The Wilmington NC weather radar is down for maintenance, the same status that the Puerto Rico weather radar had for over a year. I assume it means no power.
@Michael K., the unnamed concealed permit holder may have saved Officer Duarte’s life, but if the criminal shot by him survives I believe that under Illinois law he can sue the permit holder.
I had an experience at a restaurant today at lunch. I was sitting at the counter by myself. Then a man sat at the counter a couple of seats down. He had a video call (like Skype) on his phone. He continued a loud conversation with this woman while he sat there. It was as if he were in his living room. He had no awareness that he was being obnoxious or distracting. He sometimes burst out laughing while he stared at his phone.
I thought about saying something, but decided it wasn't worth it. I realize a restaurant isn't a library, but you still expect there to be some basic courtesy. The self-absorption of some people when they're on their phones is truly astounding.
I've also been at restaurants where people have been watching videos on their phones at top volume. I still haven't adjusted to this brave new world.
You know what is bothering me about the Puerto Rico death toll fight?
What kind of backwards government doesn't even know how many of its citizens died? How can the Puerto Rican government be so awful that it has no way to know if 17 or 3000 of it's people died??? Can you imagine the governor of any other state doing that? Can you imagine 2 years after, say, a tornado in Michigan the governor having no idea if 17 or 3000 people died?
How is that acceptable and why does nobody seem to care that the government of PR has so little regard for its own citizens they don't even know if they are alive or dead?
The previous studies from Latino power to the new York, had a death toll about a quarter of that figure, now Roselle based on sources diverted relief funds to voter mobilization in Florida and other states, and he still may face a challenge from San Juan mayor yulin.
Lisa Page to Peter Strzok, 19DEC17: “It will make your head spin to realize how many stories we played a personal role in.” “Sheesh, this has been quite the year.”
The dedicated public servants out there quashing leaks right and left. They deserve a medal.
Tomorrow night at Jerry's World between Dallas and Ft.Worth the football team from a small college team that usually only beats The Sisters of the Poor type teams( such as Wisconsin, Texas, Oklahoma, Oregon and Stanford, etc.) finally gets its shot at playing the elusive Ohio State.
”What kind of backwards government doesn't even know how many of its citizens died? How can the Puerto Rican government be so awful that it has no way to know if 17 or 3000 of it's people died???”
I think the issue is way more than 3,000 people were expected to (and did) die over the time interval involved from natural causes, so how do you tease out how many were due to the hurricane? The 3,000 number came from a statistical analysis (no opportunity for funny business there...).
Obama sends John Kerry to various countries to speak with the established governments to discuss US policy. Sounds like treason to me--running an unelected shadow government. But Obama will never see the noose. Or the inside of a Federal prison for the other laws he broke while in elected office. Sad. The Left built a wall around the law as far as they are concerned.
Barack Obama , caught up in the fervor of a campaign speech Tuesday, drastically overstated the Kansas tornadoes death toll, saying 10,000 had died. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed," the Democratic presidential candidate said in a speech to 500 people
There was a guy putting his cell-phone on speaker at one of my usual morning stops the other week. Wanted to strangle him.
Tonight's restaurant peeve: I walk in 45 minutes before closing and they are out of tea. If I walk in 5 minutes before closing, ok, you're out. 45 minutes, make some more! It costs you pennies and you charge me $2.00 for it -- you come out ahead even if I'm the last guy. And the only reason you're out is you dumped the urn I'm sure.
So far in Columbia no rain and every now and then some wind. Nothing serious enough to rattle the branches.
Monitoring the twitter feed from the Pawleys Island PD, so far nothing worse than last week's "King" tides. Don't want to jinx it, but so far looks like I could have ridden it out.
I thought about saying something, but decided it wasn't worth it. I realize a restaurant isn't a library, but you still expect there to be some basic courtesy. The self-absorption of some people when they're on their phones is truly astounding.
I see in this evening's news that Paul Manafort flipped and agreed to help the Mueller investigation in exchange for lenient sentencing for a laundry list of criminal activities that he confessed to committing between 2006 and 2017.
You can find yourself in the same bathwater if any prosecutor ever takes an interest in you. With the profusion of new laws and regulations in the last twenty years, it has been said that the average person commits three prosecutable crimes every day. All you need is a stupid jury like the one Mueller found to buy any of his crap. When the Feds looked at Manafort the first time, their panel of legal experts determined that they could not get a jury to find him guilty if they moved forward. Resistance/Impeachment definitely played a part this time around. Along with CNN trying to doxx the jurors--which they heard because they were not sequestered. Jurors now have no expectation that a judge--or any other judge--will protect them when the Left gets a hankering for blood.
