Moderates are keen to promote only passive, nonviolent tactics under any circumstance, but fail to realize that when the police attack demonstrations that kind of resistance isn’t always an option....
The popular narratives that painted Black Lives Matter activists as “violent” have since escalated to new legislation targeting black people. Since Trump’s inauguration, lawmakers in 31 states proposed 64 anti-protest bills, some of them geared toward preventing protesters from blocking highways, a common Black Lives Matter protest tactic. Several of these bills proposed making it legal for drivers to run over protesters if they are blocking roads. These bills make formerly legal, even anodyne, forms of protest illegal, and in doing so, target marginalized protesters much more than others....
Given what we know about protest repression, it’s imperative to resist these harmful laws and narratives at all costs, and fight like hell for “bad” protesters. The Republican bill names anti-fascists, but it’s not hard to imagine the vague term “disguise” being applied to any number of garments commonly worn to protests. Maybe even pussy hats.
१५ ऑगस्ट, २०१८
"The narratives that painted Black Lives Matter activists as 'violent' have turned into legislation that targets black people, leftists, and other marginalized groups."
"The Dangers of Shunning ‘Bad’ Protesters" (The Nation).
२३१ टिप्पण्या:
231 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Blocking free passage on a public road falls under fighting words in Ohio law, for a long time.
The author has a point. Black Lives Matters protestors wouldn't get a wrist slap for beating people with a bike lock. To be fair, except for the large scale Trayvon Martin riots, which weren't exactly BLM protests, BLM protests, from what I recall, are loud, obnoxious and in your face, but no one gets beat over the head with a bike lock at them or has masked goons throwing unidentified chemicals at cops at them -- unless I've missed something.
I'm not sure if this means we should be punishing BLM violent protestors LESS or maybe punishing other forms of violent protestors MORE, but they are right that there's a difference in the way they are treated.
“Historically, fears of anarchists have been used to suppress any critic of the US government, as well as anyone deemed un-American,” says Adam Quinn, a historian of anarchism and antiradicalism who has written about ideological repression.
Hasn’t that been the Deep State’s tactic against Trump?
"The Republican bill names anti-fascists, but it’s not hard to imagine the vague term “disguise” being applied to any number of garments commonly worn to protests. Maybe even pussy hats."
-- Do those hats disguise you?
"Blocking free passage on a public road falls under fighting words in Ohio law, for a long time."
That relates to whether legislation violates a constitutional right, but the article is urging readers to reject legislation, which you can do for all sorts of reasons (including that you think a right is violated or that there should be a right that protects people against this legislation but can also be just that you think the legislation is unwise and that we'd be better off without it).
The Nation is a Stalinist rag that panders to that oldest lefty fantasy: blacks as the vanguard of violent revolution.
The Nation wants to provoke violent confrontation with police in order to spark that longed for revolution.
"leftists... and other marginalized groups"
L. O. L.
Poor little marginalized leftists. Can't think of a single institution where they have any power at all. Oh. Wait. Just all of them.
Why make new restrictive laws on expression when the unifying theme of the BLM protests, and their aftermath, is that police weren’t enforcing existing laws? During the protests police stood down and allowed, for example in NYC, protesters to block entry to a bridge? Post protest, crime has increased in neighborhoods where police are policing less than before.
What a pile of garbage. I'd love to see simple equal enforcement of laws against leftist protesters who occupy, destroy, riot, assault, and attack police.
The last time we protested our pseudo-conservative, felon-pandering congressman Doug Collins, we had 12 people holding small signs moving on a sidewalk away from the intersection for 30 minutes. I told folks to be very careful to not block driver visibility. We were still told by police we would need a permit. We didn't but politely left. Next time I will get one, just to be sure.
In the same congressional district, leftist protesters routinely act out with no consequences and thousands of hippies took over the federal park, refusing to pay entrance and camping fees the rest of us are required to pay, causing millions in damage and policing expenses, and the feds just let them do it. There was rampant heroin use, ungodly destruction of parkland, fecal stuff indescribable, child abuse, sex assaults, and mass shoplifting at local stores.
Occupation is a leftist strategy. It is slow motion rioting.
Wearing masks became a crime in Georgia in 1951, and with its enforcement the KKK terrorists withered away. No wonder the Soros hired and trained white terrorists of today pretend it is un-constitutional, somehow, if all reason has departed.
The aphorism that evil wins when good men do nothing is at the heart of Masked Evil Terrorists. Once we can see them, their silly act withers away.
Don't cover your face. Don't attack cops or other people. Stay the hell out of the road. Don't be a dick.
How hard is that? Pretty hard for some folks.
So group A is using a certain (already illegal) tactic with the express intent of screwing with my daily life. So I call my legislator and encourage him to pass a law to further discourage that tactic. And that makes me the bad guy?!?
This is the RE-action to violent action by leftist groups...and the Nation wants no limits on their thugs.
As we saw MANY MANY times, from WTO protests, to OWS, to BLM, to Hillary's Paisley Shirts, 'blocking traffic' ends up being 'surrounding cars, beating on the cars and creating fear of violence to the occupants', like a Charles Murray speech.
Now, I am torn. On the one hand free speech and their actions discredit them with the middle.
On the other, they tend to violence VERY QUICKLY. The Nation is lying.
...but the article is urging readers to reject legislation, which you can do for all sorts of reasons...
Yes, my take away is the author was upset that the left was throwing some awesome riot parties, then the rotten people on the right petitioned the government for redress and passed legislation to protect people moving about society and minding their own business,and, and,...HOW DARE THEY?!
Not surprised the left is absent any self awareness they fail to see how stupid they sound.
When the masks were white, and the hoods pointed, there was an outrage over the hate. Now, it's something we're supposed to tolerate, since it's approved by many in the media. Regardless, the attempt at terror will eventually end in violent clashes. At that point, either anarchy will be achieved, or enough armed citizens will end the uprising. The number of honest citizens far outnumbers the criminal anarchists, and their days of unbridled rioting will end.
To repeat: The Nation's strategy is to create martyrs to the revolution through violent confrontations with police.
They want action without reaction. Seems like their physics is faulty.
Oh, and The Nation is lying. Again.
"Several of these bills proposed making it legal for drivers to run over protesters if they are blocking roads."
CNN says:
"Lawmakers in North Dakota, North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee and Texas proposed bills that would make it legal for drivers to hit protesters if the driver did not do so willfully."
Washington (CNN)A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.
Lets not forget who hires these thugs. The Democrat Party, with planning sessions in the Oval Office
Legislation that keeps public roads open for their intended purpose? Nothing wrong with that, as long as people have alternate forums to express themselves, which, of course, they do.
Love the blog this morning.
Maybe they can protest the legislation?
"Moderates are keen to promote only passive, nonviolent tactics under any circumstance"
There's probably a way to distinguish that from, Not attacking the other side at a protest with a metal club.
It's subtle, but still.
I'm also not sure that the issue is really about BLM. BLM indeed seem to be (mostly) protesters. Antifa, on the other hand, seem to be mostly Brownshirts.
Mask laws came about during a time when the KKK was 'protesting' Reconciliation.
