१७ ऑगस्ट, २०१८

"I have always assumed, casually, that Trump has used the word."

"To suppose that he didn’t would be to imagine that a real-life Archie Bunker didn’t—Trump is, after all, of the same white, salt-of-the-earth Queens stock as that character, with the same sense of what real America is. I recall a man who worked with me on a summer job at a seafood market in the ’80s. On Fridays, the store would feature whiting, a fish especially popular with black people. One of the employees had misspelled whiting on the sign, and this Trumpesque fellow chuckled, unaware that I was within earshot, 'Doesn’t matter—n*****s can’t read anyway.'"

Writes John McWhorter in "Trump and the N Word/It’s not the word that matters—it’s the sentiment" (The Atlantic).

The weirdest thing about that paragraph is Trump's apparent success in getting people to think of him as a working-class guy. How the hell did he do that? He's always been rich. Why would he be like Archie Bunker or a guy who works in a fish store?! The phrase "white, salt-of-the-earth Queens stock" suggests something at the genetic level. Stock. Was the fish-market guy from Queens "stock" too? In what possible way was this man "Trumpesque"? He was white, I get that, but this seems dangerously close to seeing all white men as alike.

I don't know. That whole paragraph made me uncomfortable. I've been around white people all my life, and I was born in the 1950s, and I don't remember them — us — using the n-word. McWhorter tells us what he's "always assumed, casually," but it doesn't fit with my experience of white people.

McWhorter continues:
Things like that let you know what sorts of things are said when you aren’t around; this man was perfectly ordinary, as is, quite resonantly, Trump. 
Trump is "perfectly ordinary" — quite resonantly perfectly ordinary?! That really makes no sense at all. Trump is the most unusual person we've ever seen. Just being the sort of person who could get to be President makes a man very unusual, and Trump is the most unusual President we've ever seen — quite resonantly.
What would be surprising is if he, a sociologically unheedful person molded in the 1950s, wasn’t well acquainted with the N word...
A sociologically unheedful person... that's a great phrase, but an awfully weak foundation for making such a negative assumption.
That Trump is a casual racist has long been painfully clear. While his scorn for all comers is plain from his speeches and tweets, he has repeatedly demonstrated an especial contempt for black people....
Trump says a lot of blunt things — very positive and very negative — about a lot of people. McWhorter admits that, but he still wants to make Trump's attacks on black people special (especial?).
No, he wouldn’t burn crosses on anyone’s lawn. Trump is a man of the late-20th century, not its earlier half. But Trump clearly thinks of black people as an inferior caste....  Like so many others, he thinks black people are not only lazy, but stupid.

With the case for Trump’s bigotry so clear, in what sense would it somehow be a key revelation that he has used the N word? In what sense is his using that slur proof of anything but what we’ve known all along?
If you've come this far and are keeping up with McWhorter's assumptions, you will now see that it doesn't even matter whether Trump used the n-word. He's just as bad whether he did or not, and yet, don't stop there, you ought to assume he did:
Given what his views clearly are, wouldn’t it be a little odd if he primly refrained from using that word in his private moments?
Not to me, but then I don't accept the given. And yet, I think even if I did accept the given, I wouldn't find it odd (or prim) to refrain from using the word.
That would be an incoherent person, and Trump is, if anything, quite coherent...
McWhorter is essentially joking that it would be a compliment to credit horrible old Trump with the use of the n-word because he'd at least be "coherent" (that is, consistent with all those other things McWhorter has aggressively pinned on him).
... gruesomely predictable in his solipsistic, unrefined Alpha-baboon essence.
Oh! A monkey metaphor, flung casually, and it's okay, because the person lampooned is white.

३०५ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   305 पैकी 201 – 305
walter म्हणाले...

"That Trump is a casual racist has long been painfully clear. While his scorn for all comers is plain from his speeches and tweets, he has repeatedly demonstrated an especial contempt for black people..."

He makes a pretty strong case with such "It goes without saying.." (de)posits.
The linguistic professor's next book should be The Power of Babble.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

tim maguire said...
"He has a lot of really thoughtful things to say about race relations (Full disclosure: I loved his take-down of Ta Nahesi-Coates and so want to love everything he says on the subject)"

Got some bad news for you. McWhorter's criticism of Coates is just a brushback pitch, thrown at the head of an uppity nigger who is poaching in McWhorter's private enclave of ass-kissing white academics. McWhorter is just another race-hustler.

dreams म्हणाले...

"The weirdest thing about that paragraph is Trump's apparent success in getting people to think of him as a working-class guy. How the hell did he do that? He's always been rich."

One of the reasons Trump has always been hated and looked down on by the liberal elites is because he has always been perceived as a working class type person from Queens. Trump didn't didn't stay in his lane like his dad, Trump moved into Manhattan and became a big success and it continues to rub the right people the wrong way. Althouse revealing her liberal sensibilities as she pretends to not understand.

Nonapod म्हणाले...

It's amazing. So many people seem to be able to read minds. They "know" what people are really thinking. They can see into their hearts. I'm know I'm guilty of this too. But I try to avoid it.

