ADDED: There's some discussion in the comments about my use of the word "ineffectual." I'll concede that Flake was effectual if the effect he meant to have was no effect. He was able to take a stand about how he felt about the importance of a one-week delay without causing the delay actually to occur. I do follow a general rule of thumb that people do what they want to do, and using that, I should say that Flake did exactly what he wanted, because he wanted the effect of no effect.
AND: Here's what confronted Flake as he made his way to the committee meeting this morning:
Women confront Sen. Jeff Flake after he says he'll vote yes to Kavanuagh: “That’s what you’re telling all women in America, that they don’t matter. They should just keep it to themselves because if they have told the truth you’re just going to help that man to power anyway.”— CNN (@CNN) September 28, 2018
"You’re telling all women that they don’t matter — that they should just stay quiet because if they tell you what happened to them, you’re going to ignore them... You’re just going to help that man to power anyway... That’s what you’re telling all of these women. That’s what you’re telling me right now. Look at me when I’m talking to you! You’re telling me that my assault doesn’t matter, that what happened to me doesn’t matter and that you’re going to let people who do these things into power! That’s what you’re telling me when you vote for him! Don’t look away from me! Look at me and tell me that it doesn’t matter what happened to me — that you’ll let people like that go into the highest court in the land!"
१७५ टिप्पण्या:
The contingent media offer must have been finalized.
But they're still talking! Grassley is hopeless!
(Whispers: I don't get why Flake, Collins, Murk, Heitkamp and Manchin don't just get together and say they need an FBI investigation and will revisit in a week.)
Nate Silver, twitter 22 minutes ago.
I can't wait to see the FBI's results for what "boof" meant in the 80s.
??? I am watching it (I think) live and don't think he's been/being ineffectual. I think he is doing a good job. However, if this is a tape and its all over then I withdraw this comment!
"Ineffectual makes a flake stand"
no no no - Flake makes an ineffectual stand
Yet another headline written by an unprofessional biased hack. I would guess?
I took it to mean that Flake will vote against it on the floor vote unless it's delayed for an FBI investigation now.
don't think he's been/being ineffectual.
If his aim was a limited FBI investigation that is completed within a week, then he achieved his goal.
The Dems are once again posing as Lucy, holding the football in place for the Republican Charlie Browns to run up to kick it. They'll push this back a week. The Dems will bring in another 4-5 women who say Kavanaugh drugged and touched them, then scream and shout that it needs more time.
Charlie Brown will run up and miss.
This is a farce.
Song lyrics by Harold Arlen (1905 - 1986)
Ding-Dong, the Witch Is Dead!
What happened was just this:
The wind began to switch,
The house to pitch,
And suddenly the hinges
Started to unhitch.
Just then the witch --
To satisfy an itch --
Went flying on her broomstick,
Thumbing for a hitch.
And what happened then
Was rich
The house began to pitch.
The kitchen took a slitch.
It landed on the wicked witch
In the middle of a ditch,
Which was not a healthy situation
For the wicked witch!
Let the joyous news
Be spread --
The wicked old witch,
At last, is dead!
Ding-dong, the witch is dead!
Which old witch?
The wicked witch!
Wake up,
You sleepyhead!
Rub your eyes!
Get out of bed!
Wake up!
The wicked witch is dead!
She's gone where the goblins go --
Below !!!
Yo-ho, let's open up
And sing and ring the bells out!
Ding-dong, the merry-oh --
Sing it high, sing it low!
Let them know --
The Wicked Witch is dead!
Sung by Dorothy and the Munchkins
Sung by the Munchkins at Trump's Inauguration
I don't get why Flake, Collins, Murk, Heitkamp and Manchin don't just get together and say they need an FBI investigation and will revisit in a week.)
Just how many damn times do you people need to be told this was already referred to the FBI.
They declined because there is nothing to investigate.
Good lord. You HAVE to be smarter than this. You just have to be.
The FBI team needs a psychologist specializing in split personality disorders.
I took it to mean that Flake will vote against it on the floor vote unless it's delayed for an FBI investigation now.
Yep, so I fully expect an investigation. But, when the FBI reports, the left will ask for time to review the report. They will ask for time to clarify details from the report (even if it says no definitive evidence). They will ask for time for debate. They will fill every minute with RAPE! accusations.
That's why th3e R's need about 55 or more Senators.
But they're still talking! Grassley is hopeless!
Grassley: "Two hour rule. Meeting is adjourned"
DiFi: "What?" "what am I voting on".
It's literally ineffectual in that it has no effect. It seemed as though he were imposing a condition and that his vote along with the Democratic Senators on the committee would produce a majority committee vote that would result in an FBI investigation. That wasn't what happened. He could have allied with the Dems and made a different majority. He had been talking with them for a while and it was an anxious interlude. But in the end he was talk without effectual action.
Again - an FBI investigation is more witch hunt. High school witch hunt.
If Blasey Ford had strong info - perhaps. but she doesn't. Her story keeps changing, she has lied, her lawyers have lied, DiFi lied, and no one has stepped forward to corroborate Ford's story. and again - she doesn't have a time or a place. and if anything happened at all it was 36 years ago... WHEN THEY WERE TEENS.
I beg you leftists to read some Andrew Sullivan.