The Berkeley PD got flack from the Left when they released mug shots of antifa rioters:
The black masks serve a twofold purpose. Besides providing anonymity, they also make decidedly unimpressive losers look (and feel) scary, like bank robbers and serial killers. I imagine these dweebs donning their black clothes and masks and getting a huge rush when they look in the mirror.
"Hey, I'm not just some Oakland layabout; I'm Superhero AntiFascist Fighter!"
Just like KKK members got a rush when they put on bedsheets and rode off to defend Southern Womanhood.
What is actually in the legislation, though? The article quoted ‘blocking traffic’ as if that’s the worst thing. Which is a particularly obnoxious thing. On the other hand, protests are supposed to be visible - but to whom? The objective, I suppose, is to make your cause visible. In this day and age, the media have the biggest impact. But inconveniencing others (blocking traffic, preventing them from functioning in a peaceful society, bashing them with rocks) specifically pushes people to oppose your cause, regardless of what it is. This is obvious to most, but the left and their (sic) protesters don’t seem to understand this. Hence the ‘this is how you get more Trump’.
I'm trying to think of an if the roles were reversed type of example, and the closest I can come up with are anti-abortion activists.
From their point of view, abortion is killing far more people than the police ever will. And there are a very few extremists who kill abortion providers, or attack clinics. But if there were repeated protests at clinics with masked participants, where some of the participants engaged in violence against people or property, nobody on the right, and certainly no major publications, would argue that those protests should be protected, and the participants allowed to remain anonymous.
I read my young niece approvingly stating that the recent failed rally of neo-nazis was because there were violent counter-protesters there to attack them. Sharing this with others.
It's amazing that within just a few years, millions of Americans suddenly believe that VIOLENT protesting/counter-protesting is ok if you simply feel strongly enough against what you are protesting.
Case in point is Antifa or anti-fascism. Their modus operandi has basically been to call out a proposed action or legislation coming out of the right, paint the picture of an extreme end that action/legislation starts, and then claim they are fighting that fascist end through unidentified and untargeted violence and rioting.
And there are MILLIONS of people supporting this.
These are some of the same people who would claim to lionize MLK Jr., Gandhi, and others whose tenets they violate.
make it legal for drivers to hit protesters if the driver did not do so willfully."
That's because pedestrians are always given the right-of-way, IIRC. A law like this might have helped the Charlottesville killer. Whatever happened with his case?
"I'm trying to think of an if the roles were reversed type of example, and the closest I can come up with are anti-abortion activists."
-- Very specific laws HAVE been passed targeting anti-abortion activists though.
"fail to realize that when the police attack demonstrations that kind of resistance isn’t always an option...."
In what cases did the police "attack demonstrations" that were nonviolent and followed lawful orders?
"new legislation targeting black people."
It does not appear that the legislation mentions black people, so the critics must assume black demonstrators are inherently more prone to the violent tactics targeted in it.
"blocking highways, a common Black Lives Matter protest tactic. Several of these bills proposed making it legal for drivers to run over protesters if they are blocking roads. These bills make formerly legal, even anodyne, forms of protest illegal"
Blocking highways is not anodyne and should be outlawed. The real issue with new legislation on the books will be consistent and firm enforcement.
It's amazing that within just a few years, millions of Americans suddenly believe that VIOLENT protesting/counter-protesting is ok if you simply feel strongly enough against what you are protesting.
Worse, is this narrative that protesting is "the most American thing you can do", and "this country was founded by protesters".
The ACLU has a map of anti-protest bills proposed and passed, though it's a year old.
None of the "accidental running over" bills passed. The one pending bill in North Carolina did not pass. North Carolina (and several other states) has a “contributory negligence” law on the books that essentially accomplishes the same thing.
Interesting that the Dakota bills are clearly a response to pipeline protests, rather than BLM protests.
SB 902: Passed. This law imposes a fine of $200 on protesters who obstruct an emergency vehicle from accessing a street or highway.
HB 1123: Passed. This law punishes protesters who willfully trespass on “critical infrastructure,” with enhanced penalties for those who do so in order to harm the infrastructure’s operations. Under the law, the state can impose a $1 million fine on any organization “found to be a conspirator” in such trespass.
HB 2128: Passed. This law appears to make anyone who is merely arrested for trespass liable for any damages to property caused while trespassing.
South Dakota:
SB 176: Passed. This law enables officials to prohibit protests of more than 20 people on public lands in certain circumstances and expands the crime of trespass; enables the Department of Transportation to prohibit protesters from stopping on the highway; and criminalizes protests that stop traffic on the highway.
North Dakota
HB 1293: Passed. This law criminalizes protests on private property where the notice against trespassing is “clear from the circumstances.” It also creates a civil trespass offense that gives officers the option of issuing a citation and $250 fine.
SB 2302: Passed. This law allows the attorney general to respond to a large protest by appointing out-of-state law enforcement officers as “ad-hoc special agents.”
HB 1426: Passed. This law increased penalties for riot offenses.
HB 1304: Passed. This law punishes wearing a mask while committing a crime (including minor offenses) to avoid recognition or identification in any public forum, or in a group on private property without written permission.
I'm gonna need taller boots to wade through Althouse this morning. Maybe thicker skin as well...
Do they disavow the existence of hate speech now too? I agree about limiting protests, protest is a form of public speech after all. And I think it pretty easy to differentiate protest (peaceful) from rioting. Defining down (or is it up) violence is what tyrannical governments do.
"Worse, is this narrative that protesting is "the most American thing you can do", and "this country was founded by protesters"."
-- I find all these sudden posts about how "crews of antifa posing with alt-right trophies" popping up showing WW2-era Soldiers taking Nazi positions infuriating.
"SB 902: Passed. This law imposes a fine of $200 on protesters who obstruct an emergency vehicle from accessing a street or highway."
-- $200 is pretty light compared the freaking law suit if someone dies because of them.
I'm going to say this again: I'm fine with nearly all non-violent protests. I'm a free speech absolutist.
Once you put on a mask and start throwing things, arming yourselves and planning how to attack other protestors -- you're not a protestor any more, and you shouldn't be dealt with as if you are one.
What was it that Calvin Trillin (who wrote for it) used to say about The Nation? Only subscribed to by some librarians and read by a few old socialists. Something to that effect.
When I started in 1966 the City of Chicago Disorderly Conduct Municipal Ordinance and the State Disorderly Conduct law both contained the phrase "on the publicv way while hooded, robed or masked" A cursory chick shows this has been removed from both.
But the following constitutes Unlawful Use of a Weapons in state law, even if the person is authorized to carry a firearm:
"Carries or possesses in a vehicle or on or about his person any pistol, revolver, stun gun or taser or firearm or ballistic knife, when he is hooded, robed or masked in such manner as to conceal his identity;"
You'll notice MSM bend over backwards to never mention Antifa by name. It appears their chosen name for the violent, anti-capitalist communists is "counter-protesters".
Drago was telling us just the other day how violent those millions of pussy hatted protestors were. He said even Vox said so!
What was it that Calvin Trillin (who wrote for it) used to say about The Nation? Only subscribed to by some librarians and read by a few old socialists. Something to that effect.
