I called him "ineffectual," but no! He was effectual. He was efflaketual.
"Senate GOP agrees to one-week delay on Kavanaugh confirmation to allow for FBI probe."
Nice graphic depiction by Drudge. It's got a great-masters-oil-painting feeling to it. I'm thinking of Caravaggio...

... and Rembrandt...

२४६ टिप्पण्या:
246 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Has anyone asked Ford if she would agree to an FBI interview?
Under federal law, Congress can give Mr. Judge immunity testify at congressional hearings. Once immunity is granted, nothing the witness says can be used in a criminal prosecution. Let's get this done!
Has anyone asked Ford if she would agree to an FBI interview?
Bet her DiFi/attorney says, "Sure she will". But only after days of negotiation on when, where,how and who.
Perhaps she'll now remember she's afraid of flying and there's three more days.
And she may come up with a name after a few more days now that she has time to contemplate.
The R's got played because they have only a one vote margin. The D's will vote in lock step for everything short of shooting dogs to read their entrails to predict how Judge K would vote on Roe v, Wade.
Leland corroborates Judge, Kavanaugh, and Smyth and contradicts Ford.
Leland has no motive to lie. If anything, she had a motive to back up her friend.
It’s not Kavanaugh and Judge’s credibility that needs to be shredded.
It’s Leland’s.
It wouldn’t matter if Judge, Kavanaugh, and Smyth were shitfaced throughout their youth.
Ford’s “lifelong friend” contradicts her.
That's it, he's toast.
How can the Rs *not* see this?!
No, JAORE, they'll shoot dogs, babies (oops - fetuses), anything and repeatedly until they get the needed outcome.
The Dem Senators would need to trash Leland.
Let’s see them subpoena her and trash her credibility. She’s the most credible one.
I do agree that is a very well framed picture.
I would say that it all seems fine and I am sure that once the FBI is done they will find nothing new, but after the past several weeks reality seems more like an elaborate practical joke than anything else.
There's a whole Subreddit dedicate to this sort of thing, and they have this picture in there:
Judge is a sideshow. Leland is the main witness. She undercuts Ford more than Ford’s inability to identify a time and place.
"He was efflaketual."
Don't do that.
Look at me when I'm talking to you!
Don't do that.
Nice catch on the painting comparison. Those Arizona Senators aren't very reliable. Trump hatred is a helluva drug.
Klobuchar: “You can do a lot in one week if you have the whole FBI in your pocket.”
FIFY Senator.
"Senate GOP agrees to one-week delay on Kavanaugh confirmation to allow for FBI probe."
So that the FBI can say "we already said no"
So that they can say, "well do it anyway"
So that they can say, "ok sure. Mitchell what do you have?" "No?" "Anyone?" "Bueller?"
So that Dems can say, "include Judge."
Judge has nothing substantive to say....
So that we can go back to square one.
Flake looks like he just boofed.
From what I gather Mark Judge is battling cancer and Leland Keyser has "Health Issues" according to Ford. Maybe we can wheel out a few more dead and dying. The show must go on!
Good for Flake. This would have been much more meaningful before the public bloodletting yesterday, but Kavanaugh has the hearing he wanted and there are at least a few new characters to interview. Due diligence.
This is the Rembrandt I thought of.
At this point McConnell would do well to hold the vote even if it lost.
Then run on the Democrats' evil procedures, with both Ford and Kav.
Then, elect a bigger majority and nominate him again.
I doubt McC has the guts,
One from yesterday.
What a crock of shit.
The devil is in the details on this loose agreement.
Will the agree to have the FBI investigate CBF's credibility?
If not, this is a complete joke.
I'm happy to see the reinforcement of my perception, and I think Drudge has a similar feeling and deliberately gives prominence to things that have this monumental, historical aura.
Flake looks like he is sick to his stomach.
As long as the FBI starts by interviewing Ford I am good with this. Oh, and if she has committed perjury in her testimony to the Senate, they get to make her do the perp walk.
Leland isn’t the one with “health issues.” Ford is. Leland wouldn’t back her crazy friend.
“Has anyone asked Ford if she would agree to an FBI interview?”
She said she would yesterday, she called for an FBI investigation for pity sake. Of course she knows the will interview her.
Correction: they HAVE to make her do the perp walk.
I think the Rs came across pretty well yesterday. They'd have been even smarter if they had insisted upon an FBI review, reminding the Ds that thay (the Ds) said it would only take a few days. Now it will happen. The Ds won't be able to say they didn't get their FBI investigation. Naturally when it finds there's no basis for Ford's (as it will) claim the Ds will revert to Joe Biden's old point (which was correct) that FBI investigations like this aren't conclusive.
If Ford wanted an investigation, she could have filed a report in Maryland since there is no statute of limitations. Any cooperation with the FBI is meaningless if she has yet to file her complaint.
Here's a wider angle featuring Flake's view of the situation.
Give the FBI a week or so. Their investigation addendum will find no new evidence corroborating the charge, the vote will taken and the Democrats will be forced either to vote yes or to explain their no vote as being something completely different than Kavenaugh's suitability. Such as pure obstruction, as per Shumer's aim.
I think it's's a great strategy.
Has anyone asked DiFi if she and her staff would agree to be investigated by the FBI for leaking CBF's name?
“Any cooperation with the FBI is meaningless if she has yet to file her complaint.”
"Has anyone asked DiFi if she and her staff would agree to be investigated by the FBI for leaking CBF's name?"
