The NYT wants you to trust it with your information:
We want to hear from men about their high school experiences. A Times editor may contact you with follow-up questions. No information you provide will be published without your permission.But Christine Blasely Ford didn't want her name to come out, and yet it did. Is the Times more trustworthy than Dianne Feinstein?
Given the stakes these days and the low standard of what counts as sexual abuse — like Cory Booker's reaching for a breast a second time — why would anyone volunteer anything? I understand the value of having an open and honest conversation about these things, but hasn't that route been closed off by the shocking dire consequences to Brett Kavanaugh (and Al Franken and Louis CK, etc.)?
But the NYT has a form it would like you to fill out. The first question is:
Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret? If so, how? And how has that experience stayed with you over the years?Won't this drag in a thousand "Cat Person" and Cory Booker stories? If you've got anything in the Kavanaugh-as-told-by-Blasey category, you'd have to be irrational to put it in writing. Or maybe just old or dying and not looking for another step of professional or social advancement.
२१८ टिप्पण्या:
218 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret?
I raped the girls' grandmas and little sisters at gunpoint and told them that if they said anything about it I'd kill everybody.
If so, how? And how has that experience stayed with you over the years?
I wake up with a boner.
Your honor, can we stipulate for the record that teen boys have and still drink and attempt to take advantage of girls.
In SJW circles this would be a resume enhancer. Confess to your own innate evil (but like Booker not too horrible) while being sure to connect all men with your own bad deed. Then beg forgiveness and promise to donate money to all kinds of allegedly pro-women charities.You would be considered more woke and hirable then those nasty males who have yet to acknowledge their uncontrollable sexual urges.
If you want to ensure that the Times shreds your submission, tell them you were the guy who assaulted Christine Blasey at that party. They won’t report it, anonymously or otherwise.
But Christine Blasely Ford didn't want her name to come out, and yet it did
It would be outrageous for a person to think that they could make an anonymous charge against another person and expect it to be given much weight, expect to be able to ruin a man's life and career from behind a curtain.
If she has something to tell us - grow up and say it. Or stand down. Her choice - but grow up and make a choice.
Men don't wallow in the emotional pigsty of their emotions like women do, men are raised to man up and get on with their lives.
Chrissy is a nut. The Times and the Democrats, but I repeat myself, are doing her no good by feeding her delusional recovered memory.
My principle regret is that I did not followup with that 30 year old woman that came on to me when I was 15. But then again, maybe her husband would have shot me.
Everyone parties in high school and has sex!
Not me (not my kids).
You're lying, or don't remember because you were drunk haha.
No, really I never did that (my kids didn't).
Then you were a dork that no one invited (and so are your kids)...
See how that works? They diss you then and 40 years later.
I'm cracking up that the NYT thinks they're helping women by assuming only men have drunken, regretful, fallen mistakes. Thanks for your dedication to the patriarchy, boyz.
Is that confession or tattle?
?And you are law professor emeritus?
I doubt the guys' standards have changed. It's a woman fantasy that they're improving guys, unless guys who avoid women are an improvement for women.
We need to to start standing up to these #Metoo sluts, they doing great damage to both men and women. Pushback, without pushback things go too far and they have, we've created a bunch of female monsters.
Geez, I went to high school at about the same time as Kavanaugh et al. - the late seventies for me as opposed to the early eighties for them. And in the DC area (Northern VA). And I can say little of what supposedly occurred at his school occurred at mine. Sure there was drinking and sex but nothing like the accounts that Judge recites.
This has to be exaggerated?
First, they never actually want a Conversation. It’s all BS. They want to do more lecturing and indoctrination.
For instance, all week I’ve been hearing repeated over and over that “women often don’t come forward or tell anyone, so that makes her believable.” Soon it’ll be the oft used “women sometimes forget things in these traumatic experiences, so if her story is inconsistent or changes, that makes her believesble.”
Second, we can’t have a conversation, because anything I say will just be labeled “bullying” and dismissed.
Third, why aren’t they asking women for the same thing. (I knew a lot of sluts in HS. They never slept with me sadly, but I knew who they were). But even the regular run of the mill gals had experiences and did things they might regret. I got groped unannounced, without consent. But I didn’t mind so no crime?
This whole thing is a political hit job. Straight of the left’s tried and true playbook.
You still need a like button
Obviously, Republicans should each set up burner accounts and pretend to be a different Democratic elected official and ply the times with lurid stories of sexual debauchery from "their" youth:
"Tell us more how your uncle flew you to an underage brothel in the Islands, 'Bob'..."
Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret?
I'm sure I wanted to, but I don't believe I ever did. I've also heard from a third party that that a certain woman was convinced I had the hots for her in college. This was news to me, because I hadn't.
There's a saying
Men look for a place
Women look for a why
Isn't goal and practice of FEMINISM to abolish the asking *why*
As my old man told me, you can't rape the willing.
WTF does Cory Booker have to do with any of this? Is that Gillibrand witch looking for another scalp to clear out of the way of herr vaunted 2020 run? She might as well just declare the DNC a penis-free zone or something.
Like Michael K, I chickened out a couple times at the beginning, but after that it has been game on for 46 years. I have no regrets about anything I did sexually. Not one
I remember back in the 80's watching two young girls that I know at a town carnival, fighting over who had sex with more boys...they were probably around 16 years old. I was 2 years older and shocked out of my mind. Don't always assume the girls are so innocent. This is just one story I can tell.
After the Bart O'Kavanaugh debacle even pre-pubescent childhood horseplay will be investigated decades later amongst high officials nominated for public office decades. Remember when you were younger than age ten and that girl around the corner of similar age decided to play doctor? Get ready for the hearings!
I agree that Republicrooks have been making good on their agenda to rape the country for decades, including with conservative judicial activism of every kind. But this is getting fucking ridiculous.
I am also still facebook friends with both girls who are now happily married with grandchildren. People change.
This, the previous two, and today's first post convince me that rhhardin has a point. This is all purile gossip and soap opera. Or at least this is what the press is selling. Thanks to the press, the Democrats, and this oh so convenient Ford person, an otherwise straight forward nomination process has been turned into a literal bodice ripper. Jurisprudence and qualifications - borrrring. High School drinking, debauchery, and will she or won't she - now there's the ticket.
