Listen to the new song here (along with the earlier "A Message to Kanye"). "The Republican Record" includes the voices of Nixon, George W., Reagan, and Trump (and begins with Rachel Maddow).
You know The Crack Emcee from our comments section, but please listen to his recordings (or at least one of them) before commenting on this post. Don't just continue the back-and-forth from recent comments threads. Talk about the music.
२६३ टिप्पण्या:
263 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Politics aside, the music is infantile.
Rockin! Great music, hook, melody - whatever the correct phraseology is. Not sure I can say what it all means, but I love the beat.
Just in time for an election?
I like the beat, but it's hard to dance to. I give it a 72 Dick.
Not really my cup of tea but I listened to both and agree with ht.
Nicely done, Crack.
Thanks for posting this.
I've been wondering if this is the same Crack I used to get sideways a few years ago. That one was completely unhinged.
This one seems hinged. Within the range of normal, anyway. I was glad to see the otber one go. I'm glad to see this one here.
John Henry
#Danceaway, or maybe #Strutaway.
Tyrone Slothrop, consider what the young people listen to already. I assume that's who he wants to reach.
W and music are two things I would never have put together, but Crack's paying for this microphone.
Thanks to Ann for posting this.
John Henry
"Dog gonnit, he's smarter than you'll ever be."
It's interesting to see Althouse give Crack so much exposure now after several years of Crackless comments. Why?
I listened to both. I like the idea of looping the quotes, etc., but it's hard for me to see what Crack Emcee himself did. Crack, did you play/compose the music?
Note: I'm a horrible judge of music. I don't know if "tone deafness" is a real thing or not, but if it is, I've got it. I've never enjoyed music for music's sake, but I enjoy listening to songs that were popular back when I was in HS, college, the Army, etc., but only because the songs remind me of specific people, events. If forced to listen to music on the radio, I generally find myself on either a classic rock station or a country station. The country songs usually tell a story, so at least I get that out of it.
I don't think I'm in the right demographic for rap music. It sounded professional, but I wouldn't be able to differentiate the good from the bad.
"It's interesting to see Althouse give Crack so much exposure now after several years of Crackless comments. Why? "
Election - ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ enthusiastically combo'ing promotion and political results.
I get 2 print articles and no sound. What's my problem?
Khesanh, hit the little black triangle in the white world. How symbolic.
Rap can be summed up as, pointless rhyming that doesn't sound good, has no meaning, and is full of curse words, layered against a cookie cutter beat that isn't even catchy, layered and compressed for bad quality, with a stupid, I'm tough image (tough "gangstas"). Point being, it is all the same, it is lame and you don't have talent producing it.
But bless "Crack Emcee" for giving it a go. Good Luck!
The melody is repetitive and the expression is extremely limited in its use of the tonal color palette and emotional range. The lack of tension and progression leaves the listener in the same place from which she started. Overall grade D+.
Unless the expression was intended to convey the monotony of modern politics, in which case I give it an A-
Smooth but pointless as far as I can tell.
Musically the left is pretty talented so there's a lot of competition.
My theory is that the right left the music hobby behind when they got a job, so there's a music left bias.
Best leftist political music I remember was American Prayer (Dave Stewart)
Music-theory-wise, it floats by playing mostly keyed on a fourth, except in the chorus.
Would like to listen but my speakers are dead.
*hope to have new speakers this week*
Song structure:
Intro / A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A / Bridge / A / Coda ?
Made it about 2 minutes before I got bored. Props to James Brown for the beat. I prefer the source material.
One further comment:
Regardless of how one likes the music or the message, it is nice to see Crack or anyone creating.
One of the beauties of the internet is that anyone can be a creator. Yes, a lot of what is created is crap, in most people's opinions. OTOH, pretty much everything will have a at least a few people who like it.
I love the idea that anyone with $79 for Adobe Elements, a computer and a camera can be the next Steven Spielberg, if only in their own mind. See this piece on sprockets, for example:
Or use audacity and YouTube to publish music
Or use CreateSpace to publish books.
John Henry
I mean, we all recognize he just sampled and lightly retouched a James Brown song, right? I hope none of you think he created that beat in a studio or something.
Needs more Christopher Walken.
Why is Ann promoting a racist who supports blacks killing white cops?
And yes, I followed the link. Dreadful.
Blah. I love music of all types but this seems very uninspired. Had trouble staying connected to the song - perhaps the stream of sound clips is too subtle for me. Did others got a message from it?
James Brown, the King Of Soul, is the most sampled artist in the world. Loved the man and his music.
James Brown was a helluva running back, but I think he prefers to be called Jim.
I like them. Always dug Cult of Personality by Living Color because of the blend of famous quotes with the music.
Perhaps he will explain what he contributed to music or content but if nothing else Crack did have the vision and did put it together. The idea or inspiration is often the really hard part of anything like this.
And he actually did it. That counts for something too.
One of the things I like on YouTube is 30s-40s dance numbers set to modern music. Jimmy Cagney dancing to Wham's Wake me up before you go-go (Which now seems to be blocked. Fortunately I have a downloaded copy)
Or this one by Or Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth dancing to Jackie Wilson's Your Love keeps taking me higher
Or this, Dancing with the early stars set to Rock and Roll is King
Neither the music nor the video is by the video creators but I see a Hell of a talent in finding the right clips, editing them in a sensible sequence, getting them in time to the music and so on.
Just the idea of doing this, at least for whatever was the first one, is incredibly creative.
I've always wished I could be more creative and my hat is off to anyone that is.
Lots of people talk about it. Some actually do it.
John Henry
Blogger Drago said...
Needs more Christopher Walken.
But we can say that about pretty much any video, movie or music, couldn't we?
You can never have to much Walken.
John Henry
James Brown was a helluva running back, but I think he prefers to be called Jim.
Quit at the top of his game-the best at the time- to help steer kids away from crime and gangs.
Nice groove.
Good call, McCullough. Listening to Cult of Personality on YouTube right now. "Like Mussolini, and Kennedy..." is my favorite line.
I interrupted a concerto grosso by Benedetto Marcello for that. One minute and 27 seconds was more than enough.
Tough life, succeeded anyway.
James Brown, the King Of Soul, is the most sampled artist in the world. Loved the man and his music.
" But Brown's musical dreams were soon drowned out by his tough childhood. He grew up fast, and by his teens Brown had drifted into crime. At sixteen he went to jail for multiple car thefts. Though initially sentenced
James Brown. Reproduced by permission of AP/Wide World Photos.
James Brown.
