३० सप्टेंबर, २०१८

Was Lindsay Lohan simply mistaken in believing she needed to save these children from sex trafficking?

I'm reading "Lindsay Lohan gets punched in the face after accusing refugee parents of trafficking, trying to take the kids" (Fox News)(video of the incident at the link). I know it's easy to make fun of Lindsay Lohan, but what does she know, and shouldn't we care?
“Guys, you’re going the wrong way, my car is here, come,” Lohan is heard yelling at the children who continued to follow their parents as she chases them down the street.
How do we know the adults are their parents?
“They’re trafficking children, I won’t leave until I take you, now I know who you are, don’t f--- with me.”
How does she think she knows they are sex traffickers?
While trying to get the children's attention, the actress, who spent a few years living in Dubai, can also be heard shouting Arabic phrases in a what sounds like a Middle Eastern accent.
Lohan speaks Arabic, apparently.
“You’re ruining Arabic culture by doing this. You’re taking these children they want to go,” she said before yelling at the boys, “I’m with you. Don’t worry, the whole world is seeing this right now, I will walk forever, I stay with you don’t worry.”
Lohan tries to take a child's hand, and, in the middle of her own live-stream video, gets punched in the face.

I do not know what is going on there. I also don't know what if anything happened with Christine Blasely Ford and Brett Kavanaugh, decades ago in a Maryland house. But we're spending weeks peering into the distant past of 2 hyper-privileged Americans, and some unknown number of children right now are, it is said, dragged into sex slavery, and we let that be merely a passing tale of celebrity weirdness. That Lindsay Lohan. What was she thinking? But it's not really a story about 2 children arriving in Moscow from Syria and a laughable actress punched in the face. It's a story of thousands of children, all over the world. Do people even care if Lohan was wrong or right? Why are things so distorted and out of proportion?

११२ टिप्पण्या:

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Why are things so distorted and out of proportion?

Inability to read situations.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

She certainly may have been wrong, and I'm entirely confused about what she was doing or what was going on (as perhaps was she), but if she was only trying to act stupid crazy brave, she's a pretty good actress. This was Moscow at night? Insert traditionalguy praises of the Irish.

buwaya म्हणाले...

Lack of information, and what there is is filtered for propagandistic purposes.
The creation of confusion is deliberate.

chickelit म्हणाले...

I need SNL to mock this story to tell me how to vote.

gspencer म्हणाले...

I liked the part when Lohan was punched in the face.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Why are things so distorted and out of proportion?

Because of people like you, Althouse. Solely because of people like you.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

Lack of information, and what there is is filtered for propagandistic purposes.
The creation of confusion is deliberate

You haven't exactly cleared things up. What just went on there so you think?

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

Blogger Чикелит said...
I need SNL to mock this story to tell me how to vote.

Pretty good, chick.

Gahrie म्हणाले...

I also don't know what if anything happened with Christine Blasely Ford said Brett Kavanaugh, decades ago in a Maryland house.

??? Did you mean "and" instead of "said"? But you believe Ford and think Kavanagh should be kept off the Court anyway.

But we're spending weeks peering into the distant past of 2 hyper-privileged Americans,

In an attempt to destroy a Republican man and "protect" the 'right" to kill your child, so there's really nothing wrong with it...right?

and some unknown number of children right now are, it is said, dragged into sex slavery, and we let that be merely a passing tale of celebrity weirdness.

I've got two words for you: Bob Menendez.

gilbar म्हणाले...

LL has NOT come out with denouncements of Trump; therefore, she is to be mocked and ridiculed.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

"Lindsey Lohan" and "believing" are a dangerous combination.

buwaya म्हणाले...

"What just went on there..."

I doubt we are going to find out.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

It sounds like she was hallucinating. I remember how hallucinogens would make completely mundane situations appear to be exalted or sinister. Except, sane people who take hallucinogens usually learn not to act on their hallucinatory delusions. I remember one time, standing on an outdoor staircase, and feeling like I could simply step off and float down. The sensation was quite convincing, I felt buoyant, like a balloon. If I stepped off the stairs, I would float down and alight on the ground, with a delicious little bounce, skipping the wretched drudgery of walking down all those steps. But some remaining fragment of my mind said "That does not sound quite right. Let's just do this the usual way." And I did, with the feeling of one who passes up a rare opportunity for lack of courage.

So, I'm guessing she's nuts, poor thing. Or maybe just wealthy enough that she can get away with taking her perceptions seriously. To what extent is wealth a form of insanity?

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

"We're spending weeks peering into the distant past of 2 hyper-privileged Americans, and some unknown number of children right now are, it is said, dragged into sex slavery, and we let that be merely a passing tale of celebrity weirdness."

I get laughed at, here, for saying this about cultism all-the-time. Nobody cares. It's all Black Mirror now.

Michael K म्हणाले...

and some unknown number of children right now are, it is said, dragged into sex slavery,

That's why we need DNA tests before those children at the Mexican border are returned to their "parents."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Spoiled bratty leftists do not care about anything but making sure they have access to all the free goodies the corrupt socialists are offering them - and shutting down free speech.

rehajm म्हणाले...

