३० सप्टेंबर, २०१८

"Saturday Night Live" does a fantastic cold open with Matt Damon as Brett Kavanaugh.

I've watched this and I still have not read what anyone is saying about it, so let me sketch out a few thoughts before I read what people are saying.

1. Matt Damon was great. For a moment there, I thought he was channeling Chris Farley, with the idea of raging and amping up the rage, but that association left my mind as Damon continued and used a lot of the details observed in the hearing: turning the pages angrily, drinking water, sniffling.

2. Yesterday, I was predicting that "SNL" would do a Kavanaugh cold open, and I pictured lines like "I like beer, do you like beer," and I got them.

3. The character of the prosecutor Rachel Mitchell was very well observed, conveying apt criticisms that I myself have about how she was used. The SNL castmember, Aidy Bryant, did a nice job of playing the bland professional who found herself in a place where she didn't belong, asked to do something she wouldn't be permitted even to begin to do.

4. The Lindsey Graham part was a complete disaster. Kate McKinnon will get credit for suppressing any vanity and dressing as a man, but there were 2 things wrong. First, Graham was the loudest, angriest person in the room last Thursday, so McKinnon needed to top Matt Damon, and Damon set a high baseline. McKinnon has a less powerful voice than Damon, unsurprisingly, so the loudness may have been physically impossible, but she also couldn't begin to match him in conveying intense anger. Second, the writers gave her a script premised on the idea that Graham is a gay man. Some of the lines were like lines in a dating ad, saying he's 5'11" and "uncut," and the part ended with "This right now, this is my audition for Mr. Trump's cabinet and also for a regional production of 'The Crucible,' and let me tell you, queen, I was good." Queen???!!! Did I mishear that? I replayed it 10 times, and we turned on the closed captioning, which simply omitted the word (after pausing, so apparently the closed captioner didn't know what to do).

३६६ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   366 पैकी 201 – 366
Ken B म्हणाले...

The real butt of the “fantastic” humor is the presumption of innocence. Wild charges are made in public, on TV, on “fantastic” shows. And no matter how he reacts he can be mocked and imitated. Is he calm? Intercut with clips of Eichmann. Does he weep? Kevin Spacey can atone by playing him in drag. We saw what happens to anger. I can only imagine what a refusal to testify would lead to.

So the butt of 5he joke the law professor finds so great is the presumption of innocence.

James K म्हणाले...

Shorter Althouse: “ Have you read Kafka? Laugh riot.”

Someone must have made a false accusation against Brett K., for he was subject to an FBI investigation one morning without having done anything wrong.

Ken B म्हणाले...

It's Annie's disingenuousness we object to. Odd to see you of all people call that her “liberal side”.

Ray - SoCal म्हणाले...

And now Flake is with Coons at the Global Citizens Festival:

Sounds like Flake just wants to be loved, like McCain.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

Inga is not alone in creating an Althouse in her own image.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Ken B म्हणाले...

Annie is her name Inga. Duh.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“It's Annie's disingenuousness we object to. Odd to see you of all people call that her “liberal side”.”

How is she being disengenuous? Why are you calling her “Annie”? Why did Francisco D the nutty psychologist call Althouse a “little princess”. What you’re trying to do is diminish Althouse and portray her as either disengenuous or as childish. That is something Conservative men do all the time in attempting to make themselves look more credible. It doesn’t.

I understand being frustrated with Althouse’s personality, but she is expressing her opinion here, she’s not doing it just to annoy you people

wendybar म्हणाले...

mezzrow said...Are you assuming that they will stop this if it works? You were in Madison for the Walker kerfuffle. These folks really enjoy this kind of activity and will grow it like a cancer if they can. If you find humor in this, examine your funny bone and your soul. This is not a time to embrace cynicism. In my part of the world, public lynchings were entertainment not so long ago. We understand this sort of thing.
9/30/18, 9:39 AM

And now public lynching of gay men is okay too!! HURRAY!!!! BUT...it's okay because he is a Republican!!! https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/09/frenzied_left_stooping_to_homophobia_to_bash_kavanaugh_supporter_lindsey_graham_.html#.W7DYYr4mKbk.facebook

Breezy म्हणाले...

Scarey lady with glasses that are too big for her and a voice that is too small for her. She’s a psychologist with no idea about polygraphs. Her specialty is statistics and she has no idea about polygraphs. She struts a life long horrific memory but can’t remember when she had the recent polygraph related to that event. She calls out health concerns as reason her bff does not recall the event. Can’t be cuz it didn’t happen. She wanted to be anonymous but was prepping for the last two months with lawyer for her day in the sun. Doesn’t seem to care how her identity was released, supposedly against her wishes. Because it wasn’t against her wishes. All her social media and yearbook entries are out of reach.

Yes, that’s not funny.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Amadeus 48: We are supposed to embrace her tears when she has perpetrated an ambush of epic proportions. What she is doing is really bad. [my emph.]

That's what boggles my mind about the kid-gloves treatment given to Ford. It's one thing to feel sympathy toward someone you conclude probably did have some kind of traumatic experience. It's another to focus entirely on the alleged trauma and *completely block out the un-freaking-believably ugly and corrupt context, timing, and manner* in which the alleged victim has been allowed to, and freely chosen to, respond to her alleged trauma.

See, it's all about the trauma, the silenced victims. Only the trauma, regardless of whether it has any relation whatever to the accusations, is a matter of great import. The heinous things the alleged victims choose to do in response to their trauma simply aren't important, they are uninteresting footnotes to the rigtheous cause in whose name they are carried out. Everything else going on here - the obvious corruption, lying, destruction of the foundations of our code of law: hey, trivial collateral damage of stuff and people that don't really matter, or matter a whole of a lot less than The Cause.

But on reflection, why am I shocked by any of this? This is textbook Jacobinism; this is what Jacobins do, always and everywhere. And The Cause, for Jacobins, of whatever age, is always an unholy mix of anti-human utopianism and all-too-human personal resentment and vindictiveness.

harrogate म्हणाले...

The running gag with the calendars was the funniest part.

Mark म्हणाले...

Ann Althouse said...

"If you want a comedy sketch that mocks a woman who reports an attempted rape, start your own comedy sketch show. I'm sure it will be a blast."

I'm pretty sure SNL has mocked Juanita Broadrick and Paula Jones before - or am I mis-remembering things? But hey, that's ok, because Clinton was a democrat.

MayBee म्हणाले...

It’s pretty surprising that you think Althouse would be the typical conservative woman who seems to have no problem sidelining her own sex in favor of the male patriarchy, because that is the accepted conservative stance for conservative women.

Not true.
You shouldn't believe anyone based on their sex. There is no "sidelining" your own sex. There is knowing that people of both sexes can be good or bad, truthful or liars, victims or victimizers. The belief in women who allege rape is ascendent, but we strip men of their humanity at our own peril.

