Said Bishop Charles H. Ellis III about his encounter with Ariana Grande at the Aretha Franklin funeral, quoted at Page 6. See the picture at the link and tell me whether the Bishop "crossed the border." I say he did not, and the distraction was created by idiots looking for something to say while watching the live-stream of the funeral. These demands for apologies have gone too far, and so I won't say he should apologize for apologizing, but it was totally unnecessary.
Ellis also apologized to Grande, her fans and Hispanic community for making a joke about seeing her name on the program and thinking it was a new item on the Taco Bell menu.Now, that apology was necessary. That remark really did cross the border. Or made a run for the border.*
And "It would never be my intention to touch any woman’s breast" is really funny. Not a credibility-builder.
* See "Taco Bell Slogans, Ranked" (putting "Make a run for the border" second to last, just above the current slogan "Live Mas").
IN THE COMMENTS: Bob Boyd said:
"It would never be my intention to fly into any flame." - Scorched Moth
८८ टिप्पण्या:
"Ellis also apologized to Grande, her fans and Hispanic community for making a joke about seeing her name on the program and thinking it was a new item on the Taco Bell menu."
That was funny. Inappropriate for a funeral, but genuinely funny.
Is there some body that hands out bishoprics, or are these African-American Protestant bishops self-styled?
Ellis apparently didn't catch the video of Bill Clinton oogling Grande from his seat right behind her ..., behind.
He's apparently of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.
He may have done it deliberately but not intentionally or on purpose. The breast was just in the way of the shoulder, and to hell with it go for the shoulder.
J.L.Austin 3 ways of spilling ink
why does he have his hand in her armpit? when i put my arm around someone's shoulder; i usually put it On Her Shoulder, especially if She's shorter than me
I'm guessing he's used to putting his arm around more substantially sized people. She's very tiny.
I'll confess that the three posts so far this morning are depressing. There are lots of crappy people in the world and the Internet provides them visibility.
Is Ms. Grande still licking the icing on cupcakes and placing them back on the display shelf?
The Taco Bell comment was wrong. Her name sounds more like a Starbucks menu item.
I'm kind of curious how Ariana got herself so associated with Aretha in her final days.
If you wear a slinky black mini dress that shows your boobies to a funeral, aren't you saying please won't someone touch my boobies?
Did she feel like a natural woman? Asking for a friend.
MayBee said...
I'm guessing he's used to putting his arm around more substantially sized people. She's very tiny.
so you think he was trying to put his arm around her waist not over her shoulder? i suppose
i suppose that's a GOOD REASON NOT TO put your arm around someone's waist; another good reason would be if she's taller than you thought, you've put your hand on her ass.
Funny. I was just reading the hundreds of Twitter mentions that accompanied the video.
Lots of men bashing, lots of religion bashing, but no where can I find the name of the pastor. That is, until I came to Althouse.
i see that ms grande has her arm around His waist too; so maybe it's a thing: a thing that gets you in trouble: unlike hispanic jokes
I've played organ for the Gospel choir in a black Baptist church.
It's all about sex. Which is what makes it unique and so enjoyable.
They get down.
Maybe they were mucho Grandes and he was channeling his inner Bill. Do I need to apologize.
so you think he was trying to put his arm around her waist not over her shoulder?
No, more like just generally around her back. She's so tiny his arm wrapped all the way around.
And sure, it might be a good reason not to put your arm around someone, but there's also no social rule against it.
If there were truth in advertising, the slogan would be "make a run for the toilet"
Grande is her mother's last name. I'd say she knew what she was doing when she chose it for her professional name.
I get around mostly to Catholic, Methodist and Lutheran churches in my role as a sub organist nowadays.
The crux of the difference between the black Baptists and the white churches is this getting down thing.
Whites now think of sexuality as completely divorced from religious experience. The more neutral, sexless and tame their services, the better.
How is "Bill ogling her ass' doing in Twitterverse?
Good grief, this is getting ridiculous. Apparently, women are just too fragile to be let out in public.
"It would never be my intention to touch any woman’s breast"
And I read Playboy for the articles.
As I recall, there is no such thing as bad PR. Way to go Rev. That move will make the Inquirer's front page.
