... is having a deep emotional impact. I'm really only able to speak of the impact on me, but I'm a person in the middle, maintaining my skepticism toward everything that's being said these days, and I am watching my own emotions, having them, but then also being objective about them. And I can tell you that when I saw that picture, I felt revulsion.
I immediately scrolled it off screen, then realized what I'd done, and I went back to look right at it and decided to write this post. That's a brilliant choice of photograph. And there's no arguing with it. Sometimes a photograph is unfair, such as when the subject is in the middle of blinking or talking and the frozen moment is, essentially, out of context. But that is a picture of how Trump really looks (I think!) and there's something so unwholesome about him.
The photograph appears in the article, "With a Vocabulary From ‘Goodfellas,’ Trump Evokes His Native New York." There are facts in the article, such as:
“I know all about flipping,” Mr. Trump told Fox News this week. “For 30, 40 years I’ve been watching flippers. Everything’s wonderful and then they get 10 years in jail and they flip on whoever the next highest one is, or as high as you can go.”Those are facts that should be reported, but much more is going on in that article — the photograph, of course, as mentioned, but also putting Trump's quote in the context of gangsterdom:
[T]he president was... evoking a bygone world — the outer boroughs of New York City, where he grew up — a place of leafy neighborhoods and working-class families, as well as its share of shady businessmen and mob-linked politicians. From an early age, Mr. Trump encountered these raffish types with their unscrupulous methods, unsavory connections and uncertain loyalties.Raffish!
Mr. Trump is comfortable with the wiseguys-argot of that time and place....Argot!
Notice how with "raffish" and "argot" the NYT is displaying both its knowledge of and distance from the unwholesomeness of the.... outer boroughs. Oh! He's brought that disgusting stuff into our environs.
Environs! See? I am one of the NYT-reading people, feeling the revulsion, shrinking away, seeking higher ground.
२२६ टिप्पण्या:
226 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»But our last president, was from chicago.
Been seeing most Trump images face-painted with an orange caste, or out of focus, or such. Do not watch any TV news, and just see the few still pics I happen across, but it is noticeable - and a very bad comment on the media.
I don't feel the revulsion. And a what-do-you-expect they're writing for their readers feeling for the NYT.
Disappointment in the decline in honor among thieves is what should be felt.
Trumpnlooks fine to me in that photo, but they seem to have placed him out of center. Maybe that's what you are reacting to?
Related: One of the best one of these yet.
Flipping should be illegal means the prosecutors should be banned from using it, as a legal rule.
I blame the left for the failure of honor among thieves. Gramscian damage.
Ah fuck the NYTimes
The Revulsion Will Not Be Televised
Imagine the gushing over the she-mobster. paybacks are great.
I hope I look as good when I'm his age.
Curious, because I don't get the same feeling you do, although I admit I haven't seen to many pictures of Trump.
His eyes look smaller than his skill, but he looks like a tired man. I hesitate to say old, as in elderly, but he's beyond middle age (and so am I, too).
He's looking off into the distance, fatigued, battered. Not heroic by any means, but certainly not causing revulsion in me, either.
”And I can tell you that when I saw that picture, I felt revulsion.”
I simply see an old man. And as an old man, I’m disturbed by your reaction.
Honestly, that’s one of the better news pictures I’ve seen of him. We know what he looks like. He’s in his upper 70’s. He’s vain, so he has some sort of tan, and lots of wrinkles, like countless Florida/ Arizona retirees. He looks like he’s listening to something, so I assume he’s considering something, a question or just thinking. Or maybe the camera caught him just as he’s turning his head. Why is there any reaction — especially revulsion — to this picture?
Revulsion? Really? Trump is 72 years old!
He looks pretty damn good for 72. He's a little overweight.
But yeah, to the average dumbo out there, the NYT photo makes him look "bad".
OTOH, 90% of the people who read the NYT, hate Trump anyway. He's the man they love to hate.
OTOH, you see a photo of Obama kissing a child and exclaim, "What a lovely man". So, yes, you are an ideal NYT reader, easily influenced. Some of us are revolted by the NYT, itself.
Stormy Daniels certainly felt no revulsion.........
You’re the target audience.
And you are susceptible.
So maybe they'll edit out the eye-bags when they put his picture on the twenty-dollar bill.
Fuck The New York Times.
Bears repeating often.
I can't stand listening to Trump talk. I can't listen to any of his speeches. His interviews anything. And I like him
Its amazing to go back and look at pictures of LBJ in say 1964 - and he looks terrible. And then you realize the man was only 56!
Same thing with Nixon in 1969. Maybe they just didn't know how to take a photograph.
And then there's JFK. Sometimes he looks super handsome. But other times you see the puffy face and tired eyes and realize this guy is sick - he's not full of "Vigor".
Not upper 70s, just entering his seventies. My bad.
If you can handle watery and brown, you can handle a picture of Hillary Clinton.
The picture is not there when I use your link.
I gotta be honest. Whenever I see Trump, I think "man, he looks great for 72"
People make fun of his hair - but at least he still has some.
A lot of old guys look like Mickey Rourke.
Just sayin'
They did a number on McCain, too.
Of course that was the Atlantic, another failing magazine.
They keep sending me copies. I guess they hope I'll subscribe or something.
"We've finally got him!"
How many times has that been played over in the past year?
They need to include picture of Trump in the next study of whether Republicans or Democrats are more prone to feelings of disgust
I actually have a hard time listening to ANY president speak. It's so much BS.
& Trump - I like him. Mostly because of the over the top unfair treatment he receives on an daily/hourly basis from the hack press.
You are being manipulated and propagandized. Don't fall for it.