Birkel म्हणाले...

Ann Althouse said...
If you want a comedy sketch that mocks a woman who reports an attempted rape, start your own comedy sketch show. I'm sure it will be a blast.

Crystal Mangum's falsely accused victims are on Line 1 for Professor Althouse.
If you could please pick up the red courtesy phone, Professor Althouse.
The Duke Lacrosse players are on Line 1 and need to know if it is okay to mock a liar who happens to be a woman and uses that fact to allow other people not to confront her lie.

They are willing to hold, Professor Althouse.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Why did Francisco D the nutty psychologist call Althouse a “little princess”.

The bedpan commando is now in charge !

"Shut up," she explained.

Rosalyn C. म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“You shouldn't believe anyone based on their sex.”

Of course she shouldn’t be believed solely on the basis of sex. You have misconstrued my comment. Read more carefully without assigning to me an idea that wasn’t expressed. My comment about conservative women is an observation I’ve made over many years of seeing conservative do this very thing. They may actually believe Ford, but will squelch their own instincts in favor of the male perspective. Not all conservative women do this, but too many do.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

Why did Francisco D the nutty psychologist call Althouse a “little princess”.

If you had basic reading skills and actually read the current and earlier posts that would be crystal clear.

You do not even have to analyze information. It's as easy as reading the instructions on a bedpan.

Oh wait! You did struggle with that in nursing school, didn't you?

Again, Inga

You have not responded to evidence that you abused patients as a student nurse. Credible accusations have been made that you had "train nights" in which elderly patients were subjected to repeated sexual abuse. You were also known to take about "boofing" presumably in the caboose.

One of your classmates said that your nickname was "The Conductor."

Your patients are probably deceased, but your grotesque behavior likely contributed to their deaths. There is no applicable statute of limitations. Clearly this investigation must be exhaustive to assure the American public that sexual deviates are not employed in hospitals that are supposed to give caring treatment.

I will be writing to the governor as well as the FBI.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“The bedpan commando is now in charge !”

The butcher, Michael K is advertising freshly butchered lamp chops, cheap, first come first serve.

Rosalyn C. म्हणाले...

I didn't think the skit was funny, well except maybe for "Booker face." I don't like to mock people when they are being put down unfairly. It's not funny, it's just hurtful. The man is a federal judge, a husband, a father, held in high regard by scores of women and men who know him and work with him, and also a coach for young girls. He's been treated like a deadbeat criminal based on really uncorroborated accusations. So laughing at him right now, when he is still in the middle of a concerted effort of character assassination, in my opinion isn't actually funny. It's character assassination.

Ideas for future SNL skits:
1. The scene in the committee room where Kavanaugh and Ford meet face to face. What they would say to each other. Confront your accuser enacted.
2. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris (played by Leslie Jones) going at each other for the spotlight or some position, e.g., class president.
3. Hollywood starlets getting together to discuss the hotness of the Senators, the Judge, Dr. Ford. This is inspired by tweets I saw by Ellen Barkin: "I realize that this is very wrong but...am i the only one who thinks jeff flake is kinda cute? #MeToo" Followed by responses: "He's kind of cute, for a Republican" And, "Will @JeffFlake vote no on Kavanaugh for one night with Ellen Barkin?" Ellen Barkin: "i have conflicted emotions as a rule i dont favor a blond but i luv a nose"

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

Some people have no business being in the medical or psych field, just like Kavanaugh, who doesn’t have the temperament to be a Supreme Court Justice.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Some reading material for Ann and a few commenters who don't seem to know about this.

5 Signs You’re In The Midst Of A Moral Panic.

1. Due Process Goes Out The Window

2. “Believe The Victim”

3. Misleading And Faulty Statistics

4. Evidence, Schmevidence

5. Pseudo-Scientific Theories About Memory Reign Supreme.

MayBee म्हणाले...

. You have misconstrued my comment. Read more carefully without assigning to me an idea that wasn’t expressed. My comment about conservative women is an observation I’ve made over many years of seeing conservative do this very thing. They may actually believe Ford, but will squelch their own instincts in favor of the male perspective. Not all conservative women do this, but too many do.

Or maybe you don't know what is in their thoughts, and you are assigning to them an idea they don't have.

I will say this: I see my Facebook friends saying things like #believeallwomen I don't see anyone saying #believeallmen

Michael K म्हणाले...

Kavanaugh, who doesn’t have the temperament to be a Supreme Court Justice.

The bedpan commando is now a Psychologist. Congratulations. When did you get your degree ?

n.n म्हणाले...

SNL is playing with #Labels as liberals are known to do.

K was understandably angry because Democrats were violating his, his wife, and children's civil rights. G was understandably angry because of Democrats' progressive use of the warlock #Label and #Judgment.

Or is it because K is the white boy next door, and in the order of diversity targets, white boys come first.

Something is broken when the USA women are dominated by white girls next door
The Guardian - Hope Solo

Progressives' next target is white girls next door.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

I firmly believe no matter what attitude Kavanaugh took, he'd have been said to not have the right temperament. Romney was said not to have the right temperament. Same with McCain. I see no reason to take this particular accusation seriously; if I had been accused of the things Kavanaugh has been, I'd have also been angry and wanting to defend myself. He had every right to be angry and emotional; I've had the best part of the last 15 years being told to "show more emotion" that it is "ok to be upset," and that "manning up and bottling up your emotions is not healthy," and then the moment a man shows emotions, he's called a whiny little girl with a bad temperament, it makes me wonder: "Do they REALLY want men to show emotions, or just the emotions they approve of?"

n.n म्हणाले...


MarkW म्हणाले...

If you want a comedy sketch that mocks a woman who reports an attempted rape, start your own comedy sketch show. I'm sure it will be a blast.

Ah, but SNL actually did that. There was a very funny Nancy Grace parody about the Duke Lacrosse case where the parody Nancy Grace said something like "for Crystal Mangum, having her lies exposed was just like being raped all over again!". I tried to grab a link to it, and there still references online, like this one:


But it's not longer available online anywhere I can find (hmmm -- I wonder if it was flushed down the memory hole only recently?)

truth speaker म्हणाले...

SNL is still on?
And YOU found it funny?
AND you found it funny of them belittling a man who is upset about being lied about on the national stage?

Ugh. I think that I wouldn't like to know you in real life.

n.n म्हणाले...

R moved to the back of the bus.

K stands his ground.

The perfect candidate will bow down before the one(s) he serves.

MayBee म्हणाले...

Kavanaugh should have just yelled, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

Clark म्हणाले...

Picking up on the cruelty. Having trouble identifying the neutrality.

William म्हणाले...