"Is there some body that hands out bishoprics[?]"
Comic Flip Wilson (a black) as the Reverend Leroy headed up a self-appointed body known as the Church of What's Happenin' Now. Ya might start there.
Hugging and social kissing collides with #MeToo, and one thing leads to abother.
In the black Baptist church where I played, the ladies lined up to get hugged and felt up by the preacher.
He had a rap CD for sale in the lobby.
My bet is the preacher had done a lot more than cop a feel with the ladies.
Isn't Ariana Grande for open borders?
"It would never be my intention to fly into any flame." - Scorched Moth
Bishop Ellis requested that Grande perform Bob Hope's theme song, "Thanks for the Mammaries."
They don't call them men of the cloth for nothing.
It's never my intention, but if it happens, it happens.....Will they take out all those gold accessories before the burial. That's just asking for grave robbers. Plus the pall bearers have a sufficient burden just with the weight of Aretha without all those add ons. I'd much rather be a pall bearers for McCain or, for that matter, any cancer viictim, rather than Aretha........None of Aretha's signature songs are really top drawer funeral songs. Dionne Warwick has a much better catalogue of music to be buried with.
The worst funeral meme coming out of yesterday was Meghan McCain supposedly giving Mike Pence the side eye.
Social media is terrible.
"The Taco Bell comment was wrong. Her name sounds more like a Starbucks menu item."
Which is why it reads as something about her ethnicity. Making fun of names is very uncool when your idea is that the name sounds funny because it's "foreign." It's Hispanic... so it doesn't even seem like a name.
And comparing a woman to food — she's a taco! Dehumanzing. That's not smart.
I'm not saying it's bigoted, but it's at least dumb. Like that idiot in Florida saying "monkey up."
You're going to get hit. Imagine a GOP Senate candidate making that taco joke about a Democratic opponent with the name "Arianna Grande." He'd be road kill.
Baptist, Catholic. What is it with these bishoprics?
Crack's right, it was funny. If Trump's taught us anything, it's that the outrage-mongers should just sit down and shut up. Most people are tired of them.
Which is why it reads as something about her ethnicity. Making fun of names is very uncool when your idea is that the name sounds funny because it's "foreign." It's Hispanic... so it doesn't even seem like a name.
Am I the only one who has ever gone into a Mexican food restaurant and seen the word "grande" used to describe a menu item?
When it is my turn, I'll apologize too!
Is there some body that hands out bishoprics[?]
I became a priest in the Universal Life Church for a $25 donation......
I watched the video of him hugging her and part of his apology. He says he hugged everyone. Did he keep his arm around all of them after the initial hug?
She looks uncomfortable - like she's pulling away, but maybe that's just me projecting how I would feel. It really did look like he was pushing his fingers into the side of her boob.
It is interesting how many people see a young woman, like Ariana Grande, at a funeral; and their only thought is the men attending are just perverts trying to get their hands on her.
If this is what it is like at progressive funerals; then I will happily stay away from them. Unless they are Chinese funerals, in which case, I probably could do with cheering up.
"It would never be my intention to fly into any flame." - Scorched Moth
Moths keep light at a constant bearing abeam, so as to be able to fly straight in moonlight. If the position they pick is slightly ahead of abeam, they'll spiral into any local light source, but it's not a problem with a distant light source.
And comparing a woman to food — she's a taco!
Onion rings.
Now the Taco Bell joke. That's funnier than a free donut.
Who wouldn't like to moisten her Arroyo Grande, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.
"Yo Quiero Taco Bell" is one of the greatest corporate slogans ever.
Did Ariana Grande complain or was it just the “fans”?
And I’m still trying to understand a women in a short dress singing “you make me feel like a natural woman” at a funeral.
Humor and women don't mix.
Evidently, just making a joke or touching them on "The side of the chest" briefly during a church service is a major crime.
I think Muslims have to best idea, give them veils and neck to ankle garb.
Or maybe we can wrap them all in protective bandages and warning labels.
And her dress seemed a little short for a funeral.
But we shouldn't say anything - cause woman.
Pretty sure her ethnicity is Italian.
you make me feel like a natural woman” at a funeral.
