২৮ আগস্ট, ২০১৮

"Shunned at two funerals and one (royal) wedding so far, President Trump may be well on his way to becoming president non grata."

Writes Ashley Parker in The Washington Post:
The latest snub comes in the form of the upcoming funeral for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), which, before his death, the late senator made clear he did not want the sitting president to attend. That the feeling is mutual — Trump nixed issuing a statement that praised McCain as a “hero” — only underscores the myriad ways Trump has rejected the norms of his office and, increasingly, has been rejected in turn.
Rejected by whom? By royalty and the political elite?
Less than two years into first term, Trump has often come to occupy the role of pariah — both unwelcome and unwilling to perform the basic rituals and ceremonies of the presidency, from public displays of mourning to cultural ceremonies.
Be careful, elite Trump haters. You're missing what you missed before. The people who feel shunned — who will never be royals or the American elite — the people your candidate called "deplorables" — they can hear you.

৩১০টি মন্তব্য:

310 এর 1 – থেকে 200   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
Michael K বলেছেন...

They are missing the references to McCain as POW by Democrats in 2008.

They are starting to surface.

zipity বলেছেন...

While I can honor McCain for his service to the country while in the Navy, the rest of his career was noted for his thin skin, and hateful vindictive personality.

He blamed Sarah Palin for his defeat, when it was his own wooden performance and lack of charisma that doomed his effort.

His hatred of Trump stems from the fact that Trump succeeded where McCain failed.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


A while ago my husbanded observed that all news stories today seem to be written by teen-age girls. I see evidence for the truth of that observation in every morning's newsfeed.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

His hatred for Trump stems from Trump calling out his war hero act.

whitney বলেছেন...

Yes, we deplorables notice and know that the caliber of Trumps enemies only elevate Trump

Expat(ish) বলেছেন...

@Zipity - nil nisi bonum and all that, but as a 20+ year non-fan of the late John McCain, what really set me off initially was the son and grandson of Admirals taking a more qualified candidates place at the USNA. Then becoming an aviator from about 700 places too deep in his class. Then repeatedly not following mission profiles until he was shot down.

Ok, that's been building up for a few days, I feel better now.

Phew, let's get a good conservative from AZ now, eh? Maybe we'll get lucky and the Flake seat will go from Fake/R to real R.


stevew বলেছেন...

Have they seen how Trump is welcomed by non-Royalty and non-elites? Quite the contrast to these rejections. He's probably delighted at the so-called snubs. He's been excused from attending what will most likely be a turgid affair full of hypocritical paeans from McCain's lifelong opponents and adversaries.


Mazo Jeff বলেছেন...

This reminds me of a cartoon I saw in Playboy magazine (I was reading the articles). It showed these two guys standing next to quicksand and their buddy was sinking. All you could see was this guys hand with a certain digit extended. Caption was " God, he was bitter right to the very end"

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

Truth Dies in Darkness!

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Who else is predicting a repeat if the Wellstone funeral?

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Who else is predicting a repeat if the Wellstone funeral?

I am. Only this time the TV cameras won't pull away.

Susan বলেছেন...

Because the people who make a POINT of telling you in front of the whole world that you aren't going to be invited to their Very Special Event are taking the high road just like they have since middle school.

Etienne বলেছেন...

We don't elect a ceremonial President. That's what the Vice President (Prime Minister) is for.

Your comments were on the mark, and the author of that article is a moron.

McCain had great ambitions, but when he retired to the Senate when Goldwater retired, even his wife gave up on him. She came alive briefly when he got off his ass and tried to become somebody. He failed against a community organizer, and she went home again.

His final thumb in the eye was not retiring when he knew he was a dead man. He left his state without a voting representative. Arizona must feel pretty good about that.

The press thinks a one Senator state is a good thing. Especially if they are being run over by illegal aliens across the border.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Seems extremely petty for a dying man to forbid the invite of the President of the United States to his funeral.

One would think the dying man would have greater concerns, but maybe that's just me.

M Jordan বলেছেন...

Do you think Bob Dole will get the week long fete John McCain is getting? Because he checks all the same boxes: war hero, Senator, presidential candidate. Oh, one difference: supported Trump.

Now let’s wait and see if my cynicism is well founded.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Is that why we have presidents? To attend royal weddings and political funerals? As the prof. rightly suggests--the people who support Trump are not going to be invited either and they elected him because they were sick of the petty people who care about such things.

Trump's being shunned confirms that his supporters were on the right track and that he is doing what they elected him to do.

Shane বলেছেন...

Setting aside the President's capacity for pettiness and stupidity on social media, a more accurate header may have read:

"We're winning! Shunned at two funerals and one (royal) wedding so far, we may well be on the verge of making President Trump president non grata.""

sykes.1 বলেছেন...

Trump is the only person standing between us and the Deep State/Cabal. From my perspective, he is the greatest President of my lifetime.

The utter corruption in the Catholic Church, where homosexuals, pedophiles and other perverts reign supreme, has its parallels in the Deep State/Cabal. The Clintons and the Podestas openly associate with the known pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Kamela Harris, a possible candidate for the Democrat nomination for President, openly wears a ring with the triangle-in-triangle pedophile symbol. etc etc

How can we not fight these monsters.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Trump laughs.

LYNNDH বলেছেন...

Damn Straight! We hear and see and will act accordingly. Elites be Damned.

Chuck বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
tcrosse বলেছেন...

We have much of the same to look forward to when George H.W. Bush dies.

Wince বলেছেন...

Gahrie said...
"Who else is predicting a repeat if the Wellstone funeral?"

Wellstone was a well liked Democratic senator from Minnesota who died in a plane crash in 2002. In the midst of public turmoil back in Washington, what with Bush Derangement Syndrome going full blast and midterms eleven days away, his funeral ended up amounting to a political rah-rah session, a "pep rally" and a "partisan foot-stomp" for the Democratic Party instead of a memorial to a man who was supposedly loved by Democrats. What it showed was that midterms were more important to Democrats than honoring a man who had died. For the rest of us, it was just disgusting.

I'm predicting it'll be a combination of the Wellstone funeral and, more aptly, a visit to Louis C.K.'s hotel room.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

That *they* think it hurts Trump to be the “outsider” to tgevSwamp and international elites tells you a lot about *them* and doesn’t hurt him at all.

Hagar বলেছেন...

If Trump had "observed the usual courtesies," they would have complained all over about his "crashing McCain's funeral" when McCain himself had told him to stay away.

BTW, whoever heard of a politician ever letting such a statement become public knowledge?

Chuck বলেছেন...

Althouse: Be careful, elite Trump haters. You're missing what you missed before. The people who feel shunned — who will never be royals or the American elite — the people your candidate called "deplorables" — they can hear you.

Hillary wasn't "my" candidate. She wasn't McCain's candidate. Are all "elite Trump haters" supposed to be Democrats?

I've been listening, Althouse. I listened when Draft Dodger Trump said of McCain that, “He’s not a war hero... He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

"Be careful..."? My God, Althouse; if you are preaching "be careful," why wouldn't you start with Trump? There's never been a more careless public speaker in modern American life, than Donald Trump.

William বলেছেন...

McCain's feud with Trump insured him a far more elaborate and widely covered funeral than he would otherwise have had. In some ways, it might even top Aretha Franklin's service.......I think McCain was a legitimate hero who, at least one time in his life, put honor and service. To country above personal gain. He should be honored for that. It was not his opposition to Trump that made him brave and unique. The Dems are not honoring the war hero but the partisan hack. I just hope that at the memorial service, when they play the national anthem, some Dem has the integrity and courage to take the knee.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

You're missing the point, Chuck. Or at least pretending to.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

they can hear you


brylun বলেছেন...

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am really appreciative that Donald Trump is putting up with the outright rejection, harassment and worse, from his elite peers, many of them his former friends. If not for Donald Trump, who would represent us? And often I wonder how long he will put up with this hostility before giving up and returning to private life.

Koot Katmandu বলেছেন...

Well you finally get one right. I refrained from saying anything about McCain. However, after reading his letter to us all I will make one comment. The letter was nothing but a cheap shot at PDT and his supporters. It shows more about the character of a vindictive old man on his death bead than it does about PDT or his voters. RIP.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Too bad there aren't more funerals Trump isn't welcome at.

