"'We really only remember a few hundred people, if that many, out of the billions that have ever lived,' he told me at his house in a gated community in Parkland, ten days after the shooting. 'Is that what I was destined to become?'... 'It’s so funny,' says Delaney Tarr, Hogg’s good friend and a founding member of the #NeverAgain crew. 'The way David tweets is legitimately the way he is in person. If he has an opinion, he’s not going to silence it for a moment.' Unlike many of his peers, Hogg appears not to care much what people think about him. He’s been bullied before: 'I’m easy to pick on because I’m a string bean,' he says. 'I’ve had this shit said about me my entire life' — not death threats, but 'twig arms and shit like that. I don’t care.'... [H]e is dyslexic. He didn’t learn to read until the fourth grade and recalls teachers 'telling my parents I would amount to nothing, like I was some kind of broken toy.' He found a way to process their skepticism. 'They taught me not to give a shit about what other people think — all that matters is what you think.'... At 16, Hogg started waking at 3 a.m. to meditate, not with a guru or through an app but following the tenets of Metta meditation. 'I sat there in my room very creepily in the dark,' he says. 'I would hold on to this rock that I got in California the last time I was out there, when I was hiking with my best friend. You could tell it used to be really rough, but because it was in the ocean so much it was really smooth and soft. It fit perfectly in the palm of my hand, and then I would just hold that and try to focus. It’s really focusing on loving anyone, including those you hate.'"
From "David Hogg, After Parkland Furious and unflinching, an NRA enemy, an accused “crisis actor,” and a high-school grad trying to figure out what’s next" (New York Magazine).
১১৯টি মন্তব্য:
A bit more prosaic and he wouldn't be taking trips to New Zealand to chill--er commiserate--but imagine if he'd actually used this kind of latent rage to take a blowtorch to the school board and sheriff's dep't who were actually responsible
Yeah, I think I will start taking Social Security as soon as possible at age 62.
These kids are not going to be contributing members of society any time soon.
Wow. Talk about delusions of granduer.
"and a founding member of the #NeverAgain crew"
The NeverAgain imagined by Hogg et alia is one of big and bigger government with all subjects (who earlier in other times had been citizens) fully disarmed, the very conditions which will allow Again to happen Again and Again.
Not just another face in the crowd...or is he?
Anagrams for: david hogg
"No anagrams found."
I bet he doesn't cast a shadow, either.
I understand why your not using this tag, but "civility bullshit" is usually in my mind when I hear about David Hogg.
take a blowtorch to the school board and sheriff's dep't who were actually responsible
Yes. They were aware of the hostile climate for years, avoided a remedy during its evolution, declined to offer aid at its climax, and were responsible for its progress and aftermath.
If you have a high IQ, you know pretty darn well what you field you want to major in when you enter college. Mr Hoggs doesn't fall into that category.
The gun should be tried as a co-defendant with the possibility of capital punishment. #TheGunToo
I agree with Leland.
Writer Lisa Miller has inserted herself completely into the story. This is a classic example of poor journalism that passes muster too often these days. "Advocacy journalism"
"Hogg discovered in himself a powerful drive not to leave this Earth without making a mark. 'We really only remember a few hundred people, if that many, out of the billions that have ever lived,' he told me at his house in a gated community in Parkland, ten days after the shooting. 'Is that what I was destined to become?" . . . Unlike many of his peers, Hogg appears not to care much what people think about him."
So, he doesn't care what people think but he does want to be remembered?
'telling my parents I would amount to nothing"
I call BS.
"It’s really focusing on loving anyone, including those you hate.'"
I guess the meditation failed miserably.
"'They taught me not to give a shit about what other people think — all that matters is what you think.'... At 16, Hogg started waking at 3 a.m. to meditate, not with a guru or through an app but following the tenets of Metta meditation."
People’s egos get bigger after meditation and yoga, says a new study
#NeverAgain refers to disarming people, diversity (e.g. Jew Privilege), and abortion chambers where life deemed unworthy ended under a veil of privacy.
Males seem to need to make their mark. I know my dog Bucky made his mark about every 15 feet while out on 'walkies'. It's a guy thing.
"...recalls teachers 'telling my parents I would amount to nothing, like I was some kind of broken toy."
Did not happen.
"Hogg discovered in himself a powerful drive not to leave this Earth without making a mark."
I have a suggestion David. Skydive with no chute.
I think the evidence is clear in Boss Hogg: Meditation DOESN'T make you a calmer person: Buddhist practice leaves people just as aggressive and prejudiced, reveals study
What's next? LSD, I think. Turn on, tune in, drop out.
