September 22, 2018

"It’s not my normal approach to b indecisive," tweeted the 85-year-old Charles E. Grassley, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee...

... letting the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh know about the latest deadline extension accorded to Kavanaugh's accuser Christine Blasey Ford.

The newest deadline is 2:30 PM today (Saturday). I'm told — reading the NYT — that they're working on negotiating the terms, but it's hard to believe this "tango" — NYT's word — is really over terms:
Throughout the day on Friday, Dr. Blasey’s lawyers and Senate Judiciary Committee aides tried to work out details like how many photographers and television cameras would be in the room (Dr. Blasey, fearful of being mobbed by the news media, wanted one of each); who would ask the questions (Republicans wanted an outside lawyer, Dr. Blasey favored senators); and what day the session would take place (Dr. Blasey asked for Thursday, Republicans wanted Wednesday).
If Blasey really wanted to testify, I think these terms would easily have been worked out. I suspect this last moving of the deadline is simply because they already know there will be no additional hearing, and the vote can't be until Monday anyway, so why not make even more of a show of being caring, considerate, and accommodating to Blasey? In this view, Grassley isn't really "b-ing" indecisive, nor is he really addressing Kavanaugh. It's a show for us, the sensitive people, and Grassley already knows the outcome of this story — that there will be no hearing and Kavanaugh will be confirmed.
In a follow-up tweet sent after the one directed to Judge Kavanaugh, Mr. Grassley wrote: “With all the extensions we give Dr Ford to decide if she still wants to testify to the Senate I feel like I’m playing 2nd trombone in the judiciary orchestra and Schumer is the conductor.” He was referring to Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader.
Schumer is making him do it. I understand teenagers getting pushed around but the man is 85 years old. Grow up, already, or retire. Is he suffering from learned helplessness? I suspect he's simply posing as a man who gets pushed around by a stronger man. Maybe he thinks the American public is so sympathetic to victims these days that he'll get some.

Notice the use of phallic symbol metaphor: Schumer wields his powerful conductor's baton and he's stuck with a stupid old trombone.

A trombone is a well-known phallic symbol, so don't try to tell me otherwise. The motion of playing it is typically compared to male masturbation. Commenting on Prince's phallic display of his guitar at the Super Bowl in 2007, Rolling Stone magazine contributing editor Gavin Edwards said: "Those trombones are phallic, too. What are you going to do?"

There's even more commentary on the conductor's baton as a phallic symbol. Example (click to enlarge and clarify):


rhhardin said...

I don't think there's a second trombone. You don't want bass instruments playing in close harmony.

Phallic trombones as mastrubation is news to me. They're a chore to play and not much fun at all. I switched to baritone (same range but valve operated) as soon as I could. You can play them much more easily and much faster.

rhhardin said...

A French Horn is a trombone or baritone played on higher harmonics. Smaller mouthpiece to make it easy.

rhhardin said...

What does baton twirling stand for.

rhhardin said...

Cheerleader empowerment.

rhhardin said...

The shading you have to do with the French horn is probably vaginal. Hand in the bell to adjust the pitch of slightly-off harmonics.

glenn said...

Being a sex object.

PB said...

To the mentally ill, everything is a phallic symbol. Flute? Clarinet! Trumpet? Maybe the French horn is a vagina and the players hand in the bell is a penis?

jeez! Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

glenn said...

BTW. The boorish Behavior BK was being accused of earlier has escalated to actual forcible rape on social media.

Ann Althouse said...

Apparently, I've found the hardin zone.

"mastrubation" = anxiety typo

Ann Althouse said...

"What does baton twirling stand for."


I don't know, but the NYT was talking about "the latest twist in a legal tango that has riveted Washington."

I got entangled — en-tango-ed — in the metaphor, especially since the twist is also a dance.

Grassley was 27 when the twist was a craze. So he seriously could have done the twist.

Twisting, twirling...

Ann Althouse said...

Some feminists were arguing that conducting should be done with the hands, because the baton was too much of a phallic symbol, but I wondered, what about the hands? Wouldn't that be replacing one phallic symbol with 10?

One answer is that the hand can be made into a vagina, but that's the male point of view.

Ann Althouse said...

Who can picture a 27-year-old Grassley, let alone a 27-year-old Grassley doing the twist.

Meade said...

"Twisting, twirling..." "Who can picture a 27-year-old Grassley, let alone a 27-year-old Grassley doing the twist."

‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome Grassley outgrabe.

“Beware the Jabberwock, my son
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!”

Eleanor said...

I've heard Ford is negotiating to appear on 60 Minutes Sunday night. Will she be asking them to move the show to Tuesday? Picking which reporter will interview her? Does Kavanaugh need to agree not to watch it?

LincolnTf said...

Nobody, not one person on the Right or Left, believes Kavanaugh assaulted Blasey-Ford.

Anonymous said...

In a completely unrelated comment, gosh, Ms. Althouse, you're up working early today! On a Saturday!

rhhardin said...

Two asp really candies lithe eat oaves
Teach ironed gym baloney wave
Wool mim sewer tabouric roves
Anthem ohm rafts shout grave.

