"... If there were some line you could say to the cop who stopped your car that would cause him to let you go with just a warning, wouldn't you say it? Also, what if this woman were a little smarter and more experienced and knew to just give a smile and a look that communicated 'I'm a clean, white girl' but never said the words? She'd be the more white-privileged woman, and she wouldn't be getting her life ruined by social media."
I wrote, over on Facebook, where my son John posted the news article "A Woman Arrested For Drunk Driving Told Police They Shouldn't Arrest Her Because She's A 'White, Clean Girl.'"
१३२ टिप्पण्या:
If only what happened to Gawker could be visited upon Buzzfeed.
None shall pass. It's open season, and the rules have changed.
The digital Torquemadas must be served. It is their path to heaven.
Ooh, I've heard this one before:
"I'll play the pretty, white and cute card."
Didn't work for Reality Winner either.
Anyway, they're not racist. They're acknowledging the deep structural unfairness of our society whereby white girls get a pass, while of course hoping to get a pass despite / because they explicitly acknowledge it.
“Look into your own heart...”
Ha ha ha! That’s not what this game is about! This game is about bigotry, and the payoff of bigotry is that superior feeling you get by putting down members of the out group. I don’t know if this woman is a racist or not, but driving drunk is a far worse crime against morality than thinking bad thoughts.
Some auto insurance companies require you to go blonde after a certain number of tickets.
Improper use of privilege; the player is ejected from social media's good graces and the penalty results in the loss of the ability to keep her identity/news of her infraction on the down low.
Total unrelated: Black man curses out cop for seatbelt ticket (Language in video NSFW)
Not all white girls get a pass, but the pretty ones sure seem to. I bet pretty black girls get a pass plenty of times too.
Isn’t that how Biden described Obama?
Except for the “girl” part, which didn’t mean anything anymore anyway.
Isn't it obvious that she should be executed by firing squad?
It's not like she added: Go arrest that dirty black woman over there!
No, that was added by all the people who want to condemn the white woman for saying something innocuous.
tiv said but driving drunk is a far worse crime against morality than thinking bad thoughts.
I think she should have saved her white_blonde_girl card for speeding violations. Cops tend to take an even lower view of drunk driving that most people (probably because of having to deal with the often fatal aftermaths).
I'd bet that she not only wasn't the cleanest whitest thoroughbred filly that cop had busted that week, but that she wasn't the cleanest whitest thoroughbred filly he'd busted That EVENING. She was 32 years old!
I would challenge you to look into your own heart, Professor, and think deeply about both the ideas of racism and gender/masculinity you've been touching on today and answer whether you think you're cutting this person more slack than you would if she was a he. In other words do you find it more acceptable for a woman to use her feminine wiles/sexuality (as well as her racial privilege) to her own benefit than it would be for a man to do something similar (to get ahead based on bro-privilege, the old boy's network, etc)?
It sure seems like that's the case for most of our society and I wonder how someone who thinks deeply about issues of equality & feminism deals with that.
Looking clean and being polite and apologetic will get a lot of people out of a speeding ticket, as long as the speeding was not too over-the-top. And certainly race, gender, and age alter the precise lines as to what is too over-the-top.
But pretty much nobody ( except maybe a relative of a cop ) gets out of a drunk driving arrest.
Even when drunk, white girls should know better.
Officer! I am a trans man! I thought I could drink like a man! I learned my lesson! It won't happen again!
Officer! Yes, I am a white girl, and privileged! I know I need to pay back, but can you give me a break just this time? I am friends with Sarah Jeong. Honest.
I think we can all agree it was a terrible tactical mistake, though. If the cops know they're being recorded the absolute WORST thing you could do (from the perspective of trying to get out of it) would be to articulate a BAD reason for the cop choosing to let you go.
"Hey, do this thing I want since you yourself are clearly a racist and will approve my appeal to your racist ways in contradiction to your duty to apply the rules without bias" is just a bad choice.
Don't drink and drive, but if you do, shut up. Chris Rock laid it all out for black, white, and polka-dotted.
She heard so much talk about White Privilege that she believed that there was White Privilege. But it turned out there was no White Privilege, at least in this case.
She should be condemned just as forcefully as we would condemn a black man interacting with a black policeman who asked, "Can you help a brother out?"
Stupid is as drunk does. We understand that people are too impaired to drive while drunk, but we take their drunken words as their truest self. I think that's unfair. Is anyone confident of their virtue under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
"Also, what if this woman were a little smarter and more experienced and knew to just give a smile and a look that communicated 'I'm a clean, white girl' but never said the words? She'd be the more white-privileged woman..."
