For 34 days, investigators searched for 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts. Yesterday, an illegal alien, now charged with first-degree murder, led police to the cornfield where her body was found.— The White House (@WhiteHouse) August 22, 2018
The Tibbetts family has been permanently separated. They are not alone.
Demagogue, OED:
1. In ancient times, a leader of the people; a popular leader or orator who espoused the cause of the people against any other party in the state....
2. In bad sense: A leader of a popular faction, or of the mob; a political agitator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of the mob in order to obtain power or further his own interests; an unprincipled or factious popular orator.
৩৩১টি মন্তব্য:
«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন 331 এর 201 – থেকে 331Blogger Qwinn said...”And both Cook and all his fellow leftists who fight to keep sanctuary cities going and give illegals safe harbor here are in fact the ones doing their level best to make sure that Hispanics who are here legally, like me (as a born citizen) and some family members (naturalized), become a minority of the Hispanics in this country, thus creating exactly the perception that "all hispanics are illegals" that he claims to be so worried about.”
Чикелит said...
“I use sea salt in the kitchen, because it has a larger grain and does not have iodine in it, thus improving the taste and mouth feel of the food. So?”
I know - I've heard it all - and they do yoga for exercise. Even if yoga isn't exercise. So now, if yoga isn't exercise - and enlarges the ego as studies show, instead of the opposite, as NewAgers also say - you've got the problem of a spiritual practice that produces egotistical liars.
And we do just happen to have a problem with an epidemic of them nowadays, I hear. Just as yoga studios have flourished for the last few years. Amazing.
If only someone would pay attention to these things,....
No one can out-demagogue the Demogogue Party, but Trump is giving it a good try.
I'm not saying this video was a great idea or that it isn't "demogoguery" or whatever, but if this video somehow results in all sorts of incindents of violence against hispanics perpetrated by whites I'll honestly be surprised.
The commie-pinko lefties have had a monopoly on the demagoguery for awhile now.
"In a speech that October (1995) to a Blue Cross/Blue Shield conference Gingrich said he held to the belief that the federal bureaucracy overseeing Medicare--then the Health Care Financing Administration, now the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services--would “wither on the vine because we think people are voluntarily going to leave” Medicare once market-based alternatives were made available ......
Democrats, taking the “wither on the vine” comment out of context, started an editorial and advocacy campaign alleging that it was Medicare itself--not the federal bureaucracy behind it--that Gingrich was saying should be allowed to die a slow and neglectful death."
(US News)
my mom was born in Brooklyn Iowa (where Mollie Tibbets was from), my grandparents are buried there and our century farm is 7 miles away: So this story hits close to home.
(i have cousins still live in town)
I'm assuming that the illegal alien was working on a hog confinement farm. As many here have mentioned, grain farming isn't very labor intensive; neither is raising hogs, but it is more so. Mostly, labor on iowa farms is truck driving or tractor driving.
Our illegals usually work in the slaughter houses.
Brooklyn is one mile from Interstate 80. When i 1st heard that Mollie was missing, i assumed that it was a truck driver that took her.
However, i believe the Standard Line on the left is: If it can prevent ONE death, it's worth it. If this is true for Anything, it should be true for illegal immigration
Does it mean I'm making it up? It must, the way you guys talk. Your every word is an attempt to minimize the idea they exist.
Everyone knows there is a New Age movement. Has been for decades. They didn't call it that then but Madame Blavatsky was a leader of it way back in the mid 1800s. Alistair Crowley was also a leader in later years. Its just that most people don't believe that it is the existential threat that you do, and quite frankly you aren't a very effective proponent of your believes. You come off as abrasive and dismissive. Calling people who are not yet as enlightened as you stupid is not going to draw them to your side. If you think New Age practitioners are getting away with murder then you should present evidence. Otherwise you come off as a conspiracy theorist.
Ron Winkleheimer said...
That's kind of what is happening now.
And when the working class complains about the theft they are told, "Those thieves need your stuff more than you do."
All who support
- amend Constitution making "immigration" a State matter
- raise your hands
Does the Left value ethnic diversity over American citizenship?
I believe the Answer is Yes.
And that is partly why they are politically awful.
Myself, I value citizenship. Crack is a citizen. He wants reparations. I may or may not disagree, but I VALUE his citizenship. I VALUE the American citizenship of all people of color (if I may borrow the language of the Left). I certainly value American blacks over illegal Mexicans.
Illegal immigrants who provide cheap labor and depress wages, and aren't refugees from an active war? Do I value them? Not really. They came here illegally to make a buck, they often send the money back home. They rarely pay taxes. And, if they don't assimilate into our culture, and American society, well, NO, I don't really value them.
And if they murder young women, it really steams me up. And the intellectual and political enablers of this, steam me up, too.
"Yeah, but see, I'm not doing it A) ignorantly, without understanding the issues and making my assumption"
Granting yourself purity of motive is the thinnest of floors on which to build an argument. In my milieu that gets torn apart in a flash.
"Numerous studies have shown that undocumented immigrants are not more likely to commit violent crimes than any US citizen."
Any comment that begins with those two words is relegated to the bin labelled FARCICAL.
You need a hypocrisy tag. You went BALLISTIC over Trump's “pussy” tape. You linked and linked and linked. Then you get in a high dudgeon over this.
"Immigration demagoguery"
Exactly. About time someone fights back against the anti-demos demagoguery.
It also turns victims into martyrs for a cause, giving meaning to otherwise senseless deaths, brutal killings brutally suppressed.
But what illegal immigration really kills is the idea of a democratic, self-governing Republic.
It's what progs want. It's what we fight against.
“This is emotional manipulation in pursuit of political power.”
Like saying the Russians stole the election so the President should be impeached by any means necessary?
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
Does the Left value ethnic diversity over American citizenship?
I believe the Answer is Yes.
And that is partly why they are politically awful.
An interesting essay from a few years ago explaining some of this.