Be wordy job awoke mice awn
Teach Austin biding closet kedge
Voyeur teach up jobber tension
Tough rheumious panders nudge.

Eat duckies forepaw sardine hen
Lung dime domains unvoice ought
Swore aesthete tea biding humdrum dream
Ant study wile untaught.

Endorsing office thawed east too
Teach aver walk with Aesop blame
Game whipple untruly told she wouldn’t
Purple tacit game.

Oo! Onto wand doing truant true
Tabour full plate wince knickers knack
Hay lifted debt unwitty said
Hay winkle unfang beck.

Unhasty slimey job awoke
Gummed tummy warms maybe much buoy
Overawed juice steak Aleut galley
Each shorted honest Joey.

Two asp really candies lithe eat oaves
Teach ironed gym baloney wave
Wool mim sewer tabouric roves
Anthem ohm rafts shout grave.

David Begley said...

Reportedly, CBF is afraid to fly. She can’t deal with closed spaces because of this alleged incident. In her Palo Alto house remodel, she wanted every single room to have an exit door to the outside.

Folks, she’s nuts. A complete loon.

Confused said...

Feminist scholars pulled a very clever move.

1) Feminist scholars research and write papers arguing that X is a phallic symbol and/or representative of male sexuality/domination.

2) Althouse comes along later and says "it's well established that...." while citing this scholarship.

3) Everyone pretends that "Studies" fields scholarship is not often complete bullshit.

David Begley said...

It really is funny that the future of the Democrat party is in the hands of a loon who is a psych professor. Good luck Dems!

FIDO said...

Grassley is trying to convince the Althouses of the world that he isn't pushing around a 'helpless female' (how is it that Althouse isn't telling Ford to grow up?)

I feel that this is a fool's errand. Because 'abortion'.

He also faces a HORRIBLY hostile press (which to her credit, Althouse mentions) so he needs to make BIG movements which are DIFFICULT for the press to characterize as horrible (though never impossible since if Ford asked for a 50 piece orchestra to calm her nerves, the press would grudgingly concede that she is entitled...and shouldn't we wait for that famous symphony group to finish their European tour next year?)

Though Althouse is happy to characterize Grassley as seeming weak. His position IS weak because of this hostile press and the refusal of women and Democrats to treat Ford as an equal and adult or holding her to any fair standards whatsoever.

FIDO said...

Tell me, Ms. Althouse. What responsibilities, if any, does Ford as the accuser have to the public? Since she started all this.

Bob Boyd said...

"she wanted every single room to have an exit door to the outside."

That was probably a request made by the people who live with her.

Jason said...

Grassley missed a golden opportunity to say,

"Senator Booker. I knew Spartacus. I worked with Spartacus. Spartacus was a friend of mine."

rhhardin said...

You'd think abortions would be done in the front alley.

Wince said...

A trombone is a well-known phallic symbol, so don't try to tell me otherwise.

Okay, sure, but isn’t the action of a trombone more consistent with the repeated insertion of a dildo, with the hand moving the shaft in and out rather along it, usually more associated with female masturbation?

etbass said...

I never even heard of the concept of phallic symbol until I started reading Althouse. I think it is extremely unlikely that
that Grassley has ever connected a trombone with phallic symbol.

Oso Negro said...

What if the show isn’t over? What if she wants to martyr herself to save Roe V Wade! Sucide over the weekend would permanently fix her place in the progressive pantheon.

rhhardin said...

As a profession, Ford is a sex worker.

Bruce Hayden said...

"A French Horn is a trombone or baritone played on higher harmonics. Smaller mouthpiece to make it easy."

Obviously not someone who has played much French Horn. Probably the hardest brass instrument to play. It also has the greatest range, better than 4 octaves in a double horn, compared to the usual maybe 2 1/2 for most other brass instruments (which means that French hornists have to be able to read and play music throughout both the bass and treble clefs, and moreover have to be able to translate from other keys, since music was historically written for horns in other keys than the usual F today). It doesn't make it any easier that better horn players tend to use double horns, which have the usual brass valves (actually, most horns use rotary, not piston valves used in most other brass instruments) and keyings, but also a thumb valve that switches back and forth between two keys, typically F and B flat, which means two keyings for most every note, and twice the number of slides to tune. Add to that, hand placement in the bell can shift the pitch a half tone (yes, a trombone is even more flexible in that regard). And, if you want hard - try marching and playing with that small mouthpiece (with an instrument designed for concert halls, and not marching).

chuck said...

click to enlarge Man, this site is getting downright pornographic.

mikee said...

I was in my late forties before I learned that Jabberwocky isn't a nonsense poem, but actually uses real but obscure words, and makes perfect sense if you know their meaning.

Trump should send Air Force One to pick up Ms. Ford, today, and the Senate should hold her testimony on Monday.

Games are sometimes fun, but this game needs to end.

Quayle said...

Get your mind out of the orchestra pit, Ann.

Meade said...

The old white male senators questioning CBF on Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday will need to be careful not to galumph or chortle.

rhhardin said...

Generative principles

The two primary motions are rotation and sexual movement, whose combination is expressed by the locomotive’s wheels and pistons.

These two motions are reciprocally transformed, the one into the other.

