"Black and white people gotta stand up when they see some bulls**t going on."
Said the rapper/actor Common, about a stunt double — a child stunt double — whose skin was darkened to make him look like the actor he was supposed to look like — The Daily Mail reports. Common said that it is "never appropriate" to darken a face. "'C'mon man, it's 2018, when is that acceptable? I ain't with it."
I don't know anything about Common, so that puts me at a disadvantage trying to interpret him, and of course, I haven't lived a life enough like a black person's to be great at imagining what he means, but I notice he's asking white people to step up, so I'm going to say that he's agitating anxiety about race and trying to make it so that you'll be more uncomfortable if you try to relax and get comfortable. You ought to have to think: Is this right? Is this decent? Is this helping?
Here you have Seth Rogen (a very successful white actor), making a movie called "Good Boys," in which he is using a chubby 11-year-old black child, Keith L. Williams. I don't know what the story is — other than that "four 12-year-old boys... skip school to embark on a day-long adventure fraught with comedic peril" — but apparently the visual jokes are such that a stunt double is needed.
Somehow, half-conscious Americans are going to be nudged into laughter, sometime in the near future, by scenes of the black kid getting knocked around. And these Hollywood white guys couldn't break their stride long enough to find a stunt double who looks like Williams.
ADDED: In the comments, the question is raised whether this child performed stunts or merely stood in for the actor when technicians adjusted the equipment. If the latter, it would have been much easier to find a similar boy who would not need to have his skin darkened. If it's a stunt boy, as I read it (the word "stunt" appears at least twice), then it's more understandable that they made up the stunt boy they had. But it must be a stunt boy to support my comments about Hollywood extracting idle amusement from knocking a black child about.
By the way, the whole idea of a child doing stunt work seems wrong. I'm sure there are laws applicable at the location (here, Vancouver). But obviously, there are many different kinds of stunts, and surely there are some things that the actor-child can't or won't do that would be okay to allow a stunt child to do — for example, things that are more or less gymnastics.
१२६ टिप्पण्या:
I have thinking the other day that it would be humorous in a serious action movie, like Mission Impossible or Die Hard or whatever, to have the the stunt double bear no resemblance to the lead actor.
Using a white double for a black actor would work, but is probably too non-PC in the NeoPuritan Days of Rage. Maybe a burly white guy would work for Will Smith.
If you color him black, he's a black person. That's what the scene needs.
Stunt doubles also shouldn't be allowed to wear wigs that change their color to match the primary actor's hair color.
And they should wear the clothes they came onto the studio lot with--"Be yourself!!" No more costumes!
This all seems like it's brought up with the best of intentions, but I guess it shows that we've really come far, and there aren't too many other truly dangerous/terrible things to worry about any more.
I take solace in that.
Child stunt doubles? When it’s too dangerous for child A, Hollywood puts in child B.
I believe I read the child stunt double is the son of a stunt double and that it is difficult to find child stunt doubles that insurance companies think are experienced enough to cover them.
Get back to me when someone goes after Eddie Murphy or the Wayans for wearing White face.
Arthur Brooks politcs cleanse starts in 3...2...1...
This is all selective-outrage bullshit.
When tiny Linda Hunt won an Oscar for playing a Chinese MAN in the Mel Gibson/Sigourney Weaver movie "The Year of Living Dangerously" , the left didn't object at all. They celebrated it.
By Althouse's logic, the film crew apparently couldn't be bothered to find a real Chinese man for the part.
This doesn't even register in at minus 20 on my Give-a-Fuck meter.
Can't he just imagine that he's darker, and then put a caption on the screen indicating that he is doing that?
What if the white child stunt double said he self-identified as a black kid?
Would that satisfy the race-mongers? If not, why not?
A child stunt double raises the question of consent. Should the director be praised for putting a black child at risk when a white one is available? If the only adult stuntman he could find that was small enough was white, what's the problem?
Acting is about creating an illusion. Laurence Olivier is possibly the great Shakespearean actor to live in the modern age, and he did Othello quite well.
Sometimes there's a reason to darken a face. It sounds like there aren't many chubby stunt doubles that can stand in as 11 year olds all that well. Seems like a valid reason.
