September 21, 2018

"Rosenstein Suggested He Secretly Record Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment."

NYT headline.
The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit....

Mr. Rosenstein was just two weeks into his job. He had begun overseeing the Russia investigation and played a key role in the president’s dismissal of Mr. Comey by writing a memo critical of his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. But Mr. Rosenstein was caught off guard when Mr. Trump cited the memo in the firing, and he began telling people that he feared he had been used.

Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials. Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations....
Thanks to commenter readering for saying — on my post about the "Battle of Brett" Drudge graphic — "Much better Drudge headline now."

Drudge rarely uses the siren in recent years, so it has a big impact now.


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Nonapod said...

"He Secretly Record"? Does NYT not have proof readers?

The Bergall said...

This movie plot sucks.............

Chuck said...

After a couple of years of believing that the NYT was a #Resist propaganda organ, I expect that AlthouseWorld will have no problem pivoting to the view that the NYT is now providing an invaluable service to the nation in exposing the disloyalty of the Deputy Attorney General.

Because, Trump.

Leland said...

If true, Rosenstein should be fired, but this is the NYT.

Michael K said...

Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The people were briefed either on the events themselves or on memos written by F.B.I. officials, including Andrew G. McCabe, then the acting bureau director, that documented Mr. Rosenstein’s actions and comments.

McCabe defense lawyers.

I wonder if Rosenstein will deny it?

Big Mike said...

If Rosenstein doesn’t resign then he has no honor whatsoever.

buwaya said...

"After a couple of years of believing that the NYT was a #Resist propaganda organ,"

The NYT is just catching up on what was well known in conspiracy-world for months.

Note that the NYT was previously cooperating with the leaker/25th Amendment propaganda campaign.

Etienne said...

Secretly doesn't have the same meaning today.

Qwinn said...

Oh look, Chuck is pretending this story is designed to make Trump the sympathetic character. A story that Rosenstein thought Trump was unfit to be President (which Rosenstein categorically denied) is, according to Chuck, completely incompatible with #Resist propaganda. Hilarious.

mccullough said...

Trump trolling Rosenstein again.

Mueller investigation soon to wind up exonerating Trump and his family.

Chuck said...

If Trump doesn’t resign then he has no honor whatsoever.

Why should Rosenstein resign? Rosenstein has never pledged any loyalty oath to Trump. Rosenstein doesn't have one of the Trump Organization NDA's.

Rosenstein swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Remember when TrumpWorld was flipping out about how it was a crime for the FBI to go into Michael Cohen's office and home and grab his computers and devices? We saw how that turned out.

Nonapod said...


I immediately wondered what kind of amusement park "AlthouseWorld" would be. What would the rides be? What's the line like at the cruel-neutrality-coaster?

Lucien said...

How is it even plausible to secretly record conversations with the President I the White House?

Does President Trump not instruct the Secret Service to make sure nobody can bring in a recording device?

Yancey Ward said...

Rosenstein can deny it, has he? I read the story, and I saw no denial.

I know what the NYTimes hopes to accomplish with this story, but I think it will have opposite effect. It really does play right into Trump's meme of the deep state plotting against him.

However, I think this is another fake news story.

Yancey Ward said...

"What's the line like at the cruel-neutrality-coaster?"

The line is a steel cable set at neck level at the bottom of the final drop.

mccullough said...

The NYTimes works for Trump. He manipulates them.

Sofa King said...

"He Secretly Record"? Does NYT not have proof readers?

That's correct though. The verb in that sentence is "suggested" so "secretly record" is part of a separate verb phrase to indicate what was suggested.

buwaya said...

And, btw, every day, for three years now (if not more; 2012 may have been the start of general enlightenment), more and more information of this sort comes into general view and becomes mainstream.

Things that undermine the consensus understanding of the way the US establishment system works. In other words, that all along the correct world-view was the paranoid one of being ruled by malevolent forces organizing conspiracies against the public interest.

You aren't paranoid if they really are plotting against you.

Yancey Ward said...

This story sounds to me like a last ditch effort at stopping the unredacting push from Congress.

Dave Begley said...

If true, Rod must be fired.

traditionalguy said...

No wonder RR cannot get Trump to take a meeting with him to cut a deal to keep RR from jail. Will his co- conpitator Mueller try to indict Trump Jr. To bargain for leniency for the whole nest of Traitors.

Rory said...

"Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials."

So I'm guessing this is pre-spin about stuff that's going to be in the Russian investigation IG report?

JPS said...

"he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit"

Remember when Comey briefed Trump on The Dossier, which made it newsworthy to a press which had mostly refused to run with it? And then Trump asked Comey whether he was loyal to him?

Why, that disgusting would-be despot Trump, trying to extract loyalty oaths from his subordinates!


"I expect that AlthouseWorld will have no problem pivoting to the view that the NYT is now providing an invaluable service to the nation in exposing the disloyalty of the Deputy Attorney General."

Well, when it comes to big stories in the NYT, or anywhere really, I recall A.W. Kinglake's suggested inscription over church doors: "Important if True."

mccullough said...

Rosenstein won’t resign. Trump won’t let him. He works for Trump until Trump tells him to resign.

The redacted “classified” documents won’t be declassified. They would cost Rosenstein his career and reputation.

Rosenstein just learned this week he works for Trump. Now Trump is having fun with Rosenstein.

Wince said...

Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit....

Either Rosenstein was the NYT anonymous official source, or he simply picked up the narrative?

Tells me Rosenstein fears the release of the FISA documents and the unravelling of the FBI-DOJ conspiracy.

No wonder the mandate he gave Mueller does not include investigation of collusion by the Hillary campaign.

Have to wonder what he's done further to obstruct that from within the DOJ.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

buwaya said...
And, btw, every day, for three years now (if not more; 2012 may have been the start of general enlightenment), more and more information of this sort comes into general view and becomes mainstream.

Things that undermine the consensus understanding of the way the US establishment system works. In other words, that all along the correct world-view was the paranoid one of being ruled by malevolent forces organizing conspiracies against the public interest.

You aren't paranoid if they really are plotting against you.