Reproduced by permission of
AP/Wide World Photos
to eight to sixteen years of hard labor, he got out in less than four years for good behavior"
Read more:
The MtK is too repetitive with the Dem- cult thing. Otherwise not bad.
The Republican one has a better backing track and is more interesting.
The site was slow at first.
Oh, and I had already listened and come across the Pitch In mod when I clicked on his nym link yesterday.
Without looking, I'm going to guess Cult of Personality came out in 1989 or 1990. I remember hearing it on a friend's radio while we were at his house getting ready to go out. What makes it stick in my memory is that the guy's father was a huge Kennedy fan. His prized possession was a pic of him (the Dad, a very wealthy Dentist) golfing with JFK, Teddy and Bob Cousy at a Holy Cross charity event in the 50's. Dude was old. Saying anything disparaging about any member of the Kennedy Crime Family was strictly forbidden in his presence.
(Bob Cousy is a Republican, by the way. 90 years old and still goes out pretty much every day. Shot free throws with him the night of my Senior prom. He didn't miss, ever.)
"Election - ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ enthusiastically combo'ing promotion and political results."
I think that's too simplistic, Crack is pretty much the same Crack he's always been. I believe there was some bad blood between Crack and Althouse a while back but now she's platforming him. Why?
Would love to see Trump use some of that track at one of his rallies.
No, I have avoided the voices of TV/video journalists for nearly 20 years. Only read the news, will not tolerate being yapped at. Every time we have a new president, it is months before I hear their voice and even know what they sound like, my avoidance of this type of media is that dedicated. I usually don't hear them until a visit to my parents (both in their early 80's) who watch liberal news loudly due to age-related hearing decline. And I have the same reaction every time: "Huh, is THAT what the new president sounds like?"
If ya hate potatoes, making hash out of them doesn't make them more appealing.
Well, I suppose he's marginally better than Screamin' Jay Hawkins....
This is Althouse's version of "I'm not racist because I have a black friend."
This is fun. I played Cult of Personality on YouTube and then let it keep playing whatever songs came up next. I like Darius Tucker's (is that his name?) semi-country songs and a couple of those played first. Also that "I would Walk 500 Miles" song. Good stuff.
I'd have to listen to "The Republican Record" again (or several times), to decide what I think of it, (and what it's saying). I do like "A Message to Kanye" quite a bit, and have listened to it a number of times. I like the inclusion of Malcolm X toward the end.
Pretty awful, but it's just not my taste.
The tracks are amateurish, at best. Also, there are audio samples from recordings by james Brown and J Geils Band (to name two). I hope he paid for those because they're illegal to use otherwise.
BDNYC said, "I mean, we all recognize he just sampled and lightly retouched a James Brown song, right? I hope none of you think he created that beat in a studio or something."
No, I didn't know that. Which James Brown song?
I think the beat is pretty good and the mixing of politician's voices is skillfully done and doesn't get in the way of enjoying the song and may add something to it.
I know there is a lot of interaction in the music business and that if you hear a song you may be a bit naive to think that person whose name it appears under is actually the person that created most of it.
For example when I first heard Deadmau5's Strobe I couldn't get enough of it and not only listened to it many times but also I listened to the variations that many dozens of people did as they put their own twist on the piece.
At the time Strobe was recent enough that everyone was properly crediting who they were responding to. But twenty years from now, I can imagine variations of Strobe still appearing and people not knowing where it began.
Oh. The song that just came on reminds me of 9/11. The day of the attacks I left my office early and headed straight to the neighborhood bar. It was before opening, and there was just me and the bar owner watching the news when the bartender showed up and, by habit, turned on the stereo system, startling both of us. It was a song called "Crazy Game of Poker" by O.A.R. Mike, the bartender, quickly turned it off, but I will always relate that song with that day.
Charlie said...
The tracks are amateurish, at best. Also, there are audio samples from recordings by james Brown and J Geils Band (to name two). I hope he paid for those because they're illegal to use otherwise.
Believe I heard the Stones in there too.
Ironically enough, I'm going to a blues show later, which would be Tank's taste in black invented music.
Charlie: "I hope he paid for those because they're illegal to use otherwise."
Musical reparations.
I listened to the tracks - not Marvin Gaye, but not bad, Crack.
"Darius Tucker's"
Darius Rucker
Rucker, not Tucker, got it.
mccullough: "I like them. Always dug Cult of Personality by Living Color because of the blend of famous quotes with the music."
The artists/writers selected appropriate Cult heroes.
If that song were written today political correctness and leftist artistic totalitarianism would not have allowed Kennedys name to be used and Trump would be the only prominent personality mentioned.
Darius Rucker, the Artist Formerly Assumed to be Hootie.
Ah, yes, the "Dolphins make me cry" guy. I vaguely remember Hootie and the Blowfish. Gonna have to cue them up on YouTube now.
Althouse, with all that's going on in the world, this is your top post of the day?
This is drivel from a racist playing to illiterate fools. Do you really want to be in that crowd?
I like it. Nice use of the stereo space. It could be the theme song for Candace Owens and/or #walkaway. Like the other one, would be cool to see a club DJ sneak it into the rotation and watch the reaction.
Watching the video for Hootie's "Only Wanna Be With You" now, it is pretty damned funny. Great sports-related cameos.
I guess I don't know the genre well enough to comment. Could listen to newer one. Switched off older one after 2:30. Too repetitive.
Impossible for one with cannon cocker's ears to understand. I agree that creativity is a great thing. Old Film Stars Dance to Uptown Funk. Terrific!
Khesanh, what was your MOS? I was 13 Mike, I assume you were Bravo?
Crack obviously needs some Fred Astaire.
“Democrat are Cultists”...I have to wonder if Crack hasn’t changed his mind after being abused on these threads for the past three days by Trump Cultists.
I have a feeling that Crack Emcee has a pretty thick skin.
I think it’s unfortunate some can’t see me as anything but a racist, for ambiguous feelings about policing, when I know policemen as personal friends AND those on the receiving end of their occupation, so I’m not going to dwell on that. Here’s a few answers to those wondering about the tunes:
HT said...
“Just in time for an election?”
Yes, but the beginning of the series is also on what’s happening with Kanye/Candace/Chance The Rapper (in Chicago) and small c-conservatism.
LincolnTf said...
“I listened to both. I like the idea of looping the quotes, etc., but it's hard for me to see what Crack Emcee himself did.”
These are the funniest kind of comments. Why? Because, unless they’re sampled (which these are not, except for a tiny percussion thing on one of them) beats don’t write themselves, Folks. Nobody went “Whoo!” after Hillary mentions “alternate nostril breathing” but me.