-- Forget that. Ford says she didn't leak to the WaPo; the WaPo got her therapist notes. If the WaPo got it from anyone BUT Ford, that's most likely a crime.
Other Unknown, the investigation isn't the point. The delay is the point. The Demoncrats are Micawbering this, except they aren't just waiting, they are working like mad behind the scenes.
Lastt I heard, the FBI has said they have no authority to launch an investigation. Has that changed?
I’m loving this. We are headed for complete deadlock in the Senate. The last time this happened was before the Civil War. And I like that Althouse, who claims to be moderate, is in favor of this deadly embrace. Law professors don’t know ‘bout History.....
First, everyone has testified, or given sworn statements, under oath.
Are they going to deviate from their previous testimony when talking to FBI ? No.
The FBI could talk to Mark Judge about the Safeway meeting. Or they could talk to kavanaugh - and others - about the meetings on his calendar. And maybe they could talk Leland about anything else she knows. And they certainly, could talk to the 4th man, about his relationship with Ford and Kavanaugh.
But what else? You're talking about a 36 incident that didn't happen. How can you remember anything, when its all made up?
Does Kavanaugh have Secret Service protection?
Instead of murdering his reputation they could go kinetic.
Flake was probably pressured or bribed by his future employer, either a Wall Street Hedge fund, or a K street lobbying group.
or maybe he's just an attention seeking flake.
And Rockwell!
BTW, when is the FBI report going to be leaked to the media?
Before or after its finished?
A civil war? LOL.
You need two sides that want to fight.
Right now, we only have one.
Frosted Flake (R-Whenever I Feel Like It) thinks he's a statesman, when he's nothing more than a jerk.
And you thought we buried McCain a few weeks ago.
Federal judges do not get Secret Service protection. US Marshals are assigned that job but it seems the level of protection requested is up to the individual.
The FBI will determine Ford is a lying kook but will withhold that finding from the public.
Forget that. Ford says she didn't leak to the WaPo; the WaPo got her therapist notes. If the WaPo got it from anyone BUT Ford, that's most likely a crime.
I am missing your point, Matthew. I was asking about the FBI investigating DiFi and her staff.
If they leaked it is it a crime? If so, it seems to be worth investigating.
“Has anyone asked DiFi if she and her staff would agree to be investigated by the FBI for leaking CBF's name?"
“-- Forget that. Ford says she didn't leak to the WaPo; the WaPo got her therapist notes. If the WaPo got it from anyone BUT Ford, that's most likely a crime.”
It was leaked to the Intercept. The Intercept has already said Diane Feinstein did not leak it.
It was leaked to the Intercept. The Intercept has already said Diane Weinstein’s did not leak it.
Are we supposed to believe journalists because they never lie?
Is Diane Weinstein somehow related to Harvey?
Title of Drudge photo:
Cruel Neutrality
Altman did it too
Rocean, a deadlock in the Senate is a true Constitutional crisis. The sides are already formed up, just like 1861. All you need is for your representative to be on your side. And it’s happening.
Exactly zero people will be satisfied by the one week delay.
Nothing the FBI can do in a week.
But! It will undoubtedly show us why many more weeks are surely needed.
"It was leaked to the Intercept. The Intercept has already said Diane Feinstein did not leak it."
-- Good. Whoever leaked it to them stole it then from Ford, who insisted she didn't want it leaked. Shielding that source is taking advantage of a victim; there are no journalistic ethics that should protect this source. The Intercept should hand them over.
Don’t worry Matthew the FBI is on it.
The FBI should not have to; the Intercept, immediately on learning they had been leaked documents that belonged to Ford and were privileged should immediately burn their source.
Blogger Jack Wayne said...
I’m loving this. We are headed for complete deadlock in the Senate. The last time this happened was before the Civil War. And I like that Althouse, who claims to be moderate, is in favor of this deadly embrace. Law professors don’t know ‘bout History...
The last time the Senate was 50/50 was the civil war?
C'mon man! I'm not that old and I'm old enough to remember the Bush administration. Granted, technically the 50/50 split started during the Clinton administration. Gore was the tires breaker for like two weeks!
Did Russians hack Ford identity and release it? Shouldn’t Mueller be mulling this?
When Kavanaugh gets accused next wee of being a child murdering rapist by a new Avenatti client, will Flake apologize and buy Kavanaugh a new reputation?
I smell a ploy here, though. Flake is obviously smart enough and knowledgeable enough to know a criminal investigation by the FBI would not be time limited at all, and certainly not within a week. Also, a criminal investigation would require a criminal complaint from someone, but no one has offered one. The FBI isn't going to open on any of the allegations made because they either didn't actually make an accusation against a named person, or they couldn't give a location or a time for the crime. However, Flake asked for 1 week- and, lo and behold, the Republican leadership offers 1 week with updated background check- the one thing the Senate could request that the FBI would act on, and the one thing that could be done in 1 week or less since they did a rigorous background check on Kavanaugh just 2 months ago, and probably has been doing followup since. I do wonder whether or not this was the price Flake, Murkowski, and Collins (with possibly Manchin included) extracted for a promise to support the nomination on the floor unless, by some extremely unlikely outcome the FBI finds evidence to support Ford, or undercut Kavanaugh. If McConnell didn't get that out of the fence sitters in his own party, then he should have just pushed for the vote tomorrow, and let it succeed or go down to defeat, because if he couldn't get that much from the undecided, then they will still be undecided a week from now, so why waste a week?