With no ideological struggles to occupy their minds, what will intellectuals have to do or think about? Virtually by definition, they like to address themselves to large and general questions, not small and particular ones: as Isaiah Berlin would say, by temperament, they are hedgehogs, who know one large thing, not foxes, who know many small things. Fukuyama admitted that he would miss ideology, if only as something to oppose. “I have ambivalent feelings for the civilization that has been created in Europe since 1945, with its North Atlantic and Asian offshoots,” he wrote. “Perhaps this very prospect of centuries of boredom at the end of history will serve to get history started once again.”
How we got environmentalism, then open borders, then Islamophilia, then 65 genders.
One of the first to notice the politicization of intellectuals was the French writer Julien Benda, whose 1927 La trahison des clercs—“the treason of the clerks,” with “clerk” understood in its medieval sense as an educated person distinct from the uneducated laity—gave a phrase to educated discourse. Today, people most frequently use the phrase to signify the allegiance that intellectuals gave to Communism, despite the evident fact that the establishment of Communist regimes led everywhere and always to a decrease in the kind of intellectual freedom and respect for individual rights that intellectuals claimed to defend.
More about communism and Islamism and why they are related.
"All who support
- amend Constitution making "immigration" a State matter
- raise your hands"
Actually this was tried by Arizona ranchers during the administration of the Big O. Sheriff Joe also tried doing this at the local level. All were crushed by the Savior-in-Chief. In some cases indicted. Now tell me why, oh why, would these lowlifes try such a thing? Could it be the policy of the Big O was to permit any and all into the the US via the southern border?
Back in the day, between going to ether huffing parties and seances, its a wonder that the Robber Barons had time to oppress the poor.
Ann Althouse said...
"Let the government work to end all gang violence. M13, as I understand it, began in the U.S. as immigrants organized to fight other gangs."
You understand it wrong.
"How about dealing directly with that problem rather than drawing the line around immigrants who are here illegally. They may also be a problem, but it’s not a violence problem."
What is your point? That some thieves aren't rapists, so it's OK to be a thief?
Dave Begley said...They have big machines to do the work.
You're smoking the stalks buddy...
Big machines may pick the corn, but when the trucks bring the corn in, the real work begins.
A bit more about the illegal and his false ID.
Meg Whitman lost the California governor election when Gloria Allred dug up a housekeeper she and her husband had fired when they discovered the housekeeper had provided a fake SS number.
Allred did her usual job of sainthood for the illegal, who immediately disappeared after the election.
It is the GOPe that opposes mandatory E Verify. Maybe this case could be used to put more pressure on them.
Is this smoking stalks, Etienne ?
corn shucking machines.
rh, the reason the videos with the blue arrows don't work is that you're on XP. Get a cheap laptop with W10 or linux, and Chrome, and you can watch 'em just fine.
Crack should move to his beloved Africa. I hear SA needs more farmers. Must be darker than a paper shopping bag.
I am not quite sure how anything of substance can be done about the New Age, Gwynneth Paltrow Goop thinking. Do people die from it?
Sure, back in the 70s and 80s people were going to Mexico to get apricot seed treatments for cancer, many of them died. Steve Jobs tried his version of alternative medicine and he died.
But still, people are going to believe what they believe and can rarely be talked out of their beliefs. Are we to outlaw thoughts? Is it going to be illegal to believe in New Age medicine? New Age religion?
Do we outlaw pink salt lamps and incarcerate people that believe they improve their lives?
How in heaven's name do you police thought?
Michael K said...Is this smoking stalks, Etienne ?
That'll work, but you need a bunch of Wetbacks to feed it.
" if this video somehow results in all sorts of incindents of violence against hispanics perpetrated by whites I'll honestly be surprised. "
-- Any time a right of center politician says something that might be effective, we get warned about how it will promote violence and that we must watch what we say. I'm honestly numb to it, but this point.
"Demagoguery is political commentary I don't like"
is the only definition of the term that is actually correct.
The video ad is effective which is why you are seeing the push to quash it.
Michael K said...Is this smoking stalks, Etienne ?
Etienne responded: "That'll work, but you need a bunch of Wetbacks to feed it."
@Michael K. It's called "moving the goalposts".
This thing's pretty neat. It may not fit with certain narratives, but we're fast approaching a time where large amounts of human low skill manual labor will be obsolete.
At some point soon we won't need massive amounts of workers from 3rd world nations all over the world doing tedious and often dangerous work to produce our products. Which is both good and bad. The problems of the future will revolve around people finding meaning in their lives without the traditional motivator of strife.
I am shocked!
Shocked that there is demagoguery and emotional manipulation in politics.
DEMS: This is another racist Willie Horton ad.
No manipulation there, eh?
That's ridiculous too, just as ridiculous as Crack's comment. If you believe that, you must read this blog the same way that R/V reads "philosophy."
That is actually complimentary.
Blogging is a service industry. One needs to attract eyeballs and garner a strong core set of viewers (as I have been for years)
Zuckerberg wants to censor, denigrate and harass his Conservative viewers...but still wants their money (see 120 BILLION dollar loss on how well that is going)
Althouse provides much better respect and value added. But while I am sure she enjoys the debate, attention, respect, and hits...that extra cash is nice too and I don't begrudge her any fiduciary success she enjoys. She deserves every dollar for the hours of entertainment she has given me
Maybe you can clarify exactly what you find so offensive.
Look at all those white people in the non-heated building processing corn from the automated machinery :-)
Fresh Corn
Don't use Ms. Tibbets' tragic murder by one scumbag to foment hate and hysteria against masses of people.
@Cookie, why not? If young Mr. Hogg can be put front and center to demonize all gun owners then why not fight back.
The hate and hysteria won't be limited to just illegal immigrants, but will spread toward all perceived as "foreigners," including legal immigrants and native-born Americans of certain ethnic extractions.
Good. Let them have skin in the game to stop illegal border crossings. (N. B., My understanding is that most legal immigrants are in favor of better border security, but are not particularly vocal about it. That needs to change.)