Do your realize the Mueller investigation has been going on for over 15 months, and Manafort was arrested what, a year ago?
But Cohen has flipped. Manafort has flipped. Something incredible will come out and sink Trump, that we haven't heard in 1.5 years.
And I've changed my mind. I wanted sleepy Jeff fired as AG. But now, after 15 months of Muller, why fire him? What would be the point?
Since Trump decided to go along with Mueller, even though he won't issue his report till 18 months after he started, why fire Sessions. The whole Mueller fiasco is on you. YOU decided to let him go on and on and on and on.
In Yurp, they got candies called "Niggerheads," so I'm not surprised. Hell, it's almost to be expected. I remember the first time I went over to a white friend's house (one of the guys who became a cop) and his mom took one look at me and blurted out "Great - we're having friend chicken for dinner!" They thought it was hilarious.
I'm fascinated by the suggestion "Robert Mueller’s methodical pace should comfort Americans desperate for Trump’s departure."
I'm fascinated by it because it reminds me The Press has no interest in exploring WHY someone should be desperate for Trump's departure - especially if they're wrong - but only in bringing such a person "comfort". (This is where water - I mean, a homeopathic "medicine" - comes in, right?)
Monitoring the twitter feed from the Pawleys Island PD, so far nothing worse than last week's "King" tides. Don't want to jinx it, but so far looks like I could have ridden it out.
That’s because instead of intensifying just before coming ashore, as predicted, Florence stalled and weakened down to barely above tropical storm level. Perhaps MadisonMan can explain why the mathematical models got it so wrong. But if they’d been right, you could not have ridden it out. If they ever found your body you’d be just another drowned corpse with crabs eating your face.
According to the BBC, Manafort, before he worked for Trump, had a SLEW of Congressmen, Bureaucrats and White House people whom he worked with during his Ukrainian deal.
It would be karmic justice that a Mueller Investigation into Trump suddenly reveals a huge number of corrupt people on the Democratic side who were involved with 'collusion'.
That seems to be what's happened with every other attack on Trump by nefarious means.
Heck, I might even take back some of the bad things I said about Mueller if he goes to the bottom of the pot on this.
The Press has no interest in exploring WHY someone should be desperate for Trump’s departure - especially if they're wrong - but only in bringing such a person "comfort".
to include effecting the dissolution of the sick Trump Oligarchy.
Still butt hurt that Clinton, Podesta, and their funder Putin lost the election? Talk about an oligarchy. How did Terry McAuliffe get rich again? Oh that’s right, through the crony contacts he made as a bundler for the Clintons. I just don’t see any signs that Trump has any kind of “oligarchy” going, quite to the contrary, in fact.
One of the things that came out of Wikileaks was that an email from Citibank, I think, called Obama’s cabinet almost to a man BEFORE the election.
bama sends John Kerry to various countries to speak with the established governments to discuss US policy. Sounds like treason to me--running an unelected shadow government.
Wasn’t that one of the ridiculous things that they were going after Trump for, DURING the transition, Logan Act violations?
"Tonight's restaurant peeve: I walk in 45 minutes before closing and they are out of tea. If I walk in 5 minutes before closing, ok, you're out. 45 minutes, make some more! It costs you pennies and you charge me $2.00 for it -- you come out ahead even if I'm the last guy. And the only reason you're out is you dumped the urn I'm sure."
I'm assuming you mean tea for Iced Tea. You have every right to assume what you did. Crews, probably younger folks, just want to get the hell out of there and to get a head start, began cleaning and emptying the urn. As someone in the business for almost my whole life, I would have had them empty the remaining tea into a smaller container so as to be able to clean the urn. Many might disagree with me, but if you are open until, say, 10, you serve right up to it your full menu. They COULD have run out of tea, and if it was the large, automatic urns, it takes a while to brew a bunch and then you'd have a lot left over. You can refrigerate it though. There's a great movie titled "Waiting" set in a Bennigan's-type place. See what THEY do when a large party comes in right at closing. It is hilarious. But you were in 45 minutes prior. I suspect your suspicions were correct. Better luck next time AT ANOTHER PLACE. ---chef Marcus
see in this evening’s news that Paul Manafort flipped and agreed to help the Mueller investigation in exchange for lenient sentencing for a laundry list of criminal activities that he confessed to committing between 2006 and 2017.