When Justice Kennedy came to my law school to speak he had two Marshals as protection. The Marshals perform the same functions that Secret Service agents do.
you know when you are catching flake, you're over the target
Nothing the FBI can do in a week.
Now, just a minute. The FBI went through 600,000 emails in a week before the election in 2016.
Not one was about secrets. All were yoga appointments and wedding gifts to Chelsea.
they will still be undecided a week from now, so why waste a week?
It feeds the narrative the idiots, like one here, have going on.
Inga seems to have a great deal of faith in the FBI, Diane Weinstein's office (whoever that is) and The Intercept.
They have covered themselves in glory so far, haven't they?
Maybe they should ask Inga's college friends if they were aware of boufing in the caboose when she pulled trains.
Note well Inga's comment. Dems own the FBI. See Reynolds note on the latest instapundit post.
"Give the FBI a week or so. Their investigation addendum will find no new evidence corroborating the charge, the vote will taken ..."
I agree if by "or so..." you mean or forever.
That is a great photo, isn't it? It looks staged....
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Has anyone asked Ford if she would agree to an FBI interview?”
She said she would yesterday, she called for an FBI investigation for pity sake. Of course she knows the will interview her.
In yesterday’s hearing PhD Ford did not know what exculpate means so do not assume Blasey Ford knows that the FBI investigation would include an investigation of her and the changing dates in her various statements.
The Republicans don't mind because there is nothing to find and it puts the screws on Flake and the other Republicans, never mind the Democrats.
I am guessing there is a BIG ad buy in Indiana, WV, MO, OH, etc.
Because after the first THREE allegations were clearly false, ANY additional will be seen as more of the same without DNA and pictures. And not digital ones.
This is the world Althouse has lead us to.
From Chris Murphy (Dem Senate candidate) on twitter:
Yes, of course there should be an FBI investigation. But whatever they find doesn’t change the fact that Kavanaugh, especially after his performance yesterday, is the most dangerous Supreme Court pick of our lifetime.
Lot of FBI pivoting in the comments over the last 24 hours. But hey we don't paid for our comments or anything.
The deal seems to be that the FBI is to be tasked to do as much as possible within one week, and then render a report.
In the best of worlds, FBI would respond that there's nothing to investigate and, therefore, they've already done as much as they can. But in this world, at a minimum they'd probably want to interview Ford.
Which will open a new round of negotiations. And when the week's up (even sans new accusations) the FBI will have to declare that they couldn't really do anything meaningful in the allotted time, so no report without more time. Especially if witnesses are uncooperative.
Ford just vetoed the deal. No limit in scope or time.
More powerful than any elected official. Or all of them combined.
Both eyes on the same side of her head. She's a flounder.
Conservative Treehouse feels the FBI is politicized, and will do the Dems bidding...
Unexpected delays?
Inga is a moron, why do you guys engage? The FBI isn't going to find anything new- everyone in the Senate knows that. The Democrats want it because delay was always the goal, and it allows more unsupported allegations to hit the media- this was clearly the strategy all along. People like Flake and Murkowski are just trying to deflect the criticism of moving forward without an FBI "investigation", but they just don't understand that next week, the Democrats will be yammering about how something else should be done- it us like arguing with a 3 year old, which is what you are doing when you argue with Inga.
And it is going to be interesting to see Flake and Murkowski defend all of this when the even worse unsupported allegations are published after the FBI finishes this background review early next week. Are they going to publicly grovel and beg for Kavanaugh and his family's forgiveness. And what are they going to say if the additional time is used by some nut to assassinate a key Senator? If you think that can't happen, you are a fool who wasn't paying attention the last 2 years. You are dealing with the Democrats who are willing most anything to win this, and they are inciting by this action true lunatics who will do anything. The longer this goes on, the more dangerous it gets for the participants.
Interesting theory at OC Register. Maybe it was her father that molested her and started all this.
No letter from her family.
The supplemental FBI background investigation would be limited to current credible allegations against the nominee and must be completed no later than one week from today
The FBI's already done a background investigation on Ford's allegations. If the allegations were credible, it be a criminal investigation, not a background investigation. That it's still a "background" investigation means Flake either (1) wants more CYA or (2) really wants someone besides Kavanaugh but isn't willing to vote against him.
If Ford wanted an investigation, she could have filed a report in Maryland since there is no statute of limitations. Any cooperation with the FBI is meaningless if she has yet to file her complaint.
But was there a statute of limitations when the crime first occurred in the 80s?
No ex post facto crimes. And this crime, unlike a suddenly discovered theft or embezzlement WAS known and COULD be reported...by Ford. She choose hypothetical silence over justice and now she has to live with those consequences.
So if applying 'no statute of limitations' on a crime which HAD a statute of limitations when committed, there is no way to bring such a crime to the MD police...who would laugh you out of the police station anyway.
They can't get a good eyewitness testimony a few days later, much less from 36 years ago from a lady who no doubt had a life rich with psychological medications.
Speaking of which...I wonder if Ford is going to be invited to Thanksgiving this year by her family.
Ahhhh, there it is. Ford's lawyer says "Great". "But we don't agree to a week, or the limitations proposed.
If Flake had balls he'd say, I hope Ford's lawyers, who apparently withheld information from their own client, will cooperate. If they do not, I will vote YES on Kavenaugh in one week.