That may have been true when Trillin wrote it, but The Nation has gotten a big circulation boost from young anti-white racism, anti-Bush wars, anti-Trump anything.
I laugh at their overwrought prose, posing as victims of public safety laws. How strange they overlook the burnt cities and cars, the dead cops and protesters, the many innocent Americans assaulted by these thugs pretending fists are "speech."
Hey folks,
MEG thinks this is a foreign policy issue.
It seems "anodyne" is becoming a bigly stretched word.
"The ambulance was in clear view of the protesters, he said, but they refused to let it through.
“They knew as they blocked the road that they were standing between someone who needed medical treatment and that treatment,’’ Morrissey said. “They just felt no compassion and no responsibility.”
"You'll notice MSM bend over backwards to never mention Antifa by name. It appears their chosen name for the violent, anti-capitalist communists is "counter-protesters"."
-- That's kind of fair though. I'd rather not call them antifa either, since it is a gross misnomer. They're not anti-fascist; they're just anti-right. Not even alt right, as we've seen them attack non-Nazis. So, "Counter-protesters" is better, since they're not there to be anti-fascist. They're just there to shut down protests they don't like.
Leftists and the DNC-Media that inflames them are always trying to create Bizarro World where my speech is violence and their violence is speech. And they wonder why we don't trust their "news" and their motives.
When you are protesting the right of certain people to exist, that makes you a fascist.
painted Black Lives Matter activists as 'violent'
"I see a red door and I want it painted black."
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Drago was telling us just the other day how violent those millions of pussy hatted protestors were. He said even Vox said so!"
Mrs. Magoo is very, very stupid.
I think law makers in those 31 states are just trying to get people off the street and in to good jobs.
Shouting Thomas said...
"The Nation is a Stalinist rag that panders to that oldest lefty fantasy: blacks as the vanguard of violent revolution.
The Nation wants to provoke violent confrontation with police in order to spark that longed for revolution."
Analysis: True.
Many moons ago, after I had got my nephew from a gangsta to a B student, a writer/friend pitched an article to The Nation about it, but they turned it down, specifically because it didn't send the message they wanted.
How about "Thugs wearing masks"?
The pussy haters deployed a lot of violent rhetoric but it fell well short of incitement and as I recall there was no, or very, very little, physical violence. I, for one, got a good laugh from seeing their rather foolish and puerile 'protest', especially the feminized male participants. I'm still suspicious those guys were just trying to get laid.
The problem is more in ensuring that communities are politically neutral in enforcing limits on protest. It's hardly a secret that leftist protesters can do as they please in places such as Berkeley; even when the protesters are obviously and viciously violent, local police may be told to stand down.
For example:
They can pass any law they please, but if if in the local communities in which protests occur, they elect prosecutors who refuse to prosecute it hardly matters.
The ASPCA doubles down, school bus must stop for a cat, 30 children die . Those that die from blockaded ER are valued less than protestors and organizers. There Must be precedence here.Stand your ground perhaps
"Antics" is the same group that was Anarchist last time they raised hell about something. It's the same people and some are full time protesters. Sort of like Uber for riots.
Antifa. Autocorrect again.
Althouse is pumping it out today to make up for yesterday morning when she was sick--or just hungover?
The pussy haters deployed a lot of violent rhetoric
I thought Pride was all about the "love."
Here’s a scoop, inside of one of the ears on the pussy hats is a little pocket for a razor. Don’t be fooled by the older ladies, they are the most dangerous and have years of experience street fighting at protests. Inside the baby strollers, young pussy hatted moms hide their Molotov cocktails.
“Moderates are keen to promote only passive, nonviolent tactics under any circumstance, but fail to realize that when the police attack demonstrations that kind of resistance isn’t always an option....”
Martin Luther King: Bullshit!
Ann needs a tag for resistance bullshit.
“We didn’t want to do it but the actions of X forced us to!”
Since when are leftists marginalized?
Occupy and now Antifa are violent and they leave huge messes behind after they temper tantrum.
It wasn't that long ago left wingers claimed the Tea Party protesters were scary and "violent" because they opposed the welfare state. Now they make excuses for actual violence.
Apparently words mean whatever the craziest leftist in the room want them to mean.
Look at the expression on that older lady’s face, she’s ready to rip someone’s throat out.
My only problem with the pussy hat protesters was where were they in the '90s? Why did they participate in that conspiracy of silence for 30 years, and then, suddenly, it was a a thing because it was thought to be a good tactic to get Trump.
Anybody who thinks that a bunch of jobless "protesters" blocking traffic when working people are trying to get home after a long day is "anodyne" needs a dictionary.
Pussy hatters are probably even more transparent in their motivations to everybody but themselves than AntiFa.
Antifa are the new Brown Shirts. Only this time with masks.
The pussy hatters are mainly just a bunch of neurotic, pampered white women who throw hissy fits when they don't get their way.
I'm not worried about those shrill, silly harpies. Antifas are the truly dangerous ones.
I thought getting run over, being thrown in jail, tear gassed, or roughed up be cops was a badge of honor.
This generation can’t even riot correctly, they want no consequences for their actions.
" I, for one, got a good laugh from seeing their rather foolish and puerile 'protest', especially the feminized male participants"
Yeah, nothing says "I'm an adult and my concerns should be taken seriously" like wearing a giant vulva costume.
Captain Kirk knew exactly how to handle Ashley Judd:
>>So group A is using a certain (already illegal) tactic with the express intent of screwing with my daily life. So I call my legislator and encourage him to pass a law to further discourage that tactic. And that makes me the bad guy?!?
Yes. Especially if you refuse to denounce yourself.
Ha, ha. The morals of the left are always situational. Whatever they want is good, everything else is bad. And what they want changes day to day depending on what serves to advance their power. Schmucks, every one of them.
Coming from a basically conservative mindset, protesting has always been strange to me. I have no idea how effective it actually is in accomplishing its ostensible goals. I can't know if it's a persuasive tactic in general, I only know that it has never been an effective tactic on me. ButI I'm apparently a weirdo. I don't base my voting on how loudly and aggressively people yell a slogan to my face. I don't respond well to intimidation.
But I think the other, less overt function of protesting is as a general pressure release valve for the politically frustrated, the terminally bored, or the more aggressive sorts in our society. There's a chance that without open protest you could end up with an increase in bad behaivor rather than a decrease.
tim in vermont: "My only problem with the pussy hat protesters was where were they in the '90s? Why did they participate in that conspiracy of silence for 30 years, and then, suddenly, it was a a thing because it was thought to be a good tactic to get Trump."
Hey man, that was then, this is now.
These "principled" lefties would never allow that to happen today.......(cough cough Keith Ellison....)
Moderates are keen to promote only passive, nonviolent tactics under any circumstance, but fail to realize that when the police attack demonstrations that kind of resistance isn’t always an option ...
It certainly is. Someone needs to go back and look at footage of the Civil Rights protesters of fifty-five years ago. And maybe read “Letter From a Birmingham Jail.”
@Crack (8:39), congratulations on your nephew. It couldn’t have been easy for either one of you.
Blogger Nonapod said...
Coming from a basically conservative mindset, protesting has always been strange to me.