Its vindicating to see all this shit finally start to come to light and for people to start to wake-up to the fact there's something rotten in Denmark... But the question is if it's too little too late... Will we wake enough people up in time and reach critical mass to actually bring these people to justice and put in place new systems to ensure the deep state is crushed once and for all?

Nonapod said...

That's correct though. The verb in that sentence is "suggested" so "secretly record" is part of a separate verb phrase to indicate what was suggested.

What? He suggested to himself?

I guess I crash blossomed. I often find headlines difficult to parse.

Dave Begley said...

since Sessions is recused, say hello to our new 37 year AG: Jesse Panuccio.

readering said...

How did Woodward miss this?

buwaya said...

"How is it even plausible to secretly record conversations with the President in the White House?"

By hacking the White House surveillance systems. The nest of conspiracy theories includes those where the CIA (and other agencies) are in an existential conflict with the NSA. Or rather, that these are in different larger groupings of allegiance, also in conflict with each other, the NSA being in the "military" faction. And much of the battle is about who can gather information where.

Each little bit like this re Rosenstein makes each thread of conspiracy theory that much harder to dismiss.

Yancey Ward said...

It is possible that Rosenstein was used to get rid of Comey. You have to remember, Comey was considered no friend by the Democrats in the Spring of 2017- he was blamed for Shelob's defeat by most Clinton supporters. It is entirely possible that someone, like, say, Jeff Sessions gave Rosenstein a task that Rosenstein would have happily taken up- write a scathing memo detailing the wrongs Comey did to Hillary Clinton. That memo was then exhibit #1 for firing Comey.

buwaya said...

"How did Woodward miss this?"

Woodward is the sort of fellow who is paid to miss things.
That is their most important function.

readering said...

RFK was 35 I think.

mccullough said...

Rosenstein is the one who recommended Comey be fired.

Trump set up Rosenstein a long time ago. Rod finally learned what the game was this week. He learned what the game was at the same moment he learned he lost the game.

Big Mike said...

Why should Rosenstein resign?

Rosenstein swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Well, Chuck, you asked a question and answered it yourself.

Now go to your dictionary and look up “honor.” That’s a good boy.

Yancey Ward said...

"How did Woodward miss this?"

Lack of imagination?

Wince said...

Wonder if the NYT and Rosenstein want Trump to fire Rosenstein before the release of the FISA documents?

Gin up that controversy to distract when and if those documents are eventually released.

buwaya said...

Comey was most likely seen as unreliable, a weak instrument.
He seemed like he couldn't deal with Trump without breaking, one way or another.

Michael K said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...
This story sounds to me like a last ditch effort at stopping the unredacting push from Congress.

Sounds plausible to me.

Also Chuck is coming out of the closet as a leftist Dem.

Jim at said...

Once again, just how long do you think we're just going to sit back and continue to put up with this shit?

Yancey Ward said...

Plotting to secretly record the President, Chuck, is a serious crime absent a warrant, and no such warrant could plausibly be issued. Now, I don't believe this story for even a single second, but if Rosenstein did discuss doing this, he should resign, and absent that, be fired.

mccullough said...

These “Trump is crazy so a palace coup is in place” stories have been going on for a long time. Each one is sillier than the last one since it insures the public to Trump.

Unemployment is low, GDP is up, the DOW is high. North Korea looks more stable and Iran looks desperate.

Every day Trump is president these stories look sillier.

Woodward works for Trump. He just learned that this week.

buwaya said...

" put in place new systems to ensure the deep state is crushed once and for all?"

That's not going to happen.
There is no use in putting in systems if they are going to be run by a caste of people who don't want them to work, or want them to work only their way. Ultimately your problem is economic and cultural. You cannot really restructure Washington without destroying it.

And, for that matter, the mass of other systems elsewhere and their channels in and out of Washington.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Rosenstein swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

They see Trump loyalty above loyalty to the Constitution. If Trump insiders are truly concerned about his ability to carry out the duties of the Office of the President, they should make a concerted effort to remove him. Where is their courage, principles, decency? Enough of this secretive shit.

Matt Sablan said...


Rosenstein should be gone now. By COB, out the door.

You can't let that sort of rank disloyalty and attempts to undermine a boss in any organization stand.

Yancey Ward said...

The really hilarious thing about the "Trump is crazy so a palace coup is in place" stories coming out today is this- 18 months ago, when Trump wrote that famous tweet about being being monitored electronically, it was dismissed as the insane ramblings of a paranoiac. While I don't believe these stories today, for the most part, they only serve to confirm Trump's claims. Weird world we live in.

Matt Sablan said...

There are legitimate ways to express discontent or the like; this was not one of them.

mockturtle said...

Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity

Of course. Anyone can make up stuff and say it came from an anonymous source. I wonder if these morons considered what might happen in this country if Trump really were removed? One word to describe it: Ugly.

Ann Althouse said...

"I immediately wondered what kind of amusement park "AlthouseWorld" would be. What would the rides be? What's the line like at the cruel-neutrality-coaster?"


Bay Area Guy said...

Oh goody, another "sensational" NYT story based on an anonymous source!


I'm waiting for the anonymously-sourced story that Rosenstein got a well-needed blow-job from Stormy Daniels.

Chuck said...

buwaya said...
"How is it even plausible to secretly record conversations with the President in the White House?"

I agree; that's a great question. I would have wondered how it would be possible to secretly record the White House Chief of Staff (himself a Marine Corps General), in a secured White House Situation Room.

But Omarosa did it. Omarosa.

mockturtle said...

Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity

Of course. Anyone can make up stuff and say it came from an anonymous source. I wonder if these morons considered what might happen in this country if Trump really were removed? One word to describe it: Ugly.

mccullough said...

Rosenstein swore an oath to preserve Rosenstein.

Trump knew this. Rosenstein was an easy mark. Predictable. That’s valuable to Trump or any other person in leadership.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The sate of our media is in fine shape.

oh lookie here:

The HIll reports the following:

Rosenstein issued a statement to the Times.

“The New York Times’s story is inaccurate and factually incorrect,” he said. “I will not further comment on a story based on anonymous sources who are obviously biased against the department and are advancing their own personal agenda."

"But let me be clear about this: Based on my personal dealings with the president, there is no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment,” he added.

