I'm watching the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning, voting along strict party lines. The Democrats moved to subpoena Mark Judge, and that failed. The Republicans voted to schedule the vote for noon, and that succeeded.
Now, some Democrats have walked out. Three I think. They've found microphones out in the hallway, and others remain in place, delivering statements. Right now, Leahy is repeating Dr. Ford's phrases — "indelible in the hippocampus" and "uproarious laughter."
His side has already lost, but it has not lost the midterm elections, and both parties have staunchly closed ranks for that upcoming battle.
१३० टिप्पण्या:
"...but it has not lost the midterm elections."
Oooooooooh that remains to be seen. A lot of "independent" opinions got changed this last week...
The disgusting conduct of the Senate Democrats is going to cost them seats in the mid terms. I'm on the same side as fucking Chuck for Christ's sake.
Lindsay Graham has had enough, so has the rest of the establishment. They may find that they like having spines and start doing so more frequently.
They are pathetic. They aren't getting their way so they are stamping their feet and acting like children.
Schadenfreude. It's a cruelly neutral emotion: the pain of your adversary/enemy giving you joy.
Hanoi Jane Fonda still can't remove the stain on her.
CBF will be 'that lying woman' to at least half the nation...and the other half strongly infers it as well...but they don't care.
Feinstein will be seen as the exemplar of anti-men for the rest of her life. How could she not?
And passive aggressive Althouse...this bridge too far is going to strongly besmirch Feminism and Abortion Rights. "We will destroy you so we can kill your babies."
Not exactly a hell of a good PR pitch.
And yes, when you've lost Chuck, your side did very badly.
Leahy is taking the unsupported word of TheWomanWithTwoFrontDoors over a federal judge who was investigated by the FBI 6 times. Unreal.
As someone familiar with this area of life, if I was raped, I'm sure "uproarious laughter" wouldn't be the first thing I remembered.
That's not a diss, just an observation.
The Democrats have not yet lost the midterms.
But they are doing their dead-level best.
And I think they will.
I thought the vote was scheduled for 1:30 EDT.
Dr. “Indelible in the hippocampus” and “haunted episodically,” has no idea what “exculpatory” means?
From “Democracy in America”
“The peace, the prosperity, and the very existence of the Union are vested in the hands of the seven Federal judges [of the United States Supreme Court]. Without them the Constitution would be a dead letter: the executive appeals to them for assistance against the encroachments of the legislative power; the legislature demands their protection against the assaults of the executive; they defend the Union from the disobedience of the states, the states from the exaggerated claims of the Union, the public interest against private interests, and the conservative spirit of stability against the fickleness of the democracy. Their power is enormous, but it is the power of public opinion. They are all-powerful as long as the people respect the law; but they would be impotent against popular neglect or contempt of the law. The force of public opinion is the most intractable of agents, because its exact limits cannot be defined; and it is not less dangerous to exceed than to remain below the boundary prescribed.”
Confirm K, then get on to the People's work. Like replacing Obamacare (born unPlanned penalty Act) with a market-based solution where medical care is affordable and available first, and subsidized (shared responsibility, welfare), equally sourced, second.
"indelible in the hippocampus" sounds like something from Gilbert and Sullivan:
I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
About the Christmas Season I know Santa Claus from Krampus
Indelibly recorded in my giant hippocampus
“Indelible in the hippocampus” was a dumb thing to say. It was also dumb to keep calling him “Brett.” It made her much less credible. The story itself is shaky as hell. She made it worse.
Dem Operative Lawyers aren’t good Lawyers. They are hacks. So is Leahy.
Ford has served her purpose. Hero of the Resistance.
Yes, Dr Ford was able to pull up the term for why she remembered the laughter, but didn't discuss the way we can create memories around our feelings.
Anybody who doesn't see how manipulating her testimony was is trying to ignore it.
It's not to say nothing happened to her, but she manipulated her testimony while in front of the Senate.
Can’t name the day or place. All the other people there say it didn’t happen.
But Ford remembers the “uproarious laughter.”
Have the lambs stopped screaming, Chrissy?
