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul: How did Turkey get eyewitness testimony and video clips from inside the consulate, and if they have such, when do we get to hear and see them with a full explanation of how they were obtained?
rhhardin said...
Antarctica DP0GVN is on the air 7024.5 but too weak to possibly hear me. I still need that 7th continent. He's the first one I've heard though.
Time for a fullwave antenna! (to paraphrase racing) DX is money, how far do you want to go?
It's not a joke.
Everyone should read this. It explains alot.
Home run by the relief pitcher! Nicely done!
tonight'a words of wisdom:
If you start with the premise that the problem cannot possibly be you,
then don't be surprised when you can't solve the problem.
My hoped-for match-up, Red Sox v. Brewers.
Roberto Clemente is the Google Doodle for today. My favorite baseball player while growing up in the 'Burgh.
He was killed flying relief supplies to Nicaragua following an earthquake. The earlier flights had their supplies commandeered by the corrupt government. Some things never change.
Clemente was a Marine Corps reservist.
Grandal and Bellinger should be benched.
Mrs. Meade has empathy for Grandal. Wants to give him a hug.
A catchers interference play is a preseason error. Inexcusable in a playoff game.
And Bellinger should know Cain is on third so there is no possible throw home. He should have thrown it to third. Lucky that the next hitter didn’t make him pay for that mental error.
This is playoff baseball. These guys need to be better.
My favorite team is the A's. My second favorite is the Giants. My third favorite is whoever is playing the Dodgers, so go Brewers!
I don’t understand benching Freese.
That’s the overmanaging I was talking about.
But in defense of the move, Muncy hits right handed pitching very well. His right-lefty splits, like Bellinger and Pederson, are pretty wide.
Very few guys in MLB are like Yelich. He hits righties and lefties equally well.
Brewers may win this series in spite of their manager making moves like he invented the game.
Roberto Clemente. 1971 World Series, Pirates vs Orioles.
I followed the Pirates, and baseball in general, all through the ’70s.
Then I went to Germany for 3-1/2 years and lost touch with the sport.
Hard to follow when the games weren’t in the Stars & Stripes until 3 days later and only one game a week was on Armed Forces television—at 2:00 in the morning.
Agree about Roberto Clemente. Outstanding player (It was great to hear Bob Prince announce them. Get your Chicken on the Hill with Will!)
Working on stuff tonight, hope the Brew Crew is doing well.
Red Sox vs Brewers would be a great match up. Big hurdle for my Sox to get past the 'Stros though.
P.S. Gabe Kapler and Dave Roberts are both former Red Sox team members, in fact were teammates on the 2004 World Series championship team.
Yeah no way the center fielder can get Cain tagging up from 3rd so he never should have thrown it home.
if the Brewers and Astros play in the World Series, it will be the two teams that have switched leagues.
I’ve always thought that Kershaw struggles in some post season games because he tries to be perfect. After watching the Dodgers defense over the years, it’s understandable why he does this. He doesn’t trust his teammates. They make a lot of mistakes.
Good news: The security clearances of Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and other Clinton toadies have been pulled.
Bad news: How'd it take this freakin' long?
Oh, Hillary says she asked for her clearances to be pulled. Uh huh. Suuuuure.
I just wish Milwaukee wasn't such a crap city. If Boston and Milwaukee go the World Series it will a tale of two cities. One fab and the other gross.
Thanks mcc. Over managing is right.
With the HaderAde pouring in this game may get late early.
I just wish Milwaukee wasn't such a crap city. If Boston and Milwaukee go the World Series it will a tale of two cities. One fab and the other gross.
And I will be counting, in that case, on the Red Sox to send Cinderella home crying. But that assumes that the Sox get past the Astros, which I am not betting the farm on.
Boston has a lot of cry babies.
All those people who cowered in their homes while the Tsarnaev Brothers were on the loose. Didn’t look good for the city. They came off like pussies.
Boston Strong was a bullshit slogan. Boston was weak.
New York is a cool place. Boston is a backwater. Like Philadelphia.