Why can't people accept the world for what it is rather than constantly trying to twist it into what they imagine it to be? It's just easier. If you want to understand a person, it's usually better to examine what they've done rather than what they've said. But we live in an era where words seem to have taken precedence over deeds though. Social media and 24 hours cable news has magnified the importance of words. Everything seems backwards.

We live in a time and place of unbelievable plenty and minimal violence. We're safer, more well fed, more healthy, less likley to have our heads caved in than any other time in human history. But we focus on minutia.

Chris N म्हणाले...

Just look at that weird hair and those tiny hands. He eats McDonald’s A LOT. What’s he doing now? Rich, crude asshole. Now where’s he going? Why is his skin like that, anyways? Awful. Just awful. Vegas. AC. Queens. Gold doors. Porn stars, pussy-grabbing and Diet Coke. Unprincipled buffoon.

Is he leaving? Now what’s he saying?

Usually people write for money, for prestige, for respect, for pleasure, for ‘flow,’, to open future doors, to learn, to teach, to lecture,to manipulate, at enemies, at themselves, at the world, with friends, with allies....I don’t know where the prepositions came from.

But often because they’re afraid, too.

Darrell म्हणाले...

Nobody has ever reported Trump using that word for 72 years.
Lefties who have never met Trump hear it clearly. Like everything they imagine or conjure up to acquire power.

People are paying Omarosa to produce dirt--$1 million advance for her book, for example. She plays their requested tune with no evidence supporting it.

daskol म्हणाले...

he grew up in Jamaica Estates, not Forest Hills. and they all pretty much talk funny in Queens, even apparently the ones who go off to boarding school at some point.

Seeing Red म्हणाले...

White people, making laws that took black men out of the house, resulting in pregnancies for fatherless daughters.

White people or progressives? Gotta love those social engineers of the 60s and 70s!

They only wanted to help.....RME NO BOUGSIE!! Build that Soviet Man!

I remember being a kid like 10-14? and watching a movie where that was the advice, get rid of him so you get more money. I thought it was stupid then. Now we see the carnage it caused for America so what do we do? Throw more money!

Until AA’s vote republican, it won’t change.

Seeing Red म्हणाले...


buwaya म्हणाले...

Everyone is a racist. Its only a matter of degree and expression, and often local compromises - that is, say, that this race is acceptable to x degree, but only so far, but this other one is right out. There is a reverse racism too, white people usually being favored even in places where they are rare, and aren't in the local power structure.

Travel brings understanding, and usually racism. I understand that in Beijing and probably elsewhere in China clubs often let white people (and pretty girls) in for free, or provide them free drinks, but keep blacks out. There are rather few black people in China, mainly Africans, but there you are, the system travels.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

”Perhaps Freder is just not that bright.”

Ask him how a light bulb works.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Nonapod said...

"Why can't people accept the world for what it is rather than constantly trying to twist it into what they imagine it to be?"

Shhhh! That's how we keep them busy as the rest of us accomplish things. (I'm writing songs as the "smart" people argue over how many angels can fit on the head of a pin.) Just keep telling them they're doing great, as they attend yoga class or whatever, and look for something real to get into:

They'll never notice.

Bilwick म्हणाले...

If the Hive wants to use Trump's use of the n-word (real or imagined) as a means of furthering the coup, and undoing everything that he's accomplished, we should, for the sake of consistency, repeal all legislation originating with Lyndon Johnson. Goodbye, War on Poverty! Probably Harry Truman, too. Woodrow Wilson may have been too "poncey" (as the Brits say) to use such language, except maybe among his fellow Southerners; but he obviously thought in those terms: so maybe we should, in the same purge, eliminate the legacy of Wilsonian "Progressivism."

I also have read that Hillary Clinton has been known to throw ethnic slurs around, but I wouldn't dig up any tapes to confirm it. I don't want to commit Arkancide.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Seeing Red said...

"White people or progressives? Gotta love those social engineers of the 60s and 70s!"

No, I'm not buying that - white conservatives, here, keep trying to yank themselves out of history. Their white flight and other actions of hostility were just as damaging as those who wouldn't let us run our own lives, so yes - white people.

walter म्हणाले...

"Trump didn't didn't stay in his lane like his dad, Trump moved into Manhattan"
Kinda like George Jefferson!
Hey Crack, how's it going?
Thought so.

AJ Ford म्हणाले...

I think it is time for a Bloggingheads with Ann and John.

gg6 म्हणाले...

McWhorter is a narcissist jerk with bias, pretty much end of story. There's very little more absurd than such a mouth-machine using the word 'solipsistic' to criticize others.
btw, I grew up in his target generation and of course I was familiar with the dreaded 'n-word'...duh!...it's part of American verbal history just like "schmuck, wop, mick, dyke, spic", etc etc etc...and I was even MORE familiar with the widespread contemporary recognition of that time that such words were wrong and shameful. Now, just when I thought/hoped that we seemed to have left all that behind - jerks like McWhorter politicize such regrettable language and make the phony charge that it is alive, well, and practiced everywhere except in their own, ever-so-pure Liberal heads. I'll close on another bad word but one still in widespread use - McWhorter is full of s..