I guess their vote is that something successfully buried for 35 years should stay that way.
Well done, Henry!
4 boys attacked her in “her late teens.” That’s what her therapist wrote.
Apparently her therapist’s Medulla Oblongota is the wrong size,
36 year old allegations brought forward by a weird liar, attorneys who are liars and known radical supporters of radical leftists, and Diane Feinstein, the most corrupt member of the senate since Hillary Clinton.
I'm going to repeat here:
Ford's "beach friends" and Palo Alto friends seem to be quite politically motivated and wealthy. It seems to me she was quite well supported in getting her story out.
1. The front door/google intern thing is quite weird, right? She wanted two front doors so she can escape, but the Google interns use it?
2. Her contention/her lawyers' contention she is afraid to fly, when she has flown to French Polynesia which is about the furthest you can fly
3. Her contention that she was unaware the Senate was willing to come to her, even though it was widely reported
4. Her kind of slam on her friend who didn't back up her memory
5. Her protection of the one guy whom she dated and who lived in a location that actually fits the location of the event
6 The changing number of people involved in the rape - was at one time 4 people and got changed to 2
7. Her playing dumb about who was paying her lawyers
8 Her evasiveness about who found her lawyers
9 Her changing story- even in the last few weeks about how it happened/how many people
10 Her insistence -despite all the things she can't remember - that she had just one beer
11 Her odd, quick response that "NO" she hadn't told her parents she was talking to her Congresswoman and the WaPo about this
12 Apparently when she was in town she didn't do anything to refresh her memory- like drive around and see if she recognized the house
13 Her inability to remember how she got home
14 Her substantiating claim- that she ran into Mark Judge at the Safeway- is available in his book. He worked at the grocery store is publicly available information
There is something not right about her story. For people who say she couldn't have lied so well-- how well did she lie, really?
I can easily see this being a story for her beach friends that got out of hand.
I lived in the USA for 20 years and found my reactions (as opposed to my preferences) a good bellwether. I was very accurate at the end in 2016 (though I had mistakenly dismissed Trump at first). My gut tells me the Democrats got killed. This will no doubt fire up their base and give them a high turnout amongst the faithful, but it has galvanized Republicans, and I think shocked a lot of independents. Feinstein’s games, which were so dismissive of Ford and Kavanaugh, look sleazy compared to the Stormy Daniels stuff.
If the GOP is smart they will also paint this as an attempt to distract from the collapse of the Russia collusion fantasy.
Did you have sex in high School? Anger over yearbooks. Farts.
Trust us with the nuclear codes, we care about farts.
The last gasp of outrage by the left is, "Why not just delay the vote for an FBI investigation".
Yeah, sure.
I just hear Senator Man-Hater (D-Hawaii) say Judge Thomas sits on the SC and is under a cloud.
The FBI DID investigate in that case. No evidence found. Still the left demonized Thomas and continue to do so to this day.
Take your all-we-want-is-an-FBI-investigation-we-have-open-minds crap and return it up the orifice from which it came.
I remember when I was a kid in the 80s some kids playing a game called "tune in Tokyo" on unsuspecting girls.
At the time I didn't realize how terrible and awful this sexual assault was.
I demand an immediate FBI investigation into this practice and any child who was involved back in the 80s should have their lives ruined today.
I guess the Google interns in her house explains the scrubbing of social media, eh?
That sums it up well. And she’s put her sons in a terrible position. They are going to get shit for this until they are in their 20s.
Hero of the Resistance.
Does anybody live with a dissociative identity disorder person? (split personality)
Somebody remarked that they did and Ford's behavior on the stand resembled what they'd been living alongside for years.
Found in a thread starting at Insty that I can't manage to retrace.
That seems like a better starting point than Ford being a liar, other clues being what they are.
Even IF her (CBF) claim is true, she wasn't raped. She might have been aggressively felt up. But not raped. So far as I know, that is not a crime. Rude and uncalled for, but not a crime.
God!!! Are we not done with this dog and pony show yet!
The accuser, a PhD psychologist, did not seem to understand how a polygraph worked. Also the two questions were ridiculous.
