২৮ আগস্ট, ২০১৮

The comedian Michael Ian Black takes a lot of heat for expressing happiness at the prospect of redemption for Louis C.K.

I like Michael Ian Black — you may remember him from "The State" and other TV comedy — and I follow him on Twitter, where, as you see above, he posted about the same news story that I blogged earlier this morning. He predicts backlash, and he's getting it. Some screen shots (click to enlarge):

৯১টি মন্তব্য:

Clyde বলেছেন...

And if it was up to the complainers, who seem to be women who probably have their own issues, all of the #metoo guys would be sentenced to a life of nothing better than living under a highway overpass or in their parents' basement, with no better job available to them than riding on a garbage truck. Have they lived blameless lives where they have never caused any harm to anyone else in any way, however slight? If so, let them cast the first stone.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Louis CK isn’t funny enough to get back in the good graces this quickly. I doubt he’s cuted of his perversion this quickly. Maybe he bought a sex robot to her off in front of. But he knows the sex robot doesn’t feel humiliation. It’s too difficult yet to program that facial and body reaction at this point. But a crack team is working on it around the clock.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Harpies are nothing new.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

The prog dilemma: evildoers should not be cast out, so lower their sentences, empty the prisons, let felons vote, cuz they are not even evil; but men who do evil to women and "children" are evil and must be cast out forever, since they are evil.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

WTF is wrong with our nation, or at least a big chunk of it? Unrelenting outrage that appears to me to be mental illness. This story, and the one about Tiger Woods today, etc , etc. People are now continuously outraged and just waiting for anyone to lift their head up so they can launch their fury at the first head to appear.

It's so unhinged, illogical and knee jerk that it's actually scary, as in, somebody is gonna get hurt. Maybe a lot of somebodies. Our basic institutions and values are seriously in danger of being wiped out by mindless mob mentality. I primarily blame education, the lack of it, the polluting of it with leftism and lies, and it's total failure at teaching our people the basic facts of history and the values that have actually progressed our species. Our people are simply stupid now, with no self-control. Dumb and crazy is not a good way to go.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Louis didn’t “serve time.” Did the Professional Comedians of America put him under house arrest?

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

In general, redemption is good. Most folks deserve a second chance, and that includes Louis CK.

My only beef is when progs are quick to permit redemption of their "own," but slow to permit redemption of their "opponents."

As a good rule of thumb, I employ the Michael Vick standard. He plead guilty to a hideous felony for staging terrible, vicious dog fights. Really, really bad. I believe he did some time, and had his NFL career greatly interrupted (rightfully so).

But he apologized, did his time, and came back, despite his disgusting conduct, and was pretty much forgiven.

So, if he can get redemption, so can a lot of other folks.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Michael Vick went to prison. Louis CK went home and laid low for a few months.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Maybe Louis C.K. can slip himself in under the Keith Ellison Exception.

Martin বলেছেন...

Twitter and FB are a blight on humanity. FB's original purpose, allowing friends, familes nd colleagues to stay in touch, was and is a fine ting, but they have both created a vicious form of mob rule that is poisoning our society in many ways.

Mobocracy is never good. It brings out the worst in people both as individuals and as a species.

It is long past time to start ignoring the Twitter mob--ignore them and eventually they will go awa,y or at last move on to other things.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Fake contrition followed by a call for fake redemption.

This is the problem facing the Roman Catholic Church.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your hardon out the window, or it'll turn into a permanent fossil hardon.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

It's typical of the times that finding a pathway back for sex villains is more important than digging out any more evil in society. Y'all want the Catholic church to go on - even after molesting kids - so I assume the Jehovah's Witnesses are going to get a pass, just as Scientology does, and every psychic not being promoted on television.

Everybody gets a pass - except for the niggers, right? Take a knee and you deserve to get shot or something, but everybody else - then you've got some mental trick you play that says "We don't have to scratch any further than the surface on this one, now - for the sake of harmony - let's party."

It's like some real-life "Rosemary's Baby" shit.

Michael Fitzgerald বলেছেন...