Mark Nielsen म्हणाले...

I used to enjoy reading this blog a lot more before the return of Crack. And I've been reading long enough to remember when Crack was around before. Too many posts now become what this one has become. It's tiring.

I doubt I'm the only reader who feels this way.

buwaya म्हणाले...

White flight was the reaction of a white lower class to an imposition of the white upper class. My wife (half-Mexican) was one of those who was bussed in the late 60's to San Francisco's Hunters Point schools as part of the first desegregation effort. She remembers the shocking violence among the kids, among them a white girl who was mobbed and had her face scraped off against rough concrete.

She spent middle school in the library.

The shock of this can be seen in the SFUSD enrollment statistics 1968-78, as the whites fled, 60-70% of them. The Asians were mainly poor, and couldn't flee.

Rick म्हणाले...

The Crack Emcee said...
It's wild how whites always think SOMEONE ELSE has to develop character, when it's whites who went against "All Men Are Created Equal" for hundreds of years.

They always get the order, of how these things have to happen, wrong. YOU GO FIRST.

Plenty of people have gone first. If you weren't a racist judging everyone by what people sharing the same skin color say you'd recognize this.

Tim म्हणाले...

The African-American slave ancestors? The ones subjugated and sold by black Africans? The slaves that went 95% to Central and South America? Yeah, I'm over it. Make your own way in the world.

Darrell म्हणाले...

Omarosa loves Trump.


The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Mark Nielsen said...

"I used to enjoy reading this blog a lot more before the return of Crack. And I've been reading long enough to remember when Crack was around before. Too many posts now become what this one has become. It's tiring.

I doubt I'm the only reader who feels this way."

It's amazing how white people can focus on me - but miss DAYS of my antagonists doing whatever they want.

Racism is VERY selective.

FWBuff म्हणाले...

This is so disappointing to read from John McWhorter. He is a brilliant professor, and I've found his books on linguistics and the English language to be informative and accessible. I thought he was above these sorts of accusations and name-calling. McWhorter is perpetuating the very stereotypes of working-class whites that he accuses Trump of harboring against working-class blacks.

And I grew up in Texas during the 1960s and 1970s. My family never said the "n-word", and my parents weren't unusual in our farming community in prohibiting that slur. I resent McWhorter's broad and baseless assumptions to the contrary.

TestTube म्हणाले...

Good News: Trump will preside over the greatest period of racial and ethnic reconciliation and in the history of civilization. A period of human solidarity that even surpasses the dreams of MLK Jr.

Bad news: this period will come out of desperation, because we must band together to save what is left of civilization from the superhuman creatures that partook of the red sarcophagus juice (https://www.change.org/p/let-people-drink-the-red-liquid-from-the-dark-sarcophagus) and the ancient disease cheese (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-08-17/worlds-oldest-cheese-discovered-in-ancient-egyptian-tomb/10133178)

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Rick said...

"Plenty of people have gone first. If you weren't a racist judging everyone by what people sharing the same skin color say you'd recognize this."

Right. That's why I got attacked AS SOON AS I GOT BACK - because whites try so hard.

White's moral compass is as broken as a debutante's nose.

dreams म्हणाले...

I don't remember Trump being regarded as racist before he ran for president so the racist crap is all political, IMO.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Overrated black dude starts from the assumption that Trump, bring a white guy from Queens, is a racist, then applies the circular reasoning he dtudied so assiduously at Rutgers, NYU, and Stanford to conclude that Trump is, indeed, a racist. Ain’t book learning wonderful?

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Mark Nielsen said...

"I used to enjoy reading this blog a lot more before the return of Crack."

I used to enjoy reading this blog a lot more when whites could be racist without pushback....I doubt I'm the only reader who feels this way.


dreams म्हणाले...

Trump continues to gain in the polls among blacks so we can expect even more false charges of racism from the corrupt liberal media and the crooked dimms.

TestTube म्हणाले...

Crack, we don't fear you because of your skin color. We fear you because you have obviously partaken of the red liquid from the Dark Sarcophagus.

FACT: Crack Emcee reemerged in these comment threads AFTER the Dark Sarcophagus was opened.
FACT: Crack Emcee has only posted profile pictures of a man wearing sunglasses.
FACT: Those who have partaken of the red liquid from the Dark Sarcophagus can be recognized by their eyes, which are like two dark red holes in the fabric of space and time. Until the time comes for them to band together, they wear sunglasses.

Rick म्हणाले...

Right. That's why I got attacked AS SOON AS I GOT BACK

You started spouting racism as soon as you got back. Racism triggering criticism is not a problem or evidence of the critic's racism.

JAORE म्हणाले...

Shorter editorial by a professor of linguistics (!):

Actual words don't matter.

OR The Trump voices in my head say the most VILE things!

Darkisland म्हणाले...

Blogger Seeing Red said...

Until AA’s vote republican, it won’t change.

Thanks for pointing out that it was not all white people, that it was progressives. A/K/A fascists. And capital D Democrat progressives, at that.

Don't tar all white people with that brush.

As for voting Republican, if blacks suddenly began voting en bloc for Repos as they have been doing for Demmies, nothing will change.

