Lohan is working on a Mykonos-based MTV reality show that just put out this teaser:
It's hard to imagine how bad the show must be if that's the best they could come up with to fill 17 seconds. Lohan is 32 years old, in case you're wondering, and I assume you will be if you stick out that clip to the end.
One of the worst-rated comments at The Daily Mail raises a very good point: "Shame on them.especially Tiffany. Greek fires took lives and ravaged towns and she['s] partying up a storm there. Shameful behavior." Yeah, now's not the time to be posing and teasing something about cavorting on a Greek isle. Or... maybe it is, what with "Mamma Mia Here We Go Again" in the theaters, feeding the female fantasy of geography and romance.
What's Tiffany doing lending support to this nonsense? Maybe she just likes enjoying Mykonos, but it did give The Daily Mail reason to remind us of Lindsay's support for the Tiffany's father:
Lohan has also expressed her support for Tiffany's father Donald Trump. 'THIS IS our president,' Lohan tweeted. 'Stop #bullying him & start trusting him. Thank you personally for supporting #THEUSA,' she tweeted.ADDED: I've heard it actually sucks to attempt to live it up on Mykonos:
During a Facebook Live... session... in February 2017... Lohan [said]: 'I think always in the public eye you're going to get scrutinized. He is the president — we have to join him. If you can't beat him, join him.'
On my first day in Mykonos, in fact in the first five minutes, the hotel driver who picked me up from the airport —there are only 30 taxis on the island, so good luck getting one — let me in on a secret... "Mykonos is not really Greece. It's nothing... Look at a map, find the islands that don't have airports, and go there. Any one will do. They're all beautiful."
৭৫টি মন্তব্য:
California burns while the Hollywood set continues to abuse women and children and party like its 1999.
# of LLR Chuck-approved lefty MSM articles on this situation: Zero
A grease fire is bad news, but not fake news.
I've never understood her appeal.
And she looks like she is in her mid to late 40s.
I like Mykonos too and was sorry to have to cancel a visit in 2015 when the Greek economy imploded under their Socialist prime minister.
Maybe promotion is not wise but the Greeks appreciate the business.
Mama's cookin' chicken fried in bacon Greece
Come on along boys it's just somewhere in or near Europe.
1) What, shut down tourism because of the fire? That's like pulling the IV on a sick patient. They need the money.
2) Lohan is a very hot woman.
Wait, Lindsay Lohan is not in rehab?
"One of the worst-rated comments at The Daily Mail raises a very good point: "Shame on them.especially Tiffany. Greek fires took lives and ravaged towns and she['s] partying up a storm there. Shameful behavior." Yeah, now's not the time to be posing and teasing something about cavorting on a Greek isle."
This may be the stupidest statement I've read is some time. Are movie producers suppose to stop making movies because California has numerous fires? Should the Dodgers, Giants Angels and A's stop playing baseball? Should Gov Moonbeam stop talking nonsense? And what exactly does any of that do for fire victims?
Just when you think people can't get any more stupid, up pops someone to say "hold my beer and watch this."
The plus side of being a movie star is that, even after hitting the wall, you can retain a semblance of good looks for a few years. She's still okay, but she's hovering on the edge. The plus side of drug abuse is that it helps you keep your weight down.......I don't know that much about Tiffany, but the press would dearly love to portray her as an airhead. Ivanka is remarkably poised and photogenic. It drives them crazy. Maybe they'll have better luck with Tiffany.
Earnest Prole: "Wait, Lindsay Lohan is not in rehab?"
Greece is in political and economic rehab (though failing) on a national level so it's a doctor/therapist approved environment for Lohan.
'Stop #bullying him & start trusting him. Thank you personally for supporting #THEUSA,' she tweeted.
What does supporting #THEUSA have to do with not trusting or not bullying a political office holder? A good citizen should never really trust and should always be ready to bully any public office holder. Some of 'em may be OK but they all need a firm hand.
Fire: bad. Wrecking the tourist industry: priceless virtue-signaling.
As long as it is not the Isle of Lesbos.
"And she looks like she is in her mid to late 40s."
She looks really good for 49, not Jennifer Aniston good, but still pretty good.
Too bad she's only 32.
It's my understanding that Mykonos is the Disney Land of Greek islands, so I never had any desire to visit it. Also heard it described as the "gay party island".