All Progs and Democrat party members get to return from the penalty box, if they even get the penalty called. Non-democrat party members are permanently eliminated.
Kathy Griffin- Hooray, she's back to sold out shows!
Roseanne Barr- Kill her show, then kill her character just in case she tries to come back.
Alec Baldwin- We don't approve of the racist, homophobic and misogynistic things Alec has said and done, but he's such a hero of the Democrat party that we give him a pass.
Donald Trump- That guy we've been praising and proclaiming for his efforts to help minorities throughout his entire 40+ years career? HE'S A RACIST!

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

He plead guilty to a hideous felony for staging terrible, vicious dog fights.

The analogy fails unless the dogs were humping people with their dicks out. The people. No, the dogs. Well, both.

readering বলেছেন...

I guess I shouldn't hold out hope of seeing his film released anytime soon.

Shane বলেছেন...

I don't particularly care for Black, much as he would for feel about me, I imagine, if I put myself out there as he does. Its fine.
I do appreciate what he is willing to state in this post.
Redemption and a return to the opportunity afforded in society has always been a cornerstone in this country.
Setting C.K. aside, many of the same people who want to perpetually condemn someone deemed to have crossed the MeToo line of the day are only too willing to call for leniency and or expungement of those actually convicted in a court of law.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Interesting use of the word "redemption" in one twitter response. To a Christian, not only is no one is irredeemable, redemption is our proper end.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

Traditionally redemption needs to be earned. But we like destroying traditions in modern America.

As a generally loyal liberal, I always knew that Louis C.K. would some day be forgiven and allowed back into at least some of the outer circles of the greater entertainment industry. It was always just a question of time. This was obviously a test to see what people's reactions would be, to gauge if sufficient time has past.

Tank বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...

It's typical of the times that finding a pathway back for sex villains is more important than digging out any more evil in society. Y'all want the Catholic church to go on - even after molesting kids - so I assume the Jehovah's Witnesses are going to get a pass, just as Scientology does, and every psychic not being promoted on television.

Everybody gets a pass - except for the niggers, right? Take a knee and you deserve to get shot or something,...

Well, no, take a knee and we turn the TV off.

See the difference?

tim maguire বলেছেন...

I must have missed the claims the Louis C.K. actually hurt someone. I heard the claims that he acted weird and made some people uncomfortable, but that's it. And he was never convicted of anything.

His absence has been a penance he sentenced himself to. Is there some reason why he still has to wear the sack cloth and keep beating himself with palm fronds?

Wince বলেছেন...

It's interesting that Hollywood is about to release a re-make of Papillon.

Probably the most compelling scene in the original film: "I Accuse You of a Wasted Life!"

The Judge proclaims: "You know the charge."

Papillon replies: "I'm innocent. I didn't kill that pimp. You couldn't get anything on me and you framed me."

Judge: "That is quite true. But your real crime has nothing to do with a pimp's death."

Papillon: "Well then, what is it?"

Judge: "Yours is the most terrible crime a human being can commit. I accuse you of a wasted life!"

Papillon: "Guilty."

Judge: "The penalty for that is death."

Papillon: "Guilty...Guilty...Guilty..."

Henry বলেছেন...

I think there's a point to the pushback -- which is that if the path to redemption is to have powerful friends, it's not really redemption. The comment by Lucy is quite pointed. Let Louis start over, but you, the powerful friend, don't need to be his publicist. I have no idea how Louis C.K. feels about it. Maybe he welcomes it (though he can hardly say so). Maybe he wishes Mr. Black had not drawn attention.

The idea that the man shamed has paid his dues and can resume his career unqualified misses the point. Redemption doesn't erase mistakes or their consequences. It establishes a new starting point. This is where you are. Don't wallow in guilt -- you do no good that way. Accept that this is where you are. Do better going forward.

Anthony বলেছেন...

Black was really funny on those old MTV/VH1 "I Love The 'XXs" shows. That's all I heard of him until he started his verbal political diarrhea.

But yeah, another torpedo circles back.

ALP বলেছেন...

There it is again - collective punishment. Guilt by association. A very disturbing trend.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

If you were a Republican who ran against Obama, you'd have to die to get any redemption.

PM বলেছেন...

I'm sick of vox populi, and have taken to public forums to say so.

Rob বলেছেন...