Every time I watch a Senate hearing I can feel my blood pressure rising. I'm glad the MLB playoffs are coming up next week.
If his aim was a limited FBI investigation that is completed within a week, then he achieved his goal.
Would you please explain how the FBI investigates an accusation that has no date or place ?
Never mind. They already had it referred and turned it down.
Will you people ever wise up ?
Good lord. You HAVE to be smarter than this. You just have to be.
Stop yelling at me. I am quoting Nate Silver.
That group of Senators have a political and personal interest in getting a FBI investigation. You do not. That's fine. Your interests diverge from those Senators.
Somehow selling out his Republican peers for his Democrat "friends" is noble?
What a rotten turd Flake is.
Flake was effective. There will be a week delay before the floor vote (unless I am really missing something). I don't think that is such a bad idea but I have no idea what evil lies in the heart of progressive activists and do not want to underestimate their cruelty.
wwww said...
(Whispers: I don't get why Flake, Collins, Murk, Heitkamp and Manchin don't just get together and say they need an FBI investigation and will revisit in a week.)
Maybe because they don't need an FBU investigation. Maybe they know (as do the rest of us) that it would change none of their votes.
He had been talking with them for a while and it was an anxious interlude. But in the end he was talk without effectual action.
In other words, a flake.
@Michael K:Would you please explain how the FBI investigates an accusation that has no date or place ?
In the 30 minutes before lunch...
Blogger Jim at said...
I don't get why Flake, Collins, Murk, Heitkamp and Manchin don't just get together and say they need an FBI investigation and will revisit in a week.)
Just how many damn times do you people need to be told this was already referred to the FBI.
They declined because there is nothing to investigate.
Good lord. You HAVE to be smarter than this. You just have to be.
9/28/18, 1:04 PM
Link? I can find stories that Trump's Whitehouse declined to ask for an FBI investigation, but I can't find reports that the FBI declined at all.
(I'm not saying they didn't -- just that I couldn't find the stories. There's so much out there on the FBI and this story right now!)
Blogger sucketh
Flake lived up to his name. But if he, Collins and Murkowski condition a yes vote on there being an FBI investigation, what choice would McConnell have?
"I took it to mean that Flake will vote against it on the floor vote unless it's delayed for an FBI investigation now. Yep, so I fully expect an investigation."
Flake will have another opportunity to do something that gets what he purports to want, but this is a matter of intense party discipline and the midterm elections are at stake. We'll see what he does later. I'm sure the Republicans all want this to go away and the Democrats are hoping to make a creditable stand that will look good and not bad in the midterms.
OK - So Flake didn't go along with the D's, so he's an ineffectual now.
Firefox lets you reload, click yes resend, and the comment you just typed in is not lost but resent. As many times as you want. Do not hit BACK arrow.
Would you please explain how the FBI investigates an accusation that has no date or place ?
Why do you want me to explain this? You need to go ask Flake.
I'm describing something that is occurring as an outside observer. If his aim was to get an FBI investigation he achieved his aim. The quote suggested he was ineffectual. I think he was effectual if that was his effective goal.
I don't determine what Flake does or does not decide to do.
The FBI investigation will last no longer and range no further than the Mueller Russian collusion investigation.
Flake was effective. There will be a week delay before the floor vote (unless I am really missing something). I don't think that is such a bad idea but I have no idea what evil lies in the heart of progressive activists and do not want to underestimate their cruelty.
Yes. I agree.
My common sense tells me that this is about refurbishing senate relationships.
The Democrats were so vicious and cruel that it has irreparably damaged important relationships among them and with the American people.
Flake is a conservative idealist who believes he can start to repair that damage.
I am extremely dubious. He is being played for a sucker.
Yes - and Flake hates Trump and so in bed with the cruel totalitarians he goes.
Maybe because they don't need an FBU investigation. Maybe they know (as do the rest of us) that it would change none of their votes.
Maybe some of them want political cover for their votes. An FBI investigation provides that cover. Pretty sure Collins and M. want that cover. Collins needs to vote yes for her base but she needs to massage the general. McConnell already ditched M. in the last election. He's not providing that cover.
Flake is a Beta Male par excellence. Can I trade him for a real woman of either party?
Interestingly, Flake's contact website is 'temporarily unavailable'. It would be interesting to know the content of his emails today. I know he is persona non grata here in Arizona which is why he didn't attempt to run again. What a jerk!
What are the odds we get a child molestation accusation this week?
What are the odds we get a child molestation accusation this week?
Flake will have another opportunity to do something that gets what he purports to want, but this is a matter of intense party discipline and the midterm elections are at stake.
Flake doesn't give a shit..he's quitting anyway.
This gives us time for the two would-be true attackers of Ford to come forward and start gofundme campaigns and maybe for Chris Garrett to regale us with his prep school memories, and I think we really need to see his yearbook and daily calendar.
This is what will happen in the next week. The Dems will flood the zone. Every lunatic woman on the East Coast will make crazy charges against Judge Kavanaugh. The Dems will want even more time.
What a spineless worm.
Dickin' is so right. Flake doesn't give a crap about CSF, he's just taking an opportunity to push back at Trump.