If Flake had balls he'd say
Heh. Right.
psychiatric not psychological
This review won't interview Ford, so you guys saying it should are just wasting writing space. It will probably interview and reinterview the people Ford mentioned, but they have all submitted written statements to the Judiciary Committee, and those statements do carry penalties of perjury- the majority did their due diligence- they took what Ford and other accusers told them and interviewed the people identified by the accusers as witnesses already. Those people are not going to suddenly change the stories- no lawyer would allow their client to do this.
This is part of why I think Flake's ploy was already agreed to last night by the leadership- they know the FBI isn't going to change things, and it calls the Democrats out, but I think they are doing Kavanaugh a great injustice by delaying the vote as it will just be used by the Democrats to further smear him.
Heckler's veto all up and down the line.
Flake has nothing to lose. I wonder what his next job will be ?
Murkowski comes from a crime family that got revenge on Sarah Palin for interrupting the gravy train.
I sometimes wonder if McCain was convinced to choose her to get her out of Alaska and out of the way of the Murkowski crime family,
If the FBI was going to do the Democrats bidding here, they would have done it already, Ray. IF someone wants to "get" Kavanaugh, it will have to be witnesses claiming new evidence, in which case the FBI would just be the reporter of evidence.
So the FBI is going to talk to everybody who was in the approximate area of the 'alleged' incident between 1982 and 1983? Or are they just going to talk to the four people named by Prof. Ford, who have already said BS to the allegation?
Each and every week I think we have hit peak crazy, and then something new comes up. You cannot investigate something without a place, date and time where the event is supposed to have happened.
All women who may have attended a party anywhere east of the Mississippi between 1980 and 1983 are urged to contact their local FBI for questioning.
And believe me, Ford won't agree to being interviewed by the FBI- that is just bluff. Her lawyers will refer the FBI to her sworn testimony from yesterday which includes her entire story. This is why no referral has been made to the DoJ- the first thing a criminal referral would involve would be a detailed and no-punches pulled interview with the complainant to establish the facts and whether or not the complaint is truthful and sane, but even if Ford did file a criminal complaint, she would have to have more information than she revealed yesterday, or it would just be turned down as it was. She doesn't have more information.
And seriously, this is an event that happened 36 years ago, if it did, and between minors. No public police investigator would waste time on this since there is no chance of any trial taking place.
The Ds won't be able to say they didn't get their FBI investigation. Naturally when it finds there's no basis for Ford's (as it will) claim the Ds will revert to Joe Biden's old point (which was correct) that FBI investigations like this aren't conclusive.
That sounds about right.
The GOP just destroyed a Dem talking point. But that'll probably be the only useful thing to come out of this. Are we going to be closer to the truth in a week? Will the left be placated? Magic 8ball says "no" and "no".
"Ann Althouse said...@XMas
"Thanks! I'm happy to see the reinforcement of my perception..."
In all things. In all things.
I am Laslo.
Recall how Harry Reid (D-Bowflex) and Pelosi (D-Dyslexic) pounded Obamacare through. All the Commie-pinko D's lined up in formation. Not the R's. Oh no, we have Sno-Flake, Murk and Collins. And had McCain.
It seems like only yesterday LLR Chuck was yacking at us for not having more faith in these Never Trump squishes.
It was only yesterday.
But this time, only 1 week, and they mean it!! (wink wink)
I can't wait to see the excuses Flake and the crew come up with on Friday of next week for why they just can't bring themselves to vote for Kavanaugh, and it will be interesting to see how LLR Chuck blames Trump.
The FBI should talk to everyone in Maryland, once and for all. On the grave of Spiro Agnew, let it be so.
It's a week's worth of rope.
So at the end, Flake is for all purposes, a Democrat.
Feinstein sat on this for six weeks while CBF’s background was scrubbed and these nitwits want to dump their responsibilities on the FBI.
Let’s hope the FBI kept the protocol they used to clear Wiener’s laptop. Everyone will get a clean bill of health and Flake can vote yes with no more information, but a clear conscience. Murkowski will vote no because they didn’t find anything new on Kavanaugh.
The GOP is playing with fire here. Even if you hate the Democrats, the GOP seems less and less an answer to the problem.
Flake should have asked that lady on the elevator if she claimed that Kavanaugh had assalted her, because if not, she was talking to the wrong guy.
“Peacemakers” should never be trusted. Jeff Flake is a “peacemaker.”
Oso Negro: "So at the end, Flake is for all purposes, a Democrat"
Like all LLR's, you can certainly count on them when the issue is already decided.
But in the heat of the most critical battles? Always on the other side. But only always.
There are only two things that matter here, and I hope McConnell got a commitment to the latter of them before agreeing to this:
(1) Flake and Murkowski are firm noes, and have been since last week, and are just trying to find a way to defeat the nomination without having to cast a floor vote either way. If this is true, then it won't matter what the FBI finds in the updated background check- Kavanaugh will lose the floor vote when push comes to shove;
(2) Flake and Murkowski, and possibly Collins and Manchin, are yes votes, but they want to clear away the Democrats' talking point about "FBI investigation" before casting that yes vote. In isolation, I could understand this, and I could understand why the majority leader would agree to it- it is smart politics in most situations, but the weakness is that Kavanaugh is being smeared day by day, and delay only encourages the smears to get uglier and uglier. At some point, you have to recognize you are complicit in the smears by giving the opponents the time to launch them. I think today's delay is borderline unethical given what the "investigation"'s outcome is all but sure to be.
Did McConnell agree because it is #2? If not, then McConnell is a fool. I wouldn't have agreed to a delay absent a promise to vote yes if nothing changes.