Yeah, but not against Trump, because there is nothing there. Against some Democrats. You know that the Podesta Group was neck deep in this same kind of activity and John Podesta was given millions of dollars worth of stock by GazProm in a company whose value collapsed a couple of days after Hillary lost, don’t you?
Lisa Page to Peter Strzok, 19DEC17: “It will make your head spin to realize how many stories we played a personal role in.” “Sheesh, this has been quite the year.”
If Trump hadn’t cleaned out this little infestation, these guys would have run with the Kavenaugh thing. THAT’S the FBI that Feinstein was looking for!
Two lobbying firms, including one owned by Democratic superlobbyist Tony Podesta, knowingly worked with Paul Manafort at the direction of the Ukrainian government, according to an indictment released Friday by the special counsel’s office. The indictment, which was released ahead of an expected plea deal for Manafort, the former chairman of President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, says that as a part of his “lobbying scheme,” Manafort solicited two lobbying firms in February 2012 to lobby on behalf of then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.
You know that Hillary’s campaign manager worked with The Podesta Group, did I mention that?
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$$$ GENUINE LOAN WITH 3% INTEREST RATE APPLY NOW $$$. Do you need finance to start up your own business or expand your business, Do you need funds to pay off your debt? We give out loan to interested individuals and company's who are seeking loan with good faith. Are you seriously in need of an urgent loan contact us. Email:
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Lisa Page to Peter Strzok, 19DEC17: “It will make your head spin to realize how many stories we played a personal role in.” “Sheesh, this has been quite the year.”
This is apparently another avenue where they may end up in prison for. Yes, the FBI has been using strategic leaks for its own advantage since the Hoover days. It looks like the Dir and DD can authorize leaking to the press and in certain situations (which is what ultimately got McCabe fired - his lying about not having authorized Page to leak). But that is on the criminal side. The national security side is different - because much of the information is classified. Think about it for a minute - the President is having problems getting the four Carter Page FISA warrant applications unclassified and unredacted, but portions have been leaked on a regular basis by the FBI since the application was filed in October, 2016. (And James Wolfe appears to have leaked the fourth FISA application unredacted to at least his girlfriend at the NYT). Indeed, even the subject of a FISA warrant (Carter Page here) is apparently classified. Except, of course, the President is the ultimate declassifier, and they don't have declassification authority. This means that above and beyond the 4th Andt, etc problems, there appear to have been consistent Espionage Act violations. Apparently better than a dozen DoJ and FBI officials leaking to reporters the same classified material. Talk about a culture of corruption.
The 2975 number is a SWAG (Simple Wild Assed Guess). They did not have a good count of Puerto Rican residents before Maria. They did not count the number of apparent storm victims found during and immediately after Maria. They have no idea how many "victims" are alive and well today in Miami and points north.
Socialism is a bigger public health disaster than any hurricane or heat wave and more dangerous than climate change.
Why the different numbers on Puerto Rico storm victims? Public health people have looked at the number of people who die during a heat wave, not necessarily from heat stroke. They show that older people die in greater numbers from heart attacks, asthma, etc during heat waves presumably because being overheated or somewhat dehydrated for long periods of time fatally stresses their system. So public health urges older people without air conditioning to go to libraries, drink lots of water. But Our Stinking Masters have learned to abuse this good insight and they investigate weather events looking for a rise in deaths other than direct storm related deaths. They find in Puerto Rico a rise due to physical stress on a rickety physical system. This they attribute to climate change because the weather caused the stress. But really in the case of Puerto Rico you could equally well say it was the political party, rather than the weather because why did people have rickety bodies and houses? - it was because they lived in a stalled corrupt economy run by socialist-loving corrupto-crats. The same in coal country, where the closing of the mines created more ill-health than was ever caused by mine deaths or black lung disease so you could hold Obama responsible there on the same kind of argument being used against Trump in Puerto Rico. The same in Venezuela - socialism is a public health disaster when you look at the statistics
Good post Crack. I knew several friends of John Barbagelata in the 90's, when I was hanging with the SF Republicans. They considered Milk and Moscone total swine, criminals and looters.
David Talbot's "Season of the Witch" is a good summary of what happened to San Francisco.