The #BLM protests in Minneapolis and Saint Paul were clearly intended to get city-Dwelling liberals to pressure the mayors & police into negotiating with #BLM. They aren't there to try and convince anyone, they are there to show that they can and will shut the city down.
Matthew Sablan said...
"... BLM protests, from what I recall, are loud, obnoxious and in your face, but no one gets beat over the head with a bike lock at them or has masked goons throwing unidentified chemicals at cops at them -- unless I've missed something."
I seem to recall some burning buildings.
I seem to recall some burning buildings.
And I recall cops being shot.
No arrests at the largest anti Trump protest ever, the Women’s March by 3.3 million pussy hatted women.
Inga's pussy hat brigade just voted for a woman beater in Minnesota:
"Ellison physically assaulted and psychologically abused Sierra Club activist Karen Monahan while the two were in a relationship, according to Austin Aslim Monahan, who claims to be Karen’s son.
“I was using my moms computer trying to download something and I clicked on a file, I found over 100 text and twitters messages and video almost 2 min long that showed Keith Ellison dragging my mama off the bed by her feet, screaming and calling her a ‘fucking bitch’ and telling her to get the fuck out of his house,” he wrote."
Well, Inga always did dig that Muslim violence.
I was going to say They were exhausted after their abortions, but realized in time that that sucked.
"Since when are leftists marginalized?" Since before you were born.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"No arrests at the largest anti Trump protest ever, the Women’s March by 3.3 million pussy hatted women."
So, that would be 6.6 million little pinkety-purple pussy ears, right?
I thought the Trayvon Martin and other shooting protest/riots were before BLM was a formalized thing; I could be wrong though. Like I said, I didn't put too much thought into recalling. Since then, hasn't it mainly been things like disrupting brunches in most areas?
"Since when are leftists marginalized?" Since before you were born.
Well that had a hard sunset.
A case can, and should be, made that the violent attacks on people and property by Antifa and other groups is designed to draw out the opposition crazies. I expect that every time antifa shows up and usual parade of victim groups hit the streets they are hoping for gunfire to start their revolution. How long before they grow tired of waiting and do it themselves. Antifa is a zero sum game.
Venezuela's current situation is what the liberals are hoping they can bring to the U.S.
But wait a minute. What does Tiffany Trump think?
Did I say the pussy-hatted harpies committed violence, Inga?
No, you foul bitches just let other people commit violence for you:
"Linda Sarsour, a prominent Democratic activist who helped organize the Women’s March on Washington, called Imam Wahhaj (who is the father of the man arrested for training children to become school shooters) a “mentor” at an Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) conference in 2017:
My favorite person in this room, that’s mutual, is Imam Siraj Wahhaj, who has been a mentor, and motivator and encourager of mine, someone who has taught me to speak truth to power and not worry about the consequences, someone who has taught me we are on this earth to please Allah, and only Allah, that we are not here to please any man or women on this Earth, so I’m grateful to you, Imam Siraj … I’m grateful to you Imam Siraj, God bless you and protect you for a long time because we need you now more than ever."
Inga and the harridans like her are pussies in every sense of the word. They are too cowardly to commit violence themselves, but they sure do love it when leftist males - especially Muslims - commit violence for them. Hey, Inga, just don't make Keith Ellison mad at you like that Sierra Club lady did - he might break your jaw. Not that that would hurt him with Democrat women. They'll forgive him.
“The DNC is reviewing the allegations against Ellison, spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa told CNN. These allegations recently came to light and we are reviewing them," the spokeswoman said. "All allegations of domestic abuse are disturbing and should be taken seriously."
We’ll have to wait and see if the son or the woman release their evidence and I’m quite certain if they prove what they say Ellison will be history. There are numerous accusations against Trump regarding sexual assault and abuse, he denies them, same as Ellison. If you live up to your own standards you wouldn’t look like such hypocrites.
“Well, Inga always did dig that Muslim violence.”
Really? I suggest you go and find any comments in which I indicated any such thing. Using Drago’s modus operendi doesn’t bolster your credibility.
“Inga and the harridans like her are pussies in every sense of the word. They are too cowardly to commit violence themselves...
Unlike you, huh? I’m not surprised.
The Commies and their consorts are getting nervous that their exploitation of marginalized peoples may be disrupted.
"A case can, and should be, made that the violent attacks on people and property by Antifa and other groups is designed to draw out the opposition crazies. I expect that every time antifa shows up and usual parade of victim groups hit the streets they are hoping for gunfire to start their revolution."
-- I don't think so; whenever people swing *back* at antifa, they tend to crumple. There might be some true revolutionaries willing to sacrifice the antifa shock troops who they deploy in hopes of silencing folks to spur more, but the vast majority I think aren't ready for that.
The Nation wants to pretend that the problem people have with violent protesters has something to do with the pussy-hatted ones and only Inga thinks anyone actually believes this.
I know she's trying her best, but it's still sad.
Maybe Exiled is so cranky today because 81,000 more Democrats came out to vote than Republicans in its Primary yesterday.
Since when are leftists marginalized?" Since before you were born.
Well that had a hard sunset.
Well Obama did have a thing for disenfranchised marxists and here we are.
"No arrests at the largest anti Trump protest ever, the Women’s March by 3.3 million pussy hatted women."
Police were busy laughing their asses off. Think about it: 3.3 million pink pussy hatted women.
Think about pussy hatted jenny-asses voting. Good lord. The mind reels.
Ellison made it, didn’t he?
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Maybe Exiled is so cranky today because 81,000 more Democrats came out to vote than Republicans in its Primary yesterday."
Nah. I'm cranky because stupid women like you gave their vote to Ellison, knowing full well what he is accused of. Note: it's a lot more serious than Trump talking about pussy-grabbing.
But you're perfectly fine with being a hypocritical hag.
"their evidence and I’m quite certain if they prove what they say Ellison will be history. There are numerous accusations against Trump"
Remember, kids, the narrative painted BLM as violent.
In no way did the violence perpetrated by BLM help people identify BLM as violent.
It's the narrative.
“I'm cranky because stupid women like you gave their vote to Ellison, knowing full well what he is accused of. Note: it's a lot more serious than Trump talking about pussy-grabbing.”
Sure, sure, whatever you say, lol.
Stupid women like you voted for Trump despite the numerous accusations against him, which are far more serious than pussy grabbing.
Trumpit said...
"Since when are leftists marginalized?" Since before you were born.
Left wingers are still invoking the memory of the blacklists even as they try to reinstate them. Nothing could undermine them more.
Carry on.
No arrests at the largest anti Trump protest ever, the Women’s March by 3.3 million pussy hatted women.
It was very elegant that the middle aged women in the (Liberal) Women's March were able to do what women generally go: get together en masse and bitch a lot.
They were exactly what a protest should be: colorful, interesting, and at the end of the day pretty pointless, though it makes its participants feel important.
You have attacked the mischaracterization of the Women's Protest about 20 times now.
Do you have any OBJECTIVE analysis of the anti-Free Speech protests in Middlebury, Berkley, Charlottesville...or do you prefer that one note whistle you have going on?
