Yesterday was the primary, which produced the Democratic Party nominee, Tony Evers. Here's what went up on his YouTube account today:
By the way, Walker has Donald Trump's "full support and Endorsement":
Scott Walker is very special and will have another great win in November. He has done a fantastic job as Governor of Wisconsin and will always have my full support and Endorsement!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 15, 2018
७९ टिप्पण्या:
Damn right.
Evers is smart enough to say nothing.
Open his mouth and support drops. Left and right.
Scott Walker could have become the US President if he had not been such a squish about immigration.
Both candidates seem to be saying what we care about is jobs. Evers attacks Walker on the numbers: not enough jobs. But why would Evers produce more jobs than Walker? If what we care about is jobs, why would we switch to Evers to get more? I literally do not know what the argument is, and nothing about the ad addresses my puzzlement. .
Where is garage mahal to malign Walker as sleepyhead-eyed and stupid? Where is Inga to cheerlead him?
"Wisconsin's doing terribly. First of all, it's in turmoil. The roads are a disaster because they don't have any money to rebuild them. They're borrowing money like crazy... I wrote this stuff all down, although I don't need it because I have a really good memory — but they projected a $1 billion surplus and it turns out to be a deficit of $2.2 billion. And money all over the place. The schools are a disaster, and they're fighting like crazy because there's no money for the schools. The hospitals and education is a disaster..."And he {Walker}was totally in favor of Common Core! Did you know that? He was totally in favor of [Common Core], which I hate....I love Wisconsin, it's a great place. But he's putting debt up to gills," Trump said of Walker on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "The school system is a disaster because they don't have any money. I mean, Walker's state, Wisconsin, is a catastrophe from an economic and a financial standpoint."
~ Donald Trump, on the subject of Scott Walker
I don't buy any of those phony boneheaded criticisms of Walker. But fortunately for me, I don't have to defend the bonehead who made those baseless charges.
You should not speak those names.
Farty vapors arise as if by magic.
I couldn't hear what Tony had to say. He must be really old to need the music so loud. It's like the TV in old people's houses.
I remember that Trump quote when he said it. It was absurd then and even more so in hindsight.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...”Both candidates seem to be saying what we care about is jobs.”
I didn’t here Evers say anything at all.
What a strange ad.
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire,
I must commend your effort to stick to the issues of the governor’s race.
Trump has no path to 270 and cannot win Michigan.
I wish Walker had taken a few tougher stances and won the presidency.
But there is still time for my favorite 2016 presidential candidate to gather himself.
Oddly, and unexpectedly, Trump has performed as president like Walker has as governor.
Both attack the power base of the Democrats.
Fewer regulations.
More jobs.
I don’t know why Walker is even making the effort. We were informed last night (by you know who) that he’s toast. Just going through the motions, I guess. I think I’ll vote for him out of pity.
”Difference is: the employment numbers in Wisconsin are a result of President Trump's actions and tough-talking.”
I thought they were due to Obama.
Clean up on aisle crazy.
Is Scott wearing a toupe?
“Oddly, and unexpectedly, Trump has performed as president like Walker has as governor.”
Oh hahahahaha, now this has got to go down as one of the dumbest things Birkel ever said. While I don’t particularly care for Walker, to say he has performed like Trump is an insult to Walker.
Royal ass Inga and her dozens of children hardest hit.
”so she is able to remain ignorant of what Scott Walker's contribution to education has become over the past years.
It's not a workforce ready for the 21st century, let's leave it at that...”
“Evers began his professional career as a teacher and media coordinator in the Tomah school district. From 1979 to 1980, he was principal of Tomah Elementary School, and from 1980 to 1984 he was principal of Tomah High School. From 1984 to 1988, Evers was superintendent of the Oakfield school district, and from 1988 to 1992 he was superintendent of the Verona school district. From 1992 to 2001, he was administrator of the Cooperative Education Service Agency (CESA) in Oshkosh.[4]” {Wilipedia}
Oh, one more thing. Tony Evers been the Superintendent of Public Education for the last 9 years.
Evers is only 66? He looks a lot older.
