September 22, 2018

"What [Christine Blasey Ford is] describing, I saw at parties in 2003 and ’04. Boys trying to take advantage of girls who were drunk."

Said Eric Ruyak, who attended Georgetown Prep in the 2000s — long after Kavanaugh left — quoted — for what it's worth — in USA Today.
"It’s predominantly white, very homogeneous," Ruyak said. "There’s a tremendous amount of wealth, no women, and, quite frankly, male teachers making lewd jokes. I feel badly. I know plenty of wonderful guys who went to Prep. "When I went to Northwestern (University), I saw then how malignant that environment really is.”
The article also quotes Elizabeth Mitchell, "a 1995 graduate of Georgetown Visitation, an all-girls Catholic school whose students often interacted with Georgetown Prep's."
"The re was definitely a heavy-drinking, country club-entitled, future-kings idea that I think prevailed," she said. "You had this culture where mom and dad weren't home, and you had these massive mansions."
Why — given that we're so ready to talk about race in connection with this story — are we not talking about religion? These are Catholic schools, and the teachers there attempt to shape the character of the students.

People are talking about Mark Judge's book "Wasted: Tales of a Genx Drunk," but I'm reading his other book "A Tremor of Bliss: Sex, Catholicism, and Rock 'n' Roll." And there's also "God and Man at Georgetown Prep: How I Became a Catholic Despite 20 Years of Catholic Schooling," but at the moment it costs $1,500, so I can't tell you about that, but you can see from the title Judge is highly critical of his own Catholic schooling.

We're too afraid to talk about religion, even though we've plunged deeply into sex and even thrown race in where there's scarcely any reason. Why don't we talk about religion? There are so many Catholics on the Supreme Court that it's bizarre not to talk about it. Only Breyer and Ginsburg are not Catholic. (Gorsuch was raised Catholic and, like Kavanaugh, attended Georgetown Prep, but since marrying, he has attended Episcopal services with his wife and, I'm reading, refrains from saying whether or not he is Catholic.)


Darrell said...

Totally irrelevant to the issue at hand. The article is useless.
The issue isn't whether anyone has ever did these things, it's whether Kavanaugh would do it.
The only people who can answer that are those that know him/knew him well. Those are the only ones we should be hearing from.

DrSquid said...

I hear that RBG is thinking of converting. She just feels a sympatico vibe with Pope Francis.

PhilD said...

"are we not talking about religion?"

Ex-religion more probably. The 'Catholic' schools in my country are for the most part CINO-schools.

glenn said...

Maybe the Catholics got ahead because they got better educations

BUMBLE BEE said...

You mean, like the cheerleaders fucking the football team, or the whole school? Billy said you Catholic girls start much too late...

rhhardin said...

We're too afraid to talk about religion

The "we" temptation where only "I" makes sense.

Go to sunday school to learn the idiom and then drop it. It's literary training. Unless you're a politician and then it's the carry-a-big-bible trick.

PhilD said...

'I hear that RBG is thinking of converting. She just feels a sympatico vibe with Pope Francis.'

Don't think so. If she wanted to she could have become an Episcopagan a long time ago.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Good point Phil D, just like in America nowadays. SJWs with scapulars.

The Vault Dweller said...

Reading, the USA Today article I don't see how religion plays into the environment, the author is describing. He seems to attribute it more to wealthy families, access to drugs and alcohol, and absent parents, so the kids can throw parties.

I haven't looked at Mark Judge's books, but if he is currently describing himself as Catholic, and wrote a book talking about he is still Catholic despite 20 years of Catholic schooling, I'm guessing he means the schools are more as Phil D described them, "CINO-schools" Catholic in name only.

The big criticism from Catholics regarding, Catholic schools tends to be that the school environments, don't teach Catholic values and morality, but instead embrace a kind of soft leftism. This frequently happens at Jesuit institutions. For example Marquette University, in Milwaukee a few years ago had an incident where a student was told they can't talk about the idea there shouldn't be gay marriage in a philosophy course, because offend gay people. Issues regarding academic freedom aside, this is a nominally Catholic institution forbidding a student from advocating the Church's own official dogma. Marquette just happens to be a Jesuit institution.

DrSquid said...