Minstrelsy is what is offensive. Making someone look like a clown by exaggerating racial features is offensive, but that's not at all what's happening here.
Try and find an adult fat black midget to do the stunts for the fat black kid. How difficult is this?
And these Hollywood white guys couldn't break their stride long enough to find a stunt double who looks like Williams.
I'm sure it's a piece of cake.
Whites and blacks are in a parent-child relationship, and both sides seem satisfied with the arrangement.
We’re still feeling the loss of Gary Coleman.
I don't trust anyone who goes just by their first name as a branding thing.
I first saw Common in the series "Hell on Wheels." The series was about the building of the UP railroad across Nebraska.
Common was a commonplace actor. Real name Lonnie Corant Jaman Shuka Rashid Lynn, Jr. Junior?
Lonnie Lynn? Rashid Lynn works better.
Common said that it is "never appropriate" to darken a face."
Ha ha that's funny.
Speaking of funny children, here's a fake Drudge headline:
SUPERBOY: Michael Phelps World Record Broken By 10-Year-Old -- Named Clark Kent!
Turns out the "world record" is not a world record by any means, though the linked article would prefer to let you think so: it's a "10 and under" record for a given swimming meet, and the world record for 10 year olds is a couple of seconds faster than SUPERBOY's.
So he's in the news because of his name.
"It is "never appropriate" to darken a face"
BUT, what if the darkening is done post-production? If movies that were shot in black-and-white can be "colorized," then surely image-processing technology is up to making a few post-production changes to, umm, fix things up?
Among the Leftwing Hollywood political elites, this is seen as “edgy”.
The racial grievance industry is scraping the bottom of the barrel. They are now demanding re-education camp forced confessions from anyone doing a simple common sense job.
Can we skip to the award show and hand Hillary a big award?
According to the article, this child isn't a stunt double, he's a lighting double. That's what a stand-in is. He sits there while the crew sets camera angles and lights, then the talent is brought in to shoot the scene.
His only job is to reflect light the way the actor does. Yeah, it kinda offends. Give a darker-complected kid a job, bro.
Somehow, half-conscious Americans are going to be nudged into laughter, sometime in the near future, by scenes of the black kid getting knocked around.
Those half-conscious African Americans got another think coming!
And these Hollywood white guys couldn't break their stride long enough to find a stunt double who looks like Williams.
Oh the horror of naughty white men (they're bad!) not giving blacks preferential treatment. Black children!.
Annie C said...
I believe I read the child stunt double is the son of a stunt double and that it is difficult to find child stunt doubles that insurance companies think are experienced enough to cover them.
That's what I was thinking. There probably aren't very many practicing child stunt doubles of any race. If that's the case, what was the alternative, putting an untrained black child at risk or deleting the scene altogether?
Tropic Thunder was made just 10 years ago; could it be made today?
For the record, I thought Tropic Thunder was very funny, and I enjoyed Robert Downey's character. But all that was before Obama woke us up to racism in America.
Sounds like there is a market for black children to do stunts.
I am going to take Common's comments at face value (no pun intended).
To answer the question:
"C'mon man, it's 2018, when is that acceptable?"
The cause of everyone Black and White would be advanced if someone (that Common trusts - so you know not Alex Jones) publicly, in front of the whole world but *to* Common said, "The answer is when you need a stunt double, you put them in makeup to to resemble their doppleganger. Heck, if they chose you to be his stunt double they would need to darken your face. This is not a minstrel show and nobody is being exploited. Complaining about appropriate safety precautions for actors by arguing over face makeup, hurts all actors. And, unless you know where there are a collection of unemployed short fat stunt people of color that could have been hired, you are picking the wrong issue to fight and for the wrong reason, and in so doing hurt actual more valid complaints about racism and exploitation."
But you know that's not going to happen.
I assume the actor/rapper would disapprove of John Howard Griffin blackening his skin to write "Black Like Me," which taught whites in 1961 what it was like to be black in the South in 1960.
Got it. "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen" and keep it that way.
Kate: "According to the article, this child isn't a stunt double, he's a lighting double. That's what a stand-in is. He sits there while the crew sets camera angles and lights, then the talent is brought in to shoot the scene."