Contrary to what's implied in Black's tweet and explicit in the tweets of some others, Louis C.K. didn't do terrible things. He did some regrettable things, but unless one totally lacks perspective and a sense of proportionality, they were far from terrible. Take a deep breath, SJW's, and snap out of it.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

The people who deny redemption to Louis or Roseanne are probably the ones who cop superior attitudes about the 1950's Blacklists.

Wince বলেছেন...

The pernicious side of #metoo is the eventual discovery that these charges can be used as a weapon, which reminds me of another famous movie scene...

2001 + 17: A #metoo Odyssey

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Tank said...
The Crack Emcee said...

"Take a knee and we turn the TV off.

See the difference?"

Yeah, you want to turn it back on for the masturbators, instead. Why not let them publicly do their thing, during the anthem, so we blacks can understand exactly what it means to you? Because, obviously - naive and idealistic fools that we are - we've definitely got it all wrong.

CJinPA বলেছেন...

If Louis CK had fathered three children out of wedlock, with three women, and abandoned them (standup comedians travel a lot and have been know to have this trouble) none of his critics would give one sh-t. Even though the damage would be worse than sexual harassment.

Not absolving him of his guilt here. I think the humiliation was enough to discourage others from being disgusting creeps, which is what matters ultimately.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Let me be clear: While he's not my cup of tea, in light of recent revelations, I've got nothing against Louis CK making a comeback. (Everybody knows I'm a huge stand-up fan and he's always been great racially, so a favorite.) But a society that places a perv's redemption above rooting out the obvious evil in this culture is one sick society, and shouldn't fool itself that it's anything else. America is exceptional. Still. But now in ways it was never intended.

It's one corrupt fucking place.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Let him make minimum wage until he is funny.

gahrie বলেছেন...

above rooting out the obvious evil in this culture

Gang violence, thug culture and illegitimacy?

narciso বলেছেন...

I remember when louis ck leered against the huntress, and her daughter, that's why that scene where he gets beat by the bureau snitch, in American hustle is very satisfying,

Shane বলেছেন...

"Let him make minimum wage until he is funny."

Please be sure to tell everyone when he is funny enough for your (or whoever is defining this) standard.

Tank বলেছেন...

he Crack Emcee said...
Tank said...

The Crack Emcee said...

"Take a knee and we turn the TV off.

See the difference?"

Yeah, you want to turn it back on for the masturbators, instead. Why not let them publicly do their thing, during the anthem, so we blacks can understand exactly what it means to you? Because, obviously - naive and idealistic fools that we are - we've definitely got it all wrong.

Yes you do. See that wasn't so hard.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Michael Ian Black is a terrifically funny guy who just happens to have ridiculously bad opinions about gun rights and very bad manners towards gun rights supporters.

Jim at বলেছেন...

I'm so glad I don't know who any of these people are.
Makes life easier and more relaxing.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

People who are associated with the alt-right or the Trump administration should be hounded from the public square, thoroughly ostracized, and should be given a "life sentence" of public harassment.

People who are associated with the Left should be forgiven for all crimes (including terrorism, murder, etc--see Bill Ayers, Oscar Lopez Rivera) and welcomed back into society.

The same people who say it should be illegal to ask whether a person was convicted for committing violent felonies also say social media site should brand and permaban people who engage in bad (= non-Left approved) speech.

The secular Left's ideas about forgiveness seem...variable. It'd be generous to describe them as at best transactional. Anyway: no real principles here other than "us good, you bad."

Gk1 বলেছেন...

Meh. Special pleading from the blue tribe. It must be like hockey where they need CK out of the penalty box to help fight in their perpetual cultural holy war. You make damn sure Michael Ian Black would never make the case for someone from the red team so why should my tribe care?

Che Dolf বলেছেন...

Michael Ian Black is a terrifically funny guy...

"Comedian Michael Ian Black Targeted for Pedophilia Joke Tweets."

So edgy.

Gunner বলেছেন...

I somehow doubt he feels that way about Mel Gibson or some other vaguely conservative celeb.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Not forgiving CK, or Aziz, or others (Polanski, etc) would involve a tiny bit of sacrifice--the Left LIKES the cultural output of those people and so holding them to the "standard" the feminist Left claims to have would mean losing out on that output. This could show how weakly they believe their own line: it's not worth giving up a CK set to enforce what they profess to be a universal rule/standard.