I think Althouse's notion of why so many Catholics on the Supreme Court is actually a fascinating topic of discussion, but not really at all relevant to the article she chooses to introduce the topic. The conduct of these affluent children in the Maryland suburbs is not a product of their supposed faith or education. I suspect you'd find identical behavior among the public school kids there or in any secular private school. Maybe we just expect better from the Catholics--but then, we are going to wind up with 2 of them from that school on the Supreme Court. Maybe the faculty at Georgetown Prep did effectively shape the character of at least some of their young charges.

PhilD said...

Perhaps my point isn't understood. Meaning 'Episcopagan' = Episcopalian = USA Anglican

PB said...

With all this drinking and sex among the Washington prep school scene (both boys and gjrls), why would anyone go to one of these parties unless you were on board with it all?

I think Ms Ford knew of these things but she never participated and she saw it in later years as a missed opportunity, and a source of her relationship problems as she observed many of those who did participate go on to have great success professionally and personally. She read Mr Judge's book and it painted a vivid picture of those prep school activities, her regrets and jealousy combined to create this false memory of a drunken escapade. Over the years, this false memory was used as the source of her own problems.

rhhardin said...

Boys trying to take advantage of girls is where girls get their sense of personal value.

rehajm said...

Its the Protestants that lead in the standings. Not close

Currently Catholics hold the lead over Jews 4-3 with Gorsuch being a swing vote (raised Catholic but goes to church with the Episcopalians)
Kavanaugh would give the Pope’s team a solid majority for years.

FIDO said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sally327 said...

The Catholics were discriminated against for a long time when it came to things like Supreme Court nominations so, as I understand how these things are supposed to work, a disproportionate number now is simply correcting the former inequity. We shouldn't complain.

Yes it is really true, the Catholics were discriminated against in this country.

FIDO said...

The Leftist Media in America protects criminal Democrat actions the way Catholics protect their Pedophile Priests...and for the same reasons: not to bring discredit to the ideology.

And the crapulence of both have been revealed.

One feels shame about it. Then there is the Media.

FIDO said...

Why is this a religious issue more than a bad parenting issue?

One of those parents should be home supervising. But 'Mom' needs to 'find herself' as an adult instead of helping to form her unformed children.

This is a consequence of these choices.

Darrell said...

I say she never met him at that time.
It was reported that she had made a Facebook comment about doing whatever is necessary to stop another Conservative from being appointed to the Court. Since she was in Kavanaugh's orbit at the right time and place, she made herself the sacrificial lamb to the cause. The book deals and job offers will be just a bonus. She knows there is no downside.

Will Cate said...

He may not say so but despite his Catholic roots, Gorsuch is solidly Episcopalian nowadays -- I've been to his home church in Boulder CO & spoken with several people who've known them for years.

David Begley said...

I’m an alum of Omaha’s Creighton Prep, Class of 1975. It is not a boarding school. Back then, we could work summer jobs and mostly pay for our tuition. We sold raffle tickets to build a new gym. We had our share of rich kids but no different than any other Omaha high school. Today the tuition is less than Althouse’s real property taxes and about one-fourth GT Prep’s. Creighton Prep has a robust financial aid program.

The Jesuits were beginning to become liberal then, but nothing like today. It was not overly political when I was there. I remain surprised how many of my classmates are still Catholic and many of them political and religious conservatives.

Prep was elite only in the sense that we were put through our paces in every aspect of high school: academics, sports and extracurriculars. We were taught how to think hard and critically. I suppose we considered ourselves the best and the brightest only because we worked so hard and pushed each other through competition.

There are key Ignatian concepts and that was pounded into us. Magis. Be a Man for Others. See God in all things. Care for the individual. I see the result in Kavanaugh.

Brett Kavanaugh was an athletic and academic star in high school. It would have been real easy to become the drunken lout he is now characterized as. But he didn’t. He feeds the homeless and did so right after POTUS nominated him. Over 60 girls he knew in high school praised him. He runs marathons, He writes great opinions. His girls basketball team won a championship. The guy is a saint. I doubt his life would be the same without his Jesuit education. Same deal for me. For so many of us, our Jesuit education gave our lives meaning.

But sometimes the Jesuit education fails. Bill Clinton is a Hoya. One of my classmates went to the state pen for trying to frame a guilty guy of murder. (He was a deputy sheriff.) We had our share of alcoholics and atheists. But on the whole, a Jesuit high school education is a great thing,

Of course given the success of Jesuit high schools there is a lot of jealousy, envy and rumors. The thing that has shocked me is that with the exception of the Sacred Heart schoools, no one tries to copy the Jesuit education model. If the Jesuits ran the Omaha public schools, they would cut the costs in half and turn out a better product.

traditionalguy said...