Who are we to believe? The hacks in the FBI or the hacks in the D-press?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga- Clinton loyalty still remains and goes on and on and on, on the left. 30+ years. They are still considered credible and interviewed by people like Rachel Maddow.

Doesn't give you much of a leg to stand on with your childish Trump loyalty claims.

Quayle said...

Chuck, surely you see that for the way our Constitutional system works, the un-elected bureaucrat defends and upholds the Constitution by following the lawful orders of the elected President. He has no independent authority granted by the Constitution to do anything on his own except refuse an unlawful order and resign. Any other power he has is derived from the elected President.

Surely you understand that.

mccullough said...

Rosenstein is as loyal as a dog now. He’s telling Mueller to wrap it up with a full exoneration of Trump and his family.

AustinRoth said...

Obviously, for unknown (at this time) reasons, the Left sees some major problem with him (and not this “leak”).

They are burning him.

Wince said...

Ann Althouse quoted...
"I immediately wondered what kind of amusement park "AlthouseWorld" would be.

The Tunnel of Consensual Relations?

Bay Area Guy said...

Heh - 99% of these Democrat fuckheads have no idea what the 25th Amendment says or does!

Matt Sablan said...

Oh. Well.

Dead story then.

Did the NYT even contact Rosenstein? My fault for assuming they did BASIC FACT CHECKING and assuming this was true.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Hmmm, why is Trump changing his mind about declassifying all those FISA documents? Could it be that his advisors threatened him that they would Amendment 25 him if he did so?

Quayle said...

Boy, things must be going bad for Dem Senators if the NY Times is stepping on the Kavanaugh story with this.

Yancey Ward said...

So Rosenstein emphatically denies it. Perhaps the accusers can call for an FBI investigation and a Senate hearing at some future date.

Fake news from the NYTimes once again, I will just assume.

Lance said...

Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations

So anonymous sources.

The people were briefed either on the events themselves or on memos written by F.B.I. officials, including Andrew G. McCabe, then the acting bureau director, that documented Mr. Rosenstein’s actions and comments.

And it's all hearsay.

Drudge wasted the siren.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Heh - 99% of these Democrat fuckheads have no idea what the 25th Amendment says or does!”

Heh, are you so sure?

Dave Begley said...

Since the FBI and DOJ can't investigate itself, then we need a new Special Counsel. Our new 35 year old AG needs to get cracking and stop this coup plot. Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Rice, Strzok, Paige, Power, Rhodes and the lot of them need to go to jail unless, of course, they rat out Hillary.

This whole shit show started because Hillary couldn't be indicted and they had to cover for her. Her secret emails detail the foreign bribes she got in anticipation of winning.

Bay Area Guy said...

Here's the true irony.

I have a very-well connected close friend, who still is a Never-Trumper. His chief (but vague) complaint about Trump was that he was gonna turn the sacred Presidency into a "reality tv show"

This SOB was right! It is simply the best, fucking Reality TV show ever conceived!

As long as the economy continues to grow, and we stay out of future wars in the Middle East, I say -- let the games continue!

Yancey Ward said...

While I doubt they are this smart, part of me reading that story in the NYTimes was definitely thinking the NYTimes was played by the Trump Administration. This story is almost a sort of statement against interest by the NYTimes, who have been assuring us for over 18 months that there is no deep state plotting against Trump.

buwaya said...

The American system as described in K-12 civics is obsolete, false, through neglect or deliberate intention.

In some cases it is simply because change over time has rendered old understandings obsolete. Things are no longer how they are in ones' long ago schooldays, in that far off place of which rather few have personal knowledge.

In some cases it is the naivete of parochialism - things are carried on much more honorably in ones Wisconsin suburb, and the default assumption is that everywhere else is not THAT much different.

And part of it of course is because truth is deliberately managed, in the mass media and in the schools, to emphasize some things and minimize others, as it suits the people who control these highly centralized systems (and the schools are indeed highly centralized, as far as their content is concerned).

clint said...

Never happened.

If you read past the salacious story, four paragraphs in, we learn that it's all based on anonymous fourth-hand accounts. Literally. Anonymous sources (step one) who had been briefed (step two) on memos (step three) documenting Rosenstein's comments (step four). That's anonymous fourth-hand hearsay.

If you read down past the fold you find this paragraph: "Mr. Rosenstein disputed this account." followed by a point-by-point denial.

First-hand on-the-record denial vs. Anonymous fourth-hand rumors... So... yeah. Never happened.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Rice, Strzok, Paige, Power, Rhodes and the lot of them need to go to jail unless...”

Ha, who has been indicted and even gone to jail? Trump insiders. You people are still believing in the conspiracy theory that it was Comey, etc that were engaging in illegal activities. Seriously, what is wrong with you people?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Quayle said...

He has no independent authority granted by the Constitution to do anything on his own except refuse an unlawful order and resign.

Not true. The 25th amendment does explicitly give those around the president powers that do not derive from the president's. But they can only use that power if they honestly believe that he is unable to fulfill the duties of his office.

Bilwick said...

Assuming that this is accurate (and I personally tend to disbelieve anything from "liberals" whose basic socioeconomic policy consists of legalized looting, and who ideologically descend from the "no truth but socialist truth" crowd), is chaos in the seat of government necessarily a bad thing? The more those in power are distracted, the less likely they are to bugger us with the Mailed Fist of Der Staat. (Of course there are some here who like getting fisted by the State, no need to name names but you know who they are.)

Michael K said...

The Inga fool is now lecturing us on the Constitution.

I fear buwaya is correct. The only way to drain the swamp, or at least make a start, is to start moving agencies out of DC.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“This SOB was right! It is simply the best, fucking Reality TV show ever conceived!”

Interesting how this is considered a good thing. What does the Office of the Presidency mean to you people? Are you still Americans?

Leland said...

I see my distrust of the NYT is well founded. With this story over, Rosenstein can get back to the business of releasing the FISA warrant and not the so secretly recorded text messages made on government property (which usually has the caveat that all keystrokes may be monitored, or at least that's what I saw on my government provided device).

mccullough said...

(Last night)

Trump: Rod, there’s going to be an anonymously sourced story in the Times tomorrow about how you tried to secretly record me and we’re pushing the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment. You are not to comment on the story until I tell

Rosenstein: Yes, Mr. President.