Evers is an introvert. That won’t work in politics. The Dems have surrendered.
You really are obsessed with Trump, holding on to quotes from the primary.
I continue to be seriously concerned about your mental health.
“As Wisconsin’s and Minnesota’s lawmakers took divergent paths, so did their economies
Since 2010, Minnesota’s economy has performed far better for working families than Wisconsin’s”
Democratic Governor of Minnesota did better than our Republican Governor, go figure.
Job growth since December 2010 has been markedly stronger in Minnesota than Wisconsin, with Minnesota experiencing 11.0 percent growth in total nonfarm employment, compared with only 7.9 percent growth in Wisconsin. Minnesota’s job growth was better than Wisconsin’s in the overall private sector (12.5 percent vs. 9.7 percent) and in higher-wage industries, such as construction (38.6 percent vs. 26.0 percent) and education and health care (17.3 percent vs. 11.0 percent).
From 2010 to 2017, wages grew faster in Minnesota than in Wisconsin at every decile in the wage distribution. Low-wage workers experienced much stronger growth in Minnesota than Wisconsin, with inflation-adjusted wages at the 10th and 20th percentile rising by 8.6 percent and 9.7 percent, respectively, in Minnesota vs. 6.3 percent and 6.4 percent in Wisconsin.
Gender wage gaps also shrank more in Minnesota than in Wisconsin. From 2010 to 2017, women’s median wage as a share of men’s median wage rose by 3.0 percentage points in Minnesota, and by 1.5 percentage points in Wisconsin.
Median household income in Minnesota grew by 7.2 percent from 2010 to 2016. In Wisconsin, it grew by 5.1 percent over the same period. Median family income exhibited a similar pattern, growing 8.5 percent in Minnesota compared with 6.4 percent in Wisconsin.
Minnesota made greater progress than Wisconsin in reducing overall poverty, child poverty, and poverty as measured under the Census Bureau’s Supplemental Poverty Measure. As of 2016, the overall poverty rate in Wisconsin as measured in the American Community Survey (11.8 percent) was still roughly as high as the poverty rate in Minnesota at its peak in the wake of the Great Recession (11.9 percent, in 2011).
Minnesota residents were more likely to have health insurance than their counterparts in Wisconsin, with stronger insurance take-up of both public and private health insurance since 2010.
From 2010 to 2017, Minnesota has had stronger overall economic growth (12.8 percent vs. 10.1 percent), stronger growth per worker (3.4 percent vs. 2.7 percent), and stronger population growth (5.1 percent vs. 1.9 percent) than Wisconsin. In fact, over the whole period—as well as in the most recent year—more people have been moving out of Wisconsin to other states than have been moving in from elsewhere in the U.S. The same is not true of Minnesota.
Inga should move to Minnesota.
In fact I'd pass a Wisconsin law mandating it.
If only Walker hadnt listened to all those DC consultants that LLR Chuck adores, he might really have made it a contest.
U do notice that LLR Chuck and Inga are performing their usual one-two routine pretending Trump hasnt delivered fantastic results.
Thats the kind of thing a "LLR" would have to believe to so vocally support so many "True Cons" shilling for the dems and far left.
It wont work of course because at some point when the insane lefties and LLR's tell you how terrible things are you look around and notice No they aren't. At all.
I understand there are clips of Evers saying nice things about Walker’s support for education. I imagine you’ll be seeing them worked into campaign ads in late October.
“In fact I'd pass a Wisconsin law mandating it.”
You cant pass anything but gas.
Put it in the books. Good for you, Wisconsin.
Inga, like Chuck, pretending to understand economics.
I think those 2 kids are really rather cute together, and I wish them well in their shared dem/lefty vision for our nation.....(though not really)
I take no position but do wonder aloud if the Obama Administration funneled more money into Minnesota (friendly DLF) than it did Wisconsin (Republican presidential hopeful).
And I doubt official statistics would tell the full story.
One of them was George wills wife, Mari massing, the other was the fmr lobbyist for Baku, and associate of Rick Wilson, Liz Mair.
You know which other republican candidate for President followed the LLR Chuck model?
John Kasich.