The first thing I'd do is question the assumption that "clean, white girls" are less likely to be arrested for drunk driving when they're driving drunk, than non-clean, non-white, non-girls.
I'd buy that good-looking young women (regardless of race) are more likely to be given a pass for some traffic violations, but drunk driving? Skeptical. Even more skeptical that non-good-looking women get a pass for drunk driving if they happen to be white.
Could be, I don't know. I do know that common claims that whites skate for crimes non-whites get arrested (or shot) for often don't stand up to scrutiny, though "everybody knows" they're true.
Scratch all that. The first thing I'd do is think "Lol, what a maroon". Then I'd question the assumption.
""Hey, do this thing I want since you yourself are clearly a racist and will approve my appeal to your racist ways in contradiction to your duty to apply the rules without bias" is just a bad choice."
Althouse already made this suggestion re how to get away w/ institutional racism, on the DL.
"She should be condemned just as forcefully as we would condemn a black man interacting with a black policeman who asked, "Can you help a brother out?"
I wouldn't condemn either one, but neither should a cop act on that suggestion. We are not saints, so people say stuff. We can live with it as we would expect not to be judged too harshly ourselves for lame innocent attempts at gaming our systems.
I liked the way she said her boyfriend was "Nicky Maxi":
A or
B ?
never a good idea to read the stage directions aloud
LOL "She heard so much talk about White Privilege that she believed that there was White Privilege." The law of unintended consequences strikes again. (That law strikes drunks a lot though.)
When lefties commit violent crimes, they get away with it.
Same with private servers for cash.
Signed PBA card
PBA Card
Being a pretty lady
PBA sticker
Respectful demeanor and displaying appreciation of LE
Subservient demeanor
leaving race out of it for a moment (race of the cops and the alleged transgressor), I think in roughly this order can you predict the leniency an officer will show in a traffic stop, including drunk driving. if bodycams and/or surveillance cameras are around, all bets are off.
I imagine she sees herself that way in many situations, and it's probably mostly true that she is a clean upstanding citizen who tries to follow the law. That's really all she's saying. Her lawyer will make that exact case in court and wouldn't we expect our layers to do the same. The mistake was saying "White", I guess, but it is a fact that white girls are a group that is probably the least likely to commit crimes other than Asians. So if you are part of the group that is least likely to commit crimes, isn't that fact relevant? I know. Facts are racist. So White privilege must be that you do not have the privilege of using facts in your defense. Some privilege.
Why shouldn't she say that? These days "white privilege" is an article of faith promulgated by elites, media, and peers. Maybe she thought it worth a try?
"Because She's A 'White, Clean Girl.'"
"The Pharisee [white, clean girl] stood and prayed to himself like this: 'God, I thank you, that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector [the cop*]. I fast twice a week. I give tithes of all that I get.'"
*btw, cops are basically tax collectors for the state and revenue enhancers for the insurance companies
The arrest video shows her crying and distraught about facing criminal prosecution. Middle aged Congressman much more composed on camera.
The proper way for a clean white girl to handle a traffic stop, 1981 version
bagoh20 said...
So if you are part of the group that is least likely to commit crimes, isn't that fact relevant?
In what way would that be relevant to the question of if she should be arrested for this crime, which she did commit?
Why should I go to the trouble of looking into my own heart when there are so many people lining up to do the job for me?
Certain ways of being stupid have a much higher cost than they used to.
This young woman is exposed to the world as if she's a racist, but maybe look into your own heart...
No woman must ever be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything, ever.
The main problem is that the fact that she said it is being used against the cop, and wypipo in general, as proof that she knew she could get away with it because she's a "pretty white girl", when nothing of the kind happened. She tried it, and failed.
Comments on FB are all about how she'll get away with it, or how she knew it would work, even though she said that stuff to keep from getting arrested and put in jail, and she got arrested and jailed anyway.
Witness that idiot JPS, who said she was "... acknowledging the deep structural unfairness of our society whereby white girls get a pass..." despite the FACT that she did NOT GET A PASS.
Only two comments about her being a blonde. Blonde jokes are soooo out of fashion.
She should have asked the officer to check her car's 710 level.
Crying drunk women are a major problem, Armstrong and Getty say.
Our oldest is a LEO. The stories he tells of young (or youngish) women trying to get out of tickets are hilarious. FWIW, he LOVES the camera coverage. It has gotten him out of several complaints by drunks he arrested.
And, even the most militant feminists I know pull the "I am woman, you sexy, sexy hunk, you" card on cops.