Ah, now it makes sense.
Now that I've read the article, I can see what the producers were thinking. They're in Vancouver, they're on the set, and they don't have access to the actor for lighting (labor rules? just not around?).
Blacks in Vancouver are only 1 percent of the population. The clock is ticking. Money is being spent during production. What do you do?
Only thing they can do.
If this was being filmed in Hollywood, then, yeah, call the guild and order up a fat black kid. But they're not going to order takeout to Canada if they can get by putting slap on the stunt guy's son for the purpose of getting the lighting right.
It sounds like a remake of Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids without the Cosby reference.
"And honestly, I think a white person should step up and say they feel uncomfortable and it's not appropriate."
I feel uncomfortable and it's not appropriate that my chair is getting all rickety 'n' shit, and honestly, I think a black person should step up and help me complain about my chair, so how about it Mr. racist N minus word?
"Black and white people gotta stand up when they see some bulls**t going on."
Yeah, he's right. Black and white people gotta stand up and call bullshit on idiots manufacturing "problems" out of non-problems. It isn't right, it isn't decent, and it isn't helping.
Exactly why is it "never appropriate" to darken a face? I bet this Common fellow couldn't articulate his objections beyond the point and sputter quoted here.
Somehow, half-conscious Americans are going to be nudged into laughter, sometime in the near future, by scenes of the black kid getting knocked around. And these Hollywood white guys couldn't break their stride long enough to find a stunt double who looks like Williams
I hope you're being droll here, and not in earnest. If the latter, help me, Lord.
(You and Common are in the know about the availability and qualifications of stunt doubles, eh? If it's not a stunt double, but a lighting double, as Kate notes, I don't see the point of making a big gay racial deal out of that, either. Apparently grabbing some available kid and slapping some makeup on him serves the technical purpose, so that's what they do.)
Pretty disappointed to find out that it wasn't a stunt double, but a lighting double. Because I was going to say: "Hold my Skittles, and watch this."
What truly ridiculousness in this day and age is that so many people refuse to accept that one can use make up to change the color of one's skin for reasons other than pre-war era minstrel shows.
All this black white division. The Obama era was really a huge leap forward for race relations.
I had no idea there was such a thing as a child stunt double. I thought they just used smaller men, or sometimes women, for that work.
I totally agree with Common. No white child stunt double should have to risk injury for a black actor who probably gets paid more. Let the pickaninny take the fall.
Could they lighten the skin of the actor to match the stunt double? - that would be OK, wouldn't it?
There's something inherently wrong about the whole concept of child stunt doubles. If your parents push you into that line of work, that's a quantum leap worse than the average stage parent. "Son, I'd like you to pick up some college money by falling down stairs and jumping out of helicopters." Still, so long as Tom Cruise continues to make movies there will be a market for child stunt doubles.
"You and Common are in the know about the availability and qualifications of stunt doubles, eh?"
I know that nobody ever gave me money for self-identifying as a black midget stunt double, and honestly, I think a white person should step up and say they feel uncomfortable and it's because I never self-identified as a black midget stunt double in the first place, just the black midget part.
Resist . . .
No wonder African African-Americans cannot understand what American African-Americans are about.
I think this particular actor's complaint qualifies for the "sod off, Swampy" treatment.
Black actors should be paid in all the farina and buckwheat they can eat.
I'm sorry. I have race fatigue. And gender fatigue. I just don't care that this happened. It's a freakin stunt double. Stunt doubles are whoever can do the stunt and has the approximate body shape/size.
Rogen is going to have to spend a ton of time apologizing for something here. I have apology fatigue also.
I have freakin activist fatigue. Left-thinking people fatigue. Preaching at me fatigue.
Just get on with your lives, people. You are not all activists. But you are all annoying.
Finally, I don't know where he came from, but suddenly he's the voice of everyone's conscience: I have Common Fatigue. Who the fuck is Common and what does he know about my life?
I say don’t bother with a stunt double. Put the black kid at risk. Ok, Common?
He was an attendee at reverend Wright's church and he's played a gangster in at least half of his roles, in a hometown which has new records of violence every year.
