Still waiting for the rest of that sentence.
ADDED: Still waiting, but I wanted to ask what does "may have a perceived negative impact" mean? Did he mean that the people he talked to perceived a negative impact? Because that's not what the word literally mean.
Literally — as I read those words — it means that the people at the DOJ did not themselves perceive a possible negative impact, but thought that other people — the press? the public? — might perceive a negative impact. In that view, the people at the DOJ were not worried about a negative impact on the Russia probe but were worried that Trump will be thought of as negatively affecting the probe.
UPDATE: The second tweet, with the rest of the sentence:
....has been asked to review these documents on an expedited basis. I believe he will move quickly on this (and hopefully other things which he is looking at). In the end I can always declassify if it proves necessary. Speed is very important to me - and everyone!SO: He changed his mind! Speed is very important, so he's delaying.
६१ टिप्पण्या:
The Morning of Waiting.
How did our DOJ and intelligence communities get so screwed up? It is almost like an enemy of America was in charge of them for 8 years or so. doing may have a perceived negative impact on the Russia probe.
So they are not saying that it will have a negative impact on the Russia probe. Only that it will be perceived as such.
So releasing the unredacted documents might "negatively impact the Russia probe?" How, exactly? By revealing it's all a hoax and a scam run by the Democrat media complex? Yes, that might "negatively impact" Mueller's investigation, especially if it shows him fully complicit in the entire thing.
Of course, this is Trump's statement, so it may not be word-for-word what the DOJ said to him.
Australia and the UK called to ask not to be revealed by Trump for their concerted efforts to determine a US election, spied on a campaign, and undermined the duly elected US president.
John Brennan could not be reached for comment.
"Therefore, the Inspector General....."
... is starting a garage band with his friends. They'll be called "The General Inspectors". From what I'm told the style will be something called "Post Rock". They'll be posting demos to Band Camp soon.
The Clintons are a threat to our democracy.
I do not understand what secrets of national security operations beyond Clandestine Operations 101 could conceivably be exposed by publishing these documents, and would think all of our opponents' agencies are at least past the undergraduate level of studies.
Also, key Allies’ called to ask not to release.
This is a real concern, assuming that what we are being asked to not release is information given to us by those country's governments. If we reveal their sources or methods, they won't be willing to share info with us in the future.
But we should, the the greatest extent possible, describe what information was in the redacted section.
”Also, key Allies’ called to ask not to release.”
Tough shit. You should have considered the consequences before you messed in our election.
Get the frappin' things out there. We'll be the ones to decide if there're negative or not.
"Key Allies" is obviously Britian and perhaps Australia. Christopher Steele was an agent for MI6 at one point, so the British meddled in our election.
SO: He changed his mind!
He changed his public position. Art of the deal. Always ask for more than you want. Trump sure is a reasonable guy for taking these concerns seriously, while working hard to provide the American people the information that they need.
release the freaking documents. The People have a right to know. The "authorities" have had a piss-poor record of redacting things that relate to national security, ie, expensive furniture, when they mostly are trying to avoid embarrassment and jail time for their buddies.
Are they really our allies? Or just in name only?
The short delay is almost certaunly related to the phone calls he got from Britain and Australia.
Very interestingly at 03:05 of the video below President Trump makes note of pro-active phone calls from two foreign governments (likely British and Australian) prior to fulfillment of the declassification releases of the FISA application used against Carter Page. [ie. ‘spy-gate’]
As readers here are familiar, during the declassification process any potentially impacted intelligence entity or ally is contacted in advance as part of the declassification review. It would appear, calls from U.S. intel to British and Australian intel precipitated calls from British and Australian leadership to President Trump.
Of course, both British and Australian characters figured in the Russia hoax.
One is Mifsud, who has disappeared, and Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat with links to the Clintons.
I can understand why they might be concerned about exposing these two again.
He changed his mind! Speed is very important, so he's delaying.
Is he delaying? Or is he being forced to delay by the process and an uncooperative deep state?
On one of these threads someone commented that Trump is the best current stand-up comic on television and that all the Democrat shows appear somewhat - or more than somewhat - dated.
I think he is onto something there.
"Hands up don't shoot" never happened
The Russians didn't steal the election away from poor Hillary. The American people did.
The American people are a threat to our democracy, right Hillary?
He wants everything released before the November elections
To the extent that he's bought Hillary's spin on why she lost, he's happy to have things released closer to the election
What he's doing now is laying down markers, so that when he says "screw it", and releases everything a week before the election, there won't be any legitimate grounds for criticism
"...uncooperative seep state..."
I think you have inadvertently coined a new term for our out of control federal government. In fact, you nailed it.
gahrie said...
Is he delaying? Or is he being forced to delay by the process and an uncooperative deep state?
He has the unilateral authority to declassify. He could declassify immediately, if he so chose. He is acting reasonably and responsibly.
I've long thought it was suspicious that head of one of Britain's intelligence agencies resigned unexpectedly two days after Trump inaugural.