And the Jim Jones cult was just an extreme form of similar SF political organizations that have existed since, basically exploiting the very poor (homeless and public housing residents) by controlling government benefits, which was at the core of Jim Jones strategy. Chris Daly was a notable Jim Jones-like case, but the same goes on today at a lower level.
SF has changed, the city has greatly reduced the proportion of the exploitable poor and weird due to the extremely high cost of living. It is still hugely corrupt, but in a different way.
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६५ टिप्पण्या:
A CCW perimit holder, of all things, helped a police office in Chicago by shooting the suspect.
Whoda thunk ?
The Wilmington NC weather radar is down for maintenance, the same status that the Puerto Rico weather radar had for over a year. I assume it means no power.
@Michael K., the unnamed concealed permit holder may have saved Officer Duarte’s life, but if the criminal shot by him survives I believe that under Illinois law he can sue the permit holder.
Just a suggestion that the brown M&Ms circulating amongst you are not particularly too good.
but it’s your own sugar high, hey...
Last we heard from KLTX was 5:12pm local. Power at least, based on pics from the area
I had an experience at a restaurant today at lunch. I was sitting at the counter by myself. Then a man sat at the counter a couple of seats down. He had a video call (like Skype) on his phone. He continued a loud conversation with this woman while he sat there. It was as if he were in his living room. He had no awareness that he was being obnoxious or distracting. He sometimes burst out laughing while he stared at his phone.
I thought about saying something, but decided it wasn't worth it. I realize a restaurant isn't a library, but you still expect there to be some basic courtesy. The self-absorption of some people when they're on their phones is truly astounding.
I've also been at restaurants where people have been watching videos on their phones at top volume. I still haven't adjusted to this brave new world.
How about "It's Friday Cafe, you can thank God all night"? ...too religious?
You know what is bothering me about the Puerto Rico death toll fight?
What kind of backwards government doesn't even know how many of its citizens died? How can the Puerto Rican government be so awful that it has no way to know if 17 or 3000 of it's people died??? Can you imagine the governor of any other state doing that? Can you imagine 2 years after, say, a tornado in Michigan the governor having no idea if 17 or 3000 people died?
How is that acceptable and why does nobody seem to care that the government of PR has so little regard for its own citizens they don't even know if they are alive or dead?
if the criminal shot by him survives I believe that under Illinois law he can sue the permit holder.
That's why California banned NRA insurance for gun owners.
It's not clear that the CCW holder was the one who hit him but I'm sure there are shyster lawyer salivating at the thought.
The previous studies from Latino power to the new York, had a death toll about a quarter of that figure, now Roselle based on sources diverted relief funds to voter mobilization in Florida and other states, and he still may face a challenge from San Juan mayor yulin.
Also their were warning about the stability of the electrical grid going back 25 years, they should have done something in the first dozen years.
Lisa Page to Peter Strzok, 19DEC17:
“It will make your head spin to realize how many stories we played a personal role in.”
“Sheesh, this has been quite the year.”
The dedicated public servants out there quashing leaks right and left. They deserve a medal.
So the squirrel is let out of the bag as to who podesta and Weber were lobbying more importantly who they managed to contact.
The answer officials on the Obama administration
Tomorrow night at Jerry's World between Dallas and Ft.Worth the football team from a small college team that usually only beats The Sisters of the Poor type teams( such as Wisconsin, Texas, Oklahoma, Oregon and Stanford, etc.) finally gets its shot at playing the elusive Ohio State.
This is a fucking big deal.
”What kind of backwards government doesn't even know how many of its citizens died? How can the Puerto Rican government be so awful that it has no way to know if 17 or 3000 of it's people died???”
I think the issue is way more than 3,000 people were expected to (and did) die over the time interval involved from natural causes, so how do you tease out how many were due to the hurricane? The 3,000 number came from a statistical analysis (no opportunity for funny business there...).
"The 3,000 number came from a statistical analysis"
Do progs argue anything in good faith? Anything?
Obama sends John Kerry to various countries to speak with the established governments to discuss US policy. Sounds like treason to me--running an unelected shadow government. But Obama will never see the noose. Or the inside of a Federal prison for the other laws he broke while in elected office. Sad. The Left built a wall around the law as far as they are concerned.
Barack Obama , caught up in the fervor of a campaign speech Tuesday, drastically overstated the Kansas tornadoes death toll, saying 10,000 had died. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed," the Democratic presidential candidate said in a speech to 500 people
Note 500 people. Hillary-size max crowds.
