"We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine and remember that we are not descended from fearful men — not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular."
I'm reading "Edward R. Murrow: A Report on Senator Joseph R. McCarthy/See it Now (CBS-TV, March 9, 1954)" not because I was looking for old content that resonates with current troubles. I found it because I was looking for a recording of Edward R. Murrow's voice:
The reason I wanted to hear Murrow is that — as I sit at my desk — I'm overhearing the television news, and some of the voices annoy me. There's a modern way of speaking that is informal and often harsh and strangled. I said out loud that I wished they'd get vocal training, but immediately realized that the trained, open, resonant voice I was thinking of would seem old-fashioned and radically uncool.
Then I had my idea. Feel free to steal it and make this for me: A cable news channel with old-school voices, like Edward R. Murrow's. Embrace the uncoolness.
I think this could be very popular, because I see how much people of today love to listen to The Report of the Week ("Review Brah"). Here's his newest:
Like many people, I love listening to this man talk. I don't care what he talks about. Often it's fast-food items that I would never eat, but I like to listen. Get some new people like that, and it's a plus if they're unconventional looking. Review Brah is proof that it doesn't matter how you look if you figure out an approach to visual style that's neat, clean, and retro.
Can I get that in a cable news channel? And while you're at it, you who are stealing this idea I am trying to foist on you, please use language in the more literary, elevated style exemplified by Murrow... and Review Brah.
Remember that we are not descended from fearful men —not from men who feared to write, to speak...
१९७ टिप्पण्या:
"We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law.'
This sounds like Sheriff Taylor from the Andy Griffith Show explaining to Opie why restraint was often necessary when it first appeared a situation didn't require it.
Those lessons seem quaint today, but were actually holding society together.
It's interesting the show ended in 1968.
God knows it's not a news program, but have you listened to Samantha Bee's voice? It's painful.
"We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law."
That was then.
"We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason"
Until fear and unreason become useful political tools for the left.
"we are not descended from fearful men — not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular."
Indeed. The anti-communists caught plenty of flak, but in spite of their unpopularity, and the disdain of the anointed, they were mostly right about the penetration of the government and the extensive spying by Soviet stooges.
Whittaker Chambers was vilified. Alger Hiss was celebrated. Honest leftists, of course, have long since acknowledged the truth. But it has not affected leftist unreason in the least.
It's so basic, but the Left has distorted it:
1. There's an allegation
2. There's evidence to support the allegation.
3. There's evidence that doesn't support the allegation
4. There's a conclusion, based on 2 & 3.
For the Left, there are two rules.
1. Any allegation of sexual harassment against a Republican is sufficient to conclude he did it.
2. Any evidence of sexual harassment against a Democrat must be ignored.
Bay Area Guy's Law: Do not listen to any Democrat politician about sexual harassment, unless and until they address Juanita Broaddrick's allegation of rape against Bill Clinton.
Remember that we are not descended from fearful men —not from men who feared to write, to speak...
But we do seem to be in a struggle with people who want us to be fearful (and are so brazen about it, that they are starting to admit it expressly.
I'm actually not at all concerned about innocent men losing their jobs over false sexual assault/harassment allegations.
Madtownguy's Law: Do not listen to any Democrat politician about sexual harassment, ever.
Remember that we are not descended from fearful men...
Fearless men were all eaten by the dinosaurs. I'm descended from men instilled with rational fears- men with enough sense to run away!
Corollary to the above: Never trust a fearmonger.
Murrow had the weight to take down McCarthy because he was the voice of the Blitz, of our Allies standing up to Hitler. He had the voice that he did because he was of the Age of Radio, and so was his audience.
We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law.
Nice of a former law professor to remember that.
Review Brah looks kinda like a young version of William F Buckley in the screen-shot.
Review Brah.
National Review.
National Review Brah Buckley.
Brahmin, of course.
I am Laslo.
Murrow made his bones reporting from London during the Blitz, over low-fidelity Radio. There are techniques for speaking over short-wave radio and making oneself understood, and Murrow continued to use them on Television. Another great voice from that era was H.V. Kaltenborn, whose clipped cornpone diction would be unacceptable today.
His style of speaking reminds me of Howard Cosell.
This sounds like Sheriff Taylor from the Andy Griffith Show explaining to Opie why restraint was often necessary when it first appeared a situation didn't require it.
When Jubal accused Opie, who'd been trespassing and "playing with fire", of burning down his barn but Opie was saved by a drunk chicken. IIRC.
Thanks, Althouse. Was just thinking about that.
It seems to me whether Dr. Ford is sincere or not doesn't matter. We have long-established rules that apply.
Attempted rape is a crime, and the accused deserves a chance to defend himself. If this attempted rape happened recently, there would be a criminal proceeding which would allow Kavanaugh the chance to prove his innocence. What avenue does he have now?
You can't use the statute of limitations to avoid giving the defendant his day in court. The passage of time should be seen as favoring the defendant, not the accuser.
Kavanaugh faces punishment in the form of personal ruin, and the Senate, of all places, should have some form of due process before it ruins him. If Dr. Ford won't show up, the accusation should be ignored. The Senate should adopt a right to confront one's accuser.
This isn't Anita Hill v. Clarence Thomas. It's much more serious. The crime is more serious and the consequences more profound. No matter what happens, about a third of the country will regard Brett Kavanaugh as a rapist. Maybe he deserves it. Maybe not. Either way, there's a real punishment being imposed by a government official.
It takes a lot of courage to stand up against a moral panic. You get called a lot of bad names. Unless more evidence emerges, the right thing to do is to move ahead with the hearing and have a vote.
The death threats made against Dr. Ford, which have driven her into hiding, are despicable and should be investigated and punished with the full force of the law. She's a victim and deserves the protection of the law. Whether she is telling the truth or not doesn't matter.
Howard Cosell...YES (hah!)
"Remember that we are not descended from fearful men ..."
I listen to Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast and for his introduction he plays clips of famous speeches. I think I recognize every voice except someone talking about how we are not fearful men and I had no idea where it was from, but now I do.
Can I get that in a cable news channel? And while you're at it, you who are stealing this idea I am trying to foist on you, please use language in the more literary, elevated style exemplified by Murrow... and Review Brah.
Somehow I doubt it'd go over as a cable channel. I suspect such a thing would be too niche in its appeal. It'd have to remain relegated to Youtube. Cable is lowest common denominator trash that's served up to a passive audience. Anyone who actually cares about quality will actively seek it out, which means Youtube or (to a lesser extent) various streaming services.
That fellow's a bit reedy for my taste. And we all know how important voice is - not a man alive can stand Hillary's. When I last watched the Oscars, and its succession of dorky-voiced actor/presenters, I stopped reading and looked up when Armie Hammer spoke - a fine baritone in a sea of weenies.
Haha. Yeah, I know the Murrow quote from Dan Carlin, too.
"Until fear and unreason become useful political tools for the left."
They've always been and always will be useful tools for all political parties and creeds. Our entire present criminal war enterprise in multiple countries in the mid-east is driven by fear and unreason, fed and watered by the powerful and rich elites who continue to grow their power and riches the longer our wars continue. Our wars are not intended to end.