Exactly zero people will be satisfied by the one week delay.
Nothing the FBI can do in a week.
But! It will undoubtedly show us why many more weeks are surely needed.
You're probably right. And if the GOP complain it will be called "obstruction of justice". Gee, where have we seen this playbook before...
The Republicans and Trump care so much for Kavansuh’s wife and family that they extended their torture. Do we see sadism enjoying this?
Trump may be fishing for more insanity to erupt from the media the better to destroy them. But being the bait is a really hard thing.
What is the fucking point? Does anybody believe that the Republicans are earning any good will from Democrats or the MSM by this delay?
I know a lot of you give Chuck grief, but I have always thought he was an authentic conservative- my main complaint is that he is too reflexively anti-Trump, but that is another debate. For my purposes here, I want to highlight a comment from an earlier, but now dead thread, that Chuck made late in that thread's life. I thought it was an excellent question for our blog host. Everything below is from Chuck- my comment ends here.
Chuck said...
Althouse writes:
"But Whitehouse only asked us to agree that if Ford's allegations are true, he should not serve on the Court, and I will agree to that..."
Why? Is it because if Ford's allegations are true, it means that the 2018 Judge Kavanaugh lied while under oath in his confirmation hearing? Or is it because the nature of what Ford alleged was so disqualifying?
I am interested in Althouse's answer to this question; What if Kavanaugh had testified, "I remember that night. Yes, I was a bit drunk, but I remember it very well. I pushed her onto a bed and said I was going to feel her up. I thought she might like it. But Mark was there, and he jumped on the bed and we all fell to the floor laughing. The whole thing lasted less than a minute. And now, I'm sorry about it and feel bad, and if I had seen Dr. Ford back then I would hope that in the following days I would have apologized to her. But we never saw each other since we really weren't in the same circle of friends. So I never saw here again."
If that were the answer, and even if you still chose to believe all of Ford's details, would that disqualify Kavanaugh? I am really curious, Althouse, which of Kavanaugh's alleged offenses (teenaged sex assault, or 2018 lying under oath) do you believe to be disqualifying?
For my part, if the true answer from Kavanaugh was (and I certainly don't know what the true answer should have been), "Yeah, there was some sexually-charged roughhousing that we did, with all of our clothes on..." Then I would absolutely have voted to confirm him, notwithstanding. Even given Ford's testimony.
In other words, Ford's testimony, even assuming it was true, was never enough in my view to disqualify Judge Kavanaugh.
The latest ploy is to allege that Kavanaugh's anger at the smear is evidence of his "violent" nature.
This is Rope a Dope.
And if your response is, "Aww, that poor entitled white man," then you really are as dumb as your friends and family tell each other when you leave the room.
If they can do this to Brett Kavanaugh, they can do it to anybody. And if the Republicans reward these remorseless charlatans for this orchestrated smear campaign by capitulating to the whims of the Democrats, the voters are going to remember.
The Democrats have no honor left. Any of them.
I have no control over what our idiot Senators do. I can only control my own vote. This fall, if Kavanaugh is confirmed I will vote straight GOP. If he is defeated by a floor vote because Flake or Collins vote against him, I do t vote. If he withdraws his nomination or never gets a vote, I’ll vote straight Democratic-that’s how mad I am.
*won’t vote if he’s defeated by floor vote
Yancey Ward: "I know a lot of you give Chuck grief, but I have always thought he was an authentic conservative- my main complaint is that he is too reflexively anti-Trump, but that is another debate. For my purposes here, I want to highlight a comment from an earlier, but now dead thread,..."
Words, assertions, made in blog post hypotheticals are meaningless.
All that matters is what happens where the rubber meets the road.
And we have seen clearly what the LLR's will do when the heat is on.
There will be a floor vote. Flake's actions today raise the uncertainty because he based it on "doubt" about the Ford allegations. What he requested won't address true doubt. After the review, Flake will be in the exact same spot, if he is truthful at all. All the reveiw will do is take away yesterday's main Democrat talking point, but by that time they will have moved the goal posts to another jurisdiction with new teams on the field. How would Flake then defend a vote one way or another? In my opinion, he is making himself look pathetic with this indecisiveness.
"Nice graphic depiction by Drudge. It's got a great-masters-oil-painting feeling to it."
I immediately thought the exact same thing. As to specific artists, why stop at the two you mentioned. It could be just about anybody.
Everyone is either delighted or agahst that Trump has all this power over trade deals. Why? Because the cowards in Congress did want to vote on trade deals that might cost some jobs, so they delegated the power to the presidency, which since 1932 was occupied by free traders. Trump inherited the power Congress was afraid to retain
These nitwits are trying to do the same thing here. They are acting like the FBI has the power to advise and consent.
Cowardly nitwits.
The Republicans and Trump care so much for Kavansuh’s wife and family that they extended their torture. Do we see sadism enjoying this?
Trump may be fishing for more insanity to erupt from the media the better to destroy them. But being the bait is a really hard thing.
I'm actually getting depressed by this ongoing torture porn. I'm seeing others getting enraged. This needs to stop.
Oops. That should be “ did not want to vote”
When you can make Lindsey Graham look like General George Patton to the 10th power, you really should make some changes.
Yancey Ward: "In my opinion, he is making himself look pathetic with this indecisiveness."
He will be amply rewarded by his lefty pals.
They will find a nice slot for him in their "Pantheon Of LLR Heroes Of The Left".