"Stupid women like you voted for Trump despite the numerous accusations against him, which are far more serious than pussy grabbing."
Put some ice on it, Inga.
"Stupid women like you voted for Trump despite the numerous accusations against him, which are far more serious than pussy grabbing."
-- The moral weight of this when JFK and Bill Clinton are still celebrated is roughly nil. I don't like Trump, but I also don't like pretending the accusations against Trump are any different than ones that would be ignored were he Team Blue.
Nina Burleigh once said that Feminist women owed it to Bill Clinton to blow him just to keep abortion safe.
Obviously, by that metric, Feminist women owe it to Male Feminist politicians to take 'five across the eyes' for allow themselves to be beaten isn't a House seat...because...
Maybe a Feminist woman can explain to me why they countenance allowing their fellow Feminist women to be beaten by this man and then vote for him. White Liberal Guilt? Power?
I have to admit since Bill Clinton, signer of the Sexual Harassment laws, I have a hard time taking Feminist Principles seriously since they seem to have the same difficulty.
"Since when are leftists marginalized?" Since before you were born.
Most of the people on the Hollywood blacklist were Commies trying to undermine American civilization.
Crack - congrats on your nephew!
Many gangs seem to be multi generation affairs and location based, so leaving them is almost impossible.
Oh what bullshit the Nation spews. It's just excuse making for violence and intimidation dishonestly phrased as protest.
Most of the people on the Hollywood blacklist were Commies trying to undermine American civilization.
Now known as the Harvard Faculty list.
I wish Ca had anti mask legislation like Georgia!
@Matthew Sablan, I would expect the front lines of the Antifa to be filled with nihilistic young men and women who just want to break heads and windows without fear of reprisal (and so far they’ve been very right about their lack of fear of reprisal, in DC on Inaugural Day and in California on any day of the week). You can find people like that in any time, going back to when years only needed two digits, and before. Their expendability is by no means obvious to them. Their organizers will be in the back of the pack or off site, and the ones who think they will benefit from the riots and chaos will be nowhere near the scene.
It's that evil authoritarian Trump's doimg.
By getting people into jobs they have neither time nor motive to protest. More to losr if they het in trouble, too.
If you can't get a big demo togethet, you have to do something else to get noticed. Violence works well.
This mob violence is Trump's fault. Impeach him now!
John Henry
"...legislation targeting black people"...
Interesting assumption.
By the same logic, perhaps we need to re-think those pesky laws against rioting and looting.
No, not brownshirts.
They tend to dress in black. Just like Mussolinis Fascisti Black Shirt gangs of street fighters
Antifa? Bullshit. Pure fascist in ideology, actions and fashiom choices.
John Henry
12/20/14 -A BLM supporter murdered two police officers in NYC.
7/7/16 -A BLM supporter killed five police officers, injured nine more officers - plus two civilians.
7/17/16- A BLM supporter killed three police officers and injured three other in Baton Rouge.
Guess those were non-violent shootings.
I would expect the front lines of the Antifa to be filled with nihilistic young men and women who just want to break heads and windows without fear of reprisal
They're mostly left wingers using this to prove their loyalty hoping it results in a career down the road. Bill Ayers showed them how this works.
Blogger Matthew Sablan said.
The moral weight of this when JFK and Bill Clinton are still celebrated is roughly nil.
The Lyin' of the Senate resents being unrecognized here.
Don't forget to always point out that the blacklist was created d and enforced by the msm.
Specifically the Hollywood Reporter.
In 1948
John Henry
This is somewhat counterproductive.
Every time these violent little shitheads Occupy a park and leave their trash and feces all over the place another republican voter is born.
Every time some idiot goes out with a pussy hat looking stupid it just, well, looks stupid.
The only thing we need is equal protection under the law penalties for the shithead democrat mayors who tell police to not protect certain citizens they don’t like.
If you take away their double standards leftists have nothing. Without police protection these violent little shitheads would get their asses kicked.
Bill Ayers showed them how this works.
Even better: John Kerry.
reminiscent of Genghis Khan.
Cacimbo Cacimbo said...
12/20/14 -A BLM supporter murdered two police officers in NYC.
7/7/16 -A BLM supporter killed five police officers, injured nine more officers - plus two civilians.
7/17/16- A BLM supporter killed three police officers and injured three other in Baton Rouge.
Guess those were non-violent shootings.
But..Heather Hyer! Heather Hyer!!
Re: Tommy Duncan:
I'm gonna need taller boots to wade through Althouse this morning. Maybe thicker skin as well...
Why, are you one of those blackshirted Antifa scumbags who likes dressing up in masks and engaging in a little political violence and intimidation? Otherwise I don't know why you'd need thicker skin . . .
This isn't a hard question. If you are Antifa, or support Antifa's tactics, you're the villain in this story. I know it's a shock, to discover that people who dress up in black and wear masks so the police can't identify them when they try and terrorize people might possibly be bad people. But it's really quite simple.
The Democrat Party in 1918 - (white) masked, hooded assholes, terrorizing their political opponents with violence and threats of violence. (KKK)
The Democrat Party in 2018 - (black) masked, hooded assholes, terrorizing their political opponents with violence and threats of violence (Antifa).
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
"I'm cranky because stupid women like you gave their vote to Ellison, knowing full well what he is accused of."
Igna would vote for Stalin if the opportunity arose. Ellison is easy-peasy.
"Most of the people on the Hollywood blacklist were Commies trying to undermine American civilization."
"You dirty rat" red-baiter.
Deplorable Trumptard Troll (DTT)
Trumpit supported a foreign powers' efforts to subvert U.S. democracy when it was the Soviet Union doing it under "Uncle" Joe Stalin.
One can only assume Trumpit supports the same now that it is Russians and Chinese trying to accomplish the same goals.
(I appreciate the wonderful stylings of whichever Trump supporter writes the parody account that is Trumpit. Well done.)
Trumpit wants to sell the idea that Trump is a dictator. I am not seeing it.
Jim Acosta is still breathing.
Mueller is still investigating.
Stormy Daniels is not blowing Alaskan DEW line repairmen for MREs.
He is just doing things Trumpit doesn't like.
Hey, I've spent 8 years of that! So I can empathize without being particularly sympathetic.
Where she loses me is wanting to burn down the entire system because she isn't getting her pony. THAT is dangerous.
I hope one day she develops the wisdom to see how stupid that stance is and has enough character to admit her grave mistake.
I wonder if the same people today complaining about Hollywood blacklists are happy CNN got Alex Jones banned.
“Love the blog this morning.”
I woke up at 2:30 for some reason.
Inga: "We’ll have to wait and see if the son or the woman release their evidence and I’m quite certain if they prove what they say Ellison will be history."
Just what makes you think you will ever be allowed to see the truth? There is text evidence of a 911 in 2005 for domestic assault with "Ellison...41" in the transcript. Have you seen that report? I didn't think so. Now that Ellison has the nomination, that Soros money will be rolling in and all the D women will vote for the POS.
Blogger Ray said...
"I wish Ca had anti mask legislation like Georgia!"
42 USC Sec. 1985(3): Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights (including in disguise).
Apparently, it requires someone other than the current eunuchs occupying the DOJ/FBI thrones to enforce the law.
