On the front page of Urban Dictionary right now:
Devils TriangleThese definitions go back to the early 00s, so they're not concocted to hurt Kavanaugh, but they don't go back to the early 80s, so they're somewhat weak as definitions used by teenaged Kavanaugh in his yearbook.
A threesome with 1 woman and 2 men. It is important to remember that straight men do not make eye contact while in the act. Doing so will question their sexuality....
by W_J May 11, 2008
to have taken it in the butt; had anal sex.
Nick boofed Mal last night.
by Andrea M. October 11, 2004
Also on the front page at Urban Dictionary because of (I presume) the Kavanaugh hearings (WaPo transcript):
7 f'sThe 7 f's relates to this part of Whitehouse's questioning of Kavanaugh yesterday:
Find them
French them
Feel them
Finger them
Fuck them
Forget them
I did the big 7 f's last night
by * * February 21, 2007
WHITEHOUSE: And there are, like, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven F’s in front of the Fourth of July [on Kavanaugh's high school yearbook page]. What does that signify, if anything?In the same questioning session, Whitehouse had asked Kavanaugh about "Devil’s triangle," and Kavanaugh had said, "Drinking game."
KAVANAUGH: One of our friends, Squi, when he said the F word starting at a young age, had kind of a wind-up to the F word. Kind of a “ffff.” (LAUGHTER) And then the word would come out. And when we were 15, we thought that was funny. And it became an inside joke for the — how he would say, “Ffff” — and I won’t repeat it here. For the F word.
WHITEHOUSE: How’s it played?Asked about "boofed," Kavanaugh had said "That refers to flatulence. We were 16."
KAVANAUGH: Three glasses in a triangle.
KAVANAUGH: You ever played quarters?
KAVANAUGH: OK. It’s a quarters game.
WHITEHOUSE: OK. And so when your friend Mark Judge said the same — put the same thing in his yearbook page back to you, he had the same meaning? It was flatulence?
KAVANAUGH: I don’t know what he did, but that’s my recollection. We want to talk about flatulence at age 16 on a yearbook page, I’m — I’m game.
ADDED: Do I agree with what Whitehouse said "I hope we can all agree" about? I think many people, when they are young, drink and say crude things about sex, including things like that 7 fs business and voicing enthusiasm for anal sex and threesomes, and I don't think any of that junk is even relevant to the question whether a person with a long professional career has the character needed to serve on the Supreme Court.
But Whitehouse only asked us to agree that if Ford's allegations are true, he should not serve on the Court, and I will agree to that. The question remains whether Ford's allegations are true, and Whitehouse is using Kavanaugh's testimony about the meaning of "boofed" and "Devil's triangle" to attack his credibility. If we think he lied under oath about that, then it's more likely that he lied about other things, including his denial of Ford's allegations.
२४८ टिप्पण्या:
248 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»I can't believe they talked about a high school yearbook. Cannot believe it.
The devils triangle was a drinking game I played in the early 90s. It was advanced form of quarters.
Never heard of bouf or the FFFFs. Alumnus is spelled wrong. Don’t know if the incorrect spelling was a slang for having had sex with someone.
The FBI isn’t going to dig into this.
I'd have guessed female pubic hair for the devil's triangle.
The Yearbook gambit was totally stupid. Like Obama and the Choom Gang. Makes the old people like Whitehouse look like the idiots they are.
I'd have guessed female pubic hair for the devil's triangle
No, that's the Delta of Venus.
High school yearbook. Behold: The witch hunters.
So the question for Judge is whether he made eye contact? That's what they want to call the FBI back in for?
What's the quarters guy's thumb ring for--jerking off?
And how does he get it off?
I've heard lots of names for different drinking games, often they're given dirty names. It is entirely possible that Kavanaugh was told the name of the game, but never knew it had another meaning. Also possible: the other meaning came after the game.
"Like Obama and the Choom Gang" is a good comparison.
Doesn't everyone have inside jokes with their closest friends and family? Odd terms, that probably do have other meanings... but to you and that person it has its special meaning?
One summer my brother and I created own language of sorts.
I say this with all the sincerity,sobriety and seriousness a man can muster:
Sheldon Whitehouse might be the dumbest white man on the face of the Earth.
They can leave me out of this hearing. I wasn't there.
I'm surprised nobody's tried to figure out the meaning of "two front doors."
I think she and hubby were in couples therapy because he's a back-door man.
If I recall correctly, the slang term for anal sex was "BuFu" not "Boofed"
If I am wrong, the cruelly neutral position is too vote against Judge Kavanaugh because he lied about teenage slang.
If he will lie about that, he will lie about anything.
CBF did not lie because women never lie about sexual assault.
They may lie about fear of flying, but not assault. It never happens.
"Sheldon Whitehouse might be the dumbest white man on the face of the Earth. "
-- In his defense, he doesn't think Guam might tip over.
Also, sometimes kids make up silly names for things. in yearbooks.
Burn the warlock.
So, Althouse, when you're done commenting on language, does this crap about yearbooks cross your red line? Is there anything the Dems can do to make you say: enough?
Whitehouse is a moron. I’d say Feinstein is by far the smartest of the Dem Senators. Klobuchar is fairly bright.
Most of he rest of them are morons with terrible judgment.
Unless he can establish a semantic continuity and distribution, WHITEHOUSE is relying an anachronistic and alien source. A source known to reflect insular events, people, and ideas, with delusions of universality. How does the Suburban Dictionary define the words? Wikipedia?
Well, boof has eight matches include a redirect to "Rectal administration". Possible, but not probable.
Devil's triangle redirects to Bermuda Triangle. How apropos.
Look for the lighthouse, Whitehouse.
Ford lied. Let’s stop the charade.
"Why don't you all just ffff...fade away"
Talking 'Bout My Generation.
Whitehouse is a queef.
I think she and hubby were in couples therapy because he's a back-door man.
Jim Morrison could not be reached for comment. He is dirt napping in Paris.
This only proves that we need an extensive seventh FBI investigation to go where senate staffers and MSM rags have been unable to reach.
Fetus is baby.
Let’s be honest, you can make any word or phrase sexual. I’ll demonstrate:
“I got Whitehoused yesterday.”
As long as we’re at Urban Dictionary. Boofing is sticking drugs up your ass.
Whitehouse likes to boof his medications.
In his defense, he doesn't think Guam might tip over.
Or that his neighbor's beachfront estate will be flooded.
Dilation and Extraction is
knife in the neck.
Interestingly, "Fear of Flying" was Erica Jong's feminist manifesto in the 70s.
It was a celebration of anonymous, promiscuous sex. As I recall, every liberal embraced this as the new found salvation of humanity.
Today, fear of flying is asserted (by Ford) as the new puritanism.
You could, if you were an evil person like me, think that women are just crazy drama queens who like to change costumes a lot.
Whitehouse, formerly my senator before I left RI, was an idiot when he was younger. Age as not improved him one whit. He is proof that family money and connections can take you well beyond Peter Principle limits.
I painted her White House is slang for oral sexual with a white girl.
Whoa!!! Did Ford lie about the re-modeling leading to her marriage counseling?
According to the article, the building permit was issued in 2008 - no where near 2012.
The house is a rental owned by the Ford's not their primary residence.
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, anyone?
From gateway pundit but it can easily be checked by any independent source:
Also, Teenage boys use bravado with each other to show off. In the 1980's.