And let me tell you, that Pantheon is getting awfully crowded these days....
At this point, Flake may as well toss a coin in the air the day of the vote.
Yancey Ward: "When you can make Lindsey Graham look like General George Patton to the 10th power, you really should make some changes."
The only change left for LLR Flake to make is to formally announce his coming out as a democrat.
Yancey Ward: "At this point, Flake may as well toss a coin in the air the day of the vote."
Chris Coons has just the coin for that coin flip for his good pal Flake....
But how does Creepy Porn Lawyer fit into this?
So what will be the next BS allegation to come forward against Judge Kavanaugh? The Swetnick charge is going to be tough to beat, but I bet the Democrats are ready.
And while we’re at it, Trump needs to direct the Secret Service to investigate the threats against Kavanaugh’s family. Also McConnell needs to accept the resignation of the head of Capitol Security for letting Jeff Flake be abused by those harridans.
Who is the Democratic equivalent of Flake? I’m sure some would say Manchin but really, has Joe ever gone against his entire party and caused something significant to be lost? No.
Flake to me is a classic case of a moral weakling. He preens morality but has none,
Gunner said...
But how does Creepy Porn Lawyer fit into this?
9/28/18, 5:25 PM
Arashi said...
So what will be the next BS allegation to come forward against Judge Kavanaugh? The Swetnick charge is going to be tough to beat, but I bet the Democrats are ready.
9/28/18, 5:25 PM
M Jordan: "Who is the Democratic equivalent of Flake?"
There is none.
Only the republicans are blessed with so many LLR-types willing to sell out their party, adopt lefty narratives and talking points, and cave at the last minute to satisfy the left/MSM.
I know a lot of you give Chuck grief, but I have always thought he was an authentic conservative- my main complaint is that he is too reflexively anti-Trump, but that is another debate
I thought your entire post was well stated.
Chuck has been righteous on this topic. I have found nothing to disagree with him.
As I suggested earlier in the week, we should forgo the friendly fire.
Chuck may provide reason for derision at a future time. This is not that time.
M Jordan: "Flake to me is a classic case of a moral weakling."
You've just identified the key prerequisite for LLR's.
Should Kavanaugh be voted down for the Supremes and impeached at the 9th Circuit as promised by Whitehouse my wife suggests his nomination as DOS Equis "most interesting man in the world".
Things we need to know that the FBI won’t ask:
About her therapy and the techniques used
About her history of therapy and any mental illness
About her communications with Feinstein and the press
About when she previously met him, if at all, at this time
I'm no fan of Jeff Flake -- I think it's ironic that Arizona, which gave us Barry Goldwater, later gave us McCain and Flake -- but I think he's right on this. There are two women Republican Senators who are "on the fence"; they need cover to vote to confirm Kavanaugh. A time-limited FBI review will provide that for them. The FBI will send agents to talk to Ford, and Judge, and Leland, and maybe a few other people, and then they'll file a report saying that they did so. They won't -- can't -- come up with definitive evidence, one way or the other, but they'll have done what the Dems have ostensibly have been demanding. And the Repubican Senators can then vote to confirm and the Democrats can vote not to.
And if you live in a State with a Senatorial election in November (I don't) please go out and do what you can to elect some more Republican Senators.
The only change left for LLR Flake to make is to formally announce his coming out as a democrat.
This may be too fine a point, Drago.
I believe that Flake is truly a conservative. So does the ACU.
I also believe that he is a moral coward and a spineless wimp.
Look at how he took it when hysterical and arrogant women held him hostage in the Capital building elevator. It's on YouTube.
Somebody should gently tell Flake that he does NOT look like Matthew McConaughey when he does that thing with his face.
I am Laslo.
A political precedent for possible "=" probable cause.
Actually - Flake more than likely just sunk Kavanaugh.
Coonz just said that they are going to sic the FBI on every allegation that rolls in.
Will the FBI take a peek under Ford's hood?
Give some time to pile a few more rocks on Goody Leland to help her recall if she saw anyone with the Devil.
Abraham's amazement ... almost borders on madness.
Well, at least the appearance of the flying monkey didn't make Abraham border on madness.
Johnny Winter played a song about that tall tale.
Headline: GOP pussies get rolled by lying back stabbing corruptocrats..
Yancey @ 4:20.
What is the fucking point? Does anybody believe that the Republicans are earning any good will from Democrats or the MSM by this delay?
Absolutely not!
There are 2-3 Republicans (the usual suspects) who need cover and are willing to let the DNC/MSM complex torture Kavanaugh and his family for another week
It is the Democrats who need to earn the good will of Republicans and the American public for their shameless behavior. I suspect Flake sees himself as a peacemaker in that regard. He is a spineless fool and a moral coward.
Kavanaugh is toast. Not because of anything the FBI will uncover but because of the parade of new wenches asserting “look at me when I’m talking to you, #MeToo!!
- Krumhorn
The fucking point is to find yet another dope-addled twat rocket to fire at Kavanaugh.
How timely!!
Does anybody else feel an adult trying to drag his kids home from a circus that won't end. All the exciting acts are finished and we're just sitting around watching them clean up the shit now.
I don't know what they will come up with next to stretch this out, but the FBI investigation will not be the end, becuase the end they are looking for is not down the road of facts and evidence. They are waiting for more hail mary crazy bullshit stories, which I'm sure they will get, and as it gets closer to the election, the continuing stench of crazy will only help Republicans. Keep it up, nutjobs.