Gunner বলেছেন...

If I was Trump, I would say something like "90% of the liberal media gushing about McCain now were calling him a wife-cheating, wife-abusing, scary, low-iq, rage addict ten years ago. I actually voted for the man back then."

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

The chorus girl hasn't learned the lines you'd like to hear
She won't go scrambling over the backs of the poor to be accepted
By making donations just large enough
To the correct charities
She won't be president of your wonderful societies of philanthropy
Even if you asked her to be
As you should have asked her to be

The actress hasn't learned the lines you'd like to hear
She won't join your clubs
She won't dance in your halls
She won't help the hungry once a month at your tombolas
She'll simply take control
As you disappear

নামহীন বলেছেন...

zipity: His hatred of Trump stems from the fact that Trump succeeded where McCain failed.

This assumes that McCain wanted to succeed at winning the presidency. I never saw any evidence for that.

McCain did pretty well at what he wanted to succeed at - sticking it to the Republican base and promoting the ends of the uniparty. He hated Trump for the same reason the rest of the uniparty lizards hate him - he's a threat to their policy goals. That animosity was just expressed in the characteristic stupid, vindictive style of the particular individual in question.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

There's never been a more careless public speaker in modern American life, than Donald Trump.

I disagree. I think Trump is masterful at choosing his words, and tweets, in just the perfect way to throw his non-supporters off-balance.

Chuck বলেছেন...

sykes.1 said...
Trump is the only person standing between us and the Deep State/Cabal. From my perspective, he is the greatest President of my lifetime.

New polling (1500 US adults, August 2018): 41% say that Trump is the worst U.S. President in history.

HT বলেছেন...

That Trump voters are not among the elite is such a canard, Ann. Get over it!

It's been about a year and a half, and I think he's run out of tricks, and will probably be recycling a few now.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Chuck complained: “Trump said of McCain that, “He’s not a war hero... He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” “

Let’s not forget what prompted Trump to say that, Chuck. I’m pretty sure that the pugnacious McCain, like a drunken sailor, took the first swing.

Etienne বলেছেন...

Logic: A POW is a hero
Donc: Thousands of Nazi POW's are hero's.

The Vietnam war was a proxy war against the Soviet Union. A country of peasants has no need for a Democracy. Peasants are better served by a central committee and five year plans.

Kennedy and Eisenhower knew this. Johnson was too stupid, and his Ford executives too greedy.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Bob Boyd @8:41 AM: Very good.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Trump is a child.

But explicitly requesting Trump to stay away from your funeral is pretty childish on McCain's part, too.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Off topic perhaps, but there is an article in this morning's Journal about how NMDOT now has removed all mentions of the Confederacy from the historical markers along New Mexico's highways. The Confederate invasion in 1862 apparently no longer happened.
There seems to still have been a "Battle of Glorieta Pass," but seems to have been fought by "Hispanic soldiers" resisting an invasion by an unspecified enemy from somewhere sometime.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

"Trump nixed issuing a statement that praised McCain as a “hero”"

McCain was involved with the dossier and everything that has followed from it.

Psota বলেছেন...

This McCain funeral stuff is such nonsense.

McCain was trashing Trump... And any one to McCain's right... Every chance he had, right up until he died.

Plus he was passing along the "pee dossier" like any other member of the Resistance.

Trump's response to this has been perfect. It's a Frank Grimes funeral all over again.

brylun বলেছেন...

C'mon Chuck. They're all Leftist Dems. Nixon, Bush, Bush & Reagan polled similarly when in office among the Dems.

brylun বলেছেন...

And, Chuck, in my era, the term "Draft Dodger" was reserved for people who went to Canada to avoid the draft.

brylun বলেছেন...

And, Chuck, by your own definition, aren't you a Draft Dodger?

CWJ বলেছেন...

Expat(ish)'s comment combined with McCain lying in state in the capital made me think of this line uttered in St. Paul's from Lawrence of Arabia.

"Well, nil nisi bonum, but did he really deserve a place in here."

Etienne বলেছেন...

We had "Draft Dodger's" in uniform in the Air Force.

When I joined in 1972, the USAF had a lot of shirkers who's main purpose was to avoid the Army draft and then get an administrative discharge from the Air Force.

By smoking dope or wetting your bed, you could get thrown out. Thus finishing your military service requirements and avoiding the draft.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chuck: Are all "elite Trump haters" supposed to be Democrats?

[statement followed by standard Chuckian solipsism]

No, and Althouse neither said or implied anything of the sort.

Unlike exhelodrvr1, I don't think you're pretending to be dumb, or even just plain dumb. You appear to live in the closed semantic universe of your own crazy.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

Are there any serious people left in the Democrat Party? Any person who will say, yeah, the hysteria and high-chair pounding is emotionally gratifying but we really need to work on some common sense policy positions and do the difficult task of moving them forward legislatively? There doesn’t seem to be a single one. Trump has had them rocked back so long that they seem to think they’re standing up straight.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Gunner said...
If I was Trump, I would say something like "90% of the liberal media gushing about McCain now were calling him a wife-cheating, wife-abusing, scary, low-iq, rage addict ten years ago. I actually voted for the man back then."

That's true; but it was true of virtually every Republican. We all supported McCain. Obama didn't fool us. Obama fooled some people, but not me.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

M Jordan,

Dole actually was a hero. That is the big difference between him and McCain.

Spent 3 years fighting as an infantry grunt across North Africa and Europe. 10th mountain division.

Thanks for bringing that up.

John Henry

Tank বলেছেন...

Chuck said...

sykes.1 said...

Trump is the only person standing between us and the Deep State/Cabal. From my perspective, he is the greatest President of my lifetime.

New polling (1500 US adults, August 2018): 41% say that Trump is the worst U.S. President in history.

Yes, one more reason this is a Dead Country Walking. We're headed toward Civil War. The left has been fighting for years. The right is waking up.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chuck to sykes.1: "Trump is the only person standing between us and the Deep State/Cabal. From my perspective, he is the greatest President of my lifetime."

New polling (1500 US adults, August 2018): 41% say that Trump is the worst U.S. President in history.

Chuck, do you really not understand the meaning of the phrase "from my perspective"?

Or is it just that you, personally, require polling data to figure out what *your* perspective is?

Chuck বলেছেন...

brylun said...
And, Chuck, in my era, the term "Draft Dodger" was reserved for people who went to Canada to avoid the draft.

brylun said...
And, Chuck, by your own definition, aren't you a Draft Dodger?

First, I could never be a draft dodger; the draft ended before I was 18.

I don't know about you -- you may have different terminology -- but I think Trump is a draft dodger because of his phony "heel spurs" claim.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"has rejected the norms of his office"

Yeah, he has rejected the norm that a president should be able to force a teenage girl to give his friend a blowjob in the WH swimming pool, that a sitting president, sitting on the toilet, should talk to reporters, that a president should be able to get blowjobs from an intern in the Oval Office, and that a president should be able to weaponize the IRS and the CIA against his political opponents.

"Rejected by whom? By royalty and the political elite?

Fuck 'm.

"unwilling to perform the basic rituals and ceremonies of the presidency"

Huh? McCain gave him the middle finger and Trump is the unwilling one?

"from public displays of mourning to cultural ceremonies"

That must be why, when he wanted to add a major cultural ceremony, in the from of a parade, progs breathed a sigh of relief and did everything possible to make the ceremony happen.

"The people who feel shunned — who will never be royals or the American elite — the people your candidate called "deplorables" — they can hear you."

We can. Whether there are enough of us next time around remains to be seen.

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR & Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: "Obama didn't fool us. Obama fooled some people, but not me."


LLR Chuck on obama: "magnificent"


Plus, he was so very very dreamy. Even better for Chuck, obama had the IRS harass the Tea Party, whose members LLR Chuck has denigrated often.

LLR Chuck hates those tea party types, what with their voting for republican's and all. Plus, LLR Chuck's hero McCain hated the Tea Party too. McCain even had his staff working with the IRS to encourage the harassment.

That's how you can tell who the "real" "True Conservatives" are. They are the ones working directly with leftists and dems to harass conservatives.