The most telling criticism of the Catholic Church was that they're in the morality business and they can't even protect choir boys from pedophiles. The most telling criticism of SNL is that they're in the irony business and they choose to use Matt Damon in a skit about sexual offenses.......I admire the way past and present female members of SNL signed a statement in support of Al Franken. They're not against all sex offenders. You might say that they're discriminating, although perhaps discriminatory is the better word.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

The talking points go out beforehand and pre-cast per outcome in the corruptocrat lab.

William म्हणाले...

As I remember--and memories are always imprecise except in cases of high school rape--the person who was most brutally and cruelly mocked by SNL during the Clinton scandals was Linda Tripp.......When you stop to think about it, Linda reported that a sexual predator was loose in the Oval Office. I can't recall anyone complimenting her on her courage.

rehajm म्हणाले...

Okay- I watched five minutes. I want Coach K to take away their abortions now.

Nonapod म्हणाले...

If you don't think of Kavanaugh as a victim of character assassination, but is instead a lying jerk fratboy who attempted a rape I guess this would be funny. I assume that Althouse believes Kavanaugh is guilty. If so, I doubt there's anything you can say to change her mind at this point. She's seen all the arguments and is fully aware of all the inconsistencies and lack of evidence or coorboration. She obviously puts far more importance on an emotional performance than those sorts of things. I, and many other commentors here obviously disagree. There's not much more to say about it unless some sort of new evidence appears that either vindicates or damns Kavanaugh.

William म्हणाले...

I think Lazlo's skit was far funnier than the SNL one, but I'm not exactly in SNL's demographic. I wouldn't think Althouse is either, but who can predict how anyone will react to biased, hate filled humor delivered by a rapist enabler.

chickelit म्हणाले...

It seems obvious that SNL decided to mock Kavanaugh 23 minutes after his candidacy was announced: They watched what I watched and came to the same prejudiced opinion that Chuck Schumer did. Why pretend otherwise?

Michael K म्हणाले...

The feminist left is moving toward hatred of men in general.

Today we have an article on termite colonies with no males.

What is interesting about that article is the comment that these inbred colonies may have no enemies. There are no "soldier" termites.

This is what the feminists, including our hostess it seems, want. A society with all females. No soldiers, of course.

Necessarily inbred, as the reason why sexual reproduction evolved was to prevent the preservation of harmful mutations.

The AmerIndians spent 10,000 years sheltered from Old World diseases. As a result, their immune systems weakened and they have fewer autoimmune diseases to this day.

But they were nearly wiped out by diseases that were new to them.

The feminist society can only exist if sheltered, either by geography or chance of some sort.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

Some people have no business being in the medical or psych field, just like Kavanaugh, who doesn’t have the temperament to be a Supreme Court Justice.

Says the nurse who sexually abused elderly patients.

And whose lack of common sense and reading skills required remedial training to learn how to empty out a bedpan properly.

And has no ideas what surgeons and psychologists do.

Actually her only ideas are what she reads from DNC/MSM talking points.


chickelit म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
chickelit म्हणाले...

Inga sez: “I understand being frustrated with Althouse’s personality, but she is expressing her opinion here, she’s not doing it just to annoy you people.”

I don’t understand the problem here. I think we’re all in perfect agreement regarding tactics: Althouse approves the mocking of those presumed to be innocent and we just want to mock Althouse because we don’t believe she’s innocent of malice aforethought. Mocking is a means — a mean means but a means.

chickelit म्हणाले...

“Today we have an article on termite colonies with no males.”

What do female termites use for splooge — some other wood product?

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...


You're welcome!

Marc in Eugene म्हणाले...

Thanks, MayBee, for the link to Professor Cleveland's Twitter threads.

chickelit म्हणाले...

MeadIne wrote: “... reference to Feinstein not being able to keep a confidence? (Otherwise, not sure I get it.)”

I think it refers to Shumer’s position that it didn’t matter who the nominee was — he/she was going to oppose him/her. I think that’s consistent with someone pointing out that libs had already purchased the domain name for “stop judge _____.com”

MayBee म्हणाले...

Marc said...
Thanks, MayBee, for the link to Professor Cleveland's Twitter threads.

You're welcome. They are really interesting.

Luke Lea म्हणाले...

I'm late to the comments but one line of questioning I would like to have heard was how far Kavanaugh was allegedly able to go with his "attempted rape" ? What was she wearing over her one piece bathing suit? Was he pawing at her breasts or her vagina or neither. Given that he was stumbling drunk and had one hand over her mouth, how much could he do with one free hand? Or was the whole thing just a practical joke, a mock rape, since they were both laughing their heads off? When Judge allegedly jumps (or falls?) on the bed, causing them all three to tumble on the floor, what was the logistics of that? Was it a single bed? And given that she testified that they locked the door behind them after they pushed her into the room, why doesn't she mention unlocking the door as she fled. Indeed, how many bedroom doors have locks on them nowadays, or rather during that period? Was it a dead bolt, a skeleton key, or a button that you push? If she had had more than just one beer would she admit it? If more than one, that might help explain why she had to go to the bathroom.
Why did she use the bathroom upstairs instead of downstairs. Were those two guys stumbling up the stairs behind her? Presumably they were not already upstairs. And finally once she managed to escape onto street -- which must have been a tremendous relief if it was a genuinely serious rape attempt, wouldn't she remember how she got away and where she went next? If not, maybe she was highly inebriated herself?

Attempted rape is a serious offense. However a false or mistaken accusation of rape is equally serious: both can be life-changing traumas, the latter much more likely since some women would be able to shake off such clumsy attempt by boys that she actually knew. Especially coming more than thirty years later at the most crucial moment of a man's career. Clearly she is being celebrated for the political effect of her accusation, whereas he, no matter how boorish he may have been as an under-age teenager, finds his whole life destroyed on such a public stage.

And to think that the Dems waited until the last minute ambush K. when it could have been dealt with and more thoroughly investigated privately weeks before. Clearly the Dems were politically motivated? Was she? What does her erased social media show in that regard, which presumably could have been looked at before the whole thing exploded into public? Indeed, can the FBI recover those media even now, given that we here our digital pasts are with us forever?

Forgive the typos. I'm in the hospital doped up on morphine.

Birkel म्हणाले...


I take it you still believe Crystal Mangum and think the Duke Lacrosse players were improperly exonerated. If you disagree with anything in that statement, please let us all know. Because I have it on good authority that you now join the chorus of people who do not #BelieveAllWomen and that makes you a misogynist and a member of the Patriarchy.

Choose a side. If we're going to live in a world of absolutes then we're going to have great pleasure calling the hypocrisy of the true believers into the light.

I think Althouse is revealing herself to be amoral on some issues. That's not neutral. It is cruel.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger William said...
The most telling criticism of the Catholic Church was that they're in the morality business and they can't even protect choir boys from pedophiles.

That came in the 60s when the "diversity" people took over the seminaries and gays became the deciders about who got to be a priest.