I'm guessing Aretha was embalmed. It's been what, 2 weeks since she died?
And her dress seemed a little short for a funeral.
That's probably it. All the other women were upset that Ms. Grande decided to wear a short black dress to a funeral. Since they couldn't call her out directly, they blamed any men that looked at her or "God Forbid!" touched her.
We’ve never impeached a president in this country before, but watching the democrat party and their propaganda media, I’m not sure this is the same country.
Leave it to the democrat party to destroy another institution.
There is no reason to hug anyone you don't personally know. It's creepy. I mean, we all know someone who is one of those creeps, and we talk about them behind their back.
Hugging is something that is reserved for family and friends. Someone you have a lot of trust in. I mean I have friends I don't want to hug me, because I know they are nose pickers and slobs.
I once gave my dental assistant a hug because she was so nice to me, yea I hugged her shoulder. I find this barely acceptable.
Also patting people on the ass. Don't do it. It is only acceptable in paid sports.
Readering has it right. The last line of the article;
"Grande is of Italian descent."
"But funerals are insane! The chicks are so horny, it's not even fair. It's like fishing with dynamite... Grief is nature's most powerful aphrodisiac."
"Hey, Ma! The meatloaf! We want it now! The meatloaf! ...I never know what she's doing back there."
The hand is high, but I doubt this was intentional- the disparity in height is probably the reason.
Of course, I would need Ms. Grande's participation in some reconstructions to be sure.
I still have the Viva Gorditas Chihuahua wearing the Che Beret. After 20-years, the batteries still work, although I only hit it once a year
Forget about the picture. Watch the video.
He is totally grabbing her boob.
Big man with real man hands versus a small woman, some breastage contact may occur during the kinetic portion of the side hug. That part of the boob is not the most gropable portion of the breast if titillation is the purpose.
""It would never be my intention to touch any woman’s breast"
He's an innocent man. No less than James Comey, FBI director emeritus, set the standard.
NY Times, July 5, 2016: "The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, on Tuesday recommended no criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her handling of classified information .... To warrant a criminal charge, Mr. Comey said, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally transmitted or willfully mishandled classified information."
Like that idiot in Florida saying "monkey up."
Where is the diversity angle? The consensus is that humans are monkey, ape, whatever derivatives. It seems to be a general taunt -- evolutionary myths are offensive to all people -- but not related to a diversity class in particular. Similar to a Planet of the Apes, where white, brown, black etc. colors were represented. It has an ambiguous implication at best. Perhaps the people inferring intent are biased.
Is titty fucking even legal? What would Scalia have opined on Lawrence v. Knockers the Size of Texas? What does the U.S. Constitution say on the subject of boob jobs like Trump? What if her breasts are so big that they constitute 3/5 of the person? We know that the renowned porn expert on the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas, would have a Long Dong Silver tape amplifying on the subject of what constitutes an ample bosom. Is Labor Day a celebration of child birth or just a day to whack off to porn? No man is an island, so that is why we have two tits. Does a cyclops see double? Where'd the other eye go? Don't you want to know?
Joe Biden has groped little girls MUCH worse than that. A LOT worse.
I don't recall these folks demanding any apologies.
Just for the record, I think the Taco Bell joke was pretty funny! He's poking fun at himself for being out of touch with which artists are popular now.
Of course, no humor is allowed.... even our hostess chimes in with a 'That's not funny!'
Was Aretha Franklin some kind of civil rights activist and I just didn't know about it? I don't remember her insulting Trump or Republicans in general, or whining about Trayvon and Mike Brown, so why are all the "important black folks" like Sharpton and Dyson acting like she was MLK?
Obama said both parties "monkeyed around " with elections in 2008. Isn't that horrible?
"There is no reason to hug anyone you don't personally know."
People hug in Church. Lighten up, Francis. I
perhaps it would make it all easier if the SPLC could publish a list of "Words White can't say around black people - in any context"
Evidently, any word regarding Primates - in any context - can't be said, because some idiot might think it was some roundabout way of calling black people apes/monkeys/etc.
On the plus side, no black actor will ever star in Eugene O'Niell's "The Hairy Ape"
Ariana Grande's younger sister, Ariana Venti, is also a fine singer.
