In a letter penned by executive board members of the university’s chapter of Turning Point USA—a pro-Trump non-profit organization for campus conservatives—the University of Iowa chapter said that following the discovery of rising sophomore Mollie Tibbetts’ body in a cornfield on Tuesday, the chapter’s president purportedly received a message from a Turning Point field director that “insisted” that Turning Point founder Charlie Kirk and communications director Candace Owens visit the University of Iowa to host an immigration-related event.ADDED: I have been declining to write about Candace Owens, but having at long last created a tag for her, I noticed "Candace Owens, con artist" at Spectator USA. Excerpt:
“We respectfully decline this invitation,” the board members wrote, adding that they found the idea of using Tibbetts’ death “to suit a political agenda” distasteful....
The board members later updated their statement, writing on Twitter that the offer to host the event came from “students not affiliated University of Iowa Turning Point USA.” Owens condemned the chapter online, accusing the chapter of lying about having been contacted by a field director and “exploitation” of Mollie Tippetts’ death. (She also misspelled Tibbetts’ name.)...
Candace launched Social Autopsy in 2016, after dropping out of college, a brief stint of working at Vogue magazine (yes, with those awful globalists!), a gig as an assistant at a private equity firm, and a failed founding of an editorial website which carried such high-minded and moral articles as ‘I Think Affairs Are Romantic’ and ‘I’m So Sorry Ladies, But We Can NEVER Stop Faking the Orgasm.’ The warring tribes of left and right both vehemently opposed Social Autopsy at the start.Because I think the fake orgasm could be a good analogy to fake news, I read the "I'm So Sorry Ladies" piece. Excerpt:
You could lay there politely...Lie there politely...
.... and allow him to continue, perhaps secretly hoping that he’s the marathon-type—saving his best tricks for the final laps. And if he’s not then you can suppose he’ll grow tired eventually. Eventually—while you mentally go through your grocery list (I think I have another bag of pine nuts in the cabinet somewhere) and he continues to do his absolute best to get you there. You can bet he’ll be using the same fool-proof moves that drove the last girl to a fake orgasm.Come on, it's a great analogy! Fake orgasm... fake news...
Yep that’s the your final alternative, and quite frankly, it’s just sad. Sad for you, sad for him, sad for the pine nuts even, which would really rather not be thought up into this pathetic situation at all.
AND: Nick Gillespie in the NYT: "Republicans Are Exploiting the Murder of Mollie Tibbetts/Immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans. But the party doesn’t want to talk about that."
The killing of Ms. Tibbetts, who went missing on July 18 but whose body was found only this week, is an unspeakable tragedy. Her killer should be prosecuted and punished to the fullest extent of the law. Yet many conservatives who have long assailed the government as incompetent at best are now so blinded by xenophobic rage over her murder that they’ve turned into the thing they claim to despise: vociferous boosters of big government....
Mollie Tibbetts’s murder is profoundly disturbing. But it is a very rare event in a country where the violent crime and homicide rates are near 40-year lows. It does her memory and the country no good to greatly increase the power of the state as if there are no costs to such plans.
১৮০টি মন্তব্য:
It's early. I was up late. I'm tired. Maybe that's why this is not making any sense to me right now. Or, maybe it's gotten so out of hand with everyone on all sides it just makes my mind go numb.
I'm not a fan of Candace Owens.
Gee, another conservative own-goal. Yes, by all means, let's not learn any lessons (unless, of course, the lessons are useful to the left).
following the discovery of rising sophomore Mollie Tibbetts’ body in a cornfield
Iowa is the corn state.
Virtue signalling is the thing. Nobody does ideas.
to host an immigration-related event
to host an event about illegal immigration
embrace of anti-immigrant rhetoric
embrace rhetoric against illegal immigration
crimes committed by undocumented immigrants
crimes committed by illegal aliens
Fools. You are only allowed to use a death for political purposes when said death is caused by a gun. Common sense.
That article is confusing.
Top story on Yahoo! this morning-
Top GOP fundraiser owns the land where Mollie Tibbetts was killed
We can't be more than 48 hours away from Trump killed Mollie.
It's not just you. This story is unclear and confusing. I suspect that's a result of the writer and editor working to make it serve a narrative.
The story by the local campus is odd. They were "invited to host an event"? They declined an invitation and got mad at two people, who didn't send the invite. I'm not saying the event would be a classy or smart thing to do; but I'm skeptical that actions occurred as reported.
Tank said...
"That article is confusing."
It certainly is.
I too found the article to be confusing.
The fabrication of martyrs is a grotesque aspect of politics. Every faction does it.
That said, Mexico is pretty fucked up. Has anybody noticed? Over 100,000 executions over the past few years, carried out either by the government or the cartels. And it's hard to tell where the government begins and the cartels end.
Mass murder, executions of village leaders, terrorist retaliation against snitches, mass rape... it's all epidemic in Mexico. Acapulco is off limits to tourists. I wouldn't advise traveling to Cancun.
I refuse to succumb to the "don't embrace stereotypes" bullshit. Mexico is suffering through a nightmare of violence. And, it is exporting that violence to the U.S. President Trump told the truth about Mexico dumping its criminal class on the U.S.
Mexicans know this. Watch El Infierno, a great black comedy by one of my favorite directors, Luis Estrada.
The parents don't want their daughter's death turned into a political event. I believe their wishes should be honored.
Here is the article's second-to-last paragraph:
The board members later updated their statement, writing on Twitter that the offer to host the event came from “students not affiliated University of Iowa Turning Point USA.” Owens condemned the chapter online, accusing the chapter of lying about having been contacted by a field director and “exploitation” of Mollie Tippetts’ death. ...
This situation -- whatever it is -- should have been explained at the article's beginning -- not at its end.
Nowhere at all in the article is there any explanation of the offer to host the event came from students not affiliated ...
Speaking of murder, I got a Planned Parenthood banner ad on your blog today, asking for donations to "Save Roe."
Everything Owens touches will turn to absolute shit. You watch.
I don't fake orgasm and fake news.
Meg Ryan fake orgasm is always entertaining.
I'm with the people who don't understand what happened.
Months of politicizing Obama's fake son Trayvon Martin - great journolism. Guess Tibbetts wasn't killed by a "white" hispanic.
If you don't like the guy, don't sleep with him.
Orgasm isn't the point. You don't need him for that. There's even power tools now.
“I’ve faked it a lot, more times than I’m comfortable admitting. And by “more times than I’m comfortable admitting”, I mean 6,214 1/2 times. In fact.”