I wouldn't assume that the picture was unaltered. Notice the blue tint to the bags under the eyes, for example. And the coarseness of the texture of his skin looks like someone slid up the "sharpness" bar... although it could just be really harsh lighting.
But I don't get revulsion from that picture -- just the impression that he's tired and ready to give up.
there's something so unwholesome about him
Looking at this and other coverage, the photo really says that there's something so unwholesome about the Riefenstahl New York Times.
This shit here is why we need to repeal the 19th Amendment.
At some point, being manipulated is a choice and the person being manipulated becomes as culpable as the one doing the manipulating.
"Lanny Davis is co-founder and partner of the law firm of Davis Goldberg & Galper. I just checked FARA records. His firm is a registered *ACTIVE* foreign agent for Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash, who is a close ally of Russian pres Vladimir Putin"
pass it on.
And then there's JFK. Sometimes he looks super handsome
For years and years I heard this growing up. So much that I actually started to think so myself. Then one day I looked at him objectively and -- no, JFK was not attractive. None of the Kennedy's were/are.
Funny, to me raffish and argot are interesting words.
"It is cheering to see that the rats are still around—the ship is not sinking." -- Eric Hoffer
Well he is repulsive looking. And then there’s the body.
"I am one of the NYT-reading people."
Yes. And?
Ann, you have over two years of posts not writing critically about Trump. How you think you can now claim the middle just shows how unseriously you are.
The picture reminds me how much I owe Donald Trump for fighting the entrenched and corrupt establishment in Washington. It has been a long and thankless pursuit. But our economy is strong and we have placed on notice the foreign countries that been riding on America's coat tails. Trump values America and protects our citizens. Results matter. He has earned the right to look tired.
I'd still like to know, given that Lanny Davis is an agent of a pro-Russian oligarch, why he would be attacking the supposed Russian puppet in the White House.
On the other hand, if Hillary is the Russian puppet (something we already have mountains of evidence for), it makes perfect sense.
Because firtash is a much bigger player then deripashas,
Pushing back some, Trump has a set of faces like this that he never made as a younger man, and he makes them often enough that they have to be a conscious choice. If there's one thing that should be undeniable, regardless of whether you're pro or con Trump, it's that the man's intuition on how to communicate through body language is unparalleled in modern politics. No doubt Scott Adams could explain it to you far better than me, but I'm thinking you should give repulsive Trump a chance.
From a male, non-gay point of view, Romney is certainly the best-looking 70+ year old.
But, since I'm not a female voter nor superficially focused on the looks of a candidate, I still think I'll vote for Trump again.........
Yeah, we know. You liked Obama. RhHardin can explain it for you, but you still won't get it. RhHardin can explain that too.
Relax, Ms. Althouse. Eventually you'll come to respect our leader. Besides, if I could thumb through a stack of photos of YOU, I might happen upon one that causes me the reaction you experienced. I think we all have some of those tucked away somewhere.
That's funny, doesn't bother me at all. Of course I noticed decades ago the pictures in Newspapers were seldom related to the article and always chosen for propaganda impact, so I only look at the to reinforce my sense of propaganda. That is not to say they aren't effective for some folks, say the people who read the Times.
Althouse used to dream about Trump. And according to Ted Kennedy in his famous 1980 speech, the dream will never die!
Ann, something seems to have turned in you re: Trump in the last few days, especially after the Manafort/Cohen verdict/plea, even though they didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know. Was it having more concrete evidence of his womanizing, at least in the “straw that broke the camel’s back” sense? It’s hard to see how you could see revulsion otherwise from that picture, unless it’s the man himself you now object to. As others have said, it just looks like an oldish tired/relaxed man. Of course, if there is something about that picture that you can point to, I’d be curious.
This shit here is why we need to repeal the 19th Amendment.
Well, its the 19th Amendment AND Television. Today, the following couldn't get elected:
Ike (bald)
Hoover (Bald)
Taft (Too Fat)
Truman (too average + Glasses)
T.R. (Mustache and too fat)
Lincoln (Ugly)
Wilson (too severe + Glasses)
LBJ only got elected in '64 because he was already President.
From a male, non-gay point of view, Romney is certainly the best-looking 70+ year old.
If you think "reeks of inauthenticity" is good looking, I guess.
I dunno, I was trapped at the gym and was watching his campaign stop at West Virginia. He looked like a kid at his own birthday party. He seems to really thrive on this and this was on the same day the Manafort & Cohen verdicts came in. After hearing about his impending demise week after week I have concluded he will have to be taken out feet first before he quits. He's having a blast.
Strange... when I saw that photo of Trump I felt he was in deep introspective thought.
It didn't look bad to me at all.
Romney is without a doubt the Best looking 70+ to run for POTUS.
Selling your soul to the devil will do that.
He's the "Dorian Gray" of American Politics.
[T]he president was... evoking a bygone world — the outer boroughs of New York City, where he grew up — a place of leafy neighborhoods and working-class families, as well as its share of shady businessmen and mob-linked politicians. From an early age, Mr. Trump encountered these raffish types with their unscrupulous methods, unsavory connections and uncertain loyalties.
Change the city to Chicago and this could describe Obama.
Or are we not allowed to mention Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, Blago or Alison Davis?
What you are seeing in Trump is an emotional
Detachment necessary for his cool headed mental processes in the midst of mental complexities of battle with dedicated foes.His special talent is to seem to be loving and caring so much of the time that he has made so many friends. But beware a General Patton bearing friendship.
When he finishes resetting the nearly dead USA into prosperity and rule of law, then we can fire him for empathy gaps.
Funny you should feel revulsion towards Trump, Althouse. I felt revulsion towards your “boyfriend,” Obama. Those purple lips made him look like a corpse. We are all entitled to feel our own revulsions. Carry on.
