President Trump, at his rally in Tampa, is pushing for voter ID laws and said you need to show an ID to buy groceries.— Liam Martin (@LiamWBZ) July 31, 2018
(You don't need ID to buy groceries.)
The Trump haters are mocking him. "Donald Trump Says You Need A Picture ID To Buy Groceries In America/The president made the comment while pushing for voter ID laws at a Florida rally" (HuffPo).
To be clear, American citizens do not need a picture ID to buy basic groceries. There are some federal and state regulations that prohibit the sale of alcohol or certain over-the-counter medications without identification, but that does not extend to basic food or cleaning products.Some of us remember when George H.W. Bush lost his bid for reelection because he let us see that he was unfamiliar with a checkout scanner and thus that he didn't go grocery shopping like us plebes.
Social media users remarked on Trump’s assertion as “out of touch” and wondered when the billionaire last bought his own groceries....
Here's a bad defense: Maybe Trump is the guy who gets out his checkbook when he buys groceries. Bad because: We hate that guy.
So what have you got? There's the Scott Adams idea that Trump deliberately gets some things wrong. What is that theory exactly? His antagonists will feel compelled to talk about it because they can point out what's wrong. (Duh, here, it's so easy.) And then they'll be forefronting the issue he really wants discussed. (Here, it's voter ID and the fear of voting by ineligible voters, emotional issues that cause people, some people, to gravitate toward Trump.)
I'd also say that the people who attack Trump need to attack and attack and attack, so give them some chum, and they may gnaw on it all day instead of something that might really hurt Trump.
Because I don't think Trump is vulnerable to what hurt George H.W. Bush so much. Trump was always an out-and-proud billionaire. Why would he be buying his own groceries? No one imagines him pushing a shopping cart, selecting items, and waiting "on" line in Manhattan! He'd have to walk 4 1/2 long blocks (not short blocks) to get to a Whole Foods from Trump Tower. That's 9 blocks, total, plus the walking in the store. Who even pictures him walking that far, let alone being subjected to the indignities of getting asked if he "found everything" he was looking for and if he's an Amazon Prime member? (Which kind of is like being asked for ID.)
And Trump is different from H.W. not only because he wears his rich-man status proudly. He has also already succeeded in connecting with working-class people. He hasn't seemed effete and out-of-touch, so there's no resonating with a preconception as there was with H.W.
Now, what time is it? I'm getting bored.
IN THE COMMENTS; campy said:
“I refuse even to joke about it,” Amanpour says...
३०० टिप्पण्या:
300 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»The grocery store example was one of several, all of which related to the concept of showing ID when writing a check. I heard it real time and thought to myself, "It will be misunderstood" and I was right. As is often the case, he speaks extemporaneously and gets a little loose. "When you write a check at the grocery store, or...." would have been more precise.
BTW, the Bush scanner out-of-touch meme was a lie.
What a stupid thing to argue about. At some stores you need an ID for buying anything. For example, try to buy something at Sam's club w/out an ID. Hey, when was the last time those AP reporters were in Sam's Club?
As has been said before: Trump supporters don't take his words literally but they do take them seriously; while Trump detractors take his words literally but don't take them seriously.
These comments are basically of that nature. The argument is that we have to use ID's for all sorts of common activities - except the Dems believe, voting.
Too bad you don't need ID to post tweeterings.
GHWB was not "unfamiliar with a grocery scanner" - he was engaging the sales people about their technology. Debunked fake news ... from 2007.
Good lord, even Snopes calls it false:
PS - I think Trump trolled the media again. I'd have focused on his robot "acting" presidential thing and "Maxine, she loves me" moments.
Or maybe Trump is exaggerating to make a point.
Kind of like:
"I told you a million times about that" or:
"You can't get there from here", or:
"Stop that. You're killing me"
He heard from his kids when they were carded trying to buy beer & cigs at the bodega.
Lots of places in NYC require me to show my ID when I'm using a credit card to purchase something. E.g. the Apple store on Central Park South (in the old FAO Schwarz space) just did a few weeks ago. Not groceries, but close to the point. Who is calling it injustice that someone can't purchase Apple gear because they are requiring you to show ID?
BTW, the Bush scanner out-of-touch meme was a lie.
As was Dan Quayle misspelling potato. The truth of that incident was that Quayle was reading a spelling list provided by the class teacher and accepted what the teacher had written. Of course, the MSM could never report a story like: "Public school teacher can't spell potato"; gotta uphold a narrative y'know.
Actually, I've often been asked for a driver's license when paying with a card & every time when using a check. Now as a blanket statement, sure, there are times when I'm not asked, but it happens and quite frequently. To his larger point, an ID should be used for our greatest civil responsibility. If one needs an ID for cigarettes, alcohol, passports, hotels, and a fishing license, why such push back for voting? It doesn't take a civics degree to understand why...
For defense, I'd say it's a minor piece of support for a correct assertion that came amidst a laundry list of accurate statements. That most of his support statements and his primary assertion are correct is supported by the fact that Trump haters are making a big deal about these few words.
But proving him wrong on this detail does not undermine his point--which is that we need ID to do many many things and it is laughable to claim that requiring an ID to vote is discriminatory.
I just got my Official Election Meddler certificate, but they wanted ID for to pick up the Collusion Inspector ID Card - Catch 22?
Democrats can makes as many misstatements as they want with impunity (57 states, Guam is going to capsize), but any misstatement by a Republican leads to days and weeks of ridicule by our completely unbiased press.
Yeah, his mind skips along on the surface sometimes, but what he meant was that it’s pretty hard to get by without needing an ID once in a while, and that is what people will hear. That’s what I hear. So attacking him on this is to ridicule the idea that people shouldn’t need an ID to vote.
The same people who bring up the health care systems in all of the other major economies in an attempt to shame Americans, BTW, don’t give a flying fuck that you need an ID to vote in just about every other democracy in the world.
You need to show some form of identification to acquire an EBT card to buy groceries, so YES, you DO need to show ID to buy groceries. He is LITERALLY telling the TRUTH and you are spreading FAKE NEWS!!!!
Of course he is exaggerating for effect when he's making the point that identification is required for numerous other simple daily activities while it is not required to do something as important as voting and that failure to show ID while voting leads to the potential for voter fraud, especially from people who have shown a tendency and willingness to go to great lengths to nullify and overturn the results of a properly won election...
...but that's a little windy for a stump speech so Trump's way is WAY better.
It doesn't matter what was actually true about Bush. It's about how much it hurt him. He gave his antagonists something that could be used and there was something about him that made it work unusually well against him.
Trump's antagonists don't care about whether he actually is out of touch with the grocery shopping experience. They only care about getting him — whether they've got something here that might work.
Name the other advanced democracy that doesn’t require and ID to vote.
" give them some chum, and they may gnaw on it all day instead of something that might really hurt Trump."
What good's permitting some prophet of doom
To wipe every smile away
Life is a cabaret, old chum
So come to the cabaret
But is he talking about buying groceries without preconditions?
At the grocery store, you need an ID to buy cough syrup, Sudafed, write a check, beer, and many other things.
Worth noting--putting in the "lie" may work to Trump's favor because making a stink about it makes his opponents look petty and stupid while drawing attention the fact that he is clearly right about IDs and voting.