And there’ no James Brown sample. There’s one horn sample that sounds remarkably like Brown’s (which is why I used it) but neither it, or the other one, are from Brown.
That metal guitar in MtK - which I find extremely addictive - took me YEARS to find. And the dialogue? Years, to find it all by watching and recording the news and comedy albums, and movies (“Go on, it’s not your fight!”) and documentaries on “important subjects”, then to catalogue it all, arrange it so it rhymes or, otherwise, becomes it’s own unique form of coherence, plus the spacial aspect of placing it all.
TRR is based on a “Classic Rock” star’s guitar riff (who I wish I could mention by name, because it's funny, but can’t) so I altered it, before putting a *tiny* jazz sample with it, creating an original bass line in the mix between the two, that I like a lot, so there.
Simple shit is pretty complex, huh? What until I drop something complex on you - it'll seem so simple!
“The Republican Record” is (I thought quite obviously) “about” the confusion of black Democrats considering a political switch. Listen: “I’m so confused!” This is a big deal for us.
Finally, I’m shocked no one mentioned the late, great Charles Krauthammer in there, since I was deeply moved by his passing, but that’s just me, I guess. The Big Ol’ Black With-You-On-Everything-But-Reparations-Racist-Who-Sometimes-Roots-For-Black-Underdogs-In-Life-Or-Death-Struggles.
Thanks to y'all that like them. The series will continue. Pass them around (I too would like to hear MtK played at a convention or town hall) and consider a buck for the effort. They do take a LOT of work.
What was "funny" about my comment/question? I honestly don't see it. What did you do in composing the songs? Obviously your voice is never heard (or is it?.) I'm legitimately curious. Not every question is an attack, don't be a bitch about it.
Talk about the music.
No. Screw that. He's your pet, not mine.
My memory of The Crack MC was his constant tirade about discrimination against blacks. If he did musical backgrounds against non-related comments from our favorite and not-so-favorite politicians - I simply don't recall - but I certainly will not revisit his ugly comments of yesteryear.
Is TCMC reinventing music to the next form of Rap? No, this stuff has already been tried and generally failed as in the likes of "Your Red Scarf Matches Your Eyes."
But what us old timers cannot shake off is the new "conservative bent" of Crack's website. This week features Andrew Klavan as the over-the-top, over 65, Conservative who could not stand Obama because BHO's dreams were his reality (with which I agree) but who somehow believes that DJT actually knows what reality is. The world somehow is better because we have a lower-than-idiot president reacting to whatever Fox & Friends broadcasts today.
For Crack MC's next production, I suggest that he do a feature on Trump's Trade War to the background music, Chet Adkin's "Orange Blossom Special".
I remember Crack railing against New Age bullshit most of the time, I don't remember him being any more of an asshole than any other commenter..
My memory of The Crack MC was his constant tirade about discrimination against blacks. If he did musical backgrounds against non-related comments from our favorite and not-so-favorite politicians - I simply don't recall - but I certainly will not revisit his ugly comments of yesteryear.
Is TCMC reinventing music to the next form of Rap? No, this stuff has already been tried and generally failed as in the likes of "Your Red Scarf Matches Your Eyes."
But what us old timers cannot shake off is the new "conservative bent" of Crack's website. This week features Andrew Klavan as the over-the-top, over 65, Conservative who could not stand Obama because BHO's dreams were his reality (with which I agree) but who somehow believes that DJT actually knows what reality is. The world somehow is better because we have a lower-than-idiot president reacting to whatever Fox & Friends broadcasts today.
For Crack MC's next production, I suggest that he do a feature on Trump's Trade War to the background music, Chet Adkin's "Orange Blossom Special".
Tell us again, gadfly.
LincolnTf said...
What was "funny" about my comment/question? I honestly don't see it. What did you do in composing the songs? Obviously your voice is never heard (or is it?.) I'm legitimately curious. Not every question is an attack, don't be a bitch about it.
Nice way not to attack [rolls eyes] Your comment was funny because you make it sound like music gets made without people doing anything. Even the most repetitive and simple beats need someone to make them and - get this - not everyone knows how this shit works!!!! (Check pout Michael Jackson's famous testimony on how he wrote "Billy Jean") Anyway, for you, if I must:
On both tracks, I wrote, arranged, and programed the beats, using individual samples I found and chose for the individual kick, snare, high hats, etc. On TRR, as I said, I created an original bass line by combining tiny a Jazz snippet with an altered folk song riff from a Classic Rock artist. I programmed and arranged the horns - not James Brown's - and spent, roughly, a month (between the two songs) finding and tweaking dialogue from familiar talking heads from the political world and other sources.
Lastly, TRR has the word "DEMO" after it because, unlike MtK, it needs post-production work, as well as mastering, so I don't think of it as "finished". You shouldn't either. Thanks.
Was that so hard?
I wish Crack good luck. But music isn't my bag.
I can't tell one note from another. I just like what I like.
Mostly Mozart, Beethoven, Doris Day, Frank Sinatra and this or that.
Completely unsophisticated.
They once asked General Grant what his favorite music was and he replied:
"I only like two tunes. One is Yankee Doodle Dandy, and other isn't"
Inga...Allie Oop: "“Democrat are Cultists”...I have to wonder if Crack hasn’t changed his mind after being abused on these threads for the past three days by Trump Cultists."
Are you trying to claim that Crack is treated by conservatives as badly as the police, ICE and news crews are treated by leftists?
Because that would be something.
Whats the newest leftist chant? KKK and Cops Go Tegether, or something like that?
If only the police could be more like MS13, right Inga? Then they too would have a "spark of divinity" like the lefts beloved murderous gang members.
Crack: "Check pout Michael Jackson's famous testimony on how he wrote "Billy Jean") Anyway, for you, if I must:"
And thats easy to do as it was one of the top MTV videos of the 80's by Jackson even though some commenters assert Michael Jackson couldnt get on MTV.
“ crews are treated by leftists?”
Hahahaha, you are really such an idiot Drago.
“The Press is the enemy of the people.”
Donald Trump
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Democrat are Cultists”...I have to wonder if Crack hasn’t changed his mind after being abused on these threads for the past three days by Trump Cultists."
I figured this was going to be said, to which I say, neither party is perfect and both suck in different ways:
I can't talk to my Democrat friends anymore because they'll say I feel the way I do because I'm a Pisces, swimming both ways, being contrary. And, when I tell them to cut it out, the say they "have a right" to talk that way, and then they go into a diatribe involving some pseudoscience they learned about at a yoga class run by a cult leader I just happened to have read about for years. And they get vindictive if they discover you don't agree. Compare that to Utah Democrats: They put flyers on the showroom windows at my job, warning potential customers I'm a Republican. The Obama years, they will be missed.