Flake cannot be trusted. Is he grandstanding planning to vote 'no' if there's no delay - or is he granstanding to be able to say "I asked for a delay" when he votes yes. Not sure the Shadow knows, Flake sure as he*ll doesn't.
But if he, Collins and Murkowski condition a yes vote on there being an FBI investigation, what choice would McConnell have?
McConnell is rarely out-maneuvered strategically. So we'll see in the next couple of days.
But he may have put too much political pressure on Collins and Murkowski. He may want the SCOTUS seat more then he wants to hold the Senate in 2020. They won't like getting thrown overboard & they have to protect themselves.
I'm sure the Republicans all want this to go away
@Althouse, for someone who blogs about politics, you surely do not get politics. Both sides are going to run on the Judiciary Committee's shit show, but the Republicans are the ones right to do so.
What's the over/under on another client of Creepy Porn Lawyer making charges?
What a clown show!
Flake is certainly living up to his name.
OK so the FBI investigates, and then what? Is that the end, or will Flake and Collins have MORE Demands?
I agree with wwww - this gives R and moderate Ds some more cover for their yes votes. It also gives everyone a week to gauge public reaction. It also gives the Rs, provided they have some balls and are willing to play a little dirty, to come up with some more pro-BK evidence. Maybe RK can take/pass a phony lie detector test with two questions.
Grassley is a walking clusterf*ck. Luckily, his work is done.
Now, it's in the hands of McConnell. Don't doubt Cocaine Mitch. Not when it comes getting judges on the bench.
Of course, if Mitch had helped Roy Moore instead of destroying him, we'd have an extra vote to play with.
So now its up to Mitch. Does he has the votes? I don't think so.
Trump was like 'yeah, whatever they want (shakes head)'
So, the vote will be the day after Columbus Day, assuming there's not another Senate Vacation scheduled.
Another delay will just turn up another accuser requiring another delay for the "good of the nation".
Trump should tell the FBI to investigate Ford. She has a number of inconsistencies in her story.
Look into her background. As Hardin said, she’s a nut. Shouldn’t be too hard to find out who she is.
As for Avenatti’s client, she’ll be charged with lying to the FBI.
No, it gives the MSM another week to whip up people who didn't watch the hearing. THey'll be playing a version that has nothing to do with what acutally happened.
AND give even more nuts time to come out of the woodwork.
They keep saying all they want is a full investigation. However- DiFi sat on this for 2 months. Two freakin' months. This could have been done, already- had they actually wanted to get into it. They did not. They planned and plotted all possible ways to drag this out.
Now what the Dems are looking for are a flood of accusations to come out this week. They want this thing to be (a) stretched out, or (b) terminated. Either way, they'll play it for November.
Coons and Flake make an agreement neither one can enforce.
But if it's what it takes to get Flake's vote, it's going to have to be. I don't think any Democrats are looking to change their votes
If Flake and Collins Absolutely needed a FBI investigation - THEY SHOULD HAVE SAID THAT A WEEK AGO.
What clowns!
Coons and Flake make an agreement neither one can enforce.
But if it's what it takes to get Flake's vote, it's going to have to be. I don't think any Democrats are looking to change their votes
Flake is such a wimp. Trump was right to dump on him.
Of course, Resistance Heroes follows the guy around and scream a him, just like Cruz and McConnell.
Gillibrand and Schumer aren’t going to appreciate when they ge their own Insane Posse Hecklers.
They won’t be able to eat out either anymore.
I just don't get Jeff Flake being so chickenshit. What does he have to lose? furthermore If Romney had won in 2012 THIS is the supreme court nominee Flake would have gladly voted for.
Jeff, what did you do in high school.
The Democrats sat on this for 2 months. And Flake wants to "reach across the aisle" and help them out.
Thank God, this cuck is gone in January.
We need a fresh bunch of Deplorable Trumptard Trolls (DTT). I'm sick and tired of the usual suspects especially mockturtle who is literally off her rocker.
Homer: Hey, Ray. Cleaning out the old office, eh?
Ray: If I hadn't already packed my letter opener, I'd give you such a stabbing.
Homer: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, Ray. Are we gonna let politics get in the way of our friendship?
Roy: Friendship? You told people I lured children into my gingerbread house!
Homer: [Chuckles] Yeah. That was just a lie.
I was wondering why Hatch was looking so pissed off.
The FBI claimed it reviewed like 500,000 emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop in no time so it should be able to do this in 24 hours.
I was wondering why Hatch was looking so pissed off.
If this increases the GOP numbers in the Senate at the mid-terms, it’s probably worth it. The GOP needs to get to 55 seats.
Yeah, let's get a full FBI investigation on CBF. And who leaked that letter to the media? And let's see CBF's Facebook page. And all of the therapist's notes.
Who is paying lawyer Katz? How much? Did Katz leak?
If the effect of his signal is to cause McConnell to delay the vote then it's not ineffectual.
His statement didn't effect voting Kav out of committee. That doesn't mean it won't have any effect elsewhere. If Cocaine Mitch needs Flake's vote and Flake makes Mitch believe he'll vote no without an investigation...then Flake's "stand" will have the effect of forcing Mitch to agree to a delay and investigation (which I believe would have to be ordered by Trump).