(((Seth Rogan))) will apologize abjectly for being (((white))). After all, he's (((Canadian))).
Down the street at a busy interstate intersection is a McDonalds that I used to patronize when starving to death. Fast service, high quality for what they serve, good place if you needed a cuppa coffee or a quick meal. Attitudes friendly, helpful and they actually got the orders filled correctly.
But they recently hired a black male manager and the place has gone to hell. Service is sorry (all black workers), attitude is piss poor, food is cold, trash all over the place, and lately the credit card machine won't work so it's all cash. It's just a typical black establishment now. This is what happens wherever you have blacks working and especially, if they are in charge.
The city government is now run by blacks and it has gone to hell. Graft and corruption abound, service is poor, crime is way up.
These people are inferior and prove it everyday. Everyone with a brain knows it. Someone please tell me why I must tiptoe around lest I offend blacks.
Well he should apologize for this is the end, and that hannukah themed film, but that's neither here nor there.
Jay Elink said...
Common's birth name was Common Nightwalker, after his mom, so it's easy to see why he went with his stage name.
The Stupid is strong in this one.
2 words: "White Chicks"
2 more: double standard
Common is the jiggaboo who had an album cover with the dead white judges on it, right? And Obama invited him to be celebrated at the White House afterwards, right? Fuck those niggers.
I think white people have spent more than enough time and energy trying to understand why skin color makes people feel things that are often not there or at least not reasonable. That effort has taken us as far as it can a while back. It's time for the "victims" to consider if they really want to be equal or not. Equality is harder than victimhood, but more powerful in the long run. It's worth it for everyone, but especially the "victims".
Unfortunately, it only takes one party to have racism. Lets all try to make sure it's not us instead of assuming it's the other guy based on his skin color, becuase that makes the racist you.
Hagar said...
No wonder African African-Americans cannot understand what American African-Americans are about.
African African-Americans are collecting electric heaters for Norway:
Africa For Norway - New charity single out now!
"People don't ignore starving people so why should we ignore cold people?"
So...I am supposed to be appalled that a black kid is not allowed to endanger himself over a white kid?
In Tribal America, I have no problem with that.
It seems strange that a rapper is saying things a Klansman would but these are the Crazy Years
"According to the article, this child isn't a stunt double, he's a lighting double."
The daily mail article mixes the terms recklessly. The TMZ article they reference uses only the term "stand in".
This also adds to the confusion:
"They also said the actor's father 'a longtime stunt performer himself, who is also on the set, is offended by the [complaints] being made regarding his son'."
So maybe the kid's Dad is a stunt person who got his kid a job as a "stand in".
A true stand in could be anyone who can sit/stand still under direction. A little harder to support the need to blackface a white kid.
etbass said...
"These people are inferior and prove it everyday. Everyone with a brain knows it. Someone please tell me why I must tiptoe around lest I offend blacks."
Because they are prone to violence.
@michael Fitzgerald - dude. WTF? Let’s make our opinions known in a slightly more sophisticated way.
And the Left continues to eat its own ...
@Michael K - John Howard Griffin was a seriously disturbed individual
"If I'm a black person on that set, I'm offended."
Full Stop.
So is using blackface on a child stunt double worse than taking property from white farmers in South Africa without compensation? What moral guidance does Hollywood offer on that?
So I should have said the N word?
"Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants," said newly hired member of NYT editorial board, "oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get from being cruel to old white men."
"If I'm a black person on that set, I'm offended."
Well, if that's how it works, I guess I can speak for all white people and say: get over it.
this type of post is how Althouse triggers racists to feel empathy for one another
First World problem. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Apparently daily mail's misuse of "stunt double" is hard for some to let go.
Just look at the pic if words are too complex.
He's not made up to fool the cam for filmed stunts.
Actual stunt people are used only when/where absolutely necessary..mega $$$.
This is why I just don't give a shit about racist complaints any longer. Not one fucking shit.
"Common is the jiggaboo who had an album cover with the dead white judges on it, right? And Obama invited him to be celebrated at the White House afterwards, right? Fuck those niggers."
"I'm loud and crazy!"