I'm not even sure it's hypocrisy so much as a pure admission that the standard and principle simply does not exist. It'd be hypocrisy if the position was "we'll hold others to this standard but not ourselves/people we like." It's probably more accurate to say their position is "this rule is a rule only for people we don't like, so no one expects it to be applied against OUR people. We're perfectly consistent in how we apply it (against the outgroup only) so there's no hypocrisy here."

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"He did terrible things. He ruined lives. He traumatized countless women."

Oh, get stuffed. He yanked his wank in front of a couple of comedy groupies who couldn't make their minds up not to watch. What a fucking crock. If that's the worst thing that ever happened to those women, their lives are singularly blessed.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Tank said...

"Yes you do. See that wasn't so hard."

Fine. Just don't complain when we understand it, but really don't respect it now.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

The bulk of CK's shtick in the last few years has been to talk about what a jerk he is, what a piece of shit the modern man is, how terrible and ignorant and ungrateful people are, and so on. From that perspective his "comeback" more or less writes itself, no?

"See, I told you!" *thunderous applause*

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Tank said...

"Yes you do. See that wasn't so hard."

Fine. Just don't complain when we understand it, but really don't respect it now.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Papillon: "Guilty...Guilty...Guilty...""

That could have been great but Steve McQueen is such a bad actor!

I love how they tried to patch over his badness by doing an extreme closeup on his blue blue eyes.

BTW, I think they used an eyelash curler on him. The worst crime a human being can commit!

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Anybody seen Michael Richards lately?
I know he was on that episode of Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee--anything else?

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...That could have been great but Steve McQueen is such a bad actor!

The Great Escape & The Cincinnati Kid beg to differ. I don't remember him being bad in Thomas Crown Affair. Ok in The Getaway, too, I think.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

That could have been great but Steve McQueen is such a bad actor!

He wasn't bad in Thomas Crowne. (Although that movie would've been nothing without Ms. Dunaway's presence)

Virgil Hilts বলেছেন...

"He did terrible things. He ruined lives. He traumatized countless women."
Is that possibly true? To the extent it is, it highlights to me how fundamentally different men are on average from women. Take any damn woman in the world you want -- she can be famous, in a position of power, head of my firm, I don't care - If that woman exposed herself to me, started whacking off in front of me or doing something similarly outrageous. Well - I might be disgusted or amazed, but never, ever could it traumatize me or leave me with a ruined life. And that would have been the case when I was 20 as well. I think at least 99% of the men I know would say the same thing.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

I don't remember what Lewis C.K. did. A bad joke probably.

narciso বলেছেন...

or bullitt, not just for the car chase, it's not surprising that ck plays a sociopath, heck he turns out to be one, see kevin spacey from wiseguy to American beauty to house of cards,

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Gotta love the passive construction of "men who are caught up in" the #MeToo movement.
Not, you know, men who do bad things.
Not, you know, men who commit offensive acts.
Not, you know, men who portray themselves as feminists but are then caught harming women.
Just men "who are caught up."

It's funny to me that the Left has almost zero compassion for people falsely accused of serious crimes like rape (those Duke frat bros had it coming; those UVA frat bros are jerks anyway) but have such overwhelming caring, empathy, and bottomless forgiveness for (some) people who actually commit bad acts.

Geoff Matthews বলেছেন...

I think that Michael Richards shows that there are some things that the left is unwilling to forgive. Racism against blacks being it (see Crack, they do love you. As long as you stay poor).
But Bill Clinton will NEVER be cast out even though his lechery was awful.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Please be sure to tell everyone when he is funny enough for your (or whoever is defining this) standard.

OK, Chief.

ALP বলেছেন...

