The illustration reminded me of the sarcastic childhood rejoinder "Oh, boo hoo hoo" — aimed at someone whose tears are not worth sharing. It is a proper accompaniment to the column, which offers the coinage "himpathy," to refer to empathy for men. The column-writer Kate Manne is a philosophy professor (at Cornell).
She defines "himpathy" as "the inappropriate and disproportionate sympathy powerful men often enjoy in cases of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, homicide and other misogynistic behavior." So... it's only himpathy and deserving of our resistance if it's "inappropriate and disproportionate." In which case, we're just restating the question: How do we respond to accusations against a person? What is appropriate? What is disproportionate?
A charitable reading of Manne has her saying merely: Take care that your empathy isn't skewed, as it very well may be in a system in which men have so much prominence and women have traditionally been kept from speaking out about sexual subordination.
In that light, let me try to give a sympathetic reading to the illustration: The man is gigantic, like a movie star on a big screen, and the woman is tiny, so his tears fall like buckets of water on her tiny head. We see his pain because he's so big, but what about her? We need to see how she feels. This shows, the sympathetic reading says, why our empathy gets skewed: He's so big his pain is plainly visible, and she's so inconsequential, we're tempted to indulge ourselves and keep our own lives simpler by not seeing her.
Newspaper illustrations are often hastily done and not successfully expressive of the idea the artist hoped to convey. This one particularly bothered me because I, subjectively, perceived it as expressing hate, the way a gang mocks a cowering victim. That might be me and my "himpathy," and I suppose I'm meant to worry that the #MeToo movement will hate me too. Me, the big traitor. (But I'm okay. I learned how to live with that internalized intimidation a long time ago.)
But let's look at the text of this column. It's the column that drives the illustration, not the other way around:
Once you learn to spot himpathy, it becomes difficult not to see it everywhere....You mean, you become skewed in the other direction? Template in hand, how do you know when your ideas are inappropriate and disproportionate?
What the Kavanaugh case has revealed this week is that himpathy can, at its most extreme, become full-blown gendered sociopathy: a pathological moral tendency to feel sorry exclusively for the alleged male perpetrator — it was too long ago; he was just a boy; it was a case of mistaken identity — while relentlessly casting suspicion upon the female accusers. It also reveals the far-ranging repercussions of this worldview: It’s no coincidence that many of those who himpathize with Judge Kavanaugh to the exclusion of Dr. Blasey are also avid abortion opponents, a position that requires a refusal to empathize with girls and women facing an unwanted pregnancy.In the context of seeing what is big and not seeing what is very small, Manne brings up abortion. All of the above paragraph strikes me as straining exaggeration, but I'm stunned that it ran headlong into the problem of abortion. Can we coin a word that means the inappropriate and disproportionate sympathy born individuals often enjoy in cases of violence against the unborn?
What makes himpathy so difficult to counter is that the mechanisms underlying it are partly moral in nature: Sympathy and empathy are pro-social moral emotions, which makes it especially hard to convince people that when they skew toward the powerful and against the vulnerable, they become a source of systemic injustice. So, for those for whom himpathy is a mental habit prompted by biased social forces, and not an entrenched moral outlook, the first step to solving the problem is simply learning to recognize when it’s at work, and to be wary of its biasing influence.Is that "himpathy" specific or is Manne saying that we should always examine our empathy and analyze whether we are just shallowly doing what works in going along to get along or whether we really have deep roots in morality? There are many ways to be shallow. We could be in thrall to the patriarchy, but we could also be hoping to catch the upsurge of the #MeToo movement.
१९३ टिप्पण्या:
It's time for supporters of the "feminist movement" to acknowledge that it has lost pretty much all credibility.
Herpathy is being granted for liars and frauds.
Perfectly acceptable.
The empathy is for all the powerless men who are going to get it if due process no longer matters.
Postmodern deconstructionists can't see anything but power dynamics. They tend to miss the idea that what happens to the powerful eventually happens to everyone else.
No mention of “The Big He” of course. That never happened!
We should legalize dueling again, to restore one's honor.
Ford never saw that coming. I hope she shows.
"Herpathy is being granted for liars and frauds."
Sounds like herpes.
Sounds like herpes.
Yes. It's herpathetic.
We used to call empathy for powerful men R E S P E C T. She is preaching for women to ridicule their ememies to weaken them. But in our families women are born and bred in respect for the Fatherhood of a man and it is as strong as it ever was. So this woman is frustrated that she cannot reingineer the minds of most women who want to be thrown into the briar patch they love.
This article smells like... another big Victory for Trump in the morning.
You can't be a perpetrator if you are wholly innocent of the charge.
Pity and terror--it's the stuff of tragedy.
And nothing says herpathy like believing charges against a prominent man (except you don't remember who, where, or when except you know that Supreme Court nominee with an unblemished record did it).
Boo-hoo-hoo, Katie Manne (let's look at that surname, shall we?). You're all wet.
Which leads us to "herpetrators or herpetraitors."
Maybe - but I still think Cosby is about getting a share of his money.
Can we coin a word that means the inappropriate and disproportionate sympathy born individuals often enjoy in cases of violence against the unborn?
Pro choice.
Believe all women unless and until the man can prove he’s innocent. It’s like Islam where the testimony of a man is worth double that of a woman and that of a believer is worth double that of an infidel. And now a couple of guys have come forward and said it was them, not BK, who traumatized Ford, but didn’t actually rape her, BTW. But “boo hoo.”
It’s amazing to me how blind the New York Times seems to be to the self serving political agenda supported by the piece and how blind they seem to its obvious weaknesses.
It’s like they want to smother The Englightenment here and now.
If we study these women and grant a degree for that, it surely will be called herpetology.
I'm keeping the seat warm for Hardin.
What a terribly drawn illustration! Isn't the Times paying professionals any more?
She doesn't cover digust.
Isn't the most recent use of boo hoo hoo used by a Democrat senator to dismiss threats of violence against Collins?
The Innocence Project mostly exonerates men put in prison by testimony from witnesses that turned out to be less than reliable. Most of those convictions are for sexual assault. When you DNA test, sometimes the conviction doesn't hold up. Turns out that we shouldn't always believe eyewitnesses. It's fairly rare, but it happens often enough to steal decades from the lives of men who didn't commit a crime.