Yancey is on fire.
There will be a floor vote. Flake's actions today raise the uncertainty because he based it on "doubt" about the Ford allegations. What he requested won't address true doubt. After the review, Flake will be in the exact same spot, if he is truthful at all. All the reveiw will do is take away yesterday's main Democrat talking point, but by that time they will have moved the goal posts to another jurisdiction with new teams on the field. How would Flake then defend a vote one way or another? In my opinion, he is making himself look pathetic with this indecisiveness.
9/28/18, 5:12 PM
JAHOR - Bull Sh!T. I have no doubt they would shoot dogs and read their entrails if they thought it would give them something.
I would love for the FBI to prove that Cavanaugh could not possibly have been there, which is a distinct possibility. Unfortunately, the FBI isn't much more trustworthy than Mr. Creepaveti.
"Blogger Spiros Pappas said...
Under federal law, Congress can give Mr. Judge immunity testify at congressional hearings. Once immunity is granted, nothing the witness says can be used in a criminal prosecution. Let's get this done!"
It's past the statute of limitations anyway. That's why those two guys were comfortable claiming (or admitting) it was them who assaulted Ford.
What happened to the 2 guys who admitted they assaulted Ford?
Maybe it was her father that molested her and started all this.
Watching her on TV, I have to believe that suicide will be her next act. I'm sure her lawyers have already penned the note.
Question for Michael K,
Some are suggesting that the corrupt FBI will sabotage Kavanaugh.
You have talked about your lefty FBI daughter. Given the opportunity, do you think she or her colleagues would try to torpedo Judge K?
I suspect the answer is "no," but I am curious about what you think.
Yancey is on fire, gang. Right on every count:
1) Flake traded his vote; He gets the credit for the 1 week delay and FBI investigation, in exchange for his "Yes" vote.
2) Flake gets to back out if they find something substantial. Flake gets to define what that means.
3) Ford won't agree to being interviewed by the FBI. A quibble here... she will agree, with some ridiculous conditions that can't be met, such as "It must be on a Monday. Oh, it's Tuesday, and you only have a week. Darn."
4) No, the FBI will not dig into CBF's story. I'd be surprised if they investigate anything she said. This "fair an impartial" investigation is an investigation of Kavanaugh only.
5) There is no point of engaging with You Know Who.
Well done, sir, well done.
(Yes, I am assuming your gender....)
Imagine the depth of the investigation had we begun 60 days ago?
This is why they pulled the pregnant girls out of school. Once they see how much attention pregnant Jane is getting, then they all want the attention.
You know, my grandfather took me and my sister to a circus once. The clowns there were a lot more entertaining than the ones in the senate.
Imagine what Avenatti can think up over the weekend.
April, you read my mind, or I read yours! :)
Flake just wants cover for his putative future political career, by toeing the Republican line while looking sensitive and sensible.
In fact the FBI needs to interview Ford’s parents and siblings to find out why they could not, good conscience, sign the affidavit attesting to their daughter’/sisyer’s credibility and honesty.
And when this is over, the Trump administration needs to very quietly follow the money paying for all of this BS and start charging people, trying people and putting them in jail.
The blonde standing behind Flake has some serious lowboob going on.
Althouse never even heard of Caravaggio until today. Instapundit linked to a forensic archeology article about the Baroque master published by LiveScience, which in turn links to an old BBC page about the artist which includes an image of The Taking of Christ which Althouse thinks is significant, which it is, but not for the reasons she cited.
Does that make Flake ... Judas or Thomas?!
Trump being Jesus.
Flake receives his reward.
"Althouse never even heard of Caravaggio until today."
Uh... that's a dumb thing to say. #1 I have a degree in Fine Arts from the 1970s. #2 there's a Caravaggio tag on this post, and you could have clicked on it.
You're showing your own ignorance that you didn't notice this painter until something you saw recently. I did not get to this image via the route you suggest. It shows something about how people jump to believing things. Fortunately, I don't need Senate approval.
"which Althouse thinks is significant"
I didn't say anything about its significance. I thought the photograph at Drudge looked like a Baroque painting and I did 2 image searches on the 2 names that seemed most likely -- Caravaggio and Rembrandt. Then I looked at the images and, for each, picked out one that seemed to have the same vibe. I wasn't looking for Caravaggio's most famous painting.
Althouse certainly is aware of Caravaggio.
Here's one of his works she previously linked which fits well with her current mindset as I see it.
I think that's Feinstein on the right.
the painting reminds me of this,
she's a former art historian by training, who went to work for the cia, and later a corporate security company, she's been working on this book, for about 9 years now,
It shows something about how people jump to believing things.
Or jump to believing people.
Fortunately, I don't need Senate approval.
Even more fortunately, Kavanagh doesn't need yours.
they don't like jeff flake for good reason,
I suspect the family did not back her because her first round of recovered memories pointed fingers at someone in the family. It will be interesting to see if the FBI will or is allowed to look into her past.
maybe there's a senator geary thing, going on with him:
sibert's last book concerned Christopher Marlowe, another artist with shadowy ties,
here's a more non ideological reason:
One more week to scour his junior high year books!
Brett - will you go with over the summer? I hope you have a good summer, too. I liked sitting next to you Mrs. Nielsen's class. Love always, Betty Jo
Note to Flake: This is a fools plan. It will never be enough, they will never be satisfied, because this was never about Kavanaugh or what he did or didn't do 36 years ago. This was always about finding a way to keep him off the court.