Her house remodel, I understand, was not in 2012. Another lie.
Of course they don’t want to hear Mark Judge under oath. Of course they don’t want an FBI investigation.
Of course. The voters will remember this in November.
Cornyn bringing up Ford's testimony that she didn't authorize the leak of the letter, and that only three entities had it: Her Lawyers, Feinstein, Eschoo.
Someone released her letter, and she either lied or someone did it to push her story out there. Again, we are back to her "friends" (I include her representatives in this).
Of course they don’t want to hear Mark Judge under oath. Of course they don’t want an FBI investigation.
Inga. You saw the cascade of accusations this week, the Dems demanding an FBI investigation after each of them. How long do you think the FBI investiation could go on, if there were more and more allegations by Avanetti, etc?
Remember, Althouse probably thinks like a lot of independents. There are hundreds of thousands of Althouses out there.
Everyone else is saying 1:30? Did I miss something?
How can so many people talk about this, online and off, and not mention Kavanaugh has calendars proving he's not the guy?
President-Mom-Jeans: "The disgusting conduct of the Senate Democrats is going to cost them seats in the mid terms. I'm on the same side as fucking Chuck for Christ's sake."
We are at an existential inflection point in this nation and this fight requires all hands on deck.
There is no time for internecine warfare when the lunatic lefty marxists are at the gated and trying to burn the whole thing down.
This is a Flight 93 political battle where the dems control 99% of the govt and media levers.
All factions must stand together now regardless of any inevitable future intramural disagreements.
"and not mention Kavanaugh has calendars proving he's not the guy? "
The Dem Senators know he didn't do it, they were just expecting him to withdraw, or to be withdrawn, from the process. I suspect some of the Dem laity are brainwashed enough to actually think he is guilty
Democrats have just succeeded in putting a guy on the Supreme Court that hates their guts.
Good luck with that.
Inga: "Of course they don’t want to hear Mark Judge under oath. Of course they don’t want an FBI"
We already have 2 statements from Judge under penalty of perjury.
Your newest hoax lies arent working.
And your Russia collusion lies are collapsing before our eyes.
Your bitterness and continued lunacy in defense of these lies, while losing, is just icing on the cake.
His side has already lost, but it has not lost the midterm elections
@Althouse, you’re right about Leahy’s side, but you are wrong about Christine Blasey Ford and I think you are wrong about the midterms. Many of us thought it was a mistake to turn the questioning to Ms. Mitchell, that she was too gentle. But her gentle questioning got Ford to admit to two key facts: that Ford lies whenever it suits her (e.g., about her purported fear of flying), and that her best friend from high school days, who was supposedly a witness, says the incident never happened.
Instead of going hard against Ford, Grassley, Graham (!?!), and Kavanaugh went hard against against the Democrats. And they had no riposte beyond a few apologists last night emoting over Kavanaugh’s treatment of poor Amy Klobuchar. Well poor Amy Klobuchar picked which bed she wanted to lie down in, and has no complaint if she’s covered in fleas.
The villains have had the spotlight turned on them; only the blind can fail to see.
Remember the FBI was already given the Ford matter to investigate, and they declined.
So what exactly are you asking for, and how long should it go on?
If lawyer Katz (D. Wisconsin) leaked the letter and it can be confirmed, then she could be in big trouble. Her first loyalty and duty is to her client; not to the Dem party and lawyer Katz. The client didn't want this leaked to the media.
But fat chance that the leaker is ever discovered.
Criticizing the style and quality of the emperor's new clothes gets us nowhere; the fundamental fact of the story is that there were no clothes (except perhaps his tighty-whities, but Andersen said he was butt naked).
"Of course they don’t want to hear Mark Judge under oath. "
-- We did get a sworn statement from Judge. Please at least know the basic facts.
Exhel: "I suspect some of the Dem laity are brainwashed enough to actually think he is guilty"
Inga is a case study here.
DBQ - Yes.
...the left and their media discuss the allegations as if they happened yesterday, they are undeniable truth, and she WAS raped. (again, yesterday - by an evil adult male. She was just a wee baby girl, and they laughed... but no one else remembers any of it.) We are not to question the timing or the political motivations of the accuser. WE cannot see her social media, either.