As it stands now, most Repo pols (President Trump is a notable exception) see no point in paying any attention to the needs of blacks because they figure they won't vote Repo anyway.

Most Demmies, including and perhaps especially black Demmie polssee not point in paying any attention to the needs of blacks because they already own their vote. Paying more attention won't get any more votes.

What blacks need to do is vote normally so that both parties court them.

John Henry

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Why does one have to assume he used the word? Given that the rumored tape has never surfaced in the last 3 years, I just assume it doesn't exist at this point, and I strongly suspect McWorter knows this is the case- it is the reason he feels the need to write this essay to begin with. Does anyone really believe a Trump enemy would not have leaked it to the media before November 2016?

I have never heard a white person who would be under the age of 90 today vocally use the word in a pejorative manner in casual conversation- not once. And I haven't heard a white person who would be 90 today use that word in the last 20 years. The only place I see it used by people I assume to be white is on-line and the ones doing so are anonymous.

Has Trump ever used it? I would guess that it is possible, but I don't think there are any recordings of him doing so.

Geoff Matthews म्हणाले...

Is this a 'typical white people' statement?
If so, I kind of resent that.

And Crack, Africans have NOT been treating each other equally. So get off your high horse.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

McWhorter is simply preparing the fake but accurate argument.

tom म्हणाले...

So apparently Ann will be shocked and appalled when a tape does emerge?

walter म्हणाले...

This must make McWhorter McSnort:
Jesse Jackson praises and thanks Donald Trump for a lifetime of service to African Americans

Darkisland म्हणाले...

Blogger Tim said...

The slaves that went 95% to Central and South America? Yeah, I'm over it. Make your own way in the world.

Actually, no. Unless you are talking just about the ones who crossed the Atlantic. Then it was about 10mm to South America and the Caribbean, about 1mm to what is now the US.

But if you want to talk about all slavery of sub-Saharan African blacks, it was about 100mm between 900AD and 1900AD. Almost captured and sold into slavery by other blacks. Often to trading posts run by Arabs.

Most were marched north to Arab states, Persia, Turkey. A lot went by boat to India. Huge numbers, maybe as many as half, died along the way. Those who got to the destination, had a life of about 1-2 years before they had been literally worked to death.

Park, Stanly, Livingston, Burton and other African explorers of the 1800s write over and over about groups of Africans being marched around the bush, chained together by their neck. Park, I think it was, told of several instances where he ran across groups of slaves who had been abandoned, still chained together and had died from hunger or thirst.

Burton wrote about the slave market in Zanzibar, principally to be sent to India and points east, in 1865 or so. I seem to recall him saying that 100,000 blacks were sold annually there. (Been a while so I may be mis-remembering but it was a huge number)

That 100mm doesn't count Africans who were held in slavery, in Africa, by other Africans.

Plenty of blame to go all around.

John Henry

walter म्हणाले...

You have the tape, Tom?
Wait..are you Tom Arnold?

rcocean म्हणाले...

What's with this childish desire to know what words people say in *Private*.

It doesn't matter! Nor does it matter what they did in private sexually, 10-20-30-35 years ago.

In countries - like France - they have grown up politics, with the focus on the policies that affect the country. Half of their Presidents/PM's have mistresses. And nobody cares.

gahrie म्हणाले...

Their white flight

Are you saying that Black people need White people around in order to be successful? If not why would White flight matter?

rcocean म्हणाले...

People let their guard down in private, and they blow off steam.

None of my bosses, (who I all more or less liked) would've wanted to hear what I said about them in private after a few drinks.

Sam L. म्हणाले...

You know, THIS is why Trump won.

gahrie म्हणाले...

It's wild how whites always think SOMEONE ELSE has to develop character, when it's whites who went against "All Men Are Created Equal" for hundreds of years.

They always get the order, of how these things have to happen, wrong. YOU GO FIRST.

How about you show me a Black culture that has ever believed all men are created equal, including today.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent म्हणाले...

I’m not going to read 250 comments to find out how many times it’s been said but yes, every White American man, regardless of age, ideology, or outward display of virtue, has uttered the word “nigger” at one time or another. Also every Asian-American and Mexican-American, though perhaps not every Caribbean Hispanic. Are the universal crimes the most grievous or the least?

Etienne म्हणाले...

I said the N-word a lot as a kid. Ever since I was old enough to point.

The thing is, there were these black licorice candies affectionately called Ni***er Babies.

You could get four for a penny.

Hell, even the negro kids called them that.

readering म्हणाले...

NJ fifties and sixties I didn't hear it but heard coon and colored a lot.

langford peel म्हणाले...

President Trump doesn't think black people are lazy and stupid.

He knows that black people are lazy and stupid.

Omarosa. Mad Maxine Waters. That bitch with the cowboy hat. Don Lemon. Crack. The beat goes on.

readering म्हणाले...

Some people you do assume they use it.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe म्हणाले...

C'mon, Althouse. How ya gonna have a conversation about race if ya cant say the word "nigger"? Checked the link to Atlantic; and McWhorter did not say "n*****s" as you quoted him and the article.