Sebastian বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...

LLR and #StrongBlumenthalDefender Chuck: I don't know about you -- you may have different terminology -- but I think Trump is a draft dodger because of his phony "heel spurs" claim."

Remember, Chuck is the one who attacked Adm Ronnie Jackson AND defended Sen Blumenthals many and varied Stolen Valor lies.

Good old LLR Chuck!!

Just as "principled" as your average lefty......


glenn বলেছেন...

Just as a point of information, it wasn’t the peasants who engineered chopping off the heads of the self appointed nobility in France. It was the bakers.

Drago বলেছেন...

"Let’s not forget what prompted Trump to say that, Chuck. I’m pretty sure that the pugnacious McCain, like a drunken sailor, took the first swing."


McCain was front and center in the hoax dossier nonsense.

The very same leftist driven nonsense that LLR Chuck embraced wholeheartedly.

Which is why Chuck is totes cool with obama and his admin spying on congress, media members, and especially the Trump campaign.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"41% say that Trump is the worst U.S. President in history."

OK, but surely near-record-low unemployment, record-high stocks, healthy growth, vigorous deregulation, better trade deals, pressure on the bad guys, strong judicial appointments, and stronger defense would compel any life-long Republican to ridicule the 41%.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

both unwelcome and unwilling to perform the basic rituals and ceremonies of the presidency, from public displays of mourning to cultural ceremonies.

The admonishment by your Grandmother "If you can't say something nice...don't say anything at all" works for you (and me) and for the President of the United States during those social conventional instances (not in business however).

While I realize that even the President of the US must follow social conventions: play nice at a funeral, pretend to be interested in some unrelated person's wedding, act sad about the death of an old cruster like McCain who did everything he could to harm Trump...... yes, the President needs to participate in "some" cultural ceremonies. That is part ofhis job. Being POed that he wasn't invited to a funeral or wedding ...MEH.

So. Trump doesn't go to the funeral or wasn't invited to the wedding. He probably heaved a sigh of relief to not have to pretend to like McCain and has better things to do than to play games at a wedding, especially one that most of the American people could give a rip about.

I really really don't think we need an official Mourner in Chief. Some cultures have paid mourners to ritually rend their clothes and rub onions in their eyes to express some sort of ritualized fake grief on behalf of the family. That isn't OUR culture. I still remember the video clip of (I feel your pain) Clinton yucking it up at a funeral and then when he realized he was being filmed...suddenly turned on the water works. What a hypocrite.

A noncommittal message of condolences or congratulations for personal ceremonies is all that is needed.

Kabuki Theater starring the President is NOT what we want or need from the President. We want him to get stuff done.

Kansas Scout বলেছেন...

The media and the elites love being phony about events and people if it serves their purpose. Trump is not a phony on this issue. Maybe others but not this. I respect him for it.

narayanan বলেছেন...

does it ever cross the minds of the ruling class that McCain did him a favor

- Trump obviously is relieved to be free of the chore of eulogy to a contemptible man / enemy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Shunned by the elite?

I approve.

Shunned by the rich wealthy elite assholes of leftwing corruption excusing Weinstien-Hillarywoodland?


Drago বলেছেন...

LLR Chuck also questioned the integrity of Sen Tom Cotton's character.

Tom Cotton, 3 tour combat veteran and Bronze Star winner.

But Tom Cotton made the mistake of helping to make LLR Chuck's boyfriend Dick Durbin look like the little s***heel that he is, and LLR Chuck will never allow something like that to occur without rising to the defense of his precious "competent" Durbin.


Leland বলেছেন...

The more we learn about McCain's spite for Trump; the more I recognize the similarities in both of them, rather than the differences. They're both assholes, who bullshitted so many people, that nobody cares about their personal lives. Just do your [political] job, which at least Trump is doing, and thus the only difference that matters between Trump and McCain.

etbass বলেছেন...

Great post, Althouse. Agree with it all!

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR Chuck: "New polling (1500 US adults, August 2018): 41% say that Trump is the worst U.S. President in history."


No link.


Not even "registered voters". Just "adults"

Precisely the sort of spin one will find daily on LLR Chuck's favorite show hosted by Rachel Maddow....whom LLR Chuck called "brilliant".

Drago বলেছেন...

McCain was the only candidate in the history of the republic to win his party's nomination and then spend an entire campaign running against his own base voters....and do it with gusto and joy.

Absolute gusto in fact. And absolute joy.

Sally327 বলেছেন...

The royal wedding shouldn't be in this, they didn't invite the current British Prime Minister either. And as the article notes, Presidents don't generally go to the First Lady funerals so the Barbara Bush funeral shouldn't be used as evidence of his pariah status either.

I think that the express disinviting of Donald Trump by John McCain to the latter's funeral says more about John McCain than it does about Donald Trump. I don't know, I won't know until my final days, but I'm hoping that my last thoughts aren't going to be about who I dislike or who I hope doesn't show up to my funeral.

Henry বলেছেন...

"41% say that Trump is the worst U.S. President in history."

Funny. Perhaps the worst U.S. President in history, Franklin Pierce, was the opposite of Trump.

Kind, courteous, generous, he attracted many individuals, but his attempts to satisfy all factions failed and made him many enemies. In carrying out his principles of strict construction he was most in accord with Southerners, who generally had the letter of the law on their side. He failed utterly to realize the depth and the sincerity of Northern feeling against the South and was bewildered at the general flouting of the law and the Constitution, as he described it, by the people of his own New England. At no time did he catch the popular imagination.

Biographer Roy Nichols

I especially like that last sentence, "at no time did he catch the popular imagination."

You can't say that about Trump.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

New polling (1500 US adults, August 2018): 41% say that Trump is the worst U.S. President in history.


And how would they know? Most US citizens don’t know US history.

Another childish fit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Fuck the royals. Buncha twats who never worked a day in their sad wiped-ass lives.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...
Chuck: "Are all 'elite Trump haters' supposed to be Democrats?"

[statement followed by standard Chuckian solipsism]

No, and Althouse neither said or implied anything of the sort.

Unlike exhelodrvr1, I don't think you're pretending to be dumb, or even just plain dumb. You appear to live in the closed semantic universe of your own crazy.

No; Althouse both wrote, and implied, that "elite Trump haters" were Clinton supporters. This is what Althouse wrote:

"Be careful, elite Trump haters. You're missing what you missed before. The people who feel shunned — who will never be royals or the American elite — the people your candidate called 'deplorables' — they can hear you."

So Althouse begins with a general classification of "elite Trump haters." She could have said, "Democrats," but we all know Althouse isn't into parties and partisanship and I think that she really meant that phrase, "elite Trump haters." She wrote it as she meant it. And yeah, Althouse is REALLY into "Trump hatred" as a discussion topic.

So there's that.

But in the same paragraph, in the very next sentence, Althouse writes about her classification of "elite Trump haters" about how "your candidate" called some people "deplorables." So yes indeed; Althouse equated Hillary (Mrs. "Deplorables") as the candidate of "elite Trump haters." "[Y]our candidate" is how Althouse put it.

I'm a card-carrying Trump hater. And Hillary was NOT MY CANDIDATE.

But after seeing the Althouse Commentariat's reaction to the death of Senator John McCain, there are lots of Trump supporters who are doing much, to prove that in many ways, "deplorable" is an accurate description of them.

Drago বলেছেন...

Seeing Red: "Another childish fit."

An evergreen post which is always appropriate for antifa, the far left, and LLR Chuck.

Trumpit বলেছেন...

the people your candidate called "deplorables" — they can hear you.

We want them to hear us call them deplorables because most of them are. It is more polite than calling them moronic, lying, worthless scum. It is interesting, but true how a billionaire can be worthless in the eyes of billions of people worldwide. Money doesn't make the man. What did JFK, RFK, MLK & EMK aka "Ted" have that you deplorables are lacking? A brain, a heart, and courage. Sound familiar? Tax cuts for the rich make Schlump & the GOP the Wicked Witch of the West Wing and Washington. Schlump is the Wizard of Fraud, Falsehoods, & Failure, too.

Birkel বলেছেন...

As a conservative, I never supported McCain.