I've gotten off with a warning on the rare occasions I've been pulled over. I immediately say "What did I do officer?" and then "Gee, I'm sorry." I never argue. Recently my husband and I were interacting with a Homeland Security Officer and my response was "Yes, you're right."
"This young woman is exposed to the world as if she's a racist, but maybe look into your own heart..."
"... If there were some line you could say to the cop who stopped your car that would cause him to let you go with just a warning, wouldn't you say it?"
I'll look into my heart to have compassion for her, but not to condemn myself: when I get stopped, I want the cop not to hurt me and to go away ASAP. As a black person, familiar with police, a hard knock life gets me nothing.
"what if this woman were a little smarter and more experienced and knew to just give a smile and a look that communicated 'I'm a clean, white girl' but never said the words?"
Some black cops would find that real amusing. Especially the "clean" part - the Nazi obsession with "purity" comes to mind - plus, the only black who comes to mind as being called that is Obama, and he ain't black-black-American-black, so...I identify with niggas The unclean. Her smile would've been an insult to me.
"She'd be the more white-privileged woman, and she wouldn't be getting her life ruined by social media."
America has a long history of lynch mob culture, and we seem as unwilling to examine that, and how it's playing out online, as we do any of our other pathologies. I'm glad to see the world is just the way I know it is, in the form of this young lady and all others like her, but the change I want to see just involves her getting a ticket and a few jokes at her expense - and white folks looking into THEIR hearts about what, maybe, they and this girl thought they knew about the country - not the destruction of her or anyone's life.
I want America to prosper, not come apart over anything.
Do you think that any Black person has said racist stuff when they were pulled over for drunk driving?
I guess not, or it would have been in the news.
Women are redefining themselves.
We women are redefining ourselves. Let's also rethink how we care for ourselves. Let's reject ordinary soaps and wipes, and and reach for Summer's Eve. Because it's made just for us, pH balanced, gynocologist tested, and uniquely formulated for our intimate area. For a clean confidence that redefines fresh, reinvent your routine, Summer's Eve, redefine fresh.
It's on the radio.
America has a long history of lynch mob culture, and we seem as unwilling to examine that, and how it's playing out online, as we do any of our other pathologies.
You've convinced me. We need to rescue our Black and Brown brothers and sisters from this oppression. I say we start a kickstarter campaign to raise funds to free our oppressed brothers and sisters and provide them with plane tickets to the country of their choice.
Really can't appreciate this without it all:
"I'm a very clean, thoroughbred, white girl.... I'm a white, clean girl," Cutshaw said, according to the police report.
When asked what her whiteness had to do with the crime, Cutshaw replied, "You're a cop, you should know what that means."
The 32-year-old also told police she was a cheerleader and a sorority girl, "had perfect grades her whole life," and her "partner is a cop."
Actually, it’s a better punishment for drunk driving than some community service and getting the whole thing put on the “DL.” Cry me a river honeybunch.
Blogger tcrosse said...
The proper way for a clean white girl to handle a traffic stop, 1981 version
8/9/18, 9:05 AM
This is how I handled it, back in 1992:
"Hey, Homey...can'tcha hep a bruther OUT?" says a young black man to a black police officer.
I don't decry him appealing to some tribal solidarity. Wishing for compassion is a human instinct.
Nor do I throw stones at her. Statistically, a white woman is a very credible risk for mercy from a criminal standpoint.
From a societal standpoint...well...that is the subject of another article.
You know, Gharie, you can probably relate to a lot of rap lyrics, they sound like you sometimes:
Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger
But she ain’t messin' wit no broke niggaz
Get down girl, go head get down
Get down girl, go head get down
Get down girl, go head get down
Get down girl, go head18 years, 18 years
She got one of yo' kids, got you for 18 years
I know somebody payin' child support for one of his kids
His baby momma's car and crib is bigger than he is
You will see him on TV Any Given Sunday
Win the Superbowl and drive off in a Hyundai
She was spose' to buy ya shorty Tyco with ya money
She went to the doctor got lypo with ya money
She walkin' around lookin' like Micheal with ya money
Should of got that insured Geico for ya money
Anyway, I think of some of you Althouse Alte Kackers when I hear that.
If this was a musical, the cop's response:
Officer Krumpski, I’m misunderstood!
She should have said she was a new hire for The New York Times.
Don't worry, Crack, I would never call you clean. I'm sure you're as filthy as any crack ever gets.
Lewis Wetzel said...
"Do you think that any Black person has said racist stuff when they were pulled over for drunk driving?"
Sure. I also think they got every reason in the world to do it AND to be drunk. A life of Hell, that you can barely conceive of as your own?
I scream bloody murder.
Gahrie said...