(Friday at lunch

Trump: Rod, issue a statement to the Times denying the report. And the denial should specifically address you’ve never seen me say or do anything that would make you believe the 25th Amendment should be invoked.

Rosenstein: Yes, Mr. President

buwaya said...

If some persons with the ability to call a 25th Amendment sanction on the President threaten to do so if he reveals secret information (which is secret only for the sake of protecting the establishment from embarrassment), a quid pro quo, they you are deep in Allen Drury territory, with the nation a banana republic.

You are indeed in Allen Drury/banana republic territory, to be clear, and this has been so for a very long time.

StephenFearby said...

"...when he arrived for meetings there, Mr. Rosenstein added, implying it would be easy to secretly record Mr. Trump.

The suggestion itself was remarkable. While informants or undercover agents regularly use concealed listening devices to surreptitiously gather evidence for federal investigators, they are typically targeting drug kingpins and Mafia bosses in criminal investigations, not a president viewed as ineffectively conducting his duties."

Forgetting that Omarosa also secretly recorded Trump White House officials for both her book and her clown act.

Take away: Any political story published by the NYT should be regarded with all the suspicion it deserves because the NYT usually slants these articles with a dose of left-wing agitprop.

Yancey Ward said...

Clint wrote:

"If you read past the salacious story, four paragraphs in, we learn that it's all based on anonymous fourth-hand accounts. Literally. Anonymous sources (step one) who had been briefed (step two) on memos (step three) documenting Rosenstein's comments (step four). That's anonymous fourth-hand hearsay."

Well described!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary is the very top of the shit show left - She and her leftists are a trickle down THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY.

Each new day brings desperate wish-fact accounts of Trump's imminent demise and that demise is simply a bureaucratic loophole away.

Dave Begley said...

I believe the NYT. Even if it is fourth-hand hearsay, it is accurate.

The real issue is that the President is entitled to have confidence in the people who work for him. That's not a loyalty oath but simple reality. Any who doesn't satisfy that test has to be sacked.

The thing that makes this so hard to figure out is that since the NYT is the source there is something else going on here.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The senile Michael K speaks.

“The only way to drain the swamp, or at least make a start, is to start moving agencies out of DC.”

The only way to drain the swamp is to rid DC of the biggest swamp creature of all, Trump and his fellow slimy critters. That you people don’t see the massive corruption and ineptitude of this man and his minions is mind boggling, even now two years later, cultish even.

zipity said...

Just close your eyes and try and imagine the s**t-storm the Democrats and the LameStream Media© would raise if this had been discussed to do to Obama.

zipity said...

nga...Allie Oop said... "cultish even."

Yeah, show me the videos of children being led in songs of praise for Trump like they were for Obama, the Lightworker, the stopper of the rise of the oceans.

Pathetic, you are.

MayBee said...

Right, zipity?

robother said...

"Is that a directional mike in your pants, Rod, or are you just glad to see me?"

Yancey Ward said...

On Omarosa:

The meeting she definitely recorded wasn't classified or even confidential- there was no reason to search her for recording devices during her own termination meeting. I have to believe meetings with the President are treated far more rigorously since I have never heard such a conversation leaked in all my years that wasn't made the President himself.

mccullough said...

The 25th Amendment can’t be invoked anymore.

The Boy cried Wolf too many times. Woodward, like others, played the part of the Wolf.

Trump revised the parable. Someone told a series of boys to cry wolf at regular intervals.

Comey was one of the first to play The Boy.

Woodward played the Boy.

The Anonymous “Senior Trump Adminstration” Op-Ed twitter played The Boy.

The Boy isn’t credible anymore. Now it’s just a gag.

MayBee said...

Is it the economy that bothers you so much, Inga? The near destruction of Isis? What do you hate so much about the way things are in the country right now? I promise, if you turn off cable news it is a beautiful life out here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We see the massive corruption, Inga - it's ALL on the left.

All of it.

mccullough said...

Comey and Woodward now have the credibility of Omarasa.

Some people are easily played.

Matt Sablan said...

"Oh goody, another "sensational" NYT story based on an anonymous source!"

-- And shot down the same day. They should have waited another hour or two to release it so that it might have lasted the whole day.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Yeah, show me the videos of children being led in songs of praise for Trump like they were for Obama, the Lightworker, the stopper of the rise of the oceans.”

Here you go zippity, lol.

That was easy. This is creepy.

James K said...

That's correct though. The verb in that sentence is "suggested" so "secretly record" is part of a separate verb phrase to indicate what was suggested.

Nonapod is correct, the sentence makes no sense. Who is the "he" to whom Rosenstein supposedly made the suggestion? Apparently Rosenstein himself, but the way to communicate that clearly is to say "The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, contemplated secretly recording President Trump in the White House...." Further evidence the NYT is being staffed by moronic millenials.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Secret Recordings of Trump are a theme on the left.

mccullough said...

Remember when Trump warned Comey he should be concerned that Trump secretly recorded their conversations.

Trump has a great sense of humor. The “secret recordings” are a common plot device in these stories.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Another one for zippity.

This one’s just stupid.

Leland said...

The 25th amendment does explicitly give those around the president powers that do not derive from the president's.

Nope. Indeed the 25th Amendment is explicit, but it doesn't "give those around the president powers". It just says the Vice President can make a declaration to Congress and only then can assume to be the Acting President. The President retains their power and only needs to tell Congress that "no inability exists" to resume full authority. The Vice President can protest again to Congress, but at that point it essentially becomes an impeachment like process. And until the Congress decides against the President, "the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office". It's all there in the 4th clause of the 25th Amendment. You should read it and not be so ignorant.

Yancey Ward said...

If the story is true, it would Rosenstein speaking to McCabe, and McCabe would be the person writing the memo. That memo, if written, exists somewhere in the FBI, right? This is why I don't believe the story- someone would have leaked the memo to the NYTimes, too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leland - stop harshing Inga's ignorance.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I promise, if you turn off cable news it is a beautiful life out here.”

Oh I know it! Occasionally I decide to drop in just to throw an alternative point of view out, lest this place gets too boring with all the samey samey same opinions.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GRW3 said...