Women need a Lindsey Lohan so they can feel better about themselves.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

It all depends on what we believe, doesn't it.

People believe Prof Ford. Or people don't.

Where are the facts?

Ken B म्हणाले...

You applaud SNL but lament sound bite culture.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Moral grandstanding by the Hollywood set never plays well.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

September 30, 2018
Was Lindsay Lohan simply mistaken in believing she needed to save these children from sex trafficking?

Why do you think she was mistaken? This was Russia, Anything Could Happen. I'm just surprised to hear about Syrian refugees entering Russia. Putin is slipping.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

I think it's terrible that Lohan was punched in the face here. People who laugh at that should be scorned.

Either Lohan is correct -- and these children are being sold -- or she is not. If she's not, it's possible she is delusional, and if that's the case, she deserves sympathy, not laughter.

I appreciate that she has learned Arabic! I need to learn more languages. I can get by in French. I need to expand my repertoire.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Much of the world is 3rd world hell hole run by corrupt dictators. If you listen to whiney leftists whine about Trump, you'd be certain that sanctuary America, is that hell hole.

Then they speed off for a latte.

FIDO म्हणाले...

Funny how you bounce from one incredibly toxic and unrecoverable accusation without evidence to another person impugning someone, very likely without evidence as well.

Maybe if someone had punched Ford in the face, she'd have been a bit less apt to throw around unsubstantiated accusations.

Oh wait!

Grassley asked Sessions to investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh to see if they were perjured statements.


You and the Dems brought this on yourself Althouse.

Ford is probably all right since her statements were so CAREFULLY crafted to avoid perjury (and this raised zero cruelly neutral Althouseian flags...oh wait, it's a girl. Cruel Neutrality is for men!).

The other two accusers...they are likely toast and seeing a courtroom enough to make them hate life. As they should if they are liars.

Now we are going to be checking the statements of all women. Good for you, Althouse.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

The key is missing hero worship. How can she be a hero in a world at war creating refugees. Lohan had courage. She will be attacked now by both sides. But she risked acting a fool to rescue mere recent foetuses from strangers intent on transporting them somewhere.

Patriarchy where are you???

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Why are things so distorted and out of proportion?

The Russian mystics and the great saints of all traditions advised, in moments of spiritual turbulence, to protect themselves under the mantle of the Holy Mother of God by pronouncing the invocation Sub Tuum Praesidium.

But I think there's just not enough punching in the world.

Ignorance is Bliss म्हणाले...

...the actress... can also be heard shouting Arabic phrases in a what sounds like a Middle Eastern accent.

Is the person observing this fluent in Arabic? If not, how would they know what accent it sounds like? Isn't it far more likely that Lohan is speaking Arabic with a strong American accent?

Curious George म्हणाले...

"I also don't know what if anything happened with Christine Blasely Ford said Brett Kavanaugh, decades ago in a Maryland house."

Of course this means you believe they were in the same house Althouse. You don't even know that they were.


Ken B म्हणाले...

Was Lohan mistaken? I dunno; wait 36 years and ask her, she'll know for sure then.

Jess म्हणाले...

Lohan learned refugees are sometimes their own worst enemy. That, and some cultures are shocking to those raised in the Western world. I think she expects decency by her definition, and doesn't know it has a different definition in other places.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Much of the world is 3rd world hell hole run by corrupt dictators.

Corruption is actually there to prevent violence. Rents (bribes) are distributed in proportion to a guy's ability to cause trouble. That's the form stability takes in most of the world. It's why westernizing Iraq didn't work. No bribes. Everybody was better off resorting to violence.

The Dems want rents to work in the US too.

Econtalk Barry Weingast on violence and stability.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Ask Captain Save A Hoe: he's the expert.

Wince म्हणाले...

I always find it pretentious when Americans adopt foreign accents.

Diogenes of Sinope म्हणाले...

Even in Russia, we can't assume the role of the law but must rather obey the rule of law. Who is she to assume the roles of judge and jury in this or any other issue? I have no idea if her claims are true, but it is a horrible precedent to allow the rich and famous to be the law. How arrogant.

Fritz म्हणाले...

She's lucky she didn't get shot. Poison is still an option.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

The Crack Emcee said...
"Ask Captain Save A Hoe: he's the expert."

How can you stand that stupid bullshit? Idiots boasting idiotically of their idiocy.

Oso Negro म्हणाले...

All kinds of crazy in this story. The girl certainly has more passion than sense. Go grabbing someone's kids on the streets in Texas and you may get a lot worse than a punch in the face.

mezzrow म्हणाले...

"What about the children?" Is that what you're saying here?

And, a celebrity sighting.

Alternately, "squirrel!".

That said, I do feel for Lindsay Lohan. I guess she's trying to do the right thing, but that's a target that's been hard to find for her. The curse of fame and good looks does its work once more on another child star. Sex trafficking has always existed and has always been horrible. It's a painful and riveting subject. Lohan tries to save herself from the belly of the whale. She sees herself in these children. That's what I see.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Jupiter said...