"You've convinced me. We need to rescue our Black and Brown brothers and sisters from this oppression."
Cowardice and obnoxiousness are going to kill any chance of the Republican Party easily winning blacks. I'm not even sure if I'll stay if this is the best they can do.
Just a horror show.
walter said...
"When asked what her whiteness had to do with the crime, Cutshaw replied, "You're a cop, you should know what that means."
The 32-year-old also told police she was a cheerleader and a sorority girl, "had perfect grades her whole life," and her "partner is a cop."
Sounds about right. Who arrested her? HE sounds different.
Char Char Binks said...
"Don't worry, Crack, I would never call you clean. I'm sure you're as filthy as any crack ever gets."
Keeping it down and dirty.
White brains make all the right moves. This is an outlier. The NFL can kneel for the whole game in protest, but we will still beat them.
They drew first blood, Colonel.
She should have said she's not drunk, she's having trouble with her intimate area and was distracted.
Redefine yourself out of arrest by flummoxing The Man.
I suppose "clean" meant not a druggie. That is borderline white privileges right there.
A clean, well whited place
Black Lives Monolith!
Cops want contrition and subservience if you want the slightest chance of being let off with a warning. This is because cops are like cuckservatives, they suffer from macho idealization spawned by cowardly low self esteeme and arrogance that comes from natural stupidity
This is exactly what's wrong with all the SJW race-obsessed nonsense. As people talk more about "white privilege" and so on, the culture increasingly absorbs the idea that the races are different and there are hierarchies. It really doesn't matter if the intentions are good, hyper-race-consciousness ultimately creates a fertile environment for actual racists. The dominant message is that people should think of themselves in terms of their tribe or tribes -- and to assume the worst motives in those from other tribes. Keep telling white people to "check their privilege" and see what happens.
Many white liberals I know have stories to tell about how their "white privilege" has benefited them in life. It's usually a variation on, "this great thing happened to me because I'm white and this other person treated me well." There's pride in whiteness embedded in that statement, whether they want to realize it or not. There's also the nasty assumption that the other person is a racist and wouldn't treat a black or brown person the same. I hear this story about big things like promotions or job opportunities but also small things like returning purchased items to a store or someone helping them with directions. It disgusts me how they think the worst of other people who did something nice to them, and also how they're using the story to brag while also somehow signaling their virtue as a right-thinking person.
Howard: "Cops want contrition and subservience if you want the slightest chance of being let off with a warning. This is because cops are like cuckservatives, they suffer from macho idealization spawned by cowardly low self esteeme and arrogance that comes from natural stupidity"
I give that one a .63 on the Ritmo Scale.
Sometimes when I say something nice happened to me at a store or on the street or something, a white liberal friend will bring up race and pressure me to admit it's because I'm white. I refuse, of course, because why would I accuse the person who was nice to me of being a racist? I really, really hate this crap. It's so corrosive.
Frankly, I grew up around actual
racists. They were an easy to avoid hateful cult.But today they are long gone, So the Racial Grievance Industrial Complex is sucking air. They are forced into making up racism and calling being all descendants of Northern Europeans still allowed to live an act of imaginary racism to be attacked by a
But nobody believes them at all. Their silly Riots are all they have left.
"I suppose "clean" meant not a druggie. That is borderline white privileges right there."
She probably meant she didn't have a criminal record.
Either way, how is that white privilege, borderline or not? She privileged herself by saying it? She said it to get out of getting arrested and going to jail. Guess what happened to her.
Char Char Binks, 9:21:
"Witness that idiot JPS, who..." was writing tongue firmly in cheek. Guess you missed that, making me an idiot.
A silly, drunken woman.
A local incident that should have stayed in her village.
Note that traditional cultures had no policemen.
Police were created in response to two things -
- urbanization, cosmopolitanism and anonymity (Londons "Peelers", etc.)
- to suppress rural unrest, that is, resistance to the oppression of the peasantry (France's Gendarmerie, the Spanish Guardia Civil, the Royal Irish Constabulary, etc.)
I've never been stopped for DUI but I have had a couple of speeding tickets. I never tried to talk my way out of them. I knew the rules and I knew the penalties for getting caught breaking the rules, so when I got caught, I accepted the consequences.
Why was this publicized? Did the police contact BuzzFeed and say, you won't believe what this woman said? How did this even become a news story?
BDNYC said...
"I really, really hate this crap. It's so corrosive."
I agree, and feel for you, but it's still *kind of funny* to read your words - because it was whites who unleashed this horror on us, and now, they so desperately want to put the genie back in the bottle. But - like Trump popping out of the NewAge Left - that's not so easy to do. It's just absurd.