Maybe mention of this is in some of the texts they want to redact.

"How did it go?"

"He just wasn't crazy enough"

"It's like he's acting when in the spotlight and boringly normal one on one"

"So no 25th, huh?"

"Nothing on record this time"

Michael K said...

That you people don’t see the massive corruption and ineptitude of this man and his minions is mind boggling, even now two years later, cultish even.

The bedpan commando always gets right to the nasty comments that serve in the absence of logic and information.

How do you write women so well?

Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

That's our bedpan commando.

n.n said...

Is it a wire or a chip? A record or an integrated circuit? Tap or drum? Record or encode? Witch or incel? Hunter or prey? Baby, fetus, offspring, or a profitable, colorful clump of cells?

What did Obama spy with his little eye? And when did Clinton come tumbling after?

Leland said...

They should have waited another hour or two to release it so that it might have lasted the whole day.

Heck, give it a few more hours, and it might have lasted for the Sunday talk shows. Oh wait, I forgot. The Sunday talk shows are recorded on Friday, so this was released for those shows. Except now it is already debunked. So the NYT just screwed over the networks.

By the way, if the NYT is trying to change the topic for Sunday; doesn't that say something about the internal polling on Kavanaugh?

Chuck said...

Ann Althouse said...
"I immediately wondered what kind of amusement park "AlthouseWorld" would be. What would the rides be? What's the line like at the cruel-neutrality-coaster?"


Lol. All the cars on the Ferris Wheel would be little Audi TT's, to start.

Then there would be the re-creation Madison Capitol Square, where everybody would be handed a video camera upon entry.

There would of course be a variety of oddly-themed cafes, where people could sit quietly and blog about whatever they wanted.

And the whole thing would be cobranded with Habitat for Humanity, where visitors could spend a few hours working on 1920's bungalows that get sent around the country to needy families.

Matt Sablan said...

"The Sunday talk shows are recorded on Friday, so this was released for those shows. Except now it is already debunked."

-- I walked by one of the news TVs at the office; CNN was talking about this, without acknowledging Rosenstein shot it down. Awkward.

Comanche Voter said...

If this is correct, Rosenstein acted like a contemptible puke. The Deep State could not and can not tolerate the idea that someone who is "not our kind" was elected President.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rod Rosenstein's letter stating why Comey did everything wrong handling Clinton's criminal investigation.

Anonymous said...

Inga raped me.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

It sounds like McCabe is not denying that his memo's may have been the source for this story... The timing of this is very interesting... just don't know yet which angle is being played... But I'm 99.9% sure its all leading up to something major happening between now and election day... I think its all about to finally start coming out... (please dear God let it be true...)

n.n said...

deep in Allen Drury territory, with the nation a banana republic

Truly Weimar before the liberation. You know what comes next: Dazis.

eric said...

This is tough to believe.

1) It's the New York times.
2) anonymous sources.

Both damning to just about anything story regarding Trump.

If it's true, my guess is we will hear a lot more shortly. Why? Because the NYT would never publish a story like this, helpful to Trump, unless they knew in advance someone else was going to sccoop them unless they came out first.

buwaya said...

"The only way to drain the swamp is to rid DC of the biggest swamp creature of all, "

In the end its a delusion (mostly) to believe in the importance of one man.

Everything is about systems, communities, cultures.
You never really have a beef with a single person, in politics, it is always with an entire culture, caste, nation. We like to avoid thinking this way, to find a person to serve as a blame-worthy symbol, but that is always a delusion.

chuck said...

Well, that confirms the suspicions of at least half the population.

Matt Sablan said...

So, here's a question. If McCabe says it DID happen in an official memo, and Rosenstein says it didn't...

Is there a penalty for lying in official memos? Kind of makes you wonder what OTHER things McCabe added to his memos.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Leland said...

Indeed the 25th Amendment is explicit, but it doesn't "give those around the president powers". It just says the Vice President can make a declaration to Congress and only then can assume to be the Acting President...

Wow... That almost sounds like a power given to the someone around the President. Of course, if you actually read the 25th amendment, the Vice President can't do that alone. It also requires a majority of the heads of executive departments. So it is a power given to a particular group of people around the President.

Kinda surprising that the amendment reads so close to what I described in my previous post. It's almost as if I read it right before commenting.

You should read it and not be so ignorant.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Deep State needs a hearty purge. But that would send the NYT into a tailspin. No worries, there are always 36 year old allegations from crazy partisan leftists and 4th level anonymous poseur sources.

Mapes and Rather... I wonder what they are up to?

Cassandra said...

I promise, if you turn off cable news it is a beautiful life out here.

Don't you understand that the only thing standing between us and Baby Hitler/The Handmaid's Tale is the small army of anonymous sources (all named Bob Woodward) keeping the NYT from actually covering anything of substance?

I, for one, would miss the daily barrage of anonymously sourced hyperventilation about things that *might* be going on. It's like the Comedy Channel, except some of it is actually funny.

Cato Renasci said...

Trump needs to get Rosenstein in a room Rudy Giuliani, put Rosenstein under oath and have Giuliani examine him very carefully.

If there is ANY basis for the story at all, Rosenstein should be FIRED ON THE SPOT, PERP-WALKED OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE, and BARRED FROM REENTERING JUSTICE.

FIDO said...

One thing I keep remembering: the NYT never does anything that goes to the good of Republicans.

So what is their angle here?

Achilles said...

“The New York Times’s story is inaccurate and factually incorrect,” he said. “I will not further comment on a story based on anonymous sources who are obviously biased against the department and are advancing their own personal agenda."

"But let me be clear about this: Based on my personal dealings with the president, there is no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment,” he added.

Rosenstein doesn’t want to go to jail.

Yancey Ward said...

All the 25th Amendment does is prevent a situation like that of Woodrow Wilson- there was no recourse for anyone in the executive branch to force Congress to impeach Wilson for being in a coma. The 25th only gives the Vice President and the Cabinet the ability to force Congress' hand, and Congress doesn't have to remove the President, either, and it would be hard to do so if the President fights the matter. It was always a delusion that Trump would be removed that way absent him having a stroke or getting shot in the head.

Francisco D said...

"Oh goody, another "sensational" NYT story based on an anonymous source!