Jupiter: Oh, get stuffed. He yanked his wank in front of a couple of comedy groupies who couldn't make their minds up not to watch. What a fucking crock. If that's the worst thing that ever happened to those women, their lives are singularly blessed.
Exactly. I would like to see one #metoo advocate argue the logic that members of the female gender are capable of breaking the glass ceiling, holding the office of President, negotiating with world leaders, making as much $$$ as men, sitting on the Supreme Court, setting high goals and meeting them...yet are traumatized by the sight of a man's genitals. Women can handle all that - but the unwelcome sight of a wee wee just makes them crumble. Are women weak or strong...it can't be both.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

Michael Ian Black, desperately trying to stay relevant.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...

"Let me be clear: While he's not my cup of tea, in light of recent revelations, I've got nothing against Louis CK making a comeback. (Everybody knows I'm a huge stand-up fan and he's always been great racially, so a favorite.) But a society that places a perv's redemption above rooting out the obvious evil in this culture is one sick society, and shouldn't fool itself that it's anything else. America is exceptional. Still. But now in ways it was never intended. "

Wait, so is Michael Ian Black and the ephemeral comments on this blog "society"?

And is that the stark choice we face: discussing Louis CK's public rehabilitation OR the "evil" in our culture (which I assume is all those "cults" and/or "racism". Oh yeah, AND Glen Reynolds.)

funsize বলেছেন...

I have give this some thought in the past. As someone who's views have evolved since I was young (and seriously, is there a one of us who has the same views about people since we were on the playground?? Evolution of thought is normal and good!), if there was no way to get redemption for "wrongthink", most of us, if not all, would be outcasts. Learning and changing your opinions is supposed to be good, and society is supposed to value education. If everyone who makes a mistake (especially as the goalposts move so quickly now) isn't allowed back in, the circle of sharks draws tighter. Therefore we need a path to redemption.

However, because there isn't one and won't be, I deem this to be just more signalling and preening, sadly, even as our culture desperately needs the conversation.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Phil 3:14 said...Michael Ian Black, desperately trying to stay relevant.

He's got a podcast whereon he reads Jude The Obsucre. (I don't know if Professor Althouse listens.)

He's got a book about masculinity called "A Better Man" set to be published next year. No, that's not satire--it's a real book-to-be.

The rest of us are irrelevant; MIB is where it's at.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

I hate the way McQueen says "Guildy" in Papillon. He's so working-class-manly American he can't pronounce the letter T, not even when playing a Frenchman called Butterfly.

BTW, Papillon is such a boring movie, as you might expect a movie about man in an island prison for decades to be.

Still, McQueen was underrated as an actor, much the way Mr. CK was overrated as a comedian. Oh well, they're both dead now.

Rabel বলেছেন...

There is a pathway to redemption for almost anyone.

Louis CK, however, is trying to merge onto the autobahn to redemption.

Too soon.

PM বলেছেন...

Always viewed McQueen less as an actor and more of a presence, like Eastwood, Holden, Bogart, Gable, Wayne, Tracy. Unfortunately, he had the weakest voice of the lot.

JackWayne বলেছেন...

This is just battlespace prep for Al Franken.

mikee বলেছেন...

How is Fatty Arbuckle doing these days? Sometimes, redemption might take a while.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Peewee Herman, anybody?

Michael Fitzgerald বলেছেন...

Teller @3:26 PM Bogart should not be in that grouping. A great actor, one of the greatest in American film history, see The Caine Mutiny or Treasure of The Sierra Madre. Spencer Tracy shouldn't be there either, I guess, except I think he sucked in any role he tried to not be Spencer Tracy, see Captain's Courageous or Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

PM বলেছেন...

Seen 'em all, Michael. Didn't mean for it be an either/or, actor/presence. Tracy's great in Captain's, also in Tortilla Flats. Treasure & Caine also great. Interesting you'd pick the two Bogart films where his character descends into paranoia.

rehajm বলেছেন...

I love how they tried to patch over his badness by doing an extreme closeup on his blue blue eyes


Krumhorn বলেছেন...

I don’t care if one leftie offers another leftie a path to redemption. However, the shrieking femmes have been so far more virtuous than the rest of us and blindly vindictive that even a man such as John Lasseter whose worst offense was that he was recklessly huggy and handsy has been purged from the one job on the planet that was worthy of his enormous gifts.

It seems perfectly obvious that had Iger called him to his office and made clear that he had to keep his hands to himself, Pixar and Disney Animation would still have a genius running the place. Instead, the harpies and the harridans had their way, and a great man is on the beach.