Too bad. These fucks have cried wolf so many times about declassifying things that just turned out to be humiliating to personnel that were soon fired anyway. No "intelligence techniques" were divulged in anyway. Unless it undermines a probe of Obama and his coitere of coup planners release it all, today.
Key allies called.
So foreigners were meddling?!
The United Kingdom and Australia are not happy about this, because their Intelligence services participated in the early stages of the RussiaGate hoax.
Those two services helped to entrap George Papadopoulos, creating a false impression that he knew something significant about Russian possession of Hillary "Pay to Play" Clinton's e-mails.
Those two services probably know or at least suspect that they will be incriminated likewise in the entrapment of Carter Page into the FISA process.
Those are the "sources and methods" that are being discussed.
"... is starting a garage band with his friends. They'll be called "The General Inspectors". From what I'm told the style will be something called "Post Rock". They'll be posting demos to Band Camp soon."
I like the band The Postal Service.
Sebastian decodes the real purpose of those tweets. Trump just announced to the world that some of our allies were part of the conspiracy.
Yes, understanding the perceived impact is important in these situations. But so is the REAL impact.
And the REAL impact is that a known Wacky candidate, Wacky Jacky Rosen, has a real shot at winning the Nevada Senatorial race.
This could be the tipping point for Congress, as a sort of Critical Mass of Wackiness threatens to envelop our Legislative branch. You thought things were wacky before, wait until Wacky Jacky gets there.
Wake up sheeple! It isn't the Illuminati or the Elders of Zion or the Reptillians, or the Masons, or the Greys we need to worry about! Wacky people have been trying to get their hands on the levers of power for the last century. And, I think you will admit, they have done a pretty good job of it. Can we afford even ONE more known Wacky Senator!?!
Fight for Dean Heller -- A man who possibly is not quite as Wacky as Jacky.
It ain't much, but it is all that we, we few remaining non-Wacky people have!
Get out and VOTE.
”Blogger Mike Sylwester said...”Those are the "sources and methods" that are being discussed.”
Exactly. “Sources and methods” my ass.
Alternative interpretation: "The Dems want a deal to keep the FISA docs sealed. Negotiations are proceeding."
Uk and Au thought Clinton was a sure thing and did her a favor...
Never thought Trump would win...
And now don’t want to be shown to have attempted to influence a us election.
Worried about the damage to their image.
More embarrassment of having their innate stupidity and incompetence exposed to the public.
If the US Intelligence Community messes in US elections, then its "sources and methods" eventually might be exposed.
Let that be a lesson to the US Intelligence Community.
Executioner Trump is enjoying MI6’s slow and desperate wait for their execution. He wants them to scream and beg. Then he pulls the scaffold door. They earned it. And did the Brits read Trump’s executive orders for confiscation of money taken by political corruption and human trafficking? That is a description of the British Government that worked secretly with the Saudis and Soros/Obama to destroy the USA. Now Yrump plans to payoff our debt with the stolen gold . Interesting times, mate.
I wonder what they’d be willing to give Trump to keep this under wraps? Personally, I don’t think they have anything of sufficient value to offer. The particulars of this whole sordid episode need to be exposed.
The important phrase here was "key allies". This indicates to me that Great Britain and Australia intelligence services were involved during the Spring and Summer of 2016. I have long suspected that these countries' main contribution was running people at Papadopoulos and Page in attempts to entrap them- Halper clearly was such a person, and I suspect so was Mifsud and Downer. In addition, I think it quite possible that the Trump Tower meeting was a set up by using the British citizen Robbie Gold- he was the person who contacted Trump Jr. with the idea for the meeting, and the fact that Veselnitskaya met before and after the meeting with Glenn Simpson is just too much of a coincidence for me, and should be for anyone.
Still waiting, but I wanted to ask what does "may have a perceived negative impact" mean?
@Althouse, back when I worked in the Pentagon it meant that their asses are covered and they want to keep it that way.
I believe that Mike Sylwester (10:15 & 10:59) is correct — cooperating foreign intelligence services were conned into, or let themselves be conned into cooperating with Brennan’s CIA and Comey’s FBI to spy on an American presidential candidate. This is deeply embarrassing to those agencies and to their respective governments at at least a half dozen different levels; that their agency could be used as a cats paw with the strings pulled by their American counterparts not the least of it.
And I have no doubt that behind the scenes Donald Trump is telling the British and Australian governments that if they want their participation in the spying against his campaign to remain redacted, he had better see some serious quid pro quos from them.
He has them over a barrel.
When you say everything on the topic be released unredacted, you still need to review to see what is on the topic. A delay for review was inevitable. It should have started right away.
You should go read McCarthy's piece on the FISA warrant he published last week- he did a detailed outline about what each section of the warrants is for and which ones the public should see and the ones it should not. Congress is asking for redaction free portions of the probable cause sections- the sections where you can see what the DoJ used to convince the court that Carter Page was a Russian agent. To date, we have seen only those sections referring the Steele Dossier and the short history where Page's cooperation with the FBI was mischaracterized by the same FBI just 6 months later. I have long suspected that the redacted sections of the probable cause are the reports of the agents run at Page, for example Halper. It may even include people we haven't heard about yet.
