২৮ আগস্ট, ২০১৮

"Shunned at two funerals and one (royal) wedding so far, President Trump may be well on his way to becoming president non grata."

Writes Ashley Parker in The Washington Post:
The latest snub comes in the form of the upcoming funeral for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), which, before his death, the late senator made clear he did not want the sitting president to attend. That the feeling is mutual — Trump nixed issuing a statement that praised McCain as a “hero” — only underscores the myriad ways Trump has rejected the norms of his office and, increasingly, has been rejected in turn.
Rejected by whom? By royalty and the political elite?
Less than two years into first term, Trump has often come to occupy the role of pariah — both unwelcome and unwilling to perform the basic rituals and ceremonies of the presidency, from public displays of mourning to cultural ceremonies.
Be careful, elite Trump haters. You're missing what you missed before. The people who feel shunned — who will never be royals or the American elite — the people your candidate called "deplorables" — they can hear you.

৩১০টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   310 এর 201 – থেকে 310
wildswan বলেছেন...

Lots of people are being shunned, shadow banned, unfriended, not invited and, the Wapoo assures us, Trump is getting the same treatment. And the Wapoo-approved are not. This is an example of a single fact which has two separate meanings depending on group affiliation. Moreover, members of group A only know of one of the meanings, members of group B know of both. Which group is most likely to be surprised by events such as the election of 2016? And which is most likely to suffer from terminal self-approval and conceit?

robother বলেছেন...

Click bait or baiting cliques? Ann reports, you decide.

Critter বলেছেন...

The mean kids at the "cool" kids' lunch table strike again!

This is a perfect illustration of the adolescent attributes of the anti-Trump resistance.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The CIA owned and operated MSM are desperate for a redo of the 2016 election before Trump's Deplorables bring them all crashing down. But a daily drumbeat of mass hallucination is not a strategy.

Anne in Rockwall, TX বলেছেন...

Why would Chuck assume Althouse was talking about him when she said "American elite?"

victoria বলেছেন...


I don't think anything will keep the Cheeto on the straight and narrow. He is a dirty dog and likely to remain one. No respect for him at all, either as a person or as a President. You all mention Ronald Reagan as a model president. He would be horrified at what Trump is doing, mostly on a personal level.

Vicki from Pasadena

Chuck বলেছেন...

iowan2 said...
Trump's promise to "replace ObamaCare." Total lie on his part.

I know its snark for your tribe. But, the President cannot not end legislation, he can only sign legislation placed on his desk. McCain aborted that attempt. Despite McCain promising to end Obamacare

Simple civics

That's fucking bullshit is what that is. The bill in the Senate wasn't a real repeal, and it wasn't a real replacement of anything. It was a spending bill, with no need for a cloture vote and was to be passed on a simple majority. A true repeal has to pass the Senate. Where the legislative filibuster is alive and well. And which Trump hasn't gotten close to figuring out.

steve uhr বলেছেন...

It is quite understandable why McCain's family don't want Trump at the funeral given all the mean things Trump has said about McCain over the years. Just two weeks ago he refused to mention McCain by name at a signing ceremony for the defense bill named after McCain. And then there is the obscene stuff about McCain not being a hero because he was captured, something trump has been spouting for almost twenty years.

It's not about politics; it's personal.

The only reason trump would want to attend is that then it would be about him. His ego knows no bounds.

Curious George বলেছেন...

"Birkel said...
"But Muffy, Trump just isn't one of our kind."

There is no Muffy for Chuck. And if there ever was, she was banging someone else.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

"And I don't care so much about you, but more importantly this is an Althouse problem."


You have already won the Pompous Windbag of the Year award. Voters for a lifetime achievement award will not take into account excessive windbaggery and pompousness provided during one calendar year.

Do you really think Althouse has problems because she doesn't listen to you? Of course you do. Narcissism is the most salient component of your personality.

You are a tiresome boor.

JohnAnnArbor বলেছেন...

It opens up the schedule for useful work. Not a bad thing.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Petty Office 2nd class Doug Hegdahl memorized the names and date of capture of 256 POWs at the hanoi hilton; And convinced the NVA that he was stupid and harmless, so they let him go: After release, he recited the names and dates and reported on the torture
If there was a Hero at that camp, HE WAS THE ONE

Howard বলেছেন...

Be careful, elite Trump haters. You're missing what you missed before. The people who feel shunned — who will never be royals or the American elite — the people your candidate called "deplorables" — they can hear you.

... and they are hair-trigger snowflakes with zero self esteem.

Anthony বলেছেন...

Are there any links to McCain's service record?

Howard বলেছেন...

Hell hath no fury like a deplorable scorned.