Oh great another week of slanderous innuendo by every "rape victim" Soros and Moveon can mobilize. Big mistake. They will never be satisfied. There will need to be yet another investigation like "whack a mole" for every crackpot that comes out of the wood work between now and November.. Jebus, whats the use of having a republican majority that's also run by democrats? Fuck these guys.
This can't possible resolve anything or satisfy anyone. Just more show for the show trial. Just more time for the Dems to find a way to permanently sink this nomination - which is all they ever wanted.
Turns out the ABA did not really ask for a delay on the Kavanaugh vote. One guy wrote and released a letter, he didn't have the backing of the ABA.
Biggest question is how much money Ford was paid for her performance.
Are they going to investigate Ford too? They need to. If we're going to allow a man and his family to be destroy on her say-so, we need to completely understand who we're trusting. Dig, dig and dig some more. If there is no corroboration of her story, we need to understand her character and state of mind.
If Flake had balls he'd say...
That's like saying "if my grandmother had balls, she'd be my grandfather."
Pretty good explanation of Flake, narciso.
I have wondered why he was doing this. There had to be a reason.
If this nomination fails because of these incessant delays, The midterms will be a wipeout. I always vote but lots don't unless they have a reason.
The Democrats know this. Does McConnell ? He lost us the Alabama Senate seat.
Douglas said...
I have no control over what our idiot Senators do. I can only control my own vote. This fall, if Kavanaugh is confirmed I will vote straight GOP. If he is defeated by a floor vote because Flake or Collins vote against him, I do t vote. If he withdraws his nomination or never gets a vote, I’ll vote straight Democratic-that’s how mad I am.
If you were to do that, I think Southerners like Lindsey Graham would tell you "you would be pissing in your own whiskey".
Kavanaugh is collateral damage...the real prize is impeaching Trump.
Caravaggio yes, but I think it looks more like the Calling of St Matthew.
So, here's the $64,000 question:
What is the purpose of this "investigation"? If in fact the FBI came back with a signed confession from Dr Ford stating that she invented the whole thing to try to keep Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court will any of the Democrats change their vote to yes?
These people announced months ago that they were going to fight any nominee out forward. This is just gamesmanship to them. If the accusation is actually true then bonus but if you honestly look at how this was handled by the Democrats you cannot honestly say to yourself that they care about Dr Ford.
Avenatti probably met his client in his business relationships in other areas.
“Based on its investigations, WebTrends determined that Swetnick had engaged in inappropriate conduct, but that no corroborating evidence existed to support Swetnick’s allegations against her coworkers,” the complaint said.
After a WebTrends human resources director informed Swetnick that the company was unable to corroborate the sexual harassment allegations she had made, she “remarkably” walked back the allegations, according to the complaint.
She also faked credentials of college graduation. Naturally she has a secret clearance with the feds.
She worked for state, justice and homeland security, can you say deep state?
Was Flake working off of FAKE NEWS?
VIA insty
BUT IT WAS REPORTED EVERYWHERE AT THE MOST IMPACTFUL MOMENT: It turns out the American Bar Association story on Brett Kavanaugh was FAKE NEWS.
Again our Republican betters are played like banjos. And after one week there will be another and then another. Being impossible to prove a negative. But after these 36 years one thing is known. She had one beer.
GOP should demand a trade for trade with FBI investigations.
FBI investigation into Bill's sexual deviancy (if 36 years is OK - same for Bill, right?)
And re-open Hillary's private server.
Was Flake working off of FAKE NEWS?
VIA insty
BUT IT WAS REPORTED EVERYWHERE AT THE MOST IMPACTFUL MOMENT: It turns out the American Bar Association story on Brett Kavanaugh was FAKE NEWS.
Fuck you fucking lawyer assholes.
Fuck You.
(Extra line break inserted for emphasis...fuck you.)
Nothing to see here:
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Was Flake working off of FAKE NEWS?
VIA insty
BUT IT WAS REPORTED EVERYWHERE AT THE MOST IMPACTFUL MOMENT: It turns out the American Bar Association story on Brett Kavanaugh was FAKE NEWS.
Great post. Great link to Instapundit. Great post by Instapundit.
If you will permit me to echo those thoughts; this morning, when I heard about a letter from "the ABA," (and I have not been a member of the ABA since the Thomas hearings), I immediately wondered; everything of consequence at the ABA is done by committee. What committee was convened, on such short notice? What committee was it? Who is on it? What exactly did they consider, under which bylaws of the Association, and what did they determine? Which letterhead was used for the correspondence?
Turns out it was a rogue president, acting on his own.
Instapundit is right, and there should be a reckoning for the ABA president and he should be removed. I'd like there to be a mass exodus of current ABA members, but the problem there is that of the remainders still holding ABA memberships, they are all either exquisitely p.c. corporatists, or avowed liberals and Democrats. The rest of us gave up on the ABA long ago.
I think there will be more to this story. There should be more to this story. That ABA president has a lot to answer for.
Lorenzo Lotto, Sacra Conversazione. Best Renaissance painting, if you think that the key to good painting is (a) showing how we were created in the image of God and (b) showing how we were created in the image of God, more than angels in some ways, less than angels in some ways.
Rembrandt and Caravaggio were, by comparison, closer to the guy who did Krazy Kat all those years, or the guy who did Popeye on those days when he spent too much time drawing Bluto
Chuck - interesting.
and disheartening.
The left corrupt everything they touch.
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