I was an alter boy and was street smart enough to recognize gays on the street. There were two brothers who ran a record store on a commercial street a half block from the church. A bunch of us used to hang out, partly to buy records but also because they had a collection of the mild pornography of the time. We all knew the two brothers were queer.

One priest I knew might have had pedophile tendencies. He wrote children's books. He was famous in the local school kid circles because one day, when he was hearing confessions, a girl we all knew went to confession and those of us nearby could hear him say to her , "You did what !" It took a lot for her to come out of the confessional.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

At this point, Althouse is an indicator: if the most successful, most historically privileged, most ostensibly rational, most legally astute American women can feel the kind of resentment she does and have it distort their judgment as she did in the K case, it really is a sobering fact.

The politics of resentment explains a lot: the attribution of trivial slights to "the patriarchy," the invention of fabrications to justify Roe, the laughably self-unaware cruel neutrality pose, the casual smearing of judge Kavanaugh and his dark side, the standing by the Dems as they degrade the process and the culture, and the mundane emotional responses to things like the funny-fun SNL skit.

Althouse wanted to hang with the big boys. She did and does hang with the big boys. I thought it spoke well of her. I thought it was a great success story. But now we realize that it was not enough. There's always the patriarchy. There's always the big boys who remind her of daddy saying no. There's always the missed courses and the memory of humble submission. And if it is not enough for her, we must infer: it's never enough. Just as there is no evidence we could adduce about K to make her change her mind: such dissuasion itself, as she has told us, is a tool of the patriarchy.

Again, my point is not to give her a hard time. Nor could I: I now realize how deeply ensconced even Althouse is in the identity-politics version of feminism. And that is my point: if that applies even to Althouse, there is little more to be said, there is no rational argument possible, and all issues before us become a mere matter of numbers and power, a fight to the death.

That is what we see from progs now, and have seen for a while. That is what Althouse cruelly abets. That is what we conservatives always wanted to avoid. But that is where we are.

Jim at म्हणाले...

I honestly do not know one, single person who still watches that crap show.

Not one.

Jim at म्हणाले...

would be the typical conservative woman who seems to have no problem sidelining her own sex in favor of the male patriarchy, because that is the accepted conservative stance for conservative women. - Inga

I wish my wife could have the opportunity to punch you right in the mouth. Because she would.

Gawd, you're an arrogant bitch claiming to speak for all women.

chickelit म्हणाले...

Mock her. Mock her hard — even when she’s vulnerable b/c she hates that. But above all, be funny!

Chris of Rights म्हणाले...

Althouse: If you want a comedy sketch that mocks a woman who reports an attempted rape, start your own comedy sketch show. I'm sure it will be a blast.

Well, it would be right up there with a comedy sketch that mocks a family going through pain so awful I can't even imagine it over a baseless accusation from 36 years ago.

I'm sorry. I don't find mocking a family's anguish to be remotely funny.

chickelit म्हणाले...

Inga jettisons “innocent until proven guilty” for Kavanaugh while embracing the “deference cascade” given to the accuser, Dr. Ford.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
chickelit म्हणाले...

Dr. Ford and Ms. Hide (the identity).

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

Forgive the typos. I'm in the hospital doped up on morphine.

9/30/18, 12:41 PM

Hey Luke-get well soon.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

Bay Area Guy, "And yet Dr. Blasey Ford stays silent for 36 years?"

Nah. She had her famous remodeling issue about the front door and that brought on the couples' therapy but there are conflicting dates on this.

Why don't we have a picture of this House with Two Front Doors? It has to be well-known in the area. "The nutty cat lady lives there. Don't go trick-or-treating there kids. Anyway, can't figure out what door bell to ring."

chickelit म्हणाले...

One more tweak:

Dr. Ford and Ms. Hide (the id-entity).

Birkel म्हणाले...

Sebastian nails it. I was typing those thoughts years ago when only buwaya, on this blog, was saying the same thing. I called out the power hungry nature of the modern Leftist Collectivists. I wrote consistently that power was the only animating principle of the Leftists Collectivists. I wrote about the Leviathan State before such a concept was widely expressed.

I think many others shared those thoughts. I think many others were scared of the conclusion to which those thoughts inexorably lead. The modern Leftist Collectivists are the Terminator machines. "That terminator is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead."

And when faced with such an enemy there are only two options: submit or fight.

The option that the alligator eats you last doesn't actually exist. There cannot be Peace in Our Time when one side seeks the destruction of the other. And we are the Other with a capital 'O'.

I hate that I was and am correct.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

I wish my wife could have the opportunity to punch you right in the mouth. Because she would.

Gawd, you're an arrogant bitch claiming to speak for all women.

9/30/18, 1:11 PM

I hate to call for division, and perhaps I don't know how to phrase this aptly, but The unbroken women of America need to rise and stand against the broken women of America. This can't go on.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“She obviously puts far more importance on an emotional performance than those sorts of things.”

Who was more emotional? Ford or Kavanaugh?

FullMoon म्हणाले...

For those who do not have the google thingy:

Fords house and doors pictures

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“I wish my wife could have the opportunity to punch you right in the mouth. Because she would.

Gawd, you're an arrogant bitch claiming to speak for all women.”

I never claimed to speak for all women you dimwit. I see your wife is as stupid and violent as you are.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Slightly annoying is the little giggle when Ford lied about fear of flying.

She lied in an attempt to get what she wanted and nobody on the left questioned that.

Marc in Eugene म्हणाले...

The Guardian's editors' ludicrous and/or pathetic repeated attempts to influence the political life of the US are pretty amusing-- I presume that is the purpose of their US edition. It's possible that there are so many Americans with large pocketbooks clamoring for a more correct and authoritative Progressive house organ who aren't satisfied, for one reason or another, by the NYT or even WaPo.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“Althouse wanted to hang with the big boys. She did and does hang with the big boys. I thought it spoke well of her. I thought it was a great success story. But now we realize that it was not enough. There's always the patriarchy. There's always the big boys who remind her of daddy saying no.”

Good Lord. So Althouse was great as long as she agreed with the “big boys”. “There’s always the patriarchy” because there IS always the patriarchy. Some women don’t appreciate being treated as children, while some men act like sniveling crybabies having temper tantrums and expect women to overlook this behavior, or excuse it, make excuses for it.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

What evil and destruction will we be accepting in the future by making it entertainment and mocking the victims immediately with no reflection? Something like "The Producers" makes fun of the perpetrators not the victims, and it wasn't done while the thing was happening, becuase people used to be able to see and call out really bad behavior, but now our entertainment is paramount.

Michael K म्हणाले...

"The nutty cat lady lives there. Don't go trick-or-treating there kids. Anyway, can't figure out what door bell to ring.">

No, that is another lie. It is a rental. FullMoon showed the photos and dates.

Birkel म्हणाले...