"How can you stand that stupid bullshit? Idiots boasting idiotically of their idiocy."

How can I stand it? That was a major song, about a real American cultural phenomena, by E-40, a gifted poet, artist, and rapper, who made himself (and his less-gifted relatives) very wealthy in the totally-legal, DIY style, any pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps conservative should applaud and envy.

Put it all together, and he's very easy to listen to - and admire: A true self-made man.

What would you recommend instead?

cronus titan म्हणाले...

This post reveals how vapid and fraudulent "cruel neutrality" is. A lunatic actress with colorful history (to be charitable) makes an insane accusation and cruel neutrality demands we take her ravings seriously. "Cruel neutrality" may be a euphemism for "nihilism."

And since "cruel neutrality" is also limited to believing women, and only women, how is it applied when two women dispute? Is there a descending rank of women that we should believe?

Paddy O म्हणाले...

Because this is a very important topic, it's worth noting International Justice Mission (IJM) that is doing amazing work all over the world.

Mr. Majestyk म्हणाले...

There is much injustice all over the world? Who knew? Let us never discuss any Supreme Court nomination ever again.

buwaya म्हणाले...

Making oneself wealthy through art, music often enough, is quite ancient and not limited to the US. It became very common indeed in 19th century Europe.

Previously one did well in the arts by finding a wealthy and generous patron. But with the increase of disposable income among the common people this dependency disappeared. The change can be seen in the career of Haydn, of humble birth (his parents were a wheelwright and a cook), starting in the traditional patronage of the Esterhazy princes, but breaking out and establishing a commercial mass-market across Europe, selling sheet music and touring in concert.

Nothing American about it really.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Where are the facts?

Democrats don't need no stinking facts!

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

There isn't enough here to determine why Lohan thought they were human traffickers. Of course, it is possible for them to be both the parents and the traffickers. The world outside the West is pretty Hobbesian.

AllenS म्हणाले...

If I have enough beers, I can speak Arabic phrases with a Middle Eastern accent, also. I can speak most languages after a 12 pack.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Why are things so distorted and out of proportion?

Because leftists control the media and want power over other people.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

The most rapey rape story to ever ever ever is the story of the 36 year old high school non -rape.

All other victims pale in comparison.

MayBee म्हणाले...

Fantastic post, Althouse.

MayBee म्हणाले...

I do want to point out that being privileged doesn't keep you from feeling or being devastated. I completely agree with your point, but I don't' think the privilege of Ford or Kavanaugh has any bearing.

MayBee म्हणाले...

If Lohan is sober, she has worked hard to save her own life and turn it around. I vote for celebrating her redemption, and hope she inspires others.

Stephen म्हणाले...

A Lindsay and a Lindsey, whose anger both made the news this week. And the universe chuckles.

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

People ought to listen to Mr. Stephen Cooper, and if they were to do so there would be less distortion.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"??? Did you mean "and" instead of "said"?"

Yes. It's a mistake. Thanks. Corrected.

"But you believe Ford and think Kavanagh should be kept off the Court anyway."

Is that supposed to be a question? I've never taken a position on that. If you think I have, quote something.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Whoever is critical of this post, please do one thing before talking to me. Form a clear picture in your mind of what it would be like to be a sex slave. Maybe you can't do it, because it's just a fantasy, and as a fantasy, it might even titillate you. Pull the curtain over that part of your knowledge then and proceed to make the same damned points you always make about Democrats and Republicans in the United States.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"... I want to make it clear today that my administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking. And I am prepared to bring the full force and weight of our government to the federal and at the federal level, and the other highest levels, whatever we can do, in order to solve this horrific problem. It’s getting worse and it’s happening in the United States in addition to the rest of the world, but it’s happening in the United States, which is terrible. Human trafficking is a dire problem, both domestically and internationally, and is one that’s made really a challenge. And it’s really made possible to a large extent, more of a modern phenomenon, by what’s taking place on the Internet, as you probably know. Solving the human trafficking epidemic, which is what it is, is a priority for my administration. We’re going to help out a lot. “Solve” is a wonderful word, a beautiful word, but I can tell you, we’re going to help a lot. I’ll direct the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies that have a role in preventing human trafficking to take a hard look at the resources and personnel that they’re currently devoting to this fight. Now, they are devoting a lot, but we’re going to be devoting more.... People don’t know enough about it. And we’re going to talk about it, and we’re going to bring it out into the open and hopefully we’re going to do a great deal to help prevent some of the horrific — really horrific — crimes that are taking place."

Portlandmermaid म्हणाले...

I watched the whole video and at first was shocked by her, a stranger in the night, aggressively trying to lure the kids and the mom. But now, I don't know. Did she know the adults were traffickers and was foolhardily trying to help the kids or were they just a family down on their luck and sleeping on the street? If that's the case, then she greatly disturbed them to the point that they had to pack up and leave while she followed, yelling and filming them.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Where are the women against pillage, though.

MB म्हणाले...

What is certain is that a child kidnapping attempt took place, either by Lohan or by those people who may or may not have been the children's parents. Either way, sounds serious to me.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Ann Althouse said...