A drunken feel at ages 15/17 without any corroborating witnesses. That's it. Mark Judge has denied it and under oath he'd do the same thing. It's all a waste of time.
Judge already denied it under oath, just like her friend did and Smith did and Kavanaugh did.
The FBI is not there to make the rubble bounce. The four other people Ford identified denied.
It’s She said and They said.
The FBI can dig into Judge’s background until the sun cows come home. It won’t matter how much of a drunk he was in high school or college or whether he lied to them about some other fact.
The FBI can dig into Gord’s background until the vow’s come home. It won’t matter how much of a drunk she was in high school or college or that she’s mentally unstable since her teens. It won’t matter that she lied about some other facts.
At all comes back to the main event. Ford doesn’t have s day or place. And her friend denies even knowing Kavanaugh or being at a small gathering like the one she described.
Leland corroborates Kavanaugh, Judge, and Smyth.
I hope Ford gets the help she needs so she can get better.
She is a nutjob.
Mathew: " We did get a sworn statement from Judge. Please at least know the basic facts."
Facts are kryptonite to Stalinists.
"If lawyer Katz (D. Wisconsin) leaked the letter and it can be confirmed, then she could be in big trouble. Her first loyalty and duty is to her client; not to the Dem party and lawyer Katz. The client didn't want this leaked to the media. "
-- If Ford did not authorize the leak, the media people who received it are not under an ethical obligation to protect their source. In fact, they should want to burn the source, because *what if the source had given them bad information.*
If Ford says she didn't give it, and the media refuses to reveal their source, that puts me in an awkward position of thinking Ford is lying, again. Ford should say she gives the media permission to reveal who broke her trust. My money is on Feinstein though, since she did it once before.
CBF = The Woman with Two Front Doors = Crazy.
The Crack Emcee said...
As someone familiar with this area of life, if I was raped, I'm sure "uproarious laughter" wouldn't be the first thing I remembered.
That's not a diss, just an observation.
And a dumb observation at that - regardless your supposed familiarity with this area of life.
Apparently you haven't been raped - and by the story CBF tells she wasn't either.
The left do not think he is guilty - they know it.
They feel it.
I don't know what will happen with the polls and this situation. Personal reaction or friend/family reaction is a flawed way to judge what will happen.
I don't know how much normies are watching the nomination process. You all are not a normie if you're reading this. You're not a low news consumer swing voter.
I do not know how much the sexual assault testimony & reaction of the Senate will or will not make an impression on "normies." Or on women in general.
I will watch the polls. after 3 days in the field we'll have a better idea. I'll wait until about 7 days after the final vote for the noise to get out of the polls to see what happens.
The initial poll from Nate Cohn shows a drop in support for K last night. It could very well just be noise at this point.
Ford is a coward, not brave.
She insisted Kavanaugh not be present when she made her accusations.
She didn’t have the guts to confront him face to face.
She’s a nut job.
Kavanaugh’s calendars are going to sink him afterall.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Remember, Althouse probably thinks like a lot of independents. There are hundreds of thousands of Althouses out there.
I'm an independent. There are hundreds of thousands of me out there.
"So far as I know, that is not a crime."
False imprisonment & assault is a crime.
“I'm an independent. There are hundreds of thousands of me out there.”
You sure don’t sound like one, you sound every bit as partisan as 80% of the commenters here.
"She might have been aggressively felt up. But not raped. So far as I know, that is not a crime. "
I feel like I've had water in my ears, and this comment just knocked it loose. I'm not expecting this will change anyone's opinion about anything, but just as a PSA: Aggressively feeling someone up without consent is indeed a crime.
The Crack Emcee said...
How can so many people talk about this, online and off, and not mention Kavanaugh has calendars proving he's not the guy?
WHithouse is in the Senate chambers right now, thinking he has the date of the party on the calendar, but the girls names aren't mentioned because Kavanaugh was trying to hide his assault. He says the FBI could have found if this house matches the house in Ford's story
But of course, we all know Ford's attorneys will have already a sent a PI to check out the house, and we'd already know if it did match the location.
