It's lofty, abstract, and bland. It doesn't mention Trump or impugn anyone at all. It doesn't dig up McCain or say that anyone has fallen below the standards of "America... that shining city on the hill." It is a request for money to help Democrats in the midterm elections, of course, but it doesn't even mention the Democratic Party. Obama is raising money for "a more representative, more just, more inclusive democracy."
The term "reality" is used repeatedly to stand in for particularizing what it is about the current reality the recipients of the email are presumed to be unhappy about. He is "a big believer in reality" to go along with the "hope" he's famous for. You need to see what's wrong, "embrace reality," and take action. "I'm asking you to be neither blind to, nor dismayed by, reality -- but motivated by it."
Ironically, as he calls us to "reality," Obama is aloof and abstract. He won't say anything bad about anybody or even mention anyone. He only speaks of America — the inspiring, virtuous whole — ever improving and crystalizing into goodness. Obama, the embodiment of goodness, trusts us to look at reality for ourselves — open our eyes — and also to see "a vision" — his vision — and then to "make this vision a reality."
ADDED: At the end of Obama's "Reality" email, there's a button marks "I'm in." But what are you in? Reality? Or the old safe space of Obama's dreamy hope? Meade sends me the link to "South Park"'s "Safe Space" in which "Reality" appears as a villain who is heroically opposed:
It's no secret that I'm a big believer in hope and change.
But I'm also a big believer in reality. Hope that is not rooted in reality will never lead to the change we desire.
If you don't like things you see, you can't just close your eyes and long for something better. You've got to open them, embrace reality, and channel that hope into action.
America didn't become that shining city on the hill by wishing for it. We built it with clear eyes, righteous ambition, and unwavering determination.
So I'm asking you to recall that unlikely story of America -- a story that forever validates our hope -- and help write its next chapter.
I'm asking you to be neither blind to, nor dismayed by, reality -- but motivated by it.
There is no time to feel discouraged. Now is the time to get organizing with OFA for November's crucial midterms.
Ann, those who believe in democracy and civil rights and a common humanity will always have the upper hand. That's not just something I want to believe; I believe it because history has proven it true.
But history has also proven that virtue alone is not enough. A better vision will only prevail if we work tirelessly on behalf of that vision.
If we want a more representative, more just, more inclusive democracy, we need to keep fighting for it.
If we want policies that lift up the most vulnerable instead of politicians who put them down, we need to keep organizing.
If we want a more perfect union, we need to build it together, from the bottom up.
Say you'll do the work to make this vision a reality: [a clickable button saying "I'm in"]
६५ टिप्पण्या:
Obama is a bit like Woodrow Wilson.
And he called her "Ann."
A letter from Obama the Boyfriend: remember how good we were, baby? I know I left you and haven't been in contact much, but I've always been thinking about you. Things were best when you and I were together, remember? I'd like to think I brought out the best in you, and maybe we could get together, have some coffee, talk about the future. You in?
I am Laslo.
I thought we didn't build it.
Wasn't it all conferred on us by a benevolent federal government?
It's a subliminal reminder of all that "reality-based" crap from a decade ago.
It must be targeted to non-red-meat-eating Democrat donors.
While you sip your drink, I will stroke your hair and tell you such complimentary things as "You are like a fine statue carved out of brown marble," and "Your eyes are like pools of creamy Italian butter," and "You have beautiful shoes." You will know that I mean these things because they come from the heart, and the heart is always true.
At this point, we will go back to my place, where I will prepare a dinner specially suited for one as lovely as you. While I am cooking the meal, we will talk about your life, your hopes, and your dreams. At this point, I will unthaw a deluxe bag of jumbo shrimp for you to sample as the appetizer.
There will also be cocktail sauce.
Finally, my dinner of lobster, shipped to me that morning in only the coldest of ice from the finest lobster region in all of Maine, will be completed and placed on the table.
A letter from Obama the Boyfriend: Baby, I don't want to tell you I Told You So, so I'm not going to go there, okay? But I think that, if you look in your heart, you'll see that I was right. And it's okay, sometimes people need a little time apart: I understand. I understand you. And I forgive you. Let's stay in touch: things are always better when you and I are together...
I am Laslo.
There will be coffee waiting for you, and there will also be a cup with cream and two sugars, just the way you like it, cooling on the breakfast bar. If you want toast, I will make it for you and offer you a staggering array of exotic French jams.
Through this display of caring and thoughtfulness, you will see that I am the one for you. We are like two slightly different colored beads on a single ancient necklace. We are so right together, it hurts to even speak your name when you are not around me. Do not doubt my words. Believe me when I say this to you.
If we want policies that lift up the most vulnerable instead of politicians who put them down, we need to keep organizing
If we want those policies we need to recognize what works and what doesn't and reject what doesn't work, even when what doesn't work is so compelling and comforting. Stop making the same mistakes again and again and embrace what has proven to work.
Maybe the dems are short on the cash required to fund hoax dossiers needed to weaponize federal agencies to spy on domestic political opponents...