Thoroughly enjoyed visiting all the standard touristy classical sites on the mainland, though. (Aka "inauthentic rube tourist activity that Althouse deplores".) Olympia was my favorite.
I like Marla Maples.
People vacation-shaming visitors to Greece are idiotic. How much of that nation's (crummy) economy is tourism? I bet it's a lot! Their recent natural disasters mean they need MORE "help" in the form of tourist dollars.
Telling people they should stay away from Greece due to the country's fires is a great way to hurt their economy and indirectly harm the people already suffering from the fire. "Only come here if you're going to be somber, low-key, or are going to volunteer your time to help the recovery effort." Yeah, hard pass on that one moron.
"Lending support to this nonesense" = vacationing with (I assume) her friend and allowing that to be known publicly? The whole "taking offense on someone else's behalf" deal somehow keeps getting more tiresome!
The proper response to this news/article is something like: I don't care about these people--why would I care about these people? The location looks nice (good for Greece!) and the celebrity in question looks rough. Well, back to my actual life!
my name goes here:
She looks really good for 49, not Jennifer Aniston good, but still pretty good.
Too bad she's only 32.
Harsh, but there it is.
She needs to get out of that Mediterranean sun. It makes me cringe to see people of the pale freckly northern European persuasion wandering around a Greek August with unprotected skin.
Look at a map, find the islands that don't have airports, and go there. Any one will do. They're all beautiful.
There's some truth to that statement. I was yearly in the Greek islands in the 80's because of family living there. Pretty much any island that had charter flights of European tourist coming in was to be avoided. Same for the large cruise ships.
Of course Lohan and her cohorts are not interested in the "real" Greece.
A couple of observations. Mykonos has a well deserved reputation as a party island. Get over it. Yes there are quieter Greek islands that are just as beautiful--and there are noiser islands like Corfu that has an unfortunate reputation as a haven for young lager lout Brits in the summmer.
My older daughter is married to a Greek; their 2007 wedding was at Limeni Bay just above the Mani on the west side of the Peloppenese. There were terrible fires in Greece that summer and a French tourist and her two children had burned to death while hiking--they were caught in a fire just above the village where the wedding took place (Areopolis). There were three dozen or so American and English friends of the bride attending the weekend wedding. By Friday night we had cleaned out all the ATMs jn town--no more cash to be had. Of course there were a greater number of Greek guests from the groom's hometown. By the end of the wedding reception on Sunday night the Greek and Anglo-American guests had managed to demolish the beer, wine and spirits inventory in the entire town and the main tourist hotel and restaurants.
The priest at the ceremony took time to thank the English and American guests for coming. Tourism is important to the region, and after the tragic deaths in the hills above town (six weeks before the wedding) the townspeople had feared that tourists would never return.
You can sit back in front of your computer screen in England or the United States and virtue signal all you want. But life goes on--and tourism is a major driver in the Greek economy.
This may be the stupidest statement I've read is some time. Are movie producers suppose to stop making movies because California has numerous fires? Should the Dodgers, Giants Angels and A's stop playing baseball? Should Gov Moonbeam stop talking nonsense? And what exactly does any of that do for fire victims?
We live in the age of unbounded compassion infused with a marinate of no compassion.
Tiffany Trump and Lindsay Lohan were spotted on Wednesday continuing to live it up on the Greek island of Mykonos.
They could have gotten more PR bang for the buck had they been spotted living it up on the Greek island of Lesbos...
"280 Percent Increase In Young Democratic Socialists Of America Chapters On College Campuses"
Way, way up!
From .28% of colleges having a YDSA chapter, up to a whopping 1.07%!
Drago: Jefferson (XX) is burning and the rich coastal elite Californians are paying to put it out.
Lindsey Lohan was an extremely talented and charming kid. It pains me to see her now.
What Sodal said!
tourism is a major driver in the Greek economy.
Yes and the only reason we had to cancel was that the economy had crashed. The ATMs had no cash and the banks were not processing credit cards so the restaurants would not accept them. Plus the "migrant" flow was going right through the area we planned to visit.
Mykonos is a "party Island" and so is Ibiza. Both have big gay attendance, sort of like Palm Springs during the Doris Day golf and tennis events when the town is 75% lesbians.
