Today, at the sentencing hearing, reported in The Daily Beast.
ADDED: The judge has sentenced Cosby to 3 to 10 years in prison. And he "must undergo monthly counseling for the rest of his life and report quarterly to authorities. He'll be in the sex offender registry. The LA Times reports.
Let's remember that Cosby had gotten away with it until a comedian named Hannibal Burress made some jokes in 2014:
“Bill Cosby has the fuckin’ smuggest old black man public persona that I hate,” Buress said at the time. “He gets on TV, ‘Pull your pants up black people, I was on TV in the ‘80s! I can talk down to you because I had a successful sitcom!’ Yeah, but you rape women, Bill Cosby, so turn the crazy down a couple notches.” Buress also asked members of the audience to “Google ‘Bill Cosby rape’” when they got home, joking that it would have a whole lot more results than a search for his name, “Hannibal Buress.”
६० टिप्पण्या:
I thought for a second you were describing a soldier maimed by an IED but it was just another snowflake.
1. Valid accusation.
2. Evidence to support it.
3. Criminal case - due process rights protected for Defendant Cosby, including right to confront.
4. Argument - based on evidence
5. Verdict
See the difference between this and certain other bogus claims?
"Cosby lured her to his mansion"
If he he drugged her, he should pay the price.
But how exactly did he "lure" her? What exactly did she expect to happen at his mansion--a discussion of basketball strategy, a review of this history of comedy? And why did a supposedly "confident" woman feel "shame" over something that supposedly was done to her?
When does Bill Clinton's rape trial start?
If you wanted to claim the sex was consensual, the lesbian manager of the Temple women's basketball team was probably the wrong person to finger-rape.
Bay Area Guy said...
1. Valid accusation.
2. Evidence to support it.
3. Criminal case - due process rights protected for Defendant Cosby, including right to confront.
4. Argument - based on evidence
5. Verdict
See the difference between this and certain other bogus claims?
9/25/18, 12:22 PM
Bill Cosby took my beautiful, healthy young spirit and crushed it.
Apparently that takes at least 10 years.
"[January 2004] According to Constand, Cosby gave her three blue pills he claimed would help her relax (Cosby would later, in a deposition state that the pills were the over the counter antihistamine, Benadryl;[5] they made her semi-conscious and unable to move. Then, Cosby allegedly touched her breasts and crotch and put her hand on his penis.[5] She further claimed that she woke up around 4 a.m. to find her clothing all over the room.[5]
Constand returned to Ontario in April 2004. However, she continued to have contact with Cosby and took her parents to meet Cosby at an August 2004 show."
"November 2006. It was later revealed that the amount paid to Constand was $3.38 million."
If he he drugged her, he should pay the price. ($3.38 million)
From everything I've read, not really studied, they all took their pills voluntarily. They drugged themselves.
But how exactly did he "lure" her?
With a puppy who had lost his candy bar.
Lock him up. Make an example of him.
Blogger Earnest Prole said...
If you wanted to claim the sex was consensual, the lesbian manager of the Temple women's basketball team was probably the wrong person to finger-rape.
Good point. Leave the lesbians alone !
There was a lot of Quaalude use in those days but it was a serious error in judgement to try to work his will on a lesbian.
now about the other 500-1,000 sexual assaults in the greater Philadelphia area,
“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly,
'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;
The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,
And I've a many curious things to show when you are there.” - The Spider and the Fly, Mary Howitt 1829
The Spider and the Fly
A rather sinister parable of seduction. This was, I think, in our third grade reader.
In this case and many others it is most likely a case of a foolish but willing fly.
She was no great beauty in fact, though fit, quite plain and mannish, and I suspect a lesbian out of necessity more than inclination. He certainly was was no beauty either, but a wealthy man and a celebrity.
He was sentenced to 3 to 10, not 5 to 10. Either way, a helluva change in circumstance.
Monthly counselling? What the hell for? So he can be rehabilitated and have a successful career and life when he gets out? Did you notice how old this guy is? He is not going to repeat his crimes, even if he wants to.
Have some medeira my dear lyrics
Now that he's blind he'd be a threat to ugly women as well.