That seems to be a common Trump tactic and it keeps working because his critics are stupid people blinded by hatred.
Triumph raises the question of “what do you need to vote in the US.” The left will argue with straight face: “just a warm body showing up at the polls.”
Voter ID WOULD be a great way to limit opportunities for foreigners meddling in our elections. But meddling from Mexicans is the right kind of meddling.
This is just going to force the discussion to Voter ID, an idea that is very popular among Americans, so I don’t see how it hurts Trump.
Let's see. I head over to the pharmacy section to get some sudafed: Photo ID required (not only required but scan it so they have a permanent record....for cold medicine). I then I go to check out and as they scan my bottle of wine they ask for my photo ID. Finally I decide to pay by check and for the third time during my shopping trip I'm asked to show my photo ID.
Regardless, Trump's point was that a photo ID is needed for so many things in everyday life that it's crazy to say it's a burden or racist to require an ID to vote.
Just a few days ago, remember, Trump was going to sell us down the Karun River without preconditions.
Today he's confused about buying groceries.
When Stormy Daniels is your best card, the rest of your hand is likely to be pretty crappy.
Anyone who looks under 30 must show an ID when buying alcohol, in the grocery stores I shop at. So he is right.
Trump defenders:Defend this
Who cares -- close enough. You people have gone batshit crazy. Get a grip
And Amanpour et al. wonder why "Trump attacks the press."
Because they are his enemies.
But this helps Trump: most people have had to show ID for buying something at some point, whether to validate a check, or prove age or membership--not to mention to do things like fly on an airplane.
The notion that getting and showing photo ID to legitimate yourself is discriminatory is absurd (except, of course, that it assumes the worst of minorities in America). The press attack will highlight the absurdity.
Next, some voters may even wonder why the press and the Dems belabor the absurdity and push a phony meme. It couldn't be because they like voter fraud and because fraud helps their cause, could it?
Anyway, it's another illustration of the fundamental dishonesty of the American left. Most civilized countries take voter legitimation entirely for granted. I guess the countries Bernie wants to copy to impose MFA are all "racist."
I hope one of my friends or family brings it up, in fact. It will be a “teachable moment.” Like so many others, where they end up nodding that “Trump has a point.” Trump hatred isn’t a mile deep in most working class Democrats. Just the white left types.
Most Trump supporters will say, "We don't care".
This is not the 90s or the early 2000s when the leftist media controlled the narrative. Most Americans get Trump's point, that asking to show ID in order to vote is not an outrageous imposition. Voter ID laws exist in any country that cares about clean elections.
Sensible people who are not inflicted with TDS have had enough of these non-stop BS attacks on Trump and will simply ignore this nonsense.
Ryan said...
Anyone who looks under 30 must show an ID when buying alcohol, in the grocery stores I shop at. So he is right.
8/1/18, 8:42 AM
It's my experience is that they card everyone now, regardless of age. Crazy right?
Or, per Jim Acosta:
"If you put everyone together in this video, you'd get a whole set of teeth"
This also has the added benefit of demeaning a whole group of people.
You need an id to use a credit card or buy liquor or cigarettes at a grocery store.
I bet it will be a very rare thing that any Trump supporters actual friends would be so out of touch as to think this was an effective talking point. Only the press is that out of touch.
I've been in a number of stores, grocery and otherwise, that require ID when using a credit card.
John Henry
How do White liberals and Black people view voter ID laws:
At the grocery store, you need an ID to buy cough syrup, Sudafed, write a check, beer, and many other things.
You can buy meth without an ID and convert it back into Sudafed.
"As has been said before: Trump supporters don't take his words literally but they do take them seriously; while Trump detractors take his words literally but don't take them seriously."
Sure, he gets the small stuff wrong, but is right on the big stuff. There really are times at the store when you need to show ID. And we have to prove who we are fairly frequently. We are flying Friday, and will, of course, have to show our DLs. The whole thing is a transparent scam. The Dems have, for generations, maintained power through illegal voting, whether it be multiple voting, cemetery voting, or just the sort of actual ballot box stuffing done for LBJ's first Senate seat. But they are trying to amp this up a couple notches in one party states like CA, with enticing aliens, legal, and esp illegal, to vote for them. Their excuse of the extremely remote possibility of actually disenfranchising a 90 year old invalid here or there is just BS. Millions of illegal votes nationally, and maybe, if they are very likely, a handful of potentially disenfranchised voters. It's all about the Democrats cheating to win elections. Nothing more. Most everyone knows it is a scam, and that is why Trump won't pay a political price here - his supporters agree with him that the resistance to requiring IDs is by Dems who want to maintain power through illegal voting.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
You cannot rent a vehicle or check into a hotel without an ID. You cannot board a plane without an ID. You cannot enter the secure area of an airport without an ID. You cannot buy alcohol without an ID. etc...
We get his meaning.
somewhere out there, is a Chuck-like GOP voter who managed to pull the lever for Trump in 2016 despite misgivings. that guy has finally had it with all the lies, and it was the ID required for groceries LIE that broke him.
who, after all, wants to support someone who lies so brazenly about such trivial matters? imagine the lies Trump must be telling about consequential matters, since he lies so profusely when discussing inconsequential things. it's lies all the way down.
people have convinced themselves that the above is a plausible narrative, that this is how the resistance will eat away at Trump's support: one Chuck-like voter at a time.
Once again the press will keep tight focus on what he said, and the American people will easily understand what he meant. And this isn’t a case, like with Bill Clinton, where most of his supporters figured that he was lying to everybody else and telling them the truth. No, Trump means what Trump means and what really has their panties in a twist is that Trump might bring American election practice into the 21st century, like Europe, Canada, and Mexico.
"Trump's antagonists don't care about whether he actually is out of touch with the grocery shopping experience. They only care about getting him — whether they've got something here that might work."
And of course, Trump takes the fight to the enemy, and fights back. Which was reason #1 for me "liking" Trump, on another thread a while ago. No more politically clueless turn-the-other-cheek Bushes. (Sure, the Bush checkout story has been debunked, but what did GHW himself do to turn that around?)
The left plays dirty. "They only care about getting him." It's a war, but now two sides are fighting.
I only hope that the Althouses of the world will remember, come election time, that "they only care about getting him," and decide, pragmatically and all, that it would be wrong to reward scum like that.
ID gets in the way of the grand democratic plan to cheat for the D. Multiple votes for the D, dead people vote for the D, non citizens and people who are here illegally vote for the D.
The D is fine with this. Wants more.
In Puerto Rico we have ALWAYS had to show picture ID to vote. Not just any ID but a state issued ID that cannot be used for any other purpose.
In order to get one, you have to prove both US and Puerto Rican citizenship/residence.
It is a very good quality card, pretty hard to duplicate. And, since you can ONLY vote between about 10AM and 2PM on election day, it is very hard to vote twice.
I've heard lots of jokes about the crappy quality of the politicians we elect. And they are crappy. I have never, in more than 45 years here, heard any jokes and almost no stories about election or voting fraud.
John Henry
I and almost everyone i see buying groceries pulls out a card to buy groceries, and validate identity with a pin number. It is commonplace, routine and ordinary to identify yourself somehow as we go about our daily lives.