McCain's endorsement of the IRS's violation of American's civil rights cannot be forgiven. And anybody who thinks it can is an enemy of liberty and freedom.

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR and #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "But after seeing the Althouse Commentariat's reaction to the death of Senator John McCain, there are lots of Trump supporters who are doing much, to prove that in many ways, "deplorable" is an accurate description of them"

Hmmmm, lefties always use the republican base voters reaction to the abuse heaped on them by those very same lefties as "proof" that the original abuse was warranted.

This is now a well-known and easily recognized lefty tactic.

And here is LLR Chuck....using that very same tactic. Against the very same people.


narayanan বলেছেন...

MayBee said... Trump is a child.

it says somewhere ... if you approach as child gates of heaven fall open

Darkisland বলেছেন...

As Expat(ish) says, McCain was a shit Naval officer and a shit Naval Aviator. If it had not been for his father and grandfather, justly famous Naval admirals, McCain would never have gotten into Annapolis and, if he had by some chance gotten in, would have been bilged out for for poor performance mainly due to "Lack of Effort" (He didn't even try to do well. A serious offense in naval schools. Including Annapolis I assume)

Then he got into flight school. Didn't do well there either. Then out in the fleet where he was a danger to his fellow Naval Aviators and the sailors on the flight line.

One could argue that just strapping on a military jet is heroic. I would certainly admit that it takes a huge set of balls to land on an aircraft carrier. But those are routine operations performed daily by tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands over the years.

He was tortured in Hanoi? No doubt, but a lot of his injuries were the result of his ejection. Ejection, in the best of circumstances has always been a dangerous and life threatening evolution.

He gets a lot of credit for not coming home early when he was offered the chance. What is seldom heard is that had he done so, he would have been cashiered out of the service, spent 5 years or so in the brig and then been a felon for the rest of his life. So there was some motivation.

By no stretch of the imagination could McCain be called a hero for any of his naval service before being shot down. He could not even be called an adequate naval officer.

His life as a senator was even worse. As someone else noted, his refusal to resign (for what possible reason?) is causing problems.

Sorry you are dead, McCain. Glad you are no longer in govt.

John Henry

Drago বলেছেন...

Trumpit: "We want them to hear us call them deplorables because most of them are."

Far left lunatic Trumpit....and LLR Chuck.

In pitch perfect talking point harmony.

Gee, who could have seen that coming?

Who indeed?.......


Fernandinande বলেছেন...

"Shunned at Two Funerals and One Wedding"

It got a 50% rating at IMDB.

William বলেছেন...

Øbama didn't attend Scalia's funeral. Scalia far "outranked" McCain in importance.

Sound of crickets ...

Quod erat demonstrandum

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Only dignified Deep Staters are invited to the Royals.

Makes sense.

Drago বলেছেন...

Darkisland: "As Expat(ish) says, McCain was a shit Naval officer and a shit Naval Aviator."


This is not debateable.

Darkisland: "By no stretch of the imagination could McCain be called a hero for any of his naval service before being shot down."

Again, this is true and not debateable.

However, I'm quite certain that LLR Chuck and all his lefty pals will not like it.

Not. One. Bit.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

New polling (1500 US adults, August 2018): 41% say that Trump is the worst U.S. President in history.

Here is illustrated the idiocy of polls and in using them to bolster a point. They are deceptive and...really? 1500 people represent the whole country's sentiments? Really???

Who did they ask? 1500 people in Marin County? 1500 people in West Texas?
Men? Women? Ethnic group?
Political make up of the polling group. 80% Democrats?
How did they ask. Phone?...I hang up. Focus group?
What was the actual question?
When did they ask?

All unknown factors. Skewing the polls is the favorite tactic of liars. Quoting the polls is the tactic of liars and morons.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Let me state that McCain's performance as a POW seems to have been honorable.

But so what? Hundreds of thousands of men have been POWs. Most honorably, some dishonorably. Some under better and some under worse conditions. How many of them have been called heroes for their performance as POW's? What did McCain do in his captivity that makes him any more (or less) heroic than 98% of all those hundreds of thousands?

Candidate Trump could have said it more artfully but his comment about McCain getting hero status for being shot down was right on the money.

John Henry

TRISTRAM বলেছেন...

As I said at my father's funeral "You do not get to choose how other people will remember you."

Everyone has different layers, persona, whatever. I can easily believe that McCain was a devoted and loving father, a good friend, loved and sacrificed for his country. For all these, he can be fondly remembered. I, however, had no interaction with the man on any of the levels, so I can only accept what others say.

I did see, and remember, what he did in many public instances. No, I didn't see the back room negotiations and handshakes, but I did see the votes he made, the policies he supported and opposed, and I am not sad that he won't be there any more.

Richard Dolan বলেছেন...

So, McCain funeral and royal wedding vs. new trade deal with Mexico, booming economy, record-high stock market, record low black/Hispanic unemployment, confronting Iran/Russia/China, no more lead-from-behind, no more war on fossil fuels, and while you at it forget about all that PC stuff.

You pick.

Drago বলেছেন...

By the way, LLR Chuck once, by his own telling, briefly considered joining the military, but didn't.

Now, most people would simply state that they either served or did not serve.

But not LLR Chuck. It was important to him that you, gentle readers, know that he, LLR Chuck, briefly considered joining the military...before deciding not to.

Because that's an important point, isn't it?


No wonder LLR Chuck goes after Trump so much on his not serving. LLR Chuck is clearly dealing with some significant "issues" in that regard.


It also probably explains why LLR Chuck felt compelled to go after Trumps young son with some vicious rumor-mongering.

A 10 year old boy our "courageous" LLR went after. And Chuck has never apologized for that.


LLR Chuck is the kind of guy who would show up in camp as a POW and in about 2 weeks the other POW's would make sure Chuckie didn't return from a work detail....if you know what I mean....

Gunner বলেছেন...

I don't know what is more annoying: the Obama voters pretending they ever like McCain for anything besides his Trump and Bush bashing, or the Never Trump "Republicans" pretending that they still value conservatism.

Drago বলেছেন...

Gunner: "I don't know what is more annoying: the Obama voters pretending they ever like McCain for anything besides his Trump and Bush bashing, or the Never Trump "Republicans" pretending that they still value conservatism."

The latter.

And its not even close.

Clyde বলেছেন...

Chuck said...
sykes.1 said...
Trump is the only person standing between us and the Deep State/Cabal. From my perspective, he is the greatest President of my lifetime.

New polling (1500 US adults, August 2018): 41% say that Trump is the worst U.S. President in history.

Chuck, given that almost the entire media has been in 24/7/365 Trump-hate mode since their candidate lost the election in 2016, you'd think it would be higher than 41%. They've reached their ceiling on that, since the rest of us aren't buying their bullshit.

Temujin বলেছেন...

Here's the difference. Trump would be a welcome guest at millions of backyard BBQs around the country. And those people- who's votes count as much as any writer at WaPo- don't really care who's affairs he's invited to, or not.

By comparison, aside from The Hamptons or Bab's house in Malibu, I don't think Hillary would have been welcome anywhere unless there was a speaking fee involved.

AllenS বলেছেন...

I wasn't invited to the two funerals, and the royal wedding either. Trump is just like me, and I'm glad about it.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

On a cheerier note, there are sure to be more funerals Trump won't be welcome at.
Something to look forward to.

Drago বলেছেন...

Clyde: "Chuck, given that almost the entire media has been in 24/7/365 Trump-hate mode since their candidate lost the election in 2016, you'd think it would be higher than 41%. They've reached their ceiling on that, since the rest of us aren't buying their bullshit."

LLR Chuck probably voted 17 times in the BS "survey", which was probably produced in the same shoddy manner as LLR Chuck's beloved hoax dossier, and just as believable.

Like LLR Chuck.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

'Gunner: "I don't know what is more annoying: the Obama voters pretending they ever like McCain for anything besides his Trump and Bush bashing, or the Never Trump "Republicans" pretending that they still value conservatism."

The latter.

And its not even close.'

Yeah - Keep the Democrats close, and the Never Trump "Republicans" closer.

Drago বলেছেন...