These are the people wondering how they've lost it all politically.
On the Republican side, well, I already knew there's "Mobys and out-and-out racists" on the blog (and in the party) so that's nothing new - "Big-Assed Tent" right? Too big, if you ask me (I want Dr. Oz's ass out, too) but now it's more about Trump than the Republicans so, if they can't wake-the-fuck-up and see reparations are something the party that freed the slaves should be behind. Grant and Sherman were. Fuck your dogma. Let's put a period on the past, because otherwise - as any fool can see - it ain't going away.
Poor Crack Emcee, he's settled his ass on the Victim Train and he ain't gettin' off, no way, no how, boss. Fucking waste. Grow a pair, you fucking pansy.
Hopeless Inga: "Hahahaha, you are really such an idiot Drago."
Behold, lefties attacking NBC reporters and cops in Charlottesville...and Inga laughs because of course she is...
Lefties actually physically attacking the press....but mostly oeacefully, eh Inga?
“Lefties actually physically attacking the press....but mostly oeacefully, eh Inga?”
Maybe they’re just following Trump’s directive. Maybe he speaks to them.
Kind of reminds me of some of The Dead Milkmen's weirder stuff. Maybe something like "Instant Club Hit: (You'll Dance To Anything)."
LincolnTf said...
"Poor Crack Emcee, he's settled his ass on the Victim Train and he ain't gettin' off, no way, no how, boss. Fucking waste. Grow a pair, you fucking pansy."
No, you're not attacking. Not you. Blacks everywhere feel comfortable joining your team. Yes, Sireebob,...
More like Maxine Waters, Inga.
Not James Brown? Ever hear the song Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag? Whoever you ripped off, well, ripped off James Brown.
I don't listen to monkey music.
The promoting of Crack's minstrel show is amusing.
It is certainly getting more clicks and comments.
OK... On the first one, there's a refrain, something like "C'mon yo" or "Pickle yo" or whatever, I can't make it out. I do t know if it's important lyrical content or merely played for the sound of it.
The second is sborter, which is nice.
Thing is, I don't understand how these are useful as political weapons. Nobody is going to watch or listen to a six minute and scored to this. Let alone will it get any radio airplay. The only people who will hear this are those disposed to listen or those encouraged to listen.
I guess if you take seriously the title of the first, A Message to Kanye, then you imagine sending him a demo tape, or just a link nowadays but a physical object might influence him to listen and not ignore. He presses play and hears this. What is Kanye expected to think, to learn from this? What might be really interesting to contemplate is,
What would be his response? Is this track in Kanye's style, or would he deliver a three minute ballad with no repetition expressing a coherent worldview? Or an album revolving around the Matrixesque notion that blacks, or everyone, has been living in a continuously generated alternate false illusory reality, intended to pacify channel, neutralize and exploit us? With PDJT as Neo perhaps? Or just as mischievous Toto pulling aside the curtain and showing us the Gweat and Tewwibwe Oz as a fool in a sound booth?
Crack, I just don't know what you're trying to accomplish here. Political ads are very short now.
Not that I care, really. I like lots of songs where artists sample other artists. It can be done well. This song was just not my cup of tea. Too repetitive, too boring, the sampling was much worse than the source material. I’m sure the song has meaning to you and possibly others. I’m surprised it took that much effort though, no offense.
LincolnTf said...
"Fucking pathetic middle-aged aspiring rapper."
There's not a rap within a million miles of those songs, so you sound like a fool. Here's a rap - can you actually write a better song than me?
Eat a bag of dicks, you hyper-sensitive twat. I listened to your music, exactly what genre would you say it is? Memorex and a cheap app, I'm guessing.
LincolnTf said...
"Eat a bag of dicks, you hyper-sensitive twat. I listened to your music, exactly what genre would you say it is? Memorex and a cheap app, I'm guessing."
You're a charmer. Thanks for listening.
Back with reparations.
If you really think that is something the Republican party is going to get behind, you have your own perception of reality to calibrate.
Who of any prominence do you see floating this concept?
Inga: "Maybe they’re just following Trump’s directive. Maybe he speaks to them."
Inga now claiming Trump controls leftist lunatics like her.
Tell the truth, you just knew Inga would pull that one, didnt you.
So, in summary, zero journalists physically attacked at Trump rallies.
Multiple journalists physucally attacked by Ingas pals on the left.
Because if course they are.
Just as Inga blamed conservatives here fir commie/lefty policies in China just the other day.
Gee, its like a pattern or something.
Awww, the Victim pose wasn't enough for Crack Emcee, so now he has to adopt the persona of an under-appreciated artiste. Yes, Crack, we are all in awe of you and your Muse. Fucking pathetic.
Back to Crack, it wasnt to my taste but the intent is interesting and I think you ought to continue developing new ideas and see where it goes.
The longest journeys begin with a small step.
Its true he might pull up a stool and kick up his feet after a first step and go no further, or even backtrack....on the other hand.....
Inga has wisely determined that excusing more left wing actual violence against reporters and/or blaming non-leftists for what the leftists do isnt a good look.
Thats a big step for her.
Why did that Mostly Peaceful band of Leftist Collectivists get accosted by those Lefty reporters?
I saw the reporter pull several people on top of himself and make it look like they were kicking and hitting him.
I bet that reporter takes pictures of himself in the mirror.
Wants to be the center of every story, I’d say.
Probably just the fault of the war and that lying son of a bitch, Johnson.
Actual violence by Leftist Collectivist fascists is dog bites man.
Fuck Crack. I actually used to like reading his posts, because they seemed to include enough rejection of idiotic ideas (crystals, Scientology, Horoscope-based therapy, etc.) that I never really considered what his ideas were. He has clearly chosen a life of ignorance, I'll let him die stupid. No point trying to teach the ineducable.
Drago said...
"Back to Crack, it wasnt to my taste but the intent is interesting and I think you ought to continue developing new ideas and see where it goes."
The idea is to put the songs into a file labeled "UnMastered" on a music player, in order, and listen to them that way on headphones (because they're unmastered) and then keep adding the new tracks until you get a concept album from the individual parts.
It's Ebonics Jake.
Good stuff.
Twisted Sister's "I Wanna Rock" just started on my auto-YouTube music. This one reminds me of my first job, as a dishwasher at a fancy restaurant. I was 14, pretending to be 16, at the time. The cooks would do cocaine on the loading dock, and the bartender playing this song was their "subtle" way to let the other cokeheads know that it was time to gather behind the dumpster and do lines off each other's hands.