Has she met Wilt Chamberlain?
"The parents don't want their daughter's death turned into a political event. I believe their wishes should be honored."
That may be true, but there's no mention of the parents or their wishes in the article.
All we know is, there was some confusion over whether Turning Point was planning to hold an event or not. The confusion was apparently created by persons not a part of the Turning Point chapter, we don't know who, how or why.
The headline and sub-headline invite us to assume that Turning Point is despicably politicizing a murder, even though the local member's initial reaction was to wholly reject such politicization, to the point of resigning. We can't tell from the article whether Kirk and Owens planned or approved of an event or not.
As far as I can tell after reading the article, the "family of Mollie Tibbetts" not wanting her death to be a political event, consists of one second cousin. I have no idea what Mollie's immediate family think.
Me and you, Bob Boyd.
Dear Mrs., Mr., Miss, or Mr. and Mrs. Daneeka: Words cannot express the deep personal grief I experienced when your husband, son, father, or brother was killed, wounded, or reported missing in action.
- Catch 22
Wilt died in 1999. I didn’t know.
Why was Althouse declining to write about Owens?
Unreported fake news: Have you no recency?
Women who sleep with Donald Trump NEVER fake an orgasms. They have the most beautiful orgasms.
I am telling ya, it doesn't matter the subject Presidential politics Fake Orgasms Modern Art - its the song of the times:
When there's no one left to leave you
Even you don't quite believe you
That's when nothing can deceive you
And some sad old man, he's moaning
And there's no pine nuts you're owing
And it's time you should be coming
While you see a chance, take it
Find romance, fake it
Because it's all on you
The writer of the article is clearly not the kind of guy to just lay there like a dead elk when events unzip their pants.
If we don't want to acknowledge Mollie Tibbetts' death, we can remember the other 1000 killed by illegals in recent years. What ever happened to the Left screaming 'If only one child is saved, it is worth it." I guess they were lying-- as always.
Candace Owens escaped from the plantation! Turn the dogs loose! A conservative single black woman! That's two strikes against her! She was part of Gamergate! Thinks #MeToo is silly! Run her down until she pleads for mercy and vows to only vote for Democrats!
I'm guessing CNN is not planning a townhall there.
This article advances the idiocracy, softening us up for more, making everyone who reads it a little more confused and a little dumber.
Some media help, and some media, hurt the cause of the collective hive mind. This one hurts.
Re Nick Gillespie's article:
What power of the state is Gillespie afraid conservatives are trying to create? The power to....enforce borders? Check legitimacy of social security numbers or other identification? Those seem to me very basic powers of the state.
While you see a chance, take it
When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
It's a cliche but when you are taking flak, you are right on target.
The left is in panic mode when the discussion turns to crime by illegals.
They know that is the big election loser for them. They don't care about blacks or illegals. They care about getting elected !
Why was the Molly Tibits disappearance such a huge story?
1. She looks good
2. College student - reporters relate.
3. College is seen as a beautiful, fun, safe time of life. A four to six year summer camp.
4. Iowa is seen as safe
5. She went jogging - many reporters can again relate. Exercise is part of the elite ethos.
The left is trying to play the “have you no sense of decency” card.
Against the usual GOP type that works.
Against Trump, it works as well as it would with a Democrat.
All this hypocrisy on what murders is covered by the msm just hurts their credibility.
And Trump is happy to point out the emperor is wearing no clothes...
But often, when illegals commit crimes, they don't face the law like native born.
Illegals commit crimes, many, get deported, re-enter, and commit more crimes.
But don't say anything, because illegal = special status.
The collective left exploit illegals on a daily basis. Vote harvesting.
So fake news on Gillespie side, push polling and category error.
What about the MS 13 guy who murdered 3 people?
And all too often left out of all of this--aside from the social pathos of an unneeded early death of ones fellow countryman--are the financial costs to the American taxpayer which illegal aliens bring in their train: Costs to the police, court and prison systems; schools, health, housing and welfare, etc., all combining for a total of $BILLIONS/yr nationwide. Costs which an already financially squeezed middle class (THE ONLY ONES whose whose tax dollars are mainly used) are hard pressed to pay..
So the basiliak is just trying to provoke more assaults against Kirk and owens.
"Immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans."
Immigrants are far fewer people than native-born Americans, so I should hope so.
You gotta watch Gillespie, he and his fellow Reasoners are not very honest about immigration; I wouldn't put it past them to use absolute numbers, letting the reader think that they meant a rate. The article doesn't clarify.
Also, lumping "immigrants" together is misleading - which is why they do it - because the various groups are so different from each other.
"We argue that prior studies showing a shrinking Black share of violent crime might be in error because of reliance on White and Black national crime statistics that are confounded with Hispanic offenders, whose numbers have been increasing rapidly and whose violence rates are higher than that of Whites but lower than that of Blacks."
The "Hispanic" incarceration rate is about twice that of "non-Hispanic" whites.
Our wonderful crooked FBI has some tables
which, for my current Firefox, are unreadable. Because mysterious reasons.
You can bet he’ll be using the same fool-proof moves that drove the last girl to a fake orgasm.
I don't suppose it ever crosses most women's minds to communicate what they like? If the guy is thoughtful about your pleasure shouldn't you be helping him?
I wonder if the crimes illegal immigrants commit against other illegal immigrants get reported and counted in crime statistics. It just seems to me improbable that 1 out of 5 college women get raped, but not illegal immigrant women. Do women who are here illegally dare to call the police and say they had sex with a guy the night before but didn't give affirmative consent? Do we know of any migrant farm worker women who carry a mattress around the field with them because the farm won't expel their rapist?
@Fernandistein, I've read the real numbers, and I'll post a link if I can remember where. Basically, legal immigrants commit fewer crimes per thousand people than native-born Americans, and the margin is not small. Illegal immigrants commit crimes at a higher rate than native-Americans, and I believe that the numbers exclude the laws they broke when they entered the US illegally.
If Thomas Edison or Nikolas Tesla we’re alive today, both would be labeled “con men” for trying and failing at a whole host of ventures.
Seriously! When the fuck did Americans turn into such a bunch of cowardly pansies that a few failures by a 20-something mean that person should be labeled anything? That’s the sort of cultural bull shit that leads people never to try.
Candace Owens might be any number of things. But why would a few failed ventures define her as those things?
And I take no strong opinion of Owens, the person. I do take a strong opinion against the criticisms of her, to date.