Temujin: "Here's the difference. Trump would be a welcome guest at millions of backyard BBQs around the country. And those people- who's votes count as much as any writer at WaPo- don't really care who's affairs he's invited to, or not"

And the left and LLR Chuck hate those people every bit as much as they hate Trump.

Drago বলেছেন...

Temujin: "By comparison, aside from The Hamptons or Bab's house in Malibu, I don't think Hillary would have been welcome anywhere unless there was a speaking fee involved."

Hillary should check out Michigan.

I'll bet there are a lot of republicans there who would happily pay her to come and speak......

Darkisland বলেছেন...

In 1972-74 the POW-MIA issue first became a big thing. Lots and lots of noise about the POWs particularly.

It was certainly not something that was talked about out loud but some of us in the Navy at the time were not as all in on the issue as we were supposed to be. The VN POWs were virtually all officers and a huge fuss was being made about them.

At the same time, almost 60,000 (mostly) men had been killed and hundreds of thousands more maimed and wounded. I worked with a Chief Quartermaster for a while who had commanded a riverboat and gotten doused with white phosphorous in an attack. Horrible to look at but still on the job.

The majority of these were enlisted. Where was the hoorah for him and all the others?

As I say, not something that could be talked about but I know there were a few and suspect that there were many more of us who thought that the POW hoorah was mainly an officer thing. Until the grunts on the ground, and in the boats, got recognized, fuck the POWs.

I've mellowed a bit over the years but still think the VN POWs get recognition beyond what is merited. Yeah, they spent a few years in captivity. My buddy Richie, an infantry grunt, has spent the past 50 years with one arm. (Doing OK but still...)

Where's his parade? Where's Chief Mooney's public adulation? Where are the flags and bumper stickers like the POW-MIA ones we see all over the country.


There, I feel a bit better now.

John Henry

Drago বলেছেন...

DBQ: "All unknown factors. Skewing the polls is the favorite tactic of liars. Quoting the polls is the tactic of liars and morons."

LLR Chuck hits another trifecta!

rehajm বলেছেন...

Do we have a list of the snubs and the non invites? There's McCain, some hackles raised from Sumpfmaiden Merkel, a few lesser constitutional monarchs scoring points for their Twitter feeds...the communists and the fascists, but that's about it. China, the Koreas, Japan, Saudis, a bunch of others don't seem to have issues. Fuck the others- it's not the role of the United States to submit to the whims of international bureaucrats.

Drago বলেছেন...


Easy big guy.

Insulting dems like that is likely to earn you a nasty rejoinder from one LLR Chuck!...

Trumpit বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Here's hoping we never have another President who would have been welcome at John McCain's funeral or the royal wedding.

Drago বলেছেন...

rehajm: " Fuck the others- it's not the role of the United States to submit to the whims of international bureaucrats."

Well, I can see that you, sir, are no LLR!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Shunning is a cult's strongest weapon.

Clyde বলেছেন...

Trumpit said...

Blah, blah, blah...

We love you, too, sweetheart. May you get exactly what you deserve in life.

rehajm বলেছেন...

As I recall it's a bit of a logistical bother to have the US President attend your event. Staying away is a bit of a blessing. Let him call later...

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"According to him, it was hardly a secret in veterans’ circles that McCain had spent much of the war producing Communist propaganda broadcasts since these had regularly been played in the prisoner camps as a means of breaking the spirits of those American POWs who resisted collaboration."


Trumpit বলেছেন...

Who will attend Schlump's funeral other than Robert Mueller and Rachel Maddow to make sure Schlump's death isn't another hoax foisted on the American people? The dummy with a MAGA cap, and a 3-iron should be laid to rest, but it is likely a mannequin with an orange wig, a pot gut, and a penile insert.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Blogger Etienne said...

We had "Draft Dodger's" in uniform in the Air Force.

I had a Marine captain who worked for me for a while in the late 80s. Until he got called up to go to Iraq. He was a beachmaster. His pants cuffs had a red insignia and his captain's bars. That was so while the rest of the grunts were face down in the sand, avoiding being shot, they could see who this crazy guy was walking around in the fire.

He always called the AF "the alternative to military service"

John Henry

rehajm বলেছেন...

Well, I can see that you, sir, are no LLR!

Even if I was I don't have the ambition to maintain the charade.

AllenS বলেছেন...

The only time that I did not vote in a Presidential election, was when McCain ran. I've detested the man for a long time.

Darkisland বলেছেন...


Re draft dodgers: I too was a draft dodger. I joined the Navy because I was about to get called up for the army.

It has always bothered me a little. Not much but I do still think about it at times.

OTOH, I did spend 7-1/2 years active so there is that.

John Henry

Nonapod বলেছেন...

It's somewhat predictable looking into the mind of the WaPoo/NYT elites, what they value, what they view as significant. I imagine that in their hearts they long for the return of an old school feudalistic nobility. They want to worship and be worshipped. I think (for many of them ) in their hearts they viewed Obama as almost a blessed figure, beyond reproach or serious questioning. He made them feel special and wonderous.

They love the ceremony and pageantry of royal weddings and the solem grace of large state funerals. I suspect that these sorts of things are far more important to them than the health of the nation.

To them, it doesn't matter so much what a leader actually accomplishes, it's how he makes them feel that's significant. That's partially because they're safely insolated from most serious consequences within their urban enclaves.

alan markus বলেছেন...

@ Chuck: New polling (1500 US adults, August 2018): 41% say that Trump is the worst U.S. President in history.

Fixed it for you, Chuck-a-Noodle

New polling (1500 US adults, August 2018): 59% do not say that Trump is the worst U.S. President in history.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

There are people who love John McCain and there are people who love the hard-working citizens of the Inited States. The intersection of these sets is not far from Null.

Yeah, Chuck, I’m looking at you.

Marcus বলেছেন...

I'll be glad when McCain is in the ground and this subject goes away as all outrages of the week do.

He wasn't just involved in the use of the dossier as evidence of some wrongdoing, he promoted it by passing it along. That alone justifies my disdain.

But he called me and other Trump supporters "crazies". Just like "deplorables", he went a step too far, as he was wont to do. My president responded and I am proud that he did so.

It's been a long, long time since we had a president with balls, who stands up for himself and the people he represents.

robother বলেছেন...

Trump should call in an airstrike on the funeral. No fitter tribute to the "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" man, who never saw a war he couldn't support.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

@ Darkisland

I had a friend, now deceased, who was a WWII Army vet. He told me when he reported after being drafted, a guy at a desk told he could pick which branch. He picked the Navy. The guy just said, "Army needs men."

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Obama could have prevented Trump simply by appointment of an inspector general to the State Department as required by law during Hillary's tenure there. I am sure that not having one was one of Hillary's conditions, though.

gspencer বলেছেন...

Yeah, ya don't wanna miss funerals especially. As the late, great Yogi put it, "Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours."

mccullough বলেছেন...

I think this whole thing (McCain and his funeral and Trump) is very bizarre.

I’m now expecting McCain’s funeral to look like the Ayatollah Khomeini’s.

Hopefully it doesn’t become yet another Resistance Pep Rally. I don’t like these public funerals for The Great Man. I can understand why JFK would get one since his assainstion was shocking to most Americans (except J Edgar Hoover and rhhardin).

Combining the National Mourning for The Great Man with This Week's Resistance Pep Rally is a bad idea.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

I never knew I had any say in who came to my funeral.

Gonna have to start working on my list.

John Henry

rehajm বলেছেন...

They love the ceremony and pageantry of royal weddings and the solem grace of large state funerals

Sometimes they get those two mixed up.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

IMO, Presidents shouldn't go to funerals at all. Aside from the security mess for other "mourners", he shouldn't upstage the guest of honor.

~ Gordon Pasha বলেছেন...

Looks like Sen McCain might have gotten a spot at the USNA cemetery as either a legacy admission (his father and grandfather are buried there) or as a "distinguished" graduate. Here are the current criteria:

Those eligible for burial in the Naval Academy Cemetery are:

Officers, midshipmen, or enlisted persons of the Navy or Marine Corps on active duty at the Naval Academy, Naval Station, Annapolis, or the staff of the Naval Medical Clinic, Annapolis.

Those Naval Academy graduates who have served on active duty with the rank of Rear Admiral or Brigadier General, or senior thereto, and such others as the Secretary of the Navy or the Superintendent may designate.