You need a new tag: Demagoguery bullshit.
If calls for civility are always bullshit, surely accusations of demagoguery must be too.
Ron Winkleheimer said...
"Everyone knows there is a New Age movement. Has been for decades....Its just that most people don't believe that it is the existential threat that you do, and quite frankly you aren't a very effective proponent of your believes."
My "believes"? Look who's talking.
"You come off as abrasive and dismissive."
I am abrasive and dismissive. I'm surrounded by idiots, questioning me as though they're the experts, when they know nothing but the most shallow aspects of the topic.
"Calling people who are not yet as enlightened as you stupid is not going to draw them to your side."
If you think I'm trying to draw the stupid to my side, you don't understand me at all.
"If you think New Age practitioners are getting away with murder then you should present evidence."
Scientology isn't in prison for all the people they've killed and you think my singular ass presenting evidence will make a difference? You're an ass.
"Otherwise you come off as a conspiracy theorist."
And you're a NewAge tool.
The Cracker Emcee Rampant said...
"Granting yourself purity of motive"
I never did that - MAN, you guys can't read.
Char Char Binks said...
"Crack should move to his beloved Africa."
I'm the only person here to complain about my TOTAL DISCONNECT from Africa and - to white idiots - that makes it my beloved.
Y'all's crazy, can't read, and stupid.
Is that "fresh corn" for ethanol or for human consumption? You are the one who brought ethanol into it.
The Republicans politicizing something????? Tell me it isn't so.... I thought only democrats did that...
Duh, their leader, Cheeto in charge, politicizes everything, whether he is right or wrong. (he is wrong a lot of the time)
Vicki from Pasadena
So close, so close and yet, so faaaaaaar.....
The New York Times opted to delete the immigration status of the man suspected of killing Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts in an update to a headline about the incident Wednesday.
See, this is what Buwaya would call giving the right a martyr.
FIDO said...
"That's ridiculous too, just as ridiculous as Crack's comment."
You guys don't even UNDERSTAND half of my comments, so how do you know they're ridiculous? You barely scratch the surface of anything I bring up and then declare your assumption - which is always wrong - to be outrageous.
You're morons.
Scientology isn't in prison for all the people they've killed and you think my singular ass presenting evidence will make a difference? You're an ass.
Dude, I was making fun of Scientologists and revealing what they really believe and pointing out their abusive behavior not long after the internet became a thing. Hell, I worked with a guy who used to travel down to Clearwater on the weekend and during his vacation to protest them. So yes, I do think you presenting evidence would make a difference. A simple link to the South Park take down of them could make the difference between some college kid agreeing to take a "personality test" and ending up recruited into the cult or their being forewarned. Not to mention the Leah Remini series on A and E.
I don't think you are the least bit interested in raising awareness and helping people. It might interfere in your quest to prove your moral and intellectual superiority. Well, I'm pretty stupid, but at least I have tried to educate people about Scientology rather than just fulminate about the badness of it all.
Vicki from Pasadena likes to pay her illegal gardener and housekeeper peanuts and she doesn't mind if they vote. If some deplorables get murdered by illegals, well, Vicki's willing to pay that price. Leftists know you have to break a few eggs to make omelets.
Just as long as the MS 13 types stay in their own neighborhoods. The ones Vicki doesn't live in.
I'm talking about when the Scientology church was suing people and doing their best to get their "Sacred Scriptures" pulled off of Usenet. I'm possibly the least new agey person on this board. Including Crack!
“Cheeto in charge”
The Democrats are obsessed with skin color. It’s the basis for most of their demagoguery.
"You guys don't even UNDERSTAND half of my comments, so how do you know they're ridiculous? You barely scratch the surface of anything I bring up and then declare your assumption - which is always wrong - to be outrageous.
You're morons."
I had a grad student say something similar to me when I gave him a poor grade on a paper. My response was that it is your job to organize your thoughts and present them in a clear and cogent manner.
In other words, it is not my job (or that of the audience) to dig through a pile of horseshit in order to see if there is a pony in there.
Ron Winkleheimer said...
"Dude, I was making fun of Scientologists and revealing what they really believe and pointing out their abusive behavior not long after the internet became a thing."
Good for you. Want a medal?
"Hell, I worked with a guy who used to travel down to Clearwater on the weekend and during his vacation to protest them."
Good for him.
"So yes, I do think you presenting evidence would make a difference."
To what? You protested in Clearwater - while Oprah was still on the air, an hour a day, 5 days a week, for 30 years - BUT YOU DIDN'T SEE A PROBLEM. So what good will evidence do your dumb ass?
A simple link to the South Park take down of theThere's MOVEMENT afoot and you're looking at one little part of it, thinking you've got it covered.
A simple link to the South Park take down of them could make the difference between some college kid agreeing to take a "personality test" and ending up recruited into the cult or their being forewarned.
That's been done - what good did it do? Scientology exists.
"Not to mention the Leah Remini series on A and E."
Good entertainment, huh? Unfortunately, cults aren't entertainment.
More patronizing. Are you ALL full of shit?
"I don't think you are the least bit interested in raising awareness and helping people."
And I care what your ignorant ass thinks, why, again?
"It might interfere in your quest to prove your moral and intellectual superiority."
I prove nothing when it comes to the likes of you. You NewAge types are the "special" ones.
"Well, I'm pretty stupid, but at least I have tried to educate people about Scientology rather than just fulminate about the badness of it all."
Good - we agree: you're stupid. Now go away. You're way too stupid for me.
Ron Winkleheimer said...
"'m possibly the least new agey person on this board. Including Crack!"
I'm not New Age anything."
- Oprah Winfrey
Francisco D said...
"I had a grad student say something similar to me when I gave him a poor grade on a paper. My response was that it is your job to organize your thoughts and present them in a clear and cogent manner."
Why bother, when you guys just make assumptions, and then declare they're my thoughts?
rh, the reason the videos with the blue arrows don't work is that you're on XP. Get a cheap laptop with W10 or linux, and Chrome, and you can watch 'em just fine.