Good place to start, actually, might be to define "race." No one seems to have settled that yet.

Really enjoyed John McWhorter in the Great Courses linguistics lectures, and understand the guy sells his writings to make a living - BUT. There has been entirely too much ink spilt and air mangled for decades now over what this or that President, his wife, his kids, his dog, did or said. It just dont deserve a listen or a read. I will be paying less attention to McWorter in the future, since he clearly has less (or fewer; it seems both could be correct in this application) interesting and important things to speak and write about.

Jersey Fled म्हणाले...

I don't want to get in the habit of responding to Crack's posts because it just encourages him.

So I will post my generic response to all present and future posts, which you can assume is implied.


rcocean म्हणाले...

"To some degree Asians see themselves as a preyed-on class of victims, thrown to the wolves (black people), by the white people who run the schools. I'm not joking about this, it is ubiquitous."

Which is why most Asians get away from neighborhoods with poor black people as soon as they can. Or they drive up property values, which drives out most violent poor people.

gahrie म्हणाले...

Good place to start, actually, might be to define "race."

Race: Another term for human sub species. There are three distinct genetic populations of humans. The first, sub-Saharan Africans, are almost pure Homo Sapiens Sapiens. The second interbred with a second type of hominid, the Neanderthal. The third interbreed with two other hominids, the Neanderthal and the Denisovan.

Mr. Groovington म्हणाले...

Blogger buwaya said...
Any Chinese person in the US, or for that matter ... not joking about this, it is ubiquitous.

Exactly right, and I’ve seen it from the perspective of blacks in China, and blacks in India. The Indians (a tolerant bunch) often don’t trust their honour enough to even rent student space to them, and the Chinese often think they’re dangerous primitives. The Afrikaners often say black rule will ultimately be a catastrophe, say they’re not capable of running a pet shop.

I think all three point to Africa itself as a kleptocratic shithole.

rcocean म्हणाले...

People are complaining about Crack, but they really love him.

Most of the Althouse commenters love to have someone - especially a liberal - say crazy outrageous things.

Then they can react to it - which leads to more comments.

If wasn't crack, it'd Inga or Ritmo, or "Chuck" or whoever.

narayanan म्हणाले...

Gahrie said...
Trump has done more for the Black community in two years than Obama did in eight.

to be accurate ... than Obama ever did OR will do in his entire feckless life, which to me makes him a "nigger" = entire feckless life, which is how I understand the word in current culture.

narayanan म्हणाले...

@Dark Island said - "A lot went by boat to India."

Please provide link to look that up - never even mentioned in history I learned.

walter म्हणाले...

The Cracker Emcee Rampant said...I’m not going to read 250 comments to find out how many times it’s been said but yes, every White American man, regardless of age, ideology, or outward display of virtue, has uttered the word “nigger” at one time or another.
Another guy not content to speak for himself.
However, if you're going to discuss grievance politics and accusations, using "N-word" feels juvenile.

Darkisland म्हणाले...

Hey, Langford,

What do you have against people being lazy?

I've made my living for the past 25 years or so teaching people to be lazy.

"All progress is made by a lazy person looking for an easier way" - Lazarous Long


Stan Smith म्हणाले...


And there's your problem, Crack. You don't go at all.

Rosalyn C. म्हणाले...

I never heard or used the N word while I was growing up -- it was considered something low class people did, and of course we didn't use it. So when Trump says the N word is not part of his vocabulary I can relate because it's not part of my vocabulary. The N word has become much more common now because of its use by blacks, especially in the popular culture by rap artists, not because whites are more racist.

Racism is complex, I find living among blacks and Hispanics and Asians that they all are just as race conscious and group identified as whites but we are told that doesn't matter because their racism has no detrimental effects, because non-whites don't have the power. In the next breath we are told that white people are racist because of their thoughts even if they have never denied blacks any accomplishment or opportunity. So you are racist because you are white, even if you have no power over anyone.

What I, and many others, find most objectionable is the accusation of racism as a manipulative tool in situations where there really is no racism to begin with, simply because you are white. I could list numerous personal experiences, but I think everyone has their own. It's become nonproductive to discuss because you can't change your race and it has nothing to do with behavior.

If you think and deeply believe everyone white is against you and wants to prevent your success even if they have done nothing to harm you, that's called paranoia. If you use that as an excuse for your failure you are defeating yourself. The mental problem might be the result of trauma passed down from historical events but they are no longer in effect, and must be internally overcome.

Darkisland म्हणाले...

Blogger narayanan said...

@Dark Island said - "A lot went by boat to India."

Please provide link to look that up - never even mentioned in history I learned.

Thomas Sowell wrote a great trilogy in the 90s. I think the trilogy might have been called "Migration and cultures", or perhaps that was one of the volumes. One of the volumes is a discussion, in a lot of very scholarly detail of slavery. Not just black slaver of the last millenia but all slavery over the course of human history. Fascinating reading. This is where much of what I said comes from.

Burton, discussing the Zanzibar market mentions it too. That was the destination of many of the slaves.

I've not read this yet, beyond the first couple paragraphs but it might provide some illumination. It popped up on a DDG search.