Why does Catholicism set up an education system? Simple. To compete with Protestant Reformed Christianity that was dedicated to education in the translated scriptures which benefited everyone by requiring a literacy standard which became a popular Rennaissance.

Religion remained a group social activity offering acceptance to members. But like football, it functions as a team activity under discipline of coaches with only 11 to 60 players getting the coveted playing time , but with many millions paying money to watch the game, support the team and be included when the team's players are heroes winning awards.
The Christian Religion's business model is an offer to sell the members a sacrificial system that has a priest to kill victims to provide for expiation of the guilt that is generated by the inevitable violation of a list of the group's written and unwritten rules of conduct. Those impossible rules are designed to be violated and atoned for in an endless cycle. That Religion business model thus has its carrott and a stick. But it needs a few respected Judges to function.

bleh said...

Kagan is Catholic?

David Begley said...

DrSquid, “Maybe the faculty at Georgetown Prep did effectively shape the character of at least some of their young charges.”

Bingo. And America is a better place due to Jesuit education.

Creighton just announced it is building new medical and nursing schools in Phoenix. Any one else doing that? Any government? A $100m new building; no tax money.

Mark said...

We were taught how to think hard and critically. . . . But sometimes the Jesuit education fails.

And one of the areas that it fails catastrophically is in the area of thinking. Jesuit thought has given us some of the most distorted, self-serving ideas wholly contrary to truth that both the Church and society have had to suffer for.

The Church and America are a worse place due to Jesuit education.

David Begley said...


Sorry you feel that way. And you are wrong.

Christopher said...

If there's one thing in this entire cluster fark that I'm enjoying it's this feigned surprise amongst lefties that people drink before it's legal.

People under the age of 21 are drinking? Quelle horreur!

Jake said...

I’m prett sure teenage drinking parties are the norm everywhere. Catholic or otherwise.

Bob Boyd said...

They don't need trombones in Iowa. They have all that corn.

Oso Negro said...

Boys! Boys were trying to take advantage of girls who were drunk! This is startling reportage. I wonder if it is possible that any boys might have tried to look up a girl’s skirt? Or thought about a girl in an incorrect way?

PhilD said...

"Why does Catholicism set up an education system? Blah Blah Blah"

TraditionalMoron once again showing his peculiar 'historical' acumen. In a way I'm thankful for Chickers like him. Whatever problems I have with the Church it will never make me into an anti-Catholic. And in a small, incomplete way I have them to thank for it.

Sydney said...

These kinds of parties were standard in my solidly middle class public high school in the late 1970's. Not that I ever got invited. I only heard stories. Have none of these people ever watched a John Hughes movie?

Mark said...

There is a reason that the word "Jesuitical" is not a compliment. It means specious, deceptive, dishonest application of principles.

Mark said...

Notice too that their supporters make an express distinction between "Jesuit" and "Catholic." That's part of the problem.

What is needed is Catholic education, not Jesuit education.

Shouting Thomas said...

Althouse's asshole feminism strikes again.

This Christine Ford was not taken advantage of. She was an enthusiastic participant in the drinking and orgies.

You're a liar, Althouse.

You've created a fictional world in which women have no agency and no responsibility for their actions.

You're awful, Althouse. I'm beginning to hate your guts. You're a compulsive liar.

You've been lying for 50 years that you ever had any kind of bitch. Miss Richie Rich from wealthy suburban New Jersey.

Why are you on this vendetta for revenge?

PhilD said...

Jesuitical. I had a professor in philosophy (an introductionary course) once who was an ex-Jesuit. He became an atheist but I don't blame him. He had at least the honesty to leave the Church instead of murdering her from the inside.

mikee said...

Althouse should embrace the term "Lapsed Catholic" to understand the behavior of so very, very many people raised Catholic.

rhhardin said...


"Father, I helped an old lady across the street, I found a home for a stray cat I found starving in an alley," I began in one such typical appearance, in the shadowy arbor, at the age of eleven or twelve. "I did my homework without being told, and I returned a dime I found in the schoolyard to a boy I knew it belonged to. Instead of keeping it." That was the week that was.