"Hope that is not rooted in reality will never lead to the change we desire."
So he learned an abstract lesson while President.
But he still has not learned how to translate his abstract change into specifics. Hopey changey lives on.
A letter from Obama the Boyfriend: I understand: I shouldn't have been away for so long. That's on me, okay? But I've always needed some time alone, some time to think and to hope and to dream. And now I'm stronger than ever. I believe in you, baby: I know you would never purposefully disappoint me: you're not that way. It's just that I think I sometimes know you better than you know yourself: believe in me believing in you, okay? We'll talk...
I am Laslo.
Obama booty call
I was reading this from 2011 which mentions the chronic unemployment of the Obama era...
Today, solutions to our economic troubles, from onerous government debt to high unemployment, remain elusive
I remember the countless Obama branded 'space shot' conferences where we were supposedly getting the world's great minds together to solve the problem of chronic unemployment and stagnation? How stumped all these folks were?
One tax bill and the elimination of some soul crushing regulation and poof! Problem solved...
More like that Barack...
"If we want policies that lift up the most vulnerable ..."
Because we know those vulnerable folks are too stupid and lazy to improve their own lives. They don't need or want jobs, they want handouts.
What are they going to do with money? Still thinking money buys elections?
I'm a big believer in reality. The change you desire is not rooted in reality. Not rooted in reality reality, anyways.
This is precisely the sort of siren call that proves irresistible to LLR Chuck.
In fact, Chuck is likely to deem this effort "magnificent".
And why not really. After all, dreamy obama and the LLR's share the same dreamy visions for our nation.
“More inclusive” means “Half of America should just shut the fuck up!”
ESPN is going to have a show for his basketball picks again, aren't they?
This demanded the Smoove B treatment. Thanks, mezzrow.
“I know you would never purposefully disappoint me”
LOL, That’s Obama to a tee.
I didn’t like his vision then, so why would I like his vision now?
Today, solutions to our economic troubles, from onerous government debt to high unemployment, remain elusive
We can’t drill our way out.....
If we want policies that lift up the most vulnerable ..."
Because we know those vulnerable folks are too stupid and lazy to improve their own lives. They don't need or want jobs, they want handouts.
Insty linked to an article that said there were I think 400k black-owned businesses started.
So what did the Light Bringer say about international situations?
We can’t bring reality to the Palestinians!
Especially when one cuts back on funding.
The plan is: every Democrat acts completely crazy and chaotic except Obama; Obama is here to remind you how good things were by comparison when he was president. Vote democrat if you want to return to that.
It ought to work on women.
It's no secret that I'm a big believer in hope and change.
But I'm also a big believer in reality.
Well, the reality Is that change is easy; change that improves the lives of people who go not donate megabucks to the Democrat Party is hard (ditto the GOP). But the reality is that it can be done, and Donald Trump is accomplishing it, in the face of fierce, even violent, resistance, including from thoroughly misguided saboteurs inside his administration.
There is a “reality” inside Barack Obama’s head, and a reality that is real.
“You can’t drill your way to lower gas prices.” Actually, yes we can. In fact, we can drill our way to energy self-sufficiency. Thank you Donald Trump.
Craziness just has to outshine the good economy, trade progress, NK peace...
The MSM makes sure of that.
Darn you Laslo. I'll be humming Barry White music all day!
I see a new tag coming: Reality Bullshit.
It's no secret that I'm a big believer in hope and change. So, I've decided that you cannot keep your doctor, or your health insurance.
But history has also proven that virtue alone is not enough. A better vision will only prevail if we work tirelessly on behalf of that vision, so you'll need to sell me your clunkers. That's right, cash for clunkers.
It is a request for money to help Democrats in the midterm elections, of course, but it doesn't even mention the Democratic Party.
OFA is a 501(c)4, so it is not allowed (wink, wink) to advocate for a specific party or candidate.
Also note that a 501(c)4 is not required to disclose information about its donors. So if anyone wants to complain about Dark Money in politics, this is where they should start.
The "reality" of the Kavanaugh hearings is quite illustrative:
1. In 2014, Dems lose the Senate - but insist they get to bypass Senate "advice & consent" as to Federal Judges.
2. In 2016, Dems lose the Presidency - but stil think they get to pick Federal judges.
3. In 2017, Trump nominates Gorsuch - but the Dems try to filibuster him.
4. In 2018, Trump nominates Kavanaugh - but paid leftists try to disrupt the hearings every 20 mins or so, Dem Senators ask pointless questions about Morrison v Olson, one Senator goes full Spartacus by threatening to reveal classified emails that he already knows have been de-classified and don't say much.
“we want a more representative, more just, more inclusive democracy, we need to keep fighting for it.”
I think a bunch of voters in Michigan , Wisconsin and Minnesota wanted to be “included” in 2016.
PS I bet they’re still “fighting for it”.
Hussein Obama's safe space was lost when his 200 million in stolen gold was taken by Trump's Seal Team 6 from his Thailand safe space estate that he bought with his share of the missing Solyndra loot. Gold was always Hussein's vision.