Get thee a nap!
I too wake at that insanely early hour every so often.
It's especially gratifying when I do and you already have a post up.
Right. It was the narrative that told us crackers Black Lives Matter was violent.
The charred city blocks had nothing to do with it.
At one time it was accepted that your right to swing your fist ended when it hit my nose If memory serves Justice Fankfurter?
TheAntifa protestors arrive wearing masks and swinging clubs
Under what definition is that "free speech"?
When I see on TV the masks comeoff and the club swinger arrested I ll believe in you again
Until then not so much
I wonder if the same people today complaining about Hollywood blacklists are happy CNN got Alex Jones banned.
Or James Damore fired, Or Brendan Eich fired.
Whether they are happy or not essentially no one on the left objected. But to the left 60 year old offenses are relevant while real time events are not. I'm sure its entirely coincidental their positions perfectly align with whether the left are targets or enforcers.
We’ll have to wait and see if the son or the woman release their evidence and I’m quite certain if they prove what they say Ellison will be history. There are numerous accusations against Trump regarding sexual assault and abuse, he denies them, same as Ellison. If you live up to your own standards you wouldn’t look like such hypocrites. give Trump the same benefit of the doubt you are giving Ellison?
When did that start? HAS it started?
I have go say I appreciate your presence here. One is able to use you as an example of the necessity of consistency in principles in being regarded as an adult.
So thank you.
Smashing police cars, assaulting and beating people, burning drugstores and gas stations, shooting cops... Yep, mostly peaceful.
When Bundy and his thugs through force of arms shut down roads and occupied federal land, you guys were all for it.
And Freder was all for the Feds shooting a guy with his arms in the air in cold blood, while he was trying to surrender after leaping from a car that was riddled with bullet holes from the Feds already. Freder further was all about the feds posting snipers on people's property to hunt them down and shoot their cattle, and cannot possibly see how any red blooded American could possibly be upset with Federal Snipers on his property aimed at him... why, isn't that what Washington crossed the Delaware to fight for? Overbearing, oppressive federal government that will put snipers on your property if they don't like you! That's Freder's policy, along with the left--you are dishonoring the men who fought at Lexington and Concord if you don't want to roll over and let the FBI lie to a judge and conceal evidence and sabotage the trial against you!
Somehow, one suspects that Freder would have been a big, big Tory back in the day. With a painting of King George he would have kissed every night before bed.
Keith Ellison is the perfect embodiment of the current Democratic Party. He is a token who is insulated because of his race and his gutter religion.
I hope he is the Vce Presidental candidate in 2020.
His history of domestic violence is a feature not a bug to the hypocrites of the Democratic Party. Muslims can do what ever they want. That is part of their platform.
If that doesn't work out I have the perfect position for him.
Commissioner of the NFL.
MSablan wrote: "I don't like Trump, but I also don't like pretending the accusations against Trump are any different than ones that would be ignored were he Team Blue."
By now it's tough to predict which accusations against Team Blue will be ignored by the Pussy Hats.
As for liking Trump. Who likes Trump? Trump supporters are not cultists. Democrats are cultists. We do like that Trump's ascension has exposed the vicious lunacy of the left. As heartbreaking as it is, we needed that.
As I have said before Black Lives do not matter to black people. That is why they gleefully murder each other in wholesale lots.
If black lives don't matter to blacks why should white people give a shit.
We need to wall off the black cities and remove the police that are such a big problem. Let the savages sort it out amongst themselves.
It's a win/win for everybody.
@Henry: Thank you for facts. As usual.
Re. BLM: 5 cops murdered by a BLM protester. Four cops mowed down eating breakfast by the same cohort of radicals a few years ago. Hundreds of cops assaulted at their "protests." These animals aren't a protest movement: they are a terrorist movement. And their lawyers - - National Lawyer Guild and ACLU scumbags -- push rules to prevent police from policing, thus the rising body count in Chicago and other cities.
As James Baldwin might say, many thousands lost. Except he wouldn't say it about the right people, neither perpetrators nor victims. The biggest victims of BLM, the ACLU et. al. are black youths gunning each other down.
While the lawyers for the perpetrators, other black youths, live in cunning Victorian houses lovingly renovated with Daddy's money and name their dogs Atticus and their daughters Scout to complete their fetish social justice warrior lifestyles.
Also, the pussy hat ladies coordinate with the black-masked "anarchists" to maximize chaos and danger to police at the protests they coordinate. The anarchists show up early and set up command posts to monitor police movement. Code Pink and other "non-violent" groups swarm police. Then the anarchists move in. The anarchists remove and replace their masks to blend in with other protesters. It is all coordinated.
And the police are not allowed to even arrest people who throw bottles and bricks at their heads.
BLM is a bit down on the "violence" thing at the moment.
They pretty much had a spurt of it back in 2016 and not much at all since.
I suspect because it was so counterproductive and the sponsors pulled the plug.
Antifa is the new BLM, with a different cast of characters on different territory.
Not looking good politically either. It is counterproductive to beat police and news crews in Portland. And they haven't got any other real targets handy.
The really big problem hasn't much to do with theatrical street violence, but with actual suppression of free speech imposed through career threats and the like. This was what Milo was about, creating a critical mass of open dissent that could not be retaliated against.
"When Bundy and his thugs through force of arms shut down roads and occupied federal land, you guys were all for it."
Who was all for it? I certainly wasn't. I demand names!
Mostly-peaceful woman-beater Keith Ellison just won the Dem primary for AG. What a time to be a scumhole!
Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Is blocking an interstate highway, or any heavily trafficked roadway a peaceful assembly? The answer is no- it's a mob. It's a mob with the intent of disrupting the normal flow of people and commerce. Violence, whether administered by the state, or recognized as lawful if used by citizens, is justifiable to break up mobs. Or, for that matter, riots.
Freder Frederson said... [hush][hide comment]
When Bundy and his thugs through force of arms shut down roads and occupied federal land, you guys were all for it.
8/15/18, 1:13 PM
The left is just as hypocritical for criticizing Bundy and supporting these BLM street blocking. Revealingly Freder has not concluded this makes him or the left hypocrites.
Freder: "When Bundy and his thugs through force of arms shut down roads and occupied federal land, you guys were all for it."
Who was threatened with "force of arms?" Who here was "all for it?" What roads were "shut down" by the occupiers?
Say wasn't that the incident that resulted in the execution of Lavoy Finicum by Oregon State Police and/or the FBI? Was that an adequate sanction, Freder?
Do you ever get tired of posting stupid stuff?
I remember a couple protests when the demonstrators chained themselves to cement-filed barrels in the middle of a bridge. I’ve often wondered whether they had fast ways out of those chains if someone started to heave the barrels over the side of the bridge. Or were they too dumb to think that far ahead?
“Also, the pussy hat ladies coordinate with the black-masked "anarchists" to maximize chaos and danger to police at the protests they coordinate.”
This is delusional. There was absolutely no Antifa presence in the 3.3 Million Womens March. What are you talking about? You need to prove this nonsense or you sound as nutty as some others here.