Burn the warlock.
Look for the lighthouse, Whitehouse.
I've been waiting to use this:
It is more glorious to build a Lighthouse than man a Life-Boat
Another Temperance Movement poster.
When I was in highs school I remember that, when people wrote "Have a bitchin' summer!" in your yearbook, they really meant "This summer I hope you have fun raping bitches".
I thought everyone knew that.
Have a bitchin' summer! BOOF!
I am Laslo.
Whitehouse is so Dumb that I bet his bribes from Soros are paid in fake money. He would never know .
Seriously, Whitehouse acts dumb like Ford acts like a little girl. Both do it so you will presume they are too dumb and innocent to con you.
...as yet more proof that post-elementary education, aka high school - as has been alluded to by some great thinkers of our time - is indeed the penultimate high point of any and all human civilizations. Apparently nothing matures beyond this phase. The adults are not "in charge" because the adults are actually overgrown wrinkled 18 year olds.
Weep ye men and ye women and ye gender queer pyro-foxes, Frank Zappa was wrong, "the world is rudderless" is incorrect, it is in fact helmed by 60+ year old high-school students.
That said I wonder if Leahy ever did "the devil's triangle" with Becky..."with the good hair."
These were HIGH SCHOOL kids at a Jesuit school! Threesomes?
And every sick slang term Whitehouse asserts isn't necessarily true. Slang word and phrases can have more than one meaning.
17 Again (2009) an old nerd in love with an uninterested high school principal makes the connection at dinner when they both discover they both speak Klingon.
OldManRick, Ford lied about everything yesterday, even the fact that her lawyers were working pro bono.
Imagine if DiFi and the rest of the Dems actually cared enough about the truth rather than just winning. Imagine if DiFi immediately revealed all this back in July rather than waiting until the 11th hour to have someone else (allegedly) spring it. Imagine if Ford's lawyers didn't play games, telling lies about her apparent fear of flying, rescheduling. Imagine if Ford's story was consistent and corroborated by even one other person.
This whole thing is a mess and a disgrace. I can't see how anyone, whether you believe Ford or Kavanagh, can view this as any kind of real search for the truth.
My girlfriend used to say 'boof' for flatulence (although I always spelled it bouf as I thought it was French).
Not sure about the other stuff.
Each day I think “this cannot sink worse into farce”. Every day I am proven wrong.
And trust me, no Jesuit high school boys who probably took Latin would spell the Latin wrong. It is a JOKE.
"So, Althouse, when you're done commenting on language, does this crap about yearbooks cross your red line? Is there anything the Dems can do to make you say: enough?"
It's cruel neutrality, my friend. No one else is doing it, I don't think. It's a tough job, but if I don't do it, it won't be done. It's my calling I'm afraid. If you are here reading this, you must like it or benefit from it somehow. I'm not going to dilute my brand. I don't have something else I want to do or could do as effectively.
Dems surprise me this morning. They’re doubling down on stupid. Flatulence? As Ann Coulter put it, they’re having their MeToot moment.
Althouse sez:
"The question remains whether Ford's allegations are true,"
No, the question doesn't remain. Sorry. Impossible to determine whether 36-year old, uncorroborated recollections are true. The question is whether 36-year old, uncorroborated recollections should prevent a qualified, honorable judge from becoming a Supreme Court Justice. Answer: Fuck No.
Althouse continues" "... and Whitehouse is using Kavanaugh's testimony about the meaning of "boofed" and "Devil's triangle" to attack his credibility.
Not really. Whitehouse is trying to smear and embarrass Kavanaugh by focusing on EMBARRASSING, STUPID STUFF, WRITTEN IN A HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK.
Althouse closes: "If we think he lied under oath about that, then it's more likely that he lied about other things, including his denial of Ford's allegations."
Umm, horseshit. You ignore the FACT that the 4 (or 5) people Blasey Ford named as corroborating witnesses at the party, either deny or recall no such party. They FAIL to corroborate Ford's claims. This wrecks her pseudo-case.
Bay Area Guy @10:45: "...Sheldon Whitehouse might be the dumbest white man on the face of the Earth."
Brett Kavanaugh should be thanking his lucky stars that he has Sheldon Not-so-bright-House as his adversary in this wonderful blind alley goose chase after quarter-farts and secret high school codes.
Un. Be. Lievable.
Fetus is baby.
Yes. Ageism is a clear and progressive (maybe) problem in the modern world. Fetus is a term of art and a means for obfuscation in the lab. We, me, you, and our hostess, were once known as an offspring or baby in every other walk of life.
C'est un opera bouffe
Althouse, I like your etymology efforts.
Boofed in the 80’s meant puked.
Maybe Senator Whitehouse can tell us what those expressions meant at the private prep school he attended (St. Paul's), not that many years before Kavanaugh went to Georgetown Prep. Or how he would have described the suspected behavior at his school.
"If we think he lied under oath about that, then it's more likely that he lied about other things, including his denial of Ford's allegations."
If we think Ford lied under oath about that, then it's more likely that she lied about other things, including her allegations.
The difference is that the latter is provable in her testimony.
To paraphrase a comment I made in a previous post today*, Althouse is giving us a McDonald's menu of salads and apple slices, and conspicuous in their absence are any fucking hamburgers.
(*it is in "Framing Brett Kavanaugh as an exemplar of masculine anger and aggression." @ 10:20, if one is interested).
I am Laslo.
Females and males in the 1980's were pushed by the same culture influences of the era. Sex was big. Bragging about sex was big - male or female.
Not everyone was really having sex.
Lets see Blasey Ford's year book.
"Senator, why did you opposed Judge Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court?"
"Because boof is not farting and he said it was."
The building permit thing is interesting. That is a rental. Duplex ? Not their primary residence.
Maybe the FBI needs to find out if she was lying to Congress, a felony.
No need to delay confirmation. She can be prosecuted later.
Confirmation bias? No confirmation lying.
All this angst and over-analysis and rationalizations over and over by AA in trying (in vain) to justify her reactionary condemnation of BK.
If you need to go to this extreme in basing your conclusions, then those conclusions are BS.
Nice to see Ann endorse originalism: what matters is what the kids thought in 1982.
I have been moderately louche and never prudish. I have never heard of boof. I have heard sex slang used with different meanings. Did the OED codify boof when I wasn’t looking.
For the ffffff stuff, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=grug1W6PoKQ
Step back. Yearbooks. Grilling a man about his yearbook. What the boof?
Trump must not think Whitehouse a moron. Elite prep school followed by Yale followed by UVa LS.
Leland denied. Didn’t back up her friends story.
Whitehouse now wants to issue her a subpoena to testify and tell her “bring your Yearbook” to impugn her credibility.
Of course, Ford has a Yearbook too. And social media posts that she scrubbed.
Leland backed up Kavanaugh, Judge, and Smyth.
Ford doesn’t know the day or place.
It’s Ford’s credibility that matters.
She has to overcome her friends denial along with her own inability to remember important facts such as day and place.
She has several versions of the same story. The first version she ever told, according to her therapists notes, is “four guys” attacked her in “her late teens.”
But no one needs to ask her about her yearbook or her social media postings.
She is not credible.
How to be humiliated by a corrupt left wing bully.