Since the aim of the Nytimes is to monetize this information, i wouldn't provide a single word without being paid.
Don't always assume the girls are so innocent.
Especially at Catholic schools.
"Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret?"
Did you - in the course of young raging hormones - ever, ever, EVER hear the words "My eyes are up here"?
This shit gets so dumb.
If such parties are ongoing
Tom Cruise has business model launch in 1983
I'm astonished you don't see this crap for what it is - hysteria. An out-and-out religious-cult phenomenon. Instigated and fanned by cynical operators to manipulate the emotionally susceptible for political purposes.
"If you've got anything in the Kavanaugh-as-told-by-Blasey category..."
The train you're on reached the first station in Crazyland a thousand miles ago. If you find yourself responding to such articles with any level of serious consideration of what they claim or propose, you know you missed the last stop before the border, a good ways back.
I swam in high school and it was one of the few girls sports in those days. We worked out in the same pool every day and hung out evenings and weekends. One of our favorite adventures would be to get a bottle of crown royal, a sixer of Pepsi, a few opiated Thai sticks and go spelunking in the Manson cave on the old Spahn Ranch off of the Santa Suzanna pass. Sometimes instead, we would climb up to the top of Stony Point or go 4-wheeling in the as yet undeveloped hills above Porter Ranch. We also broke into our coaches pool and would party atop the 10m platform, then once drunk and stoned, would have diving contests Sometimes we would have parties at the home or apartment of a student whose 'rents were gone for the weekend. Good times. No one forced themselves on anyone, but gentle persuasion was sometimes necessary.
I remember back in the 80's watching two young girls that I know at a town carnival, fighting over who had sex with more boys...they were probably around 16 years old.
I am also still facebook friends with both girls who are now happily married with grandchildren. People change.
No, one thing led to the other. Duh. Only in America is anyone stupid enough to presume that it's prudishness, lack of curiosity and passivity that will lead to generational propagation.
There was this tricky cheerleader once but I wasn’t a football hero so that was that. And that’s it
Wasn't this the staple of communist countries to have people "confess crimes against the state"? And who would be so stupid as to confess anything to the NYT which has shown 0% accountability when they leak information or use it to their own ends.
Does summer camp count?
What idiot would respond to this?? They might as well say "Hey little boy. Want some candy?"
NYT Jumps the shark
Dear NYT,
In 1988, when I was 16, I had a job delivering pizzas in Washington, D.C. On one memorable night, I had a pizza delivery to a Ms. Maureen Dowd, a plain cheese pie if I remember correctly. She answered the door in a sheer negligee that happened to fall open just as I handed her the pizza box.
Though she was in her mid-thirties, she looked good. I'm ashamed to admit, I was visibly aroused. "You like what mama's got," she said. I nodded. She reached down and grabbed my manhood. "Mama likes what you've got too." She pulled me into the townhouse where for the next three and a half minutes we made passionate love.
"Okay, Skipper," she said after I was spent, "those pizzas aren't going to deliver themselves," and patted me on the butt. She gave me a $20 bill for her $13.50 pizza, and I drove off into the night.
But still, the memory of that experience haunts me. I can't reach climax unless there's a smell of melted cheese and oregano. How can I recover my youthful innocence?
Crack, good one!
I'm astonished you don't see this crap for what it is - hysteria. An out-and-out religious-cult phenomenon. Instigated and fanned by cynical operators to manipulate the emotionally susceptible for political purposes.
Psst….Althouse is one of the emotionally susceptible.....
Again - where was this type of inquiry with Bill Clinton?
Leftwing men are suddenly pure, like the driven snow.
The most depressing thing about the Trump era is that it constantly validates the proposition that human beings are stupid and will keep making the same mistakes over and over until the end of time. Everybody knows the confirmation process for the Supreme Court sucks and has sucked for decades, right? We all know the reasons it sucks flow directly from what happened to Robert Bork, right? So what do we think is going to result from this Kavanaugh mess?
Kavanaugh is not a Trumper. He's a Federalist Society guy. You can't get more respectable and mainstream in conservative politics. Guys and girls like Kavanaugh desperately want to be part of the Establishment. Few of them have any deep love for Donald Trump. What do you think they're learning from this episode? Hint: It's not an affirmation of their faith in the Establishment.
"Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret? If so, how? And how has that experience stayed with you over the years?" I have been haunted since Grade 9 (or was it 7?) by my improper thoughts about Sherry M. Until my hormones awakened (as my therapist later explained) I had paid her no particular mind. But then! One day! OMG she took on this incredible aura of...blushing and welcoming fertility! Or something! Every time I looked her way, I physically trembled and melted with calf-eyed adulation.
Hey, NYT. Try getting through middle school, and then ask that question again.
WHen our gracious host goes off on her "girls rule and boys drool" riffs, it appears to be trolling. Makes it fun at least.
"Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret?"
Yes. I was a pig to my date for the freshman turnabout dance. She slapped me and screamed at me in public.
I was embarrassed and started to become a gentleman at age 16.
Despite the trauma, I remember almost all of the important details.
Penthouse used to do this sort of thing much better.
When you went to see "Porkies" as a teen in the 80's (you snuck-in, didn't you?)
Did you find the movie titillating? Did the Porkies type movie inspire you to treat life like a drunken party where females do not mind your drunken fumbling crude advances? Because dude, Fast Times are your guiding light.
No never? Halo for you.
"This, the previous two, and today's first post convince me that rhhardin has a point."
Those posts -- to intrude on one of Crack's bailiwicks -- are homeopathic thinking: to 'cure' injustice you need to ingest a little injustice.
Dr. Sheetal Mehta, a homeopath for 16 years, offers advice on aiding memory that might be helpful to Blasey Ford:
Spleen Kidney and heart are the 3 organs which provides memory
Following are the three patterns of poor memory :
1) spleen deficiency causes poor memory, inability to concentrate and study.
2) deficiency of kidney essence causes poor everyday memory.