Temujin বলেছেন...

Mock Turtle: Genghis Khan: Life, Death, and Resurrection, by John Man.
Or you can wait a few years for me to finish my autobiography.

h বলেছেন...

It seems to me that a lot of reporters really have the intention of trying to provoke Trump into some kind of embarrassing reaction. And it's true that Trump doesn't seem to have the natural restraints on reacting without carefully considering how the reaction will be perceived. But these kinds of stories really make the reporters look childish. "Nobody likes you." "Everybody's laughing at you." "Your penis is small." "Your wife doesn't love you."

Meade বলেছেন...

Chuck said...
"Trump's promise to "replace ObamaCare." Total lie on his part."

McCain made the very same campaign promise. Total lie on his part?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Hell hath no fury like a deplorable scorned.

Howard finally wrote something intelligent, by accident no doubt.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Meade, I think not. I think when the spotlight was turned on him McCain simply chickened out.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"Hell hath no fury like a deplorable scorned."

Such things pile up hatred, quietly and behind blank faces.
Dickens described it well, with the poetic device of Mme Defarges knitting, where she coded and recorded the names of all due justice for crimes, oppressions and insults. To be released in the coming orgy of vengeance.

My advice is to stop adding more lines to that scarf. Mme Defarge knits it all, and never forgets.

Howard বলেছেন...

It not ment as a compliment, BM. You snowflakes go all soap opera hysterical when the self-appointed cool kids riff on your daddy.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"... and they are hair-trigger snowflakes with zero self esteem."

You misunderstand history. You can beat and beat on the patient peasantry, who keep their own counsel. Until one day they find the opportunity to explode.

This is inevitable.

Meade বলেছেন...

Sorry, it's seems McCain only promised to "prevail over time."

Howard বলেছেন...

Blank faces, HAH. If we could be so lucky. We instead get phony macho threats of violent action with the 400M guns "your side" owns. when I say "your side", I mean the cucks whom you like stirring up by catering to their shallow intellect and damaged egos

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Temujin suggests: Mock Turtle: Genghis Khan: Life, Death, and Resurrection, by John Man.
Or you can wait a few years for me to finish my autobiography.

Ok, thank you. ;-D Have you read, Genghis Khan: His Conquests, His Empire, His Legacy by Frank McLynn?

rehajm বলেছেন...

LLR said...


Trump didn't promise an all-new revolutionary world of free trade medicine. Trump didn't have any free-market solutions to delivery of medical care.

Funny how you're the only R complaining about it at the moment. At times government doesn't work as cleanly and swiftly as LLRs demand. Sometimes it isn't all about you.

Howard বলেছেন...

the so-called peasants are well nourished, well medicated well entertained and misinformed. The perfect combo to swallow your pablum. Their only action are words and more words.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"Blank faces, HAH. "

You don't get them here. These characters you are speaking with here aren't the actual volk.

Who are these people? The tiny minority of the aware and educated and outspoken. They existed in 1788 also.

The volk are those who put their kids in public schools and advise them to deal with the system, hoping for the best. Those who yell at the TV in their living rooms. Who nod politely.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

IMHO McCain initiated a pissing match with Trump, not the other way around. If McCain didn’t want to get sopping wet he should have kept his zipper up.

I have seen nothing honorable about John McCain since his entry into politics. Not his association with the Keating savings and loan scandal, not his campaign finance “reform” that gave such a huge edge to incumbents (like him!), not his crappy and unenthusiastic presidential campaign, and certainly not campaigning hard on the abolition of Obamacare only to chicken out when faced with the deciding vote to begin to end it.

buwaya বলেছেন...

The other words for what is going to happen is "preference cascade".
I have seen a preference cascade manifest physically, going from dozens doing a dangerous thing, turn with increasing speed into a procession of millions taking up miles, hundreds of acres of people. It is an amazing thing.

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR Chuck: "Althouse is not like me; Althouse is not a Republican partisan."


Funniest posting of the day. By a mile.

Yoy can always identify the most partisan-y republican ever by the they advance every lefty talking point and praise those who call for democrats to win by landslides and attack any and all republicans who fight back against the dems.

Yes indeed, LLR Chuck is most certainly one of those "republicans".

Sam L. বলেছেন...

We hear the Trump haters every day, loud and louder and clear.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Meade said...
Chuck said...
"Trump's promise to "replace ObamaCare." Total lie on his part."

McCain made the very same campaign promise. Total lie on his part?

No, I don't think so, Laurence. In all fairness, I don't think so. McCain wasn't president. And to the horror of many on the right, McCain would certainly have been happy for a meaningful compromise health care bill to go through Congress on "regular order." It would have been a months-long or years-long slog. It would have made Rand Paul and Elizabeth Warren unhappy. McCain would have voted for it.