If you want to read something about kids making a difference, read this:
For the next kid that’s about to enter into my shoes.’ An oral history of the Jimmy Fund Radio-Telethon
[Ben] Finer (on the 2009 radio-telethon): “The only reason I’m worried about dying is that, I just, it would hit my family so hard and everyone that I know. I don’t think they could take it. I don’t really care what happens to me, but if I’m gone, my family would go straight down the hill.”
Finer was one of the kids that survived. There's a lot who didn't.
I served with a Marine named Hogg. He sported a Mohawk and drove a '68 Chevelle SS that he painted in camouflage. He was a crazy MoFo without being an asshole.
Taking rocks from California is a slap in Gaia's face.
Serenity NOW. Insanity later.
RE: "It’s really focusing on loving anyone, including those you hate.'" -- David Hogg, self-described enemy of the NRA
North Carolina kids fatally shoot man abusing their mother, police say
Rights, responsibilities, and self-defense.
Hogg's white privilege rubs me the wrong way.
I want to hear more about his soft rock.
He could plant his flag in a fertile hole and name his mark "Eve" or "Adam" like humans do.
So unoriginal.
Red Guards Never change.
...trying to figure out what’s next.
I'm guessing gay porn. Wouldn't even need to change his name.
Hogg - "'We really only remember a few hundred people, if that many, out of the billions that have ever lived,' he told me at his house in a gated community in Parkland, ten days after the shooting. 'Is that what I was destined to become?
Lisa Miller - Hogg appears not to care much what people think about him.
He tells her he cares so much about what people think he's dedicating his life to being remembered. Then she writes whatever she thinks will be most effective in protecting his public self even though it completely contradicts his commentary.
Mainstream media in action.
He's already left a skidmark.
He's free to leave at any time.
A mind still brimming with inexperience, as Lautreamont put it.
For those interested in actual research on meditation they might consult Richard Davidson's work at the Center for Healthy Minds where among the many types of research his group is also working with ways of reducing post traumatic stress disorder through breathing and meditation. Here is a recent cite you might be interested in reading compassion and meditation which Hogg seems to have discovered on his own.
There are no atheists in antholes.
Well he might be remembered by some people for his foul language and his stupid remarks. His parents must be real proud of him because he clearly shows the world their influence on his upbringing. He yells and screams but who is paying attention to him? He turns off people with his attitude and remarks. He is not a very bright kid but he evidently believes himself to be a someone to be reckoned with.
Children should be seen and not heard. We can probably do without seeing him, either.
What a pretentious tool. The problem is that most of us are pretentious tools at 18 years of age, but this particular putz has been given a megaphone by the news media and anointed as the next coming of well... something.
Unfortunately, he's not smart enough to disbelieve his own bullshit.
The liberals are taking advantage of his immaturity as surely as Clinton took advantage of Monica Lewinsky.
Please, please Democrats, don't make David Hogg your spokesperson!!!
/Br'er GOP
Gun control is the punishment of the law abiding and innocent by a cowardly, incompetent, and grossly stupid government supported by an equally asinine public. Kiss my ass and bugger off snowflake before someone hurts you.
Crack says: I think the evidence is clear in Boss Hogg: Meditation DOESN'T make you a calmer person: Buddhist practice leaves people just as aggressive and prejudiced, reveals study
All one needs to to is read some histories of feudal Japan, as I recently did, to verify this point.
In a way, I can somewhat understand his displeasure with the NRA. I don't agree with his views on the NRA but I can sort of understand it.
The thing that completely discredits this young man is that he seems to be of the opinion that the Broward County Sheriff's Office, the high school, and the school district are not at fault. That is a big WTF for me and makes all the stuff this young man is tweeting and saying just a bunch of bullshit with very little interest in solving this problem.
"...recalls teachers 'telling my parents I would amount to nothing, like I was some kind of broken toy."
This is pure bullshit.
So of course he wanted to make his mark advancing statism instead of liberty. Heil Hogg!
Sometimes, teachers are right.
Maybe he should spend the next 10 years or so growing up a bit, learning some things, taking on some responsibilities and discharging them well--in sum, become someone who may have something to say.
In the meantime he is really just an arrogant little puke being manipulated by people with political agendas and the big bullhorn. Unfortunately for Hogg, he has fallen into a bad crowd when too young to understand how he is being used, and at an age where he thinks he actually has answers.
Mark Twain: “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” In the current age of delayed maturity, add about 5 years.
Hogg ought to be not even a blip on the radar screen, but he's being enabled and exploited (and damaged) by a media with a big agenda.
I'm glad he now has his raison d'être, at least for a while, otherwise I would be concerned that he has the same mental issues that causes young white boys to get guns and kill people.