3) heart deficiency causes poor memory of past events , forgetting names.
Since "heart deficiency causes poor memory of past events , forgetting names" seems to apply, here is the applicable information regarding the heart:
Main symptoms :
1) poor memory of past events
2) forgetting names
3) absent mindedness
4) tiredness
5) slight breathlessness
6) if there is heart yang deficiency the tongue will be pale with heart cracking
7) if there is heart yin deficiency the tongue will be red with heart crack
Treatment principle :
1) *tone the heart*
2) strengthen the mind and memory"
Ford doesn't need to testify: we can just check her tongue.
I am Laslo.
Steven M. Galbraith @ 10:22:
"This has to be exaggerated?"
No WAY, dude! If I am writing a book about how totally drunk and sexed-out I was in high school, I wouldn't be selective or even inventive, no way!
This whole topic is automatically Fantasy Land, simply because it pertains to middle school and high school. When you add the affluent-elite-sophisticated Maryland status anxiety thing? It becomes a hyperbaric pressure cooker of crazy nonsense.
Grassley should declare a mistrial right now.
Does summer camp count?
There was this time at band camp. Sorry, somebody had to say it.
FFS anyway. Does anyone here actually think that every 17-year old should be expected to know the "line" between insufficient chivalry and overly aggressive sexual hyperactivity from Day #1. Jesus. Guess what? If he didn't actually commit a rape (and this is the only accusation), then he's not a predator. He's simply not committed enough to it. Again, Republicans may be political rapists - and this guy's the worst sort, a unitary executive advocate who thinks Trump should be above the law. But this tool isn't the droid you're looking for.
10:42 isn't bad either.
An image of people in Puritan clothes screaming about witches comes to mind often lately.
It’s the presumption of the NYT’s request that is so laughable. And the knowledge that their readership is full of the kind of self-flagellating prog White male who will respond to the request that is so appalling.
Didn't the doofi (plural of doofus) on the NYT staff ever learn that some things are simply "None of your business"? Chattering high school girls may or may not tell their best friends about what happened after the prom; and high school boys may engage in locker room boasts about the number of the girls on the cheer leading squad that they boffed.
As a matter of objective fact, much of what is or was said by either group was false.
But when you reach some level of maturity (I'm not certain at just what age that occurs--it varies among individuals) you realize that your sexual history is and should be private. Offering to share it with the NYT is like pulling the pin on a grenade and simply leaving it in your lap. Something is going to get blown up or off.
An image of people in Puritan clothes screaming about witches comes to mind often lately.
Her name is Gillibrand.
And whomever it is at the NYT that informs her phony "mores."
Ah yes. NYC. The city that screams sexual submission and pacifism. Whatever.
As I recall, the Catholic girls were the easiest to get and seemed to expect some sex. The Baptist girls were the hardest to get until they changed their minds and then they attacked you lustfully. The Episcopal girls were very class conscious and as for sex, if you qualified, they went ahead and knew Forgiveness was right around the corner. The Presbyterian girls were loyal and strong and expected a covenant relationship. The Methodist girls were very sociable and generous with love. The Jewish girls were the most interesting to me and were always realistic.
That was about it.
“Blogger Freeman Hunt said...
An image of people in Puritan clothes screaming about witches comes to mind often lately.”
Yes, the speed with which the New Victorians became the New Puritans is amazing. Progressives are regressing so fast, simple conservative folk like me can’t keep up. Maybe that’s the idea.
"Confess, and you may receive a quick death."
> The city that screams sexual submission and pacifism.
The city of sex clubs.
Ann kornblut '90, was a times reporter, things that make you go hmm
One thing Dad drilled into me was never discuss your affairs of the heart. Ever. The girl you are “dating” might tell her friends about your “date” but a gentleman never talks about his home runs. So Times, bite me.
I see the NYT has gone with crowdsourcing for its mass marxist public self-criticism and "consiousness raising".
Tradguy gets around.
If I was young and living in the south I would carry around his 11:07 AM comment like a blackjack strategy advice card in Vegas.
But then, if I was young and living in the south I probably wouldn't have needed it. Whatever other faults it has, I found the south's women in general were much less a bunch of falsely shocked pussies "Prissies?" (What? Me? Oh no!) when it comes to basic bio-social conjugation. They are less likely to hate themselves for simply having fun.
President pee pee tape @10:59: Really? So we are all cool here?
Tradtionalguy @ 11:07: Wow! I totally admire your knowledge! Wish I had known you. back in the day. I would have waited outside the relevant house of worship to see what might happen as its occupants emerged.
But, no, didn't happen.
Hey AA, I've must've told you multiple times, that your love affair with the NY Times is misdirected. This survey is a perfect example of a dying news organ trying to create ratings, sell more newspapers, etc. AA, still don't understand your love affair with the NY Times. This paper has long reached its expiration date as a business.
The Jewish girls were the most interesting to me and were always realistic.
All of the Catholic guys I hung out with in Chicago had Jewish girlfriends. Mine was Grace Schultz.
Partly it was because their fathers always bought baseball tickets. We went through the nose jobs and the resulting black eyes.
One girl I dated, whose father was a state Senator, was told to get rid of the goyim boyfriend but nobody else complained.
I think there was an element of living dangerously for the girls. No sex, though. It was the 50s.
I was a cad in high school. I was dating a girl from Titus town and took her to her school’s prom. Our prom was later and when our valedictorian asked lowly me to go, I was flattered and of course I went! Was I cheating? 17 and unmarried?
We would be cool, Owen. If it weren't for Bart O'Kavanaugh's forcing of himself into the Merrick Garland seat.
Democrats are just confusing his (and his overseers') rape of the country and our justice system with his non-rape of a girl at age 17.
I suppose it's understandable, as far as political oversights go. The Republicans bungle far worse each and every day.
Let's not get nit-picky here. A groper's in the WH so we'll take Bart's scalp in his place. Fair's fair. This is politics so let's not pretend that the individual person matters.
Pretty easy to see how the Democrats antics with respect to Kavanagh are polling.
Did you ever, as a reporter, make a promise you knew you could not keep?