Whoever is critical of this post, please do one thing before talking to me. Form a clear picture in your mind of what it would be like to be a sex slave. Maybe you can't do it, because it's just a fantasy, and as a fantasy, it might even titillate you. Pull the curtain over that part of your knowledge then and proceed to make the same damned points you always make about Democrats and Republicans in the United States.

She didn't hear me. I'll say it again:

I get laughed at, here, for saying this about cultism all-the-time. Nobody cares. It's all Black Mirror now.

Don't make me say not again. Next time: All caps.

Joe म्हणाले...

I'm surprised she didn't get shot or at least beat up.

Krumhorn म्हणाले...

Because of people like you, Althouse. Solely because of people like you.

Whatever issues anyone can argue about Ann’s view of this current shitshow, nobody can reasonably assert, leave alone argue, that our hostess has done anything other than consistently identify distortion and regularly put things into proportion. While reasonable folks can disagree with the conclusion, nobody can usually find fault with her analysis. To the contrary, one of the signal features of this blog is her uncanny ability to regularly highlight things the rest of us usually miss.

That’s not thumbsucking sycophancy; I’m pointing out why I have read this blog for years. I may have semiannual insights that are at least interesting to me, but she does it daily, quickly, and usually before my breakfast.

- Krumhorn

buwaya म्हणाले...

Back in the 50's Chinese girls were commonly smuggled into Manila into prostitution, mainly for the benefit of Chinese men. It was a series of recurring scandals and a political issue, often cited in various Chinese immigration-exclusion laws.

Chinese brothels in the old Chinatown were also often in the news. I was actually in one once, in the 70's. I did not inquire as to nationalities, as it was a sort of "grand tour" of Binondo on the part of my schoolmates. The Chinese are often misunderstood. They aren't all "tiger moms", or school nerds, far from it.

And this was noted way back in the 1880s, as one of many related criminal activities (such as opium dens).

This whole thing is not new, it is and has been global for thousands of years.

Krumhorn म्हणाले...

Whoever is critical of this post, please do one thing before talking to me. Form a clear picture in your mind of what it would be like to be a sex slave.

Speaking of proportion, I haven’t yet gotten to imagining what it’s like to be a child sex slave yet. I’m stalled on imagining what it’s like to have my arms and legs and dick torn off as I am curretaged and suctioned from my mommy’s uterus because I am an inconvenience or the product of her rape. I wasn’t there for the rape part, so I am imagining it was baaad. But that’s nothing compared to what I am about to endure. Oh shit! Here comes the curette!! I sure hope those Syrian sex slaves are ok.

- Krumhorn

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

Ann Althouse said...
Whoever is critical of this post, please do one thing before talking to me.

I'm only critical because you seem to be mocking Lindsay Lohan.

PhilD म्हणाले...

"Form a clear picture in your mind of what it would be like to be a sex slave."
There are tens of thousands in the UK who could help you with that. Strangely enough they aren't that much talked about. And come to think of it, one shouldn't make too much a fuss about it in the UK because their rapists were PC-protected rapists and it could cost you.

As for "You’re ruining Arabic culture by doing this.", in Arabic culture Lohan would have been stoned a long time ago, really 'stoned' that is.

0_0 म्हणाले...

Lohan spent so much time in Dubai being a well paid ho for rich Arabs. Her sister Ali, too. Her Arabic is probably "Hearkening is obedience", "Please put the lot on this card", and understanding "Roll over, insh'Allah".

n.n म्हणाले...

Why are things so distorted and out of proportion?


bagoh20 म्हणाले...

One way to prevent sex slavery is abortion, which is a right, and preventing slavery is a much better excuse than most, so why not?

Rabel म्हणाले...

"It's a story of thousands of children, all over the world. Do people even care if Lohan was wrong or right? Why are things so distorted and out of proportion?"

Lohan has been involved in the anti-trafficing movement for several years. She may have fucked up here, or not, but she's walking the mean streets of Moscow trying to help.

What have you done, Professor?

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

What have you done, Professor?


Unless she voted for Trump. Which seems so unlikely now.

n.n म्हणाले...

One way to prevent sex slavery is abortion

Nameless boys and girls get lost in the accounting, on the trails.

That said, planned parenthood, including elective abortion, are credited with reduced childhood mortality, social progress, civil stability, and increased GDP. It's not just about women's rights. It's a wicked solution that bears fruits.

That said, immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises, mass emigration) suffices to fill in the gaps and gerrymander the vote to progress their agenda.

Yeah, it's a devil's argument, but it works. An "ends justifies the means" apology. I think we should and can do better.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

0_0 said...
Lohan spent so much time in Dubai being a well paid ho for rich Arabs. Her sister Ali, too. Her Arabic is probably "Hearkening is obedience", "Please put the lot on this card", and understanding "Roll over, insh'Allah".