The left are sexual abuse hypocrites. They will find it under your bed - but when they are accused and found guilty by the FBI (Melendez) it's all a big yawn.
And I don't believe that the voters of the various states that sent these Democrats could be that stupid in their choices for reps and senators in Congress.
But these voters are that stupid.
FWIW, the phrase for anal sex I knew about 1980 was tiuta. A straightforward acronym, does she tiuta?
Listen, if I say 'the devil's triangle' is a drinking game, then it's a God damned drinking game.
My suggestion to the honorable Senator would be to start earlier next time. In this case, since there is a lot of concern about the nominee's honesty and behavior, perhaps the committee next time can raise these very, important issues of honesty as soon as they become aware of them.
I say this: if Kavanaugh is guilty of what has been claimed, it is the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee who botched an opportunity for bringing this to light by sitting on it until the last week before a vote was scheduled.
Surely this kind of work is equivalent to a term paper, and what do our professors suggest to us when they assign one? Start now; don't wait until the last minute.
Holy cow, the democrats are slime. That any democrat ever gets elected is a crime. Not one single democrat has a shred on honesty or decency.
"It's cruel neutrality, my friend."
Sorry, no. Your refusal to draw a line only means that you are on the other side. On Kavanaugh you have argued in bad faith, cruelly but not neutrally.
"benefit from it somehow."
I do. I take your illusions of neutrality, and your actual support of liberal tactics, to be a useful indicator of why the Dems can get away with their shenanigans.
It also benefits me to be reminded of the limits of human self-understanding.
How to be humiliated by a corrupt left wing bully.
The left are sexual abuse hypocrites. They will find it under your bed - but when they are accused and found guilty by the FBI (Menendez) it's all a big yawn.
Bill Clinton's sexual deviancy - big yawn. Wife can slut-shame all she wants.
There's some kind of backstory with Whitehouse and Kavanaugh. Some guy in Rhode Island claimed that Kavanaugh and Judge raped a girl on a boat in Providence. He later recanted that allegation, but I think Whiehouse helped to publicize the allegation efore it was recanted. Say enough hateful things to a person, and he will respond in a hateful way. Then you can claim he's an angry, hateful person and shouldn't be on the bench. Maybe Whitehouse knows what he's doing.........Anyone besides me who can say a problem with Blumebthal making the falsus in uno argument?
"It's cruel neutrality, my friend. No one else is doing it, I don't think. It's a tough job, but if I don't do it, it won't be done. It's my calling I'm afraid."
Oh sweet Jesus. So this belongs here, too -- my previous comment:
When it mattered, Althouse posited three explanations, two of which involve Kavanaugh being guilty of the charges, and one where Ford has a false memory. This is a McDonald's menu of salads and apple slices, and conspicuous in their absence is any fucking hamburgers.
She later alluded to a fourth possibility, but discounted it because she can't believe Ford could be misremembering AND lying. In her testimony Ford lies numerous times (as has been covered in other comments), but evidently that is not part of any judgment of her truthfulness -- Ford only lies when it matters, not when it REALLY matters, I guess.
I made a comment before about the idea that Ford can't be lying: that this thinking makes evident that Althouse has never had a romantic involvement with a high-maintenance woman.
No, I was not attempting to smoke out that lesbian fling in college that Althouse may or may not have had: I am pointing out that some women can act with men in ways they wouldn't with another woman, and that leaves women blind to recognize the signs of deception when it is used in front of them.
Ford can talk about what Slate calls "gave a precise and scientific account of how memories are formed": memory functions involving "the level of norepinephrine and the epinephrine in the brain that ...encodes that neurotransmitter, encodes memories into the hippocampus.”
Then -- when questioned about inconsistencies in her story -- we get the Little Girl Voice of a scared child afraid to go into the woods. Because sometimes grown women are afraid of the woods: big bad wolves are there, I believe. Elite Preppy Wolves that won't admit to having black-out amnesia and attempted rape.
I believe Althouse may have never encountered a woman adopting this technique -- or at least not recognizing it. But I am willing to bet many men recognized the gambit: I am a Woman, until I am losing, and then I Am A Little Girl. It works, because men fall for it -- this is one of those things where the Patriarchy benefits women, because men instinctively want to protect a woman that they think is frightened or in danger.
So now Althouse runs a post about Kavanaugh that ISN'T asking him to confess to black-out amnesia; my cynicism is this so that, at a later date, she can point to it as proof of aloof-professor neutrality (as I mentioned in a previous comment, I believe Cruel Neutrality™ now belongs to rhhardin).
Except when the lynch mob was in high dudgeon she provided tacit support of Feinstein et all: Ford was closer to the truth because of __________. Or maybe ________. It's like we're watching "The Wheel of Fortune" and are supposed to pretend that we can't figure out what letter to use for ABOR_ION.
I haven't been in the feminine hygiene aisle at the supermarket lately: do they make Depends now for Dignity Incontinence'?
I am Laslo.
enee asked:
"Doesn't everyone have inside jokes with their closest friends and family? Odd terms, that probably do have other meanings... but to you and that person it has its special meaning?
One summer my brother and I created own language of sorts."
Yes, they do. My oldest sister and I had a phrase we used as an inside joke just between the two of us for a couple of decades "only baseball bats and TV Guides Count", that only the two of us know the origin and meaning of. My best friend growing up and I had the phrase "ditched it", that doesn't mean what everyone else would think when hearing us say it, which is part of why we used it.
Boof is the sound made by a dog : bark
Devil's triangle is missing, which suggests a Wikipedia redirect to the Bermuda Triangle.
Whitehouse without a lighthouse is barking and disturbing the neighbors. I think there are municipal ordinances that code that violation as a misdemeanor.
"I'm not going to dilute my brand."
Althouse's 'Fear Of Flying.'
I am Laslo.
Did people understand there was no internet in 1982? And that there was Cable TV, but it was still very adult and censored?
Do people understand that what a sexual/drinking slang word meant in NYC, is NOT necessarily what it meant in the rest of the country?
Someone writes something is a website called "The Urban Dictionary" and that's authority? LOL! Anybody can write anything.
And damn, its weird how liberals/Dems are so obsessed with sex slang and weird sexual practices. They know all about it, and CARE about it.
If you're a 51-year old Professor of Psychology at Palo Alto University, they let you do whatever you want. You can grab them by the Devil's Triangle.
The Democrats want us to believe that (1) teenage boys don't lie to each other about their sexual experiences, and (2) high school yearbooks are accurate portrayals of what really happened in high school. Got it.
I do remember the saying, "Find 'em, feel 'em, fuck 'em and forget 'em", a tough-sounding and wishful thinking aphorism used by males who were, in fact, unattractive to women and usually celibate.
If Kavavaugh's yearbooks are fair game, then Ford's FB account and all text messages should be.
Althouse- I have not yet seen you address Ford's lies or evasions under oath.
I loved how Clown Leahy had a big blow up of the yearbook page and seemed crestfallen that no one ever looked at it.
Let's parse the meaning of "hysteria."
What kind of gutter mind, sees "Renate Dolphin fan club" and thinks its all about having sex?
I mean other than liberals.
Freeman Hunt said...
I can't believe they talked about a high school yearbook. Cannot believe it.
Amen, Freeman.
Whitehouse looked like he was being boofed in that video.
Are alllawyers crazy ?
Or just left wing ones ?