Once again, floored to find Review Brah (a fixture on our screen for some time) featured here. He does grow on you - I am considering getting a short wave radio because of him. So many interesting people out there!
May I suggest the AfterPrisonShow? That is another very unique channel, hosted by a guy who has done time in prison. Making videos was a way to keep himself busy and help in his rehabilitation, and now he helps others. I have learned more about the plight of dudes that never had a decent shot at life, got into trouble young, and now find themselves trying to pick up the pieces as a 30-something ex con than any news outlet. Radically different style than Review Brah however. Probably not your style. I take back the suggestion but other posters here may find it interesting. It is where I learned about diesel therapy.
I listen to Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast
By far my favorite podcast. I've listen to his Celtic Holocaust at least three times.
It is only after something like ten posts that Ms. Althouse FINALLY touches on the legal aspects of the who back and forth...and only because she can't contradict the dreaminess of Murrow's voice defending her Marxist friends in Uni. Alas, she must begrudgingly apply it here as well...but let's talk about his voice more than the ridiculousness of the accusation, mm-kay?
Instead, she was telling us how 'a good man' shouldn't be in the SC...just to justify not having Kavanaugh there being a risk to abortion.
So let's be cruelly neutral. Why haven't we had ten posts on Ellison and his smacking around his bitches left and right?
Cruel Neutrality seems like the 'civility bullshit' such as McCain engaged in. It is cover for 'talking smack about conservatives when the law, culture, and common sense are all on their side'.
Because in all aspects, Kavanaugh has the FAR better argument...but under the cover of 'cruel neutrality' she concern trolls his conviction instead of discusses this as it should be.
To quote Kissinger, she'd like BOTH of them to lose: one for showing Feminism as the horribly corrosive ideology that it is...and the other because of abortion.
At the large corporation where I worked for many years to expiate my sins, there was a program to nurture young talent. Women fresh from graduate STEM degrees would show up talking like High School girls. They were treated to Speech lessons, to teach them to speak like Adult Ladies.
Deeper voices are more authoritative and naturally appealing. People tend to take people with deeper voices more seriously.
I remember my old guild leader in World of Warcraft had a very deep voice. I only ever heard his voice, I never met him in person or even saw a picture of him that I recall but I thought it was interesting that he could take charge of 40+ people on a teamspeak.
My favorite source of news for listening pleasure is Japanese with weird accents, or Chinese, in a pinch. Unfortunately they've been getting announcers with extensive training in English and an amusing turn of phrase is rare.
No matter what happens, about a third of the country will regard Brett Kavanaugh as a rapist.
Which we should ALL agree at this point is wrong. He has not even been accused of rape. This is how insane the process is that smears a (far as we know) decent man.
Nice of a former law professor to remember that.
The additional word you are looking for is FINALLY.
And she FINALLY is noting the legal aspects because it seems that Ford is going to lose on the emotional appeal.
Because as any lawyer, law professor, judge, DA, bailiff and court house parking lot attendant can tell you...the case of Ford against Kavanaugh is bullshit.
So we might as well look at WHY it failed while she regrets THAT it failed.
Well, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up here
I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear
Come and whisper in my ear......
Women fresh from graduate STEM degrees would show up talking like High School girls.
The smartest medical student I ever had was gorgeous Indian ethnic girl who had an Engineering degree and was in medical school to do biomedical engineering. There was a whole group but she was the smartest.
Anyway, she talked sort of like a "Valley Girl" pattern and I finally figured out she did it to conceal how smart she was.
She is the one whose parents met on an Indian American dating web site. She told me her mother chose her father because he was the only one to post a color photo of himself.
John Lynch, overall, I agree with you. Except for this: "The death threats made against Dr. Ford, which have driven her into hiding, are despicable and should be investigated and punished with the full force of the law."
Have you seen these threats? Has anyone? How can you be so sure they are despicable when you can't even be sure they exist.
The news you're hearing now is a women talking while getting their hair done.
Another great voice from that era was H.V. Kaltenborn, whose clipped cornpone diction would be unacceptable today.
"Ahh, there's good news tonight !"
Trump is very polite to the accuser to play to the soap opera channel.
It's a strategy for dealing with crazed women.
It gets Kavanaugh on the court but doesn't solve the problem, which is no self-awareness in women.
She is the one whose parents met on an Indian American dating web site. She told me her mother chose her father because he was the only one to post a color photo of himself.
The hue of the skin is CRITICAL in many Indian marriages, so the color aspect was key. She was able to get the real deal.
I do color and play by play for various streaming services. Amateur, high school and college sports. A lot of the guys who want to do it come in on the first day and know everything about a particular sport, but their voices just suck. The women usually try harder to project and fix the problem, half the guys just say fuck it and go back to working the cameras. My advantage is that I have a New England accent in North Carolina. They tell me it makes me sound smarter than my co-hosts. Plus I've always been a loud talker.
God knows it's not a news program, but have you listened to Samantha Bee's voice?
The only time I hear it is during the .37 seconds it takes me to hit the remote whenever one of her promos comes on TBS.
"The death threats made against Dr. Ford, which have driven her into hiding, are despicable and should be investigated and punished with the full force of the law."
1. Almost everyone in the public sphere receives internet death threats. So far Cong. Steve Scalise (R-LA) is the only victim.
2. Dr. Ford scrubbed herself from the internet (with help of two colleges, her high school and possibly other actors). How did people know how to contact her?
I suspect that you try to be a fair minded person, John. However, Dr. Ford's lawyers and the Senate Democrats are playing you for a fool. This was a setup from the beginning.
Margaret Thatcher took voice lessons and was still called attila the hen.
Murrow and most of the 1950s TV news people got their start in Radio. So, they needed to have interesting quasi-authoritative voices.
Bill Shirer complained he was "blacklisted" and never got into TV News. Actually, he had a thin, reedy voice, a bald head, and a bad mustache.
In 1954, Joseph McCarthy was effectively shut down in the famous Have you no decency, sir? speech. McCarthy was accusing people of being communists without evidence (although later declassification of the Venona Intercepts showed he was right in some cases). Today, Democrats smear people without evidence but such a speech would not work today. They have no decency. Winning is everything. For example, Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney not paying any taxes and was proud of it because it worked.)
Worst male voices are on NPR.
They all sound like someone cut off their balls and medicated them.
Here's the link that goes with my point about Harry Reid lying.
It's awful. The female media speak with a nasally vocal fry, and the men . . . well, David Muir of ABC is the gold standard. He speaks with the urgency of an auctioneer with a full bladder.
I always liked David Brinkley's voice.
Quirky but smart.
The death threats made against Dr. Ford, which have driven her into hiding, are despicable and should be investigated and punished with the full force of the law.
I concur. But if she cannot document that genuine death threats were made then she should be punished for wasting the police’s time. (It has not escaped my notice that that this may be why no police report has been filed.)
She's a victim
Not necessarily. She could be a fabulist.
... and deserves the protection of the law.