Delos is a short boat ride away and Mykonos is a charming island. But I did not want to have to carry a thousand Euros in a money belt.
So we went to Brussels and Waterloo. 200th anniversary.
Howard: "Drago: Jefferson (XX) is burning and the rich coastal elite Californians are paying to put it out."
But have they cancelled their dinner
parties and vacations and sexual assaults?
#If you can't be an asshole leftist fascist... you're nobody.
Spent a day in Mykonos about ten years ago. It was nice. Looked just like you would imagine. In fact, getting off our small ship it was like walking into a paradise like island. We did not "party," gay or otherwise. But we did have a nice meal and quite a stroll around the area.
Logan always showed signs of her path. Rich, drugs, rehab, I know the type. She’d be skilled dirty sex. So she’s very hot.
Blogger Drago said...
But have they cancelled their dinner
parties and vacations and sexual assaults?
No need. Rich Capitalists easily multitask. Dealing with the imagined consequences of Global Warmerung are for Trump's little people.
Dang. A year ago she looked worn, but could have been refreshed with some healthy living. Now--wow, it's like how Judy Garland went from cute to pitiful overnight.
From what I hear, it's not the coke--she can actually handle that, unlike many girls in her profession. But the booze is wrecking her. Well, that and being a hooker for rich Arabs, Russians et al in Dubai.
None of us can have any fun until the liberals are happy that every problem in the world is “solved,” which means enslavement of everyone to their will.
Lohan looks like a caricature. Really scary looking.
Meanwhile, despite all of the bashing, Trump’s approval just hit 50%, due to the great economy and rising approval among non-whites. The white-left and never Trumper Republicans will not never change their minds, so Trump makes it up with non-whites. I tell you what is ghostly white, the faces of Democrats as they read those numbers. They have made a huge bet against Trump. This Russia nonsense is just one more ham-fisted campaign based on a bad idea by Hillary and Obama that looks like it is going south.
I spent a day on Mykonos in May. I didn't see the gay influence or partying described above, but maybe I went before the major season. It's a beautiful island, as are most of the Cyclades, but I think Milos was my favorite.
Gay season is the best time to go.
The media, including the Create channel of PBS, are in non-stop propaganda mode. but please, don't point it out or you'll be accused of inciting violence.
Mykonos is fun and charming. Since it was raided by pirates on a regular basis, it has small winding streets to make it difficult to raid.
"One of the worst-rated comments at The Daily Mail raises a very good point: "Shame on them.especially Tiffany. Greek fires took lives and ravaged towns and she['s] partying up a storm there. Shameful behavior."
What? Greece has fires, so don't go to Greece to have fun? Yeah, that'll help the Greeks. I'm sure they prefer phony-cosmopolitan progs expressing solidarity from afar over Tiffany spending good money helping their actual tourist industry.
Let's ask the Greeks about "shameful" behavior.
What if Lindsey Lohan is healthy and still beautiful, but MTV decided people would rather watch a train wreck show and made her up to look like that. Maybe, like Trump, she is just playing six dimensional chess.
"They have made a huge bet against Trump."
I was "suspended" from Ricochet for commenting on the TDS there.
I quit. The last time I quit I should have stayed away but I was convinced to go back by a friend.
They have a serious TDS problem along with a Young Earth Creationist Problem. Maybe they are related.
The virtue signaling on the right is not as bad as on the left but there is some with the likes of Will and Kristol.
Clueless commenters. The number one thing places that have experienced disasters, the one thing a tourist town wants is tourists.
My three favorite Greek islands (and I've been to scores): Amorgos, Karthpathos, Patmos, Crete.
Favorite town: Naphlion.
Naphilion is gorgeous. And it's a short drive from there to to Mycenae, Tiryns, Argos, and the Acrocorinth.
The entire Peloponese: Spectacular. Mysterious. Haunted. Thrilling.
And the whole country is inhabited by the world's most hospitable people.
Shame on them.especially Tiffany. Greek fires took lives and ravaged towns and she['s] partying up a storm there. Shameful behavior
Trump Derangement. I would think the Greek Tourism Council would welcome free-spending tourists especially when tragedy and bad press is happening elsewhere in Greece.
(Not an original observation, I know)
AA sez: "Or... maybe it is, what with "Mamma Mia Here We Go Again" in the theaters, feeding the female fantasy of geography and romance.