PS: If 2016 were a beauty contest, Trump won against Hillary. And I’m not even gay.
Rigelson, what has turned in Ann is that she has now come to realize that her over two years of not writing critically of Trump is now embarrassing. It is a real “tell” that she is now declaring in her posts that she has always been in the”middle” concerning Trump, never mind her thousand plus entries that shows otherwise.
I don't get the revulsion. He looks tired in that picture, but who knows whether that's true or they made the picture look that way. When I see him in action he never looks tired, he looks about as alive as a 70+ year can look. He should be tired because he has been working his butt off for me and the rest of the deplorables trying desperately to save America, the country he actually loves.
"That is a picture of how Trump really looks (I think!) and there's something so unwholesome about him."
I don't see it. I see a man being thoughtful. There's not even a hint of menace in his eyes. Maybe it's something NYT readers intuit amongst yourselves, like NewAgers know "the look" (see "Wild, Wild Country") of other cultists?
You're definitely getting a signal some aren't.
EP said...
If there's one thing that should be undeniable, regardless of whether you're pro or con Trump, it's that the man's intuition on how to communicate through body language is unparalleled in modern politics.
He has an unparalleled ability to appeal to exactly 42% of the population and repulse 53%.
In terms of the NY Times shot, you can compare it to this: Donald Trump, Official Portrait.
From the male non-gay perspective, I would say that Hillary is still ugly and still not president.
That picture looks ok. I've seen so many where his makeup looks ridiculous that I don't understand why he (they) can't do better. But I'm not much concerned about his looks.
Trump's been getting critcized by lawyers on my twitter feed for arguing that "flipping" should be almost illegal. But the issue (here's that serious vs. lIteral thing) he's getting at is not people testifying against former allies, but prosecutors using plea deals to suborn perjury. And Trump is right again while his critics miss the point.
He does look a bit tired..but I am not surprised.
He also looks like he's listening. Shocking!
What you're not seeing are the pics from same session that they couldn't use to their advantage.
@Althouse, your post is why the 19th Amendment should be suspended until women stop thinking with their vaginas. We men get accused of thinking with the “little head” instead of the one on our shoulders, and sometimes the complaint is justified, but as long as you’re a sucker for appeals to emotion — even when you are aware of your being manipulated — then there’s not much hope you’ll make a rational decision this November or in 2020.
It's not the photo, Althouse. It's the cumulative effect of peer pressure and the continuous drumbeat of hate from the media. Resistance may be futile for a person of your status.
Are you looking at Trump with bedroom eyes?
At your age?
Good for you!
The attacks, relentless as they are, without a bare minimum of fact to back them up, have made me, a Trump skeptic into a supporter. Your characterization of that photo as "unwholesome" is a perfect example. You, and others, hate him, I get that, I just can't fathom why other than that you suffer from TDS. There is nothing rational or fact based to justify the hatred.
He has an unparalleled ability to appeal to exactly 42% of the population and repulse 53%.
In terms of the NY Times shot, you can compare it to this: Donald Trump, Official Portrait.
The "repulse" includes Henry and the others who respond to pollsters. That's why Hillary has been president since January 2017. Right ?
Wow. To each his own. I'm not getting even a hint of revulsion or unwholesomeness from that photo.
Kanye likes The Donald. He can appreciate a Dragon at work. Many others feel put off or jealous of a commoner Elite running circles around them. Who does he think he is...a stable genius.
Sorry, I don’t see the slightest thing that revulses me.
This man deserves a break from the media but won’t get it. I don’t know what God’s plan is but I hope He has not given up on our naation and that He continues to use Trump to the ultimate disgrace of the deep staters.
@Michael K -- I thought of going with the 2016 numbers, which had him at 48% repulsive and 46% okay, but repulsiveness is a moving target and we might as well bring his numbers up to the present.
I was kidding Mr. Prole for rolling out the Donald-Trump-as-Genius fantasy. Trump had the great good fortune of running against a candidate as repulsive as himself.
Not even a smidgeon of revulsion...
I see a man who is weary and thoughtful. And I am in the same camp as -sw. The constant drumbeat of ugliness and vitriol has put me firmly in the support camp.
You're letting yourself get played, Althouse.
It's a picture of an old man thinking about something.
Not feeling any revulsion.
Look at the professor insisting she's a person of the middle. Perhaps what is causing the revulsion is the effort at keeping up the pretense that she is a person of the middle.
He thought that if he could make it in New York, then he could make it anywhere. But the anti-nativists, transnationalists, and globalists are a lower breed, that not even the cosmopolitan airs of New York could acclimate someone. This is a game where all the babies are at risk. Good luck.
Ridiculous. He's old and looks his age FFS. Give us a break.
> You're letting yourself get played, Althouse.
She hangs out a bad crowd who meet up in the NY Times and New Yorker and maybe teach at the university. It is enough to turn anyone sour.
Also, what Tank said:
"He should be tired because he has been working his butt off for me and the rest of the deplorables trying desperately to save America, the country he actually loves."
And I hate to be insulting towards you, Professor, but neutrality, cruel or otherwise, at this point in time is a cowardly response to the threats this country faces.
That constitutional crisis your acquaintance asked about the other day is just around the corner. It will hit home when the opposition party attempts to remove a sitting and duly elected president for reasons other than "high crimes and misdemeanors."
Then we'll see who honors the pledge we have all taken.
Honestly, that’s one of the better news pictures I’ve seen of him.
OK....I stopped here as that was my thought as well. Much better than most pictures the Times normally run.
OK. Back to reading the rest of the thread.
In most pictures and TV clips Trump looks (and sounds) passing strange to me, but this is a good picture of him - tired, thoughtful, and a little sad.