There is a rustle beyond the latticework, as of the cloth getting a firm grip on itself. At last the whispered response: "And now you are puffed up about these things. Spiritually vain."

"I suppose. I put part of the dough I made at the parish bowling alley in the poor box, and let's see, what else? I don't have pimples from impure thoughts, even though I'm old enough to be thinking about girls. My complexion is clear. All that is pretty well under control, Father. Things are in pretty good shape. In fact apple-pie order."

Another rustle in the ecclesiastical half of the arbor, and this time the answer coming quickly and sharply.

"If you wish to confess the sin of pride, then do so without the commercial if you please. Because I'm busy and there are others waiting. Two Hail Marys."

Peter de Vries, Vale of Laughter

Wince said...

“Georgetown Prep has a long tradition of existence to its members and the community at large.”

traditionalguy said...

Alcohol and music has been used as an aphrodesiac since the beginning of time. Ask Dionysis or Hugh Hefner.The boys supply the alcohol aand the music as foreplay and the girls announce when they are drunk and ready as a signal to surrender to making love.

The sexual revolution just made it easier.

Wince said...

The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests - we did.

Michael K said...

Blogger Jake said...
I’m prett sure teenage drinking parties are the norm everywhere. Catholic or otherwise.

They are now but were not 40 years ago. My three daughters all went to Catholic, not Jesuit, high schools.

All those schools had a sports emphasis. The oldest went to Mater Dei, the school the freshman quarterback at USC attended.

I drove them to parties until they were old enough to drive. By the time the youngest was 16, 2006, there was teen drinking but mostly the boys.

This woman who is making these charges is a nut. My theory is that she acquired "recovered memories" during therapy. Mostly, in older women, the therapy is for alcoholism. In young girls, it is eating disorders.

We went through this national hysteria until a man named Gary Ramona won a lawsuit against a therapist who had turned his family against him with recovered memories.

After that court case, psychologists' malpractice insurance excluded "recovered memories" from coverage and the whole fad collapsed. There still are clusters of crazies in places like The Bay Area where this woman lives.

There is also the possibility that it is a setup from star to finish and she is lying.

narciso said...

That leaves out the fact that Holton arms girls were equally privileged, and on the prowl like zz top groupies, 're the expurgated yearbook pics.

If she looked like Deborah foreman and phoebe cates maybe but this doesn't pass the smell test

Oso Negro said...

@ Michael K - Michael, you are awesome, but I would be shocked if your daughters corroborate your understanding that they never went to parties with boys AND alcohol while in high school in the late 1970s. Fortunately, we don’t need them to testify to the Senate. But have you asked them about that lately? :)

Saint Croix said...

There are so many Catholics on the Supreme Court that it's bizarre not to talk about it.

Roe v. Wade

Anita HIll is also Roe v. Wade

And Christine Ballsy Ford is, most obviously, Roe v. Wade

We don't talk about it because there's a lot of repression going on. Abortion itself is a sexual repression.

"I'm pregnant. No, I'm not!"

An inability to discuss abortion honestly and openly is a sexual repression.

Our media has been censoring abortion photographs for 45 years. You want to talk about things that aren't being said? Start with that.

Anonymous said...

Because the Catholicism of the 70s-80s isn't recognizable as Catholicism, which is how we got here with the current scandals. And now all that these schools teach is Moralistic Theraputic Deism, which is also why we're here with the current scandals.

Narayanan said...

I see back and forth on *Jesuit(ical)*
Q: = Machiavellian or alinskyite ??

RigelDog said...

I guess we could talk about Catholicism but it doesn't relate directly to the current Kavanaugh controversy. The high school prep culture at issue isn't just Catholic--Holton Arms isn't Catholic, for instance. I have to admit that my kids went to the exact same sort of elitist Catholic prep schools in our area; however, I am well-acquainted with the non-Catholic elite prep-schools that abound in our area and the culture is virtually identical. I think the Catholic schools TEACH better values, but I can't say that I saw any evidence that the kids at the Catholic vs. the secular prep schools EXHIBITED better values.

Gahrie said...

Our media has been censoring abortion photographs for 45 years.

No woman must be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything, ever.

narciso said...

No discretion and judgement isn't repression, no matter how loud you yell it,

Michael K said...

I would be shocked if your daughters corroborate your understanding that they never went to parties with boys AND alcohol while in high school in the late 1970s.