I use Chrome on a desktop, and none of the videos on this blog work for me.
I have to try to find the video on YouTube.
narayanan said...
- amend Constitution making "immigration" a State matter
- raise your hands
Would this include limiting immigration of U.S. citizens from other states? Because, as a New Hampshirite, I'd definitely support building a wall along our southern border...
"Why bother, when you guys just make assumptions, and then declare they're my thoughts? "
I won't bother because it seems clear that there is no pony buried beneath the layers of your horse shit.
Don't give up the schtick because of me. There might be an audience for you somewhere.
NewAge is the only now-centuries-old, worldwide, multi-trillion dollar enterprise, that was an integral part of the Nazi belief system - and now with - literally - billions of members - that no one is the least bit interested in investigating beyond a cursory visit to a Whole Foods Market.
And then they wonder how Jonestown happened.
There's MOVEMENT afoot and you're looking at one little part of it, thinking you've got it covered.
Well that's why they call it the New Age Movement. Which apparently I'm a part of because I use sea salt. You know, I'm probably a secret Scientologist cause Sea Org. It all fits now. I've been a Scientologist all this time and never realized it. Thanks Crack! You've convinced me.
NewAge is the only now-centuries-old, worldwide, multi-trillion dollar enterprise, that was an integral part of the Nazi belief system
Well after all the name calling on Crack's part, it turns out that I totally agree with him.
Andrew said...It is incredibly obvious what the end goal of Trump's immigration policies is. We're currently in a slippery slope wherein the administration and its promoters keep telling us they're only going after the bad guys but then expanding the definition of "bad guys" to include newer groups. After denaturalizing US citizens and blocking all legal avenues to come here, what's next? Ending birthright citizenship? Deporting people who were born here?
You began on your own greasy slope then fell completely off a cliff with that string of "demagoguery".
I thought the ad was dead-on. The Left is continually attacking Trump and Trump supporters over the family separations at the border and claiming that Trump and his supporters are heartless. We are supposed to be ashamed for the horrible emotional trauma being inflicted on innocent people, except that they want to live in the US. We've been bombarded with stories and pictures of people in cages, etc.
The media has never, to my knowledge, presented any family members who are suffering from permanent separation. It's about time their voices are heard. Unfortunately, because of media bias, the only way that can happen is if the Trump campaign pays for it.
On the other side we are seeing a full on assault on the president and a claim to refer to him from now on as an unindicted co-conspirator. We're not living in a time of measured and reserved rhetoric, I guess because it's election season. Or this is the next step in a coup to remove Trump.
FIDO said...
"That's ridiculous too, just as ridiculous as Crack's comment."
You guys don't even UNDERSTAND half of my comments, so how do you know they're ridiculous? You barely scratch the surface of anything I bring up and then declare your assumption - which is always wrong - to be outrageous.
You're morons.
I am not posting this for you, Crack, because...well, it will be evident in a moment.
Tim in Vermont made a (to me) rather insulting comparison between me and Cracked...and I quoted it (in italics, none the less) though to be fair, without direct attribution.
But Cracked, railing against 'our' lack of reading comprehension, does essentially the exact same thing.
Now everyone makes that kind of mistake and a man acknowledges it and apologizes. I will leave that to Cracked to accomplish...or not.
But I will note one thing about 'reading and comprehension'.
If we 'morons' are not understanding what Cracked is saying, it is the fault of the writer, not the reader in about 90% of cases.
Larry Niven's Laws for Writers:
5. If you've nothing to say, say it any way you like. Stylistic innovations, contorted story lines or none, exotic or genderless pronouns, internal inconsistencies, the recipe for preparing your lover as a cannibal banquet: feel free. If what you have to say is important and/or difficult to follow, use the simplest language possible. If the reader doesn't get it then, let it not be your fault.
So far, it is not the readers fault if they don't follow what you say, since your prose dances around like a mouse on a hot griddle.
In addition, not accepting the validity of some of your presuppositions doesn't indicate a lack of understanding; it is a lack of acceptance of your presuppositions.
Perhaps you might want to start there.
The ad is a well timed counter to Fauxcohontas' deflection from the Tibbits undocumented/murder/inexplicable blackout to the "real problem" of separation.
Hey Crack, have you read _The Nazi's Occult War_? It's very revealing.
Ron Winkleheimer said...
"Well that's why they call it the New Age Movement."
So why are you just concerned with Scientology? What about the rest of the movement? Does it get a pass? And, if so, why?
"Which apparently I'm a part of because I use sea salt."
More shallowness. No depth of thought whatsoever. Are you gay? Is it all surface with you? I said NewAge is a grocery store where people pick-and-choose, so you got sea salt. What else you got? I can be like a black Muslim looking for pork with this shit. I know all of it. Burning any sage lately? Come on.
"You know, I'm probably a secret Scientologist cause Sea Org."
I knew a gay guy like you. Terrible puns. I was once in San Francisco, crossing Haight St. with him, when I realized he was blocking traffic by standing in the middle of the crosswalk. I said, "Scotty, what are you doing?" and he pointed at the light and said "It said 'stop'." before shrugging at everyone and catching up. Reread what you wrote and see if you ain't Scotty.
"It all fits now. I've been a Scientologist all this time and never realized it. Thanks Crack! You've convinced me."
"I'm not New Age anything." - Oprah Winfrey
They almost all deny it, in this NewAge culture, that turns almost everyone into liars. I'm not fooled. The evidence says different, and you don't know what it is so trivialize what I say, while pretending I said a now-centuries-old, worldwide, multi-billion dollar BELIEF SYSTEM is based only on the ownership of a particular and exclusive kind of salt. Perhaps that's as far as you can conceptualize. That, I don't know. I'm not kidding, or dissing anyone, when I say I know some gay men who can't think past the outer layer of anything. That's your problem, not mine. I know, like Christopher Hitchens, religion poisons everything, and NewAge is religion, squared. So, if the Catholic faith isn't just about "a cookie and a sip of wine" then, I hope you can see, your "sea salt", too, could be so much more than seasoning.