An attorney for one of America's largest law firms made vile remarks to White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders on Thursday over remarks she made during Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing.
Frank Aquila, who is a partner at Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, was responding to the following tweet from Sanders:
Sarah Sanders
.@LindseyGrahamSC has more decency and courage than every Democrat member of the committee combined. God bless him.
1:55 PM - Sep 27, 2018
41.9K people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
In a now-deleted tweet, Aquila wrote: "@PressSec I never knew you had a sense of humor OMG!!!! How funny!!!! Rot in Hell You B!tch"
Ann, how about some of that vaunted cruel neutrality? You have been completely solicitous of Blasey Ford to the extent of being unwilling to address the inconsistencies and lack of corroboration, and indeed counter-corroboration in her attestations and testimony, while willing to call Kavanaugh a liar with no evidence to back that up. And here? What is more likely? Juveniles engaging in juvenile humor, or some dark conspiracy that no one has been able to crack, including 6 FBI background checks?
(Consider that Blasey Ford is unlikely to be the only partisan Democrat of that cohort. There should have been many more who should have witnessed something and been able to say something, or something should have slipped. Avenatti’s Swetnick does not count. She was not part of their cohort, neither age nor geography wise.)
Conspiracies are easy. Actual thinking is harder. As is cruel neutrality. See Alex Jones?
Blogger MayBee said...
Althouse- I have not yet seen you address Ford's lies or evasions under oath.
I think they call that "feminist solidarity" or something.
When it mattered, Althouse posited three explanations, two of which involve Kavanaugh being guilty of the charges, and one where Ford has a false memory
Yes, the fourth explanation: cruel neutrality. K was not involved (and permutations). Ford filled in missing links with recovered memories influenced by personal prejudice and external incentives.
Like most Americans, I went to a Co-ed HS, so its hard to relate to an All-boys Yearbook. We all knew "the cool kids" were hanging out with each other, so there was no reason to write any of that stuff in a yearbook.
We are drank in HS in the early 80s, but the idea that the adults would let us boast about it in our yearbook entries, blows my mind.
I guess the rich really are different.
We need to see Blasey-Fords Social media conversations and interactions for a few years.
When I was a kid in Junior high and highschool we used to insult each other aot for fun. If it was a really good insult, we would put our hands over our face and say, "Facial!"
It had no sexual connotation back then, in the 80s, as far as we knew.
Now Althouse would call me a liar if someone asked me about this today and I explained it as I just did, because today the meaning is different.
Divine intent from male bravado in a yearbook from the 1980's.
That's where we are now.
When I was in high school, the Devil's Triangle was two Democratic Senators and an intern.
Ford just threw DiFi under the bus. She said DF suggested the lawyer.
If you asked me what some uncommon slang term meant that I or a friend wrote some 35 years ago, I do not think I could say that I honestly remember.
Ann, based on (what I assumed was) her advice (but may have been her prediction), thought that BK should/would say that he was not 100% sure, maybe he did sexually assault Dr. Ford. When faced with a hostile witness who is 100% sure you sexually assaulted her and you are 100% sure you did not, I do not think playing the "I don't really remember that - it was 35 years ago" card on any issues (including what slang terms meant) is going to help get you acquitted. I doubt BK really remembers what all those slang terms mean, but I do not blame him for pretending 100% certainty to save his career, life and reputation. And whether or not he mis-remembers what those silly terms actually meant has 0.00000% impact on whether I think he was innocent/telling the truth on the issue that mattered.
What kind of gutter mind, sees "Renate Dolphin fan club" and thinks its all about having sex?
Teabag, anyone? Cooper. Anderson Cooper. He also did a cover-up of the trail of tears during catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform in and around the Mediterranean.
Next SCOTUS nomination:
Trump: Come in Judge. Great record. Court of Appeals, Harvard Law, Medal of Honor winner, saved six babies in a fire, spends spare time helping cancer patients...
But that yearbook. Sorry Judge.
. . . . . you say "High School Yearbooks", I say "Sacred Texts", whose meaning is only to be revealed by the priestly class, because frankly you're not up to it.
Michael K hah! What can I say? Lotta lawyers there.
It's coming " the empress (ann) has no clothes".
Frank Aquila confesses to having a 3,000-bottle wine collection. Apparently a man with a serious drinking problem.
>>I’m not going to dilute my brand
Too late. I’m with Laslo and Sebastian who say quite clearly you are arguing in bad faith. Your suggested confession-apology for Kavanaugh was obscene. You would have him beg forgiveness and apologize to those trying to destroy him for political gain.
I eagerly await your post on how Ford should apologize to him for making up such a terrible lie.
"It's cruel neutrality, my friend. No one else is doing it, I don't think. It's a tough job, but if I don't do it, it won't be done. It's my calling I'm afraid."
From "Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985)":
Pee-wee: There's a lotta things about me you don't know anything about, Dottie. Things you wouldn't understand. Things you couldn't understand. Things you shouldn't understand.
Dottie: I don't understand.
Pee-wee: You don't wanna get mixed up with a guy like me. I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel. So long, Dott.
" You see, this is my life! It always will be! Nothing else! Just us, and the cameras, and those wonderful people out there in the dark!... All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."
What came to mind.
I am Laslo.
I watched Ford's testimony. She actually came off better than I expected. But there are still lots of problems with WHAT she said. And after watching Kavanaugh's response, there is no way he did what she claims. Either than or he is (1) the best actor in human history, (2) a sociopathic-level liar, (3) has a split personality, Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde thing going on, or (4) former alien abductee whose memory was bleach-bitted, like, with some high-tech alien cloth.
Apparently Ann still can't accept that Kavanaugh might have been telling the truth. To give Sheldon Whitehouse even a column inch is way more than he deserves. He is one of the Senate's loosest cannons. Ann apparently is going to beat this dead horse as long as possible. Personally I think that Ford is a sociopath. This pathology allows her to be very convincing when delivering falsehoods. There is clearly no corroborating evidence that Ford is not a sociopath so I must be believed regarding her psychological makeup. She certainly has Ann fooled.
"It's cruel neutrality, my friend. No one else is doing it, I don't think. It's a tough job, but if I don't do it, it won't be done. It's my calling I'm afraid."
I am not buying this line this morning. Here is a comment from late last night:
"Over a decade of posts, day after day, establishing a persona, a standard, a brand.
And now we see conclusive proof that Cruel Neutrality™ DOES exist.
But that it rightfully belongs to rhhardin.
I am Laslo."
It wasn't boof, it is boff, meaning sex. I think it was a British import.
When I was 4 I was sexually assaulted by a teenage girl.
When I was in elementary school a girl mocked and bullied me everyday; she got boys to gang up on me and fight me.
I had a girlfried in college, my first. She claimed to have been raped. She did everything possible (I can describe it but too graphic) to get me to "rape" her.
I had a girlfriend once from Japan. She put on a show every day; crying, screaming etc. When I broke up with here there was none of that. She just coldly let me know how "comfortable" her new man was.
Oh and when I worked at the state, a black woman harassed the hell out of me. I complained about it to human resources; how far do you think that got me? She was innocent victim but constantly working to manipulate, harass and get me fired. Of course the human resources lady was...well a woman.
Yes, I don't have too much patience for this.