So are Liberals going to Gay Bash and Disbelieve Survivors?
Can I get a ruling once and for all?

Or is two-legged (R) good but four-legged (D) better the rule?
Ha, ha. I crack me up.

FullMoon म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"Of course she shouldn’t be believed solely on the basis of sex."

What else is there? For many, many people it was instantaneous guilt, without hearing a single bit of evidence. I bet that describes both you and Althouse.

Warren Fahy म्हणाले...

Now do Ford. Or are her emotions not funny the way men's are?

Arashi म्हणाले...

Dave Begley..If you do a bit of checking on the 'net, you will find not only pictures of the house and both doors - but also references to the likely time frame of construction - somewhere between 2007 and 2008. There is also references to a business operating at the address and the possible use of the second door to keep customers out of the family area.

OldManRick म्हणाले...

I've heard Ford is going to get a book deal. I'll save you the trouble of buying it. This is the book:

Chapter 1 - I only had one drink.
I only had one drink.

Chapter 2 - People who were there...
All are too stupid or to sick to remember.

Chapter 3 - It was him.
My memory is 100% clear that it was him. 110%, maybe even more.

Chapter 4 - Other details.
I can't remember anything else. Nothing, nada, not what happened a month ago or a week ago.

Chapter 5 - Epilogue
Burn the warlock!!!!!!

So is that funny?

Francisco D म्हणाले...

Gawd, you're an arrogant bitch claiming to speak for all women.

My mentor had a line that he delivered when a bunch of us psychologists were debating Roe v Wade. We were ALL pro-choice. A female colleague started to go really, really off the rails because she did not like RvW criticism and started berating us. L said:

"You are arrogant in your ignorance."

25 years later, I still remember that line and see increasing need to use it.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

"You are arrogant in your ignorance."

One could be arrogant in their Invincible Ignorance. You could Google it.

dwick म्हणाले...

Ann Althouse said 9/30/18, 7:52 AM...
If you want a comedy sketch that mocks a woman who reports an attempted rape, start your own comedy sketch show. I'm sure it will be a blast.

No worse than running a blog chortling over a 'comedy' sketch mocking a man defending himself against uncorroborated charges that have ruined the reputation and possibly career he has spent a lifetime building, Princess...

Char Char Binks, Esq. म्हणाले...

Kavanaugh likes beer -- Ford is lifelong alcoholic with plenty of mental problems

Kavanaugh probably lied about "Devil's Triangle", etc. referenced in the yearbook that I'm not sure he wrote -- Ford couldn't remember the "rape" until her recovered-memory therapy

Kavanaugh has been a respected judge for decades -- Ford is a "scientist" who calls herself "Doctor"

Kavanaugh was ready and willing to be questioned -- Ford had a lot of excuses about claustro-acrophobia and other psychology bullshit

Who earned ridicule more, and who got more ridicule?

Char Char Binks, Esq. म्हणाले...

The joke about Graham auditioning for "The Crucible" fell flat because it should have been "Wicked", or "Frozen", or something else gay enough, queen.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

It's not a good idea to mock Lindsay Graham. He'll smack you with his purse.

I kid, ladies and gentlemen, but I kid with love.

Laslo Spatula म्हणाले...


I am Laslo.

Birkel म्हणाले...

South Carolina had a female governor, Nikki Haley, of Indian heritage and one black and one gay senator, at the same time.
Stupid regressive South Carolina is filled with the worst racist, misogynist, homophobes ever.
They can't get anything right!
Quit harshing the narrative, SC!

/Leftists unaware of their bigotry

SNL is predictably Leftist.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

Ford is a "scientist" who calls herself "Doctor"

She is a Doctor because she has a legit PhD (Educational Psychology) and works in academia. She is not qualified by training or licensure to work in clinical settings or call herself a doctor in those settings.

She is not a scientist. Despite weak credentials, she works primarily in biostatistics. She assists researchers in the design and analysis of their studies. I did that type of work when I was ABD because it was easy and a lot of PhD researchers have math phobia.

My cousin was struggling in his Math PHD program and seemed unlikely to make it. He switched to Biostatistics and his life improved immensely. It was far easier than math and he made a good living consulting to Pharma companies and medical schools..

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

If Ford were accusing Bill Clinton - Ford would be the one ridiculed mercilessly by SNL.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...


Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

Althouse doesn't want robots.

Althouse wants thinkers who don't parrot shit like "don't get cocky" or "get woke go broke" when the cocky woke dominate everything.

^HT Mathew Modiene ??? or Mathew Something in Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece (yeah yeah) Full Metal Jacket.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Althouse wanted to hang with the big boys. She did and does hang with the big boys. I thought it spoke well of her. I thought it was a great success story. But now we realize that it was not enough. There's always the patriarchy.

Althouse is a woman and goes with what's interesting to her. This tends toward soap opera. It's not specific to Althouse.

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

This is a link to more than Putin dislikes.

Michael K म्हणाले...

She assists researchers in the design and analysis of their studies.

Yes, I had to research proposals that involved statistics. I had used SAS and STATA in research but, for a grant proposal, it seemed better to turn that area over to the statisticians.

One proposal is here and would have been the pilot project for a bigger program.

The problem was getting the feds to do something new. The UCI statistics department was involved. That would be what Ford did.

Another was a proposal to analyze hemodialysis access surgery using Medicare claims data.

It was too new a concept for the NIDDK which did not understand data analysis. It is a common method now but was new then.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Althouse is a woman and goes with what's interesting to her. This tends toward soap opera. It's not specific to Althouse.

My wife is in the other room watching a TV program about wedding dresses. I told her I was more interested in ripping them off and left.

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

I didn't save the bee: I just didn't actively not acknowledge what I knew to be the bees actions were to be.

Sure sure, the bee was saved.

Wince म्हणाले...

While certainly not dispositive, I found this video analysis of Ford's testimony very interesting.

Body Language: Kavanaugh Hearing Christine Blasey Ford

narciso म्हणाले...

I meant to ask how much further have you gotten re degaulle.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

While certainly not dispositive, I found this video analysis of Ford's testimony very interesting.

Body Language: Kavanaugh Hearing Christine Blasey Ford

9/30/18, 4:08 PM

Have seen this mentioned several times.
Was at a home day care house when California State Social worker made a scheduled visit. Grandmotherly type, she said that children do not lie , and also, if a child did not look you (a stranger) in the eye when speaking to you, that child has definately been abused. What an idiot !

Also, O'Rielly had an expert on pointing out someone saying something in the affirmative while shaking their head as in "no". More stupidity as I see people do that all the time. After a good football play, man will shake his head side to side while saying "That motherfucker sure can run!"

Arashi म्हणाले...

You mean like folks from India, who really do the side to side what we would take as 'no' here in the west when they talk?

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

Having not been taught, oh glory!