And even if you hate Scientology.
Ron Winkleheimer said...
"Hey Crack, have you read _The Nazi's Occult War_? It's very revealing."
So long ago it's laughable. Himmler and Hess had this shit up the ying-yang. Hitler, too, to a lesser extent, but the British were able to use this belief in the mystical to their advantage, too. It's a weakness.
FIDO said...
"If we 'morons' are not understanding what Cracked is saying, it is the fault of the writer, not the reader in about 90% of cases."
Give me a break. You guys pile on me. For existing. So no apologies unless I want to give one. Lump it or leave it alone.
You can see Ron Winkleheimer trivialize everything I say (NewAge belief is limited to Sea Salt) and think I'M going to take responsibility for his lack of depth? No, Kids, Daddy don't play that way.
I'm not trying to save the world, as he seems to (wrongly) assume, but just carry on a dialogue with some basis IN the world. I know you all think you're all that, but 92% of Americans have a real and personal relationship with God, so spare me any suggestion most of you are sane and logical people.
You collectively blew that shit out of the water, with me, a long time ago.
Ron Winkleheimer said...
"Well after all the name calling on Crack's part, it turns out that I totally agree with him."
And I addressed these out of order. Wild.
tim in vermont said...You are the one who brought ethanol into it.
My argument was, that if Americans didn't eat meat or drive cars, that we wouldn't need so many illegal aliens.
It's all our fault.
Cooked corn kernels in a can, or corn on the cob, it isn't all labor free.
There's a video in that series which shows a cooked corn in the can factory and there are a bunch of people (Dutch) feeding the machine.
So why are you just concerned with Scientology?
Who said I was only interested in Scientology? That's an assumption on your part. For somebody who complains about people making assumptions you sure do make a lot of them. I used to be fairly active in the skeptic community until I became a Christian. Which means that I'm pretty well read up on New Age beliefs. And, since I'm a history buff and a curious sort, I'm well aware of Nazi Occultism and its roots. That stuff didn't spring up on its own. And they didn't just die out cause SCIENCE! and stuff. However, I'm not quite sure what you think I should be doing about Oprah Winfrey. Sure she advocates for New Age beliefs. She is also a Christian heretic. What did you do about her? But I've got to admit, I was unaware that Whole Foods was somehow involved. I understand the organic food though. Its about purity.
Oh, and calling somebody gay means you lost the argument.
Remember when telling blacks that cotton is "the fabric of our lives" was really big on TV?
Not me. I remember when there was a commercial promoting cotton to all Americans though.
I have a hard time looking at those women, not seeing a bunch of NewAgers, and then not caring about their loss.
What I'm saying Crack, is that I do what I can and don't stand around wailing about the stuff I can't. And what I can do is try to educate people about stuff. When people start talking about organic food I can point out that that is just a marketing phrase. All food is organic.
"Organic: relating to or derived from living matter."
I can raise awareness concerning a cult and its beliefs since I'm aware of its existence.
I can point out that Oprah Winfrey is full of it.
What I can't do is stop Oprah Winfrey from amassing a vast fortune and owning a cable tv channel. I can't even understand it.
So, I will leave you with this.
I think its wonderful that instead of having to seek out homeless people ranting on street corners about their imagined "New Age" conspiracy theories, that Althouse gives the opportunity to enjoy the same level of ocmmentary without the unpleasant smells or potential to be stabbed.
Three cheers for Althouse!
"I have a hard time looking at those women, not seeing a bunch of NewAgers"
Yeah..because that's one of a couple hobby horses that consume your brain.
We "notice".
What substantial "left" do we have in America, or, more particularly, in Washington?
You have to remember that Comrade Marvin considers anyone to the right of Pol Pot to be a Rightwing reactionary.
"So I'm the only person who knows there's a NewAge Movement, and it includes beliefs, and what foods to eat, clothes to wear, music to listen to, etc? Really? I'm the only one?"
No one is doing more to promote new age shit than you right now. Why would I care what clothes or food or music comports with kooky cultists? Their "beliefs" have nothing to do with how I live my life, or whether I use Kosher salt. There's zero reason for me to obsess (as you do) over these people and their kooky beliefs. I find your repeated attempts to enlist us in your war on supplements and new age bullshit tiresome. Why do you care so much about this issue? There's BS artists selling a LOT of things in this country besides supplements and new age juju, you know. Hollywood is pretty toxic, to pick one industry that is more dangerous than supplements (and part of it too).
If you were to make two lists, one of issues the Democrats demagogue using hyped emotional arguments, and one of issues on which they argue facts in good faith, well you'd still only have one list.
4 tries with groggy Blogger!
"Or this is the next step in a coup to remove Trump."
Got it. Slow motion coup. Unlike Nixon, Trump has not given them any ammunition except a couple of old whores who claim, without evidence, that he fucked them sometime years ago when they might have looked better.
I see Mueller has given immunity to the National Inquirer editor or publisher so they can drag this out another week.
The LA Times is having an orgasm.
Immigration demagoguery to avoid emigration reform, cover-up the collateral damage of social justice adventures (e.g. elective wars, regime changes, witch trials), gerrymander the vote, normalize diversity (e.g. color judgments or unprincipled painting), exploit labor arbitrage, and compensate for abortion rites or life tortured and denied (e.g. selective-child, recycled-child).
Progressive, and, in fact, liberal demagoguery, including "=" (political congruence or selective exclusion), whatever-phobia, anti-immigrant, anti-refugee, Jew... White privilege, "White" Hispanic, color minorities, affirmative action without accountability, black holes... whores, guns and inanimate objects on trial, male chauvinism and patriarchy, involuntary and superior (e.g. #MeToo #HerToo) exploitation, redistributive change, "universal" medical insurance, "green" industry, catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, environmentalism, LGBQT... separate and equal, post-normal science including conflation of logical domains, etc.