Thus one notes that the earth, by turning, makes animals and men have coitus, and (because the result is as much the cause as that which provokes it) that animals and men make the earth turn by having coitus.

Bataille The Solar Anus

Darrell said...

It's 2018 in some places.

rwnutjob said...

The Republican establishment is afraid to take a stand. Continuing funding the government to avoid a shutdown. Funding Planned Parenthood. Not building the wall.
They are afraid of the press.

Amadeus 48 said...

And then there is the Flake factor. I am amused that a guy who is (ahem) retiring is so concerned about the electoral optics. Or maybe he is on a personal mission to keep those Republicans honest.
Save us from priggish narcissists out to improve the tone of our politics. It doesn’t help in the culture wars. Everyone else is playing a different game.

Bob Boyd said...

"Trump should send Air Force One to pick up Ms. Ford"

She won't fly. They'll have to get her there some other way.
Watch for glow-in-the-dark, swirling phallic symbols in the steeple of the Old North Church.
One if by land, two if by sea.

Michael K said...

Flake is as bad a grandstander as Chrissy Ford.

Hold the damn vote !

traditionalguy said...

Of course the eminent Ford is a longtime CIA asset. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Oso Negro said...

She will have to drive through fly-over country. It would be nice to know the route. The two mile line of people who stood to see Trump last night might like to share their feelings with her if she comes up I-44.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

feets dont phallus now!

Gahrie said...

(how is it that Althouse isn't telling Ford to grow up?)

A woman must never be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything, ever.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

And after the confirmation, *every* time the media mentions Kavanaugh during release of some SCOTUS decision...

...and Justice Bret Kavanaugh, who as we all know narrowly escaped failing Senate confirmation for the Supreme Court position because of a sexual assault accusation, ....

Burkemania said...

" ... so don't tell me otherwise." All right Sen. Hirono I mean Professor Althouse.
This, as commentary on Grassley's statement, is even less verifiable than Ford's charges.
Well, time to shut up. I know my place.

jerpod said...

Ann sez: Who can picture a 27-year-old Grassley, let alone a 27-year-old Grassley doing the twist.

I grew up in Iowa. When I was 16 (1972), I had one of my first dates and was allowed to drive my parents’ car to the Gladbrook Corn Carnival for the annual parade, midway and festivities. My date and I found a spot on the curb to watch the parade. As it went by, there was a young man in brightly-colored pants (bright red or yellow, I don’t remember which) following alongside, drawing as much attention to himself as possible, laughing, throwing his hands up, pestering people on the street as the parade marched along. We assumed he was (pardon the term) retarded and the proper thing to do would be to just ignore him and let him pass. We later saw him wandering through the carnival crowds holding his Grassley for Congress sign.

Gahrie said...

Tell me, Ms. Althouse. What responsibilities, if any, does Ford as the accuser have to the public? Since she started all this.

See my 7:51 AM comment.

Gahrie said...

So if fingers are phallic, and penis in vagina sex is rape......aren't lesbians raping each other when they have sex?

tcrosse said...

It's the Ballad of the Sad Trombone.

Hagar said...

Grassley does not appear to be caring, etc., so much as a total wuss.
This clown show is doing a lot of harm to the US Senate as a Constitutional institution.

mockturtle said...

Meade: Is the vorpal blade another phallic symbol? What are you getting at?

Breezy said...

I feel victimized by this woman and her handlers. No to waiting for her to decide whether to appear and testify. No to waiting for her to drive cross country. No to one more new deadline. Our country should be able select a SCOTUS without having to tolerate this political sepsis.
Earth to CBF: most teens go through an event of unwanted groping. How do you think we all learned to say no? It takes practice!

campy said...

Tell me again: what's the point of voting for republicans if the democrats are going to run everything anyway?

FIDO said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

In the Hill-Thomas dance - 27 years ago - future Leftwing political hitman, David Brock called Anita Hill "a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty."

Seems quite apt today.

AllenS said...

Bob Boyd said...
"Trump should send Air Force One to pick up Ms. Ford"

She won't fly

Well, I guess that sending her a broom wouldn't work either.

Gahrie said...

Tell me again: what's the point of voting for republicans if the democrats are going to run everything anyway?

Look, if you would just donate a little more money we could elect more Republicans which would allow us to take control of the government from the Democrats and actually accomplish our stated goals. What's that? Well sure the Republicans and conservatives control all three branches of government, but our majority isn't large enough in the Senate and the media will be mean to us if we try to actually accomplish anything...which might mean we don't get re-elected. You wouldn't want that would you? Without Republicans like me in office we could never get anything done.

Browndog said...

So...she doesn't need more time to show up--she needs more time to decide if she's going to show up?

Martha said...

whaT Breezy said: Earth to CBF: most teens go through an event of unwanted groping. How do you think we all learned to say no? It takes practice!

My grown sons tell me dating has changed for the better, but back in the day teens and college-aged guys routinely behaved like aggressive drunken louts. We knew how deaL with the situation and moved on with our lives. No PTSD. No requirement for two escape doors in every room in the house. And of course, no fear of flying.

Koot Katmandu said...

Sounds to me like you got phallic on the brain. Musical instruments?