Do progs argue anything in good faith? Anything?
Well sure they do. They are keen to investigate your high school crimes.
There was a guy putting his cell-phone on speaker at one of my usual morning stops the other week. Wanted to strangle him.
Tonight's restaurant peeve: I walk in 45 minutes before closing and they are out of tea. If I walk in 5 minutes before closing, ok, you're out. 45 minutes, make some more! It costs you pennies and you charge me $2.00 for it -- you come out ahead even if I'm the last guy. And the only reason you're out is you dumped the urn I'm sure.
I thought this was hilarious. I mean, I have known all week that Florence was being exaggerated, but that was ridiculous.
So far in Columbia no rain and every now and then some wind. Nothing serious enough to rattle the branches.
Monitoring the twitter feed from the Pawleys Island PD, so far nothing worse than last week's "King" tides. Don't want to jinx it, but so far looks like I could have ridden it out.
I thought about saying something, but decided it wasn't worth it. I realize a restaurant isn't a library, but you still expect there to be some basic courtesy. The self-absorption of some people when they're on their phones is truly astounding.
Andrew: I usually get up and kick their ass.
If they're smaller than me.
At our house it's tea time, with no allusion to our fine feathered brothers and sisters across the pond.
How can the Puerto Rican government be so awful that it has no way to know if 17 or 3000 of it's people died???
Lack of id and followup?
A CCW perimit holder, of all things, helped a police office in Chicago by shooting the suspect.
First-responder and backup in a pinch. This is why we have the Second Amendment.
I see in this evening's news that Paul Manafort flipped and agreed to help the Mueller investigation in exchange for lenient sentencing for a laundry list of criminal activities that he confessed to committing between 2006 and 2017.
laundry list of criminal activities
You can find yourself in the same bathwater if any prosecutor ever takes an interest in you. With the profusion of new laws and regulations in the last twenty years, it has been said that the average person commits three prosecutable crimes every day. All you need is a stupid jury like the one Mueller found to buy any of his crap. When the Feds looked at Manafort the first time, their panel of legal experts determined that they could not get a jury to find him guilty if they moved forward. Resistance/Impeachment definitely played a part this time around. Along with CNN trying to doxx the jurors--which they heard because they were not sequestered. Jurors now have no expectation that a judge--or any other judge--will protect them when the Left gets a hankering for blood.
Manafort. Yawn.
Do your realize the Mueller investigation has been going on for over 15 months, and Manafort was arrested what, a year ago?
But Cohen has flipped. Manafort has flipped. Something incredible will come out and sink Trump, that we haven't heard in 1.5 years.
And I've changed my mind. I wanted sleepy Jeff fired as AG. But now, after 15 months of Muller, why fire him? What would be the point?
Since Trump decided to go along with Mueller, even though he won't issue his report till 18 months after he started, why fire Sessions. The whole Mueller fiasco is on you. YOU decided to let him go on and on and on and on.
Bbkingfish@12:37 None of the charges have anything to do with president Trump or the Trump campaign, and the one he's flipping on is Tony Podesta.
If Republicans lose the midterms, they'll be beaten by Democrats paying good money to get Reiki for cats.
My psychic says that's going to be humiliating - and expensive.
Holy Shit Madison got Racist Ice Cream!
The Crack Emcee said...
If Republicans lose the midterms, they'll be beaten by Democrats paying good money to get Reiki for cats.
My psychic says that's going to be humiliating - and expensive
So Reiki is "mind over cats" but I am unsure whether it is the GOP or the Dems paying to get control over kitties.
But no matter who is paying, the rules of the game has to include effecting the dissolution of the sick Trump Oligarchy.
Methinks the name of this game should be Bobbie Three Sticks.
BUMBLE BEE said...
"Holy Shit Madison got Racist Ice Cream!"
In Yurp, they got candies called "Niggerheads," so I'm not surprised. Hell, it's almost to be expected. I remember the first time I went over to a white friend's house (one of the guys who became a cop) and his mom took one look at me and blurted out "Great - we're having friend chicken for dinner!" They thought it was hilarious.
I'm surprised we stayed friends.
I'm fascinated by the suggestion "Robert Mueller’s methodical pace should comfort Americans desperate for Trump’s departure."
I'm fascinated by it because it reminds me The Press has no interest in exploring WHY someone should be desperate for Trump's departure - especially if they're wrong - but only in bringing such a person "comfort". (This is where water - I mean, a homeopathic "medicine" - comes in, right?)