Are we not supposed to have empathy for those men? If so, what's the difference between them and another man being accused on the basis of 35 year old eyewitness testimony? We don't even have DNA to test. I'm not asking for much. Just give me two witnesses to the same event! Otherwise, there's this thing called presumption of innocence. I know it's inconvenient! If the powerful don't get the presumption of innocence, I sure as hell won't.
The big problem with the idea of white male privilege is an ordinary man gets thrown into the same bucket as Kavanaugh, and is subject to the same threats.
If the left wants to shove me into the same category, and this is how they are going to treat me if I get in their way, then hell with them. I want my due process.
The illustration is supposed to be a powerful man. It looks like a middle-aged female college professor.
Since we've been furiously fighting over women's votes for the past couple of weeks, this BS about women's powerlessness is a particularly wild, stupid lie.
They're so powerless that everybody is panicked over losing their vote.
Women lie their asses off, don't they? It's the drama queen in them.
Julie Swetnick, the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of participating in a gang-rape ring during his high school years, sued her former employer for sexual misconduct claims using a law firm run by the lawyer representing one of the other women accusing Kavanaugh.
Wow, what a lucky break for her that she already knew the lawyers involved so she had a way to get a hearing on her, of course, completely unrelated complaint.
Vulnerable and vulva are probably linked. Penis and powerful against it.
Everyone must be accorded a presumption of innocence, and accusations of wrongdoing must always be rigorously examined for veracity. If an accusation cannot be proved, the accused must be exonerated, even if it seems possible or even likely he or she is guilty.
What demographic is the NYTs aiming at these days?
With the advent of Sarah Jeong, this kind of piece was foreseen, predictable...but dismissed by the Left.
How many people now encompass the Left? They are loud, but numerically?
50 Shades of Grab, the female sexual fantasy.
I know I'm not committing any crimes, so the big threat to me is false accusation. I want protection against that!
I understand the threat to women is being attacked by men, and they want protection from that.
Surely there's a better way?
Clearly they want to move the conversation in their direction, or at least rationalize and trivialize the destruction of due process and the ascendency of Character Assassination.
The question then, is are they alienating more people than they are converting?
Now, granted I am a biased person, but I can't help but feel they are SERIOUSLY overplaying their hand.
Lotta wonderful, intelligent, insightful, stable, attractive women on the planet. They make the world go round.
But stay away from the Leftwing ones. They are crazy and embittered. Their heads are filled with nonsense. This is particularly true for female NY Times writers. Mo Dowd? Gail Collins? Now this crazy one? And, most importantly, never, ever, ever sleep with, flirt with, talk to or dry-hump them at parties. This applies even to the good looking ones. Blasey Ford was probably once good looking. But then they get politicized and go crazy, and start raising cats and then it just goes to shit.
Even after years of progress, men still have a penis. There is work still to be done.
The new rape song:
There you see her, sitting there across the way.
She don’t got a lot to say but there's something about her.
And you don't know why,
But your dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl
Yes you want her, look at her you know you do.
Possible she wants you too, there is one way
to ask her.
It don't take a word, not a
single word go on and
kiss the girl
Nows your moment, floating in a blue lagoon.
Boy you better do it soon, no time will be better
She don't say a word
and she won't say
a word, until you
Kiss the girl
She doesn't take much account of Kavanaugh's distress being on behalf of his family, which is where the empathy should go. A guy can take all sorts of adversity in stride.
“A charitable reading of Manne ....”
Here’s my reading. She’s a tribalist feminist that hates men.
The stunning thing to me is that the particular facts of this case are ignored. The Left keeps talking about generalities.
I’m hoping this continues awareness for all citizens just how rotten these doctrines really are. Prioritizing ‘studies’ over scholastic discipline and power theories over truth has weakened not only philosophy and the humanities, but an entire generation or two of thinkers, our institutional stability, ‘common sense,’all levels of education, our politics and our Republic.
Pushing the earnest desire for truth to the shadows and giving prestige to nitwits like this is a tragedy and a farce.
Faster, please, and Boomers, it really is getting time for the curtain call. Gen X individuals will probably take more collective blame and I think Millenials even more because I’ve always treated this like a salvage operation, because I think it is. What’s being left behind institutionally is often less than what came before.
I don’t think we’ve seen how bad it’s going to get for a few more reasons yet. Hang-on. Here’s to hoping I’m wrong, but we’ve got a lot more instability in the pipeline.
What weakened philosophy is women in it.
Leftism and Feminism (but I repeat myself) are the working hard to become the death of this country and Western Civ. Yes- I know many of you are scoffing at this. But this is the world you are making and will have to live with it. Your sons? They're either going to be indoctrinated or they'll be eliminated. They already are.
You've see men parading around with pussy hats on, or giving speeches about how they hate their own masculinity, self-flagellating like some medieval monks. Boys are falling behind in schools at an alarming rate, as the teachers and administrators have tried to drug them, then change the curricula to suit a feminist culture, then simply ignore the boys. The boys are not finishing school. Fewer than ever are attending college (which may be a good thing, given the state of the U these days). They are dropping out of our flow of society. And with them goes the good that they've offered to the world for generations. If you think men have nothing to offer but slavery and sexual repression, you've missed how we came out of the dark ages. If you want to be lead by the likes of a Kamala Harris or a Kristen Gillibrand, well, these are the days, huh? But when you find out that Kamala and Kristen are actually morons who care more about their own power than they do about you, well, it'll be too late. If you think leftists won't be coming for you because you were photographed wearing a pussy hat, you've not read your history.
Leftists destroy cultures. That's their history. Its what they do. Feminism has devolved into nothing more than a leftist sect. It's a religion. If you don't believe me, watch the video of the zealots chasing Ted Cruz out of the restaurant. Watch what happens today with pink-wearing screaming harpies shouting during the hearing, or outside of the hearing.
There are plenty of strong women in this country who are not leftists. They need to stand up now, or they'll be missing men for a long time. Me personally? I love strong women. I hate feminists.
God. What a terrible person.
No, I think it’s a lack of regard for the truth and competition at the highest levels. Most men and nearly all women wash out before such levels, but the institutions should at least engage in decent stewardship.
The truth doesn’t go away, nor do great works, and stewardship requires much more than what’s been going on.
"How do we respond to accusations against a person? What is appropriate? What is disproportionate?"
1) It has been said, here, that lying is important to the functioning of a society.