That is the NYT mission - to spread a sense of chaos in the White House.

Trump will not be taken down by the Russia Collusion hoax, so they have to find another means to delegitimize his presidency.

Bay Area Guy said...

I have a lot of joy in this world. Wife, kids, work, assets, football, beer, etc, etc.

Nothing provides more mirth though than when the NY Times faceplants and beclowns itself.

As noted above, Rosenstein:

The New York Times's story is inaccurate and factually incorrect," Rosenstein said in a statement. "I will not further comment on a story based on anonymous sources who are obviously biased against the department and are advancing their own personal agenda. But let me be clear about this: Based on my personal dealings with the president, there is no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment."

Drago said...

FIDO: "One thing I keep remembering: the NYT never does anything that goes to the good of Republicans."

We call it "The LLR Chuck Gambit"

Yancey Ward said...

The only way the NYTimes is going to convince me this story is true is by having McCabe leak the memo he wrote of this discussion, and it had better have iron-clad proof of being written sometime in May of 2017- iron-clad proof.

Leland said...

It was always a delusion that Trump would be removed that way absent him having a stroke or getting shot in the head.

Gov. Brown is working on it.

zipity said...

Inga...Allie Oop said... "That was easy. This is creepy."

Yeah, that was TEN YEARS before his Presidency. That was such a LAME attempt, but we all know that is the best you can do you pathetic POS

Leland said...

Giovan Pietro Bellori, were you 17? I bet she text messaged friends about it. Becareful and remember that we believe you, because you have a right to be believed.

Don't be surprised if she counters that it was actually you who raped her, but since you came out first with your allegation, we know she is likely guilty and lying about what you did. Now, when would you like the trial to begin, and who would you like to go first? Do you want her in the room when you testify? Oh, and before I get ahead of myself, what punishment would you like us to consider for the rapist Inga?

Jaq said...

That is the NYT mission - to spread a sense of chaos in the White House.

It all started out with Carlos Slim - Mexican Billionaire’s newspapers publishing of every photo of Trump with a “Dutch angle” villain’s lair look.

FIDO said...

Well, remember, this is the NYTs of Sarah Jeong, and any white man's scalp will do (I hear they smell like wet dogs)

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The bedpan commando always gets right to the nasty comments that serve in the absence of logic and information.

How do you write women so well?

Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

That's our bedpan commando.”

That’s our local butcher.

Anonymous said...

I can't remember if I was 17. I could have been 12. Something like that, anyway.

Not only don't I want her in the room, her defense should be considered as an attack on me AT MINIMUM. And an apology for rape in general.

No one would believe I would rape a hag like Inga.

Francisco D said...

GPV said: "Inga raped me."

A credible accusation has been made against notorious the bedpan commando. I have heard similar and more graphic rumors of her misbehavior as a nurse.

I demand that she be banned from this site until an investigation is concluded. I further demand that her social security be withheld until she can prove her innocence.

The molestation of seriously ill hospital patients must be taken seriously. They will not be silenced!

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“I promise, if you turn off cable news it is a beautiful life out here.”

Oh I know it! Occasionally I decide to drop in just to throw an alternative point of view out, lest this place gets too boring with all the samey samey same opinions.

It must be especially galling for you to be so completely wrong about everything you said.

The rats are turning on each other.

Just like I said they would.

It will be fun to watch you spin McCabe’s indictment.

The Crack Emcee said...

He made the comment sarcastically - nothing to see here.

buwaya said...

“I promise, if you turn off cable news it is a beautiful life out here.”

This is typical. It does not preclude a state of political instability, or its consequences.

In Sri Lanka the lovely beaches, in the stable parts of the country, were full of tourists (including Western sex-tourists), pretty much throughout the civil war, 1983-2009.

The grand master of science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke maintained his lifestyle and literary production there, both his life and work unaffected, it seems, by what were great and bloody events for the nation in which he lived.

Michael K said...

So, here's a question. If McCabe says it DID happen in an official memo, and Rosenstein says it didn't...

Is there a penalty for lying in official memos? Kind of makes you wonder what OTHER things McCabe added to his memos.

I think this is coming from McCabe's lawyers. Something is coming for him and this is a peace offering to the people he thinks run Washington.

de Gaulle bio getting good.

Anonymous said...

There were other good reasons that Clarke stayed in Sri Lanka.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yancy -

Ironclad proof is never needed when there's a narrative to pimp from the left.

buwaya said...

"There were other good reasons that Clarke stayed in Sri Lanka."


rcocean said...

Can we trust NYT? No.

But assuming this did happen.

Why is NYT publishing this 2017 story now?

They like Rosenstein.

What's their game?

traditionalguy said...

Sneaky Rosenstein is slithering around looking for someone to destroy. He got Comey first and for that treachery he became the acting Atty General who then set up Mueller with unlimited powers of an Inquisition, eternally. Then he started a coup in the WhiteHouse to destroy Trump's Presidency. The only question is will Trump destroy him first.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

He didn't have to wear a wire. Just use his cellphone.

CF; Osmorsa

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Rosensteins statement sounds like a non-denial denial.

He did not say he talked about wearing a wire and he used "there is" basis for the 25th amendment.present tense not "there never was" a basis.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quayle said...

"Ann Althouse said...
"I immediately wondered what kind of amusement park "AlthouseWorld" would be. What would the rides be? What's the line like at the cruel-neutrality-coaster?"

No short allowed!

Tom from Virginia said...

I don't believe it. Every word about the Trump White House in the NYTimes is a lie, including "and" and "the".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All of the insider spook deep-staters were depending on the Hillary Clinton butt-fuck gravy train loyalty party.

Fire all of them.

Leland said...

Ok Giovan, we need to get you in to testify on how Inga hurt you and tried to kill you. How would you like to arrive? We have a private jet on stand-by, but I understand that might disturb you as it reminds you of the privileged lifestyle that Inga lives. How about a cruise? I hear a nice trip around the Cape of Good Hope is pleasant. We could probably get you aboard middle of next week. I would offer some armed Marshall's to accompany you, but who wants to be around guns, right? So how about you be accompanied by some White House interns in blue dresses? You'll know they are guards because they'll be wearing a beret.