"From Front Holes to Foxholes", the eclectic topics of The Althouse Blog
David Hogg most likely will end up as too obscure for trivia games.
Typical empty-headed progressive douchebag.
All one needs to to is read some histories of feudal Japan, as I recently did, to verify this point.
Ah, but what is your control group?
Buddhism, like every other religion, has a long history of getting wrapped into power structures. It can make for interesting reading, but it's about as valid as verifying the value of Christianity by reading about the Renaissance Popes.
Religious practice is transformational only to the extent that it is individual.
Dreams at 2:52 PM - Didn't Bill Clinton smoke Hogg cigars? Someone call Monica, she'd know!
Don't care, don't care, don't care.
Whatever happened to Cindy Sheehan?
Hogg reminds me of my brother. Like Hogg, my brother is dyslexic and was mistreated in school. Also, like Hogg, as a youth my brother was at times filled with rage to which he too often gave voice. And, like Hogg, at 18, he was too inexperienced to offer much in the way of useful advice on matters of public policy.
Unlike Hogg, people with powerful connections to the national media weren't interested in using my brother as a tool for to advance their own agenda. Finally, unlike Hogg, my brother, even at 18, had enough street smarts and integrity to have prevented himself from being used in this manner.
"Wow. Talk about delusions of granduer."
Well, one has to have a "delusion" of one's own grandeur in order to develop and maintain the drive, focus, and strength of will to actually achieve anything grand.
A person fully conscious of his or her limitations will not usually exceed them.
"Like so many young men in so many foxholes before him..."
Except that he never was in a foxhole, which makes the article so much bullshit.
He’s still a kid basically. Very self centered for 18. I agree with Crack that meditation is not a release of ego but a focus on ego. Most of us just watch sports to escape. Much more effective.
Maybe Hogg will figure it out. Meanwhile adults will still use him for their own purposes and feeding his ego to keep him in the game. He needs to get away from this stuff.
I'm not sure which article is more emetic, this one or yesterday's about Obama's reading list.
Whatever happened to Cindy Sheehan?
Roseanne ran for President with Sheehan as her VP.
If that couldn't save her, nothing could.
It sounds like he's having fun. He may well run for Congress at 25. If so, it will be interesting to see what his platform looks like.
"If you have a high IQ, you know pretty darn well what you field you want to major in when you enter college."
Do you really think so? Having a high I.Q. does not necessarily equip you with commensurate certainty as to how or where to apply oneself. Haven't you met any high I.Q. wastrels?
"Very self centered for 18."
All people are self-centered, but usually never more so than at age 18 and thereabouts.
An enlistment in the Marines might teach him something about being less self centered. He'd probably bulk up a bit too.
David Hogg is a Utopian and he will go the way of all Utopians.
Hogg needs to get his ass to New Mexico ASAP! Word on the street is that's where they're training school shooters. Why isn't he all over that? Did he even remark on it?
“Foxhole”? He wasn’t in a foxhole.
A person fully conscious of his or her limitations will not usually exceed them.
The ignorant are a reservoir of daring --Eric Hoffer
Then there's Lars Anderson, former Red Sox top prospect, now a very good baseball writer:
I remember being embarrassed about success. When I was 12, we had a track and field competition with neighboring schools. I won each competition I was in and was so self-conscious carrying around my medals that I asked my mom to hide them in her bag for me.
Now, you might be thinking to yourself, “Why is that a bad thing?” Unfortunately, the great players are not modest. They, almost uniformly, think they’re the best players on planet Earth. It would take an act of God or an 0-for-43 slump to make them even consider the alternative.
Just to be clear: Hogg was never shot at at Parkland. He was in a different building.
This young person has grabbed the mic with both hands and he doesn't want to give it up at all, ever. He has a limited vocabulary and an inflated sense of his own importance. Maybe he can find some group of voters someday who will put him in a position to boss around others, but that will be a sad day for America.
He deserves to sink into well-merited obscurity.
TFG is not going into military service.
"...recalls parents 'telling my teachers I would amount to nothing, like I was some kind of broken toy."
Kids dyslexic, mixed up his words
You guys say he wasn't in a foxhole, but you weren't there man. He was at Parkland, well sort of... He was there, in another building, left, went home got a camera, came back, and it was all over except for the aftermath. That's sort of like being in a foxhole and keeping your head down. Everyone around him was fighting for their lives, but he kept his head down. Now he's left to tell the story of his heroism of survival.
It would be nice if his actual story of how he survived was told more often. And then the media met with families who actually suffered a loss, like Alaina Petty's family.
"The way David tweets is legitimately the way he is in person."