Perhaps it is the impression of power that turns the professor off.
The MSM has been doing this my entire life...always framing the photo, page placement and the lede to favor Dems. The GOPers look exhausted/dumb/agitated while the Dems are smiling/confident/relaxed. The worst examples of photo bias are Obama photographed with a halo of back light around his head and Nixon's heavy 5 O'clock shadow.
This is a great, honest if slightly muddled post by the inimitable Ann, who like every well informed American reads the New York Times every day she has a chance because she knows the people who put out that paper are exacting professionals devoted to the craft of journalism, and are moreover in many cases among the best in the business. So well done, for this post and the last about Caro.
About that photo and why it made Ann feel sick: because looking into that face, and knowing now what she didn't know then, and reading the article, she had an honest glimpse, she felt, into the man himself -- a revolting monster who happens to be president. She had to leave the room for a bit. Ann's posted lots of photos, but this one is for the ages.
Just myself nonplussed about the business of which media readers should rely upon, in light of Ann's earlier views regarding how to filter and assess Russian propaganda on sites that may include this one.
Other than the color balance being on the blue side I don't see anything wrong with that picture. He looks like a successful businessman of a certain age thinking about something.
"a revolting monster who happens to be president."
I think you are too had on Obama. He was an empty suit but it was pressed well.
"That's a brilliant choice of photograph."
Why? Tired CEO in his 70s. So?
Of course, I am not the target audience and I am immune to prog manipulation. I know what these traitors do, and I well remember their photographs of other Republicans. "Brilliant" all.
But, checked or not, the revulsion is the thing: they are working to shift the middle, to make women feel they could not possibly vote for such a repulsive character. They are telling people who like to think they vote for the "best person" that Trump can't be the "best person."
I think it'll work.
the people who put out that paper are exacting professionals devoted to the craft of journalism
Horseshit. They openly stated they were biased and would do anything to get rid of him. There is nothing they won't do.
That's professional journalism?
Trump had the great good fortune of running against a candidate as repulsive as himself.
I partly agree but nobody is as repulsive as Hillary.
I was pretty skeptical but Trump has been delivering very competent president stuff.
I think you guys are making a serious mistake to rely on Trump hate for the election.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H. L. Mencken
No, not that one . We had that one.
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
H. L. Mencken
Pretty close this year.
Pickering playing coy with us again.
I'm with Henry on the connotations of raffish and argot, especially raffish. I wouldn't mind being described as raffish (not that it would be accurate, but it would sound vaguely complimentary).
I wouldn't mind being described as raffish (not that it would be accurate, but it would sound vaguely complimentary).
Oh, I would agree with describing Trump as "raffish." He is definitely "declasse'" compared to Romney.
Patton was also declasse'
So was Grant.
Romney was MacClellan.
Althouse is just fucking with us.
That was jim rutemberg, in response he hasn't even eaterboarded a single journalist.
I'm not with those calling Hillary Clinton repulsive. Old, sure, and overweight. The odd thing about Trump is that he did (and does) more to try not to look his age than his female opponent. That's the problem. Blond comb-over hair, fake tan skin, but only partially. . . .
So was Marius who was kind of a ruffians after well bred metellus couldn't nab jugurtha.
What Rabel said @ 7:20
I admit when I google for the Althouse link sometimes the pictures of Ann that show up in the search results are revulsive, like Google selects the most unflattering photos instead of shadow banning or something.
Ann if the overwhelming emotion is revulsion, then you are not in the middle. It’s just your fantasy. Mirror, mirror on the wall who’s in the center of them all
What was it, less than a week ago that Althouse was discussing the reason she’d give up reading the NYT would be because the news was too tainted to read anymore?
Reading NYT articles is like hanging out with mobsters, you go into it with your eyes open but at some point you can no longer see they’re not normal.
@tim maguire
Plea bargaining is routinely used against the poor and minorities who plea because they can't raise bail and the ADAs have another notch on their belt when evaluation rolls around. It's a disgraceful miscarriage of justice, and goes against equality/fairness for which our justice system should stand.
I've been dismissed as a juror three times because I refuse to accept testimony from criminal witnesses turned with peas to testify against each other in lieu of evidence. I make it very clear in voir dire that I will not convict under such terms.
Reading through the comments, raffish Ann and the other stylish women who may read this blog will surely be persuaded by those of Ann's readers who regard her post as hysterical and an example of why men should deny women the vote.
Ann, it's a white tribe that you've thrown your lot in with; but never forget, it's a white MAN's tribe. Come on, you're way smarter than them.
Geez, the one time I didn't preview....
should read:
I refuse to accept testimony from criminal witnesses turned with pleas...
I don't get it. What's supposed to be revolting about that picture?
Maybe it's a woman thing.
It is amazing the deaths ... all the deaths.
Mary Mahoney and Seth Rich are very wiffy.
@John Pickering
That among the dumbest comments ever...just what tribe should Ann throw in with? I haven't noticed that other tribes are any less paternalistic.
BTW-I'd say that Ann has done pretty damned well in your "man's world".
I think Trump revulsion is a common response. It’s certainly what they are trying to stoke (or keep aflame).
The disintegration of social norms has been going on awhile. That’s how you end up with a Trump v Hillary match up.
The NY Times has done a lot of work eroding social norms to push its Progressive Vision.
Now Progressives wonder why evangelicals/conservatives/traditionalists support or voted for Trump and/or stick with him since he is so sleazy and has the morals of a cat.
It’s an easy answer: all presidents are greedy narcissistic and corrupt. It’s not a job that attracts nice guys. But unlike Progressives who’ve ushered in a society of whiners and control freaks and snowflakes who pounce on someone’s every word while excoriating Christians and demanding more Muslims who will eventually chop off their heads, Trump supports traditional values. The old fashioned way. He doesn’t personally practice them but he recognizes their importance to a stable society.