@Angle: "I'm astonished you don't see this crap for what it is - hysteria. An out-and-out religious-cult phenomenon. Instigated and fanned by cynical operators to manipulate the emotionally susceptible for political purposes."
Correct. But is hysteria still hysteria if it is only and always cynical manipulation, as now?
Trump told Grassley to rope a dope the Democrats on this one.
No one's talking about the Republican rape of the Merrick Garland nomination.
Or the rape of the executive privilege concept.
Didn't we all do things we regret in high school? Isn't that what youth is for?
And those are pretty big rapes.
They're in the process of actually being committed and completed.
Merrick Garland was not a fair trade for the deceased Scalia seat. Had it gone through, I would have been in favor of having a closer look at Scalia’s death. Body counts and all.
This is mainly about the media's trend towards user-generated content. Let the readers do the writing for us!
I once ran a travel agency back in the 70s and as a promotion tried to sell sex tours to the Dominican Republic to sailors at Roosevelt Roads.
I assumed all the girls were of age but never asked.
OTOH, I don't think I ever sold any. Between the Riviera, Black Angus, Caribe and other whorehouses in San Juan there was never any need for sailors to get on a plane to find a cheap Dominican whore.
Ten and six. Ten for the woman, 6 for the room. Or so I am reliably informed.
John Henry
I would have been in favor of having a closer look at Scalia’s death. Body counts and all.
Lol. A repressed weird short Sicilian moron pulls a pillow over his face as he dies in Texas. Look as closely at that image as you want.
He thought he was like Caesar, pulling his toga over himself as he couldn't bear to face death on the Senate floor. But instead he was just a little schmuck who pretended to be some kind of a judicial Caesar. Poor resemblance, same mindset.
The Cracker Emcee Rampant: Yes, the speed with which the New Victorians became the New Puritans is amazing. Progressives are regressing so fast, simple conservative folk like me can’t keep up. Maybe that’s the idea.
I propose the terms: "NeoVic", "NewVic", "NeoPur" or "NewPur" - you read it here first folks!
Is this NYT form going to be like the old Penthouse Forums? That feature was so popular that it spun off into its own separate magazine. You know, for the people who didn't look at the pictures but only read Penthouse for the stories.
I think keeping them confidential is absolutely the wrong approach. Strip the name and identifying info, sure. Make it anonymous.
But the stories that will come out seem like a surefire way to increase readership.
Added bonus: For the HR department, perhaps a source for hiring journalists.
John Henry
To bad Frank Zappa isn't still around, he collected lots of these stories. Maybe Howard Stern can help?
Dear NYT,
I was a little too tall, and coulda used a few pounds. I wore tight point pants, but they were hardly renown. This girl - she was a black haired beauty with big dark eyes. And points all her own sitting way up high. Way up firm and high, if you get my drift.
So one night, out past the cornfields where the woods got heavy. I took her out in the back seat of my '60 Chevy. I was working on mysteries, with nary a clue. But I was, indeed, working on my night moves. I was not trying to make some front page drive-in news. I was practicing the night moves in the summertime, oh, yes, in the sweet summertime.
So, I don't believe we were in love - oh no, far from it. And I certainly was not searching for some pie in the sky summit. I was just young and restless and bored - and I was living by the sword
So we'd steal away every chance we could. To the backroom, the alley, the trusty woods
I used her and she used me, but she expressed no care - mostly because she was getting her share.
And I continued to practice my night moves. I was trying to lose those awkward teenage blues. I was working out those night moves
Now, sometimes though, I do wonder, how we felt the lightning, yes, and waited on the thunder. So, in any event, I woke last night to the sound of thunder. How far off was this event? I just sat and wondered. I began to hum a song from nineteen eighty-two. Isn't it ironic how the night moves? I just didn't seem to have much to lose. I find it strange how the night moves. particularly with autumn closing in
So, to close, I would like to reiterate the importance of night moves. Yes, I will repeat it - night moves. I certainly remember those night moves. And I find it humorous, how I continue to remember the night moves I employed with that black-haired beauty. Yes, I remember, I remember, I remember, I remember (whoa, whoa, whoa). Now it was work requiring practice. Frankly, there was a lot of work and practice. Ahh, those night moves - in the summertime. I fondly recall them, Lord.
Bay Area Guy - by way of Detroit.
Kate said...
I'm cracking up that the NYT thinks they're helping women by assuming only men have drunken, regretful, fallen mistakes. Thanks for your dedication to the patriarchy, boyz.
Hahahahaha, right?
I didn't really drink or go to parties in high school, because that wasn't the lifestyle I wanted. I knew that going to house parties, people would drink and make out and possibly have sex and then fight about it or be too embarrassed to face so-and-so or whatever. Maybe the boys took advantage of drunk girls, but if that's what happened every week then it's what the girls wanted, because they went to the completely optional house parties.
Women are supposed to be equal to men, and I believe we are. But lately there is more and more of a narrative being built that we are hapless victims, and that seems like a huge slide backwards.
I would love to see a movement where all female candidates for anything important are queried like this: "Did you ever go on a date with a man, insist on him paying, you ordered the most expensive items on the menu - having already determined you will never see this man again?
Any female in a position with power over money/funds should be questioned as to any past use of her sexuality for personal financial gain.
Coolest thing so far about the doctor so far?
Now she is going to drive from California to DC to testify. Since we can't expect her to drive more than 8 hours a day or so, including stops, it will take her at least 2-3 weeks.
CNN and MSNBC will have a 24/7 satellite image tracking her progress. Crowds or fascist women supporters in pussyhats will come out as she passes.
Busloads of reporters will follow her and pounce whenever she stops. She will always respond "No comment" in a demure way. Except when she says "No comment except....(Insert comments)"
You think the OJ chase was cool, this will be the coolest chase EVER!!!
John Henry
Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret?
I regret I never had the nerve to talk to girls when I was younger. (Finally, my teenage lamemess is turning to my advantage!)
I think this post should be titled "The New York Times goes down."
Isn't it interesting that colleges/universities would rather demonize men than ban drinking from campus and any and all campus related spheres? The elephant in the room is that teenagers can't handle their alcohol. Take away the beer/wine - poof, 80% of this 'campus rape' problem is solved.
"Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret?" Not only is the Times's approach sexist, it's heteronormative. What about men behaving badly toward men?
I was lucky in high school. Very little drama with my girlfriends. Some of my buddies got entangled with skanks like Blasey-Ford, to their deep regret.
OK, that was a remembrance of high school and college too. Knowing women was a challenge for me, so I put on a full court press to know many. The ladies were all very gracious to me and they taught me a lot.
“Now she is going to drive from California to DC to testify.”
What? She has a fear of flying?
"Blogger Carol said...Not me (not my kids)."
Carol I may give you the benefit of the doubt, but when you opine about your kids I question your truthfulness - since parents are usually the last to know. How do you know about your "Kids", do you have a magical 'virginity' test?
Michael K,
Thanks for reminding me about delusional recovered memory. The other day Scott Adams did a whole podcast on recovered memory.
One of the more spectacular cases he mentioned was the McMartin Pre-School case. I remember it from the time and remember how horrible it was. The charges were horrible if true. But they were so obviously untrue and preposterous that one wondered how anyone could report them with a straight face.
They had pre-school kids remembering underground caves at the school, being raped with knives and all sorts of other weird stuff. The McMartins' refusal to plead guilty was just taken as more proof of how guilty they were.
It was a horrible travesty of justice.
"The trial lasted seven years and cost $15 million,[42] the longest and most expensive criminal case in the history of the United States legal system, and ultimately resulted in no convictions."
And nothing at all happened to LA County DA Ira Kenneth Reiner who was responsible.
Michael, that was probably some of your tax dollars involved. I hope you thought you got good value.
I sat next to a reporter from the Louisville Courier-Journal at a dinner in 1990 in the midst of it all. I think I met her for the first time that evening. I don't know how the subject came up but I will never forget her saying that "It must be true. The newspapers would not be reporting all these stories if they weren't true." She was not some starry-eyed newbie j-school grad. She was probably in her mid-30s and had been at it a while. She really believed that.
Wherever she is now, she probably believes Ford too.
John Henry
So far, I'm only coming up with regrets over things I didn't do.
I thought I might find some Penthouse Forum letters online, mash them up, rewrite them and submit my own confession.
Alas, the and now seem to be video porn sites.
John Henry
Blogger chuck said...”I think this post should be titled "The New York Times goes down."
That’s sexist. In truth, the NYT also sucks AND blows.
Blogger Steve M. Galbraith said...
And in the DC area (Northern VA)
Which one? I went to Marshall, class of 66.
This gives me as much standing to rebut Ford's allegations as the 200 women supporting her that didn't go to school with her or know her either.
Blogger Rob said...
Dear NYT,
In 1988, when I was 16, I had a job delivering pizzas in Washington, D.C. On one memorable night, I had a pizza delivery to a Ms. Maureen Dowd,
Laughed out loud. Exactly the kind of letter I was thinking of when I went looking for Penthouse inspiration. I don't think I can top that.
That is some Lazlo quality commenting right there.
John Henry
If you want to read up on repressed memories and other problems that humans have remembering past events google Elizabeth Loftus and read her scholarly studies.
It's stunning work on how events like "flashbulb memories" - memories of sudden events that we are sure happened - can be totally wrong.
There's a terrible case of an event in the Korean War - No Gung Ri massacre - where fleeing South Koreans were killed by US soldier in a terrible incident. The question is whether a handful of them were killed by panicking soldiers or hundreds murdered deliberately by US forces.
One of the witnesses - an American soldier - told the Associate Press that he personally shot dozens of Koreans. It turns out he wasn't even there. But even more remarkable is that several soldiers who WERE there said he was there with one soldier saying he was rescued by that person.
I took a lot of girls flying. Pilot's license at 17.
Bad and guilty are actually reflex reactions from knowing that women are innocent and good. It's called a partial archetype. Men are called on to account for empirical problems in the theory.
NYT, tell us about the wicked, the wicked solution. Tell us about diversity, color judgments, too. Tell us about witches and warlocks.
How sexist of the NYT. Why are they asking just the guys?
Dear NYT;
I've been a bad, bad girl. I've been careless with a delicate man. And it's a sad, sad world. When a girl will break a boy, just because she can. Don't you tell me to deny it; I've done wrong and I want to suffer for my sins. What I need is a good defense, 'cause I'm feelin' like a criminal. And I need to be redeemed to the one I've sinned against. Because he's all I ever knew of love.
Fiona Apple
Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret?
Yes, she said "Don't!!"....."Stop!!", but that soon segued into "Don't Stop!!", "Don't Stop!!".
"One of the more spectacular cases he mentioned was the McMartin Pre-School case."
The evidence in that case was absurdly weak. There was an issue with false memory that Elizabeth Loftus (cognitive psychologist at the U. of Washington) debunked. However, the bigger scandal was the social workers who encouraged children to make up fantastic stories.
Let's not forget the Amirault case in Massachusetts. Dorothy Leibowitz (WSJ) stayed with that case until they were finally freed from prison after being falsely accused, convicted and jailed.
Both cases speak to hysteria that put obviously innocent people in jail and ruined their lives. That hysteria is what the feminist left and Democrats are trying to gin up again. This issue is far more far reaching than the Kavanaugh appointment.
"Women, Tell Us About Your High School Experience.
Fill out this form, just in case you want to tell on yourself before anybody else does.
The NYT wants to hear from you about your high school experiences. Did you ever get shit-faced drunk on wine coolers and inadvertently suck a guy's cock that, in hindsight, you wish you hadn't? Did his friends start sniffing around talking to you at class, at lunch, hoping for a similar, repeat performance? Are you aware that certain states, like Maryland, have no statute of limitations, and that you may have been victimized by a heterosexist, privileged, white, male patriarchy? A Times editor - of similar chosen gender -may contact you with follow-up questions. No information you provide will be published without your permission. Unless, of course, it conveniently leaks out under certain exigent circumstances."
Dorothy Rabinowitz.
Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret?
If so, how?