Michael K said...

Are the Democrats really certain women are really buying this story ?

CNN had a focus group and watch what happens.

iowan2 said...

Have we given up on facts and now are locked into some sort of symbolism that can only be interpreted by or moral and intellectual betters?

How about the simple fact the Ford has yet to make a statement under oath? If the senate legal Counsel hasn't informed Ford that they are done "negotiating" until she makes a statement of fact under oath, the ultimatum should be laid out. The "negotiations" are done. We wont return communications, we'll be here at the appointed time for your statement. ta ta

So when a Republican is asked if they think Ford is telling the truth, the only response is, 'She has refused to make a statement under oath for the last week...well the last 1870 weeks, so until she makes a statement under oath, I have to say I believe the one person in this situation that has swore under oath to the truth.'

Bob Boyd said...

"Well, I guess that sending her a broom wouldn't work either."

Airplanes and brooms are both phallic symbols. I guess trains are out too, especially if there's going to be a tunnel on the route.

Dems are discussing a plan to transport her in a custom made parade float built to look like a Georgia O'Keeffe flower.

Ann Althouse said...

"I never even heard of the concept of phallic symbol until I started reading Althouse. I think it is extremely unlikely that
that Grassley has ever connected a trombone with phallic symbol."

Well, let me teach you one more thing about phallic symbols. It doesn't have to be intentional double entendre. It's more revealing when it's unintentional. Suddenly, Grassley's going on about his trombone and Schumer's baton. I'm going to point it out and laugh. Please join me unless you have some overriding need to be priggish.

campy said...

join me unless you have some overriding need to be priggish

Now there's a false dichotomy almost worthy of Obama.

Francisco D said...

"A trombone is a well-known phallic symbol, so don't try to tell me otherwise."


"Sometimes a cigar is just a good smoke."

- Sigmund Freud

Martha said...

Not only has Ford never made a statement under oath, but an unredacted copy of her initial letter to Feinstein has yet to be turned over to Grassley.

Leland said...

You guys can talk about band instruments all day, but I can tell you the sex that happened at band camp stayed at band camp. We didn't write books about it later.

CWJ said...

"BTW. The boorish Behavior BK was being accused of earlier has escalated to actual forcible rape on social media."

That's the other plus for the dems in dragging this out. The press coverage is hostile, and the longer this stays unresolved, the more the public gossips and exagerates the actual issue. By the time a vote actually rolls around, Kavanaugh will be transformed into a monster, and "no" votes will be more credibly sold as principled stands rather than cynical politics.

mockturtle said...

Michael K links to: CNN had a focus group and watch what happens.

I'm not at all surprised. After all, most women are reasonable most of the time. It's the hysterical/neurotic types who have lost all credibility. So, no more tip-toeing around these asinine accusations for fear of what women might think. Most of us are pretty good at separating fact from fiction.

mockturtle said...

Althouse is stuck in the Freudian era.

Gahrie said...

Please join me unless you have some overriding need to be priggish.

Yeah...what are you? Some type of Libertarian or a splooge stooge?

Dude1394 said...

Seriously? Any type of misstep in dealing with this person and the democrat propaganda arm would blow up. And I expect this blog would be a quite critical of the Republican Party. Certainly you would get a fundraising letter before the democrat ink was dry.

But yea, man up Grassley. When all men are rapists women become monsters.

The Crack Emcee said...

"Those trombones are phallic, too. What are you going to do?"

I think I'm going to wonder about a mindset that sees dicks everywhere. I simply don't share it.

Browndog said...

I can't wait for the national crisis that is sure to follow after the first old-white-male Senator utters the magic phrase "I don't believe her".

mccullough said...

The Drama Queen was hoping other accusers came forward.

But they haven’t.

So there is no MeToo on this one.

Just Ford. A bitter shrew with a doormat for a husband who lied about Kavanaugh so she could be a Resistance Hero.

Grassley is doing a good job. He’s basically acting like Ford’s father here. Trying to get the girl to he her chores down while she complains about her period. Dad understands. But the excuses can’t be tolerated indefinitely.

If Grassley has been Ford’s father, she would have turned out alright.

Bob Boyd said...

Trombone schmombone.
When it comes to phallic, I'll take a guy with a flute charming a cobra out of a basket any day of the week.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

Well, let me teach you one more thing about phallic symbols. It doesn't have to be intentional double entendre. It's more revealing when it's unintentional.

True, but one can find symbolic and revealing meanings behind whatever analogy Grassley or anyone uses. Ford is being driven to Washington. She'll go through many tunnels. And just wait until she sees the Washington Monument!

This is what the radical left does with language. Deconstruct it and find examples or symbols of white patriarchy and racism and oppression behind everything.

Michael K said...

The press coverage is hostile, and the longer this stays unresolved, the more the public gossips and exagerates the actual issue.

Yup and Grassley/Flake is playing into their hands. If anything can give the Democrats Congress, laying down now and letting this activist run the show would do it.

mccullough said...

Doesn’t Ford have classes to teach?

She’s fucking over her students for The Glory of the Resistance.

Her students evaluations this semester should be good. All the guys dropped her class this week.

iowan2 said...