As do we all, including men who have been the victim of false rape allegations.
Whether she is telling the truth or not doesn't matter.
Huh? Some lies don't matter — if I am invited to a friend’s house for dinner and his wife over cooked the asparagus to a foul-tasting soggy mass, I can tell her it was delicious and there’s no harm. False claims of rape, or attempted rape, or death threats received certainly do matter.
"Ahh, there's good news tonight !"
That was Gabriel Heatter.
Yes, Thatcher to took speech lessons so she could turn up the volume without getting shrill.
She deliberately deepened her voice.
The great voices are from movie actors from the 30s into th early 50s, especially those of the actresses. Mid-Atlantic voices I believe they were called. They were adult voices not modern childish trills or declarative sentences ending in questions. Today's voices heard in the 40s or 50s would be sissy voices.
The BBC newsreaders are much better than the USA ones.
"It gets Kavanaugh on the court but doesn't solve the problem, which is no self-awareness in women."
And the solution to the problem, is..?
How is the accuser's email being flooded with threats when it is not available? If she is receiving death threats she needs to call the cops and have them follow up and arrest the culprits. But she hasn't reported except to the press who believe her every word. Sick clown world.
"The great voices are from movie actors from the 30s into th early 50s, especially those of the actresses. Mid-Atlantic voices I believe they were called"
Cary Grant. Grace Kelly. Katherine Hepburn.
"We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law."
I posted this in another thread, but it applies here as well:
The #Metoo "reckoning" goes too far when it declares that all women are to be believed even when there is no supporting evidence and the alleged events took place over 30 years ago. The idea that all accused men are guilty until proven innocent is perverse and unconstitutional, and it's an attitude that makes me embarrassed to be a woman. No man is safe from a false accusation in this age of #Metoo.
Progressive feminists are going to return male/female relationships to times where women must be chaperoned wherever they go, and men are never to be alone with any woman other than their wife or family; and this won't be for the woman's protection but for men to protect themselves from false allegations.
jwl said...
"...I listen to Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast..."
Count me as another fan.
Started with the Julius Caesar/Gauls. In the last few weeks have listened to the WWI and the Nuke race episodes while doing the commute.
Great stuff.
I am Laslo.
The Camel News Caravan, with John Cameron Swayze hopscotching the world for headlines!
Speaking of voices and Dan Carlin, he's got sort of an inquisitive voice. Works well for him.
Note Ann"s coda "Remember that we are not descended from fearful men —not from men who feared to write, to speak..." Now she does fill in the dots earlier but not here. The rest of the quote from earlier is ", to associate and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular." I am old enough to have been a young adult back then and the unpopular cause he was referring to is Communism and the those fearless men he is referring to were communist leaning screen writers. You may not realize it but our culture today was formed by these men. They were pure American deconstructionalists. They amplified and brought to fore every American wort and and made us despise our country, religion and history. They were a mixture of American malcontents and members of the Frankfort School. The sad thing is they added nothing but cultural marxism to our psyche.Go view the movies from the 50s-early 60s with that in mind and you will be amazed at the deconstruction. MacCarthy's methods were crude but history has shown that he was correct!
..I listen to Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast..."
One of the pleasures of the Brooklyn 99 sitcom is listening to Andre Braugher deploy perfect diction and formal address. The shows comedy writers have quite a lot of fun with it.
I have a list of snot filled snark artists who serve as broaddcast "talent" on CNN and MSNBC.
But I am too decent to release the list.
tim maguire, big mike
My main point is this: we can assume Dr. Ford is telling the truth and still find Kavanaugh to be innocent. She may not be lying about being attacked but may have the wrong perp. She could be mistaken.
I'm all for giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. Even assuming the pure motives of everyone, the due process argument stands. Kavanaugh is innocent until proven guilty. The Senate hearings are effectively a judicial body and should be run with judicial rules we've adopted from long experience going back to merry old England. Otherwise, we are back to HUAAC and the Star Chamber.
Or she may be telling the truth and Kavanaugh is lying. I don't know, and neither do you. Even if she is, more evidence is needed and due process matters. That's my point.
Even in the 50s people would mockingly imitate the newscaster voice to comment on this or that social situation.
If you really think humans were ever eaten by dinosaurs, then try to avoid making arguments based on natural selection.
I'll try to keep that in mind...
The Left has adopted the supposed techniques of so-called "McCarthyism" they hated without the advantage McCarthy had in being right.
Ann is an early enough Boomer to have a memory of the American Middle Brow culture that flourished in our parents generation. (Boomers born after, say, 1955 missed it as a remembered experience.) Plus she is probably nostaligic for the East Coast accent (not quite Boston, more Upstate NY or New Jersey to my ear) that, at least on 50s radio was the alternative to the formal Murrow type voice, usually from ex-vaudevillians like George Burns.
The #Metoo "reckoning" goes too far when it declares that all women are to be believed even when there is no supporting evidence and the alleged events took place over 30 years ago. The idea that all accused men are guilty until proven innocent is perverse and unconstitutional, and it's an attitude that makes me embarrassed to be a woman. No man is safe from a false accusation in this age of #Metoo.
The old standard was "innocent until proven guilty". With #MeToo, the accusation is the verdict, and even attempting to defend yourself is considered "dangerous". It's a great way to settle old scores.
"about a third of the country will regard Brett Kavanaugh as a rapist. Maybe he deserves it. Maybe not."
I don't even care if he is. It happened so long ago, if it happened at all, possibly when he was a minor. It's unprovable, and if he went and sinned no more, and lived an exemplary, rape-free life ever since, I'm fine with that.
At the large corporation where I worked for many years to expiate my sins, there was a program to nurture young talent. Women fresh from graduate STEM degrees would show up talking like High School girls. They were treated to Speech lessons, to teach them to speak like Adult Ladies.
Good. Most young women need vocal training. The high-pitched, vocal fry, and/or up-speaking -- where everything sounds like a question? -- way of talking is unbearable ... to me anyway.
Deeper voices are more authoritative and naturally appealing. People tend to take people with deeper voices more seriously.
I agree. This puts women at a natural disadvantage. Which is why vocal training is a must for young women who want to enter business or politics.
Rachel Maddow doesn't qualify?
Blogger Greg Hlatky said...
"Ahh, there's good news tonight !"
That was Gabriel Heatter.
You're right. I remember both of them but mixed up the two.
Kaltenborn was known as a commentator who never read from a script.
Interesting history.
We must remember that this whole affair is a bullshit fairy tale.
The "victim" attended an elite prep school where open racism, binge drinking and wild promiscuity were encouraged by the faculty.
She was blind drunk and out screwing a different guy or guys every night.
When are you going to apologize for trying to rationalize this bullshit, Althouse?
This episode is, indeed, damning. What it damns, however, is your ridiculous Marxist feminism.