McCain never voted for ObamaCare. McCain would have been enthusiastic about correcting many of the flaws and failures of ObamaCare.

Sorry, to have given you a straight and serious answer instead of a cryptic and/or sarcastic one-liner.

btw, Laurence; consider McCain's daring 2008 health care reform plan.

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

An FB friend of mine:

"My husband was an A4 pilot in Vietnam. He said that John McCain took credit for missions that he himself flew. The two people he hated most were Jane Fonda and John McCain."

tcrosse বলেছেন...

I doubt that Donald Trump is crying himself to sleep. It saves him the trouble of sending his regrets. He's going to get criticism whatever he does, anyway.

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...

Chuck said... This comment has been removed by the author.

Brightened up my day... But I knew it couldn't last!

jimbino বলেছেন...

president non grata should be president non gratus.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Trump never actually voted against repealing Obamacare or otherwise obstructed its repeal, and did everything in his power to get it repealed, but Chuck says he broke his promise to repeal it.

McCain actively voted against repealing Obamacare, but Chuck says he kept his promise to repeal Obamacare.

I'm holding onto this for the next time Chuck pretends he's even trying to argue in good faith.

Drago বলেছেন...

Qwinn: "I'm holding onto this for the next time Chuck pretends he's even trying to argue in good faith."

Leftists never argue in good faith.

LLR Chuck never argues in good faith..and always to the advantage of the dems.


Drago বলেছেন...

Tyrone: ""My husband was an A4 pilot in Vietnam. He said that John McCain took credit for missions that he himself flew. The two people he hated most were Jane Fonda and John McCain."

Thats not the first time I've heard stories of that sort.

JackWayne বলেছেন...

The thing that turned me against McCain 40 years or more ago was his claim that he turned down repatriation because he didn’t want to be used by the N Vietnamese as a propaganda coup. I’ve always been Wut? about that claim. He was in the Hanoi Hilton. How did he know anything about the war, American politics or his propaganda value. My belief at the time was that he had an inflated sense of his own worth. Or he was just another entitled dickweed. Either way, I didn’t believe his story. And I think the subsequent 40 years of his political life showed that he was a complete dickweed. We’re better off now that he’s no longer a Senator:

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR Chuck: "No, I don't think so, Laurence. In all fairness, I don't think so. "

One need only recall LLR Chuck's absolute unbridled joy when McCain saved obamacare.

Oh how Chuckie and his lefty allies laughed and laughed and laughed.

So, after Chucks hero saved obamacare to Chucks pleasure and cheers, Trump started taking other steps to keep the promise.

And what did our out and proud DemDefender Chuckie do? Started attacking Trump for trying to keep that promuse.

No one is fooled by you Chuckie, and every single lefty palvof yours on this blog instinctively knows you are on their side...

....because you are...

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

There are plenty of good reasons to dislike McCain. But the guy did fly attack jets off carriers and into combat, where lots of people were doing everything they could to kill him.
He also was tortured, and spent years in a prison camp.

Regardless of what he did after all of that, there's no doubt that his wartime service was worthy of praise and admiration.

narciso বলেছেন...

I believe counterpunch, reprinted the 'interview' with the regime psychologist who had been detailed to Hanoi, originally in the granma, unlike robinson risner, or bud day, or any of a host of others, who didn't confuse their treatment with that of stone cold terrorists,

JackWayne বলেছেন...

All you have to do is read the Wikipedia description of McCain’s military career to see what a dickweed he was.

Drago বলেছেন...

If you want to know LLR Chuck and his lefty allies have ratcheted up their insanity, it might have something to do with Chuck's beloved CNN being exposed as LLR Chuck-level hacks in the tank for the far left lunatics.

Nice group of pals ypu hang around with Chuck...

Pookie Number 2 বলেছেন...

In Chuck’s defense, he’s a moral midget who’s happy to lie so he can slam Trump. So he’s deliriously happy to preserve the various and sundry problems that Obamacare causes to real people.

Jim at বলেছেন...

And in other news, Hillary Clinton will never be President.

Clyde বলেছেন...

victoria said...

I don't think anything will keep the Cheeto on the straight and narrow. He is a dirty dog and likely to remain one. No respect for him at all, either as a person or as a President. You all mention Ronald Reagan as a model president. He would be horrified at what Trump is doing, mostly on a personal level.