Well stated Laslo.
"WHithouse is in the Senate chambers right now, thinking he has the date of the party on the calendar, but the girls names aren't mentioned because Kavanaugh was trying to hide his assault."
-- So, his proof is... what? That's weaker than the sort of evidence Encyclopedia Brown has to outwit. Can he prove that the names were written before or after the party in question?
I just realized Ford knew about Ed WHelen's tweets about her ex-boyfriend, but didn't know about the Republicans offering to come to California, or that her lawyers had said she is afraid of flying.
Whelen's tweets got less coverage than the other two.
Why can’t we turn this over to the FBI?
Civility bullshit.
dwick said...
As someone familiar with this area of life, if I was raped, I'm sure "uproarious laughter" wouldn't be the first thing I remembered.
That's not a diss, just an observation.
"And a dumb observation at that - regardless your supposed familiarity with this area of life."
Really? It makes more sense to remember laughter, than a dick in your mouth, or something more intimate?
"Apparently you haven't been raped - and by the story CBF tells she wasn't either."
No, I defended myself every-single-time, so I can only speak on what being abused is like and what it's like for people to attempt things. If that's not good enough for you, well, sorry nobody got to cornhole me for your respect.
Ed Whelen knew about her boyfriend "squee". I'd like to know who told him that information.
It's not a moral failing in women. It's just what they do. Can they be made self-aware in such cases.
It's all part of a comedy, in any case. The logician against the woman.
I'm an independent. There are hundreds of thousands of me out there.
I have been a registered Independent for 47 years. My partisan leanings started out in favor of Democrats and slowly turned towards Republicans. Nonetheless, I always consider both candidates, not their party affiliation, before making a voting decision.
As of this week, I will be voting straight Republican ticket until I take the dirt nap.
After that I am quite likely to be voting straight Democratic ticket. That seems to be the most common way they get people to vote for them.
"She might have been aggressively felt up. But not raped. So far as I know, that is not a crime. "
Roost the Moon: I feel like I've had water in my ears, and this comment just knocked it loose. I'm not expecting this will change anyone's opinion about anything, but just as a PSA: Aggressively feeling someone up without consent is indeed a crime.
Fine. Then say assault or battery which ever is the correct term. RAPE is NOT the correct term for what she 'claims' to have experienced.
BTW: being a woman, I have personally experienced "aggressive feeling up" (groping) and I know the difference between that and rape/sexual penetration.
Mitchell was good. She let Ford undermine herself.
The dig she took at her friend Leland showed what a bad person Ford is. Kavanaugh sticking up for Judge a few hours later showed what a decent guy he is.
That’s the contrast right there.
The calendar thing sounds so BBC Mystery that I can't take it seriously. Of course the calendar proves that K was a busy kid, but "I was always busy" isn't really an alibi.
I guess you could take the calendar to forensics and look for evidence of erasure.
If you knew what date to check.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"Kavanaugh’s calendars are going to sink him afterall."
I saw that. I was on the phone, but I saw it.
RAPE is NOT the correct term for what she 'claims' to have experienced.
She didn't call it rape. She said she was most scared by her air getting cut off.
People should be aware false imprisonment & assault is a crime. I'm going right to the police if 2 men shove me into the room, throw me onto a bed, cut off my air to stop me from screaming and jump on top of me.
How come Ford’s hippocampus can’t remember what song was on that Judge turned up so loud to cover her screams. And if the stereo was that loud, how did she hear them laughing?
oh, and lock the door so I can't escape.
It's one thing to doubt her testimony. Fair enough.
It's another thing to say it's A-OK for two men to go up to any unsuspecting woman or girl and do this to them.
I keep going back and forth on whether I think Ford was the victim of something back then. There are so many red flags in her story that it feels foolish to give her any credence, and yet...
If she was victimized by something then I feel for her that she's been victimized all over again by the Democrats. But if she's an outright liar, then she deserves what she's been getting.
