The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit....Thanks to commenter readering for saying — on my post about the "Battle of Brett" Drudge graphic — "Much better Drudge headline now."
Mr. Rosenstein was just two weeks into his job. He had begun overseeing the Russia investigation and played a key role in the president’s dismissal of Mr. Comey by writing a memo critical of his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. But Mr. Rosenstein was caught off guard when Mr. Trump cited the memo in the firing, and he began telling people that he feared he had been used.
Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials. Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations....
Drudge rarely uses the siren in recent years, so it has a big impact now.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 302 of 302"What's the line like at the cruel-neutrality-coaster?"
You mean, the one that doesn't go up or down, but does have special seats for women's bodies?
In the NYT comments section by Noname USA:
'Your reporting makes no sense. You write: "The president informed them (Sessions and Rosenstein) of his plan to oust Mr. Comey. To the surprise of White House aides who were trying to talk the president out of it, Mr. Rosenstein embraced the idea, even offering to write the memo about the Clinton email inquiry. He turned it in shortly after." Then two paragraphs later, you write: "The president’s reliance on his memo caught Mr. Rosenstein by surprise . . . ".'
The reliably left NYT commentariat can't figure out if this article is a hit on Trump or a hit on Rosenstein. Since Rosenstein appointed and continues to protect Mueller, they don't know why the NYT would publish an article that might get him fired.
Of course, the NYT could be playing a deep game, welcoming the firestorm that would result.
Also, of course, never ascribe to conspiracy what could have transpired from incompetence.
"What's the line like at the cruel-neutrality-coaster?"
Not as long as at the civility-bullshit-go-round.
I woudln't be surprised if this is another episode of what Scott Adams calls "Fake Chaos."
who is either a simpleton or dishonest.
Embrace the power of 'and'.
This NYT piece is a great faceplant, no doubt.
The mother of all political faceplants, though, remains Comey's press conference to (corruptly) exonerate Hillary, but then slam her so thoroughly that it inadvertently sunk her campaign.
"This was terrible. It makes me mildly nauseous to think we might have had some impact on the election," Comey told the Senate Judiciary Committee.
I followed Inga's link. Here is the description of the video.
"A school-play ten years ago where a song sounded surprisingly like Donald Trump's current 'Build a Wall' campaign."
So, Inga is full of it. Again.
"What's the line like at the cruel-neutrality-coaster?"
Split. Since it can go either way.
Let's not forget that Trump is a master at manipulation, thank heavens.
Inga: “What does the Office of the Presidency mean to you people? Are you still Americans?”
So sez the one who wants the egomaniacal rapist-enabling grifter sitting in the Oval Office and her husband back at his feeding trough.
Because vagina or something.
It makes me mildly nauseous
Pet Peeve #561
"Nauseous" means "inducing nausea in others." Come to think of it, he might be right.
I think, however, he meant "Nauseated."
"Could it be that his advisors threatened him that they would Amendment 25 him if he did so?"
Ron: "A school-play ten years ago where a song sounded surprisingly like Donald Trump's current 'Build a Wall' campaign."
So, Inga is full of it. Again."
Inga routinely posts links that actually disprove her point because generally she has no understanding of the subject matter under discussion.
I suppose Jeff Sessions reiterated that there is nothing he can do because he's recused from his duties, and Rod Rosenstein's GoFundMe is up to $120,000?
"What's the line like at the cruel-neutrality-coaster?"
Not as long as at the civility-bullshit-go-round.
But longer than the line at "The Everything Tastes The Same" concession stand.
A school-play ten years ago where a song sounded surprisingly like Donald Trump’s current 'Build a Wall' campaign.
The Rick Rolling was pretty funny, and had she done it with good humor... But she didn’t, and the kids weren’t even American.
NBC News picks up the story that McCabe wanted to investigate Trump, to which Rosenstein jokingly asked, "Well, What do you want me to do, Andy, wear a wire?"
NYT faceplant!
Leland 2:14 pm said:
By the way, if the NYT is trying to change the topic for Sunday; doesn't that say something about the internal polling on Kavanaugh?
Thanks for that link. The Dems are so radicalized by their TDS that they can no longer judge how the average American will react to their bullshit. That video shows the way women without a political agenda think and speak.
The Kavanaugh story was doomed the moment that the majority of the public found out it was about drunken teenagers 36 years ago.