That insty link to lithub: What a read! How can someone see so many trees but no forest. Also: the comments are gold. I have to wonder if they're always so biting at that site.
I read the comments on that lithub article.
Not one of them was sympathetic to the author’s position.
No way that thing at lithub is for real.
Do you think this WaPo op ed has any relation to that LitHub piece?
I yelled at my husband last night. Not pick-up-your-socks yell. Not how-could-you-ignore-that-red-light yell. This was real yelling. This was 30 minutes of from-the-gut yelling. Triggered by a small, thoughtless, dismissive, annoyed, patronizing comment. Really small. A micro-wave that triggered a hurricane. I blew. Hard and fast. And it terrified me. I’m still terrified by what I felt and what I said. I am almost 70 years old. I am a grandmother. Yet in that roiling moment, screaming at my husband as if he represented every clueless male on the planet (and I every angry woman of 2018), I announced that I hate all men and wish all men were dead.
I too thought that I was reading ScrappleFace.
The Democrats have been really working on women's subconscious mind, bypassing their logical faculties, and anger comes from the subconscious too, unmoderated by the conscious mind, because it takes off before the conscious mind can get into gear.
They didn't there a link that had an al Jazeera clip where they admitted that khashiggi had been taken away, the post also noted this.
Still sure LitHub is a hoax?
She's an Egyptian correspondent based in london:
"All these years I silently stood by and watched third-wave feminism (with assistance from the radical left) methodically take a sledgehammer to Western society as a whole, and males in particular. Foolishly, I hoped things would eventually turn around, only to see things get worse over time. Yet it wasn’t until I witnessed the Me Too movement snowball into an all-out, anti-male witch hunt that I realized good men were in real trouble. Astonishingly, after having been an advocate for women my entire adult life, I quickly learned I was still considered the ‘enemy,’ simply for being a man.”
Not sure it's a hoax.
Whoa! What happened to that last out? Luckily, I'm listening to the radio with the tv on mute.
Yet in that roiling moment, screaming at my husband as if he represented every clueless male on the planet (and I every angry woman of 2018), I announced that I hate all men and wish all men were dead.
I would be out of there in a New York Minute but he may be a pussy.
Dodgers woke up to the reality there was a game.
“One fab and the other gross.”
Hate to break it to you, Titus, this might hurt your feelings, but you fabs no longer rule. We are making America gross again.
Like most Democrats, I reacted to the stunning 2016 election of Donald Trump with a combination of confusion and dread. After all, Hillary Clinton was the favorite and, to Democrats like me, a Trump victory seemed to portend certain economic disaster, nuclear war, and pretty much the end of America as we knew it.
It's almost as if they got, you will have to excuse the expression, "hysterical." Had they been reading the comments here on Althouse, for example, they would have been warned not to go so far over the top.
The 1997 Marlins, a World Series winning team, had 10 former (or future) Mets on the roster. 10!
Craig Counsell was on that team. Where he won his first World Series ring.
Of the four teams still in the postseason, only the Brewers do not have a former Met on the team (the most famous former Mets on the other 3 are Justin Turner on the Dodgers, manager Joey Cora of the Red Sox, and Colin McHugh - the crucial mid-innings reliever - on the Astros - not to mention their great pitching coach, one of the few guys from early-70s baseball to still be having an impact on today's teams).
Just saying. (in case you are wondering - what it the most number of players who played on another team who were on the same team in a year that team won the World Series? - the 10 Mets on Counsell's 1997 Marlins is probably not the answer. It might be, but it probably isn't).
Here we go Brewers, here we go! Here we go Brewers, here we go!
You know, every now and then you wake up with a pleasant surprise. I don't always sleep well on business trips. On election night 2016 I turned the TV off in my hotel room around 10 pm Pacific Time. Hillary was comfortably in the lead, and all the talking heads were planning for the coronation. So I go to sleep. Hillary was not my choice, but the people can speak at the polls, and if Hillary wins,so be it.