Except when voting in the US. In Canada identification is expected.
Yes - if you write a check for groceries at the check-out stand, and many people still do, an ID is required.
Right? hack press?
"Trump's antagonists don't care about whether he actually is out of touch with the grocery shopping experience. They only care about getting him — whether they've got something here that might work."
Trump doesn't give two shits, either. That's why his schtick works.
It doesn't matter what was actually true about Bush.
Sure it does. Truth matters.
It's about how much it hurt him.
Only if you believe in politics by any means necessary.
He gave his antagonists something that could be used
No his enemies seized on an innocent event and twisted it for their purposes. Just like they did with the "fake" turkey and the mission accomplished banner. This is when the Left and the media realized that they could weaponize the news for the Democratic Party.
and there was something about him that made it work unusually well against him.
He was a Republican.
Trump's antagonists don't care about whether he actually is out of touch with the grocery shopping experience.
They only care about getting him — whether they've got something here that might work.
Also true...which is why we are inundated with fake news designed to destroy Republicans.
I've said it before and I'll say it again--Trump sometimes exhibits serious foot-in-mouth disease, and I do not agree with everything he says or does, but until somebody offers a credible alternative---who supports what I support and opposes what I oppose, and will be true to his word and will FIGHT for it---I don't see that I have any choice but to swallow and stay in his corner.
The Democrats are just hopeless, and after the 2008 and 2012 campaigns seemed more concerned with keeping on good paper with those I dislike than on winning, any establishment GOP has a LOT of credibility issues to overcome.
I may be alone on all this, but I doubt it.
Ann Althouse said: "He gave his antagonists something that could be used and there was something about him that made it work unusually well against him."
Bush didn't hit back. Trump does. That's the difference.
This could be a real shot in the arm for the Fake ID business.
I live in California. I always vote in person on Election Day — never absentee. I always bring my Drivers License and always show it to the clerk. I have been told “you don’t need that, sir” so what is a person to think?
Trump tests out memes at campaign rallies.
Interesting he brought this up again. It looked like he had abandoned this line for the last year.
Same thing with build the wall.
Why now? My guess is Trump sees it as an electoral winner for mid terms.
And with the Dems going anti ICE, it pours gasoline on the fire.
" “out of touch” and wondered when the billionaire last bought his own groceries..."
The 60 year old checker at my Pick N Save, who dies his hair jet black and has it styled like "fat" Elvis complete with the mutton chops, knows all the intricate details of the grocery purchase. THat said, I'm pretty sure I don't want him handling trade deals with the UK or trying to denuclearize the Norks.
"Bush didn't hit back. Trump does. That's the difference."
I agree that is another difference.
Even Bush, in today's media, would be defended quite differently. And Bill Clinton would not have had such an easy job with his "feel your pain" routine. Everything would have played out differently. But Bush may not even have been the candidate. He might have gone down like Jeb.
I've heard lots of jokes about the crappy quality of the politicians [Puerto Ricans] elect. And they are crappy. I have never, in more than 45 years here, heard any jokes and almost no stories about election or voting fraud.
Jews earn like Episcopalians, and vote like Puerto Ricans.
Hey, if Bernie gets to raise the question “that’s what every other advanced nation does regarding healthcare” I think it’s only fair to insist on the same regarding voter ID.
Cool. Now the discussion will turn to voter I'D and illegal immigration. I doubt if Trump is such a mastermind that he inserted grocery store ID specifically to get the conversation going, but it has the same effect. It makes the opponents over voter ID look dishonest. It happens over and over. I give credit to the left crazy rather than Trump manipulation. More popcorn please.
I scrap metal. I use my torch and cut it up into pieces no longer than 3 foot and no wider than 14 inches, and take the load to the scrap metal place where my vehicle and trailer are weighed, and then weighed again empty before I leave. I have to show them my drivers license (with my picture on it) to get paid.
Only an idiot or a Trump hater couldn't figure out what Trump was referring to.
He gave his antagonists something that could be used and there was something about him that made it work unusually well against him.
You were still a mostly unreconstructed hippie chick back then, Professor. And thus gullible, with respect to anti-Republican propaganda.
"But Bush may not even have been the candidate. He might have gone down like Jeb."
This is sheer fantasy.
Bush had the support of Reagan, so there wasn't really any serious competition, but the extraordinary thing is that Bob Dole tried. There was also Pat Robertson. How weird to think of Pat Robertson as presidential material!
I don't know. Do you need to show ID to buy a nit? Or a pic?
And yet, with new media, who knows what might have happened? Which Republicans might have emerged in the 90s?
We had SO much Clinton back then. It's impossible to think of what might have happened without Bill Clinton filling the political space.
Next give us a real challenge in defending Trump. This one was far too easy.
Bill Clinton filling the political space.
Tamping down the whole #MeToo thing...
Do they focus on Mueller abuse of power in the anthrax case, or use his marine service as a shield. Back in the 90s how did they treat ken starr dutiful appellate lawyer or reactionary peeping Tom. Do they harp of bon Menendez recent indictment or ignore it when accusing pompeo
Trump's antagonists don't care about whether he actually is out of touch with the grocery shopping experience. They only care about getting him — whether they've got something here that might work.
That’s very true, and what the “Chucks” in the media and elsewhere (like here!) don’t realize is that their hyper-literalism is done in such obvious bad faith, it totally discredits their argument.
The Bush screw-up hurt because of the recession. Trump says so many crazy things every day that this will hardly register.
As others have said, every one of us gets challenged constantly for proof of who we are. Trump’s tying of the concept of authentication to the mundane and universal and daily experience of every voter, every listener, every reader, was IMHO brilliant. Once again he controls the topic, gets another dozen news cycles and another pregnant meme. It’s not even that he is inside his enemies’ OODA loop. It’s that his attacks are orthogonal to their entire universe. Strange and wonderful to behold.
In the 80s, they were frustrated at colonel
North testimony, but Leslie Cockburn's pald had a whole cottage industry that made it's mark accusing the cia of high crimes, John Kerry was the enabler, in fact seals debut film above the law painted him as a hero, a shadowy cabal were also the villains in lethal weapon even a spin-off vehicle by Richard grow to dangled in this libel
I get carded when I buy alcohol at Metro Market, even though it has been many years since I celebrated my 21st birthday. They card everyone who buys alcohol there and post signs saying they will do so.
The Bush screw-up hurt because of the recession. Trump says so many crazy things every day that this will hardly register.
You didn’t finish your thought there, readering. The obvious end to your sentence is that now the economy is going gangbusters.
Trump may not be a political genius, but he plays one on TV.
I see a couple of lefties, (Bill how is Austin?) trying to defend the media on this.
It won't work. Too many people buy groceries at Costco and Sam's Club and Walmart.
Too many people use credit cards at supermarkets.
somewhere out there, is a Chuck-like GOP voter who managed to pull the lever for Trump in 2016 despite misgivings. that guy has finally had it with all the lies, and it was the ID required for groceries LIE that broke him.
The dimwits never see it coming.
At Publix, IF you buy wine, the cashier has to enter your birthdate off a drivers liscense in the register or be fired.
No ID, no food. That's just the way it is.