"I immediately wondered what kind of amusement park "AlthouseWorld" would be. What would the rides be? What's the line like at the cruel-neutrality-coaster?"
Better yet, I want to see Meade Mouse lead the crowd in a stirring rendition of the park's theme song "Just Like a Woman".
longer than the line at "The Everything Tastes The Same" concession stand.
Don't miss the Splooge-stooge-a-Whirl.
accidentally posted this to the wrong thread...
Just read an interesting theory over at CTH on why this is coming out now... Sundance thinks it’s the deep state firing a warning shot across Rosensteins’ bow in-regards to PDJT’s declassification directive... basically that RR better not get squishy and let any of the really bad stuff get out, or he’ll be first on the chopping block, cause they know where all his bodies are buried...
just in case he might be starting to think about saving his own neck by selling the rest of them down the river....
First a denial, then claims it was a joke.
There were 4 people in the room, one of which was Lisa Page. Two have said they thought he was being sarcastic. Since we now live in a banana republic, it's impossible to know what to believe anymore.
I would note--the NYT reporter that broke this story also broke the Hillary Clinton private server story.
A revolving blue and red warning light is not a siren.
noun: siren; plural noun: sirens
1. a device that makes a loud prolonged sound as a signal or warning.
"ambulance sirens"
synonyms: alarm, warning bell, danger signal; air horn;
"a fire engine's siren"
Joshua Barker said...
If that is true, why did this story break hours after Trump backtracked on declassification?
I don't think Trump has backtracked... like everything, there are layers of nuance going on behind the scenes that you and I are not privy too... This is high-stakes poker and Trump isn't about to show his cards before he's ready, and the timing of this is just too coincidental...
Here's another post about what is going on in regards to Trump's declassification directive...
Thanks. Sundance does great work.
generally she has no understanding of the subject matter under discussion.
Until you get to the topic of bed pans.
Especially full ones.
Whew !
so MI 6 and probably GHCQ of course, doesn't want this released, they fired hannigan, right after the times leak piece, and didn't find a replacement for 6 weeks, up intil khalid masaad's attack on west minister, the supposed warrant against the Salisbury tourists was also based on some weak tea,
why hasn't there been an investigation over his tax avoidance,
"Better yet, I want to see Meade Mouse lead the crowd in a stirring rendition of the park's theme song 'Just Like a Woman'."
Huh. I could have sworn it was "Stand with Governor Walker."
it has taken almost as long as the Nazi prison guard:
so MI 6 and probably GHCQ of course, doesn't want this released, "
That is extremely likely.
Recall how the govt of Ukraine apologized right after the election to Trump personally for their having colluded directly with the dems (just like Hillary/FusionSteele/DNC colluded with Steeles contacts among Putins pals).
yes, they are running cover for him:
uranium one suggests he's a lower ranking member of the cabal, like cigarette smoking man's son, of course ncis new orleans suggested something else,
I really wish we could somehow incorporate Monica Lewinsky into these NYT stories, 'cuz then it really would be "Deep State meets Deep Throat."
They are already going after each other.
This is all about declassification. The rats are shooting at each other now. McCabe is clearly taking a shot at Rosenstein.
Trump is going to drag this clear through October.
By the end of October Obama and Hillary will be a part of the story.
There are no lines at AlthouseWorld. Lines are civility-bullshit.
news from 2020:
so MI 6 and probably GHCQ of course, doesn't want this released, "
Be interesting to see how this fits in with the Britain EU discussions which are at square one a month from the end.
what they aren't talking about:
McCabe is the leaker. McCabe and the NYT are pushing palace intrigue to disrupt the Trump Administration.
Fuck the NYT.
Quayle wrote: Surely you [LLR Chuck]understand that.
Anyone who passed the Bar would understand that, but fake Republican fake attorney Chuck has never read the Constitution.
"Be interesting to see how this fits in with the Britain EU discussions which are at square one a month from the end."
It is tempting to add the EU-Brexit issues to the mix.
It is a complicated world after all.
However we also have the Australians to consider (the other foreign "Five Eyes" player for sure, consider the role of ex-Foreign Minister Alexander Downer in the Papadopoulos sting).
narciso, that sounds like draining an abscess. He's not out of the woods.
yes, the five eyes and particularly pine gap was the excuse, snowden 1.0. trw contractor Christopher boyce, aka the falcon, had to sell secrets to the soviets,
now his running mate, is a retired general, so the south of the border progs might not get what they expected,
Either Rosenstein was having a conversation with himself, out loud, in a room full of DOJ officials, talking about removing a sitting President from office....or, there is more to this story.