We all know what this is about: abortion. So simple. Ironically I think the chances of rolling back Roe V. Wade is probably a lot higher now. Kav was an establishment squish...no way he would have reversed that. Now?
Anyway, sorry Althouse. Your group failed to get their homework in on time. Here is your grade:
Oh, thanks btw for helping me contact Google about my son's homeschool blog that they deleted. It was very dear to me. You could see him evolving as a researcher and a writer, but all of that is gone now. (Ann Althouse did not respond to my request)
And you're welcome again for the work I did to find you that Life of Julia power point.
Yeah, where are the investigative journalists on the Facebook posts, tweets and other stuff by The Woman with Two Front Doors?
CNN has a great picture on right now.
Grassley and Booker. Right behind Grassley there's a light-skinned Black women with blondish looking hair and glasses (quite attractive) while right behind Booker is a scowling, heavy looking black woman with a big 'fro.
they're both there to be photographed. but you wonder why the difference.
The Democrats have to learn to LOSE. Yes, it's no fun. It feels shitty. Michael Jordan LOST a lot in the 80s. He hated it. Eventually, he started winning.
I have LOST a lot in life. It sucks. But I also have been fortunate enough to WIN a couple nice things, which eases the unpleasant memories of LOSING.
The Democrats LOST. They protested, they wore pussy-hats in the street, they tried to disrupt the Kavanaugh hearings, they withheld Ford's 36-year old claims in secret, they opportunistically leaked it to delay the vote, they tried to slander him, they got sleazebag porn-attorney Michael Avenatti to hire some crazy-cat woman to lie about gang-bang rapes, they found some stupid Dorm gal to talk about dildos, and, yet, Kavanaugh fought back. And now, with Flake voting Yes, he is one vote away from WINNING.
So, maybe these LOSERS should learn to LOSE with a bit of dignity.
As ridiculous as that line of questioning was, you have to hand it to Democrats:
They're *always* closing.
They're *always* pushing a political line to advance their interests no matter how small or marginal. They *never* forego a tactic if they think it might help. They understand their supporters flatly ignore - even celebrate - them no matter how preposterous they get in service to the cause of obtaining and exercising power.
There's no more floating point anymore. The decimal can't move around. Everything is binary now. He lied, he told the truth.
He/she can't have been mistaken, or had a bad memory. Nope, he/she lied, or he/she told only the truth.
Binary is a very low standard
Althouse : "If we think he lied under oath about that, then it's more likely that he lied about other things, including his denial of Ford's allegations"
Ok, so we (you) think he may have lied about some things, thus he may have lied about other things.
But we know that Dr. Ford lied about some things, thus she may also have lied about other things. Or do we only consider that possibility on one side?
People have always told me my logic was a little fuzzy.
Ffffffffff. His classmate stuttered. I have the same problem with Ssssssssssss, sometimessss. It requires a conscious control to avoid Ssssssssssslurring my Sssssssssss. As for Kkkkkkkkkkkk. Offfffffff... I mean, off with his head. The appearance of kkk is purely gratuitous, and does not reflect the opinions of myself, Whitehoue, Urban Dictionary, or K, ok.
"The question remains whether Ford's allegations are true"
"I'm not going to dilute my brand."
Ann Althouse Weak Sauce
@ Bay Area Guy Okay, you are correct. Sheldon Whitehouse is not only the dumbest Senator, he wins the dumbest white guy award. I am too lazy to look up some of his faux pas but I know that they have been legion. That Ann gives him any space at all is shocking. I must admit that I am little embarrassed for her.
I won't be able to rest until we know whether Kavanaugh made potty jokes in kindergarten. If he did, it would certainly be disqualifying.
Tester and Donnelly both no's. Hope they get voted out.
Of course, this is a bad sign. If collins/Murkowski have decided to vote no, all the Red state D's will vote no too. If they vote Yes, you'd expect some of the Redstate D's to go along.
we know that Dr. Ford lied about some things
Who, where, and when are in question. Her emotional credibility implies that what may be accurate.
Whitehouse looked like he was being boofed in that video.
It looks like Althouse is being boofed by many commenters over the last few days.
Or is she boofing at us?
Ann is emotionally incapable of accepting her instinctive reaction — oh, so distraught, she must be telling the truth — might say more about her than about Ford or Kavanaugh. So she won’t even acknowledge the fear of flying lie, much less inconsistencies in the testimony, or the sworn testimony of the alleged witnesses. Rhhardin can explain it.
"Sheldon Whitehouse is not only the dumbest Senator,"
No, no. Hirano for Dumbest Senator. Whitehouse for Dumbest White man Senator.
“But Whitehouse only asked us to agree that if Ford's allegations are true, he should not serve on the Court, and I will agree to that.“
So you think that Judges should be so perfect that they are inhuman? You’re ridiculous!
“But Whitehouse only asked us to agree that if Ford's allegations are true, he should not serve on the Court, and I will agree to that.“
So you think that Judges should be so perfect that they are inhuman? You’re ridiculous!
Althouse : "If we think he lied under oath about that, then it's more likely that he lied about other things, including his denial of Ford's allegations"
Ok, so we (you) think he may have lied about some things, thus he may have lied about other things.
But we know that Dr. Ford lied about some things, thus she may also have lied about other things. Or do we only consider that possibility on one side?
Stop these vicious attacks on Althouse's moral and intellectual integrity!
She is Cruelly Neutral. At least, that is her patented sales pitch.
Let me repeat this one more time:
If the Democrats believed that it was such a huge moral imperative to bring out these facts on Kavanaugh
Andrew Sullivan has the best take on what happened that I have seen. It's so nice to have the great Andrew back. His was the first blog I read everyday on the new internet. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/09/kavanaugh-ford-hearings-everyone-lost-andrew-sullivan.html
Khesanh sez: He is one of the Senate's loosest cannons. Ann apparently is going to beat this dead horse as long as possible.
She should be reported to PETA. Even dead horses deserve some respect.
I remember the five Fs in high school: find 'em, feel 'em, finger 'em, fuck 'em, forget 'em.
None of us got to the third. Sure, we said we did. But we all lied.
My sweet nephew, who just graduated from college in upstate NY - was bullied by females in middle school.
Lucky for him he won the school lottery and was able to escape and go to an excellent charter school.
Laslo: Then -- when questioned about inconsistencies in her story -- we get the Little Girl Voice of a scared child afraid to go into the woods.
The thing is, this reveals what should be a fundamentally anti-feminist outlook: That women really can’t be held to the same standards as men and must be granted special privileges and indulgences even in areas that don’t involve actual physical differences between men and women. So Blasey Ford and the utter lack of corroboration are read through a filter abounding with charity, while Kavanaugh is read with a fine toothed comb and his corroborating evidence is ignored.
As you said, cruel, but it ain’t neutrality.
"Trump must not think Whitehouse a moron. Elite prep school followed by Yale followed by UVa LS."
When Yale sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing stupidity. They're bringing idiocy. They're morons. And some, I assume, are good people.
Virgil, I read the article but I am starting to wonder about the lies.
The remodel was to a rental and in 2008, not 2012.
Why the therapy ?
The fear of flying thing was phony.
PTSD does not include forgetting.
But Whitehouse only asked us to agree that if Ford's allegations are true, he should not serve on the Court, and I will agree to that.
But even Ford’s closest friend from high school, allegedly a witness, says it never happened. Is there some point, Althouse, where you stop lying to yourself that you are being in any way neutral, and that you are in fact merely a raw partisan?