Sit back now and watch Chuckie sing the praises of Kasich's performance. You'll die laughing!
Drago seems to think he knows better than the Economic Policy Institute.
narciso: "One of them was George wills wife, Mari massing, the other was the fmr lobbyist for Baku, and associate of Rick Wilson, Liz Mair."
A virtual LLR Chuck Dream Team.
Like "true cons" Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace.
What would republicans do without such LLR Chuck beloved stalwarts?
Why, I wouldnt want to have to ponder that for even a moment!
Inga: "Drago seems to think he knows better than the Economic Policy Institute."
The EPI predicted economic doom under Trump.
A band of merry lefty economists who always get it wrong.
"With a hat like that you get a free bowl of soup...oh, but it looks good on you though...(eyes roll)"
Now to be fair, Chisholm has been poisoning the well through Monica Davey at the times, reporter's at the journal sentinel, the post and probably Gannett for five years,
250,000 more Democrats than Republicans voted in the Minnesota Primary yesterday.
In Wisconsin, 81,000 more Democrats voted than Republicans.
Inga, perhaps the WI dems could rent out the Javits Center.
I hear there's a glass ceiling and everything there.....
They had four candidates, each one more Looney than the next.
narciso: "They had four candidates, each one more Looney than the next."
Careful! You dont want to trigger LLR Chucks auto-dem-defense-mode...
Now mind you in Minnesota the girl friend bearing dnc bigwig beat out the gay millennial for attorney generaL, as did the gay millennial running mate, and the almost plaid emolement obsessed Mr. Paintee
You know, if you listen closely to Evers in his ad he makes infinitely more sense than LLR Chuck, which is strange considering how much their goals align.
Has Inga called for Ellis to step aside, or have the dems and LLR's given up in that particular dem/lefty/LLR ploy?
I feel bad for Chuck, I really do. That Omarosa thing looked so very very good for about 36 hours! Finally, a way to give the dems a real "leg up"!
But then, again, alas, simply more hoax dossier fake news.
Its enough to drive a LLR to distraction.
Su ks to hste twtr like me.
Cause most, I know, can,t hest stand it.
complete and total.
News Conference Tony Evers and Mandela Barnes. No music.
Inga, what a great interview Evers gave!
Its no wonder the WI dems used that footage for their commercial....
...oh. Wait. Right.
What resly drove me nuts, off the bend bonkers, was when the cocksuckers convicted Trump of\for Obama's crimes.
really made it tough for a while there.
Really, really tough.
If it will make it better, I will shoot to the desth every convicted molester except the non-gays, my inkling is they were set up as scapegoats.
The Democrats really don't have a message, do they. I guess we should be grateful Tony didn't pick up a bullhorn and scream at us incoherently.
I am really worried that Walker has NO PATH TO reelection.
Possible Democrat message:
Now that we’ve been out of power a while.
You’ve forgotten how much we suck.
Democrats 2018
Night Owl: "The Democrats really don't have a message, do they."
The dems should just cut a commercial with all of LLR Chucks "true con" heroes calling for complete democrat victory....
The only downside of course is everyone already knows what Chuck and his pals are up to so it will be difficult to generate any real impact from that.
"Inga...Allie Oop said...
Drago seems to think he knows better than the Economic Policy Institute.
8/15/18, 9:44 PM"
an appeal to stupidity
Tony Evers looks like an Auschwitz survivor. He really needs to gain some weight.
Possible Democrat message:
America was never that great.
Works in New York.
Bay Area Guy: "Tony Evers looks like an Auschwitz survivor. He really needs to gain some weight."
More like a typical Venezuelan these days...
Walker is finished- that extraordinary prognosticator Inga has already decided it is over for him.
Chuck@9:00 Thank you for that! Reading it in the president's voice, laughing my ass off. It's so unique and distinctive and brilliant, the way for example he tosses in the Wisconsin's a great place in between bites out of Walker.
In contrast to the singular greatness of Donald Trump, take for example Howard Stern, a guy who's been a massive success in multiple platforms, in particular radio. He has a longtime loyal fan base who've been listening to Stern speak every day for years, but I bet you could put any quote of Howard Stern, any speech, in writing and it would be indistinct from any other clown. Not so with our favorite president.