Vicki from Pasadena

And yet, despite his personal shortcomings, he was still preferable to his opponent in the last election. I voted more against her than for him, because I was adamantly "Never Clinton", but I have nothing but good feelings about his actions in office. He has our country back on the right track. Hillary Clinton would have been the wrecking ball that would have completed the demolition of our country started by Obama.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Qwinn said...
Trump never actually voted against repealing Obamacare or otherwise obstructed its repeal, and did everything in his power to get it repealed, but Chuck says he broke his promise to repeal it.

Wrong, shit head. I said that Trump broke his promise to REPLACE Obamacare. Big difference. "Repeal" and "replace" are different things. Trump is doing his best to vandalize Obamacare right now. A true "repeal" would require enough Dem votes to get to 60 for cloture. But Trump is doing nothing, to work with the Dems. So he won't get "repeal" in a true legislative way, and Trump has done nothing on his own to propose a "replace" bill.

McCain actively voted against repealing Obamacare, but Chuck says he kept his promise to repeal Obamacare.

McCain, to his credit, promised to vote for "repeal and replace", but would not vote for "vandalize, and then run away with no meaningful alternative." McCain opposed Obamacare as a one-sided, one-party legislative stunt. And he opposed the "Trump" bill (which Trump had precious little to do with anyway) on the exact same basis.

I'm holding onto this for the next time Chuck pretends he's even trying to argue in good faith.

Bookmark this post. My response, with your full comment quoted.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Perhaps your straight and narrow isn’t my or some of our straight and narrow, Vickie.

Clyde বলেছেন...

Also, Vicki, consider the fact that the Chinese were getting every single email that Hillary Clinton sent via her illegal home server. Every. Single. One. It's a good thing that the Chinese haven't been getting every single one of our President's emails for the past 19 months.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Chuck, at 12:09 and again at 1:21, tries to make the case that McCain acted in good faith. It is well-argued, but wrecked on the rocks of what McCain really said when he was campaigning in 2016.

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR Chuck, whenever he ceases being a lefty cuckholster long enough, goes to bat passionately for dem-supporting McCain.

Gee, I did not see that coming!

Who could have guessed?


Arguing with Chuck is like arguing with....a leftist!

But only every single time!

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Consumer confidence is at an 18-year high.

In spite of Trump. Lololol

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

>>And in other news, Hillary Clinton will never be President.

Never say never. She's running again, at least for now.

Jim at বলেছেন...

It's not about politics; it's personal.

Yeah. Because McCain never made it personal in the first place, did he?

See, you leftists want it both ways. Trump's not willing to play your game.

That's why you hate him. That's why I like him.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

I'm sorry, but the absurd fixation on the semantic difference between "repeal" and "replace" is complete and utter bullshit. There is no "big difference", there is arguably not even a small difference. If repealed, it would be automatically replaced by its absence, which might even (horrors!) more closely resemble a free market. I don't want Obamacare replaced by anything that even remotely resembles Obamacare. Trump promised to "replace" it? If he replaces it with a smoking crater where Chuck's tears salt the scorched earth for it never to arise again, promise kept. That you wanted "replace" to mean something else is utterly irrelevant and utterly unpersuasive as a defense against your bad faith.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

(Bob Dole) “Spent 3 years fighting as an infantry grunt across North Africa and Europe. 10th mountain division. “

Three years earlier, Dole was in the enlisted reserves still attending college in Kansas. It was only a month or two before he was wounded that he was plugged into the 10th as a green replacement 2nd LT platoon leader. And much of that time, the Division was apparently resting and recuperating from combat. Apparently his first real combat was in the weeks right before being wounded. While there is some evidence that he had tried to avoid combat up to to being assigned to the 10th Mtn in early 1945, there is no question about his bravery under fire, and the incidents where he was wounded, the latter time so grievously. But then, while McCain’s service can maybe be faulted up until he went into combat, my view is that someone flying into the airspace over Hanoi when he did, that day, took an uncommon type of individual bravery, and then spending extra years of being a POW took courage that most of us do not have.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Also, Vicki, consider the fact that the Chinese were getting every single email that Hillary Clinton sent via her illegal home server. Every. Single. One. It's a good thing that the Chinese haven't been getting every single one of our President's emails for the past 19 months.”