Kavanaugh is toast. This guy lied to the Judiciary Committee in 2006 about the Pickering nomination. He's also a bit of a creep (no rational man would coach teenage girls). And I don't like how he kneecapped the Clintons (not the way a real man would do it). But that stuff is small potatoes next to rape. What happens, five, ten months from now, if a dozen women come forward claiming they were raped by this jerk? The first abortion case will bring out all sorts of crazy, delusional women And, no doubt, some of them will be telling the truth! Just let the Dems have their scalp, they earned it. Then appoint a woman who would be immune to this Metoo stuff and jam her through before January 3rd or whenever the new Democratic majority gets sworn in. Get smart!
Except for the weird feeling of looking at a ghostly apparition, I don't get anything from this man.
The hue of the skin is CRITICAL in many Indian marriages, so the color aspect was key. She was able to get the real deal.
She is quite dark. Gorgeous but dark. I've not seen photos of her parents.
She is also tall and athletic. She could put one leg up to her ear when standing. Don't ask me how I know. I can't remember.
If you want smooth radio voices, you should listen to the Federalist Radio Hour. I have a hard time with other podcast hosts because their voices are too shrill and nasal.
“We are not descended from fearful men.” Good one. But there’s a better and more appropriate quote from William Shakespeare:
“Who steals my purse steals trash; ’tis something, nothing;
’twas mine, ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands;
But he that filches from me my good name
Robs me of that which not enriches him,
And makes me poor indeed.”
The sentiment is true throughout the ages wherever the word “integrity” is understood. That Shakespeare puts the speech in the mouth of Iago, one of his most despicable villains, does not affect its truth.
And, no doubt, some of them will be telling the truth!
Just let the Dems have their scalp, they earned it.
Double nope.
4:38 Now I see why you like him - he's a dumbass like you. Watch, Althouse, it's not you so you can be honest and open-minded. But you do the same sort of thing.
Also I scarcely remember to have ever seen Murrow at work. He was such a big deal? When I think of the authoritative voices of that era, it doesn't matter what the question is, the answer is always Rod Serling. This guy is OK-just OK.
Plus which, I guess this was before teleprompters? He's reading off his desk! I understand that teleprompters might require electricity or other high tech, but maybe cue cards? Ridiculous!
Blasey fears, continued:
(CNN) — Christine Blasey Ford opened the possibility she would testify before Congress about her accusation of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
'An email her lawyers sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee said Ford "would be prepared to testify next week" if the senators offer her "terms that are fair and which ensure her safety."'
'...Testifying Monday, however, "is not possible and the Committee's insistence that it occur then is arbitrary in any event," Ford's lawyers wrote.
"As you are aware, she has been receiving death threats, which have been reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and she and her family have been forced out of their home," the email said. "She wishes to testify, provided that we can agree on terms that are fair and which ensure her safety."'
"Just let the Dems have their scalp, they earned it."
This is the Romney move. The McCuck move. The LLR, beta male pussy, curl up in a ball and keep getting shit on move.
This is how you lose male voters forever. Trump doesn't play that game. If Trump can keep Cocaine Mitch from losing his nerve, even the shitty Rino's like Flake and Collins will have to vote to confirm.
The alternative is telling every single democrat that all you need to do is trot out some lying whore, doesn't even need to have ever met the conservative candidate, and you can destroy anyone. It would tell all candidates that the party doesn't have your back, and will let feminist retards in media and academia rape your career and reputation.
No more. Not under Trump. #metoo? NOPE! #fuckyou
The Left didn't adopt McCarthyism recently. There never was a time when they didn't practice it. They have been firing and hiring based on ideology since before McCarthy. How do you think they got monolithic control of virtually every institution in the country?
MSNBC is full of peeps with awful voices. Maddow heads the list with Larry O'Donnell not far behind. Toobin is awful.
Sean Hannity has an Ok voice - too bad he's so verbose and dull.
OTOH, Leftist Judy Woodruff has a good voice.
Count me in as another Carlin fan. I even spent money on the guy's podcasts (and I'm freakin' cheap).
His latest one about the Japanese, is brilliant in showing how culture shapes a country. It's a must-listen to anyone who thinks nuking the country was racist.
Factoid: Japanese fanaticism was hardwired into the people, to the point that very, very, very few Japanese soldiers surrendered during the war. It was a point of honor to die for your country, which was why they held Americans in contempt for surrendering, and tortured and killed them.
Another Great Voice - Paul Harvey.
Stand by...for NEWS.
The key to a great radio voice seems to be smoking and drinking a quart of hard liquor before noon, like Churchill, Hitchens and Murrow.
"This sounds like Sheriff Taylor from the Andy Griffith Show explaining to Opie why restraint was often necessary when it first appeared a situation didn't require it."
One of the best of my memory is when Opie recorded a jail cell conversation and brought it to his father and Andy had to tell him emphatically that he could not listen to it ever. It was a later episode made in 1967.
Larry J: don't forget to mention that the Senator who delivered the "Have you no decency" line against McCarthy was doing so because, after mocking Roy Cohn asking "Please tell us where all the skeery Communists are", McCarthy pointed out that that Senator himself had a Communist working in his own law office, and that that Senator had fired him FOR being a Communist not long before. That McCarthy pointed out that the man had just fired a communist in his own office, and maybe therefore shouldn't be mocking the possibility of communist infiltration, is what apparently made McCarthy so "indecent" as to be permanently "shut down". The mind boggles.
Mr. Mom Jeans, in 2015, St Paul’s School in New Hampshire was briefly in the news.
That school's alumni included senators, congressmen and a Nobel laureate. The prep school also had a sordid tradition called the Senior Salute. Graduating boys would take the virginity of younger girls (by any means necessary) before getting their diplomas. Rape is just a thing for these elitist pigs. But for the rest us, we want rapists in jail, not on the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh has got to go.
But he that filches from me my good name
Robs me of that which not enriches him,
And makes me poor indeed.
Good Shakespeare cite. But unfortunately nowadays people do enrich themselves from slander. Anita Hill made her career from smearing Clarence Thomas. Michael Wolff and Bob Woodward are a couple more examples.
Agree with rcocean. I miss that man.
And now you know...
The rest of...
The story.
His voice annoys the piss out of me.
Notice that no one has ever claimed that they had sex with Hillary Clinton. Why, it's as if she hasn't had sex for 38-39 years.
"she and her family have been forced out of their home"
Uh, what?
Spiros Pappas said...
Mr. Mom Jeans, in 2015, St Paul’s School in New Hampshire was briefly in the news.
That school's alumni included senators, congressmen and a Nobel laureate. The prep school also had a sordid tradition called the Senior Salute. Graduating boys would take the virginity of younger girls (by any means necessary) before getting their diplomas. Rape is just a thing for these elitist pigs. But for the rest us, we want rapists in jail, not on the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh has got to go.
So, on the basis of nothing more than one woman's claim, Kavanaugh is automatically guilty, is that how it works? Fuck you. That is the way of tyranny. That is completely against every principle of our legal system. It's also a double standard because it isn't used against Democrats. Again, fuck you until you bleed.
But I'm not sure you support the sentiment behind Murrow's statement, Professor.
What if the unpopular idea is something that goes against what the nice centrist people feel ought to be the only acceptable view on, say, feminism, or homosexual issues, or race issues? The modern line is that wrongthink is HARMFUL--that we must consider and empathize with people who are HURT by people saying mean things (mean things being defined broadly as anything that Leftists say is offensive) and that in order to prevent HARM from such things many illiberal actions are justified.