I can't wait for the national crisis that is sure to follow after the first old-white-male Senator utters the magic phrase "I don't believe her".

All they should have been saying, all along is "Judge Kananaugh in innocent" Statement of facts always a good response.

mccullough said...

The longer she pulls these stunts the worse she looks. She’s being represented by Resistance Lawyers, which makes her claims even more unbelievable. Janet Napolitano was Anita Hill’s lawyer. So anyone who thought Hill was telling the truth now knows she was lying. Napolitano is a Dem Party hack. Another Spinster who defended Clinton against rape accusations.

Ford is afraid to fly. She wants Kavanaugh to testify first. She doesn’t have the guts to look Kavanaugh in the eye.

She is building up the suspense to buy time for another girl to come forward.

No one is coming. Neither is Ford. This Waiting for Godot shows what a sham Gord and The Resistance are.

mccullough said...

No one believes Ford. She is a tool of the Dems. Not even a useful tool. Not even a phallic symbol.

Fernandinande said...

There's even more commentary on the conductor's baton as a phallic symbol.

And they're letting people read it... for free!

dreams said...

Contempt, I have nothing but contempt for this #MeToo liberal slut/loser and all of the other slut enablers, contempt. Shame on a bunch of liberal #Metoo sluts gaming the system and shame on all liberal corrupt Democrats. Losers.

Hagar said...

I think Kavanaugh and Ms. Ford are irrelevant.
I suspect that on the committee, Flake is going to vote no out of sheer spite, and Murkowski may be being bribed, so they need a couple of Democrats to vote yes to make up for that to get a positive vote out of the committee.
I think McConnell has signaled he is gong to give Kavanaugh a floor vote regardless of the committee vote, but there naturally is strong reluctance for that.
So they dither some more.

Ann Althouse said...

Ann sez: Who can picture a 27-year-old Grassley, let alone a 27-year-old Grassley doing the twist."

Oops. Bad cutting and pasting. The second number should be 85.

Matt Sablan said...

This explains why no one ever turns over documents on time to Congress either. Congress has no will.

dreams said...

These crooked democrats are in for another surprise this Nov., they think this is helping them in the election, wrong. You liberals are losers, you going to lose.

GingerBeer said...

Professor, My apologies if you've addressed this elsewhere. Dr.Ford's attorney, Debra Katz attended the University of Wisconsin Law School. Was she a student of yours?

Matt Sablan said...

"I never even heard of the concept of phallic symbol until I started reading Althouse."

-- It's common in both entry level psychology and literary analysis. It's not that odd of a thing.

AllenS said...

I've never looked at anything and thought "oh, a phallic symbol", but then I've never heard a dog whistle either, so, there's that.

Matt Sablan said...

"Debra Katz attended the University of Wisconsin Law School. Was she a student of yours?"

-- Asked and answered in a previous thread; they determined Katz graduated the year before Althouse started teaching.

Unless they were both too drunk to remember the year, if I recall how the conversation went.

Dude1394 said...

I can not find fault with the way Grassley is approaching this. He is bending over to accommodate this person without allowing a complete breakdown or capitulation. Obviously his threats have to be meaningful at the end of the day or the criticism will be completely warranted. But we have somehow come to a place where tapping a woman on the shoulder or normal sex is considered abuse.

I expect women will not be happy with how this turns out. And their sons will bear the brunt of it, as they are now.

The Crack Emcee said...

Steve M. Galbraith said...

"This is what the radical left does with language. Deconstruct it and find examples or symbols of white patriarchy and racism and oppression behind everything."

No - white men changed a lot of meanings on us (is "black" really bad?) and now deny they had a hand in any of it.

It's fucking hilarious theatre.

gg6 said...

Trombones and batons as "phallic symbols" - oh, please spare me. A city is a land of upright phallic symbols, a human standing is a phallic symbol, the female Ford is a phallic symbol, this vertical page layout is a phallic symbol, a crayon in a little girls fingers is a phallic symbol. A phallic symbol is a stale Freudian joke, any one and every one of them.

Bob Boyd said...

Vagina dentata might be the more appropriate symbol for this situation.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dreams said...

"I think Kavanaugh and Ms. Ford are irrelevant.
I suspect that on the committee, Flake is going to vote no out of sheer spite, and Murkowski may be being bribed, so they need a couple of Democrats to vote yes to make up for that to get a positive vote out of the committee.
I think McConnell has signaled he is gong to give Kavanaugh a floor vote regardless of the committee vote, but there naturally is strong reluctance for that.
So they dither some more."

I think all the Republicans are now in agreement, They don't like what Feinstein did and they don't like how this woman has behaved.

JML said...

Blogger campy said...
Tell me again: what's the point of voting for republicans if the democrats are going to run everything anyway?

Yup. I'm concluding that the only person I will vote for is Trump, which won't count here, but there are senate and house races where it could matter.

How is it that they don't understand: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO FOR THEM! IT IS NEVER ENOUGH.

OT but relevant: We took delivery of a large item for a remodel yesterday that was shipped from MO. It arrived after 4 PM and I apologized for the driver having to work late. The driver was delighted as he was in OT. He said it meant they had a lot of work and the economy was humming, that they just redesigned a new distribution center in IL to add 50 additional bays. They can't keep up.