“The anarchists show up early and set up command posts to monitor police movement. Code Pink and other "non-violent" groups swarm police. Then the anarchists move in. The anarchists remove and replace their masks to blend in with other protesters. It is all coordinated.”
More nuttery. Almost laughable.
Re: Big Mike:
I remember a couple protests when the demonstrators chained themselves to cement-filed barrels in the middle of a bridge. I’ve often wondered whether they had fast ways out of those chains if someone started to heave the barrels over the side of the bridge. Or were they too dumb to think that far ahead?
These sorts of protesters are fundamentally bad men, with a firm and largely justified confidence in the basic goodness of the people they oppose.
Hombre: "Was that an adequate sanction, Freder?
Do you ever get tired of posting stupid stuff?"
Field Marshall Freder "ain't no waays tarrred" of posting stupid stuff...and to think he is a self-described contractor for the Federal Govt! So, you know, he like, knooooows "stuff"...
"More nuttery. Almost laughable."
-- That's actually something most violent protesters, regardless of side, do. It's common.
Now, if you're thinking they literally build a little guard tower or something, no. At most, they have a few people by a landmark or central place to watch from. It isn't like FOB or something.
“That's actually something most violent protesters, regardless of side, do. It's common.”
So you’re saying the millions of Pussy hatted protestors in the Women’s March were doing this? Because that is what Tina Trent was trying to say. There wasn’t one arrest on that day. There were violent protest the day before, on Inauguration Day itself. Are you people getting confused between those two protests?
I just have to shake my head at the amount of misinformation you people spread.
"When Bundy and his thugs through force of arms shut down roads and occupied federal land, you guys were all for it."
Really Freder?
I don't remember opining on it. If I did, I would have been against it. How do you know that others here were in favor of Bundy?
Oh yeah - Stereotyping - the favorite tool of the intellectually bankrupt Left.
Are you sure you want to associate with that crowd?
Who was threatened with "force of arms?"
Federal agents. Let's put it this way, if they weren't armed to the teeth, do you think Federal Agents would have let them occupy the Wildlife refuge for forty days, and Bundy occupy Federal land for a month (and illegally graze cattle on federal land for more than twenty years).
Who here was "all for it?"
From the tone of your post, you for one.
What roads were "shut down" by the occupiers?
Most notably I-15, along with a few secondary roads.
Most notably I-15, along with a few secondary roads.
Your precious Feds shut down whatever roads were closed. Not the Bundys.
And again, you're quick to call the right hypocrites for supposedly supporting something completely different, but the cat's got your tongue when it comes to your fellow, leftist thugs doing far, far worse.
Revealingly Freder has not concluded this makes him or the left hypocrites.
Actually, several months ago when Michael K accused me of exactly the same thing, I unequivocally condemned violence (by left or right) under current circumstances.
Blocking roads I consider a valid protest tactic. Peacefully though, you lose me when you threaten violence. And showing up to the protest armed is a threat of violence (and I don't give a fuck if you call it self defense).
There's a lot of guilt-ridden cracker progressives that march with these 'marginalized groups'. Can we run them over?
Asking for a friend.
Your precious Feds shut down whatever roads were closed. Not the Bundys.
The Feds are allowed to shut down roads. Your second statement is simply untrue.
Oh yeah - Stereotyping - the favorite tool of the intellectually bankrupt Left.
Really?! You're going to go there? Many commenters on this site have stereotyped the entire left and claimed they support the Antifa.
Many commenters on this site have stereotyped the entire left and claimed they support the Antifa.
Maybe that's because the major media covers for them all the time.
Blocking roads I consider a valid protest tactic. Peacefully though, you lose me when you threaten violence
Could you explain the difference between imprisoning people in their cars or even ambulances and violence?
BTW, its a protest tactic that tries the patience of your earnest supporters, and loses the support of those on the margins. It's stupid and childish.
"Blocking roads I consider a valid protest tactic."
So making thousands of people 2+ hours late for work, school, appointments, etc. is OK with you?
BTW, its a protest tactic that tries the patience of your earnest supporters, and loses the support of those on the margins. It's stupid and childish.
I said it was a valid protest tactic. I was not commenting on the wisdom or effectiveness of it.
"Cliven Bundy-FBI debacle: Another example of why the feds need to be leashed"
"The Justice Department was caught in another high-profile travesty last month that continues to reverberate through the western states. On Dec. 20, federal judge Gloria Navarro declared a mistrial in the case against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and others after prosecutors were caught withholding massive amounts of evidence undermining federal charges. This is the latest in a long series of federal law enforcement debacles that have spurred vast distrust of Washington.
Bundy, a 71-year old Nevadan rancher, and his sons and supporters were involved in an armed standoff with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) beginning in 2014 stemming from decades of unpaid cattle grazing fees and restrictions. The Bundys have long claimed the feds were on a vendetta against them, and 3,300 pages of documents the Justice Department wrongfully concealed from their lawyers provides smoking guns that buttress their case.
A whistleblowing memo by BLM chief investigator Larry Wooten charges that BLM chose "the most intrusive, oppressive, large scale and militaristic trespass cattle (seizure) possible'' against Bundy. He also cited a "widespread pattern of bad judgment, lack of discipline, incredible bias, unprofessionalism and misconduct, as well as likely policy, ethical and legal violations" by BLM officials in the case. BLM agents even "bragged about roughing up Dave Bundy, grinding his face into the ground and Dave Bundy having little bits of gravel stuck in his face'' while he was videotaping federal agents. Wooten also stated that anti-Mormon prejudice pervaded BLM's crackdown.
The feds charged the Bundys with conspiracy in large part because the ranchers summoned militia to defend them after they claimed that FBI snipers had surrounded their ranch. Justice Department lawyers scoffed at this claim in prior trials involving the standoff but newly-released documents confirm that snipers were in place prior to the Bundy’s call for help.
The feds also belatedly turned over multiple threat assessments which revealed that the Bundys were not violent or dangerous, including an FBI analysis that concluded that BLM was "trying to provoke a conflict" with the Bundys. As an analysis in the left-leaning Intercept observed, federal missteps in this case “fueled longstanding perceptions among the right-wing groups and militias that the federal government is an underhanded institution that will stop at nothing to crush the little guy and cover up its own misdeeds.”
Freder, you should feel free to stop lying now (or at least attempt to be quite so ignorant of the facts in this case).
Just another case of the obama and his lefty agencies targeting political enemies and using extreme force...all the while lefty judges let islamic terrorist wannabes who are caught with the bodies of a dead baby on the property walk away....
Hmmm, that really is quite a familiar theme these days. I wonder what Brennan and his little cross-agency task force team (comprised of alot of Strzok's) would say about that...
@Fredor re your 3:22 post:
When did these occupiers shoot or threaten to shoot anyone? Can you seriously believe there would have been no armed police response, that is, shots fired, in response? Finicum is dead, dude, and they never saw his gun!
My disapproval of government tactics in response to the occupation does not suggest approval of the occupation. Do you have any critical thinking skills at all?
"So you’re saying the millions of Pussy hatted protestors in the Women’s March were doing this?"
Its a classic layered system.
Part of a standard subversive program. Many Maoist manuals out there explain it.