”he had better see some serious quid pro quos from them.”
What have they got of sufficent value? What happened needs to be exposed.
Original Mike said...
”Blogger Mike Sylwester said...”Those are the "sources and methods" that are being discussed.”
Exactly. “Sources and methods” my ass.
Well, you'd be upset if it was exposed that your sources were fictional and your methods were "making up shit."
So now Rosenstein either gets Mueller to wind up the investigation with no more charges and an exoneration if Trump, or the documents get declassified and Rosenstein himself gets thrown into the The Pit.
Trump knows how to play the game.
“You should go read McCarthy's piece on the FISA warrant he published last week- he did a detailed outline about what each section of the warrants is for and which ones the public should see and the ones it should not. Congress is asking for redaction free portions of the probable cause sections- the sections where you can see what the DoJ used to convince the court that Carter Page was a Russian agent. To date, we have seen only those sections referring the Steele Dossier and the short history where Page's cooperation with the FBI was mischaracterized by the same FBI just 6 months later. I have long suspected that the redacted sections of the probable cause are the reports of the agents run at Page, for example Halper. It may even include people we haven't heard about yet.”
There had better be something there, since what we have seen so far is quite a ways from providing the sort of probable cause that the FISC should be requiring for surveiling a US Person in the US, and esp since they perps here mentioned that this was campaign related. I also have spect a lot of lying by omission concerning the relationship between Carter Page and the FBI. But I agree that they probably did need the foreign intelligence agency participation in order to pull this off. I don’t see them able to continue concealing the egregious lack of candor with Page, himself, so expect that to be unredacted, leaving mostly the foreign agency part, and that will probably have to come out eventually, since there very likely not going to otherwise be enough PC to support the applications.
We shall see.
The British can offer Trump the same deal the Rocket man got. They Denuclearize and destroy their delivery missiles and make a fair trade deal with the USA and maybe Trump lets them live but we get the stolen gold.
Bottom Line. Carter Page hasn’t been charged with anything. Therefore, the information used to get warrants on him was bad. This can’t be emphasized enough.
The DOJ can’t escape this fact. They can explain that the thought the information was credible, which means they are fucking morons.
This is actually believable. Mueller and Comey are fucking morons. Total DC hacks, which is why they became head of the FBI. Hoover was the last FBI head who was smart. No way any president or senator was ever going to let someone with brains ever run the FBI again. They’ve all been idiot figureheads since then.
The Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General are usually pretty smart, some more than others. Sessions, like Janet Reno and Loretta Lynch are idiots.
But usually they are loyal to the president and solid apparatchiks of the DC establishment.
Rosenstein is a smart guy, unlike Comey, McCabe, and Mueller.
He knows he has to protect the DOJ and FBI and DC establishment.
Mueller’s investigation is over. Rosenstein will tell Sideshow Bob to pack it up and exonerate Trump and his family.
Trump check mated Rosenstein.
So we're going have some speedy delays.
We're not fighting WW 2. What could possibly be in these memos, that would be of REAL importance to our national security?
Just build the damn wall, and release the damn documents.
Do you realize this Mueller investigation and whole bogus Russia-Trump probe has been going on for 15 months!
And we still don't know what fucking crime Trump was supposed to have committed.
It makes sense to get a little cya before disclosure. The national security state classification system makes more trivial and embarrassing shit secret than the State of California makes shit cancer causing.
Breaking news; Cohen talked to Mueller for hours.
No shit Sherlock.
That was reported 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks. Ago.
Meanwhile, MBNBC has ZERO on Federal Budget. Federal spending? the deficit? What's that?
Notice how the #FAKECONS at National Review and Weekly Standard never talk about "Smaller Government"?
I feel the need for speed!!!
Trump is just remembering how he felt in 1984 or was it 1982.
Does this explain constant James Bond movies on Starz network? Was Steele a Double O agent? Was Steele a James Bond type, or more a Valarie Plame?
"Key Allies" is obviously Britian and perhaps Australia. Christopher Steele was an agent for MI6 at one point, so the British meddled in our election.
What have they got of sufficent value?
@Original Mike, what if they have dirt on people Trump wants to fire, or dirt on people Trump wants to motivate?
What happened needs to be exposed.
You make me think of Sam Houston telling his troops “You want revenge; I want Texas.” You gotta keep your eyes on the prize.
The national security state classification system makes more trivial and embarrassing shit secret than the State of California makes shit cancer causing.
And that's saying something. I finally left with the plastic ban; before I got E coli like the Chipotle epidemic.
I wonder if he is delaying the declassification because he is worried the Kavanaugh kerfuffle would drown out information that will be in the declassified documents? Normally Trump, leads the press coverage and can change it according to his actions. That might mean any information in the documents isn't as clearly damning, to democrats as he might want people to believe.
@Vault Dweller, that could easily be part of it.
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