Ariana Grande is a whore. Look at her shows and read her lyrics. She sells sex. But we're not supposed to pay attention to that in this era of #MeToo cuz every single woman in the public eye is clean and pure as the wind-driven snow. The idea that anyone should care that someone had an "oops" moment with that gutter trash is laughable.
There is no doubt he was grabbing an extended feel. It won't be long before other women groped by the minister come forward.
Gunner opined: "Was Aretha Franklin some kind of civil rights activist and I just didn't know about it? I don't remember her insulting Trump or Republicans in general, or whining about Trayvon and Mike Brown, so why are all the "important black folks" like Sharpton and Dyson acting like she was MLK?"
I mentioned essentially the same thing in yesterday's cafe post. I was corrected by one of our resident full-auto keystrokers that Aretha ranked right up next to Rosa Parks (sarc).
Why are there politics in these funerals? Because in the Commie-pinko left mind, politics much be injected into everything. Food, climate, health, heath care, employment, housing, education, sex, gender, the environment, immigration, automobiles, sports ......
Lefties pollute. It's what they do.
I thought the Bishop's remark was inappropriate at the moment, but it was meant to be self deprecating humor because he was admitting he was out of touch with popular culture. The sexiness of Grande's outfit was a bit much, but hey, it's all show business. I think she dressed for her boyfriend and to get noticed, and Aretha would probably have approved. There were a lot of strange aspects to the funeral: Aretha died two weeks ago and yet she had an open, gold plated casket and three wardrobe changes. The funeral was six hours. Louis Farrakhan was sitting up there on the pulpit, grinning and enjoying every moment in the spotlight. There was definitely an aspect of levity, although Jessie Jackson scowled and did what he could to maintain an air of seriousness.
What stuck me as most strange about the funeral is how the dignitaries on stage were segregated by sex, the important men on the left who were there to speak, and women on the right. Hillary was therefore consigned to sit with the women instead of sitting with her husband. Bill gave a great eulogy and probably Hillary wouldn't have, but after all the angst about how she should have been elected I found her obvious subordinate role a litte strange. I don't know much about how that religious group/church operates but there was no segregation in the seating of the congregation, so why was it there on the dias? I also didn't notice there were any major female figures there to give a eulogy to Aretha. Women were there to sing, but not to speak, except for the granddaughters. I don't want to read too much into it because these are just observations. Sharpton's eulogy mentioned Aretha as being a feminist before it was popular to be a feminist. My reaction is that for all the talk and protest about inequality and of course it is absolutely appropriate, there's something odd about the prevalence of gender inequality in the black community. You'd think blacks would be more sensitive to that unfairness and be more willing and eager to correct that flaw within.
My impressions perhaps have been influenced by a recent interview of Kanye West conducted by a radio station in Chicago, WGCI, @28:00 in which he said because black people were so enamored by the Obama years they couldn't tolerate the idea of returning to a white man as president, that they were willing to vote for a "female president," which he said in a disparaging tone. I thought wow, did he really just say that?
Does the side-boob-grab outrage wash out the too short-a-dress outrage? I'm confused at what I should be most upset about.
And "It would never be my intention to touch any woman’s breast" is really funny. Not a credibility-builder.
Well, he is a Catholic bishop, so you’d indeed expect him to never intend to touch any woman’s breast. Goes along with the job.
Here's the link to that Kanye interview. "FULL INTERVIEW: Kanye West Finally Comes Home To Chicago! The Morning Show 107.5 WGCI Published on Aug 29, 2018"
Whatever distracts everyone from Farrakhan being there on the front row I guess ...
Rigelsen, keep up. He's an Apostolic Pentecostal bishop, not a Catholic.
Unknown said 9/1/18, 10:06 AM...
"We’ve never impeached a president in this country before..."
For the record, two US presidents (Andrew Johnson and Clinton) have been impeached (i.e., charges passed by the House and brought to trial before the Senate) - neither were subsequently convicted and removed from office, however.
Grande may be part Italian, but I'm pretty sure she's mostly Oompa Loompa.
Ann Althouse, the Patterico site believes the video proves you are mistaken, in that the picture doesn't tell the whole story.
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