“Inga has wisely determined that excusing more left wing actual violence against reporters and/or blaming non-leftists for what the leftists do isnt a good look.”
No Inga wisely decided not to roll around in the dog shit with you.
Inga: "No Inga wisely decided not to roll around in the dog shit with you."
Here we see our favorite numbskull lefty attempt to ignore her pals physically assaulting members of the press.
Heck, Ill bet she is cheering them on but knows that would hurt her fake moral superiority posturing on this site if she did.
Not to worry Inga. Your lefty MSM pals will never press charges against your violent other lefty pals.
Blogger Drago said...
I am more interested in what it is that Crack is trying to accomplish?
If its to send a message to blacks to be free agents and open to leveraging the system and both parties to achieve greater clout then theres something to that given the potential target audience.
But if he insists on maintaining full racial group guilt and race-based characterization of all non-blacks as well as remaining immersed in reparations demands with an open trough for one and all to come feed then he will, by necessity, remain a complete and utter captive of the far far left and no amount od sophistry or double-talk can hide that.
And placing himself in the role of Minister If Truth and Allowable Utterances is also a dead end.
Drago can’t seem to help himself from taking the attention off of Crack’s music and putting in on himself and his ever increasingly boring and repetitive propaganda.
We also see Ingas violent lefty moron thugs cutting the cords of the journalists there as they physically assault them.
Also one if the biggest Imans in London continues to openly call for the killing of gays.
Also we have pics of lefty Corbyn in Britain laying a wreath in honor of Arab terrorists.
Also a female European parliament member committed suicide after being gang raped by Ingas beloved islamic supremacists.
So you all know what all that means, dont you?
Yep, Trump supporters are more guilty than ever before!
Inga in full denial about her leftist pals attacking journalists.
Go ahead Inga, criticize these attacks on the media....
Inga, have you heard the music? The repetitive nature is the only notable aspect. Why should critics not also be repetitive? Think hard, snowflake.
Makes my head throb.
LincolnTf said...
"No point trying to teach the ineducable."
Like when someone says focus on the music, but some people keep trying to drag it into their version of my politics, over and over?
Sure, I got friends who are cops, who I've known since I was 15 years old, and - according to you - I want them all dead. That makes sense, right? Please, "educate" me, and everybody else, on how I feel about policing, because you got me pegged.
It's a shame a black person can agree with conservatives on 80-to-even 99% of what they want, but, venture "off the plantation" to any degree and lookee what you get: A reminder why "The Lottery" was written.
I don't always mind being misunderstood. I know some have to catch up now. I started The Macho Response in 2005 - long before anybody else thought a Trump would be a good idea. Long before Hillary lost to him. Long before NXIVM had Catherine Oxenberg's daughter. Long before Alex Jones lost his perch for spreading misinformation. Long before restrictions were put on homeopathy. Long before the measles got loose from anti-vaccine nonsense. Long before the owner of the Mighty Ducks got busted trying to build a homeopathic research center in California. Why, I'm losing track of how many things I've blogged about - aggressively, as anyone who knows my past can attest - that have turned out EXACTLY as I wanted, and still more seem to be leaning my way. Unfortunately, on race, my optimism stays as dim as my adversaries.
You can keep playing this game, or you be sane and decide you took the internet too seriously, and you don't really know me at all. Because you don't.
Now I gotta go, so C-ya.
Will Brown said...
"I don't listen to rap, but I do understand that it takes a little more than a click here and there to put something like Crack's little ditties together, well done, Dude."
Thank you, but I don't know why you guys keep mentioning rap - there's nothing "rap" about this. Aren't you familiar with sample-based music? "My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts" by David Byrne and Brian Eno, even? "Escape From Noise" by Negativland?
Open your minds, Guys.
We're all late-middle-aged farts here, except for Pants and Freeman.
"Thank you, but I don't know why you guys keep mentioning rap - there's nothing "rap" about this."
This is clearly not rap. But 6 minutes of it is too much.
Who do you think you are, Queen?
People like what they like.
Inga likes Leftist Collectivist fascists who beat reporters.
TCE likes to sample music.
No accounting for taste.
Ralph L:
Not exactly.
Ralph L said...
"We're all late-middle-aged farts here, except for Pants and Freeman."
Ahhh, then put on some headphones, push all your preconceptions aside, and get prepared to be amazed - The Crack Emcee Presents: Negativland's "Escape From Noise"
(Negativland are the outlying suburbs of the San Francisco Bay Area)
I liked it and yes I heard Krauthammer. Am I correct that you slowed down the GWB quotes to match the bear?
Drago said...
"This is clearly not rap. But 6 minutes of it is too much.
Who do you think you are, Queen?"
Yes. And, just like with Freddie Mercury, if you listen to the words - not just the chorus - you'll forget how long it is.
I will go back and read the other comments later, but I'll say this -- I liked "The Republican Record" quite a lot. Old school, a bit like Double Dee and Steinski, I thought, but for the current moment. In other words, it stands up well.
Crack Emcee, answer my question, chump. When you lied about me saying you wanted cops dead, why did you lie about that? Did it make you feel good, did you do it to impress some audience? There has to be a reason you chose to lie. Do you even know what it was, or is being a liar so much a part of you that lies just organically appear every time you speak? I'm legitimately curious.
Phil 3:14 said...
"I liked it and yes I heard Krauthammer. Am I correct that you slowed down the GWB quotes to match the bear?"
Thank you, and no, Sir: But some individual GWB words WERE spliced ("WORD!") and made to fit - good ear!
Drago said...
Blogger Drago said...
"I am more interested in what it is that Crack is trying to accomplish?"
Why does a work of art have to accomplish something? Can I document this period in political history, creatively, without an agenda?
"If its to send a message to blacks to be free agents and open to leveraging the system and both parties to achieve greater clout then theres something to that given the potential target audience."
I think what aMtK is about is pretty clear: Democrats like mystical trappings and always have, starting from trying to levitate the Pentagon to today's witches casting "binding spells" on Trump, without a single Lefty shooing them away as liabilities, like Christine O'Donnell was seen on the Right. Sally Quinn recently confessed she was an Occultist - the former religion editor of The Washington Post - which doesn't get more delicious, if you're me. The rest of you shrug at the implications. I wait. It's a cult.
TRR is just addressing switching - without saying to do it. Thinking about it is almost unheard of, amongst my friends, so this is a weird time - especially because it's Trump in office. Nobody wants to be a Republican, but they like him more than anybody else on the Right or Left. They just can't admit it openly.