I'm on a plant floor, waiting for a technician to show up so don't have a lot of time to provide a fuller answer. Ask again this evening if you want to know more and perhaps I can answer more fully.

John Henry

JaimeRoberto म्हणाले...

In other words, he's claiming, without evidence, that Trump has used the word.

langford peel म्हणाले...

Ii have nothing against people being lazy. Just as I have nothing against Irish people being drunks, Jews being money hungrey and Pollack's being stupid. I just recognize these eternal truths and refuse to deny it or pretty it up with virtue signaling bullshit.

Crack's problem isn't that he is stupid and lazy. Those are his most endearing qualities.

His problem is that he is uppity

That never works out well for the Negro.

Mr. Groovington म्हणाले...

Let’s talk sex.

There is no race on earth as sexually perfect and provocative as a naked Bantu beauty, imo. How could there be? It’s in the design. Uncompromising.

FIDO म्हणाले...

I don't believe that I can be absolved from my so called racial sins by voting Democrat, though that cleansing power sure did quite the job on Robert Grand Kleagle Byrd.

Not so big on self repudiation. Seen how that worked in Maoist China. Not going down that road.

Plus, Blacks and Feminists are Black Holes: they can never be filled or appeased so it is a fools errand to try.

Blacks these days have incredibly more opportunity than ever before. But they won't describe what is 'enough'. Okay

Same as Feminists: Women out earn men, are the majority in colleges, get affirmative action and their very sexual whim and dissatisfaction is criminalized...but they are 'oppressed'.

So the cost of sympathy is too much and I feel both groups are going to look back at these years as 'the day we went too far and fucked it all up'.

Well, not Feminists. They admit nothing. Maybe black people are more self aware.

Not kowtowing, thanks.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

From Huffington Post... Bettie Cook Scott stood outside polling place telling black voters "Don't Vote For The Ching Chong" and said to a voter, “immigrants from China are coming over and taking our community from us,”. Her rival in the primary, Rep. Stephanie Chang, accepted her apology very gracefully from what I read.

Fritz म्हणाले...

It's wild how whites always think SOMEONE ELSE has to develop character, when it's whites who went against "All Men Are Created Equal" for hundreds of years.

Not true. Sometimes I think about sex, too.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

Back in the day the Approved Term was "Negro", but guys like George Wallace and Lester Maddox pronounced it "Nigra". Shortly after that, "Black" came into favor.

Char Char Binks, Esq. म्हणाले...

I assume Trump drinks a lot of alcohol, because he's a regular Joe Six-Pack. It would be absurd were it otherwise.

buwaya म्हणाले...

"There is no race on earth as sexually perfect and provocative as a naked Bantu beauty, imo."

Have you acquired a native woman, as I suggested?

Char Char Binks, Esq. म्हणाले...

Crack seems to be upset that he was never molested by a Catholic priest, or a Jehovah's Witness, and that Scientologists never tried to take his money.

Crack, you seem to be breaking out of your usual circle of incompetence. Good for you -- broaden your horizons!

Milwaukie Guy म्हणाले...

I raised my kids in a white-minority neighborhood in Chicago. I worried that the constant parade of hooptie Toyotas driving down the block with the radio blasting out nigger this, bitch that, ho, ho, ho, might teach the kids some bad words. Even if when we told them they were bad words we couldn't be sure they weren't saying naughty things off by themselves, including things their parents occasionally blurted out like shit and fuck.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Y'all really have no idea what you unleashed, do you? Just stupid white people.

Sorry. It's the other way around. It's the Left and their constant cries of racism and white privilege that has created "white people".

"white" as a group died out LONG ago. It never really existed except in the South (see Irish for an obvious example).

It's the recent screaming AT white people that is coalescing us into a block.

Sow the wind...

On a related note, I highly recommend Black Rednecks and White Liberals. Shop the Althouse portal!

Rockport Conservative म्हणाले...

I haven't taken time to read all these comments. I don't understand why anyone would think people, taken as a whole, always do something. Is it projection?

I know I was taught early on that was a bad word. It has always grated on my ears. In my young days the proper word was Negro or the more genteel "colored".

When I moved to S Texas as a 12 year old, I moved to an area that hardly had any population of blacks, but I did hear the N word used and it always grated on my ears. But the proper, genteel word I heard here was Nigra. That grates on my ears, too. I never hear it anymore, that generation has died away. Or maybe it is still in use in the deep south.

I really prefer the term colored over blacks because the skin tones vary so beautifully from olive to very dark, very few actually a black color.

But the real point was painting others with such a broad brush and not thinking people have their own individual biases and reasoning.

Mr. Groovington म्हणाले...

Blogger buwaya said.... Have you acquired a native woman, as I suggested?

buwaya, sometimes you crack me up.

Jim at म्हणाले...

I doubt I'm the only reader who feels this way.

You're not.
I just scroll, scroll and scroll some more.