Everybody sing!
Monitoring the twitter feed from the Pawleys Island PD, so far nothing worse than last week's "King" tides. Don't want to jinx it, but so far looks like I could have ridden it out.
That’s because instead of intensifying just before coming ashore, as predicted, Florence stalled and weakened down to barely above tropical storm level. Perhaps MadisonMan can explain why the mathematical models got it so wrong. But if they’d been right, you could not have ridden it out. If they ever found your body you’d be just another drowned corpse with crabs eating your face.
Trouble in River City!
According to the BBC, Manafort, before he worked for Trump, had a SLEW of Congressmen, Bureaucrats and White House people whom he worked with during his Ukrainian deal.
It would be karmic justice that a Mueller Investigation into Trump suddenly reveals a huge number of corrupt people on the Democratic side who were involved with 'collusion'.
That seems to be what's happened with every other attack on Trump by nefarious means.
Heck, I might even take back some of the bad things I said about Mueller if he goes to the bottom of the pot on this.
The Press has no interest in exploring WHY someone should be desperate for Trump’s departure - especially if they're wrong - but only in bringing such a person "comfort".
Credit where credit is due on that comment.
to include effecting the dissolution of the sick Trump Oligarchy.
Still butt hurt that Clinton, Podesta, and their funder Putin lost the election? Talk about an oligarchy. How did Terry McAuliffe get rich again? Oh that’s right, through the crony contacts he made as a bundler for the Clintons. I just don’t see any signs that Trump has any kind of “oligarchy” going, quite to the contrary, in fact.
One of the things that came out of Wikileaks was that an email from Citibank, I think, called Obama’s cabinet almost to a man BEFORE the election.
bama sends John Kerry to various countries to speak with the established governments to discuss US policy. Sounds like treason to me--running an unelected shadow government.
Wasn’t that one of the ridiculous things that they were going after Trump for, DURING the transition, Logan Act violations?
"Tonight's restaurant peeve: I walk in 45 minutes before closing and they are out of tea. If I walk in 5 minutes before closing, ok, you're out. 45 minutes, make some more! It costs you pennies and you charge me $2.00 for it -- you come out ahead even if I'm the last guy. And the only reason you're out is you dumped the urn I'm sure."
I'm assuming you mean tea for Iced Tea. You have every right to assume what you did. Crews, probably younger folks, just want to get the hell out of there and to get a head start, began cleaning and emptying the urn. As someone in the business for almost my whole life, I would have had them empty the remaining tea into a smaller container so as to be able to clean the urn. Many might disagree with me, but if you are open until, say, 10, you serve right up to it your full menu. They COULD have run out of tea, and if it was the large, automatic urns, it takes a while to brew a bunch and then you'd have a lot left over. You can refrigerate it though. There's a great movie titled "Waiting" set in a Bennigan's-type place. See what THEY do when a large party comes in right at closing. It is hilarious. But you were in 45 minutes prior. I suspect your suspicions were correct. Better luck next time AT ANOTHER PLACE. ---chef Marcus
see in this evening’s news that Paul Manafort flipped and agreed to help the Mueller investigation in exchange for lenient sentencing for a laundry list of criminal activities that he confessed to committing between 2006 and 2017.
Yeah, but not against Trump, because there is nothing there. Against some Democrats. You know that the Podesta Group was neck deep in this same kind of activity and John Podesta was given millions of dollars worth of stock by GazProm in a company whose value collapsed a couple of days after Hillary lost, don’t you?
Tonight’s restaurant peeve:
One of my indicators of a well running economy is that the workers at the bottom start getting uppity.
Lisa Page to Peter Strzok, 19DEC17:
“It will make your head spin to realize how many stories we played a personal role in.”
“Sheesh, this has been quite the year.”
If Trump hadn’t cleaned out this little infestation, these guys would have run with the Kavenaugh thing. THAT’S the FBI that Feinstein was looking for!
Another torpedo shows signs of circling back!
Two lobbying firms, including one owned by Democratic superlobbyist Tony Podesta, knowingly worked with Paul Manafort at the direction of the Ukrainian government, according to an indictment released Friday by the special counsel’s office. The indictment, which was released ahead of an expected plea deal for Manafort, the former chairman of President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, says that as a part of his “lobbying scheme,” Manafort solicited two lobbying firms in February 2012 to lobby on behalf of then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.
You know that Hillary’s campaign manager worked with The Podesta Group, did I mention that?