#PWGLM = Pretty White Girls Lives Matter
#BLM = Baby Lives Matter
#AALM = African-American (excluding brown, yellow, white, Albino Africans) and other half-Americans -- progress, of some kind -- Lives Matter
"=" (i.e. political congruence a Pro-Choice policy) not equals
a couple of old whores
It's "holes" in the literal and politically congruent sense.
What does Sea Salt, New Age Philosophy, Scientology, Nazi Mysticism or the Racist Connotations of Cotton have to do with illegal aliens who are 100% law breakers and some certain small percentage are far more violent and worse criminals?
Mouse, griddle.
@Mike at 1:04. +1
I see. So, for weeks on end, the left can demagogue those poor, poor illegal aliens being thrown into cages - shackled and chained, for gawds sake!!! - and being separated from maybe their kids and maybe not their kids?
And the White House can't point out the consequence of their open-border madness?
Nope. Doesn't work that way.
At a certain point, if the Dems don't give on this issue, there will be the opposite of 'sanctuary cities'.
The 'Minute Men' may very well start up again, except this time, they will have a President who will support them and the narrative has a bunch of bodies of American Citizens which will blunt any criticism of excesses.
So Madam Althouse, it is in your interest to show some give on the Wall.
It is better than the alternatives, IMO.
Andrew said...
... Ending birthright citizenship?....
Why not? We have justices who admire the advanced and civilized Europeans. None of whom have birthright citizenship.
There certainly should be limits on it. Some big ones should be: 1. Parents should be in the country legally. 2. Parents should be residents of the United States, not transients or tourists. 3.Time spent outside the U.S. in first 18 years of life <30 days per calendar year.
Flying into the United States, having a child in Los Angeles, and returning to China 2 weeks later with the new American citizen- well, the new American citizen shouldn't be one.
The Republicans politicizing something????? Tell me it isn't so.... I thought only democrats did that...
Well, considering it's a response to weeks upon weeks of leftist wailing and gnashing of teeth, yeah. Republicans are politicizing the same subject.
Don't like it? Tough.
Birthright refers to jurisdiction. The simplest criterion for birthright is mother and father citizens (native or naturalized) at conception, which entails the child to Constitutional protections, notably the right to life, the right to due process (i.e. no summary abortions), the right to not be subject to cruel and unusual punishments (e.g. recycled-child), and the right to bear (to keep), literally, arms (legs, head, etc.).
North Carolina kids fatally shoot man abusing their mother, police say
It could have saved her life, too. Rights, responsibilities, and choices.
Blogger Michael K said...
"Or this is the next step in a coup to remove Trump."
"Got it. Slow motion coup. Unlike Nixon, Trump has not given them any ammunition except a couple of old whores who claim, without evidence, that he fucked them sometime years ago when they might have looked better.
I see Mueller has given immunity to the National Inquirer editor or publisher so they can drag this out another week.
The LA Times is having an orgasm."
Chuck is masturbating furiously.
Beat that thing like it owes you money, Chuck!
Only whites look at others and think less of them.
You're horrible people
The burns.....
or is it just stupidity?
I have never understood Althouse's fascination and indulgence of this racist.
Quite a contrast with Elizabeth Warren telling these people that the real tragedy is that some foreigners sneaking into our country get caught, and they have children with them, so we need to vote for democrat party members or else BABIES IN CAGES! BABIES IN CAGES!!
"An entirely different matter. Were Trump sending people down into Mexico to drag families into the US...."
That's twice a white American didn't immediately think of blacks or Natives when the subject of America separating families comes up -}}}
That is a good point. I understood the original talking point about separating families, though, to be referring to the current immigration situation, especially as to our southern border. It seems appropriate to respond with a hypothetical about a current action by Trump. If the original subject was about historical complaint about family separation and America, then the example of what was done to Natives and African slaves should immediately come to mind. It was demonic.
Ron Winkleheimer said...
"Oh, and calling somebody gay means you lost the argument."
No, calling somebody gay as a put-down would mean I lost the argument. I didn't do that. I called you shallow - that was the putdown - a sad trait you share with a lot of gay men.
There's a lot of gay Christians, so,....
gahrie said...
"I have never understood Althouse's fascination and indulgence of this racist."
You probably also never thought your type might need an antidote but come ON, Gahrie, do you really see yourself as a the charmer you think you are? The white guy who's always guarding the blog, ready to scream "No blacks in the pool unless they're ideologically correct!"? Please.
It takes 10 of you to try and wrestle me to the ground each day. Why do you do it? I don't know, and I'm pretty sure Ann doesn't know, either - she doesn't do it and doesn't do the blog for it. THAT'S where any true fascination about America sets in. But you don't get it. I'm a threat to nothing but you guys turn me into a golem on a daily basis. Blacks are only 13% of the population, but you treat us like we're 50% or an attacking army or something.
That's something to see.
Crack, I also think you are a racist and your moaning about reparations, unless it is a joke, is evidence of either racism or ignorance.
Or both. Tomas Sowell said "I'm so old I remember when racists were white."
Grow up.
I recently bought a set of cotton sheets on sale because we now have a king size bed. (It couldn't be for a Klan meeting Crack. I went with gray rather than white).
They are terrific, really high quality cotton sheets - prominently advertised as Egyptian cotton.
Is that racist?
Numerous studies have shown that undocumented immigrants are not more likely to commit violent crimes than any US citizen.}}}
Not necessarily so. Many such studies have simply shown that there is no correlation between the number of illegal immigrants (rising) and the overall crime rate, which has been trending downwards since the 1990s. Of course, these is basically apples to oranges. Some studies show no higher criminal involvement by illegals. Other statistics show that many prisons have a much higher percentage of illegal immigrant inmates than their percentage of the overall population. Finally, statistics on this are difficult to come by and subject to politicization, and the very nature of illegal immigration means that some data just can't be verified.