Unremarried spouse of an officer or enlisted person of the Navy or Marine Corps who is buried or eligible to be buried in the Naval Academy Cemetery. In the event the spouse remarries, his or her eligibility is automatically terminated.

Any officer, former officer, or enlisted person of the Navy or Marine Corps whose spouse is buried in the Naval Academy Cemetery.
Stillborn and infant children of the officers or enlisted persons on active duty at the Naval Academy; Naval Station, Annapolis; or Naval Medical Clinic, Annapolis may be buried in a specific lot reserved for such cases. For purposes of this regulation, an infant is considered to be a child who has not reached 7 years of age.

Graduates of the Air Force Academy or West Point who cross commissioned to the Navy or Marine Corps and completed 20 years of commissioned service with the rank of Rear Admiral or Brigadier General, or senior thereto.

Distinguished Graduates of the Naval Academy.

Those eligible to make a reservation for future burial in section 17 of the Naval Academy Cemetery are Naval Academy graduates who have served on active duty with the rank of Rear Admiral or Brigadier General or senior thereto and such others as the Secretary of the Navy or Superintendent may designate. Individual lots in section 17 are not reserved in advance. They are assigned sequentially at the time of need.
Nothing in these regulations will change or alter cemetery reservations and commitments made under previous regulations.

JML বলেছেন...

Trump is in good company. I know a lot of people - myself included- who weren't invited to those events.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

McCain was an angry man mad at the Military and the DC culture. So he spent a career trying to hurt them. But in the 2008 cycle he played his role as loser to be the bad candidate whose loss would install Soro's man, Obama.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Don't hold back, WaPO, House Organ for the Democrat Party - He is already Non Grata. Save your space.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...
There are people who love John McCain and there are people who love the hard-working citizens of the Inited States. The intersection of these sets is not far from Null.

Yeah, Chuck, I’m looking at you.

Good luck with that shit. Where everybody who isn't with Trump is against him and is "an enemy of the people."

Trump had my vote in 2016. He -- and you -- oughta be fucking grateful and oughta be real careful about how to win it again. It's not going very well right now. People like me -- Trump-hating Republicans who never voted for Trump in any primary -- were his slender margin of victory in 2016. And a whole lot of deplorables who failed to turn out for McCain and then Romney made Obama's margin of victory.

narciso বলেছেন...

Mark Salter did that gratuitous hit against the huntress, think of him like wormtongue to king theoden, the president was busy formalizing the trade agreement with Mexico, meeting with president kenyatta a critical ally in west Africa, to really bother with any of this.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Peter Thiel Says Trump Is the only Republican Who Isn't a ‘Zombie’

There are so many ways to say "cultist" nowadays,....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

McCain was a jerk. Occasionally he'd be right about something, but it was fleeting. IE: His campaign promise to end ObamaCare. total Lie on his part.

Also - the whole Teddy Kennedy Senate Seat For Life BS needs to end.

Etienne বলেছেন...

Bottom line: there isn't even a body in the casket.

People are going to pay respects to four sand bags.

narciso বলেছেন...

Well there is that, but day, risner, Stockdale, Denton never got this level of attention. I think james woods played him in a film,

Birkel বলেছেন...

Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire: "...Trump-hating Republicans..."

Chuck is mad that Trump is implementing the policies that Chuck claims to have supported, now even to include free(r) trade deals.

If it weren't for Trump's defense of the American worker by way of restricting illegal alien immigration, Chuck would have no policy complaints.

"But Muffy, Trump just isn't one of our kind."

Eleanor বলেছেন...

So "EMK aka Ted" had heart and courage? I think Miss Kopechne might disagree. At least choose someone we can grant you some sense for, Trumpit. Your comment was worth a hearty laugh. I'll give you that.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
McCain was a jerk. Occasionally he'd be right about something, but it was fleeting. IE: His campaign promise to end ObamaCare. total Lie on his part.

Trump's promise to "replace ObamaCare." Total lie on his part.

Andrew বলেছেন...

How many people remember McCain's put down of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell in the primary of 2000?

One reason evangelicals are drawn to Trump is that he doesn't treat them as an enemy. In fact, he has the same enemies that they do.

chuck বলেছেন...

Rejected by royalty? Sounds like Trump is reviving an old American tradition, he is in good company.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

The McCain charade shows that in American politics nothing matters except power.

The same people who now deify him vilified him not long ago. He was a war mongerer. He was one of the Keating 5. He picked Palin, for crying out loud. He was at the bottom of his class. He was friends with Joe effing Lieberman.

But he gave Trump the middle finger, and Trump responded in kind, dispensing with the norm that Republican presidents turn the other cheek. After campaigning against the ACA, McCain voted against repeal. Suddenly the enemy of progs' enemy became their friend.

Nothing matters except power and the amassing of more power, the better to crush the deplorables and win the culture war.

narciso বলেছেন...

Ah chuck:


Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Trump was more than welcome at Chelsea Clinton's wedding, but maybe not so much at Hillary's funeral.
Things have changed.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Trump's promise to "replace ObamaCare." Total lie on his part.

This cry from the left (and LLRs) always exposes the problem- We lefties have this big bloated unworkable plan the right opposes but hey - they don't even HAVE a big bloated unworkable plan of their own!!

Gk1 বলেছেন...

Shhh don't tell these elite pricks. I want them to wake up with another massive election hang over complete with the dazed, slack jawed "What happened?" pieces in the New Yorker.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

The people who feel shunned — who will never be royals or the American elite — the people your candidate called "deplorables" — they can hear you.

We 'deplorables' feel shunned? Who knew?

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

I wonder if Sarah Palin will attend.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

Just to be clear about the "norms" BS, Wikipedia has this about one person who is invited to the funeral:

"The battle between Bush and McCain for South Carolina has entered U.S. political lore as one of the nastiest, dirtiest, and most brutal ever. On the one hand, Bush switched his label for himself from "compassionate conservative" to "reformer with results", as part of trying to co-opt McCain's popular message of reform.On the other hand, a variety of business and interest groups that McCain had challenged in the past now pounded him with negative ads.

The day that a new poll showed McCain five points ahead in the state, Bush allied himself on stage with a marginal and controversial veterans activist named J. Thomas Burch, who accused McCain of having "abandoned the veterans" on POW/MIA and Agent Orange issues: "He came home from Vietnam and forgot us." Incensed, McCain ran ads accusing Bush of lying and comparing the governor to Bill Clinton, which Bush complained was "about as low a blow as you can give in a Republican primary and many Republicans thought comparing Bush's truthfulness to Bill Clinton's dishonesty was distasteful smear by McCain." An unidentified party began a semi-underground smear campaign against McCain, delivered by push polls, faxes, e-mails, flyers, audience plants, and the like. These claimed most famously that he had fathered a black child out of wedlock (the McCains' dark-skinned daughter Bridget was adopted from Bangladesh; this misrepresentation was thought to be an especially effective slur in a Deep South state where race was still central, but also that his wife Cindy was a drug addict, that he was a homosexual, and that he was a "Manchurian Candidate" traitor or mentally unstable from his North Vietnam POW days. The Bush campaign strongly denied any involvement with these attacks; Bush said he would fire anyone who ran defamatory push polls. During a break in a debate, Bush put his hand on McCain's arm and reiterated that he had no involvement in the attacks; McCain replied, "Don't give me that shit. And take your hands off me.""

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Ms. Althouse is correct- the political elite still don't understand Trump's appeal. I don't how many different ways you can be shown something and still not get it.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Chuck just blamed Trump for McCain's thumbs-down against repealing Obama InsuranceScam Care DeathPanels?

Original Mike বলেছেন...

”He gets a lot of credit for not coming home early when he was offered the chance. What is seldom heard is that had he done so, he would have been cashiered out of the service, spent 5 years or so in the brig and then been a felon for the rest of his life.”

Interesting. I’ve heard the “refusal to go home early” story for decades. Have never known the other half.

Henry বলেছেন...

We've known each other many years, but this is the first time you came to me for counsel, or help. I can't remember the last time that you invited me to your house for a cup of coffee, even though my wife is godmother to your only child. But let's be frank here: you never wanted my friendship. And you were afraid to be in my debt.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Blogger Sebastian said...