Anonymous said...

Why are you asking me to testify? That's silencing me!

Inga's a rapist and now everyone knows it. Also she's white and shouldn't be allowed to speak, so shut the fuck up, Inga. You're a rapist.

Michael K said...

Blogger Bill, Republic of Texas said...
Rosensteins statement sounds like a non-denial denial.

There are some good cocktail parties that he wants to be invited to.

He might get a Molotov cocktail through the window, you know.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tax rape for Mueller.

Michael K said...

“It must be especially galling for you to be so completely wrong about everything you said.”

Now, don't be too hard on her. I believe every word she said about bedpans.

Especially those full ones.

Whew !

Drago said...

Is today one of the alternating days when Inga still believes the hilariously disproven hoax dossier is still valid or is today one of the alternating days where Inga admits the hoax dossier is fake and she never believed it and it was never improperly used to spy on domestic political opponents?

MadisonMan said...

The New York Times’s story is inaccurate and factually incorrect

A story cannot be accurate and factually incorrect.

A story cannot be inaccurate and factually correct.

Why the redundancy?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It must be especially galling for you to be so completely wrong about everything you said.”

Like what? How about your claims that by the end of summer all kinds of Democrats will be in jail? LOL. So why did Trump capitulate on his big bad FISA declassifications? LOL again. You were wrong on everything and continue to be, but I don’t expect you to admit it. Or you’re too deep in conspiracy land to see reality.

Bay Area Guy said...

This has been a great two days. I haven't laughed my ass off in months.

The only way this Washington melodrama could get any better would be if, in a last ditch effort to thwart the Kavanaugh confirmation vote, David Brock were to slither out of his cave, and threaten to allow himself to be publicly sodomized on the steps of the Supreme Court by Cory Booker.

In the name of equal rights, racial harmony, fighting heterosexist male patriarchy, and to protest Kavanaugh's 5th vote to repeal Obergefell, of course.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Now, don't be too hard on her. I believe every word she said about bedpans.

Especially those full ones.”

I believe all the people who said that Michael K was a butcher and removed their spleen instead of their gallbladder. He wasn’t the brightest student in A and P, apparently.

Rabel said...

A couple of points about the 25th amendment:

1. "written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office"

- the keyword is "unable." It is not "unfit," or "unqualified" or "not our kind, dear."

2. "Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide"

- the principal officers referred to are the 14 cabinet secretaries and the AG. The FBI and the Director of the FBI are not a part of the process. If this is true then RR was completely out of his lane in even suggesting that he or the FBI should be involved.

Rabel said...

Are the idiots among us going to allow Inga to hijack yet another thread?

hombre said...

Clever ploy by the NYT and its anonymous Deep State army. Mueller is going nowhere. Tempt Trump to fire Rosenstein and Mueller giving the leftmediaswine new fodder for months.

Trump should tweet: “Rosenstein is a disaster, as is his friend Mueller. Nevertheless, I am not inclined to fire anyone based on the anonymous nonsense published in the leftmedia, particularly the NYT. Also, if their supposed informants had any honor and the allegations are true, they’d have brought this information to me. I’m not only the wronged party, I’m their boss.”

Trump is surrounded by cowardly fabulists. The media quotes them indiscriminately and the Democrats believe and admire them. The progressive Ruling class is devoid of integrity and courage.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Rosenstein disputed that account on Friday, and a Justice Department official who was reportedly in the room when Rosenstein talked about using the 25th Amendment to end the Trump presidency says he was being sarcastic.

That account agrees with a Fox News report based on sources who were in the room and said the meeting took place May 16, 2017.

The Washington Post, too, cited a source who said Rosenstein's comment was biting but unserious.

So I was right. Rosenstein's statement was a non-denial denial. He did say those things in McCade's memo but he was being sarcastic.

Drago said...

Well Rabel, where do we go next?

Anonymous sources and a Rosenstein denial.

Personally I am waiting to see if Rosenstein suddenly decides to inform us that he, like "Prof" Ford, has had a Sudden Memory Reset which makes it impossible for him to travel to Capital Hill to be questioned.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I meant to say "sarcastic"

I don't trust any of these people in Washington.

PM said...

AlthouseWorld has rides like AlthouseArrest where you have to pay to exit.
In AlthouseParty, you ride a big Carr's cracker through a hummus factory.
And then there's AlthouseBroken which features dogs scratching at doors.

mccullough said...

Trump was only going to expose Rosenstein by releasing the “classified” redacted info. Then let the wolves eat him. Rosenstein can’t have that. He’s a survivor. Self-interested. Apolitical in the sense he survives no matter whose in power.

Trump first set up Rosenstein when he had Rosenstein draft the memo recommending Comey be fired. Rosenstein controls the Mueller investigation.

Now Trump controls Rosenstein.

Francisco D said...

"Now, don't be too hard on her. I believe every word she said about bedpans."

One of her nursing school classmates reportedly said that she used to drink beer out of a bedpan until she was soused. Then she attacked other students with the bedpan, saying "It won't hurt. I will just slip it in."

I demand an investigation!

I demand that Inga be banned from this site until the investigation is concluded!

She cannot silence her victims!

Jaq said...

Sarcasm is no defense. Supposedly Trump was being sarcastic when he called on the Russians to release the emails that Hillary deleted that were under subpoena, and look where that claim got him. You have to remember that liberals run their minds from their simple child brains, and child brains don’t understand sarcasm any better than your dog understands dramatic irony.

Matt Sablan said...

WaPo has the actual quote, where he's asking someone else if THEY want to wire the president.

So... yeah. This is. Not quite what was originally reported.

Rabel said...

Release the McCabe memos now.

Release the Comey memos now.

Then release the Kraken.

Or Drago. Either will work.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

But it gives the hivemind hope. It's the dangling mouse toy... so close.. The ever almost there loophole to rid the left of the guy who beat Hillary.

Jaq said...

We know that Obama was NOT being sarcastic when he pleaded with the Russians to go easy on him so that he could repay them after the election, and was caught on a hot mic. I can’t imagine a more textbook case of collusion than that one, BTW.

hombre said...

Inga: “What does the Office of the Presidency mean to you people? Are you still Americans?”