I got an AP news alert yesterday that the fact the guy was employed at a farm owned by a Republican donor is going to keep the Republicans from using this story for anti-illegal immigration purposes. But that seems to misunderstand the situation.
Republican donors *want* illegal immigration often, because it financially benefits them. Same with many Democrat donors. It's more the regular working Joe who isn't a fan of illegal immigration. It's why nothing gets done, and why the gang of 8 started and then got nowhere. It's even why GWB got into trouble with many GOP voters-- he wanted to be easier on illegal immigration.
Mollie Tibbetts’s murder is profoundly disturbing.
Why do I feel a "but" coming?
But it is a very rare event in a country where the violent crime and homicide rates are near 40-year lows.
This is the most specious sort of argument. I read this sentence as "it is a rare event so suck it up, buttercup." He has two children. If one of them were murdered would he still believe in "suck it up, buttercup"?
It does her memory and the country no good to greatly increase the power of the state as if there are no costs to such plans.
The state already has the power to secure it's own borders. We the people (heard that phrase before, Professor?) are demanding that the government stop its wink-wink nudge-nudge on border security and do what they've been promising. Mollie Tibbett's death was not only sad and not only profoundly disturbing, it was preventable had the government only enforced its own laws.
“But it is a very rare event in a country where the violent crime and homicide rates are near 40-year lows.”
Tell her parents that their daughter’s death is a rare event. And what was that BS stat Barack cited about people dying in bathtubs?
That NYT asshole apparently doesn’t know about proximate cause. But for our lax immigration laws Mollie would be alive today.
Fuck these elitist assholes.
The Democratic-media complex has been engaging in demagoguery for decades. THey have run ads accusing Republicans of killing old people, starving children and putting immigrants in box cars. Obama told false stories of illegal immigrants taking their children for ice cream only to get busted up by cops. Unlike the GOPe, Trump fights back. So does Owens. It is distasteful but necessary. The Democrat-media complex has no idea what to do when someone throws the bullshit flag so they make it personal.
Leaving the main issue of the post aside and focusing on a peripheral item (as is my wont)
Re: Faking orgasm.
Yep that’s the your final alternative, and quite frankly, it’s just sad. Sad for you, sad for him, sad for the pine nuts even,
No. It isn't the final alternative. You could try...ya know.....ummm....actually talking to the person who is screwing you. In a nice and subtle way, suggest to him/her/they (even if you are with a transsexual) what things are working for you and what aren't.
Let's assume you're a woman and he is a guy. He isn't a freaking mind reader. TELL him what works. is a novel idea. Ask HIM what HE likes. I bet you are doing all sorts of things that he would rather you not do.
Communication people. We have language for these types of things.
They must mean like an advertisement showing mr Byrd dragged behind a car. Republicans who wilt in the face of the all out war the democrat media party is bringing are useful idiots.
I think the lone-wolf jogger running down the public highway half-naked is a mental disorder, and dangerous because of people with higher levels of disorder.
If the woman isn't managing the sexual encounter, it's her own fault. Most college aged men are just in it for their own pleasure. Honey Badgers don't give a shit.
I guess you didn't see Candace's reply to TPUSA Iowa. They lie. Candace and Kirk were never asked or invited to do anything. There was never any rally. Charlie Kirk was scheduled to speak long before the disappearance of Tibbets, Candace Owens was not involved in any way. This was Fake News, virtue signalling, and the racist lynch mob mentality of the democrat party on full display.
What a terrible 3rd (or is it 4th?) wave feminist you make! Imagine the nerve of a person telling a woman to take charge of her own sexual experience(s)! Talking with somebody whose parts are exposed? How gauche!
Maybe “hit it and quit it” isn’t the best strategy for most people.
‘Headin’ down the road
Tyin’ a goose to my toad
Such a fine sight to see
There’s a girl, my Lord, and Henry Ford
Slowin’ down to take a look at me.’
-The Beagles
For those of us who read this post before the addition about fake orgasms, it was weird to come back to this comments thread and find many comments about fake orgasms.
MayBee: Re Nick Gillespie's article:
What power of the state is Gillespie afraid conservatives are trying to create? The power to....enforce borders? Check legitimacy of social security numbers or other identification? Those seem to me very basic powers of the state.
Gillespie (or rather, Gillespie's patrons) are afraid of the power of citizens to (lawfully, constitutionally, as intended) use the state to protect their own welfare, liberty, and interests.
Gillespie is a typical glibertarian shill - your liberties and welfare are in no danger from anything but "the state", "conservative" just means "whatever econo-sperg cartoon ideology Conservatism, Inc. think-tankers are pushing", and accessing and using the power of the state should be restricted to those who have been successful enough in "the 'free' market" to buy politicians.
IOW, another tedious controlled-opposition twat trotted out to finger-wag at citizens with a regrettable tendency to believe their own lyin' eyes over carefully selected and adjusted tractor-production stats, who mistakenly believe they ought to have some say in how their country is run.
But it's funny watching the NYT doing this via a story they'd be better off ignoring.
I can not recall the last time when myself or anyone else I know called the cops that a damn thing was done about it. Mainly because it is too much trouble for the da and the courts. Unless they are prosecuting for political reasons, then they have lots of focus.
Not sure anyone is demanding more government, but rather at least the amount they’ve paid for.
David Begley said...
That NYT asshole apparently doesn’t know about proximate cause. But for our lax immigration laws Mollie would be alive today.
His actually presence here illegally is a “but for” (sine qua non) causation, the essential standard of causation that requires even less proof.
Proximate causation in the criminal case would be whether the suspect inflicted the stab wounds that killed her.
Civil liability for negligence would require an act or omission by a third party that proximately caused the death to occur, if you could avoid government immunity where applicable.
Vicarious liability on the part of the alleged killer’s employer would require it to happen within the scope of his employment.
I recall a hypothetical from law school. In the hypo we were the defense lawyer. The body was missing. Our client tells us where the dead body is located. What do you do?
I think the best answer was to bargain with the county attorney, In exchange for the info, no death penalty and this info is not admissible at trial.
And I hope everyone who reads the NYT understands that unless that body was discovered, it would have remained in that cornfield until October or November.
MayBee: Republican donors *want* illegal immigration often, because it financially benefits them. Same with many Democrat donors. It's more the regular working Joe who isn't a fan of illegal immigration. It's why nothing gets done, and why the gang of 8 started and then got nowhere. It's even why GWB got into trouble with many GOP voters-- he wanted to be easier on illegal immigration.