About 3 am the next morning, I was restless and woke up. I turned on the TV in my hotel room. Shazaam! Trump had won. I was not a big Trump fan--but I was and am a very big not Hillary! man. So I was sorta pleased.
I announced that I hate all men and wish all men were dead.
I have a sense that she is already quite happy with her vibrator.
Unless she is in the carpet munching club, not that there is anything wrong with that.
Don't spend all your runs on one game!
Running up the score, as the Mrs. likes to joke.
DavidD said...
I read the comments on that lithub article.
Not one of them was sympathetic to the author’s position.
Yeah, 75 comments and every single one slagged her. Hard to find that degree of unanimity anywhere. I guess the lefties haven't seen it yet to send their flying monkey brigade to support her.
You can never have enough runs.
Beisbol bean berry berry good to me.
MadisonMan said...
That insty link to lithub: What a read! How can someone see so many trees but no forest. Also: the comments are gold. I have to wonder if they're always so biting at that site.
Probably not. They were Instalanched, and the comment system was the same as the one at Instapundit, so it was really easy for Instapundit readers to respond.
On Saturday at 11:30 a.m., BookTV will begin featuring the 2018 Wisconsin Book Festival.
On Sunday at 1:20 a.m. former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson will talk about his memoirs.
On Sunday at 3:40 a.m., Dan Kaufman will talk about his book The Fall of Wisconsin, about how the Democrats lost their political control of the state.
Brewer Privilege. Winning 12 in a row should be's Trumpian.
Still not tired of winning.
I agree with 90% of Sean Hannity's opinions, but I cannot stand to listen to his radio show or watch his television show. He has good guests but then he interrupts them constantly and takes up most of the interview time with his own drivel.
Today on the way home, I turned on the car radio and heard him ask his guest, pollster Doug Schoen to explain why the Democrats were losing ground in current opinion polls.
Schoen said two sentences, something like this:
Well, there are two reasons.
One reason is that there is a big difference between the two coasts and the middle of the USA.
Right then, immediately, Hannity interrupted and launched a meandering monologue packed full of his inane drivel.
I continued to listen until the next commercial break, and Hannity never allowed Schoen to resume his answer.
I thought that maybe Hannity would allow Schoen to resume his answer after the commercial break. Schoen still was on the show after the commercial break, but he never was allowed to resume his answer.
Hannity spent most of that next segment hogging most of the conversation again with his inane drivel.
I hope that egomaniac Hannity gets caught in a sexual-harassment scandal and gets kicked off from his radio and television shows.
That's what happened to Bill O'Reilly, and what a blessing that was for Fox viewers!
Most likely it has to do with the composition of the sample, I prefer Carlson, but they have a gripe with him too. O'Reilly was a tool of the Murdock boys to rebrand news Corp to make it palatable to sky,
So they are now attacking Brian Kemp to make way for abrams:
This game has had some intense moments. Nice strikeout of Puig.
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
Washington Post reporter Paul Kane tweets that right-wing anger/mobs played a role in dehumanizing Congress, helping lead to Giffords shooting in 2011
The Dodger fans on the Yahoo boards during their playoffs with the Braves were such shits, I am rooting hard for the Brewers.
Brewers win!
Losing is not how momentum works. That not how any of this works.
Turner swinging at some high pitches.
Good game. Very exciting
Damn Russians.
One more time, you can never have enough runs.
Kershaw threw 75 pitches and 24 were fouled off. Interesting game.
No you would call that entropy not momentum,
Dodgers showed a lot of fight. This could be a great series.
Glad Cain is ok. He seemed surprised he got to that ball.
Brewers are a natural match for my Red Sox - they both make their fans eliminate all traces of fingernails.
Loving this post-season! Go Sox!
P.S. Annie - Looks like George Webb will have to ante up for the first time since 1987. Good promotion - the Brew Crew should consider qualifying for the free burgs more often.
A-Rod and Ortiz scratching their head at Counsell’s use of the bullpen. Lol
Janice Fiamengo on CBF
That insty link to lithub: What a read! How can someone see so many trees but no forest.