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

So the relativity (frog buuuuuurp sound) as opposed to SUB-UUUUUUUURB (aka Madison, WI) I ought more refinely discern.

Clyde म्हणाले...

Watched five minutes of it. Didn't laugh at all. Frankly, I don't see any humor in a man being falsely accused and having his reputation dragged through the mud. If any of the dickheads on the other side were in Kavanaugh's situation, they would have been at least as righteously indignant as he was on Thursday.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Blogger Arashi said...

You mean like folks from India, who really do the side to side what we would take as 'no' here in the west when they talk?

9/30/18, 4:29 PM

Yes .But not only them. After seeing O'Riellys expert say that a few times, discounted all body language experts. Another related fun thing, watch 'First 48' crime show. Man, those criminals are great liars!

Saw one where guy said "My friend did it". Had an elaborate story that cops believed. Cops let the guy go, put out alert on his friend. Finally find and bring frien in and tell him the story. Friend laughs out loud, says, "You been fooled. Man , I was in jail, in another state at the time"

Gk1 म्हणाले...

I remember SNL sketches from the Anita Hill hearings back in 1993 and they had the best take of the proceedings with Senator Kennedy (Played by Phil Hartman) giving pointers on how to really sexually assault women like take them out in a boat where they have no way of refusing contact. Dana Carvey played Jesse Helms admonishing them that "hard porn will never get the job done. You got to use historical soft porn so they can transports themselves to a differnt time" Democrats loudly complained to Lorne Michaels later and asked him "Which side are you on?!?" That was back when SNL tried to be even handed. Nows its all unfunny agitprop for the progs. Zzzzzzz.

JackWayne म्हणाले...

One thing I like about Althouse is how she amplifies the disconnect. Odd behavior for a “moderate”?

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger narciso said...
I meant to ask how much further have you gotten re degaulle.

1942 and Torch. Lots about Giraud.

JackWayne म्हणाले...

MK, DeGaulle was such a minor character, why do you bother? Elinor of Aquitaine????

Ken B म्हणाले...

Actually Inga, I have been sharply critical of Ann for years. She has demanded an apology from me at least once. She makes a lot of great and interesting posts, which IMO only makes her failure here more culpable. She is capable, intellectually, of the dispassion and logic, but she eschews both. She's smart enough to know you can’t just trust introspection, that you need to look at objective tests of your thinking and responses, but she she ignores that. I think, can’t be sure, she simply lacks moral courage.

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

The Trump is we're here.


Ken B म्हणाले...

I watched the body language thing. I was less impressed since the Analyst was very partisan, and who knows what she has to back this stuff up. I confess 5hough the pretty face thing caught me — I hadn’t noticed but it’s there.

Ray - SoCal म्हणाले...

I watched the body language video, and then the Feinstein one, and the the Kavanaugh Fox interview.

Biased - it’s hard not to be if you feel one party is using manipulative behavior.

The pretty pose that both Ford and Feinstein use is damning.

The analysis of the picture of Feinstein and Murkowski is wow!!!

Ford video has been watched 1.2 million times.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

Yes, I had to research proposals that involved statistics. I had used SAS and STATA in research but, for a grant proposal, it seemed better to turn that area over to the statisticians.

In my day, the medical research community primarily used BMD (later BMDP) which was a poor program in my estimation. SPSS and SAS were far more common in the social sciences. They were pretty good, not great.

One of my professors (Lee Wilkinson) developed SYSTAT which was (by far) the best statistical analysis program on the market. He made a fortune selling it to government agencies, then sold it to SAS. They had no desire to use it. They just wanted to take it off the market.

Lee was offended and bought it back. A lot of my Gard school classmates have worked for Lee over the years. I am long out of that game and have no idea what the cutting edge is.

BJM म्हणाले...

No, Althouse SNL's skit isn't funny, it encourages the worse impulse to pile on and humiliate others. Lindsey Graham's rant would have been funnier, but muh narrative.

SNL humiliating Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky wasn't funny either. You might find Lewinsky's take on it interesting.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

"You are arrogant in your ignorance."

My favorite is: "He's always 50% correct, but 100% arrogant".

Michael K म्हणाले...

SAS was a lot more powerful than STATA and we used minicomputers to run big databases. We were running the Medicare claims database for End Stage Renal Disease. As a vascular surgeon I was convinced that dialysis patients were not being well served by some of the procedures used to keep them on dialysis. Medicare then, and probably still now, has a 100% sample of ESRD claims, while they only keep a 5% sample of all claims. We ran a test with northern New England and found that the interval between revisions of the dialysis access varied by zip code, only.

Zip code had to be a variable for surgeons or dialysis centers which had to stick a large bore needle into the shunt three times a week. After I left Dartmouth, another group used my database to do a study of dialysis centers.

We had an economist in the group. We were going to run all the claims for the country, about a population of 7 million people who have about 40 claims a year. It would have taken some heavy iron to run all those. Our calculation was that if our premise was correct, we could save Medicare about $7 billion a year.

It wasn't enough. The NIKKD review gal sent me copies of their reviews' reports. They did not understand our methods. Five years later it was standard.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

Forgive the typos. I'm in the hospital doped up on morphine.

Hope it works out well, Bad LT.

I will be in hospital for surgery in a little over three weeks. Hopefully it's only two days and then I go home.

It sucks (in some ways) to get older.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Jack Wayne said...
MK, DeGaulle was such a minor character, why do you bother? Elinor of Aquitaine????

Pretty important for modern France.

I also have a bio of Robespierre who was the source of a lot of our troubles right today. He would be writing to support Chrissy Ford.

Charles Martel is more important than Eleanor, then we go back to Clovis.

JAORE म्हणाले...

Lindsey G's dead boyfriend McCain...

What a laugh riot you homophobic bitches be.

Tell me the truth, what slur against your son would lead to a ban?

I would not do such a thing, but should John cross the wrong lefty.....

Francisco D म्हणाले...

@ Michael K,

Good Lord. We are ancient,.

I remember mini-computers and mainframes such as the university standard (IBM 370) which had to be in a large refrigerated room. Most of my data analyses were done on the later. When I did stats consulting (essentially what CBF does) I used SYSTAT on an IBM PS2 - what a difference!

Lee Wilkinson was not a favorite among publication oriented researchers because he limited their ability to do data digging. In other words, a lot of researchers tend to find any statistically significant difference and rework their hypotheses around what they find. Lee was a stickler for scientific integrity.

I loved SYSTAT when I had a State of Illinois data base to analyze. It was relatively simple to put in covariates and test different hypotheses from factor analyses. Actually, Lee did not allow factor analyses. He was essentially a mathematician who believed that Principal Components Analyses was the true way of investigating data.

Ah the good old days when truth and integrity meant something.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Good Lord. We are ancient,.