I love all the concern trolling regarding Republicans and the midterms. But just remember, all the same people saying that confirming Kavanaugh will kill Republicans in November have already claimed that Republicans were DOA in the midterms prior to Kavanaugh.
@Inga, Maybe she thinks for herself? (Pun intended.)
My newest binge watch on Netflix: The Women With Two Front Doors
Technically, pinching a woman's bottom (or a man's) is also a crime.
But there are crime's and CRIME's.
I don't think anyone would assert that a grope and rape are on the same level.
If she was victimized by something then I feel for her that she's been victimized all over again by the Democrats. But if she's an outright liar, then she deserves what she's been getting.
Many victims bring it on themselves. If she was slutty back in the 80s she may have regrets and shame now. But the same character flaws let her be taken advantage of again. Then as now, she thinks she's going to be "popular," and really she's just being exploited.
Inga has a point. If you hold a candle to the calendar the invisible ink will show.
If aggressive groping PRIOR to being told NO is a crime, whatever will junior high boys do?
BTW, did they ever revel who the mystery man was?
Y'know the boy who knew Kavanaugh AND Ford, and supposedly was responsible for her being at the same parties as Kavanaugh?
He was also the unnamed 4th man at the party.
"BTW, did they ever revel who the mystery man was?"
-- As far as I know, they have not. If she does name him, and he gives different testimony than Smyth and Leland, that might be the only thing that gives Ford corroboration.
@wwww, how do you lock a bedroom door from the inside? Most bedroom doors unlock when you turn the handle, and the rest take only one extra motion to unlock.
That’s assuming the incident even happened. Where’s the proof that it did?
Ann thinks Mitchell was bad, because Mitchell elicited no emotional high, no grand operatic scene. She just facts clear. Rhhardin can explain why Ann thinks that was a poor performance.
"Lindsay Graham has had enough, so has the rest of the establishment."
Yes. But some Collinsion squishes remain squishy. And it is still a numbers game: there may be enough Althouses to keep the Dems rolling.
Of course, Mitchell never asked, but if this was a courtroom the defense attorney would've asked about Ms. Ford's OTHER parties.
Was she in the habit of drinking and going to parties with Boys with no parents around?
I thought it was odd, she'd go to a party with 2 girls and 4 boys. All the parties in HS that I went to, the sexes were more or less even in number.
How come Ford’s hippocampus can’t remember what song was on that Judge turned up so loud to cover her screams. And if the stereo was that loud, how did she hear them laughing?
Is that how sound works, really? The loud stereo would drown out the sound of her own screams, but not necessarily the way the sound carries down to the living room. But maybe she is saying she never did scream.
Could she hear what Mark Judge was saying, over the stereo?
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Kavanaugh’s calendars are going to sink him afterall.
Crack apparently knows what you're talking about, but I don't. Care to explain?
You sure don’t sound like one, you sound every bit as partisan as 80% of the commenters here.
All I can say is I'm pro-choice, I vote for both Democrats and Republicans, and I wish someone would focus on criminal justice reform. But at this moment in time, I don't like what Democrats are up to. That doesn't make me love republicans, but I feel like our country needs them.
"how do you lock a bedroom door from the inside?"
Or as Mitchell brought out, if you've locked yourself in a bathroom upstairs with a record player going, how do hear Kavanaugh and Judge "pinballing down the stairs" or "them talking downstairs with the others"?
And according to Ford, she immediately left the party and ran outside aka "escaped". But how did she get home, since someone would've driven her? And why wouldn't anyone at the party have remembered her Disappearing. Think about it, you go to a party, Ford and the two boys disappear upstairs for 5-10 minutes, they come back down and she runs off, and you DON'T NOTICE? You don't talk about it the next day?
All the Republicans will vote for Kavanaugh, but they won't make eye contact with each other while doing so.
tim Maguire- there was an entry on July 1 where he went to have beers with friends, some of them named by Ford. But there were more names on the calendar entry, and not Leland or Ford. Who knows how many similar entries there are.
The assertion that "she did her civic duty" is comical, yet disturbing. Klobuchar is now reiterating it: "she came forward - to her representative - BEFORE he was nominated."