I think you're against deplatforming and social ostracism (please correct me if I'm wrong) but there sure seems to be some tension between an insistence that we ought to empathize with and protect people's (self-reported) FEELINGS and that we must not be afraid to defend unpopular causes. Unpopular causes certainly "evoke negative emotions" in others and harm their feelings. Shouldn't we be afraid to do that if we're properly empathetic in the way nice centrist people like yourself insist we ought to be?
Well, they weren’t completely successful with scrubbing her past. Here is a post on her high school experiences, from the, later removed, year books.
Two things that you can take away from that article is that there was a lot of falling down, passing out, and blacking out drinking there, at that all girls school, and the girls appear to not only have been quite sexually active and promiscuous, but also often the sexual aggressors. It may answer the question of why she didn’t remember the date of the alleged assault - it was very possible that it happened, if it indeed did, during one of her falling down drunk episodes.
Chet Huntley, a Montana native, with his ashtray on the desk, smoke rising from the lit cig kept burning therein, was the voice of my childhood TV news. He died of lung cancer in the Montana ski resort he helped develop, Big Sky, three days before its official opening. I lost my ACL on a green slope there, had the injury X-rayed and diagnosed by the orthopedic surgeon working at the resort base. My replacement is a cadaver's ACL. Thank you, young men, for riding motorcycles! Keep riding!
Brinkley, his newscast partner, was a young whippersnapper of no skill back then. He became an old reporter, and died. He read the teleprompter pretty well for several decades. I need say no more about his skill.
Cronkite was for pussies.
I'll be more blunt (at the cost of Godwin-ing): Murrow is implying that it ought to be acceptable to defend Commies and Commie ideas. If you buy that then you ought to similarly hold that it should be ok to defend Nazis and Nazi ideas. Do any Leftists or nice centrists actually believe that? I don't think they do, and that'd mean they ought not pretend they agree with the broader sentiment (or feel pride as though they do).
John, I'm not sure why you included me in that rebuttal since it didn't address the only point I made--which is that we have no more evidence that she received death threats than that she was sexually assaulted. Even though, if true, evidence exists.
"We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law"
The Left have always rejected that they are bound by such sentiments (*). Though they may make use of it where they are not in power. Just like they act as if they are puritans now while the whole sex-obsessed deviant culture is their creature.
But the accusation is proof when it comes to the #MeToo stuff.
It's just preposterous to pretend that's not the case.
Caitlin Flannigan in her NPR interview this morning she heard the accusation, is familiar with the time period (having lived through it and herself been the victim of attempted rape), read the accuser took a polygraph, and understood that Kavanaugh's friend was a heavy drinker back then...and said "sounds like he did it to me."
And that's from a self-proclaimed social conservative! He was accused of it, the accusation's form is not wholly impossible, so "sounds like he did it."
The accusation is proof. It's literally begging the question! But that's what "believe all women" means. It'd be ridiculous to say it didn't.
Nothing is stopping Dr. Blasey Ford from typing out RIGHT NOW a 1-page notarized statement under penalty perjury as to what happened. She has a PhD for crissake's.
Not a tweet
Not an e-mail
Not an anonymous letter
A 1-page written statement under oath.
She's had 36 years to do this, and hasn't.
What does that tell you?
You're calling for more old-fashioned voices and your two examples are both cis-gendered heterosexual (I guess) WHITE MEN?
For shame, Professor. That's sexism & racism, straight up.
"I wanna hear more old-sounding white men and not the strangled-sounding child-like voices actually on the news." Imagine if I'd said that! I would no doubt be told I need to think deeply about what my expressed preference really said about me, how the patriarchy has defined my tastes, what I need to do to fully love Big Brother, er, learn to embrace diversity, and so on.
SDaly said...
No voice will ever be greater than John Facenda's.
YES! Great shout out to a great man and respected Philadelphia area celebrity. I was good friends with his grandsons in high school. You couldn't ask for a nicer family.
Obligatory Idiocracy clip 1
Obligatory Idiocracy clip 2
[language NSFW]
Explain to me how what the Democrats are doing to Kavanaugh now is different than McCarthyism.
Here is a post on her high school experiences, from the, later removed, year books.
That's getting out more and more. This may be another one of those Democrat torpedoes that circle around. That's been happening a lot.
I have posted here before that I was not that impressed with Kavanaugh and thought him a bit of a goody two shoes wuss.
I expected that he would be another Kennedy, overly impressed with "growing" in the DC garden.
This experience has got to be enraging, like I suspect it was for Thomas. Machiavelli is laughing somewhere.
"Never strike a prince unless you kill him."
Kavanaugh will be a reliable seat on the Court after this.
The Democrat staffers did not even attend the closed session with him this week. They know this is all bullshit.
Blogger jimbino said...
The key to a great radio voice seems to be smoking and drinking a quart of hard liquor before noon, like Churchill, Hitchens and Murrow.
Didn't work for Hillary.
Tim Maguire gave following link
"I'm actually not at all concerned about innocent men losing their jobs over false sexual assault/harassment allegations"
I read some of the comments and found one with a link to a Telegraph (UK) article. Here is a link to the same events from the Daily Mail (UK);"Heartbroken mother, 55, of teenager who hanged himself over false rape allegations kills herself after first anniversary of his death because she ‘couldn’t see a future without him"
I don't think there can be neutrality, even a cruel one, concerning the present day Left.
The definition to be used for them should be the definition used for pirates "Hostis humani generis".
Wasn’t there a post about not listening to demagogues recently? What was Murrow and Cronkite and all the others if they weren’t demagogues? It’s cool to give respect to someone with a good voice? That’s bullshit!
What happens, five, ten months from now, if a dozen women come forward claiming they were raped by this jerk? The first abortion case will bring out all sorts of crazy, delusional women
The FBI investigated this guy. They are no friends of Trump or the GOP, so if there was any dirt they would've reported it. If we disqualify supreme court justices based on what "crazy delusional women" on the left might do, then that rules out all conservative men.
Giving in to crazies only encourages more craziness.
"The death threats made against Dr. Ford, which have driven her into hiding, are despicable and should be investigated"
Have these been shown?
Reagan talked too fast, Gore usually too slow. I assume it was due to Reagan's radio career, or is it a Midwest thing?
Keith Olbermann has a "broadcaster voice"..when he's not completely unhinged.
Seeing that John Jurasek's style is loved by The Professor (ditto me) it made me wonder whether she sees DJT's stable genius talent him , but with a calm and non-aggressive persona overlay. They are both realists who are men super sensitive to criticism that usually try to out think attackers, and then to out talk them.
-Kavanaugh tried to rape me.
-People are threatening to kill me.
Two criminal allegations made by the same person. One is met with skepticism, the other swallowed whole without blinking.
So, on the basis of nothing more than one woman's claim, Kavanaugh is automatically guilty, is that how it works?