2) I don't see logic coming up, here, as an answer to anything. (I'm not saying it doesn't, but I don't see it. )
So, based on that, we should welcome accusations with open arms and the sky's the limit. Substance is gone:
Everything's homeopathic now.
Word is that Kavanaugh will come out with passion today. Good! DiFi’s Driveby.
And now two men have courageously come forward and claimed it was them in that room with young Christine Blasey all those years ago. Althouse was all too ready to join the Sisterhood in hounding an innocent man off the bench and destroy his life over a fabulist’s mistaken identification. You may wish to join Project Innocence; I suspect they’d welcome another pro bono lawyer.
hguanavak: a man, a plan, a canal: panama kavanaugh
The claims of Ford will be examined against the detailed testimony of Kavanaugh and the two men who have stepped up and claimed they were the perpetrators of her attack. This will be subject to the cruel neutrality of the process.
This will be Agincourt today. Who will be the French sitting on their horses in their armor? Who has the longbow?
Popcorn, anyone? I think not. This is not a time for popcorn. A good court reporter will suffice.
What could justify this embarrassingly crude and desperate propaganda?
Maintaining the "right" to kill babies before they are born.
And, sure enough, abortion is on the author's mind.
Powerful Companies like The NY Times always shed crocodile tears when Trump criticizes them.
Whining that he calls them the Failing, Fake News New York’s Times.
This is why they are failing. This is why they are fake news.
Tank also tried to cop a feel with she who will not fly (but might have flown to her two question lie detector test). Tank did it during one of those possible years, at someone's house which is located somewhere and there were some witnesses, one of them might or might not have been a girl.
The NY Times is a women’s newspaper.
You really need a like button
"How do we respond to accusations against a person? What is appropriate? What is disproportionate?"
What's appropriate is what serves prog purposes. What's disproportionate is what turns off female allies like Althouse.
"I'm stunned that it ran headlong into the problem of abortion."
I'm stunned you're stunned. It's all about abortion: that's how they got you, that's how they keep you.
As long as moderately liberal women like Althouse remain pro-choice absolutists, nothing is "disproportionate," and anything goes--as the Dems demonstrate.
Althousianism at its literal best.
Human beings are both very admirable and utterly idiotic; it is the use we make of our brains and hearts that generally guides us in one direction or another. And we need one another to detect our mistakes. We need the intimate and public dialogue to hash out the real-world implications of our own theories and perceived realities.
It is perhaps rather unfortunate for Manne's desired meme that her coined word immediately made me think of Bill Clinton and Ellison's problems, and the response to those problems, rather than Kavanaugh's.
I am not optimistic about the outcome of all this, but I think for the time being this is the great battle. Win or lose, it must be fought.
tim in vermont said...
"It’s like they want to smother The Englightenment here and now."
Wait: They're AGGRESSIVELY pushing a NewAge culture, featuring things like worthless alternative medicines that plunge all of us into the thinking of the Middle Ages, but - now with high-speed internet - and YOU'RE SURPRISED BY THIS? What the fuck do you think is going on? We've got grown women telling us they think they're WITCHES and you don't get it? They don't want to be doctors, they want to be "healers" - like in the good ol' days.
Where do "ancient teachings" come from? I think, before The Enlightenment. Homeopathy is 200 years old - and less than worthless - but they will fight to keep it with us. I know of a doctor, right now, making a documentary about the death threats he gets over it. And it's just hitting you they want to smother The Englightenment? Wow.
Good luck with that.
“What could justify this embarrassingly crude and desperate propaganda?”
As long as ”the stakes” are high enough, the country itself need not survive.
So who are the two men that came forward to reveal themselves as the male portion of the Ford story. A story that has never actually been submitted to the Senate by Ford
Brett Kavanaugh has a wife and two daughters. How about #ThemToo? Cue Florence Nightingale’s commentary about women and sympathy.
Katie Manne’s bona fides? She’s a Cornell professort of Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies. The all-star cast grows! Anyone want to peg the odds that Manne is an unhappy person in just about every area of her life? You know, the insufferable, lugubrious ones who portray themselves as uber-intellectual. And have multiple cats at home.
I’m relieved to know that all rules of law are suspended when a woman’s FEELINGS are in play. Especially about things from 36 years ago. Now we have a clear standard society can go by: a fictitious past can be your future! All these people coming out with more-ludicrous charges in light of normal standards of evidence. They’re “inclined” to believe her. Some of them are even law school professors. Frightening.
Anyone think the media would care a whit about such charges if this was a HRC nominee? Nope, me neither. And that’s all you need to know. It’s not about selling advertising, it’s about ideology. Today’s big media is the Democrat mass ideological delivery system, the universities are their seminaries, and the civil service is where they live out their fantasies of controlling others (with lifetime job security).
We are witnessing the difference between the woman must be heard and the woman must be believed.
I think there was far more himpathy on display in 1996.
What is there is no actual man victim involved (Haven Monahan) and you think the accuser is just crazy delusional or full of crap.
Toxic Bro culture must be defeated!!
Himpathy my ass. Maybe some of us just believe in common decency and not destroying people as part of a political game.
A lot of young men are becoming Republicans.
This article suggests to me the NYT fears that some Red State Democrats will vote for Kavanaugh.
“avid abortion opponents, a position that requires a refusal to empathize with girls and women facing an unwanted pregnancy.”
Moral blindness (and shitty syntax; the opponents are not a position).
It's good to know that Cornell students are taught by such wise philosophy professors.
John Lynch at 6:44 AM
The Innocence Project mostly exonerates men put in prison by testimony from witnesses that turned out to be less than reliable. Most of those convictions are for sexual assault. When you DNA test, sometimes the conviction doesn't hold up. Turns out that we shouldn't always believe eyewitnesses.
What a superb comment!
Yay! More wordplay to frame shit logic and judgement as some sort of new insight.
"What the Kavanaugh case has revealed this week is that himpathy can, at its most extreme, become full-blown gendered sociopathy: a pathological moral tendency to feel sorry exclusively for the alleged male perpetrator"
Nope. It reveals what lefty simps will figure is convincing enough leveraging of female privilege to take down someone who threatens their pet policies.
This Jezebel graduate makes no acknowledgement of the escalating cray cray being put forth with each accuser.