Most of this is political gender bullshit. He made his work look effortless and inevitable, so these wailers insist that if but given the chance, they could produce the same excellent results. However, in the history of film, no studio has ever enjoyed such remarkable success. And that is because it is neither effortless, nor inevitable.

There is no redemption following Weinstein-type crimes. Ok. Chop off his dick. But that’s not enough apparently.

- Krumhorn

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Phil 3:14 said...

"Wait, so is Michael Ian Black and the ephemeral comments on this blog "society"?"

They're certainly included.

"And is that the stark choice we face: discussing Louis CK's public rehabilitation OR the "evil" in our culture (which I assume is all those "cults" and/or "racism". Oh yeah, AND Glen Reynolds.)"

I don't think Glenn is evil. He just makes big mistakes like everyone else, and, unfortunately - like everyone else - unless there's money involved, he's too reluctant to admit it, even when it's for the best.

As for Louis CK, he can come back, but I don't think he should be our priority. And it's the fact, we haven't prioritized getting the bad guys, at all, that's shameful. That all you guys can demand is freedom for pervs is what's sick.

The children of this nation could never count on anyone as far as my experience goes.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

There is no redemption following Weinstein-type crimes. Ok. Chop off his dick. But that’s not enough apparently.

Make him eat it.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

I think we should just let players masturbate during the National Anthem.

damikesc বলেছেন...

If a woman gave up on her dream because she saw a dude jerk off...it doesnt seem like it was much of a dream for her.

Michael Fitzgerald বলেছেন...

Teller @ 4:13 Tortilla Flats! LMFAO! Forgot that one- Tracy is laugh out loud LOUSY! His accent is even worse than Garfield's in a career worst performance. And Bogie was brilliant in every role he ever played, including on radio as Slate Shannon in Bold Venture. Caine Mutiny and Treasure showcase the immense range of his portrayals. For straight double shot paranoia, you cannot beat Bogie as Duke Mantee in Petrified Forest.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

That reminds me, I got a tweet from Garage Mahal yesterday, bitching about Scott Walker. Some people are just never happy, and Mikey Ian Black is learning the limits to engaging honestly with raging SJWs. And he thinks Republicans are assholes! Boy is he gonna be surprised.

William বলেছেন...

He didn't ruin any lives. He's got some weird kind of fetish, but it doesn't ruin lives. Why ruin his life because of it?......Stormy Daniels has had hundreds of sex partners. That's kind of weird, but she gets to be Joan of Arc. Why are Louis CK's transgressions so unforgivable. There's no solid evidence that he has ever voted Republican in his life. I don't see why he can't make a comeback.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

McQueen was the coolest guy ever. Also a terrific actor in the right roles: those that favored his natural taciturnity and laconic bearing.

He was great Jake Holman in "The Sand Pebbles" which is, IMO, one of the great movies, a true epic. He was nominated for Best Actor and his co-star, Mako, won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

My friends and I, we wanted to be like Steve McQueen. He was so cool.

D 2 বলেছেন...

Apologies if I double post: It seems not to be up.

It is too soon. At least for me. So I agree with Rabel and Crack Emcee. Moreover, Rabel is right on about the redemption line.

"There is no pathway to redemption" sounds like someone who:
A) has a lot of hate in their heart and wants to cast it at anyone anyway anyhow. In this case: not at Louis, but at Black for his ... tweet?
B) is not wise to how life actually makes you work, because none of us are perfect. And tomorrow someone is going to let you down. You're gonna run out of people to throw out if you don't believe in possible redemption.
C) is likely hypocritical to their own asks for forgiveness. Why should you get to ask for mercy when you are prepared to say some of never worthy of it, out of others?

Grace is a gift, but it is something you decide for yourself, not something that others can tell you when it is time. You don't feel like allowing Louis CK back into your life. Fine. Your choice. It's mine too, actually. Too soon.

But don't try to bully others to toe your line.

Kansas Scout বলেছেন...