Crooked Hillary shouldn’t feel alone there, because Sen Feinstein had a ChiCom spy on her staff for a decade or so including when she was a member of the Gang of Eight. During a time when her husband was making millions from the Chinese. Of course, we get the same response from the Dems, MSM (repeating myself), etc.: crickets.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

I listen to Trump-hater Jonah Goldberg's Remnant podcast. Gold berg has some interesting things to say -- once he is off of the topic of Trump.
In his latest podcast, regarding Trump's expressed desire for personal loyalty rather than loyalty to the political system, Goldberg brings up the Godfather analogy -- in the first scene of the novel (the film, as well, I think), Godfather Vito Corleone is solicited to give justice to a man whose daughter was raped & her assailants let go by the courts with a slap on the wrists because they are politically connected. Goldberg thinks that this is terrible, and an appropriate metaphor for Trump's insistence on personal loyalty.
But I think Goldberg has a blind spot when the topic of Trump is introduced. In the Godfather, the American system does not work. No justice is available to the father of the raped woman (his name means "America Goodnight" in English) because his daughter's assailants relied on tribal loyalties that exist above the justice system. It is rational for the man to turn to a system of tribal loyalties that favor him, when the American system has failed him.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, demands that Republicans pass a bill that 10 Democrats would agree should pass.


I like that you surrender before the other side even picks up arms.

What a loser.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

who has the deeper bench:

the Trump haters or the McCain haters?

Chuck বলেছেন...

Birkel said...
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, demands that Republicans pass a bill that 10 Democrats would agree should pass.


I like that you surrender before the other side even picks up arms.

What a loser.

How else would you propose to pass a major bill in the Senate?

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Well, since we're virtually guaranteed to pick up seats in the Senate in November, one might want to wait until then so that the amount of compromising with Democrats necessary would be minimized.

Unless you want maximum compromise with the Dems. In which case you lash out at Trump for not having passed it yet.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Arguing with Chuck is like arguing with....a leftist!

But only every single time!

A moby is a moby is a moby. [Def: "An insidious and specialized type of left-wing troll who visits blogs and impersonates a conservative for the purpose of either spreading false rumors intended to sow dissension among conservative voters, or who purposely posts inflammatory and offensive comments for the purpose of discrediting the blog in question. " From the Urban Dictionary.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

" Every. Single. One."

In real time.

But hey, she didn't mean to have that server in her house, it just happened somehow. She didn't understand the rule of working in the government, it being her first time and all.

We now know that her selfishness, ego, entitlement, and stupidity facilitated a complete loss of the highest level of intelligence for years to our #1 enemy and competitor in the world.

Add those facts to also now known excellent results of the Trump Presidency for all of us, especially minorities and working people, and you would expect that Hillary would lose 50 states to Trump if the election was held today, but you would be wrong, as it likely wouldn't move many Hillary voters at all, because they are dummies.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

He’s already President Non Grata to half of America. He’ll end up a pariah to the world.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Althouse: Be careful, elite Trump haters. You're missing what you missed before. The people who feel shunned — who will never be royals or the American elite — the people your candidate called "deplorables" — they can hear you.”

There are many many many non elite Trump haters out there. We can hear you.

langford peel বলেছেন...

The President should counter program. He should throw a press conference while the funeral is going on. With a cocktail party afterward.

Every Never Trumper cuck would be there for the free drinks.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Qwinn said...
Well, since we're virtually guaranteed to pick up seats in the Senate in November, one might want to wait until then so that the amount of compromising with Democrats necessary would be minimized.

Unless you want maximum compromise with the Dems. In which case you lash out at Trump for not having passed it yet.

But that isn't what Trump promised. Trump didn't say, "I'll try to get some health care reform done, when we have more Senate votes..." And it isn't what Trump had, when he took office. Trump had a narrow majority of a couple of votes in the Senate. Trump and everybody else knew what Trump was up against. And Trump proceeded to make already-bad partisanship in Washington more toxic than ever. And not because Trump had any particularly clever legislative schemes; rather, it is just because he's congenital asshole.

So overall are you saying, "Just forget about health care reform, or any big bill, until Trumpist Republicans hold 60+ seats in the Senate..."? Is that it? How are you going to get to 60? Does that 60 include Ben Sasse, Lindsey Graham, Dean Heller, Susan Collins, and Cory Gardner?

Qwinn বলেছেন...

"But that isn't what Trump promised."

Trump specifically promised that he'd handle Obamacare before the 2018 midterms? Do tell. Citation needed.

Richard বলেছেন...

Oh, Bob Boyd at 8:41! Had to skip to the bottom right away to say, "Winner, winner, chicken dinner!".

Ralph L বলেছেন...

it likely wouldn't move many Hillary voters at all, because they are dummies.

Many of them will never hear about it.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Qwinn said...
I'm sorry, but the absurd fixation on the semantic difference between "repeal" and "replace" is complete and utter bullshit. There is no "big difference", there is arguably not even a small difference. If repealed, it would be automatically replaced by its absence, which might even (horrors!) more closely resemble a free market. I don't want Obamacare replaced by anything that even remotely resembles Obamacare. Trump promised to "replace" it? If he replaces it with a smoking crater where Chuck's tears salt the scorched earth for it never to arise again, promise kept. That you wanted "replace" to mean something else is utterly irrelevant and utterly unpersuasive as a defense against your bad faith.