Whoa. A black caller on C-SPAN just spoke for the first time about his molestation, by an older white man, after 50 years. He said the shame kept him quiet all this time.
That's the country I know.
Let's get this show on the road.
“This article suggests to me the NYT fears that some Red State Democrats will vote for Kavanaugh.”
That’s where the game is being played today because Trump shifted the debate.
If even one Dem votes to confirm, the storyline that Kabanaugh is a rapist who must be impeached and the R’s are misogynists fails to hang together.
I'd like to thank the corruptocrats for turning this into the Jerry Springer show.
Hey - Jerry Spring is a corruptocrat himself. Nice touch.
he was just a boy
Actually, he was just a boy, in the company of other boys. I don't expect the author to understand this unless she is raising a teen boy, or if she has a brother, but very often teen boys, together, arrive at head-scratchingly bad decisions. This group behavior isn't as bad by the time they're in their early 20s.
Now, actions when you are a boy define your future, apparently (IYAR*). That's a stupid road to start down.
(*If You Are Republican)
Embrace the New Puritanism, brought to you by Democrats.
When will we know when Ford shows up? Anyone know the timeline?
"There are many ways to be shallow."...Oh, indeed, there are. Garbage in, Garbage out. Rinse, Repeat.
Darrell said... You can't be a perpetrator if you are wholly innocent of the charge.
but, But BUT!
the charge is 'Being a Republican' He's GUILTY!
the charge is 'Being a White' He's GUILTY!
the charge is 'Being a Man' He's GUILTY!
Guilty! Guilty!! GUILTY!!
The D-hack press discuss the events and accusations against Kavenaugh as if:
a) they just happened (not 30+ years ago in teenage land)
b) the accusations are all true and real, and rapey. Really rapey.
"I know I'm not committing any crimes..."
I don't see how anyone — given the sheer number and technicality of crimes in modern America — could ever know he's not committing any crimes.
It's like saying you are without sin. I don't think it's possible.
The purity test only applies to the R, and any D can make up whatever lie or bullshit scam they want to. Then, the D can abuse women as needed and the wife of the white puffy D can slut-shame all the women and kill some of Juanita's pets.
I don't see how anyone — given the sheer number and technicality of crimes in modern America — could ever know he's not committing any crimes.
It's like saying you are without sin. I don't think it's possible.
Says the lady, who without any irony at all, says she has no bad habits.
"That's the country I know."
Crack doesn't know that the majority of false claims of sexual assault on campuses involve black males.
What a garbage column.
We have so much sympathy for victims in this country, everyone wants to become one. We are creating a whole moral structure around not criticizing or questioning them. We are being trained to vilify men being accused of hurting women, and being trained to be agnostic toward the idea they may be falsely punished.
But it is right to have an open mind toward people who are accused of doing horrible things. We should not be training ourselves away from that.
I have no idea what society some people live in, or where this woman sees himpathy. My guess is it's her goal to eliminate the idea of men's humanity at all, just as she imagines people see no humanity in alleged victims. But she's wrong about that.
They say you get fascism out of fear.
So is that the End Game of Democrats?
Here is the problem: The Dems assume that enough people are scared of Trump to join THEIR fascism.
What if they scare everyone else to join a different fascism AGAINST them?
I think that is equally as credible.
Because at the end of the day, the Germans (except for that War thing) pretty much lived their lives the exact same way.
And that is what people want: not 'change you can believe in' because clearly, people didn't believe enough in Obama to keep voting Democrat. They want things to NOT change all that much.
This is not what the Democrats are offering at all.
don't see how anyone — given the sheer number and technicality of crimes in modern America — could ever know he's not committing any crimes.
Amen, Althouse. What I'm hearing this week is you should welcome an investigation into your life, to determine whether you are committing any or have at any time done so.
Hey, dumbasses, out here in NormieLand, most women don't loathe their husbands, fathers and sons and want their lives destroyed.
You're welcome for the flash of insight.
It's an attempt to make men non-persons. Communists made rich people non-persons. Radical feminists make men non-persons.
Blogger AllenS said... When will we know when Ford shows up? Anyone know the timeline?
Apparently not.
Such manufactured drama.
"Will she or won't she?!!"
Yes Althouse, that illustration is propaganda. The new and improved/post-election re-calibrated NYT using meme imagery.
Now..imagine a similar graphical approach to the accusers...what might that look like?
The latest cray cray gal's story in cartoon form: side view showing a line of women lining up to get into a house while cross-section shows gal getting screwed on a bed while the train streams into room.
Sort of reminds me of the (disturbing and probably not office friendly) sketch found on Christopher Busch's wall after he committed suicide. Some people think it is of the first clear victim of the Oakland County Child Killer.
I have to wonder. Where does this writer go from here?
Any man in any of her non-Feminist classes now knows that she has no sympathy for men. Yes, she said Powerful men, but let's not be credulous. She means 'men'.
So how does she maintain any credibility to teach men, particularly a squishy subject like philosophy?
I looked at her resume on She claims to be a MORAL philosopher. So a lack of empathy for half the population is a self supporting MORAL stance?
Just like a hooker can be raped, a powerful man can be unjustly treated.
But she's far too edumacated (sic) to know something like that.
I have to say that this self revelation by Feminist women is horrifying, but also refreshing. Now I don't need to offer them benefit of the doubt of being good people at all.
A good person would not have written this op ed.
"A lot of young men are becoming Republicans."
As should their mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces, daughters and grand daughters.
I used to think that Man Movement was a crock.... perhaps not. You can not tell me that I'm not granted due process or a presumption of guilt because I'm an old, white, conservative man for years and expect me NOT to become tribal for old people, white people, conservatives and men.
I'm not as smart as some, but I'm willing to learn. Accuse a liberal? GUILTY!!!!
A (liberal) woman acts badly? BURN HER AT THE STAKE!!!!
I'm really not there yet. But keep pushing, just keep pushing.
These are all cases of her word against Kavanaugh's.
And Kavanaugh's words are the truth.
“It was a case of mistaken identity” - boo hoo.
Seriously?! Seriously.
If LLR Chuck's lefty operational allies successfully con LLR Chuck's fake "TruCon" heroes like Flake to vote against Kavanaugh, the GOP will literally implode.
Which is what the fake "TruCons" and LLR's want anyway.
Isn't the most recent use of boo hoo hoo used by a Democrat senator to dismiss threats of violence against Collins?