You have a combination of "respectable" fellow travellers, of overt "peaceful" political operations, of covert activists, of violent activists/terrorists, and if at that level of struggle, guerrillas.
The point is to present a full-spectrum of pressure, looking to prompt a violent response in order to remove legitimacy from ones opponents. Martyrs are the golden treasure of activism.
This is all well studied. You have seen it in action all over, this combination of "peaceful" and "violent" departments of one movement. That's why you get marching Palestinians for instance, women and children, with snipers and bomb throwers shadowing them looking for the opportunity to provoke the Israelis into opening fire and creating martyrs. As also often seen in Iraq, South Korea, Vietnam, etc. ad infinitum over the last 50 years.
hombre: "@Fredor re your 3:22 post:
When did these occupiers shoot or threaten to shoot anyone?"
They didn't. As ALL of the evidence showed when the judge threw out this latest bit of lefty harassment against political opponents.
From above: "The feds also belatedly turned over multiple threat assessments which revealed that the Bundys were not violent or dangerous, including an FBI analysis that concluded that BLM was "trying to provoke a conflict" with the Bundys."
Freder: "Really?! You're going to go there? Many commenters on this site have stereotyped the entire left and claimed they support the Antifa.
I am sure you think you are better than those alleged commenters, but you use the same tactics. What is the word for that?
It's one of your favorites and starts with "h".
Blocking roads worked poorly, that's why they stopped doing it.
They would be doing it now if it was likely to create an advantage.
Note that the purpose of all of this stuff is the subtext - they want someone ON THEIR SIDE to get hurt, preferably by someone on the other side. That really is the whole point. That's the classic model.
Once they have a martyr, they will wave the bloody shirt, and generate more protests and more martyrs, repeat until political aims are achieved.
Meanwhile, good old lefty professor Eric Clanton, who literally assaulted and injured 7 people with "bike lock in a sock" strikes to their heads causing massive bleeding was let go with a minor slap on his wrist and no jail time.
Meanwhile, the BLM under obama sets up the Bundy's, actually calls in Snipers and attempts to provoke a conflict against the Bundy's which would no doubt have ended up with another Ruby Ridge type shooting (sometimes, those moms holding babies in their arms standing in doorways just need to be shot through the head. You know, to send the "correct message".)
Why are people responding about the NOT GUILTY Bundy clan?
The feds lied and lost their case.
Freder Frederson sounds ridiculous.
buwaya: "Note that the purpose of all of this stuff is the subtext - they want someone ON THEIR SIDE to get hurt, preferably by someone on the other side. That really is the whole point. That's the classic model."
It's certainly played out well for the lefty/islamic-allied "insaniacs" opposing Israel's right to exist as seen over the last 50 years.
Just this last weekend how many rockets did Hamas fire into Israel? 150? 200?
Where does Hamas station its mortars and rocket launchers? Schools, hospitals, orphanages, etc.
The left and their radical islamic allies know the drill and they play it out fully.
Birkel: "Freder Frederson sounds ridiculous"
He's simply doing what lefties and their LLR allies like Chuck do: attempt to rewrite history and deflect.
That happens on days ending in "y".
Inga: "So you’re saying the millions of Pussy hatted protestors in the Women’s March were doing this?"
No. He's saying it's common among violent protestors, not silly women in sillier hats.
Although one could argue that the pussy hatteds do violence to human dignity and good sense.
I said it was a valid protest tactic. I was not commenting on the wisdom or effectiveness of it.
You didn't explain the difference between blocking an ambulance and violence yet.
tim in vermont: "You didn't explain the difference between blocking an ambulance and violence yet."
Don't worry. In about 15 minutes the lefties will be claiming they never said any such thing and what is this antifa you speak of and gee whiz I've never heard any of that news you are laying out there from "right wing rag" sites...
Once they have a martyr, they will wave the bloody shirt, and generate more protests and more martyrs, repeat until political aims are achieved.
Look at the mileage they got out of Charlottesville, Organized by a Hillary supporter right about the time she called for "resistance" and not long after he wrote a now deleted blog post praising the work of agent provocateurs.
Yeah, that little internal FBI Threat Assessment which DOCUMENTED the NON-VIOLENCE of the Bundy's really caries little weight when compared with the online musings of one, Freder Frederson!
But how can that be?
Freder is, like, totally, a federal contractor!! And he's smart! Not dumb, like some people say! But smart! And darnit he wants some respect!!
The Ruby Ridge case was inadvertent, a stupid error by the authorities, but it has served the anti-government cause immensely over the years. Martyrs are gold, the ultimate weapon for activists.
And any number of political activists on the other side have made hay over a few people randomly shot by cops. If the case fits the propaganda need, then this case becomes, for a while, the most important thing in the world, regardless of context.
There is a very good reason the Nazi's adopted the "Horst Wessel Lied" as their marching song. Horst Wessel was a martyr.
Activists can answer anything with "but they killed so-and-so".
Bhota used the same tactics to take over South Africa as AntiFa. Send thugs to opposition rallies to create an atmosphere of violence. We know that the media was complicit in this vs Trump. So when the left denies this stuff, it's all part of the plan to make it deniable.
buwaya: "The Ruby Ridge case was inadvertent, a stupid error by the authorities, but it has served the anti-government cause immensely over the years. Martyrs are gold, the ultimate weapon for activists."
The Idaho crew was no team of martyrs...until the feds blew the unarmed, unassuming wife's face off while holding her baby after shooting the teenager in the back.
And even now, the charges against a guy who likes like not so great a guy were trumped up.
All the feds had to do was pick the guy up if they wanted him in custody again. No big deal, no complaints from anyone. Nor should there have been.
Part of what buwaya is saying is that logic and rational discourse have a very difficult time overcoming concerted propaganda. Even so, a majority of elected officials across all levels of government are Republicans, defying the MSM and their powerful allies. Quite literally, I believe, the Leftist Collectivists understand their agenda has lost. And they are willing to try BAMN because they have no positive agenda that normal people might join.
They are at sea and are acting as pirates might act. (I might like that analogy,)
Having a peaceful branch is immensely useful as a propaganda tool.
The IRA did, and made great use of this.
"We are a peaceful bunch, we aren't them!"
While the affiliated violent portion of the movement applies their own sort of pressure in order to provoke a response that can be wailed about by the peaceful portion.
Its deliberate, its ancient, its standardized.
The Idaho case was inadvertent in both ways.
A very nasty accident.
The family was not trying for martyrdom, and the authorities, while being idiots, were not really out to create some. What they intended to do is not a bit clear, it was terminally muddled. Arrogance and stupidity created the conditions for these killings.
And to think, the publicly available records of what really happened in the Bundy setup/standoff by the BLM/Feds has been a part of the official record for how long now?
And Freder continued to shop all the worn out/debunked lies again and again.
And those lies were debunked by the federal investigators themselves.
Such is the "quality" of Freder's "contributions" here.
buwaya: "The family was not trying for martyrdom, and the authorities, while being idiots, were not really out to create some. What they intended to do is not a bit clear, it was terminally muddled. Arrogance and stupidity created the conditions for these killings."
They gave the key participating agents, including the shooters, medals.
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