Don't forget those trashy romance novels. There's thousands of them. . Almost exclusively bought by women - to fuel those dern fantasies.
Two of our trips to Greece were taken on the spur of the moment, after a devastating earthquake and a near state of war with Turkey persuaded the airlines to cut round trip fares from the U.S. to Athens. From that I learned: plan on going to your favorite overseas destination immediately upon a natural disaster or crisis of some sort. On the trip we took when Greece and Turkey were edging toward armed conflict we stayed in Kos. We could see the Turkish shore from our hotel balcony, and see Turkish troops moving about. On Kos Greek troops were mobilizing. It was exciting. The Greeks in Kos were blase about it all. "This happens every few years" they'd say with a shrug, "nothing to concern yourself about."
But they are concerned about the Muslim refugees/invaders that are flooding through the Dodecanese Islands.
Michael K: "The virtue signaling on the right is not as bad as on the left but there is some with the likes of Will and Kristol."
You wrote "the right" and "Will and Kristol" in the same sentence!
Don't forget those trashy romance novels. There's thousands of them. . Almost exclusively bought by women - to fuel those dern fantasies.
Well, I can't say as I blame the girls. I too read the guy-equivalent of romantic fantasy novels, they're called "The Iliad", "The Odyssey", "The Aeniad", "The Shahnemeh", "The Táin Bó Cúailnge", etc. I fairly swoon over them.
She's looking more and more like Michael Jackson everyday.
The older Michael Jackson, not the young Michael Jackson.
Blogger Drago said...
Michael K: "The virtue signaling on the right is not as bad as on the left but there is some with the likes of Will and Kristol."
You wrote "the right" and "Will and Kristol" in the same sentence!
Oh, I know. The Ricochet people think they are conservatives, too.
I've never been to Greece, but my Uncle married a crazy Greek lady, and George Stephanopoulous's Dad, some Greek Bishop or something, officiated the wedding, and I told him that his son was full of shit.
My wife and I chartered a sailboat in Greece with some friends about 20 years ago. Mykonos was fun, but it was nice to be able to go to some of the more out of the way islands, tie up in a small cove, go to the local taverna, rent a scooter and drive around the island. Probably the best vacation I've ever had.
What the heck is going on with Lohan's right wrist?
It's the miles, not the years. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
Lohan who?
How can they party on Mykonos while so many journalists have their hair on fire?
"She needs to get out of that Mediterranean sun."
When I was LIVING JUST OUTSIDE NICE I noticed that Mediterranean S. Europe is about the same latitude as Wyoming - now I notice that Greece is about the same latitude as Denver (39 N).
But on average Greece get less sun than Denver, 2771 hours/year vs 3107.
Fern: When I was LIVING JUST OUTSIDE NICE I noticed that Mediterranean S. Europe is about the same latitude as Wyoming - now I notice that Greece is about the same latitude as Denver (39 N).
Easy way to keep a reasonably accurate mental map of latitudes of North American v. European cities - just remember that Istanbul is just a tad farther north than New York City. (41.0082 and 40.7128, respectively.)
But on average Greece get less sun than Denver, 2771 hours/year vs 3107.
The sun is vicious to freckly people on the High Plains, too. Most of Europe is much kinder to the skin than is anywhere in the U.S. But pale types without protection will still get crispy-fried on Mediterranean shores. Not that that would make living just outside Nice a terrible experience to be avoided at all costs, mind you.
When I took my daughter, Annie to Nice, she started reading the real estate notices in the newspaper.
I figured we should cut her visit short.
At that site, there's a link for "Members who have Fallen Asleep"..which is a uniique characterization.
Technically, no person anywhere should ever enjoy even one second of happiness or joy because there is always something bad happening at any given moment somewhere in the world.
Be always miserable. That's the motto I try to live by.
On Real estate business development project ...
Good God. She looks like Bette Davis in her 60's, and, at certain camera angles, Michael Jackson.
My brother got married in Mykonos. We arrived later in the summer so it was less crowded and it was beautiful. I highly recommend going. The food and the ocean are spectacular.
I visited some of the Greek islands in 1995- they were gorgeous- I always wanted to go back and visit as many of them as I could, but never have.
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Hollywood consumes these women by the thousands.
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