The oldest was pretty strait laced. She is the FBI agent. The second was probably more into marijuana than alcohol. The youngest had a 16th birthday party where the boys were drinking outside. It was at a yacht club and girls would let boys who had not been invited come in the back door. I had a couple of older brothers as bouncers.

The Georgetown Prep thing involved parents that were gone. I had a friend whose daughter became an alcoholic at 14, from going to homes with no adult after school with friends. My kids had some body at home.

When we went on trips, once the kids were teens, the kids went, too. I once spent two weeks in England with six teenagers. That's another story.

Gahrie said...

"What [Christine Blasey Ford is] describing, I saw at parties in 2003 and ’04. Boys trying to take advantage of girls who were drunk."

What I remember from a lot of parties in the 1980's was a lot of teenaged girls getting drunk so they could let the boys take advantage of them without feeling guilty or responsible about it.

LilyBart said...

Sure, this happened and happens at kids' parties everywhere. That doesn't mean what Ford alleges Kavanaugh did to her happened. Saying these things happen is not proof of anything in a specific case - this is not what justice looks like.

mockturtle said...

even though we've plunged deeply into sex and even thrown race in where there's scarcely any reason.

We've?? You're the one always plunging deeply into sex [and seeing phallic symbols everywhere] and race baiting on a daily basis.

Tommy Duncan said...

"Is he suffering from learned helplessness? I suspect he's simply posing as a man who gets pushed around by a stronger man."

Is it possible Professor Ford is simply posing as a woman who gets pushed around by stronger Republican men?

Ambrose said...

There is a certain arrogance in concluding that your situation was unique. "Yeah, privileged white teenage boys were groping girls. I was there, man, in that toxic environment." Do we really think this doesn't happen elsewhere too?

mockturtle said...

Jake nails it: I’m prett sure teenage drinking parties are the norm everywhere. Catholic or otherwise.

Yes indeed. I remember my brother throwing a party when my parents were away and I went over to help clean up the mess before they got home. Whoever's parents were gone for a few days threw the party. Sad to say, this was par for the course.

Birches said...

These pieces are no better than Ed Whelan's Twitter theories. To no one's surprise, only one is condemned by the msm.

mockturtle said...

"Yeah, privileged white teenage boys were groping girls. I was there, man, in that toxic environment."

Even underprivileged teenage boys groped girls. It was up to the girl to set the limits.

Will said...

Give us a break! This guy attended Georgetown Prep in Washington DC soon after our President (2 miles down the road) proved how cool it was to get blown by an intern in the Oval Office. I'm sure every high school guy in America thought that was pretty cool. This democrat normalized the behavior that all today's Democrats are aghast about. And because democrats continue to protect him, their selective outrage is unconvincing and cynical. It is all politics.

And let's discuss the meaning of the word "is" Catholic.

Catholics and Catholic schools are like anyone else: frustratingly human and imperfect but still with a high awareness that Life can be enhanced by trying to do good for others and living ones life by the Golden Rule. For all of its many faults the Catholic Church is an amazing force for good in this world. Often Catholic Schools are a life raft for urban kids with modest means. Catholic hospitals are everywhere.

Washington DC is a cesspool of manipulative virtue signaling. I would expect the kids that grow up there to be very confused in a way that kids out here in the midwest in small towns are not.

The dance between the sexes is as old as life itself. Everybody wants it and everybody plays a role assigned to them.

15 year old girls who were drinking at parties and interns who were flirting can claim to be traumatized if it makes them feel better but they largely acted to maximize their own popularity and sense of being adult and grown up before they were fully ready to handle the implications. And the same is true of the young men who are also largely posing and playing roles, emulating their parents and President. Parents who outsource values to a high cost school and think they are buying virtue with the tuition are like people who think spending at the corrupt United Nations is going to make the world sing Kumbaya.. A parent still needs to trust but verify and having a big checkbook will not protect your kid and in many cases will actually put your kid in more situations that require maturity and values.

Big Mike said...

Only Breyer and Ginsburg are not Catholic.

I suspect that your information would startle Elena Kagan, who has been through her bat mitzvah.

But I was startled myself to learn that Clarence Thomas has reconciled with the Catholic Church. I knew that he had been raised a Catholic and had attended Holy Cross, but I also knew that he had left the Church, for very good reasons.

Mike Sylwester said...

Senator Diane Feinstein fundamentally opposes Roman Catholics serving as federal judges. She cannot say it aloud, but she revealed her opinion when she questioned Amy Coney Barrett in Senate hearings.