When my ex-girlfriend (she had broken off the relationship months before) turned what I thought was going to be a peck on the cheek into a French kiss, I should have dragged her into a bedroom, thrown her over my knees, yanked down her panties, and spanked her until her butt was cherry red. She was only doing it to be a c**k tease, and to try to mess up my relationship with my new girlfriend.
And how has that experience stayed with you over the years?
It combined with other experiences to convince me that women, with the exception of my wife, are congenital liars. Women since then have been at pains to make certain I do not forget.
(Yes, this really happened to me.)
Its amazing to look back and see how many hotties were flirting with you but you lacked the self-confidence to realize it.
Could have been a much richer...ahem...educational experience.
Ah, my regret is that I behaved like a gentleman.
I confess, to an editorial board of morons, that I don't read their newspaper very often.
Fingers are crossed that the NYT publishes poor Rob's horrid experience he wrote about at 10:42AM. I hope you have gotten treatment Rob :).
What's to prevent fakery? I could just imagine one of the chans picking up on this, then there would be a mass of people creating fake emails and using VPNs to look like they're in DC or whatever city their target is in (just in case it logs ISPs, but I doubt it) and describing all sorts of youthful misdeeds by top politicians.
This seems like a wasted and pointless effort if they are actually trying to collect data. Maybe they are that dumb or maybe they have another reason for running this. The other reason isn't obvious to me, all I can think of is that they already have the next story with "confessions" written and want to make it look as though this was how they got them.
"Dorothy Rabinowitz."
Yes. Thanks.
She won a Pulitzer, but not for her work on phony child sex abuses case, as she should have. Her clearcut reporting of the obvious was considered controversial at the time.
Once hysteria becomes entrenched in the culture, it takes persistent people like Ms. Rabinowitz to debunk it.
And right after I fill out the form I'll join Facebook, right before I have someone nail me to a cross. Are men really that stupid in NYC?
The 2:30 Eastern deadline for Blasey-Fraud to decide whether she'll testify is still in effect right? I've been watching football, haven't seen the latest breathless updates.
So, Feminists, Slut Walk, NOW?
Can I take a polygraph before I fill out the form?
Bay Area Guy: awesome stuff. I cannot match it but I sure as hell am laughing at it.
Man: the poor forked animal. Each of us in turn trying to find the way the forward.
My only regrets are that I did not know enough to take advantage of when a girl was ready to say yes. I thought it would be ungentlemanly - and risky - to accept yes as an answer. Of course I went to school in the sexual dark ages of the 50's and early sixties. I also attended a boys only private school which led me not into temptation 9 months of the year.
the sexual dark ages of the 50's and early sixties
There was an air of chivalry and thoughts of courtship. This was before they taught biology and sentience. Before men and women do what humans do.
What? She has a fear of flying?
Apparently so, as reported. Perhaps plane = scary phallic symbol.
How sexist of the NYT. Why are they asking just the guys?
They're trying to make the "charges" more believable by providing numerous examples of similar behavior.
i can remember being a fool, not so much being a knave. Caddish behavior was aspirational..........I'd like to hear more about Charley Sheen's love life. Also, Jane Fonda's years with Roger Vadim sound kind of interesting. I don't have any really interesting stories to tell. They're more sad than shameful.
One thing I hate about all of this is the continued idea that young men know what they are doing sexually, and aren't just bumbling along like girls do. I see a lot of my feminist friends saying that men in this country are taught that they have the right to women's bodies, and I think that is so unfair to the average male. We ignore the full humanity of young men, and I don't think it helps young women to think men are feelingless predators.
What? She has a fear of flying?
She must have got it from Erica Jong (available through Althouse's Amazon Portal)
"Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret? If so, how? And how has that experience stayed with you over the years?" I went to an all boys, Catholic, high school. I was very shy and I should have taken the initiative and interacted more with females. I expect that the New York times doesn't want to hear that.
I'd like to know who did her internet scrub.
I'd like to know who did her internet scrub.
Yeah, Francisco I remember the Amiraults. Nobody else does because other than Dorothy rabinowitz pretty much nobody reported on them.
One thing I remember is that they were offered probation,commutation or some sort of release from prison if they would just confess. Their steadfast refusal to do so was reported as them being in denial and further proof of guilt.
Nothing hapened to Martha Coakly, the DA. Other than using the case to rise to state AG. That missy be the greatest tragedy in this Kafkaesque farce.
Shame on her.
And shame on all the others who persecuted (not a typo) similar cases in the great hysteria of the late 80s early 90s
May they rot in he'll.
John Henry
Why stop in high school? Lets investigate grade school peccadilloes.
We does "groping by drunk college girls," become a crime?!! Because, I'm here to tell ya, they were awful grabby when I was in school.
Lets investigate grade school peccadilloes.
Peccadilloes are the grade-school equivalent of peckers? Or dildoes?
Drudge is reporting that she will testify - headlines only, no story.
Blasey Ford can take comfort in knowing that no man will ever have the urge to have sex with her ever again.
I went to prom with the cheerleader who's father was appointed by Nixon to the federal bench. At then end of the night, I leaned-in, and pecked her on the lips. She leaned right back into the kiss, held it for a beat, and then said "That was nice". I was elated.
Of course, she followed that up by advising me that I should never do that again. I'm thinking "Shit!! What next!?!? Screaming rape??" I immediately took her home, and never communicated with her again.
The locker room scuttlebutt indicated that she had pulled that stunt before.
They aren't looking for true stories.
99% of the stories will be made up by women pretending to be men.
I want to know if Tammy Baldwin ever touched a boob without express, written, notarized consent.
One thing I hate about all of this is the continued idea that young men know what they are doing sexually, and aren't just bumbling along like girls do. I see a lot of my feminist friends saying that men in this country are taught that they have the right to women's bodies, and I think that is so unfair to the average male. We ignore the full humanity of young men, and I don't think it helps young women to think men are feelingless predators.
Terrific post.
But that makes too much sense and we're not allowed to be sensible in these times. It's choose up sides - one all good vs. one all bad - and just go at it.
Of course as Judge pointed out in his book, young men (and women) were taught about the body parts and not about the people with them. Don't be surprised if people taught like this do terrible things. They have moral agency, yes; and we hold them accountable, yes; but are we really really shocked at their behavior?