It's the Pro-Choice doctrine, which rationalizes baby trials among other human and civil rights violations. Probably the the same quasi-religious/moral bent that was behind witch trials and today the warlock trials.
Samantha Bee is just one of many whose manner of speaking is the vocal equivalent of resting bitch face. Althouse might do well to consider why that kind of speaking voice is ubiquitous now. It's reflective of what you are looking for in an interlocutor, which news readers are by proxy.
Night Owl @ 1:34 -
Progressive feminists are going to return male/female relationships to times where women must be chaperoned wherever they go, and men are never to be alone with any woman other than their wife or family; and this won't be for the woman's protection but for men to protect themselves from false allegations.
I have been thinking along those lines as well. C.S. Lewis once said that the reason we 'covered up' talk of sex is because we humans are so creative and weird with it...we took one look at what we human get up to...and said "we gotta cover this shit up and never talk about it." Along those lines, we'll have separate spheres for men and women, just like the old days, as if there was a good reason to keep the sexes separate all along, but we just forgot about it. I expect a new Victorian/Puritan Era before long.
John Lynch @12:48 "... She's a victim and deserves the protection of the law. Whether she's telling the truth or not doesn't matter"
Well folks, this might be the epitome of cuckhood here, or just dangerously deranged thinking. But let's note for the record, when someone falsely accuses somebody of a crime, then that someone is not a victim, they are a criminal and the law must punish not protect liars and false witnesses. The ONLY thing that matters in a case like this is the truth. Your take on this is completely at odds with Murrow's point.
As we've seen with police, body cams are the only recourse...
Professora - we don't want to be mysogynist do we ?
which woman would you recommend for her voice - would your voice qualify for this t(h)reat (or threat) ?
The men who learned in Radio are the voices that touch us on a the reality level. Probably that is because they first described the actions we cannot see in words, and we might as well trust that voice. Others who got started as voices in Radio were Ronald Reagan, Walter Cronkite and John Houseman.
… as if there was a good reason to keep the sexes separate all along, but we just forgot about it.
The idea that we've forgotten where the old rules and taboos came from has crossed my mind as well.
Murrow on McCarthy, no fear, 1954
I literally LOL'd at his corny glances up to the camera, as if he were reporting from within a fox(news)hole. "Not in our stars..." no duh.
Brian Williams has a "broadcaster voice"..he claims Murrow trained him.
McCarthy was right about Soviet (i.e. left-wing) agent infiltration and influence in government, academia, and popular cultural. Ironically, whereas the Nazis take top billing, they were second to Soviet, and third to Maoist violations of human rights. Then there were the Hutu-Tutis cycles of retributive change, and Mandela factions that hung necklaces with care. Today, we have progressive liberalism that denies individual dignity (i.e. "diversity", feminism, political congruence) and Pro-Choice to rationalize cruel and unusual punishment and capital abortions of wholly innocent human lives that are deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable ("recycled-child"). Warlock trials to deny due process and a partisan press to lynch politically incogruent competing interests. That, and redistributive change justified by Jew, White, Asian privilege.
@Browndog, not all of us. Good to see that someone else remembers the old saying: "No one believes a liar. Even when she's telling the truth."
@ Spiros Pappas
Bill Kristol is accepting bookings on his next cruise. Climb aboard, sailor.
"The idea that all accused men are guilty until proven innocent is perverse and unconstitutional"
Except, if you were to say "all accused black men are guilty until proven innocent, you'd be drawn and quartered. And reasonably so.
Althouse was wondering why race was being drawn into this: it's because the category "men" obviously includes non-white men, and these must be excluded if the "always believe the woman" meme is to be advanced without stepping into soem obviously racist dog poop.
Although being non-white doesn't seem to have been much of a shield for Ansari, perhaps that's because "Indian subcontinent" is considered part of Asia (even if its cultures seem quite different), and Asians don't merit "protected class" status.
It's not that threading a needle is difficult, but that it's difficult to thread all those different needles all at the same time!
Explain to me how what the Democrats are doing to Kavanaugh now is different than McCarthyism.
McCarthy was right?
She's a victim and deserves the protection of the law. Whether she's telling the truth or not doesn't matter
Or in order to mitigate the risk of witch, warlock, and baby trials, a fraudulent accusation will entail that the accuser receive the same sentence that would have been handed down to the accused. For example, a fraudulent charge of premeditated abortion would result in the accuser be sentenced to life in prison or capital abortion. Don't lie. It is a fetus, offspring, baby, an individual human life (i.e. Person) evolves from conception.
"The idea that all accused men are guilty until proven innocent is perverse and unconstitutional"
That's traditional progressive legal jurisprudence and the Pro-Choice quasi-religious/moral doctrine and Twilight Amendment from the Twilight fringe. In Stork, they trust.
Brian Williams does indeed have a broadcaster voice, he has as well broadcaster veracity. If the broadcaster is NBC anyway.
it's difficult to thread all those different needles all at the same time
Thus the establishment of Pro-Choice Church, selective, opportunistic and politically congruent religious/moral law or code of ethics.
Mikee said: Brinkley, his newscast partner, was a young whippersnapper of no skill back then. He became an old reporter, and died. He read the teleprompter pretty well for several decades. I need say no more about his skill.
Maybe you don't, but I will: David Brinkley wrote his own opinion pieces as well as delivering the nightly news.
He had a subtle and perceptive wit, in contrast with Huntley, who was a just-the-facts, ma'am kind of newsman. Here are some examples:
He wrote highly-regarded books:
The blurb from the latter sums him up perfectly:
"No matter how seriously we take our politics, Americans love a light touch, a raised eyebrow, a generous chuckle--which is why millions of us tune in to Sunday morning television for the bracing cocktail of wit and practical wisdom dispensed, along with the news, by the inimitable David Brinkley. His closing remarks, like an exclamation point after each broadcast, may illuminate the week's events or they may range widely through the oft puzzling human condition--but they're always worth waiting for.
In this one-of-a-kind book, we get the undiluted Brinkley. He marvels at government regulations that require cans of paint to bear a label reading "Do not drink paint." He nominates Richard Nixon as Official U.S. Government Scapegoat. He commiserates with an Oklahoma mayor who must earn extra money by collecting beer cans and claiming the deposits. He reminisces about a White House that welcomed casual picnickers on its lawn. He forgives George Bush for passing out in Tokyo. He observes that "if we can put a man on the moon, we could put Congress in orbit." He skewers lawyers, bureaucrats, Washington insiders, hypocrites of all stripes. He commemorates absurdity--and hence suffers fools gladly."
Brinkley's Sunday "This Week with David Brinkley" program was a staple on ABC for more than ten years. There, his perceptiveness and wit shown enlivened the often-turgid guest- interview format of other Sunday shows.
"In addition to his ten Emmys and three Peabodys, Brinkley also received the Alfred I. duPont Award in 1958.[8] In 1982, he received the Paul White Award for lifetime achievement from the Radio Television Digital News Association.[9] In 1988, he was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame.[10] In 1992, President George H. W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom..." --wikipedia
Not bad for a skill-less teleprompter reader, doncha think?