Much, much too early to say it's ineffectual except in the narrow, limited sense of preventing Grassley from moving Kav out of committee (which itself is really a formality).
"The FBI claimed it reviewed like 500,000 emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop in no time so it should be able to do this in 24 hours."
LOL. If the FBI calls everyone in, talks to them in one day, and writes it up - can't see more than a week. Its very specific. Although why would Ford, not want to delay talking to the FBI?
She can says she too traumatized, and needs another month to recover.
Goddam Flake !
“I think it would be proper to delay the floor vote for up to but not more than one week in order to let the FBI to do an investigation limited in time and scope,” he said.
Flake was reportedly in discussions with Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) and other members of the panel.
Flake said he was voting to advance Kavanaugh “with that understanding” and said he has spoken “to a few other members on my side of the aisle who support it as well.”
He said senators should do “what we can to make sure that we do all do diligence with a nomination this important.”
It’s highly uncertain that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will agree to delay the vote, which is on pace for Tuesday of next week.
Let's see if McConnell has a coming out party like Graham.
IF the vote is delayed for investigation, the first contingency must be that Feinstein and Eshoo's offices must also appear - under oath - to present their testimony as to the delay and the leak of the Ford letter. In a public hearing.
And an FBI investigation will not change a SINGLE democrat vote or democrat media accusation. Nor any feminist.
Not ineffectual, no delay, no yes from Flakes, no Kavanaugh on the Supreme.
More on Why to the Senators Want to Wait a Week:
"You know what else is going to come out in a week? Polls. Lots of 'em. And if you're Susan Collins or Joe Manchin, it's probably pretty nice to look at some poll and see what your constituents think."
-Nate Silver
We all know the FBI can figure this out in a week. riiiiiiiight.
Mueller figured out that Manafort cheated his taxes back way way back decades - and the IRS did nothing because the IRS only targets the little guy.
Bad faith.
"Yes - and Flake hates Trump and so in bed with the cruel totalitarians he goes."
Defeating Kavanaugh DOES NOT HURT Trump.
the only remote possibility is Kavanaugh goes down and the Dems take the Senate. My hunch is this whole fiasco will energize the barely halfway Trump supporting Republicans to get out the vote.
As it was said in WWII with the German Invasion of the Soviet Union:
"This is not about Stalin; we are fighting for Mother Russia"
I heard that the committee delay was caused by the democrat members in the anti-room helping Senator Flake change his Tampon.
If an a FBI investigation moves forward the FBI will be shocked that frat members get drunk the night of their initiation. They have also been know to drunkenly serenade sororities, sometimes with braudy songs.
I also assume Dr Ford's high school and college days will be thoroughly vetted.
There is no corroboration for Ford's claims. Interviews with witnesses who have sworn under oath that Ford's story is wrong wont reveal much. There is no extrinsic evidence to examine from the alleged event, much less the scene of the event since Ford cannot identify it.
But there is presumably a great deal of extrinsic evidence relating to Ford's communications with handlers, Dem politicians, her party affiliation and any related activism, statements opposing Trump, who is paying her attorneys and the polygrapher, who/how/when her internet/social media history got totally scrubbed. In short, there is much that could be investigated as to any motive by Ford to bring forward this false tale and the coordinated timing of it with the Democrats. But little to nothing to examine on the Kavanaugh side of things.
I don't think Dr. Ford (or her handlers) really wants an FBI investigation. If it happened, she'd object to anything looking at her side of the question and her motives, which would inexorably occur in a real investigation.
@ Dave BEgley
Yeah, let's get a full FBI investigation on CBF. And who leaked that letter to the media? And let's see CBF's Facebook page. And all of the therapist's notes.
Who is paying lawyer Katz? How much? Did Katz leak?
We'd all like to know that. But our corrupt system favors one party.
The FBI are supposed to presume guilt. Like good Strozks. You cannot question victims - esp. female victims on the left. ever.
Why do you want me to explain this? You need to go ask Flake.
You brought it up before Flake flaked out.
Do you understand what FBI investigations are ?
I really wonder.
Blogger is worse than usual today
All this shows is that Flake want to get laid by a Devil’s Triangle of trust fund hippie chicks and he thinks it’s still the 1960s .
Flake wants some action. Just to show Trump that Senators are not all talk and no action.
If we are going to 'investigate', can we investigate Ford too? If we're asked to believe her story, with its lack of specifics (don't know where; don't know when) and four 'witnesses' who say they weren't there - I want to understand who she is as well - I need to know if she is a 'troubled' person / total flake, or a normal person whose account I can reasonably trust.
All these Senators should go out about town today and this weekend.
When the GOP Senators get screamed at and spit on, maybe they will finally see the society they live in. Flake just got a taste this afternoon.
Those Resistance Heroes are taking credit for changing his mind already.
Get some guts or get lost.
Winston Churchill - "Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last."
Flake just wants to be able to get home in peace tonight and that screaming harpies will leave him alone when he out to dinner with his wife.
...and there it is. Murkowski couldn't jump on it fast enough. So not enough votes unless Mitch figures out how to get the President to get the FBI to investigate something for a week. If I were the rest of the Republicans I might take that week to investigate the shenanigans of the FBI Deep Staters doing whatever investigating they're doing.