It's remarkable that there are people out there who still don't get this. The GOPe wants to keep up the mass inflow of illegal immigrants every bit as badly as the Dems do.
I got a companion idea for the ladies:
Don't TELL him, don't ASK him... take ACTION. SHOW HIM what you like. Tie his hands if needed, and just take your pleasures on his limp body.
Yes. This is also a workable solution. Actions do speak louder than words :-)
The Spectator, 22 Old Queen Street, London, SW1H 9HP
“It's remarkable that there are people out there who still don't get this. The GOPe wants to keep up the mass inflow of illegal immigrants every bit as badly as the Dems do.”
I’ve been making that point for years now, even before such a thing as the “GOPe” had name recognition. I wonder if Althouse is smart enough to get it.
But for our slack immigration laws and enforcement, Mollie would have been at her brother’s football game last night. He threw for two touchdowns and ran for another.
That fake O thing goes both ways. Two can play at that game.
And yes I suppose the woman could communicate more. Or maybe if guy isn't doing it for her, she might reconsider this idea that having sex is the obligatory middle of the universe, especially if you barely know the guy and don't already know if "he’s the marathon-type" or not. If you actually know the other person or even, you know, love him!, then things have a way of working themselves out.
The concept of the gross total cost of criminal activity has got to be staggering, like real I.Q. evaluation, academia "Can't stand the truth". Cook county board 3 years ago estimated the average cost of treating per gunshot at the hospital to be $52,000/per. this does not take into account costs of rehab either. How much does it cost to arrest, incarcerate, prosecute and jail? You can see why most municipalities want to forego the expense. Catch and release is anybody's guess. Illegal aliens and their criminal populations are a needless expense.
and he continues to do his absolute best to get you there.
Agency, ladies, agency! Fuck back! Move your hips! Milk him? Did you even know there are things that YOU can do to make sex better?
Maybe you're not doing your part to give HIM a good orgasm, let alone yourself.
And in response to #1 Temujin, I agree the writing here is not clear. I'll have to go over it again a few times after some more coffee. At this point I'm not even sure whether to blame Althouse or her source. Of course the safe bet is that Althouse does not want to be blamed.
Trayvon Martin was a single death and the outrage was built on a lie. But used for political advantage.
Michael Brown was a single death and the outrage was built on a lie. But used for political advantage.
Lots of other examples.
But the political advantage was for the left, so it's all good, right?
Ah yes, the tired trope of "Immigrants commit less crime". There's a word missing... Illegal immigrants by definition have committed a crime and tend to commit more of them. People wanting a wall are not against immigration; they just want immigration to occur per the laws of this country and for that matter the laws of our neighboring countries. But the NYT doesn't want to talk about those stories, nor acknowledge the murders committed by these immigrants that entered the country illegally. Such stories detract from their efforts to describe being a victim of blackmail as a criminal.
You can see why most municipalities want to forego the expense. Catch and release is anybody's guess. Illegal aliens and their criminal populations are a needless expense.
When I ran a trauma center, we could not get the county to tell us what to do with criminals being treated.
Once they were well enough to travel, they would skip. The county did not want us to tell them when to arrest the bad guys because they would be responsible for the hospital bill.
David Begley said......rude and not nice
[S]he's addicted to Althouse Blog. H[is][er] whole life revolves around Althouse. [S]he is a groupie and wants everyone to feel h[is][er] pain from being ignored.
The notion that Althouse married Meade so he could take care of her lawn is totally fucked.
How’s that for honesty?
rhhardin said...
following the discovery of rising sophomore Mollie Tibbetts’ body in a cornfield
Iowa is the corn state.
Another trenchant remark from rhhardin. Who knew, before he spoke, that Iowa was [the place] where the tall corn grows? Thanks for sharing!
8/25/18, 7:09 AM
rhhardin said...
Virtue signalling is the thing. Nobody does ideas.
8/25/18, 7:13 AM
Ideas like "Iowa is the corn state?"
Virtue signaling like "Nobody does ideas?"
Blogger BamaBadgOR said...
The parents don't want their daughter's death... I believe their wishes should be honored.
FIFY. You're so right!
I will ask again: how does this affect Iowa politics for 2018 and 2020 caucusing.
Ethanol subsidy that Trump initially wanted to end, but was talked out of.
Mollie's death, beyond being a preventable homicide, wherein the innocent was run down, abducted, gouged to death, (read tortuous death), and discarded. She was loved and cherished by a population that doesn't do that shit. Left for the carrion eaters. "What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground? How can you run when you know?"
Very few women jogging around naked are killed by illegal immigrants. Most are killed by drunk or texting drivers.
The Corn is innocent.
One should probably honor the wishes of the victim's family here, but I will point out that these calls going out for not politicizing this are self-serving. It is an effective method of outlining the problems of illegal immigration, even if I grant that it is unfair. It is concern trolling.
"Mexico is suffering through a nightmare of violence. And, it is exporting that violence to the U.S.".
You can say it, but do the statistics show it?
The MSM doesn't want to talk about ANYTHING that makes illegal immigrants or illegal immigration look bad.
Here's how it works with the MSM:
American kills Illegal Immigrant - News. Demand to know what the Government is doing to stop these Nativist Bigots from killing innocent "Migrants".
Illegal Kills American - Not News. Talking about it, is "exploiting the issue". Who cares if the Government isn't protecting the border.
"People wanting a wall are not against immigration...."
Sure they are. They're just smart enough to pretend otherwise. The reality is that rates of illegal immigrants crossing our southwestern borders have been declining for some years. To say or believe there is now a new and unprecedented flood of people coming over the borders betrays ignorance or dishonesty.
Stopping crime by illegals is easy. Stop illegal immigration. Its the first job of Government. Protecting us from foreign invasion.
Of course, most liberals don't mind being crime victims. They consider it "taking one for the team".
There's some leftwing goofball who got shot by black youths, but that only confirmed him in his "hate white" viewpoint and dislike punishing criminals.
That's the liberal/left for you.
Just don’t get in the way of a gun control activist and a camara on the next school shooting.
My solution here... given what has come up in Kavanaugh's records and his wanting to investigate/immunize the presidency,
Sorry, what?
Another example is Matt Yglesis. He's the ultimate white nerd - but he loves his "black brothers" and constantly calls other white people racists.
He got attacked by some 14 y/o black kids, but immediately wrote a column, publicly forgiving them for it. Of course, maybe it was some Gay Street Sex gone bad.