What happened then?
Did the representative do their civic duty to inform the anyone in the process that a potential rapist was on a list for the SCOTUS - to protect the country and her constituent from this dangerous man?
Did they engage ANY investigative body - the authorities in the community where this assault occurred or the FBI?
Did they provide this information to the Senate committee so the committee had the necessary information to confront the nominee with the accusation - in private or public meetings and hearing?
Is the nominee the ONLY person who was on the list when Representative received the letter?
If corroborated, might another nominee have been selected?
If revealed, might there have been time to conduct the 'investigation' they demand now?
POLITICS. And one side is OK with destroying people's lives - in this case, both BK and CFB.
To me the most absurd part of her story, was:
"He put his hand over my mouth, I thought he was going to murder me"
How is that even possible? I mean put your own hand over your own mouth!
Chances are you can still breathe, and no one ever died from a hand over their mouth.
Jeff Flake, yes
The Democrats moved to subpoena Mark Judge, and that failed.
To what end? To hear him testify that these things DID NOT HAPPEN??
Or was the purpose merely to attack him too? Or merely to delay, delay, delay?
Calling a witness for the sole purpose of attacking his character or his credibility is not only improper, the impeachment is not proof of the opposite of what he testifies to. Attacking his denials is not evidence that what they have exploited Ford to say is true.
Y'know the SCOTUS does more than rule on Abortion. 99% of their important cases are NOT about Abortion.
Not only that, but overturning Roe v. Wade would simply return the issue to the states. Every Blue state in America would immediately pass a law - or enshrining in their state constitutions - giving women a right to an abortion.
So, why all the hysteria?
I just watched a tape of protestors confronting Sen. Flake as he was trying to board an elevator. It was excruciating to watch them hector him for 5 minutes while holding him hostage in the elevator.
That were both extraordinarily arrogant (screaming "look at me while I talk to you") and hysterical (crying while exclaiming that "I was raped. You are denying my pain" and "My children will never be safe if you vote for this man")
Sad what modern feminism has become.
Again, it reminds me of The Crucible
I was in a doctors waiting room for part of Ford's testimony.No one was parsing the truthiness of what was said, all I overheard was disgust that this was "high school stuff".
"Sad what modern feminism has become.
Again, it reminds me of The Crucible"
Its a Maoist Crucible.
It'll be interesting to see if ANY D's vote for Kavanaugh.
IMO, Red state Dems are always the biggest fakes in the world. they always campaign as moderates or social cons and then vote the Democrat party line when elected.
"I was raped. You are denying my pain"
So why aren't they going report all these rapists, now they have found the courage to speak?
"That were both extraordinarily arrogant (screaming "look at me while I talk to you") and hysterical"
AND extremely well-paid.
What's really crazy is Kavanaugh was nominated because he was a Justice Kennedy, George Bush, moderate-conservative, and a boy scout.
Cacimbo Cacimbo said...
I was in a doctors waiting room for part of Ford's testimony.No one was parsing the truthiness of what was said, all I overheard was disgust that this was "high school stuff".
That's what I hear, too.
"I don't think anyone would assert that a grope and rape are on the same level.
They are if you a Republican Supreme Court nominee.
Now that this is pretty much all over, I'm sure the Republicans will go after Dr. Ford and ruin her life in retribution. Just like they did to Anita Hill.
Waite. They didnt?
I cannot wait to see the outrage, oh the OUTRAGE when the biased Ginsburg is replaced. It will be precious. I sure hope it is an old white male, that's for sure. HEH.
So the delay of the vote to the afternoon is keeping Ted Cruz from today's scheduled debate with Beto. They really don't want Beto to face Ted Cruz in a debate, because it would be obvious to fundraisers how over that race is. Still, it is over. Beto will be an answer for trivia buffs by next year.
It must be dispiriting for Kavanaugh that the president of the ABA, the dean of YLS and an editorial in America (magazine of SJ) are calling for FBI investigation. I just hope for his sake the owner of the Nationals does not follow suit.
Booker got a message from a "registered Republican" who says Judge K was a BIG PARTIER!!!!