Fawn Liebowitz
Public high school, late 70s-early 80s, Ann Arbor. I would say the vast majority of the guys graduated virgins. But nearly all of them also believed that 95 percent of the class were having sex all the time.
One thing that became clear in time though was that the good and nice boys typically got nowhere with the girls. The bad boys were always popular though. Eventually it sank in that the idea of girls being innocent and wanting boys who respected them was BS.
For once the NYT is not interested in Gay high-jinks.
What was going on at Gabriel Richard (Catholic) H.S. at that time, I have no clue.
Why didn't the NYT simply ask its male employees? Perhaps too many were and still are beta boys.
> "Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret?"
Yes. The day after the dance I was reliably informed that my date had expected much more before I took her back to her parents house. What a missed opportunity!
Maybee @ 1:10: "...One thing I hate about all of this..." Yes.
Excuse me but I would just like to mention that NONE of us enters the world with one fucking clue.
Male, female, He created us equally stupid and proud and terrified.
All these women shouting now about how Sisterhood Is Powerful and Men are Pigs, fine, fine, fine. But do they have any kind of clue? About how men are frankly terrified? Wanting to step up and do the right thing but needing some heroes to show them the way?
I could go on but I think the point right here is, all the Feminist claptrap is (purposely) designed to ignore the M-F complexity and just sell a simplistic F solution.
@JohnHenry100 Don't forget to take Scott Harshbarger's name in vain. He was the Middlesex County DA who intitiated the case against the Amiraults and has never paid any price for it.
Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret?
Yes, I married one.
I question your truthfulness - since parents are usually the last to know.
Oh no doubt, but it's funny how it's all become just another vehicle to diss others. For not getting laid, or for lying about it.
Either way, they got you.
An image of people in Puritan clothes screaming about witches comes to mind often lately.
Even the witches had trials.
"Dorothy Rabinowitz."
Yes. Thanks.
She won a Pulitzer, but not for her work on phony child sex abuses case, as she should have. Her clearcut reporting of the obvious was considered controversial at the time.
Once hysteria becomes entrenched in the culture, it takes persistent people like Ms. Rabinowitz to debunk it.
Not quite. The Pulitzer Prize Committee cites two of her columns on the Amiraults in given the award.
I've always wanted to shake her hand.
When I was about five years old, I showed my buxom teen neighbor from across the street what a "titty twister" is. But only because my older brother told me to.
Public high school, late 70s-early 80s, Ann Arbor. I would say the vast majority of the guys graduated virgins. But nearly all of them also believed that 95 percent of the class were having sex all the time.
Yes, that was my experience. Sure, there was (I guess) an "in crowd" of boys and girls - the jocks, the good looking crowd - who went to the parties and, I guess, had lots of teenage sex. Such as it was.
But most of us were lost socially and didn't know what the hell was going on or what to do. Not even start a conversation with a girl much less go beyond that. Maybe the Prep schools with the rich kids and privilege were different.
A second time? So if you touch each breast once each, that's not an offense? Asking for a friend...
Readers, we want to hear about your experiences of being falsely accused by women. We want to know:
Were you ever falsely accused by a woman? A co-worker? A classmate? A sister? Ever? (Try to recall as far back as you remember)
Did she know she had you over a barrel because she set you up? Were you played? Were you threatened?
It doesn't matter if she promised to 'beat the stuffing out of you' because you knew she was out late with her skanky boyfriend instead of a slumber party with her girlfriends, a or if it's a coordinated attack by millions of political operatives, campaign donors, activist lawyers and dedicated journolisters.
We want to know.
Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature. Reconcile.
#TimesUp #MeToo #HateLovesAbortion
Once in High School I said some perfectly nasty things to one of the girls, not characteristic of me. At our 50th reunion I apologized. She said she didn't remember the incident, but figured I was doing an Alcoholics Anonymous eighth step. Touché.
What an absolute joke.... I wouldn't share anything with anyone associated with the NYT. What a b.s. joke!
In high school, I was molested by the NYT and whoever the Democrats nominate next year.
When I was a HS sophomore, I tried to convince up a female classmate to sleep with me- unsuccesfully. I transferred to another school and never saw her again until ...
Thirty years later, I went to my first class reunion. I had to ask another classmate why she was so openly hostile to me. It was because I tried to talk her into sleeping with me.
I never even touched her. It was just talk.
She has a PhD (in Theology or something related) and is a tenured university professor.
I persuaded several young women to have abortions, and paid for some of them. It is hard to say that I "regret" this, as that would seem to imply a desire that things had gone differently. And while I feel bad when I think about my dead children, I can't say I wish I was married to their mothers. The saddest thing is how we use each other, to get a moment's pleasure. But we are designed that way. We would not exist if we were otherwise.
When I was a senior in high school a girl who was a friend of a friend asked me to drive her home because she forgot her McGuffin. I don't remember what she was looking for, but apparently it was so important that we had to ditch school to look for it in her bedroom. In hindsight I think it was an excuse on her part to fool around, but I was too naive to realize it. A little booze probably would have helped me get up the guts to make the next move.
Tarrou: "In high school, I was molested by the NYT and whoever the Democrats nominate next year."
Ding ding ding! We have a winner!
The saddest thing is how we use each other, to get a moment's pleasure. But we are designed that way.
Our moral agency is complementary to our Natural character.
We would not exist if we were otherwise.
You can be fruitful and multiply, to realize Nature's fitness function, while practicing self-moderation and personal responsibility. Sex, love, morality, and Posterity are not exclusive.
Oh, and Pro-Choice is two choices too late. Still, the wicked solution once Chosen, does not preclude better choices, including abstaining from its normalization.
"When I was a senior at Yale, I made a drunken move on a freshman who was a big mustard heiress, French's, I think. She slapped me and humiliated in public. I took stock of my actions, which were shameful, and when I graduated, I joined the Navy and served bravely in Vietnam. I also decided that my choices of condiments was very poor as a youngster, and vowed to only use ketchup.
Yours Sincerely,
John K."