Progressives argue about the 75 genders and bathrooms and cultural appropriation. They might actually get their way for awhile until the Muslims cut off their heads or send them to the gas chambers en made.
There will be nobody left to protect them. The traditionalists willall be dead.
Trump pays off women, the Clinton just kill them.
Could you imagine seeing him naked. That is fucking frightening.
So early voting is 47/42 gop in my state, fwiw.
Whatever floats your boat, Titus
Trump overeats greasy food and screws around with pornstars. Okay, that's unwholesome, and some of it is reflected in his face and belly. But some of that is fun, and that also is reflected in his countenance and bearing. Trump is self indulgent, but he looks like he's enjoying the ride. He's unwholesome but authentic. I like the way he shrugs off criticism. If he ever starts looking repentant or guilty about his many sins, he won't be Dionysius, the master of revels, but Dionysius, the sacrificial lamb, and the mob will tear him to pieces.
It’s an easy answer: all presidents are greedy narcissistic and corrupt. It’s not a job that attracts nice guys
Eisenhower said there were two qualities for presidents.
One: they had to have the fire in the belly, and I;\'m not sure Romney did.
The second was that they "could ride the horse."
The fire in the belly has been there for a while, especially after Obama mocked him.
He seems to be able to ride the horse, even with the Lilliputians all trying to tie him down.
The prospect of seeing Titus naked scares the hell out of me.
Ick !
It's not that hard to find an unflattering picture of Trump. I do admire the efforts of the press to find a picture of Melania or Ivanka that reflects the true evil and ugliness that resides within their souls. I seen a few picture where they look bored but nothing truly unflattering. Well, it's out there. They just have to keep trying.
This,is the same publication that had planer Hillary as a cover, and in retrospect was even more in the dark about its subject than we could ever be.
Patton was also declasse'
Maybe so but he did have the pedigree.
I'm not with those calling Hillary Clinton repulsive.
readering is one of those content to suck at the sour milk tit.
Hillary is Lady Macbeth without the charm.
Blogger mockturtle said...
Patton was also declasse'
Maybe so but he did have the pedigree.
That was not a material issue. Grant might be a better example.
Sherman had a pedigree although his father left his family penniless and the children were farmed out as orphans.
Patton is actually not a bad comparison to Trump. He was always in trouble with the tight assed Eisenhower and Bradley.
He was sleeping with his niece. She killed herself after he died.
The New York Times has always been enthralled by Thrillary.
Tcrosse,of course Ann is just fucking with you. You are afterall her Althouse Hillbillies.
The New York Times has always been enthralled with Thrillary.
She's the quintessential Times reader: A provincial elite wanting to pass as a smart New York woman.
She engages in the Socratic method, was that the 'politics of meaning' folderall.
Tcrosse,of course Ann is just fucking with you. You are afterall her Althouse Hillbillies.
Boo Hoo. Now I'll have to cry myself to sleep for having been insulted by a fictional character.
The flipping thing is abused. But, prosecutor and enforcement officers have immunity from civil and legal challenges to their actions. What is going on right now is every person that has supported President Trump is being targeted. Dont misunderstand, I am not saying any of them are pure. But Democrat, and never Trumper Republican prosecutors, are targeting Trumps supporters. All of that would be fine, except conservative civil servants not return the favor. They have to much honor to abuse the system.
There are dozens of examples of abuse.
Repeal the 19th.
Trump had the great good fortune of running against a candidate as repulsive as himself.
Trump had the great good fortune of running against a candidate vastly more repulsive as himself.
FIFY, Henry.
You would be unable to see his cock because he is fat. In order to see his hog you would need to lift his fat gut and tha is tataaly unforgivable and not hot.
The NYT is in the back of Hillary's limo, sucking her dick.
JFK was not attractive. None of the Kennedy's were/are.
I never found JFK particularly good-looking, but I think John Jr. was.
I keep hearing about how Trump has no morals, but the guy has never drank or done drugs, and it's my experience that the vast majority of immoral acts most people commit are under the influence of either. Aside from sleeping around a bit (and what man who'd have gold digging women throwing themselves at him could resist all of them? Some, maybe, but damn few), I have never heard of him doing anything particularly immoral (at least not credibly, anyway, and yes, I've read every word of Chuck and Inga's hysterical spews. Enough have been ripped out of context or flat out lying that the rest have zero credibility.) I wouldn't be surprised (keeping the lack of drink or drugs in mind) if Trump wasn't in fact one of the most decent people in the moral hellscape that is DC or Hollywood for that matter. If there were all that much dirt to find, after all, we'd certainly know about it by now, and what we have so far is damn weak.
Michael K/
"Romney was MacClellan"
And McCain was "Fighting Joe" Hooker..
In other news it turns the state department was using Catholic relief services as a contractor in Syria, whose enployees,were ferrying supply to the al queda affiliate there.
You are afterall her Althouse Hillbillies.
'Thank you for your contribution to Trump 2020.
You idiots have no idea.
It appears the new guy is sensible:
Blogger virgil xenophon said...
Michael K/
"Romney was MacClellan"
And McCain was "Fighting Joe" Hooker.
I think Hooker was more competent. He did OK as an assistant, as at Chattanooga.
McCain was an admirals' kid and near last at Annapolis.
He went flying after being drunk the night before and crashed a Skyraider into the Gulf.
He may have even been incompetent enough to get shot down when another might have dodged the missile.
Althouse fails the straight face test. The primary purpose of learning visual arts is to not be swayed by them, but to sway others. It's about the man behind the curtain, not the puppet.