Otto@1:37 Hear, hear! The beginning of the leftist hijacking of America was from the Americans sympathetic to scum like John Howard Lawson, Dalton Trumbo, and the Hollywood 10.
Bill Clinton's supporters have been by his side for 30+ years.
Where's the denunciation?
@Michael K,
"Kavanaugh will be a reliable seat on the Court after this."
I'm hoping for that too. When he writes the majority opinion overruling Roe v. Wade, I hope he sends a signed copy to Sen. Feinstein.
Well reasoned IMHO essay here. Prager points to feminism weakening women. Whats up with Helen Reddy? I am strong, i am invinceable?
"Even if it wouldn’t support a criminal conviction or civil liability, a merely credible allegation is enough to disqualify him."
- Kate Shaw, Law Professor, writing in the NYT.
Here' an idea. How about a news show that tells what occurred and let the viewer/listener come to their own conclusions, Currently it's like a watching a sporting game with the sound on.
a merely credible allegation is enough to disqualify him.
Merely having been nominated by Donald Trump is enough to disqualify him. The rest is just pretext.
'An email her lawyers sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee said Ford "would be prepared to testify next week" if the senators offer her "terms that are fair and which ensure her safety."'
'...Testifying Monday, however, "is not possible and the Committee's insistence that it occur then is arbitrary in any event," Ford's lawyers wrote.
Umm, it seems the argument for next week except for Monday is arbitrary. The Committee's insistence is they wasted over a week to get you to pick up the phone. Get your butt there by Monday or you can tell it to the Justice.
An accusation that is proven untrue should carry the same penalty for the accuser that the accused would have suffered were the accusation proven true.
Had that always been the case, we would be far better off than we are today, and this shit wouldn't be happening.
They're not even asking Ford to come to DC. She can answer by phone. Or demand they meet her anywhere. There's no reason for her to delay in good faith.
Blogger tcrosse said...
At the large corporation where I worked for many years to expiate my sins, there was a program to nurture young talent. Women fresh from graduate STEM degrees would show up talking like High School girls. They were treated to Speech lessons, to teach them to speak like Adult Ladies.
I wish NPR would do that. The nasal, Yale-variant of valley girl with a vocal fry finish just creates more Trump voters.
Did Hillary smoke?
It amazes me how Americans accept incuriously past narrative of WWII.
McCarthy wasn't wrong about communist subverting. He had powerful forces who fought him including media.
Ford and lawyer may (inadvertently help Trump v Mueller) shortly ask for written questions from Senate committee.
Let me see if I can deconstruct what Spiros Pappas commented on at 2:43.
There is a prep school in New Hampshire where -- it is alleged (but as far as I can tell not proven except by innuendo) -- there was a tradition of seniors having sex with underage virgins. It turns out that precisely one male student was charged with statutory rape and convicted, and sentenced to one year in jail.
Spiros Pappas seems to be saying that Georgetown Prep is also a prep school and therefore Kavanaugh must have also been guilty of rape. Note that even Prof. Ford is not alleging that she was raped, merely tossed onto a bed and a drunken boy -- she thinks, nay, she is certain that it was Kavanaugh because of a recovered memory and shut up.
Meanwhile, we discover that despite belated efforts to scrub the online copies of the Holton-Arms yearbook for the years where Christine Blasey Ford was there. One can see why they'd want to bury them. What comes across is that the student body of Holton-Arms, far from being young ladies, were a collection of passed-out-drunk, c**k-chasing sluts. So did he drag her into a bedroom or did she drag him? Spiros don't need no proof!
But I do.
majority opinion overruling Roe v. Wade, I hope he sends a signed copy to Sen. Feinstein
Abortion Nazi: No elective abortion chamber for you. Next!
With an unwritten pretext: The baby is worthy.
Maybe Nazi is the wrong characterization of pro-human rights, pro-life "cults".
Bruce Hayden said...
Well, they weren’t completely successful with scrubbing her past. Here is a post on her high school experiences, from the, later removed, year books.
Great find. Here's (currently) a much more readable link:
Why didn't such a precious snowflake like Christine Blasey melt instead of flourish at Holton Arms if this private school was a female version of Animal House?
"...10th grade seems to have been a ritual initiation into the “Holton party scene”. Another sophomore girl threw multiple all-night benders, the highlight of which featured a male erotic dancer in gold g-string"
"...The image below is taken from Scribe 84, Blasey’s senior year edition of Scribe. There are two very disturbing examples of racism in it. Bottom right hand corner:
“At Cheryl’s multi-class party…[Redacted name] came as an uncanny Buckwheat, although she washed the makeup and afro off before the guys showed up.”
"You may be thinking that it was just one mean girl being insensitive, not reflective of the greater Holton-Arms society at large. But when we expand the page the caption was taken from, at the top is a black girl with an afro. This is one of the very few images found in those yearbooks featuring an African-American. It does not seem like a coincidence, but rather a probative example of Holton culture."
The combination of racist and sexist doesn't make for good PR.
If you start from the preconceived notion that Tailgunner Joe was a bad guy by stirring up controversy about Communist infiltration and therefore he had to be stopped - despite the conviction of Alger Hiss, the execution of traitors Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg and the imprisonment of a whole gunnysack full of influential government officials actually happened.
But Joe McCarthy didn't start this fire, and even the infamous House Un-American Activities Committee began uppopular investigations way back in 1938 were forgotten by the TV networks, ABC, NBC and SeeBS, as our purveyors of real news, decided that Conservative activities had to stop because Progressives deemed that a world of Red Diaper Babies was the way to go.
No one had told the young minds full of mush that after WWII that FDR, assisted by his Communist apparatchik advisors, had given away half of the civilized world to Russia in Yalta because, like Trump believes in Putin, Roosevelt was in awe of the world's most renowned killer, Josef Stalin.
Edward R. Morrow sounds just like Maddow and O'Donnell at MSNBC advocating that the FBI investigate Kavanaugh yet again because of the absurd charges from 35 years ago were put forward without proof, against the SCOTUS candidate while strongman Donald Trump quakes in his boots - because the president thinks one justice can turn the court on the matter of conviction while in office.
Now that Bob Woodward has borrowed the word "FEAR," perhaps from Morrow, we find that fear of any basic fact checking is commonplace among solipsists because they must always be right, dontcha' know?
@Otto ...
By Calling McCarthy smear merchant is how they honed their game over the generations.
I am not brave enough to be a coward : I see the consequences clearly.
As A wise woman once said.
Going by yearbook narrative
Ford seems to be miffed about coitus not started? And seeking revenge?
Or fully consensual *fun and games* that Kavenaugh may not want read into the record!!??
certain words are used depending on the party.
+If a D is caught doing something wrong - no (D) is mentioned.
Republicans pounce
Tailgunner Joe was right. He related a vague and incomplete version of what US Intelligence agencies knew at the time, which itself was an incomplete picture of the actual situation. He was suppressed, partly for defensible (but I think short-sighted) reasons, of maintaining the secret of US signals intelligence, part of which was, decades later, revealed in the Venona message traffic. I take the position of the late Senator Moynihan, upon learning of Venona, that the cost of maintaining these secrets was excessive, in that the delusion on the liberal-left of the innocence of these spies and scoundrels, bloody shirts that should never have been, fatally embittered American politics forever.