Gary Coleman (1968-2010) was a black child actor with brilliant comic timing.
The lighting double is a courtesy for the actor, not an insult. They can relax and do other things while the shot is being set up. Complainers would have to do all the shit/boring work if I were in charge.
"This is why I just don't give a shit about racist complaints any longer. Not one fucking shit."
You condone racism by not giving a shit. I don't think it is far off the mark to call someone like you a racist sympathizer. Do you have any black friends? Did you like Kool and the Gang? Tupac Shakur? Biggie Smalls? Lena Horn? Shirley Horn?
No? That's more proof of your cultural isolation, and narrow-mindedness.
Howard: "this type of post is how Althouse triggers racists to feel empathy for one another"
You mean she invited the NYT Editorial Board to participate?
Trumpit: "You condone racism by not giving a shit."
A much more effective way to "condone racism" is simply to hire loud and proud racists to your editorial board, like the NYT.
Is it just me, or does Trumpit stink like a typically wet white person?
@Fernandistein - I didn’t believe the NYT editorial board comment. Then I looked it up.
Oso Negro: "@Fernandistein - I didn’t believe the NYT editorial board comment. Then I looked it up."
Oh yes.
Once again, our lefties choose this very day, during the week that the NYT hires an open and proud racist to their Editorial Board, to lecture the right about racism.
Their political timing has reached LLR Chuck-level incompetence.
@Drago, You think you are so smart. I'm part Haitian, and you're 100% troll.
If I spend time trying to rectify or even care one shit about every racial complaint going about these days, I might as well give up living. It has become that ridiculous.
"Huge brawl breaks out in duty free at Paris airport as French rappers beat each other with perfume bottles and rampage past over-sized M&Ms in front of terrified passengers"
Perfume wrappers.
Trumpit: "@Drago, You think you are so smart. I'm part Haitian, and you're 100% troll."
There are white Haitians as well.
Trumpit: "@Drago, You think you are so smart. I'm part Haitian, and you're 100% troll."
Note to self: Trumpit believes his/her ethnicity negates blatant racism of a NYT Editorial Board hire.
Haitians are seldom that foolish, almost without exception, I have found them very diligent, one I went to school with became a high official back home,
narciso: "Haitians are seldom that foolish, almost without exception, I have found them very diligent, one I went to school with became a high official back home"
I have met any number of Haitians and they have been, to a person, infinitely more intelligent and coherent than Trumpit, which is why I refuse to allow Trumpit's example to color my view of these long-suffering people who have labored under Trumpit's beloved Socialist stupidity.
Yeah, based on the Haitians I know, I have to believe that Trumpit is lying about that. They are high energy entrepreneurial people.
Trumpit said...I'm part Haitian
So is Lizzy Warren.
Rashad lynn phittim phittim biscuit barrel, is just a very foolish person, of all the things one could focus legitimate attention, what a waste,
I always get a kick out of black folk telling us honkies and crackers what to think and say.
Broadens my horizons.
like I say, he's played an assassin, wanted, a gangster in American gangster, an enforcer in terminator salvation, a bureau agent in if you can see me, but that's a rare appearance,
Trumpit said...I'm part Haitian
walter: "So is Lizzy Warren."
And in 2020, so will Hillary. Bank on it.
Temujim at 9:54 AM said it much better than I could.
I need to get one of those 'I don't care' coats.
about a stunt double — a child stunt double — whose skin was darkened to make him look like the actor he was supposed to look like — The Daily Mail reports. Common said that it is "never appropriate" to darken a face. "'C'mon man, it's 2018, when is that acceptable? I ain't with it."
He saw the need now he should fill it.
Stepin Fetchit was FUNNY! Why can't all Blacks be like him?
oh well that's different:
squirrel, squirrel:
Washington, haysbert, freedman, poitier, all transcend stereotypical roles, but this fellow I have yet to see,
catastrophic anthropogenic diversity identity
The John Ford western movies made in Monument Valley employed the Indians there who made most of their living from his movies.
"The Last of the Mohicans" employed Indians playing the Indians in the movie although I think they were not from one tribe,
So as I understand it, a white guy was put in danger instead of a black one, which is white supremacy in action.