9/30/18, 1:07 PM

So what? Let's say that's true. Takes one to know one.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Please do one thing before enjoying the mocking of Kavanaugh. Form a clear picture in your mind of what it would be like to be falsely accused of sexual assault and gang rape on national TV with no proof and have half the country believe it ... and then have people with enormous platforms mock you for defending yourself and your family. Join in the laughing at a man being destroyed by lies. Besides, it's just a man.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

The Crack Emcee said...

"How can I stand it? That was a major song, about a real American cultural phenomena,"

Fat, ugly, people shooting each other?

Gahrie म्हणाले...

Is that supposed to be a question? I've never taken a position on that. If you think I have, quote something.

So when you attacked him for being too perfect and a possible fifth vote to over turn Roe and then said you believed Ford, we're supposed to believe you didn't want to keep Kavanagh off the court?

All of us misunderstood you?

Char Char Binks, Esq. म्हणाले...

"Isn't it far more likely that Lohan is speaking Arabic with a strong American accent?"

No. She's a talented actress, good at voices and accents. I don't know how good her Arabic is, but her Arabic accent even spilled over into some of the things she was saying in English. I don't know if she was speaking English for our benefit, or if she simply ran out of Arabic.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

Ann Althouse said...
"Whoever is critical of this post, please do one thing before talking to me. Form a clear picture in your mind of what it would be like to be a sex slave."

Two boys with a woman in Moscow? I think not. Try a sixteen-year-old Yazidi girl, being sold for twenty bucks by a Muslim piece of shit, to another Muslim piece of shit who drags her back to his shithole where he chains her to a wall and rapes her. Or an eight-year-old Afghan, boy, being sold by his parents to a Muslim piece of shit, who dresses him like a girl, makes him dance, and rapes him. Or a bunch of Pakis in Rotterham, Muslim pieces of shit every one, "grooming" girls by torturing them while gang-raping them. Mind you, I'm not claiming that Muslims are the only pieces of shit who enslave people for sexual purposes. But they are the only ones whose "religion" encourages them to do so.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Her Arabic is probably "Hearkening is obedience"

Latin obedire, to listen

JAORE म्हणाले...

Extreme allegations demand extreme evidence. Or at least SOME. Has LL released a video of why she's so sure they were human trafficking?

Why in the world would anyone believe LL has some special knowledge of the working of human trafficking.

Why would anyone think videoing an actual human trafficking group and trying to snatch one of the kids would not result in violence.

Apparently a woman, especially a celebrity woman, especially a celebrity woman with a camera is absolute safely from violence in the depths of the LL brain.

I'd say she came off lucky.

chickelit म्हणाले...

bagoh20 wrote: “ Join in the laughing at a man being destroyed by lies. Besides, it's just a man.”

That’s one small squish for woman, but one giant stomp for womankind.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Buwaya observes: This whole thing is not new, it is and has been global for thousands of years.

Indeed. The book of Joel, chapter 3, verse 3: And they have cast lots for my people and have given a boy for an harlot and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

bagoh20 said...
Please do one thing before enjoying the mocking of Kavanaugh. Form a clear picture in your mind of what it would be like to be falsely accused of sexual assault and gang rape on national TV with no proof and have half the country believe it ... and then have people with enormous platforms mock you for defending yourself and your family. Join in the laughing at a man being destroyed by lies. Besides, it's just a man.

9/30/18, 1:46 PM

How about being accused of screwing your way through (public!) college and law school and on to the faculty at UW? Sex for grades maybe? Either way?

Consider that in reality, as Kavanaugh is in fact a decent family man who-would-never, that you are in fact a repressed frigid asexual cold fish due to an unpleasant episode of slap and tickle with another teacher (funny that then one became a teacher, for the opportunities perhaps?), who would never do any such thing, but people accuse you of it "credibly," ie with a straight face, and your enemies laugh at you and use it to mock you? And deny you advancement, and perhaps take what you have, what you have worked for so long and so hard and so well?

Pretty funny, Althouse, yeah?

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Men bad.
Women good.

n.n म्हणाले...

There are three issues. One, stalking and harassment by private individuals. Two, was there probable cause to suspect an illicit affair. Three, who is lost and left behind with immigration reform.

NOW that possible is politically congruent ("=") to probable, the proper course of action is for the authorities to investigate anti-nativists corporations, socially liberal organizations, and Planned Parenthood et al.

n.n म्हणाले...

Men bad. Women good.

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, and babies are Made on Earth. It's the war of the planets, and there will be collateral damage.

Anna म्हणाले...

This is incredibly sad.

Either a pair of children were being trafficked and people are laughing at the attempt to save them, or a genuinely mentally ill woman (almost certainly reacting to sexual and other abuse she experienced as a little girl supporting her parents in Hollywood) is being laughed at as she behaves in a way that pretty clearly shows she is a danger to herself or others.

Also, I’m amused and saddened by the people who think a woman can’t be a human trafficker or that boys can’t be trafficked. Although I think it’s nearly certain that Lohan was wrong about this particular woman and these boys, that’s definitely not why.

Laslo Spatula म्हणाले...

"Maybe you can't do it, because it's just a fantasy, and as a fantasy, it might even titillate you."

Holy shit.

I did not take the strawberries.