If we want a more representative... democracy...
...we need to appoint Supreme Court justices who believe in judicial restraint.
Fortunately, we are working on that.
If we want a more representative... democracy...
...then members of the executive branch need to be working toward the policy goals set by the elected President, not working against them.
At the end of Obama's "Reality" email, there's a button marks "I'm in." But what are you in?
Ann, those who believe in democracy and civil rights and a common humanity will always have the upper hand. That's not just something I want to believe; I believe it because history has proven it true.
Uh... no. History says exactly the opposite.
Unless by "upper hand" you mean the moral upper hand. Like Socrates drinking his hemlock and upper-handing all those Greek guys making him drink it with his hemlock-drinking sang-froid.
Still love South Park
Man, that is tepid. How long can he suppress the bleating scold?
It's only a matter of time before he reiterates "This is not who we are.".
I guess he had some of that at McCain's sendoff.
who was this O'Bama guy? didn't he used to be President, or something?
Maybe the reality he is talking about is Reality Winner.
Very typical of President Obama. In fact, that e-mail is deeply insulting to all of his political opponents... If you're not with him, it so clearly implies, you are living in some fantasy land, you don't believe in reality itself. But it all sounds so very, very "civil." So he positions himself, to his supporters, as someone civil, nice, "Presidential," while in fact continuing to suggest, in softer language than the "bitter clinger" remarks he once let slip, that everyone else is delusional and awful.
A lot of words to say "Hey, give me some money."
Booker clearly didn't get the reality message,.
I wonder if, late at night, some glimmer of self reflection impacts the Great Banality.
I hope he gets a vision of what he might have been: seeking consensus, healing racial divides. A man who could have spoken Truth to Power in the African American Community. One who could have credibly dealt with Entitlements.
Only Nixon could go to China.
Only Obama could have solved Entitlements.
And then, in comparison he sees how very...small and typical he was instead: a community huckster writ large except with his hand in the till. A deeply polarizing figure who gave gas to the most extremist elements which destroyed the bench of the Democratic Party.
All for an Insurance Plan which FAILED.
It's lofty, abstract, and bland.
And yet you think it was not written by Obama?
He is so divorced from reality, he wouldn't know it if he fell over it. PERIOD.
I think that it's quite evident, that when you affirmative action someone through life, they eventually are exposed to the truth that they're just not that smart.
"40 years from now, I don't want us to be looking back and saying 'We had a perfect relationship, and we blew it.'"
Reality Winner
It's a YUUUUUGE nothingburger.
It's a request for money to help the democrat party... but it doesn't even mention the democrat party.
How do you know it's for the democrat party? Obama needs billions of other people's dollars to build his "army that's just as big and armed as well as the regular army, and a police force just as big and well equipped as the regular police force'. The money to pay off mobs and thugs and assassins doesn't grow on trees, ya know, and L'il Barry isn't about to pay them with his own money.
Henry said...
Ann, those who believe in democracy and civil rights and a common humanity will always have the upper hand. That's not just something I want to believe; I believe it because history has proven it true.
Uh... no. History says exactly the opposite.
This. Freedom is not free.
The natural state of man is not holding hands and singing Kumbaya. On the playground or in the neighborhood you learn that there will always be those who want to intimidate and dominate you and others. They only respond to or respect a willingness and ability to defend oneself. And so it is with countries.
I don't have a problem with a call for reality.
I don't buy it from friends of Oprah's,....
Crack: how do you like the racists comfortable in the Althouse hothouse safe space for them to express their hatred and contempt for "you people".
@ Mezzrow - ha ha at Smoov B Love!
For how in-tune with reality Obama is, just ask "Il Dufe" some questions on basic economics. He's probably hoping Nancy Pelosi will repeal the Law of Supply and Demand.
Caller into Rush today had a great response to Obama and supporters claiming credit for the booming economy. Obama is basically claiming he loosened the jar lid for Trump. Not only did he not loosen it, for eight years he was turning it the wrong way.
Obama is too busy cashing in to write these trite emails. He’s shopping for his sixth house and working on his golf game. Nice reality if you can attain it.
You'd think the guy who cost the Ds more than 1,0000 elected seats during his eight years would keep his mouth shut.
But, whatever.
" Reality"-- what a concept !! -- L. Tomlin
Homo Howard@12:28 Who said anything about "you people", except you? Scumbag Obama gives everyone plenty to hate about him without getting racial. Except racist Democrat party members always start, and finish, with racial grievance mongering. FYI, this has been the case in our country ever since the democrat party swore allegiance to Moscow during the traitorous reign of FDR. So you're simply perpetuating the lies of your communist whoremasters, whore
"America didn't become that shining city on the hill by wishing for it. We [sic] built it with clear eyes, righteous ambition, and unwavering determination." That image was brought to America by the Puritans -- you know, Barack, those white people who stole the country from the native Americans. Surprised you'd buy into that.
And as Tonto said to the Lone Ranger when they were surrounded by Indians, What do you mean by "we" Paleface?
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