Tailgunner Joe tried his not very competent best to save the USA.
The extremely competent media of the day, Murrow in the lead, probably drove in the first spike that would eventually crack the US apart.
McCarthy knew what he was doing, Murrow did not.
McCarthy deserves a monument.
With the inscription -
“He was right, after all.”
"I'll be more blunt (at the cost of Godwin-ing): Murrow is implying that it ought to be acceptable to defend Commies and Commie ideas. If you buy that then you ought to similarly hold that it should be ok to defend Nazis and Nazi ideas. Do any Leftists or nice centrists actually believe that? I don't think they do, and that'd mean they ought not pretend they agree with the broader sentiment (or feel pride as though they do)."
It should be acceptable to defend someone else's right to subscribe to communist ideas, to Nazi ideas, to any sort of ideas, whatever they may be.
"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." Thomas Paine
It is only when someone commits criminal acts that he or she (or they) should be legally sanctioned.
Instead of the voices, or even the content, I rant about the constant use of present tense. Who thought that would be for the good? I heard a local reporter a week or so ago who had the nerve to use past tense. I cheer her on.
Gadfly @5:55pm....
Holy Holy crap! I agree with gadfly!
And a new day dawns...
I agree with jimbino: Smoking was the key to those great resonant voices. Even Obama’s impressive barrytone was due to smoking (also caused his purple lips).
McCarthy accused people without proof. This is never right. And in this case, if we accept the process the Dems are trying to normalize, no man in America who went to an American high school will be entitled to due process if he is accused at any later time by anyone of anything. "Due process? check your patriarchal privilege!"
Stand by The Donald. Turn out to vote.
When he writes the majority opinion overruling Roe v. Wade, I hope he sends a signed copy to Sen. Feinstein.
I hope that is coming, too. It has poisoned US politics too long.
Fight it out in legislatures. The prochoicers will probably win 30 of 50 of those.
The Supreme Court will recover some of its status once the abortion fight moves away,
Wait until Trump names Barrett to replace RBG. Hysteria and riots.
Journolist of recent vintage is modeled on group of Hollywood communists ... To nix the studio from hiring anticommunists.
This was even earlier than much publicized *black list*
"To nix the studio from hiring anticommunists."
Before 1948, the Communist party in Hollwyood had several objectives:
1. Prevent any anti-communist, anti-USSR movies from being made.
2. Gain control over the Movie Unions
3. Get $ donations from rich Hollywood communists
4. Help Communist directors, actors, screenwriters, get jobs and promote each other
5. Greylist any Anti-Communists to the extent possible.
They were smart people, and the goal WAS NOT to stuff the movies full of Karl Marx. They usually combined with liberals to push liberal/left ideas. They were happy to do Anti-Nazi films and overtly pro-USSR films(during WW 2), but otherwise, didn't want to be too obviously political.
Wildswan@7:40 Who did McCarthy accuse unjustly and without evidence? Name names.
When he writes the majority opinion overruling Roe v. Wade, I hope he sends a signed copy to Sen. Feinstein.
I hope Roe v. Wade does not get overturned, and certainly not just to spite an old battle axe like Feinstein. Not only do I think abortion should be legal but safe (one Kermit Gosnell is too many, and I would be surprised if there were not many others out there), but I would not like Feinstein and Booker and Harris to be able to claim that they were right to use underhanded tactics to attempt to block Kavanaugh (“end justifies the means,” as lefties are fond of saying).
Also, I would hope that as the years go by with Alito and Thomas and Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, and maybe Barrett, on the court and Roe v. Wade still stands, perhaps Althouse will have a moment of introspection where she realizes that she got played.
The blacklist was a private association of producers, who rightfully thought they would lose market share by catering to left wing sentiments.
The problem with that theory, is,Sgt William wiesband had told the Soviets about Verona.
Arlington hall being the foundation of what would become the puzzle palace.
Furthermore there was another enlisted man, who gave the Soviets the codes that they employed in Korea around 1949, an early version of John walker.
You see this was mostly covering with a pillow:
He read the entire Senate inquest into state department misshap which included George Marshall lapses of judgement 're the China mission.
As usual there was a deep state angle some big company bigwigs (william bundy) had vouched for Alger hiss, and they barely escaped a more invasive probe
The brits didn't learn about gchq till mark hosenball revealed it around 1977, now he is their tool.
Bundys mishandling of Vietnam in the years prior to the danang landing in 65, is rather extensive. But he was a cabot.
So Marshall wasn't a communist he just often took bad advice from people who happened to be like Stuart service and Carter Vincent and Laughlin currie.
Dulles tried to clean house using an ex bureau guy Scott McLeod, the deep state rebelled and drove him out.
And don't get me started on how foggy bottom and the company misread Fidel, this was during the real cold war
I hope Roe v. Wade does not get overturned, and certainly not just to spite an old battle axe like Feinstein. Not only do I think abortion should be legal but safe
Roe V Wade is a travesty and an embarrassment. It's simply bad law and worse "reasoning". Overturning Roe would not outlaw abortion, it would merely return the matter to the state legislatures, where it belongs. If the people really do support abortion, it will remain legal in most places. No abortion is ever safe for at least one of the participants.
but I would not like Feinstein and Booker and Harris to be able to claim that they were right to use underhanded tactics to attempt to block Kavanaugh (“end justifies the means,” as lefties are fond of saying).
The probability that they weren't going to do this no matter the outcome comes very fucking close to zero.
Who did McCarthy accuse unjustly and without evidence? Name names.
Unjustly? Probably very few. Without evidence? Most of the people he accused. History has proved that McCarthy was right...but he never had the evidence to back his accusations up. That was the main difference between him and HUAC. HUAC had evidence.
"Remember that we are not descended from fearful men —not from men who feared to write, to speak..."
To get shot in the face like MLK.
From Sultan Knish Germany sits next door to Poland. Sexual assaults in Germany clock in at 33.55 while in Poland, they’re at 1.40. Muslims make up 6.1% of Germany and less than 0.1% of Poland. European countries with ancient Muslim populations don’t appear to have large sexual assault rates. It’s the countries that admitted large numbers of Muslim migrants in a matter of decades that are suffering. Bulgaria has a sizable Muslim population that has been living there for a very long time. And its sexual violence rates are quite low. It’s particularly immigrant populations coming from societies with a very different set of Islamic mores that lead to epidemics of sexual violence.
"We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law."
A Man Called Police on a Black Candidate and her Family Campaigning in a White Neighborhood, Suspected Them of Buying Drugs
@Gahrie, I accept what you say, regardless of what Con Law professors may or may not tesch their class, the Supreme Court should not be writing laws. However the fact remains that pre-Roe a woman sufficiently wealthy could always find a doctor to give her an abortion and call it a D&C. Laws that only apply to poor people and the middle class are fundamentally unfair.
I miss David Brinkley's voice (and insight).
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