The queen of confirmation bias challenges those who are her intellectual and patriotic betters while missing completely the harm done to the Presidency by anonymous talebearers and a viciously biased leftmedia. What’s new?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Rabel
- the principal officers referred to are the 14 cabinet secretaries and the AG. The FBI and the Director of the FBI are not a part of the process. If this is true then RR was completely out of his lane in even suggesting that he or the FBI should be involved.

Perhaps all these leaks are from Comey?

Bay Area Guy said...

This is like high school.

OhMyGod! -- an anonymous person said that you said 9 months ago that Billy was hot, but you told me last week that you liked Donny, but Donny told me that Johnny told him that Betty was cute!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hombre - boom.

mccullough said...

People have lost count and track of the number of anonymous stories about Trump is crazy and the place coup. It’s white noise now.

It drives partisan Dems batshit crazy, which makes them look even fucking dumber. Every one of these stories makes Motons say The End Is Near. Then Trump is shown heading out to the golf course.

Trump is flourishing in office. Having a good time. Good economy and no stupid wars. W and Obama couldn’t do that. How dumb is fucking Obama trying to take credit for the economy? He’s really going to waste time at these Dem pep rallies taking credit? No one but the Motons believe that.

And when’s the last time we saw a Comey or Brennan tweet? Those guys have disappeared. Which one headed the CIA and which one headed the FBI? People don’t remember.

What’s the name of Woodward’s book, again? Gone With The Wind.

Jaq said...

Inga: “What does the Office of the Presidency mean to you people? Are you still Americans?”

A couple of weeks ago she was speculating that maybe were were subhuman, her words were “not quite human” but still. Now we are not quite American. It’s almost as if she were defender of the One True Faith and we are all infidels.

hombre said...

“... inaccurate” and “factually incorrect.”

Yes, Rod, but is it a lie? If so, why not tell the world that the NYT publishes lies.

TestTube said...

So Althouse trying to ignore the big news of the day -- The wackification of the Federal Government.

The problem is not that Kavanaugh is conservative, it is that he is definitely not Wacky. If the guy had only insisted on answering all questions from the Judicial committee only by honking a horn, he would have been confirmed by now. Is there anyone that doubts that?

And you'd ask...Why would Trump, of all people, would nominate such a straight laced dude. Trump is an obvious wacko, right?

Not so fast.

See, my theory is that Trump went deep cover into the wacko movement about 20 years ago. He is a sleeper agent for the non-wackos. Last guy you would suspect, huh?

Do you see the brilliance?

Trump and McConnell probably saw this coming thirty years ago, and worked it out. Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are just the first fruits of their quest to de-wackify government. A Sisyphean effort, granted. But just look at Garland. Look at his eyes. Crazy eyes. You can tell why Cocaine Mitch risked everything to hold HIM up a few months.

Of course, even the best sleeper agent slips up a bit. Trump overplayed his hand when he outed "Wacky Jacky" Rosen. Also, he hasn't been keeping up with the crazy tweets so much lately -- expect a few more of those in the near future.

Jaq said...

Inga: “What does the Office of the Presidency mean to you people? Are you still Americans?”

This from a woman who defended Bill Clinton until the utter hypocrisy of that one stunk too much even for her since she was counting on the same kinds of charges to remove Trump.

JAORE said...

"Wonder if the NYT and Rosenstein want Trump to fire Rosenstein before the release of the FISA documents?"


Bay Area Guy said...

So, this British article suggests that McCabe is the anonymous source, leaking to get back at Sessions, Rosenstein, et al for firing him.


'This story reads like Andy McCabe trying to burn down the house he once lived in,' he tweeted.

'Looks to me like McCabe is trying to get revenge on those he used to work with, after they challenged his honesty and fired him.'

McCabe is himself facing a federal probe over allegations that he misled investigators about the sources of press leaks; Attorney General Jeff Sessions terminated his employment this year, just days before he was scheduled to retire with a full pension.

In the Post's telling, McCabe had proposed opening an investigation into the president after the firing of FBI Director James Comey.

'What do you want to do, Andy, wire the president?' Rosenstein chided him, according to one source.

So General Francisco Franco is still dead, and Andrew McCabe is still a weasel. As the world turns.

Matt Sablan said...

"child brains don’t understand sarcasm any better than your dog understands dramatic irony."

-- I blame Alannis Morissette.

Drago said...

Rabel: "Then release the Kraken.
Or Drago. Either will work."

"Let Drago Be Drago" I always say except for when I don't.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“A couple of weeks ago she was speculating that maybe were were subhuman, her words were “not quite human” but still. Now we are not quite American. It’s almost as if she were defender of the One True Faith and we are all infidels.”

No, you’re only a liar and I’m only expressing my opinion.

mccullough said...

Trump had the story leaked. Just like he had the anonymous Op-Ed submitted.

He also had the Access Hollywood tape releases.

It gave him a blank check to go after Bill Clinton as a rapist and Hillary as his rape apologist. That’s what the first debate was about.

Trump won the white woman vote. Mission Accomplished.

Drago said...

TIV: "This from a woman who defended Bill Clinton..."

And says nary a word about notable woman beater Keith Ellison...of whom DNC Chair Perez stated was "proud" of his association with Ellison!

The only way Ellison could make Perez more proyd would be to kill a girl!

The dems will make you a Lion Of The Senate when you do something like that.

Drago said...

It seems like only yesterday Inga the dolt fell hard for the dems Russia collusion lies and called all Trump voters traitors!


Good times, good times

Jaq said...

No, you’re only a liar and I’m only expressing my opinion.

You’re the liar Inga. You wrote that Althouse must wonder if her commenters are “not quite human.” Maybe you have some explanation of why you would “wonder” that if you weren’t thinking it yourself.

But you can deny it all you want Inga. I am not going to go looking for it. Just like you can deny that you were insinuating above that we are unAmerican. Not getting into a back and forth with someone who is either a simpleton or dishonest.

Michael K said...

BAG, I've thought it was McCabe all along.

Probably coming from his lawyers as he is in deep trouble.

n.n said...

Trump won the white woman vote.

CNN asked women if they believe Judge Kavanaugh.

White White and White Black women vote.

Sebastian said...

Deep state? What deep state?

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