Whatever he did in life, he already got away with it.
One of the "experts" to testify against Cosby specializes in "mindfulness".
To say that's an appeal issue right there is an understatement.
At least they have a lot of Jell-o and pudding in prison.
Is there an elderly wing in the prison he’s going to?
I have mixed feelings about this. I have no problem with Cosby going to jail and being fined. He is clearly a rapist, with a well defined modus operandi.
But I'm tired of hearing about victims who follow their perpetrators around. It doesn't make sense to me. You were so emotionally devastated that you... kept visiting the man? Or travelled with him? Or maintained a friendship with him? Or kept asking him for career advice? Is this what Stockholm Syndrome looks like?
Could we at least give a shout out to the women who said "No" to Cosby, Weinstein, et al, and who paid a price for it?
Cosby is more upset about paying out $3.5 million than serving 3 years in prison.
Expect the life expectancy for an 81 US black male to be much closer to 5 years than 10.
Cosby will be out of prison before Weinstein goes to prison
Cosby and his court-ordered sex therapist can play cards once a week.
I suspect the case was that many (but not all probably) of these women were quite willing to enter his parlor, so to speak. But that business with the pills was a sexual habit of his.
He had a number of willing victims, but some, at least, weren't on board with his peculiar perversions.
“Bill Cosby has the fuckin’ smuggest old black man public persona that I hate,”
Cosby had to fall because he was popular with whites, and because he dared to call out Black misbehavior. He fell because he was a stand-in for Blacks' hatred of whites. That it intersected with the #BitchToo movement was simple luck.
" But that business with the pills was a sexual habit of his. "
Do people ever have consensual non-marital sex? Do people ever use recreational drugs? Do people ever combine the two pursuits? Are women people?
Whatever the outcome (Cosby could win his appeal), the process seemed to work. Painful, windy-road, many years, Yes, but nobody can claim the victim was prevented from having her voice heard.
Contrast this to 51-year old, Psychology Professor - the poster child for Crazy Cat Women - who tried to silently sink a Supreme Court nomination with a 36- year old high school claim of improper dry-humping at some dude's house in some year, with some witnesses.
"Do people ever use recreational drugs?"
Of course.
But Cosby's peculiarity is he liked sex with unconscious women.
High or drunk is one thing, unconscious is another.
Maybe he was just a cowardly necrophiliac.
Monthly counselling? What the hell for? So he can be rehabilitated and have a successful career and life when he gets out? Did you notice how old this guy is? He is not going to repeat his crimes, even if he wants to.
Monthly counseling because counseling agencies have bills to pay and sex offender treatment can go on forever. It's a good gig.
It’s unlikely that any of this would have happened had Cosby hewed closer to the leftie line on white responsibility for the circumstances of blacks. But no. He had the temerity to say that we are responsible for our own circumstances.
I don’t excuse what he did, but the women involved cannot be relieved of their own agency in the matter.
- Krumhorn
I prosecuted or oversaw the prosecution of hundreds of sexual assault cases in the 70s, 80s and 90s. Some of those involved serious physical violence. Nevertheless, I never saw histrionics like this or those of Dr. Ford. In some cases I was in close contact with victims for months during extremely trying times including nasty interviews with defense attorneys and actual trails and, occasionally, re-trails.
These high profile cases involving these puling women with no physical injury trivialize the trauma and suffering of victims of serious sexual assaults. It is shameful.
Nevertheless: From now until my eternity there will be a wise, dignified, what character in every work of popular fiction in every media. And wise latinas, too.
Char Char Binks said...
"Cosby had to fall because he was popular with whites, and because he dared to call out Black misbehavior."
"Popular with whites" is not a phrase that pisses blacks off, for the record. Wayne Brady is and nobody cares.
All blacks didn't like was Cosby's tone. He acted like he didn't love us anymore - a familiar feeling around these parts, if I do say so myself. Once you do that to blacks - and you're black - it's over for you, because, once white people abandon you - and they will as soon as there's trouble of any kind - all that's left is your fam. Break that tie - something you whites are always demanding blacks do - and you got nobody. And you don't want to be with nobody when you down and out. Blacks already ain't got no real family. We're ex-slaves. This is it.