So he really is an arrogant obnoxious egomaniac who is climbing over the bodies of his classmates for his own self-aggrandizement.
"If he has an opinion, he’s not going to silence it for a moment."
Lord knows, we need more people like this. Not.
3am? How many hrs of sleep is this teenager getting?
I have been circling around this because I think Hogg is not worth much effort. However I get irritated about the parallel with those who have actually been in a foxhole and know that there are no atheists there. If I understand correctly Hogg was somewhere out on the playing fields of the school while the local police were refusing to do their job. One would think that he stood his ground and threw chalk and erasers at the shooter rather than evacuated to where he could hear the shots.
"Religious practice is transformational only to the extent that it is individual"
Spoken like a true modern Westerner.
Supposedly he was pulled into a closet by a staff member during the shooting...seeing news updates via phone. Yes, it turns out it was in a different building. He's a kid who it seems went through a very atypical and frightening situation..and yeah, is obnoxiously turning it into an overreaching mission. But quibbling over the foxhole characterization seems lame considering the genuine fear that was likely involved.
Yeah I’ve been shot at by gang bangers in SoCal. But I wouldn’t ever liken it to being in a foxhole.
Sheesh! I thought Hogg had used up his two weeks of celebrity and disappeared from public view. Isn't everything Omarosa now? If he wants to prove his teachers' alleged prediction that he's headed for a life of failure, he's going about it in the right way.
You can't blame them, Mike. After the horrors you've unleashed?
Spoken like a true modern Westerner.
LOL. And here I thought we were talking about sociology.
@walter -- quibbling over the foxhole characterization seems lame considering the genuine fear that was likely involved
Totally agree.
A sad case. Future in doubt after his noteriety e vaporates. His invitations will dwindle down to small groups of like minded SJWs. Then it will be over. Perhaps his college instructors will give him a lift and he can write the same essay over and over in each of the SJW courses he enrolled in. B+ in Warriorship then ....
I'll wait for the movie
Social Justice is the new religion.
Hogg is Jesus
meanwhile the fact, that the school screwed up every conceivable to prevent transferring or treating the shooter, that goes down the memory hole,
A person fully conscious of his or her limitations will not usually exceed them.
And what do we make of someone who constantly follows him around telling him his faults?
SGT Ted said...
"Like so many young men in so many foxholes before him..."
Except that he never was in a foxhole, which makes the article so much bullshit.
If we stipulate, for the sake of argument, that being in a school shooting is like combat...
Hogg would be, At Most; a Rear Echelon Mother Fucker
NO ONE Shot at him
NO SHOOTING took place near him.
He was in the same theater of operations, i guess.... IF we stipulate
“I have a suggestion David. Skydive with no chute.”
Funny you should mention that. From Twitter:
Luke Aikins, the first person to jump out of an airplane without a parachute from a 25,000 feet. Aikins eventually lands in a net. The daring stunt is now in The Guinness Book Of World Records as the first complete planned jump from an airplane without a parachute. pic.twitter.com/FVB23Z6c50
”I have a suggestion David. Skydive with no chute.”
THAT’s gonna leave a mark.
@Kirk -- I can see the confusion. I was responding directly to MockTurtle on the conflation front, but also in my mind was Crack's popular press links to various sociological studies on meditation. The problem with the sociological studies is that they a) they are pointed at non-secular applications of meditation and yoga, not actual religious practice and b) their findings are statistical, not individual.
I had to laugh, because your response very ably put me in the Westernist camp that I was critiquing.
Without going into detail, I was in a mass shooting, about 75 feet from where the shooter began his spree. Multiple people were killed and some very close by. It was a horrible day I don't care to revisit. THt's all I have to say about that.
THe aftermath was awful. The media descended only on the people with the loudest opinions who demanded gun control. They were the first ones to run to the cameras. While they credibly referred to themselves as "survivors" since they were in the general vicinity, the truth is the loudest ones were opportunists who were never in any real danger. The "memorial service" was attended mostly by activists, politicians, and the same people the media promoted. Most attended because they wanted to be seen. We did not attend because we did not want any part that narcissistic display. It was th right call.
The people who truly "survived" because they were under fire do not speak about it, confirming my father's (who is a combat veteran) statement that soldiers in foxholes and in firefights never, ever talk about it but bullshit artists do. Hogg is no different. There are voices who were there that day and in real danger who do not agree but you never hear from them. They do not want to talk about it and the media is not interested in anything that contradicts their preferred narrative. I know. I was there.
Apparently being called twig arms has scared the boy for life.
I recommend he quit meditating and do a few curls with that rock. After a few weeks get a bigger rock and repeat.