THAT is the song the republicans should be singing. Not some dirge about how they try to accommodate leftist loonies.

dwick said...

"Notice the use of phallic symbol metaphor: Schumer wields his powerful conductor's baton and he's stuck with a stupid old trombone."

There have been signs for awhile now (more frequent since Althouse retired) but with this comment, it's now 100% confirmed this Kavanaugh-CBF hullabaloo has officially sent Althouse over the edge. This woman has entirely too much time on her hands to engage and journal her mental histrionics here.


Matt Sablan said...

"I can not find fault with the way Grassley is approaching this. He is bending over to accommodate this person without allowing a complete breakdown or capitulation."

-- I find a lot of fault with it. There is no reason to continue waiting. Ford has literally been provided everything she wants, save being able to not go under oath and being allowed to force Kavanaugh to testify first. They'll send people to her. They'll do it electronically. Etc., etc.

The only two things that the committee won't budge on are the two things that give her testimony any actual value: That she swear she's being honest, and that Kavanaugh can properly respond to her accusation.

The fact she won't agree to those two things are enough to show she's not arguing in good faith. She's cost this country probably hundreds of thousands of dollars; we should not be footing the bill for Feinstein's screw up.

Sebastian said...

"Are the Democrats really certain women are really buying this story?"

Libs around me echo the focus group. I think the Dems overplayed their hand. Which is why I don't fault Grassley too much. As long as he does put an end to the charade. But Mitch has been firm.

gg6 said...

I've long since made up my own mind: Grassley is a phallic symbol and Ford is a hand-job.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I want to know who is playing 1st trombone. (Laughing)

Matt Sablan said...

"Are the Democrats really certain women are really buying this story?"

-- Democrats *are* buying it according to polls. I don't know how accurate those polls are, but I'm convinced that Democrats still assume we're in get-out-the-base style elections, not coalesce the middle style elections. Rove was a master of get out the base; Obama's strength was suppressing the other side's base and co-opting the middle. Trump took the Obama strategy further by actively courting the other side's base, which is in part why the far left fringe under Trump became more vocal; because with the death of the Blue Dogs under Obama, they were *running out of persuadable middle Democrats*.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Grassley's comparison really only works if you don't bring the phallic thing into it. A trombone is a lot bigger than a baton.

Matt Sablan said...

Oh. Wait. Other things the committee won't do: Have dictated to them who is allowed to ask questions or be forced to call in other witnesses. There is no need to call in Judge or the third guy (Smith? Smyth? Psmith?) until they hear the accusation. So, again, I don't see why she's being stubborn on that.

Matt Sablan said...

"Grassley's comparison really only works if you don't bring the phallic thing into it. A trombone is a lot bigger than a baton."

-- It isn't the size of the wave, it is the motion in the baton. It makes sense; Grassley is all "I've got bigger hands," and Schumer says, "Yeah, but I'm the one people listen to."

dreams said...

Grassley kind of reminds me of another farm boy named Devin Nunes, they're both doggedly determined and the liberal losers are afraid of them. Well, they should be afraid of them, they should be very afraid. Thanks to both Grassley and Nunes for exposing the crooked Obama, Gates and all the other crooked democrats involved in spying on the Trump campaign and the whole Russia fraud.

Phil 314 said...

Don’t you think Grassley’s trombone statement is an allusion to “The Music Man” with Schumer as con man Henry Hill?

Big Mike said...

@Meade, you old dog, you. Your wife is seeing phallic symbols everywhere.

Night Owl said...

In this view, Grassley isn't really "b-ing" indecisive, nor is he really addressing Kavanaugh. It's a show for us, the sensitive people...

What you refer to as sensitivity others see as a power play, and so far an effective one.

The "sensitive women" should enjoy the ego trip while it lasts. At some point men are going to have had enough of kowtowing to the increasingly perverse demands of modern feminism that seeks to deny men due process, and all women will suffer from the backlash. At which time, the unsensitive women like myself will turn to our sensitive sisters and say, "thanks for nothing".

The Godfather said...

There are some brilliant political theorists on this thread, who say there's no point in voting for Republicans because they don't deliver. If the Senate were controlled by the Democrats (as it may be next year), do you think there's the slightest chance that judges like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh could be confirmed? If the Republicans had 55 or 60 Senators do you think they'd have to go through this charade to get Kavanaugh confirmed? If the House were controlled by the Democrats (as it may be next year), do you think there'd have been any chance of passing the tax cuts?

Grassley is playing a tricky game because he can't afford to lose any Republican votes, and that means he has to deal with some prima donnas. I hope he's playing it right.

Night Owl said...

Progressive feminists who once proclaimed "I am woman hear me roar" now use weakness as a weapon to wield over men.

Night Owl said...

Grassley is playing a tricky game because he can't afford to lose any Republican votes, and that means he has to deal with some prima donnas.

True. The GOP is not in lock-step like the Democrats, and is full of Trump-haters who would like nothing more than to see him weakened.