"But if he insists on maintaining full racial group guilt and race-based characterization of all non-blacks as well as remaining immersed in reparations demands with an open trough for one and all to come feed then he will, by necessity, remain a complete and utter captive of the far far left and no amount od sophistry or double-talk can hide that."
I'm going to let this slide as the nonsense it is and go to:
"And placing himself in the role of Minister If Truth and Allowable Utterances is also a dead end."
So says Alex Jones, my friend, so says Alex Jones. Its isn't lost on me, none of you are arguing for reason or justice, so I don't expect you understand how they "work". Consequences, Folks, there's always consequences,...
I did listen to these. I'm really not impressed with the music parts (as opposed to the lyrics): they are repetitive and not very interesting. Possibly the lyrics are interesting except (a) I can't hear all of them clearly; (b) I don't know who is speaking (is it correct to say "who is being sampled". So this might be better with an accompanying script that would clue me in on those.
Perhaps the whole idea is "I'm only trying to communicate to those who are already in the know." As a jazz musician might work into an improvisation a "quote" from On Green Dolphin Street -- and members of the audience will applaud to let others know that they understand the reference. In other contexts this might be called a dog whistle. About twice a day in reading comments on Althouse, I need to open a tab and search for the meaning of an internet slang shorthand, or a reference to an internet meme that I don't understand.
Now that I read my own comments, I feel like I've been duped by this whole thread. I wasn't really supposed to take the Crack Emcee music thing seriously. And there is some inside joke here that I don't get. Or this was just a platform for re-kindling comment wars among frequent commenters, and since I'm not interested in those wars, that just shows how "square" I am.
Crack Emcee is a Holocaust denier, a registered sex-offender and a huge advocate for pedophilia. His love of raping children is surpassed only by his lust for Peppermint Mentos. See, Crack, we can all lie about anything. It's easy. My question is why you choose to lie? What is so broken in your mind?
"OK... On the first one, there's a refrain, something like "C'mon yo" or "Pickle yo" or whatever, I can't make it out."
Really? It's very clearly "C'mon, y'all!"
Maybe you've never spent much time in the south.
P U- That stunk.
Lay off Crack.He had a rough childhood.
Have some empathy,, for God's sake!
Bad Moon on the Rise now on YouTube. This is more music than I've listened to in years.
Now that I read my own comments, I feel like I've been duped by this whole thread. I wasn't really supposed to take the Crack Emcee music thing seriously. And there is some inside joke here that I don't get. Or this was just a platform for re-kindling comment wars among frequent commenters, and since I'm not interested in those wars, that just shows how "square" I am.
8/12/18, 4:55 PM
It's hip to be square.
"Rap can be summed up as, pointless rhyming that doesn't sound good, has no meaning, and is full of curse words, layered against a cookie cutter beat that isn't even catchy, layered and compressed for bad quality, with a stupid, I'm tough image (tough "gangstas"). Point being, it is all the same, it is lame and you don't have talent producing it."
Edmund Fitzgerald just started playing. Weird transition from hard rock, but still a great song.
I had completely forgotten about Crack's hatred of all things New Agey. THAT is the part of Crack's mentality I love and now realize I missed.
I'm with Crack on that one. Let me tell ya about the (white) vegan lady I met who had her **Obligate Carnivore** cats on a vegan diet. She actually said "oh my cats never get meat" - and actually tried to convince me that a feline eating soy protein was more 'natural'. Natural my ass. I asked her why "nature" endowed felines with claws, sharp teeth, and a talent for something called a 'death bite'. She didn't have an answer.
This type of person is #1 on my list of People Who I Just Can't Deal With.
The Crack Emcee said...
"wake-the-fuck-up and see reparations are something the party that freed the slaves should be behind"
Tell us again how we won't have to pay anything, the money will come from the government. That's the part I like. I mean, what's not to like about money from the government? Heck, I might turn black myself for that deal. But hey, seriously, what about this? What if we just give you FaceBook? You've had your troubles, and we admit they were mostly our fault, your ankle and all, so how about we give you a slightly-past-its-pull-date social media network, still valued at several gazillion dollars according to the markets? Deal? Done! It's yours. Do whatever you like with it. Haul it away, I'm sick of looking at it. You can keep it next to Detroit.
My cats eat flesh, as does my dog. Kibble is okay for filler, but they love the meat. Feeding a carnivorous/omnivorous pet soy is abuse.
Molly said...
"I did listen to these. I'm really not impressed with the music parts (as opposed to the lyrics): they are repetitive and not very interesting."
There clearly aren't a lot of dancers in this group. My friends and I are hooked on aMtK.
"Possibly the lyrics are interesting except (a) I can't hear all of them clearly; (b) I don't know who is speaking (is it correct to say "who is being sampled"."
It opens with Bill Clinton!
"So this might be better with an accompanying script that would clue me in on those."
"Clairvoyants/Celebrity and Fame/ MacLaine/Con Artists/Obvious Frauds/Fringe Activities/The American Public Have Greatly Changed" - something like that?
"Perhaps the whole idea is "I'm only trying to communicate to those who are already in the know." As a jazz musician might work into an improvisation a "quote" from On Green Dolphin Street -- and members of the audience will applaud to let others know that they understand the reference."
Nope. I just probably know America's talking heads better then most.
"Now that I read my own comments, I feel like I've been duped by this whole thread. I wasn't really supposed to take the Crack Emcee music thing seriously. And there is some inside joke here that I don't get."
I don't know how to respond to that.
"Or this was just a platform for re-kindling comment wars among frequent commenters, and since I'm not interested in those wars, that just shows how "square" I am.""
Wow. I can assure you, that's not it. Take Care.
Lying coward. Show me, Crack Emcee, exactly where I said that you want cops dead. Can't find it? That's because you made it up. To use race as a shield. You are a punk. And I mean that in the Army/Prison vernacular. A punk.
“Democrats like mystical trappings and always have, starting from trying to levitate the Pentagon to today's witches casting "binding spells" on Trump, without a single Lefty shooing them away as liabilities, like Christine O'Donnell was seen on the Right. Sally Quinn recently confessed she was an Occultist - the former religion editor of The Washington Post - which doesn't get more delicious, if you're me. The rest of you shrug at the implications. I wait. It's a cult.”
Crack, most lefties think this is nonsense. Most lefties are in favor of evidence based medicine. Most lefties are science driven, not occult driven. Nancy Regan was big advocate astrology. Trump is an anti vaxxer, as I’ve told you before, this is anti science mumbo jumbo. There are cutists across the left and right divide, they are all morons.