“To say or believe there is now a new and unprecedented flood of people coming over the borders betrays ignorance or dishonesty.”
That’s disingenous at best, Cook. It’s just changed. The influx of young males seeking construction jobs — the sort who used to congregate at Home Depot’s — has visibly waned (out here). But we now have the phenomenon of kids (alone or with guardians) trying to beat the clock. Those numbers drastically increased under Obama and that sort of migration was encoraged.
"Nick Gillespie in the NYT: "Republicans Are Exploiting the Murder of Mollie Tibbetts/Immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans. But the party doesn’t want to talk about that."
WTF? The immigrant crime rate is a willfully stupid canard. The issue is illegal immigrants. Any rate of illegal-immigrant crime above zero is an outrage. But libertarians don't want to talk about that. They'd rather smear opponents.
"The killing of Ms. Tibbetts, who went missing on July 18 but whose body was found only this week, is an unspeakable tragedy"
So, pray tell, Gillespie, and Althouse, and the rest, how are we allowed to speak about an unspeakable tragedy without being accused of demagoguery?
How many murders do illegal immigrants have to commit before we are allowed to get just teensy-weensy bit tougher on illegal aliens?
As Shouting Thomas above, martyrs are political gold.
The bloody shirt is the best banner of all.
Currently the Oakland case of the black girl knifed on BART by an insane white man is being used politically by local and national politicians without any hint of shame.
That case has no connection to a political issue like illegal immigration, it is simply tribal. The Iowa case of course is mostly tribal as well. But tribalism is held to be a bad thing for one side but not the other.
Part of the reason the US is in this state is that because of decades of media bias one side has been excused from any rules of political propriety, which as we see are still being enforced against the other. It is a contest where the rules are openly rigged. This has had its effect, in that all institutions are now distrusted beyond recovery.
Public schools out here are literally emptying out of native born children. Why wouldn’t a public school teacher campaign for more underage immigration? It’s job security!
So, the NYT suggests exporting our problems to... say, Mexico? And vice versa?
Or perhaps the NYT advocates for the progressive liberals' wicked solution?
Anyway, the anti-nativists, the diversitists, the globalists, the social justice-mongers need to take a breath and reflect on their Choices. People are not anti-immigrant, they are pro-native, here, there, everywhere, from the youngest (i.e. conception) to the oldest).
The fact that there are elective abortionists in each jurisdiction does not suggest that we should play the numbers and invariably add to the elective abortionist pool. Mexico et al have their deviants, and so do we. Perhaps we should create a penal colony and aggregate elective abortionists and other deviants in one place to facilitate managing their Choices, impulses, and victims.
Immigration reform should not replace emigration reform; it should not be exploited for labor arbitrage; it should not be exploited to gerrymander the vote, especially to normalized diversity (e.g. racism a.k.a. "identity politics"); it should not be used as a cover-up of collateral damage from abortion fields opened in social justice adventures; and it should not be used to compensate and obfuscate the massive loss of wholly innocent life normalized by the Pro-Choice religion.
They need to quit referring to illegal aliens as "immigrants". It's a con job.
Indeed. You are not an immigrant if you entered illegally. You are an illegal alien.
I can believe that illegal immigrants commit less crimes than black gangs in Chicago. I can even believe that they commit less crimes than KKK members. I do not believe that they commit less crimes than native born whites. And no, I don't believe native born whites are some exemplary breed. I'm pretty sure the crime rate among Chinese and Japanese immigrants is fraction of that of native born whites.
How is it that one asshole uses a gun and we need to 'control' all guns
But one illegal immigrant commits one murder and we don't need to 'control' illegal immigration?
I have some useful advice for the news media. I know stories about missing or murdered coeds are almost irrestible, but the news people should control their impulses and not report on it until all the circumstances about the death or disappearance become clear. I know that in this case they thought the death would have something to do with an ex-boyfriend or, at any event, someone white because it happened in Iowa. But sadly, this turned out not to be the case. This turned out to be the one in a million case where a white person was done in by a minority member........Perhaps now they can turn the story into how bigoted white people are for making such a big deal out of this rare occurrence, but the fact remains that they were the ones who made this a big story.
Cook: Sure they are. They're just smart enough to pretend otherwise. The reality is that rates of illegal immigrants crossing our southwestern borders have been declining for some years. To say or believe there is now a new and unprecedented flood of people coming over the borders betrays ignorance or dishonesty.
This is a fine example of what I meant by carefully selected and adjusted tractor-production stats. First, pretend that what people are concerned about is "a new and unprecedented flood of people coming over the border *right now*", or within a selected time frame that will give you the answer you want. Ignore the context and the real issue, which is the negative externalities of the imprudently controlled mass immigration of the last 30-40 years. (The first big jump being NAFTA related in North America, but the problem is global and ongoing.)
That there are periods within that span of time where illegal immigration may have declined is neither here nor there. Even in extended periods of de-stabilizing mass immigration, there will be ebbs and flows. Dismissing concerns about the issue because "hey, the flow has been declining for some years" is actually conceding that it *is* a legitimate concern when numbers are large or rising - which they most certainly can and will do, when the conditions prevailing within that carefully selected time frame change. (E.g., when the inevitable idiots predictably succeed in legislating another invariably migration-accelerating "solution" of amnesty.)
The millions of illegal immigrants now here have obviously already introduced destabilizing elements (not the least being increasing corruption and corrosion of rule of law). That clueless self-righteous shills for globalist, corporate interests like you (that's the only funny part of this, but damn, it's funny) prefer to blame any and all negative externalities on those dreadful nativist bigots, doesn't make those problems go away.
Ignorance or dishonesty.
Keep up the othering and demonizing of people who disagree with you, your holiness. That always ends well.
Things you'll never hear from:
"Nick Gillespie in the NYT:" Democrats Are Exploiting the Murder of black youth shot by police*/cops shoot smaller numbers of blacks than they shoot whites (or way, WAY smaller numbers than blacks kill blacks) But the party doesn’t want to talk about that.
* Sometimes later found not to be the sweet faced, innocent youth found in the photos from years ago.
Of course. Whenever the facts hurt the leftist narrative, the media quickly pivot to stories about how conservatives are exploiting the facts that don't support the leftist narrative.
Some of the stories TCE links are bogus.
No grown man utinated in a child.
Children made up the story.
TCE might be gullible.
Rage does that.
“Rather than talking about putting up a fence,” Mr. Reagan suggested, “open the borders both ways.”