I am Laslo.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Ann Althouse said...
"Whoever is critical of this post, please do one thing before talking to me. Form a clear picture in your mind of what it would be like to be a sex slave."

Right. I posted about a criminal who was able to rob banks by hiding in the room with safety deposit boxes and busting them open after the bank closed. Then, he would escape after bank opened in the morning.

Althouse and another woman commenter(who had a career in banks) could not imagine such a scenario. Called me out on it in no uncertain terms.

Had to provide a link to utube for them.

Got a "yes, but..." reply.

Maybe easier for women to imagine being a sex slave.
BTW "The Chosen" on Netflix a story of Mexican family who grooms women to be prostitutes against their will. Interestingly disgusting.

FIDO म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
FIDO म्हणाले...

Think about this:

Althouse wants to know WHY DON'T WE BELIEVE LOHAN?

So this is the second woman this week, without a shred of evidence, who accuses some stranger of a horrible sex crime...and Althouse seems to want to just believe her sight unseen...or at least have US question ourselves over why we want to demand evidence.

That is a very unlovely look on you, Legal Professor Althouse.

Heard this story twenty years ago:

An elderly man, seeing some happy children, waved them over to put on his lap to interact with them.

And some of the local women at the event shot him such looks of suspicion at him because of pedophile hysteria. A granddad.

He did not pick up the kid...and he knew he would never pick up another child either. This is the world you made and I dislike you for it.

Because of people like you who cast aspersions without evidence. Because 'This is just so God Damn important that we can't give anyone (Men) the benefit of the doubt'.

But you'll wrap yourself in self righteousness at this observation and think you are doing important and unquestionably GOOD things...and wonder why men don't trust or like or support women nearly as much any more.

Pillage Idiot म्हणाले...

Ms. Lohan made a poor decision for either alternative.

Option 1.) Children are safe with their actual parents or guardians. Unknown lady in the middle of the night is trying to get the kids away. Likely response of parent protecting their children - use violence because the crazy lady is not otherwise ending the encounter.

Option 2.) Actual sex traffickers are caught in the possession of children. Single lady in the middle of the night confronts someone capable of committing felonies of that level of depravity. Likely response of sex trafficker - use violence on the crazy lady to avoid detection of horrific crimes.

Confrontation as the weaker party has the potential outcome of making you a winner of a Darwin Award.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Thanks, Krumhorn.

FIDO म्हणाले...

I won't speak to Althouse, because I don't know her stances on these issues.

But Feminists...

Troops in Afghanistan opened schools and allowed girls to attend.

Feminists were against this intervention.

Troops in Iraq did the same.

Feminists were against it.

Muslims were trading and enslaving women in Syria.

Feminists seemed against intervention THERE as well.

Feminists seem intent on defending their Muslim 'brothers'...who stone women to death for adultery, treat them like chattel and Ahem, hire crazy celebrity women as sex toys.

I easily grant the emotion. Fuck emotion! What are Feminists willing to SUPPORT. This breast beating about human trafficking is grace on the very cheapest. UNTIL they are willing to make deals with other people who might help them...like, say Trump or Kavanaugh, they aren't serious and shouldn't be treated that way.

Meanwhile, Feminists are trying to stop Dad Kavanaugh from being able to help his daughters and her teammates play basket ball.

How can one NOT hate Feminism?

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“Troops in Afghanistan opened schools and allowed girls to attend.

Feminists were against this intervention.

Troops in Iraq did the same.

Feminists were against it.

Muslims were trading and enslaving women in Syria.

Feminists seemed against intervention THERE as well.

Feminists seem intent on defending their Muslim 'brothers'...who stone women to death for adultery, treat them like chattel and Ahem, hire crazy celebrity women as sex toys.”

Are you insane?

stephen cooper म्हणाले...

Lindsay Lohan.
Robert Downey Junior.
Ben Stein.
James Woods.
Micheal Reagan.
Patricia Heaton.
Nick Nolte.

Just 7 votes for Trump/Kavanaugh in 2020, assuming the evil tricks of the Democrats keep Judge Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court. The Democratic candidate might not even win California.

While I feel bad for Dr Ford, there is no evidence that her belief that the guy that night, whom she did not mention for three decades, happened to be the one guy she knew who became famous, that is, Judge Kavanaugh. So she might be right, but it is more likely that she is no more right - and likely less right, if you follow the evidence - than a woman who said she was raped by a Kennedy of Massachusetts, but who did not mention it for 30 years. So she might be right, but who among us can say that none of their four grandparents (assuming no incest back in the day, and that the number is not 2 or 3) were not rapists and murderers? Without corroboration, how can you prove a negative?

I do feel sad, as a Republican voter, that I voted for losers from the trashy Bush family four times, and I think it is possible that the young Ron Reagan unfairly pressured a girlfriend into having an abortion. If he did so , he should not have spent the rest of his life in politics, but in repentance in some quite place. President Kavanaugh in 2024 will be a relief from those old bad days, if you look at these things fairly, and I will not be sad to vote for him.