LincolnTf said...
"Edmund Fitzgerald just started playing. Weird transition from hard rock, but still a great song."
I did say I sampled a folk-like song from a "Classic Rock" era artist - and you don't know how CLOSE you are to him - not that I'd tell you.
Oh STFU Lincoln, you are boring and repetitive. Where is Althouse to tell you so?
Nobody, least of all me, gives a fuck what you sampled. You are a liar.
Fuck off, Inga.
Kanye West produced this album. Let’s not accuse only leftists of being occultist or new age.
“On his much-hyped, Kanye West-produced album Nasir, the immortally dope Nas discusses a wide-range of current events. One of these newsworthy topics is the anti-vaxx movement, a highly controversial group who strongly oppose immunization vaccinations for children. He raps on The-Dream accented “Everything”:
“A parent hates to watch his baby’s face/Takin’ his first immunization shots, but this is great/The child’s introduction to suffering and pain/Understands without words/Nothin’ is explained or rushed to the brain/Lookin’ up at his parents’ face/Like, ‘I thought you would protect me from this scary place?/Why’d you let them inject me?/”Who’s gonna know how these side effects is gonna affect me?'””
I like it quite a lot. Very clever editing, mixing effects and choice of interesting sounding voices. It works as pure sound without even comprehending the word threads. It reminds me of a audio version of Cracks old in-your-face visual collage blog where a post would seem to go on forever but at such a dynamic pace it was like drinking from a rocket engine.
I think if he could combine the audio with something like the visual effects of his former blog and not be banned by Youtube, he could be a leading pioneer of a new art form.
Bravo, Maestro.
“Fuck off, Inga.”
Oh what a comeback! So original!
UnMastered is a brilliant album title!
And I appreciated the work that went into these. I'm a big fan of LC and RATM, and don't see much these days which builds on their work.
The Hillary Clinton breathing (what a joke) and the ridiculous commitment to her by the Bernie Bros certainly undermines the reality of the cult.
Malcolm X at the end was nice.
It wasn't a comeback, it was a dismissal.
Pretty bad when carpet steaming spam is the best post on the thread.
"Josie's on a Vacation Far way..."
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"Crack, most lefties think this is nonsense. Most lefties are in favor of evidence based medicine."
Inga, I lived in San Francisco for 30 years. I think I know the Left *pretty well* When my wife said she could walk through walls, a writer for The Financial Times of London, who I turned to for help as a "smart guy", told me to read this. You have to explain how Whole Foods is a successful store AND a temple to pseudoscience to convince me. I know the lies the Left, and Right, can't admit to themselves, because they really can't think for themselves - which is why so much Republican dogma, here, passes for politics but ain't. Politics is supposed to try to persuade.
"Most lefties are science driven, not occult driven."
Then explain the popularity of Oprah and why no one's corrected her for saying "The Secret" is science. Explain Jim Jones and The Peoples Cult and Harvey Milk calling President Carter and saying what a great guy that monster was. Explain the San Francisco Chronicle's collaboration with him. Jerry Brown, DiFi - all the biggies who LOVED Jones. Explain NXIVM and One Taste and al, the Rajneesh in Wild, Wild Country". Let me guess: that was a Republican convention and Ben Shapiro was going to show up onscreen at any moment, right?
"Nancy Regan was big advocate astrology."
Isolating individual Republicans doesn't address the Democrat Party.
"Trump is an anti vaxxer, as I’ve told you before, this is anti science mumbo jumbo."
So are Jenny McCarthy, Jim Carrey, Robert De Niro, Elle McPherson, Bill Maher, and a whole host of others - even Van Joes was a 9/11 Truther!
"There are cutists across the left and right divide, they are all morons."
Agreed. So get them out of the Democrat Party, otherwise, they're no better, and I have no reason to leave the one I'm in that's similarly situated.
So, Crack Emcee is still here. Sweet. Tell me, and the studio audience, why you chose to lie about me. I never once said what you attributed to me. Was your post born of ignorance or malice? Again, legitimately curious. Studying liars has become a bit of a hobby of mine.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Kanye West produced this album. Let’s not accuse only leftists of being occultist or new age."
You're as bad as the Republicans - now you're making ASSUMPTIONS, too:
Did I accuse "only leftists of being occultist or new age"? Nope.
You did just like the Wingers and ran to an absolutist position - and then stuck it on me. But I don't want it, never said it, and won't keep it.
The Democrats are a cult. They're not the only occultists in the world, but they're a cult.
Crack, I’ve been a leftist my entire adult life and know many many many leftists and the majority of us think the occult and anti science is bullshit and reject it. Maybe you being on the west coast, instead of the Midwest have seen more leftists who are occultists and new agers. Maybe being in the music business you also see more of it. Maybe this is more a left coast phenomenon. Maybe us regular lefties here in Wisconsin have our heads screwed on tighter.
“The Democrats are a cult. They're not the only occultists in the world, but they're a cult.”
And I think Trumpism is a cult.
Howard said...
"He could be a leading pioneer of a new art form."
Thanks, Howard.
Why would I link to history in this context?
Crack Emcee: Brush your teeth in a rapid, vertical motion. That's up and down for all you rebels.
Inga: "And I think Trumpism is a cult."
All left wing cultists, when they aren't too busy denying the physical violence of leftist thugs against media personnel, make that mistake.
Crack: "Thanks, Howard."
Well, it hasn't really happened yet so "thanks" is probably a bit premature.
Inga...Allie Oop: "Crack, I’ve been a leftist my entire adult life and know many many many leftists and the majority of us think the occult and anti science is bullshit and reject it"
Someone get your crystals out to properly explore the animism!!
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"Crack, I’ve been a leftist my entire adult life and know many many many leftists and the majority of us think the occult and anti science is bullshit and reject it."
I hear this all-the-time, but none of it addresses the very clear questions and challenges I laid out for you above.
"Maybe you being on the west coast, instead of the Midwest have seen more leftists who are occultists and new agers."
I lost one of my best friends in Austin, Texas because one of her party guests wanted to give her a sick newborn a homeopathic "remedy" and I wasn't hearing it. Those are the kinds of effects standing up to this crap - on the Left - has. We did San Francisco and Texas - wanna go for New York? Then we can do the Republicans and I'll tell you about my time with the MORMONS!
"Maybe being in the music business you also see more of it."
They're still rock-solid Democrats, which is part of why this project is unmastered: where do I safely take it amongst the vindictive Trump-hating bastards?