Yes. Again, the rules do not apply to Corruptocrats.
In 25 years, when they are living under the boot of Sharia Law, these Gender Studies Loons are going to miss the level of civilization from their youth.
It's a little after 9am on your BIG day. Sure you're nervous, but think of the Destiny that Stands Before You. The day you take one for The Cause. Fighting against The Man. Your chance to Take It to the Patriarchy.
Stated otherwise, The Day you become rich beyond your dreams, with all the adulation the feminist movement can bestow.
You are woman/wymen. We await hearing you roar.
She puts herself on a lofty perch of judgment, of should and ought. But she isn't a serious moral thinker. You really can't be if you've already got your answer and go fishing for justification.
FIDO: "I have to wonder. Where does this writer go from here?"
Probably The Weekly Standard or The New National Review.
Hey, dumbasses, out here in NormieLand, most women don't loathe their husbands, fathers and sons and want their lives destroyed.
Let's just say that the loathing is situationally determined and not a steady state thing.
But looking at Katie Manne, she is a...moderate five. But she's in NYC: one of the biggest man deserts in the world (if by desert you mean lacking matrimonially inclined men who aren't gay, married, and actually likes Feminist women)
A five might as well be a three by geography. Add her toxic feminism and she's a one.
I doubt she is married and almost certainly will never be. Because of her beliefs. What more does she have to lose re men?
So she can write about men as nastily as she wishes. Her 'peers' will slap their flippers together and give her all the accolades she is ever going to get in this world.
AT the height of the fake Rolling Stone rape hatchet job - Jared Polis(D) expressed the idea that Due Process isn't needed on college campus and that the accused should be thought of as automatically guilty and treated thusly.
most women don't loathe their husbands, fathers and sons and want their lives destroyed.
The Democrats' base is unmarried women. The government is the husband.
This includes 55 year old cat ladies who might have been married at one time until the man wised up.
I was walking my dog one time when just such a woman asked me if I was allowing the dog to pee on the grass. When I said, "Of course !" she expressed disgust. I'm sure she is an avid NYT reader and hates men, and male dogs.
Is it flippers or flukes?
Democrats always say men should show emotions. Then when Republican men do like Boehner and now Kavanaugh they are savaged for not "manning up." You'd almost think there's a double standard at play.
She defines "himpathy" as "the inappropriate and disproportionate sympathy powerful men often enjoy in cases of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, homicide and other misogynistic behavior."
She may define it such but it is routinely used again all men powerful or not and to ridicule the idea they deserve any fairness or consideration. Maybe this is because the users evaluate by groups thus considering all men powerful and all others not or maybe it's just a lie. But either way the pretense it is limited in some way is bullshit.
Just recognize this for what it is: misandry masquerading as academic analysis.
Proper etiquette is to affix a condom catheter to your toxically masculine canine.
One thing is for certain today. Millions and millions of people will vote GOP in November and will never vote for Dems again. To attempt to ruin an innocent man with no evidence is unAmerican.
Millions and millions of people will vote GOP in November
I hope you are right. I wish I was more confident that half the country was not crazy.
God, at this point even I'd enjoy Althouse to post another one of her fetish Dylan posts, if only to have something besides toxic feminist accusations to deal with.
Granted I won't READ it, but anything but these really awful women.
Because I'm 'cruelly neutral' and judging from their total paucity of evidence, I judge them all liars until they prove otherwise.
That's the problem with the 'Me Too' discussion. We are not dealing with the allegation in front of the Judiciary Committee, rather the push from this campaign is to exploit my own 'icky' experiences and place them on Brett Kavanaugh. I've made peace* long ago with my situations. Every woman (and men) varies in their experiences, and this campaign is making the Kavaughn pay for the sins of others because women never made peace* with situation.
Note: When I say 'peace' again that varies based on the situation. It varies from forgiveness to reporting a situation to the police.
Second note: I am referencing the Me Too campaign, and not the allegations against Brett.
Third note: After learning about the polygraph test was only two questions that was taken in Maryland (and not California), yeah I am siding with Kavanaugh here.
"Maybe - but I still think Cosby is about getting a share of his money"
I know that he has been convicted and sentenced, but....
I know that I have told this story before here, but my partner knew the Cosby family fairly well back when they were essentially living in a suite in Vegas. She would sneak them through the store that she managed in the hotel they were living in, to avoid the paparazzi. Of the many male stars that she met there, the only two who didn't do anything out of line, and make a pass at her, were Cosby and Elvis. She was invited up to the Cosby suite on a number of occasions for a glass of champagne, and nothing untoward ever happened. Cosby was always the perfect gentleman. Several times she brought along other women who would have loved to have been able to bed him, due to his fame. Nothing. Still always the gentleman, to these women's disappointment.
The hearing is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. ET in the Dirksen Senate Office
It’s hard to get an edge in word wise.
Let’s be sure not to show any himpathy for Disgusting Hag Inga’s rapist grandson. She would have it no other way.
Drago said...
If LLR Chuck's lefty operational allies successfully con LLR Chuck's fake "TruCon" heroes like Flake to vote against Kavanaugh, the GOP will literally implode.
Which is what the fake "TruCons" and LLR's want anyway.
You keep doing this. You fucking jackass.
I haven't posted a single comment in this thread, and yet here you are calling me out by name and aligning me -- among the most ardent supporters of the Kavanaugh nomination among all of the Althouse readers and commenters -- with the opponents of Kavanaugh.
To all of the Althouse readers and commenters who aren't as obsessed and as mentally defective as Drago: I love the Kavanaugh nomination. I hope and expect that the hatred that Senators Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, Ben Sasse, and others may have for Trump will not prevent them from voting to confirm Kavanaugh. My hatred of Trump would not prevent me from enthusiastically supporting the nomination and voting for confirmation.
So there should be no question about my position on Kavanaugh. The only questions would be about Drago's sanity, and why Althouse tolerates his clutter on her comments pages.
This isn't about Brett Kavanaugh the person. No, he - his name, his history - must be made to disappear.
This is about white male privilege and the oppression of women and how power must be redistributed. He symbolizes and personifies that and must be destroyed.
If you search the archives of the Times and read their op-ed pieces from 25 years ago, you'll see pieces mostly by and from historians and other journalists. But in the past years you'll see pieces by leftwing academics - race/gender studies academics. It's all fascinating as to who the Times thinks we should follow.