Religious practice is transformational only to the extent that it is individual.
I wish people would get this critical truth.
Faith is individual. You and your God. Until you get that, you will forever be lost spiritually.
"The people who truly "survived" because they were under fire do not speak about it, confirming my father's (who is a combat veteran) statement that soldiers in foxholes and in firefights never, ever talk about it but bullshit artists do. Hogg is no different. There are voices who were there that day and in real danger who do not agree but you never hear from them. They do not want to talk about it and the media is not interested in anything that contradicts their preferred narrative. I know. I was there."
Nicely stated Cronus.
Mr Hogg was NOT in a "Fox hole".
He wasn't fighting in Iraq or Vietnam.
Look, Mr. Hogg is a left-wing media star. He's set for life, given the number of Left-wing billionaires and dumbshit Hollywood starlets.
OK with me. But don't compare him to real Marines and GI's - heroes - who actually were in real-life "Foxholes".
BTW, its already fading from memory.
But was Mr. Hogg a hero, who saved lives, on that day? Or was he just a little kid with a big mouth?
Ah, from reading the other comments, it seems Mr. Hogg really wasn't in a metaphorical Fox-hole, but more of a supply clerk, behind the lines, who heard some mortar rounds hit nearby and was very upset about the whole thing.
Kyle Kushev who also attends Parkland and who was actually in the building where the shooting took place remains invisible despite working hard to lobby for changes in Florida and Federal law to increase school safety instad of wasting time on demonstrations and coalitions with questionable leftist causes. David Hogg is supporting the school board incumbents in the current election Broward County despite their clear negligence in their dealings with the school shooter and their inability to make any improvements in school security in the last six months. If you live in Broward County, please vote by August 28th to turn the incompetent current board out. Two of the insurgent candidates had children killed last February 14 and they support a third insurgent candidates.
Like so many young men in so many foxholes before him, Hogg discovered in himself a powerful drive not to leave this Earth without making a mark.
To me, this sentence is an obscenity.
To me, this sentence is an obscenity.
The subject is an obscenity.
'The way David tweets is legitimately the way he is in person. If he has an opinion, he’s not going to silence it for a moment.'
Yes... a wise man knows when to keep his mouth shut. A fool never does.
He could have kept his mouth shut and be thought a fool, instead he opens it and everyone now sees he is one.
Aren’t young men who are put into foxholes given guns?
"We really only remember a few hundred people, if that many, out of the billions that have ever lived."
Ignorant and proud of it. At a conservative guess, I bet I could identify at least 10,000 deceased historical figures. Starting with Ötzi.
Terrible to use a military analogy v.v Hogg. He's a punk, not a soldier. The young leftists I knew in high school did not prosper. The vets did.
Terrible to use a military analogy v.v Hogg. He's a punk, not a soldier.
My thought exactly.
He swears a lot publicly for a teenager, maybe he's trying to act older and tougher than he is. Being around so many Democrat party members and prog pedophiles must be awful stressful for a teenage boy. He'd probably be safer in a Catholic Church.
I'd rip the guns out of cruel hunters hands and beat them over the head with them. I'd pistol-whip those hard-hearted killers into submission. I'd show them no mercy.
@Trumpit, try it sometime.
"I'd rip the guns out of cruel hunters hands and beat them over the head with them. I'd pistol-whip those hard-hearted killers into submission. I'd show them no mercy."
You would do no such thing, you pathetic little impotent twat. Much like that jizz guzzling twig armed little poof Hogg, you will run your cunt mouth on social media and that is it.
Anagram from david hogg:
god hid vag
"I'd rip the guns out of cruel hunters hands and beat them over the head with them. I'd pistol-whip those hard-hearted killers into submission. I'd show them no mercy."
Behold the modern enlightened and evolved "liberal."
Leland wrote: "You guys say he wasn't in a foxhole, but you weren't there man. He was at Parkland, well sort of... He was there, in another building, left, went home got a camera, came back, and it was all over except for the aftermath. That's sort of like being in a foxhole and keeping your head down. Everyone around him was fighting for their lives, but he kept his head down. Now he's left to tell the story of his heroism of survival."
Hogg is the Sergeant York of stupid "liberals." And still holder of the title, "Most Punchable Face in the US."
He needs to get out of the MSM spotlight and give us a break from his chronic bullshitery.
He is young and thinks he knows alot when in actuality he is young and knows next-to-nothing about the world and how it works.
He is a demagogic to a certain minority and gets more press than he deserves, sad, really, that the media in this country has sunk so low.
And still holder of the title, "Most Punchable Face in the US."
Comey, by a mile.
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