Unless the Senate votes on Tuesday, this is not going to work out well. As someone else pointed out, every crazy Joan of Arc wannabe will come flooding out of the woodwork to do their “civic duty”. And let’s be clear, this gooey, faux respect shown Ford will only encourage other depressed, under appreciated, fucked up women to take her spot in the warm glow of national regard to trash this guy from his days in high school.
There is no way out of this mess. As Kavanaugh said, the lefties have sown the wind, we will reap the whirlwind for decades to come. When the Dems are so willing to be relentlessly dishonorable, there is no point in voting for Republicans if they are going to enable this behavior.
Republicans routinely vote for the Kagans, Sotomayors, and Breyers while knowing full well that they are not their kind of Justices. This must end. We need to look into ther sex lives, drinking and drug habits and high school yearbook entries. Truly, a civil war is coming.
- Krumhorn
Flake has four adult sons. They have to live in the society like the rest of us. There is no shelter. Either stand up to the bullshit or live your life in fear.
These Senators are worse than home remodeling contractors. Their work takes forever and is never really completed.
If an investigation turns up no additional corroborating evidence, what Dem will change their vote to “yes.” Some compromise....
Flake gets what Rick Turley says in the first post- an on-air MSNBC 'special analyst' position, and he doesn't lose his 'security clearance' contingent on lefties strong mid term showing.
These left wing nuts aren’t going to exempt Flake and his family from their antics. It’s not like Obama who lives like a rich Republican but is left alone from the left wing loons.
I agree LilyBart She testified under oath How honest was she?
Betcha anything before the weekend is over there is a whole new accuser with a whole new story of a drunken Kav-brah raping her...then another...then another... until GOP cucks will have to say, There are just too many red flags with this guy! What if we confirm him then find out he raped everything? We just can't in good conscience condone drunken raping by allowing this accused alcoholic rapist on the Supreme Court....
McCullough@1:51 uh, how does a rich republican live, as opposed to a rich Democrat party member, which is what Obama is?
An FBI investigation in one week? When has that ever happened?
It's not conceivable that a federal investigation, however limited, could be completed in that time frame.
But if they go ahead I recommend a first step of breaking down Ford's door and holding her family at gunpoint while they seize every document and computer in her house.
Then they should go to lawyer Katz's office and do the same thing.
For good measure they could subpoena the phone and email records from the reporters at the Post who took the leak of Ford's letter.
And they need to get a wiretap on Feinstein's staff ASAP.
These are the new rules. Let's apply them uniformly for fairness.
My common sense tells me that this is about refurbishing senate relationships. The Democrats were so vicious and cruel that it has irreparably damaged important relationships among them and with the American people.
Flake is a conservative idealist who believes he can start to repair that damage.
I am extremely dubious. He is being played for a sucker.
I posted that after getting off the recumbent bike. I turned off the computer, got on the treadmill put my iPod on "random" and the first song was Aaron Neville singing ...
Everybody Plays the Fool
I kid you not. Men are as incapable of lying about their exercise routines as women are about sexual assault. Well ... this man is not lying. Other's mileage may vary.
I'm sick and tired of the usual suspects especially mockturtle who is literally off her rocker. - Trumpit
Go feed a seagull.
Flake masquerading as a thoughtful statesman ... cue furrowed brow.
Jeff Flake's nose looks like it was broken very badly- I wonder how he got his nose broken? Note - I do not wonder why his nose was broken.
According to the betting markets, Flake is now favored to win the Hamlet of the Year award!
What is pertinent about his call for an FBI investigation. It has been reported previously that the supposed crime (assault and attempted rape) in Maryland is not a federal crime, but is under current Maryland law, where there is no statute of limitations.
However, WaPo today said that only applies if these crimes were committed after 1996:
Why Maryland police aren’t investigating the Kavanaugh allegations
'Maryland State Police say its policy is to investigate allegations only when a criminal complaint is filed, which Ford has not done."
If a complaint of that nature was filed, the state police would turn it over to Montgomery County police.
Montgomery County police, too, note that no accuser of Kavanaugh’s has come forward to request a police investigation.
And even if an accuser went to the local department, the statute of limitations for pursuing the crimes as described in Thursday’s dramatic Senate Judiciary Committee hearing appears to have long since passed.
The most serious crime that authorities could pursue, given the sworn testimony provided by Ford, would be attempted rape. But that was considered a misdemeanor crime in Maryland in 1982, which would be the relevant legal application.
As a misdemeanor, it carried a one-year statute of limitations, meaning charges would have had to have been filed within a year after an incident, according to John McCarthy, Montgomery County’s longtime chief prosecutor; Lisae C. Jordan, the executive director and counsel for the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault; and other longtime Maryland attorneys interviewed in recent days.
The Maryland legislature changed the law in 1996, making attempted rape a felony and removing the statute of limitations, according to McCarthy and Jordan.
“But we’d have to apply the law as it existed at the time of the allegations,” McCarthy said.'
That leaves only a reopened FBI background investigation on Kavanaugh, which would seem to have to be ordered by the White House or requested by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
I think the best thing that could happen for Kavanaugh is that his friends (particularly Judge) would volunteer over the weekend to be interviewed on the record by the FBI that the statements their lawyers gave to the committee are true.