- Nick Gillespie, dishonestly, in the NY Times.
Work permits do not equal open borders as desired by the Libertarian Party and Reagan did not endorse such a policy.
What he actually said.
Also, anyone remember when Bush the elder was considered the smooth talker in the family.
If that link isn't working you can find the video here.
The reason I hadn’t written about Candace Owen is that I hadn’t seen anything about her that interested me.
I didn’t look closely enough to confirm my hypothesis that right wing guys were fawning over her because of their pathetic hope of getting support from black women.
@Fernandistein: how dare you tell the truth about crime statistics.
You are harshing the parasitic kumbaya vibe pimping the bodies of the murdered.
Right. The idea that you are not allowed any outrage if the stats don't work out, is pretty morally backwards.
If someone crossed the border illegally and killed YOUR family member - I'm pretty sure statistics would not comfort you at the funeral.
Althouse: "...pathetic hope..."
Trump is making the argument that better policy to allow all people to achieve their best is what the vast majority of people ought to want. He's arguing that a helping hand up is a lot better than a handout. He's arguing that the proof is in the pudding: higher levels of employment and lots of job openings.
Pathetic, right?
Pathetic hope that is succeeding wildly.
My kind of pathetic hope indeed.
P.S. Twitter sucks but can be used intelligently to own these cuckoo libs, as potUS Trump has more than demonstrated but far beyond that by any reasonable measure proved beyond even the strictest, frigid doubts.
Mollie Tibbetts? Nothing to see here, folks. Keep it moving.
I want to hear proggie lamentations.
Lack of emotional manipulation of these degenerative sepsis' is Costello fuckin' cruel.
The Chicago gang gun death stats certainly don't matter. Pick the stats that matter to you, and work inside your narrative. Follow the media's selective outrage, selective curiosity, and do not think for yourself.
The over-riding factor is: Trump is guilty of something so shut up and cower while the left trash it all. While the left invite illegal immigration and illegals voting and illegals over-whelming the welfare state.
Nick G is a disappointment here. The government mostly fails when it comes to immigration and customs enforcement. Why? the left strangle their efforts. Sanctuary city. The left want the opposite of a secured border - they want an open border and you are a xenophobic racist if you do not agree to let everyone in. M13 and all. Cozy soft Pelosi M13. Please ignore the crime, because statistics. Please let everyone in, so they can all vote, because drivers license.
Voters voting for more more big government. How does that fit in with Nick's weird take?
Nick sez: "The killing of Ms. Tibbetts, who went missing on July 18 but whose body was found only this week, is an unspeakable tragedy. Her killer should be prosecuted and punished to the fullest extent of the law. Yet many conservatives ..."
*groan and eye roll*
So extrapolating fromNick G, it’s very rare, argument — so Was 9/11 and oh out of a million illegals pouring over the border, what is a few hundred separations. We should not exploit that. Fascinating to what unilateral disarmament.
Weeks and weeks of outrage over 'kids' in cages? That's cool.
Pointing out the insanity of their open-borders madness might lead to innocent people being killed by their allies? Can't have that.
We can all, as Americans, still, no matter how greatly-hot our civil war turns, praise God we ain't fuckin' Spain.
Relativity: It makes us who We are.
"Nick G is a disappointment here."
I'm not sure why. Reflexive support of open borders is pretty much a Reason/Libertarian sine qua non these days, isn't it?
"Open borders and machine guns for all!! ... Damn, why aren't we winning any elections?"
Nick Gillespie takes money from the Kochs who want a loose labor market. If that hurts some folks, well then, it just hurts some folks. Liberty!
Statistically, people living inside your home are more likely to kill you than those outside, so stop locking your door at night. Hell, don't even close it. Put out chips and beer on the table.
Immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans.
Misses the point, straw-man deliberately like. It's the fact the immigrant who committed was here illegally what's the problem. 'If one life is saved' is correct.
Note that when an issue near and dear to his heart is involved, Robert Cook can lie and distort just as easily as any other lefty commenting here.
If it was just one life to be saved, then maybe it's overreacting but it is certainly not just one.
Statistically, Whites and Asians are far less likely to commit crimes, so maybe the law should just not apply to them.
So if citizens are more likely to commit crimes, maybe we should deport them instead?
I don't believe that illegal immigrants are like leaves in the yard.
What happened to the distinction between "less" and "fewer"? Is this geographical? or age-related? or class-related?
"Immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans. But the party doesn’t want to talk about that."
The crime rate among illegal immigrants is an effective 100%, but the party doesn't want to talk about that.
Nick Gillespie in the NYT: "Republicans Are Exploiting the Murder of Mollie Tibbetts/Immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans. But the party doesn’t want to talk about that."
He's lying, and he knows it
Immigrants commit more crimes than native born Americans. it's only if you "age adjust" that you get the BS number Gillespie is producing.
1: You don't get to "Age adjust" away the victims, they're still injured / dead / separated from their family members for the rest of their lives
2: Gun control advocates like to talk about "if it saves one life". Well, how many American lives would we save if we kicked out all those illegal aliens?
Do it for the children!
3: We've seen multiple places where the law enforcement apparatus in "sanctuary" areas refused to charge aliens (legal or otherwise) with crimes, because they didn't want them deported. So the low numbers are dubious, in and of themselves
William@12:01 PM- There are well over 10 million illegal aliens in our country. A few weeks ago a rally in Virginia drew less than 2 dozen white supremacists together. You really believe 10 million foreigners commit less crime than a few hundred bigots?
Eleanor said...
"Candace Owens escaped from the plantation! Turn the dogs loose! A conservative single black woman! That's two strikes against her! She was part of Gamergate! Thinks #MeToo is silly! Run her down until she pleads for mercy and vows to only vote for Democrats!"
That racist "plantation" talk still [shudder] so self-defeating.
This take reminds me of the Alex Jones controversy, in that conservatives are again rallying around people just as ugly and nonsensical as the Democrats do, and acting like there's some badge of honor they're acquiring for doing so. Candace Owens is a cold fish. Period. I agree with her on a lot of things, but I don't have to like her, and neither does anyone else, her politics be damned. She doesn't come across as likable - as is said about Hillary - but zealots demand it must be because "Candace Owens escaped from the plantation!"
Those conservatives are the people they hate already.
Black people being killed by white cops is a rare event in a nation of 330 million people. BLM activists are exploiting the relatively few instances for their own political purposes.
Sorry if someone else already made this point above.