Watched Jeff Glor & Co. covering hurricane Florence on CBS last night, and all I could think of was "Gunga Dan" Rather 2.0.
These people never learn, do they?
Kansas tornadoes death toll
That story was from 2007, Darrell.
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Lisa Page to Peter Strzok, 19DEC17:
“It will make your head spin to realize how many stories we played a personal role in.”
“Sheesh, this has been quite the year.”
This is apparently another avenue where they may end up in prison for. Yes, the FBI has been using strategic leaks for its own advantage since the Hoover days. It looks like the Dir and DD can authorize leaking to the press and in certain situations (which is what ultimately got McCabe fired - his lying about not having authorized Page to leak). But that is on the criminal side. The national security side is different - because much of the information is classified. Think about it for a minute - the President is having problems getting the four Carter Page FISA warrant applications unclassified and unredacted, but portions have been leaked on a regular basis by the FBI since the application was filed in October, 2016. (And James Wolfe appears to have leaked the fourth FISA application unredacted to at least his girlfriend at the NYT). Indeed, even the subject of a FISA warrant (Carter Page here) is apparently classified. Except, of course, the President is the ultimate declassifier, and they don't have declassification authority. This means that above and beyond the 4th Andt, etc problems, there appear to have been consistent Espionage Act violations. Apparently better than a dozen DoJ and FBI officials leaking to reporters the same classified material. Talk about a culture of corruption.
The 2975 number is a SWAG (Simple Wild Assed Guess).
They did not have a good count of Puerto Rican residents before Maria.
They did not count the number of apparent storm victims found during and immediately after Maria.
They have no idea how many "victims" are alive and well today in Miami and points north.
Re Florence coverage: It's called "disaster porn."
And the "death toll" from Florence has now risen to eight?
Socialism is a bigger public health disaster than any hurricane or heat wave and more dangerous than climate change.
Why the different numbers on Puerto Rico storm victims? Public health people have looked at the number of people who die during a heat wave, not necessarily from heat stroke. They show that older people die in greater numbers from heart attacks, asthma, etc during heat waves presumably because being overheated or somewhat dehydrated for long periods of time fatally stresses their system. So public health urges older people without air conditioning to go to libraries, drink lots of water. But Our Stinking Masters have learned to abuse this good insight and they investigate weather events looking for a rise in deaths other than direct storm related deaths. They find in Puerto Rico a rise due to physical stress on a rickety physical system. This they attribute to climate change because the weather caused the stress. But really in the case of Puerto Rico you could equally well say it was the political party, rather than the weather because why did people have rickety bodies and houses? - it was because they lived in a stalled corrupt economy run by socialist-loving corrupto-crats. The same in coal country, where the closing of the mines created more ill-health than was ever caused by mine deaths or black lung disease so you could hold Obama responsible there on the same kind of argument being used against Trump in Puerto Rico. The same in Venezuela - socialism is a public health disaster when you look at the statistics
I did an old school-type post of The Macho Response today, which is kind of amazing.
I didn't think I still had it in me.
"When nearly the whole company right up to the CEO is on the partisan left (as we just saw at Google) you are risking your job to disagree."
When it's a whole city (like San Francisco or Berkeley) you're risking your life.
Louisiana Mayor Reverses Controversial Nike Ban
And "Nike's Kaepernick ad draws record likes on social media, sends stock to all-time high amid sales boost"
Good post Crack.
I knew several friends of John Barbagelata in the 90's, when I was hanging with the SF Republicans.
They considered Milk and Moscone total swine, criminals and looters.
David Talbot's "Season of the Witch" is a good summary of what happened to San Francisco.
And the Jim Jones cult was just an extreme form of similar SF political organizations that have existed since, basically exploiting the very poor (homeless and public housing residents) by controlling government benefits, which was at the core of Jim Jones strategy. Chris Daly was a notable Jim Jones-like case, but the same goes on today at a lower level.
SF has changed, the city has greatly reduced the proportion of the exploitable poor and weird due to the extremely high cost of living. It is still hugely corrupt, but in a different way.
It was funny. A friend showed me a video of some hammy weather channel reporter, acting like he was bracing his manly frame against incredible winds.
Meanwhile, in the background, two people were walking along normally with umbrellas, unhindered by any winds.
Now, was this fake news, or was he trying to gin up 'drama' points for his career?
In cases like this, I find comfort in the answer 'yes'.
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