Well, it is probably the highest rated show in the history of CSPAN. Why not re-up it for another season?
FBI investigation of "no more than a week..."
Wow. I never considered Flake a profile in courage. But this is a Hank Johnson level of stupidity.
One hopes the Democrats gave Jeff Flake a silk purse to carry his testicles in, like the eunuchs of an earlier day.
What Rabel said at 1:56PM with one exception. The raid on Ford's home needs to be very early in the morning while the family is still asleep.
Flake may think the Ford allegations are what will be looked at. But the Democrats are still touting the others, no matter how ridiculous. And, of course at least one Senator has already said we would need to also investigate any allegations that come up during that week.
And if, horrors, the investigation does not cover every claim of seeing Judge K drink to excess, why we just are SURE he lied under oath.
If Feinstein, the chicom employer, hadn't sat on the letter for 8 weeks, they could have had an"FBI" investigation.
"Flake is a conservative idealist who believes he can start to repair that damage."
Well, I guess that's one way of looking at it.
Maybe Flake negotiated for the McCain treatment when he dies.
I really think that Flake's suggestion/requirement is a good idea. The committee has voted Kavanaugh forward, and letting the FBI look at this will do Kavanaugh some good. I would expect that they would report back that the first allegation is impossible to check and is way too vague to try and prosecute, the second one isn't anything anyhow, and the third one is false.
"For good measure they could subpoena the phone and email records from the reporters at the Post who took the leak of Ford's letter."
-- They should not need to. Ford says she didn't authorize the leak to the WaPo. As a matter of ethics, the WaPo should cooperate, especially since some of the documents leaked to the WaPo included *therapist notes.*
Remember, the Left doesn't want to defeat you, they want you dead.
MikeR: "I really think that Flake's suggestion/requirement is a good idea. The committee has voted Kavanaugh forward, and letting the FBI look at this will do Kavanaugh some good. I would expect that they would report back that the first allegation is impossible to check and is way too vague to try and prosecute, the second one isn't anything anyhow, and the third one is false."
It's the 147 "new" "credible" allegations that will emerge in the next 72 hours that I would focus on if I were you....
JAORE: "Flake may think the Ford allegations are what will be looked at. But the Democrats are still touting the others, no matter how ridiculous. And, of course at least one Senator has already said we would need to also investigate any allegations that come up during that week."
"I think the best thing that could happen for Kavanaugh is that his friends (particularly Judge) would volunteer over the weekend to be interviewed on the record by the FBI that the statements their lawyers gave to the committee are true."
How many Strzok's and McCabes and Bakers and Pages and Comey's are still working in the FBI and would love a nice payday from big-time dem donors?
This has become the political version of the Chinese Water Torture. Every week the confirmation process gets extended for another week. Instead of drip, drip, drip, it will be new allegation after new allegation after new allegation no matter how bizarre. It will never end until Kavanaugh withdraws his nomination.
What more can Judge say? He doesn't remember it; neither does Smythe. Neither does Leland. The only reason to question them again is if we've learned anything that calls those claims into doubt. Which we have not.
Trump should let DiFi know that he'll order the FBI to fully investigate her connections to the Chinese government if the Bureau is asked to investigate the CBF allegation.
Nobody's hit the nail on the head yet.
The D's will point the FBI toward the person who said Kavanaugh "must have" been so drunk that he didn't know what he was doing some times in college.
A few more people will come forward with similar stories about how drunk he was.
The D's will accuse him of perjury.
Game. Set. Match.
Matthew Sablan: "What more can Judge say?"
He doesn't have to say anything.
His life will now be turned over and over and over and if he was ever late with a bill payment, ever got into an accident, ever said the wrong thing to someone, that will be blown up Hitlerian proportions (because, these days, what isn't?) and then transferred directly Kavanaugh.
That's the point.
The dems/LLR's are now scrounging for anyone that can be painted negatively to turn into a monster to make Kavanaugh a monster.
And make no mistake, there are dem DA's running around Maryland right now trying to figure out how to frame Kavanaugh for a crime so that not only does Kavanaugh not get on the SC, but that he is removed from his current court and is, in fact, ruined.
That's the message the dems want to send.
That's the message all leftists want to send. But only all the time.
How many Dems plan to vote for Kavanaugh if the FBI finds nothing?
None, although a few might do so if he's already got the votes for fig leaf political purposes.
Their cries of "we need to know the truth" ring hollow.
Flake knows all this of course.
But he wants his payday from his soon to be lefty benefactors.
I think the rest of America needs to know if Amy Klobuchar ever got blackout drunk and what she did when she was.
You’re telling all women that they don’t matter —
No man purports to speak for "all men", yet women let other women routinely get away with this shit.
"Don’t look away from me! Look at me and tell me that it doesn’t matter what happened to me — that you’ll let people like that go into the highest court in the land!"
He didn't Flake, he was pussywhipped.
Where the hell are the Capitol Police when these protesters are getting in Senators faces?
"Where the hell are the Capitol Police when these protesters are getting in Senators faces?"
-- Or in Kavanaugh's. Honestly, the Capitol Police are kind of bad at security, huh.
Judge has agreed to answer questions.