Crack = Ritmo

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Rockport Conservativ: When I moved to S Texas as a 12 year old, I moved to an area that hardly had any population of blacks, but I did hear the N word used and it always grated on my ears

In the mid 1950's we briefly (about 6 months) moved to Mississippi for my parents work. My parents were appalled at the racism and segregation and quite worried that my brother and I would pick up the use of racial terms including the N word.

This is a story they tell me as I was too young to remember this (about 5 or 6 yrs).

Asked if I had ever heard the word 'nigger'.
I said yes.
(Oh no they think. How are we going to counter this!) Do I know what that means?
Oh. Yes. Said I
(Sigh) What does that word mean.

Oh...well....it is those short pants that kids wear to play outside in. I read in it some book. (Pointing to my knees) I thought they meant "knickers" and had never heard the word "nigger".

They were relieved. I was very well read as a child...evidently.

There is also the "Colored Fountain" incident which I DO remember quite well. I'll do that story in the next post.

We pulled into town

Jim at म्हणाले...

Racism is VERY selective.

Fine. I'm a racist.
What else you got?

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Colored Fountain

We pulled into the town where my parents were going to work. Pulling our trailer and getting directions for where to go. Yes. We were "trailer trash". (Actually, traveling printers)

My brother, (about 4 yrs old) and I (6 yrs old) spy a neat looking stone drinking fountain in the pretty treed park across the street and get permission to run over and get a drink. Stretch our legs after being trapped in the car.

We were just about to turn the faucet handle and this lady comes up all agitated and says OH NO NO NO!!!. You can't drink out of that. That's the colored fountain. She scared us and was very insistent that we drink out of THAT other fountain. Being good little children (occasionally) who obey the adults we did what she said.

After she left, we went back and turned on the water on in ....The Colored Fountain. We were SO disappointed. The water was just clear. It wasn't colored at all. We were expecting pink or green or blue or something.

We went back to the car and told Mom and Dad about the disappointment. I'm pretty sure they both did massive face palms.

It wasn't until a few years later I understood the significance of that whole thing. We didn't stay there very long. Parent's didn't want us to be exposed to any more of this "culture". Thank GOD!

dreams म्हणाले...

Here is the reason the corrupt liberal media and the crooked dimms are trying to portray Trump as a racist.

"Some conservatives are buoyed by an uptick in approval of President Trump among black voters. Rasmussen said it doubled in the past year to 36%.

Given that black voters supply one-fourth of the Democratic Party votes, that is not insignificant.

This is the result of two things.
Obama failed to deliver jobs to his black constituency.
President Trump has"

Read it and weep liberal losers.


Unknown म्हणाले...

Crack, you have just established an all time world record for the highest number of stupid, ignorant (which is different from stupid, in case you were wondering), racist posts in a single thread. Nobody will ever top you. Or should I say, go lower than you?

By the way, how long were you a slave?

Birkel म्हणाले...

I enjoy a non-falsifiable theory just as much as the next person.

Carry on, TCE.

You can never be defeated in an argument because you have no argument.
You have an assertion based on assumptions about groups.
If only there were a word to describe your pre-judgments of people.

Michael Fitzgerald म्हणाले...

The Crack Emcee@10:16AM Debutantes have broken noses?

dreams म्हणाले...

Here is a good article about liberal elites and their attitude towards blacks/minorities and their white trash inferiors.


Gospace म्हणाले...

Who uses the N word?

Blacks of every age and 21s and under of all races, but not around people my age (63).

Why younger people? They've spent they're entire life listening to blacks use it. They're tired of hypocrisy. I don't listen to rap. My understanding of it is that rap songs overwhelming a black act, without the N word are few and far between. Also the rhymes with witch word and other words not used in polite conversation.

chickelit म्हणाले...

At least this thread didn’t happen in February.

chickelit म्हणाले...

Walter asked: “You have the tape, Tom?
Wait..are you Tom Arnold?”

The tape is safe in Michael Avenatti’s hands. Along with Stormy stuff.

dreams म्हणाले...

Here's more on the liberal elites behavior toward the white and even less-elite Asian-Americans.

"Yet, there’s reason to look deeper. In an article in The Atlantic, Reihan Salam offered an alternative perspective to that of Beauchamp and Klein. Titled “The Utility of White-Bashing,” Salam aimed to “look beyond the particulars of Jeong’s remarks to better understand why anti-white rhetoric is, in some communities, so commonplace as to be banal.” While affirming the ubiquity of anti-white rhetoric in progressive communities, Salam suggested it’s driven by motives beyond the simple highlighting of power structures.

Most commonly, he noted, it’s used as a tool by upwardly-mobile white people who “pride themselves on their diverse social circles and their enlightened views,” to distinguish themselves from their racial identity:

It is almost as though we’re living through a strange sort of ethnogenesis, in which those who see themselves as (for lack of a better term) upper-whites are doing everything they can to disaffiliate themselves from those they’ve deemed lower-whites. Note that to be “upper” or “lower” isn’t just about class status, though of course that’s always hovering in the background. Rather, it is about the supposed nobility that flows from racial self-flagellation.