That's nothing, Before medical school, I was programming an an IBM 650 at Douglas Aircraft Co.

We used Assembly Language and that was before hexidecimal. The program used decimal and the ten digits had two digits for the commend, like 10 was "ADD," then the next four were the data address and the last four were the address of the next command. My boss had written a program called SOAP to use Assembly,

I think it predated FORTRAN.

That was 1959.

Unknown म्हणाले...

> mocks a woman who reports an attempted rape,

Not even an "alleged" from the profs.

And she did not report it, she sent it to a CA democrat, and to the Washington Post

36 years later.

and to the Senate AFTER hearings.

Comedy should mock precisely what you put off limits.

MayBee म्हणाले...

I don't know if anyone is still reading here, but I want to point out something from Margot Cleveland's thread today:

Ford introduces the idea that she wants to make 3 corrections to the letter she sent to Feinstein. One of them is this:
MITCHELL: When we were stopped, you were going to tell us a third correction that you wanted to make on that statement — or, I’m sorry, the letter to Senator Feinstein.

FORD: It’s — it wasn’t a correction, but I wanted to comment on it, since we were looking at this letter, that I did see Mark Judge once at the Potomac Village Safeway after the time of the attack. And it would be helpful with anyone’s resources if — to figure out when he worked there, if people are wanting more details from me about when the attack occurred. If we could find out when he worked there, then I could provide a more detailed timeline as to when the attack occurred.

Now, notice Ford herself asks to bring this up. This is one of three details she wants to add to her story.
BUT.....how could she know that when Mark Judge worked at the Safeway would tell anybody anything about the timeline?
He could have worked there for the next 3 years every summer that he was home, and that wouldn't help with the timeline. He could have worked there throughout his Senior year and that wouldn't help with the timeline.
How did she know he worked there specific dates and those dates would be useful in determining the timeline? Because he wrote about working there for a short time in the summer of 1982 in his book.

It's pretty clear she read his book and used that detail as a way to falsely bolster her own timeline. Because without reading his book, she couldn't know the dates he worked there helped create a timeline at all.

Priscilla म्हणाले...

It's funny to mock a good man, who's been unjustly accused? Evidence of his upstanding character and behavior abounds - literally, scores of people, who know him from every decade of his life, have gone on record to defend him. Vigorously.

But, sure, a skit with Harvey's pal Matt Damon mocking the man's righteous indignation at having his beer-drinking habits in HS used to accuse him of rape...that's hysterical.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

I think it predated FORTRAN.

(one upsmanship time).

I analyzed my ex-wife's master thesis data (multiple ANOVAs) using a calculator. That was the most reasonable alternative.

It was fun.

Nonetheless, you have me Michael. I studied FORTRAN, but pre-Fortran was way before me.

Let's be careful here. I don't want Inga or Howard to criticize us for being caught up in the past (when people actually used reasoning abilities). History started yesterday for them.

MayBee म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Francisco D म्हणाले...


I researched this issue on another site.

It appears that Dr. Sylvia was an Oregon psychologist who later moved to the Palo Alto area.

Her house is the one that the Blasey-Fords bought. Dr. Sylvia (around 75 years old) moved to another location to pursue her artwork.

Ken B म्हणाले...

Ann doesn’t think he is a good man. She explained all this: Ford was distraught and her husband believes her, case closed.
You might think I am joking. I am not.
But she isn’t really laughing at BK or his beer penchant. She is laughing at the idea he deserves the presumption of innocence, and at those who think he does. At you in fact. Cruel neutrality she calls it.

She doesn’t care if BK is guilty or not, she is *neutral* about that. Which makes the cruelty so much easier.

Michael K म्हणाले...

I looked it up. FORTRAN compilers for the IBM 650 came out in 1960.

One time when I was still in practice this guy came in with a perforated appendix. He actually had a pelvic abscess and noticed it when he was running a marathon. Supergeek.

He was a computer guy who had been in Yugoslavia advising them about their systems. We got chatting and I told him about the IBM 650.

You would have thought I was the iceman walking out of a cave. It was pretty funny and that was back in the 80s.

MayBee म्हणाले...

Fransisco- when did they buy the house? The date on the CareNetwork says it was last updated in 2016

Michael K म्हणाले...

I looked at that link Francisco. $3.5 million value and remodel in 2008 but I did not see a photo.

MayBee म्हणाले...

I deleted that comment so I wouldn't be linking to Ford's address.

BUT I need to know when these therapists lived there, because the CFs bought their house way before the date on the provider website.

Michael K म्हणाले...

It's pretty clear she read his book and used that detail as a way to falsely bolster her own timeline. Because without reading his book, she couldn't know the dates he worked there helped create a timeline at all.

I noticed that, too.

It would be interesting, if unlikely, if the FBI looked into her social media and a few of her "facts."

RMc म्हणाले...

To paraphrase Mel Brooks, "Tragedy is when Christine Ford cuts her finger. Comedy is when Brett Kavanaugh falls into an open sewer and dies."

Fabi म्हणाले...

There's so much to unpack is Ford's story that I missed something interesting. The recovered details of the event focus on the instants immediately before and after the alleged attack. Why would her recovered memories include something as specific as only having one beer? That's not related to the alleged assault in any way. It's self-serving and meant to distract from other truths.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

Fransisco- when did they buy the house? The date on the CareNetwork says it was last updated in 2016

My impression is that the house was sold at least 6 years ago and the psychologist (Dr. Sylvie) moved to pursue her artwork.
She had previously lived and practiced in Oregon, but was also licensed in CA.

Most of my information comes from pursuing links provided by people on Free Republic.

Yes. They are extremists, but it was not that bad 15 years ago when I started. I have only posted there twice in the last 10 years.

MayBee म्हणाले...

Thanks Francisco.

MayBee म्हणाले...

I'd still be interested to know if she sold the house to them, or operated her business out of there when she was in the area.

I found the "I was in a provider's office to get the notes part of her testimony to be very interesting wording.

Arashi म्हणाले...

Just FYI - but Gateway Pundit has some links and pictures of the house that appear to show that the second door was installed between 2007 and 2008 - not in 2012 - and was most likely done so for a business being operated from the house. The links seem to indicate that the last time the house was remodeled no later than 2008.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Why would her recovered memories include something as specific as only having one beer?

Francisco knows more about this than I do. I would guess this is a mixture of a vague recovered memory and coaching.

Right now I am more concerned about bats emptying my hummingbird feeder every night.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

She's smart enough to know you can’t just trust introspection, that you need to look at objective tests of your thinking and responses, but she she ignores that. I think, can’t be sure, she simply lacks moral courage.

She's a woman. Women add details, men abstract from details. So men go for the system, e.g. due process, stability of the political system, and so forth. Women go for whatever they pick up on, e.g. soap opera. It's more interesting to them.

It's not a morality thing. It's an interest thing.