However we also have the Australians to consider (the other foreign "Five Eyes" player for sure, consider the role of ex-Foreign Minister Alexander Downer in the Papadopoulos sting).
That might involve Turnbull, who got the boot from his own party.
Disgruntled lawmakers in Turnbull’s conservative Liberal Party replaced him as prime minister with his treasurer, Scott Morrison, in a party ballot last Friday. The government has trailed the center-left opposition Labor Party in most opinion polls since the last election in 2016.
Catallaxy is not at all unhappy he is gone.
The speech had an effect, at home and abroad. Domestically, it did not save Ms Gillard’s political career. She stepped down as prime minister and leader of the Australian Labor party in June 2013, and left politics soon after.
Internationally, aided by the connections she made as prime minister, it has opened doors and sparked new ideas.
So not only was it a pre-planned stunt, it was for the purpose of getting overseas jobs.
Just like Corker and Flake. Turnbull was also on the trip.
"I immediately wondered what kind of amusement park "AlthouseWorld" would be. What would the rides be? What's the line like at the cruel-neutrality-coaster?"
Dodge 'em car section proves very popular with commenters who really get into ramming each other.
yeah, yeah, Rosenstein--
...but what about Guildencrantz-- is he still dead?
I think, however, he meant "Nauseated."
Michael K., while that's technically true I think only Doctors get it right. And they have to listed to the colloquial usage every day at the clinic.
"I immediately wondered what kind of amusement park "AlthouseWorld" would be."
Drown the Clown. Featuring Inga, Chuck, Ritmo, and Trumpit as the clowns, among others.
yes morrison derangement is common down under,
he's pining for the fjords, those two were my nick names for Halperin and heileman, of julianne's bender, game change, the other hagiography that Procopius would have found nauseating, and the show time series,
who was surprised by this,
Not a bad idea. Notwithstanding lavish tax cuts (most of which went to foreign investors), the Trump regime has been unable to build a high degree of public support. And Mr. Rosenstein's coup would be a bloodless coup. At least you Americans won't suffer through a civil war or military juntas or purges or martial law.
AlthouseWorld has evolved into a modern place to park themes, but let’s not forget its humble origins, the AlthouseWorld of yore which more or less resembled an old fashioned circus or carnival. There was always the Big Top (big topic) — the main theme if you will — but the comments were always the real sideshow, teeming with barkers, shysters, soothsayers, freakshows — you name it.
My favorite attraction was the old “high striker” which is something you don’t see much of these days. This was the place where people — mostly men— gathered to test their intellectual strength: They would swing their word hammers as hard as they could, striking “Publish Your Comment.” They’d race their thoughts straight up the track on the babbling tower, hoping to ding the bell at the top. Most were disappointments. We stood around an applauded went someone would ring the bell. If I recall correctly, Meade was the only one who rang Althouse’s bell. He was rewarded with a giant stuffed Bucky Badger which he promptly gave to Althouse.
And Mr. Rosenstein's coup would be a bloodless coup. At least you Americans won't suffer through a civil war or military juntas or purges or martial law.
Don't be too sure. The idea of a "bloodless coup" is a dream for Democrats, but people who voted for Trump aren't going to tolerate his removal by the deep state. It very much could trigger a civil war.
Notwithstanding lavish tax cuts (most of which went to foreign investors), the Trump regime has been unable to build a high degree of public support.
Says the person who thinks he knows what is going on. How about if we wait for the election to see what is happening?
I guess those foreign investors have added all those jobs we read about.
Is that you, Inga ?
Are there real geeks at AlthouseWorld? Asking for us chickens.
TEST TUBE... +100 Trump walked among them for years. He often spoke of running in the old days, and no one coulda believed him, (still don't). I would guess that he and Bill talked pussy shop on many occasions. Been around Hillary long enough too. A real estate developer meets ALL kinds, and they know the vulnerabilities soon enough. It's how they survive. They hear shit that would curl your hair.
Saint Aretha had a life long aversion to paying bills, as I've heard. Keep an eye out for her estate settlements.
His exposure to these elites is instrumental in being 2 and 3 steps ahead of the game. Donald listens.