The Democrats better hope that Kavanaugh gets on the Supreme Court because the people of the USA are angry at the opportunistic and feral and unjustly random hatred for a good man, the people of the USA are angry at the mockery that the Hollywood leftists have launched at this poor man's family, and the Democrats - if Kavanaugh is not on the Supreme Court - are not going to like what the last 4 years of Trump's 8 years as president and the first 8 years of Kavanaugh's presidency are going to mean for their desires to slander people and create a politically correct totalitarian society.

And yes, I am not kidding. If Kavanaugh is unfairly kept off the court, Mike Pence will be the attorney general for the last 5 or so years of the Trump presidency and Kavanaugh will be the VP for the last 4. Maybe Groper Corey Booker or some other Democrat with a shady past will try and defeat Kavanaugh in 2024. We'll see.

stephen cooper म्हणाले...

By the way, if you are interested in history, a great trivia question is this: what very famous historical figure had only 3 grandparents? (not including mythological personages) ....

And also by the way, in this beautiful 2018 world, the big story this week is probably not what you think it is.

It is quite possible that the very intelligent Jesuit (intelligent, from me, is not a compliment, I am just being fair) has turned the corner and is hoping to be a good Pope. Bergoglio called on every single Catholic, all one or two billion of them, to say the Rosary every day in October for a very important intention - for the protection of honest souls (he did not say it that way but I am trying to help him, and saying it in the way he ought to have said it). Maybe in the near future his actions (our poor legalistic cold-hearted unkind tyrannical Pope's actions, is how I would have said it if I wanted to tell you how I really feel) will catch up with his words, maybe not, but St Louis de Montfort specifically said that sinners who pray the Rosary every day will one day no longer be sinners. Or something like that. I am no big fan of the last few Popes, God bless their hearts, but I am a big fan of the Rosary (and if I weren't wouldn't that have been the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever said on the internet - all 15 mysteries would stand as witness against me --- imagine that!! I would be in pretty bad shape - but I am not, God loves me at least as much, and certainly more, than I have loved my schnauzer mix, my Chow terrier mix, my Tibetan terrier mix, my poor FIV cat, not to mention all the people I have loved in this world, which is quite a lot not to mention - trust me) .... thanks for reading. Imagine what the worst of our friends or colleagues would be like if they started praying the Rosary every day, or just praying, with the heart of someone who cares, every day.

Sarthurk म्हणाले...

Lindsay Who?
She's an actress. She does a job, gets on screen, and becomes familiar to the public. That is all she's got.
She seems to be trying to make herself relevant. But stupid is, as stupid does. (I got that from some movie). If one wants to listen to the opinions and actions of somebody who claims to have superiority over the average person, well, that's one's own problem.
Hollywood actors are just about worth as much as the theatre ticket I won't bother paying for.

Much adieu about nothing.

stephen cooper म्हणाले...

Lindsay Lohan is not stupid. She is trying to raise awareness of the same issues that crazy Q-anon is trying to raise awareness of.

Hedy Lamar she ain't, but she deserves respect, and she is definitely not stupid.

langford peel म्हणाले...

Lindsay Lohan knows something about the sexual exploitation of children. It happened to her and her sister.

People should listen to her.

But they won't. The sexual exploitation of children is the dirty secret of Hollywood.

They knew.

Gahrie म्हणाले...

By the way, if you are interested in history, a great trivia question is this: what very famous historical figure had only 3 grandparents?

Cleopatra? (The one that married Caesar and Marc Anthony)

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

I am no big fan of the last few Popes, God bless their hearts,

So, Steve, how did Jan Pawel Drugi piss in your cornflakes? Didn't free enough Slavs for you?

Also, why do you say that Bergoglio is so intelligent? I really don't think he's that bright.

I agree that I cannot understand why Lindsay Lohan should be treated with disrespect in this matter.

stephen cooper म्हणाले...

Cleopatra is the person I was thinking of. Apparently, Cleopatra's father and mother had the same father, but different mothers. That would be my best guess as the most famous person with three grandparents, instead of the usual four.

I am sure there were others, but she is probably the most famous.

Pushkin had four grandparents, two of whom had the last name of Pushkin, but they were two different Pushkins, and not all that closely related.

By the way, both Pushkin ( a great poet) and Cleopatra (fluent in several languages, and very familiar with ancient Greek poetry) showed no signs of inbreeding.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

Pillage Idiot said...
Ms. Lohan made a poor decision for either alternative

One word. Guts. Four words. More guts than brains. One more word. Irish. You expect an Irishwoman to take counsel of her fears when she sees children in danger? Ephialtes, may you live forever.

That said, it certainly seems foolish, she had no resources but her camera and her Size 52 heart. I can't imagine how she dreamed she could operate in Russia, but that didn't stop our girl. I'm glad she didn't get badly hurt, and I hope that some eye of authority will be cast upon those people.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Stephen Cooper suggests: Imagine what the worst of our friends or colleagues would be like if they started praying the Rosary every day, or just praying, with the heart of someone who cares, every day.

Why is praying the rosary not 'vain repetition', as described by Christ?

stephen cooper म्हणाले...