He picked Palin, for crying out loud.

Yes, there was that. Perhaps the only good thing he did in his life.

I still have my Sarah Palin tee shirt that I were in regular rotation around the house with my MAGA hat.

My son forbids me to wear either outside. Not because he disagrees with either. He thinks wearing them in public puts me in personal danger from the fascists and he is probably right.

John Henry

Birkel বলেছেন...

Yancey Ward:
Motivated thinking is a bear of a problem.

mccullough বলেছেন...

About 8.5 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 voted for Trump in 2016. About 2.5 million who voted for Romney in 2012 voted for Hillary, including W and McCain.

Trump won by flipping Obama voters in key states. Any candidate would love to have 2.5 net votes.

Plenty of Country Club Republicans voted for Hillary (2.5 million of them). They were significantly outnumbered by people who voted to re-elect Obama in 2012.

Trump was a lot more in tune with the US electorate than Romney and McCain and Hillary were.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chuck: No; Althouse both wrote, and implied, that "elite Trump haters" were Clinton supporters. This is what Althouse wrote:

"Be careful, elite Trump haters. You're missing what you missed before. The people who feel shunned — who will never be royals or the American elite — the people your candidate called 'deplorables' — they can hear you."

Chuck, Hillary was the preferred candidate of lots of GOPe-ers (a fact re which your personal voting record is entirely irrelevant, btw). In many cases we don't even have to infer this from their behavior before and after the election - the NeverTrumpers came right out and said that they were voting for Hillary and that we should, too. It is absolutely correct to refer to Hillary as "your candidate" when speaking of this mass of non-Democrats.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Bob Boyd said...
I wonder if Sarah Palin will attend.

Narciso, the ball's in your court.

mccullough বলেছেন...

It’s a fair criticism of McCain to say that his last vote in the Senate broke a big promise he made to voters the year before in seeking re-election.

For a guy who touted Honor as the touchstone of his actions, it’s not honorable to make promises you don’t intend to keep. And it’s not honorable to break promises.

It’s good to be wary of people who talk about Honor or Trust or Honesty. Usually, religious people who talk about this stuff are the worst offenders. It’s hard to be a good person.

Birkel বলেছেন...


...start counting the spoons...
...hold onto your wallet...

Shorthand for people who live in the real world, that summarizes your point about McCain's duplicity. He would rather harm his own honor than give Trump a victory on a campaign promise.

Chuck বলেছেন...

rehajm said...
Trump's promise to "replace ObamaCare." Total lie on his part.

This cry from the left (and LLRs) always exposes the problem- We lefties have this big bloated unworkable plan the right opposes but hey - they don't even HAVE a big bloated unworkable plan of their own!!


Trump didn't promise an all-new revolutionary world of free trade medicine. Trump didn't have any free-market solutions to delivery of medical care.

Trump promised, "We have to take care of everybody; we have to do it." And then Trump also promised lower premiums, lower deductibles, lower co-pays and co-insurance. Trump said he'd do it, by making great deals. He never made a single fucking deal. Trump never had a plan; he never had a clue. I don't think he had any interest, apart from a slogan that he liked the sound of at his dumbfuck rallies.

CWJ বলেছেন...

"People like me -- Trump-hating Republicans who never voted for Trump in any primary -- were his slender margin of victory in 2016. And a whole lot of deplorables who failed to turn out for McCain and then Romney made Obama's margin of victory."

I love this comment. Republicans, who had the "Chuck" vote, lost without the deplorables. Trump, who had the "Chuck" vote, won with the deplorables. So you see, the "Chuck" vote made the difference.

mccullough বলেছেন...


You should relax. Trump’s not coming to your funeral either.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Puerto Rico has no electors so we don't have a presidential election. If I had voted in 2008, I probably would have voted for Palin and McCain. In that order. Happily for Palin and holding my nose for McCain as the price for Palin.

In 2012, I was all in for President Obama. Even knowing what he had done and suspecting what he had planned.

As I said at the time, quoting one of the few correct things Lenin ever said "Worse is better". I supported Obama in the knowledge that it would only be when people got deeply mired in despair that things would change. I had no idea that it would be President Trump but I was certain that it would be someone like him.

And I was right.

Suppose Mitt Romney had won. Do you think we would be experiencing the rebirth of America we are currently having? Or would it have simply been 4 more years of Obamaville, LLR version?

Every day proves my instincts righter and righter.

Still, one of the things I would have really liked to see would have been Sarah Palin sitting up there as President of the Senate. People say the Senate President has no power and they are right, if the Senate President chooses not to wield them.

OTOH, they have a lot of little perks and powers that, in combination, can give considerable power.

They tend not to because they have their eye on the big chair. What is generally overlooked is that the President of the US has no power, other than political, over the VP. The VP does not work for the President in any formal sense.

Not exactly the same thing but read Caro's Master of the Senate and how LBJ took a shit job of majority leader, figured out all the little powers it had, and turned it into an, arguably, more powerful position than president of the US.

I was always disappointed we didn't get to see Sarah Palin try that.

John Henry

Qwinn বলেছেন...

I give McCain no credit for picking Palin. Quite the opposite, when you consider these points:

1) McCain ran to lose against Obama.
2) McCain trashed Palin as the reason he lost.

IMO, McCain picked Palin knowing he was going to throw the election and, seeing Palin as the biggest impending threat to the Dems (whom he secretly supported) decided to take her out in the process. He would've picked whoever was most popular with base conservatives that might have a broader appeal, precisely to end their political career in the bonfire he intended to make of his own candidacy.

readering বলেছেন...

Another click bait post for Althouse followers.

Etienne বলেছেন...

Doug Hegdahl was the true hero of the Hanoi Hilton. An enlisted man who fell off his ship when a gun fired.

Ordered to accept an early release by the Senior Ranking Officer, he memorized all the prisoners names. Then as soon as he got on the plane he started writing them down.

It was the first accounting of who was in the prison, and ensured that the North Vietnamese returned the bodies of the dead.

Those officers released with him, I do not think they had approval for early release. But they couldn't do anything if they were forced.

Doug played a "stupid hick Gomer Pyle" for years, which the Vietnamese believed, and thus thought he was no threat to them.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

Trump's promise to "replace ObamaCare." Total lie on his part.

I know its snark for your tribe. But, the President cannot not end legislation, he can only sign legislation placed on his desk. McCain aborted that attempt. Despite McCain promising to end Obamacare

Simple civics

TA বলেছেন...

Bleh if the royal family doesn't like you, who cares? But if McCain thought you an asshole, you probably are.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

If anyone has a right to feel bitter about McCain it would be Ms Palin. Here is what she said about his death:

John McCain was my friend. I will remember the good times. My family and I send prayers for Cindy and the McCain family.

I thought I had read there was a longer statement but can't find it just not.

Ms Palin is one classy politician. Another deplorable. One of us, not one of them.

John Henry

mccullough বলেছেন...

Chuck didn’t look at the data. A lot of country club Republicans voted for Romney and then Hillary. But way more Deplorables voted for Obama and Trump.

Republican politicians (especially senators who are elected statewide) understand this. They want to keep getting elected. They understand the shift in voting patterns now. That’s why Corker and Flake are leaving the Senate to stay in DC as “consultants.” They would not be re-elected. Ben Sasse is also going to be a one term senator before going back to “consulting.” There aren’t enough country club Republicans anymore. And the other voters don’t buy their bullshit anymore.

The party of W is dead.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

One man's asshole is another man's ...
wait a minute...
never mind.

narciso বলেছেন...

No, it's in her court, she s a much more forgiving soul, they shunned her, so in part they got trump.

Birkel বলেছেন...

And good riddance to the party of W.

Pookie Number 2 বলেছেন...

I love this comment. Republicans, who had the "Chuck" vote, lost without the deplorables. Trump, who had the "Chuck" vote, won with the deplorables. So you see, the "Chuck" vote made the difference.

I think Chuck’s point is that if his fragile ego isn’t adequately stroked, then he’ll gladly vote to reverse the policies that have lowered the Department of Black People unemployment rate to record lows. Because what’s a ton of unnecessary human sufferering worth, when the real issue his fatuous self-regard?

mccullough বলেছেন...