Vote for Republicans even though when they have power they squander it. That's probably a good thing, all things considered. Don't let them coast as the minority party under Trump. Make them work for their dollar. Make 'em sweat.

Bay Area Guy said...

All thread discussions highlighting the male sex organ, even if done tastefully, metaphorically and obliquely, are welcome in my book.

I am not Spartacus. But we are all Laslo

readering said...

The committee meeting Monday is for multiple nominations including someone I know and hope goes through so I hope it's just a question of whether Kavanaugh is on or off the agenda.

Yancey Ward said...

Althouse is correct- given the outline for the coming week, it costs Grassley nothing to extend the deadline in steps all weekend long- indeed, it makes it clear that Grassley is literally bent over backwards to accommodate Ford's demands. However, it is also true that Grassley literally knows by this point that Ford will never appear before the panel.

Ford's and the Democrats' plan here is transparent- never explicitly decline to appear, force the Republicans to hold the committee vote, hope it is turned down in the committee and/or on the floor of the Senate. However, if Kavanaugh clears the committee vote, then Ford will make a public appearance in prime time television with an exclusive interview during the floor debate- probably several appearances, likely with a gaggle of new witnesses none of which face any legal jeopardy for lying. In short, Ford is refusing to appear because she is lying, and any supporters would be lying, too. It is an unacceptable risk to lie under oath.

Yancey Ward said...

Grassley's tweet about Schumer is easy to interpret- he is making the point that Schumer doesn't have to worry about defectors in key votes- he is in complete control of his caucus both inside the judiciary committee and in the entire Senate. Grassley isn't in control of even his own committee members.

Yancey Ward said...

The committee vote will take place on Monday, though, if Ford hasn't agreed to a firm date of Wednesday. Grassley will not let this go beyond then. Of course, Ford could agree to the date and then renege, but that would have severe political consequences for the Democrats with no upside at all.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

No - white men changed a lot of meanings on us (is "black" really bad?) and now deny they had a hand in any of it.

True, but what does that have to do with my observation that today the academic left deconstructs language to find sexism and racism behind words?

Look, you see race and I see people. People who were white did awful things to other people who were not white. It's people abusing people. There's an awful history of human beings mistreating one another. Not just "the other" but each other.

You think any and every bad act by a white person is a white act. I see it as a bad act.

You've trapped yourself in this black and white world and can't get out.

Tom Grey said...

I was thinking it was "raises his baton", but it's rosin being used on the baton, in the song by the Roches:

For 3 women, they have a fantastic Hallelujah chorus selection.

Ford won't be testifying under oath. Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed.

Future Court nominees will probably have more written questions.

Gahrie said...

OK..I haven't seen a lot of discussion of this, so maybe people have forgotten or never knew. Kavanagh has been mistreated by the Democrats before. His confirmation to his current job was held up by the Democrats for three years, precisely because they knew it would make him eligible to be nominated to the Supreme Court one day. The same thing happened to Janice Brown and Miguel Estrada.

Michael The Magnificent said...

I think Grassley is just handing the left more rope as they ask for it, right up until 10AM Monday, when he will un-postpone the 10am vote, and then call the vote, which will pass.

The screaming and rending of garments will immediately commence.

Meanwhile, McConnell will call the vote in the Senate, which will also pass.

dreams said...

Try to remember people the liberal Dems are crooks,they're totally corrupt. Look at their history.

"There is something we know that is absolutely true about the endless reports on networks and in newspapers about Christine Blasey Ford, and the man she is accusing of bad conduct, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. That would be that there is absolutely no evidence that indicates that Kavanaugh did anything to Ford in 1982 or at any other time she might come up with in the future.

The first thing that the public should recognize about the reporting is that for the last several decades the media has colluded with Democrats to destroy people who get in the way of the Democrats' quest for power They have been supported with the tag teams of Hollywood and leftist groups. The technique is always the same and facts haven’t mattered. They throw mud against the wall on people and hope some of it sticks. It does not matter how many lives they destroy, the Democrat agenda is all that matters. They hope a significant amount of the public believes the crap they spew forth. There are numerous easy examples: Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, forged documents with Bush, a false story in NY Times about McCain and a lobbyist, a false story about Sarah Palin not being the mother of Trig, Herman Cain’s mistreatment of women, Romney bullying a kid over forty years ago, Romney not paying his taxes, Trump not paying taxes and a Democrat fake dossier used to destroy Trump. The media plants the stories in the publics’ head to destroy people’s chances to win."

chickelit said...

Althouse wrote: A trombone is a well-known phallic symbol, so don't try to tell me otherwise.

I agree and there's another example from popular culture hidden in plain sight: Louis Prima and Keely Smith's "Zooma Zooma Baccala" from around 1960. Keely Smith sings:

It's the trombone man and look he's got his trombone in his hand

In the context of the song which I annalyzed here, it's a clear sexual metaphor.

Big Mike said...

A question for the libs and progs who comment here. How does Christine Ford’s alleged fear of flying square with her internship at the University of Hawaii? Did she swim out there?

Michael said...

"No - white men changed a lot of meanings on us (is "black" really bad?) and now deny they had a hand in any of it."