This will all blow away soon. The culture wars brought this on and never thought through, the darker side of that change. This is all so contradictory. Tolerance of all kinds of sexuality but a sudden intolerance of the unsavory aspects. As if this should have been a surprise. Amidst all this is the total disregard and contempt for people with conventional morality. There is a lot of denial and contradiction in all this. BTW, the Twitter post revealed a cowardly retreat. Don't put your foot in the alligators jaws and not expect to get bitten.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Ruined lives?

FIDO বলেছেন...

There is this legend about Milton Berle, that he had one of the biggest wee wee's in showbusiness. (Keeping it Althouse friendly)

He liked to whip it out and show it to people. He showed it to women. Gilda Ratner supposedly came in to a room when he was showing off his salami to another man (said man went on to continue his career and did not go into therapy)

Then again, Gilda Ratner also continued her career and did not go into therapy.

Outrage is a choice. Offense is a choice.

FIDO বলেছেন...

Here is a question I have: Louis whatever the fuck his name is was going into 'sexual territory' with these women...and these women still stayed in the room and did not run screaming.

He actually asked for permission to do some of these things, which seems that the women in question don't have a kick coming.

But regardless of that, I have to wonder that if Louis had actually asked them for some normal sex, instead of being spectators in his fertilization of plants, or whatever he was doing, if this would have ever been an issue?

It seems that 'creepy' or 'bad date' is now a crime. Actually, I'm kidding. It has always been a crime to women. Somehow, they've just talked some really stupid Democrat men into agreeing with them.

But the Democratic party and Feminism keep trying to make up for the Original Sin of supporting Bill Clinton and restoring the credibility of their 'principles'.

Well, that doesn't wash out of the Blue State dress, as Monica found out in her life.

Not when the majority of creepers have been ardent Democrats and 'male' feminists.

But to the main question: Does Louis Cuck Knocker believe in redemption? Did he defend Roseanne or any other person who offended? Is he a practicing Christian?

Michael Black?

I have an issue with them trying to abuse my personal values to get exoneration on the cheap.

Can't have grace without acknowledging one's wrongdoing, seeking to make amends, and NEVER DOING IT AGAIN (see Bill Clinton's Sex junkets to places with very young girls with Pedophile Epstein)

Any white man, anyone with a son (whom they love...gotta put that in there because of the odd Feminist who breeds) should not be voting Democrat.

FIDO বলেছেন...

Let's talk about the commodity that Female Outrage buys: 'virtue'.

A woman is approached about 10 times a day (unless one has passed the Threshold into Invisibility) from the unwelcome 'hello' to the egregious 'you look nice' to the atrocious 'I have the audacity to ask you on a date despite not being rich and handsome'.

Dealing with all this 'effort' to blow men off must be EXHAUSTING (/sarc)

So a little bit of outrage against a particularly egregious offender keeps the weaker men from approaching (and most women don't want to date men who will be so easily intimidated) by such tactics.

This, however, becomes a catch 22. There are probably some section of men whom a woman wouldn't mind some 'outraging' a time or two a night...but if they raise the cost of approach too high, they are stuck having to 'express interest' a skill which women are notoriously poor at.

So the dating life of these women after Louis C.K....have to wonder at what their dating prospects after this will be.

Because they raised that price of approach VERY high indeed.

This is something that no one seems to have discussed.

RMc বলেছেন...

My only beef is when progs are quick to permit redemption of their "own," but slow to permit redemption of their "opponents."

The Good Guys are entitled to redemption, just like they are entitled to all the good things in life. The Bad Guys, however, are not.

Aussie Pundit বলেছেন...

But to the main question: Does Louis Cuck Knocker believe in redemption? Did he defend Roseanne or any other person who offended? Is he a practicing Christian?

That's not the main question. That's not even 'a' question.
Louis CK is just a guy who can stand behind a microphone and make a roomfull of people laugh. .... and wince... and cringe... and then laugh some more. He's nobody special. He's not a politician or a preacher with some kind of obligation to public life.

He's just a very weird guy who's really good at telling jokes.

Aussie Pundit বলেছেন...

and by the way, that's not intended as a slam on Louis CK. I quite like him and enjoy his routines.

But he makes no pretence about who he is. Indeed, self-loathing and self-deprecation are a big part of his act. Shocking the audience is another big part also.