Remember when Cindy Sheehan became our foremost expert on military affairs, with "absolute moral authority" on the issue? Well, these people are now the ultimate arbiters of immigration law, and their moral authority is obviously unchallengeable -- by the Democrats' rules and bedrock philosophy. So fuck any of them who think this is a cheap shot in any way. You knitted that sweater, now you have to wear it, assholes.
Michael K said...
"Crack, I also think you are a racist and your moaning about reparations, unless it is a joke, is evidence of either racism or ignorance."
Which means nothing, since you distinguished yourself right from the beginning as being one of the zealots of the group, in cahoots with the gahries, FullMoons, Drago's, etc. Why would you think I look to any of you for anything? You think I'm a racist? So what? Who are you? A white guy online. My hero.
" Tomas Sowell said "I'm so old I remember when racists were white.""
And even Thomas Sowell - the black man who can't talk to blacks - has said one of the biggest problems on the Right with recruiting blacks is the condescension. Mitt Romney showed you the 2012 Autopsy, saying Republicans had a racial problem - you deliberately choose to ignore it - as anyone with a racial problem would. You act like Trump bringing blacks to the party means YOU are bringing blacks to the party when YOU are the biggest impediment to blacks going anywhere near the party in the first place.
"Grow up."
Francisco D said...
"I recently bought a set of cotton sheets on sale...Is that racist?"
It's funny: the same people who think blacks dwell too much on slavery also think we want reminders of it. The same people who don't want movies about slavery made, want American blacks to think of cotton as "the fabric of your life" not just for generations past but for all to come.
Next, you can serve some Jews baked cookies, like Roseanne did, and not expect anyone to react to that, either. Yeah, I notice the little twinge of evil glee white guys get out of this kind of question. This cotton picking thing is not YOUR PAIN, so what the fuck - twist the knife, right? Nobody's going to stop you. Your choice.
So many little Hitlers, I don't know what to do with them all.
A young girl is raped and murdered by an illegal alien.
Those are the facts. Political or not, the facts should tell you something useful.
If you ignore that the murderer had no right be in the country, you are ignoring something important to preventing such crimes.
If we could prevent 90% of the rapes, murders, and other crimes committed by illegal immigrants, would that be useful or not? There is a way to do that. Don't we want to save those lives, and property?
You guys might want to check out "Fantasyland" if you want to understand what I'm commenting on. Or maybe check out something like this professor's breakdown on how crazy y'all are, before you comment on me, who doesn't go for any of this shit the rest of you are devoted to and think of as "normal". Most of you are far from it.
The National Review's been doing a series on race you might want to check out, too - since you are the problem being discussed.
It strikes me that an enormous amount of conservative or right-leaning commentary on race is dedicated mainly to debunking the excesses and hypocrisy of the identity-politics Left...Less is dedicated to seriously grappling with the consequences of racism in American life and culture. And no, I don’t mean dwelling on microaggressions or proclaiming that police have declared some kind of “open season” on black men. But it does mean having something to say after you’ve taken on Al Sharpton or Linda Sarsour.
In fact, at least in my experience, showing particular concern for issues of race is often seen as evidence by itself that you’re thinking like a progressive or that you’re somehow not sufficiently conservative.
...Time and again I see concerned young people ask probing questions about stubborn racial gaps in a host of areas of American life, their elders ask them not to follow the siren song of the so-called social gospel, and then drop the ball on providing any meaningful alternative answer. They can debunk, but they can’t (or don’t) construct. Even worse, I see church members get particularly prickly when race is mentioned by the pulpit. Honestly, it’s amazing how much Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan come up, as if they represent the sum total of progressive thinking on race.
Y'all are almost all who's being described there. And it's pathetic anyone can be so easily described.
Yeah..and those Nazi Germans have some fucking nerve exporting that St. Pauli girl beer to us.
Never let go!
Maybe the cotton industry can be the primary sponsor of the Bro Summit/Oppression Olympics.
"So many little Hitlers, I don't know what to do with them all."
Keep it together Crack or you may slip and admit to being a White millennial living in his mom's basement in Milwaukee.
The schtick is pretty weak, possibly worse than our resident LLR pretending to be a lawyer.
Francisco D said...
"Keep it together Crack or you may slip and admit to being a White millennial living in his mom's basement in Milwaukee."
I know. You guys are much more concerned with me, and my behavior, than your own depravity in the eyes of others
That, you're perfectly fine with.
It takes 10 of you to try and wrestle me to the ground each day. Why do you do it?
I correct your mistakes and answer your racism because I don't want the grad students reading this blog as research twenty years from now to think we were all racist idiots like you are.
"Next, you can serve some Jews baked cookies, like Roseanne did, and not expect anyone to react to that, either. "
Jews have no objection to these cookies:
If you can't look at a cotton bed sheet without thinking of slavery or the KKK, well, enjoy your percale bedding.
@ Crack "Next, you can serve some Jews baked cookies, like Roseanne did, and not expect anyone to react to that, either." I thought that was interesting and wonder if there are any black comics who could dress up like a klansman and sell rope art or maybe cotton tote bags? IOW are there any black comedians who have moved beyond victim mentality/rage into the deliberate mockery of slavery and/or racism? If you know of any please post their names?
Bay Area Guy said...
Does the Left value ethnic diversity over American citizenship?
I believe the Answer is Yes.
You are wrong.
If poor people who sneak across the border illegally voted for republicans the wall would be built and 100 feet tall.
To further elaborate on what the left care about it boils down to one thing: power over other people.
Before 1960 they got power over other people by attacking other races.
After 1960 they got power by attacking white people.
The only constant is their effort to gain power over other people.
The Crack Emcee said...
Y'all are almost all who's being described there. And it's pathetic anyone can be so easily described.
As soon as you want to deal with fatherless families, shitty public education, and the proclivity of people to group up in cities and vote for democrats I am right there with you.
I will do it anyway because it helps us all and I want our people to succeed.
If you want to take my money and give it to other people like some new age Marxist trying to work his way back to the democrat plantation just admit you are a Marxist like the racist shitheads that are going to starve millions of people in South Africa.