Kevin: "Where the hell are the Capitol Police when these protesters are getting in Senators faces?"
DC and the Capital police are wholly owned subsidiaries of the democrat party, and thus whatever the dems/protestors want to do they can.
Remember how the insane code pink gal with the fake bloody hands was able to get right up into Condoleeza Rice's face with her hands in the Committee room? The dems always let these loonies in.
Back to the DC/Capital police, how do you think Patrick Kennedy was able to drive and crash directly into a barrier in DC under the influence of alcohol and drugs and get away with it?
The only saving grace is that, that time, a Kennedy didn't, in a cowardly fashion, leave a girl to drown in the car.
Just think, if he had, Patrick Kennedy too could have been a Lion of the Senate.
I would think as part of an FBI investigation, they would first need to talk with Ms Ford. What if they think she's lying to them ? Indict for lying to the FBI ?
Matthew Sablan: "Judge has agreed to answer questions."
No reason not to. His answers are already in his 2 under oath submissions.
What's that "if" doing in there?
I'd think they'd need to start with Ford first. What is the point of asking Judge questions first? "Were you there?" "Where?" "Where the thing happened!"
This should be quick, since the FBI already tossed it once. Bring Ford in; ask her questions, have her fill out a formal charge. Then have the FBI say whether there's anything they can investigate.
DC and the Capital police are wholly owned subsidiaries of the democrat party, and thus whatever the dems/protestors want to do they can.
They need to put a stop to this, not just keeping people back and arresting them for assault, but putting facial recognition in place to keep people out who've proven they don't know how to act when they're there.
We've learned from LivePD if you tase a few of the most outrageous cases and occasionally release the hounds, the rest return to civil discourse.
Why do people care so much about this? On both sides, I mean. What's at stake?
It's not like a withdrawal of Kavanaugh would mean the seat going to a liberal justice. Hell, his replacement could easily be as conservative. So, it's not like the makeup of the court hangs in the balance.
A lot of his supporters have convinced themselves that the allegations are obviously 100% false. Or, they're willing to say that parts of them are probably true and who cares. But those are terrible positions. Looking certain when you obviously shouldn't be, and pooh-poohing sexual assault allegations in 2018... Seems like a lot of self-inflected political damage. You lose basically nothing by giving up Kavanaugh. Why not nominate someone else? The Dems start to look tendentious if they won't let any through.
And then the Democrats are also fighting this like if they win, Garland gets his rightful place on the court. I guess at least they have the political circus going into the midterms.
I see no stakes, unless you personally care about Kavanaugh. But why would you personally care about Kavanaugh?
Matthew Sablan: "Judge has agreed to answer questions."
What about Squi?
What about Smalls, Squints, and Ham?
What about Wendy Pfeffercorn? She has a legitimate complaint!
Love love love the harridans who accosted Flake - definitive proof that the essence of feminism is that each woman's psychodrama (whether based in reality or contrived, like Ford's) must be projected onto everything, must be everyone else's problem, and is more important than anything else.
Cookie and Freder's Commie buddies are threatening political assassinations. That's the next step, I guess.
I demand an FBI investigation into Diane Feinstein. Did she leak the letter? Is she still corresponding with the Chinese Spy who worked in her office for 20 years that the Media seems to have forgotten about?? What is going on!???
Roost on the Moon said...
Why do people care so much about this? On both sides, I mean. What's at stake?
People on the right believe that you are innocent until proven guilty. The people on the left who believed Dr. Ford before she testified believe you are guilty and YOU have to prove your innocence. Choose a side.
Interesting that CNN intentionally excised the activist's rude comments from their tweet, trying to hide their omission by not even using ellipses. Contrast to yesterday when they pretended to be aghast Kavanaugh answered a question with a question.
They really are as shitty as we say they are.
"Why do people care so much about this? On both sides, I mean. What's at stake?"
I've been thinking about this very thing. At this point it is no longer about a conservative justice on SCOTUS. Anybody on the Federalist list would do. A logical strategy was to remove K. 2 weeks ago, and substitute in someone without any questions. In the past, people have withdrawn their names for smoking a few bowls.'s no longer about SCOTUS votes. It's transformed into some conflagration of social tensions, symbolism, meanings.
For some, it's about a question of due process. For others, it's a question about the sexual abuse of women and girls and justice. For all, it's about a question of respect. People on all sides feel disrespected.
Blogger Roost on the Moon said...
Why do people care so much about this? On both sides, I mean. What's at stake?
Me? I fucking hate Democrats. I want them to suffer and this is better than shooting them.
If he didn't do it, he should not be a proxy substitute for those that did.
Fuck anyone that thinks he should be.
"...look at me!"
"Did you just say look at you?"
Lesson learned. Gather the cameras. Hold the elevator door. Shreek, "Something, something, something or you're a bigot/homophobe, etc."
If it keeps working the left will escalate the use of the tactic.
LOL @ Oso Negro.
The Charge of the Dim Brigade.
It is a modern curiosity that a fair fraction of millennials think women are better than men. I, on the other hand, am a believer in the moral equality of the sexes.
"You lose basically nothing by giving up Kavanaugh. Why not nominate someone else? The Dems start to look tendentious if they won't let any through."