Hang in there, Bud. I do.
She should have sung, "My hills are alive with the sound of music" Then, she should have misquoted Michelle Obama, "When you go high (by letting me off), I go low. If that didn't work, she should ask to use the arrest room. If he says, "I a married man," she'd say, "So am I." You must bring the kink factor to the fore in such dire circumstance.
Blogger Drago said...
Howard: "..."
I give that one a .63 on the Ritmo Scale.
Your stealing Doc Mike's grouchy old man debate tactics now... Surprised you didn't throw in Inga as well. Details count when you are playing the homage card. (not that there is anything wrong with that)
"that's not so easy to do."
Especially when folks are invested in victimhood.
walter said...
"Especially when folks are invested in victimhood."
I love asssholes who act like no one gets hurt. Especially when they get hurt.
JPS, my face is red; I stand corrected.
Drago said...
Howard: "Cops want contrition and subservience if you want the slightest chance of being let off with a warning. This is because cops are like cuckservatives, they suffer from macho idealization spawned by cowardly low self esteeme and arrogance that comes from natural stupidity"
I give that one a .63 on the Ritmo Scale.
8/9/18, 10:51 AM
The beauty part I that this is coming from someone who says he was a Marine. Maybe he's just pissed because to a cop, a Marine who has raped and murdered a 13 year old Okinawan girl is just a rapist-murderer.
Well Crack, heading to Chicago tomorrow.
You may get your wish.
There's nothing one can say to get out of a DUI. No cop is going to say, "Okay, I'll give you a warning. Make sure and drive slow since you're so intoxicated."
The woman was told by media that she had a special privilege, so she tried it out. Oops.
But after the horror(s) I've unleashed..will be at peace with it.
Crack: You have to understand, us white guys earned our own way pulling up our bootstraps to be born into the dominant sub-culture in the richest country in the history of the world. Your first bad choice to be born into the pre-civil rights Negro community was a mistake. You see, you are paying for past transgressions in a previous life and are being tested. Since you didn't overcome these obstacles to become Ben Carson, Larry Elder or Thomas Sowell, that's 100% on you.
Luke 12:48: "For unto whomsoever nothing is given, of him shall be much required."
I talked my way out of a DUI in LA in 1978. I'm sure Crack would have had the same experience.
1978? Okay.
Remember when we all agreed to give a shit about The Crack Emcee? Or his opinions about things? Or his incessant demand that we view ourselves as members of a group instead of as individuals?
Me neither.
Cops letting you off DUI is much more rare, now. It sucks to be treated like a common minority, but that's one small price to pay for the unionized bureaucratic militarization of peace officers into law enforcement
Envoking "we" is in the top 3 of alltime cuck moves Birkel. Can females be cucks?
Cops aren't really interested in stopping you once you pass middle age. The exception is if you're obviously drunk. DUIs are a big source of revenue.
We do not give a shit about you either.
Try again
The statements came after she had been cuffed and arrested and was in the back of the police car on the way to the station. Her BAC came in at .18, aka drunk as a skunk. Plus marijuana.
Althouse could host a "let it all hang out" post where you are only allowed to comment if you have had 6 or more drinks and we'd see a little of the old "in vino veritas" that would make this woman look quite saintly.
I'd be up for it but would probably fall asleep.
She tested the progressives' assertion of Jew... I mean, White Privilege, and discovered an integrity that is lacking at the DNC, with journolists, diversity racketeers, etc. Perhaps a liberal from yesteryear.
Howard said...
“You are paying for past transgressions in a previous life and are being tested.”
Howard said...
"I talked my way out of a DUI in LA in 1978. I'm sure Crack would have had the same experience."
Never been DUI, never got out of a ticket, never want to see 1978 again.
Birkel said...
"Remember when we all agreed to give a shit about The Crack Emcee? Or his opinions about things? Or his incessant demand that we view ourselves as members of a group instead of as individuals?
Me neither."
I told you to view yourselves as a group? Me? Sorry but you're lying on the wrong guy.
I see you as a group. A big, obstanant, angry, obnoxious, violent and ignorant group with an extreme case of short term memory loss of all the killing you and yours are involved in.
And some, I assume, are good people.*
How you see yourselves is on you.
*President Trump
Sure, TCE, you’re boring and repetitive.
So now what?
Howard said...“You are paying for past transgressions in a previous life and are being tested.”
If you believe that, imagine the horrors past lives of Crack have unleashed to put him in such an oppressed state.
The Crack Emcee said...
And some, I assume, are good people.
Thanks for the shout-out. I was beginning to feel left out.