Did something like this happen to you in high school or college are you are trying to make Brett Kavanaugh the scapegoat for your own inebriation coupled with nasty guys in no way related to Judge Kavanaugh?
Bay Area Guy:
The Dems must be beaten so badly that they know they are defeated. GOP winning both houses in 2018 and Trump wins 40 states in 2020 might finally convince them they are beaten. But they are like ISIS in their religious belief of their righteousness.
So we have determined Kavanaugh:
1) Drank beer in high school and college, sometimes too much beer.
2) Made jokes about flatulence in his yearbook
3) Possibly made sexual jokes with his friends in HS
If the boys joked about threesomes or sex, that makes them normal, not rapists. Most normal teens joked about a lot of stuff they never actually did, unless they had no friends or no sense of humor, which seems to be the case with Democrats any more.
As for the "alumnus" thing, it is possible several boys dated this girl but didn't have sex with her. In my son's group of HS friends there was one very pretty girl that most of the guys dated briefly, or brought to a formal dance, but they all ended it because she was a little socially awkward and difficult to talk to in a one-on-one situation (my guess is that she DIDN'T put out, as they used to say). They still liked the girl, as a friend, but didn't want to date her. Plus Kavanaugh didn't write the yearbook, and isn't responsible for every word in it.
Tester was always going to be a "no" vote, and Donnelly's background suggested the same- he is of the same cloth as Sherrod Brown the next state over. The new Democrat senator from Alabama will also be a "no" vote even though that state is even deeper red- but there he won't be up for reelection until 2020. I still think Manchin will vote yes- he really is a centrist, and Heitkamp will like vote yes, too, I would predict, though I have seen comments from her this morning, but then I haven't been looking around for them yet. Flake was the big one, so I looked for his statement. I just assume Collins and Murkowski are both in the yes camp based on the reporting from last night
Virgil Hilts 11:37 -
major thumbs up to Andrew S. on that one.
As the afternoon went on, I found my mood swinging back to Kavanaugh’s defense. At first, I was shocked by what seemed to me to be his shouting and belligerence. But then he drew me in. Of course he was angry. Wouldn’t you be if you were innocent or had no idea where this allegation suddenly came from? He wasn’t being accused of sexual harassment, or sexual abuse as an adult in a way he could have refuted or challenged. His long-lost teenage years as a hard-drinking jock were now under the microscope. Even his yearbook was being dissected. Stupid cruelties and brags from teenage boys were now being used to define his character, dismiss his record as a judge, his sterling references, his respected scholarship, his devoted family, his relationship with women in every capacity. He had to fend off new accusations, ever more grave and ever more vague.
And there were times, it seems to me, that he simply couldn’t win. If he hadn’t hired and mentored many women, it would be proof he was a misogynist and rapist. But the fact that he did hire and mentor many of them was also proof he was a misogynist and a rapist, who only picked the pretty ones. If he hadn’t shown anger, he would have been obviously inhuman. When he did express rage … well, that was a disqualifying temperament for a judge. It didn’t help that the Democrats made no pretense of having an open mind, or that any glimpse at mainstream media — let alone media Twitter — revealed that it had already picked a side. This was, for the major papers, especially the New York Times, a righteous battle against another white straight male, and the smug, snarky virtue-signaling on Twitter was in overdrive. Even Kavanaugh’s choking-up was mocked — just another contemptible “bro-crier.”
To me, Feinstein looks like a woman filled with regret.
I think it’s time for Althouse to abandon cruel neutrality and join the resistance.
The call is strong.
one more paragraph - Sullivan is on a roll.
And so when Lindsey Graham suddenly unloaded on the Democrats, I felt a wave of euphoria. “Yes,” I said to myself. “Go get ’em, Butters!” When Senator Blumenthal got all self-righteous about a single lie destroying someone’s credibility, I actually LOL-ed. Then I remembered all those op-eds and essays that decided to judge one moment in one man’s teens as somehow deeply revealing about … white privilege, toxic masculinity, white supremacy, toxic homosociality, bro culture, alcoholism, patriarchy … you name it, Kavanaugh was suddenly its foul epitome. He was an instant symbol of all the groups of people the left now hates, by virtue of their race or gender or orientation. And maybe he is. But did any of that necessarily make him guilty of anything, except by association?
When they said they would have a reasoned discussion on original intent and the meaning of words I didn't expect they would discuss the meaning of "boof."
These really are insane times.
Picking fly shit outta pepper. The Dems shot the moon by eating the bitch and they need to keep the anger up to get the rest of the spades. IMO, it will be a net-net loser for them in November.
Not insane, pathetic
"But Whitehouse only asked us to agree that if Ford's allegations are true, he should not serve on the Court, and I will agree to that."
If Whitehouse really believes it is true, why didn't he get an earlier start on it?
Must not have been very important to him.
one more...
To the extent that the hearing went beyond the specifics of Ford’s allegations and sought to humiliate and discredit Kavanaugh for who he was as a teenager nearly four decades ago (a dynamic that was quite pronounced in some Democratic questioning of the nominee), it was deeply concerning. When public life means the ransacking of people’s private lives even when they were in high school, we are circling a deeply illiberal drain. A civilized society observes a distinction between public and private, and this distinction is integral to individual freedom. Such a distinction was anathema in old-school monarchies when the king could arbitrarily arrest, jail, or execute you at will, for private behavior or thoughts. These lines are also blurred in authoritarian regimes, where the power of the government knows few limits in monitoring a person’s home or private affairs or correspondence or tax returns or texts. These boundaries definitionally can’t exist in theocracies, where the state is interested as much in punishing and exposing sin, as in preventing crime. The Iranian and Saudi governments — like the early modern monarchies — seek not only to control your body, but also to look into your soul. They know that everyone has a dark side, and this dark side can be exposed in order to destroy people. All you need is an accusation.
In an earlier post Freder responded to a comment of mine with:
"If you believe that Ford created this story out of whole cloth to "get" Kavanaugh. ..."
I responded with:
I do not believe this, and said nothing of the sort.
I believe she is misremembering AND lying. I am putting a comment that relates to this in the latest post.
Because Freder's comment (which I believe was in good faith) sparked a connection for me in regarding Ford's story that is applicable to this post: Senator Richard Blumenthal. Snopes bere.
I do not wish this to be a rehash of Blumenthal's particular events; I am using it as a lens to view Ford's story.
Blumenthal claimed he served in Vietnam; he never was in Viet Nam. He DID join the Reserve, though:
"In 1970, with his last deferment in jeopardy, he landed a coveted spot in the Marine Reserve, which virtually guaranteed that he would not be sent to Vietnam. He joined a unit in Washington that conducted drills and other exercises and focused on local projects, like fixing a campground and organizing a Toys for Tots drive."
So you could argue that he out-and-out lied later. You could argue that he misrepresented himself, whether through lies or misremembering or mis-speaking. But you cannot take his story as the truth, just because you would like it to be.
And there IS a real memory beneath his story: how it turned into what he later claimed is a great conversation for armchair psychiatrists everywhere. But THIS is the parallel I see with Ford.
That something happened to her is entirely possible.
That she cannot remember key components of the event in question is her story.
That her witnesses have sworn under oath in a way that does not support her is a fact.