"Common said that it is "never appropriate" to darken a face."
Michael Jackson unavailable for comment.
Blogger Drago said...
Trumpit: "@Drago, You think you are so smart. I'm part Haitian, and you're 100% troll."
She's right, you have to be Norge to be a troll
"Did you like Kool and the Gang? Tupac Shakur? Biggie Smalls? Lena Horn? Shirley Horn? No? That's more proof of your cultural isolation, and narrow-mindedness."
No. That is evidence of my sense of taste. You comment is evidence of your ignorance and narrow mindedness.
I prefer The Fugees to Kool and the Gang, Ella Fitzgerald to Lena Horne and Al Green to Tupac Shakur.
Get a brain, Trumpit.
The solution is CGI. Just like the recent Star Wars movies... did your character's actor pass on? Don't find a similar-looking person, just CGI 'em into the shot.
Really, it's the only fair thing to do. Real people shouldn't be doing dangerous stunts when we can make computers do them.
Michael fitzgerald,
Fuck you.
Go peddle your racist crazy somewhere else.
It isnot welcome here.
Ann, you should delete his comment and block him.
First time 30 years I've said something like that.
John Henry
" Ann, you should delete his comment and block him."
I agree with John Henry.
I don't know what Michael Fitzgerald's purpose is but it is annoying and offensive.
Ann - You might consider that he is a troll trying to make your blog look bad with his racist tweets.
“Is it just me, or does Trumpit stink like a typically wet white person?”
Trumpit smells like a mixture of McDonalds’ cheeseburgers and seagull droppings.
@John Henry - Althouse is more likely to correct his spelling than ban him.
Can somebody put facts to the assertion that Obama invited an “artist” who put dead judges on an album cover to the WH?
I always found Obama condescending and mildly racist towards white people. This would seem to back this feelin* up.
White people don't complain about racism nearly as much as non-white people. But we ought to. Because the racism against white people is bad and getting worse.
Consider the case of Quinn Norton. She was hired and fired by the NYT on the same day.
Why was she fired? Because she retweeted a word that will get you fired from the NYT. She retweeted somebody using the N word. You can read the tweet for yourself and decide how racist it is. I think it's an incompetent attempt to be anti-racist. Anyway, she didn't write the stupid tweet. She retweeted it without any comment. But she was fired anyway.
Okay, you might say. The NYT has a hard-line stance against anything that might be racist in your twitter feed, right?
No. That's only the rule if you're white. The NYT has a completely different rule if you say racist things in your twitter feed and you're non-white.
We know this because the NYT just hired a Korean woman for pretty much the exact same job that Norton was fired from. And this Korean woman, Sarah Jeong, hates white people.
Will she be fired? Doubtful, very doubtful.
I think Quinn Norton ought to sue the NYT for racial discrimination. She has a very strong case. Particularly when you compare the two cases and see how blatant the disparate treatment is.
Racial discrimination is actually illegal in hiring and firing people, NYT. Report on that!
@John Henry- "racist crazy"...Kiss my ass.
@Francisco D- Annoyed? Offended? Kiss my ass.
@Oso Negro- Kiss my ass.
I think MF is a paid union troll. He is probably with the SEIU.
I know some of those guys - lotsa socialists who buy into the "By Any Means Necessary" slogan.
Whites are the patriarchy, therefore, are immune from racist attacks.
Common said that it is "never appropriate" to darken a face.
Navy SEALS applying facepaint for a night mission could not be reached for comment.
"Navy SEALS applying facepaint for a night mission could not be reached for comment"
Nighttime is racist and literally white supremacy.
Baseball and football players apply some shoe polish under their eyes. Is that out ?
@Francisco D- You think wrong, again. Because it is out of the realm of possibility in your narrow mind that a white man can mimic the torrents of hate aimed at him daily.
We all know you are a troll, Mikey.
@Francisco D- Speak for yourself, cuck.
@ Michael Fitzgerald - Sorry chum, I lack an ass-kissing gene. But I do know how to spell the word "jigaboo".
@Rae I immediately thought of the stunt double gag from Spaceballs. Look it up to see an approximation of your idea brought to live.
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