Sure. I also think they got every reason in the world to do it AND to be drunk. A life of Hell, that you can barely conceive of as your own?
I'm sure you're not arguing that the deep existential pain of being born black excuses drunk driving. Because then I'd have to tell you about my friend's six year old daughter who had her legs crushed when a drunk hit them on the freeway....and my thirteen year old cousin who died when a drunk plowed into him as he was walking home from wrestling practice....and my sister who has had physical therapy and surgeries for years after a drunk hit her when she was doing her bike commute to work....and tell you to get a fucking clue.
If you want to talk about a life of hell, maybe bury your child. Or have nine separate surgeries between your sixth and seventh birthdays. Or lie in an ambulance wondering if your body will ever function properly again when ten minutes ago you were enjoying the breeze and thinking about your nine o clock meeting.
Since I can't remember in which thread Los de Abajo was mentioned by Buwaya and others, thanks! The intro by Carlos Fuentes is itself ("... la amargura engendrando la fatalidad y la fatalidad engendrando la amargura") worth the investment in the book.
I'm sure you're not arguing that the deep existential pain of being born black excuses drunk driving.
Gloom Despair and Agony on Me.
Hi Marc,
You're welcome!
There is a whole parallel literature in Spanish, which only partially crosses over into English. Or rather a parallel cultural world, a hispanosphere, as in the anglosphere.
Stop looking at what other people are doing, and go about your legitimate business.
The position of Spectator Who Considers This Situation And Flatulates Out Their Precious Opinion is so disgusting and degrading to the human spirit.
That Althouse fils "posted this story" already says volumes about what he has become. Kierkegaard on "journalists" is good on this sort of thing.
Dirty White Boy Foreigner
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
"I'm sure you're not arguing that the deep existential pain of being born black excuses drunk driving. Because then I'd have to tell you about my friend's six year old daughter who had her legs crushed when a drunk hit them on the freeway...."
Because people trapped in generations of existential agony are always considering the consequences,...
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
"If you want to talk about a life of hell, maybe bury your child."
I've mentioned 16 of my 20 childhood friends are dead. They all had parents. I don't hear crying for them.
Y'all just got problems anybody can have - that don't include the oppression of black people over you and yours for all time. If not killing any longer, the ability to marginalize and deprive. And turncoats? How long do white people stick with "helping" blacks? First effort fails, what do you do? Where's the white p[erson who said Johnson's shit didn't work, let's try another way? Nobody. You assholes just run away and declare yourselves saints - when you hated him for even trying. You fool no one.
Just like with ending slavery, we lead the way for what we do - our will be done, though it always takes a while - reparations will come.
We're the conscience of the nation because you not only don't have one - you don't want one.
It's pretty funny: I came here a few days ago to be all rah-rah about Republicans recruiting blacks with Kanye West and a new song and, in no time at all, whites like FullMoon, Drago, and a few others do their thing and I feel like there's really no reason for blacks to come anywhere near the Republicans because they're simply assholes. Just like the Left doesn't police itself, the Right just stands aside and lets these creeps destroy any effort that might result amongst people who may not agree on every little thing. Divert from their orthodoxy - don't hurt nobody - and they'll make sure you never do it again, reducing every conversation to a race one, just because a black person may speak from a black perspective. I'm black. I have "black" experiences whites don't have. I live amongst gangstas. Poor people. William F. Buckley didn't make it to our crib. Sorry. (I've heard Chris Rock have to tell Jerry Seinfeld the same thing.)
Y'all trip to hard.
I'll be posting another song soon.
I might stop after that. There's no point. I don't like you.
Ya know Crack. There are some here that are probably Mobys, but there are some here who are out and out racists. I call them out, but it gets tiresome after a while.
There are a few rock ribbed “conservatives” here who are really just white nationalists. One of them is quite open about it. Why do you bother to engage with them? This site is an experiment in free speech. I don’t believe in shutting people out of the debate because I don’t trust anybody to draw the line properly. Are you a racist if you think that the best way to help blacks is with jobs? It seems like it.
I think we need a third party that leaves the political dregs from both sides behind. They are frozen in an old-fashioned battle that is no longer relevant. Trump isn’t a racist, but so many people call him one, racist people feel like he is one of theirs. It doesn’t help that anybody who disagrees with the left-liberal lines on economic policy or social policy is called a racist either. Setting the bar so low just emboldens real racists because it make it look like they have a lot of company.
I think Trump needs to show some leadership on this too, even if his every word gets twisted.
She should've went for straight female privilege, then this wouldn't have become a story.
Char Char, 11:56:
It's all good. I should probably be funnier if I want people to guess I'm being wry.