Yeah; Trump didn't just promise "repeal" (which would legislatively require 60 Senate votes); Trump promised "replace." Trump promised a fantastically great replacement.

This is just an online .url, to a video file. As something so ephemeral, you'll just have to imagine me shoving it down your miserable throat:


Qwinn বলেছেন...

And for the record, yes, I've been saying to every single person complaining about things not getting passed yet, including you, for the past two years, on this very blog, that that is a good thing, because anything that passes before the midterms is likely to need to be watered down to the point of useless and won't likely get revisited later even if we have the numbers for a better deal.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Qwinn said...
"But that isn't what Trump promised."

Trump specifically promised that he'd handle Obamacare before the 2018 midterms? Do tell. Citation needed.


In the video link that I just provided to you.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Qwinn said...
And for the record, yes, I've been saying to every single person complaining about things not getting passed yet, including you, for the past two years, on this very blog, that that is a good thing, because anything that passes before the midterms is likely to need to be watered down to the point of useless and won't likely get revisited later even if we have the numbers for a better deal.

See, I think health care reform is hard. It is not, as Trump proclaimed, "easy." Laughably, President Trump later contradicted Candidate Trump in the most embarrassingly clueless way imaginable when he said, "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated." Basically everyone who had ever worked on it knew that. The only person who didn't know was Trump, who had never lifted a finger to understand, much less reform, the infinite complexities of health care.


langford peel বলেছেন...

How much is all of this gonna cost? Who is paying for it?

I recently had to pay for a funeral and it was $17,000 and that was no frills.

All of this bullshit must cost millions.

I suggest that Congress spend the same amount on a Military parade to honor the men and woman who are serving today

And didn't get captured.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Well, Chuck, within the limits of what he could do with Obama's famous "pen and phone," Trump has come through on his promise. To the extent that Republican Representatives and Senators could not accept his leadership, he has yet to deliver. That obstreperousness cost Flake and Corker their careers, and probably my local Congress Critter (who, like McCain, ran against Obamacare in 2016 but then voted against AHCA).

Now kindly toddle along; grown-ups have work to do.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Inga: "There are many many many non elite Trump haters out there. We can hear you".

I think you are hearing voices, Inga.

There are some good anti-psychotics on the market these days - no more drooling and tardive dyskinesia.

However, they don't do much to alleviate TDS.

Qwinn বলেছেন...


And he tried. He probably thought he'd succeed too. He very reasonably could've thought he had the votes, based on Senatorial campaign promises.

But it turned out one of those Senators broke his promise. That would be John McCain.

And in your telling, that is 100% Trump's fault, and 0% McCain's fault.

Which is why you have zero credibility.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

The Hive takes care of its own. Mr. C. K. avoided committing the unforgiveable sin: saying something positive about Trump.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...
Well, Chuck, within the limits of what he could do with Obama's famous "pen and phone," Trump has come through on his promise. To the extent that Republican Representatives and Senators could not accept his leadership, he has yet to deliver. That obstreperousness cost Flake and Corker their careers, and probably my local Congress Critter (who, like McCain, ran against Obamacare in 2016 but then voted against AHCA).

Now kindly toddle along; grown-ups have work to do

No I get that part perfectly well. Trump is going to do the sub-legislative executive branch stuff, to vandalize Obamacare. No major deals; just vandalism.

But Trump's not getting any big "deals" because Trump doesn't know how to do it, and he doesn't have a serious proposal even if he did know how to do it.

A true repeal-and-replace of Obamacare will require 60 Senate votes.

And now, after a couple of years of Trump, we might end up with a Democratic House and a Senate so narrowly and harshly divided, that no one will be able to anything. Maybe impeachment. They might get supermajorities on that.

Drago বলেছেন...

Chuck, nothing you write will ever change anyone's mind.


You will have to content yourself with the knowledge that the lefties absolutely adore you for all the obvious reasons.

I congratulate you on finding so many like-minded buddies on the left.

You and Bill Kristol and all the rest of the democrat enablers can rest easy knowing your new pals secretly despise you while the entire republican base openly despise you.

And that is cosmic justice.

Enjoy the time you have to cuddle with your Dick Durbin blow up doll. You were made for each other!


Drago বলেছেন...

LLR & #Dick DurbinCuckholster Chuck: "But Trump's not getting any big "deals" because Trump doesn't know how to do it, and he doesn't have a serious proposal even if he did know how to do it."


Says the moron who told us that Trump would lose in a landslide, Trump could never grow the economy, and the hoax dossier was a real thing!!

You Chuck are so very very laughably pathetic.