Feintein considers Roman Catholicism to be more than a religion. She considers it to be a dogma that disqualifies a nominee.

Feinstein would not have subjected Brett Kavanaugh to her dirty tricks if Kavanaugh had been Jewish. He is not only a goy, he attended a Jesuit high school.

Anonymous said...

"We're too afraid to talk about religion, even though we've plunged deeply into sex and even thrown race in where there's scarcely any reason. Why don't we talk about religion?"

Sure, throw another irrelevant topic into the current clown show. That "teenagers drinking at parties is a pathology of privilege" shtick just isn't stupid enough on its own. Teenagers drinking at parties? Teenagers, boys and girls, doing the things that drunk teenagers get up to? That the MSM is pretending to be your scandalized sheltered maiden aunt right now is not a good reason for joining in on the stupid. (Maybe you're succumbing here to those "tribal loyalties" you keep talking about, taking this nonsense seriously?)

"There are so many Catholics on the Supreme Court that it's bizarre not to talk about it. Only Breyer and Ginsburg are not Catholic."

When did Kagan swim the Tiber?

Unknown said...

"Yes it is really true, the Catholics were discriminated against in this country."

Yes, this is true, and I experienced this in my youth in a minor way--one might say I experienced microaggressions in today's vernacular. But it's hard to believe that the representation of Catholics on SCOTUS is some form of affirmative action.

Gahrie said...

Even underprivileged teenage boys groped girls. It was up to the girl to set the limits.

It always is and has been. Anything else is rape.

Michael K said...

Washington DC is a cesspool of manipulative virtue signaling. I would expect the kids that grow up there to be very confused in a way that kids out here in the midwest in small towns are not.

I think this is a major factor, The parents did not have to be part of the swamp/government. Friends of mine were orthopedic surgeons and lived in Chevy Chase. They went to all the same cocktail parties with the lobbyists and politicians.

It's more than a uniparty. It's a culture, foreign to 75% of the country.

Paul said...

Folks... boys trying to get girls drunk and have sex has been with mankind since beer was invented.

Back when I was in college, 1976, they did that do.

Fathers warned their daughters not to fall into that trap and fathers also keep a whip and shotgun (or sword back before the shotgun) just for those boys that tried to do that.

Daughters, being away from home for the first time, liked their independence and well, those boys were fun to hang out with.

Nothing new here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

that was the era of Animal House and Porky's too.

The culture - starting with Hillarywoodland - spread the example.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left want to wash history of anything bad using today's SJW standards. Of course, the standards only apply to others, not the left itself.

*Keith Ellison* *Bill Clinton* etc..

Francisco D said...

"What I remember from a lot of parties in the 1980's was a lot of teenaged girls getting drunk so they could let the boys take advantage of them without feeling guilty or responsible about it."

My fiancé taught at a small Catholic college in the Midwest for 25 years. She would completely agree with that statement as it applies to todays college students.

The Crack Emcee said...

"Why — given that we're so ready to talk about race in connection with this story — are we not talking about religion? These are Catholic schools, and the teachers there attempt to shape the character of the students."

I've stopped several rapes in my life, but two stand out:

1) Me, standing between a group of "white" guys and my sleeping friend, an employee of Heidi Fliess, the Hollywood Madam. They thought, since she was a hooker by trade, they could get a "freebee". Not on my watch. If anyone wonders why I'm not more successful, remember: this is not the kind of act that gets you labeled a "cool" guy. Fuck the lames.

2) Me, holding off a pack of blacks and Mexicans of both sexes, who'd been assaulting a woman at the request of the absolutely crazed women in the mob. THAT was one crazy night in 'Frisco.

And I'm sure they were all "good Christians."

robother said...

Many men are prone to heroic fantasies, just as many women are to rape fantasies.

cacimbo said...

I grew up in middle class NJ suburbia. Our high school was a predominately white mix of Catholic and reformed Jewish with a smattering of other religions. Two girls gave birth during the four years - one was a Christian the other was a Jehovah Witness. Like others have said the parties happened all the time. If no parents were away kids would meet in the woods or other out of the way locations. Only the Jehovah kids did not attend the drunk fests/parties. The girls drank as hard as the boys and often times were the pursuer. The attempt to portray this behavior as unique to the rich or white or Catholic or a result of private schooling is just an example of the bigotry which is acceptable among todays chattering class.

sinz52 said...