(The conversation has quite moved on, but I appreciate your response.)
"So if you are part of the group that is least likely to commit crimes, isn't that fact relevant?"
"In what way would that be relevant to the question of if she should be arrested for this crime, which she did commit?"
Of course it's not exculpatory, but she isn't arguing innocence. She arguing leniency. She saying: "I'm not the kind of person who regularly commits crimes", which statistically is true. It may be weak, but her group's record and her cleanness is all the favorable evidence she's got to offer in her plea for leniency. If she was being accused of serial killing, the White thing would be an even worse argument.
Imagine she was being accused of being a rapist or gang member. Wouldn't her plea be a pretty good argument?
Its amazing how people won't give others a pass when drunk.
I'm sure she'd express her thoughts in nicer language if she wasn't bombed out of her mind and stressed out at being arrested.
It reminds me of Roy Moore. All his *so-called* and *alleged* sexual peccadillos happened 35 years ago. But that didn't matter. It didn't matter there was no pattern. Or nothing more recent. Everyone acted like it happened yesterday.
Same with this. She was fucking drunk. Let's record *you*, when *you're* drunk and hear all the crazy crap you say.
Judas Priest.
Oh no! We are at risk of losing The Crack Emcee who adds so much to any conversation. How will we make it?
Play your one note instrument elsewhere.
The Crack Emcee: "I'll be posting another song soon."
You cant threaten me like that! I dont care how many of your songs you post, I'm not ratting out anyone!
You hear me Copper?
Uh, the "clean" part of that works **against** her if you think about it long enough. I interpret "clean" to mean absent drugs...and alcohol. If she normally doesn't drink (due to being 'clean') then she most likely can't handle her alcohol. Even more reason to arrest her, rather than a reason **not** to.
She should have said: " ". And nothing else.
When Bush the Younger was stopped for dui and brought to the police station, he called his dad and asked him what he should do. "Pay the fine, son" was the answer.
Police said Cutshaw's drunkenness was "further exemplified by the multiple reasons [she said] she should not be arrested for driving under the influence."
That's a charitable attribution. Simply can't be that stupid, right?
The Buzzfeed description doesn't put the speed that clear. Elsewhere it's reported as "sped through a stop sign at 60 mph".'
But like..it was her 32nd birthday! And real estate is doing awesome!
Btw, the difference in those headshots is shocking..same person?
"Her eyes glossy and bloodshot, Lauren Elizabeth Cutshaw was slurring her words and a breathalyzer showed her blood-alcohol level at .18"
"Sam Cutshaw, 25, died tragically on Thursday, February 16, 2017, at the Medical University of South Carolina, in Charleston, from injuries he sustained while doing the work he loved.
In addition to his parents, Sam is survived by his sister, Mia Jones Hughey, brother-in-law, Jeff Hughey, niece, Ami Hughey, nephew, Ben Hughey, and wife, Lauren Elizabeth Cutshaw, all of Bluffton, SC"
marybeth said...Why was this publicized? Did the police contact BuzzFeed and say, you won't believe what this woman said? How did this even become a news story?
That's a really good question.
The Crack Emcee said...
It's pretty funny: I came here a few days ago to be all rah-rah about Republicans recruiting blacks with Kanye West and a new song and, in no time at all, whites like FullMoon, Drago, and a few others do their thing and I feel like there's really no reason for blacks to come anywhere near the Republicans because they're simply assholes.
What post heralded the return? Ever think your particular constant focus on race might be off-putting?
Not being a cute blonde chick, if I am ever pulled over for drunk driving, I will restrict myself from speaking, other than to inform the officer that I am not a communist. At least that is my plan. Since liquor loosens the tongue, I may expand on that a bit.
walter said...
"Ever think your particular constant focus on race might be off-putting?"
Let's see: I wrote a song that doesn't mention race. I came back and people started asking me about it. Tell me:
When white interviewers ask Thomas Sowell about race, does that show HE has a "constant focus" on the issue?
Why don't you face it: get grilled for answers to questions these fools hate to get an answer for that doesn't entirely jive with THEIR particular idea of Right Wing dogma, like blacks can't have legit emotions - even hatred - for a society that may have stopped "slavery" but still ripped or fractured them - as individuals - from their families and even their REAL place in this world, and whites not only refuse to acknowledge it, themselves, but want to harass us unmercifully for going through it. We are an emerging people being treated badly for a lack of sophistication or something. It's brutally unfair on it's face.