Bad Lieutenant - John Paul was a saint, in my opinion, from his youth (the mother of the two famous theologian Rahners = Karl and Hugo - knew him when he was a teenager and asked her sons why they were not more like Karol W. - apparently in his youth he was a lot like Saint Therese, that is like someone who obviously knows God loves him and who in return loves God in a saintly way) .... but somewhere around the second year of his papacy, the great temptation of power, after he became an experienced Pope, led him to say vicious and untrue things about fellow Catholics who disagreed with him about the level of guilt of the many evildoers who surrounded him (for example, he mocked or ignored the truthful critics of the evil Maciel of Mexico, and promoted several of the very bad men who later became Cardinals - Bernard Law, McCarrick, and so on) - and I think he said those untrue things because, in his vanity, he believed he could read the hearts of men (Padre Pio could, Wojtyla, I think, could not). Sure, Parkinson's is an excuse, but still .... A billion people were praying for him to do the right thing, and say the right thing about those evildoers, and he did not. And I think his sin was pride - he proudly thought he could read the hearts of others. Maybe not the worst temptation or the worst sin in the world, but there you go ... when a billion people are praying for you ....

Also, he often "prayed in a special way" for Poland. That is fine, but he overdid it. A billion or so people prayed for him, and he did not equally pray for all of them and all of their countries. You can't be a good-hearted Pope with the love for all that Saint Peter and the other saintly Popes felt for so many years and also go on and on about how you are so often praying for just one country in a "special way."

In real life, some of us have had the misfortune of having friends who clearly love some of their children more than others. What can we say? Probably nothing. But we are not going to say they were great fathers, because they were not.

Also, he had anti-Semitic friends, and he chose to ignore their Jew-hater statements, and he was too admiring of people from other religions simply because they were "religious" (idolatry of the religious instinct and idolatry of fake religious power).

I think he was and is a saint, but one of the lesser saints. Still, a saint, and obviously I believe that, as a saint, his prayers are heard by God even today, and I hope he prays for me, a sinner. But the good thief who died on the cross next to Jesus is a saint, too, and we don't have to say he was a saint before the day he died. I am no big fan of Pope Benedict either, but he made some Christian improvements when he became Pope, improvements which John Paul would have made if he were a better kinder man.

stephen cooper म्हणाले...

mockturtle - because when I pray the Rosary I am not thinking of the words, I am trying to remember what God did for me and for those he loves.

Ephesians and Philippians are my favorite epistles that describe what I try to do when I am praying the Rosary -
Philippians - I thank God for every remembrance of you (the rosary is not vain repetition but loving remembrance) and ...

well, there are lots of verses in Ephesians that describe what we are doing when we "say" the Rosary --- beginning with the exhortation to recall "the praise of the glory of his grace" --- and each of the mysteries which one contemplates --- remember , the important thing is contemplating the mystery, not mouthing the words --- when praying the Rosary, is just another way of praising the glory of his grace,

Of course, if praying the Rosary does not bring you closer to God, I don't think any less of you, there are all sorts of ways of praying. But almost everyone I know would be a much better person if they prayed the Rosary well, remembering, or trying to remember, each moment that we pray, those days long ago when Jesus created us and everyone we love, and the consistent love Jesus has always had, and always will have, for us.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe म्हणाले...

Althouse asks: Why are things so distorted and out of proportion?

Answer: Because the People have outsourced too much power to Government. The power concentrated there is worth staggering shameless mendacity to get or retain. I blame the voters; a too credulous electorate.

And you ain't gonna sell newspapers or air time telling people they are responsible for their own health and safety.

If you do not like what men and women do to get and keep that power, then take the power back from Government.

Vote Libertarian.

Pillage Idiot म्हणाले...

Bad LT,

I certainly did not question Ms. Lohan's guts - just her brains.

I don't know the origin of the quote, but it is enlightening. "A radio is the most deadly weapon known to mankind."

The "radio" should be swapped out now for a cell phone. The wiser play would have been to call the authorities (who?), some more of her friends, a Russian model friend that has bodyguards, etc. Follow at a safe distance and keep reporting.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

OK Pillage, I guess we don't disagree. The truth is that we need to know more about the incident, and probably won't learn it, because Trump, ie she supports him and so is not human.

The quote or it's concept is quite valid. The smartphone, transposed to say the Civil War or to Camelot, would have simply changed the world. As I said, she had no other resources, but properly used, that might have been enough. Even now the data might be used to find them.

I certainly wish she had been smarter or wiser, or better prepared, or mentally healthier. But we don't know what was going on and she may have decided it was go-no-go, and she go'd.

In general I feel kindly and/or badly for Miss Lohan, wish her well, and hope she gets whatever kind of help she needs. If Althouse had had her life she would be in an insane asylum. I doubt Althouse is any smarter than Lindsay Lohan, she just had a more privileged, sheltered upbringing.

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Unknown म्हणाले...

because a great many people years ago gave up on righteous virtue and replaced it with hubris and hard heartedness. they ceased to endeavor to control themselves and took up instead to control all things external.

They are the 21st century sanhedrin.