Arashi म्हणाले...

Well at least you do not have them in the house - that's lot of fun to get them safely out.

walter म्हणाले...

Yeah..definitely lost some comedic possibilities leaving out Ford. Some terrain that could be explored:
Her weird caffeine pursuit.
Her tired mind.
The offer to come to her being "unclear".
Her witnesses unable to witness.
Leaving her friend to the rapists.
Her Go Fund Me haul.
Her upcoming book..if folks want details.

walter म्हणाले...

Oh..her scrubbing her social media etc.
The polygraph being so stressful, but enjoying it.

langford peel म्हणाले...

It is good to see the scales falling from the eyes of so many commentors who now can see what an evil and cruel bitch operates this blog.

The last time she was found out was the infamous spoof stooge era when so many people left. She has gotten much more crafty now and doesn't.engage directly in the comments so as to reveal her true evil intent.

Of course she believes Professor Blowsy Ford. She could be her.

Ray - SoCal म्हणाले...

Fords house is an Eichler style, and has a small courtyard that then goes to the main door.

The 2nd door was added so they could rent out the bedroom, imho.

I’m not sure what other work was done.

Remodels in that usually go over budget both in time and money.

Family and friends experience in Menlo Park and Sunnyvale.

Lots of stress!

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Arashi said...
Well at least you do not have them in the house - that's lot of fun to get them safely out.

I have one bat house on the east wall and ma working on another. I like bats.

Apparently the nectar eating bats are migratory and just visiting,

Here they are. Long tongued bats have a tongue as long as their body.

Rabel म्हणाले...

"Why would her recovered memories include something as specific as only having one beer?"

To deflect any accusation that she was drunk at the time. That wouldn't destroy her story but it would weaken it.

Fabi म्हणाले...

Rabel -- That was the point I intended to make. The single beer nugget wasn't part of her recovered memory. It was an added element of bullshit. It takes a fifteen year old a while to drain a beer -- much longer than the alleged attack. It's incongruous, to be charitable, and further diminishes her fairy tale.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Stoking hatred between men and women is your game plan.

I'm sure most women are just naturally turned off to Shouting Thomas's sniveling "What about ME!" crap without any prompting to feel that way from Cookie.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

I've never met a character quite like Shouting Thomas IRL, so outspoken in his male grievance identity politics. But this pathetic "Dwight" character (DeNiro) in a 1990s movie comes as close as I think anyone can get to him.

Rabel म्हणाले...

Yeah, Fabi. And it's so fucking obvious that it's passing strange that some otherwise astute people can't see through it.

narciso म्हणाले...

What do we have here


DeepRunner म्हणाले...

It doesn't take Einstein (or even Feinstein) to figure that SNL would target Kavenaugh. If I didn't know better, I would guess Althouse just has confirmation (hearing) bias on the whole matter.

Recommend the good professor read "Disclosure."

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

I'd like to hear Althouse tell the tale of the assault or molestation perpetrated upon her. Then, I'm sure, we'd see the difference between "credible" and "incredible." Believing Ford only cheapens Althouse's suffering.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

Francisco D said...
Forgive the typos. I'm in the hospital doped up on morphine.

Hope it works out well, Bad LT.

Thank you, Señor d'Anconia, but no, it is not I in hospital on morphine - Luke Lea wrote that and I commiserated with him as you have with me.

I am, however, quite worried now about my father, who is evidently far sicker than we knew. He's got mitral regurgitation and a long history that means it's open-heart or nothing, with maybe a 40% chance of not working. He has essentially no quality of life now. Still full of dreams. As annoying as he is, I'm not ready to lose him, and what it will do to Mom doesn't bear thinking about.

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

The saddest part about this skit is that it's very, very predictable.

Unknown म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Unknown म्हणाले...

In the very best comedy

you can predict exactly what will be done

and they just deliver it

You feel good about yourself for having the inside track

and you are rewarded for keeping a peer group approved viewpoint

Unknown म्हणाले...

Kav called an audible.

When he saw they were losing, he threw away the text and went on the offensive.

Without that, "Ms Credible" would have won.

He is a judge, and son of a judge

he knows what works in court.

Unknown म्हणाले...

> and you are rewarded for keeping a peer group approved viewpoint

And all will be well in the garden.

Pilo म्हणाले...

"Matt Damon was great." Right. Thanks for that insight Ann. It tells us a lot. About you.

Another man, Brett K has his life destroyed on the basis of evidence that wouldn't warrant a real court appearance anywhere except maybe in Stalinist Russia. Brett K has a young family. Their lives are destroyed too. Brett K tries to defend himself. He's emotionally distraught while doing so. Matt Damon goes on national TV and mocks him.

Matt is great. Right. Matt made me want to throw up.

chickelit म्हणाले...

May I suggest that watching SNL has been some sort of inviolate ritual at the Althouse for some time (decades?). Bad habits die hard.

Michael K म्हणाले...

He's got mitral regurgitation and a long history that means it's open-heart or nothing, with maybe a 40% chance of not working

MItral regurg is being successfully treated with percutaneous methods.

One method uses a clip to narrow the valve

Another method uses a band.

Here is a video.

Michael K म्हणाले...

WaPoo has now published a pdf copy of Rachel Mitchell's report.

It does not support Ford's accusations.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

MItral regurg is being successfully treated with percutaneous methods.

Thanks, Mike (you've said that friends don't call you Doc so I'll cut that out), but:

One method uses a clip to narrow the valve

Mitraclip is out. Too much calcification of the valve, too narrow. TMVR is also out apparently because, they wouldn't give me the technical terms, some feature of the heart's anatomy means that the new valve would apparently sit too low in the chamber and blood flow wouldn't be assured.

So their consensus (he's at Mt Sinai in Manhattan) is that they've got to open him, and afterwards, he may require dialysis, temp or perm (stage 2a renal failure in addition to his diabetes and COPD). I don't say crack him, because after his second CABG (x3) in 2010 he had infection, wound dehiscence, and they basically cut away his sternum and closed him with a pectoral flap, so that's another wrinkle.

Now they want to send him home for a few days, to get him away from the hospital germs, then bring him back and cut, if he's game. I'm going to try to bring him out to the country for a few days before he goes back in, if it may be his last.

Another method uses a band.

Don't know about this one. Details please.

Is there a better institution here for this, for him? He had the CABG at Columbia-Pres and the various other surgeries all over town. They were about to retire to FL but now that's in abeyance because everybody tells us the docs/hospitals there are not up to snuff even if they had the name Mt Sinai or Cleveland Clinic slapped on them.

Will watch your video tho if it's Mitraclip I've seen it.

BTW-the calcification is not just on the valve but apparently all thru his vascular system, and, the doctor said, probably his brain. What does that mean? What causes it? Arteriosclerosis? A dementia variant? He's not always clear.

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