২৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৮

"If someone had told me, if anyone had told me, there is a specific law that says this is a crime."

"I did not know. I’ve said this over and over again. Had I’d known, if anyone knows my personality. Just the idea, this would count as a crime."

Said Mary Kay Letourneau, who had an affair with a 12-year-old boy whom she met when he was 8 and she was a schoolteacher.

As for the boy, Vili Fualaau, who is now 36, he says that for him it all got started when he was "showing off to a cousin of mine, betting because we used to brag about girls when we were young." He made a bet with his cousin that he could "get" Letourneau, and he pursued her, they "became really close and then I forgot about the bet."
“‘But we were in love. It’s love. I didn’t make him do anything. If anything, he was wanting it. He was pushing for it. We were in love. How can it be a crime?,’” he claims she said. “I had to repeat many times in many different ways why it’s a crime.”
The children of Letourneau and Fualaau — Audrey and Georgia — are now grown up, 21 and 19. Audrey says "It doesn’t feel any different" to have a life with such a notorious beginning. "It’s not really brought to our attention. We grew up with it so we’re adapted to it, I guess." It's the only life you could possibly have, and you're alive. What can you say about that?

১৭টি মন্তব্য:

Birkel বলেছেন...

She may not have been the brightest bulb.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

If loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...

Roy Moore could not be reached for comment.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

The George Costanza defense in reality!

Michael K বলেছেন...

I was talking to a prison guard who was joining the Army. We talked about how female prison guards get into trouble with male prisoners.

He said they really fall in love with these guys, who are among the most manipulative people alive.

Then, if the female guard tries to break it off, the prisoner rats her out. One trustee murdered the female prison librarian.

This sounds a but like that. The kid seduced her.

A born Democrat.

jwl বলেছেন...

I am almost 50 years old and this is one of those stories that makes you think 'wait, that was twenty years ago?' and then wonder where time has gone.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Yes, Matthew, that's exactly what popped into my mind as a read the first line of this post.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Everyone loves a love story.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...It's the only life you could possibly have, and you're alive. What can you say about that?

Is this bait? This smells like bait.

Well I guess I'll bite anyway: I suppose you can say that it's a good thing the mother decided not to exercise that right to choose you nice centrist people seem to believe is the most important human right--otherwise the daughter wouldn't have her life and wouldn't be alive. I suppose someone could point out that since the father was a minor child at the time of conception the offspring is literally a product of rape and thus meets the criteria pro-choice people give of cases that are supposed to be super-hard for pro-life people to answer ("what about rape, what about incest?!")--but the child's self-reported life seems to not be a nightmare/sound like it's worth living. That's something that can be said about that.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Go forth and multiply is unconditional instructions. Making it illegal is the hard part. The age number for making it a crime was. 14, and went to 16 and went to 18. That eliminates a big part of the most fertile age of men and women. And we back that up with abortions on demand.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"He was pushing for it. We were in love. How can it be a crime?,’” he claims she said. “I had to repeat many times in many different ways why it’s a crime.”"

The way you edited this, it sounds like that is a quote from Vili Fualaau. It isn't. It's her lawyer.

Some lawyer. I'm with Letourneau on this one. Boy are not girls. It seems that modern Americans have a hard time with that simple biological distinction. I blame the public schools.

Anthony বলেছেন...

That settles it: Women are, apparently, utterly infantile.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"This sounds a but like that. The kid seduced her."

The kid was exactly that, a 12 year old kid.

She was an adult. Do we presume that woman are so pixilated that any seduction attempt by any male will succeed, and the woman will swoon and faint into the male's arms (and bed)? Do we presume this in the case of a pubescent boy and a grown woman who claims she had no idea such a relationship was criminal?

She's either mentally unbalanced or lying. (She could be both.)

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

Society has normalized female behavior that used to be considered unbalanced, insane and unacceptable.

More "Repeal the 19th Amendment" bait.

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

She may not have been the brightest bulb.

Used to work near the prison where she served her sentence in Gig Harbor, Washington and had a lot of customers who were guards there. One guy said he'd escorted her several times and said there was just plain no one home.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

SGT Ted said...
"Society has normalized female behavior that used to be considered unbalanced, insane and unacceptable."

Well, no. They locked her up in prison for several years. Not following you here.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

"The George Costanza defense in reality!"

Exactly what I was thinking! "Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I gotta plead ignorance on this, because if I had known that kind of thing was frowned upon. . . ."