Narciso observes: what they aren't talking about:
The fact that we don't have an independent press is no longer in question. No one in the DOJ expected Trump to win so they are now vulnerable to embarrassing questions.
The Deep State is not just in America, narciso, as you know.
Youwee! This Just IN...
You a starfucker starfucker starfucker star!
“The Boy isn’t credible anymore. Now it’s just a gag.”
That’s a pretty trenchant summary of how the Party O’ Rape & Domestic Violence has been played. I’ve been following politics since I was 8 years old but the gobshitey stupidity of the current crop of Dems and GOPe lifers is just astounding.
Trump know any golfers ya think? I'm just sayin.
Don't be too sure. The idea of a "bloodless coup" is a dream for Democrats, but people who voted for Trump aren't going to tolerate his removal by the deep state. It very much could trigger a civil war.
Initiated by political assassinations. Rampant.
The mere existence of the 25th ammendment is reason enough for the left to use it against Trump. It's just another tool for them.
"The game is not over until we win!" -- A Derp State hero
It wasn't a joke. Rosenstein lost his temper in a heated discussion with McCabe and exploded like: "What? You want me to wear a wire?"
So on the basis of the NYT and McCabe both wanting Rosenstein fired, I would say Trump and Rosenstein can see the makings of a strong, if not beautiful, friendship.
High time some a them folks s'posed to be workin fer the Chief Exec learnt who it is signs their paychecks - or who ain't gonna sign em no more.
Considering that trump faces a situation somewhat like the atreides in dune, rosenstein is Wellington they
Well..Well ..Aell.
You just can't tell
My Michelle.
Well well well,
You just can't tell,
Well well well
My Michelle.
HT: Guns 'n Roses
Hey leftists - do you remember the leftwing mob High Tech Lynching of Clarence Thomas?
Memory lane, fools.
btw- Joe Biden is such a phony.
Probably mentioned above somewhere, but McCabe has a book coming out this December. They put a shiv in the back of any Republican that dares to cross them - at taxpayer expense, no less - and then make a couple of million in a book deal. Flyover country ain't buyin' it but I'm amazed at how gullible they believe 50% of the country to be.
Embarrassing journalist from the NYT.
From the WaPo
During a conversation about how one would attempt to record any outlandish statements made by the president in private, Rosenstein responded with what one person described as a sarcastic comment along the lines of, “What do you want to do, Andy, wire the president?”
See also this thread for what Politico and Weekly Standard are reporting.
Basically then, this is one more brainwave out of “Andy’s Office.”
As K I disavow in the harshest terms the failure of proper authorities to investigate with all resources available any potential claim of sexual abuse.
I am, nor would I in any way ever claim to be, other than a person. I am no better than any of my accusers of dishonor in my 12 years in my current position. The system I've honorably upheld in my 12 years demands extraordinary proof and I concur: These demanding times require extraordinary proof of character for such an extremely powerful position.
On further reflection, whether or not RR was joking about wearing a wire, it appears that there were five high ranking officials from the DOJ and the FBI sitting around a table conspiring and plotting a means of removing a duly elected President from office.
Fuck these bastards.
If that's correct and if it were up to me, I'd hang all five of them tomorrow morning at dawn.
Read the 25th Amendnent. Any idiot would recognize the likelihood of permanently removing Trump through that Amendment is < 1%. Rosenstein never seriously considered it in my opinion.
Brit Hume Verified account @brithume
3 hours ago
"Participants who were in the room have now told Fox News it was a sarcastic crack in the midst of an argument, along the lines of “what do you want me to do, wear a wire?”"
One of the funniest things in my life was Trump saying "Obama is campaigning again.. what a gift.." or something loke that.
Rosenstein never seriously considered it in my opinion.
Steve joins the ranks of sane Democrats.. Welcome.
On to the next loophole that will allow the corrupt Elizabeth Warren to oust Senior Trump.
WE need to investigate the FBI.
McCAbe and Strozk are a nice start but only the tip of the iceberg.
Jesus I hope.will. murder the rapists so I ain't vot or dinn,'t have to.
Are there real geeks at AlthouseWorld? Asking for us chickens.
Define “geek.”