McCain was unfair to Palin in his recent ghost written book. Honor and Loyalty deserve better.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Blogger Etienne said...

Doug Hegdahl was the true hero of the Hanoi Hilton. An enlisted man who fell off his ship when a gun fired.

Thanks for the reminder, Doug.

He was a hero. By acting stupid, and since he was enlisted the VN assumed that he was stupid and bought the act, he was able to commit small acts of sabotage and get valuable information.

I've know about him for a long time but it is always appropriate to remember him.

John Henry

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

We need to always ask what people are trying to do. Trump is trying to show that he is not a nice guy and he doesn’t care what other people say about him. He could have whipped out a tribute to McCain that was as full of crocodile tears as anything put out by any Dem or the NYT. But he didn’t. He could have even have put out a sincere statement that praised McCain’s heroic, even noble, conduct while he was a POW and slyly praised his service in Congress as a stauch supporter of Ronald Reagan and Reaganomics. But he didn’t. He basically let the people who used McCain for their own ends reveal themselves as craven hypocrites by fawning on him now that he is gone and of no further use to them.

Journalistic Miracle Whip like this WaPoo thumb-sucker means nothing to Trump and his supporters.

By the time Trump leaves office, cynicism will have become our national religion thanks to people like Chuck Todd, his mates at NBC and CNN, and talentless hacks like this woman from WaPoo.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Chuck doesn’t care about black unemployment. This is not an issue that affects Country Club Republicans and Country Club Democrats. They actually don’t like blacks, which is why they hire like Illegal Immigrants from Mexico to cut the grass and pour the drinks at their clubs.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

I meant "thanks for the reminder Etienne."

John Henry

TestTube বলেছেন...

What a disappointing article! The writer, Ashley Parker, starts with a premise supported by a single incident (Senator McCain's Funeral) and then tries to shoehorn in two other incidents that don't fit. The royal wedding did not have political guests. Melania attended Barbara Bush's funeral.

The snub by the Kennedy Center and the Eagles are more supportive of the premise. Ashley would have done better to lead with those. But it is still pretty weak tea -- the artists and athletes come off as petty and childish, and there is a history of these snubs:


Ashley's premise is absurd. The events a President attends are determined mainly on his role as Head of State, Political Leader of his party, and Head of the Executive Branch.

Temujin বলেছেন...

Boy, they'll never understand this: Consumer Confidence

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

I’m now expecting McCain’s funeral to look like the Ayatollah Khomeini’s.

Is Maverick going to fall out of the box?

Chuck বলেছেন...

Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...
Chuck: No; Althouse both wrote, and implied, that "elite Trump haters" were Clinton supporters. This is what Althouse wrote:

"Be careful, elite Trump haters. You're missing what you missed before. The people who feel shunned — who will never be royals or the American elite — the people your candidate called 'deplorables' — they can hear you."

Chuck, Hillary was the preferred candidate of lots of GOPe-ers (a fact re which your personal voting record is entirely irrelevant, btw). In many cases we don't even have to infer this from their behavior before and after the election - the NeverTrumpers came right out and said that they were voting for Hillary and that we should, too. It is absolutely correct to refer to Hillary as "your candidate" when speaking of this mass of non-Democrats.

And I don't care so much about you, but more importantly this is an Althouse problem. Althouse thinks that everybody just votes for who they like. And if you don't like one candidate, you vote for the other candidate.

Althouse is not like me; Althouse is not a Republican partisan. Althouse might not get how strong the pull is, for me to vote for my Party. Even when I hate the candidate(s).

And now you are doing more of that. You keep presuming that "Never Trumpers" voted for Hillary. You just don't get it. You don't get how hatred of Trump doesn't mean support for Hillary. It is elemental, but you just don't get it. It's important; and you still don't get it.

mccullough বলেছেন...

McCain’s corpse is going on a nationwide tour. Like an art exhibit. Maybe Mouners can pose with it and drink out of it like The Stanley Cup.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Temujin: [Your name reminds me] Can you recommend the best biography of Genghis Khan?

Brian বলেছেন...

"Be careful..."? My God, Althouse; if you are preaching "be careful," why wouldn't you start with Trump? There's never been a more careless public speaker in modern American life, than Donald Trump.

Chuck the "McCain/War Hero" comment wasn't careless. It was planned.

McCain was a loser. He lost! Got beat handily by Obama. Trump was signaling (early in the primary process if you remember) that he was not a loser. Stick with me and I won't get captured by the enemy. (The enemy in this context being the Washington Establishment including the media.) I'm not captured by the traditional Washington Political Correctness. It's Genius (modern presidential), in hindsight.

Despite you and the media saying it was a low moment in Trump's campaign it was the first (of many) defining moments. And it was successful. Trump was saying that the old "rather lose honorably, than win" argument was not part of Trump's campaign. It was very successful.

McCain was a loser. Hillary was a Loser. Jeb! was a Loser. Bush was a loser. Gore was a Loser, Bob Dole was a loser. Obama was a winner, Bill Clinton was a winner.

I could see both Obama and Bill saying the exact same thing about McCain. Why? Because they are winners and in Scott Adams parlance, persuaders.

Is Trumps statements a measure of a good human quality? Is it honorable? Heck no. But politics isn't bean bag.

mccullough বলেছেন...

2.5 million people voted for Romney and Hillary. Many of these are Never Trump, including W and McCain (actually McCain probably didn’t vote for Romney either).

It was very tacky for W and his wife to announce they didn’t vote for Trump. Americans expect more dignity from those presidents who achieved their place in life due solely to family connections.

Clyde বলেছেন...

gspencer said...
Yeah, ya don't wanna miss funerals especially. As the late, great Yogi put it, "Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours."

On the other hand, it keeps Trump away from any post-funeral sex temptation. It will help him stay on the straight and narrow with Melania.

Gunner বলেছেন...

You can tell the WashPo story is bullcrap because they quote Rick Wilson without mentioning that he is a crazy Trump hater RINO butt boy.

RobinGoodfellow বলেছেন...

”Funny. Perhaps the worst U.S. President in history, Franklin Pierce, was the opposite of Trump.”

Funny. Perhaps the worst U.S. President in history, Barack Obama, was the opposite of Trump.


Qwinn বলেছেন...

Chuck, you may not have voted for Hillary, but a lot of your favorite NeverTrump people - Kristol, Will, etc. - are indicating that they did and would do so again. If Althouse is using them as the indicator of NeverTrump votes rather than yours and yours alone, that's not an indicator that she, or us, aren't "getting it", it's that we don't consider you some kind of bellwether that obviates the stated positions of almost all other well known NeverTrumpers, and that you are not nearly as important as you think you are.

Etienne বলেছেন...

"Now, I’m a liberal arts major who shot himself down, so all I can do is report what I saw.

There were five trucks working in the prison; I saw Doug work on five trucks; I saw five trucks towed disabled out of the prison camp.

Doug Hegdahl, a high school graduate from the mess decks fell off a ship and has five enemy trucks to his credit.

I am a World Famous Golden Dragon [VA 192] with two college degrees, 2000 jet hours, 300 carrier landings and 22 combat missions. How many enemy trucks do I have to my credit? Zero. Zip. Nada. De Rien. 0.

Who’s the better man? Douglas Brent Hegdahl, one of two men I know of who destroyed enemy military equipment while a prisoner of war."
-- Capt. Richard A. Stratton, USN (Retired)

Bill R বলেছেন...

I have a half dozen facebook friends - otherwise pleasant and intelligent people - who are fanatical haters of Trump. They will believe ANYTHING about him it it's negative.

And they post multiple times per day about how much they hate him. They are obsessed.

I read it all. The sense I get is one of the pleasures of the hatred is that you get to believe that you are smarter and better than the people around you. They imagine that people who disagree with them (about anything) are horrible troglodytes who are racist, homophobic, fascist and so forth.

There's a parable in the Gospel of St. Luke about a Pharisee who goes goes to the temple and prays "Thank God I am not like other men - unjust, adulterous, extortionate"

I'll spare you the whole thing but needless to say, God isn't impressed.

2,000 years later. People still enjoy moral preening. Human nature doesn't change

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