Mom, tell us about your high school experience.
my experiences? Well, I had an imaginary friend named T.Bone,
my name is Spartacus, and I had groped a gal I knew.
Oh, and I'm thinking seriously about a 2020 presidential run
Dear NYT,
I am a 47-year old professional woman. I studied anthropology at Bryn Mawr University. I obtained an MBA at Brown. Currently, I am the program director/congressional liaison at Media Matters in Wash DC.
Growing up in Washington DC, (Sidwell Friends ' 89), I fully recognized at an early age the white priviliege bestowed on me based on my white heritage, mostly through my patriarchal father (Harvard, 63', Georgetown Law, 66'). After adopting two orphans from Botswana, my "partner" and I have done our best to instill in our children a critical, somehat jaundiced view of America, due to its history of slavery, racism and misogyny.
In high school, I tried to resist the Reagan agenda by organizing an exchange dance with Dunbar, a predominantly Afro-American school outside of Baltimore. On purely a race and class basis, I thought it I mportant to dance with those less fortunate boys who have historically suffered oppression. I put on my boogie shoes, and looked forward to the mixer.
Well, one young black man, Cory, asked me to dance to Berlin's "Take My Breath Away" from the jingoistic Top Gun soundtrack. As he held me close, swaying in rhythm, Cory gyrated his private parts into mine. I began to feel a stirring sensation in my loins. He then reached up with his right hand and stroked my left breast. However, at no time did he ask for or receive my permission to touch me in this manner. Despite the pleasant sensation I was experiencing, I sharply scolded him about the illegality of non-consensual sexual touching, which in many circumstances can become a precursor to rape. His response to me was shocking - he called me a "crazy white bitch," and abruptly broke away from our otherwise sensual slow-dance, moments before the haunting ballad had even ended.
I never told anyone about this, but I felt humiliated and victimized by this black man's sexual aggression. He should not have stopped touching my breast without asking me. I still feel violated.
n.n said...Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature. Reconcile.
The correct word is equivalent. It's a familiar term from chemistry. And what is the man woman thing but chemistry?
Dear Men:
When did you stop beating your wife, girlfriend, significant other.
Did you stop beating her in middle school? high school? college? graduate school? all of the above?
When you stopped beating her, did you feel regret? remorse? relief?
Tell us about your experience of stopping beating your wife, etc.
Sincerely, the NYT
The correct word is equivalen.
Men and women are complementary. Complementary is a superset of equivalent. Men and women are more than merely congruent.
Zuckerberg: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
Zuckerberg: Just ask.
Zuckerberg: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Redacted Friend’s Name]: What? How’d you manage that one?
Zuckerberg: People just submitted it.
Zuckerberg: I don’t know why.
Zuckerberg: They “trust me”
Zuckerberg: Dumb fucks.
heh, Harold finch (Michael emerson, who is also a Georgetown prep grad) said in person of interest, he invented social media, as part of an ai exercise,
""Men, Tell Us About Your High School Experience.""
Then make a good Act of Contrition and say three Hail Mary's.
Jeff Flake plans to vote present on the Kavanaugh nomination.
Yet another thing Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, got wrong.
The only thing I regret about my misspent youth is that I didn't have one.
"Everybody lies about sex." - Robert Heinlein
ditto, my high school life was very ordinary,
I discovered at some point that a lot of women get faked out if you skip second base and go to third instead, which was, of course, a precursor for a home run. This seems to be esp a problem with really big breasted woman, who seem to think out of sight (below those huge breasts), out of mind. I think that it was because so many guys fixate on their breasts. Also worked some times with smaller women or women with skinnier asses, where if they are clothed right, you can reach around their derrières to get where you want to get. Amazed though that this could work with 40 year olds.
Also, I will admit to trying long enough with some women that they just gave in. The good thing there is that they tend to remove their own pants, which essentially can be read as consent. None of these situations, of course, in the last 19 years,after getting with the woman now running my life.
I'd like to make a few points.\
First, many, many women complain about crude, unsolicited messages from their digital suitors. I wonder if this sort of obnoxious behavior will disqualify future Supreme Court nominees? I hope so! Did Mr. Kavanaugh ever do online dating? I bet you he was a pig.
Second, it would be nice to know if Mr. Kavanaugh has an online alter-ego like James Comey and his hilarious Twitter account.
And, finally, men are going to have to start warning each other about crazy women (a sort of creep alert for men).
Several times per week I get calls from pollsters. Due to this kind of mistrust, I just hang up. Too bad so sad.
I boffed my senior prom date at a decent motel and, after she broke up with me a few weeks later, I copped such a resentment that by the fall I had the pleasure of doing her 13 year old, sexually active little sister. I was 17 at the time. We went our separate ways and when I turned 21, I had a year long affair with their gorgeous 38 year old mother.
Don't get mad, get even.
And, finally, men are going to have to start warning each other about crazy women (a sort of creep alert for men).
Chris Rock covered the issue pretty well.
Dear NYT/Penthouse Forum: When I was 12, I had a 15 year old babysitter who, after putting my younger siblings to bed, would insist on wrestling with me on the floor. She was overweight for her age, and I was small for my age, thus she easily pinned me down pretty quickly. The match was over (she would let me up) if I grabbed her rather large breasts that dangled in my face. We would rest for a few minutes and then have another match. My regret is that I didn't have any hair on my balls yet and didn't understand, but it was pretty clear to me later what she wanted from me was what the boys her own age wouldn't give her because of her weight. I'm deeply sorry I didn't know how to really make her happy and instead molested her by grabbing her breasts.
I experienced 3 years of high school. I experienced zero days dating
women/girls/persons of the opposite sex.
Frank Fuster is still in prison, 33 years after his "Country Walk" day-care conviction at the hands of Janet Reno. Here is a link to a National Review article from just last month.
My only regrettable behavior was being insufficiently aggressive--situations where, looking back, the girls were waiting for me to put a move on, and I didn't. Is that what the NYT has in mind?
And, finally, men are going to have to start warning each other about crazy women (a sort of creep alert for men).
You finally said something sensible after quite a bit of bullshit.
Here you go.
What James K said.
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