Shouting Thomas sez: "You've created a fictional world in which women have no agency and no responsibility for their actions."

In YOUR fictional world, Mr. Thomas,
MEN have no responsibility for THEIR actions.

A man should NEVER try to force sex on a woman. Never. Not ever.

Groping might be excused as the misreading of the woman's signals.
But forcing a woman onto a bed is inexcusable. NEVER assume that a woman wants you to force her onto a bed, no matter what you think her signals are.

Before I would do anything rough, I would want the woman to give me explicit permission AND a safeword to stop it just in case.

mccullough said...

Catholics are 20% of the population and Jews are 2% of the population.

They are both over represented on the Supreme Court but Jews are more overreoresented.

If there are 3 Jews on the Supreme Court, there would have to be 30 Catholics.

Jews are also way overrepresented at the Ivy League. They are 25% at some of the schools. Ginsburg, Breyer, and Kagan would go aoeshit if Harvard limited the Jews like they limit the Asians at Harvard.

We also need to discuss how Jewish Hollywood is and the effect of the overrepresentarion of the Jews in Hollywood on its Toxic Culture of Rape, Sexual Abuse, and Sexusl Harassment.

The Culture of Hollywood Jews is no different than the Cukture of the Catholic Priesthood. A group of sick twisted sociopaths is enabled and protected by the resst.

Michael K said...

But forcing a woman onto a bed is inexcusable. NEVER assume that a woman wants you to force her onto a bed, no matter what you think her signals are.

I don't think that is the argument here. The issue is whether it happened at all.

Rick said...

I know plenty of wonderful guys who went to Prep.

This is an admission by a critic that what he describes as pervasive isn't. This is the same sort of thing that happens in every high school in the country. Somehow it's always generalized so even those who aren't participating are judged to have benefited so the critics can justify discriminating against them now. Of course the guilt by association only applies to politically targeted demographics.

wildswan said...

Speaking of stereotypes, this Holton Arms grad is behaving like the very worst kind of woman with an emotional range in the upper registers of privileged neurotic: When I want, where I want, no questions, no one accuses me of anything openly, no one doubts me out loud, cater to my fears, keep me in my bubble - and, all the while, let me lash out and destroy.

The Crack Emcee said...

robother said...

"Many men are prone to heroic fantasies, just as many women are to rape fantasies."

If that's directed at me, I only have one question - why?

wild chicken said...

"soon after our President (2 miles down the road) proved how cool it was to get blown by an intern"

Wait, what? Thought this was supposed to have happened in the early 80s

Bob Boyd said...

Even if you believe CBF, it's certainly conceivable that she's obsessing over something Kavanaugh doesn't even recall. If that's the case, if Ford really is that fragile, is it fair to hold Kavanaugh responsible? And to what degree? What is the fair punishment for being out of line with a girl at a beer party in high school 35 years ago? Is it justice to destroy his life and reputation for something like that?
We were all young and stupid once. Let he who has never sinned cast the first stone.
We learn by making mistakes. It's how we become better lawyers or plumbers or whatever and it's how we become better people.
If you grant that her suffering is genuine, the correct response is to pity Ford for her struggle with something a stronger personality would have moved on from long ago and hope she gets the help she needs.
What's not right is to use her as a political weapon against a man who has lived as good a life as any Irishman could be expected to live, and better than most.

MadisonMan said...

I would wager that the boys were drunk too. Interesting omission from the quote.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

""What [Christine Blasey Ford is] describing, I saw at parties in 2003 and ’04. Boys trying to take advantage of girls who were drunk.""

Oh for God's sake people need to get a grip on reality.

I saw the same thing at parties in 1968. People have seen the same dynamic at parties in 1368.

Drunk teenagers acting out sexually after having alcohol which lowers inibitions. Who knew that this could be a thing? (/sarcasm).

Here is what I learned in 1968. (at the age of 18). This advice still stands at the age of 68. Don't get drunk at parties. Drink sociable but don't get drunk. No on likes or respects a drunk. Go to a party, full of strangers, with a trusted female friend or trusted male friend. Watch each other's backs. LEAVE when you feel uncomfortable. AND....did I mention, don't get drunk. Especially sloppy black out drunk like Blasey Ford obviously did.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I know a busload of Wolverines from the Professor's era. Despite her "not feeling upper middle class" They all were. And all very successful today. Out of state tuition was high. Back in the Prof's era the gig was liquid acid dropped onto the eyeball. Sandoz grade from UC Berkley. White Panthers, Black Panthers not many discernable Straight arrows in Ann Arbor. What's your point?? Can we infer something there as well?