My gut contains within itself trillions of samples: the data concludes only one thing: America rocks.
You have to be pretty goddamn stupid to argue that illegals are ok because they "commit less crime than the native population." Well, whooptie-f'ng-doo! They shouldn't be committing any crimes cuz they shouldn't be there in the first place.
F all these spineless cowards willing to let the country be overrun by the dregs of other nations' societies because they're horrified at the thought of being called "racist', "xenophobic" or "anti-immigrant."
If uneducated and unskilled people are the backbone of a strong economy, then why the f aren't the economies of Latin America the envy of the world?
my hypothesis that right wing guys were fawning over her because of their pathetic hope of getting support from black women.
Yeah, Ann is sure that black women are not smart enough to see their own economic advantage.
We got that.
The same logic applies to men denying individual dignity (e.g. diversity or color judgments), denying life deemed unworthy (e.g. abortion rites, selective-child), political congruence ("=") (i.e. selective exclusion, politically profitable inclusion), conflation of logical domains (e.g. catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, anything outside a limited frame of reference), social justice adventures (e.g. elective regimes changes, refugee crises, sodomy and abortion without due process), and immigration reform (e.g. anti-nativists, labor arbitrage, population replacement)? Is every male motive couched in friendship with cats in hats with the possibility of escaping personal responsibility through Planned Parenthood?
The way to solve illegal border crossing, is to do it the way Israel does.
Basically you use your Army Reservists and shoot the bastards at the fence before they cross.
I am always leery fo the use of statistics like this: "In 2016, the Cato Institute’s Alex Nowratesh writes, “the homicide conviction rate for native-born Americans in Texas was 3.2 per 100,000 natives while it was 1.8 per 100,000 illegal immigrants and 0.9 per 100,000 legal immigrants.” In raw numbers, 32 undocumented immigrants and 28 legal immigrants were convicted of homicide in Texas, compared with 746 native-born Americans." No dates as to when these statistics come from. No trend analysis. Just snap shots. Of course the numbers for illegal immigrants are always open to question because no one really knows how many there are.
Here is another view of the situation.
From the article :
"In California, there are just over 92 illegal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals as compared to 74 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants. In Arizona, the rate is nearly 69 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000, as compared to 54 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants.
In New York, over three times as many illegal immigrants or 169, are imprisoned for crimes per 100,000, as compared to only 48 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants. Only the states of Texas and Florida do illegal immigrants commit less crimes than their legal immigrant counterparts (Texas with 54.5 illegals imprisoned per 100,000, compared to 65 legal immigrants and Florida with 55 illegals imprisoned, compared to 68 legal immigrants)." Using Texas numbers was obviously an attempt to skew our perception
I agree with TCE in one respect: I have never thought the “plantation” talk effective. In fact, I think it is counterproductive. It strolikes of preaching to the choir. And if your aim is the choir, your aim cannot be the persuadable.
Just because TCE is an obnoxious bore doesn’t make him wrong about everything.
It strikes of preaching to the choir.
Khesanh 0802 said...
"the homicide conviction rate"
Rather than being convicted, illegal alien murderers end up on the "Most Wanted" lists after they flee back to their shitholes.
Out of these 10 fine fellows, one is white and one is black -
Texas 10 Most Wanted Fugitives
Anthony Gonzales
Wanted For: Murder, Aggravated Assault, Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity, and Parole Violation
Benjamin Dominguez
Wanted For: Indecency with a Child by Exposure, Probation Violation (Original Offenses: Possession of a Controlled Substance; Resisting, Evading or Obstructing an Officer)
Raul Ambrosio Jimenez, Jr.
Wanted For: Sexual Assault of a Child, Traffic of Person under 18 - Prostitution, Probation Violation (Original Offense: Manufacture/Delivery of Heroin)
Jared Luke Langley (white)
Wanted For: Parole Violation (Original Offense: Unlawful Poss. of Firearm by Felon), Burg. of Bldg., Burg. of Habitation, Evading Arrest, Theft, Poss. w/Intent to Del./Manufacture a Controlled Substance
Ramon Mendoza
Wanted For: Vehicle Theft, Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity, Theft of Property, and Conspiracy to Commit Theft of Property
Keith Antonio Boynes (black)
Reward Paid!
Wanted For: Murder, Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution
Jesus Alberto Villegas
Wanted For: Sexual Assault of a Child, Probation Violation (Original Offenses: Possession of Prohibited Weapon, Felony Theft)
Carlos Rafael Benitez
Wanted For: Aggravated Assault of a Public Servant, Evading Arrest or Detention With A Vehicle
Carlos Alberto Gonzalez-Barahona
Wanted For: Murder, Aggravated Kidnapping
Jose Fernando Bustos-Diaz
Wanted for: Flight-Escape (Original Offense: Homicide), Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution, Parole Violation (Original Offense: Homicide)
This was a funny article, trying to paint "Latinos" as victims without mentioning the fact that they're victims of other "Latinos".
Latinos experience crime disproportionately, report says
"Latinos in California are killed at twice the rate of whites and are more likely to have been killed by a stranger.
The report, 'Latino Voices: The Impacts of Crime and Criminal Justice Policies on Latinos', also found that Latinos are dramatically overrepresented as victims of crime and in courts, jails and prisons."
"In 2016, the Cato Institute’s Alex Nowratesh writes, “the homicide conviction rate for native-born Americans in Texas was 3.2 per 100,000 natives while it was 1.8 per 100,000 illegal immigrants and 0.9 per 100,000 legal immigrants."
In addition to using Texas to skew the statistics, so is the use of homicides and also the conviction rate.
How many murders were there for which no one was convicted? How many robberies and rapes and thefts and malicious woundings were there?
The difficulty in determining criminal activity among the "undocumented" population is that by and large those populations often do not report crime to the police in the first place. How many unreported crimes are there? How many dead bodies show up for which no one within the migrant community is willing to speak out against the killers, must less testify against them?
Yes, there are only six....
[LAPD] Top Ten Most Wanted
Jesse Enrique Monarrez
Cesar Augusto Nistal
Jose A. Padilla
Ramon Reyes
Victor Vargas
Ruben Villa
NOrthern California's Most Wanted is more diverse, with more non-Hispanic immigrants.
Gillespie is peddling the usual BS line of Dems and their RINO and Liberaltarian fellow travelers.
All immigrants may commit fewer crimes on average, but ILLEGALS absolutely commit more.
And every single crime committed by an illegal is a crime that should never have happened.