The NYT is in a bubble so impenetrable that reality has no chance of penetrating it. I suspect they thought by leaking this they would be corroborating Woodward's claim that the White House is in a state of chaos. Rather, they have further invigorated Trump and his supporters. After Kavanaugh is confirmed Trump will disclose the sordid FISA mess which give him the opportunity to say " hey, I told you so about the swamp and their spying on me". And he would be right. Trump will fly about the country and hold his rallies and keep pounding away on the Democrats on this. Fearless prediction: there won't be any blue wave in November. Then Trump will go after this cabal hammer and tong. Trump doesn't do let's makemake nice. He gets even. Next year it will Democrats who will be under criminal investigation. Funny how some Lefties now say what Rosenstein said was either a joke or sarcasm. Hold them to the Trump collusion standard.
Normal people, stay out of Democrat America. In the America of normal people, the sun rises every morning, you go to your job -- and if you don't have one you get one. If you are retired you watch your 401K produce money for you to live on. What a golden retirement! Children and grand children are born, and play about you, laughing in the golden sunshine! You watch nature with pleasure. The days, most of them, are still warm, but the leaves are starting to turn. Foreign devils, other than the ones in our own country, seem to be happy to leave us normal Americans alone. What a happy time!
Things are different in Democrat America. White Power rallies are held by deplorables every night. Women are sex objects and baby factories, lacking even the right to complain when a Supreme Court judge rapes them. The courts evaluate your level of "whiteness" before awarding you guilt or innocence. Local police hunt black people in roving packs as though minorities were game. People are constantly interrogated about their "gender", and any deviance from the party line is ruthlessly pursued and prosecuted. And always, always, the chief executive is selling citizens out like indentured laborers to foreign dictators.
Seriously, Democrats, you need to get an F'n grip. Researching another project I looked up Rose McGowan on Wikipedia. That woman is totally fucked, and it wasn't America or "the patriarchy" that did it to her, it was her own parents.
God help our fellow citizens in the Democrats' America!
Look at how much time y'all can spend, on something that's adding up to nothing, meanwhile:
Wealthy L.A. Schools' Vaccination Rates Are as Low as South Sudan's - Hollywood parents say not vaccinating makes "instinctive" sense. Now their kids have whooping cough.
Illustrated with a photo of a young white woman doing yoga - so, think there's a connection between these things, that we could, easily, dis-connect? I think our time would be better spent talking about that, and making that happen, than some trial for a job I knew the man was going to get back when Obama was president. How about this:
A California medical school just got $200 million to invest in 'energy healing,' 'mineral infusions' and other alternative medicines — and doctors aren't happy
It sounds like the LA medical community could use some help - it's not getting - to break away from woo. If this judge is going to get his job - and he is - why is talking about him a better use of our time than this scam?
We've got a medical community going weird, mothers blissed-out on yoga, a Hollywood "community" we know includes Scientology and whatnot - and babies getting treatable diseases we already had wiped out decades ago - abut the best use of America's time is a political drama any informed high schooler could nail while naping. Come on:
'I lost my entire family to a cult' means NOTHING in this country, while Brett Kavanaugh might lose a job is treated like life or death.
I can't think of a better example, of a nation priorities being already twisted out of whack by cultism, than this:
Boomers are conditioned to look anywhere else - and that's already proven itself to be dangerous to kids, and a crying shame for us all.
Lewis Wetzel said...
"Seriously, Democrats, you need to get an F'n grip. Researching another project I looked up Rose McGowan on Wikipedia. That woman is totally fucked, and it wasn't America or "the patriarchy" that did it to her, it was her own parents.
God help our fellow citizens in the Democrats' America!"
I came back to this blog saying this, but my time here has convinced me the Right gets no applause for it's handling of the situation either - it's just as bad in the same way - but with the emphasis placed differently. The Right uses race and religion to torture minorities, the Left forms sex cults for exploiting women - oooh, big difference - you're all whacked and been that way for a long time.
Get your heads out of your asses: Political games are just games - but real life is real lives - and Boomers are destroying them with their unrelenting focus on anything else.
@Crack: I suggest another stint in deep freeze. Or, smash your lantern in the town square and flounce off. You’re premature. You came too soon.
Well what do we have here:
Perhaps a conflict of interest?
What does that have to do with a coup d etat against the elected govt?
Чикелит said...
"@Crack: I suggest another stint in deep freeze."
I suggest you get a name I can pronounce.
Crack: "I suggest you get a name I can pronounce."