I see how I'm blamed for this. I'm always blamed as you guys merely acknowledge "There are some here that are probably Mobys, but there are some here who are out and out racists." See, where I come from - amongst the blacks y'all call racist - when a racist is amongst us, abusing white people, we shut them down. How do you think we have white friends? Do you think THEY'RE being constantly harassed for hanging with us? You ever see Bill Burr's comedy? He plays black audiences all the time. We look forward to it. How do you think he has so many black friends? Think he's a push-over? Fuck that. He's a nice, reasonable man who listens to other Americans like he gives a damn. So what's wrong with y'all?
That's the question you should be asking yourselves.
The Crack Emcee said...
Where's the white person who said Johnson's shit didn't work, let's try another way? Nobody.
Anyone who say's Johnson's shit didn't work is failing to understand the second half of the 20th century America. Johnson's shit succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.
And pretty much every Republican has been saying let's try another way. Democrats, supported by the majority of black voters, have been fighting them tooth and nail.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
"Anyone who say's Johnson's shit didn't work is failing to understand the second half of the 20th century America. Johnson's shit succeeded beyond his wildest dreams."
Come on, without being racist at all, or knocking the intentions, we agree the welfare state is no way to run a country, no?
"Pretty much every Republican has been saying let's try another way."
Yes, but, if you can acknowledge of the party I'm in that "There are some here that are probably Mobys, but there are some here who are out and out racists" then you'll forgive me for thinking they haven't had my best intentions, even as an American, always in mind.
"Democrats, supported by the majority of black voters, have been fighting them tooth and nail."
Because where are we supposed to go?
"There are some here that are probably Mobys, but there are some here who are out and out racists."
Let those words sink in and you'll see: it's y'all who are your own worst enemies when it comes to making friends. I'm here - was glad to be here, even after seeing all those people who said they didn't like me, which I took as a style thing, not racist. (I never er call anybody racist until the FullMoon's and Drago's show up, and then - I could make money betting on this - all the denials that racism exists, even here, start when I say it). It's madness and you KNOW you're lying to me as well as I do. And then you blame me for it.
Screaming "Nobody's a victim!" all along the way.
OK - enough of that from me:
I'd like to know how the "clean, white girl" did, after a night in the pokey. Anybody heard anything?
The Crack Emcee said...
Yes, but, if you can acknowledge of the party I'm in that "There are some here that are probably Mobys, but there are some here who are out and out racists" then you'll forgive me for thinking they haven't had my best intentions, even as an American, always in mind.
I can and do acknowledge that there are some here ( here being both this blog and the Republican party in general ) that are out and out racists.* But they are a small minority, and they are not driving policy. Of course there are many more with low-level biases along the line of Jesse Jackson, feeling relief when the footsteps behind them turn out to be somebody white.
Because where are we supposed to go?
The Republican party, where not only do the vast majority of people have your best interests in mind, they also support policies that will advance those interests over the long term.
*Just as there are in the Democratic party.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
"I can and do acknowledge that there are some here ( here being both this blog and the Republican party in general ) that are out and out racists.* But they are a small minority, and they are not driving policy."
That doesn't matter when they've got me cornered and thew rest of you are just standing there. What am I supposed to tell other blacks? Come get hazed? You guys really are clueless sometimes.
"Of course there are many more with low-level biases along the line of Jesse Jackson, feeling relief when the footsteps behind them turn out to be somebody white."
Jesse Jackson is fucking his secretary - can we stop relying on such men for perspective - maybe at MLK? I took a test online. Several. I feel more relaxed around blacks. A white mob chased me from an ATM in France, so what does that tell you? It should tell you that, unless that kind of shit happens to you, let me do the talking and you try and listen.
"Because where are we supposed to go?"
You should be asking that of blacks, first, because the answer was "the ghetto" and whites provided it - just like the Nazis. It was just the way whites thought in those days. Accept it.
"The Republican party, where not only do the vast majority of people have your best interests in mind, they also support policies that will advance those interests over the long term."
Not if they don't acknowledge getting chased from ATMs and getting attacked by Nazis for conducting business and a friend who's a cop that's a psychopath. You guys want to fix a cartoon. It's not real life. It's not my life. I'm not Thomas Sowell sleeping on a fire escape. I'm The Crack Emcee who used to duck bullets at lunch time and it didn't make the news, didn't spark 2nd Amendment debates, didn't cause any soul searching, and didn't make white folks upset in the least. Ice Cube told you, if "it could happen here, it could happen anywhere." but did you listen? No. You were too busy being racist and saying he wasn't making music. Now he's making comedies and kids movies. I wonder what Michael Brown might've been doing now? We'll never know. I wonder who's fault that is?
I got my six foot nephew to go from a gangsta to a B student in a year. Y'all's tripping' in a corrosive way to the country.
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