That she later lied to Congress about details of her later story is provable.
But I do not believe her particular Vietnam War Story.
I am Laslo.
Re: Boof and slang for anal sex.
I recall in HS and college the term "cornhole" for anal sex.
I now love to play Cornhole.
So no, when someone asks me if I want to play a game of cornhole, I don't think the guy wants to F$%# me in the ass.
(PS If I was a guy in the 1920's and I said "that girl at the party last night was 'tight'" I would be understood to suggest she was drunk. In my high school and college years it might have had a sexual connotation.)
I remember when 'gay' used to mean happy or joyful. Can't even use the word that way anymore.
Words do change meaning over time. These days I need to check the urban dictionary every 6 months. Seems like there's always a new use for existing words or phrases. That said, I'm pretty sure that Devil's Triangle refers to some ladies I knew back in East Lansing. And, for the record- it was just that men considered them dangerous. I'll let you imagine how or why.
You people enjoy your victory! Hopefully Ann will keep it alive for the next week or so so you can keep the warm glow going.
Be sure to Exit Through the Amazon Porthole
Blogger readering said...
Michael K hah! What can I say? Lotta lawyers there.
Yeah. I have two kids lawyers, both lefties.
I was once involved in an amazing case. It's in my book.
Anyway this defense lawyer told me he was continuing the case until he got the affirmative action asst DA.
He said, "I'm a bleeding heart liberal, but this is business."
He got his client off, too. He had shot a guy he found in his bad with his wife giving the guy a blowjob.
Self defense. Hilarious.
I remember when gay = got aids yet
The takeaway from this farce is bigger than the details. Dems suddenly believe a person's sexual history is fair game. Noted.
This is what anti-Dem political commenters should focus on. People can disagree about whether "Renata Alumnus" is so obviously sexual less offensive meanings like sharing crushes are not possible. What they cannot (reasonably) disagree on is the Dems complete violation of every standard they've ever asserted.
Make them pay for violating the standards they want to enforce only against others. People hate this shit.
Ann has not even come close to "cruel neutrality" on this issue. She fell for Ford at the get go and has been with her ever since. Just proves to me that Ann's cruel neutrality is only applicable in certain instances and those instances have nothing to do with Gay marriage, or women testifying to anything. If I didn't know her better I would accuse her of the occasional hypocrisy on those subjects. The air in Madison has finally gotten to her.
I'll concede Hirono wins the dumbest Senator award for this week, but argue that Whitehouse has such a long and sordid record that Hirono is a distant second - and with a crowded field -in the all time dumbest Senator race.
"Picking fly shit outta pepper. The Dems shot the moon by eating the bitch and they need to keep the anger up to get the rest of the spades. IMO, it will be a net-net loser for them in November."
I would be careful, Howard, with using card metaphors- I wouldn't want your tribe to behead you figuratively.
Hopefully Ann will keep it alive for the next week or so so you can keep the warm glow going.
Oh, it will last longer than that.
I just wonder who is doing the strategic planning for the Dims? Booker ?
Kavanaugh was a bit of a jerk in high school. Spoiled, et cetera. We get it.
Okay, we won't vote for him as high school president. He can be the treasurer.
What has he done since those immature years? What is his record? There isn't a shred of evidence that he acted like a spoiled jerk over the past three decades. Doesn't that count? Do any of us want to be judged by our high school years?
This has nothing whatsoever to do with him sitting on the Court. It's a smear, an attack on him and the groups that left has grievances against. It's what he personifies to people.
Henry Adams, cynic that he was, said politics was the systematic organization of hatreds. And he wrote this more than a century ago. It's gotten worse.
Michael K said: Virgil, I read the article but I am starting to wonder about the lies.
The remodel was to a rental and in 2008, not 2012.
I agree; she seemed flaky. I lost faith in her reliability when she could not remember whether she had given her therapist's notes to the Washington Post just a few weeks earlier. There is no way anyone with a sharp mind could forget that detail.
MITCHELL: Did you show a full or partial set of those marriage therapy records to The Washington Post? FORD: I don’t remember. I remember summarizing for her what they said. So I’m not – I’m not quite sure if I actually gave her the record. MITCHELL: OK. So it’s possible that the reporter did not see these notes. FORD: I don’t know if she’s – I can’t recall whether she saw them directly or if I just told her what they said.. .
I mean do we know if the therapists notes actually exist from 2012?
I'm a little older than Kavanaugh but not by a wide margin. I think I would recognize these slang works if they were in common use at the time. Also, having been a teenage boy, I can easily see myself and friends inventing our own slang based on inside jokes. Then again, I wasn't nearly as sophisticated as someone with the reported wherewithal to run their own on-going chain-rape enterprise at the age of 15.
Blumenthal--Imagine! Kavanaugh got mad just because we accused him of multiple gang rapes-- clearly an unfit temperament for The Highest Court in the Land™.
And while we’re looking at old yearbooks, how about let’s look at the Holton-Arms “Scribe” for 1982 and 1983. Let’s see the picture of an underage Christine Blasey looking utterly wasted surrounded by beer and hard liquor bottles at a party. Let’s read the cutesy references to getting passed out drunk. Let’s ask Christine Blasey Ford what her high school nickname was. Over at RealClearInvestigations dot com, Paul Sperry writes:
“At Holton-Arms, the source added, she was known by classmates, and even some parents, by a sexually derogatory nickname playing off her maiden name Blasey, suggesting she was promiscuous.”
Cute circumlocution.
There is a WaPo opinion columnist named Charles Lane who says he grew up with Kavanaughs friend Squi.
He said he didn't stutter but had a funny way of saying the F word just like Kavanaugh said.
I assume they do- WaPo claimed to have seen them. I have considered the possibility that Ford fabricated them herself, but that seems a bit implausible to me since would be treacherous to do so.
In an earlier post Freder responded to a comment of mine with:
"If you believe that Ford created this story out of whole cloth to "get" Kavanaugh. ..."
I'm not exactly sure what he finished with but lets understand something. Two of six Kavanaugh accusers have been proven to have made up lies out of whole cloth. One admitted it while the other includes serial openly known gang rape scenarios only credible to total fucking idiots. For those who need more evidence there are multiple denials by people who actually attended these parties regularly.
If Freder thinks it is somehow impossible for Ford to have invented the story for political reasons it's exhibit 6,284 in the case that he simply ignores all evidence which conflicts with his cherished but absurd worldview.
If it is determined that Ruth Bader Ginsburg once engaged in voluntary anal sex, should she be impeached and removed from office? A poll please, Prof. Althouse.
Dem game plan:
1. Attack BK's judicial opinions - fail
2. Attack BK's judicial philosophy - fail
3. Attack BK's adult character - can't find anything, so fail.
4. Attack BK's teenage character - PAYDIRT! But is it fatal?
5. Disrupt the hearings - fail
6. Walk out of the hearings - fail
7. Demand many delays of the hearings - fail
8. Delay the vote - fail
9. Demand further FBI investigations - fail
At some point, it's just pitiful. This is a party so wedded to the Church of Roe v. Wade that they will do or say anything to stop a potential 5th vote, even if it means destroying a man's reputation and professional career.
You people enjoy your victory!
I'm currently knitting my penis hat. At lunch I'm going to chug a beer and scream at the sky.