And if I had a Twitter account, I would have long ago been shadow banned.
"He has also already succeeded in connecting with working-class people."
At Meadehouse, it's impossible to imagine non-white (especially non-white dudes) who are still considered "working-class people." Over and over and over.
I held my nose voting for Trump. I filled out the rest of the ballot and hesitated more than a full minute before voting for him. I will vote for him first next election, show up early to do so.
Huh. My attack on Trump wouldn't be, "He doesn't know that you don't need an ID to buy groceries because he's a billionaire who has had people buying his groceries for him for the last 40 years..."
My attack on Trump would be, "What an idiot. He keeps trusting his own instincts for freelancing his remarks in these campaign-style rallies, and he keeps getting stuff wrong. Wrong, because he's badly-informed and a fundamentally undisciplined guy. He thinks he knows everything, when in fact he knows very little. Gaffe after gaffe, and in the process, he is doing harm to our side's advocacy of voter id laws."
Make no mistake; I am a fierce advocate for voter id laws. I could have written a speech for Trump in which nothing would have been said that was so stupid and wrong as his claiming that there was some need to show id to buy groceries. All that Trump would have had to do, is read that speech. And if Trump didn't want to read a speech in front of a crowd, he could just read the speech carefully beforehand so that he might know what he is talking about.
Trump keeps fucking these things up, and badly. When Trump claimed that millions of illegal votes were cast, that hurt our cause. He could have said something similar, that was correct, and not expose himself. But he didn't. Because he is reckless and stupid.
That is the story, Althouse. It isn't about some vague notion of class envy. It is about plain stupidity and ill-information. Basic competence in public debating.
"How weird to think of Pat Robertson as presidential material!"
Son of a senator. Yale law grad (near top of class, they say). Successful business man. Media mogul. Serious Christian. Weird!
At Meadehouse, it's impossible to imagine non-white (especially non-white dudes) who are still considered "working-class people." Over and over and over.
Trump is doing better with non-whites than Democrats are comfortable with. Something about the help wanted signs that are everywhere suddenly.
The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.
While President Trump’s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.. - Federalist
It’s just hard for you to comprehend that there are non whites who are leaving the Democrats.
Illegal immigration hurts American blacks more than anybody.
Without reading any comments first, my take aligns with Scott Adams. Trump says something ambiguously true: You DO need an ID to buy certain groceries. But his enemies seize on the ambiguity to point out ways it could be wrong, except they phrase it as if it is entirely wrong, just like the Tweet you screencapped.
This has the benefit (to Trump) of the Media-DNC complex (and LLRs here) erupting in hot takes that dispute the president, to the exclusion of everything else he said. Normal Americans, who are required to show ID for innumerable reasons, understand exactly the point Trump is making: We show ID for many things that are less important than voting, which is a precious thing to Americans. We take voting seriously. That the Democrats and their leaders in the Media continuously rage against "voter ID" as some plot to deprive people of voting makes less and less sense to normals. For one thing, the Democrats are extreme hypocrites because they require ID to get into any DNC function.
So is the DNC racist? Yes. Yes they are. Because they believe that black people are too dumb to get an ID vote, and yet just smart enough to get into the DNC. That's racist!
But back to Trump. He will get enormous mileage out of this because the common sense adult sees voter ID as something smart that will safeguard the Franchise. This issue exposes Dems as the dim ones who allowed their servers to be hacked, allowed the Russians to steal Hillary's emails, allowed the Russians to see Podesta's emails and now are soft on safeguarding the vote for legitimate citizens, who are the only LAWFUL voters in this country. Trump will win this one easily.
Because he was a televangelist, whereas Obama was a senator for 12 minutes having had his minions clear out any primary opposition.
Hey Chuck, who leaked the transcripts of the wiretaps on the Trump organization to the New York Times?
It would be interesting to see the voter ID debate explained in terms of misappropriation, and outright theft. When an illegal vote is cast, it nullifies an opposing legal vote. That legal voter has had his or her franchise stolen just as tangibly as when his or her tax dollars are used to provide benefits to illegal claimants. The only safeguard is ID. Why are legal voters forced to produce ID for far less significant transactions —where the ID protects the community, not them, against fraud— but are not asked for ID when its purpose is to protect THEIR property interest in a vote undiluted or cancelled by a fraudulent one?
You don't really appreciate how often you use your driver's license as an ID, until you have problems with it.
At one point in my life, I moved from AZ to CO. I turned in my AZ DL to CO, but they found my old CO DL and just reactivated it. Moved car insurance to CO at the same time. Short time later, I got a letter that AZ was suspending my license because I no longer had car insurance. Didn't think much of it, since I had a DL and insurance from CO. But then I took a job in NV, and ultimately tried to get a NV DL. Nope. No can do, since my AZ DL was suspended. Ok, I still had a CO DL. But then that one wore out, mostly from handling by TSA and the airlines. No problem - just replace it. Whoops. No can do. My AZ DL was still suspended, so couldn't replace my CO license that originally replaced that AZ DL. Cleaning that up required a flight to PHX (using my passport) (because you had to do something this serious in person) and waiting through a long long line at a special AZ DL office, in a remote part of town, and proving that I had CO car insurance 8 years earlier when my AZ DL had been suspended. They could then unsuspend the license, and then cancel it. But couldn't, of course, cancel it while it was still suspended. Never did figure out which state, AZ or CO, screwed it up - my guess that it was CO reactivating my old license instead of just turning in the AZ DL for a new CO DL. In any case, by the end, my old CO license was in multiple pieces, and I was having to dig out my passport several times a week, to replace it as a form of ID. It was this aggravation that resulted in that flight to AZ to clean up the mess.
As an aside, when I can't find my MT DL, I can sometimes get away with showing my MT CCW license. It is a state issued ID, with a photograph, that incorporates security features. Actually used my CO CCW license to get through TSA once this way - but I think that they probably treated it the same way that they do with school IDs or Sam's Club cards - 2nd tier photo IDs that are acceptable with other prof of identity.
Dig a bit deeper.
Who is carded for buying a 12-pack of cheap beer at the grocery store after a hard day's work?
Who is carded for buying their pack of cigarettes every morning along with their Seven-Eleven coffee or Mountain Dew?
The ones who are carded the most in our society are the ones who will most understand this message: showing ID is a common part of day-to-day American life.
Those who buy arugula and free-range biscotti without identification have a harder time making the connection.
"Some of us remember when George H.W. Bush lost his bid for reelection because he let us see that he was unfamiliar with a checkout scanner..."
If fact, what Bush was shown was an early model of a new type of scanner (one of the first "flying-spot" scanners, maybe) which very few people had seen at that time. His reaction was entirely natural and had nothing to do with being out of touch. The way the Press covered it, however, was - guess what - fake news and orchestrated to aid Clinton. Now at least we have someone who'll fight fire with fire. We tried gentlemen.
Hmm, illegal immigration is a huge wedge issue with blacks.
I’m sure it’s a coincidence Trump is bring it up again...
"Gaffe after gaffe, and in the process, he is doing harm to our side's advocacy of voter id laws."
Since, as Michael Kinsley told us years go, a gaffe is an inadvertent revelation of truth intended to remain hidden, I'll take this ignorant use of the term as a gaffe gaffe.