Himpathy is heresy.
Renee wrote: “Every woman (and men) varies in their experiences, and this campaign is making the Kavaughn pay for the sins of others because women never made peace* with situation.”
It’s like reparations for women.
"Anyone think the media would care a whit about such charges if this was a HRC nominee? Nope, me neither. And that’s all you need to know. It’s not about selling advertising, it’s about ideology. Today’s big media is the Democrat mass ideological delivery system, the universities are their seminaries, and the civil service is where they live out their fantasies of controlling others (with lifetime job security)."
This. I know the same has often been said in this blog's comment threads, but somehow this paragraph wrapped it all up in a way that really hit me.
“Blogger Shouting Thomas said...
Since we've been furiously fighting over women's votes for the past couple of weeks, this BS about women's powerlessness is a particularly wild, stupid lie.”
Except it’s not a lie. Women’s power exists at the sufferance of men. Black power in America exists at the sufferance of White society. Gay power exists at the sufferance of hetero folks. When it is no longer in the interests of powerful men, Whites, and hetero folks to extend that sufferance it will be withdrawn. That withdrawal may be hotly contested but it will be withdrawn, nevertheless. Humanity 101.
Something for Howard to read.
On the drive to and from the East Coast, I paid attention to the billboards and bumper-stickers. Folks, the people in “Fly over” country are PISSED, from the guy that guides hunters, to the mayors of towns and cities, to state senators congressmen and Governors who are voting to arrest and imprison federal law enforcement officials for enforcing federal gun laws that don’t agree with state law.
You guys (the left) really want to stop pushing quite so hard. The political pendulum has never, in the history of humanity, stayed on one side of a swing. The back lash from over reach has always been proportionate to how far off center it went before coming back. (Hint, that’s what started the whole prohibition thing, and it’s also what started the 60s, was backlashes) Well right now we’re staring at a whole hell of a lot of the country (about 80-90% of the land mass, as well as about 50% of the population) that is FED UP. You really don’t want those guys to decide that the only way to fix it is to burn it down and start over…
Applies to the Court and almost everything else.
Of course, when you abuse something granted on sufferance it’s likely to be withdrawn sooner. Even prematurely.
Kavenaugh raped #Me Too accusations are pouring into Kamala Harris' office. All anonymous Jane Doe, of course.
Amazing. Karavaugh really got around back then.
Kamala -Jerry Springer 2020!
So how does this fit in with Bill Clinton's capers? Why wasn't this column published two decades ago?
According to Ford, this all started when she wanted a second front door and her husband refused.
When it is no longer in the interests of powerful men, Whites, and hetero folks to extend that sufferance it will be withdrawn.
Yes, that will be sometime around the day women stop having pussies.
I'd set up two prop front doors in the hearing room just to taunt her.
"According to Ford, this all started when she wanted a second front door and her husband refused."
If she had wanted two back doors that would've meant Kavanaugh put a finger up her asshole.
I am Laslo.
In the context of seeing what is big and not seeing what is very small, Manne brings up abortion.
Many commenters here, who support Kavanaugh, have also brought up abortion -- though from a completely different morality. It seems like straining to me since the tactical confrontation of accusation and defense is so boxed in. Both sides bring up abortion because it speaks to motive. Once you decide a conspiracy is afoot, a crime has been committed -- or at the very least, a liar has decided to lie -- every amateur detective looks for motive.
Drag Roe v Wade down the corridors of the deep state, and ...
Yes, that will be sometime around the day women stop having pussies.
Close but no.
It is when women raise the price so high that the juice is no longer worth the squeeze.
It seems that women have already reached this point re men.
So what happens when the overwhelming majority of male police men and male soldiers no longer decide to put up with this shit?
The rule of law is a two way street and it's position in society (despite all Althouse temporizing on this point) much more strongly benefits women than men.
"It’s like reparations for women."
But it's not helping women, and it isn't helping men who may be acting in a very inappropriate manner. Again the circumstances vary... and varied widely. In school it may have merely wanted for a teacher/dean/principal to simply tell the guys 'cut this sh!t out, it creepy'.
I actually was non-sexually harassed by some guys senior year in high school, it was like a running joke and it was getting larger being referenced by others. It was quite bad, by the way. The boys were in fact, good guys. I was glad that the dean took my concerns seriously, he even wanted to punish the boys by denying them going to the prom. Yep, that bad. I told the dean, no just ask them stop behavior because it was out of hand. It's stopped. Imagine that, just telling young men to 'stop it' and tell your friends to "stop it". Probably if they didn't stop, there would be repercussions but it stopped.
Another case, since it was a situation done in public, I went to the police station. It wasn't enough info for a report, but the police were more than glad I stopped by and would make sure on their rounds to be alert of the situation. I had two men followed me making lewd comments from my office building to the parking lot. I didn't engage and walked to a public area where people were. So I didn't get a look at them.
So this is my issue to Kavanaugh... women talk and warn women of 'the creeps' in high school and college. Kavanaugh has way too many women that can vouch that he was never one of those 'creeps' to avoid.
Himjectivity doesn't quite have the same ring.
Renee wrote: “Every woman (and men) varies in their experiences, and this campaign is making the Kavaughn pay for the sins of others.."
So...2 other guys are apparently saying they are the perps...
"When women bring these claims — it’s not an effort to dismantle due process and argue for an automatic conviction, as some have argued — it’s an effort to simply have their stories heard."
Li Zhou--Vox
So we can vote now?
Many commenters here, who support Kavanaugh, have also brought up abortion -- though from a completely different morality.\
I don't get this comment at all. I am pro-choice and have performed abortions.
I think Roe v Wade should be reversed to get the abortion issue out of the Supreme Court and the politics of these nominations.
Somebody is going to get badly hurt or killed. This sort of thing stirs up real crazies.
The Court should never have intruded in this political question. It is the Dredd Scott decision of the 20th century.
Abortion was legal in several states before that decision. It will be legal in most states after RVW is reversed.
I don't like this current idea that we can simply meet or watch people and accurately assess the credibility of their claims. It's television driven, and it's absurd.
It's akin to deciding that actors should rule the earth. I like most actors I've met. They're mostly very nice people. But setting up the cultural norm that the truth of all claims will be decided on the basis of who is the best actor seems like a bad idea.
Michael K said...