Someone else above made the important point about all this that is missing from the discussion- the culture was more fragmented and regional then, united only through television and film, at least in people who were teenagers. Most of my fellow teens countrywide (me from 1979-1986) would, for example, know what "Sit on it" meant, and where it came from because it was a phrase from a sitcom. However, sexual innuendo wouldn't spread that way, and so I imagine phrases to be more unique and regionally defined than they would be today with the domination of the internet and its worldwide social networks.
I recall in HS and college the term "cornhole" for anal sex.
I must be a bit older than you.
A fifth grade classmate told me that term. I was sort of shocked, but the trauma must have healed quickly.
Nonetheless, the phrase is seared into my hippocampus.
The FFFF etc is an old one. I remember it from when I was a yute and I am now 66.
But, the far left liberal Charles Lane of the Wapo, supports Kavanaugh's claim that it is from a friend called Squi. Lane lived across the street from Squi.
I recall in HS and college the term "cornhole" for anal sex.
Me too, which made things a little uncomfortable when my neighbor asked if I wanted to come over and play cornhole.
Douthat's column should give every Kavanaugh defender pause.
Link: Only the Truth
Ann, you think he doesn't deserve to be on the supreme court because of an allegation that when he was approximately 17 years old he may have forced himself on a girl at a party - which she then escaped, ran away (without anyone at the party noticing or anyone rememebering the party), and not saying anything about it for 30+ years?
I want to be clear on what type of actions while a minor permanently bar someone from the supreme court.
Now, for me, if her allegations are true I want him barred from the supreme court BECAUSE he so vehemently denied them. If he was proven to be such a powerful liar, bar him from the Supreme Court.
Speaking of credibility:
1. Who drove Ford home? Not K or Judge, certainly. Not her friend Leland, not PJ, nor Mystery Boy #4. She didn't testify that she stopped to make a phone call on the way out of the house. No one had cell phones back then. Did she hitchhike? Did she walk to a payphone somewhere? If she did, who did she call? Not her parents. It seems like dealing with that problem -- how to get home at night -- is something she would remember.
2. How many attacked her when? Was it 4 guys when she was in her late teens or 2 guys when she was 15?
3. She can't meet with the committee quickly due to a fear of flying, but she flies all over the world when it suits her.
4. She didn't know about the Committee's offer to interview her in California. Uh huh.
5. She "urgently" wanted to get her allegation to the President and the Senate before Trump made his nomination, but, gosh darn it, she just didn't know how to do that. Apparently, going to the White House website was not blindingly obvious, nor was Googling the White House or Senate contact information (with the help of her Google intern) an option. Nor, gosh darn it, could she have asked her Washington Post reporter friend -- why would a WASHINGTON POST reporter know anything about, you know, how to contact U.S. government officials?
How did she get her therapist's notes? Do they normally just hand them over to clients?
Me too, which made things a little uncomfortable when my neighbor asked if I wanted to come over and play cornhole.
I thought it was bad when I laughed in front of my son upon seeing ESPN2 was televising the National Cornhole Championships. But yours is worse.
But, the far left liberal Charles Lane of the Wapo,
I've always liked Chuck stemming from his discovering Stephen Glass. He shows there are at least a few honest left wingers. It's easy to forget that watching the slime day after day.
Won't somebody tell me what Diddy Wah Diddy means ?
Ford said Squi - who she said she was dating - introduced her to Kavanaugh.
It'd be interesting to find Squi and hear what he says.
I mean do we know if the therapists notes actually exist from 2012?
Therapists are required by law and insurance combines to keep notes for seven years. Some keep them for 10 years and spend a lot of money maintaining the physical (i.e., storage units) or electronic database.
My notes were hand written because we did not have electronic medical records as MDs are required to have. Given a choice, few professionals would want the hassle of EMR. It is awful.
That leads to question how CBF accessed her records. In her testimony, she was somewhat evasive. First she sad that she accessed them on line (an impossibility). When Mitchell (who is extremely under rated) asked if it was in a Patient Portal, she backtracked and said that she looked at them in her therapists office. Then she could not recall is she summarized the notes to the WaPo or gave them a copy.
I am wondering why she would summarize them incorrectly (i.e., two boys in the room versus four) when her current belief was that there were two boys.
As we digest yesterdays show, I am increasingly certain that CBF's testimony will be impeached over time. If the Dems foolishly go after Judge K as a SCOTUS member, CBF will certainly be traumatized if she has to testify again.
Yancy- that's interesting, isn't it? Ford testified that she doesn't remember if she showed WaPo the letter or the Therapists notes, but they say they've seen them.
Only democrats are allowed to rape women. It's all fun and games.
Douthat makes a series of excellent points about how this isn't closed. It's not just she said/he said and nothing more can be learned.
Prediction: we will find out the truth. Or something very close to it; something that will, to reasonable people, reveal what happened.
Laslo: "Because Freder's comment (which I believe was in good faith).."
Be careful. Not that long ago Field Marshall Freder was on this site engaging in massive mischaracterization and outright lying about the Bundy case and its outcome.
And that wasnt the first time.
Be wary of assigning "good faith" to ant Freder comments.
Prediction: we will find out the truth. Or something very close to it; something that will, to reasonable people, reveal what happened.
Fake but Accurate!
Rick: "... ESPN2 was televising the National Cornhole Championships."
Thanks for clarifying that. I was aware of the traditional meaning since the early 1950's. The word resurfaced a decade or so ago when boards for a bean bag toss were produced at a class reunion. Now aware till now there was such a wide following of the game.
Althouse: “But Whitehouse only asked us to agree that if Ford's allegations are true, he should not serve on the Court, and I will agree to that.”
Which part: His groping her with intent to ... what? What she thought? His covering her mouth, if true? Two boys there and they couldn’t manage to get her clothes off? Seriously? I didn’t watch her. What body part did he grope? Breast? Crotch? None of the above? Basically, other than drunken(?) teenage groping and covering her mouth, nothing happened, did it? Does the drunkenous mitigate?
“Cruel neutrality” has taken an unsurprising hit with this one.
Ross Douthat has become a fully trained "conservative" housepet of the left and is dedicated to bringing down republicans and their efforts.
Ross Douthat carries precisely zero weight in any political discussion.
Actually, he carries precisely negative weight within conservative/republican circles.
I have to say, the thing that makes me doubt BK more than anything is the flat denials of excessive drinking. He says "we drank lite beer" and never to excess. It does not ring true, given all of the other recollections of students at the time. If that is perjury then it undermines all the rest of his testimony.
While the totalitarian warlock hunters in the senate grill Kavanaugh over his 1980 High school year book - no questions about lies or inconsistency in Blasey-Ford's testimony.
What is the Urban Dictionary definition of Cruel Neutrality?
Confirmation bias or simply bull shit?
Steve G - prediction - you are wrong.
The truth cannot be known - especially without witnesses, or even a time and place.
Okay, he's not, for you, a "real" conservative. What about his column and the questions he raises? We just dismiss them because he's not an authentic, true blue conservative?
I didn't hear him say "light" beer. I heard him say "beer"
"Prediction: we will find out the truth"
Nope. Never. Ever. There is no "there" there.
Obadiah: "that is perjury then it undermines all the rest of his testimony. "
Ford lied multiple times under oath.
Any comment?
....I am betting you wont.
Beat it with more of your lefty lies. The jig is up.
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