Not to put too fine a point on it but the word had negative connotations centuries before whitey had laid eyes on a black person. Everything is not a conspiracy, it really isn't.

chickelit said...

Big Mike said...A question for the libs and progs who comment here. How does Christine Ford’s alleged fear of flying square with her internship at the University of Hawaii? Did she swim out there?

Whence do you infer that Ballsey was an intern in Hawaii? I thought that information had been scrubbed.

Rabel said...

It appears that someone has recovered film of Kavanaugh's attack on Ms Ford. It aligns nicely with the Althouse view of current events.

Francisco D said...

"Whence do you infer that Ballsey was an intern in Hawaii? I thought that information had been scrubbed."

It was in a NYT article.

She has also gone to DC for protest marches. I wonder if she flew there?

dreams said...

And this.

"Women like Blasey Ford and her defenders, not one of whom in Congress has ever met or spoken to her, have done terrible damage to women and girls. Two generations of women have been taught that men are their enemies, that children are an unnecessary burden, a contribution to overpopulation. The have been taught to see men as predators when in fact they are natural protectors. They are taught that they don't need protectors but they often do.

Blasey Ford is playing the victim, the victim of a grope 36 years ago about which she apparently has no specific memories. This entire, abhorrent plot and all of its attendant anti-male nonsense is a crime, a terrible crime against this nation."

readering said...

Now that she's agreed to testify, let's see some new crazy theories.

FIDO said...

At which time, the unsensitive women like myself will turn to our sensitive sisters and say, "thanks for nothing".

At this point, you unfashionable women are being Unfashionably late. Could have used your help a LOT earlier.

But doubt you had more important things to do as your sons, husbands and brothers were vilified.

But better too late than never.

Night Owl said...

At this point, you unfashionable women are being Unfashionably late. Could have used your help a LOT earlier.

What do you want us to do, other then speak out when we think feminists have gone too far? As many women do here and elsewhere. Did you watch the CNN panel of women who all defended Kavanaugh? Several people here linked to it yesterday.

Independent and conservative women are not like our pussy-hatted sisters. We don't have the time or inclination to protest in the streets, and even if we did the media would ignore us. But we take time to vote. How do think Trump won, except that many women voted for him in spite of his vulgarity?

Why knock someone who is trying to be your ally? Some of you guys play the victim as well as feminist women.

Night Owl said...

Not only did Trump win, but he won against the historic first woman nominee. How about a little thanks and appreciation to the independent and conservative women who made this happen?

CWJ said...

"Now that she's agreed to testify, let's see some new crazy theories."

readering, you're funny.

Francisco D said...

"Now that she's agreed to testify, let's see some new crazy theories."

Let's wait until we have more information, such as IF she testifies.

My gut tells me that her Democrat Party lawyers will find more reasons for delay. When Grassley says, "We gave you plenty of opportunities, but you dithered. Now we vote." the Democrats will scream to high heaven that she has been "silenced" by the Republicans.

They are ruthless manipulators. If they don't keep Kavanaugh off the court, they will use this whole farce to motivate the radical base to vote in November. I think you know this already, rendering.

CWJ said...

"The committee meeting Monday is for multiple nominations including someone I know and hope goes through..."

You better hope no one has any recovered memories of your acquaintance before then. Say, now that I think about it?

CWJ said...

Francisco, My understanding is that they already have, effectively saying she agrees to testify but still whats to negotiate terms. So meaningless.

CWJ said...


Yancey Ward said...

Bet we don't see readering again in this thread.

Narayanan said...

If only Grassley would take counsel of his women folk in family and Iowa.
Takes care of his base.
Called retail politics.

Narayanan said...

men never ask for directions when lost.

langford peel said...


I always knew they were right to convict the Scottsboro boys.

If a woman says it's so we have to believe her. Isn't that the new standard?

langford peel said...

I have no doubt that Althouse believes this idiots bullshit story.

Crazy feminazi fag hags tend to stick together. No surprise there. The only surprise is that she could pretend to be fair this long.

Hang 'em high!

Big Mike said...

She agreed to testify, without actually agreeing to anything. Didn’t surprise me that this was the next gambit.

CWJ said...

I'm surprised that no one commented upon an 85yo being hip by tweeting "b" rather than "be." Did he -
A: Miss typing the "e?"
B: Told his whippersnapper 60yo staffer to type the tweet and put a "withit" spin to it, or
C: Type it himself and think this is "cool."

stevew said...

She has no interest in testifying as that would not help achieve her, and the Democrats, goal of delaying the vote on Kavanaugh. Grassley is playing this correctly, keep extending the deadline which exposes the real intent of Ford's 'negotiations'. Then hold the vote. Of course, that POS Flake is doing his very best to sabotage the nomination.


Gk1 said...

I will not testify in a car.
I will not testify near or far.
I will not testify in a train.
I will not fly in a plane.
I will not testify, here or there.
I will not testify anywhere.
I will not testify first. Or last.
I will not testify slow or fast.
There's nothing more for me to say.
I can't remember, anyway.


Ken Mitchell said...

Very Lerherian. " Gavin Edwards said: "Those trombones are phallic, too. What are you going to do?""

"When correctly viewed, EVERYTHING is lewd!"

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