"Crack doesn't know that the majority of false claims of sexual assault on campuses involve black males."
Hey, Everybody, remember when Michael K said I couldn't spot a libertarian, even though I read Instapundit and Reason and shit? Michael K is real good about telling blacks what we don't know. Of course, he's only good at it, because it always proves what he don't know - and that's amusing. He's a doctor. And a dummy. We're getting those nowadays, like Dr. Oz. They can't be trusted.
The evidence proves it.
I don't like this current idea that we can simply meet or watch people and accurately assess the credibility of their claims
Yes, it's a reality TV show and we vote up or down on who we like or believe based on how they come across.
The Ford team realized this which is why they had so many demands about how the hearing would be conducted.
SCOTS Justices refuse to allow cameras inside to film the oral arguments. This is why. Performance theater.
Michael K said
The Democrats' base is unmarried women. The government is the husband.
I know you obviously understand this, but it is hard to state how true, and thus, how important it is to understand the ills of today's culture. The fact that the govt, in general, and the Federal govt specifically, far outside its constitutional restrictions, have usurped the people, as head of families. Especial those families being reared by single women.
Renee wrote: “Every woman (and men) varies in their experiences, and this campaign is making the Kavaughn pay for the sins of others.."
So...2 other guys are apparently saying they are the perps...
Or were once perps. I have more faith in men, then you?
It's 10 minutes past.
Shit or get off the pot.
"What could justify this embarrassingly crude and desperate propaganda?"
The appropriate term is By Any Means Necessary
Walter Duranty could not not reached for comment.
Can we coin a word that means the inappropriate and disproportionate sympathy born individuals often enjoy in cases of violence against the unborn?
Pro choice.
That's good...I was going to go with feminist myself.
They're mostly very nice people.
A fraternity brother of mine was an actor while in college. He did a number of TV shows. I can't remember if he did any movies but he was quite successful for a guy 20 years old.
He was also an asshole. For our pledge ditch, we were going to grab him and take him to Blyth and swap him for a U of Arizona active asshole the pledges there were going to grab. That way the two guys would have to get back to their respective campuses with no money or wallets,.
Later, he quit acting. His major was Architecture and he became a pretty successful architect. He was also a much nicer guy. I went to his wedding a couple of years later.
I think he had begun as a child actor and quit when he finished college.
I've known a few movie stars who were nice but very self centered. I think it goes with the job.
@Michael K -- In almost of these threads, sooner or later someone proposes that Kavanaugh threat to Roe v Wade is the motive for his accusers to bring him down. Manne brings it up as the motive for his defenders to defend.
There is a very specific question about what constitutes a fair accusation and a fair defense in the context of a Senate hearing (and more broadly in the media). Roe v. Wade is clearly a cloud that surrounds this entire proceeding, but it does not speak to questions of evidence.
That is why it is brought up as motive (as Manne did).
@The Crack Emcee - Wow! Obama finally came clean on how he went on the down low?
She's there.
THe subheadline of the article, "Rarely has society's tendency to sympathize with powerful men been so thoroughly on display." highlights why the right and left have so much of a divide on the #MeToo movement. For the right, everyone is generally treated as an individual, also the positions these people are in don't really matter. An accusation from a pauper is the same as an accusation from a prince. This leads to generally fair process, of treat each case as an individual case and examine it on it's own merits. It also means that accused men don't lose their humanity. Been publicly slandered on a national and probably international scope would be devastating to to anyone. Having your professional career put in jeopardy after decades of work building it up is a disaster to anybody.
For the left, the individual melts away and all that matters is group identity. To the left, women deserve better treatment than men, the unpowerful deserve better treatment than the powerful, minorities over whites, lgbt over straights. The most vile character to the left is probably a powerful, straight, white man. And Judge Kavanaugh is all four. It doesn't matter that during the first allegation, he was supposedly a 17 year old kid, in the eyes of the left he is still a powerful appellate court judge, and supreme court nominee. His power of today seems to flow backward in time and mark him from childhood onward. To the left anyone who sympathize with him, is displaying sympathy for the devil.
I mentioned Crack again.
I apologize and won't do it again.
In the context of seeing what is big and not seeing what is very small, Manne brings up abortion... I'm stunned that it ran headlong into the problem of abortion.
Because that is what this mess is truly about. I agree to an extent with Sebastian. Look at the rhetoric of those protesting against Kavanaugh. Revealing statements by Senator Hirono. Letters to the editor. Quotes from people inclined to think Kavanaugh must be a villain. Which issue they mention over and over and over again. They are terrified Kavanaugh will supply a 5th vote in an abortion related case. They say as much. What SCOTUS giveth SCOTUS can taketh away.
There is no "natural" in any of this.
The article is a rather poor effort in a long-term, ongoing propaganda campaign.
I lost my 95 to 5 bet. She showed up. We'll see what happens.
Feinstein just listed her degrees reference to what they were in.
I lost my bet also. Holding out for a Lois Learner moment. Ford reads her statement then pleads the 5th.
@The Crack Emcee - yes, black power exists in the USA at the sufferance of white people. This is a simple insight that never really occurred to me, except that I always knew a shooting race war wouldn’t end well for black folks. Given this, if I were black, I would find life in the USA intolerable, despite the favorable economic situation. I don’t like anyone sitting on my head. As a consequence, I wonder if a repatriation movement, ala Garvey, ought not be considered a viable long-term alternative. I would easily accept reparations, provided they were payable on getting off the boat or plane in Liberia. South Africa needs competent help also. Please understand, I am NOT against black people or their progress here. I’m just not sure you will ever be able to feel entirely good about yourselves here.
John Lynch at 6:44 AM
The Innocence Project mostly exonerates men put in prison by testimony from witnesses that turned out to be less than reliable. Most of those convictions are for sexual assault
I don't think this is true. Unfortunately I can't find a database to reference but I saw a statistic recently that in the last X years (maybe 10) 50 or so men have been exonerated of sexual assault charges from DNA evaluations. Over the same period almost 800 men were exonerated of murder. The innocence project website lists 362 exonerations of which 130 were for murder, but the remaining population isn't identified.
This is consistent with the type of crime. In most sexual assault cases there is no question about the accused's identity, the dispute is based on consent. This is essentially never the case for murder and most other crimes.