BUMBLE BEE said...

White Punks On Dope! Girls not wanna feel guilty? +100

BUMBLE BEE said...

OH hey, "Don't Forget to Smash the State Kiddies"... Freewheelin Franklin

Freeman Hunt said...

Raise your kids in a middle class environment, even if you aren't middle class. Go big on honor, mercy, and love, those great channelers of male energy. When assessing a school, pay the most attention to the instructors and whether or not you want those people having profound influences on your child.

Freeman Hunt said...

That's my theoretical take anyway.

FullMoon said...

Before I would do anything rough, I would want the woman to give me explicit permission AND a safeword to stop it just in case.

Huh? S7M and Bondage not really the subject this time. Or, is this the current MSM description of the 'incident'?

n.n said...

"I'm pregnant. No, I'm not!"

An inability to discuss abortion honestly and openly is a sexual repression.

Pro-Choice is two choices too late, which is why it was passed as a Twilight Amendment, with a faith-based argument and an areligious/amoral rationalization. It is clearly violates multiple Amendments, universal human rights, scientific facts, and denies women's agency. Selective-child is a wicked solution, a final solution, which preemptively removes after-birth burdens for social progress, GDP growth, and Democratic leverage.

gg6 said...

ALTHOUSE: "We're too afraid to talk about religion". Oh, are we now? Thanks for telling me.
And if we actually ARE "afraid", maybe it's because we know the 'talk' will all be BS, just as it's BS on Sex, Race, Politics and the latest catastrophic hurricane. GIGO

Otto said...

"We're too afraid to talk about religion" As mockturttle observed it is shocking that you of all people is asking the question.
Well i think you are a perfect example of why we ( you) don't talk much about religion. First you had a wispy WASP upbringing : " rarely attended church", I remember having my father's playboy magazine being on full display atop the coffee table".
Secondly you with your pseudo intellectual creds were a perfect target as were other terrified teens for those 50-60s cultural marxist writers telling you to nix religion and go for the basement. And as Bloom stated once the door was opened to the basement- it was full bore down. As I have often said you have a streak of "nostalgie de la boue" in your writings.
IMHO you question is more click baiting than a search for the truth, although you do always want us and probably your kids to question if there is a God.

Mark said...

that was the era of Animal House and Porky's too

Don't forget Last American Virgin.

MUCH more true-to-life, brutally so, than the cartoonish Animal House and Porky's.

And what is that brutal truth? Nice guys finish last.

robother said...

Why? I suppose that heroic fantasies prime men to take action (including the ultimate sacrifice) to preserve the future of the tribe, its women and children. Kind of a complementary survival strategy to priming women of a conquered tribe to survive, so at least half the genes of the conquered can reach the future. Most, maybe all, humans today are beneficiaries of both strategies.

Annie said...

Give me a break. Those girls were not innocent little lambs who were forced to go to those parties and forced to get stinking drunk.

I knew many young women in high school and college who went to those parties to drink and get laid, if the young men were hot enough. One got an abortion after her debauchery and another who got pregnant after a crazy weekend at another university, chose to adopt her baby out to a very grateful couple. In the former, the 'father' didn't know because she didn't know which guy got her pregnant. In the latter, she told the young man she barely knew, and he agreed to the adoption.

This whole thing is a shitshow and the democrats are evil AF.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Annie Sez: This whole thing is a shitshow and the democrats are evil AF.

yes. as asked before- Who has provided the feces? Not a good-faith operator among them

John Pickering said...

Yeah most def those teenage sluts deserved every depravity Ann's readers can imagine, but Ann makes a good point about what is it, really, about all those Catholics on the Supreme Court, and maybe two dudes from the same high school?

Plus as we all now learn more and more about what seems to be a thousand years of child and sex abuse by and among the RC priesthood. What about all these people out there these days, recalling episodes of clerical abuse 30 years ago, and more, and being believed? How are their stories that different than Ford's story? Plus RC priests most adept at coverups. I think Ann's largely nativist protestant background tribe should revive their anti-Catholicism; it's a nice anachronism for Ann to support.

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