Do over!
Booker leaves the room in disgust.
Average IQ of the room rises 15 points.
It kind of is sad that the dean of YLS, the president of the ABA and whoever wrote that editorial are unaware *the FBI already passed on the opportunity to investigate.* You'd think they'd get that sort of information BEFORE making it clear how ignorant they are of current events.
Cory Booker scolds us about the patriarch we've created, the abuse of woman we accept, and the fact that we don't listen to 'her truth' - then walks out while his assistant cleans up and carries his materials. A woman.
@DustBunny- In fact aggressively feeling up a girl without her consent is a crime. It’s a lower degree of offense than intercourse without consent but it’s still a crime. I don’t know the particulars of the Maryland criminal code, so I can’t tell you whether it’s a felony or misdemeanor under Maryland law.
Little Cory is some brilliant guy.
He does not grasp the meaning of "corroboration" but he insisted that witnesses saying they have no recall of the party is not the same as saying the assault did not happen. (Hmm. If there was no party, where did the assault happen?)
He used that incredible distinction to insist that Kavanaugh was lying about what the witnesses said. Kavanaugh made an obviously logical interpretation of their statements, but Cory has a different one that makes no logical sense. Thus, Judge K is lying.
This is ridiculously stupid on so many levels. I really hope Spartacus gets the Dem nomination in 2020.
Booker testified as a character witness at Menendez trial. In federal court filings, prosecutors said that they had corroborated allegations that Menendez had sex with underage girls in the Dominican Republic.
This was after an FBI Investigation. Menendez denies the accusations.
Booker admitted to sexually assaulting a drunk girl in high school.
Spartacus and T-Bone
tim maguire said...
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Kavanaugh’s calendars are going to sink him afterall.
Crack apparently knows what you're talking about, but I don't. Care to explain?
They're probably referring to this TOTALLY DAMAGING calendar entry:
@DustBunny- In fact aggressively feeling up a girl without her consent is a crime. It’s a lower degree of offense than intercourse without consent but it’s still a crime. I don’t know the particulars of the Maryland criminal code, so I can’t tell you whether it’s a felony or misdemeanor under Maryland law.
It still is NOT RAPE. This is the word that has been thrown around in the media, on social media, by politicians. If people want to say that there has been a "possible" assault/battery/whatever the exact technical term is...then, fine. Do so and be accurate.
It is the exaggerated descriptions of the alleged incident, conflating being groped with actual RAPE that infuriates me.
wwww> People should be aware false imprisonment & assault is a crime. I'm going right to the police if 2 men shove me into the room, throw me onto a bed, cut off my air to stop me from screaming and jump on top of me.
Good for you. I would too. Why didn't CBF? Not then. Not ever.
Flake seems to have his nose out of joint.
This is so absurd and so aggravating! Just do the fucking vote! Don't let anyone talk! They've done enough talking. Grassley is hopeless!!!
The FBI isn’t coming up with anything. More stunts by Flake. He’s still negotiating his post Senate gigs. Who is giving him more. GOP donors or Dem donors.
The FBI is a joke.
Trump just told the FBI to open an investigation into Flake
It's another thing to say it's A-OK for two men to go up to any unsuspecting woman or girl and do this to them.
Who is saying this? What IS being said, is that foolish boys make dramatic passes at girls.
Sometimes the girls say yes.
More often, the girls say no.
It may be rude. It may also be a crime...a small crime.
It was also hypothetically (since we lack ALL evidence):
Well past the statute of limitations (I would like to know when they REMOVED the limitation in recent hysterical years)
He was potentially a minor, ergo sealed record. This, despite all your wishes, SHOULDN'T MATTER. That is why we offer Minors a clean slate, because kids are stupid.
Well below a reasonable doubt
Has had such a vast and wide spoliation of evidence that the truth is not findable any more
So impugning that anyone defending K wouldn't get their panties in a twist over this as an action is quite a slur. But unlike the unhinged Left, were an unwelcome 'come on' is rape, most people have PERSPECTIVE.
Frankly, this is dishonest.
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