I think Bill's being forgiven now. He ain't "Mr. Perfect" talking down to us no more.
He's no better than the rest of us, in white folks' eyes.
Crack, you said the same thing I did, only you used more words.
Krumhorn said...
"It’s unlikely that any of this would have happened had Cosby hewed closer to the leftie line on white responsibility for the circumstances of blacks. But no. He had the temerity to say that we are responsible for our own circumstances."
You guys are desperately, and hilariously, trying to make this about white people's influence on blacks through Cosby when nothing could be further from the truth: BLACKS DON'T THINK ABOUT YOU. You matter to us as much as Seinfeld mattered. You matter to us as much as Pumpkin Spice Lattes. You matter to us like that dumb single braid white girls put on the very top of their heads. YOU JUST DON'T MATTER.
We didn't like Cosby's tone. Nothing more. His message has always been to do better. But then he got mean - like you guys.
He got the same results, too.
Char Char Binks said...
"Crack, you said the same thing I did, only you used more words."
I did not. You guys miss the familial aspect of it. Bill Cosby isn't just a comedian to blacks - he's not "America's Dad" - he's our actual family. And when he got mean - not demanding or conservative or idealistic or even upset, but actually acted like he resented us - then fuck him. Blacks know what we're dealing with. And we love each other. He seemed to stop.
He could expect nothing less in return.
I think this comes down to what you guys are always saying: White people aren't together. You don't have anything, like the slave and post-slave experience, that bonds you. You're just individuals, unmoored, and if you live or die - nobody cares. You "disown" your kids and shit. That's not being black at all.
Bill Cosby violated our trust - not our values.
This is an interesting point. An observation made very often indeed, concerning many very different peoples through very broad movements in world history.
Herodotus was, perhaps, the best known illustration of this. He described foreign peoples and their histories, customs and great men. But the Persians, say, were not all that curious about the Greeks; indeed they hired Greeks to advise them, and gave over managing Greeks, to Greeks. Which did them no good. And so it went.
When the Europeans exploded into the world - and it really could be described as an explosion, so fast was it - they conquered more and faster than anything ever seen, with trivial effort, also more pronounced than anything ever seen.
It is actually quite difficult to explain.
One distinction that may explain much is that the Europeans were far more interested in the natives, and the whole world indeed, than the natives were in them, or much else than their own little bit of the world.
It is clear that Cortes and his expedition learned much more about dealing with the Mexicans than the Mexicans, vice versa. This gave the Spanish enormous tactical and strategic advantages. Cortes and his chiefs turned themselves into Mexican political players, but the Mexicans didn't even think, so far as we know, of becoming Spanish political players.
And so it went, in fact, around the world, a curiosity gap. European envoys learned Chinese and read Chinese libraries, Chinese envoys did not learn western languages, or read European libraries, etc. One has to think that's why, eventually, a Franco-British expedition defeated Chinese armies at odds of 5:1 and sacked Peking.
Sun Tzu famously wrote -
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
There is no strategic maxim more consistently ignored.
Bill Cosby is more than just the sum total of his rapes. He had some real achievements. Maybe it was just acting, but he seemed perceptive and humane. If it was just acting, then it was even more of an achievement for an actor. The only thing Hannibal Burress will ever be remembered for is his take down of Bill Cosby.......Cosby is eighty two and blind. I don't think he's much of a threat to anyone, and there's not much point in sending him to jail. He has lost his reputation and, pretty soon, he will lose his fortune. He will die in disgrace. His extra judicial punishment is sufficient. I would have given him a break so far as prison time is concerned......He was guilty and pretty much got away with it for his whole life. The prison sentence just underscores how futile it is to try to mete out justice in thisworld.
Crack thread.
Good observation by buwaya but too much Crack.
He had more talent than most, he had the success of I spy and the Cosby show but as time wore on, his life started falling apart his sons death rather symptomatic, maybe he thought it was a penalty for being too prideful.
hombre said, and it bears repeating:
These high profile cases involving these puling women with no physical injury trivialize the trauma and suffering of victims of serious sexual assaults. It is shameful.
buwaya said...