Well I saw and read the right stuff, I'll not hold that against him, what he did about 10 years ago is another matter entirely.
How can they be so naive:
Regarding Althouse's post.
Yeah, so?
As always, I don't care how someone looks. What has he done? Electing a boyfriend should be, but unfortunately is not, irrelevant. That you are presented with a photo showing a stern countenance, and feel revulsion, is on you.
Michael K. re Patton: He was sleeping with his niece. She killed herself after he died.
I don't think she was really his niece but he did pass her off as such. At least according to Carlo D'Este in Patton: A Genius for War. His wife knew better, of course. It was an unfortunate lapse in what had been a very good marriage. I've read the collection of letters back and forth between George and Bea. It was clear they loved each other. Mid-life crisis, I suppose. :-(
Actually, looking qt the photo again, I wouldn't even go so far as to characterize it as srern.
Althouse probably should have affixed one of those sarcasm tags to her post.
I think (or guess) you've all misinterpreted her intent.
Her intent, I think, was to tell you how the NY Times is attempting to manipulate you, not to confess that she was successfully manipulated.
I think Ann is just commenting on how the NYT is using pictures and language in their latest propaganda push. It's like looking at a commercial, say for a Ford 150 at the Super Bowl, and criticizing it as a picky ad-watcher, aside from whether you would ever want a a Ford 150. Paul Manafort was bit shady and so Trump is being presented as similarly shady. That said, I don't see this as a picture inspiring revulsion, it's just somebody who seems to be thinking. But for all we know he is at Baskin Robbins, thinking "maple walnut or cookies and cream."
"Stern" not srern.
I feel no revulsion based on this picture of him. It’s no better or worse than any pictures of him. I feel revulsion in the real man, not the image.
Thing that make you go wonder:
I wonder if Althouse is still writing her book, “Trump and how I grew to love him”.
I feel revulsion in the presence of Inga. Whatever that evil thing is hiding behind her avatar is in demented pursuit of revenge over an imagined offense.
Makes me feel dirty to be on the same planet.
President Trump, on the other hand, continues to be an extraordinarily successful president.
Inga, your candidate lost an election. Stop being a horrifying bitch and finally accept that you lost. Do the right thing for once in your life.
Losing Ann is not that big a deal. She was never really in Trump's camp.
For the second time, folks...
You've got it backwards. Althouse didn't denounce Trump.
She divulged to you the Times' propaganda stratgegy.
It is actually hard to believe they used that picture.
It conveys a sadness and emotion and would make normal people sympathetic.
But the NYT knows it's readership is a feral pack of animals that will see weakness and feel glee.
Ann's revulsion would be driven by sadness.
Obama couldn't have dealt with a 100th of what the swamp has thrown at Trump. He was a pathetic whiny weakling who had fewer news conferences than any modern president because he couldn't even deal with the sycophantic boot lickers asking him questions.
“I feel revulsion in the presence of Inga. Whatever that evil thing is hiding behind her avatar is in demented pursuit of revenge over an imagined offense.”
I felt revulsion when I heard you sing, sounded like a wild boar with sinusitis.
Shouting Thomas said...
I feel revulsion in the presence of Inga. Whatever that evil thing is hiding behind her avatar is in demented pursuit of revenge over an imagined offense.
Makes me feel dirty to be on the same planet.
She is a fair sample of the left.
She and her fellow travelers are going to get wiped out in November because they are so detestable.
The violent nasty little shitheads are headed towards a massive humiliation.
Facebook is trying to censor #walkaway but it isn't working.
“She and her fellow travelers are going to get wiped out in November because they are so detestable.
The violent nasty little shitheads are headed towards a massive humiliation.”
Hahahahaha, you eat too many raw eggs.
Inga, give up, you dumb fuck.
Your candidate lost an election.
You've been whining like a dumb bitch now for two years.
Display a little dignity and wisdom for once in your life. Go away and repent.
Go to work for another candidate and learn to respect the outcome of of elections. This will require a degree of decency you've thus far been able to muster. People can change.
You need to work on developing a basic moral system. Get to work.
My retirement portfolio isn’t repulsed and that’s a very important thing to me.
Oh shut up Shouting Thomas. You should take your own advise. My moral system is undoubtedly in much better condition than yours. You’ve been a stupid asshole probably for the entirety of your life. Stop singing, people will thank you.
@Shouting Thomas: I agree with you about Inga. She used to be fun, and I enjoyed making chirbits with her as the central theme. But ever since Trump, she’s become a non stop scold. Enough.
Aw, you dumb little bitch...
Look, idiot, you lost an election.
Here's what a decent, patriotic citizen who isn't a piece of shit does...
You go to work for the candidate of your choice in the next election.
This bloodlust that you exude is the mark of a moral idiot. You're about as fucked up as you can get and remain on the planet.
Stop writing and shut up. Make the U.S. great again. You're silence will mean one less vengeful jackass braying.
You're a moral idiot and a backward yokel. Shut up. The heavens will rejoice.
The thing about Inga and the other liberals here is that they absolutely cannot fathom political crossover appeal. I mean the ability of Trump to attract and hold Dem voters. The only crossover appeal that Dem candidates have is expressed Never Trumpers. But only if they’ve been personally offended by Trump. Not quite the same thing.
Michael K
Yes McCain over shot a runway flying a plane into the gulf during a training exercise. He reported the plane had mechanically failed. Upon inspection the plane had not failed, it was pilot error, McCain lied. Your father or mine would have been washed out, but not the son and grandson of famous Admirals.
The second plane McCain destroyed was in Spain where he was low flying hot dogging and flew into power lines. Again, your father or mine would have been washed out, but not the son and grandson of famous Admirals.