"Sympathy and empathy are pro-social moral emotions, which makes it especially hard to convince people ...", but, we're evolved creatures and in the ancestral environment "pro-social" was limited to our tribe. For those outside the tribe their was only dehumanisation and violence. In her political-social feminist social circle, men are obviously of a different tribe. And it has never been difficult to gin up a powerful (if irrational) hatred against those outside the tribe, has it?
"the first step to solving the problem is simply learning to recognize when it’s at work, and to be wary of its biasing influence." Is it nessesary to point out that the SS and others "solved the problem" of excess empathy for their victims?
"It’s no coincidence that many of those who himpathize with Judge Kavanaugh to the exclusion of Dr. Blasey are also avid abortion opponents, a position that requires a refusal to empathize with girls and women facing an unwanted pregnancy." She sees Kavanaugh as a threat to what she perceives as women's rights; thus, "the enemy." It's folly to have sympathy for one's enemies; the goal is to destroy them. Which has always been easier to do if one could strip them of their humanity, the better to justify whatever action one might wish to take against them.
Methinks she'd do better to analyse herself and her motives before attempting to analyze Kavanaugh and his motives.
DiFi is going on and on with accusations.
Evidence not needed.
As a woman, it feels empowering to know I can hurt any man, no matter how decent and respectable, with just a simple, unfounded allegation,
As a man, I would be a low-life scum to do so (see Avenatti, M.)
Take all accusations at face value.
DiFi is a partisan hack.
Jared Polis(D) expressed the idea that Due Process isn't needed on college campus and that the accused should be thought of as automatically guilty and treated thusly.
Since this is the goal of Title IX activists, it's only surprising he admitted it publicly.
#StrongDemDefender Chuck: "I hope and expect that the hatred that Senators Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, Ben Sasse, and others may have for Trump will not prevent them from voting to confirm Kavanaugh. My hatred of Trump would not prevent me from enthusiastically supporting the nomination and voting for confirmation."
The fact that the votes of these other "LLR" Senators is in question against this backdrop of a transparent hoax effort by the dems (similar to the russian collusion hoax which LLR Chuck gleefully ran with as he does with all lefty/dem narratives) proves my point perfectly.
So, thank you LLR Chuck for adding to that.
Not that I needed your assistance to demonstrate the cuck-iness for which you have become quite "famoso", as any white hispanic might say.
Remember, when your own admitted purpose on this blog is to come here and smear Trump and then we see the dems executing the same tactics against an unimpeachable candidate like Kavanaugh, don't think you will get away without anyone pointing out your complete operational alignment with the scummiest of the scummy lefties and their tactics.
"Brian Stelter" Republican Chuck: "So there should be no question about my position on Kavanaugh. The only questions would be about Drago's sanity, and why Althouse tolerates his clutter on her comments pages"
I feel fine!
Thanks for asking.
Integrity is having a Chinese spy working for you for decades.
Darrell: "Integrity is having a Chinese spy working for you for decades."
We won't even bother asking the question of whether or not it was "knowingly".
But I think we know that answer.
Is it OK to hit Flake, Susan Collins, Ben Sasse, and Lisa Murkowski in the head and replace them with body doubles wearing Mission Impossible rubber masks for voting purposes?
She said "seared into my memory."
Take a drink.
It was very clever of LLR Chuck's lefty allies to have Ford deliver her letter to Eshoo who then forwarded it to Feinstein.
Very clever indeed.
Pinballing off the walls on the way down (the hall.)
A common expression.
Finally, Mitchell.
The first question ought to be, but won't be: "Which democrat operatives approached you in 2012 when Kavanaugh's name was first put forth as a possible candidate for the SC under a potential Romney administration?"
Who scrubbed your internet footprint?
"Have you been promised career boosting jobs at major universities and book royalties and movie rights, similar to how Anita Hill was paid off by her lefty/LLR allies?"
She's been accused of being a partisan.
Oh, no. Perish the thought.
Thank goodness that "whatever is necessary" rant was scrubbed.
Ford has already, in "testimony" today, altered her previously written and submitted "testimony".
"testimony" = rehearsed lies.
How did you travel to Delaware on July 30th?
Letters from 1000 female physicians.
I don't remember nuttin 'bout nuttin about anything.....except I remember everything single thing about Brett Kavanaugh...but don't question me about any of that....
Was it ever confirmed that she worked for the CIA running that program for them?
If so, are you fucking kidding me?
except I remember everything single thing about Brett Kavanaugh
Let me tell you how memories are chemically laid down and how infallible and permanent they are.
Uh oh. LLR Chuck's favorite "competent" and "effective" dem, Li'l Dick Durbin, is now at the plate!
Thank God there's a break.
I feel overcome by the astonishing "competence" and "effectiveness" of Li'l dickie durbin's powerful and no doubt LLR Chuck-approved performance!
I thought I was liberally indulgent of cross-correlations.
That said, #HateLovesAbortion.
Gee, not only can't Ford recall what happened 36 years ago, she can't recall what she did just months ago.
Because.......uh, Trump, I guess.
It's the usual lib hate, from the usual NYT.
Boy, for someone who is deathly afraid of flying, that Ford does alot of recreational flying.....
It's almost as if she is lying about that.
I won't go any further in that assessment for my own fear of triggering LLR Chuck's Auto-Dem-Defense Response.
I wasn't interested in pursuing a media strategy....except for the the media I was talking to....after being too afraid to fly.....but still flying everywhere.....
I am going to guess that the republican strategy, such as it is, is simply not to appear to be badgering the witness and at the end, stick with the line that there remains no corroboration for Ford's claims as well as her "official story" has now changed multiple times.
I'm going to further guess that this structure and approach is a Flake/Corker/Murkowski/Collins set of ground rules to secure their votes.
"Turns out that we shouldn't always believe eyewitnesses."
If there's no evidence but eyewitness evidence, be wary of convicting. Eyewitness testimony is the least reliable evidence there is, and this is well known by all involved in the justice system, including prosecutors.
I don't need your combitcheration.
Can't fly to DC - afraid of flying.
Loved tahiti - great surfing!
Lawyers? Ford: What are lawyers?
who paying for Lawyers, Polygraph, etc? Ford: Money? What is mon-ey?
How'd you get home after attempted rape? Don't know.
Where was it and When? Don't know and sometime in "summer 1982"
How many beers did you have? One.
Was the record player on or off when you got there? It was on.
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