Salam has also seen the same rhetoric used by highly-educated and affluent Asian-American professionals. Ultimately, it’s connected to the same phenomenon, because the aforementioned whites are gatekeepers to academic and professional success:

Think about what it takes to claw your way into America’s elite strata. Unless you were born into the upper-middle class, your surest route is to pursue an elite education. To do that, it pays to be exquisitely sensitive to the beliefs and prejudices of the people who hold the power to grant you access to the social and cultural capital you badly want. By setting the standards for what counts as praiseworthy, elite universities have a powerful effect on youthful go-getters. Their admissions decisions represent powerful “nudges” towards certain attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, and I’ve known many first- and second-generation kids—I was one of them—who intuit this early on.

In other words, anti-white rhetoric, if done in a way that mirrors that of the “upper” whites, helps Asian-Americans prove themselves as part of the elite and distinguish themselves from less-elite Asian-Americans, who just don’t get it. As long as these incentives exist, anti-white rhetoric will continue, Salam argued. (There’s more to his article; I recommend reading it in full.)

Last year, William Deresiewicz wrote a long article about his experiences teaching a semester at an elite college and hearing similar accounts from other elite colleges and universities. His article touches on the same issues Salam’s does, as well as some surrounding context that helps explain them.

Selective private colleges, Deresiewicz argued, have “become religious schools:”

The religion in question is not Methodism or Catholicism but an extreme version of the belief system of the liberal elite: the liberal professional, managerial, and creative classes, which provide a large majority of students enrolled at such places and an even larger majority of faculty and administrators who work at them. To attend those institutions is to be socialized, and not infrequently, indoctrinated into that religion."


Mea Sententia म्हणाले...

His casual, anti-white bigotry is common now, in the air all around.

dreams म्हणाले...

Deliberate misconstrual, this is what the corrupt liberal media and the crooked dimms do and have been doing, especially concerning Trump. They're corrupt, look in the mirror liberal.

Derve Swanson म्हणाले...

I've been around white people all my life, and I was born in the 1950s, and I don't remember them — us — using the n-word. McWhorter tells us what he's "always assumed, casually," but it doesn't fit with my experience of white people.

It's a class thang.
You wouldn't understand...

(Ethnics have always played rough-and-tumble with words. Think of all the ethnic slurs you know -- for lots of ethnicities. Our words, like our worlds, were rougher than yours. And as newcomers, our peoples had nothing to do w/America's slave trade.

You've said your types got her early, and benefitted from the slave trade. You admit your own white guilt, and assume it's shared by others. ("I learned not to use that word as a child because it made people in the ghetto across town feel bad.")

We're not so concerned with PC words, because we're not stained with the original sin your ancestors passed on to you... Hth!

Derve Swanson म्हणाले...

In the end, I'd argue that the lower classed did/do less to harm blacks than people who carefully police their language in public...

Classwise, for the most parts, we're closer to blacks than you. (Though you're rapidly drawing them up into your middle-upper classes again, to make up for those guilty feelings and all the inherited wealth you surely can't part with... It's the only way some people know: living the monied life built on the backs of others.)

Darrell म्हणाले...

The Crack Emcee@10:16AM Debutantes have broken noses?

It's a pimp thing. They've got to listen the first time.

Darrell म्हणाले...

Or it could be a reference to plastic surgery/nose jobs.

JOSEPH ANGEL म्हणाले...

The word 'nigger' is in my daily lexicon. If there were no niggers in America, I would not use the word. There is a solution to this pesky word in there somewhere.

Kirk Parker म्हणाले...

Eleanor @ 7:01 am:

"It's OK for black South Africans to kill white South Africans and force those that survive to flee? White people whose ancestors have been there since the 1600s being killed by black people whose ancestors weren't there until much later?"

FIFY. That's a very important point to add, one that people rarely know if they only listen to The Approved Narratives.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Working class Indeed. T would put on his hard hat, that in most states requires training and a certificate. And drive a CAT10 with his people, no small thing. Driving his brother to drink and disinheritment, and death to preserve 400 jobs and families at the company his brother wanted to sell to live the good life. Maybe just to practice what he learned at Wharton. The ,bum.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

rcocean said...

"Most of the Althouse commenters love to have someone - especially a liberal - say crazy outrageous things."

I disagree with conservatives on one thing - reparations - and, to crazy white folks, that makes me a liberal.

The American Right really is as intellectually fucked-up as the American Left - and in the same exact way - but just in different places:

The Right's blindspot is race, and the Left's is mysticism.

Disagree with either, even in the slightest, and you're looking at a fascist organization.

Birkel म्हणाले...

Non-falsifiable arguments are the best kind.
TCE cannot be wrong.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Rick said...

"You started spouting racism as soon as you got back."

Lies, lies, lies, yeah - they're going to get you!

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Geoff Matthews said...

"And Crack, Africans have NOT been treating each other equally. So get off your high horse."

I never said they did, and that doesn't prove whites didn't abuse us, too - so all you're admitting is blacks, here, were screwed by - literally - everyone we've encountered, regardless of color, for merely existing. And you still want to pile on more.


The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Oh - and for all you liars over "states rights":

”Steward also told Hill.TV earlier this year that he didn't believe the Civil War was about slavery, but about states' rights.”

Now go pray to your god,...

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