"Maybe this is more a left coast phenomenon."
I assure you, it's not. It's just an unaddressed phenomena that's gone on so long it's seen as normal for grown women to claim they have "powers" and can cast spells, read minds, whatever. Hey - ands detoxing! Democrats love science so much it's an industry. Like alternative medicine. And yoga - which they say lowers your ego but science says does the opposite. Has anyone stopped yet?
Science-Schmience, I don't think so.
Maybe us regular lefties here in Wisconsin have our heads screwed on tighter.
Crack: "Why does a work of art have to accomplish something? Can I document this period in political history, creatively, without an agenda?"
Well, what is the artist attempting to say and how does that artist wish for their work to be interpreted, internalized, acted upon, etc?
"Maybe us regular lefties here in Wisconsin have our heads screwed on tighter."
or maybe you're ignoring what's right in front of your eyes.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"And I think Trumpism is a cult."
You can think whatever you want, Science Lover, but I'm giving you EVIDENCE.
That should win the day, according to you.
Drago said...
"How does that artist wish for their work to be interpreted, internalized, acted upon, etc?"
Try headphones, first, and tap your foot.
Crack: "So says Alex Jones, my friend, so says Alex Jones."
But that does bring up an interesting question: precisely how many actual followers does Alex Jones have and how would that be determined to a rough order of magnitude?
And is it easier or harder to calculate the number of Alex Jones followers when Inga's pals on the left are physically assaulting MSM members and destroying their equipment while attacking police personnel?
Crack: "Try headphones, first, and tap your foot"
Need a beat to tap my foot.
If Leftists are going to be pro-science now, does that mean satellite data is better than tree ring guesses?
A man can dream.
“...or maybe you're ignoring what's right in front of your eyes.”
Or not.
My spirit guides told me so...
Just teasing you now.
Birkel: "If Leftists are going to be pro-science now, does that mean satellite data is better than tree ring guesses?"
The anti-nuke, anti-GMO types are never going to be "pro-science".
Crack ought to create something on that while he is at it. Link it to the anti-Vaxx and weird lefty occult stuff.
vindictive Trump-hating bastards
Also known as the hivemind cult left. The anti-free speech big government fascists. or - Hillarywoodlanders
Inga: "Or not."
Or yes.
Since you have yet to accept the lefty thugs attacking MSM members which was captured on video for you to see.
But you won't, and tomorrow when your internal History Reset Function kicks in again you'll end up denying it ever happened at all.
Talk about looney lefty religious issues....
So you’re saying Inga invented time travel?
Pretty cool, right?
Trump hating isn’t unique. There was plenty of Obama’s hating. It was right in front of our eyes.
What’s not to hate about 1.8% GDP growth with flat wages and adding 10 trillion to the debt?
As long as the Trump cult let's him keep getting away with racist, anti-American, pro-black stuff like this, I'm going to have to stay with him and see if Kool-Aid gets passed around on the Right.
When you spread lies, Crack Emcee, doesn't it leave you feeling a bit hollow? Like you're not a man at all?
Crack, why do you think that white supremacy groups are all pro Trump? Why do white supremacy groups align themselves with the right and not the left?
Birkel: "What’s not to hate about 1.8% GDP growth with flat wages and adding 10 trillion to the debt?"
And handing the biggest state sponsor of terror a cool $1.7 Billion to help fund terrorists throughout the world AND help them pay to more quickly develop their nukes?
In addition to the inexplicable pardoning of unrepentant terrorists who murdered American citizens.
In addition to giving Putin a number of major victories while actually inviting him and his Russki's into Syria as a stabilizing influence!!!
Genius. Pure, Nobel Prize-winning, genius.
Inga...Allie Oop: "Crack, why do you think that white supremacy groups are all pro Trump?"
All 3 dozen or so showed up for a "massive" rally in DC today.......
Clearly its a national problem......
Now back to Inga and her pals physically attacking the police and condoning the murder of police, like the 5 Dallas police officers murdered in 2016.
I think it’s sweet that Royal ass Inga cares about two dozen freaks who espouse a Leftist ideology (but that she claims are on the right, even though their leader is a Democrat).
Never you mind the hundreds of Leftist Collectivist fascists who attacked the reporters in Charlottesville just last night.
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
Howard said...
"He could be a leading pioneer of a new art form."
Thanks, Howard.
8/12/18, 5:42 PM
Congratulations Navy, you just had a Marine kiss your ass!
"Heroes" by David Bowie now playing. After its done, I'll find "Five Years", my all-time favorite Bowie tune.
“All 3 dozen or so showed up for a "massive" rally in DC today.......”
Yes, what laugh!
However there are far more white supremacists in numerous groups across the country who support Trump, including the KKK itself. You are trying to minimize these groups, that’s a mistake and ignorant.
Why does a Democrat organization like the KkK support Republicans Trump?
Strains credulity.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
Trump hating isn’t unique. There was plenty of Obama’s hating. It was right in front of our eyes.
8/12/18, 6:07 PM
That's such an honest thing for you to say, Inga, that I suspect you did not mean it like you wrote it. Obama was an extremely hateful person and surrounded himself with more of the same. Never, never did I detect anything loving or kind from him. It was always aggression and attacks.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"Crack, why do you think that white supremacy groups are all pro Trump?"
Because they're opportunists. Why did Trump used to hang with Puff Daddy? Same reason. Why does the Left conveniently forget Trump used to hang with Puff Daddy? Because of the "Pied Piper" narrative. Why don't they correct the narrative? Because then - as I said - they have to admit they don't think for themselves, easily fall for Hillary's media shenanigans, and would have to recalibrate literally EVERYTHING they believe in.
Unfortunately, EVIDENCE.
"Why do white supremacy groups align themselves with the right and not the left?"
Because, clearly, more unites them than race.
Look, Barry Goldwater didn't hate blacks, but, if you did, you voted with Barry Goldwater because it's a two party system. The same thing applies here. What's weird is, even with Trump's long history of working with anyone, the lie HE'S a racist can still find oxygen.
It's truly remarkable.
"It's interesting to see Althouse give Crack so much exposure now after several years of Crackless comments. Why?"
Because she likes him. He's a smart guy with strong opinions and he brings an interesting perspective on stories and events.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“...or maybe you're ignoring what's right in front of your eyes.”
Or not.
My spirit guides told me so...
Just teasing you now.
It is hilarious to watch leftist secularists constantly screach that they are not cultists...
And proceed to search for more heretics to persecute.
The left is going to be destroyed because all they do is look for witches to burn.
They do nothing else.
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