That may be the most naive thing I've seen today. If K withdraws, the Dems will have a victory in their drive to keep Trump from undoing all of their socialist plans, and they will smell blood in the water. They will redouble their efforts to crush any nominee that Trump puts forward, and they will not be held accountable, because the corporate media will laud them for saving the Country They Love So Much.
This may not be Little Round Top, but you can see it from here....
What female Senator, or any woman, would put up with a man screaming at her like that. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!!" Unbelievable.
“If we are going to 'investigate', can we investigate Ford too? If we're asked to believe her story, with its lack of specifics (don't know where; don't know when) and four 'witnesses' who say they weren't there - I want to understand who she is as well - I need to know if she is a 'troubled' person / total flake, or a normal person whose account I can reasonably trust.”
What do you think the FBI is going to do? Play tiddlywinks?
It will never end until Kavanaugh withdraws his nomination.
Nope. It will end when they STFU and confirm him.
You lose basically nothing by giving up Kavanaugh.
If it's not Kavanaugh now, it will be somebody else next.
Why can't you see this?
What do you think the FBI is going to do? Play tiddlywinks?
I think they are going to interview Ford, Leland, PJ, Judge, and Kavanaugh. Perhaps they will glean the house she's describing and interview the owner.
I would *like* them to find out more about who is paying for her lawyers, who she talked to about the timing, etc. But I don't think they will.
Yeah, there's something wrong with Flake.
He's a rich guy, Senator, and a tall OK looking guy.
Why would you shrink before some little female protester?
I would've just looked at her and smiled (benevolently).
Blogger Roost on the Moon said...
LOL @ Oso Negro.
The Charge of the Dim Brigade.
9/28/18, 3:15 PM
You think it's funny? I suggest you start including your name and address on all your political posts and you will see how funny it is. We are in turbulent times. Better to have political satisfaction than the murderous satisfaction of civil war.
If the FBI raids Blasey Ford's House, they will have to kick down two front doors.
female Senator, or any woman, would put up with a man screaming at her
"Why would you shrink before some little female protester?
I would've just looked at her and smiled (benevolently)."
Are you kidding. The protestor and her companion held the elevator door, trapping Flake before the cameras and the Do-you-support-rape? shrieking. He was held in a box and she was NOT going to stop.
Think he's going to elbow her out of the way?
The big deal in all of this is Chevron deference.
There is a $4 trillion dollar federal budget at stake.
There is the power for unelected, nearly unfireable, bureaucrats to tell people and businesses what to do.
Kavanaugh threatens the D.C. cabal that legislates from the bench... BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, through regulations.
And not every conservative (see, e.g. Scalia) agrees with Kavanaugh.
He matters a lot.
The little chippy’s obvious goal was to get Flake to hit her on camera. He recognized the game and declined. Good for him.
I’d like to think Althouse doesn’t approve of this sort of performance art, but I fear I would be wrong.
She doesn’t speak for me.
Skipping down on the West Coast feed.
If I was Judge Kavanaugh I would look forward to yet another clean FBI report. It is the only way to start getting back his reputation. Sad, but true.
As long as the FBI is on the case, I'd like to see Ford's scrubbed social media. It was public two months ago, it needs to be re-publiced now.
And let’s show the world copies of the Holton-Arms “Scribe” for 1981 through 1983 while we’re at it.
When did liberal women go completely batshit crazy? I don't expect women to embrace logic, but the complete rejection of it is a bit over the top.
I got this feeling that this is all for show and that Kavanaugh already has the vote to be confirmed. Trump seems sedate about the whole thing. Cocaine Mitch is sedate. Its almost like someone is going to drop a dime on crazy train Ford soon.
The FBI will spend the next week leaking info to the NYT portraying the president and his nominee unfavorably. The Republican leadership are idiots for agreeing to this.
Blogger Big Mike said...And let’s show the world copies of the Holton-Arms “Scribe” for 1981 through 1983 while we’re at it.
Gk1 said...
I got this feeling that this is all for show and that Kavanaugh already has the vote to be confirmed. Trump seems sedate about the whole thing. Cocaine Mitch is sedate. Its almost like someone is going to drop a dime on crazy train Ford soon.
9/28/18, 10:47 PM
Please baby please.
Ford must pay.
Katz must pay.
DiFi must pay.
What's the intelligence community for if not to surveil and pry into the histories of Americans? BHO has told us so. He has told us to get in their faces and hit twice as hard. Wisdom from BHO.
I wish Ford may remember the day of her comeuppance far better than she remembers the events she pretends to describe.
I know they're going to rot in hell but being human, I'd like to see a little on Earth first. In fact if they suffer here enough, perhaps they may be redeemed for the hereafter. Worth trying, anyway.
This. Must. Stop.
I am genuinely shocked by the imperious language the activist hurled against a United States Senator. You are saying this! You are saying that! Look at me! Look at me when I talk to you! I - yes *I* - divine, define, and determine what you are saying and doing and even thinking. And *I* wield the prerogative to tell you what you must do! Look at me!"
And then we find out they are activists, and so far as we can tell, not victims. And even if they were, that wouldn't be as reality-defining as they think.
"What's at stake?"
The midtrm elections.
I would have thought that this would be obvious.
Obviously I was wrong.
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