In fact, one of those late night losers used to play a game with The Donald where he would have to guess which quote was his and which was not. President Trump was correct every time.
This man seems perfect for Wisconsin, but I can't see him as President of the United States. Perhaps Trump has transformed the Presidency forever.
Its a shame Trump has silenced LLR Chuck by not giving him a security clearance.
There are no longer any 1st Amendment rights without security clearances.
This message brought to you by LLR Chuck's bestest Stolen Valor buddy whom Chuck defends vociferously, Sen Richard Blumenthal (D-Stolen Valor).
Dealing with esophageal cancer can age someone.
Fuck cancer.
Keep your head up.
Evans has that moonbat look....and that ain’t no f**kin’ Tony.
Evers....Evans....Kloppenberg....what do I know?
"I wrote this stuff all down, although I don't need it because I have a really good memory" ...LMFAO!
Wisconsin unemployment June 2.9%
Minnesota unemployment June 3.2%
Today our favorite president tweeted: "Happy birthday to the leader of the Democrat party, Maxine Waters"
LMFAO! NOTORIOUS DJT- Showing Cuck Republicans how it's done since June 16, 2015.
I don't know how the Democrats go back now that the lie that there was nothing that could be done for American heavy industry has been exposed for what it was. How do Democrats get back their "Blue Wall" now? I know that they have bet the farm on identity politics and illegal immigration, but even immigrants want jobs.
Can the Democrats be stupid enough to think that the answer is to import immigrants and put them on the dole? Maybe, I guess.
Remember the whole "this is what democracy looks like" complete with jackbooted thugs busting into opponents' homes and seizing files that then were confiscated by Democrats as "opposition research" while the state house was shut down by the LOSERS of the election in order to prevent the duly elected legislature from acting?
Good times, good times...
If what we care about is jobs, why would we switch to Evers to get more?
There was an episode of Gomer Pyle where he was playing poker with a card sharp and he had a full house, he asked Sgt Carter if it was "the best" and Carter says, "No, it's not the best, but it's pretty good!" Gomer says "If it's not the best, I want the best!" He throws back all of his cards, and picks up the royal flush that the card sharp had left there for himself. So there is one example of when it would be a good idea to switch from a pretty good situation! Too bad it was from a TV sitcom.
How do Democrats get back their "Blue Wall" now? I know that they have bet the farm on identity politics and illegal immigration, but even immigrants want jobs.
Their solution is government employment, and (even better) government mandated employment by private businesses.
It's not surprising to me that Minnesota might be outperforming Wisconsin. Minnesota doesn't have the Milwaukee Millstone dragging it down. Until Milwaukee gets its act together (Fun Fact from last week: Dane County assessments now out-value Milwaukee County Assessments), Wisconsin will struggle. Maybe it has something to do with the leadership in Milwaukee.
Tony Evers looks like an Auschwitz survivor.
Well, he did grow up at a TB Sanitorium. Rocky Knoll, Plymouth, WI. His physician father was the administrator - job required residency on site.
So Scott has a plan that’s working and he’s busy executing it.
Tony’s out listening to workers to find out about their concerns.
Sounds like Tony’s getting a late start.
250,000 more Democrats than Republicans voted in the Minnesota Primary yesterday where several hotly contested races on the D side made turnout interesting.
In Wisconsin, 81,000 more Democrats voted than Republicans although participation in November will closely match the results from 2016, leading to a Red Wave across WI.
Tony looks like an accountant, but I don't understand why he is doing a video with those homeless people who were hired by the city to pick-up drug paraphernalia in the parks.
Oh hahahahaha, now this has got to go down as one of the dumbest things Birkel ever said. While I don’t particularly care for Walker, to say he has performed like Trump is an insult to Walker.
Has everyone heard that Obama went to a Subaru dealer to get buy a legacy that will outlast the Trump presidency?
It's probably an old joke by now, but I saw it today for the first time over at Don Surber.
Walker's ad was much better.
Evers just proved he can talk a lot without saying much.
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