Prediction: Trump will give "our side's advocacy" a boost. For starters, by making most Americans, who never heard anything about "our side's advocacy," say: well, duh.
Assuming, of course, that people on "our side" don't switch sides, Boot & Kristol-like, because, once Trump supports their "side" they decide they actually prefer the other side.
Democrats are extreme hypocrites because they require ID to get into any DNC function.
How about the fact that they are hyperventilating about foreign interference in our elections when they oppose proof of citizenship for our voters.
I do laugh at the Trump is brilliant takes. Animal Farm.
Your statistic clearly indicates that DJT is not popular w/ non-white working folks.
Math is tricky.
a gaffe is an inadvertent revelation of truth intended to remain hidden, I’ll take this ignorant use of the term as a gaffe gaffe.
Exactly, the truth that Chuck wished to remain hidden was that he is clueless and out of touch.
I used to think that Trump was all loosey goosey with his words, that he had foot in mouth pretty bad.
But, then it seems (to me) that his foot in mouth always seems to be big enough that this enemies will jump on it bigly but so much smaller than the main point that hysterical reporting only manages to advance Trump's idea. Right now low information lefties all over the place are posting on Facebook about how *wrong* Trump is about needing ID for groceries because Trump is a bad man. And this causes all of the low information (and non-low information) voters on the right and in the middle to say:
"I have to show ID at Costco/Sams's when I buy groceries."
"He's not exactly wrong. I had to show ID yesterday when I bought groceries with my debit card/check/wine."
Trump has managed to make the Left think they are winning the argument that Trump is bad, while missing the fact that in doing so they then are losing the argument that Trump is wrong.
I have just about convinced myself that Trump is able to do this on purpose.
In my neighborhood in Brooklyn, you most certainly do need ID to buy groceries, if you want to pay with a credit card. Maybe Trump was speaking as a New Yorker who is in touch with the lives of poor and working-class black people.
He's making the point that some things, transactions, are so important that we require you to identify yourself to complete them. Voting is one such important thing. His 'mistake' of saying you need to show id to buy groceries exposes his attackers as pedants and small thinkers focused on minutia.
How weird to think of Pat Robertson as presidential material!
How is Pat Robertson any weirder than Hillary?
And Chuck swings by with an example of bad-faith hyper-literalism! Can I call ‘em or what?
I’m also giggling at the idea that Trump should trust Chuck’s speechifying over his own instincts. Not hard to compare the track records.
I think you should show your tax forms before you can buy groceries, I bet lots of folks would agree with that.
Math is tricky.
Yes, it is, and the interpretation of statistics is not easy for guys who approach it emotionally like you do. It also clearly indicates that Trump is making progress with non-whites. Mostly he got elected because they sat on their hands, not that worked up to vote against him. Trump is far more popular among non-whites than other Republicans. Lots of non whites care about the availability of jobs more than the availability of welfare, but as a bigot, you probably didn’t know that.
"Marked by self-indulgence, triviality, or decadence: an effete group of self-professed intellectuals."
That's one definition of effete. It certainly applies to Trump. Trump got erected in 2016 by pretending to be a populist. He's strictly pro-rich as is the GOP. May that "big lie" stick in his throat. Six million Jews perished in Europe based on big lies, so it's not a trivial matter.
Shopper loyalty cards are a form of ID (he didn't say driver's license). To help them know what you buy, to sell your life story to Procter & Gamble et al. You don't get the discounts without them.
Though there are workarounds, and you can always pay full price, so PANTS ON FIRE!?
John Hinderaker’s summing up of this kerfluffle:
“The problem with the Associated Press isn’t just that its reporters are stupid or ill-informed, although that often is the case. The real problem is that the AP’s reporting is so often in bad faith, deliberately pretending not to understand, as in this instance, President Trump’s reference, and doggedly refusing to engage with the point he was making: identification is required all the time, we all have identification or can easily get it, the only reason not to require it for voting is a desire to enable voter fraud. The Associated Press’s reporting is a giant exercise in trying to change the subject.”
But the press is not the enemy of the people. Of course not.
LLR Chuck: "Make no mistake; I am a fierce advocate for voter id laws."
LLR Chuck: "I could have written a speech for Trump...."
Filed under "Something no candidate anywhere, for any reason, has ever requested of LLR Chuck"
And there's a very good reason for that......
NOTE: Just last week I had to present an ID to use a credit card to purchase a movie ticket in New Mexico.
The responses to a generic Trump gaffe are too predictable on all sides. It's getting boring.
I demand to be entertained!
See look, with that incredibly weak attempt at deflection, even r/v proves it’s a weak attack.
None of the usual lefties seems to believe it’s a strong attack on Trump.
May that "big lie" stick in his throat.
Speaking of throat, Trumpie, did the last guy whose cock you sucked tell you were a good cocksucker, or a lousy cocksucker?
"“The problem with the Associated Press and LLR's like Chuck isn’t just that they are are stupid or ill-informed...."
Your statistic clearly indicates that DJT is not popular w/ non-white working folks.
Math is tricky.
It sure is. What percentage of the African-American vote can the Democrats afford to lose?
It's amazing, but that's what the liberal media does these days. Ignore the problem, concentrate on silliness, and try to act important.
Invading a country, subverting the voting system, and attempting to change the politics is a serious crime. So is the sedition of those helping with this effort. A less polite society would consider such things a capital offense.
He's strictly pro-rich as is the GOP. May that "big lie" stick in his throat. Six million Jews perished in Europe based on big lies, so it’s not a trivial matter.
Help wanted signs say otherwise... And we have a Godwin spotting. Proof that this is working to help Trump.
You don't need to interpret. Just need ta know when one number is larger than another number.
DJT is not popular with non-white working class people = fact.
Trump keeps fucking these things up, and badly. When Trump claimed that millions of illegal votes were cast, that hurt our cause. He could have said something similar, that was correct, and not expose himself. But he didn't. Because he is reckless and stupid.
Little man on the sidelines thinks he can do better than the quarterback. Trump has dome 1000% more to advance the cause of voter ID than you have ever done, and he does it with humor and by getting the stoopid DNC-Media to promote the ideas just like this here example even YOU responded to! Ha.
One man's fuck up is another man's WINNING!
"Blogger Cuck said...
I could have written a speech for Trump in which nothing would have been said that was so stupid and wrong as his claiming that there was some need to show id to buy groceries. All that Trump would have had to do, is read that speech."
Is that the one you wrote for President Romney?
Nonapod: "I demand to be entertained!"
Are you not entertained? (Ben Shapiro "interview" with Loopy Occasional-Cortex)
By the way, has anyone else noticed how often lately LLR Chuck's "competent" and "effective" Li'l Dickie Durbin is getting called out?
DJT is not popular with non-white working class people = fact.
What’s the factual outcome of Trump getting 20% of the African American vote in 2020?
Chuck said... "I could have written a speech for Trump in which nothing would have been said that was so stupid and wrong as his claiming that there was some need to show id to buy groceries. All that Trump would have had to do, is read that speech."
Chuck, I am sure you could have written a speech that would do exactly what you describe.
I posit that if you wrote that speech, to a first approximation, zero people would be talking about the need for Voter ID laws.