"Sun Tzu famously wrote - “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."
You make the same point Shouting Thomas did, a few days ago, so I'll respond the same way:
Who made those "enemies"? Who thought anyone was even competing? I'm looking at the history of the Transcontinental Railroad and - by God and a country mile - it was only white people. Everyone else had to endure their twisted idea of reality, right or wrong - and they were wrong a lot and it usually involved lots of spilled blood of other people - but they swept all that under the rug as long as bragging rights were theirs to have amongst one another.
Just horrible people.
BTW - The Chinese wee hired because the Irish were lousy workers. Then the whites ripped-off the Chinese and sent their dead back to China - unnamed, so even their relatives didn't know who they were.
Just horrible people.
One of these days, conservative whites are going to discover their humanity, as others do, and they're going to think Kavanaugh's accuser has more integrity than they did. As others do.
And that's even if she's lying.
I don't think, after centuries of evil, anyone can think otherwise.
The future will not be kind to your children, Y'all.
What am I saying?
Evil people don't care about their kids. They've got imaginary "enemies" to defeat.
Why doesn't Iran trust us? Oh yeah:
We made "enemies" out of them.
They didn't do a thing to deserve it.
I’m sorry but what sort of lesbian coach needs to be “mentored” alone in a mansion by Bill Cosby? Is he some sort of haunted mansion lesbian coaching expert?
The women who came forward paint a clear picture of Cosby being a world class heel to women, including his wife. But unless I’m missing something, all the women said the same thing: they were voluntarily alone with him although they knew he was married; he offered them drugs that they willingly accepted, and few of them seem like people unfamiliar with the effect of mixing drugs with alcohol.
There was the one supermodel, Beverly something, who sounds credible. But Cosby should not go to prison for this. It’s utter injustice.
Who was it that pissed the Palestinians off for all time?
America gave the deciding vote on Israel.
Making "enemies" for all time.
It's what y'all do.
There's something weird about insisting Native Americans are fucked-up as you sit on their land.
Whites can't square it, and nobody else can, either.
Just fucked-up people.
My favorite part of the railroad story is when they brought in General Sherman - hero of the Civil War - and he was sympathetic to the Natives. Until they wouldn't stop fighting for what's theirs.
Then he destroyed them.
That made them "enemies".
This same form of "logic" is being used by whites today, needless to say. And, all the while, they consider themselves reasonable, rational, educated people, with hearts of gold.
And a lot of blood on their hands.
Brett Kavanaugh is the product of a lot of fucked-up activity. No matter how much blood has been spilled (by "enemies" who had no idea that's what they were made into) I'm sure he thinks he's got a firm moral foundation behind him, as those before him did, when - really - it's as barren as the American prairie after whites killed all the buffalo.
I've said, over and over, that I've stopped rapes. Brett Kavanaugh's school sounds like *something* was going on, but - good ol' Brett - he didn't stop anything (You guys keep wanting to know why I'm poor - why's he rich? Maybe because he never risked his life pissing off those doing evil, unless he had a robe on and guards to protect him, huh?) My hero.
Cowardly killers causing chaos. There's nothing to respect about any of it. Replace Brett Kavanaugh with Colin Kaepernick - he won't imagine "enemies" anywhere, and more people would sleep better. Hell, we just might get justice from someone who believes in the concept.
Nah. Brett's getting in. His name's Brett.
Michael K said...
"Crack thread.
Good observation by buwaya but too much Crack."
This is like being dissed by Satan. Ow - it hurts.
Crack, whose land are you sitting on?
Char Char Binks said...
"Crack, whose land are you sitting on?"
I didn't take it, and - last I heard - they didn't mind ME being here.
You - not so much.
I think it’s pretty clear that for decades men in the entertainment business have been able to anything women and children, male and female, as they liked. I suspect if he had not wandered away from liberal orthodoxy and remained reliably pro choice, pro big government and very progressive, he’d still be a free man. I now wonder if his son’s murder by a Russian, of unknown means, wasn’t a payback for raping the wrong girl.
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