Such a small small dude....

Mucroscopic actually. And your efforts to boost the dems are actually backfiring. As they should.

Drago বলেছেন...

"David Mamet had a famous saying, essentially: …‘in order for genuine democrats to continue their illogical belief systems they have to pretend not to know a lot of things’… "

So very very true.

And it applies double to LLR's....

Big Mike বলেছেন...

But Trump's not getting any big "deals" because Trump doesn't know how to do it, and he doesn't have a serious proposal even if he did know how to do it.

Trump doesn’t know how to do a big deal? Did you miss the new NAFTA agreement? And new, better, trade deals with China? He wrote the book on big deals, you fool.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...
But Trump's not getting any big "deals" because Trump doesn't know how to do it, and he doesn't have a serious proposal even if he did know how to do it.

Trump doesn’t know how to do a big deal? Did you miss the new NAFTA agreement? And new, better, trade deals with China? He wrote the book on big deals, you fool.

There is no new trade deal with China.

There is no "new NAFTA." We have a proposed trade deal with Mexico, which seems to tweak a few existing arrangements that will marginally up the required US/Mexico content for new vehicles assembled in both countries. It marginally boosts Mexican labor costs in some sectors, which will supposedly lower the incentive to move US jobs to Mexico. These are tiny tweaks. They will result in slightly less import of car parts from China to both the US and Mexico, and slightly higher new car prices for American buyers.

There is no deal yet with the U.S.'s biggest trading partner, Canada. Where we have no excuse for a trade war, insofar as Canadian workers are well paid and their environmental standards are high. And here we are in a trade war with them. As I have said before, every time that Trump starts fucking around with these longstanding arrangements, it screws up the U.S. auto manufacturers who have complicated arrangements with Canada wherein major assemblies like engines and chassis are being shipped to and from our borders for final assembly in Canada and the U.S. alike.

Vance বলেছেন...

Chuck's the kind of guy who, if the Democrats proposed "Let's execute every Christian and Jew and implement Sharia Law across the US!" would complain about Trump saying "Hell no!" instead of announcing a compromise of "Only the Baptists and Lutherans will be executed and we'll put 6 Iranian Ayatollah's on the Supreme Court! You may all praise me for saving the Jews and Catholics! Now I have to negotiate the next demand for unilateral surrender from China... maybe we can get away with just giving up Texas and the upper Midwest!" Chuck would be in tears, praising his dream president for his negotiating skills.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chuck wrote (9:06am): "I don't know about you -- you may have different terminology -- but I think Trump is a draft dodger because of his phony 'heel spurs' claim."

I'm curious as to how a claim of bone spurs could work if it were phony. I just looked them up on a couple of medical sites, and found that bone spurs (heel or otherwise) are made of actual bone, and are clearly visible on X-rays. Anyone who went in to the draft board and claimed to have them, or brought a note from a crooked doctor claiming he had them, could be easily disproven. Is there any evidence that Trump did that? If so, why wasn't he caught? Someone needs to either put up or shut up.

By the way, they're most commonly found among serious athletes and people who do a lot of standing all day.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

"David Mamet had a famous saying..."

I went to school with Dave Mamet. Like me, he used to be a leftist but saw the light. Our school was and is liberal-left, but we still got an excellent education.

Dave was a senior and a big brother to our eighth grade class. You could tell then that he was different. He was a unique character who didn't try to be popular, but was. He was an upper middle class Jewish kid who presented as a rough hewn Chicago working class guy. I was a Chicago working class kid who (per the norm) tried to appear sophisticated.

I was extremely heartened when he came out of the closet as conservative. Most of our classmates are likely disgusted.

Doug বলেছেন...

McCain Is a funeral you WANT to be disunited from.

Drago বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...

Big Mike: "Trump doesn’t know how to do a big deal? Did you miss the new NAFTA agreement?"

LLR Chuck is a little fellow in Michigan who couldnt be bothered to understand what was happening in his own state so he defaults to whatever his buddies on MSNBC are saying and thats why he is always wrong. Perhaps even stupid some might say, and who am I to argue the converse?

LLR Chuck is literally arguing that the deals that are ocurring before his very lefty-lovin' eyes are not happening.

"Why?" You might ask?

Because LLR Chuck's little democrat lovlies need the reality to be different. And Chuckie is always "at the ready" to support his lefty pals...in the most "#TruCon" and "republican-y" way, naturally!!! (Wink wink)

Michael K বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Michael K বলেছেন...

And then there is the obscene stuff about McCain not being a hero because he was captured, something trump has been spouting for almost twenty years.

Steve, I know you are a bit slow but have ever noticed what the Hillary and Obama people ere saying about McCain in 2008 ?