In short your method would "work" to make no gaffes but fail to advance the agenda.
adSs: "DJT is not popular with non-white working class people = fact."
Closes eyes and clicks heels together, "there's no place like home, there's no place like home, Trump will crash the economy, there's no place like home, there's no place like home, Trump will start a war with North Korea, there's no place like home, there's no place like home,......."
Some of us remember when George H.W. Bush lost his bid for reelection because he let us see that he was unfamiliar with a checkout scanner and thus that he didn't go grocery shopping like us plebes.
I read that was bad optics. It was a meme and it wasn’t ok off.
LLR Chuck: " When Trump claimed that millions of illegal votes were cast, that hurt our cause."
"...our cause..."
Too funny
It took off.
A lot.
Yesterday, there was a very lefty talk radio guy talking about FB’s statement/banning of “suspectedRussians”. He was adamant that FB needed to make sure that you can’t use the platform without proving who you are. He literally said “you should effectively have to show photo ID to use FB. Would have loved it if a caller asked his thought on voter ID laws. I’m sure his head would have exploded....
You can demand ID for all kinds of stuff, but to vote? OMG Noooooooo
India, one of the POOREST nations on Earth, has photographed Voter ID cards...because they know how incredibly EASY it is to do voter fraud otherwise.
IIRC, they also dye the finger on voting day and forbid the sale of alcohol (but they forbid the sale of alcohol if the wind blows the wrong way)
So SOMEHOW, America can afford Bernie Sanders 36 TRILLION dollar healthcare boondoggle...but they can't afford a photo ID for the 3% of the population who doesn't already have a photo ID by dint of driving, school, Welfare, or simply normal government ID.
I dare Lefties to defend the cost argument.
My name goes here: "In short your method would "work" to make no gaffes but fail to advance the agenda."
Methinks you have put your finger on the actual underlying purpose of just such a speech were it written by LLR Chuck.
I'm sure others have mentioned this, but 25 years ago -- probably the last time Trump paid for his own groceries -- you could not use a credit card to buy groceries. Most grocery stores and chains simply wouldn't accept them. You could pay cash, or you could write a check.
And guess what you needed in order to pay with a check?
In short your method would "work" to make no gaffes but fail to advance the agenda.
The GOP Establishment knows no other way.
Is it time to reintroduce the LLR Chuck Axiom? (something along the lines that if LLR Chuck is advancing a talking point or tactic, that talking point or tactic invariably, invariably will redound to the democrats short-term and/or long-term benefit.
But only every single time.
In California, a non-citizen can become registered to vote without any ID or even lifting a finger to register.
Isn't this the real issue, not groceries?
Critter: "In California, a non-citizen can become registered to vote without any ID or even lifting a finger to register. Isn't this the real issue, not groceries?"
LLR Chuck is "on a roll" and he's almost up to the point where the "Germans bombed Pearl Harbor".....
I'm sure others have mentioned this, but 25 years ago -- probably the last time Trump paid for his own groceries -- you could not use a credit card to buy groceries. Most grocery stores and chains simply wouldn't accept them. You could pay cash, or you could write a check.
I've been using my debit card to buy groceries for at least a decade now.....I bet Trump doesn't even own one. The big advantage of a debit card over checks or a credit card is the fact that you don't need to use an ID.
What Laslo and others said about the Deplorables and just about all the non-elites and confirmed Trumpophobes: we have to prove ourselves to be ourselves over and over. It is an imposition. To mock Trump for pointing it out is to mock all of us for submitting to this imposition. We must be deluded to think we have to produce ID! That is a gaslighting attempt and it fails utterly. We know damned well what Trump means, and we know his enemies know it as well, so we know they are trying to force us to choose between what they say and our own lying eyes. That is not going to go well for them.
I hazard the guess that minorities get carded disproportionately and are at least as tired of it as the general population. Being lectured by Progressive savants that they aren’t being carded (when they are) as part of an argument that nobody needs to be carded at the polls (when illegals are disproportionately affecting minorities’ employment prospects), looks to me like a big mistake.
" I could have written a speech for Trump "
Although your literacy skills are marginal at best, Cuck, I'm sure you COULD write something. However, pretending to be a lawyer and a republican on the internet doesn't make your scribblings valuable or something that the President would be interested in reading.
His instincts destroyed the Bush and Clinton dynasties, so forgive us if we are skeptical that he should dump all of them and read what some spergy incel retard who was completely wrong about the vote of the very state he claims to have lived in during the 2016 election wants him to do.
You know, the fact that Trump makes mistakes like this is not news, and isn't as interesting as the aftermath. What I really want to see more than anything is how the White House staff reacts. They probably know that they cannot give an inch if it would undermine Trump. They can't even humanize Trump as a person who made an error (and then explain how the error was understandable). Trump is the emperor. He is not a president. Presidents are people. Emperors are infallible.
I really can't wait to see the Press Secretary explain this one. I would so love to be in the room with them right now, figuring out how to dodge this one and explain what the President meant.
They can do it; they are the folks who came up with "wouldn't."
Seeing Red said...
Some of us remember when George H.W. Bush lost his bid for reelection because he let us see that he was unfamiliar with a checkout scanner and thus that he didn't go grocery shopping like us plebes."
He lost his bid for reelection because he raised taxes after saying he would not. And because of Ross Perot.
Imagine: Bush the elder had a 91% approval rating at the end of the first Gulf War and pissed it all away. That's the sort of GOPe competence that Chuck admires and wishes Trump would emulate.
LLR and Self-described Smear Merchant Chuck: "What I really want to see more than anything is how the White House staff reacts."
Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.
LLR Chuck: "I would so love to be in the room with them right now,..."
You are. In spirit. In the form of Jim Acosta.
So, again, you have that going for you. Which is nice!
LLR Chuck: "Trump is the emperor. He is not a president. Presidents are people. Emperors are infallible."
This is no time to bring up comparisons to your "magnificent" obama.
What an interesting adjective to use.....
It should be reassuring that people are voting without drinking.
"Speaking of throat, Trumpie, did the last guy whose cock you sucked tell you were a good cocksucker, or a lousy cocksucker?"
You need to have your mouth washed out with soap. You should be banned from this blog not for being a Trumptard troll, but because you abuse the First Amendment with your well-established vulgar insults. You also threaten people with violence from my past experiences with you. You live in the gutter. One problem with banning nasty people like you, is that trolls like you would reappear with a different moniker. I'd be in favor of an ID method to insure you never come back. Then, you can also be reported to the FBI for making terroristic threats, and hopefully be arrested for the felonies that you commit.
Trump's antagonists don't care about whether he actually is out of touch with the grocery shopping experience. They only care about getting him — whether they've got something here that might work.
Trump lies so frequently and about almost everything that this little inaccuracy is not worth commenting on. But it does show that he lies even when there is absolutely no need to. Ann thinks that this is a strategy, more likely he just has no concept of the difference between fact and fantasy.
A prime example of this disturbing trend (and the need of his fans to defend every ridiculous statement) is when he claimed that he heard from the parents of missing Korean War soldiers who wanted their childrens' remains repatriated. What complete bullshit. And he didn't even need to lie about it. Asking the Koreans to return remains is honorable and important. Why make up a lie about doing it at the request of parents?