No woman must be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything, ever.
No one is going to see this, but here it goes:
I was browsing Netflix and I saw a film "American Beauty" and I watched it again. I didn't like it on first viewing but I had heard so many people I like and respect speak well of it that I decided to give it another shot.
And I have to say: they will NEVER EVER make a film like that in the near future again.
Let me count the ways:
-Kevin Spacey
-Man wanting teen girl
-Man IMPROVING himself in male ways instead of Woke Ways
-Man righteously complaining about ill treatment by the women in his life
-Man as hero in the movie.
The story still rankled. White writers whining about serious first world problems and asserting homophobia everywhere. Still lauded liberal values albeit male liberal values. And I hated the daughter, even if she had a nicer rack then her so called hotter friend. But her personality was a -4.
And yes, him wanting and given the ability to nail a teenager...Hollywood isn't that brave anymore.
Blogger Clyde said...They were Instalanched, and the comment system was the same as the one at Instapundit, so it was really easy for Instapundit readers to respond.
I noticed that earlier with the stupid Stanford Daily piece trying to defend the attack on the College Republican guy who is Susan Rice's son. I would have bet that every single comment (including mine) attacking the idiot writer came from Insta readers.
After reading the WashPo and LitHub pieces I still suspect that those Grievance Studies Hoaxsters may have been behind them.
rhhardin said...
Antarctica DP0GVN is on the air 7024.5 but too weak to possibly hear me. I still need that 7th continent. He's the first one I've heard though.
10/12/18, 7:52 PM
Rh, what's your callsign?
@Mike Sylwester. Re: Hannity. Exactly, painful to listen to.
I still suspect that the lithub article was a hoax of some kind. Written by a man, using Nicholson's rules (I know it was just a character) for writing women. I also know that the line in the movie was supposed to make him look bad, but the writer would have to have thought of the line to write it, just sayin.
I think that the above link about a Democrat coming to terms with Trump's real success as POTUS, referenced above, is better than the LitHub link.
Trump really should have won the Peace Prize for North Korea
when more data became available, the researchers discovered that “Medicaid coverage generated no significant improvements in measured physical health outcomes in the first 2 years.” At least at first glance, this would seem to preclude strong claims that any scaling back of Medicaid would cause the death of countless Americans. But that assumes that one gives it a glance.
It's almost as if the Republicans aren't "mass murderers" that Krugman claimed in the New York Times.
So there is this story:
North West Feminist professor writes article "Why Can't We Hate Men?"
There was a Title IX investigation about it.
I can't seem to find her in the Alt-Archives. Maybe I am missing this.
Good win Brewers, beating Kershaw. You guys are going to be tough to beat.
NL has won the last 5 even-year World Series [2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 & 2016] but I don't think anyone will beat Houston so this NL streak will end.
Three Conservatives on the Ninth.
Does this mean Title IX complaints might actually stand a chance of forcing the Law on women?
I will stay tuned.
Trump is showing us how easy this has been all along.
First, grow a pair.
Second, make them play your game, not their game.
Too bad about Harris and Feinstein and those 9th Circuit picks.
For some good home-state crazy, check out this ex-Grinnell prof.
I miss The Big Red Machine. Bench, Concepcion, Morgan, Rose, Perez.
The Boys of Summer and my Dad had seventh row up over the visitor's dugout season tickets. The seventies were a special time.
Waiting for Yelich to break out of his mini-mini slump.
"Bench, Concepcion, Morgan, Rose, Perez."
Griffey(theElder), Foster, Geronimo. And Sparky! Captain Hook. What a team that was. Unforgettable.
@FIDO, I read about that. The story seems to be that Feinstein and Harris negotiated an agreement with Trump to fill the 3 vacancies with two conservative judges and a left wing extremist. After their shenanigans with Kavanaugh Trump tore up the agreement, dropped the hard core lefty, replacing her with a third conservative.
Screwing with Bush, father or son, brought no consequences to Democrats. But the man presently in the White House is not named Bush.