There are well over 10 million illegal aliens in our country. A few weeks ago a rally in Virginia drew less than 2 dozen white supremacists together.
A few weeks ago a rally in Virginia drew less that two white supremacists, much less 24 of them. A rally over in D.C. that weekend drew about two dozen though, and even they were just cartoonish paper boogie men.
As for right wing guys were fawning over Candace Owen -- who the hell is Candace Owen?
And who are these Koch brothers that the left has been in a mouth-foaming obsession over? Or Richard Mellon Scaith before them?
As best as I can recall the first I heard of Candice was on a Rubin Report from last year.
I listened to this while doing other stuff, but there's also video:
P.S. This thing had Blair White, too. So that really makes it somethin'. IMHO.
Maybe Gillespie could move to one of those countries without borders that he thinks are just peachy. Not sure why he continues to live in a country he hates.
Your hate for the Trump convention speaker who said "not in spite of, but BECAUSE I am black I am supporting Donald Trump for potUS" is only natural.
Same as those others.
Our victories tend to indeed ramble-wise as Roses of Tralee's brombles.
"Plantation" is the New "N word", Crack? I'm not falling for it.
More speech crime?
When I say plantation - I mean leftwing plantation - the enclosed prison space where democrats force blacks to live. If you wander out, they crucify ya and you become a non-human.
It's the water outside the Mines of Moria (or Moaria like Caesar) with those multi-limbed tentacles of reach sparse yearns' merely satisfy in brief if even merely that.
Makes Gandolph uncomfortable.
Don't tell me you've too abondan reason again?
As a free speech near-absolutist, I can tell you that I don’t like the “plantation” talk because I think it is ineffective. There is better, more descriptive language that can be used. Talk of dependency is better, for example.
I get that it is a useful shorthand. But I don’t think it conveys the right message to people not already convinced of the accuracy of the phrase. Those people matter. I don’t matter because I am philosophically conservative. The people who matter are persuadable.
Look at Althouse and look at Ben Carson, the revolutionary surgeon.
!t all makes sense.
Single mothers who recognize they cannot take jobs because the loss of benefits would be greater than the increased income. They know their own positions well. They understand the perverse incentives. I believe they would rather a system that was motivating. That allowed them to pursue their best idea of themselves. And that is not dependent on anything, including government.
Push for more effective rhetoric.
Never, NEVER stop talking about violent crimes committed by illegal aliens.
One of my heros, even at this kinda-lateful date, earned his respect by his silence.
A true hero.
Silence was used as a "weapon" to attack this man, this great man.
"He is too stupid to talk" was the charge.
Gotta be a left-flank diversion of course...
But no.
Don't shame your name or your race.
I don’t follow Candace Owens. But she’s attractive. I wouldn’t mind if she faked an orgasm with me.
What power of the state is Gillespie afraid conservatives are trying to create?
Nick Gillespie is one of those “libertarians” who doesn’t believe that the right to control borders is a legitimate power of the state. Of course, Nick himself is often more glib-ertarin than libertarian, having near full-throatedly supported Johnson/Weld’s mealy-mouthed mushy “libertarianism” in 2016, which decidedly made freedom of conscience a second class right. Nick is also one of many libertarians who are unwilling to engage with the implications of policies they favor. It’s not just the “immigrants commit less crime” issue, which conflates legal and illegal immigrants, but completely ignores the profound changes in liberty-friendly policies brought about by changes in the population due to unchecked immigration. How can you ignore the California example? A center-right freedom-friendly state just 20 years ago now a leftist paradise busy wiping out its middle class.
As he will also tell you if you ask, “immigrants vote the same way as other Americans within 2 generations”. Sure, if you misread the data, and forget that freedom has always required a critical mass of defenders who need not be the majority but who care enough to vote for it and otherwise advance it. California is what happens when that critical mass is decimated. Recent immigrants, even when they vote Republican, which most don’t, tend to support a paternal/maternal state.
As far as respecting the wishes of Tibbetts’s family, I agree it is propandizing and hippociritcal on the part of the press to claim “the family does not wish the event to be politicized” when only a cousin has spoken up in this way, and when the press is happy to politicize any murder when they can bash gun-righters, whites, or police. I do think some space for mourning should be respected, but barring anyone getting in their face and demanding a response, which the press is happy to do when it advances their narratives, why should such events with public policy implications be left out of the debate simply because some family member demands it? Why would anyone agree to give a few people such control over information of import to the public debate?
(I felt the same way with the Marc Rich case. It struck me as odd that the family seemed less interested in actually solving the murder than that the murder might be used as evidence for arguments by politically wrong people. This never goes the other way, of course, as we’re regaled with stories about gun control or white supremacy often mere minutes after an event happens.)
Was it Nick Gillespie who wrote that article or The Jacket™?
Birkel said...
"I agree with TCE in one respect: I have never thought the “plantation” talk effective. In fact, I think it is counterproductive. It strolikes of preaching to the choir. And if your aim is the choir, your aim cannot be the persuadable.
Just because TCE is an obnoxious bore doesn’t make him wrong about everything."
Why Do Black Republicans Usually Have Such Bad Haircuts?
Because white folks can't even tell if a black person's hair is combed.
The Crack Emcee said...
Birkel said...
"I agree with TCE in one respect: I have never thought the “plantation” talk effective. In fact, I think it is counterproductive. It strolikes of preaching to the choir. And if your aim is the choir, your aim cannot be the persuadable."
Interesting. Who - exactly - is this "choir" and why isn't aiming for them "persuadable" if they have black's best interests at heart?
Take your time, you non-racists, you.
The choir is the people who understand Democrat’s plan to create dependence and a permanent underclass of perpetual Democrat voters. The persuadable are those who need to be reframing what they already observe. Many blacks see the encouragement of Illegal aliens to come illegally as an effort to enlarge that underclass voting bloc.
Nearly everybody will be better off if structural impediments to getting legally employed are removed. The stepwise aspect of government benefits that removes incentives to work are one such aspect. Democrats would fight changes to government benefits with their whole beings. That is true of men, women, black, white, and everybody in between.
As for hair, I am not a barber. Mind your own head. (And I know more than you would guess, I have little doubt.)
Murder is relative..until it's your relative.
That "spark of divinity" plays out in curious ways.
NY Times Gillespie say “immigrants don’t…” once again conflating legal immigrants with illegal. Which was probably the goal of switching the term from illegal aliens to undocumented immigrants in the first place.
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