The third plane McCain destroyed was while flying to an Army Navy game. I can't remember if he crashed it on land or the ocean. Again, Your father or mine would have been washed out, but not the son and grandson of famous Admirals.
I admire McCain for his service, but not his flying abilities or arrogant politics. I voted for him and his campaign was pretty much like flying in to the Gulf.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Hahahahaha, you eat too many raw eggs.
The signs are all in front of you.
But one thing that is well established is you are an idiot.
So I don't expect you to see them.
If turnout is even or democrats have even 3% more people voting like the general republicans hold the house.
But democrats wont turn out more people even with all their illegal voters in California.
They never do in midterms.
Shouting Thomas giving advice, Hahahaha. Holier than thou, since when, after you got kicked out of the orgy you tried to crash?
As If he knows what the heavens would do.
Don't listen to Thomas Inga.
Keep doing exactly what you are doing.
Exactly. Do not stop.
Your contributions to the Trump campaign are appreciated.
“But democrats wont turn out more people even with all their illegal voters in California.
They never do in midterms.”
In Wisconsin in this last Primary for Governor, 81,000 more Democrats turned up to vote than Republicans. In Minnesota 250,000 more Democrats turned up to vote than Republicans. That should give you a hint.
Revulsion is a useless reaction.
The democrat media is the enemy of the people. They are actually trying to destroy the country.
Trump gotta be the unlikeliest fucking hero in my lifetime.
Never liked him, still not crazy about him, but goddamit he stands so fucking tall so fucking courageous against the ugliest crew of bodice ripping cunts and dainty fingered aristos, the worst the press and academia and the comm outfits have to offer.
My biggest disappointment is that he would have anything to do with a pig who has slid into her body 6 miles of cock 6 inches at a time.
That's what I see in the picture.
We know how corrupt the media is and how corrupt the DOJ, CIA, FBI, IRS, all the security agencies are. Ask yourselves, how many of these professionals resigned when Obama requested surveillance of a Presidential candidate of the opposition party. How many opposed Obama.? I can think of only one.
If Trump was a democrat the New York Times and the rest of the media would have been asking this question 24/7 since the campaign.
“You're a moral idiot and a backward yokel.”
“All politics is yokel” ~ Christopher Hitchens
I'll leave you all with the concept, "equal justice under the law".
I'm fucking tired of Democrats getting off scott-free, while they put the screws to republicans and the RINO's just stand by.
Sure Trump has a sordid past, but so did Obama and Clinton, but the man fights. We cannot spare him.
“In Wisconsin in this last Primary for Governor, 81,000 more Democrats turned up to vote than Republicans.”
Was Walker contested? Maybe R voters stayed home. No reason to get out until the fall. I didn’t vote in the CA primary.
I never liked Trump until Scott Walker dropped out. Walker for me was courage. I saw what he went through in Wisconsin. But he faltered on the national stage. Trump did not. I never liked his speaking style, his lifestyle, or even his taste in women. Melania’s okay but reminds me too much of Bruce/Caitlin Jenner.
But that courage Trump showed and continues to show ... that sold me. I sometimes wonder where it springs from. A chip on his shoulder from never being accepted by the Manhattan crowd? A tinge of sociopathy where he doesn’t really get the magnitude of the hatred spewed at him? Or is it heroic?
I’ve come to think of this last one, the heroic Trump, as the true one. He’s becoming a hero. I also have come to see him as a genius. A true Steve Jobs level genius. He is changing the world by the sheer force of his will.
He may fail, ultimately, but I don’t think so. He is at the epicenter of World War 3 which is Everybody that matters vs. Trump. And he is winning.
Althouse is too easily manipulated by images.
You are hyper-precise on language but much less so on images.
Is it because you are compensating for your thinking function on language?
Is it because your inferior function, feeling, needs to be let out once in a while?
Perhaps someone with a better memory than I can correct this but the notion that the money John Edwards (and Mellon) spent on his mistress and love child was never considered by anyone to be a campaign expense but only of a personal nature. Fast forward to Trump and Cohen and it is unthinkable that Trump's affairs could be personal.
Miss Ann, I am revulsed, REVULSED, I tells ya, by that old photo of you taken from the side, the one that adorns your website.
Could it be that you want to be seen as someone you no longer are? IOW an old photo you CHOOSE as a way of pretending you are more attractive than you presently are.
Yet you are revulsed by a current candid pic of Trump, who is utterly unable to control the images a hostile press offers up to the public.
C'mon, perfesser: time to Come to Jesus and update your pic; give us a shocking full-frontal of your face, triple chins and gray hair, and leave it there on your home page.
Let us all shudder at how YOU look, every time we visit.
What a cheap, cheap shot you've made..
M Jordan wrote:
". . . A chip on his shoulder from never being accepted by the Manhattan crowd? . . ."
I don't want to psychoanalyze Trump, but if I have to I guess he thinks of politicians as hustlers. Trump thinks that he sees through this. I think that Trump is right about this -- you are blind if you don't see the hustler in Obama.
And I think that explains Trump's harsh words and mockery of his GOP competitors in the 2016 primaries. They all wanted to convince you that they wanted to serve the public, that going into politics was a noble choice, when they had so many opportunities to become lawyers or corporate executives. Trump saw them as a bunch guys working a political hustle, and he beat them at that game.
Nice attempt at trolling, Ann
Nothing ever changes with Donald Trump. In May of 2016, Politico Magazine tried to tell the Trumpers about his mob-connections. This story goes back 40 years.