1. " retired general and Barack Obama supporter Wesley Clark said he didn't think that McCain’s service as a fighter pilot and prisoner of war was relevant to running the country. Obama has consistently praised McCain's service, and called him "a genuine American hero."

2. "Obama’s been doing this all along; Surrogates end up saying the smears and other trash talk the campaign needs to spread, and when things get too hot because of what gets said, Obama simply tosses the speaker under the bus, and claims he’s running a ‘clean campaign’, and he’s shocked…. shocked… that any of his people would come up with such a comment."

3. "
On Sunday's Face the Nation, Obama supporter retired Gen. Wesley Clark, remarkably, went there: "I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president."

4. "In April, Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia denounced McCain as insensitive -- pointing, as evidence, to his military service. "McCain was a fighter pilot who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet," Rockefeller told the Charleston Gazette. "He was long gone when they hit. What happened when they get to the ground? He doesn't know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues."

5. "Why won't you release your military records, John McCain?

Do you have something to hide? It seems that as heavily as you're leaning on your military experience in this campaign, the public would have a right to examine your record.

So why the steadfast refusal to let us see? Are you afraid there's something there that would reflect poorly on you? Was any part of your service less than honorable? Or were your records simply lost in a fire at some point? I understand that often happens to veterans who later run for office as republicans.

At any rate, if you refuse to release your records I have no choice but to assume there is something pretty bad in there. Surely that's a misconception you are eager to correct, right? Right?"

Shall I go on ?

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR Chuck is, and always shall be, every dem/lefties bestest buddy and "port in a storm".

Regardless of issue.

Regardless of scenario.

Always and forever.

wholelottasplainin বলেছেন...

When McCain was nominated for POTUS, Michelle Malkin registered her disgust by offering a "We're Screwed--2008" T- shirt on her website.

I still wear mine around the house and as a sleep shirt.

Gawd what a sanctimonious fraud that man was. Dining out on his "heroism" all these years.

Giving a reach-around to every across-the-aisle liberal he could..

He and his buddy Ted Kennedy will have a hot time together...

roesch/voltaire বলেছেন...

I wonder how those deplorables will feel when they discover they will have a hard time paying back student loans for the for profit universities that have ripped them off

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

"you'll just have to imagine me shoving it down your miserable throat:"

This is about the 50th time that our resident Lifelong Incel has fantasized about shoving things down another man's throat. Jesus Christ Chuck, just come out of the fucking closet already. Between this and the only one area where you take seriously pretending to be a conservative with the Obergefell sperging out you do, its getting hard to ignore.

Trump is okay with gay people, and gay marriage, unlike your lord and savior Barry Three Putt.

Chuck's here, hes queer, he has violent gay rapist fantasies, get over it.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
I wonder how those deplorables will feel when they discover they will have a hard time paying back student loans for the for profit universities that have ripped them off

How about the non-profit universities that ripped them off?

Michael K বলেছেন...

Chuck's here, hes queer, he has violent gay rapist fantasies, get over it.

Chuck may have been around too many transgenders and is wavering.

Matt বলেছেন...

If death was the only thing that was gonna get McCain's ancient ass out of Congress, then I'm glad it finally came.

Same for Pelosi, Feinstein, Hatch and every other jackass that's way past their expiration date. May the Grim Reaper come for them all sooner than later.

And perhaps he can make a detour for Harry Reid, too.

Pookie Number 2 বলেছেন...

Chuck may have been around too many transgenders and is wavering.

I doubt they want him.

Vance বলেছেন...

Hatch at least is checking out while still alive. Maybe barely alive, but still alive. And at least he has gone out attacking the Democrats over their anti-american stuff they are pulling, and not proudly siding with them like McCain.

CWJ বলেছেন...

"I wonder how those deplorables will feel when they discover they will have a hard time paying back student loans for the for profit universities that have ripped them off."

My God! You are an idiot. And I think that's the first time I've ever said that on this blog. You actually claim to teach people at college level, and say that for-profit schools are ripping them off? OK, R/V, it's time to put up or shut up. What do you teach? What is the student loan payback for your erudition?

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

The three year graduation rate at the local 2 year public community college is 24%. It sounds worse than it is -- a lot of CC students are only marginally attached to idea of getting a degree, even a two year degree in nursing or something in construction. If a student finds a job that pays decently, they quit school. If they become pregnant they quit school. If they land a boyfriend with a good job they quit school. They don't wash out because they are stupid. At the local CC, 2/3 of the students are female.
The state does what it can to encourage the community college students to finish school and get an associates degree. If they graduate, they automatically qualify for acceptance into the state four-year university system.

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