Field Marshall Freder: "Trump lies so frequently and about almost everything that this little inaccuracy is not worth commenting on."
So we're done here.
Some of us remember when George H.W. Bush lost his bid for reelection because he let us see that he was unfamiliar with a checkout scanner and thus that he didn't go grocery shopping like us plebes."
I thought that was kind of a stretch. "Read my lips, no new taxes", sunk him more than a grocery check out.
"I do laugh at the Trump is brilliant takes. Animal Farm."
I'm sure you do laugh, Readering, much like a retard who farts in a bathtub.
So we're done here.
On this statement, yes.
FM Freder: "But it does show that he lies even when there is absolutely no need to."
Why didn't Hillary Clinton, named for Sir Edmund Hillary (wink wink), and who was a lifelong, Yankees fan, bring that up more in the campaign before she "tripped" "de-hydrated" and tossed in a van after "wiping a server clean, like with a cloth"?
You'd think that would be a target-rich environment for Honest Hillary.
""Read my lips, no new taxes", sunk him more than a grocery check out."
Or, "It's the economy, stupid."
Perfect. Now the leftists have to defend their indefensible position that it is ok to let illegals vote.
I was looking at maps of the states that don't require IDs and the states that voted for Clinton in the last presidential election. They aren't 100% the same, but there is enough overlap that, if I were a Democratic politician, I might be concerned about requiring IDs.
Blogger anti-de Sitter space said...
""Read my lips, no new taxes", sunk him more than a grocery check out."
Or, "It's the economy, stupid."
I agree with this but Perot was the real factor. I almost voted for Perot until he flipped out that summer.
Achilles: "Perfect. Now the leftists have to defend their indefensible position that it is ok to let illegals vote"
In particular, the lefts/dems beloved MS13 "spark of divinity" voters......
Quite frankly, I'm surprised there are so many lefties here and not out protesting against their newest "nazi's", the law enforcement officers of ICE.
You know, it's a real mystery why the left has lost so much of the working class vote that went for obama twice.
A. Real. Mystery.
"You'd think that would be a target-rich environment for Honest Hillary."
She is an expert re sniper fire.
The big advantage of a debit card over checks or a credit card is the fact that you don't need to use an ID.
Does your debit card have a magic PIN number ?
Good Grief ! Isn't there an IQ test for commenters or something?
""Read my lips, no new taxes", sunk him more than a grocery check out."
Or, "It's the economy, stupid."
Positive indicia for Trump 2020.
[Third edit attempt]
I've been using my debit card to buy groceries for at least a decade now.....I bet Trump doesn't even own one. The big advantage of a debit card over checks or a credit card is the fact that you don't need to use an ID.
Well, yes. Don't need one for a credit card either. But that's not my point. My point is that it was probably been at least 20-25 years (if not more) since Trump actually did his own grocery shopping, and back then, it was pretty much cash or a check.
I can still remember shopping at a Ralph's grocery store in San Diego in the mid-90s during a point when I was between paychecks, asking the check-out person if I could pay for my groceries with a credit card, and getting an honest-to-goodness look of scorn from the woman as she told me "No."
To be honest, I am not sure how the lawsuits to prevent IDs succeed. Wouldn't that be an eligible voter have to denied trying to vote who can't get an ID? Unless all three conditions are met, how can their be standing?
I have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, but I have to show ID (AND PASS A BACKGROUND CHECK!!!) to obtain one. Why is that right not unconstitutionally infringed if voter ID laws are unconstitutional? I mean, if the Voter ID is racist suppression, then so is ID to buy arms (and, truth be told, much more directly provable).
adSs: "She is an expert re sniper fire."
When she was told to "serpentine! serpentine!", she misunderstood that to mean the desired character traits for a candidate.
Trump lies so frequently and about almost everything that this little inaccuracy is not worth commenting on.
So, why are you commenting then ?
I thought we left you in pieces over on the healthcare post.
Chuck says that President Trump keeps fucking these things up an offers to help unfuck it.
What chuck is too dim to realize is that nobody would be talking about the speech he wrote.
Everybody is talking about president trump's speech.
A lot of them may be calling him a bozo on grocery stores. "but you know what" many are saying, "he has a good point on voter ID."
How many people would even know he was in Tampa much less talking about voter id without the supposed flub, lie, advertising, call it what you want.
I suspect he knows you don't usually have to show id for groceries and pu it in on purpose.
John Henry
What would Scott Adams say? - This doesn't even seem like a hard one. You need a photo ID for _all kinds of stuff_. "you need a photo ID to buy a box of Kleenex." Does a normal human being have a problem with that statement? Or would the normal human being say, Yeah, I get the idea; it maybe even makes it a little more memorable that you mentioned something extreme where you obviously don't need a photo ID.
It seems to me that Trump's enemies are not functioning as normal human beings.
Of course, some people's groceries include cigarettes.
readering said...
“I do laugh at the Trump is brilliant takes. Animal Farm.“
Trump is smarter than you.
Trump is smarter than Obama.
Trump is smarter than Hillary.
Trump is at least 50 IQ points above Chuck.
If you want to use a credit or debit card at any place where poor people shop you have to show an ID.
Dollar store? ID.
Thrift stores? ID.
I cannot say for sure about grocery stores in poor areas, but it would not surprise me if you have to show an ID.
Just to be uncharitable, say Trump was lying on purpose (even if it was just trolling ala Scott Adams) and not just being a bone head or simply misspeaking. What is the impact and benefit (to Trump) of that lie?
Compare with Obama's "If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan"?
Which lie mattered? Who was hurt by Obama's lie? Every tax payer, a lot of poor people, but elected Democrats the
The best news of all is that no one is really talking about this latest Trump comment since Trump policies, the left and their LLR allies have assured us, have already resulted in the death of every single American at least 7 times over by now.
I don't look at what he says anymore. At all. Especially I don't look at what reporters said he said. That's even more inaccurate and error prone.
I look at what Trump does. And I see nothing to be displeased about.
Just to be uncharitable, say Trump was lying on purpose (even if it was just trolling ala Scott Adams) and not just being a bone head or simply misspeaking. What is the impact and benefit (to Trump) of that lie?
Please explain the lie.
Some people have said you don't need an ID if you use a debit card. How do you get a debit card ?
You folks are trying too hard.
Something being missed from the Florida rally -
The details of the crowd, who those people are.
This is an evolving thing.
Its par for the course for MSM to seize on misspeakings, even innocently, to obsess about text vs the physical reality. They are text and speech people even when not active propagandists.
The crowds are not the same in their symbolism vs Trump crowds of 2016 or 2017.
This matters more than Trump, in that he is more a catalyst than agent.
One thing that struck me in independent coverage is the seeming ubiquity of "Q" signs. This has exploded recently.
That is significant I think. There are stories there.
Why does he think that? Melania told him she couldn't do the food shopping cause she's an illegal and has no ID.
How do you get a debit card ?
My bank sent me one in the mail without me having to ask for it.
@Micheal K.:
Look, I don't think he was lying, I was simply analyzing it as if it was a lie. And I all I get is "o_O" or "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" I have not one freaking idea what Trump would gain from it.