In 1979, when Trump hired a demolition contractor to take down the Bonwit Teller department store to make way for Trump Tower, he hired as many as 200 non-union men to work alongside about 15 members of the House Wreckers Union Local 95. The non-union workers were mostly illegal Polish immigrants paid $4 to $6 per hour with no benefits, far below the union contract. At least some of them did not use power tools but sledgehammers, working 12 hours a day or more and often seven days a week. Known as the “Polish brigade,” many didn’t wear hard hats. Many slept on the construction site.
Normally the use of nonunion workers at a union job site would have guaranteed a picket line. Not at this site, however. Work proceeded because the Genovese family principally controlled the union; this was demonstrated by extensive testimony, documents and convictions in federal trials, as well as a later report by the New York State Organized Crime Task Force.
When the Polish workers and a union dissident sued for their pay and benefits, Trump denied any knowledge that illegal workers without hard hats were taking down Bonwit with sledgehammers. The trial, however, demonstrated otherwise: Testimony showed that Trump panicked when the nonunion Polish men threatened a work stoppage because they had not been paid. Trump turned to Daniel Sullivan, a labor fixer and FBI informant, who told him to fire the Polish workers.
Trump was fined $325,000 but settled for far less.
There's that "Buzz around Obama" photo with a fly on his upper lip which is definitely repulsive and leaves me with a queasy feeling and asking, "This guy is the President?"
I took that photo of Trump and desaturated it a bit to get rid of the garish orange (which is a cheap photoshop trick the media uses all the time) and changed the color balance to cool it down a little. IOW, I made his coloring look normal and he looks pensive and serious, a man with enormous responsibilities. Color does have emotional and physiological effects. Here's an example of an apple photographed under different temperature lights, and there is a marked difference in how appetizing the apple looks.
"Perhaps someone with a better memory than I can correct this but the notion that the money John Edwards (and Mellon) spent on his mistress and love child was never considered by anyone to be a campaign expense but only of a personal nature. Fast forward to Trump and Cohen and it is unthinkable that Trump's affairs could be personal."
Wasn't Edwards actually taken to court on this? One count dismissed, the others with a hung jury. No retrial.
"For 30, 40 years I’ve been watching flippers." ... "but also putting Trump's quote in the context of gangsterdom:"
And the fun fact is that during +30, +35 years Trump was a Democrat, that is, a citizen in good standing with the Duranty Slimes.
Donnie Two Burger hates a rat.
Yeah, something the Democrats never bother to mention when they crow about how California put Hillary over Trump in the popular vote is that Republicans in California literally had no reason to come out to vote. They knew Trump wasn't going to win the state, and there were no downticket races with any competitive elections for a Republican to come out for either. So because the popular vote means diddly squat, they stayed home. Democrats, of course, always playing Calvinball, made a huge deal about that margin without telling you these little details and pretend that the popular vote would've been exactly the same if the popular vote *did* make any difference.
I have little doubt the situation was very similar in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Probably uncontested races on the Republican side. Democrats are quite sleazy enough to crow about a higher turnout for a contested primary vs. an uncontested one, and Inga is just lame enough to either not have realized what an absurd comparison that is, or did realize it but is more than willing to push a meme she knows is bullshit anyway. Anyone from those states not have any primaries on the Republican side worth turning out for?
"And McCain was "Fighting Joe" Hooker."
That is a vile insult to Hooker.
1) reorganized the Union cavalry and it began to show its worth afterwards
2) created the BMI which provided essential intelligence to the army, unlike the bs enemy numbers McClellan believed in
3) restored the army morale after a disastrous campaign
4) reorganized the administration of the army from the sorry state it was in
5) and could have won Chancellorsville if he hadn't been knocked on the head (or had been, as Lincoln said, been completely knocked out)
Professora ...
Do you know for sure: revulsion at what or whom or why?
We only know the when!!??
Rbt. E. Lee referred to Gen Hooker as “Mr. F. J. Hooker.” A master troll before his time. Hooker is often cited as the source of a slang term for prostitute but I am sceptical.
Althouse: "I'm really only able to speak of the impact on me, but I'm am a person in the middle, maintaining my skepticism toward everything that's being said these days, and I am watching my own emotions, having them, but then also being objective about them."
Excuse me, but can anyone remember the last time that Althouse expressed any "skepticism toward [anything] that's being said" by Donald Trump?
"And then there's JFK. Sometimes he looks super handsome
For years and years I heard this growing up. So much that I actually started to think so myself. Then one day I looked at him objectively and -- no, JFK was not attractive. None of the Kennedy's were/are."
Objectively, I think that his son, JFK, Jr, was attractive. He got those looks from his mother. His sister though looks like the rest of the Kennedys. Appologize in advance to the Irish here, but the Irish race seems to have more than its fair share of unattractive people. Of course, my partner gets her looks from her French father, so attributes JFK, Jr's better looks to his mother's French blood. By today's standards, she would be considered uneducated, and, maybe a bit dumb as a result. Which may explain their son failing the bar exam a couple times, then blowing himself up freebasing cocaine in the airplane he was flying. (Ok, that latter is just a persistent rumor in the flying community).
She reminded me a day or two ago of her first meeting some of her future brothers in law. She met this nice guy one morning early when he opened a resteraunt so she could have a cup of coffee. Every time he would go into the back, one of two really tall ugly guys would come out and hit on her hard. Wouldn't take "no" for an answer. Eventually, she asked who they were, and he apologetically said they were his brothers. They had almost a dozen kids in the family, and maybe half the boys were decently good looking, from the Cherokee blood on their mother's side. The girls not so much, nor the boys that looked more Irish. So, at one point, she set up her best friend growing up with one of those original two brothers as a double date. They thought that the two of them would be perfect together. Both were overly tall - she was 6' and he was almost 6'6". The date didn't last an hour, with each one insulted that they would be paired with someone so ugly. He said something like when the stork dropped her, she must have hit the ugly tree all the way down.
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