Taking the white mans stuff never works. But marxists have nothing else.
The DNC is colluding with the GOPe to foist more unwanted immigration on Americans. The DNC wants more illegal immigration for votes, of course; the GOPe wants the same for cheaper labor for small and large businesses. The collusion is logical. What doesn’t make sense is Althouse’s apparent desire for more immigration. It makes little pragmatic sense. It must be white guilt related.
"I know. You guys are much more concerned with me, and my behavior, than your own depravity in the eyes of others"
Actually, I am not at all concerned. You are just putting on a show. Go to it. It is sadly amusing.
As to your second point, I am not one of the "guys." I have been a registered Independent for 47 years. I have had a very independent personality for 65 years - ask my family, my first two wives and my fiancé. You might as well throw in a few employers. I am what I am for better or worse.
My identity is that of a well educated, hard working, independent professional. What you think of my identity is irrelevant. What you and others want to make your identity is no concern of mine.
When you start calling people who disagree with you depraved Hitlers, you have gone into hysterical leftist territory and cannot be taken seriously by intelligent adults.
I don't think Crack has characterized the reparations as the taking of stuff.
Although, despite his protests about being misunderstood on this, he seems only willing to provide gauzy allusions.
And much like the type who claims to be "not religious, but spiritual", his spiel is quite New Agey.
Good luck cottoning to it.
A lot of people in Europe are trying to get rid of their birthright American citizenship.
The reason is, they have a social security number, and MUST file taxes every year.
The United States taxes your income, and not just US income, but all income. A lot of these people can't speak English, and have never been to America except to be born.
You can't just say you aren't an American anymore. That takes a lawyer and a court. Very expensive.
America is raping Europe right now. It's hilarious, but they are finding it hateful that we make them suffer.
"Y'all's crazy, can't read, and stupid."
Is Crack adhering to the "arguing in good faith" aspect of this blog? Hmmm ...
Some studies show no higher criminal involvement by illegals.
As long as your control group of Americans are equally poor... Why are we augmenting our criminal classes again? Why can't we make them fill out applications and go through background checks again?
"This is emotional manipulation in pursuit of political power."
So your Frankenstein students actually learned what you were too aloof to know you were teaching?
Vigilante justice is better than what you took your part in wroughting.
Lots of immigrants will end forever rapists/killers/Western suicide so consciously conspicuous.
"This is emotional manipulation in pursuit of political power."
And unless maximally engaged the manipulation turns negligent.
Too many eyes looked into with too much integrity to not effect change when the lucky opportunities arise.
And zing those that need to be zinged over/over/over.
Sorry, I didn't know you wanted to be a recluse. For all your comments here, one could be fooled.
Crack, you are not a good example. I will take one of my black medical students over you in a heartbeat.
Paying attention allows for understanding we feel/think and think/feel so while I acknowledge a credible but false argument that the manipulation shouldn't be labeled emotional I stand by that small bit of the written word.
I do not forget the "intellectual yet idiots" but instead hope to merelybshow their life/arguments as emotional not kind, caring, nor even sane.
Currently, South Africa has something approaching a genocide problem. Whites are systematically being stolen from according to the rule of law, but the black government has no interest in enforcing that for white people.
So why not 'open our borders'. Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, Armenians, South Afrikaners. A few ten thousand voters...I mean immigrants in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota would be 'just human compassion'.
As Ms Althouse refuses to acknowledge, if one sides engages in bald emotional manipulation and vote rigging by migrant, they have no kick coming when the other side does it too.
Permanently separated from family is terrible - if you're white.
If you're black, you should be so grateful to be with your kidnappers, you'll do anything they demand.
That's America.
Jesus wept, Ann, even David French acknowledged that there is a particular sense of heightened betrayal and injustice when one is victimized by a person who should not be on the streets, be it an illegal alien or a repeat felon freed wrongfully and/or never prosecuted and sentenced properly for his crimes.
I sure was cheesed when I learned that my rapist had been previously sprung at least three times with slaps on the wrist for torturing and violating other women. And that cheesed feeling only intensified as I watched him walk free from prison early another time only to assualt unknown quantities of other women (he had boxes of souvenirs) before fist raping an elderly cancer patient nearely to death.
And boy was I royally cheesed when the ACLU got his life sentence for that horrific crime overturned on a paperwork filing technicality so he can get out again.
No, Ann, it is worse when someone who shouldn't be here kills or rapes, whether it is an illegal or a career criminal who should be locked up, or, as is very common, both. For the victim s, it means that society has failed us. It is a very lonely and isolating feeling on top of the other horror and injustice one is forced to absorb.
To be scolded and accused of insensitivity, or prejudice, for having the temerity to be angry is just one more way victims' feelings and reactions are inhumanely policed and criticized. I call it the vengeance accusation. People pretend our merest reactions are equal to or even worse than the crime itself. They slobber with pity for the assailant and regard the victims -- and anyone who dares to defend them --with arrogant suspicion. It is repugnant behavior.
I recommend avoiding it.
Michael K said...
"Crack, you are not a good example. I will take one of my black medical students over you in a heartbeat."
Considering I joined the military - against my will - because I couldn't afford to stay in school. I think I'd take a med school graduate over me too. But, here's something I know without such fancy learning:
You are one dumb bunny.
Known Unknown said...
"Is Crack adhering to the "arguing in good faith" aspect of this blog?"
Can you prove 'm not?
Francisco D said...
"My identity is that of a well educated, hard working, independent professional."
Your identity is like so many white guys who talk shit online: a white guy in a white country that catered to whites long enough that today they're ok, but still assholes worthy of getting beat up in school, and who would be, today, if the law allowed.
Late with the thought (perhaps I can contribute it to a cafe thread later) but if Mollie Tibbetts couldn’t find s jogging partner then she should have been armed. She should st least have had pepper spray if not a CCW and a small handgun in a Flashbang holster.
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