I recommend Huggy Bear, or perhaps Whiz or Ice Man.
"Notwithstanding lavish tax cuts (most of which went to foreign investors), the Trump regime has been unable to build a high degree of public support"
Stupidest comment of the night. About the only Americans who haven't benefited from the Trump tax cuts have been the deep blue enclaves on each coast with previously out of control taxes and real estate prices, thanks to the capping of the SALT deduction. This means that the rest of the country is no longer funding their prolific state and local govt spending, now putting that expense on those voting for such. The problem is that these are also the places where the MSM, Hollywood, etc live and those who pretend to objectively report reality to the rest of us are among the few in the country so disadvantaged. If they were as objective as they claimed, they would constantly be singing Trump's praises, esp as to the economy and taxes. But the only people they really ever talk to are having to lay higher federal income taxes, and seeing the absurdly real estate that they overextended to buy slide in value. Let me reiterate that - whenever you hear the MSM pushing for repealing the Trump tax cuts, what you are hearing is propaganda to repeal the SALT limit ts that are hurting those MSM people, as well as their neighbors in deep blue urban enclaves with high taxes and high property values. Probably >95% of the country is better off with the tax cuts. Just not the opinion leaders and their neighbors who have lost a lot of their SALT deductions.
I think that it was sarcasm on Rosenstein's part, and most likely came from McCabe. In a perfect world, I would expect at least a dozen DoJ and FBI people go to prison. But I am not going to hold my breath. The two that I do expect to go, or something bad is going to happen in this country, are Andy McCabe and Peter Strzok. Hopefully followed by Sally Yates. The thing to keep in mind is that much of the Russiagate "insurance policy" was plotted around McCabe's >$70,000 conference room table. We have known this since we saw some of the earliest Strzok/Page text messages. His own attorney, Lisa Page, has flipped on him, trying to keep herself out of prison too, as evidenced by the OIG report that got him fired.
What I think is going on is that Rosenstein is an inside player. Never really dirty, but tolerating dirt around him in order to advance. The disclosures ordered by Trump were aimed directly at the Deep State players in esp the DoJ and FBI. They are dirty. Filthy dirty, and we all know it. I think that this was them, the Deep Staters there, pushing back at Trump, trying desperately to keep Rosenstein running interference for them. But he was wavering big time, because things are getting ready to maybe explode, and he knows which side to be on, when that happens, and that is Trump's side.
The one at the meeting in most desperate straights, with the most to lose, is McCabe. I think the desperation is setting in for him. He doesn't really have anything that the prosecutors want. Instead, he is the big fish that they have flipped the small fry to get. And going from the #2 position at the FBI to federal prison is an ignominious end to his career. Note that in several versions of the story, McCabe was the villain, and Rosenstein almost the hero, telling him, essentially, that he is plotting treason*.
I don't think that Trump here is playing 3D chess, but rather is keeping the pressure ratcheted up. Rosenstein is being pushed to pick Trump's side now, and this is just more leverage to be used against him. While Rosenstein didn't actually volunteer to commit treason, by volunteering to record the President, he was there when it was being plotted, and did nothing. The entire Executive Branch owes a duty of loyalty to the President, it is much higher for his political appointees, because they are how he gets his Executive Branch to do what he wills them to do. They are, essentially his agents, to the rest of the govt, imposing his will. And likely the only Presidential appointee at the meeting was Rosenstein. It was his duty to Trump to immediately inform his boss of the insurgency. He didn't. And that showing of his lack of loyalty is how Trump now has him by the balls.
* I use the word "treason" figuratively, not literally or legally. I use it to mean violation of their oaths to obey the Constitution, which requires loyalty, and not trying to destroy their duly elected President and boss.
That was nice - comment#300. I like nice round numbers.
And likely the only Presidential appointee at the meeting was Rosenstein. It was his duty to Trump to immediately inform his boss of the insurgency. He didn't. And that showing of his lack of loyalty is how Trump now has him by the balls.
Agreed and nice summary,
The delay about disclosure of the FISA material is probably to sort out the role of MI6 and the Australian connection. Both countries were heavily involved in the "Resistance" and both have their own deep states. Turnbull, who tried to pressure Trump with a leaked phone call early on, is gone.
The anti-BREXIT forces in England are the Resistance equivalent. Theresa May is no Trump. Is Boris ? Dunno.
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