And in 84, Marge Schott bought controlling interest in the Reds and things got weird.
Meade - what was the most used batting lineup? Rose, Morgan, Bench Perez, Foster?
Hi fam, changed my photo. Hanging out as chillblaine on Twitter. Today feeling inspired to tell some stories from the bat boy circle. Best. matt b.
I was in Rancho Cucamonga on election night Comanche Voter and at 9:30, the Mexican/American kids who ran The Cask and Cleaver were breaking out the bubbly to celebrate the Trump Victory. There was never a moment after about 6:00pm pst, that anybody had any confidence that that evil rotten crone would win.
Oh, it was wondrous, even for this non trump voter who bought into the program on the spot.
Nice to see all the Clemente love here — what a privilege it was to live in the Pittsburgh area at the right time to watch that man play every day.
"Bench, Concepcion, Morgan, Rose, Perez."
Meade: "Griffey(theElder), Foster, Geronimo. And Sparky! Captain Hook. What a team that was. Unforgettable."
Jackson, Rudi, Catfish, Blue, Fingers, Campy Campaneris, Garner, Holtman, Sal Bando, Dick Williams, Charley O, teammates fistfighting each other everyday, blackeyes everyday, racial strife, owner wants to switch to orange baseballs for night that was a TEAM!
And they won 3 straight of those over the Reds!
AJ, that's the lineup first 4 as I remember it. Annie C, Marge was... special. From a long past era. Her 1990 boys went wire to wire. This Brew crew reminds me a lot of that team.
About 1976, I was at a Braves-Reds game, Dave Concepcion was on the dugout steps sticking his tongue out and doing the old finger through the circled other finger thing to my buddy’s girlfriend. He leaped right over the dugout onto Concepcion and started wailing away for about 2 seconds till the other guys in the dugout started wailing on him. We thought that was pretty sweet.
In 1986, my girlfriend told Alan Ashby (Spring training at Kissimmee)he was fat and gross as he started chatting and working on her right in front of me. He told her I was a loser/nobody, to which she replied that I was gonna be banging her brains out as soon as we got back to the room. Which I did, cause while it didn’t work out in the end due to my lack of ambition, hours and hours of grinding we’re never a problem for us, even after she moved on to that other guy.
Blogger Annie C said...
And in 84, Marge Schott bought controlling interest in the Reds and things got weird.
Her husband, who had a yacht named "Big Schott," was one of the few people I've heard of who was banned from sailboat racing for life for cheating.
As a Giants fan, I hated the Reds! (Although not as much as the Dodgers.) But I had their lineup memorized. And one of my favorite memories was when Little Joe, playing for the Giants at the end of his career, knocked the Dodgers out of the playoffs in the last game of the season with a 10th inning homerun.
Sports always seem better when you were a kid.
I still remember the 80 dodger infield with Steve Garvey and Ron Cey.
Well, this is interesting.
When Roseanne got dumped from her show, all her reruns were cancelled also.
Just now, I see they are back on. Who made that decision?
BTW, did not realize the show originated in the '80's. Family did not make much progress in thirty years.
After finally talking to my sister who lives in Panama City yesterday, I have to revise my statement about infrastructure after the massive destruction of the region. Tyndall AFB, where we lived for five years as a kid was completely wiped out and may never open again. All of the base housing is 100% destroyed. My sister actually lives in Callaway, which had heavy damage, and she said she has never seen anything like it in her 50 years there. Fortunately, her house survived with a few broken windows and minor water damage. She says it may take two months to get power back on in the region. They have no running water and can't use the toilets either. Incredible that the death toll was so low. There are still thousands unaccounted for but I'm hoping they evacuated and haven't made their way back yet.
Maybe I'm just a band-wagoner, but I'm finding myself watching baseball again after a many-year hiatus - and not just Brewer games. Maybe it's just nice to watch a sport which doesn't cut away to a rules commentator every five minutes trying to explain why a catch isn't really a catch and a sack isn't really a sack.
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