So the only attack is that Trump is a bonehead. And that would be the NICEST thing, by several orders of magnitude that the left has said about Trump. It'd be their attempt at 'Damning with with praise', I guess.
"Some people have said you don't need an ID if you use a debit card. How do you get a debit card?"
Some people are wrong. It depends on the store and the neighborhood. Trumps target audience is lower income people who deal with the indignity of a low trust environment all day long. This comment will not hurt with them.
Especially in Florida, when you use your credit card they ask for ID. ALL stores ask for ID if you use a check. I assumed this is what he was referring to. Any purchase can require you to show ID. I have to show it at the Dr. Office. to even get in and pay the CoPay.
It is interesting to see the upper middle class white people commenting on this blog about how you don't need to show an ID when you use a credit or debit card. Shopping as I often do in areas that are primarily Black and Hispanic, I see routine demands for ID with any kind of card. I was asked for an ID with a debit card at a thrift store within the last week. Stores take whatever steps they think they need to take to protect themselves. And in low income areas they are concerned that they will be scammed. Poor people get hassled in all kinds of ways, all the time, and they are treated with distrust at all times. It is expensive, inconvenient and degrading to have to function in the part of the economy that engages with poor people.
Actually used my CO CCW license to get through TSA once this way - but I think that they probably treated it the same way that they do with school IDs or Sam's Club cards - 2nd tier photo IDs that are acceptable with other prof of identity.
I haven't used my CCW permit as an ID because I know that some people are irrational on the subject of guns and I don't want to cause any anxiety, but I had to pass a federal background check for it (and my state reruns the checks on at least some permit holders annually) and all I had to do for my license was drive around a closed course several decades ago. Logically, a CCW permit should be a preferred form of ID.
Figures of speech aren't allowed to exist now? Do they not realize how much they're going to hate the new rules?
Also, I'm pretty sure I just found out which members of the media don't buy their own groceries. How else can they not know?
I buy a lot of groceries at Costco, where you have to show an i.d. to even get in the store to, you know, buy your groceries. I've had to show i.d. to use my credit card when buying groceries. I've had to show i.d. when there are items in my cart (sometimes seemingly random items like craft glue or something that comes in a spray can) that the store will only sell to people over a certain age.
Not to mention that you have to verify your identity in some way when you apply for SNAP benefits. So the people for whom it would allegedly be a hardship to identify themselves when voting already have to figure out how to do this if they want to use taxpayer money to buy groceries.
Up to a point, this can be fun. If you don't pay with cash, you probably have to verify your ID, including the info on a photo ID, at some stage: if you are paying by check; in applying for a bank account, or any plastic from a bank; in applying for a points card. As other commenters have said, some stores will ask for ID along with a piece of bank plastic. There is some reason to believe California puts people to far less trouble to vote than many retailers do before they will allow you to make a purchase.
I fart in a bathtub? Unmasked by QAnon?
Lexington Green said...
"Poor people get hassled in all kinds of ways, all the time, and they are treated with distrust at all times. It is expensive, inconvenient and degrading to have to function in the part of the economy that engages with poor people."
Ties in with my 9:36 comment:
"The ones who are carded the most in our society are the ones who will most understand this message..."
Those who aren't understanding that context are the 'George H Bush-with-the-scanner' ones -- they are being hyperbolic about a world they never see. Maybe they could ask a janitor in their building about it.
It is expensive, inconvenient and degrading to have to function in the part of the economy that engages with poor people.
Imagine trying to run a business there with the level of shoplifting that is considered normal.
Please explain the lie.
It is a lie of omission. He didn't say you need an ID to buy groceries with a credit or debit card or with a check, he said you need an ID to buy groceries.
You can rationalize it all you want and pretend he didn't say what he said, but his statement is incorrect on its face.
Better to stick with, "he misspoke", rather than spend all this effort trying to turn an incorrect statement into a true one.
"Imagine trying to run a business there with the level of shoplifting that is considered normal."
There is a reason for the stores to do what they do.
Still sucks to have to live in that environment all day, every day.
The last president this entertaining was RR. #TrumpFun2016-2021.
readering: "Unmasked by QAnon?"
Headline: Local dem and purveyor of Trump/Russia Collusion and debunked hoax golden dossier conspiracy takes time out to complain about conspiracy theorists in opposing Party
It is a lie of omission. He didn't say you need an ID to buy groceries with a credit or debit card or with a check, he said you need an ID to buy groceries.
I didn’t have sex with that woman. It depends what the meaning of “is” is. All truth is subjective. In your experience maybe, but you’re privileged.
My area was recently hit by counterfeiters and shoppers have to show ID for cash over $20. Most of the major retailers/grocery chains in CA have asked for ID for debit/credit card purchases over a given amount for years.
Has San Francisco (after announcing they intend to register resident illegals to vote in local school board elections) stated how they will prevent these non-citizens from voting in state and federal elections? I'm guessing that is a feature not a bug.
Trump's DHS is also enforcing The Real ID Act which has proof of citizenship/legal residency documentation requirements to obtain a compliant driver license that can be used to fly domestically, enter Federal facilities and nuke plants after October 1, 2020. The states also are required to share their DMV DL & ID card data bases.
I am sure each of us has multiple cards we must present to obtain services and or benefits that are linked to govt/state databases. The last privacy horse bolted the barn when Obamacare linked medical record keeping, so we may as well issue voter ID cards to insure the integrity of the voter rolls and that voters do not vote in multiple precincts.
Blogger Gahrie said...
How do you get a debit card ?
My bank sent me one in the mail without me having to ask for it.
How did they know where to send it ?
Come on. This is getting ridiculous.
Laslo: "Those who aren't understanding that context are the 'George H Bush-with-the-scanner' ones -- they are being hyperbolic about a world they never see. Maybe they could ask a janitor in their building about it."
It would be as easy for them to inquire of their illegal maids and lawn maintenance personnel.
I’m almost 60 and got carded in the grocery story for buying wine a few weeks ago. There’s a storefront casino I go to that cards everyone including my 81 yo mom.
You can rationalize it all you want and pretend he didn't say what he said, but his statement is incorrect on its face.
The Field Marshall will explain it all to the peasants.
Why don't you go back to explaining health care ?
Damn, Tim. Comment on recession but not register?
My COSTCO card has a photo on it. I have to show it just to walk in the store. It's literally a photo id.
I'm thinking not too many of these media types do their shopping at COSTCO. Or Sam's Club. Or BJ's Discounts.
Purveyor? Not here. No point.
Still sucks to have to live in that environment all day, every day.
Agreed. What about markets that won't let you take the shopping cart to your car ?
The crooks wreck life for all the honest people who live in those neighborhoods.
But you know what? My sister had a nice black family living next to her in Beverly.
Then the teenaged son was arrested one night for murder.
I didn't take Trump's statement literally or think he meant that every time you buy groceries you need a picture ID. But the fact is that if you use a credit card or a check the cashier can demand to see a picture ID. That rarely happens but it does happen. Actually the stores are supposed to do that, they just don't because it would take too long. They do check your ID if you use a credit card at the Salvation Army surprisingly.
Once again, on the surface it seems like Trump is wrong in the details, but actually he's right on a larger point. Chances are more stores will start asking to see a photo ID.
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